Have You Forgotten

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Have You Forgotten? 11.25.


Have You Forgotten? The cause of discontentment is FORGETFULNESS.

1 Chronicles 16:7-12
1. We forget our priorities.
Objective: (1) To remind everyone of what we are truly
grateful for (salvation) and (2) to encourage obedience to God  We want more. We are blinded by the glitz and
(devotion to Him) and evangelism (personal testimony) as true glamour of fame.
forms of thanksgiving.  Share discontentment with my job due to desire to
have a “prestigious” job, forgetting that my priority
is to submit to God and His will.
Read Text
2. We forget who we are serving.
Opening Prayer
3. We forget to count our blessings.
 Materialism
o Advertisements are all around us telling us
that we need to buy their stuff in order for us
Our title for today is “Have you forgotten?” And as
to be happy.
Thanksgiving holiday was celebrated just last Thursday
o Madame Blueberry
(Nov22), it is but fitting for us to remember as well all the
 Worries of Life
blessings God has done for us.
o With all of life’s hardships, we ask “What
have I got to be thankful for?”
In today’s world, hearing that someone is contented with
o Someone once said, “Everyone of us is
his/her life is a rare find.
more blessed than we are hurt.”
There was once a TV show that conducted an impromptu o We tend to dwell on our problems, our
survey on 30 people. Each of them was given a 2-minute misery, forgetting the blessings we have.
airtime, allowing them to talk about anything that comes to
mind. Surprisingly, 30 out of 30 had one common theme: The cure for discontentment is a thankful heart.
DISCONTENTMENT. They all voiced out their complaints on To have a thankful heart, we must keep in focus the benefits
the government, on taxes, on the politicians, etc. we have received.

Why is it so hard for us to be thankful / find contentment?

Have You Forgotten? 11.25.07

To answer the question “What have I got to be thankful for?”

Psalm 103 has already listed it down for us: How can I show my gratitude to God?
1. forgives our sins 3 ways to show our gratitude:
2. heals our diseases 1 Chronicles 16:8-12
3. redeemed us from death 1. CALL ON HIS Name (v.8)
4. crowned us with love and compassion  How?
5. satisfies our desires with good things i. Acknowledge Him as the Lord of your
 God did not just create us and leave us to fend for  Hosea 13:4-6
ourselves. When we strayed, He even made a way for us  v.4 – the Lord expected the Israelites
to be able to be with Him again. He didn’t leave it up to us to acknowledge Him as their only
to save ourselves, knowing that we can’t do it. (Love and God and Savior because it was He
Mercy) who brought them out of their
 Then He not only saved us but He also provides for us. He misery.
gave us an inheritance as His children. He blesses us with  Similarly, the Lord has brought us
good things. Jeremiah 32: 40-41 - He rejoices in doing out of “Egypt” (Satan’s grasp) and
good to us. (Grace) that is reason enough to
acknowledge Him as our God.
Now that we know that we have so much to be thankful for, (Psalm 116:12-13 AMP)
what must be our response?
What shall I render to the Lord for all His
benefits toward me? [How can I repay Him
OUR RESPONSE: Gratitude! for all His bountiful dealings?]
 Gratitude is more than just a feeling. It is driven by
action! You are so grateful that you can’t just stop there I will lift up the cup of salvation and
– you want to give back something in order to show deliverance and
how much you appreciate what has been done for you. call on the name of the Lord.

 Illustration: FEUDALISM
Feudalism was characterized by the granting of
fiefs, chiefly in the form of land and labor, in return
for political and military services—a contract
Have You Forgotten? 11.25.07

sealed by oaths of homage and fealty (fidelity).

The grantor was lord of the grantee, his vassal, but
 In the same way, doing the rest of the
both were free men and social peers. EPHOD 10 pt. plan is done, not just
-- Microsoft Encarta Reference Library
because it will help our spiritual
ii. Make Him your priority! SPEND growth, but because we want to do it,
 Not spending time with the Lord (not
making Him our priority) shows 2. TESTIFY to His goodness (vv 8-9)
ingratitude to Him and to all He has  This is where missions and evangelism come in.
done for us. (and lack of complete
 “...make known among the nations what he has
understanding of what He has done
done.” (v.8)
for us)
 “...tell of all His wonderful acts.” (v.9)
 Beware of this attitude!
 If you’re really thankful, you can’t help but tell!
 Our text says in verse 11 that we
 Ps. 71:8; 15-18; 23-24; Isaiah 63:7
must“...seek His face always.” (1
Chro 16:11)  ILLUST: Café Maxim and Franz Lehar’s The Merry
 Doing our daily devotions is not a
o The widow pays most of the taxes in the country and
ritual that we have to do because we keeps the economy going with her spending, so local
are commanded to do it. After all, we officials worry when they hear that she is travelling
to Paris, France, to find a new husband. They send
are not robots. Prince Danilo after her on a mission to win her heart
 Rather, it is an act of gratitude! and keep her bank account in the country.
(Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003.)
 I choose to spend time with God o The Merry Widow, which was first produced at
because I want to know more of the Theater-an-der-Wein on December 30, 1905. had
good God who cares so much about more than five thousand performances. At one time,
it ran simultaneously in five different languages in
me. five different theaters, all in Buenos Aires.(
 Sometimes we want to but we “just http://bobjanuary.com/lehar.htm)

don’t have the time.” Choosing to

spend time with God shows that we 3. REMEMBER the wonders He has done (v.12)
are serious with our relationship with  Keep an inventory / “blessings of today” list.
Him.  In this way, you won’t forget and you can always
look back to the goodness of God and be
Have You Forgotten? 11.25.07


It is very important not to forget all the things that the Lord has
done and is continuing to do for us. Forgetting means we
didn’t really appreciate it at all. The best way to show our
gratitude is to remember all of it and out of that remembrance
will spring our deep devotion to Him.

Song: “Thank You, Lord”

Closing prayer

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