CV of Tim Clark (April 2008)

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CV of Tim Clark

Personal Details
Name Tim Clark Australian Mobile 0411 445 344
Age 29 Australian Landline 61 (08) 8276 6446
Passports Australian/British Email
Online CV

• Masters of Information Technology, Adelaide University, 2003 to 2005
• Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Adelaide University, 1996 to 2000

Key Abilities
• Strong technical skills (in java/j2ee, web development, databases)
• Good understanding of software lifecycles (from requirements gathering to post live support)
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including client communication
• Strong industry knowlegde in finance and investment banking (equity markets/funds/warrants)
• Analytical and logical approach to problem solving

2moro Mobile – Business Analyst – Aug 2007 to Present (Contract)

Kojaz Enterprise Location Tracking Application: Collected requirements, developed Functional and Technichal

Buddy Finder Mobile Social Networking Application: Reviewed code, developed Test Plan, tested and managed
bugs via JIRA.

MokBee Mobile Mapping Application: Defined scope, developed Test Plan, tested and managed bugs via JIRA.

2moro Website: Developed 2moro Mobile website using Photoshop/Dreamweaver.

Macquarie Bank (Equity Markets Group) – Java Developer – 2005 to 2007

• Developed a Fund Product Manager and Unit Registry which interfaced with numerous other systems and
sub-systems, including an online Application System, Loans, Settlements, Authorisation System and
Documentation System. The FPM was built using Java 1.5, EJB3, JTA, JPA, Hibernate, JBoss, JMS,
MQSeries, Spring MVC and JSP. Software was responsible for managing large areas of the extensive
EMG Funds business including the lifecycle of Fund products. Prepared Functional and Technical
Specification documents and threreby developed a thourough understanding of the Funds domain.

• Migrated a poorly performing and outdated structured products application from Swing, EJB 1.1 session
beans, entity beans and Websphere Apps Server based architecture to an EJB 2.1 Session Beans,
Spring, Hibernate, Tapestry, JiBX, and JBoss Apps Server based architecture. Integrated other sub-
systems including a loans application and an equity markets online application system with the structured
products application through JMS, MQSeries and XML.

• Developed a Funds Documentation System which was responsible for generating and sending Fund
related documentation to investors. The system was required to interface with several other systems and
was built using EJB2.1, Hibernate, JMS and JBoss.
• Developed a CFD (Contract For Difference) Tax System which included a web front end and interfaces to
several systems. This systems used EJB3, Hibernate, JBoss, Tapestry and JSPs. The system was
responsible for calculating, generating and then emailing CFD Tax Statements to investors.

• Upgraded functionality of existing lecacy systems to meet evolving business requirements – CRM,
Installment Warrants, Funds, Collars Products.

• Also involved in code reviews, technical interviews, mentoring and training junior developers and new
team members.

United Utilities Australia – Java Developer – 2003 to 2005

• QNI Invoicing Software Project: Designed, coded, tested and documented an automatic distributed
invoicing system. The invoicing software was written using Java 1.4 and integrated into SCADA and Lotus
Notes, producing output reports such as monthly invoices and monthly/weekly reports in Excel.

• Riverland Control Charting Software Project: Created a real-time reporting tool in Java which could be
used by plant operators as well as management. The tool was required to interact with several external
data sources including the Citect SCADA system, the SQL Server Accounts system and existing Lotus
Notes databases.

• AWA Website: Redesigned the AWA SA Branch website using Dreamweaver and Fireworks.

• UUA Website: Updated and maintained the United Utilities Australia website using FrontPage.

Halliburton – Civil Design Engineer – 2000 to 2002

• ADrail (Adelaide to Darwin Railway): Simulated hydraulic and hydrological situations to determine optimal
bridge and culvert designs for $AUS100 million worth of culverts and bridges.

• Gerringong/Gerroa Reticulation Project: Performed a detailed hydraulic design of the $AUS42 million
reticulation system and subsequent optimisations.

Technical Skills
Java 4+ yrs Inc. Java 1.5, RMI, Applets, SWING, Reflection, Generics, Auto boxing,
Type Safe Enums
J2EE 2+ yrs JSP, Servlets, EJB, JMS, JDBC, JTA, JNDI, Spring, Hibernate, Tapestry,
Annotations, AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), IoC (Dependency
HTML/XML Technologies 4+ yrs HTML, CSS, dom4j, JAXB, JiBX, XSL/XSLT,
IDEs 4+ yrs Eclipse, Visual Age, JCreator, Netbeans
Databases and Tools 4+ yrs SQL, Sybase, Lotus Notes, Access, DB Artisan, Toad
Source Control 4+ yrs CVS, Subversion, Envy
Middleware 4+ years JBoss, Websphere, Apache Tomcat, MQSeries, Lotus Notes
Web Design and Tools 4+ yrs JSP, Scriptlets, HTML hand-coding, Macromedia Studio MX
(Dreamweaver), Spring MVC, Tapestry, EL, Taglibs
Script 4 yrs Javascript, shell script
Operating Systems 10+ yrs Windows (95, 98, 2000, XP), Linux, Mac (9, 10)
Microsoft 10+ yrs Excel, Word, Access, Frontpage, VBA, VB
Other Skills JUnit, log4j, JIRA, Confluence

Travel, Photography, Swimming
Available on request.

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