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Informal Letter

The address.:-
i. Contractions can be used in your own address.
ii. You do not write the address of the person you are writing to.
The date:-
The date can be written in different forms:-
i. 12th February 198!
ii. 12! February 198!
iii. 12th Feb.! 198!
i". 12.2.8
The salutation:-
#$ways in an informa$ $etter start with %ear and then the first name of the person
you are writing to. &t is not norma$ to put the surname of the person. 'e"er start
%ear (r. etc as you wou$d do in a forma$ $etter.
The organisation of the letter:-
i. The first paragraph is the reason for the $etter.
a. Than)ing somebody for what they ha"e done.
b. &n"iting somebody to a party.
c. #ccepting an in"itation to a party.
d. #po$ogising for your actions at a party.
ii. The second paragraph:-.
a. &s to gi"e genera$ news of what you ha"e done or seen recent$y.
iii. The third paragraph.
a. &s the reason for ha"ing to finish the $etter and is usua$$y started with an
e*pression $i)e :-
i. & must rush now because.........
ii. & ha"e to go because............
iii. +i$$ write again in the near future
1. What is the main reason for this letter?
To apo$ogise,
To in"ite,
To accept an in"itation,
To gi"e news,
2. There are several ways of ending an informal letter.
With love/Best wishes/Regards
i. +ith $o"e is used for c$ose fami$y! writing to chi$dren and re$ations.
ii. -est wishes is for the ma.ority of peop$e.
iii. /egards is a $itt$e bit more forma$ and distant.
3. Some useful hrases:
It was lovely to hear from you. I was pleased to hear that................
Thank you for your letter. I was sorry to hear that..................
I'm sorry I haven't written before, but......................
This is ust a note to say........................
!. "iving general news:
I'm having a lovely time in.....................
I've been very busy re!ently. "ast week I ...............and ne#t week I'm
going to ....
#. $nding the letter:
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.
$ive my regards to your mother.
Write to me soon.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Write and tell me when ..........% Where you ..................
%. There are &ontra&tions in an informal letter.
'omewor(: )*hoose a toi&+,
1 +rite a $etter to 4ane in"iting her to your party ne*t 2aturday
inc$ude information as to times! reason for the party! where it is to
be he$d! offer to $et her stay the night and in"ite her to come ear$y to
he$p with the preparations.
2 +rite an informa$ $etter to 4ane accepting her in"itation to her party
inc$ude detai$s of transport and times of arri"a$. #s) 4ane to pic)
you up and as) for directions to her house. 5i"e genera$ news.
3 +rite an informa$ $etter to 4ane apo$ogising for your beha"iour at
her party. 5i"e reasons for your beha"iour and offer to repair or
rep$ace anything that you damaged. 5i"e genera$ news.
14, Arol Rd.,
12th Feb, 1986.
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your letter. It was really lovely to hear from you, and yes I'd really
like to come and stay next weekend. You know how much I love spending
weekends in the country after working all week in the city. I'll catch the usual
train on Friday evening.
Do you rememer !arry" #ell, I met him at a party the other day. !e's fine,
usy as always. #e went to the theatre together and saw an amusing play y
%nyway, I'll give you more of the news when I see you. &ust rush now
ecause I'm going to see Jack's new flat this evening. I'm really looking forward
to the weekend. 'ive my est wishes to (eter and the children.

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