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Minnesota Board of Pharma!
"#"$ Uni%ersit! A%en&e SE' S&ite ()*
Minnea+o,is' MN ((-.-/)"(.
Memorandum in support of petition for rule making and action:
Cannabis does not meet the statutory requirement of a Schedule I substance under Minnesota Statutes.
K&rtis 0anna 1Petitioner2 s&3mits this Memorand&m in s&++ort of his Petition for R&,e Ma4in5 or
Ation' &rrent,! 3efore the Minnesota Board of Pharma! 1the 6Board62' .2 to en5a5e in r&,e/ma4in5
to e7em+t +,ants of the 5en&s anna3is 1referred to as 8mari9&ana: in some MN Stat&tes and R&,es2 and
materia,s nat&ra,,! ori5inatin5 from them' in,&din5 tetrah!droanna3ino, 1T0C2 and anna3idio,
1CBD2 from Shed&,e I of Minnesota R&,es' "2 to in,&de in their t;o man&a, ann&a, re+orts to the
Minnesota ,e5is,at&re the fat that anna3is is im+ro+er,! ,assified and )2 to +ass &+on the %a,idit! of
the Minnesota R&,es < =#**>-".* 1C21.?2 and < =#**>-".* 1C21"(2 if the! deide not to en5a5e in r&,e/
ma4in5 to e7em+t them from the ,ist of Shed&,e I s&3stanes in Minnesota R&,es>
It is im+ortant to 3e ,ear a3o&t ;hat is 3ein5 so&5ht 3! this Petition and ;hat is not> First' remo%in5
anna3is and materia,s nat&ra,,! ori5inatin5 from them 1hereafter 8anna3is2 from Shed&,e I from
Minnesota R&,es' as +etitioned herein' ;i,, not res&,t in the immediate aess to media, anna3is 3!
media, +atients in Minnesota> Rather' remo%a, ;i,, 5reat,! inrease the hanes that Minnesota
+atients ;i,, 3e a3,e to offer an affirmati%e defense in Minnesota Co&rts ;hen the! are in fat
+ossessin5 anna3is for mediina, reasons> Remo%a, from the R&,es 3! the Board and s&3se@&ent
remo%a, from the Stat&tes 3! the Le5is,at&re ;i,, restore rationa,it! to MinnesotaAs ,a;s' 3! remo%in5
o%ert onf,its that &rrent,! e7ist ;ithin them that e7ist d&e to MinnesotaAs +assin5 of C0APTER )..
B S>F> No> "-?* and the state ,a;s of )) other states> Additiona,,!' ;hen Minnesota forma,,! remo%es
anna3is from Shed&,e I in 3oth the R&,es and Stat&tes d&e to the fat that it has a 8&rrent,! ae+ted
media, &se in the United States:' Minnesota ;i,, then 3e standin5 on a +ro+er fo&ndation to
administrati%e,! +etition the DEA to remo%e anna3is from Shed&,e I from the Federa, Contro,,ed
S&3stanes At in a %er! simi,ar ;a! as the Petitioner is &rrent,! +etitionin5 the Board> S&h a +etition
;o&,d ,i4e,! 3e s&essf&, d&e to the fat that the Federa, 1CSA2 simi,ar,! &rrent,! ,assifies anna3is
as a Shed&,e I s&3stanes and defines Shed&,e I ;ith the e7at same ,an5&a5e>
Chi,e )- states in the United States ha%e no; +assed ,a;s sa!in5 that anna3is is a mediine' none
ha%e remo%ed anna3is from their StateAs %ersion of the Uniform Contro,,ed S&3stanes At ;ith the
rationa, that anna3is has a 8&rrent,! ae+ted media, &se in the United States:> In fat' on,! a %er!
,imited n&m3er of states ha%e remo%ed anna3is from Shed&,e I at a,,> D&e to the fat that Minnesota'
from the o&tset' has 3een %er! de,i3erati%e in their a++roah to +assin5 a media, anna3is ,a;' it is the
d&t! of the Board of Pharma! to dea, s@&are,! ;ith the +arts of the ,a; &nder their +&r%ie; that ;ere
o%er,oo4ed om+,ete,! d&rin5 this de,i3erati%e +roess> S&h an ation 3! the Board ;o&,d ,i4e,! res&,t
in +rotetin5 Minnesota +atients' state em+,o!ees' +harmaists' dotors' man&fat&rin5 om+anies'
their em+,o!ees' and man! more Minnesota itiDens from the threat of the federa, 5o%ernmentAs
interferene as this +ro5ram mo%es for;ard> To i5nore the im+at that this ,a;' and the ,a;s of )) other
states' has had on the Minnesota Contro,,ed S&3stanes At ;o&,d 3e irrationa, and re4,ess> Indeed'
no; is the +erfet time to ;ei5h in on this matter> The Board has 3efore it the a3i,it! to initiate the r&,e/
ma4in5 +roess to remo%e anna3is from Shed&,e I of the Minnesota R&,es and deide to reommend
to the ,e5is,at&re that the! remo%e anna3is from the Minnesota Stat&tes 3efore a sin5,e state/s+onsored
anna3is seed is +,anted on the 5ro&nd' 3efore a sin5,e +harmaist dis+enses it' and 3efore a sin5,e
Minnesota +atient o3tains it>
Petitioners see4 to fo,,o; the o&rse harted 3! the Minnesota Le5is,at&re ;hen it enated MinnesotaAs
%ersion of the Uniform CSA> B! ;or4in5 ;ith the e7istin5 CSA str&t&re and +roed&res for remo%in5
or re,assif!in5 dr&5s from Shed&,e I' ;e an +ro%ide a hea,th! a,ternati%e to the methods of the other
states ;ith media, anna3is ,a;s 3! reso,%in5 inonsistent ,a;s in Minnesota and +ro%idin5 a +ath
for;ard to reso,%in5 the onf,it 3et;een state and federa, ,a;s on the to+i of media, anna3is>
Ke%in Riah' in The Minnesota State BarAs offiia, +&3,iation' Benh E Bar' had this to sa!F
Media, mari9&ana has arri%ed in Minnesota' and ,on5/s&fferin5 +atients ma! fina,,! find
re,ief> Last month' stron5 3i+artisan ma9orities in the Minnesota 0o&se and Senate ,e5a,iDed
the &se of media, mari9&ana> Des+ite ;ides+read s&++ort for the ne; ,a;' ho;e%er' its
s&ess is no s&re thin5>
The man&fat&re' distri3&tion' and &se of media, mari9&ana remain federa, rimes e%en
tho&5h Minnesota no; +ermits s&h ond&t> B&sinesses' 3an4s' dotors' +atients' and e%en
,a;!ers ris4 federa, +rose&tion for the sa,e and &se of media, mari9&ana' des+ite MinnesotaGs
ne; ,a;> F&rther' MinnesotaGs R&,es of Professiona, Cond&t +rohi3it a ,a;!er from
o&nse,in5 a ,ient to en5a5e in a rime or assistin5 a ,ient en5a5ed in a rime> A ,a;!er ;ho
+ro%ides 3asi 3&siness ad%ie or ,e5a, ser%ies to a mari9&ana/re,ated 3&siness' s&h as
draftin5 or+orate formation or transationa, do&ments' ma! %io,ate not on,! federa, ,a; 3&t
a,so MinnesotaGs ethis r&,es> Fina,,!' federa, 3an4in5 ,a; hamstrin5s those finania,
instit&tions ,oo4in5 to in%est in or ser%e MinnesotaGs ne; media, mari9&ana 3&sinesses>
MinnesotaGs media, mari9&ana 3&sinesses annot f&ntion' ,et a,one meet the needs of
Minnesota +atients' ;itho&t the +rofessiona, ser%ies of ,a;!ers and 3an4s> Het the threat of
federa, +rose&tion and other santion is a serio&s disinenti%e for +rofessiona,s to 5et
in%o,%ed in the media, mari9&ana ind&str!> The ne; ,a;Gs s&ess ;i,, t&rn in ,ar5e +art on
ho; MinnesotaGs U>S> Attorne!' the Offie of La;!ers Professiona, Res+onsi3i,it!' the
Minnesota S&+reme Co&rt' and Con5ress reso,%e these ontraditions>
The Minnesota Board of Pharma! has the ethia, and stat&tor! d&t! to at to he,+ reso,%e these
ontraditions and has the +o;er to do so>
Evidence in Support of Rulemaking: Cannabis as Currently !ccepted Medical "se in the
"nited States.
It is a matter of reord that a 5ro;in5 n&m3er of state 5o%ernments ha%e' ;ith inreasin5 fre@&en! in
the +ast deade' reo5niDed that anna3is has s&3stantia, %a,&e in mediina, a++,iations 3! enatin5
,a;s or re5&,ations a&thoriDin5 s&h &se> A +er&sa, of these %ario&s state re5&,ator! shemes a,so
demonstrates that' as a +rod&t of de3ate and de,i3eration 3! 5o%ernment a5enies' hea,thare
+rofessiona,s and onerned and affeted +atients' these states ha%e a,so esta3,ished ae+ta3,e safet!
standards for the &se of anna3is &nder media, s&+er%ision> The +assa5e and e7istene of these ,a;s'
in,&din5 MinnesotaAs o;n media, anna3is ,a;' s@&are,! and &ndenia3,! s&++ort the remo%a, of
anna3is from Shed&,e .>
The fo,,o;in5 state stat&tes or re5&,ations +ro%ide 5enera,,! for the derimina,iDed &se of anna3is
&nder state ,a; 3! @&a,ified +atients &nder media, s&+er%ision and onditionsF
A,as4a Stat&tes < .?>)? 1.$$#2J AriDona Re%ised Stat&tes' Tit,e )=' Cha+ter "#>.' << )=/"#*.
thro&5h )=/"#.$ 1"*.*2J Ca,ifornia 0ea,th E Safet! Code < ..)=">( 1.$$=2J Co,orado
Constit&tion Arti,e KLIII' Setion .- 1"***2J Conneti&t P&3,i At No> ."/((' Conneti&t
Genera, Stat&tes' Cha+ter -"*f 1"*."2J De,a;are Code' Tit,e .=' Cha+ter -$A' << -$*.A thro&5h
-$"=A 1"*..2J 0a;aii Re%ised Stat&tes < )"$/.". 1"***2J I,,inois P&3,i At $#/*."" 1"*.)2J ""
Maine Re%ised Stat&tes < ")#)/B 1.$$$2J Annotated Code of Mar!,and Setion .)B))*. thro&5h
.)B))*) and .)B))*? thro&5h .)B)).. 1"*.-2J Massah&setts Cha+ter )=$ of the Ats of "*."
1"*."2J Mihi5an Com+i,ed La;s' Cha+ter )))' << )))>"=-". thro&5h )))>"=-)* 1"**#2J
Minnesota SF "-?* // Si5ned into ,a; 3! Go%> Mar4 Da!ton on Ma! "$' "*.-' A++ro%edF B!
Senate -=/.=' 3! 0o&se #$/-*' Effeti%eF Ma! )*' "*.-J Montana Code Annotated < (*/-=/.*.
1"**-2J Ne%ada Constit&tion Arti,e - < )# / Ne%ada Re%ised Stat&tes Annotated < -()A>*.*
1"***2J Ne; 0am+shire Re%ised Stat&tes Annotated Cha+ter ."=/C 1"*.)2J Ne; Merse! P&3,i
La;s "**$' Cha+ter )*?' Ne; Merse! Stat&tes' Cha+ter "-F=I' << "-F=./. thro&5h "-F=I/.= 1"*.*2J
Ne; Me7io Stat&tes Annotated < )*/).C/. 1"**?2J Ore5on Re%ised Stat&tes < -?(>)** 1.$$#2J
Rhode Is,and Genera, La;s < "./"#>=/. 1"**=2J .# Lermont Stat&tes Annotated < --?. 1"**-2J
Re%ised Code Cashin5ton 1ARCC2 < =$>(.A>**( 1.$$#2> D>C> La; .#/".*J D>C> Offiia, Code'
Tit,e ?' Cha+ter .=B' << ?/.=?.>*. thro&5h ?/.=?.>.) 1"*.*2>
Additiona,,!' the fo,,o;in5 state stat&tes or re5&,ations +ro%ide 5enera,,! for the derimina,iDed &se of
8,o; T0C' hi5h anna3idio, 1CBD2: +rod&tsF
A,a3ama' Senate Bi,, .?-' Si5ned into ,a; 3! Go%ernor Ro3ert Bent,e! 1A+r> .' "*.-2J F,orida'
Senate Bi,, .*)*' Si5ned into ,a; 3! Go%ernor Ri4 Sott 1M&ne .=' "*.-2J Io;a' Senate Fi,e ")=*'
Si5ned into ,a; 3! Go%ernor Terr! Branstad 1Ma! )*' "*.-2J Kent&4!' Senate Bi,, ."-' Si5ned
into ,a; 3! Go%ernor Ste%e Beshear 1A+r> .*' "*.-2J Mississi++i' 0o&se Bi,, .").' Si5ned 3! Go%>
Phi, Br!ant 1A+r> .?' "*.-2J Misso&ri' 0o&se Bi,, "")#' Si5ned 3! Go%> Ma! Ni7on 1M&,! .-' "*.-2J
So&th Caro,ina' Senate Bi,, .*)(' The 3i,, 3eame ,a; 3ea&se Go%ernor Ni44i 0a,e! did not si5n
or %eto the 3i,, ;ithin fi%e da!s of its +assa5e 1Ma! "$' "*.-2J Tennessee' Senate Bi,, "().' Si5ned
into ,a; 3! Go%> Bi,, 0as,am 1Ma! .=' "*.-2J Utah' 0o&se Bi,, .*(' Si5ned into ,a; 3! Go%ernor
Gar! 0er3ert 1Mar> ".' "*.-2J Cisonsin' Assem3,! Bi,, ?"=' Si5ned 3! Go%ernor Sott Ca,4er
1A+r> .=' "*.-2>
Gi%en the s&3stantia, 3od! of states reent,! a&thoriDin5 anna3is for s&+er%ised media, treatments' it
is sim+,! im+,a&si3,e to s&55est that there is 6no6 ae+ted media, &se for anna3is in the United
States or that 6no6 safe,! ontro,,ed onditions ha%e 3een determined for s&h &se' as e%idened 3!
media, anna3is re5&,ator!Idis+ensar! +ro5rams that ha%e 3een de%e,o+ed in s&h states>
In addition to these state ,a;s' the Petitioner +resents the fo,,o;in5 s&++,ementa, e%idene' e%en
tho&5h it is 3e,ie%ed 3! the Petitioner that the on,! e%idene neessar! to sho; that anna3is doesnAt
3e,on5 in Shed&,e I is one state media, anna3is ,a; and has +resented the Board ;ith )- of them>
The U>S> De+artment of 0ea,th and 0&man Ser%ies +atent on the e7tration of nat&ra,,! o&rrin5
anna3inoids from mari9&ana for ,e5itimate media, +&r+oses> United State Patent No> ='=)*'(*? B.'
Oto3er ?' "**)> Canna3inoids as antio7idants and ne&ro+rotetantsF
In "*.*' after a fo&r month ,on5 in%esti5ation' the Io;a Board of Pharma! reommended that
anna3is 3e remo%ed from Shed&,e I of the Io;a Uniform Contro,,ed S&3stanes At> The! +ro+osed
,e5is,ation to transfer anna3is from Shed&,e I to II on No%em3er "$'"*.*F
In "*.*' the Nationa, Assoiation of Boards of Pharma! a;arded the Io;a Board of Pharma! the
Fred T> Mahaffe! A;ard for reommendin5 remo%a, of anna3is from Shed&,e I of the Io;a CSA> The
a;ard statedF
8After a n&m3er of +&3,i hearin5s' man! ho&rs s+ent ,istenin5 to +atients' dotors' +harmaists'
and ,e5is,ators' as ;e,, as re%ie;in5 h&ndreds of media, arti,es and other state ,a;s' the Board
mo%ed for;ard in its deision to reommend that the Io;a state ,e5is,at&re re,assif! anna3is as a
Shed&,e II ontro,,ed s&3stane' ;hih ;o&,d a,,o; media, &ses of anna3is>: .*=th Ann&a,
Meetin5' he,d Ma! ""/"('"*.*' in Anaheim' CA>
Monda!' No%em3er "' "*.*' the U>S> Dr&5 Enforement Administration +etitioned itse,f to +&t
nat&ra,,! e7trated T0C in Shed&,e III 1;here s!ntheti T0C has 3een ,isted sine .$$$2J Lo,> ?(
Federa, Re5ister' No> ".*' +a5es =?*(-/=?*($' sho;in5 that the DEA no; onsiders anna3is to 3e a
,e5itimate so&re of FDA/a++ro%ed +harmae&tia,sF
The e7istene of these a3o%e re5&,ator! shemes' the 5ro;in5 ae+tane of media, anna3is in the
media, and sientifi omm&nit! e7em+,ified a3o%e' ;hen e7amined in ,i5ht of MinnesotaAs stat&tor!
e7+,iit re@&irements for ,istin5 a dr&5 in Shed&,e I of the CSA' &n@&estiona3,! esta3,ish that anna3is
no ,on5er @&a,ifies as a dr&5 that an 3e ,isted &nder Shed&,e I> Consistent ;ith the BoardAs mission of
re5&,atin5 the +ratie of dis+ensin5 of mediations in Minnesota' Petitioners res+etf&,,! s&3mit that
the Board m&st remo%e anna3is from Shed&,e I>
#revious petitions
Petitioner has +re%io&s,! +etitioned the Board t;ie' on M&,! ")rd' "*.* and Marh .=th' "*..' to
en5a5e in the r&,e/ma4in5 +roess to remo%e anna3is from the ,ist of s&3stanes ,assified as Shed&,e
I in the Minnesota R&,es>
On M&,! ")rd' "*.* and Marh .=' "*..' Petitioner fi,ed administrati%e +etitions for r&,e/ma4in5 ;ith
the Board see4in5 the remo%a, of anna3is from the Minnesota R&,es> E,etroni o+ies of these t;o
+etitions and the BoardAs res+onses ha%e 3een in,&ded ;ith the s&3mission of the &rrent Petition>
Petitioner ar5&ed that the ,assifiation of anna3is &nder Minnesota Stat&te < .(">*" 1"21)2 and
Minnesota R&,es =#**>-".*1C21.?2 as ha%in5 8no ae+ted media, &se in treatment in the United
States: 1Minnesota Stat&te < .(">*" 1?21.22 ;as no ,on5er %a,id> 0anna ar5&ed that 3ea&se .- and .(
states had ae+ted the media, &se of anna3is as of M&,! ")rd' "*.* and Marh .=' "*..' res+eti%e,!'
anna3is had 8&rrent,! ae+ted media, &se in treatment in the United States:> 0anna ar5&ed the
Board had a stat&tor! d&t! to initiate the r&,e ma4in5 +roess to remo%e anna3is from Shed&,e I
3ea&se it ;as 8&rrent,!: mis,assified as a matter of ,a;> 0e a,so ar5&ed that 3ea&se the ,e5is,at&re
in,&ded the ;ord 8&rrent,!: and that the Board of Pharma! had a mandator! ann&a, re%ie; of the
+,aement of a,, ontro,,ed s&3stanes' that the! had to at to remo%e anna3is from Shed&,e I at the
time of the Petitions' e%en tho&5h anna3is 8&rrent,!: didnAt ha%e an 8ae+ted media, &se in
treatment in the United States: ;hen anna3is ;as +,aed in Shed&,e I 3! the Minnesota ,e5is,at&re in
Unfort&nate,!' after fi,in5 a Minnesota Go%ernment Data Praties At ;ith the Board of Pharma!As
Res+onsi3,e A&thorit!' it ;as determined that near,! a,, 5o%ernment data re,ated to these t;o +etitions
and the s&3se@&ent ,o33!in5 and ad%isin5 done 3! the Board in an attem+t to han5e the BoardAs
a&thorit! to remo%e s&3stanes from Shed&,e I has 3een either de,eted' ,assified as non/+&3,i' or has
5one 8missin5:> As an aside' Petitioner as4s that the Board serio&s,! onsider &+datin5 their data
retention shed&,e so as to ao&nt for the Information A5e and the da;n of e,etroni emai,>
$oard Minutes for %uly &'( )*&*
8The Board reei%ed a re@&est from Mr> K&rt 0anna' a itiDen of the state of Minnesota' re@&estin5 that
the Board en5a5e in the r&,e/ma4in5 +roess for the +&r+ose of reshed&,in5 mari9&ana from Shed&,e
I to Shed&,e II> After m&h dis&ssion' Ms> La&ra Sh;artD;a,d mo%ed and Dr> Stae! Masse!
seonded that staff has the a&thoriDation to den! en5a5in5 in the r&,e/ma4in5 +roess>:
M&,! .-' "*.*' Minnesota Board of Pharma! min&tes
It is ;orth notin5 that Ms> La&ra Sh;artD;a,d a++,ied and ;as ae+ted as a mem3er of the Tas4
Fore on Media, Canna3is Tas4> 0er a++,iation' ;hih is attahed' ited that' 8as a mem3er of the
Board of Pharma! for the ,ast - !ears' I ha%e some e7+eriene ;ith the histor! of the ,e5is,ation and
ha%e 3een fo,,o;in5 it ;ith interest sine some of the s&++orters of the ,e5is,ation initia,,! a++roahed
the Board of Pharma! ;ith +ro+osed r&,es han5es>: and 8the &se of media, anna3is to a,,e%iate
s!m+toms in ertain disease states is a3so,&te,! ;onderf&,>:
Reasons for &st petition denial:
The BoardAs a&thorit! to de,ete or reshed&,e s&3stanes from Shed&,e I' 3! r&,e' arti&,ated in
.(">*" s&3d> # is +ermissi%e' not mandator!' and therefore the Board ;as not re@&ired to
en5a5e in r&,ema4in5>
The Board does not ha%e an affirmati%e o3,i5ation in S&3d # to ma4e an! reommendations to
the Le5is,at&re onernin5 the shed&,in5 of ontro,,ed s&3stanes>
R&,e/ma4in5 is a ,on5 +roess that an 3e ost,! in terms of 3oth mone! and time' +arti&,ar,!
if the r&,es are si5nifiant,! ontro%ersia,>
There are three se+arate ste+s in the +roess that re@&ire re%ie; 3! the Go%ernorAs Offie' and
a,tho&5h not onfirmed' there is no reason to 3e,ie%e that Go%ernor Pa;,ent! ;o&,d a,,o; the
r&,e/ma4in5 +roess to mo%e for;ard>
S&h a r&,e ;o&,d &ndo&3ted,! 3e ontro%ersia, and ;o&,d re@&ire the e7+endit&re of
si5nifiant reso&res B in terms of 3oth mone! and time B that the Board did not ha%e at its
The ,e5is,at&re has ne%er direted the Board to s+eifia,,! address the &se of anna3is
E%en if it did ma4e the r&,e han5e' the rimina, restritions onernin5 the &se of mari9&ana
;o&,d remain in MN Stat&tes> This ;o&,d +otentia,,! reate a onf,it 3et;een those setions of
Cha+ter .(" that ma4e it a rime to se,, and +ossess mari9&ana and Setions .(">.. and .(">."
;hih' res+eti%e,!' a,,o; for the dis+ensin5 and +resri3in5 of dr&5s in shed&,es II thro&5h L>
Federa, ,a;s that rimina,iDe the &se of mari9&ana ;o&,d remain in effet
The Board s&55ested that the +ro+er %en&e for reso,%in5 this ontro%ers! is the Le5is,at&re or
e%en Con5ress B not the Board of Pharma!
Second petition video:
Meetin5' Ma! ..' "*..
E7er+t from Ma! ..' "*.. meetin5 min&tes 1f&,, min&tes attahed2F
Petition of K&rt 0anna re,ated to the remo%a, of anna3is from Shed&,e I
K&rt 0anna' +etitionerJ Rand! R&ast' E7e&ti%e Diretor of Minnesota Norma, 1MN Norma,2J Ms>
Me,issa Foss&m' a +harmaistJ Mr> Ma4sim To&ra!' a mem3er of MN Norma,J Mr> Dan Lae4'
mem3er of the +&3,iJ Mr> Sott Boh,er' mem3er of MN Norma,J and Mr> Nathan Ste%ens' mem3er
of the +&3,i' +ro%ided testimon! to the Board> After o%er t;o ho&rs of ,istenin5 to testimon!'
re%ie;in5 the staff ana,!sis and reommendation do&ment and dis&ssin5 the +etition' Mr>
Car,eton Cra;ford mo%ed and Mr> Mames Ko++en seonded that the +etition 3e denied and that the
E7e&ti%e Diretor sho&,d omm&niate the reasons for denia,> The motion +assed>
8Pro+osed stat&tor! han5es and ,e5is,ati%e iss&es> Dr> Ci3er5 +resented the Board ;ith an &+date
on ,e5is,ati%e ation in%o,%in5 the fo,,o;in5 iss&es> No ation ;as re@&ired>
Cha+ter .(. han5es
Cha+ter .(" han5es:
This 8+ro+osed stat&tor! han5es and ,e5is,ati%e iss&es' ;hih ha++ened at the same meetin5 at ;hih
m! +etition ;as denied' ;as re,ated to 0F(?' ;hih attem+ted to remo%e the BoardAs stat&tor!
a&thorit! to remo%e s&3stanes from Shed&,e I>
Reasons for )nd petition denial +letter attached,:
.2 The e%idene that the Petitioner +ro%ided re5ardin5 ae+ted media, &se of anna3is in the
United States is sti,, too inonsistent amon5 states and ontro%ersia, to 9&stif! reshed&,in5
"2 The ,e5is,at&re has a,read! ar%ed o&t an e7e+tion to mari9&ana rimina,iDation in the T0C
Thera+e&ti Researh At 18TRA:2 for 8aner +atients &nder5oin5 hemothera+! ;ho are
reei%in5 the dr&5 &nder the strit ontro,s of an a++ro%ed media, researh +ro5ram:> The! are
e7em+ted from rimina, santions> The MN Co&rt of A++ea,s has determined that the TRA
8sho;SsT on,&si%e,! that the +ossi3,e media, &ses of mari9&ana ha%e 3een 3ro&5ht to the
,e5is,at&reAs attention: and 8the ,e5is,at&re has s+eifia,,! addressed and determined the +ossi3,e
media, &ses of mari9&ana>: State %> 0anson 1Minn> A++> .$$.2
)2 Mari9&ana remains a Shed&,e I ontro,,ed s&3stane &nder the federa, Contro,,ed S&3stane
At 1CSA2> Mari9&anaAs Shed&,e I ,assifiation renders the man&fat&re' distri3&tion' or
+ossession of mari9&ana a rimina, offense &nder federa, ,a;' &n,ess the dr&5 is +art of a
5o%ernment/a++ro%ed researh +ro9et> ". USC #")1f2' #-.1a21.2' #--1a2> Sine the TRA is a 3ona
fide mari9&ana researh +ro5ram' ;hih is a&thoriDed &nder the CSA' the TRA is not +reem+ted 3!
the CSA> B&t if the Board ;ere to remo%e mari9&ana from Shed&,e I for +&r+oses other than
researh' the r&,e ;o&,d 3e in +ositi%e onf,it ;ith the federa, ,a; +rohi3itin5 Shed&,e I
+resri+tions> The U>S> Attorne! Genera, Eri 0o,der iss&ed a 5&ide,ine in "**$ notin5 that 8no
State an a&thoriDe %io,ations of federa, ,a;>:
It is im+ortant to note that the PetitionerGs ar5&ment didnGt s&55est that there ;as no; a ritia, mass of
states that had media, mari9&ana ,a;s' and th&s mari9&ana had 8ae+ted media, &se:' 3&t instead that
the Board ;o&,d ha%e 3een ;e,, ;ithin its a&thorit! to &nderta4e the re%ie; +etitioned herein at an!
time after the date' in .$$=' of the +assa5e of Ca,iforniaGs 8Pro+ ".(:' the first media, mari9&ana
aess ,a;> It is &n@&estiona3,! ;ithin that a&thorit! toda! ;ith the ado+tion of )- media, anna3is
,a;s in o%er t;o/thirds of the states> Th&s' in res+ondin5 3! sa!in5 that 0annaGs e%idene ;as 8too
inonsistent amon5 states:' PetitionerGs ar5&ment that one state is a,, that ;o&,d 3e needed ;as not
ade@&ate,! addressed 3! the Board in their denia, ,etter>
Changes in the underlying la- and circumstances surrounding the #etition in intervening years:
The Board a&thoriDed Dr> Ci3er5 to ma4e han5es to the ,a; fo,,o;in5 m! first +etition at a Man&ar! ('
"*.. meetin5 1min&tes attahed2F
8Dr> Ci3er5 ne7t as4ed the Board for +ermission to ;or4 on the fo,,o;in5
amendments to Minnesota Stat&tes Cha+ter .(">
)> Modif! the BoardGs a&thorit! to reshed&,e s&3stanes that are in Shed&,e I>
-> Remo%e a referene to a tas4 fore that is no ,on5er in e7istene>
After some dis&ssion' Ms> Karen Ber5r&d mo%ed that Dr> Ci3er5 3e a,,o;ed to
;or4 on these amendments> Mr> Mames Ko++en seonded the motion and it +assed> :
This t&rned into the fo,,o;in5 reommendations in the "*.* attahed do&mentF 8Re+ort to the
Le5is,at&re on Chan5es the Board has Made to the Contro,,ed S&3stane Shed&,es Maintained 3! the
Board in Minnesota R&,es :>
The re+ort s&mmar! ;as mis,eadin5 and did not +ro%ide an ao&nt of a,, reommended stat&tor!
han5es> It has s&mmaries ,i4e thisF
8The Board is +ro+osin5 that referenes to a ontro,,ed s&3stanes ad%isor! ommittee 3e
stri4en from Minnesota Stat&tes <.(">*"> The Le5is,at&re e,iminated that ad%isor! ommittee
in the .$$*Gs 3&t missed some referenes to it in <.(">*">
Chi,e the at&a, han5e ,oo4ed ,i4e thisF
8The state Board of Pharma!' after ons&,tin5 ;ith the Ad%isor! Co&ni, on Contro,,ed
S&3stanes' sha,, ann&a,,!' on or 3efore Ma! . of eah !ear' ond&t a re%ie; of the +,aement
of ontro,,ed s&3stanes in the %ario&s shed&,es> :
It a,so had this s&mmar!F
The Board is a,so +ro+osin5 the remo%a, of a re@&irement for the Board to do an ann&a,
8im+,ementation st&d!: ;hih the Board is not e@&i++ed to do>
Chih at&a,,! ,oo4ed ,i4e this f&rther do;n in the re+ortF
S&3d> .)> Im+,ementation st&d!> Ann&a,,!' the state Board of Pharma! sha,, st&d! the
im+,ementation of this ha+ter in re,ation to the +ro3,ems of dr&5 a3&se in Minnesota>
Lan5&a5e ;as a,so +ro+osed that ;o&,d a,,o; the Board to &se the e7+edited r&,e/ma4in5 +roess
;hen han5in5 the ontro,,ed s&3stane shed&,es 1;hih is a stran5e thin5 to do ;hen sim&,taneo&s,!
as4in5 that their a&thorit! to remo%e s&3stanes 3e remo%edF
.he $oard may use the e/pedited process described in section &'.012 -hen e/ercising its
authority under subdivisions 3( 1( 2 and &) of this section.
This si5nifiant stat&te han5e ;as s&55ested to 3e added ;itho&t an! mention in the re+ort s&mmar!F
8The Board of Pharma! ma! not reshed&,e a dr&5 that is in shed&,e I' e7e+t that the Board
ma! reshed&,e s&h dr&5 +&rs&ant to s&3di%ision ." of this setion> :
In addition to Board mem3er Ms> Sh;artD;a,dAs +,aement on the Tas4 Fore on Media, Canna3is'
Dr> Ci3er5 ;rote a memorand&m and ontri3&ted in the draftin5 +roess of the Minnesota anna3is
,a; 1memorand&m attahed2' and one of the BoardAs staff mem3ers' Mr> 0&ff' is ;or4in5 ro&5h,! .*
ho&rs a ;ee4 ;ith the Minnesota De+artment of 0ea,th on the to+i of media, anna3is> Additiona,,!'
+harmaists ;i,, 3e reommendin5 dosa5es and strain t!+es to +atients and ;i,, 3e the on,! +rofession
a,,o;ed &nder Minnesota ,a; to dis+ense the hash oi, &nder the ne; media, anna3is ,a;> It ;as said
3! Mann! M&nson/Re5a,a' an assistant ommissioner ;ith MD0' that 8Distri3&tin5 mari9&ana is
i,,e5a, &nder federa, ,a;: and that 8Pratitioners ;ho def! the ,a; o&,d 9eo+ardiDe the +resri3in5
a&thorit! iss&ed to them 3! the federa, 5o%ernment: A,so' Cod! Ci3er5 said that 8Man! +harmaists
share SUT onerns a3o&t S>>>T the +otentia, ris4 in%o,%ed in %io,atin5 federa, dr&5 ,a;s:>
E/empting cannabis from Schedule I instead of removing cannabis from Schedule I:
Petitioner as4s that the Board en5a5e in r&,e/ma4in5 to s+eifia,,! e7em+t +,ants of the 5en&s
anna3is from Shed&,e I of the Minnesota R&,es and to re+ort to the ,e5is,at&re that the! o&5ht
to do the same ;ith Minnesota Stat&tes d&e to the ana,o5&e ,an5&a5e that ;as added and the
s!ntheti anna3inoids that ;ere +,aed in Shed&,e I in reent !ears> It ;o&,d 3e an odd and
fr&stratin5 o&tome for anna3is to 3e remo%ed from Shed&,e I' rather than e7em+ted' 3&t to
ha%e it sti,, 3e treated as a Shed&,e I s&3stane 3ea&se it is an ana,o5&e to s!ntheti
4ederalism and the CS!
The states' and not the federa, 5o%ernment' deide iss&es of mediine> It is a +art of the state
+o,iin5 +o;ers> The Federa, dr&5 ,a;' the Contro,,ed S&3stanes At' ". U>S>C> Se> $*)' 5i%es the
states' and not the federa, 5o%ernment' the a&thorit! to determine ae+ted media, &se ;ithin the state>
See GonDa,es %> Ore5on' (-= U>S> "-)' "=$/?* 1"**=2F
The stat&te and o&r ase ,a; am+,! s&++ort the on,&sion that Con5ress re5&,ates media,
+ratie insofar as it 3ars dotors from &sin5 their +resri+tion/;ritin5 +o;ers as a means to
en5a5e in i,,iit dr&5 dea,in5 and traffi4in5 as on%entiona,,! &nderstood> Be!ond this'
ho;e%er' the stat&te manifests no intent to re5&,ate the +ratie of mediine 5enera,,!> The
si,ene is &nderstanda3,e 5i%en the str&t&re and ,imitations of federa,ism' ;hih a,,o;s the
States V5reat ,atit&de &nder their +o,ie +o;ers to ,e5is,ate as to the +rotetion of the ,i%es'
,im3s' hea,th' omfort' and @&iet of a,, +ersons>: Medtronic, Inc. v. Lohr' (.# U>S> -?*' -?('
..= S> Ct> ""-* 1.$$=2 1citations omitted2>
The United States S&+reme Co&rt r&,ed that the federa, 5o%ernment' des+ite its ar5&ments' o&,d
not esta3,ish an! a&thorit! to re5&,ate the +ratie of mediine ;ithin the %ario&s states e7e+t in
re5&,atin5 the +resri+tion ;ritin5 +o;ers of +harma! +rofessiona,s> (-= U>S> at "?(> The Co&rt he,d
that the te7t and the str&t&re of the federa, CSA fai,ed to sho; an! Con5ressiona, intent to shift +o;er
of re5&,atin5 the State +ratie of mediine a;a! from the States themse,%es>
Bea&se anna3is no; has &rrent,! ae+ted and safe media, &se in )- states and the Distrit of
Co,&m3ia' 3ea&se federa, ,a; defines &rrent,! ae+ted media, &se in the United States to 3e
;hate%er the state re5&,ators define it as' and 3ea&se the DEAGs o;n Administrati%e La; M&d5e has
a,read! determined that anna3is is safe for &se &nder media, s&+er%ision' the Minnesota definition for
a Shed&,e I ontro,,ed s&3stane 1Minn> Stat> Se> .(">*"1"21)22 no ,on5er rationa,,! a++,ies to
anna3is and MinnesotaGs Stat&tes and R&,es m&st 3e amended to ref,et these han5es>
The ma9orit! of the states enatin5 media, anna3is ,a;s ha%e done so 3! &ti,iDin5 referend&m or
+&3,i initiati%es or ,e5is,ati%e ations ;hih ori5inated ne; and inde+endent ,a;s and not 3!
+etitionin5 the Pharma! Board' or orres+ondin5 a5en!' of the %ario&s states> In most ases' this has
res&,ted in some inonsistent res&,ts' as in' for e7am+,e' Ca,ifornia' ;here media, anna3is is hi5h,!
a%ai,a3,e in state/,iensed dis+ensaries' +&3,iiDed and a4no;,ed5ed' !et anna3is ontin&es to 3e
,isted in Ca,iforniaAs CSA Shed&,e .> ( A nota3,e e7e+tion is Io;a' ;hose Pharma! Board has ated
to remo%e anna3is from Shed&,e I 3! reommendation to the Io;a Le5is,at&re' as re@&ired 3! the
Io;a Board r&,es> See referenes to Io;a Pharma! Board ati%it! a3o%e> The Io;a Board
reommendation and res&,tin5 ,e5is,ati%e ation ha%e' at the time of ;ritin5' sti,, not 3een ated &+on
3! the Io;a Le5is,at&re>
Petitioners an on,! s+e&,ate ;h! man! of the )- states enatin5 media, anna3is shemes ha%e
fai,ed to a,so modif! their o;n StateAs CSA Shed&,e I ,istin5 of anna3is> Ore5on has de,eted anna3is
from Shed&,e I 3&t most ha%e not> It is PetitionersA earnest 3e,ief that this re@&est to the Board to 3rin5
its definitions of anna3is as a shed&,ed dr&5 1or not2 &+ to date ;ith &rrent ae+tane standards in
the United States is a methodia, and ,e5is,ati%e,! endorsed %ehi,e to res+onsi3,! address this
im+ortant iss&e>
In the United States' it is the states / and not the federa, 5o%ernment / that define the 3o&nds of
ae+ta3,e media, +ratie and ;hat dr&5s or s&3stanes ha%e ae+ted media, &se> See GonDa,es %>
Ore5on' (-= U>S> "-)' ."= S>Ct> $*- 1"**=2 1ho,din5 that federa, Contro,,ed S&3stane At did not
5i%e Attorne! Genera, +o;er to deide standards of media, +ratie 3! +rosri3in5 &se of ertain
dr&5s for &se in +h!siian assisted s&iide2> Conse@&ent,!' the +ro+er ,assifiation of s&3stanes and
dr&5s on the 3asis of their media, &ti,it! is entire,! a f&ntion of deisions a3o&t media, +ratie
made 3! the indi%id&a, states> To date' )- states and the Distrit of Co,&m3ia ha%e reo5niDed 3!
stat&te that anna3is has &rrent,! ae+ted media, &se in the treatment of %ario&s media, onditions
and that it is ae+ta3,e for media, &se &nder media, s&+er%ision> Th&s' anna3is does ha%e 6ae+ted
media, &se in the United States6 and no ,on5er meets the stat&tor! riteria for ,istin5 in Shed&,e I of
the Minnesota Stat&tes or R&,es>
The Board has +re%io&s,! ta4en the +osition that GonDa,es %> Raih' (-( U>S> . 1"**(2' s&++orted
the BoardAs deision that re,assif!in5 anna3is o&t of Shed&,e I ;o&,d res&,t in an im+ermissi3,e
onf,it 3et;een federa, rimina, ,a;s and state re5&,ation of mediines> This +osition is no ,on5er
tena3,e 3ea&se the Minnesota Le5is,at&re has reent,! +assed ,a;s that res&,t in an im+ermissi3,e
onf,it 3et;een federa, rimina, ,a;s and state re5&,ation of mediine> The @&estion no; is ;hether
the Board ;i,, ;or4 to +&t Minnesota on a firm fo&ndation from ;hih o&r state an administrati%e,!
+etition the federa, 5o%ernment' in a manner simi,ar to this Petition to the Board' to reso,%e this
im+ermissi3,e onf,it> The tr&th of the matter is that it is the ,assifiation of anna3is in Shed&,e I in
Minnesota and in the Federa, Code that is im+ermissi3,e' not the media, anna3is ,a; that ;as +assed>
In Raih' the S&+reme Co&rt &+he,d Con5ressA a&thorit! &nder the Interstate Commere C,a&se of
the U>S> Constit&tion to +rohi3it the ,oa, &,ti%ation of anna3is in Ca,ifornia' e%en ;here Ca,iforniaAs
media, anna3is ,a;s e7em+ted s&h ati%ities from state rimina, ,a;s 3annin5 anna3is &,ti%ation>
A,tho&5h the Raih o&rt e7+ressed that it ;as tro&3,ed 3! Con5ressA enforement of the federa,
Contro,,ed S&3stanes At &nder the ir&mstanes 1i>e>' to +rohi3it media, treatment ati%ities that are
,a;f&, &nder Ca,ifornia ,a; ;here the effet ma! 3e to den! a +atient a treatment2' Con5ressA a&thorit!
&nder the Commere C,a&se ;as ,ear> Raih is sim+,! not ontro,,in5 nor e%en +ers&asi%e for se%era,
reasons> First' the Raih deision does not e7&se the Board from its ,e5a, d&t! to ma4e stat&tori,!
re@&ired determinations re5ardin5 ;hether s&3stanes ontin&e to meet the mandator! riteria for their
&rrent stat&tor! ,assifiations &nder the State of MinnesotaAs %ersion of the Uniform Contro,,ed
S&3stane At 1UCSA2 or Ca,iforniaAs %ersion of the UCSA> Nothin5 in the stat&tor! riteria for ;hih
dr&5s sha,, 3e +,aed into Shed&,e I of MinnesotaAs CSA a&thoriDes in,&sion of a dr&5 sim+,! 3ea&se
it is ,isted on the federa, CSAAs Shed&,e .> The determinin5 riteria for +&r+oses of this Petition are
;hether the dr&5 has ae+ted media, &se in the United States> As noted a3o%e' it is an odd res&,t that
man! states ha%e not modified their o;n UCSA Shed&,e I ,ists to de,ete anna3is' and an odd res&,t
that fe;' if an!' ha%e +etitioned the federa, 5o%ernment to simi,ar,! han5e the ,istin5 of anna3is in the
federa, CSA Shed&,e I> Petitioners s&3mit that it is ,o5ia, that if more states fo,,o; the +ath of &sin5
e7istin5 stat&tor! shemes' s&h as the BoardAs' to fo,,o; e7istin5 r&,es and methodia,,! +roeed
to;ard han5e rather than +ass s+eia, interest ,a;s ha+haDard,!' then more ;i,, fo,,o; the ,ead of
Io;a and Minnesota>
Con5ress has not demonstrated an! attem+t to +reem+t state ,a; res+etin5 the re5&,ation of
mediine and dr&5s> See GonDa,es %> Ore5on' s&+ra 1ae+ta3,e media, +raties and mediina, dr&5s
are determined 3! state ,a;' not federa, ,a;2> MinnesotaGs fai,&re to onform to the +attern of the
Uniform Contro,,ed S&3stanes At onsistent ;ith the federa, Contro,,ed S&3stanes At a&ses a
fai,&re to +rotet the hea,th and ;e,fare of the itiDens of Minnesota' ontrar! to the intent of the UCSA
and the Minnesota Constit&tion' 8,e5itimate &se of ontro,,ed s&3stanes is essentia, for +&3,i hea,th
and safet!' and the a%ai,a3i,it! of these s&3stanes m&st 3e ass&red: 1Prefator! Note for Uniform
Contro,,ed S&3stanes At .$$*2J 8O39et of 5o%ernment> / Go%ernment is instit&ted for the se&rit!'
3enefit and +rotetion of the +eo+,e' in ;hom a,, +o,itia, +o;er is inherent>: 1MN Constit&tion Arti,e
I Se> .2
S.!.".5R6 7E4I8I.I58S
The meanin5 of the +hrase 8in the United States: in Minnesota Code < .(">*" 1?21.2 omes from the
Uniform Contro,,ed S&3stanes At 1do&ment attahed2' ;hih in t&rn omes from the federa,
Contro,,ed S&3stanes At>
The meanin5 of the +hrase 8in the United States: is not s+eifia,,! defined 3! Con5ress in the federa,
Contro,,ed S&3stanes At> Grins+oon %> DEA' #"# F>"d ##.' ##= Cir> .$#?2F
The CSAGs definition of 8United States: +,ain,! does not re@&ire the on,&sion asserted 3! the
Administrator sim+,! 3ea&se setion #*"1"#2 defines 8United States: as 8all places s&39et to the
9&risdition of the United States>: ". U>S>C> < #*"1"#2 1em+hasis s&++,ied2> Con5ress s&re,!
intended the referene to 8a,, +,aes: in setion #*"1"#2 to de,ineate the 3road 9&risditiona, so+e
of the CSA and to ,arif! that the CSA re5&,ates ond&t o&rrin5 any place' as o++osed to every
place' ;ithin the United States> As +etitioner a+t,! notes' a defendant har5ed ;ith %io,atin5 the
CSA 3! se,,in5 ontro,,ed s&3stanes in on,! t;o states ;o&,d not ha%e a defense 3ased on setion
#*"1"#2 if he ontended that his ati%it! had not o&rred in 8a,, +,aes: s&39et to United States
9&risdition> Ce add' moreo%er' that the AdministratorGs ,e%er ar5&ment on%enient,! omits an!
referene to the fat that the +ertinent +hrase in setion #."1321.21B2 reads 8in the United States':
1em+hasis s&++,ied2> Ce find this ,an5&a5e to 3e f&rther e%idene that the Con5ress did not intend
8ae+ted media, &se in treatment in the United States: to re@&ire a findin5 of reo5niDed media,
&se in e%er! state or' as the Administrator ontends' a++ro%a, for interstate mar4etin5 of the
F&rthermore' Con5ress did not s+eifia,,! define 8&rrent,! ae+ted media, &se: in the federa,
Contro,,ed S&3stane At> A,,iane for Canna3is Thera+e&tis %> DEA' $)* F>"d $)=' $)$ 1D>C> Cir>
.$$.2 18SnTeither the stat&te nor its ,e5is,ati%e histor! +reise,! defines the term V&rrent,! ae+ted
media, &seGJ > > >:2>
C,ear,!' the Board erred as a matter of ,a; on Ma! .=' "*..' ;hen it statedF 8The Board has
determined that the e%idene !o& +ro%ided re5ardin5 the ae+ted media, &se of mari9&ana in the
United States is sti,, too inonsistent amon5 states and ontro%ersia, to 9&stif! reshed&,in5 mari9&ana
to Shed&,e II at this time>:
There an 3e no do&3t that ,e5is,ation in e%en one state does onstit&te +roof that media, anna3is &se
has 3een ae+ted in the United States> GonDa,es %> Ore5on' (-= U>S> "-)' "(# 1"**=2 18The Attorne!
Genera, has r&,ema4in5 +o;er to f&,fi,, his d&ties &nder the CSA> The s+eifi res+ets in ;hih he is
a&thoriDed to ma4e r&,es' ho;e%er' instr&t &s that he is not a&thoriDed to ma4e a r&,e de,arin5
i,,e5itimate a media, standard for are and treatment of +atients that is s+eifia,,! a&thoriDed &nder
state ,a;>:2
Shed&,in5 of ontro,,ed s&3stanes &nder 3oth the federa, Contro,,ed S&3stanes At and the Uniform
Contro,,ed S&3stanes At is an administrati%e f&ntion that is aom+,ished 3! forma, r&,e ma4in5> As
the U>S> Co&rt of A++ea,s for the Ninth Cir&it +ointed o&t in Ore5on %> Ashroft' )=# F>)d ...# 1$th
Cir> "**-2F
Ce 3e5in ;ith instr&tions from the S&+reme Co&rt that the 8earnest and +rofo&nd de3ate a3o&t
the mora,it!' ,e5a,it!' and +ratia,it! of +h!siian/assisted s&iide: 3e,on5s amon5 state
,a;ma4ers> Washington v. Glucksberg' (". U>S> ?*"' ?)(' .)# L> Ed> "d ??"' ..? S> Ct> ""(#' ..?
S> Ct> ")*" 1.$$?2>
Id>' at ..")/.."->
The +rini+,e that state 5o%ernments 3ear the +rimar! res+onsi3i,it! for e%a,&atin5 +h!siian
assisted s&iide fo,,o;s from o&r one+t of federa,ism' ;hih re@&ires that state ,a;ma4ers' not
the federa, 5o%ernment' are 8the +rimar! re5&,ators of +rofessiona, Smedia,T ond&t>: Conant v.
Walters' )*$ F>)d ="$' =)$ 1$th Cir> "**"2J see a,so Glucksberg' (". U>S> at ?)? 1OAConnor' M>'
on&rrin52> The S&+reme Co&rt has made the onstit&tiona, +rini+,e ,earF 8O3%io&s,!' diret
ontro, of media, +ratie in the states is 3e!ond the +o;er of the federa, 5o%ernment>: Linder v.
United States' "=# U>S> (' .#' =$ L> Ed> #.$' -( S> Ct> --= 1.$"(2J see a,so arsky v. d. o!
"egents' )-? U>S> --"' --$' $# L> Ed> #"$' ?- S> Ct> =(* 1.$(-2 18It is e,ementa, that a state has
3road +o;er to esta3,ish and enfore standards of ond&t ;ithin its 3orders re,ati%e to the hea,th
of e%er!one there> It is a %ita, +art of a stateGs +o,ie +o;er>:2> The Attorne! Genera, 8ma! not > > >
re5&,ate Sthe dotor/+atientT re,ationshi+ to ad%ane federa, +o,i!>: Conant' )*$ F>)d at =-?
1KoDins4i' M>' on&rrin52>
Id>' at .."->
The CSA e7+ress,! ,imits federa, a&thorit! &nder the At to the 8fie,d of dr&5 a3&se>: P&3> L> No>
$./(.)' #- Stat> .")=J ". U>S>C> < #*.1"2/1=2> Contrar! to the Attorne! Genera,Gs harateriDation'
+h!siian assisted s&iide is not a form of dr&5 8a3&se: that Con5ress intended the CSA to o%er>
Sfootnote omittedT Ph!siian assisted s&iide is an &nre,ated' 5enera, media, +ratie to 3e
re5&,ated 3! state ,a;ma4ers in the first instane> Glucksberg' (". U>S> at ?)(' ?)? 1OAConnor' M>'
Based on the a&thorities and the dis&ssion set forth a3o%e' Petitioner res+etf&,,! re@&ests that the
Board 5rant Petitioners the re,ief so&5ht>
Tit,e ".' U>S>C> Contro,,ed S&3stane At' Setion $*)> A++,iation of State ,a;F
No +ro%ision of this s&3ha+ter sha,, 3e onstr&ed as indiatin5 an intent on the +art of Con5ress to
o&+! the fie,d in ;hih that +ro%ision o+erates' in,&din5 rimina, +ena,ties' to the e7,&sion of
an! State ,a; on the same s&39et matter ;hih ;o&,d other;ise 3e ;ithin the a&thorit! of the
State' &n,ess there is a +ositi%e onf,it 3et;een that +ro%ision of this s&3ha+ter and that State ,a;
so that the t;o annot onsistent,! stand to5ether>
.he $oard has a duty to fi/ .he #roblem and has many methods -ith -hich it can do so.
The Board is %ested ;ith a stat&tor! d&t! to e%a,&ate ;hether a s&3stane &rrent,! ,assified as a
Shed&,e I s&3stane in MinnesotaAs R&,es sho&,d 3e de,eted from that ,ist >
S&3d> ?> Board of Pharma!J re5&,ation of s&3stanes> The Board of Pharma! is a&thoriDed to
re5&,ate and define additiona, s&3stanes ;hih ontain @&antities of s&3stane +ossessin5 a3&se
+otentia, in aordane ;ith the fo,,o;in5 riteriaF
1.2 The Board of Pharma! shall +,ae a s&3stane in Shed&,e I if it finds that the s&3stane hasF
A hi5h +otentia, for a3&se' no &rrent,! ae+ted media, &se in the United States' and a ,a4 of
ae+ted safet! for &se &nder media, s&+er%ision>
Petitioner see4s the remo%a, of anna3is from Shed&,e I 3ea&se it does not meet the re@&ired riteria>
Petitioner e7+ets that the r&,e/ma4in5 +roess andIor ,e5is,ati%e +roess s+rin5in5 from the BoardAs
deision to so remo%e anna3is ;i,, res&,t in de,i3erations to determine the a++ro+riate Shed&,e to
re,assif! anna3is to' if an!' fo,,o;in5 remo%a, from Shed&,e I> Petitioner a;aits the o&tome of s&h
a de,i3erati%e +roess 3efore ta4in5 a +osition on ;hih' if an!' Shed&,e of MinnesotaAs CSA is
Bea&se it no ,on5er meets the riteria for 3ein5 so ,isted' as set forth 3e,o;' the Board an and sho&,d
remo%e anna3is from Shed&,e I 3ea&se it no ,on5er satisfies t;o of the mandator! riteria for
in,&sion in that Shed&,e> Canna3is no ,on5er satisfies the re@&irement that itF has 8no &rrent,!
ae+ted media, &se in the United States: Minn> Stat> Se> .(">*"1?21.2> The &nontro%erted +&3,i
reord e%idene set forth herein demonstrates that the! do not' and m&st 3e remo%ed from Shed&,e .>
The a&thorit! of the Board is set forth at Minn> Stat> Se> .(">*= et se@> 1Po;ers and D&ties2' ;hih
onfers a 3road d&t! to re5&,ate the +ratie of +harma! and the man&fat&re and sa,e of dr&5s in
Minnesota> Id> at .(.>*=1a21,21"2> The Board is 3road,! a&thoriDed to 6+erform s&h other d&ties and
e7erise s&h other +o;ers as the +ro%isions of the at ma! re@&ire>6 Of +rime im+ortane to this
Petition' the Board is s+eifia,,! em+o;ered to de,ete andIor reshed&,e s&3stanes ,isted in
MinnesotaAs CSA>

The Minnesota S&+reme Co&rt has s+eifia,,! inter+reted and defined the stat&tor! mandate of the
,e5is,at&re to the Board to ma4e s&h han5es to the ,ist of shed&,ed s&3stanes in Minnesota R&,es
and r&,ed that the BoardAs +o;er to re,assif! is inde+endent of an! ation that ma! or ma! not 3e ta4en
3! the Minnesota Le5is,at&re as to s&h ,assifiation> In State of Minnesota %> Kin5' "(? N>C>"d =$)'
=$? 1Minn> S> Ct> .$??2' the o&rt &+he,d the re,assifiation +o;er of the Board as a onstit&tiona,,!
%a,id de,e5ation of +o;er to the Board to ma4e fat&a, determinations re5ardin5 the a++,ia3i,it! of a
stat&te to a +arti&,ar s&3stane at iss&e> The Co&rt f&rther o3ser%ed that s&h an inter+retation of
inde+endent a&thorit! ;as onsistent ;ith the sort of +rofessiona, e7+ertise that ;o&,d 3e neessar! to
fair,! and f&,,! e%a,&ate the stat&tor! standards a++,ia3,e to deisions re5ardin5 the remo%a, and
re,assifiation of s&3stanes> Id>
The Kin5 deision s@&are,! s&++orts the assertion that the Board has the a&thorit! to &nderta4e this
re@&ested ation' and that it need not' and indeed sho&,d not' defer f&,fi,,in5 its stat&tor! d&t! to
re,assif! s&3stanes to the Minnesota ,e5is,at&re> This 3ein5 said' the Board a,so has the d&t! to ma4e
the Minnesota Le5is,at&re a;are of this defa&,t in the stat&tes and r&,es &sin5 their ann&a, re+orts>
Petitioner is a;are that the Board has in the +ast ontended that the BoardAs +o;er to re,assif!
s&3stanes +&rs&ant to Minn> Stat> "(">*"' S&3d> # is mere,! a +ermissi%e +o;er and that the Board has
no affirmati%e o3,i5ation to &nderta4e s&h a re,assifiation as to an! +arti&,ar s&3stane' e%en if
re@&ested 3! +etition and s&++orted 3! e%idene> Petitioners res+etf&,,! disa5ree>
Including the Misclassification of Cannabis in the Mandatory !nnual Reports to the :egislature:
&'.012; #R5CESS 45R RE#E!:I8< 5$S5:E.E R":ES.
Petitioner as4s that the Board in,&de in their ann&a, re+ort to the 5o%ernor' the Le5is,ati%e
Coordinatin5 Commission' the +o,i! and f&ndin5 ommittees and di%isions ;ith 9&risdition o%er the
a5en!' and the re%isor of stat&tes' the fat that +,ants from the 5en&s Canna3is and materia, nat&ra,,!
ori5inatin5 from them an no ,on5er 3e in,&ded in the ,ist of s&3stanes that ha%e 3een ,assified as
Shed&,e I s&3stanes in Minnesota R&,es> Petitioner a,so as4s that the Board de%e,o+ a 3i,, for
s&3mission to the a++ro+riate +o,i! ommittee to re+ea, o3so,ete R&,es < =#**>-".* 1C21.?2 and <
=#**>-".* 1C21"(2> S&h a 3i,, m&st in,&de +ro+osed a&thoriDation to &se the e7+edited +roed&res of
setion .->)#$ to amend the o3so,ete' &nneessar!' or d&+,iati%e R&,es < =#**>-".* 1C21.?2 and <
=#**>-".* 1C21"(2 to s+eifia,,! e7,&de 8the 5en&s Canna3is and materia, nat&ra,,! ori5inatin5 from
them' in,&din5 tetrah!droanna3ino,s 1T0C2 and anna3idio, 1CBD2> The re+ort a,so m&st identif! the
stat&s of an! r&,es identified in the +rior !earAs re+ort as o3so,ete' &nneessar!' or d&+,iati%e>
&'.*; Subd. ;.Revie- and repeal of rules.
B! Deem3er . of eah !ear' an a5en! m&st s&3mit to the 5o%ernor' the Le5is,ati%e
Coordinatin5 Commission' the +o,i! and f&ndin5 ommittees and di%isions ;ith 9&risdition
o%er the a5en!' and the re%isor of stat&tes' a ,ist of an! r&,es or +ortions of r&,es that are
o3so,ete' &nneessar!' or d&+,iati%e of other state or federa, stat&tes or r&,es> The ,ist m&st a,so
in,&de an e7+,anation of ;h! the r&,e or +ortion of the r&,e is o3so,ete' &nneessar!' or
d&+,iati%e of other state or federa, stat&tes or r&,es> B! Deem3er .' the a5en! m&st either
re+ort a timeta3,e for re+ea, of the r&,e or +ortion of the r&,e' or m&st de%e,o+ a 3i,, for
s&3mission to the a++ro+riate +o,i! ommittee to re+ea, the o3so,ete' &nneessar!' or
d&+,iati%e r&,e> S&h a 3i,, m&st in,&de +ro+osed a&thoriDation to &se the e7+edited
+roed&res of setion .->)#$ to re+ea, or amend the o3so,ete' &nneessar!' or d&+,iati%e r&,e>
A re+ort s&3mitted &nder this s&3di%ision m&st 3e si5ned 3! the +erson in the a5en! ;ho is
res+onsi3,e for identif!in5 and initiatin5 re+ea, of o3so,ete r&,es> The re+ort a,so m&st identif!
the stat&s of an! r&,es identified in the +rior !earAs re+ort as o3so,ete' &nneessar!' or
d&+,iati%e> If none of an a5en!As r&,es are o3so,ete' &nneessar!' or d&+,iati%e' an a5en!As
Deem3er . re+ort m&st state that on,&sion>
&;).*) Subd. &). = !nnual report to the legislature
Petitioner a,so forma,,! re@&ests the Board to reommend +ro+osed ,e5is,ation in their "*.- 8Re+ort to
the Le5is,at&re on Chan5es the Board has Made to the Contro,,ed S&3stane Shed&,es Maintained 3!
the Board in Minnesota R&,es: in the fo,,o;in5 or simi,ar formF
1h2 Mari9&ana' tetrah!droanna3ino,s' and s S!ntheti anna3inoids> Un,ess s+eifia,,!
e7e+ted or &n,ess ,isted in another shed&,e' an! nat&ra, or s!ntheti materia,' om+o&nd'
mi7t&re' or +re+aration that ontains an! @&antit! of the fo,,o;in5 s&3stanes' their ana,o5s'
isomers' esters' ethers' sa,ts' and sa,ts of isomers' esters' and ethers' ;hene%er the e7istene of
the isomers' esters' ethers' or sa,ts is +ossi3,eF
1.2 mari9&anaJP,ants of the 5en&s Canna3is 1a,so 4no;n 3! s,an5 name 8mari9&ana2' and
materia, nat&ra,,! ori5inatin5 from them' in,&din5 tetrah!droanna3ino,s 1T0C2' anna3idio,
1CBD2' is s+eifia,,! e7e+t 3ea&se the +,ant has a 8&rrent,! ae+ted media, &se in the
United States:J
1"2 tetrah!droanna3ino,s nat&ra,,! ontained in a +,ant of the 5en&s Canna3is' sS!ntheti
e@&i%a,ents of the s&3stanes ontained in the anna3is +,ant or in the resino&s e7trati%es of the
+,ant' or s!ntheti s&3stanes ;ith simi,ar hemia, str&t&re and +harmao,o5ia, ati%it! to
those s&3stanes ontained in the +,ant or resino&s e7trat' in,&din5' 3&t not ,imited to' . is or
trans tetrah!droanna3ino,' = is or trans tetrah!droanna3ino,' and )'- is or trans
Chi,e it is tr&e that the stat&tes do not forma,,! 5i%e the Board the a3i,it! to ma4e reommendations on
han5es to the Minnesota Stat&tesF
8The state Board of Pharma! sha,, ann&a,,! s&3mit a re+ort to the ,e5is,at&re on or 3efore
Deem3er . that s+eifies ;hat han5es the 3oard made to the ontro,,ed s&3stane shed&,es
maintained 3! the 3oard in Minnesota R&,es' +arts =#**>-".* to =#**>-"(*' in the +reedin5 ."
It m&st 3e noted that the Board in,&ded a ,ar5e amo&nt of &na&thoriDed stat&te reommendations to the
Le5is,at&re in their "*.* re+ort' as ;as o&t,ined in detai, a3o%e>
A,so' in their "*.. re+ort' the! saidF
8The 3oard oasiona,,! iss&es inter+retations of Minnesota stat&tes and r&,es in%o,%in5 the
+ratie of +harma!> This t!+ia,,! o&rs ;hen either the ,an5&a5e of the stat&te or r&,e is
am3i5&o&s or ;hen some ne; de%e,o+ment is not ade@&ate,! addressed in e7istin5 stat&tes or
r&,es> Before iss&in5 s&h inter+retations' the Board &s&a,,! so,iits in+&t from the +rofession
and the +&3,i and a,so see4s ,e5a, ad%ie from the Offie of the Attorne! Genera,>: 1+> ."2
8The Board ma4es reommendations to the Le5is,at&re onernin5 stat&tor! han5es that ma!
3e neessar! to address e%o,%in5 standards of +ratie> The Board sometimes ma4es s&h
reommendations after 3ein5 as4ed 3! a ,e5is,ator for tehnia, assistane> Sometimes the
Board ma4es reommendations ;itho&t 3ein5 as4ed for s&h assistane' &s&a,,! ;hen the
Board 3eomes a;are of an iss&e that is not ade@&ate,! addressed in the &rrent stat&tes and
It is f&rther re@&ested 3! the Petitioner that the Board remo%e the ,an5&a5e sa!in5 that the Board anAt
de,ete thin5s e7e+t %ia S&3di%ision ." 3ea&se it is dee+ti%e and d&+,iati%e> A,so' the Petitioner as4s
that the Board reommend that the Le5is,at&re reinstate the mandator! ann&a, re%ie; of a,, s&3stanes
in the CSA that the Board +re%io&s,! s&essf&,,! ,o33ied to ha%e remo%ed>
8Ce ho,d that the ,e5is,at&re intended 3! s&3ds> # and ." to de,e5ate r&,ema4in5 a&thorit! to the 3oard
to re%ise the stat&tor! shed&,es en&meratin5 ontro,,ed s&3stanes> 0ad the ,e5is,at&re intended
other;ise' there ;o&,d ha%e 3een no need to diret the 3oard to &nder5o the e,a3orate r&,ema4in5
+ro%isions ontained in the Administrati%e Proed&re At>:
State %> Kin5' "(? NC "d =$) / MinnF S&+reme Co&rt .$??
.he need for fine distinctions and findings of fact suggest the $oard should -eigh in instead of
leaving this issue to the %udicial branch
6At the o&tset' it sho&,d 3e noted that the area of dr&5 ontro, is one in ;hih some form of
de,e5ation 3! the ,e5is,at&re of disretionar! a&thorit! to an a5en! is +e&,iar,! neessar!> To 3e
effeti%e' a dr&5 ontro, +ro5ram m&st 3e re%ie;ed ontin&o&s,!' and ad9&sted ;hen neessar!' in
the ,i5ht 3oth of ne; dr&5s omin5 on to the mar4et' and of ne; 4no;,ed5e onernin5 o,d dr&5s>
The ,e5is,at&re' 3! its nat&re' has neither the fai,ities nor the e7+ertise to ass&me this tas4>
F&rthermore' 3ea&se the ,e5is,at&re is not in ontin&o&s session' it annot 5i%e the dr&5 ontro,
+ro5ram onstant attention' the ,a4 of ;hih o&,d res&,t in a dan5ero&s dr&5 3ein5 ;ide,!
disseminated thro&5ho&t the state 3efore effeti%e ontro,s ;ere instit&ted> C!. United States v.
#astor, ((? F>"d $)* 1"d Cir>.$??2J Iske v. United States, )$= F>"d "# 1.*th Cir>.$=#2>6
State %> Ed;ards' (?" SC "d $.? / TennF S&+reme Co&rt .$?#
6It sho&,d 3e a++arent that the Genera, Assem3,! is not onstant,! in session' and' therefore' e%en
if its mem3ers ;ere a,, trained hemists and +haramaists' ;hih the! are not' it is im+ossi3,e for
them to 4ee+ a3reast of the onstant,! han5in5 dr&5s and mediations and their inherent dan5ers
;hih a++ear on the +harmae&tia, sene>6
State %> Lis4' "*- SE "d #=# / NCF Co&rt of A++ea,s .$?- http$'
o- the la- changes have effected the -ay that the $oard can fi/ .he #roblem
The Board of Pharma! is a&thoriDed to re5&,ate the s&3stanes in Shed&,e I and ma!' 3! r&,e'
de,ete or reshed&,e s&3stanes ,isted in Shed&,e I> In deleting or rescheduling Schedule I
substances by rule, they may only do so as provided in )/+.0+ subdivision )+.
1,an5&a5e added sine m! ,ast +etition are in ita,is2
Subd. 12.Coordination of controlled substance regulation with federal law and state statute.
If an! s&3stane is desi5nated' reshed&,ed' or de,eted as a ontro,,ed s&3stane &nder federa, ,a;
and notie thereof is 5i%en to the state Board of Pharma!' the state Board of Pharma! sha,,
simi,ar,! ontro, the s&3stane &nder this ha+ter' after the e7+iration of )* da!s from +&3,iation
in the Federa, Re5ister of a fina, order desi5natin5 a s&3stane as a ontro,,ed s&3stane or
reshed&,in5 or de,etin5 a s&3stane> S&h order sha,, 3e fi,ed ;ith the seretar! of state> If ;ithin
that )*/da! +eriod' the state Board of Pharma! o39ets to in,&sion' reshed&,in5' or de,etion' it
sha,, +&3,ish the reasons for o39etion and afford a,, interested +arties an o++ort&nit! to 3e heard>
At the on,&sion of the hearin5' the state Board of Pharma! sha,, +&3,ish its deision' ;hih
sha,, 3e s&39et to the +ro%isions of ha+ter .->
In e/ercising the authority granted by this chapter( the state $oard of #harmacy shall be
sub>ect to the provisions of chapter &'.
The state Board of Pharma! sha,, ann&a,,! s&3mit a re+ort to the ,e5is,at&re on or 3efore
Deem3er . that s+eifies ;hat han5es the 3oard made to the ontro,,ed s&3stane shed&,es
maintained 3! the 3oard in Minnesota R&,es' +arts =#**>-".* to =#**>-"(*' in the +reedin5 ."
months> The re+ort m&st in,&de s+eifi reommendations for amendin5 the ontro,,ed s&3stane
shed&,es ontained in s&3di%isions " to =' so that the! onform ;ith the ontro,,ed s&3stane
shed&,es maintained 3! the 3oard in Minnesota R&,es' +arts =#**>-".* to =#**>-"(*>
Chi,e the Board attem+ted to han5e the ,a; to +re%ent m! +ast +etition and f&t&re ones ,i4e it from
s&eedin5' the Board fai,ed to ao&nt for the fat that MN Stat&te .(">*" S&3d> ." has three
+ara5ra+hs instead of one> Bea&se of this' the Board an sti,, remo%e s&3stanes from Shed&,e I
3ea&se of the seond +ara5ra+h' ;hih is in 3o,d a3o%e' and does not ha%e to ;ait &nti, the DEA
remo%es anna3is from Shed&,e I 3efore s&3se@&ent,! remo%in5 anna3is from Shed&,e I in the state
r&,es> The Board has a,;a!s needed to &se Cha+ter .- to en5a5e in r&,e/ma4in5' so the amended ,a; is
M8 v. .hiel suggests that the la- change the $oard lobbied in favor of didn?t make the change
that they intended.
The Minnesota A++e,,ate Co&rts in MN %> Thie, A.)/.)-= revie1 denied 1Minn> A&5> (' "*.-2 re,ies
a,most e7,&si%e,! on the e7at same &nder+innin5 ar5&ment that ;as &sed in MN %> Lai, 1.$?$2 in
omin5 to the on,&sion that 8the ,assifiation of mari9&ana as a Shed&,e I s&3stane +asses
rationa,B3asis sr&tin!:> The! r&,ed that 8in %ie; of the ontin&ed de3ate o%er +ossi3,e short/ and ,on5/
term +h!sia, and +s!ho,o5ia, effets' it annot fair,! 3e said that ontin&ed a++rehension and
re,&tane of the state 3oard of +harma! to reshed&,e mari9&ana is so ar3itrar! and &nreasona3,e as to
render it &nonstit&tiona,>:
To @&ote Lai, at ,en5thF
MinnesotaAs ,assifiation sheme is 3ased on the .$?* Uniform Contro,,ed S&3stanes At'
;hih ,isted mari9&ana in Shed&,e I 3ea&se ,itt,e ;as 4no;n a3o&t its ,on5term effets>
6Con5ress ,isted marih&ana in Shed&,e I +rini+a,,! on the reommendation of 0EC' ;hih
&r5ed Wthat mari9&ana 3e retained ;ithin Shed&,e I at ,east &nti, the om+,etion of ertain
st&dies no; &nder;a! toA determine the +h!sia, and +s!ho,o5ia, de+enden! effets of the
dr&5> See 0>R> Re+ort' s&+ra' note )' at -(?$' -="$/)*> A++arent,! the +otentia, for a3&se and
the a3sene of si5nifiant media, %a,&e ;ere the determinin5 5ro&nds for +,aement of
marih&ana in the first shed&,e> See ..= Con5>Re> ?$? 1dai,! ed> Man> "#' .$?*2 1remar4s of
Sen> 0r&s4a2>6 United States v. 2i!!er, -?? F>"d )-$' )(= 1" Cir> .$?)2' ertiorari denied s&3
nom>' 3armash v. United States, -.- U>S> #).' $- S>Ct> .=(' )# L>Ed>"d =( 1.$?)2>
The inter%enin5 !ears ha%e +rod&ed a 5ro;in5 3od! of sientifi ,iterat&re on the effets of
mari9&ana on the h&man +h!sio,o5! and +s!ho,o5!' 3&t mari9&ana has not 3een reshed&,ed 3!
either the state ,e5is,at&re or the state 3oard of +harma!' atin5 &nder its stat&tor! a&thorit!>
Minn>St> .(">*"' s&3d> #>
If indi%id&a,s in the state of Minnesota are sti,, 3ein5 har5ed ;ith fe,onies 3ea&se the Minnesota
Co&rts 3e,ie%e that the Board of Pharma! an sti,, remo%e s&3stanes from Shed&,e I' the Petitioner
ass&mes that the Board sti,, does ha%e the a&thorit! to remo%e anna3is from Shed&,e I and 3e,ie%es
that the Board sho&,d a5ree ;ith the Minnesota Co&rts> MN %> Thie, f&rther statesF
8Gi%en the ontin&in5 de3ate o%er the e7tent of the &se of mari9&ana for media, +&r+oses' there is
a ,e5itimate state +&r+ose in ,assif!in5 mari9&ana as a Shed&,e I s&3stane and treatin5
+ossessors of mari9&ana for media, &se different,! than +ossessors of Shed&,e II s&3stanes for
media, &se> :
Chen the! sa! 8treat +ossessors of mari9&ana for media, &se different,!: the! mean that the! ha%e the
d&t! to +&t +atients in a5es> The Board is res+onsi3,e for the fat that the Minnesota Co&rts thin4 that
there is a ,e5itimate state +&r+ose in ,assif!in5 anna3is as a Shed&,e I s&3stane 3ea&se the Board
fai,ed to at on the PetitionerAs +re%io&s t;o +etitions> Ci,, the Board fai, Minnesota a5ainP Thie, 5ot a
(th de5ree fe,on!> Man! others that ha%e media, onditions donAt ha%e the reso&res to a++ea, their
r&,in5s and so the! remain name,ess> Peo+,eAs ,i%es are in !o&r hands> MN %> Thie, ontin&edF
8The deision ;hether to reshed&,e mari9&ana sho&,d ,i4e;ise 3e ,eft to the ,e5is,ati%e and
e7e&ti%e 3ranhes> It is ina++ro+riate for this o&rt to inde+endent,! e%a,&ate ;hether
mari9&ana is +ro+er,! ,assified &nder Shed&,e I>:
8Moreo%er' the ,assifiation of mari9&ana as a Shed&,e I s&3stane +asses rationa,B3asis
sr&tin!> S>>>T
The Minnesota S&+reme Co&rt +re%io&s,! determined that the ,assifiation of mari9&ana as a
Shed&,e I s&3stane +asses rationa,/3asis sr&tin! and does not %io,ate the ri5ht to e@&a,
+rotetion> See 0anson' )=- N>C>"d at ?$*B$. 1ado+tin5 the rationa,e and ho,din5 of Fo5art!'
=$" F>"d at (-?B-#' and statin5 that 8the ,e5is,ati%e ,assifiation of mari9&ana in Shed&,e I
does not %io,ate the onstit&tion:2J Lai,' "?- N>C>"d at .)(B )= 18In %ie; of the ontin&ed
de3ate o%er +ossi3,e short/ and ,on5/term +h!sia, and +s!ho,o5ia, effets' it annot fair,! 3e
said that ontin&ed a++rehension and re,&tane of the state 3oard of +harma! to reshed&,e
mari9&ana is so ar3itrar! and &nreasona3,e as to render it &nonstit&tiona,>:2> Gi%en the
ontin&in5 de3ate o%er the e7tent of the &se of mari9&ana for media, +&r+oses' there is a
,e5itimate state +&r+ose in ,assif!in5 mari9&ana as a Shed&,e I s&3stane S>>>T:
If the $oard decides not to engage in the rulemaking provision pursuant to petition for
rulemaking( #etitioner formally requests that the $oard pass upon the validity of Minnesota
Rules @ A1**.')&* +C,+&3, and @ A1**.')&* +C,+);,( pursuant to &'.''( because #etitioner alleges
that the Rules -ould subsequently violate M8 statutory provisions in &;).*) and "S
constitutional provisions of Equal #rotection and 7ue #rocess and the follo-ing sections of the
Minnesota Constitution and case la-:
Arti,e I Se> .F 8O39et of 5o%ernment> / Go%ernment is instit&ted for the se&rit!' 3enefit and +rotetion of
the +eo+,e' in ;hom a,, +o,itia, +o;er is inherent' to5ether ;ith the ri5ht to a,ter' modif! or reform
5o%ernment ;hene%er re@&ired 3! the +&3,i 5ood>:
Arti,e I Se> "F 8No mem3er of this state sha,, 3e disfranhised or de+ri%ed of an! of the ri5hts or
+ri%i,e5es se&red to an! itiDen thereof' &n,ess 3! the ,a; of the ,and or the 9&d5ment of his +eers>:
Arti,e I Se> = F 8In a,, rimina, +rose&tions the a&sed sha,, en9o! the ri5ht SUT to ha%e om+&,sor!
+roess for o3tainin5 ;itnesses in his fa%or:
Arti,e I Se> ?F 8No +erson sha,, 3e he,d to ans;er for a rimina, offense ;itho&t d&e +roess of ,a; SUT
nor 3e de+ri%ed of ,ife' ,i3ert! or +ro+ert! ;itho&t d&e +roess of ,a;>:
Arti,e I Se> #F 8E%er! +erson is entit,ed to a ertain remed! in the ,a;s for a,, in9&ries or ;ron5s ;hih he
ma! reei%e to his +erson' +ro+ert! or harater' and to o3tain 9&stie free,! and ;itho&t +&rhase'
om+,ete,! and ;itho&t denia,' +rom+t,! and ;itho&t de,a!' onforma3,e to the ,a;s>:
Arti,e I Se> .=F 8The en&meration of ri5hts in this onstit&tion sha,, not den! or im+air others retained 3!
and inherent in the +eo+,e>:
If the Board deides not to en5a5e in the r&,ema4in5 +ro%ision +&rs&ant to +etition for r&,ema4in5'
Petitioner forma,,! re@&ests that the Board +ass &+on the %a,idit! of Minnesota R&,es < =#**>-".* 1C2
1.?2 and < =#**>-".* 1C21"(2' +&rs&ant to .->--' 3ea&se Petitioner a,,e5es that the R&,es ;o&,d
s&3se@&ent,! %io,ate MN stat&tor! +ro%isions in .(">*" and MN and US onstit&tiona, +ro%isions of
E@&a, Protetion and D&e Proess 1and others2
Chi,e this is not s+eifia,,! s+e,,ed o&t' the Board o&,d +rod&e a .->.). STATEMENT OF NEED
AND REASONABLENESS on the R&,es in @&estion>
Does the Board 3e,ie%e that there is a ,e5itimate state +&r+ose in ,assif!in5 +,ants of the 5en&s
Canna3is as a Shed&,e I s&3staneP
8An ar5&ment mi5ht +erha+s 3e made that in the a3sene of om+e,,in5 9&stifiation' the +o,ie
+o;er does not e7tend so far as to +ermit the Go%ernment to +rotet an indi%id&a, a5ainst himse,f
and that the onern for +&3,i hea,th and safet! is re,e%ant on,! insofar as the ations of one
indi%id&a, ma! threaten the ;e,,/3ein5 of others> See id> at ..-$/((> Chi,e s&h an ana,!sis ;o&,d
3rin5 into @&estion the +rohi3ition a5ainst +ri%ate +ossession and &se of marih&ana' see' e> 5>'
Peo+,e %> Sin,air' )#? Mih> $.' .).' .$- N>C>"d #?#' #$(/#$= 1.$?"2 1o+inion of Ka%ana5h' C>
M>2' SUT S&h an ar5&ment does not &ndermine the a&thorit! of the Go%ernment to +re%ent some
from aidin5 or ind&in5 others to ommit ats detrimenta, to their o;n hea,th>:
8!ppellants? second argument is that the statutory assignment of marihuana to Schedule I(
together -ith such concededly dangerous narcotic drugs as heroin( is arbitrary and
unreasonable in light of the criteria for classification established by the statute and -hat is
kno-n about the effects of these substances>:
8A++e,,ants atta4 their sentenes as the +rod&t of an irrationa, s!stem of dr&5 ,assifiation>
The! assert that the stat&tor! +ena,ties are not 9&stified 3ea&se sientifi e%idene sho;s that
marih&ana is not near,! as dan5ero&s as heroin' and the! s&55est that marih&ana sho&,d 3e
,assified' if an!;here' in Shed&,e L>:
8Con5ress ,isted marih&ana in Shed&,e I +rini+a,,! on the reommendation of 0EC' ;hih
&r5ed 6that mari9&ana 3e retained ;ithin Shed&,e I at ,east &nti, the om+,etion of ertain st&dies
no; &nder;a! to6 determine the +h!sia, and +s!ho,o5ia, de+enden! effets of the dr&5> See
0>R> Re+ort' s&+ra note )' at -(?$' -="$/)*> A++arent,! the +otentia, for a3&se and the a3sene of
si5nifiant media, %a,&e ;ere the determinin5 5ro&nds for +,aement of marih&ana in the first
shed&,e> See ..= Con5>Re> ?$? 1dai,! ed> Man> "#' .$?*2 1remar4s of Sen> 0r&s4a2> A,tho&5h ;e
are in no +osition at this time and on this reord to determine ;hether marih&ana ;o&,d 3e ,isted
most a++ro+riate,! ;here it is or in some other ate5or!' ;e an on,&de that the &rrent stat&tor!
arran5ement is not so &nreasona3,e or ar3itrar! as to endan5er the %a,idit! of the sentenes
im+osed on a++e,,ants>
The reasona3,eness of the +ro%isions in @&estion is 5ro&nded on t;o onsiderations> As indiated
in Part II of this o+inion' there is a 3od! of sientifi o+inion that marih&ana is s&39et to serio&s
a3&se in some ases' and re,ati%e,! ,itt,e is 4no;n a3o&t its ,on5/term effets> Con5ress ;as
ad%ised 3! 0EC that determination of the serio&sness of these +otentia, haDards ;o&,d re@&ire
f&rther st&d!' and in the meantime Con5ress ;as ertain,! not +re,&ded from ta4in5 a a&tio&s
a++roah> It is apparently true that there is little or no basis for concluding that marihuana is
as dangerous a substance as some of the other drugs included in Schedule I. B&t the fo&s of
a++e,,antsA atta4 is on the +ena,t! +ro%isions aom+an!in5 the shed&,e' and in this res+et
Con5ress has made a si5nifiant distintion> The +ena,ties for +ossession of a Shed&,e I s&3stane
;ith intent to distri3&te differ s&3stantia,,! de+endin5 &+on ;hether the s&3stane in @&estion is
,assified as a naroti dr&5> Marih&ana is not so ,assified> See ". U>S>C> << #*"1.=2' #."12'
Shed&,e I121.*2> Conse@&ent,!' the ma7im&m +ena,t! for +ossession of it ;ith the re@&isite intent
is fi%e !ears in +rison and a X.('*** fine' om+ared ;ith a +ossi3,e .(/!ear sentene and X"('***
fine for simi,ar +ossession of s&h Shed&,e I and II dr&5s as heroin and oaine> See ". U>S>C> <<
#-.1321.21A2' 1B2>
In %ie; of these dis+arities in the stat&tor! santions and the on5oin5 dis+&te re5ardin5 the
+otentia, effets of marih&ana' ;e annot sa! that its +,aement in Shed&,e I is so ar3itrar! or
&nreasona3,e as to render it &nonstit&tiona,> Moreo%er' a fina, o3ser%ation is a++ro+riate. .he
provisions of the !ct allo-ing periodic revie- of the control and classification of allegedly
dangerous substances create a sensible mechanism for dealing -ith a field in -hich factual
claims are conflicting and the state of scientific kno-ledge is still gro-ing. .he question
-hether a substance belongs in one schedule rather than another clearly calls for fine
distinctions( but the statutory procedure at least offers the means for producing a thorough
factual record upon -hich to base an informed >udgment. Tr&e' the +osition ta4en th&s far 3!
the Attorne! Genera,As desi5nate 1the +ro+riet! of ;hih is no; 3ein5 ,iti5ated2' see Part I s&+ra'
has ha,ted this +roed&re at the o&tset for marih&ana> $ut the very e/istence of the statutory
scheme indicates that( in dealing -ith this aspect of the BdrugB problem( Congress intended
fle/ibility and receptivity to the latest scientific information to be the hallmarks of its
approach. .his( -hile not necessary to the decision here( is the very antithesis of the
irrationality appellants attribute to Congress.:
United States %> Kiffer' -?? F> "d )-$ / Co&rt of A++ea,s' "nd Cir&it .$?)
6It sho&,d 3e noted that &nder Setion #.. Con5ress has +ro%ided a om+rehensi%e re,assifiation
sheme' a&thoriDin5 the Attorne! Genera, to re,assif! mari9&ana in %ie; of ne; sientifi
e%idene> In esta3,ishin5 this sheme' Con5ress +ro%ided an effiient and f,e7i3,e means of
ass&rin5 the ontin&ed rationa,it! of the ,assifiation of ontro,,ed s&3stanes' s&h as mari9&ana>6
United States %> Fo5art!' =$" F> "d (-"
8In .$?*' the Federa, B&rea& of Narotis and Dan5ero&s Dr&5s drafted ,e5is,ation a++ro%ed 3! the
Nationa, Conferene of Commissioners on Uniform State La;s as the Uniform Contro,,ed S&3stanes
At> Minnesota ado+ted m&h of the ne; &niform at' in,&din5 the definition of 6mari9&ana6 in iss&e
in this a++ea,> L>.$?. > $)?' < ->:
8MinnesotaAs ,assifiation sheme is 3ased on the .$?* Uniform Contro,,ed S&3stanes At' ;hih
,isted mari9&ana in Shed&,e I 3ea&se ,itt,e ;as 4no;n a3o&t its ,on5term effets>
Con5ress ,isted marih&ana in Shed&,e I +rini+a,,! on the reommendation of 0EC' ;hih
&r5ed Wthat mari9&ana 3e retained ;ithin Shed&,e I at ,east &nti, the om+,etion of ertain
st&dies no; &nder;a! toA determine the +h!sia, and +s!ho,o5ia, de+enden! effets of the
dr&5> See 0>R> Re+ort' s&+ra' note )' at -(?$' -="$/)*> A++arent,! the +otentia, for a3&se and
the a3sene of si5nifiant media, %a,&e ;ere the determinin5 5ro&nds for +,aement of
marih&ana in the first shed&,e> See ..= Con5>Re> ?$? 1dai,! ed> Man> "#' .$?*2 1remar4s of
Sen> 0r&s4a2>6 United States v. 2i!!er, -?? F>"d )-$' )(= 1" Cir> .$?)2' ertiorari denied s&3
nom>' 3armash v. United States, -.- U>S> #).' $- S>Ct> .=(' )# L>Ed>"d =( 1.$?)2>
The inter%enin5 !ears ha%e +rod&ed a 5ro;in5 3od! of sientifi ,iterat&re on the effets of mari9&ana
on the h&man +h!sio,o5! and +s!ho,o5!'
3&t mari9&ana has not 3een reshed&,ed 3! either the state
,e5is,at&re or the state 3oard of +harma!' atin5 &nder its stat&tor! a&thorit!> Minn>St> .(">*"' s&3d> #>
In res+onse to 5ro;in5 +&3,i and sientifi o+inion a5ainst im+osin5 Shed&,e I +ena,ties on
mari9&ana &sers' the ,e5is,at&re has re+eated,! amended Minn>St> .(">.( to red&e +ena,ties> :.&23&' c>
203' < .?J L>.$?)' c> =$)' << .*/.)J L>.$?=' c> -"' << .' ">:
8In %ie; of the ontin&ed de3ate o%er +ossi3,e short/ and ,on5/term +h!sia, and +s!ho,o5ia, effets'
it annot fair,! 3e said that ontin&ed a++rehension and re,&tane of the state 3oard of +harma! to
reshed&,e mari9&ana is so ar3itrar! and &nreasona3,e as to render it &nonstit&tiona,>:
State %> Lai,' "?- NC "d ."? / MinnF S&+reme Co&rt .$?$
6The e@&a, +rotetion standard a++,ia3,e in re%ie;in5 the Minnesota mari9&ana ,a;s re@&ires a demonstration that the ,assifiation is
reasona3,e' not ar3itrar!' and 3ears a rationa, re,ationshi+ to a +ermissi3,e state o39eti%e> SUT
State %> Lai,' "?- NC "d ."? / MinnF S&+reme Co&rt .$?$
"8I45RM C58.R5::E7 S"$S.!8CES !C. +&22',
#refatory 8ote for "niform Controlled Substances !ct +&22*,
8This Uniform At ;as drafted to maintain &niformit! 3et;een the ,a;s of the se%era, States and those
of the federa, 5o%ernment> It has 3een desi5ned to om+,ement the federa, ,a; and +ro%ide an
inter,o4in5 tre,,is of federa, and state ,a; to ena3,e 5o%ernment at a,, ,e%e,s to ontro, more
effeti%e,! the dr&5 a3&se +ro3,em>:
8To ass&re the ontin&ed free mo%ement of ontro,,ed s&3stanes 3et;een States' ;hi,e at the same
time se&rin5 s&h States a5ainst dr&5 di%ersion from ,e5itimate so&res' it 3eomes ritia, to
a++roah not on,! the ontro, of i,,iit and ,e5itimate traffi in these s&3stanes at the nationa, and
internationa, ,e%e,s' 3&t a,so to a++roah this +ro3,em at the state and ,oa, ,e%e, on a &niform 3asis>:
8.he "niform !ct updates and improves e/isting state la-s and ensures legislative and
administrative fle/ibility to enable the States to cope -ith both present and future drug
problems. $ecause of the emphasis on controlling drug use( members of the medical profession
may hesitate to prescribe narcotic drugs -here use of such drugs is -arranted. .his !ct
addresses this concern. :egitimate use of controlled substances is essential for public health and
safety( and the availability of these substances must be assured. At the same time' the i,,e5itimate
man&fat&re' distri3&tion' and +ossession of ontro,,ed s&3stanes m&st 3e &rtai,ed and e,iminated> It
is reo5niDed that ,a; enforement ma! not 3e the &,timate so,&tion to the dr&5 a3&se +ro3,em> It is
ho+ed that +resent researh efforts ;i,, 3e ontin&ed and %i5oro&s,! e7+anded' +arti&,ar,! as the!
re,ate to the de%e,o+ment of reha3i,itation' treatment' and ed&ationa, +ro5rams for addits' dr&5
de+endent +ersons' and +otentia, dr&5 a3&sers>:
SEC.I58 )*&. !".5RI.6 .5 C58.R5:.
1a2 The Sa++ro+riate +erson or a5en!T In MN it is the Board of Pharma! sha,, administer this SAtT
and ma! add s&3stanes to or de,ete or reshed&,e s&3stanes ,isted in Setion "*- This means
Shed&,e I s&3stanes' "*=' "*#' ".*' or "." +&rs&ant to the Sinsert a++ro+riate state administrati%e
+roed&res ode setionT> MN Stat&tes Cha+ter .-
132 In ma4in5 a determination re5ardin5 a s&3stane' the Sa++ro+riate +erson or a5en!T sha,, onsider
the fo,,o;in5F
1.2 the at&a, or re,ati%e +otentia, for a3&seJ
1"2 the sientifi e%idene of its +harmao,o5ia, effet' if 4no;nJ
1)2 the state of &rrent sientifi 4no;,ed5e re5ardin5 the s&3staneJ
1-2 the histor! and &rrent +attern of a3&seJ
1(2 the so+e' d&ration' and si5nifiane of a3&seJ
1=2 the ris4 to the +&3,i hea,thJ
1?2 the +otentia, of the s&3stane to +rod&e +s!hi or +h!sio,o5ia, de+endene ,ia3i,it!J and
1#2 ;hether the s&3stane is an immediate +re&rsor of a ontro,,ed s&3stane>
12 The Sa++ro+riate +erson or a5en!T ma! onsider findin5s of the federa, Food and Dr&5
Administration or the Dr&5 Enforement Administration as +rima faie e%idene re,atin5 to one or
more of the determinati%e fators>
1d2 After onsiderin5 the fators en&merated in s&3setion 132' the Sa++ro+riate +erson or a5en!T sha,,
ma4e findin5s ;ith res+et to them and ado+t and +&3,ish a r&,e ontro,,in5 the s&3stane &+on findin5
the s&3stane has a +otentia, for a3&se>
The At %ests the a&thorit! to administer its +ro%isions in the a++ro+riate +erson or a5en! ;ithin the
State> The 8a++ro+riate: +erson or a5en! sho&,d ha%e e7+ertise in ,a; enforement' +harmao,o5!'
and hemistr!> The a++ro+riate +erson or a5en! ma! 3e one or more +ersons' or one or more a5enies'
or a om3ination> The enatin5 State sho&,d desi5nate that +erson or a5en! that has the means to
im+,ement' enfore' and re5&,ate the +ro%isions of the At> For e7am+,e' a&thorit! o&,d 3e %ested in
the Offie of the Attorne! Genera,' a De+artment of 0ea,th' a Di%ision of P&3,i Safet!' or s&h other
a5en! ;ithin the State res+onsi3,e for re5&,atin5 and enforin5 the dr&5 ,a;s> An a,ternati%e mi5ht 3e
a di%ision of a&thorit! ;here3! one a5en! mi5ht 3e res+onsi3,e for ontro,,in5 dr&5s &nder this
arti,e' another a5en! mi5ht 3e desi5nated to re5&,ate the ,e5itimate ind&str! &nder Arti,e )' and sti,,
another a5en! mi5ht 3e har5ed ;ith enforement> In an! e%ent' the &,timate a&thorit! for
determinin5 the a++ro+riate +erson or a5en! is %ested in the enatin5 State>
This setion sets o&t the fators to 3e onsidered for the ontro, and ,assifiation of dr&5s into fi%e
shed&,es> This ,assifiation ahie%es one of the main o39eti%es of the At' ;hih is to reate a
oordinated' odified s!stem of dr&5 ontro, and re5&,ation> The At fo,,o;s the federa, Contro,,ed
S&3stanes At and ,ists a,, of the ontro,,ed s&3stanes in fi%e shed&,es that are identia, ;ith the
federa, ,a;> Thro&5ho&t the At 8,isted: is &sed to refer to the ontro,,ed s&3stanes ,isted in the At'
;hi,e 8in,&ded: is &sed to refer to s&3stanes ontro,,ed &nder a&thorit! of the At 3&t not neessari,!
8,isted: in the At. .he !ct is not intended to prevent a State from adding or removing substances
from the schedules( or from reclassifying substances from one schedule to another( provided the
procedures specified in this section are follo-ed.
The o%era,, intent of this setion is to reate reasona3,e f,e7i3i,it! ;ithin the At so that' as ne;
s&3stanes are diso%ered or fo&nd to ha%e an a3&se +otentia,' the! an s+eedi,! 3e 3ro&5ht &nder
ontro, ;itho&t onstant resort to the ,e5is,at&re> This f,e7i3i,it! a,,o;s the ,a;s to 4ee+ in ste+ ;ith
ne; trends in dr&5 a3&se and ne; sientifi information> States sho&,d onsider esta3,ishin5 a
Sientifi Ad%isor! Committee onsistin5 of ,eadin5 media, and +harmae&tia, +rofessiona,s to
ad%ise the a++ro+riate +erson or a5en! on ontro, of s&3stanes>
S&3setion 1a2 a,,o;s federa, findin5s ;ith res+et to the s&3stane to 3e the e%idene of onsideration
of the re,e%ant fators en&merated in s&3setion 1a2>
S&3setion 1d2 +ro%ides a +roess of ation ;itho&t resortin5 to norma, administrati%e +roed&re> The
s&3setion +ro%ides that a r&,e is re@&ired to 3e ado+ted and +&3,ished to simi,ar,! ontro, a s&3stane
;itho&t o39etion and that the deision of the administerin5 a5en! is fina, ;ith res+et to
administrati%e ation 3&t is s&39et to 9&diia, re%ie; as +ro%ided 3! Setion =*=> The +roed&re a,so
a++,ies to federa,' tem+orar! shed&,in5 of a ontro,,ed s&3stane> States that ;o&,d ha%e a de,e5ation
of ,e5is,ati%e a&thorit! +ro3,em ma! ;ant to re+,ae s&3setion 1d2 ;ith a sentene to this effetF 8If a
s&3stane is desi5nated' reshed&,ed' or de,eted as a ontro,,ed s&3stane &nder federa, ,a; and notie
thereof is 5i%en to the Sa++ro+riate +erson or a5en!T' the Sa++ro+riate +erson or a5en!T sha,, initiate
+roeedin5s to ontro, the s&3stane &nder this SAtT +&rs&ant to the +roed&res of Sinsert a++ro+riate
state administrati%e +roed&res ode setionT>: Chan5es to the shed&,es sho&,d 3e +&3,ished so as to
afford notie' and this is eno&ra5ed 3! the re@&irement in s&3setions 132 and 1d2 that the a5en! is to
a&se the r&,es to 3e +&3,ished>
Essentia,,!' ;hat the! are sa!in5 is that the At +ro%ides a +roed&re or frame;or4 ;ith ;hih eah
,e%e, of 5o%ernment ma! ontro, their res+eti%e +ro3,ems> A3sent a federa, +o,ie +o;er' the feds are
on,! onerned ;ith the Commere C,a&se iss&es of i,,iit traffi4in5 and man&fat&re> Cith +o,ie
+o;er' the states a++ear to ha%e their o;n disretion as ,on5 as the +roed&res are &sed>
C!#.ER ;0==.4.8o. ;3
Setion ( e,iminates the Board of Pharma!As o3,i5ation to &nderta4e an ann&a, re%ie; of the
ontro,,ed s&3stane shed&,es and +rohi3its the 3oard from de,etin5 or reshed&,in5 a dr&5 that is in
Shed&,e I e7e+t as other;ise +ro%ided in ,a;>
B! +assin5 this ,a;' The Minnesota Le5is,at&re de%iated from the intent of the Uniform Contro,,ed
S&3stanes At' of ;hih the! +re%io&s,! ado+ted' and in doin5 so' the! are %io,atin5 m! onstit&tiona,
ri5ht of d&e +roess> 8.he "niform !ctC ensures legislative and administrative fle/ibility to
enable the States to cope -ith both present and future drug problems.D E:egitimate use of
controlled substances is essential for public health and safety( and the availability of these
substances must be assured.D The administrati%e f,e7i3i,it! that ass&res the a%ai,a3i,it! of s&3stanes
that are 8essentia, for +&3,i hea,th and safet!: has 3een remo%ed' th&s the 5enera, +&r+ose of the
Uniform Contro,,ed S&3stanes At has 3een %io,ated>
7on?t make the #roblem -orse this time
Petitioner as4s that the Board not s&3%ert the Minnesota %ersion of the Contro,,ed S&3stanes At an! f&rther in
res+onse to this +etition as it has done +re%io&s,! after o3tainin5 m! +ast +etitions>
Instead of remo%in5 anna3is from Shed&,e I' the 3oard has s&3se@&ent,! added tons of st&ff to shed&,e I>
Petitioner as4s that the Board &se its inf,&ene for 5ood and rationa, ,a;s rather than &nonstit&tiona, and e%i,
8Board staff +ro%ides o39eti%e' non+artisan tehnia, assistane to ,e5is,ators and their staff and to the
Offie of the Attorne! Genera,> In addition' staff has 3een ons&,ted 3! the Minnesota De+artments of
0ea,th' 0&man Ser%ies' Corretions' P&3,i Safet! and LeteranGs Affairs and 3! the Minnesota Po,,&tion
Contro, A5en! on a %ariet! of +harma! or dr&5/re,ated iss&es>:
1+> .=2 The Board ;or4s' as neessar!' ;ith the United States Dr&5 Enforement Administration 1DEA2 in
the in%esti5ation of ases in%o,%in5 the di%ersion and a3&se of ontro,,ed s&3stanes>
1+> .=2 The BoardGs staff is ontated re5&,ar,! 3! ,oa, ,a; enforement a5enies and o&nt! attorne!
offies that ha%e @&estions a3o&t the stateGs shed&,es of ontro,,ed s&3stanes>
1+> .?2 Ser%in5 as a reso&re to the +rofession and the +&3,i onernin5 iss&es in%o,%in5 the +ratie of
+harma!' the distri3&tion of dr&5s and the a3&se of ontro,,ed s&3stanes Board staff res+onds to @&estions
reei%ed from the +&3,i and from the indi%id&a,s and 3&sinesses that the Board ,ienses and re5isters> The
Board reei%es man! s&h @&estions e%er! da!> The @&estions t!+ia,,! onern the ,a;s and r&,es enfored
3! the Board> Liensees and re5istrants a,so fre@&ent,! as4 the BoardGs +rofessiona, staff to re%ie;
+ro+osed +o,iies and +roed&res' +harma! onstr&tion +,ans and inno%ati%e +ratie ideas> The
E7e&ti%e Diretor and the +harma! s&r%e!ors o,,eti%e,! ha%e o%er "** !ears of e7+eriene ;or4in5 in a
%ariet! of +harma! +ratie settin5s> That e7+eriene' +,&s a thoro&5h 4no;,ed5e of the federa, and state
,a;s and r&,es a++,ia3,e to dr&5 distri3&tion and +harma! +ratie' ma4e the BoardGs +rofessiona, staff a
%a,&a3,e reso&reS>>>T>
1+> "=2 A,so' ;hi,e Minnesota Stat&tes <.(.>*= doesnGt s+eifia,,! em+o;er or diret the Board to +ro%ide
ons&,tation to these other a5enies' the Board ass&mes that the Le5is,at&re ;o&,d ;ant state a5enies to
share e7+ertise ;ith one another> Other than +ro%idin5 s&h assistane and ad%ie' the Board does not
en5a5e in an! ati%ities that are not s+eifia,,! +ermitted +er the Stat&tes>

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