Ageing and Life Extension - Oil & Gas UK

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Home > About the Industry > Health and Safety > Ageing and Life Extension
About the Industry
Ageing and Life Extension
As the industry seeks to maximise economic recovery of oil and gas reserves and technology is developed
to enable that objective; many installations will remain in service beyond their originally planned
operational life span. This presents challenges to the industry in managing the effects of ageing on
assets, plant and equipment and to ensure that integrity can be maintained throughout the full asset life
cycle. This section contains useful information on the management of ageing and life extension (ALE) and
in particular provides links to industry guidance and other related documentation.

Heal th and Safety Executi ve Key Programme 4 (KP4)
The HSE's KP4 inspection programme was initiated in late 2010 and ran for three years to late 2012. The
inspections sought to ensure that risks to asset integrity arising from ageing and life extension
are adequately controlled. Whereas the earlier KP3 looked at the here and now condition of offshore
installations, KP4 looked at the ability of the offshore industry to manage the effects of ageing so that
installations remain safe for their full life cycle, including extended life periods.
The objectives of KP4 were:
to raise awareness of the need for specific consideration of ageing issues as a distinct activity within
the asset integrity management process
to inspect duty holders' approaches to the management of the risks to asset integrity associated with
ageing and life extension
to identify shortcomings and enforce an appropriate programme of remedial action where necessary
to work with the offshore industry to establish a common approach to the management of ageing

Further details can be found on the HSEs website here along with the final KP4 report available here.

Oi l & Gas UK Gui del i nes
In 2012, the OGUK Ageing and Life Extension Work Group published Guidance on the Management of
Ageing and Life Extension for UKCS Oil and Gas Installations. This document sets out the management
system approach to ageing and life extension.

Technical guidance has also been produced by topic-specific work groups on the following subjects:
Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Equipment
Floating Production Installations
Offshore Structures

Addi ti onal i nformati on on agei ng and l i fe extensi on

Click here to view the HSE Guidance on management of ageing and thorough reviews of ageing
installations. OIS No. 4/2009
Click here to open the HSE document Managing Ageing Plant A Summary Guide
Click here to view the HSE's plant ageing study.
Click here to view the COMAH (Control Of Major Accident hazards) question set to help operators assess
compliance with the HSE's plant ageing study.
Click here to view the COMAH Ageing Plant Operational Delivery Guide.
Click here to view the HSE plant ageing report into management of equipment containing hazardous fluids
or pressure.

2010-2014 The UK Oil and Gas Industry Association Limited trading as Oil & Gas UK
Registered office: 6th Floor East, Portland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5BH
Company No: 1119804
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