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DURATION: 120 minut!
SECTION 1 (#u!ti$n 1%20& 20't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: Choose the word form the given list to complete each sentence below. A
word can be used only ONCE. Remember, there are FOR E!"RA words in the list.
Advantages Empty Improve Majority
Checkers Evolving Interact multimedia
Collect Format Interface Recognition
Codes Formula Intervene Revolution
Consider Implies Laser creen
Consists Impossi!le Magneti"a!le thesaurus
#$ A scanner converts te%t or pictures into electronic that can !e
manipulated !y the computer$
&$ R'M is an acronym for (read only memory)* +hich that the processor
can read and use the information stored in the R'M chip* !ut cannot put information
into it$
,$ -rinting technology is so .uickly that there is al+ays a printer for every
application or personal re.uirement$
/$ 'ptical disks are ideal for applications +here images* animation and
sound occupy a lot of disk space$
0$ A standard computer system of three main section1 the central
processing unit 2C-34* the main memory and the peripherals$
5$ 6hen you save a file* the operating system moves the read7+rite heads of the disk
drive to+ards sectors* records the data and +rites an entry for the
8$ 6hen !uying a hard disk you should the kind of drive mechanisms and
products availa!le$
9$ Many +ord processors include an online +ith +hich the users can
look up different +ords to use in similar instances$
:$ ;rammar are a step !eyond spell checkers* !ut they are still not a
su!stitute for a human editor$
#<$ ystem utilities are small programs +hich a system)s performance and
help users tale advantage of the computer)s capa!ilities$
##$ Computers are electronic machines +hich can accept data in a certain form*
process the data and give the results of the processing in a
specified as information$
#&$ printers produce output at great speed and +ith a very high resolution
of 5<<7#*&<< dpi$
#,$ =he of computers use a standard system for the !inary representation of
characters* kno+n popularly as (ACII)$
#/$ >oice? systems permit people to issue ver!al commands to a computer
to perform data entry$
#0$ Floppy disks are so called !ecause they consist of fle%i!le plastic material +hich
has a surface$
#5$ @ard disks have important over floppy disksA they spin at a higher
speed* so you can store and retrieve information much faster than +ith floppies$
#8$ Computer animation is the process of creating o!jects and pictures +hich move
#9$ =he term (user interface) refers to the standard procedures the user follo+s to
$ +ith a particular computer$
#:$ Mice are so +idely used in graphics applications !ecause they can do things that
are difficult* if not * to do +ith key!oard keys$
&<$ A good user is important !ecause +hen you !uy a program you +ant
to use it easily$
SECTION 2 (#u!ti$n! 21%*0& 20't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: Read the following passages and answer the #uestions following each
"+!!+, 1 (#u!ti$n 21%2-)
=he Maltesse Amoe!a may sound like a cartoon character* !ut if it attacks your
computer* you +ouldn)t !e laughing$ =he Maltesse Amoe!a is a computer virus$ It is a
form of soft+are +hich can CinfectD your system and destroy your data$ Making your
computer viruses is only one type of computer crime$ 'thers include hacking
2changing data in a computer +ithout permission4 and pirating 2illegally copying
soft+are programs4$
>iruses are programs +hich are +ritten deli!erately to damage data$ >iruses can hide
themselves in a computer system$ ome viruses are fairly harmless$ =hey may flash
on screen* such as C;otchaE Fet you don)t kno+ ho+ I crept inD$ =he Gankee Hoodle
virus plays this American turn on the computer)s small internal speaker every eighth
day at 0 p$m$ 'thers have serious effects$ =hey attack themselves in the operating
system and can +ipe out all your data$ 6hen the casade virus attacks* all the letters in
a file fall into a heap at the !ottom of the screen$ =his looks spectacular !ut it)s hard to
see the funny side +hen it)s your document$
>iruses are most commonly passed via disks !ut they can also spread through !ulletin
!oards* local area net+orks* and email attachments$ =he !est form of treatment is
prevention$ 3se an anti?virus program to check a floppy !efore using it$ Al+ays
do+nload email attachments onto a floppy and check for viruses$ If you do catch a
virus* there are anti?virus programs to hunt do+n and eradicate the virus$ =he pro!lem
is that around #0< ne+ viruses appear every month and you must constantly update
your anti virus package to deal +ith these ne+ forms$
&#$ 6hat are some common types of computer crimeI
&&$ 6hat is a computer virus I
&,$ 6hat is the name of a harmless virus mentioned in the passage I 6hat does it doI
&/$ @o+ do computer viruses spreadI
&0$ 6hat should you do to protect your computer from virusesI
"+!!+, 2 (#u!ti$n 2.%*0)
In the past ten years the +ord of computers has +itnessed the C-ostcriptD revolution$
-ostcript +as developed !y Ado!e ystems Inc$ in #:9& as a page description
language for printers like Apple Laser6riter and Allied Linotronic photosetters$
=oday it is used in most laser printers and is !ecoming a standard for high?.uality te%t
and graphics$
-ostcript is mainly used to descri!e the appearance of te%t* graphics and images on
the printed page$ It +orks in (vectorial formatD +hich means that it stores graphics not
as images made up of dots !ut as geometric descriptions in e.uation form$ =his allo+s
te%t fonts and graphics to !e enlarged or reduced +ith no loss .uality in the output$
&5$ 6hen and !y +hom +as -ostcript developed I
&8$ @o+ +as -ostcript used +hen it first started I
&9$ @o+ is -ostcript used today I
&:$ @o+ does -ostcript store graphics I
,<$ 6hat is the advantage of +orking in Cvectorial formatDI
SECTION * (#u!ti$n *1%/0& 20't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: Find the most suitable word to fill in each numbered blan$.
Information stored in the RAM is lost +hen the computer is turned off$ Fecause of
this* data and applications are stored in either in hard or 2,#4 disks +hich
provide a more permanent !acking store$
Floppy disks are so called !ecause they 2,&4 of fle%i!le plastic material
+hich has a magneti"a!le surface$ =he 2,,4 of a floppy disk is divided
into concentric circles or (tracks)* +hich are then divided into 2,/4) ($
6hen you insert a !lank into a disk drive* it must !e (initiali"ed)* or formatted* !efore
2,04 can !e recorded onto it$ =his means that magnetic areas are created
for each 2,54 and sector* along +ith a catalogue or (directory) +hich +ill
2,84 the specific location of a file$
6hen you save a file* the operating 2,94 moves the read7+rite heads of
the disk drive to+ards empty sectors* records the data and +rites an +rites an entry
for the directory$ Later on* +hen you open that file* the operating system 2,:4 $
$ for its entry in the directory on the disk* moves the read7+rite heads to
the 2/<4 sectors* and reads the file into the RAM area$
SECTION / (#u!ti$n /1%-0& 20 't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: se the words given and ma$e all the changes necessary to produce
correct sentences.
/#$ Internet 7 great place 7 hear 7 hit songs 7 recorded intervie+s
/&$ computer graphics 7 help users understand 7 comple% information 7 presenting 7
clear visual forms
/,$ video files 7 usually 7 stored 7 $avi* $mov and $mpg 7 formats
//$ you need 7 program 7 such as 7 Kuick=ime >R 7 +atch virtual animation
/0$ most 7 te%t files 7 you find 7 6e! 7 have $htm e%tension
/5$ unfortunately 7 computers 7 not 7 understand 7 natural language
/8$ net+ork 7 group of devices 7 connected together 7 use 7 communications circuits
/9$ -ostcript 7 indispensa!le tool 7 illustrators 7 graphic designers 7 H=-
/:$ programmer usually make 7 plan 7 their program 7 !efore 7 +rite it
0<$ net+orks 7 !e 7 linked together 7 telephone lines 7 fi!re?optic ca!le
SECTION - (#u!ti$n -1%-.& 20 't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: "ranslate the following sentences into %ietnamese &'uestions ()*((+
0#$ =he invention of the transit signalled the start of the second generation of
0&$ 6ord processing is the perfect e%ample of ho+ automation can !e used to increase
productivity and foster creativity$
0,$ ACII 2American tandard Code for Information Interchange4 is the most popular
encoding system for -Cs and data communication$
0/$ cientists are studying the +ay the human !rain +orks and are attempting to !uild
computers that mimic the incredi!le human mind$
00$ =o make the most effective use of computers and automation* the electronics
+orld is going digital$
In!(u)ti$n!: "ranslate the following sentences into English &'uestion (,*,-+
05$ @Lu nhM mNi mOy tPnh cO nhQn hiRn nay STu SMUc cVu hWnh vXi Pt nhVt mYt Z S[a
c\ng v] mYt Z S[a r^i$
08$ _ d`ng mOy anh kb thuct sd !en cf thg ch`p mNi tVm anh !en thPch m] khhng
cLn suy ngh[ v] chi gij lei nhjng tVm n]o thct Skp m] thhi$
09$ l cenh tranh v] cOc Op llc thm trM^ng khOc Sn !uYc cOc nh] kinh doanh phLn
mTm 2soft+are vendor4 phai tung cOc san phom cpa mWnh ra thm trM^ng ngay ca khi
cqn lri$
0:$ =Vt ca mNi mOy tPnh STu cf chung mYt sd Ssc Sigm* cho dt chung cf hiRu gW hosc
thivt kv ra sao$
5<$ Chi trong mYt khoang th^i gian rVt ngwn* mOy tPnh Sn Sem lei nhjng thay SZi lXn
trong thfi .uen l]m viRc cpa con ngM^i$

SECTION 1 (#u!ti$n 1%20& 20't!)
Int(u)ti$n!: Choose the word form the given list to complete each sentence below. A
word can be used only ONCE. Remember, there are FOR E!"RA words in the list.
#? codes 5? empty ##? format #5? advantages
&? implies 8? consider #&? laser #8? screen
,? evolving 9? thesaurus #,? majority #9? interact
/? multimedia :? checkers #/? recognition #:? impossi!le
0? consists #<? improve #0? magneti"a!le &<? interface
SECTION 2 (#u!ti$n! 21%*0& 20't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: Read the following passages and answer the #uestions following each
"+!!+, 1 (#u!ti$n 21%2-)
&#$ 6hat are some common types of computer crimeI .ac$ing, pirating, ma$ing
&&$ 6hat is a computer virusI A program written deliberately to damage data$
&,$ 6hat is the name of a harmless virus mentioned in the passage I 6hat does it doI
/t0s the 1an$ee 2oodle, which plays the 1an$ee 2oodle tune every eighth day
at ( pm
&/$ @o+ do computer viruses spreadI %ia dis$s, through bulletin boards, local area
networ$s, and email attachments.
&0$ 6hat should you do to protect your computer from virusesI Always chec$ floppy
dis$s before using3 download email attachments onto floppies and chec$ for
viruses, constantly update your anti*virus pac$ages.
"+!!+, 2 (#u!ti$n 2.%*0)
&5$ 6hen and !y +hom +as -ostcript developed I /n )456 by Adobe 7ystems /nc$
&8$ @o+ +as -ostcript used +hen it first started I As a page description language
for printers li$e Apple 8aser9riter and Allied 8inotronic photosetters
&9$ @o+ is -ostcript used todayI A standard for high*#uality te:t and graphics.
&:$ @o+ does -ostcript store graphicsI As geometric descriptions in e#uation form$
,<$ 6hat is the advantage of +orking in Cvectorial formatDI "his allows te:t fonts and
graphics to be enlarged or reduced with no loss #uality in the output.
SECTION * (#u!ti$n *1%/0& 20't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: Find the most suitable word to fill in each numbered blan$.
,#? floppy 7 optical ,5? track
,&?consist ,8? record
,,? surface ,9? system
,/? sectors ,:? looks
,0? information 7 data /<? correct
SECTION / (#u!ti$n /1%-0& 20 't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: se the words given and ma$e all the changes necessary to produce
correct sentences.
/#$ Internet 7 great place 7 hear 7 hit songs 7 recorded intervie+s
The internet is a great place to hear hit songs and recorded interviews
/&$ computer graphics 7 help users understand 7 comple% information 7 presenting 7
clear visual forms
Computer graphics help users &to+ understand comple: information by presenting
it in clear visual forms.
/,$ video files 7 usually 7 stored 7 $avi* $mov and $mpg 7 formats
%ideo files are usually stored in .avi, .mov and .mpg formats.
//$ you need 7 program 7 such as 7 Kuick=ime >R 7 +atch virtual animation
1ou need a program such as 'uic$"ime %R to watch virtual animation
/0$ most 7 te%t files 7 you find 7 6e! 7 have $htm e%tension
most of the te:t files you find on the 9eb have .htm e:tension
/5$ unfortunately 7 computers 7 not 7 understand 7 natural language
nfortunately, computers do not understand natural language
/8$ net+ork 7 group of devices 7 connected together 7 use 7 communications circuits
A net+ork i! + group of devices connected together usin, communications
/9$ -ostcript 7 indispensa!le tool 7 illustrators 7 graphic designers 7 H=-
;ost7cript is an indispensable tool for illustrators, graphic designers& and 2";
/:$ programmer usually make 7 plan 7 their program 7 !efore 7 +rite it
programmers usually ma$e a plan of their program before writing (they write)
0<$ net+orks 7 !e 7 linked together 7 telephone lines 7 fi!re?optic ca!le
Networ$s can be lin$ed together via telephone lines or using fibre*optic cable.
SECTION - (#u!ti$n -1%-.& 20 't!)
In!t(u)ti$n!: "ranslate the following sentences into %ietnamese &'uestions ()*((+
0#$ =he invention of the transit signalled the start of the second generation of
Viec phat minh ra ban dan anh dau s khi au cua
the he may tnh th hai.
0&$ 6ord processing is the perfect e%ample of ho+ automation can !e used to
increase productivity and foster creativity$
X y t! "#a$n ban% a! th du h&a!n ha& "tie'u bie(u)
ie(n h*nh% ch& thay t &n+ h&a
c& the( a!m ta$n+ na$n+ suat #a! thuc a(y s san+ ta&.
0,$ ACII 2American tandard Code for Information Interchange4 is the most popular
encoding system for -Cs and data communication$
,-.// "#iet ta0t cua cum t! 1& ma2 tra& &(i th&'n+ tin
tie'u chua(n 3&a 4y! a! he
th&n+ ma2 h&a th&'n+ dun+ nhat ch& may tnh ca nha'n
#a! tra& &(i d2 ieu.
0/$ cientists are studying the +ay the human !rain +orks and are attempting to !uild
computers that mimic the incredi!le human mind$
.ac nha! kh&a h&c an+ t*m hie(u h&at &n+ cua na2&
n+!i #a! c& +a0n+ 5a'y
dn+ cac may tnh c& the( )kha na$n+ ba0t chc b&
&c tuyet #!i cua c&n n+!i.
00$ =o make the most effective use of computers and automation* the electronics
+orld is going digital$
6he +ii ien t n+a!y nay an+ tien en ) chuye(n
san+ ky2 thuat s& e( c& the(
tan dun+ kha na$n+ cua may tnh #a! #iec t &n+
In!(u)ti$n!: "ranslate the following sentences into English &'uestion (,*,-+
05$ @Lu nhM mNi mOy tPnh cO nhQn hiRn nay STu SMUc cVu hWnh vXi Pt nhVt mYt Z S[a
c\ng v] mYt Z S[a r^i$
%irtually all ;C0s today are configured with at least one hard dis$ and one
interchangeable dis$ drive.
08$ _ d`ng mOy anh kb thuct sd !en cf thg ch`p mNi tVm anh !en thPch m] khhng
cLn suy ngh[ v] chi gij lei nhjng tVm n]o thct Skp m] thhi$
sing a digital camera you can ta$e all the photograph you want without thin$ing
and <ust $eep the very good ones.
09$ l cenh tranh v] cOc Op llc thm trM^ng khOc Sn !uYc cOc nh] kinh doanh phLn
mTm 2soft+are vendor4 phai tung cOc san phom cpa mWnh ra thm trM^ng ngay ca
khi cqn lri$
Competition and other mar$et pressures have forced software vendors into
rushing their products to mar$et, bugs and all.
0:$ =Vt ca mNi mOy tPnh STu cf chung mYt sd Ssc Sigm* cho dt chung cf hiRu gW hosc
thivt kv ra sao$
All computers have several characteristics in common, regardless of ma$e or
5<$ Chi trong mYt khoang th^i gian rVt ngwn* mOy tPnh Sn Sem lei nhjng thay SZi lXn
trong thfi .uen l]m viRc cpa con ngM^i$
/n only a very short time, computers have greatly changed man0s wor$ing habits.


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