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1. Choosing an argumentative topic is not an easy task. The topic should be such that
it should be narrowed down
X Marijuana should be considered illegal. (Not a good topic because it is too general. In some medical cases,
marijuana is prescribed by the doctors and the patients are encouraged to use it in case of suffering from too much pain)
Selling and using arijuana in !ublic !laces should be considered illegal.
it should contain an argument
X "e should decide #he$her #e #an$ a bic%cle or a car. (our stand is not clear: do we support haing bicycles or
I& #e are under $he age o& '( and #an$ a heal$h% li&e) #e should de&ini$el% ge$ a bic%cle ins$ead o& a car.
X Are %ou one o& $hose #ho $hin*s chea$ing is no$ good &or s$uden$s+ (a "uestion cannot be an argument)
,hea$ing hel!s s$uden$s learn.
X ,onsidering i$s geological !osi$ion) Tur*e% has an i!or$an$ geo!oli$ical role in $he EU. (facts cannot be
,onsidering i$s geo!oli$ical role) #e can clearl% sa% $ha$ $he EU canno$ be #i$hou$ Tur*e%.
it should be a topic that can be ade"uately supported (with statistics, outside source citations, etc.)
X I &eel $ha$ #ri$ing an arguen$a$i-e essa% is de&ini$el% a challenging $as*. (feelings cannot be supported# we cannot
persuade other people)
If you beliee that you can find enough eidence to support your idea and refute others effectiely, you can choose challenging
topics as well. $ou can enjoy writing about such topics:
%heating is beneficial for students.
&tress is good for the human body.
'olygamy is "uite natural.
(or women, there is no need for men.
.. /rgani0a$ion1 )ll argumentatie topics hae '*+s and %+Ns. ,efore starting writing, it is imperatie to make a list of these
ideas and choose the most suitable ones among them for supporting and refuting.
3. Supporting our ideas1 This is the most important part when persuading others. -e are asking some people to change their
beliefs or actions. -e should be supporting our ideas with such facts, statistics and.or authorities that there should not be room for
any doubts. /ere are some faulty supports we should aoid:
Thesis: 0eaing the uniersity and starting to work is good for the adolescent because 1
(eelings, emotional arguments (1 i$ a*es one &eel uch be$$er.)
Irreleant e2amples (wandering off the topic) (1 he #ould $hen be able $o $a*e his girl&riend $o e2!ensi-e
+ersimplification (1 onl% $hen #ould he unders$and #ha$ i$ eans $o be an adul$.)
/asty generali3ations (... i$ is a #idel% *no#n &ac$ $ha$ all adolescen$s loo* &or#ard $o earning one%.)
4nreliable, een false outside sources (1 according $o ###.doub$ 3(4 o& #or*ing en #ish $he% 5ui$
school #hen $he% #ere a$ uni-ersi$% and s$ar$ed #or*ing a$ an earlier age.) 5
4. Refuting opposing arguments1 ,efore we start saying that the opponents are wrong, we should specify their opposing ideas.
+therwise, it would be like hitting the other person with eyes closed. -e should see clearly what we are hitting and be prepared
beforehand so that he cannot hit us back. -e can do this by knowing what we are refuting.
e.g. X Soe !eo!le a% sa% $ha$ adolescen$s should no$ lea-e uni-ersi$% educa$ion6 ho#e-er) $he% are #rong. (what
they say is not wrong. 6aybe their supporting idea is wrong .irreleant .insufficient. -e should state their supporting idea
specifically to be able to refute it.)
Soe !eo!le a% sa% $ha$ adolescen$s should no$ lea-e uni-ersi$% educa$ion because $he% are no$
!h%sicall% and !s%chologicall% a$ure enough $o co!e #i$h $he !robles o& $he real #orld. 7o#e-er) $he% &orge$
one &ac$1 adolescen$s can -o$e or s$ar$ dri-ing a$ $he age o& 83 9in soe coun$ries e-en be&ore $ha$ age:;) #hich
!ro-es $ha$ $he% are considered !h%sicall% and !s%chologicall% a$ure a$ $ha$ age.
5. Language1 &ignposts gain importance in the argumentatie essay. They enable the readers to follow our arguments easily.
-hen pointing out opposing arguments (%+Ns):
/!!onen$s o& $his idea clai < ain$ain $ha$ =
Those #ho disagree < are agains$ $hese ideas a% sa% < asser$ $ha$ =
Soe !eo!le a% disagree #i$h $his idea.
-hen stating specifically why they think like that:
The !u$ &or#ard $his idea because =
The% clai $ha$ = since =
*eaching the turning point:
/n $he o$her hand)
-hen refuting the opposing idea, we may use the following strategies:
compromise but proe that their argument is not powerful enough:
The% ha-e a !oin$ in $hin*ing li*e $ha$.
To a cer$ain e2$en$ $he% are righ$.
completely disagree:
A&$er seeing $his e-idence) $here is no #a% #e can agree #i$h #ha$ $he% sa%.
say that their argument is irrelevant to the topic:
"ha$ #e are discussing here is no$ #ha$ $he% are $r%ing $o !ro-e.
Their arguen$ is irrele-an$.
6. Start writing a draft!
&tart as close as possible to your reading.research
8o not concern yourself with grammar or spelling
"ri$e %our &irs$ !aragra!h
o Introduce the topic
o Inform the reader of your point of iew9
o :ntice the reader to continue with the rest of the paper9
o (ocus on three main points to deelop
Es$ablish &lo# &ro !aragra!h $o !aragra!h
>ee! %our -oice ac$i-e
?uo$e sources to establish authority
S$a% &ocused on your point of iew throughout the essay
@ocus on logical arguen$s
AonB$ la!se in$o suar%
in the deelopment;;wait for the conclusion
o Suari0e) $hen conclude) %our arguen$
o Re&er to the first paragraph.opening statement as well as the main points
does the conclusion restate the main ideas!
reflect the succession and importance of the arguments
logically conclude their deelopment!
7. rite !our paper!
". Re#read !our paper
with a fresh mind and a sharp pencil
o As* %oursel&1
8oes this make sense! )m I coninced!
-ill this conince a reader!
-ill they understand my alues, and agree with my facts!
o Edi$) correc$) and reC#ri$e as necessary
o ,hec* s!elling and graar:
o 7a-e a &riend read i$ and respond to your argument.
-ere they coninced!
o Re-ise if necessary
o Turn in $he !a!er
o ,elebra$e a job #ell done)
with the confidence that you hae done your best.

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