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Planning Brief

Project Name: Childs Play

Medium/Format and Length: Action/Adventure short film
Approximately five minutes
Deadline of Production: November 2014
Brief overview: Two girls are planning to raid
and capture an objective in a
house but however six other
guys try to protect the
objective and the house. They
devise a plan to get into the
house and get the objective as
quick as possible. However one
the guys that is guarding the
house, is one of the girls ex
boyfriend. This gives her an
opportunity to get revenge and
help her friends. The girls go
into the house through the
front door and the battle
begins. The battle continues
for 3 to 4 minutes and the
final battle is left on a
Target Audience: The target audience for our
film is for all genders ages 12
to 35. This is because this is
the age ranges that enjoy
things such as this and can be
linked to activities such as
paintballing and other team
activities. Since our target
audience is 12 to 35 we are
targeting socio-economic groups
C1 or C2

If we were to release our short
film we would put on websites
such as YouTube, Vimeo and
What film can be compared to
our production that you have
Small Soldiers- mainly because
of the concept of the film and
is similar to our idea.
What is the rationale behind
this production?
Since our genre is
action/adventure, the
conventions of the genre are to
create a sense of realism and
we have done that by using
either a house or park as our
location. This is because we
are trying to go with the codes
and conventions of the action
adventure genre.

The rationale of the film is
that the main characters (the
two girls) will fight to
achieve their objective and
that shows courage, strength
and power.
What representations are
presented in the production?
The characters are in body
amour and are armed with guns
that represents that there will
be a war of some sort or a
How will you know if the
production is successful or not
and will it meet your
We will use our pre
questionnaire to improve our
production and make the changes
needed in order to make the
production successful and
appealing to the target
audience. However if we do get
negative feedback, that means
we have not achieved our goals
and ignored the feedback we
have received.
What generic codes and
conventions will be present?
Key props- Guns
Fast paced action
Fast paced editing
Antagonist wants to get
rid of the protagonist
Are there any overt messages in
the production?
Females are the protagonist and
the males are not as dominant
as they should be in a action
adventure genre.
Are there are resource
constraints that may have an
effect on your production?
The location may be an
issue as it may not be
free to use all of the
Having all the correct
equipment to film
The cast being on time and
the actors being able to
play the role of the
characters effectively

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