Armo Bio

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Name: Armo Draven

Age: 169, appears 25

Occupation: Deception
FC: Jakub Giersza
"If he is the darkness, I am the light," is what Armo often tells people about himself and his brother, the
only person he will put aside his pacifist ways for. Armo was the other half of a pair within their brothel
home. You could not get one without the other. Armo always played the angel and his brother the
demon. They preferred it that way, and it kept them at the top of the food chain in the brothel.
Armo may look and act like an angel but beneath that there is a man that knows how to get you to do
exactly what he wants, from falling in love with him, to despising the love of your life. His methods are
not as aggressive as his brothers. Amro takes on a softer, slyer way of doing things, using his body and
his voice to seduce you. He is not afraid to use sex to get what he wants.
Using sex is how Armo and Taisto got into the circus to begin with. He wanted a way to get his brother
out of the daily drudge of loveless prostitution, and he wanted a place to protect them both. He had no
idea of the dangers that awaited him, including Taistos fierce ability to love. Though he knew his
brother was capable of passionate love, he wasnt aware that it would nearly kill the brothers. The night
of the Velarium circus fire, he realized just how dangerous his brothers love could be when Taisto ran
back into the flames in search of those he loved. Armo left the circus with his brother following the fire,
but they returned in 1876, only five years after the fire. They had only been a part of the circus for a
brief time before the fire, and yet it was still the best home they had had, despite its dangers.
Up until that night of the fire no one could tell them apart unless they spoke, now Armo bears a
reminder of what Taistos emotions can do. The scar is for Armo a badge of honor to show the lengths
he will go to protect the ones he loves. Though he is manipulative, Armo is a kind man at heart when he
pushes someone to do something it is for the benefit of both him and that person.
Its his kindness that also sets him apart from his brother and the reason he came to the circus to
forsake his soul. He knew the dangers of letting his brother come to Velarium alone. The fact his brother
was getting feelings for Adrian Satanas meant danger for the circus. There where far too many people to
potentially be caught in the crossfire. Armo enjoys the battle of wits hes had with Adrian Santanas
himself as both are very good in the art of seduction, though he is wary of the circus leader for what he
might do to Taisto.
Seeing the talent in Armo, Adrian sometimes sends him out to recruit new souls. Armo doesnt like to
damn a person to hell, and for that reason he only searches for those that have no other place to turn
to, those whose lives are so dark Velarium is the only reprieve. When this angel has his eyes set on you,
you are certain to have a one way ticket to hell.

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