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15 October 2013 Page 2 of 10 ProQuest
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Aut&or' 0cG*//*s1 2o3/ O
Publication info' Har4ar( 2our/a+ of La5 a/( Pub+*c Po+*c6 27-1 8)a++ 2009:: 71;77-
ProQuest (ocu.e/t +*/<
Abstract' 0cG*//*s (*scusses t3e bas*c structure of t3e =or+( ra(e Orga/*>at*o/ 8=O:- 3e
=O1 to a (egree1 re'+*cates t3e 'r*/c*'+es of t3e or*g*/a+ !o/st*tut*o/ of t3e &S */ to(a6?s
g+oba+*>e( 5or+( t3roug3 t3e creat*o/ of a s6ste. of */ter/at*o/a+ fe(era+*s.- )e(era+*s.1 */ tur/1
creates a .ar<et for go4er/a/ce1 a/( t3ereb6 creates */ce/t*4es for go4er/.e/t to 'ro4*(e 'ub+*c
goo(s a/( a''ro'r*ate regu+at*o/ t3at 5*++ attract */4est.e/t- o(a61 t3e =O a/( a++*e(
agree.e/ts o/ o'e/ ca'*ta+ .ar<ets a++o5 for t3e free .o4e.e/t of goo(s a/( ca'*ta+ 53*+e
.a*/ta*/*/g a fa*r+6 t3*/ structure of go4er/.e/t-
#ull te(t' 3e =or+( ra(e Orga/*>at*o/ 8%=O%: ca/ beco.e a force for +*.*te( go4er/.e/t */
our (a61 @ust as t3e )ra.ers? !o/st*tut*o/ 5as */ t3e*rs- )*rst1 t3e =O 3as structura+ s*.*+ar*t*es to
t3e or*g*/a+ !o/st*tut*o/ of t3e &/*te( States- 3e =O e/+arges t3e 'o+*t6 for tra(e 'ur'oses a/(
t3ereb6 5ea<e/s 'rotect*o/*s. arou/( t3e 5or+( b6 .ob*+*>*/g eA'orter grou's to batt+e
'rotect*o/*st */terest grou's */ eac3 cou/tr6- It t3erefore sets certa*/ fact*o/s aga*/st eac3 ot3er
*/ t3e sa.e 5a6 t3at 0a(*so/ suggeste( */ 3*s t3eor6 of t3e +arge re'ub+*c-1 I/ t3at res'ect
t3e =O actua++6 *.'ro4es (e.ocrat*c c3o*ce1 s*/ce ot3er5*se (e.ocrat*c /at*o/s 5ou+( be
3obb+e( b6 'rotect*o/*st */terest grou's 5*t3 u/(ue 'o5er-2
Seco/(1 t3e =O 3e+'s 'ro.ote a structure of +*.*te( go4er/.e/t +*<e t3at es'ouse( */ t3e &-S-
!o/st*tut*o/ because *t re'+*cates t3e *(ea of fe(era+*s. o/ t3e */ter/at*o/a+ +e4e+- )e(era+*s.1 */
tur/1 creates a .ar<et for go4er/a/ce1 a/( t3ereb6 creates */ce/t*4es for go4er/.e/t to 'ro4*(e
'ub+*c goo(s a/( a''ro'r*ate regu+at*o/ t3at 5*++ attract */4est.e/t- o(a61 t3e =O a/( a++*e(
agree.e/ts o/ o'e/ ca'*ta+ .ar<ets a++o5 for t3e free .o4e.e/t of goo(s a/( ca'*ta+ 53*+e
.a*/ta*/*/g a fa*r+6 t3*/ structure of go4er/.e/t- I/s*(e t3at structure1 /at*o/ states .a<e
*/(e'e/(e/t (ec*s*o/s about soc*a+ 'o+*c6- 2ust as t3e !o/st*tut*o/ 5as a great c3arter for
eco/o.*c gro5t3 */ t3e &/*te( States b6 'ro.ot*/g a be/eBc*a+ regu+ator6 co.'et*t*o/ a.o/g
states1 so t3e =O ca/ be a great c3arter for */ter/at*o/a+ eco/o.*c gro5t3 b6 'ro.ot*/g
be/eBc*a+ @ur*s(*ct*o/a+ co.'et*t*o/ a.o/g /at*o/ states-
3e =O agree.e/ts o/ tra(e fac*+*tate 'r*4ate tra/sact*o/s a/( t3erefore ge/erate eco/o.*c
gro5t3- ra(e *s u+t*.ate+6 about .utua++6 be/eBc*a+ co/tracts a.o/g (*Cere/t 'art*esD */ t3e
=O co/teAt1 t3e 'art*es 3a''e/ to be */ (*Cere/t cou/tr*es- 3e reaso/s t3e */ter/at*o/a+
co..u/*t6 /ee(s t3e =O are /ot e/t*re+6 eco/o.*c- $es'*te t3e fact t3at eco/o.*c t3eor6
'ro.otes u/*+atera+ free tra(e as *(ea+1 t3roug3out 3u.a/ 3*stor6 Ae/o'3ob*a a/( */terest grou's
3a4e co/s'*re( to 're4e/t t3*s *(ea+ fro. be*/g rea+*>e(- o(a61 t3e =O *s a .ec3a/*s. t3at
atte.'ts to cou/teract t3ese 'o+*t*ca+ te/(e/c*es to br*/g greater 'ros'er*t6 to t3e 5or+( a/(
succor to t3e 5or+(?s 'oorest-
E4e/ t3oug3 free tra(e 'o+*c*es */ ge/era+ are 5ea+t3 .aA*.*>*/g1 s'ec*a+ */terest grou's ofte/ tr6
to 're4e/t t3ese t6'es of 'o+*c*es- =3*+e co.'et*t*o/ fro. o4erseas goo(s *s be/eBc*a+ to t3e
15 October 2013 Page 3 of 10 ProQuest
co/ because co.'et*t*o/ +o5ers 'r*ces1 o4erseas co.'et*t*o/ ca/ 3urt +oca+ */(ustr*es a/(
u/*o/s- )urt3er.ore1 because t3e6 are co/ce/trate( grou's1 */(ustr*es a/( u/*o/s 3a4e
substa/t*a+ 'o5er */ t3e 'o+*t*ca+ 'rocess a/( */ce/t*4es to +obb6 t3e go4er/.e/t for fa4orab+e
'o+*c*es a/( to 'ro4*(e ca.'a*g/ co/tr*but*o/s a/( e+ect*o/ su''ort to ca/(*(ates t3at su''ort
'rotect*o/*st .easures-3 $*Cuse grou's1 suc3 as co/su.ers1 3a4e +ess co/ce/trate( 'o5er */ t3e
'o+*t*ca+ 'rocess-9 =3*+e e4er6 co/ be/eBts */ so.e se/se fro. free tra(e 'o+*c*es1 t3e6
eac3 be/eBt to a re+at*4e+6 s.a++ (egree- Eer6 substa/t*a+ free r*(er 'rob+e.s */3*b*t co/
*/Fue/ce o/ tra(e 'o+*c6- If o/e co/ co/tr*butes to a co/ +obb61 ot3er co/su.ers 53o
3a4e /ot co/tr*bute( 5*++ st*++ be/eBt fro. t3e +obb6?s act*o/s- I/ co/trast1 */(ustr*es a/( u/*o/s
are a+rea(6 orga/*>e( for ot3er 'ur'oses: to .a/ufacture a/( se++ goo(s a/( to barga*/ 5*t3
.a/age.e/t- As a resu+t1 co/su.ers 3a4e fe5er */ce/t*4es to @o*/ orga/*>at*o/s a*.e( at
+obb6*/g for free tra(e-
A/ot3er obstac+e t3at co/su.ers face *s rat*o/a+ *g/ora/ce;a/ *.'orta/t trut3 about .o(er/
(e.ocrac*es t3at s3ou+( be ce/tra+ to a++ 'o+*t*ca+ (*scuss*o/s of t3e 'ro'er structure of
go4er/.e/t-5 Rat*o/a+ *g/ora/ce (escr*bes t3e*c te/(e/c6 of c*t*>e/s to 'a6 +*tt+e
atte/t*o/ to 'o+*t*ca+ */*o/- 3e '3e/o.e/o/ occurs because acGu*r*/g */*o/ about
'o+*t*cs *s bot3 cost+6 a/( u/'ro(uct*4e- It *s cost+6 because1 to acGu*re suc3 */*o/1
*/(*4*(ua+s .ust */4est t*.e t3at t3e6 cou+( be us*/g */ ot3er .ore +ucrat*4e or '+easurab+e
e/ter'r*ses- It *s u/'ro(uct*4e because1 a+t3oug3 t3e 'r*/c*'a+ */stru.e/ta+ use of suc3
*/*o/ *s to gu*(e 4ot*/g1 t3e 4ote of a/6 o/e */(*4*(ua+ *s u/+*<e+6 to */Fue/ce t3e outco.e
of a/ e+ect*o/- ,ecause of t3e eCect of rat*o/a+ *g/ora/ce a/( t3e free r*(er 'rob+e.1 .ec3a/*s.s
s3ou+( be (e4*se( t3at 5*++ cou/teract (o.est*c 'rotect*o/*st */terest grou's t3at create obstac+es
to free tra(e 'o+*c*es-
3e =O tr*es to cou/teract t3ese */terest grou' 'ressures t3roug3 rec*'roca+ agree.e/ts
*/te/(e( to re(uce tar*Cs a/( ot3er barr*ers to tra(e- 3e success of t3e Ge/era+ Agree.e/t o/
ar*Cs a/( ra(e a/( /o5 t3e =O +*es */ t3e .utua+*t6 of tar*C re(uct*o/s- 3ese agree.e/ts
create 'ressure for free tra(e */ eac3 cou/tr6 as 'ro(ucers t3at e/@o6 a co.'arat*4e a(4a/tage */
t3e 'ro(uct*o/ of a certa*/ *te. sta/( to ga*/ /e5 .ar<ets for t3e*r 'ro(uct */ ot3er cou/tr*es-6
3*s 'ros'ect 'ro4*(es 'ro(ucers 5*t3 */ce/t*4es to +obb6 for +o5er tar*Cs */ t3e*r o5/ cou/tr6
because t3*s 5*++ o'e/ u' t3e .ar<ets of ot3er cou/tr*es-H I/ t3e &/*te( States1 */(ustr*es t3at
'ro(uce goo(s for eA'ort1 suc3 as t3e far.*/g */(ustr61 are 5*++*/g to +obb6 aga*/st */(ustr*es
see<*/g 'rotect*4e tar*Cs1 suc3 as t3e stee+ */(ustr6- !o/seGue/t+61 t3e */ce/t*4e of /e5 .ar<ets
.ob*+*>es co/ce/trate( */(ustr*es to +obb6 o/ be3a+f of free tra(e-
3*s *(ea *s a/a+ogous to t3e &/*te( States? use of a +arger re'ub+*c to +*.*t t3e 'o5er of fact*o/s-
O/ tra(e *ssues1 t3e =O .a<es +o5er tar*Cs abroa( (e'e/(e/t u'o/ eA'orter */terest grou's */
eac3 cou/tr6- =*t3 t3e 'ros'ect of +o5er tar*Cs1 t3e e/erg*>e( eA'orter grou's beco.e .ore
e/gage( */ t3e 'o+*t*ca+ 'rocess- Restra*/*/g 'rotect*o/*st grou's a/( a++o5*/g t3e a4erage c*t*>e/
to .a<e a better (eter.*/at*o/ of tra(e 'o+*c6 'os*t*4e+6 aCects (e.ocrac6-
O/ce a cou/tr6 re(uces tar*Cs1 'rotect*o/*st */terest grou's 5*++ */e4*tab+6 see< out ot3er barr*ers
to frustrate */ter/at*o/a+ tra(e-7 o co.bat t3*s1 t3e =O estab+*s3es a set of ru+es t3at 're4e/ts
/at*o/s fro. *.'os*/g regu+at*o/s or taAes t3at eCect*4e+6 (*scr*.*/ate aga*/st t3e 'ro(ucts of
ot3er /at*o/s- 3ese ru+es 5or< .uc3 +*<e t3e Su're.e !ourt?s (or.a/t !o..erce !+ause
15 October 2013 Page 9 of 10 ProQuest
@ur*s'ru(e/ce a/( are /ee(e( to 're4e/t bot3 'rotect*o/*st regu+at*o/s a/( bac<s+*(*/g fro. tar*C
re(uct*o/-I ,ecause t3ese ru+es 3a4e to be e/force(1 t3e (*s'ute reso+ut*o/ .ec3a/*s. of t3e
=O *s cruc*a+ to t3e success of =O agree.e/ts-10
I/ */ter/at*o/a+ +a5 *t *s ofte/ (*Jcu+t to (eter.*/e 3o5 cou/tr*es 5*++ actua++6 e/force
agree.e/ts- 3e =O (*s'ute reso+ut*o/ s6ste. 5or<s as a 'o+*c*/g .ec3a/*s. to br*/g eCect*4e
'ressure o/ /at*o/s to co.'+6 5*t3 =O agree.e/ts- I/ t3*s s6ste.1 53e/ a .e.ber (ee.s t3at
a/ot3er /at*o/ 3as 4*o+ate( so.e 'ro4*s*o/ of t3e =O1 t3at .e.ber ca/ ta<e t3e c+a*. to a
(*s'ute reso+ut*o/ 'a/e+-11 3e 'a/e+ t3e/ *ssues *ts B/(*/gs1 a/( *f a 4*o+at*o/ *s fou/(1 t3e
.e.bers 3ar.e( b6 t3e 4*o+at*o/ are aut3or*>e( to *.'ose sa/ct*o/s o/ t3e ot3er /at*o/ b6
*.'os*/g tar*Cs- 3*s *s a/ eCect*4e .ec3a/*s. s*/ce t3e tar*Cs are ofte/ *.'ose( aga*/st
*.'orta/t eA'orter grou's t3at 3a4e t3e ab*+*t6 to 'ressure t3e go4er/.e/t */to co.'+*a/ce-12
Rece/t+61 t3e &/*te( States 5as t3reate/e( 5*t3 sa/ct*o/s 53e/ Pres*(e/t ,us3 ra*se( tar*Cs o/
4ar*ous stee+ *.'orts- 3e =O a''e++ate bo(6 fou/( t3e tar*Cs to be */ 4*o+at*o/ of =O
'ro4*s*o/s a/( Pres*(e/t ,us3 re+e/te(1 */ 'art because of t3e b*++*o/s of (o++ars 5ort3 of tar*Cs
t3at 5ou+( 3a4e bee/ a''+*e( aga*/st <e6 &-S- eA'orts */ reta+*at*o/-13 It *s /o acc*(e/t t3at
Euro'e a/( ot3er .e.bers t3at 5ere 3ar.e( (re5 u' a +*st of tar*Cs t3at 5ou+( 3a4e fa++e/ o/
eA'orter grou's */ states <e6 to Pres*(e/t ,us3?s ree+ect*o/-
3us1 t3e =O ca/ eCect*4e+6 e/force *ts ru+*/gs e4e/ t3oug3 *t +ac<s t3e aut3or*t6 to *ssue (*rect
or(ers to oCe/(*/g /at*o/s- I/ t3*s 5a6 t3e =O?s e/force.e/t structure 'reser4es t3e g+oba+
structure of free(o. 5*t3out t3e usua+ .ar<ers of ce/tra+ aut3or*t6;t3e (e'+o6.e/t of force or
e4e/ (*rect or(ers-
3e =O1 to a (egree1 re'+*cates t3e 'r*/c*'+es of t3e or*g*/a+ !o/st*tut*o/ of t3e &/*te( States */
to(a6?s g+oba+*>e( 5or+( t3roug3 t3e creat*o/ of a s6ste. of */ter/at*o/a+ fe(era+*s.-19 I/ t3e
or*g*/a+ !o/st*tut*o/1 t3e esse/t*a+ (o.est*c fu/ct*o/ of t3e /at*o/a+ go4er/.e/t 5as to 're4e/t
'rotect*o/*s.- A free tra(e >o/e a.o/g t3e states 5as create( b6 (*s.a/t+*/g custo.s (ut*es a/(
ot3er barr*ers t3at 5ou+( frustrate t3e eAc3a/ge of goo(s a/( ser4*ces-15 O/ a+.ost e4er6 ot3er
*ssue1 3o5e4er1 t3e states 5ere ab+e to .a<e t3e*r o5/ 'o+*c6 c3o*ces- =3*+e t3ere 5as a r*s< t3at
t3e states 5ou+( beco.e re'os*tor*es of a +arge (egree of 'o5er1 t3e free .o4e.e/t of goo(s a/(
ca'*ta+ a.o/g t3e. restra*/e( state 'o+*t*c*a/s? ab*+*t6 to eAact re/ts fro. *ts c*t*>e/s- If t3e
eAact*o/s 5ere too great1 ca'*ta+ cou+( .o4e e+se53ere1 creat*/g @ur*s(*ct*o/a+ co.'et*t*o/-16
3us1 t3e t3reat of eA*t re(uce( t3e +e4erage of */terest grou's to use t3e state as a fou/t of
resources at t3e eA'e/se of t3e 'ub+*c-
o(a61 t3e =O re'ro(uces t3at s6ste. o/ t3e */ter/at*o/a+ +e4e+- 3ere *s a re+at*4e+6 t3*/
*/ter/at*o/a+ go4er/a/ce structure 5*t3 t3e aut3or*t6 to .a<e ce/tra+*>e( (ec*s*o/s regar(*/g t3e
'o+*c*/g of tar*C re(uct*o/s to e/sure t3at /at*o/s (o /ot 'ut u' (*scr*.*/ator6 barr*ers- #at*o/
states st*++ 3a4e t3e 'o5er to .a<e (o.est*c regu+at*o/s t3at (e'e/( o/ t3e*r res'ect*4e +e4e+s of
(e4e+o'.e/t a/( t3e 4a+ues a/( 'refere/ces of t3e*r c*t*>e/s- Ket t3e o'e/ tra(*/g s6ste.s a/(
ca'*ta+ .ar<ets fac*+*tate( b6 t3e =O a/( */ter/at*o/a+ B/a/ce agree.e/ts restra*/ t3ese /at*o/
states fro. us*/g t3e*r 'o5ers u/5*se+6-1H
=ea+t3 (estro6*/g regu+at*o/s a/( */terest grou's are restra*/e( b6 @ur*s(*ct*o/a+ co.'et*t*o/: ba(
(ec*s*o/s (r*4e */4est.e/t e+se53ere- 2ur*s(*ct*o/a+ co.'et*t*o/ *s /ot 'erfectD *t ca/ fa*+ */ cases
53ere t3ere *s stro/g s'*++o4er a.o/g /at*o/s1 +*<e certa*/ <*/(s of 'o++ut*o/-17 I/ ge/era+1 t3oug31
15 October 2013 Page 5 of 10 ProQuest
t3e 5or+( be/eBts fro. t3e .ar<et for go4er/a/ce t3at t3e =O creates a/( t3at o'e/ g+oba+
ca'*ta+ structures fac*+*tate-1I
3e o'e/ .ar<et create( b6 t3e =O *s es'ec*a++6 *.'orta/t for a(4a/c*/g t3e */terests of t3e
'oor-20 I/(ee(1 */ a((*t*o/ to t3e ge/era+ eJc*e/c6 argu.e/ts1 a co.'e++*/g .ora+ case ca/ be
.a(e for t3e =O because *t 'ro4*(es substa/t*a+ be/eBts to t3e 5or+(?s 'oor-21 Eco/o.*sts 3a4e
s3o5/ t3at a/ o'e/ .ar<et for tra(e be/eBts t3e 'oor to t3e sa.e eAte/t t3at *t (oes t3e
5ea+t36-22 )or t3e 'eo'+e 53o e<e out a +*4*/g */ 0a(agascar or */ t3e 3*g3 '+ateaus of t3e Sout3*ca/ A/(es1 t3e ab*+*t6 to se++ t3e*r teAt*+es */ t3e 5or+( .ar<et 5ou+( be a great boo/- 3us1
*/ a(4a/c*/g t3e */terests of t3e 5or+(?s 'oorest1 t3e =O s3ou+( co/t*/ue to .o4e to5ar(s
e+*.*/at*/g barr*ers to eJc*e/t tra/sact*o/s-
3ere are t5o 'oss*b+e t3reats to t3e =O to(a6- O/e (a/ger1 co.*/g +arge+6 fro. t3e +eft1 *s t3e
*(ea t3at t3e =O s3ou+( 3a4e t3e ge/era+ 'o5er to .a<e substa/t*4e regu+ator6 (ec*s*o/s o/
+abor a/( t3e e/4*ro/.e/t-23 3*s 5ou+( be a .*sta<e because (*Cere/t /at*o/s 3a4e (*Cere/t
'refere/ces1 4a+ues1 a/( +e4e+s of (e4e+o'.e/t1 a/( *t 5ou+( re*/tro(uce t3e 'rob+e. of u/(ue
*/Fue/ce fro. */terest grou's-
A/ orga/*>at*o/ (e4ote( to g+oba+ regu+at*o/ 5ou+( fac*+*tate agree.e/ts t3at e.'o5er */terest
grou's- Po+*t*ca+ eco/o.6 suggests t3at */terest grou's 5ou+( 3a4e substa/t*a+ 'o5er o4er
regu+at*o/ at t3e */ter/at*o/a+ +e4e+- I/(ee(1 o/e 5ou+( eA'ect */terest grou's to 5*e+( e4e/ .ore
'o5er o4er grou's at t3e */ter/at*o/a+ t3a/ t3e state +e4e+- 3e a4erage c*t*>e/ B/(s */ter/at*o/a+
'rocesses e4e/ .ore o'aGue t3a/ (o.est*c 'rocesses1 a/( t3us t3e6 5ou+( 3a4e e4e/ .ore
(*Jcu+t6 .o/*tor*/g t3ose c3arge( 5*t3 carr6*/g out regu+ator6 'o+*c6-29 0oreo4er1 t3e g+oba+
sca+e of regu+at*o/ 5ou+( a++o5 e4e/ greater eAact*o/s of re/ts a/( a(4a/tages for t3ose */terest
grou's- )or */sta/ce1 *f a bus*/ess grou' ca/ ga*/ */ter/at*o/a+ */ter4e/t*o/ */ *ts fa4or t3roug3 a
regu+ator6 'rocess */ Ge/e4a1 *t ca/ (*sab+e /u.erous fore*g/ co.'et*tors at o/ce- 3*s t6'e of
attac< b6 */terest grou's o/ t3e 'r*/c*'+es of (ece/tra+*>e( go4er/.e/t *s re.*/*sce/t of t3e #e5
$ea+ era- $ur*/g t3at t*.e t3e &/*te( States? s6ste. of co/st*tut*o/a+ fe(era+*s. 5as +arge+6
e4*scerate( a/( re'+ace( b6 a .ore ce/tra+*>e( fe(era+ go4er/.e/t- It *s *.'orta/t t3at t3e =O
/ot suCer t3e sa.e fate-
3e seco/( (a/ger to t3e =O1 co.*/g +arge+6 fro. t3e r*g3t1 *s t3e *(ea t3at t3e =O *s a t3reat
to so4ere*g/t6 a/( s3ou+( be (*sso+4e(-25 Ho5e4er1 a co/stra*/e( =O1 as out+*/e( 3ere1 *s /o
t3reat to so4ere*g/t6- 3e =O (oes /ot (*rect+6 e/force *ts (ec*s*o/s o/ t3e &/*te( States or a/6
/at*o/D *t s*.'+6 'er.*ts ot3er /at*o/s to ta<e so4ere*g/ act*o/s of t3e*r o5/ to a''+6 'ressure to
'rotect*o/*st 'o+*c*es t3at 4*o+ate treat6 str*ctures- E4e/ .ore fu/(a.e/ta++61 *t *s 5ro/g to re*f6
so4ere*g/t61 @ust as *t 5ou+( be 5ro/g to re*f6 states? r*g3ts- 3e auto/o.6 a/( r*g3ts of states
'+a6 a usefu+ fu/ct*o/ */ t3e &/*te( States s6ste. of fe(era+*s. because t3e o4era++ s6ste.
(*str*butes 'o5ers to states */ t3e a*( of a 4*s*o/ of @ur*s(*ct*o/a+ co.'et*t*o/ a/( go4er/.e/ta+
accou/tab*+*t6- States? r*g3ts are t3us /ot a/ e/( */ but a structure @ust*Be( b6 t3e
be/eBts t3ose r*g3ts aCor( c*t*>e/s-
So4ere*g/t6 s3ou+( a+so be (eB/e( */ t3e co/teAt of a s6ste. of @ur*s(*ct*o/a+ co.'et*t*o/ a.o/g
/at*o/ states- So4ere*g/t6 s3ou+( be a brea< aga*/st ce/tra+*>e( */ter/at*o/a+ regu+at*o/1 but *t
s3ou+( /ot 're4e/t agree.e/ts1 +*<e t3e =O1 t3at 'ro.ote t3e free Fo5 of goo(s a/( ca'*ta+
a.o/g /at*o/s- 3ose agree.e/ts create a 5or+( */ 53*c3 so4ere*g/t6 5or<s for 3u.a/ 5e+fare-
15 October 2013 Page 6 of 10 ProQuest
E- !O#!L&SIO#
=e are curre/t+6 */ t3e .*(st of a /e5 rou/( of tra(e /egot*at*o/s t3at ca/ 5or< to5ar(s
(ee'e/*/g t3e fe(era+*st 4*s*o/ of */ter/at*o/a+ tra(e- 3ese /egot*at*o/s s3ou+( focus o/
re.o4*/g curre/t barr*ers to tra(e- 3e &/*te( States a/( ot3er */(ustr*a+*>e( /at*o/s s3ou+(
e+*.*/ate */(ustr*a+ tar*Cs a/( agr*cu+tura+ subs*(*es */ retur/ for (e4e+o'*/g /at*o/s? agree.e/t
to o'e/ u' .ar<ets */ ser4*ces a/( to cut tar*Cs o/ goo(s 53ere (e4e+o'e( /at*o/s 3a4e a
co.'arat*4e a(4a/tage- 3*s re'rese/ts t3e surest */ter/at*o/a+ 'at31 /ot o/+6 to eco/o.*c
'ros'er*t61 but a+so to actua+ *.'ro4e.e/ts */ regu+ator61 e/4*ro/.e/ta+1 a/( +abor co/(*t*o/s */
(e4e+o'*/g /at*o/s-
1- HE )E$ERALIS #O- 101 at H7 0a(*so/: 8!+*/to/ Ross*ter e(-1 1I61:-
2- I/terest grou's are grou's of */(*4*(ua+s1 cor'orat*o/s1 or ot3er orga/*>at*o/s t3at ca/ acGu*re
resources for at t3e eA'e/se of t3e 'ub+*c t3roug3 t3e*r substa/t*a+ */Fue/ce o4er t3e
'o+*t*ca+ 'rocess- Protect*o/*st */terest grou's are t3e subset of */terest grou's t3at acGu*re suc3
resources b6 secur*/g tar*Cs or ot3er +a5s t3at *.'e(e co.'et*t*o/ fro. fore*g/ 'ro(ucts- See
2o3/ O- 0cG*//*s L0ar< L- 0o4ses*a/1 3e =or+( ra(e !o/st*tut*o/1 119 HARE- L- REE- 5111 523;
25 82000:- 3*s (eB/*t*o/ of */terest grou's (oes /ot */c+u(e t3ose grou's1 +*<e e/4*ro/.e/ta+
orga/*>at*o/s1 t3at (o /ot see< resources for t3roug3 t3e 'o+*t*ca+ 'rocess1 but */stea(
see< to c3a/ge go4er/.e/t 'o+*c6 b6 'ersua(*/g t3e 'ub+*c t3at t3e*r (*st*/ct*4e 4a+ues s3ou+(
gu*(e soc*et6- I(- at 52I;30-
3- I/terest grou's 'art*c*'ate */ a/( */Fue/ce t3e 'o+*t*ca+ 'rocess */ a 4ar*et6 of 5a6s- )*rst1 t3e6
are ab+e to .o/*tor 53at tra/s'*res */ t3e 'o+*t*ca+ 'rocessD for eAa.'+e1 53at +eg*s+at*o/ *s
co/s*(ere( a/( 3o5 *t aCects t3e*r */terests- See1 e-g-1 0*c3ae+ A- A/(re5s1 aA S*.'+*Bcat*o/1 9H
S0& L- REE- 3H1 92 81II3:- Seco/(1 because of t3e*r greater resources1 */terest grou's are ab+e to
co/(uct coor(*/ate( a/( co3ere/t .e(*a ca.'a*g/s to 'ub+*c*>e t3e*r 'os*t*o/- See 2- S<e++6
=r*g3t1 0o/e6 a/( t3e Po++ut*o/ of Po+*t*cs: Is t3e )*rst A.e/(.e/t a/ Obstac+e to Po+*t*ca+
EGua+*t6M1 72 !OL&0- L- REE- 60I1 623 81I72: 8/ot*/g stu(*es s3o5*/g t3at %.ass*4e s'e/(*/g a/(
so'3*st*cate( .e(*a ca.'a*g/s b6 s'ec*a+ */terest grou's 3a4e s5a.'e( refere/(a t3at 5ere
*/*t*a++6 fa4ore( b6 a .a@or*t6 of t3e 4oters%:- )*/a++61 */terest grou's .a6 eAerc*se great +e4erage
o4er +eg*s+ators t3roug3 ca.'a*g/ co/tr*but*o/s or */(e'e/(e/t 'o+*t*ca+ eA'e/(*tures- See $a/*e+
H- Lo5e/ste*/1 Po+*t*ca+ ,r*ber6 a/( t3e I/ter.e(*ate 3eor6 of Po+*t*cs1 32 &!LA L- REE- H791 726;
27 81I75:-
9- See 0A#!&R OLSO#1 2R-1 HE LOGI! O) !OLLE!IEE A!IO#: P&,LI! GOO$S A#$ HE HEORK
O) GRO&PS 199 81I65: 8co/trast*/g t3e 'o+*t*ca+ c+out of u/orga/*>e( co/su.ers 5*t3 t3at of 5e++;
orga/*>e( tra(e assoc*at*o/s:-
5- See 0ar< L- 0o4ses*a/1 Are Statutes Rea++6 %Leg*s+at*4e ,arga*/s%M 3e )a*+ure of t3e !o/tract
A/a+og6 */ Statutor6 I/ter'retat*o/1 H6 #-!- L- REE- 11951 11HI 81II7:- )or furt3er (*scuss*o/ of
t3e roots of rat*o/a+ *g/ora/ce a/( *ts 'er4as*4e eCects o/ */*o/a+ */'uts */ a (e.ocrac61
see 2o3/ O- 0cG*//*s1 3e O/ce a/( )uture Pro'ert6;,ase( E*s*o/ of t3e )*rst A.e/(.e/t1 63 &-
!HI- L- REE- 9I1 125;26 81II6:-
6- Accor(*/g to t3e 5e++;estab+*s3e( t3eor6 of co.'arat*4e a(4a/tage1 /at*o/s 'ros'er 53e/ t3e6
s'ec*a+*>e */ t3e goo(s a/( ser4*ces t3e6 ca/ 'ro(uce .ost eJc*e/t+6- See 0cG*//*s L0o4ses*a/1
su'ra /ote 21 at 521D O$$ G- ,&!HHOLN1 #E= I$EAS )RO0 $EA$ E!O#O0ISS 6H;H3 81II0:-
15 October 2013 Page H of 10 ProQuest
H- See 0cG*//*s L0o4ses*a/1 su'ra /ote 21 at 595;96 8(escr*b*/g t3e =O rec*'roc*t6 reg*.e:-
7- )or a ge/era+ (*scuss*o/ of t3e .a//er */ 53*c3 co/ce/trate( */terest grou's 5*++ atte.'t to
subst*tute o/e <*/( of re/t;see<*/g for a/ot3er <*/( t3at *s b+oc<e( b6 t3e 'o+*t*ca+ s6ste.1 see
2o3/ O- 0cG*//*s L0*c3ae+ ,- Ra''a'ort1 Su'er.a@or*t6 Ru+es as a !o/st*tut*o/a+ So+ut*o/1 90 =0-
L0ARK L- REE- 3651 927;2I 81III:-
I- See 2*. !3e/ L$a/*e+ 2- G*Cor(1 La5 as I/(ustr*a+ Po+*c6: Eco/o.*c A/a+6s*s of La5 */ a #e5
"e61 25 &- 0E0- L- REE- 13151 1323;29 81II5: 8obser4*/g t3at t3e esse/t*a+ fu/ct*o/ of t3e
(or.a/t !o..erce !+ause *s to guara/tee a free tra(e >o/e a.o/g t3e states:D R*c3ar( A-
Pos/er1 3e !o/st*tut*o/ as a/ Eco/o.*c $ocu.e/t1 56 GEO- =ASH- L- REE- 91 1H 81I7H:
8suggest*/g t3at t3e (or.a/t !o..erce !+ause create( a %c3arter of free tra(e%:D see ge/era++6
$o/a+( H- Rega/1 3e Su're.e !ourt a/( State Protect*o/*s.: 0a<*/g Se/se of t3e $or.a/t
!o..erce !+ause1 79 0I!H- L- REE- 10I1 81I76: 8(*scuss*/g t3e 3*stor6 of t3e (or.a/t
!o..erce !+ause @ur*s'ru(e/ce:-
10- )or a .ore (eta*+e( (escr*'t*o/ of t3e =O (*s'ute reso+ut*o/ .ec3a/*s.1 see 0cG*//*s
L0o4ses*a/1 su'ra /ote 21 at 531;32-
11- Ge/era+ Agree.e/t o/ ar*Cs a/( ra(e1 A'r- 151 1II91 33 I-L-0- 11251 1226-
12- I/ 3e =or+( ra(e !o/st*tut*o/1 Professor 0o4ses*a/ a/( I argue t3at t3*s .ob*+*>at*o/ of
'ro(ucer */terest grou's a+so 3as be/eBts to t3e (o.est*c 'o+*t*ca+ structure of (e.ocrac*es- See
0cG*//*s L0o4ses*a/1 su'ra /ote 21 at 599;97-
13- See !+au(e ,arBe+(1 &S Stee+ ar*Cs Ga4e Safeguar(s a ,a( #a.e1 )I#- I0ES1 $ec- 71 20031
at 13 8&-S- e(-:-
19- See 2o3/ O- 0cG*//*s1 3e $ec+*/e of t3e =ester/ #at*o/ State a/( t3e R*se of t3e Reg*.e of
I/ter/at*o/a+ )e(era+*s.1 17 !AR$ONO L- REE- I031 I16 81II6:-
15- See &-S- !O#S- art- I1 O7 8%3e !o/gress s3a++ 3a4e Po5er - - -- o regu+ate !o..erce 5*t3
fore*g/ #at*o/s1 a/( a.o/g t3e se4era+ States1 a/( 5*t3 t3e I/(*a/ r*bes-%:D *(- at OI1 c+- 6 8%#o
Prefere/ce s3a++ be g*4e/ b6 a/6 Regu+at*o/ of !o..erce or Re4e/ue to t3e Ports of o/e State
o4er t3ose of a/ot3er-%:-
16- See 2o3/ O- 0cG*//*s1 3e Or*g*/a+ !o/st*tut*o/ a/( Its $ec+*/e: A Pub+*e !3o*ce Pers'ect*4e1
21 HARE- 2-L- LP&,- POL?K 1I51 203;09 81IIH:-
1H- See 0cG*//*s L0o4ses*a/1 su'ra /ote 21 at 5H2;7I 8(*scuss*/g %A 2ur*s'ru(e/ce of !o4ert
Protect*o/*s.% 53*c3 co/cer/s 'oss*b+e =O a''roac3es to (*Cere/t*at*/g bet5ee/ ge/u*/e
(o.est*c regu+ator6 .easures a/( t3ose t3at are .ere+6 'reteAt:-
17- See 0cG*//*s L0o4ses*a/1 su'ra /ote 21 at 561;62-
1I- 3e a(4a/tages of @ur*s(*ct*o/a+ co.'et*t*o/ o4er ce/tra+*>e( regu+at*o/ are (*scusse( at
.uc3 greater +e/gt3 */ 3e =or+( ra(e !o/st*tut*o/- See 0cG*//*s L0o4ses*a/1 su'ra /ote 21 at
20- See 2o3/ O- 0cG*//*s1 =or+( ra(e Agree.e/ts: A(4a/c*/g t3e I/terests of t3e Poorest of t3e
Poor1 39 I#$- L- REE- 1361 82001:-
21- See1 e-g-1 L- A+a/ =*/ters1 ra(e a/( Po4ert6: Is 3ere a !o//ect*o/M1 */ 5 =ORL$ RA$E
3tt':PP555-5to-orgPe/g+*s3P/e5s_eP'res00_eP'o43_e-'(f 8+ast 4*s*te( #o4- 51 2009:D $a4*( $o++ar
15 October 2013 Page 7 of 10 ProQuest
LAart "raa61 Gro5t3 Is Goo( for t3e Poor 80ar- 2000:1 at
3tt':PP555-5or+(ba/<-orgPresearc3Pgro5t3P'(B+esPgro5t3goo(for'oor-'(f 8+ast 4*s*te( #o4- 51
2009: 8(escr*b*/g a =or+( ,a/< stu(6 t3at1 us*/g (ata fro. e*g3t6 cou/tr*es o4er four (eca(es1
co/Br.s t3at o'e//ess to tra(e boosts eco/o.*c gro5t3 a/( t3at t3e */ of t3e 'oor r*se
'ro'ort*o/ate+6 5*t3 o4era++ gro5t3:-
22- See $o++ar L"raa61 su'ra /ote 211 at 21;22-
23- See 0cG*//*s L0o4ses*a/1 su'ra /ote 21 at 552;55 8'ro4*(*/g a .ore (eta*+e( (*scuss*o/
regar(*/g t3e t3reat of t3e =O as a regu+ator6 bo(6:-
29- See Pau+ ,- Ste'3a/1 Accou/tab*+*t6 a/( I/ter/at*o/a+ La5.a<*/g: Ru+es1 Re/ts a/(
Leg*t*.ac61 1H #5- 2- I#?L L- L,&S- 6711 6II 81IIH: 8suggest*/g t3at *t *s 'oss*b+e t3at c*t*>e/s
face 3*g3er costs */ .o/*tor*/g */ter/at*o/a+ ru+es t3a/ (o.est*c ru+es:-
25- See 0ar< L- 0o4ses*a/1 So4ere*g/t61 !o.'+*a/ce1 a/( t3e =or+( ra(e Orga/*>at*o/: Lesso/s
)ro. t3e H*stor6 of Su're.e !ourt Re4*e51 20 0I!H- 2- I#?L L- HH51 HHI L/-1I1 HI3;I9 81III:D
0cG*//*s L0o4ses*a/1 su'ra /ote 21 at 533;39- I/ a((*t*o/1 so.e argue t3at be/eBc*a+
@ur*s(*ct*o/a+ co.'et*t*o/s are actua++6 (etr*.e/ta+ races to t3e botto.- See1 e-g-1 Sebast*a/
0a++ab61<s at*ca/ E/ter'r*se I/st*tute?s !o/fere/ce o/ re/(s */ G+oba+ Go4er/a/ce
8A'r- 51 2000: 8tra/scr*'t o/ B+e 5*t3 !3*cago 2our/a+ of I/ter/at*o/a+ La5:-
2OH# O- 0!GI##ISQ
Q Professor1 #ort35ester/ &/*4ers*t6 La5 Sc3oo+-
ub*ect' Orga/*>at*o/sD )e(era+*s.D )ree .ar<etsD
"ompan+ , or-ani.ation' #a.e: =or+( ra(e Orga/*>at*o/; #AI!S: I27120;
Publication title' Har4ar( 2our/a+ of La5 a/( Pub+*c Po+*c6
/olume' 27
Issue' 1
Pa-es' 71;77
Number of pa-es' 7
Publication +ear' 2009
Publication 0ate' )a++ 2009
%ear' 2009
Publis&er' Har4ar( Soc*et6 for La5 a/( Pub+*c Po+*c6
Place of publication' !*(ge
"ountr+ of publication' &/*te( States
Publication sub*ect' La5
IN' 01I397H2
15 October 2013 Page I of 10 ProQuest
ource t+pe' Sc3o+ar+6 2our/a+s
Lan-ua-e of publication' E/g+*s3
Document t+pe' !o..e/tar6
Document feature' Refere/ces
ProQuest 0ocument ID' 23521I2I6
Document !RL' 3tt':PPsearc3-'roGuest-co.P(oc4*e5P23521I2I6Maccou/t*(R132711
"op+ri-&t' !o'6r*g3t Har4ar( Soc*et6 for La5 a/( Pub+*c Po+*c6 )a++ 2009
Last up0ate0' 2010;06;11
Database' ProQuest Researc3 L*brar6

"ontact ProQuest
!o'6r*g3t 2013 ProQuest LL!- A++ r*g3ts reser4e(- ; Terms an0 "on0itions
15 October 2013 Page 10 of 10 ProQuest

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