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Define International Relations. Discuss its scope and importance of the study of International Relations.
Do you agree that in contemporary International Relations, International Economic and Trade linkages are
eing used as pressure tactics in inter!"tate Relations. (2000)
International Relations is a "eparate discipline# Discuss. (200$)
The age of isolation is o%er. The modern states act and eha%e as memer of the international
community. &ualify the statement 'ith reference to the follo'ing( (200))
(a) Definition and scope of International Relations.
() *ature and utility of the su+ect.
The relations et'een the so%ereign states of the 'orld are ecoming one of the most important aspects
of contemporary life. E%aluate 'ith reference to the importance of international relations. (200,)
E-plain, 'ith e-amples, the main principles of the *E.!RE/0I"T "12..0 .3 T2.452T in
International Relations. 2o' does *eo!Realism differ from 1lassical Realism6 (2007)
E-plain, 'ith e-amples, the main principles of the *E.!0I8ER/0 "12..0 .3 T2.452T in
International Relations. 2o' does *eo!0ieralism differ from 1lassical 0ieralism9Idealism6 (2007)
1omparati%ely analy:e the asic philosophy of International Relations, ;<eace and "ecurity= has een
challenged y the emerging ;Economic Regionalism and >ilitary Technologies=. (200?)
Discuss the importance of International Relations as a field of study. (200@)
A1an you imagine a 'orld 'ith out inter!state relationsA6 E-plain the importance of International Relations
in the *uclear age. (20$0)
Identify the main arguments of the Realism and 0ieralism in International Relations. Bhich approach
appeals to you as a etter e-plaining International Relations and 'hy6 Discuss the empirical e%idence.
Define International Relations. Identify and e-plain its continuously changing and e-panding nature and
su+ect matter6 (20$$)
Discuss the de%elopment of the study of A International RelationsA and define its core influential factors
and define its role in the post cold 'ar era6 (20$2)
Discuss e%olution and de%elopment of the discipline of International RelationsC define the dominant
factors responsile for and e-plain their role in the post!cold 'ar era.(20$))
In the modern era the foreign policy is directly affected y the economic conditions of a country. Discuss.
E-plain the future of Disarmament 'ith reference to the foreign policy .f ma+or <o'ers. (200$)
Define A Economics as an instrument in foreign policyA and e-plain its fundamental characteristic 'hich
can help to achie%e stateDs o+ecti%es.
1ritically e%aluate /merican 3oreign <olicy to'ards /fghanistan. (200$)
In your opinion 'hat are the distinguishing features in a profile of /merican foreign policy since $@@06
1ritically e%aluate /merican foreign policy to'ards <akistan. (200@)
2o' does domestic politics influence foreign policy decision making6 E-plain 'ith reference to <akistanEs
policy to'ards India. (2007)
Do you agree that the post!1old Bar international scenario has generated more constraints that
opportunities for <akistanDs foreign policy6 If so, 'hat those6 "uggest measures enaling <akistan to
face the Dne' challengesD.(20$))
/naly:e and elaorate the changes in 1hinese foreign policy since the death of >ao dse dung. (2002)
Define Imperialism and discuss the Economic Theories of Imperialism. (2000)
Define Economic Imperialism. 2o' far it is correct to say that the 5!? countries ha%e emarked upon
Economic Imperialism in the Third Borld through BT. and >ulti!*ational 1orporations6 (200F)
"hort *otes( Detente (2002)
Define Detente. Is a Detente possile et'een India and <akistan6 5i%e your arguments. (200F)
"hort *otes( Deterrence (200F)
Bhat is nuclear deterrence6 Is it an appropriate <olicy6 Bhat are alternati%es to nuclear deterrence6
Define the <olitics of *uclear <roliferation. 2o' far the super po'ers ha%e een responsile for the
proliferation of *uclear 'eapons. (2000)
Bhat is *uclear <roliferation6 2o' far the 4nited "tates of /merica is +ustified in pursuing the. policy of
*on!proliferation to'ards *orth Gorea and Iran6 (200F)
Bhat is nuclear proliferation6 2o' far the 4nited states of /merica is +ustified in making a nuclear deal
'ith India6 (200@)
International 0a' is a significant instrument in regulating conduct of states and International
.rgani:ations. Discuss (200$)
"hort *otes( International 0a' and International >orality (200$)
"hort *otes( International 0a' (2002)
International system creates interactions among states through diplomacy, international la', and
economic relations. 1omments. (200,)
;De%elopment of International 0a' and .rgani:ation are the efforts of all states to make International
"ystem less anarchic=. Elucidate the statement. (200H)
Define and e-plain the international 0a'. Does International 0a' ha%e any real role in international
Relations6 (20$$)
"hort *otes( TerrorismC (200,)
"hort *otes( 1ontrol of >ass destruction 'eaponsC (200,)
Bhat are the main prolems in defining IterrorismE6 /lso narrate the implications of the ;Bar on Terrorism=
for International 0a'. (2007)
Terrorism has compelled e%ery one to think, ;*o one can e trusted and e%ery one is to e feared.=
Discuss an appropriate response to Domestic and International terrorism. (200H)
E-plain 'hy, despite eing target of terrorism, <akistanDs international allies often pulicly e-press
dissatisfaction 'ith <akistanDs counter terrorism policy and actions 6 Is this a failure of <akistani
diplomacy or 'eakness in its policy6 Identify the fault and suggest correcti%e measures, if reJuired.
A8alance of terror and not of <o'er is helpful in maintaining <eace in the nuclear <o'er age 1omment.
"hort *otes( 8alance to Terror (200))
Define alance of terror. 2o' far it has succeeded in pre%enting a ma+or 'ar in the 'orld6 (20$0)
In the conte-t of its nature, purpose and de%ices, ho' does alance of po'er influence regional systems6
2o' does domestic politics influence foreign policy decision making6 E-plain 'ith reference to <akistanEs
policy to'ards India. (2007)
Descrie interactions among *ations through diplomacy for estalishing alance of po'er to preser%e
their *ational Interest. (200?)
1ritically discuss the concept of 8alance of po'er in the light of 2ans >orgenthauDs thought.(20$F)
E-plain the concept of 8alance of <o'er in international relations and e%aluate its rele%ance after the
demise of "o%iet Russia.(20$))
1ritically discuss the origin and de%elopments of the cold 'ar and its conseJuences on 'orld politics.
Discuss and analy:e the role of "o%iet 4nion during the 1old Bar. Bas it a staili:ing or destaili:ing
factor in International Relations6 Elaorate your ans'er 'ith reference to theory and facts.(20$$)
Discuss the de%elopment of the study of A International RelationsA and define its core influential factors
and define its role in the post cold 'ar era6 (20$2)
Discuss the strategic importance of AIndian oceanA in the post cold 'ar scenario and analy:e the role of
the 4nited "tates and 1hina in the region. /lso identify %ital political,economic,and strategic interests of
oth great po'ers in the contemporary geopolitical situation. (20$2)
International system creates interactions among states through diplomacy, international la', and
economic relations. 1omment. (200,)
Descrie interactions among *ations through diplomacy for estalishing alance of po'er to preser%e
their *ational Interest. (200?)
Discuss ADiplomacyA and define its kinds. E-plain diplomatic means 'hich can help to resol%e disputes
and conflicts in the 'orld. (20$2)
The economic po'er determines the superiority and political domination of a country in International
"ystem6 Discuss. (200))
International system creates interactions among states through diplomacy, international la', and
economic relations. 1omments. (200,)
The emergency of so%ereign state as a primary actor 'as +ust the eginning of the e%olution of modern
International "ystem. /ssess the pace of change in International Relations from $H$, to $@$). (200H)
;De%elopment of International 0a' and .rgani:ation are the efforts of all states to make International
"ystem less anarchic=. Elucidate the statement. (200H)
2o' effecti%e the 4* in dealing 'ith gloal prolems. Bhat 'ill the International "ystem look like in the
year 20,06 (200H)
Do you elie%e that Diplomacy is the ultimate 'ay to resol%e international desputes6 Bhat diplomatic
means are significant to reali:e that goal in general and <akistan!India in particular6(20$))
Do you agree that in contemporary International Relations, International Economic and Trade linkages are
eing used as pressure tactics in inter!"tate Relations. (2000)
Bhat are the ma+or demands of the ".4T2 against the *.RT2 for a *e' International Economic .rder.
Economics realities compelled the memers of the de%eloping 'orld to demand for the estalishment of
*e' International Economic .rder. 5i%e your comment. (200@)
A/fter the do'nfall of 1olonialism. The 'estern <o'ers ha%e emarked upon a ne' policy of AEconomic
ImperialismA through I>3, Borld 8ank, >ulti!nationals and BT.A. Do you agree6 "ustantiate (20$0)
2o' effecti%e arc international organi:ations in dealing 'ith the gloal prolems. Discuss 'ith particular
reference to the 4* from $@), to present. (200,)
The t'o great 'ars had dismantled colonialism and created Third Borld and *on!/lignment >o%ement.
2o' did the 4* +ustify its role in the Borld /ffaris. (200?)
2o' effecti%e the 4* in dealing 'ith gloal prolems. Bhat 'ill the International "ystem look like in the
year 20,06 (200H)
Discuss the significance and increasing role of International "ociety in the classically so%ereign domains
of state 'ith reference to 4nited *ations. /lso deate 'hether the 4* in its present structure of status
can play the increased role e-pected of it6 (20$$)
;*ot'ithstanding its recent e-pansion */T. should e disanded ecause the purpose for 'hich it 'as
estalished e-ists no moreA. Do you agree 'ith this statement6 gi%e reasons. (2002)
Bhat factors 'ere responsile for the creation of the B/R"/B and */T. pacts6 1an */T.Ds continuing
e-istence e +ustified6 (200@)
Define *on!/ligned >o%ement6 >ake an appraisal of its role and discuss the future of */>. (2000)
"hort *otes( "E/T. (200$)
"hort *otes( */> (2002)
"hort *otes( BT. (2002)
.I1 has failed to foster <an Islamic unity and solidarity to meet the challenges faced y the 4mmah in a
spirit of cooperation and collecti%e action. Indeed it is an important forum that needs complete
o%erhauling9restructuring. 1omment and suggest measures to make it effecti%e. (200))
A/fter the do'nfall of 1olonialism. The 'estern <o'ers ha%e emarked upon a ne' policy of AEconomic
ImperialismA through I>3, Borld 8ank, >ultinationals and BT.A. Do you agree6 "ustantiate (20$0)
1ritically discuss A<akistanDs participation in "E/T. and 1E*T. A and e-plain political, strategic, and
economic causes and define its potential disad%antages for the countryDs foreign policy and diplomacy.
1ritically e%aluate the +oining of Bestern /lliances ("E/T. K 1E*T.) y <akistan and e-plain its
political, economic and strategic conseJuences for the stateDs policy.(20$))
<resident 8ushDs in%asion of /fghanistan and IraJ, 'ithout sound genuine reasons has made the future of
the >odern *ation "tate doutful. Do you agree6 5i%e reasons for your ans'er. (200F)
2o' can a *ation state est protect her interest and identity in a transitional Borld .rder6 (200H)
Descrie and discuss the concept of *ation!"tate and e%aluate its future in the light of certain recent
de%elopments. (200@)
Descrie the asic features of modern nation state. Bhat are the dangers to its future6 (20$0)
Discuss the significance and increasing role of International "ociety in the classically so%ereign domains
of state 'ith reference to 4nited *ations. /lso deate 'hether the 4* in its present structure of status
can play the increased role e-pected of it6 (20$$)
"hort *otes( <ak!1hina relations in the $@@0s. (2000)
E%aluate the "ino!<ak ne-us in the light of changing geo!politico!economic scenario of the region. (200))
1ritically e%aluate /merican foreign policy to'ards <akistan. (200@)
AThe Gashmir prolem has een mishandled from the eginning and e%ery successi%e 5o%ernment in
<akistan has contriuted to thatA. 1ritically e-plain the statement. (20$0)
E-plain 'hy, despite eing target of terrorism, <akistanDs international allies often pulicly e-press
dissatisfaction 'ith <akistanDs counter terrorism policy and actions 6 Is this a failure of <akistani
diplomacy or 'eakness in its policy6 Identify the fault and suggest correcti%e measures, if reJuired.
1ritically discuss A<akistanDs participation in "E/T. and 1E*T. A and e-plain political, strategic, and
economic causes and define its potential disad%antages for the countryDs foreign policy and diplomacy.
Define the present ARussian DoctrineA and discuss its impact on <akistan and India. (2000)
E-plain the impact of India!<akistan nuclearisation on strategic staility in "outh /sia. (2007)
2o' does domestic politics influence foreign policy decision making6 E-plain 'ith reference to <akistanEs
policy to'ards India. (2007)
"ince "outh /sia has een dominated y the antagonism et'een India and <akistan, 'hat impact do
nuclear 'eapons ha%e on the alance of po'er in the region. (200H)
"hort *otes( <ak!1hina relations in the $@@0s. (2000)
/naly:e and elaorate the changes in 1hinese foreign policy since the death of >ao :edong. (2002)
E%aluate the "ino!<ak ne-us in the light of changing geo!politico!economic scenario of the region. (200))
Bill 1hina ecome an Economic "uper <o'er in 2$st century6 Bhat should 4"!<olicy e to'ards the
moderni:ation of 1hina6 (200,)
Discuss the strategic importance of AIndian oceanA in the post cold 'ar scenario and analy:e the role of
the 4nited "tates and 1hina in the region. /lso identify %ital political,economic,and strategic interests of
oth great po'ers in the contemporary geopolitical situation. (20$2)
<resident 8ushDs in%asion of /fghanistan and IraJ, 'ithout sound genuine reasons has made the future of
the >odern *ation "tate doutful. Do you agree6 5i%e reasons for your ans'er. (200F)
2o' do you percei%e 4" military engagement in /fghanistan and IraJ and its implications in near future6
1ritically Define A /merican interests in /fghanistanA and e-plain its political strategic failure in the region
and its unnecessary pressure on pakistan to Ado moreA 'hich can destaili:e the regional scenario rather
than staili:ing the situation. /lso discuss the serious impact of the /merican 'ar on terror on the
<akistanDs state, "ociety and system. (20$2)
<resident 8ushDs in%asion of /fghanistan and IraJ, 'ithout sound genuine reasons has made the future of
the >odern *ation "tate doutful. Do you agree6 5i%e reasons for your ans'er. (200F)
The introduction of the concepts ofD 4nilateralism and pre!empti%e "trike y <resident 8ush has eroded
the asis of International la' and Diplomacy, in inter state relations. Discuss. (200F)
2o' do you percei%e 4" military engagement in /fghanistan and IraJ and its implications in near future6
Discuss the role of *uclear Diplomacy in "outh /sia 'ith particular reference to, ;4" Indian *uclear deal
has acti%ated Indo!Russian *uclear 1ooperation=. (200?)
AThe /l! &aeeda phoia has made 4"/ a neurotic "uper <o'er. "he is disregarding the norms of
International 0a' and DiplomacyA. >ake your comments y a rief sur%ey of 4" 5loal <olicy. (20$0)
Discuss the strategic importance of AIndian oceanA in the post cold 'ar scenario and analy:e the role of
the 4nited "tates and 1hina in the region. /lso identify %ital political,economic,and strategic interests of
oth great po'ers in the contemporary geopolitical situation. (20$2)
1ritically Define A /merican interests in /fghanistanA and e-plain its political strategic failure in the region
and its unnecessary pressure on pakistan to Ado moreA 'hich can destaili:e the regional scenario rather
than staili:ing the situation. /lso discuss the serious impact of the /merican 'ar on terror on the
<akistanDs state, "ociety and system. (20$2)
1arry out a comparati%e analysis of 4" foreign policy to'ards "outh /sia during and after the 1old 'ar.
"hort *otes( <alestine <rolem (200$)
"tate the conditions for the DRoad >apD of the <alestinian state. Bhat are the hurdles in its
implementation6 (200F)
>iddle East peace process is in doldrums. Discuss. (200))
(a) Impediments to >iddle East peace process
() 3uture prospects and peace efforts.
*ationalism has een ma+or cause of conflicts. Lustify 'ith special reference to the follo'ing( (200))
(a) Bestern concept of *ationalism
() Islamic concept
Discuss A*ationalismA and define its silent features in the post cold 'ar situation and e-plain its gra%e
conseJuences 'ith reference to eastern Europe, /frican continent and "outh /sian tragic incidents. /lso
deate 'hether the 4* and superpo'ers played any role in pre%enting loodath in the regions. (20$2)
AIt is the national po'er oth Tangile and Intangile that determines the actual as 'ell as potential po'er
of stateA. In the light of this statement discuss in detail the nature the attriutes of national po'er. (2002)
A5loali:ation= and ARegionalism A. do you think these terms are antagonistic or complimentary6 5i%e
e-amples in your arguments. (2002)
2o' 'ould a realist analy:e the current prolems in International <oliticsC (200,)
Brite a critical analysis of the theory of I1lash of 1i%ili:ationsE. Bhat are the prospects of a dialogue
among 1i%ili:ations6 (2007)
Bhat are the principal challenges and potential opportunities for economic lierali:ation and
democrati:ation in the >uslim 'orld6 (2007)
;Europeans transformed Bestphalian "ystem of "tates into empires during $7th, $?th and $Hth centuries
to increase their Bealth and <o'er.= Elucidate the statement. (200?)
The post 1old Bar, Borld .rder promised <eace, "ecurity, Democracy, *uclear *on!proliferation and
2uman Rights protection. /ssess its repercussions at present confronted y the 'orld community in the
conte-t of Terrorism, *uclear <roliferation, 5loali:ation and erosion of 2uman Dignity. (200?)
Bar and <eace are conflicting %alues of International <olitics. / state cannot encourage one 'ithout
sacrificing other. Descrie three means of peace and security in nuclear age. (200H)
E-plain the socio!economic and <olitical 1ompulsions 'hich led to the formation of Regional 8locs.
Discuss and e-plain the causes of Borld Bar II. 1ould a different policy y 8ritain, 3rance and 4"/ ha%e
a%oided its occurrence6 (20$$)
Discuss and analy:e the role of "o%iet 4nion during the 1old Bar. Bas it a staili:ing or destaili:ing
factor in International Relations6 Elaorate your ans'er 'ith reference to theory and facts.(20$$)
E%aluate the general %ie' the peace of Bestphalia as the founding moment for modern state system. Do
you think this system is challenged in the contemporary 'orld6
In 'hat 'ays 'as the Mersailles treaty a contriutory factor to european political instaility in the period
Elucidate the impact of 'orld 'ar II on the decoloniali:ation process in /sia.(20$F)
Descrie the efforts of /frican *ational 1ongress against /partheid regime of "outh /frica (20$F)
Do you support the argument that Iran!4" nuclear deal 'ill ring a ne' 'a%e of instaility in the region
and can also cause serious implications for gloal non!proliferation regime6(20$))
"hort *otes( De!coloni:ation (2000)
"hort *otes( 1risis >anagement (2000)
"hort *otes( Euro 1ommunism (2000), (200F)
"hort *otes( 0imited Bar (200$)
"hort *otes( congress of Mienna. (2002)
"hort *otes( <eaceful co!e-istence (200F)
"hort *otes( <erestroika. (200F)
"hort *otes( 2ostile Emargo (200))
"hort *otes( Entente (200))
"hort *otes( 1o!e-istence (200))
"hort *otes( 2uman rights %iolationsC (200,)
"hort *otes( <olitics of en%ironmental protection. (200,)
Is gloali:ation under threat ecause of 'orld economic crises6 (20$F)
Define the term gloali:ation. Do you elie%e its prospects are threatened ecause of the current
economic crises in general and third 'orld economies in particular.(20$))

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