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Organizational alignment

1. Do most employees gave some understanding of the group organizational strategy (not
the department, division or business unit one-but the group wide strategy)?
2. Do most staff get the opportunity to input into the group strategy (not the department,
division or business unit one-but the group wide strategy)?
3. Are HR objectives in alignment with, and supported by, the existing departmental,
divisional or business unit strategy?
4. Does staff understand the departments divisions or business units objectives?
5. Does your staff understand their role in making those objectives manifest themselves in
the workplace?
Organizational structure
1. Are there more than four levels of management within your department, business unit or
division? Four will indicate a median level, less than four is low, and more than four is
Bureaucratic sluggishness
1. Are the management structures centralized or decentralized? (Highly centralized is high,
and totally decentralized is low)
2. Does the top management have o check all decisions?
3. Is staff enabled to take their decisions for most issues?
4. Is all the staff able to input the decisions taken by the department, division or business
5. Can staff input into most issues that affect them?
6. Is risk taking and experimentation encouraged by management?
7. Are most projects managed by teams?
8. Are teams constituted of members from all the main functions, that you work with ,
within your department, business unit or division?
9. Are the teams comprised of members from other departments, divisions or business
10. Are virtual teams in place?
11. Is the business value of virtual team work measured within your business unit,
department or division?
12. Are you encouraged to interact with customers?
13. Are customers allowed to see your company strategy documents, and able to question
your companys decisions and reasons for decisions?
Staff rewards and diversity
1. How many nonfinancial incentives do your department, business unit use?
2. What financial invectives do your BU/department use?
3. Are reward based on team or individual performance or both?
4. Does the staff mix bear some resemblance to the population mix in the geographic area of
your department, division o business unit?
5. Is there a high level than normal turnover of staff?
6. Are minority groups marginalized within the department, division or business unit?
Learning style
1. Does formal learning occur through formal mentorship relationships and programs?
2. Does personal learning take place trough formal coaching programs?
3. Are there formal training opportunities within the organization?
4. How regular are the formal training opportunities?
5. Does informal learning occur through peer assistance?
6. Does informal learning take place through informal dialogue and storytelling?
7. What is the level of computer literacy of most people within your department, division or
business unit?
8. What is the level to which learning and knowledge is formally shared within your
department, division or business unit?
Trust, information and commitment
1. What is your level of trust with regard to the organization?
2. Do you fully trust the team you work with?
3. What id your level of trust, as far as the leadership of organization is concerned?
4. Do people look to each other for assistance with information?
5. Do people, in your department, BU or division, share information feely?
6. What are the levels of commitment in the part of senior management as far as the
development of their employees are concerned?
7. What are the levels of commitment by senior management to developing their own
people management skills?

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