Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428

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2014 - ISSUE 21 October 21, 2014

Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428



Dear Church,
The distance from Bixby Knolls Christian Church to First Christian Church
Garden Grove is seventeen miles. Last weekend, eight members of BKCC made
that trip to attend part or all of the Pacific Southwest Regional Assembly.
The Regional Assembly is an opportunity to strengthen the ties between
the congregations of our region. Several times throughout the two-day event,
it was emphasized that we are ONE CHURCH. We may worship in different
places, in different languages, but we are ONE CHURCH.
The Regional Assembly is also an opportunity to conduct the business of the region. The Regional Board
was elected and installed. Paul Turner, a missionary to the DR Congo, was recognized and commissioned.
Also, two resolutions were passed: one calls upon the church to extend grace and welcome to persons who
are currently or previously incarcerated, while the other endorsed proposition 47, which establishes more just
and fair punishments for some non-violent crimes.
In addition, reports from organizations connected to the Region were received: All Peoples Community
Center, Chapman University, Project Impact, and Eastmont Community Center.
Finally, we participated in several inspiring and meaningful worship services which reflected the diversity
of our ONE CHURCH.
Heres a short quiz to see how much you know about the Region. The answers are below; some of them
may surprise you!
1. How many congregations (including congregations-in-formation) are there in the region?
2. What is the largest congregation in our Region?
3. What is the name of our Regions camp and conference center?
4. What states are included in our Region?
5. When and where is the 2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. regional celebration?

Pastor Danny

ANSWERS: 1. approx. 120. 2. Casa de Oracin in San Diego. 3. Loch Leven. 4. Our region includes Hawaii, southern Cali-
fornia, and southern Nevada. 5. January 11, 2015, at Downey Memorial Christian Church.
Thank you to everyone who made a financial pledge to BKCC during our recent Stewardship
Campaign. If you would like to make a pledge it isnt too late, please see Chrysan Naw for a
pledge card. Through your generosity our pledges currently stand at $99,390, a mere $610
short of $100,000! While the amount pledged still is not sufficient to meet our expenses it marks
a turning point in our congregations finances. This is the first time in about six years that the
amount pledged has increased, HALLELUJAH! Perhaps your pledge, or a slight increase in
your pledge will help put us over the $100,000 mark. If we were to receive one more pledge of $12 per week
we could crack the $100,000 mark. This might be sounding like a pledge campaign for a public radio or
television station, but think about how much more beneficial BKCC is to your life than a cup of Star-
bucks. The proposed budget will be presented to the Board on November 9, and to the congregation on De-
cember 14. Hopefully we will receive a few more pledges and be able to further close our deficit. Thank you,
thank you again for your continued generosity and commitment to our church family.

Sumbal Sardar
Keri Clark (daughter of Monica Lanz)
Karla Benheretz
Hattie Johnson
Grace Kobel
Sarah Stolze
Porter Family, Ruthie Atkin (friends of B. Smith)
Nargis & family in Pakistan (family of Sumbal Sardar)
Keri France & family, Ellis Sparks, Jr., Venus (family &
friends of of A. Hillig)
Jean Woodward (friend of Becky Carroll)
Before picture of the fellowship hall. To see it
after the installation of the new flooring, be sure
to come to worship this Sunday!
Happy Autumn everyone! We knew it would come as
soon as the air conditioner got fixed!! With fall comes
golden leaves, crisp mornings and preparations for Ad-
vent. We at Bixby Knolls C.C. have been singing Christ-
mas since August!

But it's not to late to come and sing. We start working
harder on our big Christmas service in November so
after you tuck away that Halloween costume come and
sing with us and enrich your Advent season this year.
Advent orchestra will hopefully be back this year.
Complete lists of music will be available on Nov. 4 from
the music office. Please let us know your instrument so
we have lots of copies for everyone. Advent orchestra
will start in Sunday services on Nov 30.
If you wondered where the bells went (weren't they
good on Sunday?) they are rehearsing on
Tuesdays for October only. If you en-
joyed our clarinet-
ist in September
please let Ken know.....we
thought he was wonderful.
Coming on Sunday Nov 2 will
be a great solo by Angela Hillig. Bring
your friends to listen and don't forget
to walk to be known! after church.
There will be no Improv for God or
midweek choir rehearsal on Wed. Nov.
5, and no handbells on Nov 3rd. The
music director and mom are traveling to Canada for a
family celebration.

Blessings, Barb
I n the next 2 months we have 3 holidays that we
share cards with our veterans at the VA hospital.
Sunday, Nov 2
is the deadline for Veterans Day
thank you cards. This is a special time to thank
our veterans. Now, Many stores carry cards spe-
cifically for Veterans Day or you can use a thank
you note thanking a vet for his service.
Sunday, Nov 23
is the deadline for Thanksgiv-
ing cards and Dec 14th is the deadline for Christ-
mas cards. A box will be in the narthex for the
Sign your first name, name of our church. You can
include a personal greeting if you want. Remem-
berdo not seal the envelope.
Our cards are very much appreciated. Most of
our veterans in the hospital have no visitors. Just
a simple card can brighten their day and let them
know others do care about them.

Our prayer circle meets every 2
Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in room
115. Join this dedicated group in
praying for our church, community,
& world
This Sunday! Litter pickup: We meet
at the front gate every 4
Sunday at
11:45, to pick up litter in Somerset
Park and along our neighborhood
sidewalks & gutters.
Wednesday Night Dinners: join us
every Wednesday at 6:00 for this
pay-what-you-can meal. *Oct 22
Dinner is at Sorrentos Italian
Kitchen due to flooring installation
at church.
Ethan, Sam, & Pastor Danny at the
Regional Youth Scavenger Hunt in
Downtown Disney, following the
closing worship at Regional Assem-
bly Oct. 18.
Elliot, Rahail & Rajal
October 19
News & Notes

Sarah Stolz will be going in the hospital on Thurs-
day, Oct. 23 for surgery.

Phil OLaughlin is in Long Beach Memorial Hospital.

Novembers Birthday
Margo Morales - Nov 2
LaWahna Eldred - Nov 3
Marlenne Martinez - Nov 6
Ismael Pheng - Nov 6
Samantha Kobel - Nov 15
Joseph Torres - Nov 15
Ken Jeglum - Nov 16
Ginger Bradfield - Nov 19
Chuck Fowler - Nov 28

Whats a Christian to do with Halloween?

These days, children associate Halloween with trick-or-treating and candy. But centuries ago,
Christians named the night before All Hallows Day (All Saints Day) All Hallows Eve. As the
faithful prepared to remember people who were entrusted to resurrection life, they adopted vari-
ous traditions to poke fun at death.

Around the world, Christians observe Halloween differently: In Poland, kids pray aloud while walk-
ing through forests to comfort souls of the dead. In Spain, tolling church bells remind people to
remember the saints. In Finland, so many people light candles in cemeteries that the observance
is called seas of light. Although some Christians steer clear of Halloween, others use it as an
evangelism opportunity and provide entertainment alternatives such as harvest parties.

No matter your views, you can remind children that though its fun to pretend, we can always be
ourselves with God. Whatever our features and flaws, we need not and cannot hide from God be-
hind masks. God made us in his holy image and loves us as his holy hallowed! children.



Pastor Daniel Bradfield
Monica Lanz
-Church Secretary
Barbara Neal-Peebles
-Music Director/Organist
Suzie Romero
- Custodian

Ken Brown
-Board President
Leo Dittemore
-Vice President
Pat Cohen
Angela Hillig
- Treasurer
Chrysan Naw
- Financial Secretary
-Church Clerk
(Disciples of Christ)

9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church

Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Friday closed
The Fellowship News

A publication of
Bixby Knolls Christian Church of
Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ
1240 E. Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90807

Monica Lanz
fax 562-426-0429

Daniel Bradfield

The Fellowship News is published
twice monthly.
Check us out on Facebook
Oct 26 - Matthew 22:34-40
Risky Love

Nov 2 - Matthew 23:1-12
How to share the Gospel

Nov 9 - Matthew 15:21-28
Bixby Knolls Vision Statement
To know what the Lord requires of us;
to do justice, and love kindness,
and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)
Submit your articles for
the next newsletter by
November 2
July 18-22, 2015 Columbus, OH

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