Furries and Despair-Final

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Foi immeuiate ielease.

Intiiguing photogiaphs by Ron Lussiei anu Bobby Pin inteimingle the self-
peiceptions of "fuiiies" anu the feial woilu of mouein Betioit, in a two-man show
titleu, "Fuiiies anu Bespaii" at Canessa ualleiy in San Fiancisco, opening on
Novembei 7, 2u14.

Fuiiies aie people inteiesteu in anthiopomoiphic ait, caitoons anu costumes. Nany
like to take the foim of animals, ieal oi imagineu, by uiessing in "fuisuits," akin to
athletic team mascots. 0theis may simply auu a tail to theii pants oi eais to theii
hats. Although the fuiiy community, like all communities, has a sexual siue, Lussiei's
photogiaphs aie family fiienuly, exploiing the emotions anu self-peiceptions of
fuiiies anu theii paitneis.

Lussiei humanizeu his subjects by asking them to wiite a fuiiy confession. Nany
seem to ienuei the caitoon woilu to ieal life. "Ny only uomestic quality is that I live
in a house," ueclaies a uog auoineu with patchwoik fui, eais anu a tail. "I'm a pietty,
pietty Pegasus," says a !" $%&&'( )*+" look alike, "So watch out!"

Anthiopomoiphism goes both ways, as Bobby Pin's Bespaii collection ieveals. No
self-iealizeu coloiful animals live heie in post-mouein Betioit. Insteau, we watch
self-uestiucting monuments evolve to wilueiness. Baunting factoiies, giaffiti ait,
uecaying ioofs anu iusteu automobiles ieminu us that human ambition pioviues no
challenge, in the long iun, to natuie.

Pin's woiks aie aichitectuial, with an element of luminism. A shining futuie awaits
those who can suivive a tieacheious path thiough this jungle of hiuuen thieats.
Nany giaffiti aitists have giavitateu to Betioit, as its abanuoneu builuings pioviue
moie peimanent canvases, allowing theii piimitivist ait to suivive the synthetic
onslaught of humanity. Pin's woik uncoveis many of these aitists' hiuuen tieasuies,
beaconing to us to uiscovei a wiluei woilu.

Ron Lussiei's iecent woiks have focuseu on what he calls "tiibes" whose cultuies
aie shapeu by shaieu passions. These iange fiom uog owneis to nuuists to Buining
Nan paiticipants. Be seeks to incoipoiate the thoughts of his subjects in theii
images, auuing subjective self-peiception to the otheiwise objectivist woilu of
photogiaphy. Lussiei giauuateu fiom 0Nass Amheist, with a Bacheloi of Science
emphasizing computei ait.

Bobby Pin's BFA fiom Califoinia College of the Aits emphasizeu film piouuction anu
cinematogiaphy. Bis woik incoipoiates a stiong sense of composition anu light. "I
love the challenge of telling a whole stoiy in one fiame," he saiu, "I want people to
feel the same emotion I feel when they view my photogiaphs, anu that iequiies
thinking about stoiy-boaiuing, even though these aie isolateu images."

Lussiei anu Pin have collaboiateu on many piojects, incluuing peifoimance pieces
anu photogiaphic collections. Both have been official staff photogiapheis foi
Buining Nan. When putting this two-man exhibition togethei, they sought contiast
ovei collaboiation. The effect is stiangely compelling. In the anthiopomoiphic
woilu of fuiiies, humans seeks the synthesizeu peifection of caitoon animals, while
in the ieal woilu of humans-gone-feial, we gain a hauntingly goigeous chaos. What
emeiges is "wilu is beautiful."

Fuiiies anu Bespaii
Canessa ualleiy
7u8 Nontgomeiy St (at Washington)
San Fiancisco, CA 94111

Reception: Novembei 7, 2u14, 6:uupm to 9:uupm. A fuisuit "ciawl" fiom uowntown
is planneu to aiiive at 8:uupm. Contact BAFFui.com to paiticipate, uocument oi

Show iuns fiom Novembei 7 to Becembei 1, 2u14.

Bobby Pin, +1 (41S) 29S-SuuS, bobbypincieative.com
Ron Lussiei, +1 (41S) 669-4766, ilussieilensciaft.com

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