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Customer Use Case

Service Desk Automation

One of the 25 largest global banks provides a range of banking and financial products and services to around eight million
customers. The bank aims to become a super-regional bank by expanding its presence in the Asia Pacific region. This bank
wanted a time-efficient solution; they were looking to install a system that would help them accept requests from users,
provide access to share folders, change security pins, and install different software on workstations in the least time possible.

The three most frequent requests that the IT staff received were shared folder access; password reset; and software
deployment. The global service desk of the bank maintained these services, which comprised a series of manual steps. The
manual nature of this process resulted in problems including:

Long hours of manual effort
Increased risk of human error
Time consuming, monotonous, and repetitive tasks
Frequent deviations from the SLA
Shared Folder Access
Epsilon helps automate the process by integrating approvals, geographic constraints, and role based accesses into workflows.
The user raises a request using an MS Excel form, which goes into a shared folder mailbox. The Epsilon workflow picks up the
requests from the mailbox and checks whether the folder requested by the user exists and then sends the request for approval
to the owner of the folder and the manager of the user.


The banking corporation saves an estimated 370 man-hours per month for shared folder access alone.
The number of requests served per day for shared folder access has increased by 800%.

Software Deployment
Requests for software deployment included deployment of any software or updating current versions of software on users
laptops or desktops. Epsilon automated all the manual steps of the deployment process. Inside Epsilons workflows are
approvals, and pre-checks that are essential for the banks compliance processes.
Customer Use Case: Case title
Idea Device Technologies Pvt. Ltd. | India 1 800 200 5393 | US 1 800 200 5393 | Singapore +65 9857 4993


Only IT approved versions of software are installed on the users machines.
The banking corporation enjoys 0% human error, and thus 0 hours for error correction.
Timesaving of an estimated 495 man-hours per month due to minimal response time.
The request servicing capacity has increased by 1400%.
Audit is a cakewalk, as Epsilon generates weekly reports, featuring the software list that has been deployed. These
reports are directly sent to the stakeholders.

Password Reset
The Epsilon workflow helped automates three activities: Unlocking the user account; workstation password reset; and changing
the security pin through its built-in IVR (Interactive Voice Recognition) feature. The average number of requests for all three
activities is around 366 per day.


Process time is reduced from 30 to 2 minutes, thus saving 3500 man-hours per month for this activity.
Increased in the number of requests serviced by 1400% due to minimal response time.
Security of the passwords is ensured, as there is no manual intervention.

With Epsilon deployed in their IT, the bank enjoys the following benefits:

Time Savings: Epsilon helps save several man-hours by automating repetitive but crucial tasks. The total man hours
saved in a year by implementing only three Epsilon workflows is around 53500, which is equivalent to saving 26
employee man hours per year.

Cost Savings: The bank now makes yearly savings of around US $ 290,000 using these three workflows of Epsilon

Ensured Service Availability: Epsilon has reduced turnaround time and increased the capacity of serviced requests by
around 1200%. It processes requests any time of the day, thus ensuring 24*7availability.

Eliminated manual error: Automation through Epsilon has helped the bank erase the chances of manual errors as
there is no manual intervention in any of these activities.

Ensured Process Compliance: All the steps in any of the tasks adhere to the compliance requirements of ITIL, thus
making these tasks more process oriented.

Ability to meet and exceed SLA: With Epsilon, the bank can now process all requests within the SLA time. In fact, with
Epsilon they have created a more aggressive SLA.

Security Compliance: Passwords are now automatically generated by Epsilon, thus ensuring compliance with security

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