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Spring 2057

BulletShower says THANX to:

First of all, I want to say thanks to all those people who have been around me to help me
whenever I needed them. This means that I wanna thank my parents, my girl-friend Heidi, the
principle some of you call God, my close friends, my not-so-close friends, and people I know.

To bee more specific:

Thanks go out to

• my girl-friend Heidi (as happy as can be ...)

• my parents (and, once again, especially my dad ... pentium´s working fine, pops ;) )
• Baghira, Babybelle, Captain, Lancelot, and Hector
• Wolfi „Gangsta“ Doppelblitz-Eichinger, and
• Stefan Kleini Glinn-Klein, and
• Stefan „Willi“ Willmes, for being close friends
• my roleplaying party!! (trained to kick ass, huh?)
• the others I surely have forgotten to mention ...


NACDN is a compilation of Cyberpunk materials published online. A great many thanx go out
to the original writers of this stuff:

• Morning Man
• Lucifer (
• Paul Minor (
• Gary Astleford (
• Shadowrun (TM) is copyright of FASA Corp.
• Cyberpunk, and Cyberpunk 2020 (TM) is copyright of RTG.
• All articles used in this publications are copyright of their respective authors.
• Copyright of this publication is 1997 by Norbert G. Matausch


Believe it or not, I´ve committed a crime ... heresy ... I changed the Availability Code System for Shadowrun.
I took Morninman´s system, because I think it´s very easy, and elegant at the same time.
Availability Time Required
Excellent 1-6 hours (1D6)
Common 4-24 hours (4D6)
Poor 1-6 days (1D6)
Rare 2-12 days (2D6)

Costs in Nuyen and Street Indices are provided in the text, while the Legality Code is stated as usual. NOTE: a
Street Index of 1 is NOT stated. Also, a status of „legal“ is not mentioned explicitly.

I´ve also tried to describe concealability as general as possible, because I think it gives you a better
impression of how „hidable“ an item is when you read „you can easily hide it in your closed hand“ than
„Conceal 6“.
Hey, tinbrain!
Got nothing better to do than going shopping, neh?
Need nothing really bad, but always look for that special
something you neighbor doesn´t have, neh?
Wanna run the shadows with style, neh?
Have enough money to burn, huh?
Then, we at Matush Manhunt have the right thing for you. A
new catalog with all those things a style-conscious
shadowrunner really needs. Thumb it through. Read. Enjoy.
Give us your bucks. And then back up, boy.
EQUIPMENT & LIFESTYLE       ......................................................................................................9
Marine REBuild   .............................................................................................................................................9

Broome OS­1200 Personal Sonar    ...............................................................................................................10

Avoscomb Inc. Lasercom   .............................................................................................................................10

Fogorin UC­2 "Chirpset" Underwater Communications SysteM   ...........................................................10

Opogomo Dive Rig    ......................................................................................................................................10

Gleason Hydrotech "Manta" Long Duration Air Supply    ........................................................................10

GaltCo AB­4 Osmotic Rebreather   (5­e1) ...................................................................................................10

PanOceanic Emergency Ascent Pod    ..........................................................................................................11

Wave Technology "Hotsuit"     .....................................................................................................................11

GaltCo Osmotic Skin ( "Mythsuit" may be a better name.) .......................................................................11

Hardsuits .........................................................................................................................................................11

Hardsuit Development ...................................................................................................................................12

PanOceanic Sea Sprite   .................................................................................................................................12

GaltCo Blue III    ............................................................................................................................................12

Titania Sea Resources, Inc. Seawolf    ..........................................................................................................13

A. Spearguns ...................................................................................................................................................13

PanOceanic Seaflite    (3­D)............................................................................................................................13

Lewis S­3    (3­d)..............................................................................................................................................13
Wave Technology Quickfire     (3­d)..............................................................................................................14

B.  Boomsticks ................................................................................................................................................14

Gleason Hydrotech "Lancer" Boomstick    (2­f)..........................................................................................14

Anderson Sea Technologies "Hammerhead" Slamglove    (2­f)..................................................................14

C. Torp Guns ..................................................................................................................................................14

Armscor "Sea Viper II" 20mm Torp Gun    (3­j).........................................................................................15

Segoyovich  KR­3 30mm Torp Gun   (3­j).....................................................................................................15

Sea Systems AM­12 "Swarm Mine" Aquatic Perimeter Defense Unit   (3­j).............................................15

Neo­Dolphin and Orca Equipment ...............................................................................................................16

Rising Arc "Digit" series Cetacean Gloveset   .............................................................................................16

Wavetech "Slickskin" Gear Harness    .........................................................................................................16

Reflex "Dryad" Series Life Rafts    ...............................................................................................................17

Wave Technology "Sea Crane" Ascent Bag    .............................................................................................17

McHarris Aquatics "Seahorse" Diving Sled    .............................................................................................17

Wave Technologies "Fastbreak" Emergency Ascent Drogue    .................................................................17


Shark Billy     ..................................................................................................................................................18

Sea Lance    .....................................................................................................................................................18

Antishark Dart        ........................................................................................................................................18

Electrical Shark Dart   ...................................................................................................................................18

Chemical Shark Repellent    ..........................................................................................................................18

Dye Canister  ..................................................................................................................................................19

Shark Screen  ..................................................................................................................................................19

Infrared Tripwire  ..........................................................................................................................................19

Hand­Held Metal Detector  ...........................................................................................................................19

Radioisotope Tagger    (3­e2)..........................................................................................................................19

Geiger Counter  ..............................................................................................................................................19

BREATHING APPARATUSES  ..................................................................................................................20

Blue Champagne Enterprises "Bubbler" Emergency Air Supply..............................................................20

"TAV" Tankless Air Valve Unit....................................................................................................................20

Diving Unlimited International Oxygen Scuba.............................................................................................20
Blue Champagne Enterprises "Dolphin" TAV  ..........................................................................................20

Spandex Wet Suit............................................................................................................................................20

Thermoplastic Wet Suit..................................................................................................................................20

Foam Neoprene Wet Suit................................................................................................................................21

Full Enviro Wetsuit.........................................................................................................................................21

Wet Suit Heat Pack.........................................................................................................................................21

Foam Neoprene Drysuit..................................................................................................................................21

Shell Drysuits...................................................................................................................................................21

Crushed Neoprene Drysuit    .........................................................................................................................21

Oceanic Stealth Drysuit..................................................................................................................................21


Amphibious Body Armor   (5­K)...................................................................................................................22

Hydrosubsidium Poseidon Fluid Breathing Suit..........................................................................................22

Swimming Fins................................................................................................................................................22

Power Fins.......................................................................................................................................................22

Liquid Breathing Medium..............................................................................................................................22

Triax Depth Gauge..........................................................................................................................................22

Triax Skin Diver Bottom Timer.....................................................................................................................23

Triax Wrist Compass......................................................................................................................................23

Diving Slate......................................................................................................................................................23

Diver's Watch..................................................................................................................................................23

Diving Light.....................................................................................................................................................23

Juice Jets..........................................................................................................................................................23

CARTEL FASHION CONSULTANTS INC................................................................................................24

BAUHAUS  .....................................................................................................................................................24

CYBERTRONIC  ...........................................................................................................................................24

CAPITOL  ......................................................................................................................................................25

IMPERIAL  ....................................................................................................................................................25

MISHImobility  ..............................................................................................................................................25

Grapnel Gun  ..................................................................................................................................................25

ZERO­G Multitool  ........................................................................................................................................25
Pak­Tite, Inc. Gel­Pak....................................................................................................................................25

Vid­Tie® .........................................................................................................................................................25

ITB Laser Sharpener    (4­E2)........................................................................................................................26

MagHold  ........................................................................................................................................................26

Seiko ­ Zetatech "E­Watch" ..........................................................................................................................26

"MediaWear" Photojournalist's jacket ........................................................................................................26

Uniware "Holopin" ........................................................................................................................................26

Wavetech Marine REBuild  ..........................................................................................................................27

Rising Arc Dolphin Translator Package  .....................................................................................................27

Go­JO Zippers  ...............................................................................................................................................27

GO­JO LEDs  .................................................................................................................................................27

GAS MAN™ Inc. Weird Interface Plugs  ....................................................................................................28

Quadruple­i™ Clamps, Screws, Studs, and Piercings  ................................................................................28

Quadruple­I™ Unnatural Features  .............................................................................................................28

Opti­Free Saline Dispensing Cyberfinger OPTION ....................................................................................28

Schlage Cyberkeys  Cyberarm or Cyberfinger option.................................................................................28

Super Cyber­Groomer  Cyberhand option...................................................................................................29

Kleenex Dispenser Cyberlimb Option ..........................................................................................................29

BIOWARE    .......................................................................................................................................30
ConGen "Seabreath" Secondary Gills  ........................................................................................................30

Shukutei Biomed "Phibia" Aquatic webbing  .............................................................................................30

Ransom SK "Stinger" Injector    (3­bc)........................................................................................................30

Artificial Sweat Glands  .................................................................................................................................31

Gastric Pouch    (3­BC)...................................................................................................................................31

IR Baffle Weave    (3­BB)...............................................................................................................................31

CHIPWARE ........................................................................................................................................31
Brainwaver Zap Chips  ..................................................................................................................................31

THUD INDUSTRIES™ Idiot Chips  ............................................................................................................32

THUD INDUSTRIES™ Demo Chips  ..........................................................................................................32

Group 7 Jackhammers    (5­cc)......................................................................................................................32
Happy Hammer ..............................................................................................................................................32

Headbanger ....................................................................................................................................................32

Harvey Wallbanger.........................................................................................................................................33

DIMPLEWARE   (5­CA)                   .............................................................................................................33

"Blindfold" Chip  ...........................................................................................................................................33

"Charley Horse" Chip  ..................................................................................................................................33

Fist" Chip  ......................................................................................................................................................33

"Fist Mk II" Chip  .........................................................................................................................................33

"Hold It" Chip  ..............................................................................................................................................33

"Lockjaw" Chip  ............................................................................................................................................34

"Plastic Smile" Chip  .....................................................................................................................................34

"Popeye" Chip  ...............................................................................................................................................34

"Stiff Neck" Chip  ..........................................................................................................................................34

"Suck In That Gut!" Chip  ............................................................................................................................34

"Wide­Eye" Chip  ..........................................................................................................................................34

0Ah, the call of the ocean. There's something mystical about the fractal patterns of the waves that seems to
beckon some of us to a life spent upon the high seas. It doesn't hurt that there's a hell of a lot of money
waiting to be made either. I've been fielding a lot of queries over the last few months from edgerunners just
getting their feet wet about what kind of equipment is appropriate for the up to date oceanpunk. No surprise
there- the explosive growth of the offshore industries
and enclaves within the last decade has created a
demand for skilled operators. I'm always happy to
help a komrade in arms because I never know when I
might need their help, but lately all this free
consulting has been taking up a little too much of my
time. That's why you're reading my Gear and
Equipment download right now. In here I've put
together some pointers towards all those little
techno-toys that can make missions on the wet side a
lot easier. Everything from basic dive equipment to
specialized aquatic bioware and deep immersion
hardsuits. Not to brag, but I think there's enough
information on tech in here that even an inveterate
urban op could consider leaving shore and bidding
on some wet side jobs. Just remember that good equipment is no replacement for proper planning and basic
skills and you've got a good chance of working the ocean again. If you like what you read, and think it's even
more valuable than the 20 ¥ I charged you to download it, drop by New Pacifica some time and buy me a
drink. Come to Uncle Charlie's Dive Shop and Booze- o-rama on a Saturday night and I might even tell you
the story about the time I was trapped on a rapidly sinking mining sub with a rabbi, a neo- dolphin, and a
playgirl exotic. Hell, if you can top that story I'll be happy to buy *you* a drink. +
-- Morninman (he/wrote/it)

Any portable piece of electronics can be rebuilt to marine specifications for an additional 25% of it's original
purchase price (minimum cost of ¥20). This includes a watertight case, corrosion resistant fittings, membranes
in place of keyboards, etc. Availability: common.
The OS-1200 is a useful accessory for divers working in deep water or murky conditions. A comfortable
imaging monocle is wired to an external sonar unit that attaches to the upper rim of any facemask using a
universal mount. The 50m range of the standard setting gives you low resolution imagery while switching to
fast pulse mode gives you crystal clear video of anything within 10m. Real diehards would go for cyber sonar,
but that obvious bulge in the forehead isn't for everybody. Weight: Negligible. Availability: common.


A sophisticated underwater communications system using a blue-green laser to carry voice and data. In tight
beam mode the laser can communicate with a particular underwater target within a 4 km line-of-sight, while
broadcast mode can be picked up by any receiver within a 2 km line-of-sight. Costs only ¥3,500. Weight:
Negligible. Availability: Poor. .5


A simple, easy to use piece of gear from the company that developed the de facto standard for
underwater com systems. The matchbox sized phased array transducer operates just like a personal multi-
channel radio, but uses high frequency sound pulses instead of radio waves as a carrier. Range is 3-4 km
underwater depending on local terrain and background noise. One feature that's not advertised is how easy it
is to encrypt your communications by swapping out the factory standard chip containing the audio compression
algorithm for a user configurable chip readily available on the street. You get close to a million possible
encoding options and they other guy gets nothing but white noise. One drawback, common to all sonic
systems, is that regular sonar gear and neo-dolphins can readily detect transmissions from quite some distance.
Cost: ¥2,000 Weight: Negligible (Black market encoding chip available for an additional ¥2,000 on the street.)
Availability: Common. .5


A basic set of old-tech dive equipment including mask, fins, wetsuit, weight belt, air tank, regulator, etc.
Opogomo has a reputation for rugged reliability and targets the beginner and casual diver with inexpensive,
plain vanilla equipment. You won't win any fashion awards wearing it, but in certain dive circles that puts you
right on the cutting edge of cool. Usable down to the recreational dive limit of 40m and holds a 2 hour single
tank air supply. Weight: 10kg Cost: ¥800 Availability: Common.


The Manta is one of the best air systems on the market. The streamlined hard shell backpack contains a
standard 2 hour air tank and a battery powered electrolytic system that extracts oxygen from sea water. With a
full battery charge a diver can stay submerged for up to 48 hours and then insert new batteries to extend his
time underwater indefinitely. Industrial users love the fact that dive time is limited only by user fatigue, but the
obvious bubble trail and traceable electrical field has made it a tough sale to military forces. Good for dives
down to 60m. Weight: 8kg Cost: ¥850 Availability: Poor. .5


The only thing better than a diver with this system is a neo-dolphin. The backpack unit looks intimidating, but
it's filled with a lightweight osmotic aerogel that removes oxygen from the surrounding water while the diver
swims. A bellows style compressor regulates breathing pressure while integral scrubbers in the mouthpiece
prevent CO2 buildup. Total silence and no bubble trail make this the premier air supply for the covert
community. The only drawback is that the aerogel becomes saturated in about ninety minutes and needs to de-
gas on the surface for an equal amount of time before another dive. Dive depth limited to 40m. Weight: 4kg
Cost: ¥3,300 Availability: Poor. Street Index 2
It's a sad fact that accidents happen deep underwater. If help isn't available at depth there's a good chance the
victim will die from their injuries or from pressure sickness induced by rapid surfacing. PanOceanic solves the

problem with a carbon fiber/kevlar pod equipped with a single use rapid ascent bag. Once the victim is placed
in the unfolded pod all you need to do is seal it up and activate the attached gas generator to fill the ascent bag
and get him to the surface. The EAP has mounts for an external air supply and is guaranteed to maintain up to
10 atmospheres of pressure at the surface to prevent decompression until a hyperbaric chamber is available.
Voted "Best Product of the Year" by Pro Diver infozine. Weight: 9kg Cost: ¥850 Availability: Poor. Stret Index
is 1.


It's amazing how fast your body heat gets sucked out underwater. The Wave Technologies Hotsuit looks just
like a standard full body wetsuit, but contains an integral battery powered heating system and automatic hermal
regulator that can keep you comfortable for 3 hours in water temperatures down to 10C. Just the thing for late
season surfing or winter diving. Weight: 3kg Cost: ¥150 Availability: Common.


As far as I know this is just a rumor, but I include it out of a sense of completeness. From what I've heard it's a
full body wetsuit that incorporates GaltCo's osmotic aerogel and links to the circulatory system through shunts
mounted in a neck ring. Blood, or possibly a synthetic replacement, flows directly into the suit where it picks
up oxygen and expels carbon dioxide and nitrogen into the surrounding water. I know it sounds wiggy, but
there are too many stories about "guys in funny wetsuits without air tanks" floating around to discount the idea
out of hand. If you run across more information feel free to contact me anonymously. Weight: 4kg?


+We'd been installing a new thermal tap for the farm down at about 120 meters. Over the past couple of
weeks GaltCo had been cranking up the heat 'cause they were trying to get all us independents to sign on
with them for distribution, but we'd been holding out pretty well despite all the crap. There had been a couple
of "accidents" and we expected more problems as the new platform came on line. I was in the middle of
welding a leader line to the anchorhead when I picked up something coming down on my sonar. Then the
explosions started. He'd fired his bubblers a little too late to cover his trace, but all hell broke loose when he
did. The billowing clouds of silt kicked up by the blasts were picked up by the current and fogged out
everything as we all scrambled around trying to find out what was going on. The silt was futzing up the com
and we couldn't see a damn thing. We were going to be sitting ducks if we stayed under, so I told everybody
to pop their drogues and get to the surface. I popped and was coming up from the silt cloud when I saw a guy
in a wetsuit hovering over the anchorhead. He was a stupid kid. He must have ridden a weight down to get on
top of us so fast and I could see the pain in his eyes through the cheap facemask. He hadn't taken the time to
compress and the pressure was squeezing down on his head like a red hot vise. I flashed by him in just a
second or two and could tell he was in trouble, but didn't have the time or inclination to try and help him as I
rode the drogue up. I'd gotten up to about 30 meters when his charge went off. When we took a look later
the anchorhead has intact. I can just imagine how they recruited him to try and blow it. A couple of corp
sharpies come up to some tough little nomad kid hanging around at the local bar 'cause he ain't got anything
else to do. He's all pumped with himself when they buy him a couple of drinks and start flashing more money
than he's seen in his life and talking the talk. He doesn't have a clue about diving other than what he's picked
up watching the sport divers at the watering hole, but I'm sure the corpy boys knew that and picked him for
just that reason. They get themselves a nice expendable nobody to deliver a warning and the kid thinks he's
Joe Bigtime living on the edge. The stupid thing is that if he'd had a hardsuit he might of pulled it off. I don't
blame the poor kid for what he did, but those corp bastards are gonna pay.+ - "Crabby" O'Brien (no/no/not)
Underwater depths up to 150 meters are accessible for a limited time with standard dive gear, but the excessive
decompression time needed to avoid the bends is a major stumbling block to any extended underwater work.
In the early days of underwater industry technological limitations forced divers to pressurize at their working

depth and spend weeks, sometimes months, living in cramped underwater facilities. By the 1990's it became
increasingly clear from research and experience that even the use of exotic breathing mixtures to prevent
nitrogen absorption wasn't preventing neurological damage caused by living in a high pressure environment.
Even when N2 was removed from the air mix entirely the human body's own reserves of the gas would turn on
it to attack nerve and connective tissue like a slow acid. The results were scores of perfectly healthy divers
creeping around like old men with Parkinson's before their 30th birthday. It took a series of high profile lawsuits,
astronomical insurance claims, and blistering media reports to finally convince the major corporations that
something had to be done. They wanted something that would keep the divers working and cut down on the
time wasted in decompression; the divers wanted to stop worrying about becoming cripples from pressure
induced nerve damage. The answer to everyone's problems was the full development of the long neglected
hardsuit: a one man diving suit built using advanced powered armor technology that allows industrial users to
work kilometers beneath the ocean's surface in a shirt sleeve environment. Hardsuits work around the pressure
problem by maintaining a normal atmosphere inside an armored shell that protects workers from the crushing
pressure of deep water. The mass and inflexible nature of the hardsuit makes some activities difficult, but clever
joint engineering and strength augmentation can keep dexterity penalties to a minimum. With a good suit an
experienced user can snatch a shrimp from the water or rip the hull plates off a ship with equal finesse. The
most notable difference between an underwater hardsuit and conventional powered armor is the lack of legs.
Why would anyone want to walk along the sea floor when thrusters are more efficient and provide greater
mobility? The complex and expensive articulated limbs are replaced by a one piece tubular shell that provides
greater protection and more room for internally mounted equipment. It not only saves money, but makes it
easier to maintain a good seal by placing the only break in the two piece suit at one of it's strongest points.

Enuff of historical fuzz? Then - let´s take a look at hardware:


It must have taken some work, but PanOceanic has managed to produce a hardsuit even more mediocre than
GaltCo's. Not that there's anything wrong with the Sprite II- it's actually a well built little machine, but it's
almost Russian in it's austerity. Crude, unsophisticated, and serviceable pretty much sums it up. The company
has manufactured so many of these things in the last 10 years, and they last so damn long, that you can usually
find a rebuilt one for bargain prices at dive shops in the platform cities. Type: PanOceanic Sea Sprite Cost:
¥13,500 Linear Frame: STR 12 Weight: 126 kg Armor: Alloy-Ceramic (5/3) Max Speed: 12 kph Range: 40
km Life Support: 8 hours, 1 hour emergency reserve Max Depth: 6000 m Equipment: Lasercom, Anti-dazzle
and Image Enhance Optics (same as cyberwear), Sonar (same as cyberwear), Searchlight
Availability: Rare. Street Index 5


If you at first you don't succeed, try, try again. That seems to be the defining statement for the boys at the
GaltCo labs if the Blue III is any indication. The first two models were downright dangerous thanks to a defect in
the section coupling mechanism along the waist, but it looks like the problem may finally be licked. Overall,
this is a basic suit featuring alloy armor well designed for comfort and utility backed up with a reliable linear
frame. The sensor suite is a little better than you'd expect and comes in handy in low-visibility conditions. One
nice touch is the pair of harpoon style tethers available with magnetic or molecular adhesive heads for work in
areas with strong currents like the North Atlantic. Type: GaltCo Blue III Cost: ¥16,000 Linear Frame: STR
13 Weight: 142 kg Armor: Alloy (6/4) Max Speed: 12 kph Range: 50 km Life Support: 10 hours, 30
minute reserve Max Depth: 8000 m Equipment: Lasercom, Anti-dazzle, Low-light, and Image Enhance
Optics (same as cyberwear), Sonar (same as cyberwear), Emergency Ascent Drogue, Tether Harpoons,
Availability: Rare. Street Index 5


Say what you will about their business practices, but you have to admit TSR knows how to build a hardsuit. The
Seawolf is a big, comfortable suit designed for long duration dives at deep depths. The twelve hour life support
gives you plenty of time to loiter at a work site while the thruster package gives you the power to get down to
depth and cover territory. The communications gear includes a fiber optic link to the surface that can handle

two way voice, data, and video simultaneously, a feature that really comes in handy when you run into a
technical problem and need a little help. The Seawolf has some of the thickest armor around and I've heard
some stories about a certain company mounting stealth pods, torpedoes, and mini-mine dispensers on it to
create a very tough underwater assault unit. Not that anyone would attack defenseless ocean installations
without provocation, of course. Type: TSR, Inc. Seawolf Cost: ¥24,000 Linear Frame: STR 16 Weight: 211
kg Armor: Composite (SP 40)Max Speed: 24 kph (mobility20) Range: 80 km Life Support: 12 hours, 1 hour
emergency reserve Max Depth: 10000 m Equipment: Lasercom, Fiber Optic Link, Anti-dazzle, Low-lite, and
Image Enhance Optics (same as cyberwear), Sonar (same as cyberwear), Bodyweight Medic auto-doc,
Searchlight, Heavy Tool Suite
Availability: Poor. Street Index 7

Spearguns can be treated as a type of bow and the same variety of devilishly clever specialized heads used on
arrows can be adapted for use on bolts. At the discretion of the Ref. bolts may qualify as edged weapons and
be entitled to AP bonuses.


A good, basic gun for spearfishing and shark defense. The high tension polymer stretch band produces ample
power for close-in work, but has the drawback of being manually drawn. If you expect to do anything more
than spike groupers you'd be better off getting an air driven model. The range in brackets applies when the
Seaflite is fired out of the water. Uses Hold-out ranges. Damage 7M. Not concealable. Ammo: 1 bolt. Weighs 1
kilo. Costs ¥40. Availabilty: Common.

LEWIS S-3 (3-D)

The clip fed S-3 is typical of the current crop of professional spearguns. The screw in air cylinder doubles as the
weapons stock and is equipped with a variable release valve that automatically adjusts gas volume to account
for depth. Each cylinder is good for 50 shots and can be readily refilled at any commercial dive shop. The
range in brackets applies when the S-3 is fired out of the water. Uses heavy pistol ranges. Damage 9M. Not
concealable. Ammo: 1 bolt. Weighs 2 kilo. Costs ¥200. Availabilty: Common.
The underwater equivalent of a derringer. The 16cm cylinder straps under the forearm and fires it's single bolt
using a standard CO2 cartridge. Inductance sensors in the wristband trigger the firing mechanism in response
to the hand being flicked upward and the fist clenched. A nice holdout weapon, but it would seem smarter to
carry a full sized air gun and keep yourself from getting in a jam in the first place. Uses Hold-out ranges.
Damage 6L. You can hide it in your pocket. Ammo: 1 bolt. Weighs 1 kilo. Costs ¥135. Availabilty: Common.

Boomsticks are close combat weapons utilizing a modified shotgun mechanism to deliver an explosive blast to
the target. While intended for underwater use it's not unheard of for them to be used in surface combat with
predictably gruesome results. Boomsticks have to be in contact with a target to fire; after making a hit in HTH
combat there's only a slight chance the weapon will snag on clothing or drift from the contact point so it's

pretty tough to miss, but still possible. Don't forget that point blank shots from weapons in actual contact with
the target do maximum damage. Ouch! The range in brackets is for when the weapon is used out of the water.


Gleason advertises this little baby as a shark defense weapon. The truth is that even in the unlikely event that a
shark wanted to munch on you he'd probably bite your arm off before you were able to do anything about it.
Any moron can see just from the Lancer's design that it's meant to kill people underwater. It's a slim meter
long cylinder with a recoil cylinder in front of the rubberized rear handgrip and a projecting T-grip for close in
work. The clip is inserted just behind the head of the weapon and holds 10 standard 12mm rounds that fire
when the trigger is squeezed and the tip of the boomstick is pressed against the target. It's not fancy or
complicated, but at that range it blows a hell of a hole through you. For an additional ¥200 there's a version
that neo-dolphins can use as a snout mounted weapon. Damage 9S. Not concealable. Ammo: 10(c). Weighs 4
kilo. Costs ¥40. Availabilty: Common. .5


The first time I saw one of these things I had some serious doubts about it's utility, but after seeing it in action I
became a believer. The Hammerhead is basically a chopped down boomstick mounted in an artillery shell
shaped gauntlet that fits over your forearm. You throw a punch, connect, and ruin someone's day with a point
blank shotgun blast. Personally I loathe underwater hand to hand combat, but I once saw a guy wearing just a
wetsuit take down a TSR Seawolf hardsuit fully fitted out for combat with one of these things. 'Nuff said.
Damage 9S. Not concealable. Ammo: 1. Weighs 1 kilo. Costs ¥700. Availabilty: Poor. Street Index 2.

Up until the last couple of years it's been impossible to find an effective underwater projectile weapon. Some
marine rebuilds of conventional rifles were produced, but they were all handicapped by limited range and
power because water resistance rapidly decelerates projectiles. The Armscor division of GaltCo finally found a
solution to the problem by adapting conventional micromissile technology for use underwater. Torp guns fire
self guiding, rocket propelled rounds that continually accelerate using a solid fuel rocket engine containing a
high proportion of oxidizer to insure reliable ignition and an even burn regardless of water pressure. After lock-
on is achieved and the projectile is fired a sophisticated active sonar guidance system in the nose of the
projectile guides it to the target using steering vents mounted in the engine chamber. The standard
micromissile warhead detonates at impact with enough force to make torp guns suitable for both the anti-
personnel and light anti-vehicle role. For safety the torpedo warhead isn't armed until the round travels 5
meters from the launcher. Torpedo active homing systems slightly modify the normal attack procedure in
combat. If the initial fails, the round has a chance to correct it's course and reacquire the target. Roll a D6: on a
4-6 the torpedo attains a second lock on to the target and a second to hit roll using the same modifiers as the
first can be made. If the second to hit roll fails, the round goes wild: use the Grenade Scatter Table to determine
where it ends up. The engine will sputter out and the warhead will automatically be disabled if the torpedo
travels more than 200m without hitting anything. One of the peculiarities of torp gun combat is that the
relatively slow speed of the projectiles, about 10 meters per second under full burn, allows opponents to target
an incoming torpedo as it travels through the water towards them. Detecting a torpedo in the water requires an
Perception roll with a TN determined by the GM. based on the surrounding environment (sonar clutter, visibility,
distractions, etc.). Any fire at the torpedo using a torp gun receives a TN -1 from the loud acoustic signature of
the target. You'll note that the explosive radius of torp gun rounds is limited in comparison to conventional
micro-missiles using the same warheads. The mass of incompressible water surrounding the detonation point
limits the immediate damage area while concentrating the explosive energy, so torpedo rounds tend to cause
more damage in a smaller area.


The sequel to Armscor's original torp gun model has been adopted by the United States Navy, International
Seabed Authority, Cetacean Enclave Ranger Corp, and GaltCo's elite "Tigershark" security squad. If that's not an
endorsement I don't know what is. But who could resist it? The sleek lines of the fully sealed ceramic housing
cut down on water resistance and snagging, while you have to experience the balance provided by the internal
buoyancy compensator to believe it. One major change from the original is that the torpedo rounds are now
pre-packaged in a six round ammo cylinder you insert into the top of the weapons butt. Replacing the old
cassette feed with the cylinder cuts down on the Sea Viper's overall length by allowing the adoption of a
bullpup design and provides a tighter seal for trouble free deep water use. Damage 10S. Not conceivable.
Ammo: 6 torps. Weighs 3 kilo. Costs ¥1,200. Availabilty: Common. Street Index 2


It took ol' mother Russia a while to get her feet wet, but she dove in all the way when she did. The KR-3 was
originally designed for use by elite aquatic forces in the Red's ever expanding underwater oil drilling operations.
After unsuccessfully trying to get a production license from Armscor they decided to go it alone with a round
developed from the smart version of the 30mm Racate mini-missile. The result has all the traits you've come to
expect from Russian craftsmanship: it looks kludgy, is powerful to the point of overkill, and could probably
keep working after taking a hit from a tactical nuke. It may not be very pretty, but steady demand and black
marketers inside the military depots keep the KR-3 in heavy circulation.
Damage 11S (ouch). Not concealable. Ammo: 10 torps. Weighs 5 kilo. Costs ¥1,450. Availabilty: Common.
Street Index 2

Own some underwater real estate that needs protection? Want to keep infiltration teams from swimming
through a choke point? Installing a Swarm Mine PDU will give second thoughts to anyone thinking about
trespassing on your territory. The main unit, about the size of large briefcase, can be tethered at any desired
depth to maximize sensor coverage regardless of terrain. The passive sonar system will detect anything man-
size or larger within 500m and then fire a spread of 20mm torpedo rounds from it's internal 12 round magazine
if the intruder comes within 200m of the unit. You can even reprogram the internal computer's firing
parameters to specify the size or speed of targets, have it ignore certain profiles, or shrink the danger zone
below 200m to give the intruder less warning. The internal fuel cell is good for 30 days before replacement is
needed and a sonar transmitted passcode automatically shuts the unit down for maintenance and reloading.
Weight: 15kg Cost: ¥2550 (12 round magazine reloads for ¥480) Availability: Poor. Street Index 2
Damage of each round like SeaViper II. Not concealable. Ammo: 1 bolt. Weighs 1 kilo. Costs ¥40. Availabilty:
Common. Street Index 2.



Sure, they're the masters of the open ocean, but watching a cetacean trying to operate sophisticated equipment
with it's snout is pathetic. Until the neo-cetaceans get fully functional fingers (about three generations from
now) they'll continue to rely on glovesets: matched pairs of specialized cyberarms that slip over the pectoral
fins. The Digit series from neo-dolphin owned Rising Arc has been widely hailed as one of the best lines
available because of it's sophisticated design and innovative engineering. Everything from the custom fitted fin
sleeve and improved conduction point interface has been designed to make using them as comfortable as
possible. To facilitate long term wear the mantis-like manipulator arms fit perfectly into the recessed contours
of the ventral pod, minimizing drag and and fatigue. They're pricy, but worth every penny. The initial fitting and
calibration for a gloveset takes about 2 hours with an experienced tech. The orca version can be used by
beluga's, but cost an additional ¥2,000 and must be custom built to account for the differences in anatomy.
The glovesets are commonly available and have a Street Index of 1.

Type: Dolphin Digit Gloveset

Weight: 7kg Cost: ¥9000
Humanity Cost: None (non-invasive externally mounted hardware)

Type: Orca Digit Gloveset

Weight: 12 kg Cost: ¥12,000
Humanity Cost: None (non-invasive externally mounted hardware)


Tired of being bogged down by obsolete gear harnesses? The new Slickskin system from Wavetech gives you
all the room you need to store your equipment and fits more comfortably than any other harness on the market.
The unique flex-plastic fitting straps won't chafe thanks to our patented "Smartfit" technology and are rated for
work down to the abyssal level. The streamlined storage pods are side mounted, give you plenty of room for
gear, and feature boundary layer texturing to produce the same drag coefficient as natural cetacean skin! Get
out of the past and up to speed with Wavetech! They´re excellently available. Street Index: 1

Type: Slickskin-20 Gear Harness

Weight: 5kg Cost: ¥250
Availability: Common

Notes: Can carry up to 10kg in either storage pod. Torp guns and the like can be installed, but each mounting
requires a hardpoint and costs an additional ¥50. Drag reduces underwater mobility by -1 and normal
Encumbrance rules apply to whatever is carried.

Type: Slickskin-40 Gear Harness

Weight: 9kg Cost: ¥400
Availability: Common Notes: Can carry up to 20kg in either storage
pod. Weapons and movement penalty are handled as above.

Type: Slickskin-80 Gear Harness

Weight: 16kg Cost: ¥725
Availability: Common Notes: Designed for use by larger cetaceans
(orca, beluga, etc.) and can carry up to 40kg in either storage pod.


If you find yourself stranded in the middle of open water this is the raft you can trust to get you through alive.
Reflex has licensed technology from companies better known for their space equipment to produce the state of
the art in emergency shelter craft. The non-tip inflatable hull is topped off with a fully sealed shelter
incorporating flexible solar cells into the upper roof panels to power a ten channel radio, water purifier,
combination optical/radio locator beacon, and an environmental system that can keep you comfortable from 0
to 50C. On top of that every Dryad series raft includes a one week supply of food bars for every occupant and a
well stocked survival kit! They don't come cheap, but when you need them you'll know it's the best money
you ever spent.

2-person Weight: 10kg Cost: ¥900 Availability: Common

4-person Weight: 16kg Cost: ¥1600 Availability: Common
10-person Weight: 40kg Cost: ¥4000 Availability: Common


An opened ended polymer bag used to lift objects from the sea floor to the surface. Once you unfold it and fill
it with 3-5 minutes worth of your air supply it'll lift 100kg to the surface at an ascent rate of 1m/second.
Weight: .5kg Cost: ¥20 Availability: Common.


If you plan on covering any kind of distance underwater it would be a good idea to buy a sled. You not only
move faster, but get to conserve your own energy for when you really need it. The Seahorse is typical of the
models available and features a meter long torpedo shaped body with a battery powered prop and diving
planes controlled from the rear mounted handgrips. Attachment points for external equipment like lights, spare
air tanks, and the occasional mini-torpedo launcher are built-in to the streamlined casing. Weight: 45kg Cost:
¥575 Availability: Common Max Speed: 30kph Acc: 5kph Range: 100km on a full battery charge


Standard hardsuit buoyancy systems can get you to the surface at a rate of 1-2m/second, but that's not nearly
fast enough when your life depends on getting up fast. Very fast. The Fastbreak system is a backpack mounted
sealed unit containing a large polymer drogue chute and gas generator. When the package is triggered by the
hardsuit operator the drogue inflates with gas and pulls you up like a parachute operating in reverse at a rate of
2m/second in addition to your normal buoyancy system. It's a little pricey for anyone working near the surface,
but if you're down more than 5 km this thing can save your life. Cost: ¥850 Weight: 9 kg Availability: Poor.

The basic difficulty in dealing with sharks is that they have a very high pain threshold and a tiny brain, which
precludes the delivery of a lethal blow. Standard boomsticks are effective weapons, but the noise produced by it
attracts any shark within hearing distance, and the concussion may well injure the user. Huge quantities of
blood result from the use of the explosive, attracting still more sharks, and the shark itself may not immediately
die. In that brief span of seconds, a wounded shark can very easily kill or horrendously mutilate a diver. For that
reason, most divers would prefer to arm themselves with weapons that immediately kill orincapacitate a shark
on contact. Such weapons are now available:

The oldest anti-shark device, the shark billy is a 3 to 4 ft-long woodenclub, with a short spike driven through
one end. It is counterweighted tofacilitate underwater use and is used to fend off or stab a shark,preferably on
the nose. Damage (str +1)L. Not concealable.. Weighs 1 kilo. Costs ¥40. Availabilty: Common.

A corrosion-resistant metal spear ranging from 1 to 2 meters in length, thesea lance is a simple but deadly
device when outfitted with the right typeof tip (see below). As a weapon in its own right, the lance can be
tippedwith a multitude of blades for underwater defense. Standard spear bladedoes damage as above; other
blades (leaf, etc.) may do more (or less), GM'scall. Monoblades are available for 2x normal cost. Availaibilty:
Common. Damage (str + 1)M. Not concealable. Weighs 1 kilo. Costs ¥150.

+What happened to the shark when struck by the dart was hard to believe. Carbon dioxide was rushed under
pressure into the body cavity ... This inflated it ... like an automobile inner tube, making it extremely buoyant.
And, like an inner tube, it ... rose to the surface, where it died almost instantly. It's better to be on top of the
shark, if it's at all possible, and of course his stomach is instantly blown out of his mouth. You can feel the
concussion, but there's no sound that you can detect.+ -- Anonymous (diver/who/dives)
These consist of a CO2 cartridge tipped with a sharp, hollow-steel needle.The cartridge can be mounted on a
fixed or telescoping spear, shot from a spear gun, or held in the hand like a knife and stabbed into the target.
Both lance and hand-held darts are retrieved for later use. A new cartridge can be quickly and easily inserted

from a sheath strapped to the diver's leg. When the needle penetrates the shark's skin, the pressurized CO2 is
injected into the shark's body cavity, where it expands rapidly and ruptures internal organs, causing almost
immediate death. If the shark is not killed outright, it will be buoyed to the surface by the gas trapped inside of
its body, where it will asphyxiate. Tips: When using a spear, strike downward on the top of the dorsal ridge to
prevent a reflex sideways slash, and try to get close enough to the shark to strike him anywhere behind the
throat valve and forward of his anal vent. The darts do 9S gas expansion damage which CANNOT resisted by
the target! Availability:Common. Not concealable. Costs ¥20 per cartridge.


When the . . . voltage hit a 12-foot tiger shark, total paralysis rendered the predator helpless. Its back hunched,
the ferocious jaws locked open, and the shark sank to the bottom. --Tester, Naval Undersea Research and
Development Center
These darts are capable of releasing 50 volts for intervals of one-half second at a frequency of 1500 Hertz. In its
present form, the 10-inch dartis driven into the shark from a conventional sea lance, which pulls free,making it
unnecessary for the user to be near the target. The dart itself consists of an insulated four-inch blade, designed
to remain imbedded in the shark, connected to a housing 1.25" square which holds a battery and anelectrode.
When the dart hits the shark, lethal current immediately flowsin a complete circuit from the uninsulated tip of
the blade through the shark, then to the water, and onto the second electrode. If the shark is so huge that the
voltage fails to kill it, the current paralyzes it and itsinks toward the bottom, away from its intended prey, until
the battery is exhausted several minutes later. Effects upon a human are the same as those of a taser (q.v.).
Availability: Poor. You can hide a dart in your pocket. The weight is neglegible. Costs ¥100. Street Index 3


Many divers remember the notorious unreliability of late twentieth-centurychemical shark repellents and would
prefer a sea lance or even a boomstick over a small, inexpensive canister of white goo. However, with the
development of new, naturally-occuring substances which far outstrip all previous repellents, these divers may
want to think again. A milky substance called pardaxin, exuded by a type of fish called the Moses sole,found in
the Red Sea, has been refined and synthesized into a safe,reliable repellant which can drive off even the most
frenzied of sharks.The substance comes in small, single-use canisters which contain enough repellent to
immediately drive off all sharks within a 100 yard radius ofthe diver, and prevent cruising sharks from being
attracted to the areawithin a half-mile radius. The repellent lasts for 1d6+3 minutes, depending on local
currents. Larger bombs are available for 50¥; these repel sharkswithin a half-mile radius and dissuade cruisers
within a full mile (sameduration, but it takes 1d6 minutes for the repellent to spread to thelimits of its
effectiveness). Note that though this chemical is non-toxic, high concentrations (like being in the center of a
bomb burst) cause nausea and disorientation in human subjects, and can corrode artificial gillsystems.
Availability: Rare.
It´s possible to hide a canister under your coat. It weighs around half a kilogram. Costs ¥50.

A cheap yet effective way of preventing immediate shark attack, this canister releases a burst of red dye,
creating a cloud six feet in diameteraround the diver. Sharks cannot see through this shade of red, and a
swimmer enveloped in such a cloud is (partially) protected from attackuntil the sea erases the dye, making him
once more visible to the predator.Availability: Common. It fits easily in a clenched fist. The weight is neglegible,
and, best of all, it costs only ¥15 a canister!

For non-divers who suddenly find themselves in shark-infested waters, the Naval Undersea Research and
Development Center has come up with a large polymer bag buoyed up by inflatable rings surrounding the
opening. The bagfolds compactly to be carried with a lifevest or other survival gear. A downed flier or seaman
abandoning a sinking ship simply inflates each ofthe rings, climbs into the bag, and allows it to fill with water.
The underwater view of the bag is of a large, odorless, and unappetizing mass,which not only conceals the
occupant from view, but holds back blood andother attractions likely to increase the chances of a shark
attack.Availability: Common. Not concealable. Weighs 10 kilos. Costs ¥150.

Just what it says - a portable infrared tripwire, consisting of a small infrared light, powered by a battery (5 hour
charge) and a reflector. Both are backed with adhesive to allow their attachment to any surface. The beam has a
range of 2m and is detectable with IR vision. It can be rigged to set off any type of alarm, detector, or explosive
when an object passes between the beam and the reflector. Availability: Rare. You need to pass a Perception(8)
test to detect it. Costs ¥100.


Used by security forces in every major airport and monorail station in the world, these portable devices detect
metal. They can be used to detect cyberware, guns, and other items of contraband. They run on a battery pack
which is good for 12 hours of continuous use. Available everywhere and anytime. Costs ¥300.


This is a small spray canister filled with a (supposedly) harmless radioactive isotope. The isotope is sprayed onto
a target, who can then be followed with a geiger counter or other hand-held radiation detector. It can also be
used as a practical joke in radiation- sensitive habitats, although highriders tend to view this type of prank as
less than funny. Radiation absorption from the tagger is negligible -- less than your average x-ray. It functions
like every normal surveillance device. Costs: ¥200 per rating. Availability: (Very) Rare. Street Index 2

Your classic radiation detector. You've seen them in the movies; the clicks get louder as the amount of radiation
increases. Works like the radiation meter found in Deep Space, p. 56, except the range is much greater --
assume about 100 meters. Costs: ¥400 per rating. Availability: Poor. Street Index 1.5


Essential for the skindiver and handy for the gilled, this compact breathing unit consists of a mouthpiece
connected to two semi-circular tanks which close around the neck, each containing fifteen minutes of oxygen.
An infrared sensor clips to the ear, and the air can be supplied on demand or when blood color changes enough
to indicate that it is needed. Availability: Common. You can hide it within your pocket. Forget about ist weight.
Costs ¥100.


Just when you thought it would never arrive, this lightweight and affordable piece of hardware is designed for
you sport diving fanatics or those who just don't want cybergills installed. This unit is equipped with a
moutpiece attached to a flow regulator, which takes in water from its flow falves and removes the oxygen and
nitrogen from the water for the diver to breathe. With its dual flow system, the diver controls his own breathing
rather than waiting for the unit to supply him with air. The unit comes equipped with a Diamite filter that allows
for continuous diving up to 12 hours at a time before the filter needs replacing. Because the air mixture
extracted from the water includes nitrogen, it is recommended that the unit not be taken any deeper than 50
feet underwater to prevent the deadly effects of nitrogen narcosis. Availability: Excellent. You can´t hide this
thing. It weighs around one kilo. Costs ¥3,000.


DUI's closed-circuit pure-oxygen scuba is meant for professional use only! A diver using this scuba breathes one
hundred percent pure oxygen and becomes totally immune to the effects of both nitrogen narcosis and
decompression sickness. Because of the dangers of oxygen toxicity, the pure-oxygen scuba should only be
used at a depth of 10m for periods less than 75 minutes. Each 10m increase in depth decreases dive time by 20

min, so the maximum allowable dive is 30m for 15 min. Availability: Rare. You can´t hide it. Weighs 5 kilos.
Costs ¥5,000.


New from BCE, and touted as "the next best thing to cybergills," the Dolphin TAV is similar in design to the BCE
Bubbler, but the collar-tanks are replaced by a semi-circular gas extraction unit which removes a breathable
mixture of oxygen and nitrogen from the water in the same way that a standard TAV does. Suction on the
Dolphin's mouthpiece simultaneously delivers a refreshing breath of air and pulls water in through the collar,
where the breathing mix is extracted and prepared for the diver's next breath. Like standard TAV's,
recommended diving depth is 50 feet, but the Dolphin's filter only needs to be replaced about once a year,
making it capable of indefinite underwater function, just as cybergills are. The Dolphin expels a stream of tiny,
champagne-like bubbles of CO2 behind it. Replacement filters cost 100¥. Availability: Rare. You can´t hide it. It
weighs about 1 kilo. Costs ¥4,000


A simple, light, compact one-piece suit, ideal for work in tropical waters (80 degrees F) or as a thin
undergarment worn beneath heavier suits. Provides no SP protection. Availaibility: Common. Weighs 1 kilo. It
costs ¥50.


These versatile warm-water suits have a layer of heat-retaining thermoplastic sandwiched between two layers of
spandex. They are thin and are designed for use between 75 degrees F to 85 degrees F. You canwear a
thermoplastic suit beneath a neoprene suit for extra warmth. Windproof, neutrally buoyant. Also available in
plush-lined versions for an addtional 50¥, reducing working temperatures to 70 degrees F. Provides no armor.
Availability: Common. Weighs 2 kilos, and costs ¥100.


The most common form of protective clothing in use, these suits contain thousands of tiny, insulating air
bubbles which provide excellent, lightweight heat retention down to 60 deg. F. This type of suit is naturally
buoyant and requires weights. Minor repairs are a snap with wet suit cement (10+ Diff), but note that neoprene
is not windproof and has a long drying time. Provides 1/1 armor. Availability: Common. It weighs 3 kilos, costs


Full body wetsuit, armored to 5/3, with toxin scrubber mask, 1 hour onboard air supply, and extendable w¥s in
feet and gloves. These provide bonuses as cybernetic webbing: your underwater mobility is equal to your
normal mobility rating, and +2 is added to your Swimming skill. Reduce REF by -1 for the purposes of
manipulation and normal mobility by -2 when running on land with webs extended. Availability: Poor. It weighs
6 kilos, costs ¥1,500.


These contoured plastic containers fit into integral wet suit pockets or exterior strap-on pouches and contain a
nontoxic, reusable chemical that heats to about 130 degrees F, providing that extra bit of warmth when you
most need it. Heat lasts for 30 mins, and must be dormant for 1 hour before re-use. Availability: Poor. You can
hide it under your coat. Forget about its weight. Costs ¥100.


These suits are similar to their wetsuit cousins, but are designed for dives where expected water temperature is
below 60 degrees F. They are lined with waterproof nylon, and come with integral seals at wrists and neck,
attached dry boots, and a water- and pressure-proof zipper. Form fitting, streamlined, and windproof, these

suits are ideal for deep-water or arctic diving. They are buoyant and require weights, and are difficult to repair if
torn. Provides 1/1 of protection. Availability: Poor. 3 kilos. Costs ¥800.

These are standard foam neoprene drysuits coated in a rubberized fabric shell, making them as easy to repair as
wet suits and about twice as durable. They are fast drying, light, and provide 1/1 of protection. Availability:
Poor. 5 kilos. Cost ¥1,000. Street Index is 1.5


Move a step up from foam neoprene! Crushed neoprene is more durable, easier to repair. Long-lasting, and less
buoyant than foam neoprene. Provides 2/1 SP of protection, but is bulkier than normal drysuits and provides
less thermal protection. Availability: Poor. 4 kilos, costs ¥750.


This suit operates off the same technology used in the Militech M96 "Ghostsuit" (Chromebook 2, 90), but with
simpler parameters. The suit is designed to take into accound depth, light dispersal, water currents, and
turbidity to mimic the surrounding water. Its light pattern can even flow slightly according to the current and the
surrounding particles while the diver remains in place, giving the effect of moving water. The suit is also
designed with sonar-absorbent material that presents it from being detected as long as the diver remains still.
TN +4 for any Perception tests made against him. No armor, but is considered to be in the Dry Suit category of
thermal protection. One piece, equipped with flippers and webbing and a face mask to allow for better visual
acuity underwater. There is no air supply included, although there is a slit for the mouth; whoever uses the suit
has to do so using either cybergills or a low-profile diving apparatus like the TAV. Availabilty: Rare. Weighs 11
kilos, and costs only ¥40,000! Street Index is 8. Hey, what a bargain!

Adapted from the original orbital design to do underwater duty, these suits are skintight, tough, rubberized
coveralls with a simple helmet and 40-60 minute air supply. The foam-like inner skin is pressure-resistant to 40
atm, and affords protection from temperatures down to 45 deg. F with ease. Below 45 deg, the temperature
regulation will begin to fail and become useless after 10 min. Availability: Poor. Weigh 3 kilos. Cost ¥2,500.


This suit can be worn like normal clamshell body armor, but it has the added bonus of a five hour air supply,
built-in fins, and special ballast compartments that enable the wearer to achieve neutral buoyancy. It weighs 21
lbs. For exotics with gills, the helmet can be modified to allow the free passage of water. Has armor 8/5.. Depth
depends on breathing apparatus attached. Availability: Rare. Weighs 15 kilos. Costs ¥24,000. Street Index 3


This diving suit is only equipped for use with LBM's and allows exceptionally deep dives. Maximum
recommended depth is 10,000 ft. (Chromebook 1, 15). Availability: Poor. Weighs 6 kilos, costs ¥6,000. Street
Index is 2.

Standard professional swimming fins. Light and flexible, they give the user +1 Swimming. All fins subtract -2
from mobility for any land movement, and add +2 to underwater mobility. Availability: Common. Forget about
the weight. They cost you a mere ¥50.

These are longer, heavier, narrower, and more rigid than swimming fins, and are designed to deliver greater
power on the downstroke kick. The preferred fin for working divers, they sacrifice comfort for strength. Add +1

to Swimming and +1 to Endurance for Swimming purposes. Availability: Poor. Don´t think about weight ...
they cost ¥75. Now, that´s cheap, chum!


This superoxygenated fluid can be aspirated and used in place of normal atmospheric tank mixtures for deep sea
dives. Breathing time is about the same as standard air mixtures. There is a 20% chance that a person cannot
tolerate the LBM. Without a BOD(4) test, lung irritation often results, and immediate subsequent use of the
liquid (within 3 days) results in Light damage to the lungs, reduces endurance tasks by 1 point in body type,
and doubles damage taken from aerosol projection weapons (tear gas, etc.). Divers who do tolerate the LBM
will be at -2 to BOD for an hour after the dive while his respiratory system readjusts. No speech is possible
while using an LBM; the fluid prevents the larynx from functioning. Availability: Poor. Costs ¥100. Street Index
is 3.


A basic but essential piece of gear, this little gadget is a clip-on belt gauge which calculates and displays a
diver's exact depth and gives a warning beep or vibration when the diver is within 50 feet of his maximum
depth tolerance. Note that the gauge is itself only pressure-tolerant up to 500 feet. Costs ¥50. Each additional
100 feet of tolerance costs an extra 100¥. Availabilty: Common. Weight? Weight?


This handy device is essentially a pressure-activated stopwatch used for recording depth times. The timer is
activated automatically when the diver descends below a certain depth, and turns itself off when the diver
reaches the surface. Availability: Common, and it costs only ¥15!


A small magnetic compass housd in a waterproof, pressure-resistant case, and worn on the wrist like a watch.
Availability: Common. Triax Decompression Gauge (50¥) This clip-on electronic belt or wrist meter senses
pressure, depth, and dive time and compares the variables to let the diver know exactly how long he can stay
down, what depth he must stop at, and how long he must wait at each stage of his ascent for proper
decompression. Availability: Common, and it costs only ¥30!

Convenient record-keeping is at your fingertips with this waterproof-ring binder, outfitted with thin sheets of
semimatte white plastic, lightly sand-papered on both sides. Ordinary lead pencil can be used and marks
rubbed off with a rubber eraser or an abrasive cleaner. Some underwater slates are equipped with a compass,
depth gauge, watch, etc. mounted across the top; assume an additional 50¥ for each option. Base model is
20¥. Availability: Common.

A self-winding, pressure-resistant and waterproof watch in a shock-resistant, non-magnetic case, the diver's
watch is essential for determining depth and decompression stop times. One-piece elastic bands are common,
and come in a variety of designer colors. Cheap models go for as little as 30¥; top-of-the-line models, with
integral compass, depth gauge, temperature meter, and ultrasonic CO2 detector can go as high as 200¥.
Availability: Common.

A simple, waterproof and pressure-resistant halogen lamp with a flexible clamp to allow it to be mounted on a
variety of surfaces. Buy it everywhere, and pay ¥20 (or steal it).

These high powered spray canisters have multiple uses, the most common being as a dispenser for brighty
colored emergency dyes. However, they have found more sinister uses as well. The spray cannister is loaded
with a liquid bottled under a high-powered gas mixture. The gas is able to expel the liquid contents up to a
range ot 10 feet underwater, and the liquid itself can be any form of toxin or acid usable in water. Pheromone
based-liquids which attract or repel sharks are popular. It costs 15¥ to refill either the gas canister or replace the
juice inside. Availability: Common (shark repelling pheromones are Poor, shark attractors Rare). It costs ¥50.
Like to attend corp meetings with your baggy pants? Love to wear Star Drek™ uniforms when the real Mr
Johnsons visit your office? Uh-oh. Knowing how to dress properly in the world of high society and finance is
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presented by Cartel Fashion Consultant Johnathan
BAUHAUS Cordinger.
"The Bauhaus suit is definitely the most daring outfit CYBERTRONIC
you can have in the corporate world. Fabrics, colors, (1400¥)
and designs all send the message of self- "Cybertronic ... favors what is known as the "chic
confidence, wealth, and social standing. chip," which, because of their starkness and utility,
The high price tag makes these suits common have found a niche among the anti-statement art
among media and movie stars, and are therefore and media crowd."
considered very chic among corporate officials and
eager young officials."

The Cybertronic suit is a fusion between a
uniform, work outfit, and ordinary suit. The lapels
Bauhaus suits have narrow lapels and a rounded cut
are only a straight strip of contrasting fabric, with
to the sleeve, and the jackets are longer than those
buttons to one side, giving it a very stern,
of other corporations. Suits come with more color
militaristic look. Colors are limited to dark gray
and variety than any other brand. Dark tones of
and black. The Cybertronic shirt is white with a
green and blue are the most common. Vests of
thin line for a collar. Ties are not recommended.
contrasting color and bold patterns complete the
Cybertronic Pricing: Jacket 600¥, Pants 500¥, Shirt
apparel. Bauhaus shirts come with the rounded
collars and are always made from delicate fabrics.
The ties come in a wide selection, with striking
patterns. The use of Bauhaus ties with Capitol suits
is common for those who can only afford the tie
and want to make an attempt at a statement.
Bauhaus Pricing: Jacket 1000¥, Vest 700¥, Pants
900¥, Shirt 400¥, Tie 300¥.
"Imperial suits are considered very classy, and,
like the Bauhaus, very expensive. However,
Imperial ensures that most of their own
A recoilless gun used for placing lines, used as For a mere 200 bucks, you get our newest outer-
employees wear an Imperial suit by offering
safety lines or as handholds when going outer space tool! This is a tube 1.35 meters in length and
discounts to workers through their corporate
space without aINC.
PAK-TITE, maneuverGEL-PAK unit. Grapnels are 10 cm in diameter. It incorporates maneuver jets
Gel-Pak is anda gelatinous
trail 25m of packing
line behindmaterialthem. which oozes (equivalent
around the item to Hand
to beManeuver
packed and Units,fillsDeep
and cranny.
the lineAmay mildbeelectrical
slowly reeled currentin,then solidifies p. 52),
the Gel,
firmly packing
grapnelthe gun
item(see within
container. theThe firerhardened,
along withrubbery it, or itgelmay comes
be in a variety radio
of colors
boosterand module
may be (boosts
maderange as opaqueon a hands-
or as
transparent andasattached
requiredto--anotherprotect grapple,
your investment 400¥) from freeprying
comseteyes by(reduces
200% when attempts
to scanwithinside
by -5"The
creating a Capitol
and stable suittocomes
is obviously
line travel inon.
impervious a number
to lasers) of styles
or keep itspecial
clear foradaptor),
safety checks!
mooring is guaranteed
pad, laser
not to and agrades.
delta-VeeorThis ofis50m/sec,
shrink the classic
during the
andsuit forthe
reel the process,rangeavoiding
and geiger
to yourcounter
item. (5mItemsrange).
user incommon
Gel-Pak at are
25m/sec. man Itand
impervious doesistoaccessible
forms in all damage
of priceif (10/8),
also though
equipped extreme
with white
maywhich can
strikes athe As
livingitem it is
target so(maybe
Smaller 3L it is also
point the
if used
like bullets,bebounce
set foroff,
and slashes
or strobe,
can bepressure
atmosphere). outfit
applied for
It costs many
to the
¥50. woundsecurity
Weight to is lines."
keep5 kilos.
it open. Gel-Pak
red toisindicate
or distress.
and non-
staining, andsuits can are straight and
be dissolved withalways
anotherworn with
application of electrical current. The manufacturer
a vest of the
recommends same afabric.
allowing generousColors vary, but
amount of space within your package -- about 4 inches provides
Imperial suits are double breasted, three
blues and grays Gel-Pak arecan common,
be usedsome as a handcuff substitute in emergencies, given a suitable
buttoned, and range in color from dark green
with pinstripes. Many people cut the tag out
to black. The fabric is treated to ensure a flat,
of a Capitol suit and try to pass it off as a more
Availability: Poor. Costs ¥120.  matte look, and wears exceptionally well. The
VID-TIE® expensive brand -- no upstart executive
Imperial shirt is plain, straight, and white. The
would be
from Giovanni caught dead
Coccotti!! Tired in of athat
static Capitol
pattern suit.
on your tie? Try the Vid-Tie from Italian
ties are often a solid color with small
designer Shirts are exclusively
Giovanni Coccotti! The button-down
Vid-Tie uses collars in fiber optic weave so that you can
a special
decorative patterns. These patterns are made
wear the white
newestor light
from some
the with[Image]stripes. Tiesvideo artists. Use Vid-Tie's patented
to order and are frequently the symbol or logo
are to
"Flexi Slot" usually
chips ofpatterns that go
your favorite subtly
films, fractal patterns or the hottest new works by
of a regiment, university, academy, or
with the
video artists likesuit. CapitolPay
Ulf Sührer! Pricing:
¥100Jacket to get100¥,
the real thing!
corporation. Imperial Pricing: Jacket 800¥,
Pants 90¥, Shirt 75¥, Tie 50¥.
Pants 700¥, Shirt 400¥, Tie 400¥.

"These suits are similar to the Cybertronic line, but are most commonly found in basic black.
The Mishima suit is unique and very formal, and is usually only worn by CEOs and diplomats."

The Mishima jacket has the lapels of a dinner jacket, always in dark gray shades, with a
buttonless (concealed) vest in either black or gray. Mishima shirts are similar to white tuxedo
shirts, with a wide tie, either solid or striped in red or black. Mishima Pricing: Jacket 3000¥,
Vest 1000¥, Pants 1500¥, Shirt 1000¥, Tie 500¥.
From Ian Thomas Bradley comes this unique item for re-edging monofilament blades. While monoblades and
ceramic edges will usually retain their edges throughout the lifetime of the weapon, there are unhappy
occasions when the blade picks up a significant chip or nick. Since crystalline weapons do not react well to
conventional sharpening techniques, ITB has developed the Laser Sharpener. Shaped like a conventional knife
block, the ITB Sharpener contains a high-powered microlaser which will re-edge any monoblade in under a
minute. Hand-held versions of the Sharpener are available at the same price and can be used to re-edge
swords, katanas, and other melee weapons. Availability: Rare. Cost ¥300. Street Index: 4

The MagHold is a pair of thin plates, connected to a tiny power pack, which adhere to any surface, typically the
outside of a piece of armor. Simply sandwich the surface between the MagHold plates, and integral magnets
will hold them in place. When a piece of equipment or a metal weapon is brought into contact with the outside
plate, a pressure sensor activates a second, powerful electromagnet, attaching the item to the plate. The
MagHold has been developed for use in place of knife sheaths (steel and alloy knives only, 20¥), tool belts
(25¥), pistol holsters (non-ceramic models only, (50¥), and ammunition belts (cased steel alloy only, 50¥).
Availability: Common.


Finally, The style of a Seiko and the functionality of a an E-Book! Your Seiko E-Watch contains an electronic
rolodex which can store up to 2000 entries! But it doesn't end there. It can dial your cellular, receive pages,
check stock quotes, give you the latest headlines, it even has 5Mp of storage space. The E-watch is tuned to the
national atomic clock, automatically adjusts between time zones and has 10 other exciting features. Get one
today! Availability: Common. Costs ¥400.


It isn't an easy (or safe) job being a journalist in 2057, That's why you need "MediaWare"! This specialy designed
jacket incorporates style, protection and utility all into one chill garment. The jacket includes spooled fiber-optic
cable in the sleeves and 4 other convenient locations, for a quick, tangle free interface from your camera
equipment to your power packs and to your E-Book. Specially designed pockets are included for all your
batteries, power packs and blank chips. The jacket even comes with 12 removable harnesses and mounting
straps so you can carry you E-Book and an array of camera equipment. And when you get into a tough
situation, you can be sure that this armor 4/2 jacket will get you out of it! Availability: Common. Costs

Want to impress your boss and stand out from your co-workers? Then throw away that old corporate logo pin
and get a new Holopin! This mini-hologenerator can be clipped on to your lapel or tie, and is capable of
displaying a full color, three dimensional animated logo. Have it customized at any of our worldwide retailers.
For ¥75, you can buy it everywhere! SO many people already have it! Why not you?
I found out first hand that standard cyberlimbs don't react kindly to the ocean environment. The constant salt
spray can corrode fittings, futz up the contraction rate of myomers, and in general wreak merry hell on your
subsystems. Not to mention how much fun it is trying to swim when your balance is thrown off by a big hunk
of metal and plastic filled with water. So the first thing you should do before walking up the gangplank is get
all your cyberlimbs rebuilt to marine specifications with corrosion resistant diamond coat, composite
replacements for reactive metal parts, and smart air bladders to maintain your limbs neutral buoyancy
regardless of dive depth. It takes up one of your valuable option spaces, but I guarantee you'll be grateful for it
eventually. Cost: ¥2,500. Costs no Essence. Availability: Rare.


The full name of this wholly owned neo-dolphin company translates roughly from Sonde into "rising shallow
arc- moment before- fronting pressure wave- transforms (into)- empty swimming (flight)", but that gets tired
pretty quick so everyone with legs calls them Rising Arc. The clever little fins market this bundle to anyone
who expects to have dealings with neo-dolphins or to a lesser extent with any of the feral cetacean species. It
includes a modified form of the Enhanced Hearing Range cyberaudio option, a high frequency version of the
AudioVox vocal synthesizer, and a mastoid mounted mini-comp programmed to translate Delphin or Sonde to
and from the users native tongue. Cost: ¥1450. Essence Loss: 0.6 Availability: Rare.

Zippers are fun little add-ons which can be added to more places
than you might think. Lips, eyes, and other orificies are obvious
spots, but zippers are also great for subdermal pockets and flesh

Game Notes:
No Essence lost for an addition to a subdermal pocket, up to 0.2 pt for zippers which seal the eyes or other
important spots. Cost ¥300.

Light Emitting Diodes in the 2050s are probably not quite technically like the LEDs we're accustomed to
nowadays, but the effect is about the same. LEDs are tiny glowing spots of light, in any color, which can be
implanted subdermally or added to a cybernetic. They can be placed inside any part of the body for that great
"flashlight-in-the-mouth" effect, and can spell out words, symbols, or patterns in any place desired.
Essence loss is between 0.1 and 0.3 pt, depending on the complexity of design and the area covered.
Cost ¥600.


The standard locations for interface plugs are in the temple, neck, wrist, and the back of
the skull. A few more radical locations have appeared on the market, most notably the
Optical Interface in Chromebook 3 (p. 27), which allows a cyberoptic to be rotated in the
socket to expose an interface port. But there are a lot more places to put an interface
plug, and we have them. Any spot which is not placed near a bone is assumed to be reinforced with a small
backplate which prevents the plug from being ripped out of soft tissue. These spots can be fashion statements,
or they can be placed to conceal them from a casual search. (Essence Loss is as standard for interface plugs).
Locations: In the belly button, up the nose (occluding one nostril, naturally), inside the mouth (waterproofing of
plug an additional 60¥, waterproof cable 80¥), inside any other orifice (waterproofing as per mouth), beneath
the jaw on either side of the windpipe, in the ankle, replacing the nipples, in the palm of the hand, in one ear
(impairing hearing), beneath the scrotum, replacing a fingertip (Essence Loss as per partial cyberfinger), on the
tip of the tongue (impairing speech). Interface plugs and cables can also be sculpted to look like anything at all:
a cable tip that looks like a grabbing hand, a stereo jack, an old-style two-pronged electrical cord; a plug that
looks like a miniature stylized mouth, an old-style electrical outlet, or a light bulb socket. All the possibilities are
yours! Please understand that we charge differently for different spots. As a financial frame: we charge about
twice the cost of normal jacks, or, for very exotic (and we mean very exotic) spots, up to four times the price of
the usual, off-the-shelf-bore-me-to-death jacks.


Body piercing as a fashion is nothing new, but the advent of cybernetics has come! Now, you fetishists out
there can have piercings a bit more serious than anything ever seen before. Quadruple-I has it all. If you've ever
seen extreme bondage gear, you can probably imagine what were talking about here ... of course, this stuff
would be permanently implanted (a la Hellraiser) and not just worn. (Essence cost is up to the GM). Our prices
very from ¥100 to ¥10,000. Ask your local pain master, erm, Quadruple-I store.


Let your imagination run wild. Imagine techhair composed entirely of small chains, or
barbed wire, or metal strips resembling tinsel. Prehensile hair, bright plastic teeth
displaying the logo of your choice, razor blades implanted in a crest down the spine.
Mirror the irises of your eyes, make your skin resemble that of an expensive leather
briefcase, put solar panels in your scalp and fork your tongue. As always, price vary.


"Gets the red out!" This cyberhand option places a reservoir of sterile, buffered, isotonic saline solution at your
very fingertips. Dispense the solution directly onto contact lenses, or place drops in your eyes to relieve
dryness. Saline stream strength can be as powerful as your wish, from a single drop at a time to a high-powered
squirt to really blast dust and hair from your lenses during cleaning. Game Notes : The dispenser is designed to
be used with materials such as saline solution or eyedrops, but creative characters can use it to deliver poisons,
flammable liquids, and with special modifications, acids. Costs ¥90. Availabilty: Rare.


"Never lose your keys again!" Sick of losing your keys? Are you constantly misplacing your keyrings? Sick of
unsightly keychains and the annoying "jing-a-ling" of keys in your pocket? Never fear! Schlage Cyber-Keys are
here! A fingertip on your cyberarm or cyberhand is modified with a special "key magazine" which can hold up to
five different keys. Just choose which key you want and mentally extend the one you need from the tip of your
finger! The specially-modified keys can be released (ie, for vehicle operation) and replaced quickly and easily for
added practicality. Costs ¥200. Availability: Common.


"Great looks are as easy as running your hand through your hair!" Extendable bristles are installed into any stock
cyberhand. With a thought, the bristles pop out, allowing you to remove tangles and unsightly cowlicks just by
running your hand through your hair. Costs ¥50. Availability: Common.

„Never wipe your nose with your sleeve again!" This cyberlimb option takes one space, and allows the allergy-
prone cyberpunk a convenient way to get rid of bothersome nasal mucus. The dispenser holds a box of
Kleenex, with enough sheets to blow two hundred and fifty noses! Costs ¥50. Availability: Excellent.
The burgeoning oceanic population has created an intense demand for workers capable of long term work at
moderate underwater depths. Now ConGen debuts the answer: the Seabreath respiratory rebuild. Our unique
osmotic membranes are installed in flow channels located in slits between the ribs to maximize gas exchange
with water passing through the mouth. By slightly reducing your excess lung capacity, and installing a
secondary tracheal valve, we make it a simple matter to switch from breathing air to dwelling in the watery
home of our ancient ancestors. After installing Seabreath we guarantee that whole new areas of underwater
employment will open up to you or we'll refund your money! Take the first step towards a bright future by
calling today to schedule your Seabreath rebuild. Cost: ¥30,000 Body Cost: 1. Availability: Common.

Effect: The user can breathe indefinitely in oxygenated water. The large absorption area of the gills make
subjects with this modification especially vulnerable to airborne toxins (+3 to TN), and the delicate tissues of
the gills are sensitive to damage (additional damage level from any blow to the torso for shock to the


Return to your ancestral home in style! Our new webbing rebuilds let you move through the water with the
greatest of ease- and with a speed that would put an unmodified Olympic swimmer to shame. Custom
designed bone and skin lines are used to elongate your digits and create a frog-like membrane of skin between
them. See ya' at the beach! Cost: ¥5,000 Body Cost: 0.2 Availability: Common

Effect: Hands are webbed. Add +2 to your underwater mobility. Reduce Quickness by -1 for the purposes of


Seemingly innocuous forms of sea life like corals and jellyfish are equipped with a deadly form of injector
mechanism called a nematocyst. Now you can look just as innocent while packing the same lethal punch! The
Ransom SK Stinger is a shot glass sized bioimplant incorporating a meter long strand of coiled muscle tissue
tipped with a razor sharp sliver of bone. At your mental command the strand explosively uncoils, deploying
through a nearly undetectable slit in your skin, and strikes your target like a cobra with the toxin of your choice.
We recommend implantation in the forearm to take advantage of the Stinger's rapid aim and fire potential, but
you can pick anywhere on your body to hide our deadly surprise. (The Stinger requires a companion Venom
gland to provide it's toxin supply. For more details, take a look at Information Overload)
Cost: ¥5,000 Body Cost: 0.5 Availability: Poor.

Effect: Stinger can strike targets within one meter with -2 to TN. A specialized form of martial arts called
Stingdance takes advantage of the injectors close combat capabilities and is gaining in popularity on oceanic


"I just can't get close to a man if he smells..." Never use deodorant sticks or cologne again! Nanoids designed
to reuild your sweat glands are injected into your body. The structure of your pores and sweat glands is altered,
enabling them to produce a sterile, cologne-like substance that is anything but offensive. How would you like to
sweat your favorite cologne or perfume? Many options are availiable, including most designer fragrances, as
well as simple odors (baby powder, floral, or spice, to name a few). Raise your hand if you're sure! Cost ¥5,000.
Body Cost: 0.2. Availability: Rare.


This is a small reinforced pouch placed above the stomach. It is not connected to the stomach, however; the
pouch opening is through an artificial sphincter connected to the esophagus just below the epiglottis.
Characters with this implant can swallow small items, like chips, bullets, gems, drugs, etc. and direct them to
the gastric pouch rather than to the stomach, spitting them up later for use. The pouch is reinforced (Armor
1/0), but it is unwise to swallow anything which your mouth cannot handle (like razor blades, batteries, etc.); if
such items are swallowed, GMs should force some kind of check to see whether the item gets in and out
without damaging anything on the way. The pouch can hold items up to the size of a tennis ball, but it is
extremely difficult to swallow items that large (GMs, be brutal) and the size is intended more as an indicator of
the number of smaller items which can be crammed inside. It is impossible to detect a gastric pouch without an
X-ray or similar scanning procedure, so it is popular with smugglers and is therefore considered to be black
market bioware.
Cost ¥4,000. Body Cost: 0.5 Availability: Rare


This is a variety of skinweave which modifies the body's thermal signature so that an IR or thermographic scan
will not reveal human-shaped heat patterns. A character with this bioware is very difficult to spot; IR Weave
confers a -4 to Perception rolls to locate the character using IR or thermographic vision, and a -2 to hit the
character with either type of vision once his location has been determined. The modification has no effect on
body temperature regulation, and is tough to detect in normal lighting (V.Diff Perception to notice).
Costs ¥12,000. Body Cost: 1 Availability: Rare. Street Index: 5
Brainwaver knows what the average user out in the shadows needs: cheap
but good chipware, right? A "zap" chip is a chip with a defect, usually
containing one key error which causes failures during certain circumstances.
Sometimes a chip with a known problem can be found at a discount ("It's Drive +3, red-hot, but it's got a little
bug. Stay off the freeway and you'll be fine."). Zap chips are priced between 1/2 and 1/4 of normal chip costs.
Disadvantages of a zap chip are up to the GM, but here are some suggestions: the chip fails to work in combat
("Some kind of adrenaline interference," mutters the tech), every 1d10th skill check is automatically a fumble,
the chip can never provide critical successes, the chip causes seizures on a roll of 1 on a d10 every time it is
inserted, the chip causes other neuralware to fail, etc. Availability is one level down, all other data are that of
the „original“ chip.


Let´s be honest. Everyone of you knows that high-quality chipwear is darn expensive. We at Thud Industries
knmow that, and we have scheduled a way out: Idiot Chips. Be sure to read the whole description, though.
Idiot chips subtract the rating of the chip from all other chipped skills in the same class ("class" meaning all other
chips). For example, an idiot Rifle chip at +2 would subtract -2 from all other chips for as long as it was used.
The disadvantages of this type of chip are obvious, but the advantages can be significant - if you only intend to
use one chip at a time, the penalty does not take effect, and the cost for each level of an idiot chip is halved. For
example, a Rifle +3 which subtracted -3 from all other chips would cost 450¥ rather than 900¥. Idiot chips do
not take points off of natural skills, only other chipped ones. Penalties to chipped skills can never go below 0, so
the worst an idiot chip can do is render other chips useless. Availability is one level down, all other data are that
of the „original“ chip.

Notes:Of course, a smart GM won't tell the players that the other chips are shut down until they really need to
use those chipped skills ...


These are special chips which can only be used in specific situations. They are frequently distributed by
corporations as an advertising ploy and to insure that the
buyer will only use a certain type of item (a rather brutal
way to make sure the company tech won't be fixing a
competitor's items). For instance, a Demo Play Instrument
chip might only work with Fender Stratocasters, or a
Demo Cyberdeck Design chip might only apply when
you're working on Radio Shacks (god forbid), and a
Weaponsmith chip could be limited to weapons put out by Sternmeyer. Demo chips work just like normal
chips, but their specific focus must be decided upon when they are purchased and cannot be changed
afterwards. The cost for each level of a Demo chip is reduced by 1/3, rounded up, and the price can never fall
below 50¥/level. Bear in mind that Demo chips can create really strange incidents (that Motorcycle chip only
works when you're sitting atop a Rapier ...).
Group 7 is back, and we´re not here to celebrate a birthday, boys. To let show you
we´re talking biz here, we developed our famous Jackhammers. Never heard of
them? -- Then you are no shadowrunner, bubie. Jackhammers are chips which incapacitate the user. There are
many different types available and are typically used to keep an unconscious foe down or to mess up an
inattentive one. Some of these incorporate a type of lock which prevents the chip from being removed without
a key or special command. You can pop the chip in and lock it down to prevent your enemy from taking it out
when he recovers. They are a special kind of chips, neither purely knowsoft nor linguasoft nor activesoft. All of
them have an Availability: Rare, and a Street Index of 3. Some common types of Jackhammers:

Stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. Not quite as good as BTL, but good enough to keep
the user docile. The user will be euphoric and happy and will be happy to cooperate with just about any
request. To avoid these effects, make a Willpower(10) test. Costs 1,000¥. Required Memory 320 Mp.

This is a torture device. It stimulates the victim's pain center. +4 to all TN until the chip is removed. Some
varieties also keep the victim from screaming ... Willpower(12) test can be used to act normally and negate the
penalties for one round per success. Costs 3,000¥. Required Memory 320 Mp

The user is mindlessly drunk. -2 to Quick, INT, and Willpower until removed. Willpower(10) test can be made
to fight the effects for one round per point of success.. 7,00¥. Required Memory 400 Mp


WCCI has been producing quality chipware for the leisure and entertainment
markets for years. The company's most recent innovation, "Dimpleware," is a
series of chips that are compatible with most major chip sockets. Each chip,
when accessed, sends a message to the motor control centers of the brain,
causing a muscle contraction which cannot be overcome by the user. Some chips
are practical, while others are designed for personal use. Some chips, if overused
or abused, can be dangerous. The chip's user takes full responsibility for the
product's application, and the company will not be held liable from any damage
resulting from misuse. All of the WCCI Dimpleware chips are either activesoft nor any other specific soft (ie, you
can use it with skillwires or just headware), have Availability: Common, and a Street Index of 2.

Causes the user's eyelids to close. No amount of concentration will force them open. Useful for people who
have trouble sleeping, or for those who want to keep themselves (or others) from seeing their surroundings.
Memory Required: 200 Mp. Costs ¥1,500


Afflicts the user with painful knots in his calf muscles, slowing movement. Useful for restraining unwilling
subjects. Note : Not intended as a torture implement.
Game Notes : This chip gives you the charley horses from Hell, one in each leg. Consequently, the afflicted
character must make a Willpower(8) test. If failed, he/she cannot walk, let alone run - the pain is too great. If the
roll is passed, the character cannot move at more than half speed until the chip is removed. Regardless, the
user's legs will feel like loose rubber bands once the chip is removed. Will not cause pain to subjects with
cyberlegs, but it will still cause the myomar in the limb to contract violently, and this results in the same half-
movement penalty.) Memory Required: 320 Mp. Costs: ¥3,000.
One or both of the user's hands clench into fists, depending on the chip model. Nothing short of chip removal
or amputation will loosen the user's grip! Keeps people with sticky fingers from walking off with your stuff.
Memory Required 300 Mp. Pay ¥250 for single hadn version, ¥400 for two hands.


The Fist Mk II Chip is designed to help the user retain tools or weapons under stressful conditions. The chip
causes hand muscles to contract, but leaves the forefinger under the user's control. This allows most guns and
some tools to be held and used with no risk of dropping them. Gives a whole new meaning to the cliché, "They
can have my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers." You need 320 Mp free memory to run this
puppy, and it only costs ¥600.


For the incontinent among us comes the Hold It Chip. It causes the muscles controlling urination and bowel
movements to clamp shut, preventing embarrassing accidents. Be aware that this does not block the feelings of
discomfort associated with a full-to-the-brim bladder or colon. Users should be seated on or standing in front of
the proper facilities when the chip is finally removed. Note : WCCI does not recommend use of this product for
more than four hours at a time, as serious damage can result. Memory Required 300 Mp, costs ¥500.

This chip forces the user's jaw muscles to clamp shut. Used in situations where a gag is required but
unavailable, or to protect law enforcement personnel against an orally armed perp! Note : WCCI does not
condone the use of the Lockjaw Chip as a dietary or weight loss aid. Memory Required 320 Mp, costs ¥700.


The user's face contracts into a wide, shit-eating grin. He can
talk, eat, and interact as normal. A useful gag for parties.
Note : Overuse can strain facial muscles. Memory required:
320 Mp. Costs ¥250.

Causes one of the user's eyes to close. As with the Blindfold Chip, the eye cannot be opened unless the chip is
removed. Useful for parties, or as an impromptu bandage to protect an injured eye. Must buy separate chips for
the right or left eye. Required memory 250 Mp, costs ¥250.


This chip forces the user's neck muscles to tighten, giving him an artificially-induced stiff neck. The user will
have trouble turning or nodding his head. Requires 250 Mp free mem, and costs ¥500.


Pants don't fit? Never fear! This little beauty contracts your abdominal muscles so you don't have to! Takes all
the effort out of looking lean! Never get caught with your spare tire hanging out again! Requires 250 Mp free
mem, and costs ¥500.

(AKA, "The Matchstick") With this chip, the user's eyes are forced open, and he is unable to close them. Useful
as a medical aid to assist doctors and technicians in optical surgery or cyberoptic repair. Note : Prolonged use of
this chip can dry out and damage the eyes; WCCI does not condone the use of the Wide-Eye Chip for

indoctrination or brainwashing purposes, nor as a torture or sleep-depravation tool. Requires 320 Mp free mem,
costs ¥1,000.


Information Overload,
the SR conversions of
all the three IO books
for CP2020.

For any comments: email BulletShower:

or visit my homepage:˜nmatausc
Thank you for reading this
book. If you haven*t, and
are deliberatly reading
the last page first, then
get the hell outa here,

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