Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Mnica Paulina Mercado Prez

Public class 6th grade.

Lesson plan adapted from:

Free time
Free time activities

To help students extend their vocabulary
To develop students listening skills
Age group
Around 30 minutes
Flash cards http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/worksheets/playground-
Song http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/playing-the-playground
Story http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/no-dogs
Game (easy) http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/word-games/label-the-
Game (more difficult) http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/word-

In this lesson children practice playground vocabulary, sing a song about playground, listen to a
story about a dog in the park, and play an online game.
1. Flash cards
(10 minutes)
Show the swings picture and say I like playing on the swings. Do you like the
swings? Tell the students to put up their hand if they like playing on the
swings. Do the same with the other pictures. Now ask the students to listen and
repeat the playground words after you as you show them the pictures. Now go
Teacher: Mnica Paulina Mercado Prez
Public class 6th grade.
Lesson plan adapted from:
to the online memory game. Invite students to choose two cards. Can they find
matching pairs?
2. Song
(10 minutes)
Ask the children to tell you playground activities in English (playing on the
swings, playing footballetc.) and write them on the board. Play the song and
ask children to stand up each time they hear one of the activities on the board.
Play the song again this time the children follow the words and join in with just
the last word of each line. Play the song again and encourage the children to sing
along. Make sure you join in too! Answer together the follow up activity.
3. Story
(10 minutes)
Play the first section of the story to the class. Pause and ask the children
questions about what they can see on the screen, e.g., Where are they? Is this a
cat? Who is this? Click on the next button to play a little more of the story and
stop when they reach the park. Now ask the class what they can see in the park.
Ask for hands up to give answers. Play the rest of the story. Did the children like
the story? Ask them if the dog was happy? Why/ why not? Do the follow up
4. Games
(5 minutes)
Let children decide which game they would like to play. Children take turns to
answer a question each on the classroom computer. Nominate students to give

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