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Chapter G.

Behaviour in Fire
7.1. Fire Resistance 597
7.1.1. Linear Expansion Coefcient, Thermal Conductivity
and Mass Thermal Capacity 597
7.1.2. Youngs Modulus and Yield Strength 597
7.2. Reaction to Fire 599
7.3. The Classication of Aluminium Alloys 601
References 601
Chapter G.7
Behaviour in Fire
This section attempts to answer two questions related to the behaviour of aluminium
castings and wrought aluminium semi-products in re:
What is their re resistance, i.e. the changes in their physical properties as the
temperature increases?
What is their reaction to re, i.e. the behaviour of solid and liquid metal during a re?
Is aluminium ammable, can it thus maintain re?
This section does not deal with nely divided aluminium in the form of powder or
granules. It is well known that aluminium, like many other metals, is ammable in the
nely divided state. Parenthetically, aluminium powder has pyrotechnic applications and is
used in solid rocket boosters (Ariane, etc.).
Regulations on the use of metallic materials as a building material, in ship building,
transport, etc. are also beyond the scope of this book.
The melting point of aluminium is 660 8C. Only two other common metals have a lower
melting point: magnesium (650 8C) and zinc (419 8C) (Table G.7.1). In practice, as the
temperature exceeds 660 8C, aluminium structures will melt but not burn.
7.1.1. Linear expansion coefcient, thermal conductivity
and mass thermal capacity
The linear expansion coefcient of aluminium is twice as high as that of steel. It increases
with temperature (Figure G.7.1). The same applies to its thermal conductivity (Figure
G.7.2) and mass thermal capacity (Figure G.7.3).
7.1.2. Youngs modulus and yield strength
As shown in Figures G.7.4 and G.7.5, the Youngs modulus and the yield strength decrease
with increasing temperature. For example, 50% of the elastic strength is lost when the
following temperature is reached:
250 8C for aluminium,
500 8C for structural steel (250 8C for stainless steel).
The decrease in the mechanical strength of aluminium leads to a reduction in its load-
bearing capacity if the structure that is exposed to heat is under load. As in the case of steel,
it is necessary to provide adequate thermal insulation in compliance with applicable
regulations, in order to guarantee the long-term mechanical integrity of loaded structures in
case of re.
This applies especially to reguard walls made of aluminium, which need to be
protected, as in the case of steel or any other metal, in order to resist a re for a given period
of time.
After prolonged heating of age-hardenable aluminium alloys (series 2000, 6000 and
7000), their mechanical characteristics should be checked to see that they have not been
altered as a consequence of heating.
Since aluminium has a good thermal conductivity, heat is dissipated more rapidly than
with other metals. This avoids hot spots. Heat diffusion is accompanied by deformation,
because of aluminiums high linear expansion coefcient.
Table G.7.1. Physical properties
Property Alloy 5083 H11 Non-alloyed steel
Stainless steel
Z7CN18-09, annealed
Melting point (liquid) (8C) 660 1450 1450
Linear expansion coefcient (10
) 23.1 11.7 17.5
Mass thermal capacity (Jkg
) 900 420 5002
Thermal conductivity (Wm
) 237 46 15
Figure G.7.1. Linear expansion coefcient of alloys 5083 and 6061.
Corrosion of Aluminium 598
There is no proof for the self-ignition of solid or liquid aluminium in re [1]. Experience
and many research results have shown that under normal re conditions, aluminium will
not ignite.
In pure oxygen and with an atmospheric pressure of 1013 mbar, the inammation point
of aluminium is above 1000 8C and thus higher than that of the other common metals:
930 8C for steel and 900 8C for zinc. The order of the inammation points does not depend
on the order of the melting point [2]. For some metals, the ignition point is below the
melting point and vice versa (Table G.7.2).
It is difcult to ignite aluminium because of its natural oxide lm that blocks the
reaction of the metal with air or oxygen, since it insulates the liquid metal in a more or less
Figure G.7.2. Thermal conductivity of aluminium.
Figure G.7.3. Mass thermal capacity of aluminium.
Behaviour in Fire 599
airtight envelope. In other words, oxidation and combustion of aluminium are two
competing processes.
In oxygenargon mixtures, aluminium ignites only if the temperature is higher than the
melting point of alumina, and self-sustained combustion of aluminium occurs only as the
temperature reaches the boiling point of aluminium, i.e. 3073 8C [3]. If the conditions are
unfavourable for the formation of oxide lm, the ignition point can be decreased to about
1400 8C [4].
Among alloying elements and additives, only magnesium signicantly changes the re
resistance of aluminium. Alloys containing more than 10% magnesium can ignite at
550 8C [5, 6] because magnesium can burn at that temperature.
Water can be sprayed on molten aluminium. Only a small quantity of water will be
decomposed since the metals reactivity is decreased by the formation of a natural oxide
lm. Very little hydrogen is released and thus there is no explosion hazard.
Figure G.7.4. Youngs modulus of aluminium and steel.
Figure G.7.5. Yield strength of alloy 5083 and of steel.
Corrosion of Aluminium 600
A decree of the French Home Secretary from June 30, 1983 on the classication of
construction materials according to their re resistance and on the denition of test
methods has rated common metals such as aluminium alloys and steel M0, which means
that under the conditions of a re, these materials are considered to be incombustible.
Aluminium is approved as a material for the construction of ferries under the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea of the International Maritime
Organisation [7].
Frictional sparking cannot occur on aluminium, which is why aluminium equipment has
long been used in coal mines. Fire ghting equipment can be made of aluminium: valves,
ladders, tool boxes, water tanks, etc.
[1] Hill V.J., Resistance a` lincendie des constructions en aluminium, rapport du Comite
international de developpement de laluminium 7132, 1971.
[2] Grosse A.V., Conway J.B., Combustion of metals in oxygen, Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry, vol. 50, 1958, p. 663672.
[3] Bourrianes R., Temperature de laluminium pendant sa combustion dans les melanges oxyge`ne/
argon, dans lazote et dans lair, compte-rendu de lAcademie des sciences, Paris, vol. 275,
1972, p. 717720.
[4] Kuehl D.K., Ignition and combustion of aluminium and beryllium, AIAA Journal, vol. 12, 1966,
p. 22392247.
[5] Drouzy M., Mascre C., The oxidation of liquid non-ferrous metals in air or oxygen,
Metallurgical Review, 1969, p. 2546.
[6] Thiele W., Loxydation de laluminium en fusion, Aluminium, 1962, p. 707.
[7] West E.G., The re risk in aluminium alloys ships structures, The Metallurgist and Materials
Technologist, 1982, p. 395398.
Table G.7.2. Inammation points and melting points
Metal Inammation point (8C) Melting point (8C)
Magnesium 623 650
Iron 930 1535
Molybdenum 750 2620
Aluminium 1000 660
Zinc 900 419
Lead 870 327
Behaviour in Fire 601

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