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2013 Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc ~ P.O.

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Stop trying harder .......achieve even your
toughest goal
without willpower,
without a fight, thanks to
incredible powers concealed
inside your own mind, waiting for release.
Based on the work of Nikkea B. Devida,
Originator of the Accelerated Change Template (ACT)
Be among the first to experience the first real breakthrough mind power technique in the positive
personal development movement in the past 30 years...
its much more than just positive thinking...
its a whole new mind, body, spirit training technique for the new millennium.

How to use ACT, the first real twenty first century training technique to
end self-sabotage, blast away obstacles, and achieve what you earnestly desire in life,
faster and easier than can be believed possible--satisfaction guaranteed.

Dear Friend,

Do you want to attract more clients? Especially ideal ones?
Would you like to charge what youre worth and get it?
Are you struggling with having enough sales and clients in your business?
Do you always seem to have money troubles?
Are you tired of being the best kept secret in your industry?
Do you want to make a positive difference in the world?
Do you want to make money teaching and providing what you love?
Do you want to start making big money with your thing?
Do you have a sense of a bigger mission and purpose for your life?
Would you love to have the courage to discover and live your life purpose?
Are you needing more confidence to get your message out in a big way?
Do you procrastinate? Have a lack of energy and motivation?

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Are you struggling with being fulfilled in your personal and professional life?
Are you ready to live the lifestyle you always dreamed of now?
Would you like to be having a lot more fun and free time?
Have you failed - maybe more than once - in the past?
Are you struggling with is this all there is? issues?
Are you insecure or anxious when calling or meeting new people?
Are you feeling old before your time?
Do you worry too much?
Are you vaguely unhappy? Frustrated?
Do you have the relationships that you desire?
Are you recovering from illness or loss?

These are but a few of the matters that Nikkea B. Devida originated ACT to address. If you are
even remotely interested in living with 100% confidence, joy, passion and switching
whatever is now difficult for you to easy.....then these may be the most important 41 pages of
information you will ever read! And the benefits of this technique will stay with you for a lifetime.

Marcus Aurelius said if you are stressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself,
but rather to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.

No, This Is Not An Attempt To Pass Off
Yesterdays Repackaged Tools As
A Real Success Technique

When you make the decision to deliberately create positive change in your life, when you determine to
get some quality assistance, where do you turn?

Quite frankly, I think its confusing out there. So many people are eager to get their hands on honest,
practical information for improving their life skills......its both frightening and confusing. Whose
claims do you trust? Where do you decide to spend your time and money? Whats real and whats
hype? How do you separate the steak from the sizzle, the wheat from the chaff? All too often
youve probably been sold well-intentioned tapes, programs or seminars that are little more than
watered down versions of the same old stuff. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Think
positive. Listen to these affirmations every day for 30 days. Just do it. No pain, no gain. Fly with the
eagles! These leave you feeling good, but they may not be enough to make the quantum leaps and
create lasting change.

So much of what you hear in the seminar room proves difficult to implement in the real world. Once
you get outside the highly charged environment of that meeting room or teleclass, and you return to the
battles of everyday living, that feeling you had while inside the room melts away like a stick of butter
in the noonday sun.

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Why Do Smart, Capable, Good People
So Often Seem To Struggle or Self-Destruct?

Relationships collapse and make lawyers rich. Businesses come apart at the seams. Wealth
evaporates. Addictions occur.

Or, why are apparently successful people so often restless, frustrated and vaguely unhappy?

Or, why do people with talent, skill, goals, determination and opportunity still seem to work harder
rather than smarter and spend years running in place - then when they look back realize all they did
by running harder and harder was dig a deeper rut?

If you would like to know more about Nikkea B. Devidas discovery, read on.

People searching for answers to these questions try many different change modalities. And all of these
modalities are very good. But how is it that these very good change tools and seminars can sometimes
not create the change, result, and lasting impact that you want? Incredibly, back in 1995, Nikkea B.
Devida uncovered the REAL answer, and used it to develop a collection of Accelerated Change
Techniques that put you in 100% control of your life, happiness, relationships, health, finances and
peace of mind.

In the mad rush of trendy, super-hyped self-help and pop psych fads, the ACT technique has been
largely overlooked by an entire population.....except the few hundred or so people each year pointed in
her direction by friends or business associates. Now, though, this technique has been put in a new
format by Nikkea B. Devida so that more people can have access to it. And were willing to guarantee
ACT as the most practical, easy to use, results oriented personal and performance improvement
system, period - whether you want to double your income in selling, manifest the relationship of your
dreams, or amaze yourself and friends with radical improvement in your body weight and shape.

Why Does ACT Deserve Your Attention? Results.
And This Approach To Self-Empowerment Has Already
Reached Thousands Of People...
Virtually Without Any Advertising Or Promotion!

Nikkea B. Devida never had a TV infomercial, flashy ad campaign, a book, or anything like that.
Almost entirely through word-of-mouth, one person telling another, ACT became known to
individuals and businesses alike. Large multi million dollar companies - like Infusionsoft, Peak
Potentials, Chris Howard Training, PAX, Lisa Sasevich and many others brought Nikkea B. Devida
into their companies to do group and private training and consulting with their employees and
salespeople. For years, people from all over the world have come to seminars and individual private
consultationsall this with NO advertising, NO fanfare, NO Pushing of any kind, NO books, NO
tapes, these people sought out Nikkea for consulting, seminars and private consultations solely because
a close friend or business associate urged them to do so.

2013 Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc ~ P.O. Box 5046, Ventura, CA 93005 Page 4
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This Is The Personal And Performance Improvement Program Whos Time Has Come.

Victor Hugo said there is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose
time has come.

Certainly, this approach to unleashing the powers of the mind has stood the test of time year after year
after year after year and is ready to explode in the marketplace, solely because people urge friends and
associates to use it.

Of course, the enclosed information about ACT only presents my discoveries and the philosophy
behind them. And that alone is powerful. They had enormous impact on me, which Ill describe in
detail later. But

briefly, let me tell you, after years of viewing the mind as something you stuffed information into, the
very idea that you could lift the hood and go in there and take unproductive stuff out, rearrange stuff,
tune it up -- that idea alone changed my life. But the practical how-tos are elusive, arent they?

Now, finally, for the first time ever, ALL of Nikkea B. Devidas works, never before published, shared,
or disclosed, research, everything, a LIFETIME of great discoveries are being revealed in a powerful
system to teach and share with others. She knew she couldnt do it all alone and reach the numbers of
people she wanted to reach.

Youve Probably Gotten Bits and Pieces of ACT Before

Nikkea B. Devidas ideas are still considered unorthodox, even RADICAL. But for the past 30 years,
nearly every self-improvement book, tape, seminar, movement, speaker and author have been
referencing, quoting, and heavily relying on the same visualize it, then youll receive it, think
positive thoughts and just do it approaches to personal change. If youve at all been a student of
how-to succeed information, you have undoubtedly been getting old technology whether you knew it
or not. Maybe youve read many of those books at one time or another. I rarely visit a successful
persons home or office without finding some on their bookshelves. But now you are going to have
total access to a lifetime of Nikkea B. Devidas work, put together into a true system for unleashing
mental powers in you, far beyond what you now believe you have.

Taking A Fresh Look At Your Innermost, Suppressed,
Even Secret Hopes And Desires

Nikkea B. Devida recognized that most people have settled for less than their birthright to live a good,
healthy, rewarding, influential, accomplishment-rich life. She would ask: what is the highest vision
that you have for yourself in your life? What do you see as the greatest version of the grandest
vision for your life? Acquiring a huge fortune? Being CEO of your own fast growing company
featured in business magazines? Freeing yourself from migraine headaches or other nagging ills once
and for all, and living with the energy, vigor, and excitement of youth that belies your age? Attracting
a sexy, beautiful or handsome, loving spouse? Becoming a famous author, speaker, or visionary
thought leader? Even if you do not dare to speak your Big Wishes out loud, there ARE creative
ACT techniques designed to remove the obstacles and to carry you toward these goals at lightning

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Past programming makes many people (maybe you, too) actually feel guilty about their own innermost,
greatest desires! They feel selfish for asking too much in wanting it all.

Your father never earned more than $25,000 a year in his whole life, so what makes you think you
oughta be rich, wise guy?
Women in our family have always been big. Your grandma was big. Im big. Youre gonna be big no
matter what fool diet you try. Might as well not bother.
Living in this neighborhoods been good enough for everybody else in this family, why should you do
No new salesperson has ever hit $50,000.00 their first year in this company. Get real. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Stephen Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says because we already live with
scripts that have been handed down to us, the process of writing our own script is actually more a
process of rescripting, or paradigm shifting - of changing some of the basic paradigms we already

All sorts of people are conditioned from birth to focus on their limitations rather than their capabilities,
hidden talents and opportunities. You do NOT NEED TO APOLOGIZE OR FEEL SELFISH for
wanting a better life for yourself - for wanting it all!

Trying to reach your goals while lugging around this burden of guilt is like climbing the always
treacherous Mt. Everest with a sack full of heavy rocks tied to each of your ankles. You might still get
there. But why suffer and struggle if it isnt necessary?

Have You Unwittingly Become A Weary Traveler?

Consider this fascinating fable: a traveler is walking down the road, carrying a large rock in one hand,
another large rock in the other; on his back, a knapsack packed full of rocks; tied around his waist, a
large canvas sack full of heavy rocks; and on his head, precariously balanced, a basket full of rocks. As
he passed a farm, the farmer yelled out to him: Weary traveler, why are you carrying that huge
knapsack full of rocks on your back?
Thats strange, the traveler said, but I hadnt really noticed it. He took off the knapsack, emptied
out the useless rocks, tucked the empty sack under his arm, and continued down the road - and he felt
much better.
As he passed a small house, a woman resting in a chair on its porch called out to him: Weary traveler,
why on earth do you have a basket full of rocks on your head? How will you bring home fruits and
vegetables from market if your basket is full of rocks?
Odd, said the traveler, but I wasnt even aware that darned basket was full of rocks. He took down
the basket, emptied it of the rocks, placed it back on his head, and went on down the road, with a much
lighter step.
Again and again, a villager called his attention to one of the useless burdens he was carrying around
without thinking about it. And, one by one, he discarded the burdens and along with them his fatigue.

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How Many Soldiers Do You Have Left?

Stop and think about what burdens youre carrying in your life that youve gotten used to.
These burdens limit your ability to create the life you desire today because they are busy fighting
yesterdays, last years, last decades battles! Assume for a moment that at birth you were given 100
soldiers to help fight your battles for you during your life. You could deploy them at will. When you
have a conflict or crisis of any kind in your life, you deploy all your soldiers to fight it. However, once
the battle is over, if you have any unresolved issues regarding the fight (left over guilt, hostility,
resentment, grief, negative feelings, beliefs or emotions) then some of your soldiers get left behind.

The soldiers have to keep warding off these negative emotions for you while you move on in your life.
Each time this occurs, you then have less than your 100 original soldiers to confront todays battles.
Until you remove the old battle wounds and scars, you dont get those soldiers back. This translates
into feeling fatigued, tired, worn out, not motivated, not able to move forward as much or as quickly as
youd like to with your present goals.

The Six Most Destructive Words In
The English Language.

Most people stop learning HOW their own mental powers work very early in life, IF they pay much
attention to this at all. Shy or confident, expressive or reserved, persuasive or ineffective, good
memory or bad memory,

etc., they say to themselves - the six most destructive words - Thats just the way I am. There is
simply no such thing as Just the way I am.

Bill Bennet, former drug czar, and one of only a handful of people ever to have three books on the
New York Times Bestseller List at the same time, including The Book Of Virtues and The Moral
Compass uses the quote: Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future. You are so much more
than your past programming says you are. You have awesome powers of self-forgiveness and critical
analysis of past programming and re-discovering and releasing your suppressed talents. With ACT,
you can quickly and easily remove the mental and emotional scars held deep inside your subconscious
mind and free your true self, so that the past loses its grip of control on the future.

Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline says Implicit in the practice of personal mastery is
another dimension of the mind, the subconscious....What distinguishes people with high levels of
personal mastery is they have developed a higher level of rapport between their normal awareness and
their subconscious.

The Most Powerful Moneymaking Tool
In All The World

The most powerful moneymaking tool is NOT inside, top secret information about the stock market or
where tomorrows highway is to be built, NOT influential contacts, NOT advanced degrees, NOT the
hot new business opportunity. THE most powerful moneymaking tool is inside your own

2013 Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc ~ P.O. Box 5046, Ventura, CA 93005 Page 7
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subconscious mind.

Of course, you may not now be willing to acknowledge that the most powerful force in the universe,
more powerful than the most sophisticated computer yet to be built, capable of turning anything that is
difficult into easy, is your own mind. But once you understand how to train it, condition it, align it,
free it of limitations, and stimulate its dormant capabilities, you will!

And With ACT Its As Easy To Change A Life-Long Belief In Minutes
As It Is To Edit A Word Processing Document On Your Computer.
With The Right Key Strokes, You Simply Call Up The Program, Edit
The Document, Save It, And...Viola...Then Youre Done!

You dont have to keep checking your word-processing document to see if its saved, or keep
reinforcing it to make sure it got saved correctly. Once you save it, its done...and you can always
choose to re-edit it at a later time. Yes, its that easy to change your beliefs at the subconscious level!

Why New Years Resolutions Never Work

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Every year, actually every DAY most people start
anew with good intentions, with new resolutions -- that they quickly break. Today Ill stop smoking.
Today Ill start eating healthier meals. Today Ill start exercising. Today Ill get right to work instead
of bsing around with email. Today Ill get that webpage or free report done. Today Ill make some
outbound calls to get speaking engagements and clients. Most such morning-mirror resolutions dont
even last all day! And what a self-destructive, demeaning pattern this is!! It reinforces failure!!!

The Problem Here Is Relying On Willpower.

The belief that when you do fail, its because you have a shortage of willpower. That theres
something lacking in you. That you just need to try harder. Thats a BIG LIE. You are fighting
yourself, and thats a no-win situation.

Many scientists, researchers, doctors, and authors have identified and understood that the self-image
governs what a person allows herself to do. And your beliefs, or what you believe to be true about
yourself, are at the foundation of your self-image. Simply, if any resolution you make is in conflict
with your ingrained sub-conscious beliefs which control your self-image, the resolution ALWAYS
loses out. Every time. Because no amount of willpower can overcome your subconscious beliefs. In
order to change, you must first create deliberate change within your beliefs themselves, so that these
beliefs are CONGRUENT with the desired change at both the conscious (choice) and subconscious
(automatic) levels of your mind.

Learning exactly how to do this programming, to engineer strategic change in your beliefs is THE
SECRET to getting just about anything you want, in just about any circumstances, totally regardless of
the past -- because for the first time ever, you can be operating in a CONGRUENT environment
between your conscious and subconscious mind. No mammoth, teeth-gritted, fist-clenched,

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superhuman willpower needed, because theres nothing to overcome.

What is resistance, anyway?

To someone trying to lose weight and keep it off, resistance is food cravings, ingrained eating habits,
eating as a habitual emotional response to certain events. To someone trying to improve a golf swing,
it is muscle memory, anxiety, fear of embarrassment. To the sales pro in a slump, it is excuse-
making, expectancy of negative results, worry and frustration. But these resistance factors come
crawling up out of the depths of your subconscious beliefs and can NOT be overcome for very long
with sheer willpower and determination. They CAN be changed and reprogrammed -- if you
understand the process -- in a way that creates LASTING CHANGE.

Bernie S. Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine, & Miracles says the light is better in our conscious
minds, but we must look for healing in the dark subconscious.

As Old As The Hills,
As New As The Internet

Auto-suggestion, affirmations, and positive thinking has long been part of the lives of the worlds most
successful men and women. Henry Ford told Orrison Swett Marden, then-editor of SUCCESS
MAGAZINE, of teaching his factory foremen how to use auto-suggestion (no pun intended!) to
improve their confidence and ability to manage and motivate the workmen. Whether you believe you
can, or you believe you cant, youre right Ford said emphatically. You will be hard-pressed to read
the biography of any high achiever and not
discover his or her positive beliefs about themselves, their work, their environment shaped them into
who they became. These days even medical doctors recognize the mind-body connection and the
beliefs of the patients as valuable in treatment of cancer and other debilitating diseases. There is an
entire field of medicine now called
psychoneuroimmunology devoted to the scientific research into how beliefs affect the immune system.
People are currently working diligently in this field with doctors, researchers, and scientists to bring
modalities like ACT to the forefront of this research. So, the focus on beliefs is nothing new. Yet its
most advanced applications are as new as tomorrows computer technology. In fact, ACT is the
fastest, most effective belief-installation-at-the-level-of-the-subconscious-mind tool...Period.

ACT Is Pentium Technology While Affirmations And
Visualization Are Pre-286 Technology.

And, for any computer buffs, you know the 286s cant be upgraded to Pentiums. You basically
have to start over. Or at least be resigned to the fact that its going to take you a lot longer and be a lot
harder to get the job done, and without all of todays available tools to help you. And some jobs you
just wont be able to do as well, if at all.

Changing your beliefs at the subconscious level is NECESSARY for people earnestly desiring to
change some specific results in your life -- and this is nearly impossible without the proper tools to
complete the process.

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THE SECRET discovered by Nikkea B. Devida, is a quick, easy, and fun INSTALLATION
TECHNOLOGY called ACT that allows you direct access and communication ability with
the subconscious mind to directly change your beliefs at the core level.

Although your subconscious mind has the strength, stamina, imagination and intellect of 10,000
people, the memory of 100,000 computers, and the magnetic attraction of 1,000,000 magnets, to
draw to you whatever you need, to draw out of you whatever you need to achieve a goal......although
this part of your mind has all this power.......

Most of the time, your subconscious mind is on auto-pilot because you do not know how to
communicate with it effectively. The relationship between your conscious and subconscious mind is as
if you had a houseboy who spoke only Swahili and understood not a word of English and you spoke
only English and not a word of Swahili. Some things could still be accomplished with hand gestures,
much shouting, and plenty of frustration. But not much. So, your subconscious mind is busy doing
what its always done, automatically and without input from your conscious mind.....and so it works for
you very inefficiently and ineffectively, barely using a teeny fraction of its power. Sometimes it even
exercises its powers but produces results you did not desire, because it so badly misconstrued your

But once you learn the secret language and possess the codes for communicating directly and
easily with the subconscious mind, you can really put it to work. It never tires. Never wears out.
Never experiences frustration. Knows no limits. The more you ask of it, the better it performs. Once
you learn the secret language..............

Nikkea B. Devida broke the code. Armed with a thorough understanding of ACT, anybody can
communicate with their subconscious mind and put it to work accomplishing the most amazing things.

Now is the time for YOU to stop trying harder....STOP trying to pay for your goals with anxious
effort, physically debilitating stress and strain, emotionally exhausting discipline. Instead learn how to
let your subconscious mind work for you instead of against you.

But since your subconscious has just been going through the motions and automatically running the
old tapes and programs that have been there since you were born, youll need to re-program it like a
computer so you can expect to receive full benefit from its awesome power and tireless efforts. Thats
where ACT comes in!

How Nikkea B. Devida Broke The Code So You Can
Program Your Subconscious Mind And Unleash
Its Miraculous Powers On Your Behalf


Inside the frustrated yo-yo dieter, the chronically overweight person lives a slim, healthy, vibrant
person eager to come out. Inside the person who always stops short of expressing his opinions and
asserting himself lives a confident, articulate, persuasive leader waiting patiently for release. Inside of

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someone who knows theyre meant for bigger better things to make a positive impact on the world is a
charismatic visionary thought leader to burst out and be known and seen. In other words, the powerful
subconscious mind can be reprogrammed easily to manufacture and develop exactly the person you
most want to be, so that youre subconscious mind is in perfect alignment with your conscious goals!
The experience of this happening is literally like freeing your true self from the shackles and restraints
that years of unknowingly believing negative programming you were exposed to gradually bound your
possibilities up tighter than the old Chinese tradition of foot-binding, leaving you about as crippled and
in as much pain....

Stephen Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says In developing our self-
awareness many of us discover ineffective scripts, deeply embedded habits that are totally unworthy of
us, totally incongruent with the things we really value in life.


In ACT, you do not necessarily have to re-examine and re-visit your past, thereby re-living your
pain. You dont need to take another painful trip down memory lane to figure out who did what to
whom, shaking the accusing finger at the culprits who made you the way you are. Aaaaargh! It was
bad enough the first time around, so why go to the cause of all that immense unhappiness and
frustration again! With ACT, you dont have to. Ever! You dont ever have to tell your story one
more time...ever again...period. You see, the subconscious mind doesnt care about the past or the
future. It only cares about NOW! So, as long as you have a way to communicate with it and
reprogram it, it will behave as if its always been that way...just like when you edit and save a
document in a word processing program. In ACT, you dont get bonus points for gnashing of
teeth and writhing on the ground in intense emotional pain and going through a box of tissues in one
session. Gut-wrenching emotion and spill your guts stories are NOT necessary to get the results you
desire! With ACT, you can be your own emotional laser surgeon, to remove these scars and liberate
your true self...without having to re-live the trauma that caused the scars.

Another way to look at this is: there is no perversity in creation. If you have the ability to imagine
what it would be like to be a certain kind of person and to want to be that kind of person, inside you is
that kind of person. What you can perceive and believe, you can achieve!

Kathleen K. Collins, author of Your Mirror Image says If you look, think and act like a winner, youll
be a winner. What you project out is what you receive back.


Why do we fail to notice, listen to or trust the inner voice of our awesomely powerful subconscious
mind? Everyday this voice struggles to get your attention, to guide you to success. But have you
ever been taught exactly how to communicate with it? give it assignments? listen to its
success-oriented suggestions?

Do you believe in the power of your beliefs and your subconscious mind? Thomas Jefferson, Albert
Einstein, Americas first billionaire Andrew Carnegie, author of Think And Grow Rich Napoleon
Hill, and author of Psycho-Cybernetics Dr. Maxwell Maltz, and Henry Ford did. So does Nikkea B.
Devida, and she originated ACT specifically for communicating with it to uncover, free, and

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strengthen the beliefs and ideas and philosophies that YOU choose. When you experience ACT,
youll find that youll begin to trust your subconscious mind more often than ever before and to create
deliberate actions and behaviors that you choose with its extraordinary power on your side, guiding you
easily and effortlessly toward your goals.

The idea that certain people are naturally creative and others un-creative is simply WRONG.
Whether you now see yourself as creative or not, your own imagination DOES have the power to
create just about any reality you earnestly desire.


ACT has been used by professional and amateur athletes to improve their performance. With the use
of ACT, these men and women could program themselves to stay calm, cool, and collected and come
through under pressure, like the golfer who can make the high dollar tie-breaking, tournament winning
putt without a tremor in his hands. As you know, many otherwise outstanding athletes choke in the
really big games. Similarly, otherwise super-skilled speakers, trainers, and salespeople choke when
it comes to making that really important presentation. The otherwise apparently confident person
chokes when it comes time to deliver the very important speech, approach and meet a desirable
member of the opposite sex, negotiate a major deal. The actor in audition......the speaker when an
opportunity to be on a big stage or get a big affiliate comes, a restaurant owner when the
newspaper critic comes for dinner......everybody has times (opportunities) when they NEED to have
PEAK PERFORMANCE. With ACT, you can program your subconscious mind for peak
performance so that nothing rattles you in any that your choking days are over.


Dr. Anees Sheikh, Professor of Psychology at Marquette University says: Research shows that the
brain does NOT know the difference between a real and a perceived or imagined event.

With ACT, you create and install the right images and beliefs associated with them directly into your
subconscious mind in a language that it understands, present tense, sensory based language. There, at
the subconscious level, these deliberately developed beliefs become the new truth about you. The
beliefs become your actions. You do what was difficult easily because it feels like youve never
had the experience of doing it another way before. These beliefs are so powerful that can actually
alter the way others respond to you!

Lasting Weight Loss!

Given the right belief statements and installation, these new beliefs can be directly input into your
subconscious mind to create new food preferences. So, if, for example, you wish to lose 20 pounds
and keep it off, you can create beliefs such that youll automatically prefer fresh fruits to cakes and
cookies as a snack. Youll find it easy to pass on fattening foods.

Dramatic Golf Game Improvement!

Given the right belief statements and installation, these new beliefs can be directly input into your

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subconscious mind to create muscle memory. So, for example, if you want to improve your golf game,
you can create beliefs such that youll automatically remember and re-enact your best possible swing
every time.

Break Undesirable Habits!

Given the right belief statements and installation, these new beliefs can be directly input into your
subconscious mind to create new behavior patterns. So, for example, if you want to improve your
relationship with someone, you can create beliefs such that youll automatically have a more loving and
patient response to them instead of an argumentative and tense one.

Why do habits have such a hold on us? Habits are a function of our beliefs, part of the internal
subconscious programming that happens over time, which is a receptacle and storage house for
everything you ever saw, heard, and experienced from the time you were born. You wouldnt dream of
saving every document you ever wrote in your computers hard drive without editing, deleting, and re-
configuring....yet that is exactly what most of us do with our subconscious minds! Over time, you
identify with your habits, you accept your habits as part of you, you and your habits become one -- yet
you are NOT the same thing as your habits. We can break our habits by identifying the associated
beliefs that caused them and replace them with more appropriate beliefs that support the new behavior
we choose. With ACT, you can go directly to the subconscious mind to replace beliefs that sabotage
you with ones that support you, quickly and easily...usually in just minutes.

Is your head trash running you?

What I mean is this. Lets use an analogy. Many times well be sitting in the kitchen going about our
business. Then, all of a sudden, the refrigerator motor goes off and we instantly feel more at peace at
how quiet it is around us. We werent even aware of how loud the motor was when we werent paying
attention to it. But we sure do notice the difference when that extra noise goes away. Thats also how
sabotaging beliefs work in your life. They often show up as head trash, mind chatter and negative
thoughts in your head. Like the refrigerator motor, youre so used to the noise, you dont even notice
its there (until its gone). Sometimes you dont notice how much noise, difficulty, and chaos theyre
creating in your life until you remove them. Then you wonder why it took you so long to get rid of
them! And you definitely dont miss them when theyre gone. You are instantly transformed into a
more peaceful, relaxed, powerful, confident, and productive you.

Superhuman Confidence!

Given the right belief statements and installation, these new positive beliefs can be directly input into
your subconscious mind to create powerful self confidence. So, for example, if you are a speaker,
trainer, or sales professional, you can create beliefs such that youll automatically deliver the perfect
presentation every time.

Installation is a key word here. Its NOT what you think casually, on the surface. Its not even the
thoughts, images held, or affirmations during quiet time or meditation. It is the beliefs that are often
concealed in the VERY DEEPEST LEVELS OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND that make your life
what it is today and what it will be tomorrow. Getting to that level and being able to deliberately,
intentionally unleash your own suppressed create a new you.....that requires the very

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specific process of communication and installation with your subconscious mind originated by Nikkea
B. Devida called ACT.

Join Me And Explore
The Most Exciting Of All Frontiers:
The Untapped Yet Readily Accessible Powers
Of Your Own Mind

Heres a grocery list of just some of the most intriguing discoveries you can make as you explore the
powers of your own mind, with the help and guidance of ACT. I suggest checking off those of
greatest importance to you:

___1. How to become much more DECISIVE in everything you do
___2. How to CONTROL your destiny day-to-day and long-term (instead of being jerked
around like a puppet or programmed like somebody elses computer!)
___3. How to instantly turn up your CONFIDENCE in challenging situations
___4. How to easily handle DIFFICULT PEOPLE in arguments, debates, disputes
___5. Access all your minds natural weapons for COMPETING like a world-class
champion in any activity, from speaking, to selling, to negotiating that 6 figure deal.
___6. Achieve TOTAL CONCENTRATION regardless of distractions around you......
for better speaking, selling, writing marketing copy, getting projects done, enhanced memory!
___7. ERADICATE PROCRASTINATION from your life, once and for all
___8. How to CALM yourself on the spot in times of extreme stress
___9. How to BREAK FREE OF MOODINESS, frustration, burn-out.....stop letting
other people or petty annoyances control your moods
___12. How to create EMOTIONAL POISE.....stop losing your temper, lashing out at
others, saying things you wish you could take back
from disappointment, discouragement, temporary failure
___14. How to make NERVES work FOR you, not against you
___15. How to SPARKLE with charm, confidence, poise.....enjoy incredible, magnetic
influence over the opposite relaxed in social or business settings....
the secrets of CHARISMA
___16. How to EASILY deal with challenging people, difficult team members, family members
and romantic partners
___17. How to DEFEAT ANY TROUBLESOME HABIT - even if it has plagued you
for years
___18. How to SPEED UP LEARNING new information, foreign language, a new
computer program.....

Here Are Four More Compelling Reasons To Use ACT:

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Change Your Self-Image With
Amazing And Simple To Use ACT Techniques

Your self image is a reflection of your beliefs. How other people treat you is a reflection of how you
think about yourself. Whether you know it or not, your subconscious beliefs teach other people how to
treat you. Youre not a victim of other people, but of your own negative beliefs that have created your
self image. With ACT you can change these self-defeating beliefs once and for all!

When a person possesses REAL, well-grounded self-confidence, it shows in his/her eyes, body
language, gestures, tone of voice, a thousand little, even subliminal ways - and it is virtually irresistible.

Protect Your Psyche From
Harmful Thoughts Or Suggestions

No, Im not talking about somebody putting a hex on you. But, lets face it, everyday you ARE
surrounded by people telling you what you CANT do and why you cant do it, by naysayers. There
ARE people in your life who, consciously or unconsciously, dont want you to succeed! There ARE
those in the misery-loves-company fraternity. Given the opportunity, these people WILL poison your
thoughts, suck out your confidence and energy like a vampire sucks out life itself.

Everyday you are also bombarded with commercial messages, advertising, that all too often does its
level best to sell you fattening foods, liquor, cigarettes, greed, sloth, and to reinforce unproductive

By systematically strengthening and installing your own self-supporting beliefs directly at the level of
the subconscious mind, you create your own BULLETPROOF SHIELD against these destructive

In doing this, you are putting into motion a purifying stream of higher level thoughts and beliefs, much
like a stream of purifying water trickling down the mountainside to cleanse muddy water in a stagnant
pool at the bottom. Owning such a stream can be very, very valuable in this muddy thought world.

As Eleanor Roosevelt said, Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Can You Make Others Feel Your Emotions?

When youre conscious and subconscious beliefs are completely congruent and aligned, you can
actually transfer that congruence and passion to others, so you can persuade, influence and inspire
without even saying a word!

Professor Charles Richet, a winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine stated: There are NO LIMITS to
psychological phenomena, only a gradual progression. Therefore, mental domination is inherent to
some degree in everyone. Dr. Richet is certainly not alone. There is an increasing number of
respected psychologists and researchers that believe that ordinary individuals can learn to exert mental
dominance over themselves and others. While mental dominance may sound a little strong to you,

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it simply comes from having mastery over your own mind, the ability to consciously make a decision
and actually TAKE ACTION on your decision. Mastering this ability only comes from having your
conscious and subconscious mind working in perfect harmony and synchronicity with each
other....perfectly aligning your subconscious beliefs with your conscious goals. That is what ACT is
all about.

Even the Amazing Kreskin says that ordinary people can develop their intuitive powers, their
creative powers, even so-called ESP just as he has.....that he has no in-born advantage. Kreskin says
that people horribly shortchange themselves by ceasing to work on developing and strengthening their
minds early in life. ACT provides a fantastic opportunity to renew your commitment to controlling
YOUR OWN MIND and choosing the positive beliefs you wish to put in it, while simultaneously
eliminating the negative beliefs.

Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline says Beliefs also program the subconscious. It is well
established, for example, that beliefs affect perception: if you believe that people are untrustworthy,
you will continually see double-dealing and chicanery that others without this belief would not see.

Lets Get Very Specific About Turning Your Life
Into The Life Youve Always Dreamed Of
Using ACT Techniques:

Here are some specific situations in which ACT can give you dramatic, exciting benefits:


What DO you want? Be perceived as the expert, be indispensible so you are safe and secure even in a
downsizing business world. Get a flood of new ideal clients. Raise your rates and receive the money
youre worth for your programs, products, and services. Command the favorable attention of top
influencers, affiliates, and joint venture partners. There ARE specific ACT techniques that can
facilitate your potential to blast you free of the quicksand of a dead-end business or from doing great
work that goes unnoticed. You can light a fire under your own business.


Do you hold back? Fear of failure can leave you paralyzed, frustrated, depressed, stuck. With
ACT you can install the beliefs to free you from this fear and to make you a virtual magnet for

Nicola M. Tauraso, M.D. of How To Benefit From Stress says The mind is a source of energy and it
is this MIND POWER which we can use to control all aspects of not only our physical bodies, but our
mental and emotional responses.

As an example, if you have a horrible fear of public speaking, the ACT techniques can not only help
you get over your fear, but you can also become a master of powerful public and persuasive speaking
and selling from the stage and give you the confidence that you can do anything.

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If youve been frustrated with being single - or find yourself stuck in an unfulfilling relationship - or
love your mate deeply but cant get can install the beliefs to provide the confidence,
capability and focus needed to engineer change in your relationship. Become a super-communicator.
Shed inhibition. Ignite passion. Feel more worthy and deserving, forgive yourself and others, rid
yourself of guilt, and break unproductive habits of thought, conversation and behavior.

Loneliness sabotages more peoples happiness than any other emotion - and that you can suffer from
loneliness even in a committed relationship, even if surrounded by people in a social whirl. When
you install beliefs to conquer loneliness from the inside out, you revolutionize ALL your relationships.

Effective communication is a key to all good relationships. Stephen Covey, author of Principle
Centered Leadership says effective, two-way communication demands that we capture both the
content and intent and learn to speak the languages of logic and emotion.

With ACT, you can actually install beliefs that support the different types of communication styles
and preferences that are used by others so that they are compatible with your own.


The body-mind, mind-body connection used to be a radical idea. Today, of course, we all accept the
basic concept that we can significantly affect our physical health, for good or bad, with the powers of
the mind. There are whole sections in libraries and bookstores on this subject. ACT helps you
install the beliefs directly at the subconscious level for preventing stress from having physical impact,
for insuring healthy sleep that rebuilds mind and body, for losing weight and keeping it off, and much
more. Fatigue, burn-out, that just going through the motions feeling or frustration, disappointment,
even depression all have physical ramifications. You free yourself and lighten the load you are
carrying around with you everyday....some of which you may not even be consciously aware of.

According to Bernie S. Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine & Miracles, The simple truth is,
happy people generally dont get sick. Ones attitude toward oneself is the single most important
factor in healing or staying well.

Michael A. Weiner, Ph.D., author of Maximum Immunity says is now evident that attitudes,
beliefs, and emotions can influence immunity, and that the immune system can even be conditioned -
tricked into responding by psychological devices.


I have had some very severe financial difficulties in my own past and, over the years, I counseled many
students and clients who have been fighting their way free of serious financial troubles. I certainly
know what it is like to be financially embarrassed. And I can tell you that the very first step to
freedom from financial adversity is getting your own head clear, to think calmly and creatively, to re-
gain a sense of control. You win financial battles in your own mind first. There is a whole program of
beliefs in ACT that serve this purpose very well. Beyond this, many people report really dramatic
income increases, financial turnarounds, even wealth in very short order once they begin using ACT

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to achieve their financial goals. Nothing is more important to the entrepreneur than a clear
understanding of the absolute connection between her inner, emotional life and her outer, financial life.
After all, we are taught the how-tos of time management, money management, business management,
but not emotional management. ACT allows you to bridge the gap between successfully managing
both and integrating your financial and emotional goals.

ACT Is Simple, Fast, Elegant, And Effective

Youve probably tried dozens of other techniques that had gobs and gobs of techniques, systems,
rituals, and exercises that......if you only did all the techniques, every day, for the rest of your life,
exactly as would get the results you desired. Sure. Thats easy for them to say.
Effectively, theyre saying if our system doesnt work for you, you just didnt do it right and do
enough of it. They take the Nike just do it approach to personal growth and behavior change, but
dont exactly tell you how to go from the philosophy of their teaching to taking actual action to
incorporate the teachings into your everyday life.

With ACT, there are just a few different techniques, called Alignments, from which to choose when
installing your new beliefs into your subconscious mind. I know of some techniques that have over
99!!! More is not better, its just more complicated and difficult and confusing!!! And in my
experience, there are 2-3 Alignments that are used over 80% of the time. This makes ACT easy to
use, easy to teach (I have a home study course, a 90 day mentorship program via teleclass, and give 3-
day workshops to teach the technique), and easy to learn. It is not inherently wired for complexity so
that only a select few gurus can use it and the average person cant figure it out. I purposely designed
OUT the layers of fluff and complexity from the beginning so that only the very simplest, most
effective, and fastest techniques were left in their purest form...available to anyone and everyone.

Albert Einstein said Keep things as simple as possible, but not simpler. He also said Knowledge is
experience, everything else is just information. He understood the importance of simplicity as the key
to effectiveness. He understood that more is not better if you dont know how to use what youve
learned to increase your effectiveness. ACT is built upon this foundation of simplicity while
weeding out the chaff of complexity.

Who Uses These Techniques?


Annamaria Pohula, in Los Angeles says ACT is the most powerful system for personal growth that
I have encountered. Its fun, simple and it has permanently changed my life.

Jim Willis, in Ventura, CA says Ive seen significant change in the way I relate to my team members
since using ACT. And, the effects are lasting!

Pamela Moss says ACT has dramatically changed my life! It has improved my own effectiveness
and has become a powerful change tool for my clients.

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Phil Beakes, Insurance Sales Trainer in Oxnard, CA has this to say about ACT: ACT techniques
are powerful tools that provide dramatic breakthroughs in eliminating salespeoples fear of rejection.
They offer participants comprehensive involvement and an experience that is immediately applicable,
with guaranteed results for peak sales performance.


ACT has been and can be used with patients and clients to psychologically support traditional or
alternative medical treatments as well as other healing modalities.

Dr. Helen Wood says I was amazed at how simple it is to make changes in basic limiting beliefs using
ACT. All health care professionals would greatly benefit from this fascinating technique.


ACT has been used to take strokes off your golf game, by competitive runners to go the extra mile,
and an Olympic-level swimmer to improve his qualifying times.

Now Heres My Personal ACT Story: I Hope It
Will Inspire You To Try And Prove This Unique
Technique In Your Own Life

Remember businessman Victor Kiam? He said he was so impressed with the Remington shaver that he
bought the company. Well, my own life has been so profoundly, repeatedly influenced by these change
techniques when I first learned them that I gave up my professional position at Walt Disney Records
to become one of a hand-selected, hand-trained few to be certified to teach and offer similar techniques
to others.

Let me share just one quick, personal story:

Before I learned about ACT, I had been searching for 13 years for something to alleviate my
grueling struggle with an eating disorder, bulimia. For years, I was bowing to the porcelain god
several times per day, up to 7 times in a single day. At times, thats all I did... all day and all night. In
fact, I was medically retired with full military benefits from being an Active Duty Officer in the Air
Force. The problem started during my time as a Cadet at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs,

Do You Want To Know About Desperation?

I threatened the then 4 Star General (ironically, his name was General Chubb) at Hanscom AFB
where I was stationed that if I would not go back to work until I got some help for my problem. Folks,
this is the military...I could have been court-martialed. To make matters worse, I said I would go to the

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media with my story if I didnt hear from them within one week...and I was prepared with a media
contact in case they called my bluff. Well, I heard from them within 2 days. They arranged for me to
go to an Air Force medical facility in Washington, D.C. where I spent the next 4 months in an in-
patient hospital program. Unfortunately, it didnt work and I was given the option to get out of the
military...which I accepted.

I tried other traditional medical and psychological therapies, including being a guinea pig for Eli Lillys
FDA studies to experiment with Prozac as a treatment for eating disorders before it was approved, and
nearly putting a countless number of therapists children through college resulting from my devoted
patronage. None of them worked.

I read an endless number of self-help books, listened to tapes and motivational speakers, and attended
personal growth seminars on subjects and programs ranging from how to make peace with your parents
to Lifespring to diet and nutrition to self-image and confidence to dealing with anger, etc., etc. Theres
probably not a program out there that I didnt write a check to. None of them worked, either.

Finally, out of desperation, I turned to many varied alternative healing modalities. I tried hypnosis,
re-birthing, reiki, Native American rituals, chakra balancing, homeopathy, flower remedies, shamanic
healing, aromatherapy, meditation, journaling, network chiropractic, jungian psychology, NLP, various
forms of energy and body work, etc., etc. Many left me feeling good, but none yielded lasting and
tangible results...until I learned about subconscious belief change techniques. As you can imagine, I
was skeptical. After all, I had tried nearly everything on this planet...and probably would have started
searching others through astral-projection if necessary. Fortunately, these techniques worked and I
didnt have to. I jumped in with both feet and learned about and got certified in nearly every
subconscious change technique I could find. I got such powerful results within 3 days of doing these
techniques that I knew I had finally found what I had spent 13 years looking to find.....

ACT has given me my life back. I was originally interested in ACT to deal with my health. What
I didnt expect is that every other area of my life would be positively transformed as well. I know now
that my basic beliefs about myself and life are what determines my success. After seeing the results
ACT has had on my life, I knew I had to share it with others. It is now my personal mission to assist
others in realizing their full potential physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And the best part about
ACT is its simple and fun to do!

Change Your Self-Sabotaging Beliefs In Minutes

Lets be clear: this is not some magic pill you swallow, go to sleep and wake up the next morning
rich and thin. ACT does require some effort from you. You have to know what it is you want to
change, what your goals are. Then, you have to do the ACT alignments to install your new desired
beliefs that support your goals at the subconscious level. Fortunately, these balances take only minutes
to complete. Once completed, you almost never (barring a catastrophic life-threatening, traumatic
event) have to repeat the balances again.

Keep in mind, for any particular goal, there may be more than one belief associated with it for its
achievement on the tangible level...or not. Some goals, like overcoming certain phobias, may require
only one alignment. People often experience noticeable results right away, some take a few days, some

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take longer. Remember, it may have taken you a lifetime to get to where you are today, so taking a few
weeks or months (instead of years of therapy) is pretty fast. I experienced relief from my eating
disorder after only 6 WEEKS. Prior to that Id been searching for 13 YEARS.

ACT Sets Itself Apart From All Other Techniques

Heres another way of looking at it. Inside of your mind, you hold many beliefs. Some are positive
and support you in your life today. Some are negative and are reeking emotional and even physical
havoc and blocking you
from achieving your desired goals. The way ACT works at removing the ones that are blocking you
is analogous to how log-jams are removed in the logging industry. When the trees are cut down, they
are sent down a river or other form of moving water to be collected at some point downstream for
transportation to their final destination. Sometimes, however, log-jams get created and block the whole
flow of logs from moving and flowing down the river. Instead of starting log by log upstream and
working downstream to remove the block, the loggers go straight to the source of the block...the 2-6
trees downstream that are causing the block in the first place. Once those trees are removed, all the
other ones flow effortlessly and easily downstream to their final destination.

ACT Removes Blocked Beliefs Like
Trees Are Removed In A Log-Jam

In ACT, your beliefs are like the trees. You only have to identify and handle the beliefs that are
blocking your progress toward your goal. ACT has a very quick and easy way to identify which ones
those are without having to identify and remove every single log in your way. This makes the
process go much more quickly and smoothly, and with much less time and effort to get the results you
desire in your life. It zooms in on the highest priority beliefs that are sabotaging your goals. Once
removed, youre on your way! Meanwhile, other techniques insist on taking each and every
log...studying it, evaluating it, talking about it, understanding it, before ever trying to remove it.
ACT just goes for the few that created the problem in the first place...knowing that once removed,
everything else just flows through smoothly.


One person quits smoking, never smokes again, and has no desire to smoke again --they effectively
become non-smokers vs. ex-smokers. Other people try and try and try again but just cant quit. Or, if
they quit for a while, they still have a strong desire to smoke. The same it true for non-drinkers vs. ex-
drinkers or drug users, etc. The difference between a non-smoker and an ex-smoker is that the ex-
smoker still wants to smoke...and as a result they can be pretty grumpy and angry at the world in the
process. Perhaps the ex-smoker has merely substituted addictions, like food, for his/her smoking habit.
In a time of stress, an ex-smoker still craves a cigarette. Contrast this with a non-smoker. In a time of
stress, a non-smoker would not even consider turning toward a cigarette to relieve fact, it would
cause more stress! Which approach would you rather take in overcoming your habits?

In most sales organizations, 5% of the people earn giant incomes while the other 95% struggle just to
get by.

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Two people take up a game at the same time. One masters it easily and enjoys it immensely. The other
person cant get it, struggles mightily, loses his temper often and eventually gives up altogether.

What Is THE Difference That Makes A Difference?

It is their beliefs at the subconscious level about who they are and what they can achieve that affects
their performance. It is their basic programming. With ACT, you can re-program your self-
sabotaging beliefs in minutes. And given that ability, you will literally be able to speed up the pace of
and eliminate the difficulty of accomplishing just about anything you want in life. I know that is a
huge promise, but there is abundant case history evidence since 1995 of exactly that happening, for
one person after another, thanks to ACT.

You see, your life is a reflection of your beliefs. These beliefs - usually subconscious - are the
cumulative effect of life-long programming. As a result of past negative programming we
sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways. ACT provides a user-friendly way to re-write
the software of your mind by changing beliefs that sabotage you into beliefs that support you...quickly
and easily.

When you rewrite the software of your mind, you change the printout of your life.

With ACT, you will discover your body/minds inner wisdom and its extraordinary ability to
change negative, life-long beliefs.

How It All Works

I. The Mind/Body Connection
1) The link between beliefs and biology is well established. Both the scientific research and
the popular press are replete with studies and anecdotal accounts of the effect of the mind on the body.
The emerging field of mind/body psychology is a testament to the coming of age of this idea.

2) The "placebo effect" as it is pejoratively described by many in the mainstream medical
community, is viewed by an ever increasing number of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, not as a
problem to be factored out of clinical trials, but as a source of insight into mental and physical health.

Shift Happens!

But lets face it, making the shifts youve always wanted hasnt always been easy, has it? And its
certainly not because you havent been trying hard. It all boils down to your subconscious
programming and beliefs. Unfortunately, most of us rarely ever have an opportunity to find out what
they are, never mind actually change them. But now, with ACT, you can learn to change self-
sabotaging beliefs in minutes to create the changes you desire quickly.

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No telling your life story for the umpteenth time, no mental
gymnastics, no journaling, no fluff, no gimmicks.
The process is simple, direct, & verifiable.

While its true that the only thing constant in life is change, its now completely within your reach with
ACT to learn how to manage and direct change in the way you desire instead of being a victim of the
external forces and circumstances in your life.

When Your Subconscious Beliefs Shift, You Can Shift

ACT helps greatly whenever your subconscious beliefs are holding you back. Most clients report
that their relationships with their family, friends and work changed for the better as their subconscious
beliefs were changed by doing ACT alignments. Many clients report accelerated recovery from
childhood emotional, physical, and sexual trauma and from more recent debilitating life trauma as well.

In Order To Change The Printout Of Your Life,
You Must Learn To Rewrite The Software Of Your Mind

The subconscious mind is your storehouse of all past experiences, values, attitudes, and beliefs. Old,
painful emotions get stored as programs in your subconscious mind where they hamper our responses
to life. With ACT, you simply access these programs and use whole-brain techniques to change
them into the programs you desire. Operating out of this new belief potential, you can then make
different choices in your life instead of running those old, automatic programs that keep you stuck.

II. The Power of Subconscious Beliefs
1. Beliefs are the building blocks of our behaviors and have a direct effect on our biology.
They are derived from personal experiences and reinforced through social conditioning. Beliefs affect
our moods, relationships, job performance, self-image and physical health, as well as virtually every
other area of our lives.

2. With such a profound affect on every aspect of our lives, it is imperative that we know how
to identify beliefs that are limiting us and how to change them into beliefs that support us, behaviorally
and physically.

3. These subconscious beliefs create the perceptual filters through which we respond to life.
They form the basis of our actions and reactions to lifes challenges. They directly affect our biological
responses to our environment, determining whether we respond out of eustress or distress. In turn,
the minds response to stimuli in the environment can create a biological response that is either
immune enhancing or immune suppressing...which directly affects our performance.

Ever Try To Change Your Mind,
Only To Find Out That Your Mind Has A Mind Of Its Own?

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If youve ever tried to change something and experienced some difficulty, then you know exactly what
I mean. But why is that? Well, its actually because you do have two minds...a conscious mind and a
subconscious mind.

III. There Are Differences Between The Conscious And Subconscious Minds
1. The conscious mind is volitional, thinks abstractly, is time bound and has a limited
processing capacity of 1-3 events at a processing rate that averages 2 thousand bits of information per

2. The subconscious mind is habitual, thinks concretely, is timeless and has an expanded
processing capacity of thousands of events at a time at a rate averaging 4 billion bits of information per

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist says that our minds work the same way as computers and that over
99% of the power of our mind is in the subconscious, the hard drive of our bio-computer.

The Subconscious Mind Is Like The Hard Drive On Your Computer.
Your Beliefs Are The Software.
Your Life Is Like The Printer Thats Just
Printing Out Whats In The Software.

IV. Left-Right Brain /Whole-Brain Thinking

1) The left hemisphere of the brain processes differently than the right hemisphere. The
qualities of the left and right hemispheres have been established by years of exploration in the areas of
brain dominance theory and split brain research.

2) The left hemisphere is the seat of logic, words, analysis, and order. It controls motor
functions on the right side of the body.

3) The right hemisphere is the seat of emotions, pictures, synthesis and freedom of expression.
It controls motor movements on the left side of the body.

4) The propensity for people to process life experiences from a non-integrated perspective, i.e.
over-identification with one side of the brain or the other, verses a whole-brain state, i.e. a balanced
identification with both sides of the brain, is thought to be a significant factor in creating limited
behavioral responses in any given situation.

In an article in the Jungian Journal, Ernest L. Rossi, Ph.D (Editor), Psychological Perspectives Vol. l9
No. l, 1988, suggests that a good case can be made for the view that the source of all conflict stems
from the fallacy of falling into one or the other of the brain's opposites i.e. analysis vs. synthesis, reason
vs. intuition, extroversion vs. introversion, outer vs. inner, male vs. female, friend vs. enemy, etc.
Such a list is endless. These polarities immediately manifest themselves in every field of human
thought and endeavor. A good case can be made for the view that the source of all conflict stems from
the fallacy of falling into one or the other of these opposites.

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In their book entitled, The Awakened Mind, 1979, C. Maxwell Cade and Nona Coxhood, (biofeedback
researchers) suggest that the EEG patterns of people with exceptional abilities, including healing
abilities, are shown to be in balance with both hemispheres of the brain, thus creating a whole-
brained state.

5) The benefits of whole-brain processing are evident in the area of changing subconscious
beliefs as well as in increasing behavioral flexibility. A limited perception, (homolateral processing)
reinforces existing behaviors and thought processes. A whole-brain perception increases the
subconscious mind's ability to internalize new perceptions, i.e. accept new beliefs.

V. Communication with the Subconscious Mind
1) Since subconscious beliefs are below the level of conscious awareness, insight based, talk
therapies are seldom effective in communicating with the subconscious mind. Abstract thinking, i.e.
"reasoning things out," is the domain of the conscious mind.

2) The proper use of muscle testing can be an effective and reliable way of communicating
directly with the subconscious. Muscle testing can be used to determine what thoughts are stressful to
the body, as well as what ideas (beliefs) are supported or not supported at the subconscious level of the
mind. It can be used as a stress detector, conflict detector and as a yes/no communication system with
the subconscious.

3.) Muscle testing can be used to identify whether or not the subconscious mind harbors beliefs
that support health or sabotage it. Formatted as a first person, present tense statement of belief, any
statement can be tested for conflict or congruency at the subconscious level.

VI. The Disease Resistant/Self-Healing Personality
1) An entire spectrum of studies support the findings that there is a "disease-resistant" as well
as a "self-healing" personality. People with these personality traits enjoy better health than the
population at large.

2) Some traits associated with wellness and healing are; enthusiasm, alertness, responsiveness,
curiosity, security, high self-esteem, and contentment. Also notable are the abilities to fully commit to
the values in one's life, to see yourself as in control of your life and health, and to be able to meet the
challenges life brings with a sense of growth and excitement.

Other important traits include the ability to express anger, resolve fears, manage loss, forgive self and
others, and to see the world filled with hope.

3) Healthful traits are supported by healthful subconscious beliefs.

Some Examples: "I feel safe, secure and confident in the world."
"I am a good person and deserve to be healthy."
"I express my anger openly and honestly."
"I accept myself as I am, including my imperfections."
"My body heals itself, naturally and quickly."
"I accept health as being a natural part of my life."

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4) Similar immune-enhancing beliefs can be derived from any set of immune enhancing traits.

When Visualization, Willpower, Affirmations,
& Positive Thinking Arent Enough To Create
Lasting Changes in Your Life

VII. Beyond Visualization, Willpower, Affirmations, & Positive Thinking
1. Most change modalities using statements, rely on visualization, affirmations, and/or positive
thinking (will power) to accomplish the task of introducing these statements to the subconscious.
These approaches are most effective at the conscious level of the mind, not the subconscious.

2. By using ACT whole-brain techniques, derived from years of scientific research in brain
dominance theory, the subconscious can be prepared to receive the new beliefs with minimum

3. Reading books, attending workshops, listening to tapes, getting motivated and gaining
insight alone (i.e. talk-therapy) dont create the positive lasting results you desire because they dont
get to the level of the subconscious mind. Insight is seldom a sufficient condition for creating lasting

4) Muscle testing is used to discover which beliefs need to be accepted by the subconscious to
create the desired change. The ACT Alignment Techniques are used to establish a simultaneous
stimulation of the left and right hemispheres of the brain while the desired belief statement is
introduced to the subconscious.

VIII. Leveraging the Placebo Effect
Many mainstream medical practitioners still consider the effects of beliefs to be "mere placebo." Any
serious, integrated medical approach to wellness will have to include this ubiquitous and powerful
variable in the healing equation. Methodologies that leverage beliefs as an important healing tool are
likely to proliferate in the next century.

IX. Bottom Line Results in Business
ACT can improve your bottom line and enhance your business performance. ACT has been used
in business applications since 1995. It has been presented in the context of stress management, team
building, sales performance, visioning, and communications training.

Organizations dont change until people change! ACT deals with the often unrecognized impact of
the subconscious mind. It is the storehouse for core beliefs that direct our behaviors and dramatically
influence performance both personally and professionally. With ACT, you make direct contact with
the subconscious mind, identify beliefs that may be sabotaging you and transform them into beliefs that
support you. Whole brain thinking creates a receptive state for enhancing personal mastery, releasing
emotional blocks to peak performance and fostering systems thinking. The process is simple, direct
and verifiable.

The time is right for ACT in your business. As businesses and organizations are down sizing,
right sizing, reengineering, becoming learning organizations, doing total quality management,

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instituting principle centered leadership, and in general are wondering why all their efforts arent
producing better results! It is time to explain why good training, good intentions and motivation just
arent enough.

The missing link in all these approaches is the subconscious mind. Successful communications
training for the 21st century will have to include communication techniques for the subconscious.
ACT is uniquely positioned to provide that training. Both Peter Senge, in his book The Fifth
Discipline, as well as Steven Covey in his book Principle Centered Leadership, allude to the
importance of the subconscious mind in improving performance and in changing existing business
paradigms. While more and more people are talking about the problem, no one seems to be offering
viable solutions. This environment of a problem without a solution lays the foundation for the
introduction of ACT into the equation.

ACT is designed to complement rather than compete with or replace other skills based training. For
example, ACT does not replace typical sales training which would include how to prospect, do a
needs assessment, or close a sale. It will, however, help sales people use those skills at an optimal
level, without the usual self-sabotaging thought patterns that generate self-sabotaging behaviors. It can
be used to support a companys vision/value statement, by internalizing the statement at a
personal/subconscious level.

Organizations dont change until people change. In other words, the energy and spirit of any
organization is a product of the collective attitudes, the core values and operative beliefs of the
employees who comprise the organization. Unless individuals are willing to recognize and review
their own beliefs and values as they relate to the organizations goals and values, lasting change is
unlikely at best. No matter how well intentioned and willing people may be consciously to change,
when the actions or behaviors required to make the necessary changes are not supported
subconsciously, the result will usually be mixed, short-lived, disappointing or even

counterproductive! Often people blame each other, company management or the philosophy of the
program itself for the poor results rather than recognizing that their own self-defeating behaviors are
the result of subconscious resistance to change.

The old paradigm for change is as follows:

The Old Paradigm

Identify Problem
(current reality)

Identify Solution
(desired reality)

Create Action Plan

Implement Plan

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The new paradigm for change:

The New Paradigm

Identify Problem
(current reality)

Identify Solution
(desired reality)

Identify Actions/Behaviors Necessary for Change

Identify Beliefs Necessary
To Support Actions/Behaviors

Subconscious Mind Using ACT

Create Action Plan

Implement Plan

Contemporary business experts agree that in order to be more competitive and profitable in todays
world marketplace, organizations need to shift paradigms. The key to shifting the organizational
paradigm is the ability to shift personal paradigms... to transform personal beliefs, attitudes, and

ACT is a missing link to productivity and success. It is a way to increase the effectiveness of
existing training and getting the most out of the training dollars already invested. It is a kind of
insurance policy for training programs not yet implemented by an organization. ACT will
dramatically increase the likelihood that

a new training program will be sucessful because it will help align subconscious beliefs with the
behavioral goals of the new program.

Changing individual behavior is similar to rewriting the software of a personal computer. Just as you
are able to change the printout of a computer by changing the software, you can change personal
behavior by changing beliefs.

Our beliefs determine our actions and our actions determine our results!

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Quantifiable Benefits Of ACT

Enhancing Personal and Business Effectiveness

Releasing Fears and Doubts That Block Peak Performance

Increasing Energy and Vitality By Unleashing Beliefs Associated With Wellness

Revitalizing Your Spirit and Connection With Your Vision, Purpose, Mission, & Blessing

Whether the goal is to be a successful leader, entrepreneur, trainer, salesperson or communicator - in
fact, whatever your role - supportive beliefs are the key psychological ingredient. ACT utilizes the
natural neurological link between the mind and body to communicate with the subconscious mind...the
storehouse for attitudes and beliefs. This process creates a unique state of mind which enables the
individual to replace old self-defeating beliefs with new self-empowering ones. The process is simple,
direct, and verifiable.

What Can You Expect From ACT?

These are just some of the ways thousands of people like you have benefited from ACT over the
past 15 years. Many report that ACT helped them when nothing else worked.

*Get Organized/Focused *Improve & Attract Relationships *Achieve Personal/Professional Goals
*Stop Procrastinating *Weight Management *Increase Self-Image/Esteem/Confidence
*Make More Money/Sales *Habit Control *Increase Creativity/Clarity/Balance
*Attract Ideal Clients *Improve Memory *Improve Leadership Skills
*Raise Fees *Release Resentment/Guilt *Reduce Pain, Allergies, Insomnia
*Discover/Live Life Purpose *Improve Spirituality/Meditation *Deal with Grief/Loss
*Increase Sales *Experience Forgiveness/Peace *Improve Health/Chronic Conditions
*Increase Energy *Eliminate Fears/Phobias *Peak Athletic & Life Performance
*Manage Stress/Anxiety *Change Negative Patterns *Overcome Addictions/Eating Disorders
*Improve Communication Skills *Overcome Depression *Deal with Learning Disabilities, ADD/HD
*Attract New Opportunities/Luck *Control Anger *Experience Unconditional Love
*Improve/Change Your Business *Eliminate head trash *Have Outrageous Fun!!!

Meet The Originator Of ACT, The Contemporary Visionary
Change Agent And Business Leader Who Brought
These Two Experiences Together To Create ACT

Nikkea B. Devida set about the challenging task of assembling the ultimate, integrated, up-to-date,
practical, results-oriented, how-to technique bringing the most effective discoveries and techniques
forward, for those who desire them. She has had over 15 years experience providing success education
to individuals and corporations. A more detailed introduction to Nikkea B. Devida appears at the end
of this document.

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Here Were Nikkea B. Devidas Requirements To Offer A Belief
Change System Far Superior To Anything Else Put Forward In
The Field Of Personal And Performance Improvement

1. Solidly based on SCIENCE, not made up ideas or theory

2. Totally PRACTICAL

3. Rich with useable TECHNIQUES that are EFFECTIVE

4. EASY to learn and apply

5. NO special education required. Anybody can learn and use ACT

6. BIG PAY-OFF. A technique that produces real, clearly visible, dramatic, dynamic change,

7. GUARANTEE, so you can prove value without risk

8. CUTTING EDGE. DIFFERENT. Not old hat. Nikkea B. Devida is so far ahead of her time
in this technique that the world at large is just beginning to understand and embrace this

9. Works in perfect harmony and collaboration (vs. competition) with all other change modalities
and increases their effectiveness when used with ACT.

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The 19 Most Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
About ACT That May Change Your Life, Too

In preparing this letter, and to give you ALL the information you need to make the decision to opt FOR
ACT, I wanted to compile a list of the most frequently asked questions - and I believe these would
be the questions youd ask, too. So, here are a few of the most commonly asked questions:

1. Q: What Is ACT?

A: ACT is a unique and direct way to identify and change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate
old habits and behaviors that you want to change. It is a simple process that helps you communicate
with your subconscious mind so you can change old beliefs that sabotage your goals in life. ACT is
a user-friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind in order to change old ways of thinking and
behaving that limit your you.

You Create Your Own Reality

Your reality is created by your beliefs. These beliefs, usually subconscious, are often the result of
lifelong programming, and represent a powerful influence on human behavior. It is from our beliefs
that we form attitudes about the world and ourselves, and from these attitudes we develop behaviors.
Usually, it is self-defeating behaviors we wish to change. Often the most effective way to change a
behavior is to change the belief or beliefs that support it. ACT provides a variety of ways to quickly
identify and transform beliefs that sabotage you into beliefs that support you. When you change
your beliefs, you change your reality.

2. Q: Where Did ACT Come From?

A: Most people are curious about ACT's roots. ACT includes information and patterns for
accelerating personal growth and change. ACT is derived from various fields of study including
several forms of kinesiology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ericksonian hypnotherapy, Feng
Shui, Chakra Balancing, and various other healing systems. ACT is a safe and effective way to
dissolve resistance to change at the subconscious level. It helps you transform limitations into

3. Q: How Does ACT Work?

A. ACT is about self-discovery, change and success. It is a unique technology evolving from
years of split-brain research. ACT creates a receptive state of mind that dramatically reduces the
subconscious resistance to changing self-defeating beliefs into self-empowering ones.
Have you ever wondered why the majority of skills based training and motivational programs
produced limited or temporary changes - and why after the initial pump and excitement youre back
to business as usual?

Contemporary business philosophers such as Stephen Covey, Peter Senge, W. Edwards Deming and
others have suggested that it is insufficient to make behavioral changes based on insight and motivation
alone. To have a new behavior mobilized and then sustained over time, we must access and transform

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the underlying beliefs and attitudes that drive the behavior.

4. Q: Why Is ACT Different From Other Change Techniques?

A: ACT is the missing communication link between the conscious and the subconscious mind.
ACT communicates directly with the subconscious mind, which is the storehouse of all past
experiences, values and beliefs. According to Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist in Santa Cruz, CA, the
conscious mind processes approximately 2000 bits of information per second. That sounds like a lot
until you compare it with the subconscious mind, which processes approximately 4 BILLION bits of
information per second. Therefore, over 99% of your power is in your subconscious mind. Thats also
why conscious goal-setting and willpower often fail. Viewed another way, if you looked up into
the night sky, one star out of the entire sky represents your conscious mind. All the rest that you see
(and even all you dont!) represents your subconscious mind. ACT utilized whole-brain integration
techniques to create a receptive state of the subconscious to internalize new beliefs.

5. Q: How Do We Access And Change The Underlying Beliefs And Attitudes In Order
To Sustain Real And Lasting Change?

A: The answer lies at the level below our conscious awareness known as the subconscious - the
storehouse for past experiences, attitudes, and beliefs. Even well intentioned, motivated and
committed individuals often sabotage themselves because the subconscious mind harbors beliefs that
are contrary to success. These limiting beliefs are created from past experiences and are often out
dated and unworthy of who we are now, and who we are becoming.

The subconscious mind can be accessed in a way similar to the storage memory in a personal
computer. ACT works like a mental keyboard - a user-friendly method of communicating with the
subconscious mind that is simple, direct, and verifiable. This method of communication enables us to
identify the underlying, limiting beliefs and repattern them, so they align with the principles and
philosophies that produce lasting successful behaviors, actions and results.

This unique technology is easy to learn, fun to use and dramatically increases personal and professional

6. Q: What Is An ACT Alignment?

A: An ACT Alignment is a technique designed to create a balanced identification with both
hemispheres of the brain. This whole-brain state is ideal for reprogramming the mind with new
positive beliefs, reducing unwanted stress and helping you to access your full response potential in
meeting lifes challenges.

Steven Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says although people use both sides
of the brain, one side or the other generally tends to be dominant in each individual. Of course, the
ideal would be to cultivate and develop the ability to have good crossover between both sides of the
brain so that a person could first sense what the situation called for and then use the appropriate tool
to deal with it.

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That is exactly what an ACT alignment does.

It is important to remember that aligning creates potential, you create results! For example, if you
align to be an Olympic athlete, you must still do the necessary training and physical conditioning to
realize your goal. The alignment will release any subconscious resistance you may have to achieving
the goal, so that the effort you put forward in training will produce maximum results.
Another example might be aligning for a health-related issue. While an alignment will help to reduce
the stress and inner conflict that may be supporting the presence of the dis-ease in your body, it is still
important to take all the appropriate physical steps to help the body heal itself i.e. medical treatment,
diet, exercise, rest, etc.

7. Q: How Long Does It Take For An Alignment To Work?

A: The results of an alignment can be felt instantaneously or it can evolve over time (hours, days,
weeks or longer). For example, if your goal is to find a new job, releasing the fear of changing jobs or
being unemployed may be felt at the time of the alignment, however acquiring the new job may take
additional time.

8. Q: How Long Does An Alignment Last?

A: Alignments seem to last until they are no longer useful to the subconscious mind or until you
decide to align for a new goal. Life is an evolutionary process, so what you align for at one point in
your life may be inappropriate at another time. Without the use of ACT life itself would remind you
when it is time to change some aspect of your reality. Unfortunately, the reminder often takes the form
of a trauma or other emotionally charged situation in order to get your attention. ACT enables you to
consciously direct key changes in your life without unnecessary pain or difficulty.

In the event that you find yourself re-creating behaviors or thoughts that you have previously aligned to
release, it is useful to ask yourself, What benefit do I gain from the old thoughts or behaviors?
When this question is considered openly and honestly, the result is usually very revealing. You may
wish to do another alignment which takes into account the secondary gain issues which resulted in
the manifestation of the old ways.

Regardless of the goal of an alignment you can always exercise free will in the implementation of the

9. Q: Is ACT The Same As NLP? Hypnosis? Other Forms Of Kinesiology? Energy
Work? Etc.?

A: The short answer is "yes" and "no." ACT is a unique blend of many healing modalities.
Students of other healing approaches will see ACT through their own "filters" and find similarities to
what they know. Nikkea has been certified and/or completed training in NLP, Hypnotherapy, Psych-K,
Reiki, Educational Kinesiology, Chakra Balancing, as well as various forms of "hands on" healing
techniques. In addition to these trainings, she has read countless books on how to effect positive
change both personally and professionally.

ACT came into existence more as both an act of spiritual surrender as well as a dedicated synthesis

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of the best change techniques available today. The synthesis of these diverse approaches to change
came about during some spiritual downloads 2004.

10. Q: Is ACT "Mind Control?" New Age? Incompatible With My Religion?
Dangerous? Difficult?

A: These question come up occasionally. It is important to recognize the real question behind
these questions. The real question is, "Are you going to try to control my mind without my
permission?" It comes from various sources and it is important to honor the beliefs that create this
question. The important message to convey is that ACT gives you knowledge about how you can
stay in control of your own mind, rather than

being vulnerable to the desires of others. So, the answer to the question, "Is ACT mind control,
etc.?" is "No, because it gives you control over your own mind!" ACT teaches you how to
strengthen the beliefs you choose, it does not choose those beliefs you should strengthen. In that
regard, ACT crosses all dividing lines and is compatible with all religious beliefs.

ACT actually takes the mystery away from the inner workings of your own mind. Its like Mind
Mechanics 101. Not only is there nothing to fear, there is much to be excited about: probably for the
first time, you will be placed in the drivers seat, to deliberately marshal and direct your mental powers
and potential.

11. Q: What Is Muscle Testing and How Does It Work?

A: Muscle testing was discovered over 30 years ago by George Goodheart, D.C. (the originator
of Applied Kinesiology) and in ACT, it is used as an easy and effective way to communicate directly
with the subconscious portion of the mind. The subconscious mind controls the autonomic nervous
system and is responsible for our automatic physical and neurological functions. For example, our
bodies move because the subconscious mind directs a complex set of electrical signals to the right
muscles at the right time to perform a task such as reaching for an object. The strength of the electrical
signal will determine the strength of the response in the muscles of the body. The electrical signal is
dramatically affected by what kind of thoughts are being contemplated in the mind. When the mind is
holding a stressful thought, an electrical conflict is created (typified by an over-identification with the
left or right hemisphere of the brain) and the signal strength to the body is reduced, resulting in a
weakened muscle response. The same thing happens when a person makes a statement with which the
subconscious mind disagrees. The result is a weakened response in the muscles of the body.
Consequently, muscle testing can be used to determine what thoughts are stressful to the body, as well
as what ideas (beliefs) are supported or not supported at the subconscious level.

12. Q: How Can Beliefs I've Had For Years Change In Just A Few Minutes With

A: Most people think of negative beliefs as if they were actually people in their head trying to
make their life miserable! Its the same way people tend to think of word processing documents stored
in a computer as "little tiny" documents. This, of course, is not the way it is. Both the software in a

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computer and the beliefs in a persons memory are patterns of energy held in an electromagnetic field.
When the field is disturbed the pattern changes. A pattern of energy held in a computer for 30 years
can be altered or deleted just as quickly as a pattern that has been in the computer for 30 minutes! So it
is with the mind. It is all about how to alter the pattern, not about how long the pattern has been there.

Most traditional and even alternative change modalities rely on insight as the primary means of trying
to change the pattern. Unfortunately, the subconscious mind is not "wired" for logic as its preferred
communication system. It is sensory based, (knows the world through the five human senses) rather
than through the logic of the conscious mind. Consequently, it responds much better to sensory-based
language. ACT alignments are processes that open the doorway to deliver the new belief to the
subconscious mind, in a sensory-based format.

13. Q: How Often Do I Have To Reinforce The Alignment?

A: This question arises from the notion that the belief didn't really change and that the
old belief is just waiting for you to let down your guard so it can come back and sabotage your
happiness. Occasionally an alignment will require some support activity to speed up the integration of
the new belief, but it is very rare that someone will have to align for the exact same belief twice.

14. Q: Do I Have To Re-experience The Painful Feelings Of The Past To Release Them?

A: Most mainstream psychotherapy assumes that tapping into emotions is a prerequisite to
meaningful change. ACT doesn't make the same assumption. It has been my experience that when
the subconscious mind has to access an emotion to change a belief it will. When it is not necessary to
do so, it will not create emotional catharsis just for the effect unless that is the expectation of the
participant. It should not be your intention to suppress emotions as they relate to the belief change
process, however it is no more profound to have a belief change just because it is accompanied by an
expression of emotion. Each person is different and each issue is different for each person. So, release
expectations of the outcome and be curious about what it will take to change the belief.

15. Q. Why Is It Important To Choose A Technique That Deals Directly With Changing
Beliefs At The Subconscious Level? Why Isnt Conscious Goal-Setting And Positive
Thinking Enough? How Do I Know If A Belief Got Changed?

A. As mentioned earlier, the subconscious mind is the storehouse for past experiences, attitudes,
and beliefs. Even well intentioned, motivated and committed individuals often sabotage themselves
because the subconscious mind harbors beliefs that are contrary to success. These limiting beliefs
created from past experiences operate even while we have conscious goals to the contrary. As much as
we might think positively and use conscious affirmations, those old tapes just keep running.

Your Mind Works A Lot Like Your Car

Using a car analogy, having conscious goals and subconscious beliefs opposing eachother and not in
harmony with eachother is like having your foot on the gas pedal and on the brake at the same time.
You dont move forward very easily, if at all...and at a great expenditure of energy, not to mention
possible damage to your motor! Once you take your foot off the brakes (changing your sabotaging

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subconscious beliefs) you can move forward with your conscious goals much more easily and with
much less effort.

ACT works like a mental keyboard - a user-friendly method of communicating with the
subconscious mind that is simple, direct, and verifiable. This method of communication enables us to
identify the underlying, limiting beliefs and repattern them, so they align with the principles and
philosophies that produce lasting successful behaviors, actions and results. It is directly verifiable in
that your beliefs get pre-tested and post-tested with you present so you can see for yourself that a
change took place. No more guess work, hoping that the change took place.

Using a car analogy again, your car has a gas gauge. The gas gauge is your cars internal meter that
you can see that tells you when its full or when its empty. Your body also has a similar gauge and
can be accessed through kinesiology. A negative belief will register as empty. After it has been
changed using a Balance, it will register full. And the before and after is as clear to you as the gas
gauge in your car registering empty and then full.

16. Q: What Sets ACT Apart from Other Change Modalities?

A: ACT differs from other approaches to creating change.
ACT addresses the root cause of many challenges and unwanted patterns.
ACT is a "do with" rather than a "do to" approach.
ACT emphasizes strong permission protocols, so that every action is in the highest and best
good of the client/recipient.
ACT easily integrates other modalities.

Root Cause. ACT embraces the notion of cause-and-effect. Imagine a chain of events over time,
where A causes B, which causes C, and so on, until today we have some presenting issue or symptom
called Q. In our culture, we often treat Q as the problem, rather than merely a presenting symptom,
circumstance, or condition, because we have no easy way to identify and change the "cause."

Further, even modalities that seek to discover the "cause" tend to think in terms of some prior event,
something that happened to "cause" the present behavior pattern or symptom. However, such an
"original event" is history. What remains in the present are the memory of the event and, more
important, beliefs about ourselves and/or the world.

At the time of the "original event," our mind created and internalized certain self-protective beliefs.
Over time, our system may have attracted additional people or circumstances that reinforced these

Today, these beliefs influence or even direct how we perceive not only that original event, but new
events that mimic that original event in some way. In other words, these old beliefs direct and limit
our present perception. Seen in this way, it does not matter whether a belief was created 10 years ago
or 10 minutes ago; the effect is the same.

Using ACT, the solution is also the same, and change occurs at an accelerated rate in comparison
with other change modalities.

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A "do with" approach. Using ACT, your subconscious mind directs the entire process and validates
every decision. The facilitator merely provides support and some guidance. This contrasts with "do to"
approaches common to many other healing and change modalities, where the facilitator or practitioner
directs the process. In this sense, ACT emphasizes and relies upon your innate intelligence or inner
knowing, rather than on your conscious mind.

Permission protocols. ACT also differs from other approaches in its rich focus on seeking
permission before taking each significant step in the change process. Your system selects only those
beliefs that are in your highest and best good. Every belief change and every action is made only when
and if your entire systemphysical, mental, emotional, and spiritualgives explicit permission and is
ready to receive and integrate that change or action.

Integrating other modalities. Because of its permission protocols, ACT supports a comprehensive
process for healing and well-being. Other modalities such as NLP, hypnosis, EFT, EMDR, Psych-K,
massage, energy work, chiropractic, Feng Shui, and many others automatically become "part of the
process" whenever your subconscious mind gives permission.

17. Q: Why Havent I Heard Of ACT Before?

A: Nikkea B. Devida, the originator of ACT was the only person doing private consultations
and training seminars. She was one person getting the word out. She primarily stayed in her local area
where she had her home and private practice. She did trainings out of town when groups of people in
other areas asked her to come and they would sponsor her. That was pretty much the extent of it. It
wasnt until 2010 that Nikkea knew she needed to get ACT out to more people. Her 15 years of
doing private work and workshops proved that people were getting incredible results in their lives,
more than with other programs and techniques. The question was, how was she going to do it? She
wanted to reach tens of thousands of people, but still wanted to have a life! So, in 2010, she recorded
the video and audio of her 3 day ACT Workshops to teach other people about ACT. With the
ACT Home Study Course and ACT Mentorship Program out there to do the work she had been
doing, Nikkea can now focus on some of the more strategic tasks of writing a book on ACT, keeping
in close, intimate contact with each of her clients to provide additional guidance and training, and
focusing on getting the word out with speaking engagements and appearances to share ACT with the

18. Q: Who Will Benefit Most From ACT?

A: In trying to honestly answer this question, I must admit had some great laughs. Frankly, I
couldnt come up with any category of people who could NOT benefit from ACT. But here are
some general categories of people and how theyve used ACT to their benefit:

other creative people who want to dramatically strengthen their creative powers and turn their ideas
and talents into riches.

exciting tools for enhancing others self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline, and performance both
personally and professionally.

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EXECUTIVES, MANAGER, STAFF who are feeling the pressure of juggling multiple
priorities......who could profit from better concentration, goal clarity, focus, creativity, decisive
problem-solving, and organization.

4. CHANGE AGENTS AND THOUGHT LEADERS who must influence, motivate, manage, solicit
cooperation, and secure the confidence of others everyday.....who shoulder huge responsibility and
need strategies for converting pressure and stress to energy and optimism.

5. SALES PROFESSIONALS who seek new levels of confidence and greater persuasive
abilities...who need new methods for thriving in times of tougher competition...who are eager to sell in
a no-resistance environment. ACT can transform your entire experience of selling!

SPORTS ENTHUSIASTS- who would love to lift their performance to a much higher level without
reliance on gadgets, gimmicks, tricks....who have a particular nagging, reoccurring problem with their
game theyd enjoy eliminating.

relationships, phobias, finances or others striving for a very particular personal goal. The individual
who is overweight, has tried diet after diet and been frustrated; the individual disappointed at the lack
of communication in a personal relationship; the shy person who would like to be more assertive; the
person with an undesirable habit to break.

8. OTHERS. I know youll probably laugh at or disbelieve this one, but even pets and animals can
benefit from ACT, as can individuals who are unconscious or comatose. Using a special technique
that is similar to prayer at a distance, the individual does not need to be conscious of or understand
the process in order to benefit from it. Keep in mind, there is a whole procedure of protocol that is
followed in getting these individuals permission to perform the work.

19. Q: Who Is The Originator of ACT?

A: Nikkea B. Devida, the originator of ACT, has achieved something that only a handful of
women in the country can claim. She is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy where she
earned a degree in Business Management. She served as an active duty military officer in the Air Force
where she was responsible for negotiating, awarding, and managing over 200 million dollars of
electronic systems defense contracts. She received several awards and honors during her career,
including the Air Force Achievement Medal, the Albert R. Shiely Award, and the Secretary of Defense
Superior Management Award. She negotiated high-visibility programs such as Star Wars and the
Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

After leaving the military, Nikkea spent the next 8 years on the fast track to success in the corporate
world, holding management positions at Bindley Western Drug Co., Macmillan Publishing, and
Disney. These fast-paced and high stress environments led her to ask the question Are we having any
fun yet? It was her commitment to put the fun back in functional that led her to explore other
career paths outside the corporate arena as a professional Accelerated Change Template (ACT), Feng

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Shui, and personal effectiveness speaker, consultant, and instructor...and singer/songwriter. Ironically,
it was her successful experience as an entrepreneur that led her back to the corporate arena. She
discovered there were simpler, more effective ways to manage our minds and direct our lives, both
personally and professionally. Nikkeas high tech/high touch background enables her to provide a
powerful, practical, yet creative real world orientation to her training programs and individual
consulting services. She leads workshops for both large and small organizations who are ready to
explore new and better ways to manage change in the workplace.

Because of her ability to help individuals and groups manage accelerated change, Nikkea has become
a speaker, consultant, and seminar leader specializing in the area of personal/professional change,
performance, and development. She is a popular facilitator of in-house business programs and leads a
variety of workshops for the general public.

ACT is a non-invasive, interactive process of change. It uses simple, yet powerful techniques to
identify negative beliefs that sabotage success and change them into positive beliefs that support it,
both personally and professionally. This amazing transformational technology is especially designed
for business performance enhancement . ACT is especially effective in training environments
addressing peak sales performance, stress management, team building and leadership training.

In addition to public seminars and workshops specifically tailored for individual organizations, Nikkea
also maintains a private consulting business in Oxnard, CA, where she works with clients on an
individual basis. She studies and practices Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui with His Holiness
Grandmaster Thomas Lin Yun Rimpoche in Berkeley, CA. Nikkea studied Interior Decorating,
Arranging, and Landscaping at Indiana University/Purdue University in Indianapolis, IN.

Have You Tried A Lot Of Things That Didnt Work?
Are You Frustrated With Programs & Techniques That:

1. Take too long. Other programs often take weeks, months, even years to see results.

With ACT, many people notice changes within minutes! And it doesnt need repetitive
reinforcement to work or to last.

2. Dont last. You may feel better...for a while. Then, within a few days or weeks, youre right back
to your old behaviors and patterns.

With ACT you can change life-long beliefs in minutes and create positive lasting results.

3. Are too expensive. Are you tired of spending a lot of money on programs and techniques that
produce disappointing results?

The ACT Home Study Course is reasonably priced and, most importantly, it works! And your
satisfaction is guaranteed.

4. Are too difficult to you give up...thinking it was your lack of willpower, discipline, &
motivation that let you down.

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With ACT, theres no memorization, no bizarre and complicated psycho-babble, no lengthy
daily rituals, and no journals. ACT is effective, simple to learn, & easy to use.

5. Have inconvenient hours. Tired of 9 to 5, Monday-Friday practitioner programs?

The ACT Home Study Course will teach you these techniques so you can facilitate the change
yourselfwhenever you want. And I know youre busy, so I have evening & weekend times
available for private sessions for your convenience and to fit your schedule.

6. Have no 100%, money back guarantees. Tired of programs that dont stand behind their claims?

With ACT, your satisfaction is guaranteed 100%. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the
ACT Home Study Course, your money will be cheerfully refunded (see refund policy on order
form for more details).

7. Are confrontational & demeaning...for the sake of doing deep emotional work. Tired of
workshops where you feel emotionally beat up, at risk, and unsafe?

ACT is a non-invasive and interactive process that allows you to stay in control of the change
process at all times.

8. Subscribe to a certain religious belief or philosophy. Tired of being told what to believe?

ACT works with all religions and philosophies; it gives you control over your own mind rather
than being vulnerable to the desires of others. It teaches you how to strengthen the beliefs you
choose, it doesnt choose the beliefs you should strengthen.

9. Are based only on motivation and willpower. Motivation and willpower rarely create lasting
changes because the message never gets to the level of the mind that creates automatic behavioral
responses...the subconscious mind.

ACT is a user-friendly way to rewrite the software of the subconscious mind.

10. Dont support the tools and techniques you already know. Many approaches exclude the use
of other techniques.

ACT can be used alone or with other techniques or approaches to super-charge their

Can Anybody Put A Price On This?

Once youve experienced the benefits of ACT, you would gladly, eagerly pay thousands of dollars,
more likely $10,000.00 if you had to, to keep and use this technique. If it was possible to charge you a
yearly renewal fee, a yearly licensing fee for you to keep using these techniques - well, it boggles the

2013 Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc ~ P.O. Box 5046, Ventura, CA 93005 Page 40
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After all, what is a technique worth that finally gives you good nights sleep, peace of mind, freedom
from stress and pressure induced stomach pain? What is a technique worth that supercharges your own
confidence and dramatically increases your performance? And on and on. Well, the good news is that
you do NOT need to come up with huge sums of money to get the benefits of ACT. Nor do you
need to take days or weeks off from work, travel to a distant location, incur travel and hotel costs. The
ACT training and information is now conveniently and affordably available in the ACT Home
Study System and the ACT Mentorship Programs.

You can have the benefits of the ACT training workshop in a much shorter time than anything else
youve tried, which ends up saving you many hundreds, even thousands of dollars of money down the
drain for all those things that didnt work and didnt bring the lasting results you were looking for.
Why take an endless number of weekend workshops, gut wrenching and pillow bashing private
counseling or healing sessions that end up taking many months, if not years of prolonged agony dealing
with the same darned issue when you can take care of it easily and quickly, usually in less than 6
private sessionswith yourself! Thats the maximum number of sessions Ive seen it take for almost
any issue. Most take less time than that.

When you work out the economics, you can easily spend over $5,000 over a years time in seeking help
through those other grueling methods. Going to a therapist alone can cost you at least $100 per visit,
once per week for years. One year of therapy is over $5,000! Not to mention the cost of all the books,
tapes, workshop, and speakers you go through in a year.

With the ACT Programs, you can have the benefits of a 3 day workshop from the comfort of your
own home. There is nothing else you can invest in that will so dramatically, positively and measurably
improve your life. And I AM willing to guarantee just that. Not only that, but it wont take you an
agonizing number of months, even years to see results. Youll notice results within the equivalent of 6
private sessions. In fact, I want you to experience the benefits of ACT and prove its power,
completely risk free.

If Your Friends Dont Actually Accuse You
Of Being A Changed Person,
I Want To Give You Your Money Back!

A simple guarantee: if you are not completely satisfied that ACT is everything Ive promised and
much more, if you arent excited about it, if your family and friends arent asking hey, whats gotten
into you?, if you arent telling others they have to get this too, then I want to give you your money
back , no questions, no hassle. I want you to be convinced that ACT has been what youve been
waiting for....suddenly easier, faster achievement of even your toughest goals - or your money back.

This boils down to a very simple, sensible proposition: if theres SOMEthing, ANYthing youd like to
change or improve in any aspect of your life, then why wouldnt you put ACT to the test and
schedule a private, completely confidential consultation?

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Heres What To Do Next:

Claim Your Bonus Gift: The opportunity to apply for a complimentary Accelerated Results Momentum
For a limited time, we are offering the opportunity to apply for a Complimentary Accelerated Results
Momentum Session to explore what your biggest challenge is with overcoming blocks, getting unstuck,
and achieving your goals faster and easier so you can have a powerful breakthrough in your business
and your life. We have a limited number of appointments available. We request that you only apply if
you are ready to invest in yourself and are serious about dramatically increasing your results and
making a quantum leap in your business and/or life.
To apply for your session with Nikkea B. Devida, take a few moments and fill out our survey here:
If you qualify, we'll be in touch to schedule your call!

I urge you to do this NOW, while it is fresh in your mind.

(You can also go to the link: to get to the above survey
page & some additional gifts.)

The day you take control of your own life will mark the beginning of one exciting breakthrough after
another in your life - with full satisfaction guaranteed.

Why put it off for even a day?

A Final Thought: Is ACT An Option Or A Dire Necessity?

Ive been in the military. In the private corporate environment. Now as an entrepreneur I am assisting
individuals and companies as a consultant, speaker, and trainer. I have seen good times, bad times, fast
times and slow times. In todays rapidly changing, totally uncertain, unpredictable, highly competitive
times, you NEED an edge.

People who do their jobs very, very well and have risen through the ranks are still getting tossed out on the
pavement left and right, thanks to merger mania, downsizing, globalization, consolidation. Then the pressures
put on the survivors for each to do the work of three. New technology changes the way we do business and
challenges us to keep pace almost daily. Customers, clients: more demanding than ever. Sometimes it seems
everybody has become a tough customer. Financial prosperity and security eludes most families, as it takes
two people working full-time just to provide the same standard of living one job took care of only a decade ago,
and theres still not enough left for savings, investments, retirement planning. Pressure, pressure, pressure.
And even successful people are feeling it, the passion and joy lost to the pure pressure to do more. I could go
on. But you are, of course, aware of all this. You feel it at the base of your neck halfway through the day, the
restless nights, the self-questioning. You NEED to have access to every iota of innate ability you possess, you
NEED to find new techniques for exercising control over this increasingly uncontrollable world.

Dr. Maxwell Malz, author of Psycho-Cybernetics said We are born into uncertainty, we live in

2013 Soaring Entrepreneur, Inc ~ P.O. Box 5046, Ventura, CA 93005 Page 42
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uncertainty, we even die with uncertainty. The successful and happy individuals learn to rise above
this uncertainty and take control of their own emotional health, intellectual development,
accomplishments, security and happiness.

ACT gives you the skills for this very purpose. There has never been a better time than NOW to
give yourself the gift of taking back control of your own life!

Finally, ONE THING IS CERTAIN: since youve read this far, you DO have issues youd like to
resolve, life changes in mind, habits to break or skills to improve. If you now reject this risk-free
opportunity, you give up the right to ever again complain, aloud or privately, about your lot in life. Act
on this unique offer or, as the saying goes, forever hold your peace!

To Your Accelerated Growth, Freedom & Success!

Nikkea B. Devida
Accelerated Results Business Mentor & Originator of ACT

PS: Do you have a young person in your family who could benefit from ACT? Young people today
face a dizzying array of problems that you and I never thought of when we were growing up. Teen
suicide is at an all-time high, just as one symptomatic sign of the toll of all these problems. Many teens
as well as college students find that their grades improve and studying becomes much easier, they feel
better about themselves and more optimistic about their futures, and are stronger emotionally as a result
of ACT consultations and training programs. If you can, share ACT with your sons and daughters,
grandsons, granddaughters. Children (& adults) labeled as ADD/ADHD do especially well with

PPS: Do you have salespeople in your organization? Business partners, team members or associates
you rely on for ideas? ACT is an amazing transformational technology especially designed for sales
and business performance enhancement. Sharing ACT with your team or using it as a basis for
meetings can boost the productivity of just about any kind of business organization. I do speaking
engagements and executive interventions in addition to corporate trainings in leadership, peak sales
performance, stress management, & team building. For more information about how ACT can
improve your bottom line and enhance your business performance, contact Nikkea B. Devida at or call 888-868-5055.

PPSS: The ability to directly install beliefs you choose directly into your subconscious mind may very
well be the greatest, most practical advancement ever presented in the field of personal growth and
performance to date.

You now have the opportunity to experience this directly from the Originator of ACT, Nikkea B.
Devida. Without this experience, you are letting lay idle certain God-given abilities that offer keys to
your unimagined happiness, peace of mind, satisfaction, and success.

PPSSS: Receive your ACT Home Study Course for FREE!

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You can earn extra income and receive an ACT Home Study Course for free if you become an
affiliate and refer your friends and clients. You earn $100 for each ACT Home Study Course sold
with your affilitate link. Find out more about becoming an Affiliate of ACT at

For more information regarding events, programs, private consultations or
presentations to groups and organizations, contact

Call Toll Free: 888-868-5055
Fax: (805) 382-4004

Web Site:

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