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Modulo II y III

Sociologa del Desarrollo

Ingles Instrumental
El verbo To Be y los Pronombres
Afirmativa Negativa
Pronombres Traduccin Present Traduccin Pasado Pro Presente Pasado Negativo
I Yo am soy was I am was not
You Tu are eres were You are were not
She Ella is es was She is was not
He El is es was He is was not
It Eso(Ella, El) is es was It is was not
They Ellos/as are son were They are were not
We Nosotros/as are somos were We are were not
You Ustedes are son were You are were not

Afirmativa en presente y pasado: I am a student (Yo soy un estudiante)/ I was a student (Yo era un
Negativa en presente y pasado: I am not a student (Yo no soy un estudiante)/ I was not a student (Yo no era
un estudiante)
Preguntas de Yes/No..?
Interrogativas Respuestas
Afirmativas Negativas
Presente Pasado Presente Pasado Presente Pasado
Am I a student? Was I a student? Yes, you are Yes, you were No, you
No, you
Are you a student? Were you a student? Yes, I am Yes, I was No, I am
No, I
Is she a student? Was she a student? Yes, she is Yes, she was No, she
No, she
Is he a student? Was he a student? Yes, he is Yes, he was No, he isnt No, he
Is it a dog? Was it a dog? Yes, it is Yes, it was No, it isnt No, it
Are they students? Were they students? Yes, they are Yes, they were No, they
No, they
Are we students? Were we students? Yes, we are Yes, we were No, we
No, we
Are you students? Were you students? Yes, we are Yes, we were No, we
No, we
Tiempos verbales-Verb tenses
Present tenses- Tiempos verbales de presente.
1. Simple Present tense- Presente simple. Este es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones
Permanentes y que tienen lugar en el presente y con una frecuencia determinada, es decir, cada da, cada
maana, etc. Tambin lo utilizamos para expresar una verdad general e indiscutible y cuando queremos
expresar expresar sentimientos o el uso de los sentidos
Ej.: John washes the dishes every day. (John lava los platos cada da).
Forma negativa del Simple Present: Sujeto+Do not o don't/does not o doesn't +verbo de la accin +
Ej.: John does not/doesn't wash the dishes every day.
Forma interrogativa del Simple Present: Do/does+ sujeto+ verbo de la accin en infinitivo+ Complementos.
Ej.: Does John wash the dishes every day?
Yes, he does/Yes he washes the dishes every day
No, he doesnt/ No, he doesnt wash the dishes every day
Do they play football in the mornings?
Yes, they do/Yes the play football in the mornings
No, they dont/No, they play football in the mornings
Para la negacin y la interrogacin de las frases con este tiempo verbal, necesitamos el verbo auxiliar
do/does not.
2. Present Continuous/Progressive tense- Presente Continuo: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para
expresar acciones que tienen lugar en el presente, en el mismo momento en el que se est enunciando la
frase. El Present Continuous se forma con el presente del verbo (to) be ms el verbo de la accin en
gerundio (Infinitivo+-ing).
Ej.: John is washing the dishes right now. (John est lavando los platos ahora mismo).
Forma negativa del Present Continuous/Progressive: Sujeto+is/are+not+verbo de la accin en gerundio+
Ej: John is not/isn't washing the dishes right now.
Forma interrogativa del Present Continuous/Progressive: Is/Verbo Be (Is, Are, Am)+ Sujeto+ Verbo de la
accin en gerundio+ Complementos?
Ej: Is John washing the dishes right now?
Yes, he is/Yes, he is washing the dishes right now
No, he isnt/No, he isnt washing the dishes right now
3. Present Perfect tense- Pretrito Perfecto: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que
han tenido lugar en el pasado, pero en un pasado muy reciente. Este tiempo verbal se forma con el
presente del verbo (to) have, has o have+el participio del verbo de la accin: Regular (Infinitivo+ed) o
Irregular (tercera columna de la lista de verbos irregulares).
Ej.: John has washed the dishes this morning. (John ha lavado los platos esta maana).
Forma negativa del Present Perfect Tense: Sujeto+ has not o hasn't /have not o haven't + Verbo de la accin
en participio+ Complementos.
Ej.: John has not/ hasn't washed the dishes this morning.
Forma interrogativa del Present Perfect Tense: Has/Have+ Sujeto+ Verbo de la accin en participio+
Ej.: Has John washed the dishes this morning?
Yes, he has/ Yes, he has washed the dishes this morning
No, he hasnt/No, he hasnt washed the dishes this morning
El auxiliar Have trabaja con los pronombres personales (they, you, we, I) y el auxiliary con los de tercera
persona (she, he, it)
Past tenses-Tiempos verbales de pasado.
1. Simple past tense- Pasado simple: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que
tuvieron lugar en el pasado, sin que importe excesivamente el momento del pasado en el que tuvieron
Ej.: John washed the dishes yesterday evening. (John lav los platos ayer por la tarde).
Para construir las formas negativa e interrogativa del Simple Past, necesitamos la ayuda del verbo auxiliar
(to) do, esta vez con su tiempo en pasado, DID.
Forma negativa del Simple Past: Sujeto+ DID not/didn't+ Verbo de la accin +Complementos.
Ej.: John didn't wash the dishes yesterday evening.
Forma interrogativa del Simple Past: DID+ Sujeto+ verbo de la accin + Complementos.
Did John wash the dishes yesterday evening?
Yes, he did/Yes, he washed the dishes yesterday evening
No, he didnt/ No, he didnt washed the dishes yesterday evening
En ingls, hay dos tipos de Simple Past o de pasado simple: el regular o el irregular. Los verbos regulares
forman el Simple Past aadiendo el sufijo -ed al infinitivo y los verbos irregulares forman su Simple Past sin
seguir ninguna regla.
Un ejemplo de Simple Past regular es el del verbo (to) wash= (lavar), cuyo Simple Past es washed y un
ejemplo de verbo irregular es el de (to) break= (romper) , cuyo Simple Past es broke.
2. Past Continuous/Progressive Tense- Pasado continuo: Es un tiempo verbal en el que se expresan
acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado, pero en un momento concreto. Este tiempo verbal se forma con
el pasado del verbo (to) be (was o were)+ el verbo de la accin en gerundio (infinitivo+-ing).
Ej: John was washing the dishes at eight o'clock last night. (John estaba lavando los platos a las ocho ayer
por la noche).
Forma negativa del Past Continous/Progressive: Sujeto+ Was not o wasn't/were not o weren't+ Verbo de la
accin en gerundio+ Complementos.
Ej.: John was not/wasn't washing the dishes at eight o'clock last night.
Forma interrogativa del Past Continuous/Progressive: Was/were+Sujeto+Verbo de la accin en gerundio+
Ej.: Was John washing the dishes at eight o'clock last night?
Yes, he was/Yes, he was washing the dishes at eight o'clock last night
No, he wasnt/No, he wasnt washing the dishes at eight o'clock last night
3. Past perfect tense-Pretrito pluscuamperfecto: Es un tiempo verbal que expresa acciones que han
tenido lugar en el pasado, pero en un pasado menos reciente que el que se expresa en el Present Perfect.
Es lo que se denomina el pasado del pasado (past in the past). Se forma con el verbo (to) have en pasado,
had+ el participio del verbo de la accin: Regular (Infinitivo+ed) o Irregular (tercera columna de la lista de
verbos irregulares).
Ej: John had washed the dishes at two in the afternoon. (John haba lavado los platos a las dos de la tarde).
Forma negativa del Past Perfect Tense: Sujeto+ had not/hadn't+ Verbo de la accin en participio+
Ej.: John had not/hadn't washed the dishes at two in the afternoon.
Forma interrogativa del Past Perfect Tense: Had+ Sujeto+ Verbo de la accin en participio+ Complementos.
Had John washed the dishes at two in the afternoon?
Yes, he had/Yes, he had washed the dishes at two in the afternoon
No, he hadnt/No, he hadnt washed the dishes at two in the afternoon
El auxiliary Had trabaja con todos los proombres personales (she, he, it, I, you, they, we, you)
Future tenses- Tiempos verbales de futuro
1. Simple future- Futuro simple: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que tendrn
lugar en un futuro, sin importar excesivamente el momento. Se forma con la partcula will+ el infinitivo del
verbo de la accin sin el (to).
Ej.: John will wash the dishes tomorrow. (John lavar los platos maana).
Forma negativa del Simple Future: Sujeto+ will not/won't+ Verbo de la accin en infinitivo+ Complementos.
Ej.: John will not/ won't wash the dishes tomorrow.
Forma interrogativa del Simple Future: Will+ Sujeto+ Verbo de la accin en infinitivo+ Complementos.
Ej.: Will John wash the dishes tomorrow?.
Yes, he will/Yes, he will wash the dishes tomorrow
No, he wont/No, he wont wash the dishes tomorrow
2. Near future- Futuro prximo: Es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que van a tener
lugar en el futuro, pero se trata de un futuro muy cercano al momento en el que se habla. Se forma con el
verbo (to) be en presente (is, am, are), seguido de GOING TO+ el infinitivo del verbo de la accin.
Ej.: John is going to wash the dishes tonight. (John va a lavar los platos esta noche).
Forma negativa del Near Future: Sujeto+ is not o isn't/ are not o aren't+ Going to+ Verbo de la accin en
infinitivo+ Complementos.
Ej.: John is not/isn't going to wash the dishes tonight.
Forma interrogativa del Near Future: Is/are+ Sujeto+ Going to+ Verbo de la accin en infinitivo+
Ej.: Is John going to wash the dishes tonight?
Regles para escribir verbos en 3ra persona presente simple (Solo para oraciones en afirmativo)
En la tercera persona del presente simple se debe agregar la letra s al verbo, por ejemplo
He eats/ She sleeps/ It smells
Pero en ciertos casos se constatan las siguientes alteraciones:
1. Si el verbo termina en ch, sh, s, x, o, en lugar de s aadiremos la particula es; por ejemplo:
He reaches/ it blushes/ it presses/ he fixes/ she goes
2. Si el verbo termina con la letra y:
a. Si aparece precedida por una consonante, pondremos ies en lugar de la y: por ejemplo:
Try He tries/ Fly It flies/ Study She studies
b. Si va precedida por una vocal, pondremos como de costumbre la s, por ejemplo:
Stay He stays/ Pray She prays/ Play It plays.

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