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These r the questions from previous papers without repetition.

Aptitude Questions:
1. A&B fills 3 liters and 5 liters of oil in the car. C pays Rs. 8/- to AB. How mch will
A !et"
#.$ cows are there at the for corners of a s%are. if the radis of the rope is 1 and
len!th of one side of the s%are is 1$& find the area alon! the s%are which the cow
cannot !a'e.
3. (wo !lasses were filled with 1/3 and 1/$ mil). they were filled with water &then
mi*ed in tm+ler. what is the percenta!e of mil) in the resltant"
$. A +elon!s to the trther tri+e ,who says yes-. B +elon!s to the liars tri+e ,who
says no always.. when A&B were as)ed to which !rop do they +elon!ed to +oth of
them replied -yes.. when a third person C was as)ed whether A&B +elon! to same
!rop& he notified !rops he answered -/o.. to which !rop do A&B and C +elon!"
5.(here were three cloc)s they !a0e alarm after #$secs& 1#secs and 31 secs. if
they ran! simltaneosly at 82#3& then at what time they a!ain ran!
simltaneosly"4somethin! li)e this +t nm+ers may differ5.
1. A plane starts from a place A & it !oes 1333 )ms soth then 1333)m east then
1333 )m north and 1333)m west& what is it distance from the startin! place"
6. %estion on Bipartite !raph4definition5.
8.7f A can do a particlar wor) in 8 days. B can do the wor) in 1 days. By C 8oinin!
with them& they can finish the wor) in 3 days. 7f Rs.5$3 was paid to them& what is
the share of C"
9.By sellin! a prodct a seller is !ainin! 13: on sellin! price. 7f he sell that
prodct Rs.83 less& he wold ha0e +een losin! 13:. ;hat is the cost price"
13.7f A dri0er dri0es a car for times a lap 13&#3 33&13 )mph .what is his a0era!e
11.7f < persons are !oin! for a party& then their share is =>. 7f three persons were
a+sent& then how mch share will +e increased for each indi0idal.
1#. 7f the radis is increased +y 53:. How mch will +e the 0olme increased for a
circle / ?phere in percenta!e.
13. @ne person is wearin! Blac) and ;hite shoes as his pair. 7f he is ha0in! #3
white and #3 Blac) shoes. ;hat will +e the less nm+er of times he ha0e try to
ta)e his correct pair of shoes.
1$. (he a!e of the !rand father is the sm of his three !randsons. (he second is #
year yon!er than first one and the third one is # year yon!er than the second
one. (hen what will +e the a!e of the !randfather.
15. in a !rass field& 7f there are $3 cows& they cold eat for $3 days. 7f there are 33
cows& they cold eat for 13 days. (han if #3 cows& how mch day they cold eat"
11. 7f the si'e of the frit is two times the si'e of the seed. (hen what is the
0olme of the seed. 4deri0e !eneral e%ation5
16. ?peed of +oat in still water is 13)mph.if it tra0els #$)m downstream&11)m
pstream in the same amont of time. what is the speed of the stream"

18. How many times do the hands of the cloc) coincide in a day"
19. 7f a person is standin! in room& that is ha0in! mirrors in all the for walls. How
many ima!es of the person will appear.
#3. Ai0e %s on sectors. 7n a pie chart the sectors were !i0en in terms of
percenta!es. Barios %estions were as)ed on it. Aor e.!. Aor each of these
di0isions the percenta!es was mentioned and somethin! similar to the followin!
%estions were as)ed. 7f 135 was scored& find which s+8ect it is" 7f the difference
+etween <athCs and ?cience is #5 which other # s+8ects ha0e the same
#1. ;hich of the followin! is the sm of 3 consecti0e prime nos"
4c5+oth a &+
##. one person tra0eled $ laps with the speed of 13&#3&$3 4 or 335 and 13 )mph
and what is the a0era!e speed. one stdent ta)es #3 mins if he !o with speed 15)mph and at what speed
he shold !o to reach in 15 mins 4 nos are not same5
#$. 7n a !rop there are two )inds of people type A & type B. type A people answer
for any %estion as DE? & that of type B as /@. if they can not answer to this
%estion then they remain silent. the mayor as)s %estion to them as follows........
15.if he as)s a person are type A
a. DE? +./@ c. ?ilent d.Can not +e determined
#5 he as)s two persons F &D simltaneosly whether of same type
a. DE? +. /@ c.DE? or /@ d. ?ilent e. can not +e determined
35.pointin! to a person F he as)s D what his type is
a. DE? +. /o c. ?ilent d can not +e determined
$5.pointin! to a person F he as)s D if 7 as) him whether r type A &will he answer
DE?.D says /@ .what type of B is
a. DE? +. /@ . c. ?ilent d. can not +e determined
#5. A +all falls from a hei!ht of 8ft &+onces +ac) to half the distance & contines
till it comes to rest. ;hat is the total distance tra0eled +y the +all"
4a5#$ft 4+5... 4c5infinite 4d5cannot +e determined 1 c+es are arran!ed ad8acently and !i0en the perimeter and as)ed to
find the perimeter of one c+e.
#6. 7f the area of a s%are has increased +y 19:&+y what : has its side
#8 Rational nm+ers +etween 1 and 5
1. 3 #. # 3. 3 $.infinite 5.finite.
#9. Airst day of 1999 is ?nday what day is the last day
4a5?nday 4+5<onday 4c5.... 4d5cannot +e determined.
33. ?ome * no of +llets are shared +y 3 people e%ally . and each fired $ +llets
then the sm of remainin! +llets is e%al to initially di0ision 0ale
31. $ thie0es enter a +a)ery and stole +read one after the other. Each one too)
half of the total nm+er of +readsG half a loaf. 7f 3 +reads were remainin! what is
the total nm+er of +reads.
3#. li)e A can do in 1 day and B can do in 8 and C can do in 1# days +t + left after
wor)in! for 1 days for how many no of day A and C shold wor)
33. *-HyG1 is e%i0alent to

3$.A cler) mltiplied a nm+er +y ten when it shold ha0e +een di0ided +y ten.
(he ans he !ot was 133.what shold the ans ha0e +een"
35.7f Rs#3/- is a0aila+le to pay for typin! a research report & typist A prodces $#
pa!es and typist B prodces #8 pa!es. How mch shold typist A recei0e"
31.(he a0era!e salary of 3 wor)ers is 95 Rs. per wee). 7f one earns Rs.115 and
second earns Rs.15 how mch is the salary of the 3rd wor)er.
36.A 11 stored +ildin! has 1#333 s%.feet on each floor. Company A rents 6 floors
and company B rents $ floors. ;hat is the nm+er of s%.feet of nrented floor
38. >rin! a !i0en wee) A pro!rammer spends 1/$ of his time preparin! flow
chart& 3/8 of his time codin! and the rest of the time in de+!!in! the pro!rams. 7f
he wor)s $8 hors drin! the wee) & how many hors did he spend de+!!in! the
39. A company installed 31 machines at the +e!innin! of the year. 7n <arch they
installed 9 additional machines and then disconnected 18 in A!st. How many
were still installed at the end of the year.
$3. A man owns #/3 of the mar)et research +earo +siness and sells 3/$ of his
shares for Rs. 65333. ;hat is the 0ale of Bsiness.
$1. 7f 1# file ca+inets re%ire 18 feet of wall space& how many feet of wall space
will 33 ca+inets re%ire"
$#.A compter printer prodced 161&$33 lines in a !i0en day. 7f the printer was in
operation for se0en hors drin! the day& how many lines did it print per minte"
$3. Arom its total income& A sales company spent Rs.#3&333 for ad0ertisin!& half of
the remainder on commissions and had Rs.1333 left. ;hat was its total income"
$$. @n <onday a +an)er processed a +atch of che%es& on (esday she processed
three times as many& and on ;ednesday she processed $333 che%es. 7n the
three days& she processed 11333 che%es. How many did she process on (esday"
$5. (he cost of for do'en proof machine ri++ons and fi0e do'en accontin!
machine ri++ons was Rs.113/-. 7f one do'en accontin! machine ri++ons cost
Rs.#3/-& what is the cost of a do'en proof machine ri++ons"
$1. 7f a cler) can process 83 che%es in half an hor& how many che%es can she
process in a se0en and one half hor day"
$6. 7n a li+rary& there are two rac)s with $3 +oo)s per rac). @n a !i0en day& 33
+oo)s were issed. ;hat fraction remained in the rac)s"
$8. (he a0era!e len!th of three tapes is 1833 feet. /one of the tapes is less than
1$33 feet. ;hat is the !reatest possi+le len!th of one of the other tapes"
$9. A company rented a machine for Rs.633/- a month. Ai0e years later the
treasrer calclated that if the company had prchased the machine and paid
Rs.133/- monthly maintenance char!e& the company wold ha0e sa0ed Rs.#333/-.
;hat was the prchase price of the machine"
53. (wo compters each prodced $8333 p+lic tility +ills in a day. @ne compter
printed +ills at the rate of 9133 an hor and the other at the rate of 6833 an hor.
;hen the first compter finished its rn& how many +ills did the other compter
still ha0e to print"
51. 7f a salesmanIs a0era!e is a new order e0ery other wee)& he will +rea) the
office record of the year. Howe0er& after #8 wee)s& he is si* orders +ehind
schedle. 7n what proportion of the remainin! wee)s does he ha0e to o+tain a new
order to +rea) the record"
5#. @n a !i0en day& a +an) had 11333 che%es retrned +y cstomers. 7nspection
of the first 833 che%es indicated that 133 of those 833 had errors and were
therefore the a0aila+le immediately for data processin!. @n this +asis& how many
che%es wold +e a0aila+le immediately for data processin! on that day"
53. A company fi!red it needed 36.8 s%.feet of carpet for its reception room. (o
allow for waste& it decided to order #3: more material than needed. Aractional
parts of s%.feet cannot +e ordered. At Rs.9/- a s%.feet& how mch wold the carpet
a5 Rs.3#$ +5 Rs.$35 c5 Rs.$13 d5 Rs.$1$ e5 Rs.185
5$. A tape manfactrer redces the price of his hea0y dty tape from Rs.33/- to
Rs.#8/- a reel and the price of a re!lar tape from Rs.#$/- to Rs.#3/- a reel. A
comptin! centre normally spends Rs.1$$3/- a month for tapes and 3/$ of this is
for hea0y dty tapes. How mch will they sa0e a month nder the new prices"
55. 7n a team of 1# persons& 1/3 are women and #/3 are men. (o o+tain a team
with #3: women how many men shold +e hired"
51. (he dimensions of a certain machine are $8- F 33- F 5#-. 7f the si'e of the
machine is increased proportionately ntil the sm of its dimensions e%als 151-&
what will +e the increase in the shortest side"
56. 7n a certain company& #3: of the men and $3: of the women attended
the annal company picnic. 7f 35: of all the employees are man& what
percent of all the employees went to the picnic"
58. 7t cost a colle!e Rs.3.63 a copy to prodce a Jro!rammed for the homecomin!
foot+all !ame. 7f Rs.15&333/- was recei0ed for ad0ertisements in the pro!ramme&
how many copies at Rs.3.53 a copy mst +e sold to ma)e a profit of Rs.8333/- "
59.a personCs a!e is similar to the year he was +orn4last two di!its is
conted as a!e5.
13.7f +oat tra0els in 13)m/hr in still water. it tra0els 1$)mhr in pstream and
#1)m/hr downstream what is speed of stream"
11. A c+e of 3 nits is painted on all sides. 7f this c+e is di0ided into c+es of 1
nit& how many c+e ha0e none of their faces painted"
4a5... 4+5# 4c51 4d53 4e5none of these
1#. 7f a person sells a prodct for rs1$1/- he sffers a loss of 1:.if he has to ha0e
a profit of 13:& at what price shold he sell it"
4a5K 4+5rs.165 4c5.. 4d5rs.115
13. 7f person #3 min at 1# )mph. then how many Lmph in 15 mintes
1$. 7f 3 hoses are to +e painted& <r. A can paint a hose in 1 days4nos are not
same5...<r. B can do the same in 8 days...& <r. in 1# days. if <r. A does the wor)
for 8 days & lea0es for 0acation& & <r. B contines the wor) for the ne*t 1 days& for
how many days shold <r. wor)"
15. 1 s%ares of e%al si'e are placed side +y side to form a rectan!le whose
perimeter is 18#. find the perimeter of the sin!le s%are.
11. (he a0era!e a!e of stdents in a class is 11.when a teacher of a!e $3 is
inclded& the a0era!e +ecomes 16. what is the total nm+er of stdents
16. A s%are plate of some si'e is ct at for corners. E%al s%ares of the same si'e
are ct and is formed as open +o*. 7f this open +o* carries 1#8 ml of oil. ;hat is the
si'e of the side of the plate"
4a5 16 4+5 1$ 4c5 13 4d5 /one of these
18. 7n a class& e*cept 18 all are a+o0e 53 years. 15 are +elow 53 years of a!e. How
many people are there
4a5 33 4+5 33 4c5 31 4d5 none of these.
19. 7n 1968& a )! of paper was sold at Rs#5/-. 7f the paper rate increases at 1.5:
more than the inflation rate which is 1.5: a year& then what will +e the cost of a )!
of paper after # years"
4a5 #9.1# 4+5 #9.6# 4c5 33.1# 4d5 3#.15 4e5 none of these
63. 7n A& B& C are ha0in! some mar+les with each of them. A has !i0en B and C the
same nm+er of mar+les each of them already ha0e. (hen& B !a0e C and A the same
nm+er of mar+les they already ha0e. (hen C !a0e A and B the same nm+er of
mar+les they already ha0e. At the end A&B and C ha0e e%al nm+er of mar+les.
4i5 7f *& y& ' are the mar+les initially with A&B&C respecti0ely. (hen the nm+er of
mar+les B has at the end
4a5 #4*-y-'5 4+5 $4*-y-'5 4c5 #43y-*-'5 4d5 * G y-'
4ii5 7f the total nm+er of mar+les are 6#& then the nm+er of mar+les with A at the
4a5 #3 4+5 33 4c5 3# 4d5 39
61. 7f a car starts from A towards B with some 0elocity. >e to some pro+lem in the
en!ine after tra0elin! 33)m& the car !oes with $/5th of its actal 0elocity. (he car
reaches B $5 min later to the actal time. 7f the car en!ine fails after tra0elin! $5)m&
the car reaches the destination B 31min late to the actal time. ;hat is the initial
0elocity of car and what is the distance +etween A and B in )m"
6#. A person has Rs 133/- in his poc)et& he can as #5 pencils or 15 +oo)s.
He )ept 15: of the money for tra0elin! e*penses and prchased 5 pencils.
?o how many +oo)s he can prchase with the remainin! money.
63. (en %estions on analo!ies.
e.!.2 chief 2 tri+e 22 !o0ernor 2 state
epalette 2 sholder 22 tiara 2 head
!ttral 2 throat 22 !astric 2 stomach
inept 2 cle0er 22 lan!id 2 acti0e
)nife 2 +tcher 22
hammer 2 carpenter 22
6$. (he 0ales of shares 4in Rs5.of A& B and C from Manary to Mne are as follows.
Month A B C
January 33 13 83
February 35 15 85
March $5 65 15
Apri $3 65 8#
May 55 65 85
June 53 65 83
i5 >rin! this period which share has nder!one ma*imm flctation"
ii5 7n which month it is possi+le to +y B and C sellin! A"
iii5 7n which month the share 0ales are 0ery low"
i05 By prchasin! one share of A and $ each of B and C in the +e!innin! of the
when shold these +e sold to !et ma*imm profit"
65. 7n a compter institte 9 lan!a!es can +e ta!ht. (he modle is of 1 months
dration and of the si* lan!a!es only one can +e ta!ht each month .
7n addition to that BA?7C is always ta!ht and shold +e in first month itself
;@R> JERAEC( is to +e ta!ht in the precedin! wee) of ;@R> ?(AR.
A@R(RA/ can not +e ta!ht ntil C@BAN is ta!ht prior to that
B7/@& A7A@ can ne0er +e ta!ht in sin!le modle
lan!a!es are BA?7C& ;@R> ?(AR& ;@R> JERAEC(& A@R(RA/& C@BAN& B7/@& A7A@&
N@(O?& C
i5 7f word star is in 3rd month & what cold +e in 1th month.
ii5 7f C@BAN is in the #nd month and B7/@ in 1th month. A@R(RA/ will +e ta!ht in
which month.
61. 7n a s%are& all the mid points are 8oined. (he inner s%are is shaded.
7f the area of the s%are is A& what is the area of the shaded area"
66. (wo %estions on +asic an!les i.e. !i0en a circle& a few chords or diameter is
drawn etc.
68. 7f the followin! statements are !i0en
P4a&+5H 4aG+5/#
/4a&+5H a/+
Q4a&+5H a+
7f aH1& +H# then find
i5 /4a&4P4a&+5&Q4a&+555
ii5 Q/4a&P4Q4a&+555
Technica Questions:
1.6R#53. Nast di!it"
#.13R13R13 how mch time will it ta)e to write this nm+er& if it ta)es
1 sec to write 1 di!it.
a51333 secs. +513 year. c5more than 1 million years. d5a few days.
3. startin! from # p to how many nm+ers we need to chec) whether 936
is prime or not"
$. . 7n C& *-HyG1 how will represent it..
a.*H*GyG1 +.-*-y-1 c.-*GyG1
5. what is DACC"
1. flop is a nit of "
6.Sdefine hello4*&y5 printf4Se*pr-:d-&e*pr5T
float *H1&yH#T
8.heap-sortin! al!orithm time comple*ity.
9.white-+o* testin!.
13.postfi* e0alation of2 4AGB5QC
11.%estion on catch-throw" cGG
1#.parity +it is for "
U char a&+T
15.fi0e file si'es !i0en . what shold +e the order of their access so
that least time is ta)en.
11. ?WN %ery does what"
16. main45
U printf4-:-&main5T V what will +e the otpt"
18. main45
int l& +& conT
conH 4+HHl5 " 1 2 3T
what will +e the 0ale of con"

19. ?oftware Confi!ration <ana!ement process is -
4a5de0elopin! & mana!in! software for
4+5de0elopin! & mana!in! hardware
4c5... 4d5..
#3. >ata 7nte!rity constraint is ----------------------//>B<?
#1. Ja!in! is ------------------------//@?
##. ;hat type of memory cold +e accessed in least time"//C@
#3. what is 0ector processin!
#$. what is data inte!rity
#5 . which of the followin! ses the minimm len!th of ca+le"
4a5rin! 4+5star 4c5mesh 4d5+s 4e5all of the a+o0e
#1. Best sortin! if elements are already sorted
#6. 7n networ) the pac)ets are flowin! nnecessarily what is the way to control
it and ....
#8. A tri!!er is
4a5 a statement ..start of data+ase..
4+5 statements that r e*ected as a side effect to the modification to the data+ase
4c5... 4d5...
#9. in c rG is sed for only #. writin! only 3. +oth 1 and #
33.R@< is
4a50olatile 4+5permanent & fast
4c5de0ice containin! +oot p pro!ram & is not accessi+le 4d5...
31. what does the followin! statement mean"
int 4Qa5X$Y
4a5IaI is a pointer to an array of $ inte!ers
4+5IaI is an array of pointers to inte!er
4c5IaI is a pointer to fnction retrnin! an inte!er 4d5...
3#. 7f a primary )ey is an attri+te of another one ta+le means........
1. candidate )ey #. forei!n )ey 3. secondary )ey $.....
33. what is the difference +/w 31#3 and 1#3 in c"

3$. 7n a stdent form what is the relationship +/w stdent and corse

35. How can append the ls and who to certain e*istin! file 4li)e that54i.e. listin! &
otpt of who is to +e directed to a file
4a5lsTwhoZfilename 4+5lsTwhoZZfilename
4c54lsTwho5ZZfilename 4d5whoTls[filename 4e5...
31. which amon! the de0ices is spooled de0ice"
36. sppose ha0e a networ) .sers complain of slow .... sspect a pro+lem in
networ) adapter once find that the data is continos and erroneos. what
de0ice do se"
4a50olt-ohmmeter 4+5?/<J 4c5protocol... chec)in! 4d5all of the a+o0e iH13T
printf4-:d:d:d-&i&iGG&GGi5T @tpt is "
39.printf4-Enter two 0ales a and +2-52
printf4-:dG:dH:d-&a&+&aG+5T @tpt is "
$3.when destroy window what messa!e wold display
$1.<? ;indows 3.1 a+ot mltitas)in!
$ 3.1 is
$3. (he command !rep first second third /sr/yo/myfile
a5 prints lines containin! the words first& second or third from the file /sr/yo/myfile
+5 searches for lines containin! the pattern first in the files
second& third& and /sr/yo/myfile and prints them
c5 searches the files /sr/yo/myfile and third for lines containin! the words first or
second and prints them
d5 replaces the word first with the word second in the files third and /sr/yo/myfile
e5 /one of the a+o0e
$$.what is the command to initiate the windows
$5.const char Q& char Q const. ;hat is the difference +etween the a+o0e two".
$1.7n Oni* inter process commnication ta)e place sin!".
$6.;hat are the files in /etc directory"
$8. 7n O/7F a files i-node ......"
$9. <a* rela*a+le permission 0ale with ot !i0in! write permission to others"
53. Nin)in! across directories"

51. 7n the process ta+le entry for the )ernel process& the process id 0ale is
4a5 3 4+5 1 4c5 # 4d5 #55 4e5 it does not ha0e a process ta+le entry
5#. (he 0ery first process created +y the )ernel that rns till the )ernel process is
halts is
a5 init +5 !et tty c5 +oth 4a5 and 4+5 d5 none of these
53. ;hich of the followin! fnction is sed to repaint a window immediately"
a5 ?end messa!e4h;nd&;<\JA7/t&......5 +5 7n0alidateRect4.......5
c5 <o0e ;indow d5 ;<\C@JD e5 /one
5$. ;hich fnction is the entry point for a >NN in <? ;indows 3.1
a5 <ain +5 ;in main c5 >llmain d5 Ni+main e5 /one
55. ;hich is said to +e a real-time system."
1. credit card system #. online fli!ht reser0ation system
3.+rid!e control system $. ro+otics
51. enm nm+er U aH-1& +H $&c&d&eV
;hat is the 0ale of e "
4a5 6 4+5 $ 4c5 5 4d5 15 4e5 3
56. ;hich of the followin! AJ7 is sed to hide a window"
a5 ?how ;indow +5 Ena+le ;indow c5 <o0e ;indow d5 ?et;indowJlacement
e5 /one of the a+o0e
58. (he O/7F shell ....
a5 does not come with the rest of the system
+5 forms the interface +etween the ser and the )ernel
c5 does not !i0e any scope for pro!rammin!
d5 does not allow callin! one pro!ram from with in another
e5 all of the a+o0e
59. @tpt of the followin! pro!ram is
Uint iH3T
case 32iGH5T
case 12iGH#T
case 52iGH5T
defalt iGH$T
printf4-:d&-&i5TV V
a5 3&5&9&13&16 +5 5&9&13&16 c5 1#&16&## d5 11&#1 e5 ?ynta* error
13. ;hat is the otpt in the followin! pro!ram
Uchar cH-1$T int iH-3#
nsi!ned int H-11T
if4cZi5 U printf4-pass1&-5T
if4c[5 printf4-pass#-5T
else printf4-Aail#-5T V
else printf4-Aail15T
if4i[5 printf4-pass#-5T
else printf4-Aail#-5
a5 Jass1&Jass# +5 Jass1&Aail# c5 Aail1&Jass# d5 Aail1&Aail# e5 /one of these
11. ;hat will the followin! pro!ram do"
0oid main45
Uint iT
char aXYH-?trin!-& QpH-/ew ?trin!-& Q(empT
aHmalloc4strlen4p5 G 15T strcpy4a&p5T
p H malloc4strlen4(emp5 G 15T strcpy4p&(emp5T
printf4-4:s& :s5-&a&p5T
free4p5T free4a5T
a5 ?wap contents of p & a and print24/ew strin!& strin!5
+5 ]enerate compilation error in line nm+er 8
c5 ]enerate compilation error in line nm+er 5
d5 ]enerate compilation error in line nm+er 6
e5 ]enerate compilation error in line nm+er 1
1#. 7n the followin! code se!ment what will +e the reslt of the fnction&
0ale of * & 0ale of y
Unsi!ned int *H-1T int yT
y H ^3T
if4* HH y5 printf4-same-5T
else printf4-not same-5T V
a5same& <AF7/(& -1 +5 not same& <AF7/(& -<AF7/( c5 same & <AFO/7(& -1
d5 same& <AFO/7(& <AFO/7( e5 not same& <AF7/(& <AFO/7(
13. JA(H H /+in 2 /sr 2 /yor home. (he file /+in/calendar has the followin! line in it
cal 13 1996. (he file /yorhome/calender has the followin! line in it cal 5 1996. 7f
the crrent directory is /yor home and calendar is e*ected
a5 (he calendar for <ay 1996 will +e printed on screen
+5 (he calendar for @ct 1996 will +e printed on screen
c5 (he calendar for the crrent month4 whate0er it is5 will +e printed
d5 /othin! will !et printed on screen
e5 An error massa!e will +e printed
1$ (he redirection operators Z and ZZ
a5 do the same fnction +5 differ 2 Z o0erwrites& while ZZ appends
c5 differ 2 Z is sed for inpt while ZZ is sed for otpt
d5 differ 2 Z write to any file while ZZ write only to standard otpt e5 /one of these
15. ;hat will +e reslt of the followin! pro!ram"
0oid myalloc4char Q*& int n5
U*H 4char Q5malloc4nQsi'eof4char55T
memset4*&_3&nQsi'eof4char55T V
main45Uchar Q!H-?trin!-T
printf4-(he strin! is :s-&!5T V
a5 (he strin! is 2 ?trin! +5 Rn time error/Core dmp c5 (he strin! is 2 @ld strin!
d5 ?ynta* error drin! compilation e5 /one of these
11. (he standard sorce for standard inpt& standard otpt and standard error is
a5 the terminal +5 /de0/nll
c5 /sr/yo/inpt& /sr/yo/otpt/& /sr/yo/error respecti0ely d5 /one
16. ;hat will +e the reslt of the followin! pro!ram"
Uchar pXYH-?trin!-T
int *H3T
if4pHH-?trin!-5 Uprintf4-Jass 1-5T
if4pXsi'eof4p5-#YHHI!I5 printf4-Jass #-5T
else printf4-Aail #-5T V
else U printf4-Aail 1-5T
if4pXsi'eof4p5-#YHHI!I5 printf4-Jass #-5T
else printf4-Aail #-5T V V
a5 Jass 1& Jass # +5 Aail 1& Aail # c5 Jass 1& Aail # d5 Aail 1& Jass #
e5 synta* error drin! compilation
18. ;hich of the choices is tre for the mentioned declaration "
const char QpT and char Q const pT
a5 Do canIt chan!e the character in +oth
+5 Airst 2 Do canIt chan!e the character & ?econd 2 Do canCt chan!e the pointer
c5 Do canIt chan!e the pointer in +oth
d5 Airst 2 Do canIt chan!e the pointer & ?econd 2 Do canIt chan!e the character
e5 /one
19. ;hat will +e the reslt of the followin! pro!ram "
char Q!***45
Ustatic char ***X13#$YT retrn ***T V
main45 Uchar Q!H-strin!-T
! H !***45T
printf4-(he strin! is 2 :s-&!***455T V
a5 (he strin! is 2 strin! +5 (he strin! is 2@ld strin! c5 Rn time error/Core dmp
d5 ?ynta* error drin! compilation e5 /one of these
;hat is the most important thin! in data+ase desi!n"
E*plain normali'ation techni%e as wold e*plain to a common man"
;hat are the steps in ?>NC"
;hich is the most important step in ?>NC"
7s docmentation a waste of time"
>raw a flowchart to find a nm+er from an array.
;hat is error detection and where will do it"//C//C@
if !et an offer from the 3 top companies which one wold choose" After
8oined 7B< if !et a +etter offer from another company what will do"
-How do rate r self technically on a scale of 5"-
o why #G# is $ why not 5.
how may stones did hanman throw on lan)a" 4 different +t of same
type5and one more how many trees are there in Ir camps ...
why 7B< and etc .........
1. 19&#$&#3&#5&#1&#1&"
#. 11&1$&1#&15&13&11&"
3. 13&#&8&#&1&#&"
$. 8&9&11&1$&&18&#3&"
5. #5&#5&##&##&19&19&"
1. 1$&#&1#&$&13&1&"
6. 6&11&9&15&11&1$&"
8. $3&$#&39&$$&38&$1&"
9. 3&18&$&#$&5&33&"
13. 18&#3&##&#3&#8&#3&"
11. 18&#3&13&1#&$&1"
1#. 6&1&8&5&3&6&"
13 9&18&#1&#5&#3&"
1$ 3&3&$&8&13&31&"
11. $&8&11&3#&1$&1#8&"
16. 8&11&#$&3#&$3&$8&"
18. 13&11&1$&1#&15&13&"
19. 1&18&31&138&#11&1$8&"
#3. $&$&8&8&11&11&"
#1. #&1&18&5$&11#&$81&"
##. $&#3&35&$9&1#&6$&"
#3. 13&18&15&#3&#3&#8&"
#$. $&13&8&1$&1#&18&"
#5 13&15&1#&16&1$&13&"

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