Drool You Idiot

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The Thir d

Publicat io n

Drool, you

A generic supplement for all cyberpunkish roleplaying systems.

The Thir d
Publicat io n

I said, drool!
CELTIC FOLKLORE: THE PEOPLE OF THE MOUNDS ...........................................9

AN ARTICLE ON THE SIDHE......................................................................................9

FAIRY QUEENS OF IRELAND ...................................................................................................................10

FAIRY KINGS OF IRELAND .......................................................................................................................11

FAIRY WOMEN OF SCOTLAND ................................................................................................................12

CELTIC FOLK BELIEF: THE OTHERWORLD..........................................................14

APPLICATIONS OF NANOTECH IN ROLE-PLAYING ............................................16





Warfare & Weapons Technology:...................................................................................................................18


Everyday life:.....................................................................................................................................................18


BIODESIGNS PRODUCT CATALOG........................................................................19

Neural Bioware..................................................................................................................................................19
Neural Bridge..................................................................................................................................................19
Neo­Myelin Sheathing....................................................................................................................................19
"FastLane" Neural Replacement.....................................................................................................................20
Cerebral Booster III .......................................................................................................................................20
Synaptic Accelerator III .................................................................................................................................21
Vision Augmentation .....................................................................................................................................21
Hearing Augmentation ...................................................................................................................................21
 Olfactory Booster ..........................................................................................................................................21
"NerveWires" .................................................................................................................................................22
Reflex Neutralizer ..........................................................................................................................................22
WetWired Reflexes ........................................................................................................................................22
Callosal Accelerator .......................................................................................................................................23

Structural Bioware............................................................................................................................................24

"PowerHouse" Endoskeletal Rebuild ............................................................................................................24
"ToughGuy" Skeletal Enhancement ..............................................................................................................24
Muscle Augmentation Revision II .................................................................................................................25
"Armadillo" Dermal Plating ...........................................................................................................................25
"PowerPoint" Endoskeletal Rebuild...............................................................................................................25
"IronMan" Skeletal Enhancement ..................................................................................................................26
"Lifesaver" Torso Armor ...............................................................................................................................26
"PointGuard" Dermal Plating ........................................................................................................................28

Immune System Bioware..................................................................................................................................28
Toxin Extractor Revision II ...........................................................................................................................28
Pathogenic Defense System Revision II ........................................................................................................28
Tracheal Filter Revision II .............................................................................................................................29
Optimmunal Nodes.........................................................................................................................................29
Lymphatic Immune Overdrive .......................................................................................................................29

Cardiopulmonary Bioware..............................................................................................................................30
Arterial Pumps ...............................................................................................................................................30
Metaheme Hematological Replacement ........................................................................................................30
Circulatory Sphincters ....................................................................................................................................31
"FastStop" Hemofibrinic Nodes.....................................................................................................................31

Exotic Bioware...................................................................................................................................................31
"Afterburner" Symbiotic Digester .................................................................................................................32
"Sunblocker" Sunscreen..................................................................................................................................32
"3rd Hand" Tail ..............................................................................................................................................32
"GillMan" Secondary Gills.............................................................................................................................32
"FrogMan" Aquatic Webbing.........................................................................................................................33
Ileoceal Siphon................................................................................................................................................33
"OptiClear" Eye Shield...................................................................................................................................33
"Arctic Shield" Bioconstruct...........................................................................................................................34
"Rush" Adrenal Maximizer.............................................................................................................................34

Hand Spur........................................................................................................................................................35
"Overbite" Incisors..........................................................................................................................................35
 "Tigris" Claws ...............................................................................................................................................35
"Rattler" Retractable Fangs ............................................................................................................................35
Venom Gland .................................................................................................................................................36

INTERESTING CHROME!..........................................................................................36
"Southern Pacific" Steam Engine Cyberware Modification...........................................................................37
SPU (Medical).................................................................................................................................................38
Chemical Injector............................................................................................................................................38
Cardio­Vascular Monitor................................................................................................................................38
Cardio­Vascular Monitor Mark II...................................................................................................................38
Blood Shunts...................................................................................................................................................39
RAS Cutout.....................................................................................................................................................39
Sleep Inducer...................................................................................................................................................39
Backlash ­ Cybernetic Threat Evaluation System..........................................................................................39

ADVERTISING WITH CHIPWARE.............................................................................41


TYPES OF CHIPWARE ADS.........................................................................................................................41

TECHNO JIHAD .........................................................................................................46

Navy Special Warfare Development Group (NAVSPECWARDEVGRU)...................................................50
aka: Navy SEAL Team Six.............................................................................................................................50
Delta Force......................................................................................................................................................50
Special Air Service (SAS)..............................................................................................................................51
Special Boat Service (SBS)............................................................................................................................52
Public Security Section 9................................................................................................................................54
Petrochem Emergency Response Team..........................................................................................................54

APPENDIX OF ACTIVE TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS VOL. 1.......................................................55


Heckler & Koch MP­2013SD.........................................................................................................................68
Heckler & Koch OHWS Mk30.......................................................................................................................69
Colt AR­23 Multi­Environment Assault Weapon..........................................................................................69
FN P­96S.........................................................................................................................................................70
IEC Advanced Air Filtration Unit..................................................................................................................70
Waterproof Digital Infrared Camera...............................................................................................................71

MASAMUNE SHIROW WEAPONS............................................................................71

The Poseiden Norinco Gong ..........................................................................................................................71
45 ACP ...........................................................................................................................................................72
10mm ASSAULT VULCAN .........................................................................................................................72
GOVER ..........................................................................................................................................................73
9mm PARA ....................................................................................................................................................73
Seburo Bobsons ..............................................................................................................................................73
Seburo J9 ........................................................................................................................................................73
Seburo C­25a and C­26a.................................................................................................................................74
Briefcase Gun .................................................................................................................................................75

MASAMUNE SHIROW LANDMATES........................................................................75


SCORPIO .......................................................................................................................................................76

MASAMUNE SHIROW VEHICLES............................................................................78

TONDA QV 450 RF.......................................................................................................................................78
THE HUN.......................................................................................................................................................79
BORG BIKE...................................................................................................................................................79
GUNSLINGER TANK...................................................................................................................................79
MORNING STAR..........................................................................................................................................80

MASAMUNE SHIROW GEAR....................................................................................81

GASIUM K­5 BATTLESUIT........................................................................................................................81
THERM­OPTIC CAMOUFLAGE.................................................................................................................82
EXTENDABLE MIRROR.............................................................................................................................82
ORC ARMOR.................................................................................................................................................82
KENBISHI PROTECTIVE WEAR................................................................................................................83

ORP DATA..................................................................................................................83
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES .............................................................................................83
CABLE NEWS NETWORK..........................................................................................................................84
ORBITAL AIR ..............................................................................................................................................84
MICROTECH ................................................................................................................................................84
DuPONT/MONSANTO ................................................................................................................................84
MERRIL, LYNCH & ASUKAGA ................................................................................................................84
WORLD NEWS SERVICE ...........................................................................................................................85
EXXON ..........................................................................................................................................................85
TRAUMA TEAM ..........................................................................................................................................85
MATSUSHITA INDUSTRIAL .....................................................................................................................85
ARES ..............................................................................................................................................................85
GENETECH ...................................................................................................................................................85
MEDTRONIC ................................................................................................................................................86

SHINJUKU POWERED ARMORS:............................................................................86

SHINJUKU HEAVY INDUSTRIES TYPE­S...............................................................................................86
SHINJUKU HEAVY INDUSTRIES TYPE­31H "Tigershark"....................................................................86
SHINJUKU HEAVY INDUSTRIES TYPE­2C "Shinobi"............................................................................87
1 Incisors • 35
4 Lymphatic Immune Overdrive • 29
45 ACP • 72 M
9 Metaheme Hematological Replacement • 30
9mm PARA • 73 Mirror, extendable • 82
Adrenal Maximizer • 34 MultiDispensor • 38
Aquatic Webbing • 33 Muscle Augmentation Revision II • 25
Arterial Pumps • 30 N
B Neo­Myelin Sheathing • 19
Bioconstruct • 34 NerveWires • 22
Blood Shunts • 39 Neural Bridge • 19
BORG BIKE • 79 Neural Replacement • 20
Briefcase Gun • 75 O
C Olfactory Booster • 21
Callosal Accelerator • 23 Optimmunal Nodes • 29
Cardio­Vascular Monitor • 38 ORC ARMOR • 82
Cardio­Vascular Monitor Mark II • 38 P
Cerebral Booster III • 20 Pathogenic Defense System Revision II • 28
Chemical Injector • 38 Poseiden Norinco Gong • 71
Chip Advertising • 41 Protective Wear (Kenibishi) • 83
Circulatory Sphincters • 31 Q
Claws • 35 Quills • 36
Colt AR­23 Multi­Environment Assault Weapon • 69 R
Corp Report • 83 RAS Cutout • 39
Counter­Terrorism • 68 Reflex Neutralizer • 22
Cybernetic Threat Evaluation System • 39 Retractable Fangs • 35
Deadly Hunter • 77 Seburo Bobsons • 73
Dermal Plating • 28 Seburo C­25a and C­26a • 74
Dermal Plating \ • 25 Seburo J9 • 73
E Secondary Gills • 32
Endoskeletal Rebuild • 24, 25 SHINJUKU HEAVY INDUSTRIES TYPE­2C \ • 87
FN P­96S • 70 Skeletal Enhancement • 26
FUCHIKOMAS • 78 Skeletal Enhancement \ • 24
G Sleep Inducer • 39
GASIUM K­5 BATTLESUIT • 81 Sproing!System • 36
GOVER • 73 SPU (Medical) • 38
GUGES­D • 76 Steam Engine Cyberware Modification • 37
GUNSLINGER TANK • 79 Sunscreen • 32
H Symbiotic Digester • 32
Hand Spur • 35 Synaptic Accelerator III • 21
Hearing Augmentation • 21 T
Heckler & Koch MP­2013SD • 68 Tail • 32
Heckler & Koch OHWS Mk30 • 69 Terror • 46
Hemofibrinic Nodes • 31 THE HUN • 79
I TONDA QV 450 RF • 78
IEC Advanced Air Filtration Unit • 70 Torso Armor • 26
Ileoceal Siphon • 33 Toxin Extractor Revision II • 28

Tracheal Filter Revision II • 29 W
V Waterproof Digital Infrared Camera • 71
Venom Gland • 36 WetWired Reflexes • 22
Vision Augmentation • 21
Once again! BulletShower wants to
• Heidi (for being the one I want to be with)
• my parents (for always supporting and loving me)
• Baghira, Babybelle, Captain, Hector and Lancelot (for
countless hours of fun and friendship)
• Wolfi Gangsta Eichinger (and Westside SUCKS)
• Stefan Glinner Klein
• Stefan Willi Willmes
• my roleplaying party (go all the way, boys)
• and all the others whom I surely have forgotten to mention


(no bad jokes here)
• copy it, and give it to your friends
• read, laugh about it, forget it

The Cops-Please-Don´ ' t-visit-me-part:

• Shadowrun is, if you didn´t know, copyright of FASA corp.
• All articles used in this publication are copyright by their
respective authors.
Copyright of this publication is 1997 by Norbert G. Matausch



As always, I´ve left the path of super- detailed number- crunching for roleplaying. I feel that
roleplaying is a storytelling thing more than calculation and database juggling.

Availability is noted as Excellent, Common, Poor, or Rare. The time required to find an item is 1d6
hours, 4d6 hours, 1d6 days, or 2d6 days, respectively.

Street Index: this is a thing I´ve taken from Shadowrun. Multiply the price of an item by the Street
Index to get the "street price", ie., the price an underprivileged cyberpunk has to pay for it. Ignore
the SI when a player character somehow has legal access to the item in question.

Essence Cost: this one is also from Shadowrun, but Cyberpunk 2020 has it also in the form of
"Humanity Loss". The Essence is a being´s soul. Whenever you have cyberware implanted, you lose
a bit of your soul and become a bit more of a machine. All data given for Essence Loss are
measured in "chipjack units", or CU. Why chipjacks, and not reflex enhancers? Because I feel that
chipjacks are the most basic cyberware items in any cyberpunkish game. Therefore, if a piece of
cyberware has a listed Essence Loss of "5 CU", it means you lose humanity/Essence as if you had
been implanted 5 chipjacks. In Shadowrun, 5 CU would translate into 1 point of Essence lost.
I´ve deliberately left out the so- called SR "Body Cost", which is the bioware equivalent of Essence
Cost. If you are really into number- crunching, compare the bioware to existing bioware
equipment, and come up with a body cost number. In my opinion, bioware does alter your
personality and "humanity". After all, it´s all vat-grown, aka., artificial. Bioware has also an
Essence Cost. Period.

Costs are given in what I call "hamburger units" (stop laughing), or short HU. Economists have
recently found out that a country´s "price level" can be most safely determined by calculating the
ratio of average hamburger prices to other products. Thus, when for instance an item is listed with
a cost of "100 HU", it would cost 100 hamburgers. In the Shadowrun universe, this would be
around 200¥.

Please note that I have tried to keep as generic as possible. This may result in data which are too
"fuzzy" for some readers. These should try to come up with numbers by themselves. The aim of
this book is to provide players and GMs with a plethora of new ideas, regardless of which system
they use.




and change their shape at will once played a
L. MacDonald DALRIADA MAGAZINE 1993 huge part in the lives of people living in rural
Ireland and Scotland.

It is difficult to pin- point an exact historical

era as the time when fairy lore began. Many
writers maintain that the people of Ireland
and their Gods before the coming of the
Gaels are the 'ancestors' of the sidhe. Clearly
the belief in the sidhe is part of the pre-
Christian religion which survived for
thousands of years and which has never
been completely wiped out from the minds
of the people. When the first Gaels,
the sons of Mil, arrived in Ireland, they found
that the Tuatha De Danaan, the people of the
goddess Dana, already had control of the
The sons of Mil fought them in battle and
defeated them, driving them 'underground'
where it is said they remain to this day in the
hollow hills or sidhe mounds.

»For all the hillside was haunted By the faery In the early Irish manuscripts (which were
folk come again And down recorded from an earlier oral tradition) we
in the heart-light enchanted Were opal- find references to the Tuatha De Danaan. In
coloured men
'The Book of the Dun Cow' and the 'Book of
Leinster' this race of beings is described
In the first article of this series, I looked at as "gods and not gods", pointing to the fact
the survival of belief among the Celtic that they are 'something in between'. Also in
peoples of an invisible realm inhabited by the Book of the Dun Cow it says of wise men
Otherworldly that: "it seems likely to them that they [the
beings known collectively as the Sidhe, or Tuatha De Danaan] came from heaven, on
the Good People. This belief was once account of their intelligence and excellence
common throughout all the Celtic countries, of their knowledge".
in localised forms. The Sidhe are considered
to be a distinct race, quite separate from The hold that the Tuatha De Danaan had on
human beings yet who have had much the Irish mind was so strong that the new
contact with mortals over the centuries, and religion of Christianty could not shake it. In
there are many documented testimonies to 'The Colloquy of the Ancients' a dialogue
this. Belief in which supposedly took place between St.
this race of beings who have powers beyond Patrick and the ghost of Caeilte of the Fianna,
those of men to move quickly through the air Patrick is amazed to see a fairy woman


10 » CONTENT 10

coming out of the cave of Cruachan, wearing races and their gods, in the form of the
a green mantle with a crown of gold on her 'geancanach', a spirit of Ulster, or the
head. Whereas the fairy woman is young and 'cluricaun', of Munster. We must not forget
beautiful, Caeilte himself is old and also the 'leprechaun', a diminutive creature
withered. When Patrick enquires of this, who is said to know the whereabouts of a
Caeilte tells him that: pot of gold hidden in local fairy raths. The
leprechaun could
"She is of the Tuatha De Danaans who are possibly be a folk memory of a dwarfish race
unfading...and I am of the sons of Fir Bolg people who lived in these raths
of Mil, who are perishable and fade away". before the coming of the Gaels.

The sidhe of the subterranean mounds are In the testimonies of many rural folk a
also seen by the Irish as the descendants of distinction is often made between the sidhe
the old agricultural gods of the Earth, (one of who are seen walking on the ground after
the most sunset, and the 'Sluagh Sidhe', the fairy host
important being Crom Cruaich, the Crooked who travel through the air at night, and are
One of the Hill). These gods controlled the known to 'take' mortals with them on their
ripening of the crops and the milk yields of journeys. There are also guardian sidhe of
the cattle, therefore offerings had to be given most of the lakes of Ireland and Scotland.
to them regularly. In the Book of Leinster we These distinct categories of sidhe beings ties
discover that after their conquest the Tuatha in with the testimonies of seers who divide
De Danaan took revenge on the sons of Mil the sidhe into wood spirits, water spirits, air
by destroying their wheat and the goodness spirits
of and so on, the elemental spirits of each
the milk (the sidhe are notorious for this place.
even today). The sons of Mil were thus
forced to make a treaty with them, and ever Lough Gur in County Limerick is a very
since that time the people of Ireland have magical place where we meet many of the
honoured this treaty by leaving offerings of sidhe kings and queens of Ireland. The lake
milk and butter to the Good People. lies within a circle of low lying hills, but
once every seven years it appears as dry
A notable feature of the sidhe is that they land, where an entrance to the Land of Youth
have distinct tribes, ruled over by fairy kings may be found. The lake's guardian is known
and queens in each territory. It would seem as Toice Bhrean (the lazy one) because she
that the neglected to watch over the well, from which
social order of the sidhe corresponds to the the lake sprang forth. It is believed that once
old aristocracy of ancient Irish families, every seven years a mortal meets their death
which is in itself a reflection of the ancient by drowning in the lake, 'taken' by the Beann
Celtic Fhionn, the White Lady.
caste system. It is interesting to note that
many of the Irish refer to the sidhe as simply
"the gentry", on account of their tall, noble FAIRY QUEENS OF IRELAND
appearance and silvery sweet speech. They There are many great fairy queens that are
have their own palaces where they feast and remembered in Irish folk tales. They are
play music, but also have regular battles with known as 'bean righean na brugh', the fairy
neighbouring tribes. The great fairy hosts queen of the palace, and are quite clearly the
seem to be distinctly Milesian, but there are tutelary goddesses of local tribes. Many are
still folk memories of perhaps older pre- still said to be the guardians of certain Irish
Gaelic clans.


11 » CONTENT 11

Three miles south west of Lough Gur is Cnoc Cliodna is loved and cherished by the people
Aine, or Knockainy, the hill of Aine, one of of Co. Cork, where a number of place names
the most important fairy queens of Munster. are associated with her. She is the guardian
Also on the shores of the lake is Cnoc oddess of the O'Keefes, and said to be the
Finnine, of the goddess Fennel, the sister of eldest daughter of the last Druid of Ireland.
Aine. One of the three great waves mentioned in
Irish ythology is Tonn Cliodna, the wave of
Many of the sidhe folk have encounters or Cliodna, off the coast at Glandore, Co. Cork.
relationships with mortals. The Earl of A legend tells of Ciabhan of the Curling
Desmond once saw Aine combing her hair Locks who took Cliodna out of the lands of
on the bank of a river. He fell in love with Manannan and brought her to the shores of
her and seizing her cloak made her his wife. Ireland in his
The offspring of this union was Aine's curragh. He left Cliodna alone on the shore
enchanted son Geroid Iarla, who lives under while he went off to hunt deer; while he was
the lake awaiting his return to the world of gone Manannan sent a huge wave over the
men. Once every seven years he emerges strand and Cliodna was drowned.
from the water as a phantom riding on a
white horse. In the north east of Leinster the fairy queen
Aine is revered throughout Ireland. In Co. Grian of the Bright Cheeks has her abode on
Derry locals say she was a mortal woman Cnoc Greine. The sidhe mound of her father
who was 'taken' by the fairies; the local was attacked
family O'Corra once by the five sons of Conall. Grian
are said to be descended from Aine. In Co. pursued them and in revenge she
Louth Aine's stronghold is at Dunany point transformed them into badgers. In the Irish
(Dun Aine). Every year three days are sagas Grania eloped with
dedicated to her, the first Friday, Saturday Diarmaid, and all over Ireland there are
and Sunday after Lammas; it was said that cairns and cromlechs known locally as 'the
she would claim a life on those days. bed of Diarmaid and Grania'. In Co.
Tipperary, east of
It is at Cnoc Aine in Co. Limerick where Aine loch Derg, lies Knockshegouna, the fairy hill
is most well remembered as a great queen. of Una. Una is the wife of the fairy king
Every year on St. John's Eve (24 June) local Finnbheara of Cnoc Meadha; she is a
people would form a procession around the somewhat elusive
hill, then carry flaming torches through the figure, but nevertheless her sidhe dwelling
fields of ripening crops. Aine herself was was a very important place in former times,
seen on many occasions leading the and she is still remembered by local people.

The fairy queen of the north of Munster is FAIRY KINGS OF IRELAND

Aoibheal; she is the ancestral deity of the
O'Briens, (the descendants of Brian Boru) The great fairy king of Co. Galway in the west
who of Ireland is Finnbheara (Finnvarr). Cnoc
rules from Craig Liath (grey rock) in Co. Meadha is his abode, a prominent hill west
Clare. At the great battle of Clontarf, of Tuam, on
Aoibheal had fore- knowledge of the top of which is a burial mound. To the north
outcome and tried to warn her people. west is Magh Tuireadh, where the legendary
Aoibheal is revered in many of the 'Aislings', battle between the Fir Bolgs and the Tuatha
the vision poems of the eighteenth century De
concerning the future freedom of Ireland.


12 » CONTENT 12

Danaans took place. There are many stories goddesses 'in disguise' who have long been
which illustrate Finnbheara's liking for revered by the Irish. I once heard someone
earthly women. He would often draw young state that the Celtic gods of Ireland had long
girls away to dance all night with him in his been wiped out, buried under the sway of
palace, but the next morning they were Catholicism. Yet anyone who has been to the
always found safely asleep in bed. One Emerald Isle, or listened to her many folk
particular nobleman was not so fortunate, tales can see for themselves that this is very
however. His bride was taken one time by far from the reality. The old gods live on in
the fairy king. The bride's old nurse told the folk tales as the giants of the hill; the Gobhan
noble that he must dig down into the sidhe Saor who built all the bridges of Ireland; the
mound, starting at the top. But during the Gille Decair, a clown and
night the fairies of the mound filled the trickster; the carl (serf) of the drab coat and
tunnel back in with earth. This happened many others. The old deities were once
again on the second night. In despair the worshipped throughout Ireland, however it is
nobleman turned to the old nurse again, who in the west that they are best remembered
told him to sprinkle the earth with salt and now, the east having been more
place a line of burning turf around the Christianized and anglicised, and subject to
trench, as the sidhe could not resist that. The more invasions. By
following morning the bride was found safe contrast, the west of Ireland, to which the
in her bed. native Irish were driven ("to hell or
Connaught") has held on longer to her
Finnbheara is also known to love horses, and ancient heritage.
he is usually seen riding a black horse with
flaring red nostrils. Some-times he would
men to ride with his fairy host.
There are many similarities to be found in the
In Co. Limerick the fairy king Donn of fairy lore of Scotland, no doubt due to the
Knockfierna is well remembered. There is a migration of peoples back and forth between
large earthern fort on his hill and a number Scotland and Ireland. Most people know
of dolmens known as the 'Giants Graves'. about the last wave of Gaelic incomers into
You can see the entrance to his fairy palace. Scotland from Ireland in the fifth century, but
Donn is the ancient Celtic god of the Dead for many centuries before this the Irish were
who rules the rocky islands to the south ntermarrying with the Cruithne (Picts) of
west on the Atlantic coast. Donn is also Scotland and this is mentioned in some early
known in Co. Fermanagh as the ancestor of texts. Thus there has been a long interchange
the Maguires, whom he helped in their between the two lands which has led to a
battles. Sometimes he is seen riding on a mingling of folklore and belief.
white horse on stormy nights, when people
would exclaim: "Donn is galloping in the The most well known of the fairy women
clouds tonight". Donn now more closely both in Ireland and Scotland has to be the
resembles medieval Irish landlord than a Bean Sidhe, the Banshee. In Ireland she is
god. He rules quite strictly but will aid his the ancestress of the old aristocratic families,
people when needed. He is also believed to the Irish clans. When any death or
fight against rival hosts in other counties, the misfortune is about to occur in the family,
winner carrying off the best potato crop for she will be heard wailing her unearthly
that year. lament. It was considered something of a
status symbol to have a banshee attached to
It will be noted that the fairy queens and your family! She is more often heard than
kings are in fact the old pagan gods and


13 » CONTENT 13

seen, though if you do catch sight of her she

may be combing her long We also find in Scotland the dreaded bean
hair with a silver comb. She is also known as nighe, otherwise known as the Washer at the
the bean chaointe, the wailing woman, and Ford. She may be seen at midnight washing
also as badhbh chaointe. Badhbh is the Irish the death shirt of someone about to die.
for a Usually the person who meets her knows
scald crow, but more interestingly it is the that it
name of one of the Celtic war goddesses is his own fate that she foretells. As she
who would shriek over the battlefields in the washes she sings a dirge: "Se do leine, se do
form of a crow. leine ga mi nigheadh" (It is your shirt, your
shirt that
In the Highlands of Scotland this type of I am washing).
banshee is known as the bean tighe, the
fairy housekeeper, or in some places as the Many spirits of rivers and mountains in
Glaistig Uaine, the Green Lady, who is often Scotland appear in the shape of an old hag,
sighted in the rooms and the grounds of the the ailleach. The most famous is the
old castles of the Scottish clans, keeping Cailleach bheara who washes her clothes in
watch over everything. There is also the the whirlpool of the Corryvreckan off Jura,
wilder type of banshee found in the remoter and rides across the land in the form of the
places. This 'night mare'.
type of banshee wanders through the woods
and over the moors at dusk, luring travellers There is another sidhe being that is
to their doom. mentioned in the writings of Fiona MacLeod
and is greatly feared among the Gaels. He is
The gruagach is the fairy woman who the Amadan Dubh, the Fairy Fool, bringer of
watches over the cattle fold at night and madness and oblivion. Sometimes he
protects the goodness of the milk. On Skye, appears as a darkly clad figure on the slope
Tiree and other of a hill after sunset, playing on his reed
islands are to be found 'gruagach stones', pipes a fairy enchantment.
stones with hollows in where libations of
milk were poured as an offering to her. If We may conclude, then, that within the fairy
this daily lore of Scotland and Ireland are to be found
offering was neglected, the best cow of the the remnants of the old pagan religion, with
fold would be found dead in the morning. gods and goddesses being remembered as
The Book of Arran mentions such a gruagach the guardian ancestors of the clans. In fact,
who inded the cattle in the district of all the clans once claimed descent from a
Kilmory. particular
deity, so this is nothing new. The old gods
There are many stories of sidhe women who still appear in local tales, as kings and
help households with spinning, housework, queens of fairy palaces, or as guardians of
threshing corn and so on. However, if they lakes. In other
are interfered with in any way, even by the words, they are still very much part of the
offering of a present, they will never return land and the folk memory of the people.
again. Alexander Carmichael mentions the Belief in the sidhe has been steadily
'bean chaol a chot uaine 's na gruaige diminishing, however,
buidhe', the slender woman of the green not least through the decline in the Gaelic
kirtle and yellow hair, who can turn water language, and with it so many of the folk
into wine and weave spider's webs into tales that were only ever told in the Gaelic. It
plaide, and play sweet music on the fairy is sad


14 » CONTENT 14

that the attitude of so many people of today

is that these tales are merely children's Stories of the mysterious Otherworld abound
stories, to be put aside when we grow older in Celtic legend and folklore, with many
and wiser heroic tales of the worthy and their sojourns
in years. How far from the truth this is, if through these elemental kingdoms. Where is
only they could see it. The fairies are the this Otherworld? The answer is everywhere
elemental powers of the land, the ancient that is within and around us. While many are
Earth Shapers caught up and intrigued with the magical
who live in the hollow hills, to whom the qualities of these realms, it is very easy to
world of Mankind is but a dream... forget that these are religious concepts and
were greatly respected and feared by our
ancestors. These lands are the home of our
CELTIC FOLK BELIEF: THE emotive primordial links with our origins, the
home of the unknown or the unanswered.
OTHERWORLD Human nature has from the dawn of self
awareness, always
S. McSkimming DALRIADA MAGAZINE 1993 sought to explain the mysteries of life, death
and their surroundings just as we still do.
The religious beliefs of the late Bronze Age Also like us, that which could not be
into the Iron Age among the Celtic peoples explained by
have for the most part been gleaned from the conscious logic could be accounted for in
pens of the ever present unseen Spirit realms.
Victorian writers and visionaries, or from
many of the modern authors who still The Otherworld which is the inner realms of
industrially plagiarise the works of the Mind could be viewed as the opposite
aforesaid authors. polarity of rational thought which bases its
The unfortunate point of this is that the real objectivity
and worthwhile opportunity these writers through material collected by the five sensory
had of recording a passing era, was lost in faculties and which we rely on to exist in this
the misleading wild fits of fantasy of their physical form. However, even in this state we
own acclaimed new age thinking. Of course can be invaded by thoughts and forms which
this does not help any student who has no can have no connection with the rational
reference through other sources to evaluate processes of the physical mind involved in
the subject for themselves. daily living, yet to us at the time of
experiencing them they seem no less real.
On the other side of the coin there are
orthwhile books on the subject. The down Our ancestors saw this other form of reality
side of this is the fact that most of these are as the workings of mind and separate from
cademic works and as such, tend to be the thought process of the physical brain;
rather dry and unsympathetic in inclination. mind as a
They make no attempt to rationalize the detached entity. This of course begs the
abstract images or culture of people they question "what is reality?" and that question
consider primitives. Many of these works are can not be answered by any of our modern
old and hard to technology or science. For each of us in a
find, most now being out of print, and if you lifetime may face many different realities,
do find any they tend to be very expensive to collectively or individually, reality can only
acquire. With this as a background in mind I ever be our subjective perception of it.
would like to make "the Otherworld" the
subject of this article. On surviving evidence the early Celtic
peoples saw all life forms existing on three


15 » CONTENT 15

levels, three integrated but separate beings back the dark shadows of ancestral night.
co-habiting as a single being, the realms of With smug superiority yesterday's mysteries
body and mind linked to the all pervading are nearly all explained, the very nature of
life force, 'Spirit'. At this point we must our planet understood, superstition replaced
disassociate by
from the new age thinking of transcending knowledge. Yet how many of us, if wrenched
the physical to become linked with the from the security of our modern well lit and
spiritual. Spirit itself is the unifying force warm environment to be suddenly faced with
interwoven being lost alone in a dark forest wilderness,
through all levels of existence as symbolized could spend the dark hours totally free from
by the triple knot, or the triple spiral. A the ancestral demons of the mind that
brilliant example of this is illustrated in a haunted these early people? Rubbish, you
story by may say. I would reply "try it". In many
Fiona MacLeod entitled: "The Divine respects we still differ little from our early
dventure", well worth reading. progenitors.

Today most of us mock as ignorance the As is well documented, all of the Celtic type
practises of these early people as we now peoples were ancestor worshippers. This is
live in a world where the conscious mind to say that the Deities were also the
rules in logic. Science has for us pushed ancestors of
the clan. Many early legends are primarily Celtic beliefs true vision of spirit can only be
concerned with the explanation of how the achieved when you find the central harmony
ancestors made adventurous journeys into of body, mind and spirit. Spirit does not only
the exist
Otherworld realms to claim a place in the in higher planes. Spirit exists in all. This
great Duns of the pre- diluvian Goddess conflicts totally with the imported Eastern
Cessair, and in so doing they became a philosophy of transcending the material to
guide and refuge in death for the future attain the higher realms of spirit.
generations of this people. The Irish legend
of Donn the first man to die in Ireland being The Otherworld and the realms of spirit are
deified as the god of death is an with us always. We live equally as part of
excellent example of this. It is very natural them and they of us. The portals to these
that then as now the mysteries of death were realms lie
foremost in the minds of these people. at the centre of our being. Perhaps sometime
while you are relaxed and at one with
If you can perceive life on three levels - yourself and creation the mists will clear,
physical, mental and spiritual interlaced as revealing the
one - then the concept of the Otherworld other part of your existence to you. Then may
will you journey to the many coloured lands in
become less difficult to understand. This the elemental kingdoms of Tir- fo- Thonn, Tir-
does mean that you must see that in the na- Bea,
oneness of being, no part of it can be greater Tirtaingiri, Tir- nan- Og and Tir- na- Moe.
or lesser. In


16 » CONTENT 16

Bullets, kidney stones, gall stones, and
cancerous tumors could all be handled the
ROLE-PLAYING same way -- tear them down and let the
victim get rid of the leftovers.
(by Dan Bailey)

Virii would have something to look out for,

Let's face it. Nanotechnology is going to be
too. Nanotech could viably be designed to
the greatest invention mankind has ever
scour certain virii, or families thereof, out of
made, second only to faster- than- light travel.
It will
system. A cure for HIV anyone?
change everything about society -- the way
we work, live, play, and think. It will change
Cancer prevention becomes possible as well
the whole face of society.
-- these nanites would have to be tailored
specifically for their owner, and would be
Sitting here, in front of this computer, I can
designed to keep the person's DNA free of
think of dozens, if not hundreds of nanotech
applications off the top of my head. Just
imagine, for a moment, all the things you
Severed spinal cord? Another nanite injection
could do with sub- micron machines.
goes to work on rebuilding the damamged
First of all, let's look at the potential uses for
nanotechnology in different areas.
Nanites designed to bind with certain toxins
could easily be used as a tool in drug and
alcohol rehabilitation. Have them lock on to
This is where I see a lot of nanotech the toxin, rendering it inert, and then work
research being directed toward. The their way through the digestive tract to be
potential here is virtually unlimited. Think of flushed from the system.
the little flaws in
the human body, and run with it. Burned retina or other tricky scar tissue to
Nanites could be used for a variety of things deal with? Nanotech.
from neurosurgery to orthopedics to
pathology. Plaque as a problem could be wiped out
fairly quickly. Create nanites designed to
Say a patient has a broken forearm that will munch plaque and put them into the water
need a rod implanted to hold it together. Are supply. You'll see a lot of dentists pulling
you going to cut the victim open and waste their hair out over this one.
lots of time trying to put in a crude piece of
metal, and hoping you get it right? Why Even psychology could benefit from this --
bother? Simply tailor some nanites to do the need a non- intusive way to perform a
job for you. Inject a small amount of lobotomy? Need to adjust someone's brain
iologically- inert material and the tailored chemistry? One quick injection, and the
nanites, and have them build a pin inside the problem could be solved.
broken bone.
Quite obviously, this is only the tip of the
Need to remove it? Build another set of iceberg, given all the potential for
nanites to tear it down and transfer pieces of improvement in the human body.
it (on the molecular scale) to the large
intestine for ransfer to the nearest sewage


17 » CONTENT 17

Sports: anyone? Have nanotech designed to aid in

muscle and tendon recovery after it's over.
Body modifications could create the greatest,
strongest, fastest athletes that history has
Or, do you just need brute strength? Nanites
ever seen.For the endurance athlete, you
could concievably run artificial muscle fibers
could simply create nanotech designed to
through your natural ones, giving you the raw
rebuild certain parts of his body, and *leave
strength you need, with muscles that
no trace* that it had been done by
wouldn't fatigue. Tendons could be
strengthened by running say, Gore-Tex fibers
through them, and bones could be
To improve endurance, one could have
strengthed with super- strong polymers; both
nanites optimize his mitochondria, making it
systems would simply be modified versions
easier for his body to convert food to energy.
of the "bone pin" medical system.
Have them
optimize the electron- transport chain in red
Ever read "Snow Crash"? Equipment can
blood cells to allow for better oxygen-
benefit from technology, too. Look at all the
carrying capacity. Then work on the surface
advances in things like bicycles, skis, and
area of the
mundane things
lungs, to allow more oxygen into the system,
like tennis rackets in the last ten years.
and work on the overall strength of the heart
Remember Y.T.'s skateboard in the book?
muscle to allow better pump-capacity.
The one with the "smart wheels" that could
Nanotech in the stomach could get all the
change shape to match the terrain. Such
nutrients and vitamins from ingested food
things would be possible with nanotech.
as possible, others could turn carbohydrates
Consider a bike frame that is incredibly light
into glycogen (which fuels the muscles) more
and counteracts the twisting and wrenching
quickly. Optimize the metabolism on top of
forces on the frame.
all that, and you've got an endurance athlete
that could run a one- hour marathon.
How about car, motorcycle, and bicycle tires
design to grip more in the turns and less on
Does it hurt too much? Have the nanotech
the straightaways (for less rolling resistance)
crank up the brain's output of endorphins
while exercising -- natural painkillers
I can't see any uses for it in the writing or
nanites that alter the surface of the tire to music fields, but if anyone else can, they can
match the conditions? feel free to contact me and point these things
Somebody mentioned on Usenet the concept Manufacturing: Factories become a thing of
of spray cans that would hold nanotech, pre- the past. Or at least, factories as we know
designed to lay out a certain picture when them. Just get nanites to build everything.
released from the can. Instant picture. Quick, You can
easy, and you can be done before the cops build to fantasically small specifications
ever get anywhere near you.How about quickly and precisely.
paints that shift color to certain conditions?
Maybe by the time of day, the pheromones This is, besides the medical aspect, the
of the viewer, the heat in the room, or the biggest-impacting area of nanotechnology.
amount and type of sounds nearby. Well, maybe. See the "Space" section for
Interesting concept... more on this.


18 » CONTENT 18

3. Anti- personnel nanites. These things could
Certainly, the space programs of the world
make chemical weapons look like cheap
can benefit from this. The overall travel
beer! NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical)
procedure would probably not be affected
would become NNBC (stick "Nanotech" in
too much by the things, but there are some
there). Create nanites that eat muscle tissues,
uses. For example, nanites to maintain hull
integrity, and nanites to maximize waste-
burn calories, requiring a higher food intake.
recycling. It would certainly make things
more livable.
Even better, develop nanites to eat their
The biggest use I can see for nanotech in
protective gear, then hit them with nerve gas.
space is terraforming. Why bother with
genetically engineered plants and bacteria,
which might die off or mutate, when you can
simply seed the atmosphere and polar caps Ah, yes. If you're reading this you either have
of a dead world with nanites that will alter one or access to one. Nanotech could
things to your specifications. revolutionize computers -- want a Pentium
on your wrist? Design nanites to build
Warfare & Weapons Technology: everything on a molecular scale, and the
power of computers increases dramamtically!
Ah, yes. Warfare. One of the oldest art
Recently, while researching a novel, I came
forms. And millions of ways to ruin your
across a little tidbit that made me realize
enemy's life with things too small to
how incredible this stuff will be... Imagine all
see.Being a former soldier, I can think of
thousands of applications for nanites, a
computing power that exists in the world
today (1995) -- you can count mainframes,
and I guess I'll share a few of the choice
desktop systems, calculators, even abacuses
if you like...
Now, image the volume of a sugar cube.
1. Nanites designed to eat armor not treated
with a special chemical. Release it on the
That much computing power in that much
battlefield, and watch the opponent's tanks
volume with nanotechnology.
powered armor units become sitting ducks.
Everyday life:
2. Healing body armor. Create aramid- fiber Need to mow the grass? Throw a bucketful of
body armor impregnated with two types of nanites in the backyard, designed to go inert
nanites. One to create new aramids, and one after a preset time and to chew blades of
to create epoxies. As soon as the armor is grass off at the one- inch mark.I can see it
hit, the nanites go to work filling in the holes now, self- cleaning ovens that *work*, perfect
and cracks. water
purifiers, self- cleaning windows, carpets that crowd)? Piece o' cake once they get this stuff
never stain or need vacuumed. going.

For the personal look, why not get nanotech Basically, nanotechnology is going to change
that keeps your hair permanently styled and a lot about humanity. It will change
keeps the length as desired? Nanites that everything about the way we live, and the
keep way we think about things. There are
your fingernails cut and clean (no more millions of applications for this stuff beyond
manicures!), or nanites designed to destroy what I have mentioned in this article. Just
acne (always popular with the teeny-bopper use your imagination and run with it.


19 » CONTENT 19

» See? No need for oil.
» Genecraft Biodesigns advertisement


Welcome, reader, to the latest edition of personal augmentation. Our products are carefully
engineered to exacting specifications to provide the very highest level of performance with the
lowest possible impact to the greatest machine known to mankind - You!
In this edition we have added several new products as well as recapped some of our most
popular items from previous editions of our catalog. Items new to the catalog are marked with

Note: The products depicted in this catalog are available to licensed health care professionals only
and may be restricted in some jurisdictions. Consult local law enforcement agencies for details.

» Yeah, right...
» Jann@ra.guden005475.com

Neural Bioware

Neural Bridge

This handy little bit of bioware is a bundle of cultivated nerve tissue that links the motor
coordination areas of both sides of the brain to make the subject ambidextrous. You'll be the envy
of your fellow
edgerunners as you stun the competition with moves they'd never expect.

Body Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

0.5 CU Common 22,500HU 3.0 Legal

This unit provides the subject with the equivalent of Ambidexterity

Neo- Myelin Sheathing

Genecraft's work with the "living fossil" bacteria recovered from the Deep Shaft project has made
the cover of infozines around the globe. The scientific community was stunned when we
successfully recovered organisms incorporating a unique polymer biology from more than 12


20 » CONTENT 20

kilometers beneath the Earth's surface. The first commercial product from that research was
brought to market in 2056 and is still a best seller today: Neo-myelin.
Standard myelin is a protein compound that blankets your nerve cells and prevents interference
with the neural impulses traveling through them. Neo-myelin does the same thing, only better! Our
improved biopolymer sheathing is fully compatible with human biology, increases transmission
efficiency, and cuts down on bioelectrical interference. Get the speed you need with Genecraft!

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

1 CU Common 3,500 HU 1.5 military-grade

Increases the subject's Reaction by a third of the human average.

» I remember this from somethin' Morninman and Gurth posted a couple a years
ago. Great for that little extra edge.
» Hotwire@na.lonestar15014.com

"FastLane" Neural Replacement

When you feel the need for speed, but don't like keeling over every time someone pops off a
microwaver or EMP grenade, FastLane is the way to go! The latest in medical nanotechnology is
used to replace your central nerve trunks with genetically engineered nerve cells with enlarged
diameters. The increased size means the electrochemical impulses zip down pathways with more
surface area to support neuron to neuron chemical transmission and less interference from stray
Incompatible with Kerenzikov boosterware and boosted reflexes due to transit state neural
interference, but Sandevistan boosterware can be used.

Level Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

1 0.5 CU Common 5,000 HU 1.25 Legal
2 1.5 CU Common 9,000 HU 1.25 Legal

Each Level of enhancement increases the Reaction a third of the human average. Reduce the Essence
costs for FastLane to 1 and 2, respectively, when installed simultaneously with Genecraft's Neo-Myelin

Cerebral Booster III

The Cerebral Booster 3 improves upon it's tried and true predecessors by increasing the patient's
intellectual prowess beyond what was possible with previously offered units. Benchmark testing
under laboratory conditions has shown that the Cerebral Booster 3 can improve the patient's
mental capacity to as much as 300% of the human norm.

Level Attribute Bonus Essence Cost Price

3 Intelligence is raised 2.5 CU 225,000 HU
by human average!!
Legality Rating Availability Street Index
Legal Poor 2.5


21 » CONTENT 21

Synaptic Accelerator III

In the same manner as the aforementioned Cerebral Booster, the newest generation Synaptic
Accelerator is an evolutionary step ahead of the previously available units.

Level Initiative Bonus Essence Cost Price

3 three times 6 CU 625,000 HU
human average
Legality Rating Availability Street Index
Military-grade Rare 2.5

Vision Augmentation

In depth research into the sensory capabilities of various species has resulted in the development
of several products to give you that little extra edge. Not only can we now provide biological
equivalents to the ever popular low- light, thermograph, and flare compensation systems, but now
you can have ultraviolet vision, too!

Low light,thermograph, or ultraviolet vision modifications:

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.25 CU/each 12,000 HU Legal Poor 2.0

Flare Compensation:

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.25 CU 2,500 HU Legal Poor 2.0

Hearing Augmentation

In the same fashion as our new vision products, we are now offering bioware products to rival the
performance of previously available cybernetic hearing enhancements. Both high and low
frequency modifications are available.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.25 CU/each 6,000 HU Legal Poor 2.0

Olfactory Booster
Similar in function to cybernetic olfactory enhancement, this modification improves the subject's
sense of smell and, to some extent, taste.

The olfactory booster is simply a biological alternative to the cybernetic unit.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index


22 » CONTENT 22

.1 CU/Level 1,750 HU/Level Legal Rare 1.25


Introducing the latest innovation in reflex enhancement technology! Genecraft's new NerveWire
system can finally match the performance of traditional cybernetic reflex enhancements in a
completely biological, low systemic impact implementation.

Each level of enhancement improves the user's Reaction by two thirds of the human average and adds
one die (you determine how many sides) to Initiative rolls. Not compatible with any other cyberware or
neural bioware that provides additional initiative dice.

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1 4 CU 250,000 HU military Rare 2.5
2 6 CU 600,000 HU dittoRare 2.5
3 8 CU 1,750,000 HU dittoRare 3

Reflex Neutralizer

This unit is an optional addition to the Synaptic Accelerator and NerveWire systems listed above.
This unit allows the user of our products to activate and deactivate them at will, reducing the
chance of
an unfortunate accident occurring. This option must be installed simultaneously with one of the
above products. Later refit with this unit is not possible at the present time.

The function of this unit is identical to the Reflex Trigger described in the SR Cybertechnology source

Essence Cost Price Availability Street Index

+0.5 CU +15,000 HU one step lower no change

WetWired Reflexes

Having difficulty getting your speed enhanced operatives past the simplest security scanners?
Introducing the latest innovation in reflex enhancement technology! Universal Omnitech's new
WetWired Reflex system can finally match the performance of traditional cybernetic reflex
enhancements in a completely biological implementation.

Each level of enhancement improves the user's Reaction by 2 thirds of the human average and adds
one die (how many sides, is the GM´s whim) to Initiative rolls. Not compatible with any other cyberware
or neural bioware that provides additional initiative dice.

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1 5 CU 60,000 HU military Rare 2.5
2 8 CU 150,000 HU military Rare 2.5
3 12 CU 750,000 HU military Rare 3


23 » CONTENT 23

Callosal Accelerator
The corpus callosum is the thick bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two halves of the brain.
Through a variety of techniques the fibers, right down to the individual cells of the corpus
callosum, are
encouraged to replicate and become more tightly packed, allowing more information to pass
between the cerebral hemispheres. This allows for faster, higher bandwidth communication
between right and left brain, promoting a stronger mind and decreasing response times.

+ one third of the human average to Intelligence per level.

+ one third of the human average Willpower per level.
+ two thirds of the human average to Reaction per level.

Intelligence raised in this fashion does not increase Reaction. The maximum level that can be installed
is equal to the lower of the subject's unaugmented Intelligence or Willpower.

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1 2 CU 75,000 HU paralegal Rare 2.5
2 4 CU 210,000 HU paralegal Rare 3
3 6 CU 500,000 HU paralegal Rare 5

»WetWired Reflexes, Callosal Accelerator... Frag! Just how fast can they make a guy these days?
» Hotwire@na.lonestar15014.com

» Pray you don't find out...

» Roc@blindlink.na343309.ucas.net


Structural Bioware

"PowerHouse" Endoskeletal Rebuild

Looking for extra strength, but don't want to advertise it with massive layers of vat grown muscle
rippling under your skin? Once again, Genecraft has the answer! Our PowerHouse Rebuild uses
tissue from our proprietary muscle, ligament, and bone lines to reconstruct and relocate the
skeletal anchor points of your muscles further away from the joints for enhanced leverage and
strength performance.

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1 1.5 CU 22,000 HU military Poor 1.0
2 3 CU 32,000 HU military Poor 1.0

Each level of enhancement increases Strength by one third the human average
Each level of Enhancement decreases Reaction by one third the human average.
Each time the subject uses the full strength of the level 2 upgrade he must resist a light damage
without armor unless he also has ToughGuy.

» Seems like everybody's got some of ConGen's stuff after that problem with their "secure"
» Hedley@pcnetinc.com

» Anyone know who orchestrated that little fiasco?

» Roderic@res.seattle57769.mil

» Gettin' a little bit too nosy for your own good there, Rod?
» FastJack@<<null-stamp>>

"ToughGuy" Skeletal Enhancement

Get pumped, get tough, get the power! Originally developed as therapeutic treatment for age or
low- g induced osteoporosis, Genecraft's treatment utilizes custom designed bacterial strains to
increase your
bone density. This in turn augments skeletal strength and improves muscle anchoring. Just a few
days after the initial injections your bones will be fully colonized and begin bulking up with
deposited by the bacteria. Don't worry, we've made sure the process is self limiting and stabilizes
in maintenance mode after reaching full development.

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1 1 CU 6,000 HU paralegal Rare 1.0
2 2.5 CU 11,500 HU paralegal Rare 1.0

Each level of enhancement increases the body´s ability to resist damage. Each level of enhancement
increases the body´'s natural armor by a fifth of an average armor jacket.

Level 1 increases weight by 5 percent, level 2 increases weight by 10 percent. Bone growth to
limbs and facial structuredecreases attractiveness somewhat.

Muscle Augmentation Revision II

Improving upon the previously available Muscle Augmentation bioware, the Revision II product
improves the muscles of the chest, back, and abdomen as well as the limbs. This results in an
improvement to the subject's overall physical well- being as well as the traditional increases to
strength and speed.

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1-4 2 CU/level 62,500 HU military Poor 1.0

Each level of enhancement increases Strength, Quickness,andBody by one third of the human average.
Body enhancement counts toward stamina and damage resistance tests only.

"Armadillo" Dermal Plating

One of the strongest biological materials known to science is chitin, the tough, flexible
biopolymer in the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans. Now you can harness that natural
armor for your own use
with Genecraft's Armadillo dermal plating. You'll be armored like an armadillo with hundreds of
custom fitted plates designed to provide the maximum in protection and still allow free

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

2.5 CU 22,500 HU paralegal Rare 2.0

Gives the subject 2 fifths of an average armor jacket, each of Impact and Ballistic Armor, cumulative
with worn armor, while reducing Reaction by one third of the human average. Also prevents any kind of
sunburn, reduces the risk of skin cancer induced by UV radiation to an insignificant level, and allergies
to sunlight are reduced by one level (Moderate becomes Mild, etc.).

"PowerPoint" Endoskeletal Rebuild

Looking for extra strength, but don't want to advertise it with massive layers of vat grown muscle
rippling under your skin? Universal Omnitech has the answer! The PowerPoint Rebuild uses tissue
from our proprietary muscle, ligament, and bone lines to reconstruct and relocate the skeletal
anchor points of your muscles further away from the joints for enhanced leverage, thus improving
strength. Corrective biosculpting during the PowerPoint operation prevents the absurd "long
limbed" appearance common to our competitors' equivalent operations.

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1 2 CU 18,000 HU military Rare 1.0
2 3 CU 34,500 HU military Rare 1.0

Each level of enhancement adds one third of the human average to Strength. The level two
enhancement reduces Reaction by one third of the human average.
"IronMan" Skeletal Enhancement

Get pumped, get tough, get the power! Originally developed as therapeutic treatment for age or
low- g induced osteoporosis, Universal Omnitech's treatment utilizes custom designed bacterial
strains to
increase your bone density. This in turn augments skeletal strength and improves muscle
anchoring. A few days after the initial injections your bones will be fully colonized and begin
bulking up with minerals
deposited by the bacteria. Not to worry, we've made sure the process is self limiting and
stabilizes in maintenance mode after reaching full development.

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1 1.8 CU 10,000 HU paralegal Rare 1.0
2 3 CU 27,500 HU paralegal Rare 1.0

Each level of enhancement increases the body´'s ability to resist damage. Each level of enhancement
increases the body's Impact Armor by one fifth of an average armor jacket.

Level 1 increases weight by 5 percent, level 2 increases weight by 10 percent.

"Lifesaver" Torso Armor

Does your lifestyle make you nervous? Do you feel the need to wear your ballistic vest in the
shower? Perhaps what you need is Universal Omnitech's new Lifesaver torso armor. The Lifesaver
armor protects your entire torso by replacing your ribcage with a custom fitted internal shield of
overlapping bone plates sheathed in calcified, self repairing cartilage. Unlike your natural ribs, the
Lifesaver provides coverage down to the hips, stopping just above the groin. No one can tell you
have it without an x-ray!

Level Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1 1.8 CU 40,000 HU paralegal Rare 0.8
2 3 CU 60,000 HU paralegal Rare 0.9
3 5 CU 120,000 HU military Rare 1.0
4 5 CU 180,000 HU military Rare 1.5

Each level of enhancement adds 1 fifths of an average armor jacket to each Impact and Ballistic armor,
cumulative with worn armor. If damage penetrates to the level of the internal armor, but is stopped by
it, the subject must resist light damage without the benefit of armor. This represents damage taken to
the tissues layered over the ribcage.

» Has anyone noticed this stuff is about the same as the drek put out by ConGen, Shukutei,
and Genetek a couple of years ago?
» FastJack@<<null-stamp>>

» Universal Omnitech has been involved in independent, parallel research for many years.
Do not misconstrue similarities in our product lines as being the work of illegal duplication
» KAM@rd.na.univomni19961.com

» Do you think she's mad, Jack?
» Bandit@<<null-stamp>>

"PointGuard" Dermal Plating

One of the strongest biological materials known to science is chitin, the tough, flexible
biopolymer in the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans. Now you can harness that natural
armor for your own use with Universal Omnitech's PointGuard dermal plating. You'll be armored
like an armadillo with hundreds of custom fitted plates designed to provide the maximum in
protection and still allow free movement.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

3 CU 15,000 HU paralegal Rare 2.0

Gives the subject 2 fifths of an average armor jacket to each of Impact and Ballistic Armor, cumulative
with worn armor, while reducing reaction by one third of the average human. Also prevents any kind of
sunburn, reduces the risk of skin cancer induced by UV radiation to an insignificant level, and allergies
to sunlight are reduced by one level (Moderate becomes Mild, etc.). 

Immune System Bioware

Toxin Extractor Revision II

New for 2058, the Toxin Extractor Revision II is an improvement over units produced a few years
ago. The Revision II unit has a greater extraction ratio than the older model, and places a lighter
load on the subject than the functionally equivalent Revision I unit.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.6 CU/Level 31,000 HU/Level Legal Poor 1.5

This unit makes it easier to resist the effects of blood-borne toxins. Each level of unit installed
increases the chances to resist by 10 percent. The maximum level of Toxin Extractor that can be
implanted is equal to the character's unaugmented Body Attribute.

Pathogenic Defense System Revision II

As with the Toxin Extractor, the Revision II Pathogenic Defense System is an improvement over the
model produced just a few years ago. Performance and systemic loads are similar to that of the
Revision II Toxin Extractor.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.6 CU/Level 31,000 HU/Level Legal Poor 2.25

This unit makes it easier to resist the effects of disease, allergens, and microbiologicals. Each level of
unit installed increases the chances to resist by 10 percent. The maximum level of Pathogenic Defense
that can be implanted is equal to the character's unaugmented Body Attribute.

Tracheal Filter Revision II

As above, the new Tracheal Filter is an evolutionary improvement over the unit introduced in 2052.
Performance and systemic loads are similar to the above mentioned systems.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.6 CU/Level 31,000 HU/Level Legal Poor 2.25

This unit makes it easier to resist the effects of non-microbiological air vectored attacks. Each level of
unit installed increases the chances to resist by 10 percent. The maximum level of Tracheal Filter that
can be implanted is equal to the character's unaugmented Body Attribute.

Optimmunal Nodes

Whether you're traveling abroad or working with biohazards, don't let an infection put you out of
commission. Genecraft's Optimmunal Nodes are a matched pair of peanut sized organs implanted
under the armpit area that increases the natural disease fighting abilities of the body. A network
of fine tendrils spreads into the throat, sinuses, and lymphatic system of the upper body to
constantly sample body fluids for the foreign antigens that identify invading bacteria or viruses.
Until activation
the unit simply acts as an additional reservoir and manufacturing sight for lymphocytes, the
specialized blood cells that attack infections. When an infection is detected it releases the pool of
lymphocytes from
it's central bladder, chemically alerts the rest of the immune system, and goes into lymphocyte
production overdrive. Say goodbye to runny noses forever!

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

2.5 CU 400,000 HU Legal Rare 4.0

Gives the user 5 extra dice to resist any disease.

Lymphatic Immune Overdrive

Whether you're traveling abroad or working with biohazards, don't let an infection put you out of
commission. Universal Omnitech's Immune Overdrive is a matched pair of peanut sized organs
implanted under the armpit area that increases the natural disease fighting abilities of the
body. A network of fine tendrils spreads into the throat, sinuses, and lymphatic system of the
upper body to constantly sample body fluids for the foreign antigens that identify invading
bacteria or viruses. Until activation the unit simply acts as an additional reservoir and
manufacturing sight for lymphocytes, the specialized blood cells that attack infections. When an
infection is detected it releases the pool of lymphocytes from it's central bladder, chemically
alerts the rest of the immune system, and goes into lymphocyte production overdrive. Say goodbye
to runny noses forever!
Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index
1.25 550,000¥ Legal 12/14 days 4.0

Gives the user an extremely increased chance to resist any disease.

» This piece of 'ware is familiar. I know I've seen it somewhere before...

» Stainless@na.seattle105543.mil

Cardiopulmonary Bioware

Arterial Pumps

You'll never be out of breath again! The thick, flexible, muscular walls of the arteries expand
when blood is pumped into them and then contract, pushing it onward and assisting the pumping
action of the heart. This biomod reinforces the muscle tissue of the arteries to increase their
pumping action and accelerate blood flow throughout the body to give you the aerobic
performance of an Olympic athlete.

Increases the wearer's chances to successfully make Athletics tests.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.5 CU 4,300 HU Legal Rare 1.5

Metaheme Hematological Replacement

Did you know your respiration was a lot more efficient before you were born? Oxygen was
transported through your body using a molecule with a greater attraction for it than the massive
hemoglobin molecule in the platelets circulating through your blood stream at this very moment.
you can recapture that incredible efficiency, without the side effects of respiratory exhaust
retention, with our viral transform therapy. We can modify your marrow stem cells to produce red
blood cells carrying the metaheme molecule in place of hemoglobin. You'll see an instant increase
in aerobic ability and overall athletic performance that simply has to be experienced to be
Subject increases their chances for Athletics tests and can hold their breath for double the normal
base time.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.8 CU 9,000 HU Legal Poor 1.0

Circulatory Sphincters

You'll keep going, and going, and going with the latest development in personal wound
management from Genecraft. A rapid drop in blood pressure causes rings of muscle spaced along
the arteries of the limbs to contract and cut off blood flow to the injured area. Valves in the veins
then slam shut and re-route circulation around the affected limb. Any tissue at the wound or
lower is lost to gangrene if not amputated, but traumatic blood loss and further damage is
prevented. Limb tissue below
the wound site must be surgically removed and replaced with a cybernetic or vat grown

Automatically prevents further damage from blood loss after a Moderate or greater wound.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

1.5 CU 32,000 HU Legal Poor 2.0

"FastStop" Hemofibrinic Nodes

The FastStop system relies on a set of bioengineered glands that produce and store the blood
clotting compounds fibrin and fibrinogen. One gland is attached to the mesenteric artery where it
branches into the femoral arteries leading to the legs, while the other is located at the aortic arch
where it branches into the axillary arteries to the arms and the carotid arteries to the head.
Wounds that causes a drop in blood pressure or elevated levels of histamine trigger the nodes to
release their contents and quickly seal off the site with a tough, fibrous scab.

Essence Cost Price Legality Availability Street Index

0.8 CU 12,500 HU Legal Poor 2.0

All Physical (not Stun) wound states are treated as being less in severity. On the down side, each time
a wound is taken the character must avoid a stroke or heart attack (automatic deadly Physical and
Stun damage) from clots lodging in the blood stream from the sudden release of clotting compounds.

» Yeah, figures. Morninman's post 'bout two years ago. I knew I'd seen this
drek around. I guess everybody steals everybody's products and swears
they came up with it...
» Stainless@na.seattle105543.mil

» You just now finding that out? Just how long was your coma anyway?
» OldMan

Exotic Bioware
"Afterburner" Symbiotic Digester

Your body wastes a significant portion of the food you eat because it's not designed to digest it,
but with a little help from some bacterial friends you'll be squeezing every last bit of energy from
your meals! When the afterburner is surgically implanted between your stomach and small
intestine Genecraft's custom designed E. Coli bacteria strains will convert indigestible cellulose
and protein compounds into a form readily absorbed into your bloodstream. It's just the thing to
keep your
metabolism revving with limited intake.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

0.6 CU Poor 4,250 HU 1.25 Legal

Allows subject to function on half rations.

"Sunblocker" Sunscreen

Let others cower before the effects of the thinning ozone while you worship the sun! The
Sunblocker viral treatment modifies your dermal cells to manufacture a protein, originally derived
from the skin of an Asian toad, that stays inert until ultraviolet light triggers a structure change.
Within 10 seconds of exposure the protein "curdles" and begins absorbing 90 percent of the
incoming UV and visibly darkens
the subjects skin. This is a common modification for spacers and anyone worried about that nasty
old hole in the ozone.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

1.5 CU Poor 22,500 HU 0.8 Legal

This modification reduces all sunlight allergies to "nuisance" level at worst. Mild allergies are cancelled
altogether. The subject is rendered immune to sunburn.

"3rd Hand" Tail

Two hands not enough? Genecraft now gives you a fully functional prehensile tail, capable of
grasping objects and lifting up to seven kilograms. Don't get caught with your hands full again. Get
some tail
with Genecraft!

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

1.2 CU Poor 22,500 HU 1.25 Legal

The subject has a fully prehensile tail attached at the base of the spine. It cannot wield weapons.

"GillMan" Secondary Gills

The burgeoning oceanic population has created an intense demand for workers capable of long
term work at moderate underwater depths. Now Genecraft has the answer: the GillMan respiratory
rebuild. Our unique osmotic membranes are installed in flow channels located in slits between
the ribs to maximize gas exchange with water passing through the mouth. By slightly reducing
your excess lung capacity, and installing a secondary tracheal valve, we make it a simple matter to
switch from breathing air to dwelling in the watery home of our ancient ancestors.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

3 CU Rare 25,000 HU 1.0 Legal

The user can breathe indefinitely in oxygenated water. The large absorption area of the gills make
subjects with this modification especially vulnerable to airborne toxins, and the delicate tissues of the
gills are sensitive to damage from any blow to the torso for shock to the structure, gamemaster's
discretion). Not compatible with any bioware that modified the ribcage.

"FrogMan" Aquatic Webbing

Return to your ancestral home in style! Our new webbing rebuilds let you move through the water
with the greatest of ease- -and with a speed that would put an unmodified Olympic swimmer to
shame. Custom designed bone and skin lines are used to elongate your digits and create a
membrane of skin between them. It's great in combination with the "GillMan" gill enhancement.

Level Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

1 0.8 CU Poor 6,000 HU 1.0 Legal
2 1.6 CU Poor 12,500 HU 1.25 Legal

With level 1, your hands are webbed. Level 2 is a rebuild of hands and feet. You can swim even faster.
Either level decreases the ability to manual manipulation (kinda clumsy hands you got here).

Ileoceal Siphon

Whether you're spending time in the desert or in the tropics the ileocecal siphon can make your
stay a pleasant one. This artificial organ coils around the inside of the large intestine and removes
up to
80 percent of the water from the body's solid waste products.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

2 CU Rare 92,500 HU 3.0 Legal

The Siphon's efficient recycling of fluid allows the user to function normally without water for 48 hours
in a temperate climate, or 24 hours in arid or hot conditions at GM's discretion.

"OptiClear" Eye Shield

Clear vision is a necessity for optimum performance in any environment. The new OptiClear
modification is a protective third eyelid that can be opened or closed at will, is perfectly
transparent, and keeps dust, gasses, and contaminated water from damaging the eyes.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

0.5 CU Poor 2,500 HU 1.75 Legal

The user has an increased chance to see, when air or water borne irritants are used against him,
including tear gas. The irritant is reduced in its efficiency.

"Arctic Shield" Bioconstruct

Genecraft Biodesigns has the perfect bioware for cold weather work or traveling the spaceways in
cryosleep. The Arctic Shield gland is implanted in the chest cavity where it maintains your body
with a
constant supply of metaglycogen, a chemical compound that prevents water in the tissues from
forming ice crystals in below freezing temperatures.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

0.6 CU Poor 47,500 HU 1.0 Legal

The user becomes immune to frostbite and has a better chance to be revived after cryosleep
suspension or reanimation.

"Rush" Adrenal Maximizer

From the labs of Genecraft comes the perfect accessory for your accelerated lifestyle. The "Rush"
bioconstruct is a small organ that nestles behind the kidneys in the abdominal cavity and stores
adrenaline and noradrenaline produced by the adrenal glands. When you really need
it all it takes is a thought to flood your body with the stimulant perfected by nature for high level
performance without the risks involved with an adrenal pump.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

1.5 CU Rare 70,000 HU 2.75 Military

Gain one initiative die for 2D6 turns. Maximizer can hold two "doses" of adrenaline, and takes 12 hours
to collect one new dose after one if used.


Hand Spur

The hand spur is a wickedly sharp non- retractable blade of polished bone on the side of the hand
opposite the thumb perfect for slashing and puncture attacks in melee.

Damage Hide? Body Availability Cost Street Index Legality

knife no 0.3 CU Poor 9,250 HU 1.0 paralegal

Increases all target numbers for manipulation by +1. For an additional 2,000¥ you can purchase a
hollow version for use with Venom glands.

"Overbite" Incisors

Nothing says "Back off!" like a smile featuring our massive canine teeth. Available in models suited
for every metatype!

Damage Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

knife 0.3 CU Poor 7,500 HU 1.0 paralegal

For an additional 500 HU hollow incisors for use with Venom can be purchased. The hollow incisors
must inflict at least a Light Wound for Venom glands to successfully inject toxin.

"Tigris" Claws

Personal defense for the budget conscious. This package features blade like claws that retract into
slits in the finger tips of both hands. Sharpening is not required, but claws are not firmly anchored
to the
underlying bone and can be ripped out during combat.

Damage Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

knife 0.4 CU Poor 12,500¥ 1.0 paralegal

For an additional 500 HU claws are available in a hollow version compatible with Venom. The hollow
claws must inflict at least a Light Wound for Venom glands to successfully inject toxin.

"Rattler" Retractable Fangs

The new Rattler package from Genecraft gives you a pair of needle- like teeth that fold down from
the roof of the mouth when the mouth is opened wide. They can be used with the Venom option,
but will only inject poison if the user consciously desires.

Damage Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

knife 0.5 CU Poor 12,500¥ 1.25 paralegal

When used with Venom the victim must take at least a Light Wound for the glands to inject toxin.

Our tailored viral agents modify selected hair follicles to produce sharp, needle- like spines for
combat or fashion.

Level Damage Essence Cost Availability Cost* Street Index Legality

1 Light 0.3 CU Poor 1,900 HU 1.0 paralegal
2 Medium 0.4 CU Poor 2,750 HU 1.0 paralegal

* Add 100 HU and 0.1 CU Essence Cost for every quill after the first. Level 1 quills are 2-3 cm long,
cause light damage (use one-half Ballistic armor) in combat, and take 2 weeks to regrow after
use. Level 2 quills are 4-7 cm long, cause medium damage (use one-half Ballistic) in combat, and take 4
weeks to regrow after being expended.

Venom Gland

Simply the ultimate in biologically based personal weapons! Our Venom glands are custom built
bioconstructs using your modified salivary or sebaceous glands to manufacture toxins that can be
squirted out using muscular contractions. Venom glands are normally used with some kind of
injector weapon, but can produce compounds absorbed through the victims mucous membranes
or skin. In terms of size and effectiveness there is no other bioweapon so cost effective.

Essence Cost Availability Cost Street Index Legality

0.5 CU Poor 17,000 HU + 3.0 Military, absolutely
(20x cost of 1
dose of toxin)

Each gland holds two doses of toxin and replenishes one dose every 24 hours. The subject is immune to
their own toxin (gamemater's discretion). It's possible to purchase black market Venom glands that
produce any type of street or medical grade drug. Cost would be equal to 1,000 HU multiplied by the
drug's price.

(by Geek in the Hat)
Imagine getting cornered someplace, surrounded on all sides by some people with intentions that
might not be very friendly. Now, imagine very suddenly being directly behind them, also having
gained the upper hand with the surprise of springing through the air above their heads. Well, say,
that'd be kinda neat, huh? Unless you're some kind of physad, or you've got some very odd 'ware,
it's just not gonna happen, though... unless, of course, you get the Sproing!System. What it is,
more or less,
is a big coil of very strong, thick spring in your shin, which is set up to disconnect the bottom half
of your lower leg, launch the rest of your body into the air with the spring, and then your feet and
the rest of your leg gets pulled along through the air. Under most circumstances, the thing gets all
contracted back together before you land, too! Whoopie!

Essence Cost Cost Availability Street Index Legality

1.3 CU 10,000 HU Poor 2 legal

When a character activates a Sproing!System, they get propelled 2D6 meters into the air, up and
forward. Make sure that they aim themselves right. Assuming they don't smash into anything, and
everything goes as planned (that's a bad assumption to make in the Sixth World) the springs coil up
and the legs get put back together as designed. Sometimes, though, things go wrong. If the character
smashes into a ceiling, they take a middle stun wound, fall to the ground, and is generally unhappy. For
an extra 0.3 CU essence and 5,000 HU, a character with a cybernetic range finder of some sort can
get a nice
little interface that checks to see where the ceiling is, and avoids shooting the character into it. For
gosh sakes, use GM disgression!

»Umm... now tell me again why you would want one of these?)
»Reality Czech

»I got one a month ago, and it's a bunch of fun in some situations. Just like they said, it's for the
surprise factor. Just be careful with the things... if you mess up, you can get your head stuck in a
drop-ceiling or a tree.
»Psycho Pat

"Southern Pacific" Steam Engine Cyberware


(by BulletShower)
This is for the stylish runner! Ever been bored because even the best and most expensive
cyberware was just that, cyberware? Now, we at Southern Pacific have the right thing for you: off-
the-shelf cyberware is not your style, so get our brand- new STEAM ENGINE modification! Our
certified cybertechnicians will modify your ware so that it will run on boiling water! Our package
deal includes 24 batteries that will provide your steam engine with the power needed to boil the
water. Then, push the "WORK"- button (you can specify where you want to have it), and SHOOO-
SHOO!, here you go! You can choose among a broad variety of designs, like Union Pacific,
Northwestern, or Boston & Worcester. Every package comes complete with a steam whistle!

Essence Cost Cost Availability Street Index Legality

+ 2.5 CU price * 1.5 Common 1 legal

The water tanks have to be refilled every six hours. The engine works pretty well, but every quickness-
based test has an increased target number of +1. One battery lasts for 15 days, thereafter the user
has to put in a new one, or s/he can´'t move. Which again is not suitable if you want to change
batteries ... you get the idea.

Note: This 'ware was originally published by Aaron Wigley, but Hedley saw fit to expand upon it.
SPU (Medical)

This sub processor is designed to

operate with all standard medical
sensors, to act on and interpret the
data, and control chemical delivery
systems. It is often used in long term
medical cases, where the patient can
afford the luxury of the apparatus, and
wishes to retain some mobility.

Essence: 0.8 CU
Rating Nuyen Cost
3 3,000 HU (Biotech 3 Expert System)
4 15,000 HU (Biotech 4 Expert System)
5 20,000 HU (Biotech 5 Expert System)
6 40,000 HU (Biotech 6 Expert System)
7 100,000 HU (Biotech 7 Expert System)
8 140,000 HU (Biotech 8 Expert System)
9 180,000 HU (Biotech 9 Expert System)
10 1,000,000 HU (Biotech 10 Expert System)

Chemical Injector and mixer for antidotes, antibiotics and other

emergency related medical compounds.
Operated either by a medical timer, external
radio signal, or a Medical SPU, this system is Essence: 0.8 CU
capable of delivering regulated, exact Cost: 1,000 HU
amounts of substance into the bloodstream.
The most common uses are to deliver Insulin
to Diabetic sufferers, or to deliver Anti- Cardio-Vascular Monitor
histamines to Allergy sufferers. The units are
refilled by injecting the refill through the This sensor suite monitors the users' Cardio-
surface of the unit. Vascular system, and provides data to either
memory for later diagnostics, external link,
Volume Essence Cost or to a display link. Variables monitored
5 cc 0.1 CU 250 HU include pulse rate, blood
10 cc 0.3 CU 400 HU pressure, hemoglobin level, alcohol level,
20 cc 0.6 CU 600 HU oxygen level, carbon dioxide level, glucose,
50 cc 0.7 CU 750 HU insulin, and nitrogen levels.

MultiDispensor Essence: 0.8 CU

Cost: 2,500 HU
Required cyberware for an Internal
Medkit/Autodoc system. This is a dispenser
Cardio-Vascular Monitor
Mark II

This sensor system is essentially an Another dubious item of cyber, used in the
upgraded version of the original Cardio- medical research establishment. Consisting
Vascular Monitoring system. It has all the of inductors implanted at strategic placesin
features of the original, plus the following: the brain, this black box is capable of
•Chemical Analyzer (ShadowTech, pg.60) for inducing any stage of sleep in
complete blood chemistry. the implantee, from shallow, REM or deep
•Cardiac Defibrillator for correcting aberrant sleep, to extremely deep and coma-like
heart rhythms. conditions.
•Interfaces via a Medical SPU to an internal
air tank/compressor to act as an emergency Essence Cost: 0.5 CU
ventilator. Price: 2,500 HU

Essence: 1.6 CU
Cost: 17,500 HU Backlash - Cybernetic
Threat Evaluation System
Blood Shunts Patrick I Buchert (bypbuchert@delta.hut.fi)

Upon a signal from the Medical SPU, this Here's a new, interesting piece of cyberware
shunt will redirect blood to an alternative for you to digest ..
route. A typical use is to shunt blood away
from major limbs when severe hemorrhaging FYI, this system does exist. It is not cyber
occurs on that limb. sized, but I guess luggable versions are out
already and they _are_ looking to extending
Essence: 0.1 CU/shunt it to VIP
Cost: 500 HU protection. Check out a recent Aviation
Week & Space Technology.
This should put a slight punch into being a
RAS Cutout elite bodyguard... if all PCs get this, your
campaign has some Monty Haul
Similar to the Reticular Activation System characteristics and I
Overrides found in Sense decks (ShadowBeat would recommend a purge.
pg. 80), this circuit when patched onto the
central nervous system allows for the user's Backlash is the latest piece of hardware in
sensorium and voluntary motor control to be the invetories of Knight-Errant Executive
cut off completely. The user, unless assisted Protection teams. It allows a rapid response
otherwise, is in a state resembling sleep, and to external projectile threats. The system
is totally sensory deprived. The device is continually analyses incoming visual sensory
triggered by a signal from either short range data as a background task. To ensure
signal, or other cyber device. Installation of maximum operational effectiveness, the
this device is only permitted for legitimate system enforces occasional unconscious
medical or research purposes. surround scans. If the system recognizes a
threat it immediately alerts the user to it. It is
Essence Cost: 1 CU capable of identifying projectile threats from
Price: 4,000 HU low- velocity bullets to anti- vehicular missiles
and calculating their flight trajectories,
ideally pinpointing the point of origin while
Sleep Inducer the projectile is still in mid-flight.
It is primarily targeted for security
applications, mainly VIP protection and is a
next generation device from similar systems surrounding scans, takes me almost a whole
in military use since the beginning of the second to get back to the matter at hand, so
millennia. Currently it has been sold in to speak. And in my line of work, you just can't
turn it off, can ya?
limited amounts to private security
» Shield, Hard Corps security
contractors and is seen commonly only in
Knight-Errant Executive Protection teams. » Drek, news like this can sure ruin a man's
day. Gonna make my line of work a LOT
harder. Guess I'll be charging extra if hit
Essence cost: 1.3 CU involves Knight-Errant Executive Protection
Rating: 1-4 teams.
» E-razor
Cost: 60,000 HU +10,000 HU*rating
Legality: military
» Ditto. What do you mean you aren't
Availability: Rare, extremely rare charging extra for KE already?
» Pooka
» Uhoh, what kind of science fiction drek is » Frag. If these two guys are disappointed, I'm
this? They can't have stuff like this on the happy.
market. No way can anyone be faster than a » Shield, Hard Corps security
speeding bullet, no drekking way.
» Johnny D Game Mechanics
The higher the rating of the system, the better
it works. User gets half the effective rating of
» Can't be faster than a bullet? Ever see Tyson the system to his Reaction in cases of surprise.
Jr. fight in the unlimited series? Those wired The system requires that user is generally
reflexes most definately put him among the scanning the area from which the attack
fastest human beings on earth. I have no comes (The CTES system also analyses
peripheral vision) It also automatically provides
doubt he could dodge a bullet if he had fair user with a trajectory vector to the point of
warning and by the looks of it, this systems origin if the projectile passes through the field
gives just that and a bit more. of vision.
» Red Flash If user recognizes a threat, the CTES provides
user with weapon type information. If the user
properly uses the system, he is then allowed to
» And for the unbelievers, the US military used react while the bullet is in mid-air (!) possibly
to have these way back in the 90's. Only larger stepping in front of it, pushing mark aside,
and not with quite so good recognition ducking etc, even responding with fire.
software, the system has come a long way (Note that a mage could /conceavably/ astrally
since that. project and intercept an incoming spell,
» Hangfire provided he succeeds in the perception test to
identify the spell being cast and the system
recognizes the mage as a potential
»Human beings? Unless you have seen Lee threat, ie he is armed and/or suddenly
Shirley play center forward for the Eugene emerges. The expert system does
Lords, you have no concept of speed, track persons.)
With Orientation System available, it is able to
» Lerethien Verantin pinpoint the attacker's location with precision.
» Hate to interrupt your sports hour, but take it
from me. This system is out and very
functional. Only one feature annoys me. I just
hate it when I am looking at that special
someone deserving my undivided attention
and the system forces one of those periodic

ADVERTISING WITH few ¥ left over, he's buying a bag of nacho-
CHIPWARE kibble and a beer in some seedy bar down
town. Who's got the cash for chipware?
by Gary Astleford (ocelot@connectnet.com)

Chipware companies, those that deal

» Promises, large promises, is the soul of
exclusively chips, soon found themselves
advertising...I cannot but propose it as a
moral question to these masters of the public struggling to stay above water. Sure, there
ear, was a demand for chips, most of which was
whether they do not sometimes play too met by fixers in back rooms selling second-
wantonly with our passions. rate copies of original titles. For instance, it
» Samuel Johnson is estimated
that 2/3rds of the "Axe Lessons With
» All advertising, whether it lies in the field of
Eurodyne" chips sold were produced by a
business or politics, will carry success by
continuity and regular uniformity of "punch" operation in San Dimas, California.
application. Of course, with more chip piracy every day,
» Adolph Hitler the prices of standard titles soared to
astronomical levels. Such high costs lead to
even more piracy and even fewer legitimate
sales. Several companies found themselves
bankrupt, soon to be absorbed into the
corporate monoliths that are EBM and
HISTORY Zetatech.
We all love it. We all use it. It's a way of life, The remaining companies found saviors in
neh? Learn Japanese without taking a single sponsors, companies of all sizes wishing to
class. Shoot that IMI like a real pro. extend their influence into the very
Understand a simple topic such as, say, neurochemistry of their customers. Such
quantum physics by just chipping some chip businesses were willing to pay good money
into your port. Simple. Clean. Readily to
available. But not cheap. Oh, no, not cheap chipware manufacturers for their ads, which
at all. in turn allowed the chipware makers to
lower their prices to competitive levels. With
For lazy cyberpunks with few skill points to sponsorship
spare, chipware sockets and chips are a deals from big name companies, many of the
godsend. They allow someone to know the chip companies that had been struggling
rudimentary knowledge of a topic or years before began to pull in larger and
technique in a matter of days or larger profits.
Thus was a new type of advertising born.
However, the costs of high level skill chips
can be prohibitive to your average 'punker
off the street. The typical cyberpunk has to TYPES OF CHIPWARE ADS
worry about
rudimentary things, such as weapons, Times Square Marquee "Banners"
cyberware, fashionable clothes (armored or The first type of chipware ads to be
non- armored), cyberdecks and software, introduced in 2052, they are also the
vehicles, and sleeping space. If he's got a simplest and most limited. When interfaced,
the chip sends a passive message to a out only affecting the cyber- enhanced. Now,
cyberoptic's Times Square display (if such ads send passive signals to the optical
present). The message scrolls across, centers, making the user "see" things that
endorsing a product (or products) again and aren't there. A recent Supreme Court ruling
again. The up side to this method is that it's has determined that such an advertisement
largely harmless. The down side is that it used in
only affects those few people who utilize a any form of driving or piloting APTR chipware
Times Square Marquee, or a Times Square is illegal, as several motorists have been
Plus. injured or killed in accidents caused by a
chipware- induced distraction.

Olfactory Suggestion and/or Taste Suggestion Involuntary Vocalization

Close enough to be siblings, both Olfactory The chip's user, when chipping in,
and Taste Suggestion advertisements were involuntarily makes a statement pertaining to
the next to come along. They reach a large the chipware's sponsor. The most common
percentage of audiences by directly targeting and well- known
the smell and taste centers of the brain. include, "I'm going to Disneyland!" and
Unlike the Times Square Banners, no special "Toyota- Chrysler! I love what you do for me!"
cybernetics (aside from the chip socket and Most phrases are short, but all are loud
neural processor) are enough to be
required for use. audible under normal circumstances.
Upon chipping in, the user of the chip will
either smell or taste something. The chip is Image Recognition
generally marked in some way to indicate The most recent innovation is Image
the Recognition. The downside is that it requires
sponsor's name to avoid any confusion (ie, the use of cyberoptics to function. The
"Iraqi Basket Weaving, brought to you by upside is that it's incredibly subtle (in most
Taco Hutt restaurants." ). Such ads are cases), and most people won't realize they're
popular with being shown a commercial until they pull the
restaurant chains, as well as perfume and chipware out. Image Recognition is
deodorant manufacturers (raise your hand if descended from a military application, and
you're sure). was originally designed by the UCAS Air
Force to help pilots identify friendly and
Audio Commercials enemy aircraft, as well as ground targets.
Initially, Audio- based commercials only Image Recognition ads pick out the
affected those with cyberaudio advertised product and highlight it in the
enhancements. Recently, manufacturers have user's vision. Most of the time, this is fairly
managed to stimulate the low- key -- for
auditory centers of the nervous system Coca Cola, Coke cans are brighter red; for
directly, fooling them into "hearing" the ads. H&K, the outlines of their various small arms
Ads usually consist of a brief message or are enhanced by a neon green line. In some
music, though it needn't be so simple. of the
more extreme cases, giant floating neon
Optical Commercials signs point out the products actively, causing
Related closely to Audio Commercials, quite a distraction in most users.
Opticals affect one or both of the eyes. Much
the same as Audio ads, Optical ads started SYSTEMS

As far as game mechanics go, the more On all the time : AF 2
annoying the advertisement, the cheaper the Every six hours : AF 2
chip will initially be. Annoyance is usually Every three hours : AF 3
judged on a scale from 1 to 4. An Annoyance Every hour : AF 4
Factor (AF) of 1 is only mildly irritating, and
doesn't usually degrade the chip user's This determines how often ad in question runs.
No matter what option is taken, the ad always
performance. An AF of 4, on the other hand, comes on at least once when the chip is initially
is nearly maddening in its intensity. A chip plugged in. Chips that are "on all the time" are
can have several ads hardwired into it (a usually those which affect one of the senses.
maximum amount of the chip's total levels,
Times Square Marquee "Banners" :
ie, a Spanish +2 chip can have up to two
Message Type -
advertisements written onto it).
When figuring out the amount of cash that an
• Simple, scrolling message (ie, "Eat at
advertisement (or series of advertisements)
Joe's") : AF 1
deducts from a chip's final cost, add up the
• Scrolling message w/graphical
total Annoyance Factors of ALL
diagrams/pictures : AF 2
advertisement options for each ad on that
chip and multiply the total by 10. If there are • Large message w/bold typeface &
multiple ads, add the totals together to come flashing characters : AF 3
up with the grand total. This is the total • Full visual experience akin to an HUD
deduction, and limits are left to the (only possible with Times Square+) : AF
individual GM's discretion. Chip costs 4
reduced to zero or lower by advertisements
are generally given away as promotional Message type for Times Square "Banners" is
based on message length and complexity.
items, and can be quite common at
conventions. However, most "commercial" Note : "Banners" are far less intrusive than
chips cannot be reduced in price by more other chip ads, simply because they only
than 75% of the affect those unlucky few who have a Times
original cost. Square or
Times Square +. Hence, when factoring the
Options for the different types of ads are Duration + Frequency + Message type for a
listed below. Times Square ad, divide the total by 2 before
multiplying by 10 to figure the total
General Advertisement Options (for all listed deduction. For example, a Times Square ad
types) : reading "Eat At Joe's" (AF 1) that happens
every three hours (AF 3) and lasts for 15
Duration of Ad - seconds (AF 2) has a total AF of 3 (1+3+2 =
Brief (3 seconds/1 round) : AF 1 6/2 = 3).
Short (15 seconds/5 rounds) : AF 2
Medium (30 seconds/10 rounds) : AF 3 Olfactory Suggestion Ads :
Long (60-90 seconds/20- 30 rounds) : AF 4 Smell Strength -

This determines how long the advertisement

lasts. Most don't last more than fifteen to • Slight odor, -0 to smell- based awareness
thirty seconds, but a noteworthy few last checks when in effect : AF 1
almost two minutes.
• Mild odor, -1 to smell- based awareness
checks when in effect : AF 2
Frequency of Ad -
Once, when first chipping in : AF 1
• Strong odor, -2 to smell- based awareness The strength of the artificial taste that the
checks when in effect : AF 3 chip emulates can have a
• Overpowering odor, -4 to smell- based detrimental effect on a character's natural
awareness checks when in effect : AF 4 tasting abilities if the
taste is too strong.
The strength of the "smell" that the chip
emulates can affect a character's natural Taste Type -
smelling ability if the scent is too strong.
• Tastes good, like candy, breath mints,
Smell Type - soda pop, or a type of food : AF 1
• Tastes bad or bitter, like many forms of
• Good smells, such as perfume, flowers, alcoholic drink, cigarettes, etc. : AF 2
food: AF 1 • Tastes really bad, like ear wax, ground up
• Bad smells, such as pollutants, smoke, medicine, or castor oil : AF 3
bad breath, or body odor : AF 2
• Really bad smells, such as raw sewage, The type of taste that the ad emulates is just
feces, vomit, or rotting meat : AF 3 as important as the strength of the taste in
question. Tastes that are classified as "Tastes
The type of smell that the ad emulates is just really bad" may call for a stun/shock save,
as important as the strength of the smell in with the AF of the Taste Strength used as a
question. Smells that are classified as "Really negative modifier. Failure indicates that the
bad smells" may call for a stun/shock save, user is
with the AF of the Smell Strength used as a overcome by the "taste," cannot act for 1d6
negative modifier. Failure indicates that the rounds, and may throw up at the GM's call.
user is
overcome by the "smell" and cannot act for Audio Commercials :
1d6 rounds. Volume -

Note : These ads are normally used in • Quiet, about as loud as normal
conjunction with Taste Suggestion conversation: AF 1
Ads, and are popular amongst fast food and • Medium, -1 to audio- based awareness
restaurant chains, as well as checks when in effect : AF 2
perfume and shampoo manufacturers. • Loud, -2 to audio- based awareness
checks when in effect : AF 3
Taste Suggestion Ads : • Deafening, -4 to audio- based awareness
checks when in effect : AF 4
Taste Strength -
The volume of sounds in a chip- based
• Slight taste, -0 to taste- based awareness advertisement can have a detrimental effect
checks when in effect : AF 1 on a character's natural hearing ability.
• Mild taste, -1 to taste- based awareness
checks when in effect : AF 2 Optical Commercials :
• Strong taste, -2 to taste- based awareness Interface -
checks when in effect : AF 3
• Overpowering taste, -4 to taste- based • Requires at least one cyberoptic to
awareness check when in effect : AF 4 function: AF 1
• Direct optic nerve stimulation, no optics
needed : AF 2
• Interface affects one eye : AF 1 • Images replace sight completely, and the
• Interface affects both eyes : AF 3 user is effectively blind for the duration:
AF 4
Some of the older Optical Commercials
require one or two cybereyes in order to Depending on the sophistication of the
function, while most of the newer ones advertisement it may add visuals to the
directly stimulate the optic nerves. user's normal view or replace it entirely.
Images that replace sight completely cause
Visual Stimulation - all visual awareness checks to fail
• Images are superimposed over normal
sight, and are ghost-like/ethereal in Involuntary Vocalization :
nature, -1 to INT-based tests : AF 2 Vocal Content -
• Images are superimposed over normal
sight, but appear real and solid, -2 to • Benign, ie, "I'm going to Disneyland!" : AF
INT- based tests: AF 3 1

• Disturbing, ie, "The IMI chain knife makes Aside from the message's content, how loud
me want to get bloody!" : AF 2 you say it can make a difference in some
• Risqué, ie, "Go on, put it in...ALL the way situations. A samurai, hiding from a corpcop,
in." : AF 3 doesn't want to shout out, "Glocks kick
• Offensive; you boys and girls can use your ASS!!" thereby giving himself away.
filthy imaginations : AF 4
Image Recognition :
The content of the message is pretty Prominence -
important, considering it might offend people
around the user, or make the user look really • Subtle, faint outline around product or
silly. While brightened colors, -1 to TN to spot
content which is listed as "Offensive" might product : AF 1
contain bad language, it might also contain • Obvious, product is brightly lit, flashes in
racist or dogmatic phrases which might field of vision, -2 TN to spot product :
cause ill- will to the user. Beware any chip AF 2
sponsored by the Aryan Defense League or • Distracting, as "Obvious," but neon arrows
Alamos or (fill in another policlub). and signs point out product, -4 TN to
spot product, but +2 to all other actions
Volume - due to distracting visuals : AF 3

• Whispered tones, will only be heard by The prominence of the product that is being
those within a meter or so of the advertised helps the user spot it, but can
character : AF 1 detract from other rolls (included to-hit and
• Conversational tones, will be heard by visual awareness rolls) if it is overdone.
anyone in the same room : AF 2
• Loud tones, will carry across a large room
and will be heard over other people's
voices : AF 3 SAMPLE CHIP AD
• Shouted tones, will be heard all the way
down the block, or at least across a busy Chip Type & Level : Wardrobe & Style +2
street : AF 4 Base Chip Cost : 200 ¥
Ad Duration : Medium AF 3
Frequency : Once AF 1 Total Discount for Ad : 100 ¥
Audio Commercial Volume : Medium AF 2 Total Chip Cost : 100 ¥
Involuntary Vocalization Content : Benign AF
1 Ad Description : This chip is sponsored by
Involuntary Vocalization Volume : Loud alvin Klein of Tokyo. When chipping in, the
Tones AF 3 user hears the soft music of the Calvin Klein
theme and is forced to sing along with the
Total AF Japanese vocals.
AF 10

written by: Paul Minor 


Why Techno Jihad?

Well, quite simply because there seems to be a lack of material dealing with terrorism and
counter- terrorism for cyberpunk games. The issue of terrorism is a popular one in cyberpunk
fiction (Masamune Shirow comes to mind), and it has played an important part in many of the
games I have run. The source material here should be enough to play a campaign centered around
terrorism/counter- terrorism, or to simply incorporate a little of it into your game. If you do need
additional information, I
urge you to get a copy of the Terror/CounterTerror Sourcebook for Millennium’s End. It has a lot of
useful information and is compatible with any game system.

Explanation of Abbreviations

All weapons and equipment herein will have a reference source. If it does not, then it is contained
in The Weapons and Equipment of Counter Terrorism. The abbreviations for different books are as

CB 1,2 or3 = Corpbook 1,2 or 3

Chr 1,2 or 3 = Chromebook 1,2 or 3
UK = Rough Guide to the UK
MM = Maximum Metal
Ocean = Oceanpunk Gear and Equipment
NeoTribes = Neo-Tribes
HoB = Home of the Brave
Euro = Eurosource Plus
PacRim = Pacific Rim Sourcebook


Terrorism is defined as the use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce, usually for political
purposes. The reasons for terrorism are many, but traditionally, oppressed individuals have used
violence against civilians and military personnel, in order to intimidate and coerce a government.
In 2050 the rules have slightly changed. With corporations often wielding as much or more power
than governments, it is not surprising that a lot of violence is directed towards corporate interests.
Additionally there are now many mercenary terrorist groups who don't have any sort of political
objective at all (other than to make money) and hire themselves out to the highest bidder. The net
has also brought significant changes to terrorism. In 2050 most terrorist organizations employ
netrunners of some kind, and there are even some groups who practice "net-terrorism"

On a side note, I just want to say that although I am not going to go into all the different
ideologies or social reasons for terrorism, terrorists are not simply crazy people waiting to be
mowed down by Chuck Norris and his "action jeans" wearing Delta Force. The terrorist is simply a
normal person who has been pushed to the limit and is lashing back in a desperate manner. Using
a group of terrorist player characters offers a good opportunity for expanding role playing beyond
the trite "lets do a corporate extractions for a different corporation each week" campaign. Players
will be able to form ideologies and involve their characters in political concerns. And of course,
there is lots of room for intrigue and action as well.

Targets of Terror

The following is a listing of some of the more common targets of terrorism

This group includes targets such as students, intellectuals, athletes and tourists. These targets are
selected for different reasons but all for the same purpose: using violence to create fear among
the people, and force a response from authorities.

Media targets are important because media attention is a major factor in getting ones message
across. Terrorists will usually either destroy some sort of broadcast facility to shut down
government propaganda, take over a facility and broadcast their own message or simply send
video clips to TV stations and threaten violence if the station does not agree to air it.

Military targets include kidnapping or assassination of military officers or personnel, sabotage of
military equipment and assets and sometimes infiltration of military base to steal weapons or to
orchestrate an internal attack.

This category includes ambassadors, diplomats and government ministers as well as embassies,
government offices, consulates and legislative buildings. These targets are usually attacked
through direct assault or through bombings.

Corporations are becoming the bane of many terrorist organizations and are therefore receiving a
variety of attacks. High ranking corporate officials are often assassinated, corporate offices are
bombed and company assets are often attacked or sabotaged. Oil companies such as Sov-Oil and
Petrochem have a particularly hard time with their offshore oil platforms as these are often
attacked for a variety of different reasons.

Types of Terror

The following is a listing of common types of terrorism. It should be noted that some groups do
not just subscribe to one brand of terror, but use a combination of the following.

Traditional Terror
Traditional terror is the most popular terrorist method. Most groups in 2050 have engaged in some
sort of traditional terror at one point or another. These attacks use violence or threats of violence
to create fear among the public. Most of these attacks target human targets, and can be very
precise or very indiscriminate. Bombings are a common tactic and can be carried out at anytime
and place. Kidnappings, assassinations and hijackings also fall into this category.

Consumer Intimidation
Consumer intimidation is a popular form of terrorism with eco- terrorists as it is designed to deter
a consumer from supporting a specific product or corporation. Terrorists poison food, drugs and
other products in an attempt to spoil a company's reputation. Another popular practice is
corporate sabotage. Terrorists will shutdown oil drilling platforms or attack factories. Occasionally
consumer intimidators will attack the consumers themselves in order to scare them into

submission. Groups that practice this brand of terror include violent factions of PETA and

Net Terrorism
The fastest growing terrorist methodology in 2050 is that of "net terrorism." Most terrorist groups
hire netrunners for the usual reasons: as a source of revenue, a source of information or to gain
entry into restricted areas, but the newest trend is a form of terrorism that is completely contained
in the net. These groups hack into datafortresses and release advanced viruses in an attempt to
destroy information. Other methods include releasing lethal viruses into BBSs or altering data to
produce disastrous results. An example of the latter would be rerouting subway trains via
computer so that they collide. One of the most successful groups practicing net terrorism is the
Norwegian based group LeGIoN oF dOOm, who boasts over 1,000 members worldwide.

Mercenary Terror
One of the newest trends in terrorism is mercenary terror. Although organizations such as the Abu
Nidal Organization (ANO) and the Japanese Red Army (JRA) have practiced mercenary terror, they
are not mercenary terrorist groups in the newest sense of the word. The defining factor is that a
true mercenary terrorist group has no ideology, but simply performs terrorist actions for
governments, corporations or whoever the highest bidder is. These groups have no qualms about
working for anybody and will even work on both sides of an issue if possible. Examples include
the Shoko Kitahara Group who is based in Osaka, Japan.

Check out the Appendix of Active Terrorist Organizations for detailed listings of terrorist groups.


The difference between an anti- terrorist agency and a counter- terrorist agency is that an anti-
terrorist agency is generally involved in information gathering, while a counter- terrorist agency is
usually the
tactical force that busts down the door. Terrorism has become commonplace in everyday life, so
likewise CT teams have become commonplace in most governments and large corporations. These
teams are highly trained in counter- insurgency and hostage rescue, and work very closely with
intelligence agencies such as the CIA and Interpol. When creating a CT character, notice that each
of the counter- terrorist teams below has a sort of specialty or focus. Both the SAS and Delta are
extremely proficient tactical units, while the GIGN brings a sort of jack- of- all- trades mentality to
CT work. The GSG-9 has a James Bond superspy reputation and does a lot of investigative work,
while Japan's Sec 9 utilizes heavy weapons and APCA. The Navy's SEAL team 6 and the UK's SBS
deal with maritime terrorism. These generalizations should help you to pick skills to fit your
character. It should be noted that in most of these groups the average age is around 25, slightly
higher than the military average. CT groups generally recruit the best of the best from the armed
services, so keep that in mind when allocating skills and skill points.

Navy Special Warfare Development Group

aka: Navy SEAL Team Six

In the mid 1990s the UCAS Navy SEAL teams were reassigned. The members of the highly trained
counter- terrorist group, SEAL team 6 were reassigned to a new entity known as the Navy Special
Warfare Development Group (NAVSPECWARDEVGRU or just DEVGRU).

DEVGRU is composed of highly specialized members of the SEAL Platoon utilizing close quarter
combat tactics, skills and equipment. Boarding ships at sea (VBSS-Visit, Board, Search and
Seizure), Gas & Oil Platform takedowns (GOPLAT), aircraft hijackings and your basic room &
building clearance operations in response to terrorist threats are all capabilities of this team. This
assault force is composed of the Assault Force Commander, Team Leader, Breacher, Snipers and
shooters. The Commander is in overall tactical command of the force when in the field. The Team
Leader is in charge of controlling his element while on the ground. The snipers operate either
from a hide site or from a helicopter covering the movement of the element. The breacher carries
the improvised breaching charges and other
gear to get into the hard to get at places. The shooters shoot (surprise, surprise). These men are all
highly trained in all aspects of CT work but their specialty is dealing with maritime terrorism.
DEVGRU is considered the foremost authority on waterborne ops in the entire world.

Weapons & Equipment

The Navy SEAL's vehicle pool is comprised of many different types of watercraft The most notable
is the Swimmer Delivery Vehicle which is used to surgically insert a team and their equipment
right under the enemy's nose. The SEALs also use a variety of aircraft including AV-4s, Ospreys,
and a variety of helicopters. As for the SCUBA gear DEVGRU uses the GaltCo AB-4 Osmotic
Rebreather (ocean) and has specially armored wetsuits and drysuits (SP 10) A variety of electronic
equipment has been
rebuilt to marine specifications, for SEAL team use. SEALs carry the Colt AR- 23 Multi- Environment
Assault Weapon, The H&K OHWS Mk 30, H&K MP-2013SD, "Sea Viper II" 20mm torp-gun and the
Barret M-90 Sniper Rifle.

H&K MP-2013SD
Colt AR- 23 Multi- Environment Assault Weapon
Sea Viper II" 20mm torpgun (ocean)H&K "OHWS" Mk 30
Colt Enforcement 10 (CB3)

Delta Force

Delta Force, or Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta (SFOD-D), was formed by the U.S.
Army Special Operations Command (SOCOM) in 1977 to combat the rising threat of terrorism.
Delta was modeled closely after the SAS, and uses similar tactics and weapons. The unit, although

very proficient, has been plagued by a bad reputation from the get go. This has been compounded
by recent events. In January of 2050 five members of Delta shot and killed four Armenian
diplomats, who were not affiliated with any terrorist group. With an impending congressional
hearing, the team's leader, Charles O'Connor, fled the country with three members of his team.
His whereabouts are unknown. This has been the final nail in a coffin many have been trying to
bury for years. It seems that Delta Force may finally be disbanded. For the moment the
organization has been placed on hold status, and is not to perform any actions until the hearings
are over.

Weapons & Equipment

With the "hold" in effect, Delta doesn't really have access to any vehicles or special equipment.
Weapons common to Delta are: H&K MP-2013SD, Militech Mk IV, Militech Bulldog, H&K "OHWS"
Mk30 and the
Colt Enforcement 10.

H&K MP-2013SD
H&K MPK-2020 (UK)Militech Mk IV Assault Weapon (CB2)
Militech Bulldog Compact Assault Shotgun (CB2)H&K "OHWS" Mk 30
Colt Enforcement 10 (CB3)


Special Air Service (SAS)

One of the best known Special Forces organizations in the world, the SAS is a small, elite section
of the British Combined Forces. It is highly trained in counter- terrorist tactics (it invented most of
them), hostage rescue and undercover intelligence gathering. It has a reputation (which is not
entirely accurate) for being the best CT team in the business. The privatization of the BCF has
changed things quite a bit for the SAS. Now that the BCF is "rented out", so to speak, the SAS has
had to expand its personnel. There are now two very distinct wings of the SAS: The Counter
Revolutionary Warfare Wing (CRW), which carries out CT duties for the UK and is not "rented out",
and the Special Warfare Wing (SWW), which is more akin to the U.S. Green Berets. Although the
SAS CRW is not rented out, they do work with allot of other counter- terrorist groups in terms of
training, or in some cases just to lend a helping hand.

Weapons & Equipment

The SAS CRW has access to basically any equipment, weapons and vehicles it may need for an
assignment. One thing that all SAS troops (and all BCF troops for that matter) have is skinweave.
This is a standard procedure implemented by the BCF. Like most of their European brethren, SAS
personnel usually have minimal cyberware (eyes, speedware etc.) and
rely mostly on their training. On assaults, it isn't uncommon to catch an SAS agent in BACL
Reactive Body Armor (UK pg. 37). Common weapons seen with SAS troops are: 12mm Spitfire
pistol, H&K MP-2020, H&K
MP-2013SD and the Glock 30.

H&K MPK-2020 (UK)

H&K MP-2013SD7.5mm LPA-1 (UK)Spitfire 12mm Battle Pistol (UK)
Glock 30 (Chr 1)

Special Boat Service (SBS)

The SBS is the lesser- known special- ops counterpart to the SAS. Some people consider the SBS to
the better and more highly trained organization. The SBS specializes in amphibious warfare and
waterborne CT ops. The SBS handles everything from high tide to twelve miles inland, while the
SAS handles everything else. The SBS is about a fifth the size of the SAS, around 90-100 men and
selects its members exclusively from the Royal Marines. The selection process is different from
that of the SAS in that a lot of the emphasis is placed on swimming and diving. Like the SAS, the
SBS has been split into several groups. It's primary CT force is known as the Marine Counter
Terrorism wing (MCT). One of their main missions is the security of offshore oil and gas
production rigs. The SBS actively trains with other organizations such as the Navy SEALs, GIGN and
the SAS.

Weapons & Equipment

Most of the SBS equipment is similar to the SAS equipment in nature, with the exception of the
SCUBA gear and watercraft. The SBS utilizes the widely popular GaltCo AB-4 Osmotic Rebreather
(ocean) and has a variety of electronic equipment (including cyberdecks) built to marine
specifications. The SBS uses an array of watercraft including small hovercraft (use GEB Duster, MM
pg. 34), high speed patrol boats and even kayaks. The weapons of the SBS are the same as the
SAS with the exception of the Armscor "Sea Viper II" 20mm Torp Gun.

H&K MPK-2020 (UK)

H&K MP-2013SD"Sea Viper II" 20mm Torp Gun (ocean)Spitfire 12mm Battle
Pistol (UK)
Glock 30 (Chr 1)


It has been said that every member of the German GSG-9 is his own James Bond. This is because
members of this elite unit are without a doubt, the most extensively trained and equipped
counter- terrorists on the planet. Each man is well versed in investigation skills, as well as in

tactical assault skills. GSG-9 agents are famous for their state of the art electronic gadgetry, hence
the James Bond reputation. GSG-9 is organized into three separate groups; GSG-9/1, GSG-9/2, and
GSG/1 is the "regular" counter- terrorist assault group. GSG-9/2 is tasked against maritime terrorism
and GSG-9/3 is the airborne unit. The first two groups have about 100 men each and the third has
about 50.

Weapons & Equipment

GSG-9 has a wide variety of vehicles to enable completion of their missions. Unmarked Mercedes,
mini- buses, and BGS arsenal trucks fill out the motor pool. GSG-9/2 has an array of boats at their
disposal including small hovercraft (use GEB Duster, MM pg. 34), Panzers and Swimmer Delivery
(SDVs). Agents always have the latest in electronics, including the new IEC Advanced Air Filtration
Unit. State of the art electronic surveillance devices, ECM, and ECCM are also deployed. GSG-9
members have a wide variety of choice when it comes to personal weapons. Some common small
arms are: H&K MP-2013SD, H&K MPK- 2020, Sternmeyer SMG-21, Sternmeyer Stakeout 10
Shotgun, Sternmeyer CG-13B. Pistols in use include: Sternmeyer P-35, Glock 30 and of course their
trademark .357 magnum revolver.

H&K MP-2013SD
H&K MPK-2020 (UK)
Sternmeyer SMG-21 (CB1)Sternmeyer Stakeout 10 Shotgun (CB1)
Sternmeyer CG-13B (CB1)Sternmeyer P-35 (CB1)
Glock 30 (Chr 1)
.357 magnum revolver (NeoTribes).


France's GIGN is one of the world's busiest and best Counter- Terrorist units. Since their inception
in the 1970s GIGN has operated in hundreds of countries across the globe. Because the GIGN
operates all over the world, operators need to be able to function in a myriad of environments.
They train in alpine and winter environments in addition to the urban. They are proficient in
parachute insertions as well as SCUBA operations. Each of the eighty-nine members goes through:
a fast- driving course, mountain training, intense shooting course (each member shoots 300
cartridges per day), and close- combat: a derivative of the Israeli "Krav-Maga." GIGN works closely
with many other counter- terrorist organizations all over the world. The French government will
even loan out this jack- of- all- trades CT team to friendly countries and corporations.

Weapons & Equipment

Since GIGN operates in a wide variety of environments, they require a lot of special gear. In winter
environments agents wear either the specially insulated GIGN Alpine Suit or, when it's not too
cold, they wear microthin thermal body suits under their BDUs. GIGN members also have the latest
advanced HAHO/HALO parachuting gear, as well as SCUBA gear similar to that of Navy SEAL Team
Six. The vehicle pool is well stocked, containing anything from unmarked crowder cars to high
tech SDVs. Weapons carried by agents include: FN P-96S, H&K MP-2020, FN Browning "3-Spot"and
Beretta M-24. Since every agent doubles as a sniper they are always issued a FR- F6 sniper rifle or
a Barrett M-90 sniper rifle for heavy sniping.

FN P-96S
H&K MPK-2020 (UK)
Baretta PM24S (Chr 1)FR- F6 Sniper Rifle (Euro)
Barrett M-90 Sniper Rifle (HoB)FN Browning "3 Spot" (UK)
Glock 30 (Chr 1)


Public Security Section 9

Section 9 is one of the nine public security sections directly under the Japanese Ministry of the
Interior. These sections are responsible for national security, and for the most part serve as an
intelligence agency similar to Interpol. Section 9 is an exception as it is largely a paramilitary
force, which was created to deal with the growing problem of terrorism in Japan. This small team
of 100 members is responsible for counter- insurgency operations as well as hostage rescue.
Section 9 trains heavily in the use of high-tech weaponry and APCA. It should also be noted that
Sec 9 is the only CT agency that has full borgs (modified Gemini conversions) among its
membership. Japan does not lend out this team to anyone. It is rumored that this team has been
used for non- terrorist related covert ops against several EEC governments.

Weapons & Equipment

Since much of the training is geared towards APCA use, Sec 9 has quite a few different APCA
units available for use in various environments. All of these APCA are manufactured by Shinjuku
Heavy Industries' special projects division, and are specially tailored for covert operations. Small
arms include: Arasaka WMA "Minami 10" (silenced), Towa Type 20 Advanced Infantry Combat
Weapon, and the Towa type 14 Police Pistol.

Arasaka WMA (CB1)

(silenced)Towa Type 20 Infantry Weapon (PacRim)
Towa Type 00-Kai Sniper Rifle (PacRim)Towa Type 14 Police Pistol (PacRim)

Petrochem Emergency Response Team

Petrochem ERT (PET-ERT) has the distinction of being the best corporate CT team in the business.
This is probably due to the fact that they get so much practice. This 300 man team is solely
responsible for safeguarding Petrochem's numerous offshore drilling platforms and Submerged
Drilling Project Rigs (SDPRs) from terrorist threats. Unbeknownst to most people, these rigs are
frequently taken over, threatened and sabotaged by a variety of terrorist groups. PET-ERT
undergoes a variety of training that is specially tailored to the abnormal nature of these conditions.

The team is trained extensively in maritime counter- terrorism tactics and arctic tactics since most
of the rigs lies in ocean and arctic environments. PET-ERT is also trained in the use of special
tactics regarding the sensitive nature of oil platforms. It is said that a five man team can clear an
entire rig that has been taken over in under ten minutes. It should be noted that this team is not
affiliated with the "Water Leopards" and is considered part of the naval forces.

Weapons & Equipment

PET-ERT was a variety of aircraft and watercraft at their disposal. The team utilizes AV-4s
extensively as well as the Bell- Boeing V-22B Osprey (MM p. 43). As for watercraft the tam usually
opts for hover vehicles including the GEB Duster (MM p. 34) and the GMI Hovertruck (MM p. 34).
As for SCUBA gear, PET-ERT utilizes the GaltCo AB-4 Osmotic Rebreather (ocean). The most
common small arms used in the group are the Colt Enforcement 10, Colt AR- 23, MustangArms
ARS- 5C silenced and MustangArms Raider Riot Shotgun.

MustangArms ARS- 5C (CB 3)

(silenced)Colt AR- 23 Assault Weapon
MustangArms Raider Riot Shotgun (CB 3)Colt Enforcement 10 (CB 3)


Special thanks goes out to Tom Hunter and www.specialoperations.com.

Without his wonderfully informative website, this article would have
never been possible.


Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) aka: Fatah Revolutionary Council, Arab Revolutionary Council, Arab
Revolutionary Brigades, Black September, Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims.
Description: International terrorist organization led by Sabri al- Banna. Split from PLO in 1974.
Made up of various functional committees,
including political, military, and financial.

Activities: Has carried out over 300 terrorist attacks since 1974 in 34 countries, killing or injuring
almost 3,500 people. Targets the UCAS, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, Japan, Germany,
moderate Palestinians, the PLO, and various Arab countries, depending on which state is
sponsoring it at the time. Major attacks include The City of
Poros day-excursion ship attack in July 1988 in Greece, bombing of Pan- Am flight 981 in
December of 2045. Suspected of carrying out
assassination on 14 January 2055 in Tunis of PLO deputy chief Abu Jihad. ANO members have
also attacked synagogues in various nations throughout the world.

Strength: Several hundred plus "militial" in Lebanon and overseas support structure.
Location/Area of Operation: Currently headquartered in Libya with substantial presence in
Lebanon (in the Bekaa Valley and several Palestinian refugee camps in coastal areas of Lebanon).
Also has presence in Algeria. Has demonstrated ability to operate over wide area, including
Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

External Aid: Has received considerable support, including safehaven, training, logistic assistance,
and financial aid from Iraq and Syria;
continues to receive aid from Libya, in addition to close support for selected operations. Also has
a presence in Sudan.

Algerian Terrorism
Description: Terrorism in Algeria is conducted by a number of indigenous Islamic militant groups
seeking to overthrow the current secular regime and establish an Islamic state. Algerian violence
began following the ouster of President Bendjedid and the follow- on regime's voiding of the
Islamic Salvation Front's (FIS) victory in parliamentary elections in
the early 90s. Following a government crackdown in which many FIS leaders were imprisoned or
exiled, the Islamic movement in Algeria splintered into numerous militant groups, not all of which
are affiliated with the

FIS. Groups that have been responsible for terrorist attacks are the Armed Islamic Group (AIG), the
Movement for an Islamic State (MIS), the Army of the Prophet Muhammad, the United Company of
Jihad, and the Armed Islamic Movement (AIM).

Activities: Frequent attacks against regime targets, particularly police, security personnel, and
government officials; these include
assassinations and bombings. Algerian terrorists have turned increasingly to violence against
civilians. In September 1993, Algerian
terrorists began targeting foreign nationals in Algeria, murdering two Frenchmen. In October, they
killed five foreign nationals and kidnapped
several more, including three French Consular officials, and threatened to begin indiscriminate
attacks on all foreign residents by December.
Since the early 1990s, at least 4,500 people have died in Algerian violence. Their biggest triumph
came in early 2019 with a nerve gas

attack on the French embassy in Algiers which killed 413 people.

Strength: Unknown

Location/Area of operation: Algeria

External Aid: Algerian expatriates, many of whom reside in Western Europe, probably provide
some financial support.

Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) aka: The Orly
Group, 3rd October Organization

Description: Marxist- Leninist Armenian terrorist group formed in 1975 with stated intention to
compel the Turkish Government to acknowledge publicly its alleged responsibility for the deaths
of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915, pay reparations, and cede territory for an Armenian homeland.

Activities: Initial bombing and assassination attacks directed against Turkish targets. Later
attacked French and Swiss targets to force

release of imprisoned comrades. Has made several major bombing attacks against UCAS airline
offices in Western Europe. Suffering from internal schisms, group has been relatively inactive over
past years.

Strength: A few hundred members and sympathizers.

Location/Area of Operation: Lebanon, Western Europe, Armenia, UCAS, and Middle East.

External Aid: Has received aid, including training and safehaven, from Syria. May also receive
some aid from Libya. Has extensive ties to radical Palestinian groups, including the PFLP and PFLP-

Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)

Description: One of Europe's oldest terrorist group, ETA was founded in 1959 with the aim of
creating an independent homeland in Spain's Basque region. Has muted commitment to Marxism.

Activities: Chiefly bombings and assassinations of Spanish Government targets, especially security
forces. Since arrest of ETA members in
France in March 1992, ETA also has attacked French interests. Finances activities through
kidnappings, robberies, and extortion.

Strength: Unknown; may have hundreds of members, plus supporters.

Location/Area of operations: Operates primarily in the Basque autonomous

regions of northern Spain and southwest France but also has bombed Spanish interests in Italy
and Germany and French interests in Italy.

External Aid: Has received training at various times in Libya, Lebanon, and Nicaragua. Also
appears to have close ties to PIRA.
Chukaku-Ha (Nucleus or Middle Core Faction)
Description: An ultraleftist/radical group with

origins in the fragmentation of the Japanese Communist Party in 1957. Largest domestic
militant group; has political arm plus small, covert action wing called Kansai Revolutionary Army.
Funding derived from membership dues, sales of its newspapers, and fundraising campaigns.

Activities: Protests Japan's imperial system and Western "imperialism." This group used to just
participate in mass street demonstrations and
commit sporadic attacks using crude rockets and incendiary devices. As of late the group has
gotten more high tech and more violent. The group primarily targets UCAS corporations, and has
begun to strike outside of Japan. The group has been a thorn in the side of Militech for the past
several years. Arasaka involvement is suspected
Strength: 3,500.

Location/Area of operation: Japan. Recent attacks on UCAS soil.

External Aid: None known.

CNPZ (see Nestor Paz Zamora commission)

Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left) aka: Dev Sol

Description: Formed in 1978 as a splinter faction of the Turkish People's Liberation Party/Front.
Espouses a Marxist ideology, intensely xenophobic, and virulently anti- UCAS and anti- EEC; seeks
to unify the proletariat to stage a national revolution. Finances its activities chiefly through armed
robberies and extortion.

Activities: Has concentrated attacks against current and retired Turkish security and military
officials. Began new campaign against foreign
interests in 1990. Terrorist activities since 2053 have been less ambitious as Dev Sol works to
recover from internal factionalism and police raids that netted several operatives and large
weapons caches.

Strength: Several hundred members, several dozen armed militants.

Location/Area of Operation: Carries out attacks in Turkey- -primarily in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir,
and Adana. Conducts fundraising operations in
Western Europe.

External Aid: Possible training support from radical Palestinians.

ELN (see National Liberation Army)

ETA (see Basque Fatherland and Liberty)

FARC (see Revolutionary Army Forces of Colombia)

15 May Organization
Description: Formed in 1979 from remnants of Wadi Haddad's Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine- Special Operations Group (PFLP-SOG). Led by Muhammad al- Umari, who is known
throughout Palestinian circles as Abu
Ibrahim or the bomb man. Group was never part of PLO. Thought to be disbanded in the
mid-1980s, until a violent spree in 2053 put them back into the headlines.

Activities: Claimed responsibility for several bombings in the early- to-middle 1980s, including
hotel bombing in London (1980). A
series 5 airplane bombings in 2053 labeled the "Pan Am scare"

Strength: 150 to 200.

Location/Area of Operation: Baghdad until 1984. Operates in Middle East, Europe, and East Asia.
Abu Ibrahim is reportedly in Iraq.
External Aid: Unknown.
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Description: HAMAS was formed in late 1987 as an outgrowth of the Palestinian branch of the
Muslim Brotherhood and has become Fatah's
principal political rival in the occupied territories. Various elements of HA-KAS have used both
political and violent means, including
terrorism, to pursue the goal of establishing an Islamic Palestinian state in place of Israel. HAMAS
is loosely structured, with some

elements working openly through mosques and social service institutions to recruit members,
raise money, organize activities, and distribute propaganda. Militant elements of HAMAS,
operating clandestinely, have
advocated and used violence to advance their goals. HAMAS's strength is concentrated in the Gaza
Strip and a few areas of the West Bank. It has also engaged in peaceful political activity, such as
running candidates in West Bank chamber of commerce elections.

Activities: HAMAS activists- -especially those in the Izz al- Din al- Qassam Forces- -have conducted
many attacks against Israeli civilian
and military targets, suspected Palestinian collaborators, and Fatah rivals.

Strength: Unknown number of hardcore members; tens of thousands of supporters and


Location/Area of Operations: Primarily the occupied territories, Israel, and Jordan.

External Aid: Receives funding from Palestinian expatriates, Iran, and private benefactors in Saudi
Arabia and other moderate Arab states. Some fundraising and propaganda activity take place in
Western Europe and North America.

Hizballah (Party of God) aka: Islamic Jihad, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of the
Oppressed on Earth, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
Description: Radical Shia group formed in Lebanon; dedicated to creation of Iranian- style Islamic
republic in Lebanon and removal of all non- Islamic influences from area. Strongly anti- West and
anti- Israel. Closely allied with, and often directed by, Iran, but may have conducted rogue
operations that were not approved by Tehran.

Activities: Known or suspected to have been involved in numerous anti- UCAS terrorist attacks,
including the suicide truck- bombing of

the UCAS Embassy and UCAS Marine barracks in Beirut. Elements of the group were responsible
for the kidnapping and detention of most, if not all, UCAS and other Western hostages in
Lebanon. Involved in the 2015 Bombing of a Petrochem office in Washington D.C. in. Islamic Jihad
publicly claimed
responsibility for over 50 bombings in the UCAS since 2018.

Strength: Several thousand.

Location/Area of Operation: Operates in the Bekaa valley, the southern suburbs of Beirut, and
southern Lebanon: has established cells in
Europe, Africa, South America, North America, and elsewhere.

External Aid: Receives substantial amounts of financial, training, weapons, explosives, political,
diplomatic, and organizational aid from Iran.

Japanese Red Army (JRA) aka: Anti-Imperialist International Brigade (AIIB)

Description: An international terrorist group formed around 1970 after breaking away from
Japanese communist League Red Army Faction. Now led by Fusako Shigenobu, believed to be in
Syrian- garrisoned area of Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. Stated goals are to overthrow Japanese
Government and monarchy and to help foment world revolution. Organization unclear but may
control or at least have ties to Anti- Imperialist International Brigade (AIIB); may also have links to
Antiwar Democratic Front--an overt leftist political organization- - inside Japan. Details indicate
that JRA may be organizing cells in Asian cities, such as Manila and Singapore. Has had close and
longstanding relations with Palestinian terrorist groups- -based and operating outside Japan- -since
its inception. The JRA is one of the most active terrorist
groups in 2050.

Activities: Anti-UCAS attacks include attempted takeover of UCAS Embassy in Sri Lanka (2017).
Has carried out several crude rocket and mortar
attacks against a number of UCAS embassies. In April 2050 JRA operative Hitomi Kikumura was
arrested with sarin gas in a Los Angeles hotel room, apparently planning an attack to coincide
with the bombing of a UCASO club in Naples, a suspected JRA operation that killed 23. Attacks
inside of Japan and elsewhere in Asia are increasing. Japanese counter- terrorist
forces are currently executing a series of raids on JRA safehouses

Strength: About 200 hardcore members; undetermined number of sympathizers.

Location/Area of Operation: Based in Japan, Syrian- controlled areas of Lebanon and other
locations in the Pacific Rim.

External Aid: Receives aid, including training and base camp facilities, from radical Palestinian
terrorists, especially the PFLP. May also receive aid from Libya.

Jihad Group aka: al- Jihad, Islamic Jihad, New iihad Group, Vanguards of Conquest, Talaa'al- Fateh)

Description: An Egyptian Islamic extremist group active since the late 1970s; appears to be
divided into at least two separate factions:
remnants of the original iihad led by Abbud al- Zumar, currently imprisoned in Egypt, and a new
faction calling itself Vanguards of
Conquest (Talaa'al al- Fateh or the New Jihad Group), which appears to be led by Dr. Ayman al-
Zawahiri, who is currently outside Egypt, specific whereabouts unknown. In addition to the
Islamic Group, the Jihad factions regard Shaykh Omar Abdel Rahman as their spiritual leader. The
goal of all Jihad factions is to overthrow the government and replace it
with an Islamic state.
Activities: The Jihad groups specialize in armed attacks against high-level Egyptian Government
officials. The original iihad was responsible for the 1981 assassination of President Sadat. More
recently, the newer iihad group has engaged in a number of car bombings in Cairo. Unlike the
Islamic Group--which mainly targets mid-and
lower- level security personnel, Coptic Christians, and Western tourists -- the Jihad group appears
to concentrate primarily on high-level, high-profile Egyptian Government officials, including
Cabinet Ministers.
It also seems more technically sophisticated in its attacks than the al- Gama'a al- Islamiyya- -
notably in its use of car bombs.

Strength: Not known, but probably several thousand hardcore members and another several
thousand sympathizers among the various factions.

Location/Area of Operation: Operates mainly in the Cairo area. Also appears to have members
outside Egypt, probably in Afghanistan,
Pakistan, and Sudan.

External Aid: Not known. The Egyptian Government claims that Iran, Sudan, and militant Islamic
groups in Afghanistan support the Jihad factions.

Lautaro Youth Movement (MJL) aka: The Lautaro faction of the United Popular Action Movement
(MAPU/L) or Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces (FRPL)

Description: Violent, anti- UCAS extremist group that advocates the overthrow of the Chilean
Government. Leadership largely from leftist
elements but includes criminals and alienated youths. Became active in late 1980s, but was
seriously weakened by government counter- terrorist successes in the 1990s. Has come back with
a vengeance in recent years.

Activities: In January of 2050 MJL completely destroyed the UCAS Embassy in Santiago. Has been
linked to assassinations of policemen, bank robberies, and attacks on Mormon churches.
Strength: Unknown.
Location/Area of operation: Chile; mainly Santiago.

External Aid: None.

National Liberation Army (ELN)--Colombia

Description: Rural- based, anti- UCAS, Maoist- Marxist- Leninist guerrilla group formed in 1963.
Incredibly well equipped. Assets include MBTs and other high tech weaponry.

Activities: Periodically kidnaps foreign employees of large corporations and holds them for large
ransom payments. Conducts frequent assaults on oil infrastructure and has inflicted major damage
on pipelines.
Extortion and bombings against UCAS and other foreign businesses, especially the petroleum
industry. Petrochem has been hit hard by this group. It is rumored that Petrochem is currently
involved in an all out
covert war with this group in Columbia.

Strength: Has fallen off in recent years and now estimated at only about 700 combatants.

Location/Area of Operation: Colombia.

External Aid: Unknown, but SovOil aid is suspected.

New People's Army (NPA)

Description: The guerrilla arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines, an avowedly Maoist
group formed in December 1969 with the
aim of overthrowing the government through protracted guerrilla warfare. Although primarily a
rural- based guerrilla group, the NPA has an active urban infrastructure to carry out terrorism; uses
citybased assassination squads called sparrow units. Derives most of its funding
from contributions of supporters and so- called revolutionary taxes extorted from local businesses.

Activities: The NPA is in disarray because of a split in the CPP, a lack of money, and successful
government operations. With UCAS military gone from the country, NPA has engaged in urban
terrorism against the police, corrupt politicians, drug traffickers, and other targets that evoked
popular anger. Has vowed to kill UCAS citizens involved in counterinsurgency campaign. Has
assassinated 100 UCAS military and private citizens since 1987. Has also attacked UCAS
businesses in rural areas that
refused to pay so- called revolutionary taxes.

Strength: 16,000, plus support groups.

Location/Area of Operation: Philippines.

External Aid: Receives funding from overseas fundraisers in Western Europe and elsewhere; also
linked to Libya. Diverts some funding of
humanitarian aid.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

On September 9, 1993, in letters to Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and Norwegian Foreign Minister
Holst, PLO Chairman Arafat committed the PLO to cease all violence and terrorism. On September
13, 1993, the Declaration of Principles between the Israelis and Palestinians was signed in
Washington, D.C. Bewteen September 9 and December 31, the PLO
factions loyal to Arafat complied with this commitment except for one, perhaps two, instances in
which the responsible individuals apparently acted independently.

» Here, our little history professor has obviously forgotten that an extremist shot Rabin a few months
later, and all the hatred was there again. And this time, it struck twice as hard.
» Micha

Two groups under the PLO unbrella, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and
the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine - Hawatmeh faction (DFLP-H), suspended their
participation in the PLO in protest of the agreement and continued
their campaign of violence. The UCAS Government continues to monitor closely PLO compliance
with its commitment to abandon terrorism and violence.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)

Description: The PIJ originated among militant Palestinian fundamentalists in the Gaza Strip

during the 1970s. The PIJ is a series of loosely affiliated factions, rather than a cohesive group.
The PIJ is committed to the creation of an Islamic Palestinian state and the destruction of Israel
through holy war. Because of its strong support for Israel, the UCAS has been identified as an
enemy of the PIJ. The PIJ also opposes moderate Arab governments that it believes
have been tainted by Western secularism.

Activities: The PIJ demonstrated its terrorist credentials when it attacked a tour bus in Egypt in
February 1990 and killed 11 people,
including nine Israelis. The PIJ also has carried out crossborder raids against Israeli targets in the
West Bank and Gaza Strip. The PIJ has
also attacked UCAS interests in Jordan.

Strength: Unknown.

Location/Area of operation: Primarily Israel and the occupied territories and other parts of the
Middle East, including Jordan and Lebanon.

External Aid: Uncertain, possibly Iran and Syria.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

Description: Marxist- Leninist group that is a member of the PLO founded in 1967 by George
Habash. After Fatah, is the most important military and political organization in the Palestinian
movement. Advocates a
Pan- Arab revolution. Opposes the Declaration of Principles signed in 1993 and has suspended
participation in the PLO.
Activities: Committed numerous international terrorist attacks between 1970 and 1977. Since the
death in 1978 of Wadi Haddad, its terrorist
planner, PFLP has carried out numerous attacks against Israeli or moderate Arab tarqets.

Strength: 800.
Location/Area of Operation: Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and the occupied territories.

External Aid: Receives most of its financial and military assistance from Syria and Libya.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)

Description: Split from the PFLP in 1968, claiming that it wanted to focus more on fighting and less
on politics. Violently opposed to Arafat's PLO. Led by Ahmed Jabril, a former captain in the Syrian
Army. Closely allied with, supported by, and probably directed by Syria.
Activities: Claims to have specialized in suicide operations. Has carried out numerous cross-
border terrorist attacks into Israel, using
unusual means, such as hot-air balloons and motorized hang gliders.

Strength: Several hundred.

Location/Area of Operation: Headquarters in Damascus with bases in Lebanon and cells in


External Aid: Receives logistic and military support from Syria, its chief sponsor. Financial support
from Libya. Safehaven in Syria .
Support also from Iran.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Command (PFLP-SC)

Description: Marxist- Leninist group formed by Abu Salim in 1979 after breaking away from the
now defunct PFLP-Special Operations Group.

Activities: Has claimed responsibility for several notorious international terrorist attacks in
Western Europe, including the bombing
of a restaurant frequented by UCAS servicemen in Paris, in April 2018. Eighteen French civilians
were killed in the attack.

Strength: 50.

Location/Area of Operation: Operates out of southern Lebanon, in various areas of the Middle
East, and in Western Europe.

External Aid: Probably receives financial and military support from Syria, Libya, and Iraq.

Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) aka: The Provos

Description: A radical terrorist group formed in 1969 as the clandestine armed wing of Sinn Fein, a
legal political movement dedicated to
removing British forces from Northern Ireland and unifying Ireland. Has a Marxist orientation.
Organized into small, tightly knit cells under
the leadership of the Army Council.

Activities: Bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, extortion, and robberies. Targets senior British
Government officials, British military and police in Northern Ireland, and Northern Irish Loyalist
paramilitary groups. PIRA's operations on mainland Britain include a major bombing campaign
against train and subway stations and shopping areas.

Strength: Several hundred, plus several thousand sympathizers.

Location/Area of Operation: Northern Ireland, Irish Republic, Great Britain, and Western Europe.

External Aid: Has received aid from a variety of groups and countries and considerable training
and arms from Libya and, at one time, the PLO.
Also is suspected of receiving funds and arms from sympathizers in the UCAS. Similarities in
operations suggest links with ETA

Puka Inti (Sol Rojo, Red Sun)

Description: Small but violent subversive group probably formed from dissident members of AVC
guerrilla organization, which made peace with the Ecuadoran Government in 1989. Believed to be
anti- UCAS.

Activities: Series of bombings of government buildings have been attributed to Puka Inti, but group
appears to lack resources to expand
much beyond current strength.

Strength: Very small, perhaps fewer than 50.

External Aid: None.

Red Army Faction (RAF)

Description: The small and disciplined RAF is the successor to the Baader- Meinhof Gang, which
originated in the student protest movement in the 1960s. Ideology is an obscure mix of Marxism
and Maoism;
committed to armed struggle. Organized into hardcore cadres that carry out terrorist attacks and a
network of supporters who provide logistic and propaganda support. Has survived despite
numerous arrests of top leaders over the years.
Activities: Bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, and robberies. Now concentrating on domestic
targets, particularly officials involved in German or European unification and German security and
justice officials. Carried out over 10 operations in 2019 against the EEC.
Police shootouts with members of GSG-9. RAF has also targeted UCAS and EEC corporations in the

Strength: 30 to 50, plus several hundred supporters.

Location/Area of Operations: Germany.

External Aid: Self- sustaining, but during Baader- Meinhof period received support from Middle
Eastern terrorists.

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)

Description: Established in 1966 as military wing of Colombian Communist Party. Goal is to
overthrow government and ruling class. Organized along military lines; includes at least one urban

Activities: Armed attacks against Colombian political and military targets. Many members have
become criminals, carrying out

kidnappings for profit and bank robberies. Foreign citizens often are targets of FARC kidnappings.
Group traffics in drugs and has well documented ties to narco- traffickers.

Strength: Approximately 4,500 to 5,500 armed combatants and an unknown number of supporters,
mostly in rural areas.

Location/Area of Operation: Colombia.

External Aid: None.

Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17 November)

Description: A radical leftist group established in 1975 and named for the November 1973 student
uprising protesting the military regime.
Anti-UCAS, anti- Turkish, anti- EEC; committed to violent overthrow of the regime, ouster of UCAS
bases, removal of Turkish military presence from Cyprus, and severing of Greece's ties to the EC.
Organization is obscure, possibly affiliated with other Greek terrorist groups.
Activities: Initial attacks were selected handgun assassinations against senior UCAS officials.
Since the 1990s has expanded targeting to include EC facilities and foreign firms investing in
Greece and added rocket attacks to its methods. Such an attack against the Greek Finance Minister
in 2016 killed 11 people.

Strength: Unknown, but presumed to be small.

Location/Area of operation: Greece, primarily in Athens metropolitan area.

External Aid: May receive support from other Greek terrorist group cadres.

Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path, SL)
Description: Larger of Peru's two insurgencies, SL is among world's most ruthless guerrilla
organizations. Formed in late 1960s by then
university professor Abimael Guzman. Stated goal is to destroy existing Peruvian institutions and
replace them with peasant revolutionary

regime. Also wants to rid Peru of foreign influences.

Activities: SL engages in particularly brutal forms of terrorism, including the indiscriminate use of
car bombs. Almost every institution
in Peru has been a target of SL violence. Has bombed diplomatic missions of several countries
represented in Peru. Carries out bombing campaigns and selective assassinations. Involved in
cocaine trade.

Strength: Approximately 1,500 to 2,500 armed militants; larger number of supporters, mostly in
rural areas.

Location/Area of Operation: Originally rural based, but has increasingly focused its terrorist
attacks in the capital.

External Aid: None.

17 November (see Revolutionary Organization 17 November)

Sikh Terrorism

Description: Sikh terrorism is sponsored by expatriate and Indian Sikh groups who want to carve
out an independent Sikh state called Khalistan (Land of the Pure) from Indian territory. Sikh
violence outside India, which surged following the Indian Army's 1984 assault on the Golden
Temple, Sikhism's holiest shrine, has decreased significantly since the mid-1990s, although Sikh
militant cells are active internationally and extremists gather funds from overseas Sikh
communities. Active groups include Babbar Khalsa, Azad Khalistan Babbar Khalsa Force, Khalistan
Liberation Front, Khalistan Commando Force, and Khalistan National Army. Many of these groups
operate under umbrella organizations, the most significant of which is the Second Panthic

Activities: Sikh attacks in India are mounted against Indian officials and facilities, other Sikhs, and
Hindus; they include assassinations, bombings, and kidnappings. Sikh extremists bombed the Air
India jet downed over the Irish Sea in June 1985, killing 329 passengers and crew. On the same
day, a bomb planted by Sikhs on an Air India flight from Vancouver exploded in Tokyo's Narita
Airport, killing two Japanese baggage handlers. with a bomb. More recently bombed a JAL flight in
March 2053, killing 465 people. Sikh attacks in India, ranging from kidnappings and
assassinations to remote-controlled bombings, have dropped markedly since early 2053 as Indian
security forces have killed or captured a host of senior Sikh militant leaders. Total civilian deaths
in Punjab have declined more than 95 percent since more than 3,300 civilians died in 1991. The
drop results largely from Indian Army, paramilitary, and police successes against extremist groups.

Strength: Unknown.

Location/Area of Operation: Northern India, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, and North America.

External Aid: Sikh expatriates have formed a variety of international organizations that lobby for
the Sikh cause overseas. Most prominent are the World Sikh Organization and the International
Sikh Youth Federation.

Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army (EGTK)

Description: Indigenous, anti- Western Bolivian subversive organization.

Activities: Frequently attacks small, unprotected targets, such as power pylons, oil pipelines, and
government offices. Has targeted Mormon churches with fire- bombings.

Strength: Fewer than 100

Location/Area of Operation: Bolivia, primarily the Chapare region, near the Peruvian border, and
the Altiplano.

External Aid: None.

counter- terrorism. However, much of this

equipment is useful outside of that field,
can easily be integrated into any campaign.
Just as a side note: SCUBA equipment for use
C -
with SEAL teams will not be covered here,
since Morninman has already written an
TERRORISM excellent article called Oceanpunk, which
covers SCUBA equipment thoroughly. You
Written by: Paul Minor
can also have the SR- conversion, done by
Yours Sincerely. Find it on my homepage.

What follows is a sampling of some of the Heckler & Koch

latest weapons and equipment in use by CT MP-2013SD
teams, SWAT teams and other specwar
organizations in 2050. This article is meant
as a companion to Techno Jihad. So, if any of
the groups, terms or tactics mentioned in this
work seem confusing,
reference Techno Jihad first. As implied by
the title, this work looks at weapons and
equipment used primarily in the field of

Heckler & Koch OHWS

Can I hide it? Under a coat
Ammo: 35 (Carbine)
Mode: SA/FA Can I hide it? Pretty good, in your pocket
Damage: Middle, with a tendency to heavy Ammo: 12
Weight: 3 kg Mode: SA
Cost: 500 HU Damage: heavy
Street Index: 2 Weight: 1.5 kg
Availability: Poor Cost: 375 HU
Legality: Military Street Index: 2
Availability: Poor
The MP-5 series of sub- machineguns has Legality: Military
seen more counter- terrorist action the world
over than any other weapon. It is only natural In August 2050, Heckler & Koch, Inc. was
that awarded its third consecutive contract with
it's direct descendent, the MP-2053, carry on the UCAS Special Operations Command
the tradition. The MP-2053 differs little from (UCASSOCOM) for the development of the
the original MP-5 in design, except that it Offensive Handgun Weapon System
has been (OHWS).UCASSOCOM directs the activities of
chambered for 10mm rather than 9mm. Some some of America's most elite military units,
of the MP-2053's improvements are it's including the Navy SEALs, Air Force Special
compound plastic body and integral Operations Wing, and the Army Green Berets,
silencing. The most common model used in Rangers, and Special Operations Aviation.
counter- terrorist forces is the MP-2013SD. The "OHWS" consists of three components:
The SD's main difference is that it includes a a .45 caliber pistol, a laser aiming module
flash suppressor and an improved silencer (LAM), and a sound and flash suppressor.
(cannot be heard without cyberaudio). This The laser- aiming module can be switched to
makes the weapon slightly longer than infrared mode at the touch of a button. The
normal, and also decreases the weapon's pistol
range by about 50m. The flash suppressor is also includes a separate safety and decocker
a great asset to special ops units raiding lever that allows silent decocking.
buildings where any spark might send the
structure sky high (drug labs, chemical
storage dumps, bomb making facilities, etc). Colt AR-23 Multi-
The MP-2013SD can be seen in service with Environment Assault
the SAS, SBS and GSG9 as well as Weapon
with the DEA, and SWAT teams around the Can I hide it? No way, chummer
world. Ammo: 30
Mode: FA
Damage: pretty heavy
Weight: 3 kg
Cost: 1,000 HU FN P-96S
Street Index: 3
Availabilty: Poor
Legality: Military

Manufactured by Colt exclusively for Navy

SEAL team 6, the AR- 23 is designed to
function perfectly and accurately even under
conditions such as prolonged immersion in
water, mud, sand, and other substances
(even corrosive ones). The design of this
Can I hide it? Pretty good, under your coat
assault carbine is somewhere between an
Ammo: 50
assault rifle and a SMG, resembling a short,
Mode: SA/FA
bullpup configured M-16. The AR- 23
Damage: middle, with a tendeny to heavy
features Colt's new Advanced Loading
Weight: 2 kg
System (ALS) which uses a special "self-
Cost: 850 HU
sealing" magazine that can be loaded in
Street Index: 3
various conditions, even while still
Availability: Poor
underwater. Other features of the AR- 23
Legality: Military
include: A full- spectrum electronic sight, an
integral silencer / flash suppressor, a
The FN P-96S is the direct descendent of the
collapsing stock, and even ergonomic rubber
P-90 "personal weapon." The original P-90
grips for extra control.
was actually designed for vehicle crews and
personnel who did not have a use for a full
size assault rifle. As it turns out the P-90
became an excellent choice for security
could pack a lot of punch with a relatively Legality: Military
compact weapon. The updated version of
this weapon, the P-96S, has become the This gas mask integrates the best in toxin
weapon of choice for GIGN agents because removal technology with high end
of its compact size and versatility. The "S" SmartGoggles resulting in the best mask on
designation indicates the Special Forces the market today. The mask's design
version, which includes an incorporates streamlined, nanoid saturated
integral silencer and a laser aiming system. filters, for unrivaled effectiveness (over 95%)
against breathable toxins. This design also
allows the elimination of bulky canisters
IEC Advanced Air from the front of
Filtration Unit the mask, maximizing comfort and mobility.
Can I hide it? Yes, in your pocket The mask also evaluates the air being
Weight: 0.5 kg breathed by the wearer, analyzing its
Cost: 500 HU chemical makeup,
toxicity, etc. This information is displayed,
along with relevant warnings, to the wearer
Street Index: 3.4 via a Times Square system in the
Availabilty: Common SmartGoggles.

The goggles also feature full- spectrum feet. The camera can be set to either IR or
viewing, a smartgun link and a targeting normal spectrum, and can be switched
scope. between single frame or video mode. The
connects the camera to a specially modified
Waterproof Digital diving mask (100eb for the modification),
Infrared Camera allowing HUD style viewing. The camera also
Can I hide it? Yes, under your coat has a standard 10x telephoto option, a wide-
Weight: 3 kg angle option and fiber optic flexi- lens
Cost: 1,000 HU attachments. It can store up to 30 min of
Street Index: 3 video, or 500 still images.
Availability: Poor
Legality: Military
Designed for the Navy SEALs, this digital
camera can be used underwater down to 166


Masamune Shirow is considered one of the best anime painters ever. He was the person behind
the cyberpunk thriller "Ghost In The Shell". Following are some conversions of weapons that
appeared in his works. Thanks goes out to tcrutch@dogbert.ipa.net for his nicely scanned

The Poseiden Norinco Gong

Can I hide it? Pretty good, in your jacket
Ammo: 6
Mode: SA
Damage: deadly, absolutely
Weight: 5 kg
Cost: 500 HU
Street Index: 2
Availability: Rare
Legality: illegal without license
The Poseiden Norinco Gong is a ten-gauge 6-shot
shotgun. This pistol- sized shotgun seems to be Deunan
Knute's weapon of choice. It accepts a variety of special
45 ACP
Can I hide it? Pretty good, in your pocket
Ammo: 7
Mode: SA
Damage: heavy
Weight: 1.5 kg
Cost: 275 HU
Street Index: 1
Availability: Excellent
Legality: illegal without license

A .45 caliber weapon used as a backup. Too under- powered for use against most cyborgs.


Can I hide it? No way
Mode: FA
Damage: deadly
Weight: 9.5 kg
Cost: 7,500 HU
Street Index: 2
Availability: Poor
Legality: military Ammo: 300(belt)

10mm gattling gun generally used against the more powerful

cyborgs. Most opponents give up if it is pointed at them.

Can I hide it? Pretty good, in your coat
Ammo: 12
Mode: SA
Damage: heavy
Weight: 1 kg
Cost: 375 HU
Street Index: 1.3
Availability: Common
Legality: illegal without license

There isn't a whole lot of data on the Gover but I believe it to be 10mm. Commonly loaded with
A/P ammo.

9mm PARA

Can I hide it? Under a long coat, maybe

Ammo: 30
Mode: SA
Damage: middle
Weight: 1 kg
Cost: 275 HU
Street Index: 1.5
Availability: Excellent
Legality: illegal without license
Submachine gun used against lighter cyborgs, equipped with a large suppressor for quiet fire.
Useless against larger combat borgs or landmates.

Seburo Bobsons
Can I hide it? Under a coat
Ammo: 5
Mode: SA
Damage: heavy
Weight: 1 kg
Cost: 257 HU
Street Index: 0.8
Availability: Excellent
Legality: illegal without license
Another gun that I'm not too sure about, but based on its size
and Shirow's preferance in guns, I would say its a .45.

Seburo J9
Can I hide it? Under a long coat
Ammo: 35
Mode: SA
Damage: heavy
Weight: 1.5 kg
Cost: 450 HU
Street Index: 1.8
Availability: Common
Legality: illegal without license
An improved version of the 9mm para, re- enforced to fire HV ammo. This SMG is made for use
against armored infantry.

Seburo C-25a and C-26a

Can I hide it? You´ll need a loong coat
Ammo: 50
Mode: SA
Damage: middle
Weight: 2.5 kg
Cost: 675 HU
Street Index: 1.5
Availability: Poor
Legality: illegal without license
C- 25a and the C- 26a are both submachine guns the only real
difference being in the outer appearance. The C- 25a appears to be
more geared towards combat and rough use, while the C- 26a seems to be for security and service
in less hostile environments. Both guns are
equipped with brass catchers because of the fact that the spent shells are ejected forward (very
unusual). These guns are also made to fire H/V ammo.

The Seburo is probably the weapon Shirow talks about most, and it seems to be his favorite.
All I had to go on from this one was the
Briefcase Gun picture. It's a Guges (I think) most likely
Can I hide it? Not really, :) military used for urban assault. (I
Ammo: 50 hypothesized this due to the lack of camo)
Mode: FA/SA The hands on the smaller arms are really
Damage: middle gloves, and yes you can hold another gun in
Weight: 3.5 kg them. (Intron Depot)
Cost: 875 HU
Street Index: 2
Availability: Poor
Legality: illegal without license

This gun from "GHOST IN THE SHELL" looks like an ordinary briefcase until it is needed, then a
switch in the handle is activated and the
bottom of the case falls out. In the film the bottom completely falls off, while in the manga it stays
attached to the bottom of the gun. To
my knowledge Shirow has given no specifics on this gun, but based on the size of the ammunition
I would have to guess its caliber to be 5.56mm.

This is really nothing more than
platform. It can be loaded
down with virtually any
Shirow's versions of Powered Armors are called landmates. Landmates are armament
a common available.
sight inIts
stories and are used for everything from recreation to warfare. Like his cyborgs, is to destroy
has an land
infinite amount of landmate designs, I will only be converting those I thinkmates and it doesorits
are necessary job well,
interesting. The insides of a landmate are covered with receptors which copyalthough
is almost
useless insoclose
(the datasuit worn inside the LM's is what send these messages to the receptors) if thequarters
body moves the suit combat. The Deadly Hunter
moves exactly as the person inside does. Landmates are specially designed usually waits
to have theinfull
range for an
of maneuverability that a human has, in some ways even surpass it. The majorunsuspecting
differencestarget then uses
between the POWERED ARMOR of Cyberpunk and Shirow's landmates, are its superior firepower
the datasuits worn to
underneath, and obliterate its enemies. There is
the extra smaller set of arms are common in most Shirow powered armor.noThe standard
smallerarmed version, the
arms house
the operator's arms, and control the movements of the larger "slave" arms.Deadly Hunter is allows
this innovation mission
for greater strength output and more options. As usual these conversionsspecific
have notand beenis equipped
cakewalk, Shirow will go into great detail about some things but leave others on what is needed
unexplained, so a lot of this is simply my best guess. If someone out there forhas
each operation.
more information
than has been released in America your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ed. note: You
may notice that the suits here all have chassis in the heavy range. This is due to the fact that
Shirow's suits tend to be a little bit bigger than most of the APCA in Cyberpunk 2050 (even his
light suits are huge!). All values are based upon size, technical data and performance in the
manga and anime. These landmates can be equipped with a variety of different weapons. Given
here is only the base price for the landmate itself, sans any weapons.
The Guges-D is the landmate used by Deunan, and the rest of
E-SWAT in Appleseed. Designed for E-SWAT as a special light
raider unit, it is faster and more maneuverable than most
landmates, even when fully armed. Not being a front- line
heavy assault suit, the Guges relies on teamwork and
coordination to get the job done. While they basically look the
same, most Guges are customized to the wearers needs and
personality. The Guges is usually painted matte black, but
depending on the operation, they are also available in
woodland camo and even grey/red paint schemes. There are
no part numbers on a Guges-D either, every piece is hand
made. None of its optical sensors radiate visibly, so in the field
the machine is virtually soulless - all you can hear is a whisper
from the exhaust vents. The Guges was not designed for fancy
slugfests or running around with high-caliber guns blazing; the
design goal was straight forward: take out the obstacle as
safely, surely, and quickly as possible. It was not built for
samurai heroics. Designed with the knowledge that anti-
terrorist operations are timed in seconds and minutes, it
carries only enough ammo to squeeze by - two to four
magazines at the most. The fingertips are left virtually
Guges-D has the
equivalent of heavy unarmored for attaching sensor devices. The Guges has a
armor. It weighs 500 strong grip so the sensors need a lot of replacing. The fingers
kilograms. Cost is are made of aluminum alloy and the knuckles are made from
60,000 HU. Street titanium. The operater can't open his/her hand completely, but
Index is 4. Available
the trade off in superior external armor is well worth it. Guges
only to special forces
and military. wear "sneakers" for grip enhancement end noise reduction. For
the price you pay, you really don't wanna know how often
these need to be replaced.

Yet another LM that I know
absolutely nothing about. I
scanned it from Intron Depot,
and the only reason its
included here is that I think it
looks cool. Out of all his LM's I
would truly hate to wear this one into combat. There are no control arms and the operator's arms
are exposed. The front hatch was omitted by Shirow to focus on the operater. The legs don't seem
to have much going for them either because of the gun. All in all, this functions more like a
powerloader (Aliens) than an LM. The suit rears back on its legs to fire that great big gun. I'm not
sure, but I imagine the gun folds up when not in use.)

Scorpio has the

equivalent of heavy
armor. It weighs 1,500
kilograms. Cost is
120,000 HU. Street
Index is 4. Available
only to special forces
and military.

Deadly Hunter has the equivalent of

heavy armor. It weighs 2,500 kilograms.
Cost is 550,000 HU. Street Index is 4.
Available only to special forces and
Heracles has the
equivalent of heavy
armor. It weighs 600
kilograms. Cost is
60,000 HU. Street
Index is 4. Available
only to special forces
and military.

Fuchikomas are completely different from landmates, they have their own AI and can act as
backup or support on their own recognizance. They can also act as an assault vehicle, and even
stealth missions benefit from the Fuchikoma. The AI of the Fuchikoma is actually a learning
computer. During a the course of the day, an individual Fuchikoma will have its own individual
experiences, but at the end of the day all Fuchikoma's under the same ownership will assimilate
their data into a mainframe, and then extract the information downloaded by their fellow
Fuchikoma. They are listed here because when in vehicle
mode the driver is strapped in like in a land mate (hence
owners referring to them as their suits).
This marvelous machine is even able to run along walls and
climb trees! It really is one hell of creation. (from Ghost In
The Shell)

Special Equipment:
Amphibious off road capability,artificial intelligence,
cybernetic interface, military com gear, tight beam commo,
full audio and visual spectrum abilities, satellite uplink,
spot light, painting laser loud speaker, command control
computer, therm-optic camouflage, and VR interface.

A Fuchikoma has the equivalent of heavy

armor. It weighs 1,500 kilograms. Cost
is 380,000 HU. Street Index is 4. .
Available only to special forces and


An average recumbent bike. Most of the
motorcycles in the world of Appleseed have
free floating forks, and makes use of drive by
wire technology. This translates into the
slower you go the tighter you turn. This bike
is very popular for hit-and- run operations,
because it´s renowned for its high
maneuverability. The problem is, once you´re

going full speed, the Tonda turns into a nasty
beast that does not forgive a single operating

Top Speed:120 mph

Range: 230mi
Cargo: 40 kg BORG BIKE
High maneuverability, very fragile This is a massive motorcycle built especially
Mass:100 kg for the larger cyborgs. This bike was made to
Cost: 6,000 HU andle off- road terrain as well as the streets.
This bike makes use of drive by wire
technology, and its shocks are specially
calibrated for the weight of a cyborg. It also
has an optional sidecar.

Top Speed:100 mph

Range: 200mi
Cargo: 45 kg
very sturdy
Mass:160 kg
THE HUN Cost: 15,000 HU
Your average nomad bike. From the looks of Special equipment:
it I would say it handles pretty well off road Off-road capability, radio, optional side
as well as on pavement. It also seems pretty
sturdy and reliable.

Top Speed:100 mph

Acc/Dcc: 18/30
Range: 230mi
Cargo: 50 kg
High maneuverability, very fragile
Mass:120 kg
Cost: 10,000 HU
Special equipment:
Off-road capable, radio,

A tank more suited to the urban jungle than
to the badlands. It carries a variety of
weapons to get the job done, but under boron carbide, ballistic nylon, and carbon
adverse conditions fiber to provide outstanding protection
its electronics and cooling systems have levels. The "Morning Star " is a heavy beast,
been known to malfunction. Depending on but the ceramic jet engine at her heart puts
the terrain the Gunslinger can switch from out more than enough power to handle it all.
tread to tire, to make maximum control of its It is sometimes rigged with a 900 liter
environment. external fuel tank for long-range operations.
Standard crew of 2, equipped with semi-
Top Speed:60 mph automated one man control system to allow
Acc/Dcc15/50 her to get home safely with one crew
Crew:3 member out of action.
Range: 230mi
Passengers:4 Top Speed:900 mph
Cargo: 4 tons Acc/Dcc20/35
Highly maneuverable Crew:2
Mass:20 tons Range: 1000mi
Cost: 600,000 HU Passengers:0
Special equipment: Cargo: 4000kg
Reactive armor, amphibious modification, Mass:4.5 tons
fire extinguisher, environment control,
Cost: 2.1 million HU
military radio w/scrambler, anti-personnel
grenades, visual and laser rangefinder, Special equipment:
auto pilot and navigational system, image (1) the armored canopy is completely
enhancement, thermograph, 4 IR smoke enclosed, with mini cameras scattered
projectors, radar, motion detactors, over the hull projecting a panoramic view
spoghtlights and enhanced audio of the outside world in wrap-around
detectors. monitors in the cockpit. In addition to
Weapons systems: protecting the pilot from shrapnel and
light arms fire, this shield protects him
30mm gatling in turret mount, 6 shot
from ultraviolet exposure and eliminates
revolver style 75mm cannon, in turret
the distraction of sun glare in a dog fight
situation. Each camera is screened by a
blower that keeps off rain and moisture.
(2) jet intake. the lower fins are designed
to prevent gun smoke from entering the
intake. The fuselage is lined with heat
resistant materials along the arc of the
gun barrel. This area is tough to keep
clean.(4) variable geometry vents, as in the
harrier. Six along her underbelly.
sometimes called "high mobility venires".
(5) mast mounted sight. Allows map-of-
the-earth stalking. Far more useful than
the designers expected. (6) jammer. (11)
MORNING STAR chaff and flame dispenser. (12) exhaust
This aircraft, also called the Anti-Predator nozzle, designed to reduce heat signature.
(14) external temperature sensor. (15) VLF
Device, was developed to eliminate not only antenna. (16) MLF antenna. (18) stabilizer.
those enemies crawling around on the (19) tail mounted ECM antenna. (20)
ground below, but to take out anti- tank positive circulation flaps made of heat
helicopters, flying tanks, assault mines and resistant plastics. (21) positive circulation
flaps. (22) nose mounted semi-active laser
other low- altitude airborne weapon systems.
designators. Ejection seats, environment
The "MORNING STAR" is a heavily armored control, fire extinguisher, military radio,
vehicle with an armor laminate witch utilizes ECM, ECCM, radar, radar detector, IR
kevlar, baffling, full audio and visual imaging.

Weapon systems: missiles. (9) 2 "Harpoon" anti ship
(3) 30mm gattling, (7) 2 anti ship missiles missiles. (10) 2 19-tube rocket launchers.
"Penguin" (8) 8 "Hellfire"anti-tank (13) remote controlled 30mm chain gun.
(17) 2 20mm chainguns.


Or datasuit, as it is also called. This incredibly thin suit is meant
to be worn under powered armor, and transmits the wearer's
commands to the landmate. Datafilm is like very light armor. It
protects against acids, alkali's and other chemicals, lets sweat
escape while repelling water and cushions shock. It is a fabulous
invention (in the words of SHIROW himself). Apperantly if the
wearer is knifed it would hurt a great deal but the blade would
not penetrate the datasuit. It's made if the same materials used to
coat cyborg and landmate musculature. Data suits come in a
variety of colors and pattern and are made by several different
companies. Due to the tight fit and variations in height, weight
and structure I would imagine that each datasuit is custom made
for the specific wearer. You must wear a datasuit to operate a
landmate. Cost varies from 2000 HU to 2,0000 HU depending on
manufacturer and design. The suit improves the reflexes while
using a land mate. Available to public. It´s rare, but legal. Street
Index is 1.


An armored body suit usually custom compartmentalized for the wearer's
specific needs (sown in holsters for specific weapons and pockets etc...).
The K- 5 is made to be worn with a datasuit underneath. Despite its bulk
this suit is incredibly light and has no encumbrance penalty. It offers
protection like an armor jacket from head to toe and is covered with a
special rubberized coating to prevent clash and clatter. The suit will be
custom-fitted and ompartmentalized to whatever the wearer's demands may
Cost ranges from 5,000 HU to 15,000 HU. Only available to police
and military, and very rare. Street Index 4.

As thin as a data suit but with a completely different purpose. This
suit is very similar to the Militech M96 Ghost suit but is far superior,
as the wearer becomes virtually invisible when the suit is activated.
The suit is very hard to detect, but a slight blur can be seen when the
wearer is in motion. As long as the wearer stays still they are virtually
impossible to detect. While normally detectable by certain heat
imaging optics some suits can be made which reduce IR signature.
This suit is usually worn under some type of armor, which must be
taken off before use. Cost is 50,000 HU standard and 80,000 HU with
IR baffling.
Available only to military. Darn rare. Street Index 6.

A small mirror
attached to an
extendable stick used
for safely looking
around corners. Cost
is 25 HU.

A lighter, albeit bulkier version of metal
gear, this slightly powered personal armor
slightly increases reflexes. Used for fast
assaults into high risk situations by E-SWAT,
it is specially made for maneuverability and
stealth. It too utilizes the data film for
transmitting the physical signals too the
suit. Orc suits can monitor acoustic
signatures, or A/S. The system is also

designed to monitor their comrades for the sound of breaking armor, giving them a better
teamwork ratio in stealth operations. The helmet is equipped with; auditory boost, low light
enhancement, image enhancement, and tele- optics. The suit also boosts the strength of whoever
is wearing it by the average human strength. 100,000 HU these suits are available only to the
police and military, and are very rare. The Street Index is 4.

This light armor, which resembles bandages, is
designed to protect against both blades and
projectiles. It is meant to be worn under
clothes (not under a datasuit). Cost is 200 HU.
Street Index 1. Always available.

passed through EEC Congress January 4th,

and Tax Exemption Disclaimer 81/4 was
passed unaminously on the Crystal Palace
Lunar Province just this November. We are
looking forward to another wonderfully
unpredictable new year.
» Carlton Hedgeworth & Yukiko Tanaka, C
Magazine Finacial Editors (4/08/56)

(by cipher@wolfenet.com) controls the world's largest market share of high
» Welcome to C's Corporation Guide tech manufacturing, was involved in the
Database. In this download you will find our greatest free market hostile takeover in
2056 Year in Review, with notes on which history where master raider Kurt Muller
Corporations are to watch, and which are to
aquired many of the companies that now
watch out for! 2056 was an interesting year in
the Corp Sector, with IBM director Kurt Muller make up IBM's backbone of manufacturing,
indicted in the tissue resampling scandal in including Samsung, Apple, Sun
May of 2056, and Tokyo bad boy Tokei Microsystems, and Compaq.
accused of murdering his father, the head of
Sentai Cybernetics. But 2056 also showed
great developments as House Act 21300
Microtech mainframe systems. Although Cray
has recovered, Microtech maintains a firm
grasp of the mainframe market share, having
introduced the Quicksilver Net Server in
January this year.
got its start in the late 2000's, upon recieving
a government contract for a luctrative
database sysytem. Currently Zetatech is
expanding overseas, and ivesting heavily to
build capital, all of which make it a prime
target for hostile takeover.
merged in the late 1990s and created the
anwser to the world's fuel crisis, MULTIFUEL,
a complex grain alcohol produced by
geneticlly manipulated yeast and wheat
or CNN as it is commonly known, was
strains. DuPont/Monsanto eventually
broken off from Tuner Broadcasting when
licensed their MULTIFUEL production to
that corporation faced monopoly charges in
several large agribusinesses and
petrochemical companies, making them one
early 2000's, and instantly diversified into
of the wealthiest corporations in Europe.
several news providers, on-line services, and
They now concentrate on genetically
video-on-demand brokers.
engineered foods and commercial bioware
products for the personal beauty market,
including the patented Calvin Klein
subdermal perfumery.

has an almost complete monopoly over
commercial orbital lifting capabilities, and is
a world leader in orbital technology.
Expect their position to be cemented with
represent the world's wealthiest investors
the introduction of the Model 10 orbital
workshack this season.
their diverse portfolios, numerous banks, and
high calibre financial advice. Specializing the
management of high income- low recognition

formed when Sun Microsystems was aquired
by IBM. Microtech floudered until Cray's
disasterous T-80 chip malfunction of 2048,
wherein all of the EuroSpace Agency's
computers where switched over to the newer

WORLD NEWS SERVICE Panasonic, three banks, several steel
contracts various freelance reporters, manufacturers, and many thousands of small
photographers, cameramen, and companies, from record studios to bioware
anchorpersons for world- wide news providers in Europe.
coverage, which it
packages and sells to news stations on a
subscription basis.

rising from a relatively obscure government
weapons contractor to the leading provider
of small arms for the UCAS and foreign
EXXON interests has earned this company the ire of
undoubtably the largest of the old boy oil many.
networks, Exxon now produces a variant of
MULTIFUEL, and searches for a new sythetic
plastic base to entirely replace waning
petroleum products.

is still the largest single biotechnology firm
in the world, manufacturing and licensing a
diverse group of bioware and nanotech
products. Several divisions have been
TRAUMA TEAM implicated in some of the many cases of
owned wholly by Humana, Inc. TraumaTeam rampant industrial espionage that plagues
provides emergency medical services in this field.
serval major urban markets, on a contract
basis. In some cities, TraumaTeams have
completely replaced city-managed
paramedical teams.

known best for their top quality optics,
Kiroshi created the first cybernetic interface
plugs and purchased Life Vision in 2041 to
create its optical division. Kiroshi now
dabbles in many forms of cybernetics, but
was even by the 1990s a diverse
specializes in various opticals, including the
best selling Anne Klein series, which
corporation and is now even more so,
premiered in 2055 in the movie 'Shout To
owning Arasaka Security, Setsuko,
The Stars.'
The TYPE-S, in its various forms has been the
standard APCA unit for Tokyo's C- SWAT
since 2055. The growing number of
cyberpsychos as well as heavily armed
terrorists and Yakuza has given rise to a new
manufacturer of the original "Enable"
era of violence in the Tokyo area. The TYPE-S
cybernetic prosthetic limbs in 2042, now
was introduced in order to safely combat this
manufactures and distributes the majority of
menace. Its light weight and high mobility
all cybernetic limbs and internal systems
makes it a perfect SWAT suit. The TYPE-S is
(chipware processors and feedback
frequently used in police sponsored
subsystems) in the UCAS, and has contracts
anti- terrorist operations, as well as in high-
with the larger Eurpean and Japanese firms.
risk raids. It has been instrumental in the
raids on the heavily fortified drug factories of
the Tokyo Bay area. The TYPE-S is easily
customized, and individual police
departments often do so. Costs 200,000 HU.
Street Index 4. Military grade stuff. Rare.

is a Tokyo- based heavy industry corp.
Shinkuku's chief product is the powered
armor (and is increasingly becoming the
military covert APCA). They are very popular
with security agencies all over the globe.
Watch this corp.



The TYPE-31H is one of Shinjuku's newest

military models.
The Tigershark's role is a unique one as it is
one of the few aquatic suits on the market. It
can handle underwater combat, but that is
not it's
true forte. With the growing number of
underwater facilities and the submersible
craft that came with them, there was an
increased need for a covert suit that could

handle underwater insertion and underwater SHINJUKU HEAVY
combat. The Tigershark was the answer to INDUSTRIES TYPE-2C
this call, and has become the pace- setter of "Shinobi"
underwater suits. Its most popular use by far The TYPE-2C is Shinjuku's premier covert-ops
has been in suit, and despite its expense, it is used
the field of submarine entry. The Tigershark extensively by the richer corporations and
is able to handle the extremes of the deep governments. The "Shinobi" has seen a great
sea much longer then the human diver and deal of media attention as it has been used
can lie in wait if it knows the path the sub in several high profile assassinations in
will take. A month after this suit was Japan as of
introduced, it made it's combat debut, when late. Public Security Section 9 is believed to
a Tigershark of unknown origin and a team be involved as it is one of the major
of two divers infiltrated Petrochem's purchasers of TYPE-2C units in Japan. The
Submerged Drilling Project (SDPR) off the Shinobi is well suited for covert-ops in a
coast of Alaska. In a total of 10 minutes the variety of environments. Its small size and
SDPR crew was massacred and Dr. Lance light weight come in handy in urban
Brenon, a renown scientist, was kidnapped. environments as well as jungle and desert
This event has been hailed as the world's environments. The unit can be customized in
first deep- sea extraction. Costs 500,000 HU. several ways, and variations range from
Street Index 6. Military. Rare. expensive to extremely expensive. The base
(B) model comes equipped with "Mirage"
finish and a suppressed version of
the Towa 15mm SMG. The intermediate (I)
model comes with "Ghost" finish and is
equipped with the 15mm SMG and an APCA
Sniper System (+550,000 HU). The advanced
(A) version comes with all of the below and
an ECM suite (+5000,000 HU). All versions
can be fitted with Riot Armor.
Base Cost is 500,000 HU. Street Index 6.
Military. Rare.
Are you happy with the book?»
After all, don´t forget that happiness is
mandatory. Oops, wrong game ;)
(nmatausc@nw80.cip.fak14.uni-muenchen.de) BulletShower»


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