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Jesus: Learning from the God-Man Himself  Everything He did was done in relation to the fulfillment of
Firebrands small group discussion His purpose.
March 24, 2007  What is your purpose here on earth? What is your personal
mission statement?
Introduction:  Let’s start thinking about our real purpose here on earth. In
doing this, we will have a direction for our lives. We won’t be
Finishing strong. Two meaningful words brought together to form a wandering around through life aimlessly.
powerful sentence. Connotative of endurance and perseverance. This
sentence is what TRUE success really means. 2. He stayed in the Scriptures.
 A famous story in the Bible is about Jesus’ temptation in the
Jesus is the epitome of finishing strong. Today, we will discuss some wilderness.
points from Jesus’ life to learn how we could finish strong, just as He wants
 Read Matthew 4:1-11
us to.
 In this story, how did Jesus resist temptation? (He fired shots –
Icebreaker Question God’s Word – at the devil).
(Objective: To perceive member’s stand on temptation and integrity)  Knowing the Scriptures helped Jesus resist temptation as well as
to fight the devil.
 If you were faced with your major source of temptation and you  Questions:
can have it without getting caught, what will you do? o In what areas of your life do you struggle with
Discussion: o Have you memorized scriptures to overcome them?
(Leaders, be ready to come up with some verses for the members
Jesus was a finisher. We know that for sure because of what He – regarding their temptation problems - if they don’t have scriptures
in mind.)
said in John 19:30: “It is finished.” Because of His great sacrifice, the sins of
man could be forgiven. But it is important to look at Jesus’ lifestyle before the
time of His crucifixion. That is where we’ll find His secret to finishing strong. 3. He stayed alert to the tactics of the enemy.
 Aside from the temptation of Jesus, He was also constantly
Jesus’ Secrets to Finishing Strong tested by the Pharisees (Matthew 22:15-22)
 The enemy was using the Pharisees to trap Jesus into
1. He had a personal mission statement. committing something that will implicate him of defying the
 Jesus came here on earth with a purpose. God the Father government.
had a plan for Him. He had a mission to fulfill.  Jesus was aware of what was happening around Him.
 Luke 4:18-19
 Because of His strong relationship to God the Father (daily
 In this verse, what was Jesus’ mission statement (purpose)? prayer and devotional time), He was able to stay ahead of
 Because of that, Jesus stayed focused. Satan’s attacks.

Jesus: Learning from the God-Man Himself

Kim/Zarah Lim
March 24, 2007
References: Finishing Strong (Steve Farrar); The Leadership Secrets of Jesus (Mike Murdock)
 Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the full armor of God so that you can
take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Jesus: Learning from the God-Man Himself

Kim/Zarah Lim
March 24, 2007
References: Finishing Strong (Steve Farrar); The Leadership Secrets of Jesus (Mike Murdock)
 Let us ask ourselves: How’s my prayer life? Is it consistent? Do I
4. He stayed humble. spend more time taking a bath than talking to God? Do I spend
 Jesus did not have a “high and mighty” attitude. Instead, He had more time on the phone with my friends than talking to God?
a servant attitude. Matthew 20:26-28  Depend on God, be sensitive to His voice, and you will never go
 Philippians 2:5-11 wrong.
o v.7 – “…but made himself nothing, taking the very nature
of a servant…”
o v.8 – “…he humbled Himself…”
 We must be careful of our attitude. Do not let pride take over How will you know if you finished strong (allow time for them to think and
you because “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, but answer)?
whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23:12
 We must take the attitude of Jesus as our guide for life. Answer: When you face Jesus at Judgment and He says to you: “Well done,
 Philippians 2:5 “Your attitude should be the same as that of my good and faithful servant.”
Christ Jesus.”
Let us follow Jesus’ example and strive to finish strong. It won’t be easy but
it’s not impossible! Just put God as our first priority in EVERYTHING, no
5. He depended on God. matter how we feel. Remember, it’s not how we started, but how we finish. If
 In everything Jesus did, He depended on God the Father. we finish strong, we will reap a reward in heaven.
 He constantly consulted God. John 5:19
 How often do you consult God for guidance regarding your work, Get the spirit of a finisher!
your studies, or your personal life?
 Along with consulting God for everything, we must have a strong “…he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” (Matthew 10:22)
prayer life.
Be ready to report in front what your group has discussed:
 Jesus’ ministry is successful because He had God on His side.
He constantly recharged (through prayer) before and after His  What were Jesus’ secrets to finishing strong?
mission trips.  Group insight (Let every member of the group answer then compile
the answers to be reported in front):
 Mark 6:45-46 – Jesus and His disciples just came from feeding
o What will you do in the next 30 days to be a more consistent
the 5,000 men who attended His teaching/healing session
 No matter how tired or sleepy He must have been, He never
missed an appointment with God.
o Luke 6:12 – Before choosing his apostles, Jesus even
spent the night praying to God.
 Even when He was about to be crucified, He did not run away
from God. Instead, He ran to God.

Jesus: Learning from the God-Man Himself

Kim/Zarah Lim
March 24, 2007
References: Finishing Strong (Steve Farrar); The Leadership Secrets of Jesus (Mike Murdock)

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