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Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.

1. Introduction
2. Getting Started
2.1. Before You Start
2.1.1. Required Other Software
2.1.2. Microsoft Excel Macro Securit Setting Setting Macro Securit
2.1.!. "ocal and Re#ote Ser$ers
2.2. Starting %M1 &lients
2.2.1. Running %M1 'ers(ecti$es and %M1 &lient &onfiguring %M1 to "oad )uto#aticall when You Start Excel "ocal Ser$er Startu(
2.2.2. Running )rchitect
2.!. Setting &lient O(tions
2.!.1. Setting "ogin 'ara#eters
2.!.1.1. S(ecifing the )d#in *ost
2.!.1.2. Setting the Integrated "ogin O(tion
2.!.1.2.1. Ena+ling the integrated login
2.!.1.2.2. ,sing standard %M1 authentication
2.!.2. Setting "ocal Ser$er O(tions
2.!.!. Setting )d#in Ser$er Secure Soc-et "aer O(tions
2... ,sing the Ser$er Ex(lorer /indow
2...1. 0iewing Infor#ation a+out O+1ects on the Ser$er
2...2. )ccessing Re#ote Ser$ers
2...2.1. ,(dating the "ist of )$aila+le Ser$ers
2...!. "ogging in to a Re#ote Ser$er
2..... *iding and 0iewing O+1ects in Ser$er Ex(lorer
2.....1. 0iewing or hiding an o+1ect
2.....2. Ena+ling or su((ressing the dis(la of control o+1ects
!. Browsing 2ata
!.1. Browsing 2ata O$er$iew
!.1.1. ,sing ,ndo or Redo
!.1.2. )ccessing 2ata through the &u+e 0iewer
!.1.!. )ccessing 2ata through the In3S(readsheet Browser
!.1.!.1. &hanging the 2efault Browser
!.1... ,nderstanding &ell 2ata
!.1...1. &alculated &ells
!.2. Ex(anding 2etail in a 0iew
!.2.1. Stac-ing 2i#ensions
!.2.1.1. Stac-ing 2i#ensions in the &u+e 0iewer
!. Stac-ing a %itle 2i#ension as a Row 2i#ension
!. Stac-ing a %itle 2i#ension as a &olu#n 2i#ension
!.2.1.2. Stac-ing 2i#ensions in the In3S(readsheet Browser
!. Stac-ing a title di#ension as a row di#ension
!. Stac-ing a title di#ension as a colu#n di#ension
!.2.2. 2rilling 2own through &onsolidations
!.2.2.1. 2rilling 2own in the &u+e 0iewer
!.2.2.2. 2rilling 2own in the In3S(readsheet Browser
!.2.2.!. &hanging the 2irection of Ex(ansion when 2rilling 2own on &onsolidations
!.!. &hanging %itle 2i#ension Ele#ents
!.!.1. &hanging %itle Ele#ents in the &u+e 0iewer
!.!.1.1. &cling through the title ele#ent na#es
!.!.1.2. Selecting a new title ele#ent using the su+set editor
!.!.2. &hanging %itle Ele#ents in the In3S(readsheet Browser
!... 2rilling %hrough to 2etailed 2ata
!...1. 2rill3%hrough Exa#(le
.. /rite+ac- Modes and Sand+oxes
..1. /rite+ac- Modes
..1.1. Setting the write+ac- #ode
..2. ,nderstanding different tool+ar o(tions
..2.1. ,sing direct write+ac- and na#ed sand+oxes
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..2.2. ,sing a 'ersonal /or-s(ace and na#ed sand+oxes
..2.!. 'ersonal /or-s(ace without na#ed sand+oxes
..2... 2irect write+ac- without sand+oxes
..!. ,sing a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxes
..!.1. 2ata $alues for leaf and consolidated cells in a sand+ox
..!.2. Resetting data $alues in a sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(ace
..!.!. ,nderstanding cell coloring for changed data $alues
..!... &o##itting changed data fro# a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or sand+ox to +ase
.... 4o+ 5ueuing
....1. 0iewing the 5ueue
....2. &ancelling a 1o+ in the queue
6. /or-ing with Su+sets
6.1. 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents
6.1.1. Selection &riteria
6.1.2. Sa$ing Su+sets 'u+lic and 'ri$ate Su+sets 2efault Su+sets
6.1.!. &reating 2i#ension Su+sets
6.1... Selecting Ele#ents
6.1...1. Selecting a single ele#ent
6.1...2. Selecting ad1acent ele#ents
6.1...!. Selecting non3ad1acent ele#ents
6.1..... Selecting ele#ents + hierarch le$el
6.1...6. Selecting ele#ents + attri+ute $alue
6.1...8. Selecting ele#ents + s(elling (attern
6.1...9. ,sing /ildcard &haracters
6.1...:. Selecting Ele#ents ,sing a 0iew Extract
6.1...:.1. Range 'ara#eters
6.1...:.2. 0iew Extract Exa#(le
6.1.6. 2eleting Ele#ents fro# a Su+set
6.1.8. Sorting Su+set Ele#ents
6.1.9. &hanging the 2irection of Ex(ansion for &onsolidated Ele#ents
6.2. )dding a ,ser32efined &onsolidation to a Su+set
6.2.1. &reating ,ser32efined &onsolidations on the ;l
6.!. &reating 2na#ic Su+sets
6.!.1. &reating an Ex(ression3Based 2na#ic Su+set
6.!.2. &reating a ;ilter3Based 2na#ic Su+set
6.!.!. Editing 2na#ic Su+sets
8. /or-ing with &u+e 0iews
8.1. Sa$ing &u+e 0iews
8.2. O(ening Sa$ed 0iews
8.2.1. O(ening 0iews fro# the Ser$er Ex(lorer
8.2.2. O(ening 0iews fro# the &u+e 0iewer
8.2.!. O(ening 0iews fro# the In3S(readsheet Browser
8.!. ;iltering 0iews
8.!.1. &ancelling a 0iew ;ilter
8... &hanging 2is(la O(tions
8...1. *iding &ells &ontaining <eros
8...1.1. Su((ressing <eros on Rows
8...1.2. Su((ressing <eros on &olu#ns
8...1.!. Su((ressing <eros )cross a 0iew
8...1.!.1. Su((ressing <eros )cross a 0iew in the &u+e 0iewer
8...1.!.2. Su((ressing <eros )cross a 0iew in the In3S(readsheet Browser
8...1... <ero Su((ression and &onsolidations
8...2. ;or#atting &ells
8...2.1. )((ling ;or#at )ttri+utes to 2i#ension Ele#ents
8...2.2. ;or#atting 0iews in the &u+e 0iewer
8...2.!. ;or#atting 0iews in the In3S(readsheet Browser
8...2... ;ree=ing 'anes in the In3S(readsheet Browser
8...!. &hanging the &olu#n Orientation
8.6. Modifing &ell 0alues
8.6.1. Recalculating a 0iew Recalculating a 0iew in the &u+e 0iewer Recalculating a 0iew in the In3S(readsheet Browser
8.6.1.!. Setting the In3S(readsheet Browser to Recalculate the 0iew + 2efault
8.6.2. ,nderstanding /rite+ac- and Sand+oxes
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8.6.!. Sa$ing &ell &hanges to 2is-
8.6.!.1. ,sing Batch ,(dates
8.6.!.1.1. Initiating Batch ,(dates
8.6.!.1.2. Sa$ing Batch ,(dates
8.6.!.1.!. 2iscarding Batch ,(dates
8.8. Ex(orting &u+e 2ata
8.8.1. Ex(orting 2ata fro# a &u+e
8.8.2. Ex(orting 2ata fro# a Sa$ed 0iew
8.8.!. &ontrolling the %(es of 0alues to Ex(ort fro# a &u+e
8.8... 2efining Range 'ara#eters for Ex(orting &u+e 2ata
9. ,sing 2ata S(reading
9.1. O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
9.1.1. General 'rocedures for 2ata S(reading Ste( 1 3 Select a cell or range fro# which ou want to initiate data s(reading Ste( 2 3 Select a data s(reading #ethod
9.1.1.!. Ste( ! 3 S(ecif required $alues
9.1.1... Ste( . 3 Select the directions to extend s(reading Ste( 63 Select an ,(date )ction Other Ste(s
9.1.2. ,sing the 'ro(ortional S(read Method
9.1.!. ,sing the Equal S(read Method
9.1... ,sing the Re(eat Method
9.1.6. ,sing the 'ercent &hange Method
9.1.8. ,sing the Straight "ine Method
9.1.9. ,sing the Growth > Method
9.1.:. ,sing the Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(read Method
9.1.?. ,sing the Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#ent Method
9.1.1@. ,sing the Re(eat "ea$es Method
9.1.11. ,sing the Equal S(read "ea$es Method
9.1.12. ,sing the &lear Method
9.2. Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
9.2.1. )((ling "eaf *olds
9.2.2. Releasing "eaf *olds
9.!. *olding &onsolidation 0alues &onstant
9.!.1. Interaction of &onsolidation *olds and "eaf *olds
9.!.2. )((ling &onsolidation *olds
9.!.!. Releasing &onsolidation *olds
9... 2ata S(reading Sntax
9...1. 5uic- Reference %a+le
9...1.1. ,sing Shortcuts in 2ifferent &lients
9...2. S(reading )cross a Selected Range of &ells
9...!. Sntax Exa#(les
9...!.1. S(reading )cross an Entire Row
9.6. 2ata S(reading 7otes
9.6.1. 2ata S(reading 7ot Su((orted in 2BR ;unctions
9.6.2. 2ata S(read Menu in /or-sheets is not 2na#ic
9.6.!. 2ata S(reading )((lies )cross Multi(le 'o(ulated Ranges
9.6... S(reading )((lies to a Single &u+e
:. ,sing /or-sheets to )ccess 2ata
:.1. O$er$iew
:.2. Slicing a 0iew into a /or-sheet
:.2.1. %a-ing a Sna(shot of a 0iew
:.!. Modifing /or-sheets
:.!.1. &hanging Ele#ent 7a#es in /or-sheets
:.!.2. %(ing Ele#ent 7a#es in /or-sheets
:.!.!. &o(ing Ele#ent 7a#es fro# %M1 &lients
:.!... ,sing %M1 /or-sheet ;unctions to Retrie$e Ele#ent 7a#es
:.!.6. Entering In$alid Ele#ent 7a#es in /or-sheets
:... ,nderstanding &u+e References
:...1. /riting &u+e References
:.6. &hanging &ell 0alues Stored in &u+es
:.8. &reating ;or#ulas with the ;or#ula Editor
:.8.1. ,sing the for#ula editor to (o(ulate a single cell in the two $iews wor-sheet
:.8.2. &o(ing the for#ula in the cell B: across in the to( re(ort
:.8.!. &orrecting &u+e References
:.8... &reating %M1 /or-sheet ;unctions ,sing the Excel Insert ;unction
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:.9. &reating 2na#ic Re(orts
:.9.1. ,sing the 27EA% ;unction
:.9.2. ,sing the 2;RS% ;unction
:.9.!. ,sing the E"&OM' ;unction
?. )cti$e ;or#s
?.1. )cti$e ;or#s O$er$iew
?.2. &reating an )cti$e ;or#
?.2.1. &reating an )cti$e ;or# fro# the &u+e 0iewer
?.2.2. &reating an )cti$e ;or# in Microsoft Excel
?.2.!. Sa$ing an )cti$e ;or#
?.2... Recalculating an )cti$e ;or#
?.2.6. 2eleting an )cti$e ;or#
?.!. /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
?.!.1. Su((ressingB2is(laing <eroes
?.!.2. ;iltering
?.!.!. 2ata S(reading and *olding
?.!.!.1. )((ling data s(reading
?.!.!.2. )((ling data holding
?.!... 2rilling to Related 2ata
?.!.6. Editing Row Su+sets
?.!.8. Sa$ing the Row Su+set as a Static "ist of Ele#ents
?.!.9. &hanging %itle Ele#ents
?.!.:. Inserting a 2e(endent Section
?.!.?. Inserting &olu#ns
?.!.?.1. )dding ;unctions to an )cti$e ;or#
?... ;or#atting )cti$e ;or#s
?...1. Re$ealing the ;or#at Range
?...2. ,nderstanding )((lication of 2efault ;or#atting
?...!. Modifing )cti$e ;or# ;or#at 2efinitions
?..... &reating )dditional ;or#ats
?...6. )((ling ;or#atting in an )cti$e ;or#
?.6. )cti$e ;or#s in %M1 /e+
?.8. )cti$e ;or# ;unctions
?.9. )cti$e ;or# ,sage 7otes
?.9.1. Sheet 7a#es &annot Include 2ash C3D &haracter
?.9.2. Merging &ells In an )cti$e ;or# Requires a Re+uild
?.9.!. )cti$e ;or#s Require at "east One Row 2i#ension
?.9... ,sing &ell and 'assword 'rotection with )cti$e ;or#s
1@. &reating Re(orts
1@.1. O$er$iew of %M1 Re(orts
1@.2. &reating %M1 Re(orts
1@.2.1. Setting the 'age "aout for %M1 Re(orts
1@.2.2. Starting the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard
1@.2.!. Selecting the Sheets for the Re(ort
1@.2... Selecting the %itle 2i#ensions for the Re(ort
1@.2...1. 2eter#ining the 7u#+er of Sheets in a Re(ort
1@.2...2. 2eter#ining the Order of Sheets in a Re(ort
1@.2...!. Selecting 2i#ension Su+sets for the Re(ort
1@.2.6. Selecting /or-+oo- 'rint O(tions
1@.2.6.1. 'rint Single /or-+oo-
1@.2.6.2. 'rint Multi(le /or-+oo-s
1@.2.8. Selecting a 'rint 2estination
1@.2.9. 'rinting %M1 Re(orts
1@.2.:. Sa$ing the %M1 Re(ort as an Excel 2ocu#ent
1@.2.?. Sa$ing the %M1 Re(ort as a '2; 2ocu#ent
1@.!. Sa$ing and "oading %M1 'rint 4o+s
1@.!.1. Sa$ing a %M1 'rint 4o+
1@.!.2. "oading an Existing %M1 'rint 4o+
11. %M1 /e+ O$er$iew
11.1. Starting %M1 /e+
11.2. ,sing %M1 /e+
11.2.1. 7a$igation 'ane
11.2.2. &ontent 'ane
11.!. 2ata Browsing and )nalsis %as-s
11... )d#inistrator %as-s
12. /or-ing with /e+sheets
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12.1. /e+sheet O$er$iew
12.1.1. 0isual 2ifferences Between /e+sheets and Excel /or-sheets
12.2. 0iewing a /e+sheet
12.!. ,sing the /e+sheet %ool+ar
12... ,sing the /e+sheet 'aging %ool+ar
12.6. Editing 2ata in a /e+sheet
12.6.1. Editing 2ata in /e+sheet &ells
12.6.2. ,sing 2ata S(reading in a /e+sheet
12.6.!. Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
12.6.!.1. )((l a *old to a Single &ell or Range
12.6.!.2. Release a *old on a Single &ell or Range
12.6... Excluding &onsolidations fro# 2ata S(reading
12.6...1. )((l a &onsolidation *old to a Single &ell or Range
12.6...2. Release a &onsolidation *old on a Single &ell or Range
12.8. &hanging /e+sheet 'ro(erties
12.9. Recogni=ing Inherited Excel ;eatures in /e+sheets
12.9.1. *ide &olu#ns
12.9.2. &onditional ;or#atting
12.9.!. *(erlin-s
12.9... ;ree=e 'anes
12.9...1. ,sing &lear%(e to Enhance 2is(la and Rendering of /e+sheets
12.9...2. String #easure#ent for wide colu#ns in %M1 /e+
12.9.6. ,sing &ell and 'assword 'rotection with /e+sheets
12.:. Generating a Re(ort fro# a /e+sheet
12.:.1. /e+sheet Ex(ort "i#itations
12.:.1.1. Slice to ExcelBSna(shot to Excel
12.:.1.2. Ex(ort to '2;
1!. /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
1!.1. O(ening a &u+e 0iew in %M1 /e+
1!.2. ,sing the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer %ool+ar
1!.!. 7a$igating 'ages
1!... Re$iewing 2ata &hanges
1!.6. Sa$ing 2ata in a &u+e 0iew
1!.8. &onfiguring a &u+e 0iew
1!.8.1. Ex(anding and &olla(sing &onsolidations
1!.8.2. 'i$oting 2i#ensions
1!.8.!. *iding 2i#ensions
1!.8... ;iltering a &u+e 0iew
1!.8.6. Selecting Ele#ents fro# a Su+set
1!.8.8. 2rilling fro# a &u+e 0iew
1!.9. Editing 2ata in a &u+e 0iew
1!.9.1. Editing 2ata in &u+e 0iew &ells
1!.9.2. ,sing 2ata S(reading
1!.9.!. 5uic- 2ata Entr &o##ands
1!.9.!.1. ,sing Shortcuts in 2ifferent &lients
1!.9... Entering 2ata into &onsolidated &ells on the /e+ &u+e 0iewer
1!.9.6. Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
1!.9.6.1. )((l a hold to a single cell or range
1!.9.6.2. Release a hold on a single cell or range
1!.9.8. Excluding &onsolidations fro# 2ata S(reading
1!.9.8.1. )((l a consolidation hold to a single cell or range
1!.9.8.2. Release a consolidation hold on a single cell or range
1!.:. &reating a 7ew &u+e 0iew
1!.?. Generating a Re(ort fro# a &u+e 0iew
1!.?.1. &u+e 0iewer Ex(ort "i#itation
1.. /or-ing with &harts
1..1. &hanging the &hart %(eE &olorsE "egendE and !2 0iew
1..2. &hanging &hart 'ro(erties
1..2.1. &hanging Basic &hart 'ro(erties
1..2.2. &hanging the &hart "egend
1..2.!. &hanging the !2 Stle
1..2... &hanging &hart "a+els
1..2.6. &hanging the A3axis and Y3axis
1..2.8. &hanging the )((earance of Your &hart
1..!. Ex(anding and &olla(sing &onsolidations in a &hart
1.... 2rilling fro# a &hart
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16. Editing Su+sets in %M1 /e+
16.1. Su+set Editing O$er$iew
16.1.1. Su+set Editor %(es
16.1.2. 2na#ic $ersus Static Su+sets
16.2. O(ening the Su+set Editor
16.!. Building a Si#(le Su+set
16... 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
16...1. ,sing the )d$anced Su+set Editor %ool+ar
16...2. Mo$ing Ele#ents
16...!. Mo$ing &onsolidations
16..... Fee(ing Ele#ents
16...6. 2eleting Ele#ents
16...8. ;iltering Ele#ents
16...8.1. ;iltering + )ttri+ute
16...8.2. ;iltering + "e$el
16...8.!. ;iltering + Ex(ression
16...9. ;inding Ele#ents
16...:. Sorting Ele#ents
16...?. Ex(anding and &olla(sing &onsolidations
16...?.1. Ex(anding a &onsolidation
16...?.2. &olla(sing a &onsolidation
16...1@. Inserting 'arents
16.6. &reating &usto# &onsolidations
16.6.1. &reating a &usto# &onsolidation fro# an Existing Su+set
16.6.2. &reating a &usto# &onsolidation fro# Selected Ele#ents
18. Sa#(le &u+es
18.1. Sales'rior&u+e
18.1.1. 2i#ensions and Ele#ents
18.1.2. 2i#ension &onsolidations Region 2i#ension Model 2i#ension
18.1.2.!. )ccount1 2i#ension
18.1.2... Month 2i#ension
18.2. 'n"&u+e
18.2.1. 2i#ensions and Ele#ents
18.2.2. 2i#ension &onsolidations )ccount2 2i#ension
18.!. 'rice&u+e
18.!.1. 2i#ensions and Ele#ents
18.!.2. 2i#ension &onsolidations
18... Sales&u+e
18...1. 2i#ensions and Ele#ents
18...2. 2i#ension &onsolidations
18.6. SalesB5uarter&u+e
18.6.1. 2i#ensions and Ele#ents
18.6.2. 2i#ension &onsolidations 5uarter 2i#ension
18.8. SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel
18.8.1. 2i#ensions and Ele#ents
18.8.2. 2i#ension &onsolidations
19. %M1 2is(la ;or#ats
19.1. Esta+lishing a &usto# ;or#at
19.2. &haracter 0alues
19.!. 7u#eric 0alues
19... 2ate and %i#e 2is(la ;or#ats
19.6. 2ate ;or#ats for 2ifferent "anguage Settings
1:. %M1 %ool+ars
1:.1. %he Standard %ool+ar
1:.2. %he S(reading %ool+ar
1:.!. %he 2e$elo(er %ool+ar
1:... %he )cti$e ;or#s %ool+ar
1:.6. %he Ser$ers %ool+ar
1:.6.1. Ser$ers %ool+ar "i#itations
1:.8. %he Sand+ox %ool+ar
1?. 7otices
1?.1. G
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2@. Glossar
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1. Introduction
%his docu#ent is intended for use with IBMH &ognosH %M1H.
%his #anual descri+es how to use the %M1 Microsoft /indows clientsI )rchitectE 'ers(ecti$esE and %M1 &lient. It also
descri+es the we+3+ased clientE %M1 /e+.
IBM &ognos %M1 integrates +usiness (lanningE (erfor#ance #easure#ent and o(erational data to ena+le co#(anies to
o(ti#i=e +usiness effecti$eness and custo#er interaction regardless of geogra(h or structure. %M1 (ro$ides i##ediate
$isi+ilit into dataE accounta+ilit within a colla+orati$e (rocess and a consistent $iew of infor#ationE allowing #anagers to
quic-l sta+ili=e o(erational fluctuations and ta-e ad$antage of new o((ortunities.
Finding information
%o find IBM &ognos (roduct docu#entation on the we+E including all translated docu#entationE access one of the IBM &ognos
Infor#ation &enters Chtt(IBB($1r@#@Bindex.1s(D. Release 7otesH are (u+lished
directl to Infor#ation &entersE and include lin-s to the latest technotes and )')Rs. You can search all of the &ognos %M1
docu#entation fro# the &ognos %M1 Infor#ation &enter.
Samples disclaimer
%he Great Outdoors &o#(anE GO SalesE an $ariation of the Great Outdoors na#eE and 'lanning Sa#(le de(ict fictitious
+usiness o(erations with sa#(le data used to de$elo( sa#(le a((lications for IBM and IBM custo#ers. %hese fictitious
records include sa#(le data for sales transactionsE (roduct distri+utionE financeE and hu#an resources. )n rese#+lance to
actual na#esE addressesE contact nu#+ersE or transaction $alues is coincidental. Other sa#(le files #a contain fictional data
#anuall or #achine generatedE factual data co#(iled fro# acade#ic or (u+lic sourcesE or data used with (er#ission of the
co(right holderE for use as sa#(le data to de$elo( sa#(le a((lications. 'roduct na#es referenced #a +e the trade#ar-s of
their res(ecti$e owners. ,nauthori=ed du(lication is (rohi+ited.
Accessibility features
%his (roduct does not currentl su((ort accessi+ilit features that hel( users with a (hsical disa+ilitE such as restricted
#o+ilit or li#ited $isionE to use this (roduct.
Forard!loo"ing statements
%his docu#entation descri+es the current functionalit of the (roduct. References to ite#s that are not currentl a$aila+le
#a +e included. 7o i#(lication of an future a$aila+ilit should +e inferred. )n such references are not a co##it#entE
(ro#iseE or legal o+ligation to deli$er an #aterialE codeE or functionalit. %he de$elo(#entE releaseE and ti#ing of features
or functionalit re#ain at the sole discretion of IBM.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#. Getting Started
%his section descri+es how to start u( an IBMH &ognosH %M1H client and access data.
$efore %ou Start
Before ou start using an of the IBM &ognos %M1 clientsE ou #ust ha$e the %M1 software installedE along with an
required software fro# other $endors. You will also need certain infor#ation a+out our networ- installation and
a((ro(riate securit (ri$ileges to the ser$ers and o+1ects that ou want to access.
Starting TM1 Clients
%his section descri+es how to start %M1 clients.
Setting Client &ptions
You can set the following %M1 client o(tions in the %M1 O(tions dialog +ox. %he %M1 client o(tions are written to the
%#1(.ini fileE which stores all the configuration (ara#eters for %M1 clients.
Using t'e Ser(er )*plorer +indo
%he Ser$er Ex(lorer window is the starting (oint for #ost acti$ities within IBM &ognos %M1 .
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.1. $efore %ou Start
Before ou start using an of the IBMH &ognosH %M1H clientsE ou #ust ha$e the %M1 software installedE along with an
required software fro# other $endors. You will also need certain infor#ation a+out our networ- installation and a((ro(riate
securit (ri$ileges to the ser$ers and o+1ects that ou want to access.
,e-uired &t'er Softare
;or details on the required hardware and softwareE see the Su((orted *ardware and Software to(ic on the IBM &ognos
Infor#ation &enter for this (roduct.
Microsoft )*cel Macro Security Setting
Microsoft Excel #acro securit #ust +e set to either "owE Mediu#E or *igh to successfull run %M1 . Excel will not load
%M1 if #acro securit is set to 0er *igh.
.ocal and ,emote Ser(ers
"ocal and re#ote %M1 ser$ers (ro$ide access to cu+es and data stored either on our co#(uter or on other co#(uters in
our networ-.
/arent topic0 Getting Started
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#.1.1. ,e-uired &t'er Softare
;or details on the required hardware and softwareE see the Su((orted *ardware and Software to(ic on the IBMH &ognosH
Infor#ation &enter for this (roduct.
/arent topic0 Before You Start
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
11 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
#.1.#. Microsoft )*cel Macro Security Setting
Microsoft Excel #acro securit #ust +e set to either "owE Mediu#E or *igh to successfull run %M1H . Excel will not load %M1
if #acro securit is set to 0er *igh.
/hen #acro securit is set to "owE Mediu#E or *igh and ou ha$e configured the %M1 add3in to load auto#aticall when ou
start ExcelE %M1 will alwas load without requiring ou to res(ond to an (ro#(t when ou o(en Excel.
/hen ou atte#(t to o(en %M1 fro# the Start #enu on the /indows tas-+ar or + o(ening the %#1(.xla fileE results will
$ar according to the Excel #acro securit setting.
If #acro securit is set to "owE %M1 will o(en without requiring ou to res(ond to an securit (ro#(t.
If #acro securit is set to Mediu#E ou will +e (ro#(ted to ena+le #acros e$er ti#e ou o(en %M1 .
If #acro securit is set to *ighE %M1 will not load in Excel. You will recei$e an error indicating that the wor-+oo- cannot
+e o(ened.
If ou want to run with #acro securit set to *igh ou #ust configure the %M1 add3in to load auto#aticall when ou start
Setting Macro Security
Macro Securit in Excel can +e #odified to a nu#+er of securit le$els.
/arent topic0 Before You Start
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#.1.#.1. Setting Macro Security
Macro Securit in Excel can +e #odified to a nu#+er of securit le$els.
&hoose ToolsE &ptions on the Excel #enu +ar. 1.
&lic- the Security ta+ on the O(tions dialog +ox. 2.
&lic- Macro Security. !.
&lic- the Security .e(el ta+. ..
Select either .oE MediumE or 1ig' on the Securit dialog +ox and clic- &2.
) full descri(tion of each securit setting is a$aila+le on the Securit dialog +ox.
&lic- the Trusted /ublis'ers ta+. 8.
Select the Trust all installed add!ins and templates o(tion. 9.
&lic- &2. :.
/arent topic0 Microsoft Excel Macro Securit Setting
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.1.3. .ocal and ,emote Ser(ers
"ocal and re#ote %M1H ser$ers (ro$ide access to cu+es and data stored either on our co#(uter or on other co#(uters in
our networ-.
) local ser$er gi$es ou exclusi$e access to data and o+1ects in a set of /indows folders called data directories. 2uring
the %M1 client sessionE onl ou can createE +rowseE and #odif data or o+1ects that a local ser$er stores. You can also
control where the data directories are located.
Re#ote ser$ers (ro$ide access to shared data and o+1ects in our organi=ation. ) userJs le$el of access de(ends on the
securit grou( that the ad#inistrator assigns to the user na#e Cclient I2D that the user e#(los to access the re#ote
ser$er. ;or exa#(leE a user #ight +e a+le to u(date March sales data that is stored on a de(art#entJs re#ote ser$erE +ut
that user can onl +rowse the ca#(aign data stored on the Mar-eting de(art#entJs re#ote ser$er.
You #ust -now the na#e of the ser$er with which ou want to wor-. If ou wor- with a local ser$erE the ser$er na#e is
"ocal. If ou wor- with a re#ote ser$erE our ser$er ad#inistrator #ust set u( a user na#e and (assword for ou +efore
ou can access that ser$er.
If ou wor- with a re#ote ser$erE ou #ust -now the location of the )d#in *ost on which a %M1 )d#in Ser$er is
runningE and the )d#in *ost #ust +e accessi+le fro# our sste#.
%he )d#in Ser$er is a (rocess that trac-s the %M1 ser$ers running on our networ-. ) client references the )d#in
Ser$er to deter#ine which ser$ers are a$aila+le at an gi$en ti#e. ;or #ore infor#ation a+out the )d#in Ser$erE see
)ccessing Re#ote Ser$ers.
)n %M1 client can access re#ote %M1 ser$ersE +ut onl %M1 )rchitect and %M1 'ers(ecti$es su((ort local %M1 ser$ers.
/arent topic0 Before You Start
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.#. Starting TM1 Clients
%his section descri+es how to start %M1H clients.
%M1 'ers(ecti$es and %M1 &lient C%#1(.xlaD 3 run as add3ins to Microsoft Excel
)rchitect C%#1a.exeD 3 runs as a stand3alone a((lication
,unning TM1 /erspecti(es and TM1 Client
If ou ha$e configured Microsoft Excel to auto#aticall load %M1E whene$er Excel startsE %M1 is also loaded.
,unning Arc'itect
)rchitect can +e run using one of two different #ethods.
/arent topic0 Getting Started
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#.#.1. ,unning TM1 /erspecti(es and TM1 Client
If ou ha$e configured Microsoft Excel to auto#aticall load %M1HE whene$er Excel startsE %M1 is also loaded.
If ou do not choose to auto#aticall load %M1E clic- StartE All /rogramsE I$M CognosE TM1E /erspecti(es for MS )*cel
fro# the /indows tas-+ar to start %M1 'ers(ecti$es or %M1 &lient.
You can also #anuall load the %M1 add3in fro# Excel + following these ste(sI
&hoose FileE &pen fro# the Excel #enu +ar. 1.
7a$igate to the %M1 installation director. 2.
2ou+le3clic- Tm1p.*la. !.
Configuring TM1 to .oad Automatically 'en %ou Start )*cel
2uring a %M1 installationE ou can choose to auto#aticall load %M1 when Microsoft Excel starts. You can also configure
%M1 to load auto#aticall.
.ocal Ser(er Startup
2e(ending on a clientJs %M1 configuration o(tionsE a local %M1 ser$er #a auto#aticall start when ou run 'ers(ecti$es
or %M1 &lient.
/arent topic0 Starting %M1 &lients
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#.#.1.1. Configuring TM1 to .oad Automatically 'en %ou Start )*cel
2uring a %M1H installationE ou can choose to auto#aticall load %M1 when Microsoft Excel starts. You can also configure
%M1 to load auto#aticall.
&lic- ToolsE Add!ins fro# the Excel #enu +ar. 1.
Select TM1/. 2.
&lic- &2. !.
/arent topic0 Running %M1 'ers(ecti$es and %M1 &lient
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#.#.1.#. .ocal Ser(er Startup
2e(ending on a clientJs %M1H configuration o(tionsE a local %M1 ser$er #a auto#aticall start when ou run 'ers(ecti$es or
%M1 &lient.
;or #ore infor#ation a+out starting the local ser$er at the +eginning of a sessionE see Setting &lient O(tions.
/arent topic0 Running %M1 'ers(ecti$es and %M1 &lient
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.#.#. ,unning Arc'itect
)rchitect can +e run using one of two different #ethods.
On the Microsoft /indows tas-+arE clic- StartE All /rogramsE I$M Cognos TM1E Arc'itect.
O(en Tm1a.e*e in the %M1H <install_dir>K+in director. %he default (ath to the file is &IK'rogra# ;ilesKIBMK&ognos
2e(ending on a clientJs configuration o(tionsE a local ser$er #a auto#aticall start when ou run )rchitect. ;or #ore
infor#ation a+out starting the local ser$er at the +eginning of a sessionE see Setting &lient O(tions.
/arent topic0 Starting %M1 &lients
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.3. Setting Client &ptions
You can set the following %M1H client o(tions in the %M1 O(tions dialog +ox. %he %M1 client o(tions are written to the
%#1(.ini fileE which stores all the configuration (ara#eters for %M1 clients.
"ogin +eha$ior for %M1 clients
/hether the client can access a (ri$ate data+ase on a local ser$er
/hether the client can access re#ote %M1 ser$ers across the Internet
;or details on all the (ara#eters a$aila+le in %#1(.iniE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1 Installation and Configuration Guide.
Setting .ogin /arameters
"ogin (ara#eters define how %M1 clients connect to re#ote %M1 ser$ersE either on a networ- C")7 or /)7D or across the
Setting .ocal Ser(er &ptions
Running %M1 with a local ser$er is o(tional. If ou wor- with data onl on re#ote ser$ersE ou can (re$ent a local ser$er
fro# starting at the +eginning of the client session. ) re#ote ser$er is an %M1 ser$er our co#(uter accesses o$er a
Setting Admin Ser(er Secure Soc"et .ayer &ptions
%he %M1 client alwas co##unicates with the )d#in Ser$er $ia Secure Soc-et "aer CSS"D. B defaultE the client is
configured to use the %M1 generated certificates that are included as (art of a standard %M1 installation. You can #odif
a client to use custo# certificates or retrie$e certificates fro# the /indows certificate store.
/arent topic0 Getting Started
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#.3.1. Setting .ogin /arameters
"ogin (ara#eters define how %M1H clients connect to re#ote %M1 ser$ersE either on a networ- C")7 or /)7D or across the
%o set login (ara#etersE ou #ust (erfor# these tas-sI
S(ecif the )d#in *ost.
Set the Integrated "ogin o(tion.
Specifying t'e Admin 1ost
%he )d#in *ost is a #achine on which an )d#in Ser$er is running. %he )d#in Ser$er is a (rocess that trac-s all the %M1
ser$ers that run on a networ-. Re#ote ser$ers register infor#ation a+out the#sel$es on the )d#in Ser$er. In turnE %M1
clients reference the )d#in Ser$er to locate the %M1 ser$ers a$aila+le on a networ-.
Setting t'e Integrated .ogin &ption
Integrated "ogin ena+les the %M1 client to use /indows networ- authentication to access %M1 ser$ers. )fter ou log in to
a /indows wor-stationE ou can access %M1 without +eing (ro#(ted for a user na#e or (assword. In contrastE using
standard %M1 authenticationE ou #ust su((l a user na#e and (assword whene$er ou log in to a ser$er.
/arent topic0 Setting &lient O(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.3.1.1. Specifying t'e Admin 1ost
%he )d#in *ost is a #achine on which an )d#in Ser$er is running. %he )d#in Ser$er is a (rocess that trac-s all the %M1H
ser$ers that run on a networ-. Re#ote ser$ers register infor#ation a+out the#sel$es on the )d#in Ser$er. In turnE %M1
clients reference the )d#in Ser$er to locate the %M1 ser$ers a$aila+le on a networ-.
%M1 clients can then log in to these ser$ers through the Ser$er Ex(lorerE as descri+ed in "ogging in to a Re#ote Ser$er.
O(en Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
In the left (aneE select TM1 . 2.
&lic- FileE TM1 &ptions.
%he %M1 O(tions dialog +ox o(ens.
In the )d#in *ost fieldE s(ecif the na#e of the co#(uter on which the %M1 )d#in Ser$er is running. If ou want to
access ser$ers registered on different )d#in Ser$ersE use a se#icolon to se(arate the na#e of each )d#in *ost.
4ote0 You #ust enter a na#eE not an I' addressE in the )d#in *ost field.
You can also clic- the Admin 1ost +utton to select one of the six #ost recentl used )d#in *osts.
&lic- &2.
) #essage (ro#(ts ou a+out disconnecting fro# currentl accessed ser$ers.
If ou want to access a new list of ser$ersE clic- %es. If ou want to continue to see the current list of re#ote ser$ers
during this sessionE clic- 4o.
If ou clic- YesE ser$ers a$aila+le through )d#in Ser$er on the s(ecified )d#in *ost a((ear in the left (ane of the Ser$er
Ex(lorer window.
/arent topic0 Setting "ogin 'ara#eters
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.3.1.#. Setting t'e Integrated .ogin &ption
Integrated "ogin ena+les the %M1H client to use /indows networ- authentication to access %M1 ser$ers. )fter ou log in to a
/indows wor-stationE ou can access %M1 without +eing (ro#(ted for a user na#e or (assword. In contrastE using standard
%M1 authenticationE ou #ust su((l a user na#e and (assword whene$er ou log in to a ser$er.
Your ad#inistrator #ust configure and ena+le Integrated "ogin on %M1 ser$ers.
4ote0 Before ou ena+le Integrated "ogin on the %M1 clientE consult with our ad#inistrator to deter#ine if Integrated "ogin
is ena+led on the ser$ers ou will access.
)nabling t'e integrated login
%he Integrated login #ust +e ena+led #anuall in order for it to function.
Using standard TM1 aut'entication
In order to use standard authenticationE it #ust +e ena+led.
/arent topic0 Setting "ogin 'ara#eters
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.3.1.#.1. )nabling t'e integrated login
%he Integrated login #ust +e ena+led #anuall in order for it to function.
O(en Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
In the left (aneE select TM1 . 2.
&lic- FileE TM1 &ptions.
%he %M1H O(tions dialog +ox o(ens.
Select the Integrated .ogin o(tion. ..
&lic- &2. 6.
/arent topic0 Setting the Integrated "ogin O(tion
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.3.1.#.#. Using standard TM1 aut'entication
In order to use standard authenticationE it #ust +e ena+led.
&lic- TM1 &ptions on the Excel #enu +ar.
%he %M1H O(tions dialog +ox o(ens.
&lear the Integrated .ogin o(tion. 2.
&lic- &2. !.
/arent topic0 Setting the Integrated "ogin O(tion
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
25 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
#.3.#. Setting .ocal Ser(er &ptions
Running %M1H with a local ser$er is o(tional. If ou wor- with data onl on re#ote ser$ersE ou can (re$ent a local ser$er
fro# starting at the +eginning of the client session. ) re#ote ser$er is an %M1 ser$er our co#(uter accesses o$er a
If ou choose to run a local ser$erE ou can s(ecif the data director that is loaded when the local ser$er starts.
You set these configuration o(tions in the %M1 O(tions dialog +ox.
O(en Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
In the left (aneE select TM1 . 2.
&lic- FileE TM1 &ptions.
%he %M1 O(tions dialog +ox o(ens.
Start the local ser$er #anuall or auto#aticallI
Manually 3 %o (re$ent the local ser$er fro# starting at the +eginning of a sessionE clear the &onnect to "ocal Ser$er
on Startu( chec- +ox.
Automatically 3 %o auto#aticall start the local ser$er at the +eginning of a sessionE select the &onnect to "ocal
Ser$er on Startu( chec- +ox.
%o s(ecif the data director loaded when the local ser$er startsE enter the full (ath to the data director in the .ocal
Ser(er 5ata 5irectory +ox.
&lic- $rose to na$igate to the a((ro(riate data directorE or clic- the .ocal Ser(er 5ata 5irectory to select one of
the six #ost recent (aths to a "ocal Ser$er 2ata 2irector fro# a histor list.
You can concatenate #ulti(le data directories in the "ocal Ser$er 2ata 2irector +ox. %o do soE se(arate each director
with a se#i3colon CLDE as in the following exa#(leI
C:\TM1data\sales;C:\yearly projections\TM1data\expenses
/hen ou s(ecif #ulti(le data directoriesE all o+1ects and data fro# each director are loaded when a local ser$er
starts. In the e$ent that an identicall na#ed o+1ect exists in #ulti(le directoriesE the first o+1ect encountered is used.
4ote0 /hen ou s(ecif #ulti(le data directories for a local ser$erE an director after the first director is accessed in
read3onl #ode.
&lic- &2. 8.
/arent topic0 Setting &lient O(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.3.3. Setting Admin Ser(er Secure Soc"et .ayer &ptions
%he %M1H client alwas co##unicates with the )d#in Ser$er $ia Secure Soc-et "aer CSS"D. B defaultE the client is
configured to use the %M1 generated certificates that are included as (art of a standard %M1 installation. You can #odif a
client to use custo# certificates or retrie$e certificates fro# the /indows certificate store.
O(en Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
In the left (aneE select TM1 . 2.
&lic- FileE TM1 &ptions.
%he %M1 O(tions dialog +ox o(ens.
In the Certificate Aut'ority fieldE s(ecif the full (ath to the certificate authorit file that issued the )d#in Ser$erJs
If a certificate re$ocation file existsE s(ecif the full (ath to the file in the Certificate ,e(ocation .ist field. %his is an
o(tional fieldL if a re$ocation file does not existE lea$e this field +lan-.
Enter the na#e of the (rinci(al to who# the )d#in Ser$erJs certificate is issued in the Certificate I5 field. 8.
Select the Use Certificate Store o(tion if ou want to retrie$e the certificate authorit file that issued the )d#in
Ser$erJs certificate fro# the /indows certificate store. If this o(tion is selectedE the certificate authorit file s(ecified in
the &ertificate )uthorit field is ignored.
If ou ena+le the ,se &ertificate Store o(tionE ou #ust enter a $alid )*port Certificate I5 to s(ecif the identit -e
used to ex(ort the certificate authorit file.
&lic- &2. ?.
Restart the %M1 client. 1@.
/arent topic0 Setting &lient O(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.6. Using t'e Ser(er )*plorer +indo
%he Ser$er Ex(lorer window is the starting (oint for #ost acti$ities within IBMH &ognosH %M1H .
Ser$er Ex(lorer is the starting (oint for the following acti$ities within &ognos %M1 I
&reating cu+esE $iewsE di#ensionsE su+setsE (rocessesE and chores.
0iewing data in cu+es.
Re$iewing the list of cu+es and di#ensions stored on a local ser$er and on re#ote ser$ers.
"ogging in to re#ote ser$ers.
I#(orting data into cu+es.
You can access Ser$er Ex(lorer fro# %M1 'ers(ecti$es or %M1 &lient.
O(en Microsoft Excel. 1.
If necessarE load the %#1(.xla add3inE as descri+ed in Running %M1 'ers(ecti$es and %M1 &lient. 2.
&lic- TM1 E Ser(er )*plorer.
%he Ser$er Ex(lorer window o(ens.
/hen ou start )rchitectE Ser$er Ex(lorer o(ens i##ediatel.
7ieing Information about &b8ects on t'e Ser(er
%he Ser$er Ex(lorer window is di$ided into two re3si=a+le (anes.
Accessing ,emote Ser(ers
%M1 #a-es re#ote ser$ers a$aila+le through a (rocess called the )d#in Ser$erE which runs on a networ- )d#in *ost
#achine. /hen a re#ote %M1 ser$er is startedE the )d#in Ser$er records the %M1 na#e and networ- addressE and
#a-es this infor#ation a$aila+le to %M1 clients on the networ-.
.ogging in to a ,emote Ser(er
%he (rocedure to log in to a re#ote ser$er $aries according to the login securit sche#e i#(le#ented + our %M1
1iding and 7ieing &b8ects in Ser(er )*plorer
You can ena+le or su((ress the dis(la of o+1ect t(es in Ser$er Ex(lorer. %he +enefit of su((ressing the dis(la of o+1ect
t(es +eco#es e$ident when ou wor- with a large data+aseL ou can $iew and focus onl on those o+1ects ou need to
wor- with at an gi$en ti#e.
/arent topic0 Getting Started
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
28 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
#.6.1. 7ieing Information about &b8ects on t'e Ser(er
%he Ser$er Ex(lorer window is di$ided into two re3si=a+le (anes.
Tree pane 9left pane: 3 (resents hierarchical lists of cu+esE di#ensionsE (rocessesE choresE and related o+1ects that are
a$aila+le on the ser$ers.
/roperties pane 9rig't pane: 3 dis(las the (ro(erties of the %M1H o+1ectsE which include cu+esE di#ensionsE
(rocessesE choresE and related o+1ects. &lic- 7ieE /roperties +indo to dis(la or hide the 'ro(erties (ane.
4ote0 )ll screen shots in this guide include the 'ro(erties (ane.
%o access the list of a$aila+le ser$ersE dou+le3clic- TM1 in the %ree (ane. In the following exa#(leE there are three ser$ersI
localE salesE and in$entor. %he (lus sign CMD next to local and in$entor indicate that ou are logged on to these ser$ers.
/ith TM1 selectedE the 'ro(erties (ane shows the current data director and networ- address for all %M1 ser$ers a$aila+le
on our networ-. %he 'ro(erties (ane also shows our current login I2 for all ser$ers to which ou are connected.
,se the following ste(s to see the tree of cu+esE $iewsE di#ensionsE su+setsE and other o+1ects that are a$aila+le on the local
In the %reeE select the local ser$er. 1.
&lic- 7ieE )*pand All C'ildren.
You can also ex(and the tree one le$el at a ti#eI
&lic- the (lus sign C;D next to local.
) colla(sed tree of %M1 o+1ects dis(las.
,se )((lications o+1ects to organi=e other o+1ects into logical grou(ings. ;or #ore infor#ationE see the IBMH &ognosH
%M1 Developer Guide.
,se 'rocess o+1ects to i#(ort data into %M1 .
,se &hores to schedule (rocesses and re(lications for auto#atic execution. You use the Re(lication functionalit to co(
cu+es +etween ser$ers. ;or #ore infor#ationE see O(ening a &u+e 0iew in %M1 /e+.
%o see the list of cu+esE clic- the (lus sign C;D next to &u+es. ..
%o see the co#(lete list of di#ensions on the local ser$erE clic- the (lus sign C;D next to 2i#ensions.
In the following exa#(le of a %ree (aneE ou see lists of cu+esE di#ensionsE $iewsE and su+sets on a local ser$er. %he
Sales&u+e is ex(anded to dis(la the di#ensions that co#(rise the cu+e and the sa$ed $iews associated with the cu+e.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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/arent topic0 ,sing the Ser$er Ex(lorer /indow
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#.6.#. Accessing ,emote Ser(ers
%M1H #a-es re#ote ser$ers a$aila+le through a (rocess called the )d#in Ser$erE which runs on a networ- )d#in *ost
#achine. /hen a re#ote %M1 ser$er is startedE the )d#in Ser$er records the %M1 na#e and networ- addressE and #a-es
this infor#ation a$aila+le to %M1 clients on the networ-.
Re#ote ser$ers a((ear in the %ree (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorer window with a na#e other than local.
%o access the cu+es and di#ensions on a re#ote ser$erE ou #ust s(ecif the )d#in *ost on which an )d#in Ser$er is
runningE and log on to the %M1 . Re#ote ser$ers canE +ut need notE +e on a #achine other than the local ser$er #achine.
%he local la+el i#(lies it is a N(ri$ateN ser$erE not its location.
;or the na#e of the )d#in *ost for our networ-E see our %M1 ad#inistrator. %o s(ecif the )d#in *ost na#eE use the %M1
O(tions dialog +oxE as descri+ed in Setting &lient O(tions.
Updating t'e .ist of A(ailable Ser(ers
2uring the IBM &ognos %M1 sessionE additional re#ote ser$ers #a register on the )d#in Ser$ers referenced + a client.
/arent topic0 ,sing the Ser$er Ex(lorer /indow
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#.6.#.1. Updating t'e .ist of A(ailable Ser(ers
2uring the IBMH &ognosH %M1H sessionE additional re#ote ser$ers #a register on the )d#in Ser$ers referenced + a
%o see an u(dated list of a$aila+le ser$ersE clic- FileE ,efres' A(ailable Ser(ers in Ser$er Ex(lorer.
/arent topic0 )ccessing Re#ote Ser$ers
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.6.3. .ogging in to a ,emote Ser(er
%he (rocedure to log in to a re#ote ser$er $aries according to the login securit sche#e i#(le#ented + our %M1H
If our ad#inistrator has configured and ena+led Integrated "ogin on our networ-E ou are auto#aticall logged into %M1
with our /indows user na#e and (asswordE when ou access ser$ers in Ser$er Ex(lorer.
If our ad#inistrator has ena+led standard %M1 authentication on our networ-E ou need a user na#e and (assword for
each %M1 ser$er ou want to access. Your %M1 ad#inistrator can (ro$ide ou with the user na#es and (asswords.
2ou+le3clic- a ser$er na#e in the Ser$er Ex(lorer window. Ser$er na#es are (receded + .
%he Ser$er "ogin dialog +ox o(ens.
%(e a user na#e and (assword. 2.
&lic- &2.
%he icons for the cu+es and other o+1ects on the ser$er a((ear +eneath the ser$er na#e in the %ree (ane of Ser$er
%o $iew the list of cu+es on the re#ote ser$erE dou+le3clic- Cubes.
You can dou+le3clic- an o+1ect or grou( of o+1ects that dis(la with a to re$eal the su+sequent #e#+er o+1ects. ;or
exa#(leE dou+le3clic-ing the 2i#ensions grou( re$eals all the di#ensions a$aila+le on the ser$er.
/arent topic0 ,sing the Ser$er Ex(lorer /indow
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#.6.6. 1iding and 7ieing &b8ects in Ser(er )*plorer
You can ena+le or su((ress the dis(la of o+1ect t(es in Ser$er Ex(lorer. %he +enefit of su((ressing the dis(la of o+1ect
t(es +eco#es e$ident when ou wor- with a large data+aseL ou can $iew and focus onl on those o+1ects ou need to wor-
with at an gi$en ti#e.
7ieing or 'iding an ob8ect
O+1ects can +e $iewed or hidden +ased on what the user needs.
)nabling or suppressing t'e display of control ob8ects
You can ena+le or su((ress the dis(la of control o+1ects.
/arent topic0 ,sing the Ser$er Ex(lorer /indow
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#.6.6.1. 7ieing or 'iding an ob8ect
O+1ects can +e $iewed or hidden +ased on what the user needs.
O(en the 7ie #enu. 1.
Select the t(e of o+1ect ou want to $iew or hide.
/hen ou ena+le the dis(la of an o+1ect t(eE a chec- #ar- dis(las next to the o+1ect t(e na#e.
/hen ou su((ress the dis(la of an o+1ect t(eE the o+1ect t(e na#e dis(las without a chec- #ar-. In the
following exa#(leE onl the dis(la of cu+es and (rocesses is ena+ledL the dis(la of all other o+1ect t(es is
%he corres(onding $iew of Ser$er Ex(lorer followsI
/hen the dis(la of di#ensions is su((ressed in Ser$er Ex(lorerE the a((ro(riate di#ensions do a((ear when ou
ex(and a cu+e to re$eal its #e#+er di#ensions.
You can also hide or $iew control o+1ects in Ser$er Ex(lorer.
%M1H uses control o+1ects for the following acti$itiesI
)((l securit
Manage clients and grou(s
Store o+1ect attri+utes and (ro(erties
Recei$e statistical (erfor#ance data
&ontrol o+1ects are easil identifia+le in Ser$er Ex(lorer +ecause their na#es alwas +egin with a right curl +race COD.
;or details on control o+1ectsE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1 Operation Guide.
/arent topic0 *iding and 0iewing O+1ects in Ser$er Ex(lorer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#.6.6.#. )nabling or suppressing t'e display of control ob8ects
You can ena+le or su((ress the dis(la of control o+1ects.
O(en the 7ie #enu. 1.
&lic- 5isplay Control &b8ects.
/hen ou ena+le the dis(la of control o+1ectsE a chec- #ar- dis(las next to the o(tion na#e.
/hen ou su((ress the dis(la of control o+1ectsE the o(tion na#e dis(las without a chec- #ar-.
/arent topic0 *iding and 0iewing O+1ects in Ser$er Ex(lorer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
36 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3. $rosing 5ata
%his section descri+es how to use the IBMH &ognosH %M1H &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet Browser to +rowse data.
$rosing 5ata &(er(ie
You can +rowse data in either the &u+e 0iewer or the In3S(readsheet Browser.
)*panding 5etail in a 7ie
/hile accessing an $iew of our dataE ou can ex(and the detail to our (reference.
C'anging Title 5imension )lements
You can access a co#(letel different $iew of cu+e data + changing an ele#ent in a title di#ension. ;or exa#(leE if ou
change the Region title ele#ent fro# /orld to Euro(eE %M1 dis(las a new set of $alues in our +rowser.
5rilling T'roug' to 5etailed 5ata
%M1 (ro$ides drill3through ca(a+ilities that let ou clic- on a cell in a cu+e $iew and drill3through to detailed dataE which
(ro$ides additional infor#ation or context for the cell. %he detailed data is usuall an extract fro# a relational data+ase
or a cu+e $iew.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
37 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.1. $rosing 5ata &(er(ie
You can +rowse data in either the &u+e 0iewer or the In3S(readsheet Browser.
&u+e 0iewer 3 ) window that lets ou o(enE configureE (rintE and sa$e $iews of %M1H data. You can also create slices
and sna(shots of $iews.
In3S(readsheet Browser 3 "ets ou +rowse %M1 data in an Excel s(readsheetE and includes #ost of the features of the
&u+e 0iewer.
%he In3S(readsheet Browser does not su((ort the Rules %racer and does not re(ort cell u(date status.
Because ou are +rowsing in a s(readsheet docu#entE ou can ta-e ad$antage of the Excel features to (erfor# the following
&reate co#(lex wor-sheet functions that reference $alues in the %M1 data+ase
&hart against %M1 $alues
)((l stles to the In3S(readsheet BrowserE creating a custo# loo- and feel
Insert gra(hics and other o+1ects
)n )cti$eA control na#ed %M1 0iew &ontrol i#(le#ents the In3S(readsheet Browser. %he %M1 0iew &ontrol icon is (resent
whene$er ou +rowse data in the In3S(readsheet Browser.
%o access the In3S(readsheet Browser co##andsE right3clic- the %M1 0iew &ontrol icon.
Using Undo or ,edo
,ndo allows ou to ta-e +ac- data entr changes + storing a collection of data #aintenance actions. Redo lets ou
restore the change that was undone. ,nder certain circu#stancesE for exa#(leE when ou change to a different clientE
the collection of actions ends and ou can no longer use undo or redo.
Accessing 5ata t'roug' t'e Cube 7ieer
2ata can +e accessed through the &u+e 0iewer.
Accessing 5ata t'roug' t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
2ata can +e accessed through the In3S(readsheet Browser. %his onl a((lies to IBM &ognos %M1 'ers(ecti$es onl.
Understanding Cell 5ata
Your data dis(las in cells in the &u+e 0iewer or the In3S(readsheet Browser. &ells contain the #easures ou are
trac-ing. E$er cell $alue is located at the intersection of one ele#ent in each di#ension.
/arent topic0 Browsing 2ata
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3.1.1. Using Undo or ,edo
,ndo allows ou to ta-e +ac- data entr changes + storing a collection of data #aintenance actions. Redo lets ou restore
the change that was undone. ,nder certain circu#stancesE for exa#(leE when ou change to a different clientE the collection
of actions ends and ou can no longer use undo or redo.
2e(ending on which client ou are usingE ou can use ,ndoBRedo fro# the )dit #enu or fro# the ,ndo and Redo icons on
the tool+ar. In the &u+e0iewerE ou can ho$er o$er the icons to see what data #aintenance action will +e ta-enE for exa#(le
Data Entry 27.25 #eans the data entr of 29.26 will +e re#o$ed and whate$er the $alue was in the cell +efore that $alue
was entered will +e restored to the cell. Redo +eco#es a$aila+le onl after using ,ndo.
,ndoBRedo is a$aila+le onl if %ransaction "ogging has +een turned on in a cu+e. B default transaction logging is turned on
for all cu+esE howe$erE our ad#inistrator can turn off logging on s(ecific cu+es. See NEna+ling and 2isa+ling "oggingN in the
Sste# and 'erfor#ance Monitoring cha(ter of the IB Cognos !"# Operation Guide for #ore infor#ation.
Fee( these guidelines in #ind when using ,ndoBRedoI
C'anging Cell 7alues in a 4on!Acti(e Screen
Re#e#+er that #an data change actions can ha$e an effect +eond the cells that are $isi+le. &onsolidated $aluesE
rule3calculated $aluesE cells included in 2ata S(readingE or e$en cells in different $iews can all +e changed as a result of
#a-ing a data $alue change in one cell. /hen ou undo these actionsE all effected $alues are also changedE e$en in cells
not $isi+le on the acti$e screen.
/hen ou use ,ndoBRedo the collection of actions (ersists across $iewsE so a change to data that ou undid in a (re$ious
$iew is still a$aila+le to +e undone in our current $iew. ,se the icon ho$er hel( to accuratel antici(ate what data ,ndo
will re#o$e.
)nding t'e Undo<,edo Collection
&ertain actions end the collection of data changes and #a-e ,ndo una$aila+le. &hanging to a different ser$erE user
interfaceE userE sand+ox or session ends the collection of actions for ,ndo.
;or exa#(leE if ou (erfor# cell #aintenance in one user interfaceE such as the we+ interfaceE then #o$e to a different
user interfaceE such as the &u+e0iewerE then (ress ,ndoE onl the cell #aintenance actions ou too- in the &u+e0iewer
are +ac-ed out + ,ndo. Mo$ing to the new user interface started a new collection of ,ndo actions.
%he sa#e is true for each user. Each user stores their own collection of actions that can +e undone. %he data
#aintenance action collections are also stored + session. Once ou end a sessionE ou can no longer use ,ndo.
/hen ou change to a different sand+oxE a different collection is stored.
5ata Maintenance &nly
,ndo re#o$es onl data #aintenance actions.
;or exa#(leE if ou change data in a cellE then close the current $iew and o(en a different $iewE when ou (ress ,ndo in
the second $iewE the original data change Cin the first $iewJs cellD is ta-en +ac-. %his can +e confusing since ou are now
acti$e in the second $iew. %he action of changing the $iew is not data #aintenance and therefore is not affected + ,ndo.
%he collection of actions (ersists across the change in $iews. ,se the ho$er text to +e sure of what will +e undone +
'ressing ,ndo (erfor#s a Recalc on our data.
/i(oting and 5rilling
'i$oting or drilling are not actions that are collected + ,ndo so these actions cannot +e undone.
If ou (erfor# cell #aintenanceE then (i$ot the dataE then (ress ,ndoE onl the data #aintenance actions will +e undone.
%he action of (i$oting the data is not stored in the undo collections so it is s-i((ed when ,ndo is (ressed.
Action $uttons
/hen ou (ress an action +uttonE ou can i##ediatel (ress ,ndo to re$erse the data change (erfor#ed + the action
+uttonE including an %ur+oIntegrator (rocesses.
,sing Sa$e 2ata )ll or Sa$e 2ata does not sto( the collection of actionsE +ecause those o(tions (ush outstanding
changes to the a((ro(riate ser$er and are considered li-e an other data #aintenance action collected into the
transaction log.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
39 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Commit in a sandbo*
/hen wor-ing with a sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(aceE (ressing &o##it sto(s the collection of ,ndo actions.
/arent topic0 Browsing 2ata O$er$iew
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40 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.1.#. Accessing 5ata t'roug' t'e Cube 7ieer
2ata can +e accessed through the &u+e 0iewer.
O(en the Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
In the %ree (aneE select the cu+e ou want to +rowse. 2.
&lic- CubeE $rose.
%he &u+e 0iewer window o(ens with the cu+eJs sste# default $iew.
'ress F= or clic- ,ecalculate to dis(la the cell $alues.
In the &u+e 0iewerE the na#e of a title di#ension dis(las in a screen ti(. /ith the #ouse (ointerE (ause on an ele#ent
na#e. %he title di#ension dis(las in a ellow +ox.
%he &u+e 0iewer dis(las 1. significant digits of a nu#+er in a cell. ;or exa#(leE the $alue
dis(las as
12!.689:?12!.6@@@@ in the &u+e 0iewer.
)lthough %M1H dis(las onl 1. significant digits for a nu#+erE it stores the entire nu#+er and uses that nu#+er in
See also /or-ing in the /e+ &u+e 0iewer.
/arent topic0 Browsing 2ata O$er$iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
41 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.1.3. Accessing 5ata t'roug' t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
2ata can +e accessed through the In3S(readsheet Browser. %his onl a((lies to IBMH &ognosH %M1H 'ers(ecti$es onl.
O(en the Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
In the %ree (aneE select the cu+e ou want to +rowse. 2.
&lic- CubeE $rose in )*cel.
4ote0 You can also clic- TM1 E In!Spreads'eet $roser in the Excel #enu +ar to o(en the In3S(readsheet Browser.
%M1 o(ens the default cu+e $iew in the In3S(readsheet Browser. If there is an o(en Excel s(readsheetE the +rowser gets
inserted in the current acti$e cell. If there is no o(en Excel s(readsheetE a new Excel docu#ent o(ens and the
In3S(readsheet Browser is inserted into cell )1.
C'anging t'e 5efault $roser
/hen ou dou+le3clic- a cu+e or $iew in the Ser$er Ex(lorerE that cu+e or $iew o(ens in the &u+e 0iewer. If ou (refer
+rowsing data in Excel s(readsheetsE ou can set the In3S(readsheet Browser as our default +rowser.
/arent topic0 Browsing 2ata O$er$iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
42 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09 C'anging t'e 5efault $roser
/hen ou dou+le3clic- a cu+e or $iew in the Ser$er Ex(lorerE that cu+e or $iew o(ens in the &u+e 0iewer. If ou (refer
+rowsing data in Excel s(readsheetsE ou can set the In3S(readsheet Browser as our default +rowser.
%he following ste(s illustrate how to #a-e the In3S(readsheet Browser our default +rowser.
O(en our %#1(.ini file.
%he default location for the %#1(.ini file is
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application
Set the InS(readsheetBrowser (ara#eter to T. 2.
Sa$e %#1(.ini.
;or details on the %#1(.ini file and (ara#etersE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1H Installation and Configuration Guide.
/arent topic0 )ccessing 2ata through the In3S(readsheet Browser
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43 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.1.6. Understanding Cell 5ata
Your data dis(las in cells in the &u+e 0iewer or the In3S(readsheet Browser. &ells contain the #easures ou are trac-ing.
E$er cell $alue is located at the intersection of one ele#ent in each di#ension.
%o read a cell correctlE ou need to -now what #easures ou are trac-ing in a cu+e. %o exa#ine the #easures in an
exa#(leE o(en the Exa#(le1 $iew of the Sales'rior cu+e.
O(en the Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
&lic- 7ieE )*pand All C'ildren. 2.
Select the )*ample1 $iew under the Sales'rior&u+e cu+e. !.
&lic- Cube7ieE $rose.
%he Exa#(le1 $iew of the Sales'rior&u+e cu+e o(ens in the &u+e 0iewer.
In the Sales'rior&u+e cu+eE the )ccount1 di#ension contains #easures as ele#ents. %he cell $alue is a nu#+er of units
that is qualified co#(letel. %his nu#+er re(resents the 0ariance +etween the +udgeted and actual ,nits of " Series 2/2
cars sold throughout the /orld o$er the course of an entire Year.
Calculated Cells
)ll the cells that deri$e $alues through di#ension consolidations or %M1H rules a((ear shaded in the &u+e 0iewer grid.
;or exa#(leE all cells in a $iew would +e shaded when ele#ents along the title di#ensions are consolidated.
/arent topic0 Browsing 2ata O$er$iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
44 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09 Calculated Cells
)ll the cells that deri$e $alues through di#ension consolidations or %M1H rules a((ear shaded in the &u+e 0iewer grid. ;or
exa#(leE all cells in a $iew would +e shaded when ele#ents along the title di#ensions are consolidated.
%he In3S(readsheet Browser dis(la does not differentiate cells that contain calculated $alues fro# cells that contain si#(le
/arent topic0 ,nderstanding &ell 2ata
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45 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.#. )*panding 5etail in a 7ie
/hile accessing an $iew of our dataE ou can ex(and the detail to our (reference.
Stac- title di#ensions along rows or colu#ns
2rill down through consolidated ele#ents
Stac"ing 5imensions
/hen ou stac- di#ensionsE ou see #ore detail along the colu#ns or rows of a $iew. In the following exa#(leE the
ele#ents of the )ct$s+ud di#ension are stac-ed +eside the )ccount1 ele#ents. You can now easil co#(are actual
$alues with +udgeted $alues for the " Series 2/2 #odels.
5rilling 5on t'roug' Consolidations
%he &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet Browser use dis(la ele#ents to identif the consolidated ele#ents along the row
and colu#n di#ensions. You can drill down on the consolidated ele#ents to $iew the underling detail.
/arent topic0 Browsing 2ata
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46 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.#.1. Stac"ing 5imensions
/hen ou stac- di#ensionsE ou see #ore detail along the colu#ns or rows of a $iew. In the following exa#(leE the
ele#ents of the )ct$s+ud di#ension are stac-ed +eside the )ccount1 ele#ents. You can now easil co#(are actual $alues
with +udgeted $alues for the " Series 2/2 #odels.
Stac"ing 5imensions in t'e Cube 7ieer
You can stac- a title di#ension as a row or colu#n di#ension in the &u+e 0iewer.
Stac"ing 5imensions in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
You can stac- a title di#ension as a row or colu#n di#ension in the In3S(readsheet Browser.
/arent topic0 Ex(anding 2etail in a 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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3.#.1.1. Stac"ing 5imensions in t'e Cube 7ieer
You can stac- a title di#ension as a row or colu#n di#ension in the &u+e 0iewer.
Stac"ing a Title 5imension as a ,o 5imension
You can stac- a title di#ension as a row di#ension.
Stac"ing a Title 5imension as a Column 5imension
You can stac- a title di#ension as a colu#n di#ension.
/arent topic0 Stac-ing 2i#ensions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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3.#.1.1.1. Stac"ing a Title 5imension as a ,o 5imension
You can stac- a title di#ension as a row di#ension.
&lic- the ele#ent na#e in the title di#ension. 1.
2rag the ele#ent na#e to the right or left of a row di#ension na#e.
)s ou drag the ele#ent na#e toward a row di#ensionE the (ointer changes to a rectangle. /hen the ele#ent na#e is
next to a di#ension na#eE one or two arrows a((ear. ) left arrow indicates that the di#ension will +e inserted to the left
of the row di#ension.
) left arrow with a right arrow indicate that the di#ension will +e inserted to the right of the row di#ension.
Release the #ouse +utton when the (ointer is (ositioned where ou want to insert the di#ension. !.
/arent topic0 Stac-ing 2i#ensions in the &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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3.#.1.1.#. Stac"ing a Title 5imension as a Column 5imension
You can stac- a title di#ension as a colu#n di#ension.
&lic- the ele#ent na#e in the title di#ension. 1.
2rag the ele#ent na#e to the right or left of a colu#n di#ension na#e. 2.
Release the #ouse +utton when the (ointer is (ositioned where ou want to insert the di#ension. !.
/arent topic0 Stac-ing 2i#ensions in the &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
50 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.#.1.#. Stac"ing 5imensions in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
You can stac- a title di#ension as a row or colu#n di#ension in the In3S(readsheet Browser.
Stac"ing a title dimension as a ro dimension
) title di#ension can +e stac-ed as a row di#ension.
Stac"ing a title dimension as a column dimension
) title di#ension can +e stac-ed as a colu#n di#ension.
/arent topic0 Stac-ing 2i#ensions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
51 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.#.1.#.1. Stac"ing a title dimension as a ro dimension
) title di#ension can +e stac-ed as a row di#ension.
&lic- a title di#ension +utton. 1.
2rag the title di#ension to the right or left of a row di#ension +utton.
)s ou drag the title di#ension toward a row di#ensionE the (ointer changes to an angle +rac-et. /hen the title
di#ension is o$er a row di#ensionE a green $ertical +ar dis(las on the row di#ension +uttonE indicating the (osition
where the title di#ension will +e inserted.
Release the #ouse +utton when the (ointer is (ositioned where ou want to insert the di#ension. !.
/arent topic0 Stac-ing 2i#ensions in the In3S(readsheet Browser
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
52 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.#.1.#.#. Stac"ing a title dimension as a column dimension
) title di#ension can +e stac-ed as a colu#n di#ension.
&lic- a title di#ension +utton. 1.
2rag the title di#ension to the right or left of a colu#n di#ension +utton. 2.
Release the #ouse +utton when the (ointer is (ositioned where ou want to insert the di#ension. !.
/arent topic0 Stac-ing 2i#ensions in the In3S(readsheet Browser
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
53 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.#.#. 5rilling 5on t'roug' Consolidations
%he &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet Browser use dis(la ele#ents to identif the consolidated ele#ents along the row and
colu#n di#ensions. You can drill down on the consolidated ele#ents to $iew the underling detail.
5rilling 5on in t'e Cube 7ieer
In the &u+e 0iewerE a (lus sign CMD next to an ele#ent na#e identifies the ele#ent as a consolidation. %o $iew the
underling detailE clic- M.
5rilling 5on in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
In the In3S(readsheet BrowserE +old text identifies a consolidated ele#ent. %o drill down on a consolidationE dou+le3clic-
the ele#ent na#e.
C'anging t'e 5irection of )*pansion 'en 5rilling 5on on Consolidations
You can control the direction in which a consolidated ex(ands + setting the Ex(and )+o$e o(tion in the Su+set Editor.
/arent topic0 Ex(anding 2etail in a 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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3.#.#.1. 5rilling 5on in t'e Cube 7ieer
In the &u+e 0iewerE a (lus sign CMD next to an ele#ent na#e identifies the ele#ent as a consolidation. %o $iew the underling
detailE clic- M.
%he following exa#(le shows the detail for the quarters that are ele#ents of the Year consolidation.
/hen ou clic- M next to a quarterl consolidationE the #onthl data dis(lasE which is the lowest3le$el detail in the Month
%o hide the underling detailE clic- the #inus sign C!D. %o hide the detail is rolling u( a consolidation.
/arent topic0 2rilling 2own through &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
55 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.#.#.#. 5rilling 5on in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
In the In3S(readsheet BrowserE +old text identifies a consolidated ele#ent. %o drill down on a consolidationE dou+le3clic- the
ele#ent na#e.
In the following exa#(leE ou see the detail for the quarters that are ele#ents of the Year consolidationE and the #onths that
are ele#ents of the 1 5uarter consolidation.
%o roll u( a consolidated ele#entE dou+le3clic- the ele#ent na#e again.
/arent topic0 2rilling 2own through &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
56 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.#.#.3. C'anging t'e 5irection of )*pansion 'en 5rilling 5on on Consolidations
You can control the direction in which a consolidated ex(ands + setting the Ex(and )+o$e o(tion in the Su+set Editor.
;or detailsE see &hanging the 2irection of Ex(ansion for &onsolidated Ele#ents.
/arent topic0 2rilling 2own through &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
57 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.3. C'anging Title 5imension )lements
You can access a co#(letel different $iew of cu+e data + changing an ele#ent in a title di#ension. ;or exa#(leE if ou
change the Region title ele#ent fro# /orld to Euro(eE %M1H dis(las a new set of $alues in our +rowser.
C'anging Title )lements in t'e Cube 7ieer
%he title ele#ent in the &u+e 0iewer can +e changed to suit our needs.
C'anging Title )lements in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
%he title ele#ent in the In3S(readsheet Browser can +e changed to our (reference.
/arent topic0 Browsing 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
58 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.3.1. C'anging Title )lements in t'e Cube 7ieer
%he title ele#ent in the &u+e 0iewer can +e changed to suit our needs.
&cle through the current ele#ent na#es in the 2i#ension list. %he list contains the ele#ents of the current su+set. %he
sste# default su+set consists of all to(3le$el consolidated ele#ents with their i##ediate childrenE and all si#(le
ele#ents that ha$e no (arents.
Select an ele#ent using the Su+set Editor window.
Cycling t'roug' t'e title element names
You can ccle through the title ele#ent na#es.
Selecting a ne title element using t'e subset editor
You can select a new title ele#ent using the su+set editor.
/arent topic0 &hanging %itle 2i#ension Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
59 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09 Cycling t'roug' t'e title element names
You can ccle through the title ele#ent na#es.
&lic- an ele#ent na#e arrow.
) list of the ele#ents in the current di#ension su+set o(ens.
Select an ele#ent.
%M1H clears the &u+e 0iewer grid.
'ress F= to see the data for the new $iew.
4ote0 %o auto#aticall see the new data whene$er ou change the $iew configurationE clic- &ptionsE Automatic
In the following exa#(lesE the Region title ele#ent changes fro# /orld to Euro(e.
/arent topic0 &hanging %itle Ele#ents in the &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
60 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.3.1.#. Selecting a ne title element using t'e subset editor
You can select a new title ele#ent using the su+set editor.
2ou+le3clic- the ele#ent na#e in the title di#ension.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens. %he left (ane shows the current su+set. %he current title ele#ent is highlighted.
%o $iew all ele#ents in the di#ensionE clic- All . 2.
Select one ele#ent and clic- &2.
%he &u+e 0iewer window o(ens with the data for the new title ele#ent.
/arent topic0 &hanging %itle Ele#ents in the &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
61 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.3.#. C'anging Title )lements in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
%he title ele#ent in the In3S(readsheet Browser can +e changed to our (reference.
&lic- a title di#ension +utton.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens.
%o $iew all ele#ents in the di#ensionE clic- All. 2.
Select one ele#ent and clic- &2. !.
&lic- %M1H 0iew &ontrol to see the $alues for the new title ele#ent.
4ote0 %o auto#aticall see the data whene$er ou change the In3S(readsheet Browser $iew configurationE right3clic-
0iew &ontrol and clic- S'o Automatically.
/arent topic0 &hanging %itle 2i#ension Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
62 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.6. 5rilling T'roug' to 5etailed 5ata
%M1H (ro$ides drill3through ca(a+ilities that let ou clic- on a cell in a cu+e $iew and drill3through to detailed dataE which
(ro$ides additional infor#ation or context for the cell. %he detailed data is usuall an extract fro# a relational data+ase or a
cu+e $iew.
Before ou can use the drill3through featureE a drill (rocess and drill assign#ent rule #ust +e defined for a cell. &reating drill
(rocesses and drill rules are ad$anced (rocedures that are descri+ed in the IBMH &ognosH %M1 Developer Guide.
%his section descri+es how to use drill3through features after (rocesses and assign#ent rules are in (lace. %he (rocedure for
drilling through to detailed data is identical in the &u+e 0iewerE In3S(readsheet BrowserE and slices. /hen ou create a slice
fro# a $iewE an drill3through o(tions a$aila+le in the source $iew are also a$aila+le in the slice.
Right3clic- the cell for which ou want to $iew detailed data.
If a drill (rocess and assign#ent rule are esta+lished for the cellE the 2rill co##and is a$aila+le.
&lic- 5rill.
If the cell is associated with a single source of detailed dataE the data o(ens in a new window.
If the cell is associated with two or #ore sources of detailed dataE a list of the data sources dis(la. Select the source ou
want to $iew and clic- &2.
/hen the detailed data resides in a cu+eE a new instance of the %M1 &u+e 0iewer o(ensE dis(laing the detailed data.
You can see an exa#(le of this in 2rill3%hrough Exa#(le.
/hen the detailed data resides in a relational data+aseE %M1 dis(las the data in a Relational 2rill3%hrough $iewer.
You can co( selected data fro# this window to the &li(+oard.
%o select an ad1acent range of cellsE clic- the first cell in the rangeE hold down S*I;%E and clic- the last cell in the
%o select a non3ad1acent range of cellsE hold down &%R"E and clic- each cell in the range.
%o select all cells in the Relational 2rill3%hrough $iewerE clic- Select All ,ecords .
%o co( selected cells to the cli(+oardE clic- Copy .
5rill!T'roug' )*ample
%he %M1 sa#(le data+ase includes a cu+e na#ed SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel. %his cu+e contains $alues for total
#odel sales + quarter. %he cu+e does not include the $alues for indi$idual #odelsE +ut a drill (rocess and assign#ent
rule are esta+lished. %he drill (rocess and assign#ent rule allow ou to drill fro# a cell in SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel
to a different cu+e $iew that (ro$ides data for indi$idual $ehicle #odels.
/arent topic0 Browsing 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
63 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
3.6.1. 5rill!T'roug' )*ample
%he %M1H sa#(le data+ase includes a cu+e na#ed SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel. %his cu+e contains $alues for total
#odel sales + quarter. %he cu+e does not include the $alues for indi$idual #odelsE +ut a drill (rocess and assign#ent rule
are esta+lished. %he drill (rocess and assign#ent rule allow ou to drill fro# a cell in SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel to a
different cu+e $iew that (ro$ides data for indi$idual $ehicle #odels.
O(en the 5rill>to>detailed>data $iew of SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel. 1.
Right3clic- the cell at the intersection of ,nits and 1 5uarter.
%his cell identifies the actual Scandina$ia units for N1 5uarterN.
&lic- 5rill.
) $iew of a different cu+e CSalesB5uarter&u+eD o(ens with the detailed data.
%his $iew (ro$ides the actual units $alues for indi$idual $ehicle #odels for the sa#e region and quarter as the cell fro#
which ou selected the 2rill co##and.
/arent topic0 2rilling %hrough to 2etailed 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
64 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6. +ritebac" Modes and Sandbo*es
IBMH &ognosH %M1H offers different was to wor- with data changes.
%he /rite+ac- #ode in co#+ination with the t(e of Sand+ox deter#ines how changes to the ser$er data are #anaged.
%hese different o(tions allow the ad#inistrator to #ix and #atch a $ariet of ca(a+ilities so that e$er installation and e$er
usergrou( can wor- in the wa that is +est for the#. %M1 also offers 4o+ 5ueuing to #ore efficientl (rocess data change
su+#issions to the ser$er.
If ou do not understand %M1 sand+oxesE see ,sing a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxes for co#(lete details.
+ritebac" Modes
In IBM &ognos %M1 ou can hold changes in a (ri$ate area so that ou can decide #anuall when to write the data
changes +ac- to the ser$er and there+ #a-e our changes a$aila+le to others. %his (ri$ate area is called a 'ersonal
/or-s(ace or a sand+oxE de(ending on the extent of its ca(a+ilities. /hen ou co##it the data changes that were in
our (ri$ate area to the +ase dataE the changed $alues are written to the ser$er.
Understanding different toolbar options
You can deter#ine how our usergrou( is designed to o(erate +ased on the o(tions (resented on the tool+ar. ;or
exa#(leE if ou ha$e Sand+ox grantedE ou ha$e access to the &reate and 2elete Sand+ox o(tions. /hen ou do not see
a sand+ox listE ou ha$e 'ersonal /or-s(ace /rite+ac- Mode.
Using a /ersonal +or"space or Sandbo*es
It is hel(ful to understand how IBM &ognos %M1 i#(le#ents the sand+ox conce(t. %his section descri+es sand+oxes and
'ersonal /or-s(aceJs in detail.
?ob @ueuing
%o #axi#i=e (rocessing s(eed and reduce Ntraffic 1a#sN when writing +ac- dataE 'ersonal /or-s(ace and Sand+ox
su+#issions can +e (rocessed using a 1o+ queue.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
65 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.1. +ritebac" Modes
In IBMH &ognosH %M1H ou can hold changes in a (ri$ate area so that ou can decide #anuall when to write the data
changes +ac- to the ser$er and there+ #a-e our changes a$aila+le to others. %his (ri$ate area is called a 'ersonal
/or-s(ace or a sand+oxE de(ending on the extent of its ca(a+ilities. /hen ou co##it the data changes that were in our
(ri$ate area to the +ase dataE the changed $alues are written to the ser$er.
If ou (refer to wor- directl with the +ase data without a (ri$ate wor-s(aceE ou can choose a direct write+ac- #ethod.
)nother o(tion our ad#inistrator can offer is the a+ilit to na#e and store data changes in a na#ed sand+ox.
/hen ou wor- in a sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(aceE %M1 uses a change in cell coloring to re#ind ou when our data is not
et #erged with the +ase. Once ou co##it the sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(aceE the cell color is restored to +lac-. See
,nderstanding cell coloring for changed data $alues for #ore infor#ation.
Your )d#inistrator assigns the ca(a+ilities for each usergrou(. Since ou could +e a #e#+er of #ore than one grou(E our
wor- s(ace o(tions can +e different de(ending on our loginE the client ou useE and the co#+ination of settings. Onl
)d#inistrators ha$e access to the &a(a+ilit )ssign#ents.
)s- our ad#inistrator for details a+out how our sste# is designed to o(erate. See ,nderstanding different tool+ar o(tions
to learn how to deter#ine our write+ac- #ode and sand+ox setting using the tool+ar. See the IBM &ognos %M1 Operation
Guide for details a+out &a(a+ilit )ssign#ents.
Setting t'e ritebac" mode
%he /rite+ac- Mode &a(a+ilit deter#ines how data is write +ac- to the ser$er. /rite+ac- #ode is deter#ined +
whether a user has the 'ersonal /or-s(ace ca(a+ilit on or off.
/arent topic0 /rite+ac- Modes and Sand+oxes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
66 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.1.1. Setting t'e ritebac" mode
%he /rite+ac- Mode &a(a+ilit deter#ines how data is write +ac- to the ser$er. /rite+ac- #ode is deter#ined + whether a
user has the 'ersonal /or-s(ace ca(a+ilit on or off.
5escription /ersonal +or"space
&hanges are #ade directl to the +ase. Off
&hanges are held in a te#(orar area and are #anuall written to the +ase using the &o##it
+utton or o(tion. &ell coloring changes when data is changed +ut not et co##itted. You can
(rocess using the 4o+ 5ueue.
%he Sand+ox &a(a+ilit deter#ines if ou can na#e sand+oxes or if ou ha$e one default sand+oxI
5escription Sandbo*
You can na#e the sand+ox and #anage #ulti(le sand+oxes. On
Onl one default sand+ox is a$aila+le. Off
%he co#+ination of these settings deter#ines how our data changes are stored and (rocessed.
;or exa#(leE our usergrou( #a offer direct write+ac- with na#ed sand+oxes. %his is the default wor- design used +
%M1H . It #eans ou do not ha$e a 'ersonal /or-s(ace Cinstead ou ha$e direct write+ac- to the ser$erDE +ut ou also ha$e
the o(tion of na#ing a set of changes and #anuall su+#itting the#. /ith this settingE when ou first o(en a $iewE ou are
in the +ase and an changes ou #a-e are written directl to the +ase. ButE if ou decide to sa$e our changes in a na#ed
sand+oxE ou can use the &o##it +utton when ou are read to #anuall send those changes to u(date the +ase.
&onsider the case where ou usuall want to send the data directl to the ser$er. %hen ou ha$e a set of changes that ou
want to gather in a grou( +efore ou u(date the ser$er. You can use the &reate Sand+ox o(tions to sa$e the current data
changes in a (ri$ate sand+ox called Best Case. /hen ou are in the Best &ase sand+oxE ou need to use &o##it to send the
changes to the +ase and #a-e the changes a$aila+le to others. )fter Best &ase is co##ittedE those changes #erge with the
+ase so others can see the changes and ou are now in the newl u(dated +ase. If ou are wor-ing in a sand+oxE it is
i#(ortant to re#e#+er that ou #ust #anuall &o##it the sand+ox for others to see our changes. Be sure ou are read
to #a-e those changes (u+lic and that those changes should +e #erged into the +ase.
If ou #o$e +ac- to the +aseE ou are +ac- to using direct write+ac-. %his setting offers a great deal of flexi+ilit. ,sers with
this setting need to re#e#+er when the are u(dating the +ase and when the &o##it +utton is needed to #a-e changes
a$aila+le to others.
OrE our ad#inistrator #a decide that ou would li-e the flexi+ilit to wor- in a 'ersonal /or-s(ace write+ac- #odeE +ut
ou do not want the co#(lexit of creating na#ed sand+oxes. In this caseE our )d#inistrator can grant ou the 'ersonal
/or-s(ace write+ac- #ode +ut den the Sand+ox ca(a+ilit.
/arent topic0 /rite+ac- Modes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
67 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.#. Understanding different toolbar options
You can deter#ine how our usergrou( is designed to o(erate +ased on the o(tions (resented on the tool+ar. ;or exa#(leE if
ou ha$e Sand+ox grantedE ou ha$e access to the &reate and 2elete Sand+ox o(tions. /hen ou do not see a sand+ox listE
ou ha$e 'ersonal /or-s(ace /rite+ac- Mode.
Using direct ritebac" and named sandbo*es
B defaultE IBM &ognos %M1 is set to use a direct write+ac- with na#ed sand+oxes. Your )d#inistrator #a ha$e set
our wor- o(tions to so#ething different.
Using a /ersonal +or"space and named sandbo*es
%he 'ersonal /or-s(ace (ro$ides a (ri$ate wor- area where users can e$aluate data changes +efore co##itting the
changes to the +ase. Once data is co##ittedE it is #erged with the +ase and +eco#es a$aila+le to other users.
/ersonal +or"space it'out named sandbo*es
If ou ha$e access to a 'ersonal /or-s(ace +ut do not ha$e the a+ilit to na#e a sand+oxE ou do not see the &reate
and 2elete Sand+ox +uttons and there is no area to list sand+oxes since ou alwas wor- in the sa#e Cand singleD
'ersonal /or-s(ace.
5irect ritebac" it'out sandbo*es
%his is the classicE direct write+ac- #ode for IBM &ognos %M1 . In this #ode ou do not ha$e access to na#ed sand+oxes
or a 'ersonal /or-s(ace. You do not ha$e access to the &o##it or Reset 2ata +uttonsE or ha$e the a+ilit to use 4o+
5ueuing. 2ata changes are not identified + color changes in this o(tion. 2ata changes in this #ode i##ediatel u(date
the ser$er.
/arent topic0 /rite+ac- Modes and Sand+oxes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
68 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.#.1. Using direct ritebac" and named sandbo*es
B defaultE IBMH &ognosH %M1H is set to use a direct write+ac- with na#ed sand+oxes. Your )d#inistrator #a ha$e set
our wor- o(tions to so#ething different.
%ou ant to /ersonal +or"space
*a$e data changes u(date the ser$er i##ediatel. OccasionallE ou want to
sa$e a set of changes and na#e the# +efore co##itting the# to the ser$er.
Off On
/hen ou ha$e direct write+ac- and na#ed sand+oxes the tool+ar starts out with the &o##it and reset 2ata +uttons
graedE the Sand+ox +utton a$aila+leE and the sand+ox list area dis(las PBaseQI
%he Sand+ox +utton indicates that ou can create and delete sand+oxes. %he &o##it +utton is graed +ut is (resent +ecause
there is nothing to co##it et. If ou #ade a data change and decided to sa$e it in a na#ed sand+oxE &o##it and Reset
2ata would +eco#e a$aila+le. &ell coloring would onl change when ou na#ed a sand+ox. ,ntil ou na#e a sand+oxE ou
are o(erating in the +ase.
If 4o+ 5ueuing is turned onE su+#itting the sand+ox to the ser$er is su+1ect to queue (rocessing +efore the data changes are
/arent topic0 ,nderstanding different tool+ar o(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
69 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.#.#. Using a /ersonal +or"space and named sandbo*es
%he 'ersonal /or-s(ace (ro$ides a (ri$ate wor- area where users can e$aluate data changes +efore co##itting the changes
to the +ase. Once data is co##ittedE it is #erged with the +ase and +eco#es a$aila+le to other users.
,sing a 'ersonal /or-s(ace t(icall offers a (erfor#ance i#(ro$e#ent o$er 2irect /rite+ac- as users can e$aluate their
data changes +efore #a-ing a &o##itE so in #ost cases there is less ser$er (rocessing. /hen 4o+ 5ueuing is turned onE
our 'ersonal /or-s(ace is su+1ect to (rocessing in the queue +efore co##itted changes are #erged with the +ase.
In 'ersonal /or-s(aceE ou +egin with the +ase data. )s ou #a-e data entr changesE the content that changesE including
de(endent cells such as consolidations or rule3generated $aluesE change color to +lue to re#ind ou that these changes ha$e
not et +een #erged with the +ase #odel. /hen ou &o##it the 'ersonal /or-s(ace and (rocessing is co#(leteE the color
changes +ac- to +lac- and ou are once again wor-ing on the Base. See ,nderstanding cell coloring for changed data $alues.
/hen ou ha$e 'ersonal /or-s(ace granted and the a+ilit to na#e sand+oxes also grantedE the starting (oint for sand+ox
data is identified in the tool+ar as P2efaultQ.
You ha$e access to the &o##it and Reset 2ata +uttons when ou wor- in 'ersonal /or-s(ace.
%ou ant to /ersonal +or"space
)lwas wor- in a (ri$ate area and decide when to co##it our changes to
the ser$er #anuall. OccasionallE ou want to sa$e a set of changes and
na#e the# so#ething such as NBest &aseN +efore co##itting the# to the
On On
/hen ou ha$e 'ersonal /or-s(ace and na#ed sand+oxesE the tool+ar includes &o##itE Reset 2ataE Sand+ox +uttons and
the sand+ox starting (oint is called P2efaultQI
You ha$e the &o##it and Reset 2ata +uttons +ecause ou are wor-ing in a 'ersonal /or-s(ace. %he P2efaultQ sand+ox is
the wa to identif the starting sand+ox until ou na#e a sand+ox.
/arent topic0 ,nderstanding different tool+ar o(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
70 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.#.3. /ersonal +or"space it'out named sandbo*es
If ou ha$e access to a 'ersonal /or-s(ace +ut do not ha$e the a+ilit to na#e a sand+oxE ou do not see the &reate and
2elete Sand+ox +uttons and there is no area to list sand+oxes since ou alwas wor- in the sa#e Cand singleD 'ersonal
%ou ant to /ersonal +or"space
)lwas wor- in a (ri$ate area and decide when to co##it our changes
to the ser$er #anuall. You do not want to allow the na#ing of #ulti(le
On Off
/hen ou ha$e a 'ersonal /or-s(ace +ut do not ha$e the a+ilit to create na#ed sand+oxesE the tool+ar offers &o##it and
Reset 2ata +ut no sand+ox listing areaI
Since ou alwas wor- in the sa#e 'ersonal /or-s(aceE there are no sand+ox na#es to list +ut ou ha$e access to &o##it
and Reset 2ata.
/arent topic0 ,nderstanding different tool+ar o(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
71 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.#.6. 5irect ritebac" it'out sandbo*es
%his is the classicE direct write+ac- #ode for IBMH &ognosH %M1H . In this #ode ou do not ha$e access to na#ed
sand+oxes or a 'ersonal /or-s(ace. You do not ha$e access to the &o##it or Reset 2ata +uttonsE or ha$e the a+ilit to use
4o+ 5ueuing. 2ata changes are not identified + color changes in this o(tion. 2ata changes in this #ode i##ediatel u(date
the ser$er.
%o use direct write+ac- across the entire installationE ou can use the 2isa+leSand+oxingR% setting in the ser$er
configuration file. /hen sand+oxing is disa+led across the ser$er with this configuration settingE the &a(a+ilit )ssign#ents
are ignored.
%ou ant to /ersonal +or"space
*a$e our changes ta-e effect i##ediatel in the ser$er. )ll
changes are i##ediatel a$aila+le to other users.
Off Off
%he tool+ar in this case does not ha$e an of the sand+ox +uttonsE &o##itE or Reset 2ataI
You ha$e no access to an -ind of sand+ox. %he onl wa to ta-e +ac- data changes in this #ode is using ,ndoBRedo.
/arent topic0 ,nderstanding different tool+ar o(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
72 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.3. Using a /ersonal +or"space or Sandbo*es
It is hel(ful to understand how IBMH &ognosH %M1H i#(le#ents the sand+ox conce(t. %his section descri+es sand+oxes
and 'ersonal /or-s(aceJs in detail.
%he sand+ox feature lets ou create our own (ersonal wor-s(ace or sand$o% where ou can enter and store data $alue
changes se(arate fro# +ase data. ) sand+ox is not a co( of the +ase dataE +ut a se(arate o$erla or laer of our own data
$alues that ou ha$e entered on to( of the +ase data. %his distinction (ro$ides a significant (erfor#ance i#(ro$e#ent and is
i#(ortant to understand as ou #a-e changes to our data.
Base data is the data that all users can access. )n edits #ade to +ase data are written directl +ac- to the data+ase.
&and$o% data is our own (ersonal wor- area where ou can edit the data $alues as #an ti#es as ou want and -ee(
the changed data se(arate fro# the +ase data. Sand+oxes and 'ersonal /or-s(aceJs are (ri$ate to each user and cannot
+e seen + other users. Your data $alues are $iewa+le to others onl when ou co##it the# +ac- to the +ase data. )
'ersonal /or-s(ace is a s(ecialE default sand+ox that is unna#ed and alwas where ou wor- if that ca(a+ilit is turned
Sand+oxes are not stored on the client. %he consist of a se(arate and (ri$ate area of the ser$er. /hen ou wor- in a
sand+oxE thin- of the +ase #odel data shining through to the sand+ox. /hen ou #a-e a change to data in the sand+oxE it is
as if the +ase #odel data $alue is te#(oraril +loc-ed + the $alue ou entered in the sand+ox. In order to #a-e the +ase
#odel ta-e on the $alues in the sand+oxE ou #ust &o##it the sand+ox. Once the sand+ox data $alues are co##ittedE the
are #erged with the +ase so that the changed $alues then u(date and +eco#e the +ase $alues.
;eatures of Sand+oxes and 'ersonal /or-s(aceJs includeI
'ri$ate data changes.
Sand+oxes and 'ersonal /or-s(aceJs let ou tr out different changes to the data +efore #a-ing those changes (u+lic to
other users and +efore co##itting those changes to the +ase data.
&ell &oloring.
&hanges to cell $alues in a sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(ace are identified + a change in cell content colors. %he cells
change color to re#ind ou that the change has not et +een #erged to the +ase data. Once data is co##itted and
(rocessing has co#(letedE the cell coloring turns to +lac- again.
&ell coloring is also a((lied to an de(endent cellsE such as consolidated or rule calculated cellsE that our edits affect.
;or detailsE see ,nderstanding cell coloring for changed data $alues.
Sand+ox and 'ersonal /or-s(ace su+#issions can +e (rocessed using 4o+ 5ueuing so 1o+s waiting for resources do not
hold u( 1o+s that can +e (rocessed right awa. %he 4o+ 5ueue also allows ou to cancel a su+#ission. See &anceling a
1o+ in the queue.
Manual &o##it.
/hen wor-ing in a sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(aceE the &o##it +utton +eco#es a$aila+le so ou can decide when to
co##it changes to the +ase. /hen ou co##it the dataE our changes +eco#e a$aila+le to other users.
Reset 2ata.
In a sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(aceE the Reset 2ata +utton +eco#es a$aila+le and lets ou return to the status of our
sand+ox since the last ti#e it was co##itted.
7a#ed sand+oxes let ou create Non3the3flE what3if Scenarios.N
2e(ending on our configuration settingsE ou can na#e #ulti(le sand+oxesE such as NBest &aseN or N/orst &aseN and
then co#(are the i#(act of our edits + switching +etween the#.
,emember0 Your ad#inistrator #a ha$e disa+led sand+oxes for our en$iron#ent or ha$e changed the write+ac- #ode for
our usergrou(.
%o wor- in a sand+oxE ou #ust first o(en a $iew and then either create a new sand+ox or select an existing sand+ox. /hen
wor-ing in a sand+oxE the selected sand+ox a((lies to all the other $iews in our current user session.
5ata (alues for leaf and consolidated cells in a sandbo*
%he data $alues for leaf and consolidated cells in a sand+ox are calculated.
,esetting data (alues in a sandbo* or /ersonal +or"space
Resetting a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+ox or clears all the changed data $alues that ou ha$e entered u( to that (oint
and resets all the data $alues +ac- to the current $alues in the +ase data.
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Understanding cell coloring for c'anged data (alues
/hen ou enter a new $alue in a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxE a $isual indicator is a((lied to the cell to re#ind ou
that the new $alue is different fro# the +ase $alues. %he color of the data changes fro# +lac- to either +lue or greenE or
the a((earance of the cell changesE de(ending on which %M1 co#(onent ou are using. )n de(endent cellsE such as
consolidated or rule calculated cellsE also change in a((earance if our edits cause the# to +e recalculated.
Committing c'anged data from a /ersonal +or"space or sandbo* to base
%he &o##it co##and or +utton #erges all of the changed data $alues in our 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+ox to the
+ase data. You cannot use the undo co##and to undo a co##it action.
/arent topic0 /rite+ac- Modes and Sand+oxes
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6.3.1. 5ata (alues for leaf and consolidated cells in a sandbo*
%he data $alues for leaf and consolidated cells in a sand+ox are calculated.
"eaf cell $alues in a sand+ox are a co#+ination of the $alues in the +ase and sand+ox cells. %he user3entered $alues in
sand+ox leaf cells o$er3ride the $alues in the +ase. )n leaf cell that has not +een changed in a sand+ox still shows the
+ase data.
&onsolidated cells in a sand+ox contain $alues that are the su# of the leaf cells dis(laed in sand+ox.
/arent topic0 ,sing a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxes
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6.3.#. ,esetting data (alues in a sandbo* or /ersonal +or"space
Resetting a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+ox or clears all the changed data $alues that ou ha$e entered u( to that (oint and
resets all the data $alues +ac- to the current $alues in the +ase data.
2e(ending on which %M1H co#(onent ou are usingI
In %M1 /e+ and Ser$er Ex(lorer B )rchitectE clic- the Sand+ox list and select ,eset Sandbo*.
In %M1 'ers(ecti$esBMicrosoft Excel E clic- the Reset Sand+ox +utton on the Sand+ox tool+ar.
)ll data $alues in the sand+ox are set to the current $alues in the +ase data. )n cell coloring is cleared and set to +lac-.
/arent topic0 ,sing a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxes
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6.3.3. Understanding cell coloring for c'anged data (alues
/hen ou enter a new $alue in a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxE a $isual indicator is a((lied to the cell to re#ind ou that
the new $alue is different fro# the +ase $alues. %he color of the data changes fro# +lac- to either +lue or greenE or the
a((earance of the cell changesE de(ending on which %M1H co#(onent ou are using. )n de(endent cellsE such as
consolidated or rule calculated cellsE also change in a((earance if our edits cause the# to +e recalculated.
%he following ta+le su##ari=es the cell coloring that is a((lied in the different %M1 user interfaces when ou enter new data
$alues in a sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(ace.
Cell Color TM1 Component +ritebac" Mode
5irect /ersonal +or"space or
Blac- %M1 'ers(ecti$es B
Microsoft Excel
Ser$er Ex(lorer
/hen ou in(ut a new $alue there is no
color change. )ll $alues dis(la in +lac-.
&o##itted 'ersonal /or-s(ace or
Sand+ox data.
Blue 7one 7ewl in(ut data.
Edited cellsE de(endent or
consolidated callsE recalculated
"eft +otto# corner of
cell dis(las in +lue
%M1 'ers(ecti$es B
Microsoft Excel
7one 7ewl in(ut data.
Edited cellsE de(endent or
consolidated callsE recalculated
Green %M1 /e+
&u+e$iewer and
7ew $alues 7ew $alues
/arent topic0 ,sing a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxes
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6.3.6. Committing c'anged data from a /ersonal +or"space or sandbo* to base
%he &o##it co##and or +utton #erges all of the changed data $alues in our 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+ox to the +ase
data. You cannot use the undo co##and to undo a co##it action.
4ote0 /hen ou ha$e #ulti(le sand+oxes and co##it one of the# to +aseE the new +ase $alues are auto#aticall a((lied to
all the unchanged cells in our other sand+oxes. If ou entered new data $alues in an other sand+oxE those data $alues
re#ain and do not show the new $alues that were co##itted to the +ase data.
%he following figure shows an exa#(le of co##itting sand+ox $alues to the +ase data when ou are wor-ing with #ulti(le
sand+oxes. In this figureE the new $alues in Sand+ox ! are co##itted to +ase data and then the new +ase $alues are a((lied
to all the unchanged cells in the other sand+oxes. %he figure shows how sand+ox cells that contain changed data are not
2e(ending on which %M1H co#(onent ou are usingI
In %M1 /e+ and Ser$er Ex(lorer B )rchitectE clic- the Sand+ox list and select Commit Sandbo*.
In %M1 'ers(ecti$esBMicrosoft ExcelE clic- the &o##it Sand+ox +utton on the Sand+ox tool+ar.
%M1 (erfor#s the following actionsI
%he changed data $alues in the current sand+ox are sa$ed to the +ase data.
%he cell coloring for an changed data in the current sand+ox is cleared and set to +lac-.
%he new +ase data $alues are a((lied to all the unchanged cells in our other sand+oxes.
/hen ou ha$e #ulti(le sand+oxesE ou can use the #enu +ar (ull3down o(tions to createE delete and select the
different sand+oxes a$aila+le to ou. So#e interfaces offer a 2elete Sand+ox +utton.
/arent topic0 ,sing a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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6.6. ?ob @ueuing
%o #axi#i=e (rocessing s(eed and reduce Ntraffic 1a#sN when writing +ac- dataE 'ersonal /or-s(ace and Sand+ox
su+#issions can +e (rocessed using a 1o+ queue.
%o turn on 1o+ queuingE our ad#inistrator sets the 4o+5ueuingR% (ara#eter in the ser$er configuration file. If this
(ara#eter is set to ; or not (resentE Sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(ace su+#issions do not use a 1o+ queue. In 2irect
/rite+ac- #ode there is no 1o+ queuing regardless of this setting. IBMH &ognosH %M1H &ontri+utor does not use the 1o+
%he +enefits of using su+#ission queuing includeI
'erfor#ance i#(ro$e#ents.
,se of the queue (re$ents data that is waiting for resources to hold u( other 1o+s that are read to (rocess.
&oncurrent wor-.
%he queue allows users to continue wor-ing on other 1o+s while waiting for resources to +e freed u( on a (articular 1o+.
%rans(arenc of (rocessing.
%he queue lets users #onitor the acti$it le$el in the queue.
Efficient use of (rocessing resources.
%he queue allows users to cancel 1o+s if necessar.
/hen the 4o+ 5ueue is ena+led and a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or sand+ox is su+#itted using a &o##it or Su+#it +uttonE the
changed data enters the queue as a 1o+ and is (rocessed onl when the resources needed to co#(lete the calculations
s(ecified + the cu+es +eco#e a$aila+le. If other sand+oxes or 'ersonal /or-s(aceJs are su+#itted while the original
sand+ox waits for resourcesE the second su+#itted sand+ox can (roceed without waiting for the first one to resol$e its
/hen 1o+ queuing is ena+ledE the 1o+ queue +utton dis(las on the tool+ar. You can (ress this +utton to dis(la the
contents of the 1o+ queue. You can use the 4o+ 5ueue and Refresh +uttons (roacti$el to see how #an 1o+s are waiting to
+e su+#itted or to #onitor the (rogress of a (articular su+#ission. )d#inistrators can see all the 1o+s waiting to +e
(rocessed in the queue. ,sers without )d#in rights see onl their own sand+ox su+#issions.
5ueuing (rogress is +ased on whether resources are a$aila+leE not on the a#ount of data +eing (rocessed. ) su+#ission
with a large a#ount of data that resol$es its resources will +e (rocessed +efore a su+#ission with a s#all a#ount of data
that needs a resource that is in contention.
In #an cases sand+ox su+#ission will +e instantaneous. )t ti#es of high concurrent su+#issionsE a user can dis(la the
queue and decide to cancel a 1o+. ,sers can cancel onl their own 1o+s. )d#inistrators can cancel an 1o+ in the queue.
/hen ou ha$e su+#itted a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or sand+ox to the 1o+ queueI
In the dataE an changed cells re#ain +lue. /hen the sand+ox co#(letes (rocessingE those cells turn +lac-.
If ou ha$e Sand+ox turned onE ou can create a new sand+ox or select an existing one and wor- as usualE including
(erfor#ing a readE writeE or su+#it. %hose su+#issions will also +eco#e su+1ect to the queue. You can e$en create a new
sand+ox +ased on the queued data and wor- with those $alues in the new sand+ox +efore the queue (rocesses the
You can freel quer an data in or out of a sand+ox or 'ersonal /or-s(aceE +ut if ou tr to u(date the dataE the
following #essage dis(las so ou can indicate our intentionsI
You are attempting to perform Data Entry while previously committed data
changes reside in the queue. Click Yes to remove your submission
from the Queue and continue with data entry, or click No to defer
your current data entry until the system completes processing of your
currently queued job.
%o re#o$e our su+#ission fro# the queue and retain the data changes ou 1ust enteredE clic- %es.
/hen ou cancel the 1o+E the data entr is a((ended to the current sand+ox so ou can continue wor-ing with it and
(ossi+l su+#it it at a later ti#e.
%o wait until the current 1o+ co#(letes (rocessingE clic- 4o.
/hen ou clic- 7oE the data entr that is not (art of the 1o+ is disregarded and the su+#ission continues
uninterru(ted. Be sure ou are willing to lose that data when ou clic- 4o in this situation.
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7ieing t'e @ueue
&lic- the 4o+ 5ueue +utton to dis(la the current state of the queue. You can select all 1o+s or select indi$idual 1o+s to
ta-e action on using the Select chec- +oxes.
Cancelling a 8ob in t'e -ueue
,se the Selection chec- +oxes to indicate which 1o+ su+#ission to cancel. You can select indi$idual 1o+s + selecting their
indi$idual chec- +ox or clic- the Select )ll chec- +ox to select all 1o+s currentl shown on the )cti$e ta+. &lic- the &ancel
1o+ +utton after ou ha$e selected the 1o+s to re#o$e fro# the queue.
/arent topic0 /rite+ac- Modes and Sand+oxes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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6.6.1. 7ieing t'e @ueue
&lic- the 4o+ 5ueue +utton to dis(la the current state of the queue. You can select all 1o+s or select indi$idual 1o+s to ta-e
action on using the Select chec- +oxes.
%here are two ta+s in the 4o+ 5ueueI )cti$e 4o+s and 'rocessed 4o+s.
Before a 1o+ co#(leted (rocessingE it dis(las in the )cti$e 4o+s ta+. E$erone can see all acti$e 1o+s in the queueE not 1ust
their own. %he infor#ation a$aila+le for each 1o+ includesI a selection chec- +oxE the relati$e (osition in the queue C7o.DL the
user that su+#itted the 1o+ C&lient I2DL the date and ti#e of the su+#ission CSu+#ission %i#eDL the length of ti#e the 1o+
s(ent in the queue C2urationDL and the current status C'endingE for exa#(leD.
/hen a 1o+ is 'endingE ou can clic- the &ancel 4o+ +utton to cancel the 1o+.
Once a 1o+ co#(letes (rocessingE the 'rocessed ta+ is (o(ulated with the 1o+ infor#ation including the addition of
&o#(letion ti#e if the 1o+ co#(leted or was canceled. ) user can onl see their own (rocessed 1o+s.
,se the Refresh 5ueue +utton to u(date the 1o+ su+#ission listingE if necessar.
You can also use Recalc or Refresh and watch for the +lue cell coloring to change to +lac- in the sand+ox to indicate that the
data has +een written to the ser$er.
/arent topic0 4o+ 5ueuing
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81 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
6.6.#. Cancelling a 8ob in t'e -ueue
,se the Selection chec- +oxes to indicate which 1o+ su+#ission to cancel. You can select indi$idual 1o+s + selecting their
indi$idual chec- +ox or clic- the Select )ll chec- +ox to select all 1o+s currentl shown on the )cti$e ta+. &lic- the &ancel 1o+
+utton after ou ha$e selected the 1o+s to re#o$e fro# the queue.
/arent topic0 4o+ 5ueuing
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
82 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A. +or"ing it' Subsets
%his section descri+es how to use su+sets to hel( ou focus on the +usiness data that is rele$ant to our 1o+ or analsis
4arroing t'e .ist of )lements
You can narrow the list of ele#ents that ou see along the row and colu#n di#ensions in the &u+e 0iewer or
In3S(readsheet Browser + creating di#ension su+sets.
Adding a User!5efined Consolidation to a Subset
You can create a user3defined consolidation that is different fro# the consolidations in a di#ension structure. %o create a
user3defined consolidationE ou insert one su+set into another su+set. %he #e#+ers of the inserted su+set roll u( into a
consolidated ele#ent Cuser3defined consolidationD that has sa#e na#e as the source su+set. ;or exa#(leE if ou insert
the su+set MSales)rea into the su+set Euro(eE the user3defined consolidation MSales)rea is added to Euro(e.
Creating 5ynamic Subsets
)s the na#e i#(liesE dna#ic su+sets are #ore than si#(l a collection of ele#ents. %he are su+sets that u(date
auto#aticall +ased on cu+e $alues Cfilter3+ased dna#ic su+setsD or di#ension structure Cex(ression3+ased dna#ic
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A.1. 4arroing t'e .ist of )lements
You can narrow the list of ele#ents that ou see along the row and colu#n di#ensions in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet
Browser + creating di#ension su+sets.
) su+set can include +oth consolidated and si#(le ele#ents.
,sing di#ension su+setsE ou can focus onI
'roduct grou(s that ou trac-.
%o(3(roducing sales(eo(le.
"agging sales regions.
Stores that ha$e co##on attri+utesE such as square footage and the nu#+er of e#(loees.
) su+set is either static or dna#ic.
Static subset 3 &ontains a user3defined list of di#ension ele#ents that does not change unless ou #anuall edit the
5ynamic subset 3 &ontains an M2A ex(ression that executes to dis(la the ele#ents to the dna#ic su+set. ;or detailsE
see &reating 2i#ension Su+sets.
You can also narrow the dis(la of ele#ents along row di#ensions + filtering cu+e $alues. ;or detailsE see &reating a
;ilter3Based 2na#ic Su+set.
Selection Criteria
You can select ele#ents in fi$e wasI
Sa(ing Subsets
You can sa$e su+sets for future use. %he sa$ed su+sets a((ear in the Ser$er Ex(lorer +eneath the di#ension with which
the su+set is associated.
Creating 5imension Subsets
Su+sets can +e created using three different tools.
Selecting )lements
%here are se$eral was to select ele#ents to create a su+set in the Su+set Editor.
5eleting )lements from a Subset
You can delete single or #ulti(le ele#ents fro# a Su+set using the Su+set Editor.
Sorting Subset )lements
%here are se$eral o(tions for sorting ele#ents in the Su+set Editor.
C'anging t'e 5irection of )*pansion for Consolidated )lements
B defaultE when ou ex(and a consolidated ele#ent in a su+setE the children of the consolidation dis(la +elow the
consolidated ele#ent in the Su+set Editor. In the following exa#(leE the quarterl children a((ear +elow the consolidated
ele#entE Year.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with Su+sets
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A.1.1. Selection Criteria
You can select ele#ents in fi$e wasI
B hierarchical le$elE such as all the le$el3@ ele#ents.
B s(elling (atternE such as all the 1.: " car #odels.
B a attri+ute $alueE such as the engine si=e.
B ele#ent na#e. ;or exa#(leE ou can select the firstE fourthE and se$enth #onths along a ti#e3series di#ension.
B s(ecific criteria with a $iew extract. You can select the ele#ents whose data #eet s(ecific criteria. ;or exa#(leE ou
can +uild a list of all regions in which the unit sales are greater than 1E@@@ for a gi$en car #odel.
/arent topic0 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
85 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.#. Sa(ing Subsets
You can sa$e su+sets for future use. %he sa$ed su+sets a((ear in the Ser$er Ex(lorer +eneath the di#ension with which the
su+set is associated.
/ublic and /ri(ate Subsets
On re#ote ser$ersE su+sets are either (ri$ate or (u+lic. You can create a (ri$ate su+set with the sa#e na#e as a (u+lic
5efault Subsets
You can create a di#ension su+set na#ed 2efault that auto#aticall a((ears in the sste# default $iew. In the following
exa#(leE a 2efault su+set dis(las for the Month di#ension that includes ele#ents for the first three #onths of the ear.
/arent topic0 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents
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86 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.#.1. /ublic and /ri(ate Subsets
On re#ote ser$ersE su+sets are either (ri$ate or (u+lic. You can create a (ri$ate su+set with the sa#e na#e as a (u+lic
/ri(ate subset 3 )$aila+le onl to the user who creates the#.
/ublic subset 3 )$aila+le to all users on a re#ote ser$er who ha$e at least Read access to the associated di#ension.
You #ust ha$e )d#in (ri$ilege to the (arent di#ension to create a (u+lic su+set.
/arent topic0 Sa$ing Su+sets
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87 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.#.#. 5efault Subsets
You can create a di#ension su+set na#ed 2efault that auto#aticall a((ears in the sste# default $iew. In the following
exa#(leE a 2efault su+set dis(las for the Month di#ension that includes ele#ents for the first three #onths of the ear.
Su((ose ou #o$e the Month di#ension fro# the colu#n to the title di#ensions grou(. %he first ele#ent in the 2efault
su+set is a title ele#ent.
On re#ote ser$ersE a 2efault su+set for a single di#ension is either (u+lic or (ri$ate.
/ri(ate 5efault subset 3 )$aila+le onl to ou
/ublic 5efault subset 3 )$aila+le to all users
4ote0 /hen a re#ote ser$er has +oth a (u+lic and a (ri$ate 2efault su+set for a di#ensionE our (ri$ate 2efault su+set
ta-es (recedence o$er the (u+lic 2efault su+set.
/arent topic0 Sa$ing Su+sets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
88 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.3. Creating 5imension Subsets
Su+sets can +e created using three different tools.
You can create su+sets through the followingI
Ser$er Ex(lorer window
&u+e 0iewer window
In3S(readsheet Browser
O(en a di#ension in the Su+set Editor.
;ro# the Ser$er Ex(lorerE select a di#ension for which ou want to create a su+set and clic- 5imensionE Insert
4e Subset.
;ro# either the &u+e 0iewer or the In3S(readsheet BrowserE clic- a row or colu#n di#ension la+el.
%he Su+set Editor window o(ensE with ele#ents of the current su+set dis(laed in the %ree (ane.
%o see all the ele#ents in their di#ension hierarchiesE clic- All and then clic- )ditE SortE 1ierarc'y.
)ll di#ension ele#ents dis(la in hierarchical order.
Select one or #ore ele#ents in the di#ension + using the #ethods descri+ed in Selecting Ele#ents. !.
&lic- SubsetE Sa(e.
%he Sa$e Su+set dialog +ox o(ens.
2ecide whether ou want to create the 2efault su+set or a na#ed su+set. If ou want to create a na#ed su+setE s-i( to
ste( 8.
%o create the 2efault su+setE clic- 5efault.
%he word 2efault dis(las in the Su+set 7a#e +ox.
&reate a (ri$ate or (u+lic su+set.
%o create a (ri$ate su+setE select the /ri(ate chec- +ox.
%o create a (u+lic su+setE clear the /ri(ate chec- +ox. You #ust ha$e )d#in (ri$ilege to the (arent di#ension to create
a (u+lic su+set.
%o create a na#ed su+setE t(e a na#e C268 +tes #axi#u#D in the Su+set 7a#e +ox.
4ote0 ;or /estern character setsE such as EnglishE a single character is re(resented + a single +teE allowing ou to
na#e a su+set with 268 characters. *owe$erE large character setsE such as &hineseE 4a(aneseE and ForeanE use #ulti(le
+tes to re(resent one character. In this caseE the 268 +te li#it #a +e exceeded sooner and not actuall allow the
entr of 268 characters.
&lic- &2.
In the 0iew listE the 'ri$ate Su+set icon to the left of the su+set na#eE S Series SedanE re(resents a (ri$ate su+set.
&lic- &2 to return to the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser. ?.
In the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet BrowserE the su+set na#e re(laces the na#e of the row or colu#n di#ension.
%he following exa#(les show the Model di#ension (ositioned as a row di#ension. Each row la+el contains the na#e of
one of the nine ele#ents in the S Series Sedan su+set.
Cube 7ieer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
89 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
In!Spreads'eet $roser
In the Ser$er Ex(lorerE the /ublic Subset icon re(resents s a (u+lic su+setE while the /ri(ate Subset s#+ol
re(resents a (ri$ate su+set.
/arent topic0 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
90 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6. Selecting )lements
%here are se$eral was to select ele#ents to create a su+set in the Su+set Editor.
Single element 3 One ele#ent
Ad8acent elements 3 Multi(le ele#ents that are near each other in the list
4on!ad8acent elements 3 Multi(le ele#ents that are not near each other in the list
1ierarc'y le(el 3 Ele#ents with a le$el of consolidation in a di#ension. Si#(le ele#ents reside at the @ le$elE and each
le$el of consolidation is incre#ented + 1
Attribute (alue 3 Ele#ents with attri+ute $alues that descri+e or (ro$ide an alternati$e na#e CaliasD
Spelling pattern 3 Ele#ents that #atch a s(elling (attern. You can also use a wildcard as a (laceholder for a character
7ie e*tract 3 Ele#ents extracted with a data quer
/hen ou select ele#entsE the selection a((lies onl to the ele#ents currentl $isi+le in the Su+set Editor.
You can a((l #ulti(le le$els of selection to ele#ents in the Su+set Editor to create a su+set that satisfies our analtical
require#ents. ;or instanceE ou could first select ele#ents + hierarch le$elE and then further narrow the list of su+set
ele#ents + selecting ele#ents with a (articular attri+ute $alue.
Selecting a single element
You can select a single ele#ent.
Selecting ad8acent elements
You can select ad1acent ele#ents.
Selecting non!ad8acent elements
You can select non3ad1acent ele#ents.
Selecting elements by 'ierarc'y le(el
You can select ele#ents + hierarch le$el.
Selecting elements by attribute (alue
You can select ele#ents + attri+ute $alue.
Selecting elements by spelling pattern
You can select ele#ents + s(elling (attern.
Using +ildcard C'aracters
You can use two wildcard characters in s(elling (atterns.
Selecting )lements Using a 7ie )*tract
You can select ele#ents + using a $iew extract that is +ased on a data quer. ;or exa#(leE ou can search for all
ele#ents in the Region di#ension for which the actual sales are greater than 1E@@@ for se$eral car #odels in a gi$en ti#e
/arent topic0 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
91 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.1. Selecting a single element
You can select a single ele#ent.
In the %ree (aneE clic- an ele#ent na#e. 1.
&lic- )ditE 2eep or clic- 2eep .
%he su+set contains the single selected ele#ent. )ll other ele#ents in the %ree (ane are hidden.
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
92 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.#. Selecting ad8acent elements
You can select ad1acent ele#ents.
&lic- the first ele#ent na#e. 1.
*old down Shift and clic- the last ele#ent in the range. You can also (ress &%R"3) to select all $isi+le ele#ents. 2.
&lic- )ditE 2eep or clic- 2eep .
%he selected ele#ents re#ain in the su+setE while all other ele#ents are hidden.
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents
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93 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.3. Selecting non!ad8acent elements
You can select non3ad1acent ele#ents.
&lic- the first ele#ent na#e. 1.
*old down &trl and clic- the other ele#ents ou want to include. 2.
&lic- )ditE 2eep or clic- 2eep .
%he selected ele#ents re#ain in the su+setE while all other ele#ents are hidden.
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents
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94 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.6. Selecting elements by 'ierarc'y le(el
You can select ele#ents + hierarch le$el.
&lic- )ditE Filter byE .e(elsE or clic- Filter by .e(els .
%he ;ilter + "e$el dialog +ox o(ens.
Select one or #ore hierarch le$els. Si#(le ele#ents reside at the @ le$elE and each le$el of consolidation is increased +
&lic- &2.
%he ele#ents that +elong to the selected le$els re#ain in the su+set. )ll other ele#ents are hidden.
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
95 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.A. Selecting elements by attribute (alue
You can select ele#ents + attri+ute $alue.
&lic- )ditE Filter byE AttributeE or clic- Filter by Attribute .
%he ;ilter + )ttri+ute dialog +ox o(ens.
Select an attri+ute. 2.
Select an attri+ute $alue. !.
&lic- &2.
%he ele#ents with the s(ecified attri+ute $alue re#ain in the su+set. )ll other ele#ents are hidden.
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents
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96 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.B. Selecting elements by spelling pattern
You can select ele#ents + s(elling (attern.
&lic- )ditE Filter byE +ildcard or clic- Filter by +ildcard .
%he ;ilter + /ildcard dialog +ox o(ens.
%(e a s(elling (attern in the +ox.
) s(elling (attern can include one or #ore characters to #atchE and o(tionallE one or #ore wildcard characters. ;or
details on wildcardJsE see ,sing /ildcard &haracters.
&lic- &2.
%he ele#ents that #atch the s(elling (attern re#ain in the su+set. )ll other ele#ents are hidden.
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents
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97 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.C. Using +ildcard C'aracters
You can use two wildcard characters in s(elling (atterns.
5uestion #ar- CSD 3 'laceholder for a single character
)steris- CTD 3 'laceholder for one or #ore characters
%he following ta+le shows the effect of three s(elling (atterns.
/attern Finds S"ips
TSedans S Series ./2 Sedans Sedans ./2
5T 5uarter 1 1 5
4Sn 4anE 4un 4une
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
98 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.D. Selecting )lements Using a 7ie )*tract
You can select ele#ents + using a $iew extract that is +ased on a data quer. ;or exa#(leE ou can search for all ele#ents
in the Region di#ension for which the actual sales are greater than 1E@@@ for se$eral car #odels in a gi$en ti#e (eriod.
4ote0 You can select ele#ents with a $iew extract onl when ou access the Su+set Editor fro# the &u+e 0iewer or
In3S(readsheet BrowserE not fro# the Ser$er Ex(lorer. %he $iew extract queries against the current cu+e. %here is no current
cu+e to quer when ou o(en the Su+set Editor fro# the Ser$er Ex(lorer.
%he quer criteria for the $iew extract includesI
&ells to search for data $alues. &ells are identified + the current ele#ents in the Su+set EditorE and + one or #ore
ele#ents along the re#aining di#ensions.
Range of acce(ta+le data $alues in the cells. ;or exa#(leE the cells that contain $alues greater than 1@@ +ut less than
Instructions a+out ins(ecting cells that contain =erosE consolidated $aluesE and $alues deri$ed through rules.
&lic- )ditE Filter byE 7ie )*tract or clic- Filter by 7ie )*tract .
%he 0iew Extract window o(ens. In the Select Ele#ents sectionE the di#ension for which ou are creating a su+set
dis(las di##edE and therefore is una$aila+le. In the following exa#(leE the Region di#ension is una$aila+le. ;or each of
the other di#ensionsE all the selected ele#ents ha$e the $alue 'll next to each ele#ent na#e.
&lic- Subset next to the di#ension na#e to s(ecif the ele#ents ou want to include in the quer for all other
%he Su+set Editor window o(ens.
Select the ele#ents ou want to include in the quer and clic- &2. !.
Re(eat ste(s 2 and ! to s(ecif the ele#ents for all the other cu+e di#ensions. ..
S(ecif whether ou want to include consolidated $alues in the querI
%o include the consolidated $aluesE clear the S"ip Consolidated 7alues chec- +ox.
%o exclude the consolidated $aluesE select the S"ip Consolidated 7alues chec- +ox.
S(ecif whether ou want to include rule3deri$ed $alues in the querI
%o include the $alues deri$ed through the rules in the querE clear the S"ip ,ule Calculated 7alues chec- +ox.
%o exclude the rule3deri$ed $aluesE select the S"ip ,ule Calculated 7alues chec- +ox.
S(ecif whether ou want to include the cells that contain =eros in the querI
%o include the cells that contain =eros in the querE clear the S"ip Eero<$lan" 7alues +ox.
%o exclude =erosE select the S"ip Eero<$lan" 7alues chec- +ox.
S(ecif a range of acce(ta+le $alues using the Range 'ara#eters fieldsE as descri+ed in the next sectionE Range :.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
99 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
&lic- &2.
%he Su+set Editor now contains the ele#ents that #eet the s(ecified criteria.
,ange /arameters
,se the range (ara#eters to s(ecif which $alues the ins(ected cells #ust contain to satisf the data quer. You can set
se(arate li#its for real nu#+ers and strings. %he range (ara#eters a((l after deter#ining which cells to ins(ect.
7ie )*tract )*ample
%o see how $iew extract wor-sE o(en the $iewUextract $iew of Sales'rior&u+e.
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents
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100 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.D.1. ,ange /arameters
,se the range (ara#eters to s(ecif which $alues the ins(ected cells #ust contain to satisf the data quer. You can set
se(arate li#its for real nu#+ers and strings. %he range (ara#eters a((l after deter#ining which cells to ins(ect.
%he following ta+le contains the range o(erators for nu#eric dataE the li#itsE and the results. ;or a co#(lete list of range
o(eratorsE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1H Developer Guide.
&perator .imits ,esults
)ll Blan- )ll cell $alues
R a a R 2@@ &ell $alues of 2@@
V R a a R 2@@ &ell $alues greater than or equal to 2@@
W R a a R 2@@ &ell $alues less than or equal to 2@@
V a a R 2@@ &ell $alues greater than 2@@
W a a R 2@@ &ell $alues less than 2@@
W V a a R 2@@ &ell $alues less than or greater than 2@@
V R a X W R + a R 2@@ + R 12@@ &ell $alues in the range 2@@312@@
V a X W + a R 2@@+ R 12@@ &ell $alues in the range 2@1311??
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents ,sing a 0iew Extract
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101 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.6.D.#. 7ie )*tract )*ample
%o see how $iew extract wor-sE o(en the $iewUextract $iew of Sales'rior&u+e.
%he $iew in the exa#(le shows the actual sales $alues for all car #odels in all regions o$er the first three #onths of the ear.
)fter ou anal=e the dataE ou decide that ou need to concentrate onl on the regions where the actual sales for the S
Series 1.:" Sedan and S Series 2.@" Sedan are greater than 9E@@@ in the #onth of 4anuar.
&lic- the ,egion di#ension la+el in the &u+e 0iewer.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens with all ele#ents of the Region di#ension.
&lic- )ditE Select $yE 7ie )*tract.
%he 0iew Extract window o(ens.
&lic- Subset next to the Act(sbud di#ension.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens.
Select Actual and clic- &2. ..
&lic- Subset next to the Model di#ension. 6.
Select S Series 1.D. Sedan and S Series #.0. SedanE and then clic- &2. 8.
&lic- Subset next to the Mont' di#ension. 9.
Select ?an and clic- &2. :.
&lic- Subset next to the Account1 di#ension. ?.
Select Sales and clic- &2. 1@.
In the &perator listE clic- FGa. 11.
Enter C000 in the Real "i#its field for $aria+le a.
%he 0iew Extract window should now dis(la as follows.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
102 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
&lic- &2.
%he Su+set Editor now contains onl those ele#ents of the Region di#ension that satisf the quer criteria. C%he
ele#ents for which the actual 4anuar sales of the S Series 1.:" Sedan and the S Series 2.@" Sedan are greater than
&lic- &2 to dis(la this su+set in the &u+e 0iewer. 1..
/arent topic0 Selecting Ele#ents ,sing a 0iew Extract
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
103 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.A. 5eleting )lements from a Subset
You can delete single or #ulti(le ele#ents fro# a Su+set using the Su+set Editor.
Select the ele#ents in the %ree (ane of the Su+set Editor.
%o select a single ele#entE clic- the ele#ent.
%o select #ulti(le ad1acent ele#entsE clic- the first ele#ent and S*I;%Mclic- the last ele#ent.
%o select #ulti(le non3ad1acent ele#entsE &%R"Mclic- each ele#ent.
&lic- )ditE 5elete or clic- 5elete . 2.
/arent topic0 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
104 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.B. Sorting Subset )lements
%here are se$eral o(tions for sorting ele#ents in the Su+set Editor.
Onl the currentl $isi+le ele#ents in the Su+set Editor are sorted. ;or exa#(leE if ou sort a su+set in ascending
al(ha+etical orderE and then o(en a new su+set without closing the Su+set EditorE the new su+set is not sorted.
%o sort su+set ele#ents in ascending al(ha+etical order clic- )ditE SortE Ascending or clic- Sort Ascending .
%o sort su+set ele#ents in descending al(ha+etical orderE clic- )ditE SortE 5escending or clic- Sort 5escending .
)n index $alue descri+es an ele#ent (osition in the di#ension structure. ;or exa#(leE an ele#ent with an index $alue of
1 is the first ele#ent in the di#ensionL an ele#ent with an index $alue of 2 is the second ele#ent in the di#ension.
%o sort the su+set ele#ents in ascending order + index $alueE clic- )ditE SortE Inde* Ascending or clic- Sort by
Inde*H Ascending .
%o sort the su+set ele#ents in descending order + index $alueE clic- )ditE SortE Inde* 5escending or clic- Sort by
Inde*H 5escending .
%o sort the su+set ele#ents + di#ension hierarchE clic- )ditE SortE 1ierarc'y or clic- Sort 1ierarc'y .
/arent topic0 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
105 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.1.C. C'anging t'e 5irection of )*pansion for Consolidated )lements
B defaultE when ou ex(and a consolidated ele#ent in a su+setE the children of the consolidation dis(la +elow the
consolidated ele#ent in the Su+set Editor. In the following exa#(leE the quarterl children a((ear +elow the consolidated
ele#entE Year.
You can s(ecif that the children a((ear a+o$e the consolidated ele#ent when ou ex(and a consolidationE + using the
Ex(and )+o$e o(tion. %o do soE clic- 7ieE )*pand Abo(e in the Su+set Editor. ) chec- #ar- dis(las next to the co##and
on the 0iew #enu when ou ha$e ena+led the o(tion. %o turn the Ex(and )+o$e o(tion on or offE clic- 7ieE )*pand
%he children a((ear a+o$e their (arent consolidation.
You ena+le the Ex(and )+o$e o(tion on a (er3su+set +asis.
/hen ou ena+le the Ex(and )+o$e o(tion in a su+setE and drill down on a consolidation in either the &u+e 0iewerE
In3S(readsheet BrowserE or sliceE the following results dis(laI
If ou ena+le Ex(and )+o$e in a row su+setE when ou drill down on a consolidationE the children a+o$e the consolidation
If ou ena+le Ex(and )+o$e in a colu#n su+setE when ou drill down on a consolidationE the children to the left of the
consolidation dis(la.
/arent topic0 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
106 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.#. Adding a User!5efined Consolidation to a Subset
You can create a user3defined consolidation that is different fro# the consolidations in a di#ension structure. %o create a
user3defined consolidationE ou insert one su+set into another su+set. %he #e#+ers of the inserted su+set roll u( into a
consolidated ele#ent Cuser3defined consolidationD that has sa#e na#e as the source su+set. ;or exa#(leE if ou insert the
su+set MSales)rea into the su+set Euro(eE the user3defined consolidation MSales)rea is added to Euro(e.
) user3defined consolidation is hel(ful for anal=ing data in was that are not readil acco##odated + a di#ension
structure. ;or exa#(leE the Region di#ension in the %M1H sa#(le data+ase includes the Euro(e consolidationE which is
co#(osed of the Scandina$iaE BeneluxE IslandsE &entral Euro(eE I+eriaE and Southern Euro(e regional consolidations.
'erha(s ou want to $iew a consolidation of onl the northern Euro(ean regions that is not in the di#ension structure. You
can acco#(lish this + first creating a su+set na#ed 7orthern Euro(e that includes the co#(onents Scandina$iaE BeneluxE
and Islands. %hen ou can insert the new su+set into another su+set.
You can insert the 7orthern Euro(e su+set into a su+set of the Region di#ension.
O(en the )urope su+set of the Region di#ension in the Su+set Editor.
%his su+set contains the consolidations &entral Euro(e and Southern Euro(eE which are defined in the Region di#ension.
&lic- )ditE Insert Subset.
) second Su+set Editor o(ens for the Region di#ensionE dis(laing the su+set na#ed )ll.
Select the consolidated ele#ents Scandina(iaE $enelu*E and Islands. !.
&lic- )ditE 2eep.
%he second Su+set Editor contains onl the three selected ele#ents.
In the second Su+set EditorE clic- SubsetE Sa(e.
%he Sa$e Su+set dialog +ox o(ens.
Sa$e the su+set as a (u+lic su+set na#ed 4ort'ern )urope.
4ote0 %he su+set Cuser3defined consolidationD na#e cannot +e the sa#e as an ele#ent na#e or alias na#e in the
original su+set. If a su+set contains a user3defined consolidation and an ele#ent or alias with the sa#e na#eE the
ele#ent or the alias ta-es (recedence.
&lic- &2 to close the second Su+set Editor.
%he original Su+set Editor should now contain 7orthern Euro(e as a new #e#+er of the Euro(e su+set.
&lic- SubsetE Sa(e to sa$e the Euro(e su+set with the user3defined consolidation. &lic- %es if (ro#(ted to o$erwrite the
existing su+set.
You can now use the Euro(e su+set in either the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser to $iew data for the
user3defined consolidation.
O(en the ,egion $iew of the Sales&u+e cu+e.
%his $iew shows the #onthl sales for the S Series 1.:" Sedan.
&lic- the ,egion row di#ension la+el.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens.
In the Select Subset listE clic- )urope. 11.
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107 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
&lic- &2.
%he Euro(e su+setE which now includes the 7orthern Euro(e user3defined consolidationE dis(las in the $iew.
Re#e#+erE user3defined consolidations are #e#+ers of a su+setE and do not alter the di#ension definition.
/hen ou insert one su+set into another su+set to create a user3defined consolidationE the following rules a((l.
You can insert (u+lic su+sets into (ri$ate su+sets.
You cannot insert (ri$ate su+sets into (u+lic su+sets.
Inserted su+sets that result in a circular reference are ignored.
Creating User!5efined Consolidations on t'e Fly
You can quic-l create a su+set containing onl a user3defined consolidation with the Roll ,( +utton in the Su+set Editor.
%his (rocess is easier to execute than inserting a user3defined consolidation into an existing su+set. *owe$erE ou cannot
sa$e or edit the su+set. %his (rocess is a$aila+le onl when ou o(en the Su+set Editor fro# a cu+e $iew C&u+e 0iewer or
In3S(readsheet BrowserD and is +est suited for quic-l creating a consolidation of ele#ents while +rowsing a cu+e.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with Su+sets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
108 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.#.1. Creating User!5efined Consolidations on t'e Fly
You can quic-l create a su+set containing onl a user3defined consolidation with the Roll ,( +utton in the Su+set Editor. %his
(rocess is easier to execute than inserting a user3defined consolidation into an existing su+set. *owe$erE ou cannot sa$e or
edit the su+set. %his (rocess is a$aila+le onl when ou o(en the Su+set Editor fro# a cu+e $iew C&u+e 0iewer or
In3S(readsheet BrowserD and is +est suited for quic-l creating a consolidation of ele#ents while +rowsing a cu+e.
;ro# a cu+e $iewE o(en the di#ension for which ou want to create the user3defined consolidation in the Su+set Editor. 1.
,se the o(tions in the Su+set Editor to select the ele#ents ou want to include in our user3defined consolidation. 2.
&lic- ,oll Up.
%he Su+set Editor closes and the user3defined consolidation dis(las in the cu+e $iew. %he user3defined consolidation
na#e for#at is
/here YYY re(resents a sequential nu#+er for a Roll ,( consolidation ou create during a current ser$er session. ;or
exa#(leE the first Roll ,( consolidation na#e is ORO"",'UE"EMU@@@L the second Roll ,( consolidation na#e is
ORO"",'UE"EMU@@1E and the third Roll ,( consolidation na#e is ORO"",'UE"EMU@@2.
%his user3defined consolidation is considered a N(seudo3ele#entN of the su+set. You can use an sort #ethod on the
user3defined consolidation. You can select the user3defined consolidation using the Select + Regular Ex(ression o(tion in
the Su+set Editor. *owe$erE the user3defined consolidation is not assigned a unique le$el in the su+setL so ou cannot use
the ;ilter + "e$el o(tion in the Su+set Editor to select the user3defined consolidation.
In the following $iewE the row di#ension includes a user3defined consolidation of all wagons in the Model di#ension. %his
consolidation is na#ed ORO"",'UE"EMU@@!E indicating that it is the fourth consolidation created during the current
ser$er session.
4ote0 If ou sa$e this $iewE the user3defined consolidation is not sa$ed as (art of the $iewE +ut the #e#+ers of the
consolidation are sa$ed as (art of the $iew.
/arent topic0 )dding a ,ser32efined &onsolidation to a Su+set
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
109 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
A.3. Creating 5ynamic Subsets
)s the na#e i#(liesE dna#ic su+sets are #ore than si#(l a collection of ele#ents. %he are su+sets that u(date
auto#aticall +ased on cu+e $alues Cfilter3+ased dna#ic su+setsD or di#ension structure Cex(ression3+ased dna#ic
) filter3+ased dna#ic su+set dis(las ele#ents that satisf the filter criteria for the $alues in a s(ecified cu+e $iew. ;or
exa#(leE a filter3+ased su+set can dis(la the to( 1@ ele#ents in the Region di#ension for a $iew of the Sales&u+e cu+e.
%he $iew #ust contain a single ele#ent fro# all other di#ensions of the cu+e. )n su+sequent instances of the su+set are
referenced against the current $alues in the Sales&u+e cu+eE and the a((ro(riate ele#ents dis(la in the su+set.
)n ex(ression3+ased dna#ic su+set dis(las ele#ents +ased on an ex(ression that is recorded while ou select o(tions in
the Su+set Editor. ;or exa#(leE if ou record an ex(ression while selecting su+set ele#ents + hierarch le$elE the su+set
alwas contains ele#ents of the s(ecified hierarch le$elE e$en if ele#ents of the s(ecified le$el are later added to or
re#o$ed fro# the associated di#ension.
/hen ou create either a filter3+ased or ex(ression3+ased dna#ic su+setE an M2A ex(ression is recorded and sa$ed with
the su+set. %his ex(ression is then e$aluated whene$er the su+set is referenced + the ser$er. %he result is a su+set that is
alwas current for the filter criteria or ele#ent selection s(ecified when the su+set was created.
4ote0 %he nu#+er of ele#ents in a dna#ic su+set initiall dis(las as 7B) in the YEle#ents colu#n of the 'ro(erties (ane
in the Ser$er Ex(lorer. %he actual nu#+er of ele#ents is not dis(laed until the dna#ic su+set is accessed + %M1H E such
as when the di#ension is o(ened in the Su+set Editor.
Creating an )*pression!$ased 5ynamic Subset
You can create an ex(ression3+ased dna#ic su+set of the Model di#ension. %he su+set dis(las all ./2 $ehicles in
descending al(ha+etical order.
Creating a Filter!$ased 5ynamic Subset
You can create a filter3+ased dna#ic su+set + filtering the $iew $alues for a s(ecified di#ension. ;or exa#(leE ou can
create a su+set +ased on a filter that dis(las the 1@ ele#ents CregionsD of the Region di#ension that ha$e the highest
actual sales $alues in the Sales &u+e for a gi$en #odel and #onth.
)diting 5ynamic Subsets
You can edit the generated M2A ex(ression for a dna#ic su+set directl in the Su+set Editor. ;or exa#(leE ou can edit
the ex(ression sa$ed with the ./2U#odels su+set to dis(la all sedans in the Model di#ension.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with Su+sets
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A.3.1. Creating an )*pression!$ased 5ynamic Subset
You can create an ex(ression3+ased dna#ic su+set of the Model di#ension. %he su+set dis(las all ./2 $ehicles in
descending al(ha+etical order.
In the Ser$er Ex(lorerE right3clic- the Model di#ension and clic- Insert 4e Subset.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens.
&lic- ToolsE ,ecord )*pression.
%his starts recording an M2A ex(ression +ased on our selection of o(tions in the Su+set Editor.
&lic- All to re$eal the )ll su+set.
%he Model di#ension contains +oth the si#(le C@3le$elD and consolidated ./2 ele#ents. You want to create a su+set
that dis(las onl the @3le$el ele#ents.
&lic- Filter by .e(el .
%he Select Su+set Ele#ents + "e$el dialog +ox o(ens.
Select 0 and clic- &2.
7ow ou want the su+set to include onl ./2 #odels. You can use the Regular Ex(ression o(tion to select these #odels.
&lic- Filter by +ildcard .
%he Select + Regular Ex(ression dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter I6+5 and clic- &2.
%he su+set should now include eight $ehicle #odels.
&lic- Sort 5escending to sort the su+set in descending al(ha+etical order. :.
&lic- ToolsE Stop ,ecording.
%his sto(s recording the M2A ex(ression and (ro#(ts ou to sa$e the ex(ression with the su+set.
&lic- %es. 1@.
&lic- SubsetE Sa(e and na#e the su+set ./2U#odels.
Be sure the Sa$e Ex(ression chec- +ox is selected. If this chec- +ox is clearedE the ex(ression is not sa$ed with the
su+set. %he resulting su+set is staticE not dna#ic.
&lic- 7ieE )*pression +indo.
%he Ex(ression /indow o(ens at the +otto# of the Su+set Editor.
%he window contains the following M2A ex(ressionI
[model] )}, 0)}, "*4WD")}, DESC)}
%his ex(ressionE read fro# the inside outE filters the )"" su+set of the Model di#ension + le$el C@DE a((lies a (attern
filter CT./2DE and sorts the resulting su+set in descending order. %his ex(ression is an accurate recording of our
selections in the Su+set Editor. %he ex(ression is e$aluated to dis(la ele#ents in the ./2U#odels su+set whene$er the
su+set is referenced + the ser$er.
&lose the ./2U#odels su+set.
%o (ro$e that the su+set is dna#icE add the ele#ent " Series 1.:" Sedan ./2 to the Model di#ensionE and then o(en
the ./2U#odels su+set.
%he su+set should now dis(la nine ele#entsE including " Series 1.:" Sedan ./2.
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/arent topic0 &reating 2na#ic Su+sets
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A.3.#. Creating a Filter!$ased 5ynamic Subset
You can create a filter3+ased dna#ic su+set + filtering the $iew $alues for a s(ecified di#ension. ;or exa#(leE ou can
create a su+set +ased on a filter that dis(las the 1@ ele#ents CregionsD of the Region di#ension that ha$e the highest actual
sales $alues in the Sales &u+e for a gi$en #odel and #onth.
O(en the ,egion di#ension in the Su+set Editor. 1.
&lic- ToolsE ,ecord )*pression. 2.
&lic- All to re$eal the )ll su+set. !.
&lic- Filter by .e(el .
%he Select Su+set Ele#ents + "e$el dialog +ox o(ens.
Select 0 and clic- &2. 6.
&lic- ToolsE Filter.
%he ;ilter Su+set dialog +ox o(ens. %his dialog +ox lets ou define the $iew and filter to +e used to dis(la ele#ents in
the su+set.
In the &u+e 7a#e listE clic- SalesCube to s(ecif the cu+e with which the $iew is associated. 9.
In the Select &olu#n Me#+ers sectionE select the &olu#n Me#+ers that define the $iew.
In this exa#(leE ou want to create a su+set of the 1@ regions with the highest actual sales of the S Series 1.:" sedan in
4anuar. Select the colu#n #e#+ers according to the ta+le +elow
5imension Column Member
)ct$s+ud )ctual
)ccount1 Sales
Model S Series 1.:" Sedan
Month 4an
Select the TopCount filter t(e.
%here are six ;ilter o(tions. ;or a descri(tion of each filter o(tionE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1H Developer Guide.
Enter a 0alue of 1@. 1@.
&lic- &2.
%he Su+set Editor dis(las the su+set selected + the filter.
&lic- ToolsE Stop ,ecording.
&lic- %es in res(onse to the 5o you ant to attac' t'e e*pression to t'e subset #essage.
&lic- SubsetE Sa(e and sa$e the su+set as %o(U1@USales&u+eUregions.
Be sure the Sa$e Ex(ression +ox is selected when ou sa$e the su+set.
&lic- 7ieE )*pression +indo.
%he Ex(ression /indow dis(las the following M2A ex(ressionI
)}, 0)}, 10.000000, [SalesCube].([actvsbud].[Actual],[model].[S
Series 1.8 L Sedan],[account1].[Sales],[month].[Jan])) }
%his ex(ression dis(las the ten @3le$el ele#ents of the )ll su+set for the Region di#ensionE with the greatest actual
sales of S Series 1.:" Sedan in 4anE +ased on $alues in the Sales&u+e cu+e.
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E$er ti#e the ser$er references the %o(U1@USales&u+eUregions su+setE the ex(ression is e$aluated. If the actual 4an
sales $alues for S Series 1.:" Sedan in Sales&u+e changeE the su+set #e#+ers u(date to reflect the change in $alues.
/arent topic0 &reating 2na#ic Su+sets
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A.3.3. )diting 5ynamic Subsets
You can edit the generated M2A ex(ression for a dna#ic su+set directl in the Su+set Editor. ;or exa#(leE ou can edit the
ex(ression sa$ed with the ./2U#odels su+set to dis(la all sedans in the Model di#ension.
O(en the ./2U#odels su+set in the Su+set Editor. 1.
&lic- 7ieE )*pression +indo.
%he Ex(ression /indow contains the following ex(ressionI
[model] )}, 0)}, "*4WD")}, DESC)}
%his ex(ression dis(las all @3le$el ele#ents of the )"" su+set for the Region di#ension ending with the string Z./2J.
Edit the ex(ression + re(lacing the string T./2 with the string TSedanT.
%he ex(ression should now a((ear as followsI
[model] )}, 0)}, "*Sedan*")}, DESC)}
&lic- Update.
%he edited ex(ression is e$aluated and dis(las new ele#ents to the su+set.
&lic- SubsetE Sa(e As. 6.
Sa$e the su+set as )llUsedans.
Be sure the Sa$e Ex(ression +ox is selected when ou sa$e the su+set.
)llUsedans is now a$aila+le as a dna#ic su+set.
/arent topic0 &reating 2na#ic Su+sets
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B. +or"ing it' Cube 7ies
%his section descri+es using cu+e $iews to +rowse and #odif +usiness data.
Sa(ing Cube 7ies
You can sa$e an $iew of cu+e data for quic- access in the future. Each cu+e can ha$e one $iew na#ed 2efault. ) cu+eJs
2efault $iew auto#aticall dis(las in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser when ou dou+le3clic- the cu+e na#e
in the Ser$er Ex(lorer window.
&pening Sa(ed 7ies
You can o(en (re$iousl sa$ed $iews using se$eral different tools.
Filtering 7ies
You can filter a $iew to +etter anal=e data in a $iewJs selected colu#n ele#ent.
C'anging 5isplay &ptions
In +oth the &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet Browser the dis(la o(tions can +e changed.
Modifying Cell 7alues
You can edit uncalculated $alues in a cu+e. ,ncalculated $alues sre $alues that are not deri$ed through rules or
consolidations. %he &u+e 0iewer window dis(las uncalculated $alues without shading.
)*porting Cube 5ata
You can ex(ort $alues fro# a cu+e or $iew to a co##a3deli#ited C.c#aD text file. One record (er line in the file is created
for each ex(orted $alue. Each record includes the na#e of the source cu+eE the ele#ents that identif a cell locationE and
the cell $alue. ;or exa#(leI
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B.1. Sa(ing Cube 7ies
You can sa$e an $iew of cu+e data for quic- access in the future. Each cu+e can ha$e one $iew na#ed 2efault. ) cu+eJs
2efault $iew auto#aticall dis(las in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser when ou dou+le3clic- the cu+e na#e in
the Ser$er Ex(lorer window.
On re#ote ser$ersE $iews are either (ri$ate or (u+lic.
'ri$ate $iews 3 )$aila+le onl to the user who creates the#.
'u+lic $iews 3 )$aila+le to all users on a re#ote ser$er who ha$e at least Read access to the cu+e containing the $iew
data. %o create a (u+lic $iewE ou #ust either +e a %M1H ad#inistrator or ha$e )d#in (ri$ileges to the cu+e with which
the $iew is associated.
In the Ser$er Ex(lorer windowE the $iew na#es a((ear +eneath the cu+e with which the are associated. ) (u+lic $iew na#e
dis(las with a /ublic 7ie iconL a (ri$ate $iew na#e dis(las with a /ri(ate 7ie icon.
You can sa$e a cu+e $iew fro# either the &u+e 0iewer or the In3S(readsheet Browser.
2o one of the following to o(en the Sa$e 0iew dialog +oxI
;ro# the &u+e 0iewerE clic- FileE Sa(e.
;ro# the In3S(readsheet BrowserE right3clic- 0iew &ontrol and clic- Sa(e.
2ecide whether ou want to create the 2efault $iew or a na#ed $iew. %o create a na#ed $iewE s-i( to ste( .. 2.
%o create a 2efault $iewE select the 5efault chec- +ox.
%he word 2efault dis(las in the 0iew 7a#e +ox.
%o create a na#ed $iewE t(e a $iew na#e C268 +tes #axi#u#D in the 0iew 7a#e +ox.
4ote0 ;or /estern character setsE such as EnglishE a single character is re(resented + a single +teE allowing ou to
na#e a $iew with 268 characters. *owe$erE large character setsE such as &hineseE 4a(aneseE and ForeanE use #ulti(le
+tes to re(resent one character. In this caseE the 268 +te li#it #a +e exceeded sooner and not actuall allow the
entr of 268 characters.
2ecide whether ou want to create a (u+lic or (ri$ate $iew.
%o create a (u+lic $iewE clear the /ri(ate chec- +ox. You #ust +e the %M1 ad#inistrator or ha$e )d#in (ri$ileges to the
cu+e to sa$e a (ri$ate $iew.
%o create a (ri$ate $iewE select the /ri(ate chec- +ox.
&lic- &2.
%he na#e of the $iew dis(las in the title +ar of the &u+e 0iewerE or in the 0iew &ontrol of the In3S(readsheet Browser.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &u+e 0iews
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B.#. &pening Sa(ed 7ies
You can o(en (re$iousl sa$ed $iews using se$eral different tools.
Ser$er Ex(lorer
&u+e 0iewer
In3S(readsheet Browser
&pening 7ies from t'e Ser(er )*plorer
You can o(en a $iew fro# the Ser$er Ex(lorer.
&pening 7ies from t'e Cube 7ieer
You can o(en a different $iew of the current cu+e fro# the &u+e 0iewer. You #ust o(en $iews associated with other
cu+es fro# the Ser$er Ex(lorer.
&pening 7ies from t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
You can o(en a new $iew directl fro# the In3S(readsheet Browser.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &u+e 0iews
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B.#.1. &pening 7ies from t'e Ser(er )*plorer
You can o(en a $iew fro# the Ser$er Ex(lorer.
%o o(en a $iew in the &u+e 0iewerE select the $iew in the %ree (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorer and clic- Cube7ieE $rose. 1.
%o o(en a $iew in the In3S(readsheet BrowserE select the $iew in the %ree (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorer and clic-
Cube7ieE $rose in )*cel.
You can also dou+le3clic- a $iew to o(en it in our default +rowser.
/arent topic0 O(ening Sa$ed 0iews
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B.#.#. &pening 7ies from t'e Cube 7ieer
You can o(en a different $iew of the current cu+e fro# the &u+e 0iewer. You #ust o(en $iews associated with other cu+es
fro# the Ser$er Ex(lorer.
%o o(en a different $iew of the current &u+eE select a $iew na#e fro# the &u+e 0iewerJs Select 7ie list.
%his list includes all $iews associated with the current cu+e.
/arent topic0 O(ening Sa$ed 0iews
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B.#.3. &pening 7ies from t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
You can o(en a new $iew directl fro# the In3S(readsheet Browser.
Right3clic- the TM1 7ie Control. 1.
&lic- Get 7ie.
%he Get 0iew dialog +ox o(ens.
Select the ser$er containing the $iew ou want to o(en.
If ou are not currentl logged on to the ser$erE clic- Connect and log on.
%he &u+e list dis(las the na#es of all cu+es a$aila+le on the ser$er.
Select the cu+e associated with the $iew ou want to o(en.
%he 0iew list now dis(las the na#es of all a$aila+le $iews.
Select the $iew ou want to o(en and clic- &2. 6.
/arent topic0 O(ening Sa$ed 0iews
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B.3. Filtering 7ies
You can filter a $iew to +etter anal=e data in a $iewJs selected colu#n ele#ent.
;ilters let ou $iewI
"argest or s#allest $alues for a colu#n ele#ent
"argest or s#allest $alues whose cu#ulati$e total equals a s(ecified su#
"argest or s#allest $alues whose cu#ulati$e total equals a s(ecified (ercentage of a di#ension total
You can filter $alues in $iews that contain a single row di#ension. ;iltering a((lies against the #e#+ers of the current row
If ou sa$e a $iew with an acti$e filterE the $iew dna#icall u(dates whene$er ou o(en or recalculate that $iew. If data
changes on the ser$erE the $iew u(dates and dis(las the current ele#ents and $alues that satisf the filter criteria.
%he $iews with an acti$e filter a((ear with the Acti(e Filter icon in the Ser$er Ex(lorer.
You can use the following (rocedure to filter $iews in +oth the &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet Browser.
%he following exa#(le filters $alues in a $iew to show the fi$e $ehicles with the greatest actual worldwide sales in the #onth
of 4anuar.
O(en the filter $iew of the Sales&u+e cu+e. 1.
Right3clic- a cell in the 4an colu#n and clic- Filter.
%he ;ilter 0iew dialog +ox o(ens.
Select TopCount.
%here are six filters a$aila+le in the ;ilter 0iew dialog +ox.
Filter 5escription
%o(&ount ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the largest n ele#entsE where n is a nu#+er
s(ecified in the 0alue o(tion.
Botto#&ount ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the s#allest n ele#entsE where n is a nu#+er
s(ecified in the 0alue o(tion.
%o(Su# ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the largest ele#ents whose su# is greater than or
equal to nE where n is a nu#+er s(ecified in the 0alue o(tion.
Botto#Su# ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the s#allest ele#ents whose su# is greater than or
equal to nE where n is a nu#+er s(ecified in the 0alue o(tion.
%o('ercent ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the largest ele#ents whose su# is greater than or
equal to nE where n is a (ercentage of the di#ension total s(ecified in the 0alue
Botto#'ercent ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the s#allest ele#ents whose su# is greater than or
equal to nE where n is a (ercentage of the di#ension total s(ecified in the 0alue
S(ecif a $alue of A. ..
Select Ascending as the Sort order.
%here are three sort orders ou can a((l to the results of a filter.
Sort &rder 5escription
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Sort &rder 5escription
)scending Sorts $alues fro# lowest to highest.
2escending Sorts $alues fro# highest to lowest.
7one 7o sort order.
&lic- &2.
%he $iew now dis(las onl the fi$e largest $alues in the 4an colu#n. You should see the fi$e #e#+ers of the current row
su+set C$ehiclesD with the greatest actual worldwide sales in 4anuar.
Sa$e the $iew. If (ro#(tedE o$erwrite the existing $iew.
) filter was acti$e against the $iew when ou sa$ed the $iewE and now the $iew is dna#ic. %he $iew alwas dis(las
#e#+ers of the current Model su+set with the greatest $alues in 4anuarE as deter#ined + the current title ele#ents.
You can change the title ele#ents while a filter is in (lace to dis(la new ele#ents in the row su+set. ;or exa#(leE if ou
change the )ct$s+ud title ele#ent fro# )ctual to BudgetE the filter $iew u(dates to dis(la the #e#+ers of the current
Model su+setE with the greatest worldwide sales $ariance Cdifference +etween actual and +udget figuresD in 4anuar.
In the )ct$s+ud title di#ension listE clic- 7ariance. :.
&lic- ,ecalculate to recalculate the $iew.
%M1H u(dates the $iew and dis(las the fi$e row ele#ents with the greatest $ariance in 4an.
Cancelling a 7ie Filter
/hen ou cancel a $iew filterE the $iew dis(las all of the ele#ents of the row su+set that was in (lace when the filter
was created.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &u+e 0iews
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B.3.1. Cancelling a 7ie Filter
/hen ou cancel a $iew filterE the $iew dis(las all of the ele#ents of the row su+set that was in (lace when the filter was
O(en the $iew. 1.
Right3clic- anwhere in the data grid. 2.
&lic- Filter.
%he ;ilter 0iew dialog +ox o(ens.
Select 4one as the ;ilter t(e. ..
&lic- &2. 6.
/arent topic0 ;iltering 0iews
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B.6. C'anging 5isplay &ptions
In +oth the &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet Browser the dis(la o(tions can +e changed.
*ide rows and colu#ns that contain onl =eros
&ontrol the dis(la for#at for cells in the $iew
1iding Cells Containing Eeros
You can su((ress the dis(la of =eros in rowsE colu#nsE or across an entire $iew. Su((ressing =eros is hel(ful when ou
are wor-ing with a $iew containing a large nu#+er of rows or colu#ns that contain onl =eros.
Formatting Cells
You can control the for#at of data dis(laed in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser. /hen data dis(las in a
$iewE the for#at is deter#ined + order of (recedence.
C'anging t'e Column &rientation
B defaultE the colu#n ele#ents are oriented fro# left to right in the &u+e 0iewer. ;or exa#(leE the first ele#ent of the
colu#n su+set dis(las at the far left of the &u+e 0iewerL the second ele#ent dis(las to the right of the first ele#ent.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &u+e 0iews
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B.6.1. 1iding Cells Containing Eeros
You can su((ress the dis(la of =eros in rowsE colu#nsE or across an entire $iew. Su((ressing =eros is hel(ful when ou are
wor-ing with a $iew containing a large nu#+er of rows or colu#ns that contain onl =eros.
;or exa#(leE i#agine a $iew that shows the sales $alues for the " Series 1.:" Sedan #odel. %his #odel is not sold in Euro(e
and was not a$aila+le for sale until the #onth of )(ril. &onsequentlE the $iew contains a large nu#+er of rows and colu#ns
containing onl =erosE which #a-es it difficult to focus on the regions and #onths with non3=ero sales $alues.
%M1H includes se$eral o(tions that let ou su((ress the dis(la of rows andBor colu#ns containing =eros.
Suppressing Eeros on ,os
You can su((ress the dis(la of rows containing all =eros in the &u+e 0iewer.
Suppressing Eeros on Columns
You can su((ress the dis(la of colu#ns containing all =eros in the &u+e 0iewer.
Suppressing Eeros Across a 7ie
You can su((ress the dis(la of all rows and colu#ns containing onl =eros in +oth the &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet
Eero Suppression and Consolidations
;or exa#(leE consider the following $iewE which shows three consolidated $alues for " Series Sedan that contain a $alue
of @ as the result of the consolidation of (ositi$e and negati$e $alues.
/arent topic0 &hanging 2is(la O(tions
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B.6.1.1. Suppressing Eeros on ,os
You can su((ress the dis(la of rows containing all =eros in the &u+e 0iewer.
&lic- &ptionsE Suppress Eeroes on ,os.
)ll rows that contain onl =ero $alues CEuro(ean regionsD are su((ressed in the $iewE #a-ing it easier to anal=e the
data in the $iew.
/hen the Su((ress <eroes on Rows co##and on the O(tions #enu is selectedE a chec- #ar- dis(las next to the
co##andE indicating that =eros are su((ressed on rows.
%o ena+le the dis(la of rows that contain all =erosE clic- &ptionsE Suppress Eeroes on ,os.
%his clears the chec- #ar- next to the co##and on the #enuE indicating that the rows containing onl =eros are
dis(laed in the $iew.
%he In3S(readsheet Browser does not allow ou to su((ress =eros onl on rowsE +ut does allow ou to su((ress all rows
and colu#ns containing =ero $alues in a $iew. ;or detailsE see *iding &ells &ontaining <eros.
/arent topic0 *iding &ells &ontaining <eros
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
127 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.1.#. Suppressing Eeros on Columns
You can su((ress the dis(la of colu#ns containing all =eros in the &u+e 0iewer.
&lic- &ptionsE Suppress Eeroes on Columns.
)ll colu#ns that contain onl =ero $alues C4anE ;e+E and MarD are su((ressed in the $iew.
/hen the Su((ress <eroes on &olu#ns co##and is selectedE a chec- #ar- dis(las next to the co##and on the #enuE
indicating that the =eros are su((ressed in the colu#ns.
%o ena+le the dis(la of colu#ns that contain all =erosE clic- &ptionsE Suppress Eeroes on Columns.
%his clears the chec- #ar- next to the co##and on the #enuE indicating that the colu#ns containing onl =eros are
dis(laed in the $iew.
%he In3S(readsheet Browser does not allow ou to su((ress =eros onl on colu#nsE +ut does allow ou to su((ress all
rows and colu#ns that contain =ero $alues in a $iew. ;or detailsE see *iding &ells &ontaining <eros.
/arent topic0 *iding &ells &ontaining <eros
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
128 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.1.3. Suppressing Eeros Across a 7ie
You can su((ress the dis(la of all rows and colu#ns containing onl =eros in +oth the &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet
Suppressing Eeros Across a 7ie in t'e Cube 7ieer
You can su((ress =eros across a $iew in the cu+e $iewer.
Suppressing Eeros Across a 7ie in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
You can su((ress =eros across a $iew in the in3s(readsheet +rowser.
/arent topic0 *iding &ells &ontaining <eros
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
129 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B. Suppressing Eeros Across a 7ie in t'e Cube 7ieer
You can su((ress =eros across a $iew in the cu+e $iewer.
&lic- &ptionsE Suppress Eeroes or clic- Suppress Eeroes .
)ll rows and colu#ns containing onl =ero $alues CEuro(ean regions in the rows and 4anE ;e+E and Mar in the colu#nsD
are su((ressed in the $iew.
/hen the Su((ress <eroes co##and is selectedE a chec- #ar- dis(las next to all the Su((ress <eroes co##ands on
the #enuE indicating that the =eros are su((ressed across the entire $iew.
%he Su((ress <eroes +utton on the &u+e 0iewer tool+ar dis(las with an in$erted +ac-ground colorE indicating that
the =eros are su((ressed across the $iew.
%o ena+le the dis(la of all rows and colu#ns containing onl =erosE clic- &ptionsE Suppress Eeroes or clic- Suppress
Eeroes .
/arent topic0 Su((ressing <eros )cross a 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
130 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.1.3.#. Suppressing Eeros Across a 7ie in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
You can su((ress =eros across a $iew in the in3s(readsheet +rowser.
Right3clic- the %M1H 0iew &ontrol and clic- Suppress Eeroes.
) chec- #ar- next to the co##and on the #enu indicates that =eros are su((ressed in the $iew.
%o ena+le the dis(la of all rows and colu#ns containing onl =erosE right3clic- the %M1 0iew &ontrol and clic- Su((ress
/arent topic0 Su((ressing <eros )cross a 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
131 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.1.6. Eero Suppression and Consolidations
;or exa#(leE consider the following $iewE which shows three consolidated $alues for " Series Sedan that contain a $alue of @
as the result of the consolidation of (ositi$e and negati$e $alues.
If ou a((l =ero su((ression to this entire $iewE the " Series 2.6" Sedan leaf colu#n is su((ressed +ut the " Series Sedan
consolidated colu#n is not.
/arent topic0 *iding &ells &ontaining <eros
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
132 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.#. Formatting Cells
You can control the for#at of data dis(laed in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser. /hen data dis(las in a $iewE
the for#at is deter#ined + order of (recedence.
;or#at attri+utes a((lied to the colu#n ele#ents. 1.
;or#at attri+utes a((lied to row ele#ents. 2.
;or#at attri+utes a((lied to title ele#ents. !.
;or#atting a((lied directl in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser. ..
Applying Format Attributes to 5imension )lements
%he ;or#at attri+ute is a s(ecial t(e of ele#ent attri+ute that deter#ines how data is dis(laed. ;or#at attri+utes can
+e a((lied to di#ension ele#ents.
Formatting 7ies in t'e Cube 7ieer
You can a((l a dis(la for#at to an entire $iew in the &u+e 0iewer.
Formatting 7ies in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
You can a((l dis(la stles to four ranges within the In3S(readsheet Browser.
FreeJing /anes in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
/hen ou free=e (anes in the In3S(readsheet BrowserE the row and colu#n headings re#ain $isi+le as ou scroll through
a $iew. %his is es(eciall hel(ful when wor-ing with large data sets.
/arent topic0 &hanging 2is(la O(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
133 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.#.1. Applying Format Attributes to 5imension )lements
%he ;or#at attri+ute is a s(ecial t(e of ele#ent attri+ute that deter#ines how data is dis(laed. ;or#at attri+utes can +e
a((lied to di#ension ele#ents.
In the %ree (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorerE select the di#ension containing the ele#ents to which ou want to a((l
&lic- 5imensionE )dit )lement Attributes.
%he )ttri+utes Editor o(ens. %he )ttri+utes Editor is a gridE with each cell at an intersection of an ele#ent na#e and an
attri+ute na#e. %o a((l a for#atE ou #ust select a cell at the intersection of an ele#ent na#e and the ;or#at
Select the cellCsD to which ou want to a((l a for#at.
%o select #ulti(le ad1acent cellsE clic- and drag across the cells.
%o select #ulti(le non3ad1acent cellsE hold down &%R" and clic- each cell.
%o select all cellsE clic- the Format colu#n la+el.
&lic- the Format +utton.
%he 7u#+er ;or#at dialog +ox o(ens.
Select a for#at fro# the categor list. 6.
If necessarE s(ecif a (recision or stle. 8.
&lic- &2 to close the 7u#+er ;or#at dialog +ox. 9.
&lic- &2 in the )ttri+ute Editor to set the ;or#at attri+utes. :.
/arent topic0 ;or#atting &ells
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
134 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.#.#. Formatting 7ies in t'e Cube 7ieer
You can a((l a dis(la for#at to an entire $iew in the &u+e 0iewer.
&lic- &ptionsE Format.
%he 7u#+er ;or#at dialog +ox o(ens.
/hen ou clic- on a for#at in the &ategor listE an exa#(le of that for#at dis(las in the Exa#(le +ox. ;or a co#(lete
list of the a$aila+le for#atsE see %M1 2is(la ;or#ats.
Select a for#at. 2.
If necessarE s(ecif a (recision or stle. !.
&lic- &2. ..
/arent topic0 ;or#atting &ells
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
135 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.#.3. Formatting 7ies in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
You can a((l dis(la stles to four ranges within the In3S(readsheet Browser.
%he ranges that ou can a((l dis(la stles to within the In3S(readsheet Browser includeI
2ata cells
Row header cells
&olu#n header cells
%he stles for each range can include nu#+erE align#entE fontE +orderE and (attern for#ats.
%he following ste(s illustrate how to a((l the dis(la stles in the In3S(readsheet Browser.
Right3clic- the 0iew &ontrol. 1.
&lic- Styles.
%he 0iew Stles dialog +ox o(ens.
;or each rangeE select a stle in the following listsI
2ata &ells
Row *eader &ells
&olu#n *eader &ells
%he lists include all stles defined for the s(readsheet that contain the In3S(readsheet Browser.
%o edit an existing stle or define a new stleE clic- )dit Style.
You can then edit the stle in the Microsoft Excel Stle dialog +oxE as descri+ed in the Excel online *el(.
&lic- &2.
%he stles ou a((l through the 0iew Stles dialog +ox are sa$ed with the Excel s(readsheetE not the %M1H $iew.
/arent topic0 ;or#atting &ells
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
136 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.#.6. FreeJing /anes in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
/hen ou free=e (anes in the In3S(readsheet BrowserE the row and colu#n headings re#ain $isi+le as ou scroll through a
$iew. %his is es(eciall hel(ful when wor-ing with large data sets.
Right3clic- the 0iew &ontrol. 1.
&lic- Styles.
%he 0iew Stles dialog +ox o(ens.
Select the FreeJe /anes chec- +ox.
4ote0 &lear the FreeJe /anes chec- +ox to unfree=e the (anes.
&lic- &2. ..
/arent topic0 ;or#atting &ells
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
137 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.6.3. C'anging t'e Column &rientation
B defaultE the colu#n ele#ents are oriented fro# left to right in the &u+e 0iewer. ;or exa#(leE the first ele#ent of the
colu#n su+set dis(las at the far left of the &u+e 0iewerL the second ele#ent dis(las to the right of the first ele#ent.
%o change the orientation of the colu#n ele#ents to a((ear in order fro# right to leftE clic- .ayout ,ig't to .eft .
/hen ou change the orientation of colu#n ele#entsE the orientation of title di#ensions also changes.
4ote0 You cannot change the colu#n orientation in the In3S(readsheet Browser.
%o return to the default laout with a left3to3right orientationE clic- .ayout .eft to ,ig't .
%he colu#n ele#ents a((ear in order fro# left to right.
/arent topic0 &hanging 2is(la O(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
138 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A. Modifying Cell 7alues
You can edit uncalculated $alues in a cu+e. ,ncalculated $alues sre $alues that are not deri$ed through rules or
consolidations. %he &u+e 0iewer window dis(las uncalculated $alues without shading.
%o edit a $alueE ou need /rite access to the cu+e and to all the ele#ents that identif the $alue.
%o #odif a $alue in either the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet BrowserE clic- a cell and t(e a new $alue.
If ou are wor-ing in a 'ersonal /or-s(ace or Sand+oxE when ou edit a cell $alue and (ress enter the color of the cell
changes until the $alue is co##itted.
OccasionallE a $alue dis(laed without shading cannot +e edited. %he reasons for this includeI
Reser$ed cu+eE di#ensionE or ele#ent
"oc-ed cu+eE di#ensionE or ele#ent
Inadequate securit (ri$ileges
%o deter#ine the edit status of a $alue in the &u+e 0iewerE right3clic- the $alue and clic- )dit Status.
) #essage dis(las indicating whether the $alue is u(data+le. If the $alue is not u(data+leE the #essage ex(lains wh.
%he In3S(readsheet Browser does not differentiate calculated cells fro# non3calculated cells.
You cannot chec- the edit status of cells in the In3S(readsheet BrowserE +ut if ou atte#(t to write a $alue to a cell that
is not u(data+leE an error #essage dis(las.
,ecalculating a 7ie
%o see the effect of our edits on $alues in the current $iewE ou #ust recalculate the $iew. You can do this in the &u+e
0iewer or the In3S(readsheet Browser. You can also set the In3S(readsheet Browser to recalculate a $iew + defaultE
whene$er ou recalculate the associated s(readsheet.
Understanding +ritebac" and Sandbo*es
IBMH &ognosH %M1H offers different was to wor-. 2e(ending on the configuration and ca(a+ilit settings designed +
our ad#inistratorE ou #a +e a+le to write data $alue changes directl to the ser$erE or ou #a ha$e the o(tion of
holding changes in a (ri$ate Nsand+oxN until ou are read to write the changes to the ser$er. You can also ha$e the
a+ilit to na#e and #anage a set of data changes in #ulti(le sand+oxes.
Sa(ing Cell C'anges to 5is"
In direct write+ac- #ode or after co##itting sand+ox data ou can sa$e data fro# one ser$er or all ser$ers to dis-.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &u+e 0iews
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
139 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.1. ,ecalculating a 7ie
%o see the effect of our edits on $alues in the current $iewE ou #ust recalculate the $iew. You can do this in the &u+e
0iewer or the In3S(readsheet Browser. You can also set the In3S(readsheet Browser to recalculate a $iew + defaultE
whene$er ou recalculate the associated s(readsheet.
,ecalculating a 7ie in t'e Cube 7ieer
%here are three #ethods to recalculate a $iew in the &u+e 0iewer.
,ecalculating a 7ie in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
%o recalculate a $iew in the In3S(readsheet BrowserE clic- 0iew &ontrol.
Setting t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser to ,ecalculate t'e 7ie by 5efault
You can recalculate a $iew in the In3S(readsheet Browser using the default #ethod.
/arent topic0 Modifing &ell 0alues
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
140 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.1.1. ,ecalculating a 7ie in t'e Cube 7ieer
%here are three #ethods to recalculate a $iew in the &u+e 0iewer.
,se one of the following three #ethods to recalculate a $iew in the &u+e 0iewerI
&lic- FileE ,ecalculate.
&lic- ,ecalculate .
'ress ;?.
/arent topic0 Recalculating a 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
141 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.1.#. ,ecalculating a 7ie in t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser
%o recalculate a $iew in the In3S(readsheet BrowserE clic- 0iew &ontrol.
/arent topic0 Recalculating a 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
142 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.1.3. Setting t'e In!Spreads'eet $roser to ,ecalculate t'e 7ie by 5efault
You can recalculate a $iew in the In3S(readsheet Browser using the default #ethod.
Right3clic- the 7ie Control. 1.
&lic- Update 7ie on ,ecalc.
) chec- #ar- next to the ,(date 0iew on Recalc co##and on the shortcut #enu indicates that the $iew is recalculated
with the s(readsheet.
Re(eat ste(s 1 and 2 to turn the Update 7ie on ,ecalc off. !.
/arent topic0 Recalculating a 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
143 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.#. Understanding +ritebac" and Sandbo*es
IBMH &ognosH %M1H offers different was to wor-. 2e(ending on the configuration and ca(a+ilit settings designed + our
ad#inistratorE ou #a +e a+le to write data $alue changes directl to the ser$erE or ou #a ha$e the o(tion of holding
changes in a (ri$ate Nsand+oxN until ou are read to write the changes to the ser$er. You can also ha$e the a+ilit to na#e
and #anage a set of data changes in #ulti(le sand+oxes.
See N,nderstanding /rite+ac- and Sand+oxesN in this #anual for #ore details on wor-ing in a sand+ox or in direct write+ac-
In direct write+ac- #odeE when ou shut down the ser$erE the changes are sa$ed in R)M to dis-. You can also #anuall sa$e
the changes to dis-.
/hen ou wor- in a sand+ox or (ersonal wor-s(aceE ou #anuall decide when to sa$e the data changes to the ser$er +
co##itting the sand+ox. &o##itting data #a-es it a$aila+le to other users. Your ad#inistrator can further (ro$ide 1o+
queuing to allow sand+ox data to +e sequentiall (rocessed +efore +eing sa$ed to dis-.
/arent topic0 Modifing &ell 0alues
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
144 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.3. Sa(ing Cell C'anges to 5is"
In direct write+ac- #ode or after co##itting sand+ox data ou can sa$e data fro# one ser$er or all ser$ers to dis-.
)ccess the Ser$er Ex(lorer window. 1.
%o sa$e one ser$erJs dataE in the %ree (aneE select the ser$er containing the cu+eE then clic- Ser(erE Sa(e 5ata.
;or exa#(leE select local to sa$e the changes on the local ser$er.
%o sa$e the data on all accessed ser$ers to dis-E clic- FileE Sa(e 5ata All. !.
Using $atc' Updates
In direct write+ac- #ode or after co##itting sand+ox dataE an edits ou a((l to cu+es are written to the R)M of the
IBMH &ognosH %M1H ser$er containing the cu+e. Each ti#e a $alue in R)M is u(datedE a loc- is (laced on the ser$er
and an $iews stored in #e#or affected + the u(dated $alue are deletedE which is detri#ental to (erfor#ance.
/arent topic0 Modifing &ell 0alues
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
145 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.3.1. Using $atc' Updates
In direct write+ac- #ode or after co##itting sand+ox dataE an edits ou a((l to cu+es are written to the R)M of the IBMH
&ognosH %M1H ser$er containing the cu+e. Each ti#e a $alue in R)M is u(datedE a loc- is (laced on the ser$er and an
$iews stored in #e#or affected + the u(dated $alue are deletedE which is detri#ental to (erfor#ance.
Batch u(dates allow ou to i#(ro$e the (erfor#ance of in(ut3intensi$e a((lications + holding the changes to the cu+e data
and sa$ing those changes to the ser$er #e#or in a single +atch. ) +atch u(date #ini#i=es the a#ount of ti#e a ser$er is
loc-ed and reduces the i#(act on the $iews stored in #e#or.
/hen ou initiate +atch u(datesE a te#(orar storage structure is created that is associated with a selected ser$er. )ll edits
to cu+es residing on that ser$er are held in the storage structure until ou sa$e the +atch u(date. )ll edits are then
co##itted to the ser$er and the te#(orar storage structure is destroed after the +atch is sent.
)dits 'eld in batc' updates are not ritten to t'e ser(erKs Tm1s.log file until you sa(e t'e batc' updates. )dits
lost due to a disconnection from t'e ser(er cannot be reco(ered because t'e records of t'e edits do not e*ist in
Tm1s.log. 1ere are t'e possible causes for losing edits0
You do not sa$e our +atch u(dates +efore disconnecting fro# the ser$er.
Your client loses its connection to the ser$er. %his includes instances when an ad#inistrator disconnects our client fro#
a ser$er without warningE or when our client is disconnected fro# a ser$er that is configured to disconnect idle client
%he ser$er co#es down +efore ou sa$e our +atch u(dates.
Initiating $atc' Updates
You can initiate +atch u(dates on a ser$er.
Sa(ing $atc' Updates
You can sto( the +atch u(date (rocess and send all edits to the ser$er.
5iscarding $atc' Updates
You can a+andon the changes ou #a-e to cu+e data while running in +atch u(date #ode.
/arent topic0 Sa$ing &ell &hanges to 2is-
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
146 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.3.1.1. Initiating $atc' Updates
You can initiate +atch u(dates on a ser$er.
Select the ser$er in the %ree (ane of the Se(er )*plorer. 1.
&lic- Ser(erE 5eferred UpdatesE Start $atc' Updates.
)ll edits to cu+e $alues are now held in a te#(orar storage structure until ou sa$e the +atch u(date.
)fter ou initiate +atch u(dates ou can $iew edits ou a((l to leaf cellsE +ut all consolidations dis(la Y7B) until ou
sa$e the +atch.
Other users cannot see an of our edits until ou sa$e the +atch u(date.
/arent topic0 ,sing Batch ,(dates
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
147 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.3.1.#. Sa(ing $atc' Updates
You can sto( the +atch u(date (rocess and send all edits to the ser$er.
Select the ser$er in the %ree (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
&lic- Ser(erE 5eferred UpdatesE )nd $atc' Updates.
You are (ro#(ted to sa$e the changes.
&lic- %es.
%he changes are sent to the ser$er. Your client sto(s running in +atch u(date #ode.
/arent topic0 ,sing Batch ,(dates
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
148 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.A.3.1.3. 5iscarding $atc' Updates
You can a+andon the changes ou #a-e to cu+e data while running in +atch u(date #ode.
Select the ser$er in the %ree (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorer. 1.
&lic- Ser(erE 5eferred UpdatesE )nd $atc' Updates.
You are (ro#(ted to sa$e the changes.
&lic- 4o.
&hanges held in the +atch are discarded. Your client sto(s running in +atch u(date #ode.
/arent topic0 ,sing Batch ,(dates
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
149 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.B. )*porting Cube 5ata
You can ex(ort $alues fro# a cu+e or $iew to a co##a3deli#ited C.c#aD text file. One record (er line in the file is created for
each ex(orted $alue. Each record includes the na#e of the source cu+eE the ele#ents that identif a cell locationE and the
cell $alue. ;or exa#(leI
"98sales","Budget","Belgium","S Series 1.8 L Sedan","Sales","Jan",3611.25
You can ex(ort a cu+e in its entiretE or ou can use the 0iew Extract window to ex(ort onl those $alues that satisf
user3defined (ara#eters.
)*porting 5ata from a Cube
You can ex(ort cu+e data to a co##a3deli#ited C.c#aD text file.
)*porting 5ata from a Sa(ed 7ie
You can ex(ort a sa$ed $iew to a co##a3deli#ited C.c#aD text file.
Controlling t'e Types of 7alues to )*port from a Cube
/hen ex(orting data fro# a cu+eE ou control which t(es of $alues are ex(orted + using the S-i( o(tions.
5efining ,ange /arameters for )*porting Cube 5ata
%o ex(ort onl data that falls within a (articular range of $aluesE use the Range (ara#eters and fields.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &u+e 0iews
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
150 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
B.B.1. )*porting 5ata from a Cube
You can ex(ort cu+e data to a co##a3deli#ited C.c#aD text file.
In the left (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorerE clic- the cu+e containing the data ou want to ex(ort. 1.
&hoose CubeE )*port as Te*t 5ata.
%he 0iew Extract window o(ens.
%o focus the data that is ex(ortedE use the Su+set Editor to select onl the s(ecific di#ension ele#ents that ou want to
&lic- the Subset +utton next to a di#ension na#e to dis(la the Su+set Editor and then create a su+set for that
%o control which t(es of $alues are ex(ortedE use the S"ip o(tions.
;or detailsE see &ontrolling the %(es of 0alues to Ex(ort fro# a &u+e.
%o ex(ort onl data that falls within a (articular range of $aluesE use the ,ange (ara#eters and fields.
;or detailsE see 2efining Range 'ara#eters for Ex(orting &u+e 2ata.
&lic- )*port.
%he Sa$e )s dialog +ox o(ens.
7a$igate to the director in which ou want to sa$e the data and t(e a file na#e. 9.
&hoose the Encoding for#at in which to sa$e the file.
UTF!D C:3+it ,nicode %ransfor#ation ;or#atD 3 character set with $aria+le3length character encoding for ,nicode.
A4SI 3 )7SI character set.
4ote0 %he ,%;3: o(tion creates the ex(orted file with character encoding for ,nicode that is a+le to re(resent an
uni$ersal character in the ,nicode standard. ,se the ,%;3: o(tion if our cu+e data includes a #ix of character sets that
the )7SI o(tion would not +e a+le to correctl re(resent.
&lic- Sa(e. ?.
/arent topic0 Ex(orting &u+e 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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B.B.#. )*porting 5ata from a Sa(ed 7ie
You can ex(ort a sa$ed $iew to a co##a3deli#ited C.c#aD text file.
In the left (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorerE select the $iew ou want to ex(ort. 1.
&hoose Cube7ieE )*port as Te*t 5ata.
%he 0iew Extract window o(ens with the na#e of the selected $iew dis(laing in the 0iew +ox.
%o focus the data that is ex(ortedE use the Su+set Editor to select onl the s(ecific di#ension ele#ents that ou want to
&lic- the Subset +utton next to a di#ension na#e to dis(la the Su+set Editor and then create a su+set for that
%o control which t(es of $alues are ex(ortedE use the S-i( o(tions. ;or detailsE see &ontrolling the %(es of 0alues to
Ex(ort fro# a &u+e.
%o ex(ort onl data that falls within a (articular range of $aluesE use the Range 'ara#eters fields. ;or detailsE see
2efining Range 'ara#eters for Ex(orting &u+e 2ata.
&lic- )*port.
%he Sa$e )s dialog +ox o(ens.
7a$igate to the director in which ou want to sa$e the data and t(e a file na#e. 9.
&hoose the Encoding for#at in which to sa$e the file.
UTF!D C:3+it ,nicode %ransfor#ation ;or#atD 3 character set with $aria+le3length character encoding for ,nicode.
A4SI 3 )7SI character set.
4ote0 %he ,%;3: o(tion creates the ex(orted file with character encoding for ,nicode that is a+le to re(resent an
uni$ersal character in the ,nicode standard. ,se the ,%;3: o(tion if our cu+e data includes a #ix of character sets that
the )7SI o(tion would not +e a+le to correctl re(resent.
&lic- Sa(e. ?.
/arent topic0 Ex(orting &u+e 2ata
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B.B.3. Controlling t'e Types of 7alues to )*port from a Cube
/hen ex(orting data fro# a cu+eE ou control which t(es of $alues are ex(orted + using the S-i( o(tions.
In the 0iew Extract windowE set the S-i( o(tions as followsI
S-i( &onsolidated 0aluesI
%o include consolidated $alues in the ex(ortE clear the S-i( &onsolidated 0alues chec- +ox.
%o exclude consolidated $aluesE select the S-i( &onsolidated 0alues chec- +ox.
S-i( Rule &alculated 0aluesI
%o include rules3deri$ed $alues in the ex(ortE clear the S-i( Rule &alculated 0alues chec- +ox.
%o exclude rules3deri$ed $aluesE select the S-i( Rule &alculated 0alues chec- +ox.
S-i( <eroBBlan- 0aluesI
%o include cells containing =eroesE clear the S-i( <eroBBlan- 0alues chec- +ox.
%o exclude cells containing =eroesE select the S-i( <eroBBlan- 0alues chec- +ox.
/arent topic0 Ex(orting &u+e 2ata
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B.B.6. 5efining ,ange /arameters for )*porting Cube 5ata
%o ex(ort onl data that falls within a (articular range of $aluesE use the Range (ara#eters and fields.
In the 0iew Extract windowE select an ex(ression fro# the O(erator dro(3down list.
%he o(erator ex(ression defines the $alues ou want to ex(ort. ;or exa#(leE ou can ex(ort $alues greater thanE or less
than a s(ecific li#it.
Enter the li#it $alues for a((lica+le o(erator $aria+les in the 7u#eric "i#its or %ext "i#its fields for 0alue ) and 0alue B. 2.
/arent topic0 Ex(orting &u+e 2ata
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C. Using 5ata Spreading
%his to(ic descri+es how to use data s(reading functionalit to distri+ute nu#eric data across cells in a cu+e $iew.
&(er(ie of 5ata Spreading
IBMH &ognosH %M1H (ro$ides a $ariet of (re3defined data s(reading functions that ou can use to distri+ute nu#eric
data to cells in a cu+e $iew. ;or exa#(leE ou can use data s(reading to e$enl distri+ute a $alue across a range of cells
or to incre#ent all $alues in a range of cells + a desired (ercentage.
)*cluding Cells from 5ata Spreading
%he "eaf *old feature lets ou exclude cells fro# data s(reading o(erations. You can use "eaf *old in the &u+e 0iewerE
In3S(readsheet BrowserE and slice wor-sheets.
1olding Consolidation 7alues Constant
%he &onsolidation *old feature lets ou hold the $alue of a consolidation constant while ad1usting the underling leaf
$alues. ;or exa#(leE ou #ight want to hold the $alue of 1 5uarter constant while changing the $alues of the 4anE ;e+E
or Mar lea$es to (erfor# a what3if analsis. You can use &onsolidation *old in the &u+e 0iewerE In3S(readsheet BrowserE
and slice wor-sheets.
5ata Spreading Synta*
You can a((l #ost data s(reading #ethods through a s(ecial sntax that ou enter directl in cells in the &u+e 0iewerE
In3S(readsheet BrowserE and slice wor-sheets. %he sntax also allows ou to a((l and release holds.
5ata Spreading 4otes
%his section descri+es li#itations of data s(reading functionalit.
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C.1. &(er(ie of 5ata Spreading
IBMH &ognosH %M1H (ro$ides a $ariet of (re3defined data s(reading functions that ou can use to distri+ute nu#eric data
to cells in a cu+e $iew. ;or exa#(leE ou can use data s(reading to e$enl distri+ute a $alue across a range of cells or to
incre#ent all $alues in a range of cells + a desired (ercentage.
2ata s(reading functionalit is a$aila+le in the &u+e 0iewerE In3S(readsheet BrowserE and in slice wor-sheets. /hen ou
right3clic- a cell in an of these (lacesE the shortcut #enu includes a 2ata S(read o(tionE fro# which ou can select a data
s(read #ethod.
You cannot use data s(reading functionalit when ou wor- in +atch u(date #ode. If ou atte#(t to s(read data in the &u+e
0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser while in +atch u(date #odeE an error dis(las. If ou atte#(t to s(read data in a slice
while in +atch u(date #odeE the s(reading o(eration is not executed.
Batch u(dates are descri+ed in ,sing Batch ,(dates.
General /rocedures for 5ata Spreading
/hile there are a $ariet of data s(reading functionsE the general (rocedure for s(reading data is the sa#e for each
Using t'e /roportional Spread Met'od
%he 'ro(ortional S(read #ethod distri+utes a s(ecified $alue a#ong cells (ro(ortional to existing cell $alues.
Using t'e )-ual Spread Met'od
%he Equal S(read #ethod distri+utes a s(ecified $alue equall across the cells in a $iew.
Using t'e ,epeat Met'od
%he Re(eat #ethod re(eats a s(ecified $alue across cells in a $iew.
Using t'e /ercent C'ange Met'od
%he 'ercent &hange #ethod #ulti(lies the current cell $alues + a s(ecified (ercentage. %he (roduct of that
#ulti(lication can then re(laceE +e added toE or +e su+tracted fro# the existing cell $alues.
Using t'e Straig't .ine Met'od
%he Straight "ine data s(reading #ethod (o(ulates cu+e cells + linear inter(olation +etween two s(ecified end(oints.
Using t'e Grot' L Met'od
%he Growth > #ethod acce(ts an initial $alue and a growth (ercentage. B using the initial $alue as a starting (ointE this
#ethod sequentiall incre#ents all $alues in a range + the s(ecified growth (ercentage.
Using t'e ,elati(e /roportional Spread Met'od
%he Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(read #ethod s(reads $alues to the lea$es CchildrenD of a consolidation (ro(ortional to the
lea$es of a reference cell. %he reference cell can +e located in the cu+e fro# which ou initiate s(reading or in a se(arate
cu+e. *owe$erE the reference cell #ust share the sa#e consolidations as the cell fro# which ou initiate s(reading.
Using t'e ,elati(e /ercent Ad8ustment Met'od
%he Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#ent #ethod s(reads $alues to the lea$es CchildrenD of a consolidation + a((ling a
(ercentage ad1ust#ent to the lea$es of a reference cell.
Using t'e ,epeat .ea(es Met'od
%he Re(eat "ea$es #ethod co(ies a s(ecified $alue to the lea$es CchildrenD of a consolidation. /hen ou a((l this
#ethodE ou can co( the $alue to all lea$es of the consolidation or onl to those lea$es that alread contain non3=ero
Using t'e )-ual Spread .ea(es Met'od
%he Equal S(read "ea$es #ethod distri+utes a s(ecified $alue equall across all lea$es of a consolidated cell. /hen ou
a((l this #ethodE ou can choose to distri+ute the $alue to all lea$es of the consolidation or onl to those lea$es that
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alread contain non3=ero $alues.
Using t'e Clear Met'od
%he &lear #ethod clears $alues fro# cells in a $iew. You can a((l this #ethod to either leaf cells or consolidated cells.
/hen ou a((l the &lear #ethod to a consolidated cellE all lea$es of the consolidation get set to =ero.
/arent topic0 ,sing 2ata S(reading
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C.1.1. General /rocedures for 5ata Spreading
/hile there are a $ariet of data s(reading functionsE the general (rocedure for s(reading data is the sa#e for each function.
4ote0 )ll (rocedures in this section show data s(reading in the &u+e 0iewerE +ut these (rocedures are also $alid for the
In3S(readsheet Browser and slice wor-sheets.
Step 1 ! Select a cell or range from 'ic' you ant to initiate data spreading
You can initiate s(reading fro# a single cellE a single linear range of cellsE or a single rectangular range of cells.
Step # ! Select a data spreading met'od
)fter ou select the cell or range of cells fro# which ou want to initiate data s(readingE ou can select a data s(reading
Step 3 ! Specify re-uired (alues
/ith #ost s(reading #ethodsE ou s(ecif onl the $alue ou want to s(read. ;or exa#(leE when ou use the Equal
S(read #ethodE ou #ust enter one $alueI
Step 6 ! Select t'e directions to e*tend spreading
If ou initiate s(reading fro# a single cellE ou #ust s(ecif the directionCsD to extend s(reading relati$e to the (oint of
insertion. %he cell fro# which ou initiate data s(reading is alwas included in the s(read.
Step A! Select an Update Action
%he ,(date )ction indicates whether s(read $alues should re(laceE +e added toE or su+tracted fro# existing cell $alues.
&t'er Steps
/ith the Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(read and Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#ent #ethodsE ou #ust identif a reference cell for
the s(reading o(eration.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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C.1.1.1. Step 1 ! Select a cell or range from 'ic' you ant to initiate data
You can initiate s(reading fro# a single cellE a single linear range of cellsE or a single rectangular range of cells.
You cannot initiate s(reading fro# a non3contiguous range of cellsE nor can ou s(read data across #ulti(le indi$iduall
selected cells or ranges in a wor-sheet or cu+e $iew.
%o s(read data in the In3S(readsheet Browser or a sliceE ou #ust select a linear or rectangular range of cells + using an of
these selection #ethodsI
2rag the (ointer across the cells
&lic- the first cell in the rangeE hold down S*I;%E and clic- the last cell in the range
Important0 2o not use &%R"3clic- to select #ulti(le cells to create a range. /ith each &%R"3clic-E ou esta+lish an indi$idual
selection in the wor-sheet. %M1H cannot s(read data across #ulti(le indi$iduall selected cells or ranges.
/arent topic0 General 'rocedures for 2ata S(reading
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C.1.1.#. Step # ! Select a data spreading met'od
)fter ou select the cell or range of cells fro# which ou want to initiate data s(readingE ou can select a data s(reading
Right3clic- the cell or range. 1.
&lic- 5ata Spread. 2.
&hoose a data s(read #ethod fro# the #enu.
%he 2ata S(read #enu is dna#ic 33 %M1H dis(las onl the #ethods that are $alid for the cell or range fro# which ou
initiate s(reading. ;or instanceE the Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(readE Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#entE Re(eat "ea$esE and Equal
S(read "ea$es #ethods are not $alid for leaf cells. /hen ou initiate s(reading fro# a leaf cellE those data s(reading
#ethod o(tions a((ear di##ed on the 2ata S(read #enuE indicating that the are una$aila+le.
/arent topic0 General 'rocedures for 2ata S(reading
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C.1.1.3. Step 3 ! Specify re-uired (alues
/ith #ost s(reading #ethodsE ou s(ecif onl the $alue ou want to s(read. ;or exa#(leE when ou use the Equal S(read
#ethodE ou #ust enter one $alueI
/ith se$eral s(reading #ethodsE ou #ust s(ecif additional $alues. ;or exa#(leE with the Straight "ine #ethodE ou s(ecif
+oth a Start 0alue and an End 0alue.
/arent topic0 General 'rocedures for 2ata S(reading
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C.1.1.6. Step 6 ! Select t'e directions to e*tend spreading
If ou initiate s(reading fro# a single cellE ou #ust s(ecif the directionCsD to extend s(reading relati$e to the (oint of
insertion. %he cell fro# which ou initiate data s(reading is alwas included in the s(read.
So#e data s(reading #ethods allow ou to extend s(reading in #ulti(le directions. %hese #ethods dis(la Extend o(tions as
chec- +oxesE of which ou can choose an co#+ination.
;or exa#(leE the Extend o(tions in the following dialog +ox extend s(reading to all cells a+o$e and to the right of the (oint of
Other data s(reading #ethods allow ou to extend s(reading in a single direction. %hese #ethods dis(la Extend o(tions as
o(tion +uttonsE of which ou can select an one.
;or exa#(leE the Extend o(tions in the following dialog +ox extend s(reading to all cells directl +elow the (oint of insertion.
/hen ou initiate s(reading fro# a selected range of cellsE the Extend o(tions are disa+led and s(reading is a((lied to the
selected range.
/arent topic0 General 'rocedures for 2ata S(reading
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C.1.1.A. Step A! Select an Update Action
%he ,(date )ction indicates whether s(read $alues should re(laceE +e added toE or su+tracted fro# existing cell $alues.
;or exa#(leE the ,(date )ction in the following dialog +ox indicates that s(read $alues are added to existing cell $alues.
/arent topic0 General 'rocedures for 2ata S(reading
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C.1.1.B. &t'er Steps
/ith the Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(read and Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#ent #ethodsE ou #ust identif a reference cell for the
s(reading o(eration.
/arent topic0 General 'rocedures for 2ata S(reading
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C.1.#. Using t'e /roportional Spread Met'od
%he 'ro(ortional S(read #ethod distri+utes a s(ecified $alue a#ong cells (ro(ortional to existing cell $alues.
;or exa#(leE consider the following $iew in which the $alues for )rgentina in the #onths 4anE ;e+E and Mar are 1@E !@E and
8@E res(ecti$el.
%he su# of these $alues is 1@@E with the $alue in 4an accounting for 1@> of the su#E the $alue in ;e+ accounting for !@>E
and the $alue in Mar accounting for 8@>.
/hen ou (ro(ortionall s(read the $alue !@@ across these cells and select the Re(lace u(date actionE the result is as
4an contains the $alue !@E which is 1@> of !@@
;e+ contains the $alue ?@E which is !@> of !@@
Mar contains the $alue 1:@E which is 8@> of !@@
%hese $alues are (ro(ortionall equi$alent to the cu+e $alues that existed +efore ou a((l data s(reading.
Select the cell or range of cells fro# which ou want to initiate data s(reading. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range and clic- 5ata SpreadE /roportional Spread.
%he 'ro(ortional S(read dialog +ox o(ens.
4ote0 If ou initiate s(reading fro# a single cellE the Extend o(tions are a$aila+le in the dialog +ox. If ou initiate
s(reading fro# a range of cellsE the Extend o(tions are una$aila+le.
Enter the $alue ou want to s(read in the 0alue field. !.
If necessarE select Extend o(tions to s(ecif the directionCsD for the data s(read. ..
Select an ,(date )ction. 6.
&lic- Apply.
%he $alue ou entered (ro(ortionall s(reads in the directions ou s(ecifiedE or across the range of cells ou selected.
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C.1.3. Using t'e )-ual Spread Met'od
%he Equal S(read #ethod distri+utes a s(ecified $alue equall across the cells in a $iew.
;or exa#(leE consider the following $iew where a range of 12 cells is selected.
/hen ou equall s(read the $alue 8@ to these cells and select the )dd u(date actionE the $alue is equall s(read across the
range and added to the existing cell $alues. %he result is that each cell $alue is incre#ented + 6 C8@B12R6D.
Select the cell or range of cells fro# which ou want to initiate data s(reading. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range and clic- 5ata SpreadE )-ual Spread.
%he Equal S(read dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the $alue ou want to s(read in the 0alue field. !.
If necessarE select Extend o(tions to s(ecif the directionCsD for the data s(read. ..
Select an ,(date )ction. 6.
&lic- Apply.
%he $alue ou entered s(reads equall in the directions ou s(ecifiedE or across the range of cells ou selected.
/hen ou a((l the Equal S(read s(reading #ethod to a single consolidated cell without s(ecifing a direction for the
s(reading o(erationE the $alue +eing s(read is distri+uted (ro(ortionall to all lea$es of the consolidated cell.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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C.1.6. Using t'e ,epeat Met'od
%he Re(eat #ethod re(eats a s(ecified $alue across cells in a $iew.
;or exa#(leE the following $iew illustrates the effect of initiating data s(reading fro# the cell identified + ;e+E Bra=ilE and
re(eating the $alue 26 in the Right and 2own directions.
Select the cell or range of cells fro# which ou want to initiate data s(reading. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range and clic- 5ata SpreadE ,epeat.
%he Re(eat dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the $alue ou want to re(eat in the 0alue field. !.
If necessarE select Extend o(tions to s(ecif the directionCsD for the re(etition. ..
Select an ,(date )ction. 6.
&lic- Apply.
%he $alue ou entered re(eats in the directions ou s(ecifiedE or across the range of cells ou selected.
/hen ou a((l the Re(eat s(reading #ethod to a single consolidated cell without s(ecifing a direction for the
s(reading o(erationE the $alue +eing s(read is distri+uted (ro(ortionall to all lea$es of the consolidated cell.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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C.1.A. Using t'e /ercent C'ange Met'od
%he 'ercent &hange #ethod #ulti(lies the current cell $alues + a s(ecified (ercentage. %he (roduct of that #ulti(lication
can then re(laceE +e added toE or +e su+tracted fro# the existing cell $alues.
;or exa#(leE consider the following $iew that contains a range of $alues in incre#ents of 1@.
/hen ou a((l the 'ercent &hange #ethod to these cells and s(ecif a > &hange $alue of 1@E the sste# #ulti(lies each
cell $alue + 1@> Cor .1@D. If ou select the )dd u(date actionE the (roduct of #ulti(lication is added to the existing cell
$alues. %he result is that each cell $alue is incre#ented + 1@>.
Select the cell or range of cells fro# which ou want to initiate the (ercentage change. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range and clic- 5ata SpreadE /ercent C'ange.
%he 'ercent &hange dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the (ercentage change ou want to a((l in the > &hange +ox. !.
If necessarE select Extend o(tions to s(ecif the directionCsD for the data s(read. ..
Select an ,(date )ction. 6.
&lic- Apply.
%he (ercentage change is a((lied in the directions ou s(ecifiedE or across the range of cells ou selected.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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C.1.B. Using t'e Straig't .ine Met'od
%he Straight "ine data s(reading #ethod (o(ulates cu+e cells + linear inter(olation +etween two s(ecified end(oints.
;or exa#(leE the following $iew shows the effect of Straight "ine s(reading across a range of six cells with the end(oints 1@@
and 2@@.
/ith the start $alue of 1@@ and the end $alue of 2@@E the o(tion (o(ulates the inter$ening cells with $alues at equal inter$als
+etween the two end(oints.
Select the cell or range of cells fro# which ou want to initiate the data s(reading.
4ote0 You can a((l Straight "ine s(reading onl across a single row or colu#nE not across rectangular ranges.
Right3clic- the cell or range and clic- 5ata SpreadE Straig't .ine.
%he Straight "ine dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the starting $alue for the s(reading in the Start 0alue field. !.
Enter the ending $alue for the s(reading in the End 0alue field. ..
If necessarE select an Extend o(tion to s(ecif the direction for the data s(read. Re#e#+erE ou can a((l Straight "ine
s(reading onl across single rows or colu#nsE not across rectangular ranges.
5irection ,esult
*ori=ontal 'o(ulates cells hori=ontall across the entire row fro# which s(reading is initiated.
0ertical 'o(ulates cells $erticall across the entire colu#n fro# which s(reading is
Right 'o(ulates cells to the right of the (oint of insertionE in the row fro# which
s(reading is initiated.
"eft 'o(ulates cells to the left of the (oint of insertionE in the row fro# which s(reading
is initiated.
2own 'o(ulates cells +elow the (oint of insertionE in the colu#n fro# which s(reading is
,( 'o(ulates cells a+o$e the (oint of insertionE in the colu#n fro# which s(reading is
Select an ,(date )ction. 8.
&lic- Apply.
%he data is s(read in a straight line in the directions ou s(ecifiedE or across the range of cells ou selected.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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C.1.C. Using t'e Grot' L Met'od
%he Growth > #ethod acce(ts an initial $alue and a growth (ercentage. B using the initial $alue as a starting (ointE this
#ethod sequentiall incre#ents all $alues in a range + the s(ecified growth (ercentage.
;or exa#(leE the following $iew shows the result of a((ling the Growth > #ethod to a range of six cells where the initial
$alue is 1@@ and the growth (ercentage is 1@>. %his exa#(le uses the Re(lace data action.
%he initial $alue of 1@@ dis(las in the cell identified + 4anE )rgentina. )((ling the growth (ercentage of 1@> to 1@@ ields
11@E the $alue in ;e+E )rgentina. )((ling the growth (ercentage of 1@> to 11@ ields 121E the $alue in MarE )rgentina.
Select the cell or range of cells fro# which ou want to initiate the data s(reading.
4ote0 You can a((l Growth > s(reading onl across a single row or colu#nE not across rectangular ranges.
Right3clic- the cell or range and clic- 5ata SpreadE Grot' L.
%he Growth > dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the starting $alue for the s(reading in the Start 0alue field. !.
Enter the growth (ercentage for the s(reading in the > Growth field. ..
If necessarE select an Extend o(tion to s(ecif the direction for the data s(read. Re#e#+erE ou can a((l Growth >
s(reading across single rows or colu#nsE not across rectangular ranges.
5irection ,esult
*ori=ontal 'o(ulates cells hori=ontall across the entire row fro# which s(reading is
0ertical 'o(ulates cells $erticall across the entire colu#n fro# which s(reading is
Right 'o(ulates cells to the right of the (oint of insertionE in the row fro# which
s(reading is initiated.
"eft 'o(ulates cells to the left of the (oint of insertionE in the row fro# which
s(reading is initiated.
2own 'o(ulates cells +elow the (oint of insertionE in the colu#n fro# which
s(reading is initiated.
,( 'o(ulates cells a+o$e the (oint of insertionE in the colu#n fro# which
s(reading is initiated.
Select an ,(date )ction. 8.
&lic- Apply.
%he growth (ercentage is a((lied in the directions ou s(ecifiedE or across the range of cells ou selected.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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C.1.D. Using t'e ,elati(e /roportional Spread Met'od
%he Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(read #ethod s(reads $alues to the lea$es CchildrenD of a consolidation (ro(ortional to the lea$es
of a reference cell. %he reference cell can +e located in the cu+e fro# which ou initiate s(reading or in a se(arate cu+e.
*owe$erE the reference cell #ust share the sa#e consolidations as the cell fro# which ou initiate s(reading.
%he following exa#(le illustrates relati$e (ro(ortional s(reading where +oth the initial cell and the reference cell exist in the
sa#e cu+e.
%he a+o$e $iew shows a single consolidated $alue of 1@@ in the cell identified + 1 5uarterE Bra=il. B loo-ing at the lea$es of
1 5uarterE ou can see thatI
4an contains the $alue 1@E which is 1@> of 1@@
;e+ contains the $alue 2@E which is 2@> of 1@@
Mar contains the $alue 9@E which is 9@> of 1@@
If ou initiate relati$e (ro(ortional s(reading fro# 1 5uarterE )rgentina and s(ecif a 2ata )ction of Re(lace when s(reading
the $alue .@@E the lea$es of 1 5uarterE )rgentina are (o(ulated as (ro(ortional to the lea$es of 1 5uarterE Bra=ilI
4an contains the $alue .@E which is 1@> of .@@
;e+ contains the $alue :@E which is 2@> of .@@
Mar contains the $alue 2:@E which is 9@> of .@@
Select the consolidated cell fro# which ou want to initiate the data s(reading. 1.
Right3clic- the cell and clic- 5ata SpreadE ,elati(e /roportional Spread.
%he Select &ell dialog +ox o(ens.
In the &u+e listE select the cu+e in which the reference cell is located. !.
If necessarE clic- an of the 2i#ension +uttons to select a different di#ension ele#ent that identifies the reference cell.
/hen ou clic- a 2i#ension +uttonE the Su+set Editor o(ens and dis(las all ele#ents of the di#ension. You can then
select a single ele#ent and clic- OF.
;or exa#(leE clic- account1E select a different ele#ent in the Su+set EditorE and clic- OF.
4ote0 %he 2i#ension +uttons for consolidated ele#ents are una$aila+le +ecause the cell fro# which s(reading is initiated
and the reference cell #ust share co##on consolidated ele#ents.
&lic- Select.
%he Reference &ell field on the Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(read dialog +ox is now (o(ulated with the cell ou selected.
Enter the $alue to +e s(read in the 0alue field. 8.
Select an ,(date )ction. 9.
&lic- Apply. :.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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171 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.1.=. Using t'e ,elati(e /ercent Ad8ustment Met'od
%he Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#ent #ethod s(reads $alues to the lea$es CchildrenD of a consolidation + a((ling a (ercentage
ad1ust#ent to the lea$es of a reference cell.
%his #ethod incre#ents the $alues in the lea$es of the reference cell + a user3s(ecified (ercentage. %he resulting $alues are
then s(read to the lea$es of the consolidation fro# which ou initiated s(reading.
%he reference cell can +e located in the cu+e fro# which ou initiate s(reading or in a se(arate cu+e. *owe$erE the reference
cell #ust share the sa#e consolidations as the cell fro# which ou initiate s(reading.
%he following exa#(le illustrates relati$e (ercent ad1ust#ent s(reading where +oth the initial cell and the reference cell exist
in the sa#e cu+e.
)ssu#e a single consolidated $alue of 8@@ is in the cell identified + 1 5uarterE Bra=il. %he lea$es of 1 5uarter would loo- li-e
4an contains the $alue 1@@
;e+ contains the $alue 2@@
Mar contains the $alue !@@
If ou initiate Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#ent s(reading fro# 1 5uarterE )rgentina and s(ecif a (ercent ad1ust#ent of 6@>
while using 1 5uarterE Bra=il as a reference cellE the result is as follows.
7ote that the lea$es of 1 5uarterE )rgentina are (o(ulated with $alues that are 6@> of the $alues found in the lea$es of 1
5uarterE Bra=ilI
4anE )rgentina contains the $alue 6@E a 6@> ad1ust#ent of the $alue in 4anE Bra=il
;e+E )rgentina contains the $alue 1@@E a 6@> ad1ust#ent of the $alue in ;e+E Bra=il
MarE )rgentina contains the $alue 16@E a 6@> ad1ust#ent of the $alue in MarE Bra=il
Select the consolidated cell fro# which ou want to initiate the data s(reading. 1.
Right3clic- the cell and clic- 5ata SpreadE ,elati(e /ercent Ad8ustment.
%he Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#ent dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the ad1ust#ent (ercentage in the > )d1ust#ent field. !.
&lic- Select to +egin selecting the reference cell.
/hen ou clic- SelectE the Select a Reference &ell dialog +ox o(ens.
In the &u+e listE select a cu+e in which the reference cell is located. 6.
If necessarE clic- an of the 2i#ension +uttons to select a different di#ension ele#ent that identifies the reference cell.
/hen ou clic- a 2i#ension +uttonE the Su+set Editor o(ens dis(laing all ele#ents of the di#ension. You can then
select a single ele#ent and clic- OF.
4ote0 %he 2i#ension +uttons for consolidated ele#ents are una$aila+leE as the cell fro# which s(reading is initiated and
the reference cell #ust share all consolidated ele#ents in co##on.
&lic- Select.
%he Reference &ell field now contains the cell ou selected.
Select an ,(date )ction. :.
&lic- Apply. ?.
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/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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C.1.10. Using t'e ,epeat .ea(es Met'od
%he Re(eat "ea$es #ethod co(ies a s(ecified $alue to the lea$es CchildrenD of a consolidation. /hen ou a((l this #ethodE
ou can co( the $alue to all lea$es of the consolidation or onl to those lea$es that alread contain non3=ero $alues.
;or exa#(leE assu#e there are se$eral lea$es of YearE )rgentina with $alues.
If ou use the Re(eat "ea$es #ethod to co( the $alue .@@ to the lea$es of YearE )rgentina currentl (o(ulated with
non3=ero $aluesE the $alue .@@ is co(ied to all lea$es that contained non3=ero $alues.
If ou initiate the Re(eat "ea$es #ethod fro# a cell identified + #ore than one consolidated ele#entE the s(ecified $alue is
co(ied to all lea$es associated with the cell. ;or exa#(leE in the following $iewE the selected cell is identified + two
consolidated ele#entsI Year and S Series Sedan.
If ou initiate Re(eat "ea$es s(reading fro# the highlighted cellE the s(ecified $alue is co(ied to all cells identified + the
lea$es of Year and the lea$es of S Series Sedan. ;or instanceE if ou use Re(eat "ea$es to co( the $alue 26 to all lea$es of
the highlighted cellE the result is as follows.
/hen ou initiate Re(eat "ea$es fro# a cell identified + #ulti(le consolidated ele#entsE the R)M require#ents of the cu+e
can increase significantl. %o address this issueE the sste# issues a warning in circu#stances where #ore than 1@E@@@ cells
are affected + the Re(eat "ea$es #ethod. In circu#stances where #ore than one #illion cells are affectedE the s(reading
o(eration does not execute.
Select the consolidated cell fro# which ou want to initiate data s(reading. 1.
Right3clic- the cell and clic- 5ata SpreadE ,epeat .ea(es.
%he Re(eat "ea$es dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the $alue ou want to re(eat in the 0alue field. !.
Select an Apply To o(tion.
7alue 5escription
'o(ulated "eaf &ells %he s(ecified $alue is co(ied onl to leaf cells currentl containing non3=ero
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7alue 5escription
)ll "eaf &ells %he s(ecified $alue is co(ied to all leaf cells regardless of current $alues.
Select an Update Action. 6.
&lic- Apply. 8.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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175 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.1.11. Using t'e )-ual Spread .ea(es Met'od
%he Equal S(read "ea$es #ethod distri+utes a s(ecified $alue equall across all lea$es of a consolidated cell. /hen ou a((l
this #ethodE ou can choose to distri+ute the $alue to all lea$es of the consolidation or onl to those lea$es that alread
contain non3=ero $alues.
In this exa#(leE assu#e there are se$eral lea$es of YearE )rgentina with =ero $alues.
If ou use the Equal S(read "ea$es #ethod to distri+ute the $alue 12@@ to all the lea$es of YearE )rgentinaE the result is as
If ou initiate the Equal S(read "ea$es #ethod fro# a cell identified + #ore than one consolidated ele#entE the s(ecified
$alue is distri+uted to all lea$es associated with the cell. ;or exa#(leE assu#e the selected cell is identified + two
consolidated ele#entsI Year and S Series Sedan.
If ou initiate Equal S(read "ea$es s(reading fro# the highlighted cellE the s(ecified $alue is distri+uted to all cells identified
+ the lea$es of Year and the lea$es of S Series Sedan. ;or instanceE if ou use Equal S(read "ea$es to distri+ute the $alue
12@@ to all lea$es of the highlighted cellE the result is as follows.
/hen ou initiate Equal S(read "ea$es fro# a cell identified + #ulti(le consolidated ele#entsE the R)M require#ents of the
cu+e can increase significantl. %o address this issueE the sste# issues a warning in circu#stances where #ore than 1@E@@@
cells are affected + the Equal S(read "ea$es #ethod. In circu#stances where #ore than one #illion cells are affectedE the
s(reading o(eration does not execute.
Select the consolidated cell fro# which ou want to initiate data s(reading. 1.
Right3clic- the cell and clic- 5ata SpreadE )-ual Spread .ea(es.
%he Equal S(read "ea$es dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the $alue ou want to distri+ute in the 0alue field. !.
Select an Apply To o(tion.
7alue 5escription
'o(ulated "eaf &ells %he s(ecified $alue is distri+uted onl to leaf cells currentl containing
non3=ero $alues.
)ll "eaf &ells %he s(ecified $alue is distri+uted to all leaf cells regardless of current $alues.
Select an Update Action. 6.
&lic- Apply. 8.
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/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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177 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.1.1#. Using t'e Clear Met'od
%he &lear #ethod clears $alues fro# cells in a $iew. You can a((l this #ethod to either leaf cells or consolidated cells. /hen
ou a((l the &lear #ethod to a consolidated cellE all lea$es of the consolidation get set to =ero.
;or exa#(leE the following $iew shows $alues for the ! 5uarter consolidation and its lea$es C4ulE )ugE and Se(D.
If ou initiate the &lear #ethod fro# the selected cell and extend the s(reading o(eration downwardE the lea$es of all
consolidations +elow the (oint of insertion are cleared.
Select the cell or range of cells that ou want to clear. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range and clic- 5ata SpreadE Clear.
If ou selected a range of cells in Ste( 1E the sste# (ro#(ts ou for confir#ation.
&lic- %es to clear the selected cells.
If ou selected a single cell in Ste( 1E the &lear dialog +ox o(ens.
S(ecif the directionCsD in which ou want to clear cells. ;or exa#(leE to clear all cells a+o$e and to the left of the
selected cellE select "eft and ,(. %o clear all cells in the $iewE select all directions C"eftE RightE ,(E and 2ownD.
You can s(ecif an co#+ination of directions. If ou do not s(ecif an directionE onl the selected cell is cleared.
4ote0 /hen ou s(ecif a direction in which to extend the &lear #ethodE the sste# clears all cells in that directionE +oth
leaf cells and consolidated cells. /hen ou a((l the &lear #ethod to a consolidated cellE all lea$es of the consolidation
are set to =ero.
&lic- Apply.
%he sste# clears the cells in the directions ou s(ecified.
/arent topic0 O$er$iew of 2ata S(reading
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178 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.#. )*cluding Cells from 5ata Spreading
%he "eaf *old feature lets ou exclude cells fro# data s(reading o(erations. You can use "eaf *old in the &u+e 0iewerE
In3S(readsheet BrowserE and slice wor-sheets.
"eaf *old onl (re$ents a cell fro# +eing affected + data s(readingL ou can still edit held cells #anuall or with %ur+o
Integrator. %he holds a((l onl to the user initiating the featureL other users can edit held cells. You cannot a((l the holds
when ou wor- in +atch u(date #odeE as descri+ed in ,sing Batch ,(dates.
%o illustrate "eaf *oldE consider the following $iewI
%his $iew contains $alues for Bra=il and &anada. /hen ou a((l a hold to the cells containing $aluesE and re(eat the $alue
!.6 to all cells in the $iewE the held cells are excluded fro# the s(reading o(eration.
Each held cell dis(las a red triangle in the lower left corner of a cell as a $isual indication that "eaf *old is a((lied to the
%he holds (ersist for the duration of a client session. /hen a client logs off or is disconnected fro# the %M1 ser$er E %M1
auto#aticall releases all holds.
Applying .eaf 1olds
You can a((l a "eaf *old to a single cell or to a range of cells.
,eleasing .eaf 1olds
/hen ou release a leaf holdE the released cells can again acce(t $alues fro# data s(reading o(erations.
/arent topic0 ,sing 2ata S(reading
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C.#.1. Applying .eaf 1olds
You can a((l a "eaf *old to a single cell or to a range of cells.
Select the cell or range. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE 1old .ea(es.
/hen ou a((l a "eaf *old to a consolidated cellE a hold a((lies to all lea$es of the consolidation that contain non3=ero
$alues. %he following figure illustrates the effect of a((ling a leaf hold to the selected consolidated cell. )ll (o(ulated
lea$es of the consolidation are held. %he lea$es without $alues C)rgentina and ,ruguaD are not held.
;or details on holding consolidation $alues constant while ad1usting underling leaf $aluesE see *olding &onsolidation
0alues &onstant.
/arent topic0 Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
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C.#.#. ,eleasing .eaf 1olds
/hen ou release a leaf holdE the released cells can again acce(t $alues fro# data s(reading o(erations.
Select the cell or range of cells. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE ,elease .eaf 1olds.
%o release all holdsE including consolidation holdsE ou a((lied to all cu+es on the %M1H ser$er .
Right3clic- an cell in an cu+e on the ser$er. ..
&lic- 5ata SpreadE ,elease All 1olds. 6.
/arent topic0 Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
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181 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.3. 1olding Consolidation 7alues Constant
%he &onsolidation *old feature lets ou hold the $alue of a consolidation constant while ad1usting the underling leaf $alues.
;or exa#(leE ou #ight want to hold the $alue of 1 5uarter constant while changing the $alues of the 4anE ;e+E or Mar lea$es
to (erfor# a what3if analsis. You can use &onsolidation *old in the &u+e 0iewerE In3S(readsheet BrowserE and slice
/hen a consolidation hold is in (lace and the $alue of a leaf of the consolidation is changedE (ro(ortional s(reading is
auto#aticall a((lied to the re#aining leaf $alues so that the consolidation $alue re#ains unchanged. You cannot a((l
&onsolidation *olds when ou wor- in +atch u(date #ode.
In the following exa#(leE a consolidation holdE identified + a red triangle in the lower left corner of the cellE is (laced on the
consolidated $alue at the intersection of S Series 1.:" Sedan and 1 5uarter. %his consolidation hold -ee(s the $alue in the
cell constant at 1E@@@.
If ou change the $alue in the cell at the intersection of S Series 1.:" Sedan and Mar to 9@@E the re#aining leaf $alues are
changedE (ro(ortional to their existing $aluesE such that the consolidation of the lea$es equals 1E@@@.
%he result is that the consolidated $alue at the intersection of S Series 1.:" Sedan and 1 5uarter indeed holds constant at
1E@@@. %he $alue at the intersection of S Series 1.:" Sedan and 4an is changed to 12@ and the $alue at the intersection of S
Series 1.:" Sedan and ;e+ is changed to 1:@. %hese new $alues are deter#ined + a((ling the following equationI
Consolidation Hold value - changed leaf value = value
to be proportionally spread to remaining leaf cells
/hen ou a((l this equation to the exa#(leE 1@@@ 3 9@@ R !@@E the $alue !@@ is (ro(ortionall s(read to the re#aining leaf
4ote0 /hen a consolidation hold is in (laceE ou cannot use s(reading to change the $alues of lea$es of the consolidationL
ou can edit leaf $alues onl + entering $alues directl in the cells.
Interaction of Consolidation 1olds and .eaf 1olds
You can a((l leaf holds to exclude leaf $alues fro# +eing changed to acco##odate a consolidation hold. ;or instanceE
ou #ight want to hold the $alue of %otal Year constant and (re$ent the 4anE ;e+E and Mar $alues fro# +eing changed.
Applying Consolidation 1olds
You can a((l a consolidation hold to a single cell or to a range of cells.
,eleasing Consolidation 1olds
/hen ou release a consolidation holdE the consolidated $alue is no longer held constantE and reflects an changes ou
#a-e to the underling leaf $alues.
/arent topic0 ,sing 2ata S(reading
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C.3.1. Interaction of Consolidation 1olds and .eaf 1olds
You can a((l leaf holds to exclude leaf $alues fro# +eing changed to acco##odate a consolidation hold. ;or instanceE ou
#ight want to hold the $alue of %otal Year constant and (re$ent the 4anE ;e+E and Mar $alues fro# +eing changed.
%o acco#(lish thisE ou (lace a consolidation hold on %otal Year and leaf holds on 4anE ;e+E and MarE as in the following
%he red triangle in the lower left corner of a cell indicates that a hold is in (lace. In the case of the cell at the intersection of
%otal Year and S Series 1.:" SedanE the red triangle indicates a consolidation hold. In the other cellsE the triangles indicate
leaf holds.
If ou then change the $alue in the cell at the intersection of 2ec and S Series 1.:" Sedan to 2@E@@@.@@E the following
&onsolidation $alue for %otal Year holds constant at .:.E2@@.@@
"eaf $alues for 4anE ;e+E and Mar re#ain unchanged
Re#aining leaf $alues are changed (ro(ortional to their for#er $alues such that the consolidation $alue for %otal Year
holds constant.
/arent topic0 *olding &onsolidation 0alues &onstant
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C.3.#. Applying Consolidation 1olds
You can a((l a consolidation hold to a single cell or to a range of cells.
Select the cell or range. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE 1old Consolidate. !.
/arent topic0 *olding &onsolidation 0alues &onstant
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C.3.3. ,eleasing Consolidation 1olds
/hen ou release a consolidation holdE the consolidated $alue is no longer held constantE and reflects an changes ou #a-e
to the underling leaf $alues.
Select the cell or range of cells. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE ,elease Consolidate.
%o release all holdsE including leaf holdsE ou a((lied to all cu+es on the %M1H ser$er .
Right3clic- an cell in an cu+e on the ser$er. ..
&lic- 1oldsE ,elease All 1olds. 6.
/arent topic0 *olding &onsolidation 0alues &onstant
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185 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.6. 5ata Spreading Synta*
You can a((l #ost data s(reading #ethods through a s(ecial sntax that ou enter directl in cells in the &u+e 0iewerE
In3S(readsheet BrowserE and slice wor-sheets. %he sntax also allows ou to a((l and release holds.
You cannot use the data s(reading sntax to a((l the Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(readE Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#entE Re(eat
"ea$esE and Equal S(read "ea$es #ethods. You #ust use the user interface to a((l an of these #ethods. Si#ilarlE ou
#ust use the user interface if ou want to s(read across a selected range of cells. ;or detailsE see S(reading )cross a
Selected Range of &ells.
Each data s(reading sntax ex(ression consists of the following co#(onentsI a #ethod codeE a data action Co(tionalDE
direction indicatorsE and #ethod (ara#eterCsD.
%he met'od code is a one3 or two3character code for a data s(reading #ethod. ;or exa#(leE S is the #ethod code for the
Equal S(read s(reading #ethod. )ll #ethod codes are listed in the ta+le +elow.
%he data action indicates whether s(read $alues should re(laceE +e added toE or +e su+tracted fro# the existing cell $alues.
Re(lace 3 If ou do not s(ecif an actionE the existing cell $alues are re(laced with the s(read $alues.
)dd 3 'lus sign CMD adds s(read $alues to the existing cell $alues.
Su+tract 3 %ilde C[D su+tracts s(read $alues fro# the existing cell $alues.
%he direction indicators indicate the direction to s(read data relati$e to the (oint of insertion. %he cell fro# which ou
initiate data s(reading is alwas included in the s(reading. You can use an co#+ination of direction indicators in an
'i(e C \ D 3 S(reads $alues +elow the (oint of insertion
&aret C ] D 3 S(reads $alues a+o$e the (oint of insertion
Right arrow C V D 3 S(reads $alues to the right of the (oint of insertion
"eft arrow C W D 3 S(reads $alues to the left of the (oint of insertion
%he met'od parameters su((l all (ara#eters required to execute a gi$en s(reading #ethod. Most #ethods require onl a
(ara#eter indicating the $alue to +e s(read. %he required #ethod (ara#eters for each s(reading #ethod are listed in the
following ta+le.
@uic" ,eference Table
%he following ta+le (ro$ides details for all s(reading #ethods that ou can a((l with the s(reading sntax.
Spreading Across a Selected ,ange of Cells
You cannot use data s(reading sntax to s(read across a selected range of cellsE in the &u+e 0iewerE In3S(readsheet
BrowserE and slices.
Synta* )*amples
%he following exa#(les illustrate the data s(reading sntax. %hese exa#(les use the &u+e 0iewerE +ut are also $alid for
the In3S(readsheet Browser and slice wor-sheets.
/arent topic0 ,sing 2ata S(reading
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186 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.6.1. @uic" ,eference Table
%he following ta+le (ro$ides details for all s(reading #ethods that ou can a((l with the s(reading sntax.
5ata Spreading
Code ,e-uired Met'od
5ata Action
9&ptional: I
'ro(ortional S(read ' 0alue to +e s(read ME [ 'WV1@@
'ro(ortionall s(reads the $alue
1@@ to all leaf cells on the row
of insertionE and re(laces the
existing cell $alues.
Equal S(read S 0alue to +e s(read ME [ SM\]2@@
Equall s(reads the $alue 2@@
to all leaf cells on the colu#n of
insertionE and adds the (roduct
of s(reading to the existing cell
Re(eat R 0alue to +e s(read ME [ R[W6@
Su+tracts the $alue 6@ fro# all
leaf cells to the left of the
insertion (oint.
'ercent &hange '> 'ercentage ME [ '>M\]WV1@
)((lies a (ercent change of
1@> to all leaf $alues in the
$iewE adds the (roduct to the
existing cell $aluesE and
incre#ents all lea$es in the
$iew + 1@>.
Straight "ine TT S" Start 0alue and End
ME [ S"V1@@I2@@
Re(laces all leaf $alues to the
right of the (oint of insertionE
with a start $alue of 1@@ and an
end $alue of 2@@.
Growth > TT GR Start 0alue and Growth
ME [ GR\!@@I26
)((lies a 26> growth
(ercentage to the starting $alue
of !@@ and re(laces all leaf
$alues +elow the (oint of
&lear & 7B) 7B) &\]WV
&lears $alues fro# all cells in
the $iew.
"eaf *old * 7B) 7B) *WV
*olds all leaf cells on the row of
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187 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Using S'ortcuts in 5ifferent Clients
%he following ta+le shows the shortcut -es a$aila+le in the IBMH &ognosH %M1H )((lication /e+ client and the
co#(ara+le shortcut -es a$aila+le in %M1 . See also the notes at the end of the ta+le for i#(ortant infor#ation a+out
using shortcut -es.
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading Sntax
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C.6.1.1. Using S'ortcuts in 5ifferent Clients
%he following ta+le shows the shortcut -es a$aila+le in the IBMH &ognosH %M1H )((lication /e+ client and the
co#(ara+le shortcut -es a$aila+le in %M1 . See also the notes at the end of the ta+le for i#(ortant infor#ation a+out using
shortcut -es.
TM1 Application +eb TM1
)dd1@ 'M1@
Su+1@ '[1@
Increase1@ '>M1@
2ecrease1@ '>[1@
'ercent1@ '>1@
)dd1@V or V)dd1@ RMV1@
Su+1@V or VSu+1@ R[V1@
Increase1@V or VIncrease1@ '>MV1@
2ecrease1@V or W2ecrease1@ '>[V1@
'ercent1@V or V'ercent1@ '>V1@
V1@ RV1@
1@V RV1@
V1@F RV1@@@@
V1@M RV1@@@@@@@
1@Grow1@@&o#(oundV GRV1@I1@@
1@Grow1@@"inearV GRV1@I1@@
1@Gro1@@&o#V GRV1@I1@@
1@Gro1@@"inV GRV1@I1@@
1@G1@@&V GRV1@I1@@
1@G1@@"V GRV1@I1@@
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TM1 Application +eb TM1
1@Grow1@@V GRV1@I1@@
1F 1@@@ C%he nu#+er ending in F is #ulti(lied + 1@@@ at the
client end and returned to the ser$erD
1M 1@@@@@@ C%he nu#+er ending in M is #ulti(lied + 1@@@@@@ at
the client end and returned to the ser$erD
/hen a shortcut such as 10K is enteredE the nu#+ers are #ulti(lied + 1@@@E or 1@@@@@@ at the client end and then the
shortcut is con$erted to the equi$alent s(readcode.
%he %M1 s(readcodes cannot +e used in co#+ination with &ognos 'lanning shortcuts. ;or exa#(le. P%Add10 or RPAdd10 are
not allowed. )lsoE &ognos 'lanning shortcuts cannot +e used in co#+ination with %M1 shortcuts. ;or exa#(leE Add10Sub20
is an in$alid entr.
%he &ognos 'lanning shortcuts of Multi(lE 2i$ideE 'owerH and Reset are not a$aila+le in %M1 .
)ll Grow co##ands whether &o#(ound or "inearE are con$erted to the %M1 GR s(readcode co##and. GR co##and can
onl do a "inear Growth.
%he direction of s(read can +e entered at the start or the end of the shortcut. Shortcut strings with the direction in the
#iddle are in$alid. ;or exa#(leE Add10> or >Add10 are correctE +ut Add>10 or Add1>0 are in$alid.
)ll shortcut codes are not case sensiti$e. ;or exa#(leE add10E Add10 E or aDD10 (roduce the sa#e result.
/arent topic0 5uic- Reference %a+le
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
190 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.6.#. Spreading Across a Selected ,ange of Cells
You cannot use data s(reading sntax to s(read across a selected range of cellsE in the &u+e 0iewerE In3S(readsheet BrowserE
and slices.
/hen ou select a range of cells and atte#(t to use the data s(reading sntaxE the client C&u+e 0iewerE In3S(readsheet
BrowserE or sliceD goes into edit #ode and a((lies the edit onl to the acti$e cell in the selection.
;or exa#(leE in the following i#age ou can see that a range of six cells is selectedE with the cell at the intersection of 4un
and )rgentina +eing the acti$e cell in the selection.
If ou enter S8@@ in the acti$e cell Cs(reading sntax to equall s(read the $alue 8@@DE the result is as followsI
7ote that the s(reading is a((lied onl to the acti$e cellE which now contains the $alue 8@@.
If ou want to s(read data across a selected range of cellsE ou #ust select the rangeE right3clic- the rangeE and select 2ata
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading Sntax
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191 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.6.3. Synta* )*amples
%he following exa#(les illustrate the data s(reading sntax. %hese exa#(les use the &u+e 0iewerE +ut are also $alid for the
In3S(readsheet Browser and slice wor-sheets.
Spreading Across an )ntire ,o
%his exa#(le shows the use of the data s(reading sntax to equall s(read the $alue 12@ across the row of insertionE
and add s(read $alues to existing cell $alues.
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading Sntax
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
192 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.6.3.1. Spreading Across an )ntire ,o
%his exa#(le shows the use of the data s(reading sntax to equall s(read the $alue 12@ across the row of insertionE and
add s(read $alues to existing cell $alues.
7ie $efore Spreading
Applying Synta*
Spreading Across an )ntire Column
%his exa#(le shows the use of the data s(reading sntax to (ro(ortionall s(read the $alue 82@ across the colu#n of
insertion. In this exa#(leE the s(read $alues re(lace the existing cell $alues.
7ie $efore Spreading
Applying Synta*
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Spreading Across an )ntire 7ie
%his exa#(le shows the use of the data s(reading sntax to a((l a (ercentage change of 1@> to all $alues in a $iew. In this
exa#(leE the (roduct of s(reading is added to existing cell $alues.
7ie $efore Spreading
Applying Synta*
/arent topic0 Sntax Exa#(les
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194 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
C.A. 5ata Spreading 4otes
%his section descri+es li#itations of data s(reading functionalit.
5ata Spreading 4ot Supported in 5$, Functions
You can a((l data s(reading onl to wor-sheet cells that contain 2BR/ functions.
5ata Spread Menu in +or"s'eets is not 5ynamic
%he 2ata S(read #enu is a$aila+le fro# all wor-sheet cellsE regardless of the cell content. You can initiate data s(reading
fro# a +lan- cellE a cell containing a nu#eric or string $alueE or a cell that deri$es its $alue through rules.
5ata Spreading Applies Across Multiple /opulated ,anges
In the (re$ious exa#(leE when ou initiate data s(reading fro# a single cellE s(reading is a((lied to an cells that
contain 2BR/ functions in the s(ecified direction.
Spreading Applies to a Single Cube
If ou s(read across a range that contains 2BR/ functions which retrie$e $alues fro# #ulti(le cu+esE s(reading is
a((lied onl to the cu+e fro# which ou initiate the s(reading o(eration.
/arent topic0 ,sing 2ata S(reading
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C.A.1. 5ata Spreading 4ot Supported in 5$, Functions
You can a((l data s(reading onl to wor-sheet cells that contain 2BR/ functions.
You cannot a((l data s(reading to cells that contain 2BR functions.
If ou want to s(read data in a wor-sheet that contains 2BR functionsE ou #ust re(lace all 2BR functions with 2BR/
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading 7otes
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C.A.#. 5ata Spread Menu in +or"s'eets is not 5ynamic
%he 2ata S(read #enu is a$aila+le fro# all wor-sheet cellsE regardless of the cell content. You can initiate data s(reading
fro# a +lan- cellE a cell containing a nu#eric or string $alueE or a cell that deri$es its $alue through rules.
/hen ou initiate data s(reading fro# an indi$idual cell that does not contain a 2BR/ functionE the s(reading is a((lied to
an cells that contain 2BR/ functions in the s(ecified direction.
;or exa#(leE colu#n & of the following slice wor-sheet contains se$eral $alues retrie$ed with 2BR/ functions Crows 831@DE a
string $alue Crow 11DE and se$eral nu#eric $alues Crows 1!316D.
If ou initiate the Equal S(read #ethod fro# the selected cell C&16DE s(ecif a $alue of 1@@E and extend the s(reading ,(E
data is s(read to all cells that contain 2BR/ functions a+o$e the (oint of insertion.
%he 2ata S(read #enu is not dna#icE and so ou can initiate a data s(reading #ethod that is not a((ro(riate for the
contents of the wor-sheet.
;or instanceE the following exa#(le shows a slice wor-sheet containing onl leaf cells.
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/hen ou initiate data s(reading fro# a selected cellE the 2ata S(read #enu includes the Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(readE
Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#entE Re(eat "ea$esE and Equal S(read "ea$es o(tions. You can a((l all these o(tions to
consolidated cellsE not fro# leaf cells.
If ou atte#(t to a((l a data s(reading #ethod that is not a((ro(riate for the contents of the wor-sheetE the s(reading fails
+ut no warning or error dis(las.
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading 7otes
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C.A.3. 5ata Spreading Applies Across Multiple /opulated ,anges
In the (re$ious exa#(leE when ou initiate data s(reading fro# a single cellE s(reading is a((lied to an cells that contain
2BR/ functions in the s(ecified direction.
4ote0 Be careful when ou s(read data in a wor-sheet that contains #ulti(le ranges with 2BR/ functionsE and retrie$e
$alues fro# the sa#e cu+e.
;or instanceE the following exa#(le shows two ranges (o(ulated with 2BR/ functionsI range B8I2? and range *8I4?. Both
ranges retrie$e $alues fro# 'rice&u+e.
If ou initiate the Re(eat data s(reading #ethod fro# the selected cellE s(ecif the $alue ??E and extend the s(reading RightE
data is s(read to all cells to the right of the selected cell.
You can wor- around this issue + a((ling data s(reading onl to a selected range when a wor-sheet contains #ulti(le
ranges (o(ulated with 2BR/ functions. ,sing the (re$ious exa#(leE ou would select the range B:I2: and then a((l the
data s(reading to restrict the s(reading o(eration to the selected cells.
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading 7otes
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C.A.6. Spreading Applies to a Single Cube
If ou s(read across a range that contains 2BR/ functions which retrie$e $alues fro# #ulti(le cu+esE s(reading is a((lied
onl to the cu+e fro# which ou initiate the s(reading o(eration.
;or instanceE the following exa#(le shows two ranges (o(ulated with 2BR/ functionsI range B9I21@ and range G9II1@. %he
first range retrie$es $alues fro# 'rice&u+e on the sdata ser$erE and the second range retrie$es $alues fro# Sales'rior&u+e
on the sa#e ser$er.
If ou initiate the Re(eat data s(reading #ethod fro# the selected cellE s(ecif the $alue ??E and extend the s(reading RightE
the s(reading a((lies onl to 'rice&u+eE the cu+e fro# which ou initiate s(reading.
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading 7otes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
200 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D. Using +or"s'eets to Access 5ata
%his section descri+es how to use Microsoft Excel wor-sheets to retrie$e and u(date the $alues in IBMH &ognosH %M1H
;or details on using the In3S(readsheet Browser to +rowse cu+e dataE see Browsing 2ata.
You can use Microsoft Excel wor-sheets to access %M1 data.
Slicing a 7ie into a +or"s'eet
You can use the Slice o(tion in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser to co( the %M1 cu+e $iews into an Excel
Modifying +or"s'eets
%he re#ainder of this section ex(loresI
Understanding Cube ,eferences
%o retrie$e and send data to %M1 cu+es fro# a wor-sheetE ou #ust include cu+e reference functions in wor-sheet cells.
) cu+e reference identifies the cu+e locations through a list of intersecting ele#entsE one ele#ent for each di#ension of
a cu+e.
C'anging Cell 7alues Stored in Cubes
You can change the si#(le cu+e $alues + using wor-sheets. %he si#(le $alues are located at the intersection of the
unconsolidated CleafD ele#ents along each di#ension of the cu+e. %he si#(le $alues are not deri$ed fro# a cu+e rule.
;or infor#ation a+out cu+e rulesE see the IBM &ognos %M1 Rules Guide.
Creating Formulas it' t'e Formula )ditor
%he %M1 ;or#ula Editor hel(s ou create cu+e references for cu+es of u( to 2? di#ensions. &u+e references #ust +e
li#ited to cu+es containing 2? di#ensions or fewer due to an Excel li#itationL wor-sheet functions can contain no #ore
than !@ argu#ents. /hen ou construct a cu+e referenceE one argu#ent #ust +e the cu+e na#eE which lea$es 2?
argu#ents for s(ecifing the cu+e di#ensions.
Creating 5ynamic ,eports
%M1 offers se$eral wor-sheet functions that res(ond to changes in the structure of a cu+e. %hese wor-sheet functions are
es(eciall useful when ou create a wor-sheet that is tied to a %M1 cu+e without first using the Slice o(tion.
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D.1. &(er(ie
You can use Microsoft Excel wor-sheets to access %M1H data.
%he Slice o(tionE a$aila+le fro# the &u+e 0iewer and In3S(readsheet BrowserE lets ou sa$e a cu+e $iew as a standard
wor-sheet. /hen ou create a sliceE %M1 generates a wor-sheet (o(ulated with functions. %hese functions dis(la the
current data+ase $alues in the wor-sheet. %he functions are +i3directionalL the retrie$e and dis(la the current cu+e $aluesE
+ut when ou u(date a $alue in the wor-sheetE the function also sends the new $alue to the a((ro(riate cu+e.
You can also create wor-sheets that incor(orate %M1 wor-sheet functions to write and retrie$e data fro# %M1 cu+es.
%he slices and wor-sheets that use %M1 functions do not store cu+e data. %he store onl the for#ulas and la+els that (oint
to the data. %his ensures that the wor-sheets accuratel reflect the current cu+e $alues and data structures.
%he Sna(shot o(tion lets ou co( the cu+e $alues to an Excel wor-sheet. ) sna(shot is not tied to the %M1 cu+e fro# which
it originates. It isE as the na#e i#(liesE a (icture of cu+e $alues at a (oint in ti#e. )n su+sequent changes ou #a-e to the
cu+e $alues are not reflected in a sna(shot.
/arent topic0 ,sing /or-sheets to )ccess 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
202 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.#. Slicing a 7ie into a +or"s'eet
You can use the Slice o(tion in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser to co( the %M1H cu+e $iews into an Excel
In the following exa#(leE the $iew is sliced into a wor-sheet.
O(en or create a $iew in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser. 1.
%o create a slice fro# the &u+e 0iewerE clic- FileE Slice.
%he $iew is sliced into a new Excel wor-sheet.
%o create a slice fro# the In3S(readsheet BrowserE right3clic- the 7ie Control and clic- Slice.
) (ro#(t as-s if ou want to re(lace the In3S(readsheet Browser with a slice.
&lic- %es.
%he slice re(laces the In3S(readsheet Browser in the current wor-sheet.
%he (re$ious sa#(le $iew loo-s li-e this when ou slice the $iew into an Excel wor-sheet as a classic slice.
Row 1 contains infor#ation a+out the cu+e that su((lies the slice data. In this exa#(leE the slice contains data fro# the
Sales'rior&u+e cu+e on the local ser$er.
%he infor#ation a+out the title di#ensions and ele#ents starts in row 2. %he title di#ension na#es a((ear in colu#n )E
while the na#es of the current title ele#ents a((ear in colu#n B. /hen ou dou+le3clic- a title ele#ent na#eE the
Su+set Editor o(ens with the title di#ension su+setE fro# which ou can select a new title di#ension. If the $iew fro#
which the slice was generated used a na#ed su+set for the title di#ensionE the na#ed su+set o(ens in the Su+set Editor.
If the $iew fro# which the slice was generated did not use a na#ed su+set for the title di#ensionE the default su+set
o(ens. CIf a default su+set is not defined for the di#ensionE the )ll su+set o(ens.D
%he row and colu#n ele#ents in a $iew +eco#e the la+els in a slice s(readsheet. ;or exa#(leE % Series and 4an are the
la+els in the exa#(le.
%he cells in the range B9 through 2? contain the 2BR/ functions that retrie$e and dis(la the $alues fro# the
Sales'rior&u+e cu+e. ;or exa#(leE cell B9 contains the following functionI
which retrie$es the $alue 9.29@@.
;or #ore infor#ation on 2BR/ functionsE see ,nderstanding &u+e References.
Ta"ing a Snaps'ot of a 7ie
You can co( a $iew fro# the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser into a wor-sheet with the Sna(shot o(tion. )
sna(shot is different fro# a slice +ecause a sna(shot contains the actual $alues that existed when the sna(shot was
createdE while a slice contains functions that retrie$e $alues fro# the %M1 ser$er . 0alues in a sna(shot are staticE while
the functions in a slice retrie$e current $alues fro# the %M1 ser$er when ou o(en or recalculate the slice.
/arent topic0 ,sing /or-sheets to )ccess 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
203 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.#.1. Ta"ing a Snaps'ot of a 7ie
You can co( a $iew fro# the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser into a wor-sheet with the Sna(shot o(tion. ) sna(shot
is different fro# a slice +ecause a sna(shot contains the actual $alues that existed when the sna(shot was createdE while a
slice contains functions that retrie$e $alues fro# the %M1H ser$er . 0alues in a sna(shot are staticE while the functions in a
slice retrie$e current $alues fro# the %M1 ser$er when ou o(en or recalculate the slice.
O(en or create a $iew in the &u+e 0iewer or In3S(readsheet Browser. 1.
%o create a sna(shot fro# the &u+e 0iewerE choose FileE Snaps'ot.
%he $iew is co(ied into a new Excel wor-sheet.
%o create a sna(shot fro# the In3S(readsheet BrowserE right3clic- the 7ie Control and clic- Snaps'ot.
) (ro#(t as-s if ou want to re(lace the In3S(readsheet Browser with a sna(shot.
&lic- %es.
%he sna(shot re(laces the In3S(readsheet Browser in the current wor-sheet.
/arent topic0 Slicing a 0iew into a /or-sheet
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
204 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.3. Modifying +or"s'eets
%he re#ainder of this section ex(loresI
/as to #odif wor-sheets that are tied to %M1H cu+es.
*ow to create %M1 wor-sheet functions to write or read data fro# %M1 cu+es.
%here are sa#(le Microsoft Excel wor-sheets that illustrate #ost techniques. Each wor-+oo- retrie$es data fro# the
Sale'rior&u+e sa#(le cu+eE using the local %M1 ser$er .
C'anging )lement 4ames in +or"s'eets
%he row and colu#n la+els in the %M1 wor-sheet #a( to the ele#ents along the row and colu#n di#ensions in a $iew. If
ou change a la+el to a $alid ele#ent na#eE ou can i##ediatel access the corres(onding data.
Typing )lement 4ames in +or"s'eets
In this exerciseE ou change the colu#n la+els in the sa#(le wor-sheet BReg.
Copying )lement 4ames from TM1 Clients
You can co( se$eral ele#ent na#es fro# the Su+set Editor into a wor-sheet.
Using TM1 +or"s'eet Functions to ,etrie(e )lement 4ames
%M1 offers se$eral wor-sheet functions that retrie$e the ele#ent na#es fro# a cu+e. %his section ex(lains how the
2IM7M function retrie$es the ele#ent na#es.
)ntering In(alid )lement 4ames in +or"s'eets
Each colu#n and row la+el #ust +e a $alid ele#ent in the corres(onding di#ension of the %M1 cu+e. %hrough the cu+e
referencesE %M1 uses these la+els to find the correct cell $alues.
/arent topic0 ,sing /or-sheets to )ccess 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
205 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.3.1. C'anging )lement 4ames in +or"s'eets
%he row and colu#n la+els in the %M1H wor-sheet #a( to the ele#ents along the row and colu#n di#ensions in a $iew. If
ou change a la+el to a $alid ele#ent na#eE ou can i##ediatel access the corres(onding data.
%here are three was to change the wor-sheet la+elsI
%(e $alid ele#ent na#es in the wor-sheet cells.
&o( ele#ent na#es fro# the %M1 client window.
,se the %M1 wor-sheet function that retrie$es the ele#ent na#es.
/arent topic0 Modifing /or-sheets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
206 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.3.#. Typing )lement 4ames in +or"s'eets
In this exerciseE ou change the colu#n la+els in the sa#(le wor-sheet BReg.
%his for#atted wor-sheetE which is a slice of the Sales'rior&u+e cu+eE contains #onthl worldwide sales +udget $alues for
three car #odel classesE as shown in the following figure.
%he following exa#(le illustrates how ou can retrie$e the new $alues + t(ing new colu#n or row la+els.
O(en the sa#(le wor-sheet BReg. 1.
&lic- cell $A. 2.
Re(lace 4an + t(ing Apr in the for#ula +ar. !.
'ress F= to recalculate the wor-sheet.
%he )(ril $alues now a((ear in colu#n B of the wor-sheet.
%o see the original $aluesE re(lace )(ril with ?an and (ress F=.
4ote0 You can use the sa#e (rocedure Cste(s 236D to change the row la+els.
&lose BReg without sa$ing an changes. 8.
/arent topic0 Modifing /or-sheets
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207 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.3.3. Copying )lement 4ames from TM1 Clients
You can co( se$eral ele#ent na#es fro# the Su+set Editor into a wor-sheet.
O(en the sa#(le wor-sheet BReg. 1.
O(en the Ser$er Ex(lorer. 2.
In the %ree (ane of the Ser$er Ex(lorerE dou+le3clic- the Month di#ension.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens.
*old down &%R" and clic- the ele#ents &ctE 4o(E 5ecE and 6 @uarter. ..
&lic- )ditE /ic" )lementsE 1oriJontal.
%he 'ic- Ele#ents *ori=ontal o(tion co(ies the ele#ent na#es to the &li(+oard so that ou can (aste the ele#ent na#es
in a hori=ontal orientation.
In the BReg wor-sheetE select the range $A0)A. 8.
&lic- )ditE /aste.
%M1H (astes the ele#ents ou selected in ste( . into the wor-sheet.
'ress F=.
%M1 recalculates and dis(las the $alues for the new colu#n ele#ents.
&lose BReg without sa$ing an edits. ?.
/arent topic0 Modifing /or-sheets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
208 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.3.6. Using TM1 +or"s'eet Functions to ,etrie(e )lement 4ames
%M1H offers se$eral wor-sheet functions that retrie$e the ele#ent na#es fro# a cu+e. %his section ex(lains how the 2IM7M
function retrie$es the ele#ent na#es.
/hen ou enter a 2IM7M function in a cellE ou can quic-l change the ele#ent na#es + selecting the# fro# a list in the
Su+set Editor.
%he 2IM7M function has the following sntaxI
DIMNM(dimension, index)
Argument 5escription
2i#ension 7a#e of a di#ension
index 'ositi$e $alue less than or equal to the total nu#+er of ele#ents in the s(ecified
su+set. %he function returns the di#ension ele#ent that corres(onds to this index
/hen ou dou+le3clic- a cell that contains a 2IM7M functionE %M1 dis(las the Su+set Editor for the di#ension s(ecified +
the first argu#ent.
%he following exercise illustrates how ou change the na#e of a title ele#ent.
O(en the sa#(le wor-sheet BReg. 1.
&lic- cell $6. 2.
7otice that this cell contains the for#ula
=DIMNM("Region", 32)
%his for#ula returns the !2nd ele#entE /orldE fro# the Region di#ension.
2ou+le3clic- cell $6.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens for the Region di#ension.
Scroll down in the %ree (ane of the Su+set Editor and select the ele#ent )urope. 6.
&lic- &2.
%he BReg wor-sheet dis(las Euro(e in cell B..
&lic- F= to recalculate the wor-sheet and dis(la the $alues for Euro(e. 9.
Exa#ine the for#ula for cell B.I
=DIMNM("region", 30)
Euro(e is the !@th ele#ent in the Region di#ension.
&lose BReg without sa$ing an edits. ?.
/arent topic0 Modifing /or-sheets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
209 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.3.A. )ntering In(alid )lement 4ames in +or"s'eets
Each colu#n and row la+el #ust +e a $alid ele#ent in the corres(onding di#ension of the %M1H cu+e. %hrough the cu+e
referencesE %M1 uses these la+els to find the correct cell $alues.
You #ust t(e $alid ele#ent na#es as la+els onl in wor-sheet cells that %M1 uses to retrie$e data fro# cu+es. In all other
cellsE ou can t(e anthing ou want. ;or exa#(leE the la+el in cell )6E Call nu#+ers in @@@JsDE is inde(endent of the
Sales'rior&u+e cu+e.
%he following exercise de#onstrates what ha((ens when ou enter a la+el that is not an ele#ent in the Month di#ension.
If not alread o(enE o(en the BReg wor-+oo-. 1.
&lic- cell 5A. 2.
%(e Marc' in the for#ula +ar. !.
'ress F= to recalculate the wor-sheet.
%he #essage TFEYUERR dis(las in cells 28 through 2? +ecause %M1 does not recogni=e March as an ele#ent na#e.
%o see the original $aluesE re(lace March with MarE and (ress F=. 6.
&lose BReg without sa$ing an edits. 8.
/arent topic0 Modifing /or-sheets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
210 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.6. Understanding Cube ,eferences
%o retrie$e and send data to %M1H cu+es fro# a wor-sheetE ou #ust include cu+e reference functions in wor-sheet cells. )
cu+e reference identifies the cu+e locations through a list of intersecting ele#entsE one ele#ent for each di#ension of a
You can write the cu+e references + using two %M1 wor-sheet functionsI
5$, retrie$es and sends $alues to a cu+e
5$,+ 3 retrie$es and sends $alues to a cu+e li-e the 2BR function +ut it is o(ti#i=ed for wide area networ-s. %M1
writes 2BR/ for#ulas to wor-sheets that ou create with the Slice o(tion
%he following exercise can hel( ou understand cu+e referencesE which ta-es ou through the (rocess of ins(ecting a cell
that contains a 2BR/ function in the BReg wor-sheet.
O(en the wor-+oo- BReg. 1.
&lic- cell $B and notice the entr in the for#ula +ar.
%he cell contains a 2BR/ wor-sheet function. %he function argu#ents identif the cu+e and the ele#ents identif the
cu+e location for the data $alue.
"etJs exa#ine two of the function argu#entsI
DBRW($B$1, $B$3, $B$4, $A6, $B$2, B$5)
Argument 5escription
^B^1 ;irst argu#ent that identifies the cu+e. %he $alue fro# cell B1 su((lies the cu+e na#e.
%he two dollar signs indicate an a+solute cell reference.
^B^! Second and re#aining argu#ents that identif the ele#ents along the di#ensions of the
cu+e. %he argu#ents a((ear in order + the sequence of the di#ensions in the cu+e
definition. %he argu#ent ^B^! (oints to a cell that contains BudgetE which is an ele#ent
along the cu+eJs first di#ensionE )ct$s+ud.
%he fi$e ele#ent argu#ents (oint to cells B!E B.E )8E B2E and B6E which contain the la+els BudgetE /orldE S SeriesE
SalesE and 4anE res(ecti$el.
You can rewrite the 2BR for#ula using the ele#ent na#es and access the sa#e dataI
DBRW("SalesPriorCube","Budget","World","S Series","Sales","Jan")
You can also #ix the ele#ent na#es with cell referencesI
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DBRW("93sales","Budget",$B$4,"S Series",$B$2, B$5)
&onsider the following (oints as ou decide which stle of cu+e referencing to useI
You can retrie$e the correct cu+e $alues + co(ing a 2BR/ function across the cells of a wor-sheet re(ort. %he
function #ust include the relati$e cell references for +oth the row and colu#n ele#ents. &ell B8 contains the relati$e
references ^)8 and B^6.
/hen ou rearrange or re#o$e the la+els that identif the ele#ents of the cu+eE ou #ust change the corres(onding
cell references in the 2BR/ for#ula. ;or exa#(leE if ou #o$e the la+el in cell B1 to cell G6E ou #ust change the
first 2BR argu#ent.
+riting Cube ,eferences
%he %M1 ;or#ula Editor can ins(ect a wor-sheet and create 2BR/ for#ulas for ou.
/arent topic0 ,sing /or-sheets to )ccess 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
212 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.6.1. +riting Cube ,eferences
%he %M1H ;or#ula Editor can ins(ect a wor-sheet and create 2BR/ for#ulas for ou.
;or #ore infor#ationE see &reating ;or#ulas with the ;or#ula Editor.
/arent topic0 ,nderstanding &u+e References
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
213 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.A. C'anging Cell 7alues Stored in Cubes
You can change the si#(le cu+e $alues + using wor-sheets. %he si#(le $alues are located at the intersection of the
unconsolidated CleafD ele#ents along each di#ension of the cu+e. %he si#(le $alues are not deri$ed fro# a cu+e rule. ;or
infor#ation a+out cu+e rulesE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1H Rules Guide.
In the following exerciseE ou change the (ro1ected sales a#ount for a single car #odel sold in )rgentina during 4anuar. %he
quarterl total reflects the change.
O(en the sa#(le wor-sheet BModel. 1.
&lic- cell $B. 2.
%(e 100000 in cell B8 and (ress )nter.
&ell B8 contains a 2BR/ wor-sheet functionE which #eans it is tied to a %M1 cu+e. %M1 does not dis(la an error
#essage +ecause the cell contains a si#(le $alue.
'ress F= to recalculate the wor-sheet. ..
O+ser$e the new $alue in cell E8. 6.
%he $alue in cell E8 changes fro# 28E8@@ to 11:E9@@ to reflect the new $alue of the 1 5uarter consolidation.
You cannot change the consolidated $alues directlE such as the quarterl total in cell E8. %o (ro$e thisE tr changing the
$alue in cell E8.
&lic- cell )B. 9.
%(e CD=10 and (ress )nter.
%M1 dis(las the following error #essage +ecause the function in cell E8 references a calculated $alueI
T1: +rite Access 5enied
/arent topic0 ,sing /or-sheets to )ccess 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
214 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.B. Creating Formulas it' t'e Formula )ditor
%he %M1H ;or#ula Editor hel(s ou create cu+e references for cu+es of u( to 2? di#ensions. &u+e references #ust +e
li#ited to cu+es containing 2? di#ensions or fewer due to an Excel li#itationL wor-sheet functions can contain no #ore than
!@ argu#ents. /hen ou construct a cu+e referenceE one argu#ent #ust +e the cu+e na#eE which lea$es 2? argu#ents for
s(ecifing the cu+e di#ensions.
/hen ou o(en the ;or#ula Editor in a wor-sheetE %M1 scans the wor-sheet for the ele#ent na#es that can +e used as
argu#ents in the function ou are creating. %M1 starts + #a((ing the row and colu#n la+els to the di#ension ele#ents.
%o hel( ou understand the choices that the ;or#ula Editor #a-esE here is a (artial list of the ele#ents in the Sales'rior&u+e
cu+e. %he di#ensions are listed in the order in which the exist in the cu+e structure.
5imension 4ame /artial )lement .ist
)ct$s+ud )ctualE BudgetE 0ariance
Region )#ericasE Euro(eE /orld
Model " SeriesE S SeriesE % SeriesE %otal
)ccount1 Gross MarginE SalesE ,nitsE 0aria+le
Month 4anE ;e+E MarE 1 5uarter
In the following exerciseE ou use the ;or#ula Editor to (o(ulate a single cell in the %wo$iews wor-sheet. %his wor-sheet
contains two $ersions of a first quarter re(ort. %he to( re(ort (ro$ides the sales data for three consolidated regionsI
)#ericasE Euro(eE and /orld. %he +otto# re(ort (ro$ides the worldwide data for three car #odel classes.
Using t'e formula editor to populate a single cell in t'e to (ies or"s'eet
You can use the for#ula editor to (o(ulate a single cell in the two $iews wor-sheet.
Copying t'e formula in t'e cell $D across in t'e top report
You can co( the for#ula in cell B: across in the to( re(ort.
Correcting Cube ,eferences
2e(ending on the arrange#ent of detail in our wor-sheetE %M1 #ight select the wrong la+els to +uild the cu+e
references. %M1 alwas scans fro# the to( of the wor-sheet to find the title ele#ents of a cu+e. In a wor-sheet that
contains two stac-ed re(ortsE %M1 #ight select the wrong ele#ent for at least one di#ension in the +otto# re(ort.
Creating TM1 +or"s'eet Functions Using t'e )*cel Insert Function
You can also use the Excel Insert ;unction o(tion to insert %M1 functions into a wor-sheet.
/arent topic0 ,sing /or-sheets to )ccess 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
215 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.B.1. Using t'e formula editor to populate a single cell in t'e to (ies or"s'eet
You can use the for#ula editor to (o(ulate a single cell in the two $iews wor-sheet.
O(en the sa#(le wor-+oo- To(ies. 1.
&lic- cell $D. 2.
&lic- TM1 E )dit Formula.
%he )dit Formula +ar o(ens.
&lic- 5$ ,ef.
/ith the 2B Ref o(tionE ou can (o(ulate the wor-sheet with the $alues fro# a cu+e. %he 2B Ref o(tion corres(onds to
the 2BR wor-sheet functionE which retrie$es the cu+e $alues.
Because ou are wor-ing with a local ser$erE there are no networ- traffic issues to consider. If ou were wor-ing with a
re#ote ser$er o$er a /)7E the +est (ractice would +e to clic- the 2BR/ o(tionE which creates 2BR/ functions that are
o(ti#i=ed for a /)7 en$iron#ent.
%M1H (ro#(ts ou to indicate which cu+e contains the cell $alueE which +eco#es the first argu#ent of the 2B Ref
You can either (oint to the cell containing the cu+e na#e or select the na#e fro# a list of a$aila+le cu+es. In this
exerciseE ou (oint to a cell.
2ou+le3clic- cell $1E which contains the cu+e na#e Sales'rior&u+e.
%he Select %(e of &ell Reference dialog +ox o(ens. In this dialog +oxE ou indicate how %M1 uses the selected cell B1 in
the for#ula. B choosing )+soluteE ou s(ecif that %M1 alwas uses the $alue in cell B1E rather than use another cell in
the wor-sheet.
&lic- Absolute.
%M1 now atte#(ts to +uild the rest of the 2BR functionE which includes the references to the ele#ents in the cu+e. %o
+uild the functionE %M1 (erfor#s the following actionsI
"oo-s for the row la+el.
%M1 ins(ects the cells to the left of cell B:. If %M1 finds a $alid ele#ent for an di#ensionE %M1 assu#es the ele#ent
+elongs to the row di#ension and creates a row relati$e cu+e reference. %he row la+el does not need to +e in the
ad1acent cell.
"oo-s for the colu#n la+el.
%M1 ins(ects the cells directl a+o$e cell B:. If %M1 finds a $alid ele#ent na#e for an di#ensionE %M1 assu#es that
the ele#ent is a colu#n ele#ent and creates a colu#n relati$e cu+e reference. %he colu#n la+el does not need to +e
in the ad1acent cell.
"oo-s for ele#ents along the re#aining title di#ensions of the cu+e.
%M1 starts searching at cell )1. ;or each title di#ension %M1 findsE %M1 creates an a+solute reference.
%he choices that %M1 #a-es a((ear in the Edit Reference to &u+e dialog +ox. %he +uttons on the left contain the na#es
of di#ensions as the a((ear in order in the cu+e. ;or exa#(leE )ct$s+ud is the first di#ension in the Sales'rior&u+e
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216 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Exa#ine the choices that %M1 #a-es.
)ll choices are #ade so that ou can (o(ulate the other cells of a re(ort + co(ing the for#ula.
%M1 finds the row la+el in cell ): and #a(s it to the Region di#ension. %M1 assigns the cell a row relati$e referenceE
^):. /hen ou co( the for#ula downE the row reference changes +ut the colu#n reference re#ains the sa#e.
%M1 finds the colu#n la+el in cell B9 and #a(s it to the Month di#ension. %M1 assigns the cell a colu#n relati$e
referenceE B^9. /hen ou co( the for#ula acrossE the colu#n reference changes +ut the row reference re#ains the
%M1 finds the ele#ents for the re#aining di#ensions and #a(s the# correctl. ;or exa#(leE )ctual is an ele#ent in
the )ct$s+ud di#ension. %M1 assigns each cell an a+solute reference +ecause the $alues in those cells should +e
used throughout the re(ort.
&lic- &2.
%he Edit ;or#ula +ar now dis(las the co#(lete for#ula. ;or clarit the s(readsheet na#e that would (recede each cell
reference has +een o#itted in this exa#(leI
&lic- &2 to store the for#ula in cell B:.
&ell B: now dis(las the $alue found at the intersection of the ele#ents shown in the Edit ;or#ula +ar.
You can now co#(lete the to( re(ort + co(ing the for#ula down and to the right of cell B:.
/arent topic0 &reating ;or#ulas with the ;or#ula Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
217 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.B.#. Copying t'e formula in t'e cell $D across in t'e top report
You can co( the for#ula in cell B: across in the to( re(ort.
&lic- cell $D. 1.
Right3clic- cell $D and clic- Copy. 2.
&lic- cell $D and drag the #ouse (ointer to cell )10. !.
Right3clic- in an selected cell and clic- /aste. ..
'ress F= to recalculate the wor-sheet.
&ells B? through E1@ now dis(la the a((ro(riate cell $alues fro# the Sales'rior&u+e cu+e.
/arent topic0 &reating ;or#ulas with the ;or#ula Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
218 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.B.3. Correcting Cube ,eferences
2e(ending on the arrange#ent of detail in our wor-sheetE %M1H #ight select the wrong la+els to +uild the cu+e references.
%M1 alwas scans fro# the to( of the wor-sheet to find the title ele#ents of a cu+e. In a wor-sheet that contains two
stac-ed re(ortsE %M1 #ight select the wrong ele#ent for at least one di#ension in the +otto# re(ort.
You can correct the wrong ele#ent choices in the ;or#ula EditorE as illustrated in the following exercise.
If not alread o(enE o(en the sa#(le wor-sheet To(ies. 1.
&lic- cell $1A. 2.
&lic- TM1 E )dit Formula.
%he Edit ;or#ula +ar o(ens.
&lic- 5$ ,ef.
%M1 (ro#(ts ou to indicate which cu+e contains the cell $alue.
2ou+le3clic- cell $1E which contains the cu+e na#e Sales'rior&u+e.
%he Select %(e of &ell Reference dialog +ox o(ens.
&lic- Absolute.
%M1 now atte#(ts to +uild the rest of the 2BR for#ula + scanning the wor-sheetE and selects the correct ele#ent for all
+ut the Region di#ension.
%M1 selects the correct row and colu#n ele#ents. /hen %M1 starts searching for the title ele#entsE it first finds 0aria+le
&osts and )ctualE which are $alid for cell B16. %he third ele#ent %M1 findsE )#ericas in cell ):E #a(s to the Region
di#ension. %he cell reference is $alid for the to( re(ortE +ut not for the +otto# re(ort. You need to direct %M1 to cell B1!E
which contains /orld.
Select the field next to the region +utton. 9.
2ou+le3clic- cell $13 in the wor-sheetE which contains the ele#ent /orld.
%he Select %(e of &ell Reference dialog +ox o(ens.
&lic- Absolute.
%he a+solute cell reference uses the ele#ent /orld for each cell in the ;irst 5uarter Sales + Model3&lass re(ort.
%he Edit Reference to &u+e dialog +ox o(ens with the correct cu+e referenceE ^B^1!E in the field next to the region
You can correct a cu+e reference + clic-ing a di#ension +utton and selecting an ele#ent fro# the Su+set Editor. In this
exa#(leE ou would clic- the region +utton and select the /orld ele#ent fro# the Su+set Editor. *owe$erE ou are now
using a string argu#ent rather than a cell referenceE and an change ou #a-e to the ele#ent in cell B1! would not +e
reflected in the data retrie$ed + the 2BR function.
&lic- &2.
%he Edit ;or#ula +ar now dis(las the co#(lete for#ula.
&lic- &2 to store the for#ula in cell B16. 11.
%o co#(lete the re(ortE co( and (aste the for#ula across the range B16 through E1:. 12.
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/arent topic0 &reating ;or#ulas with the ;or#ula Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
220 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.B.6. Creating TM1 +or"s'eet Functions Using t'e )*cel Insert Function
You can also use the Excel Insert ;unction o(tion to insert %M1H functions into a wor-sheet.
&hoose InsertE Function fro# the Excel #enu+ar.
%he Insert ;unction dialog +ox o(ens.
Select TM1 in the Select a Category list. 2.
In the Select a Function listE dou+le3clic- the function ou want to create.
%he ;unction )rgu#ents dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter the a((ro(riate argu#ents in the fields of the dialog +ox.
4ote0 ;or details on argu#ents for s(ecific functionsE refer to /or-sheet ;unctions in the IBMH &ognosH %M1 (eferen)e
)fter ou finish entering argu#entsE clic- &2 to insert the function into the wor-sheet. 6.
/arent topic0 &reating ;or#ulas with the ;or#ula Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
221 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.C. Creating 5ynamic ,eports
%M1H offers se$eral wor-sheet functions that res(ond to changes in the structure of a cu+e. %hese wor-sheet functions are
es(eciall useful when ou create a wor-sheet that is tied to a %M1 cu+e without first using the Slice o(tion.
%he %M1 wor-sheet functions includeI
5F,ST Returns the first ele#ent in a di#ension sequence
54)MT Returns the next ele#ent in a di#ension sequence. ,se 27EA% and 2;RS% to +uild a co#(lete list of ele#ents
).C&M/ Returns the ele#ents that are the children of a consolidated ele#ent
;or ex(lanations of other wor-sheet functions that ou can use to create dna#ic re(ortsE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1
(eferen)e Guide.
Using t'e 54)MT Function
In the following exerciseE ou use the 27EA% function to return the na#e of a #onth +ased on its relati$e (osition a#ong
the colu#n la+els.
Using t'e 5F,ST Function
%he 2;RS% function returns the first ele#ent of a di#ension. You can use the 2;RS% function with the 27EA% function.
Using t'e ).C&M/ Function
%he E"&OM' function returns a child of a consolidated ele#ent. %his function acce(ts three argu#entsI a di#ension
na#eE an ele#ent na#eE and an index nu#+er for the child.
/arent topic0 ,sing /or-sheets to )ccess 2ata
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
222 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.C.1. Using t'e 54)MT Function
In the following exerciseE ou use the 27EA% function to return the na#e of a #onth +ased on its relati$e (osition a#ong the
colu#n la+els.
O(en the sa#(le wor-sheet 7arirept.
%he 0arire(t wor-sheet contains #onths as the colu#n la+els and car #odels as the row la+els.
&lic- cell $C. 2.
%(e )(r and (ress )nter.
&olu#n B now shows the )(ril figures. B using the 27EA% functionE ou can see the su+sequent #onths in colu#ns &E
2E and in the consecuti$e colu#ns when ou change the #onth na#e in colu#n B.
&lic- cell CC and t(e the following for#ulaI
%his for#ula returns the next ele#ent in the di#ension Month after the ele#ent in cell B9.
&o( the for#ula in cell &9 to 5C and (ress ;? to recalculate.
%he re(ort changes to reflect the #onths )(rilE MaE and 4une in colu#ns BE &E and 2 res(ecti$el.
&lic- cell $C. 8.
%(e 4ul and (ress )nter and (ress ;? to recalculate.
&olu#ns BE &E and 2 now show the data for 4ulE )ugustE and Se(te#+er.
&lose 0arire(t without sa$ing our changes. :.
/arent topic0 &reating 2na#ic Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
223 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.C.#. Using t'e 5F,ST Function
%he 2;RS% function returns the first ele#ent of a di#ension. You can use the 2;RS% function with the 27EA% function.
If ou want to dis(la an ordered di#ension list in our wor-sheetE ou can retrie$e the first ele#ent of the di#ension with
the 2;RS% function and all the su+sequent ele#ents with the 27EA% function.
In the 0arire(t wor-sheetE the row headings are the ele#ents fro# the Model di#ension. In the wor-sheetE the row headings
are entered as si#(le la+els. You can su+stitute the row headings with functions. %hat waE an changes ou #a-e to the
Model di#ension are auto#aticall reflected in the 0arire(t wor-sheet.
O(en the wor-+oo- 7arirept. 1.
&lic- cell AD and t(e the following 2;RS% for#ulaI
'ress )nter.
%he for#ula returns " Series 1.8" &on$erti+leE the first ele#ent in the Model di#ension.
In cell )?E t(e the following 27EA% for#ulaI
'ress )nter.
%he for#ula returns the ele#ent in the Model di#ension su+sequent to the ele#ent shown in cell ):E " Series 1.8"
&o( the for#ula in cell )? to cells A10 through A63.
%he wor-sheet still dis(las the original #odel na#es. *owe$erE if the structure of the Model di#ension changesE the
functions in colu#n ) would reflect the changes.
/arent topic0 &reating 2na#ic Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
224 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
D.C.3. Using t'e ).C&M/ Function
%he E"&OM' function returns a child of a consolidated ele#ent. %his function acce(ts three argu#entsI a di#ension na#eE
an ele#ent na#eE and an index nu#+er for the child.
In the following exerciseE ou change the colu#n la+els in the 0arire(t wor-sheet to show a consolidated ele#ent and its
O(en the wor-+oo- 7arirept. 1.
&lic- cell $C and t(e the following for#ulaI
%his for#ula returns . 5uarterE the 18th ele#ent of the Month di#ension.
&lic- cell CC and t(e the following for#ulaI
%he for#ula returns the first child for the ele#ent na#e in cell B9.
'ress )nter.
Oct dis(las in cell &9.
&o( the for#ula in cell &9 to cells 5C and )C. 6.
&lic- cell 5C.
%his cell contains the following for#ulaI
Edit the last argu#ent + re(lacing the 1 with a #.
%he cell should now contain the following for#ulaI
Edit the for#ula in cell E9 so that it contains a ! as its last argu#ent. :.
%he re(ort now shows the consolidated ele#ent . 5uarter and all its childrenE in the sequence defined in the consolidation.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
225 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
/arent topic0 &reating 2na#ic Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
226 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=. Acti(e Forms
)cti$e ;or#s let ou $iew and u(date li$e IBMH &ognosH %M1H cu+e data directl in Excel whene$er ou are connected to
the ser$er on which the cu+e data resides. )cti$e ;or#s retain the a+ilit to ex(and and colla(se row di#ension
consolidations in %M1 $iews while allowing ou to use nati$e Excel features and functions to create co#(lex re(orts.
/ith the introduction of )cti$e ;or#sE the dna#ic slice functionalit that was a$aila+le in (re$ious releases is no longer
su((orted. If ou o(en a wor-sheet containing a dna#ic slice in %M1 ?..E the slice is rendered as a JclassicJ slice reflecting
the state of the slice the last ti#e it was sa$ed. )n for#atting a((lied to the dna#ic slice is lost when the slice is o(ened in
%M1 ?.. or later.
Acti(e Forms &(er(ie
)cti$e ;or#s are i#(le#ented through a series of wor-sheet functions that define the co#(onents of a for#E such as
title ele#entsE row ele#entsE and dis(la (ro(erties.
Creating an Acti(e Form
You can create an )cti$e ;or# fro# the &u+e 0iewer or directl in Excel.
+or"ing it' Acti(e Forms
)cti$e ;or#s (ro$ide a full co#(le#ent of o(tions that let ou #odif for#s to suit our analsis and re(orting
Formatting Acti(e Forms
)cti$e ;or# for#atting is defined directl in the wor-sheet containing the for#. B defaultE row ele#ents are for#atted
)rial 1@ (t. regular with a slate +lue +ac-groundE while data cells are for#atted )rial 1@ (t. regular with a light gra
+ac-ground using the nu#+er for#at fro# the source $iew.
Acti(e Forms in TM1 +eb
If a Microsoft Excel wor-sheet containing an )cti$e ;or# is added to %M1 a((licationsE the )cti$e ;or# can +e accessed
in %M1 /e+ through the corres(onding /e+sheet.
Acti(e Form Functions
%he following wor-sheet functions are used to create )cti$e ;or#s. /hen ou generate an )cti$e ;or# through the user
interfaceE these functions are auto#aticall inserted into the a((ro(riate locations in the wor-sheet. You can #ani(ulate
these functions as desired to #anage )cti$e ;or#s.
Acti(e Form Usage 4otes
You should +e aware of conditions and li#itations when using )cti$e ;or#s.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
227 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.1. Acti(e Forms &(er(ie
)cti$e ;or#s are i#(le#ented through a series of wor-sheet functions that define the co#(onents of a for#E such as title
ele#entsE row ele#entsE and dis(la (ro(erties.
/hen ou insert an )cti$e ;or# in a wor-sheetE the for# JownsJ all rows that are required to dis(la the for#. You cannot
insert additional data or o+1ects Csuch as charts or i#agesD in an row that is occu(ied + an )cti$e ;or#E as the dataBo+1ect
will +e deleted when the for# is recalculated.
)cti$e ;or#s su((ort #ost features a$aila+le in the &u+e 0iewer.
selecta+le title di#ensions
stac-ed row and colu#n di#ensions
ex(anda+leBcolla(si+le consolidations Crows onlD
=ero su((ression Crows onlD
data s(reading
In additionE )cti$e ;or#s allow ou to define for# for#attingE through the use of standard Excel for#at o(tionsE directl in
the wor-sheet.
4ote0 &olu#n di#ensions are static in )cti$e ;or#s. You cannot ex(and or colla(se consolidated colu#n ele#ents in an
)cti$e ;or#. %hough the colu#n di#ension ele#ents are set when the )cti$e ;or# is initiall generatedE ou )an #anuall
edit the colu#n ele#ents. )s long as ou enter a $alid ele#ent na#e for a colu#n ele#entE the )cti$e ;or# will return
$alues fro# the ser$er.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
228 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.#. Creating an Acti(e Form
You can create an )cti$e ;or# fro# the &u+e 0iewer or directl in Excel.
Creating an Acti(e Form from t'e Cube 7ieer
%here are two was to create an )cti$e ;or# fro# the &u+e 0iewer.
Creating an Acti(e Form in Microsoft )*cel
You can create an )cti$e ;or# directl in Excel without using the &u+e 0iewer.
Sa(ing an Acti(e Form
)n )cti$e ;or# is sa$ed with the Microsoft Excel wor-sheet.
,ecalculating an Acti(e Form
%here are se$eral o(tions for recalculating an )cti$e ;or#.
5eleting an Acti(e Form
You can selecti$el delete indi$idual )cti$e ;or#s fro# a wor-sheet. /hen ou delete an )cti$e ;or#E onl the data area
is re#o$ed fro# the wor-sheet. %he colu#n headingsE title ele#entsE and for#atting area re#ain in the wor-sheet.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
229 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.#.1. Creating an Acti(e Form from t'e Cube 7ieer
%here are two was to create an )cti$e ;or# fro# the &u+e 0iewer.
You can use the #enu or the tool+ar +utton t( create an )cti$e ;or# fro# &u+e 0iewerI
;ro# the File #enuE clic- Acti(e Form 1.
;ro# the %ool+arE clic- the )cti$e ;or# +utton . %he )cti$e ;or# is created in a new e#(t Excel wor-sheet. 2.
/arent topic0 &reating an )cti$e ;or#
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
230 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.#.#. Creating an Acti(e Form in Microsoft )*cel
You can create an )cti$e ;or# directl in Excel without using the &u+e 0iewer.
If a wor-sheet is e#(tE ou can insert an )cti$e ;or# anwhere in the sheet.
If a wor-sheet alread contains one or #ore )cti$e ;or#sE ou can insert a new )cti$e ;or# a+o$e or +elow existing
for#s. Each for# uses its own titleE rowE and colu#n di#ensions.
You cannot insert a new for# within an row that alread contains an )cti$e ;or#.
Right3clic- an e#(t cellE clic- Acti(e FormE then clic- Insert Acti(e Form.
%he Insert )cti$e ;or# dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter a na#e for the for# in the Acti(e Form 4ame +ox.
B defaultE for#s are na#ed )R'%YE where Y is a nu#+er that is sequentiall incre#ented for each for# in a wor-sheet.
%he first for# in a wor-sheet is na#ed )R'%1E the second for# is na#ed )R'%2E and so on.
Select the ser$er on which the )cti$e ;or# data resides. !.
&lic- the cu+e containing the for# data. ..
&lic- the $iew that corres(onds to the data configuration ou want to use in the for#. 6.
&lic- Insert. 8.
/arent topic0 &reating an )cti$e ;or#
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
231 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.#.3. Sa(ing an Acti(e Form
)n )cti$e ;or# is sa$ed with the Microsoft Excel wor-sheet.
,se the standard Excel Sa$e o(tions to sa$e an )cti$e ;or#.
/arent topic0 &reating an )cti$e ;or#
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
232 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.#.6. ,ecalculating an Acti(e Form
%here are se$eral o(tions for recalculating an )cti$e ;or#.
You can u(date data $alues in +oth the current for# and the current Excel wor-sheet + following the ste(s +elowI
%o u(date data $alues in the current for#I
&lic- F= to u(date data $alues in the current for# configuration.
%o u(date data $alues in the current Excel wor-sheetI
Right3clic- an )cti$e ;or# cell. 1.
&lic- Acti(e FormE then clic- ,ebuild Current S'eet to re+uild the )cti$e ;or#s in the current Excel wor-sheet.
)n te#(orar configuration #odifications ou ha$e a((lied to the for#s will +e discarded and the for#s will re$ert
to their #ost recent sa$ed state. You can also (ress A.T;F= to re+uild the current sheet.
%o u(date data $alues in all Excel wor-sheetsI
Right3clic- an )cti$e ;or# cell. 1.
&lic- Acti(e FormE then clic- ,ebuild Current $oo" to re+uild all )cti$e ;or#s in all wor-sheet in the current Excel
)n te#(orar configuration #odifications ou ha$e a((lied to the for#s will +e discarded and the for#s will re$ert
to their #ost recent sa$ed state.
You can control the default +eha$ior of recalculating )cti$e ;or#s using the %M1Re+uild and %M1Re+uild2efault configuration
(ara#eters. See the IB# Cognos# !"# Installation and Configuration Guide for #ore infor#ation.
/arent topic0 &reating an )cti$e ;or#
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
233 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.#.A. 5eleting an Acti(e Form
You can selecti$el delete indi$idual )cti$e ;or#s fro# a wor-sheet. /hen ou delete an )cti$e ;or#E onl the data area is
re#o$ed fro# the wor-sheet. %he colu#n headingsE title ele#entsE and for#atting area re#ain in the wor-sheet.
&lic- anwhere in the data area of the )cti$e ;or# ou want to delete. 1.
&lic- the 5elete +utton on the )cti$e ;or# tool+ar.
You can also right3clic- an )cti$e ;or#E then clic- Acti(e FormE 5elete.
/arent topic0 &reating an )cti$e ;or#
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
234 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3. +or"ing it' Acti(e Forms
)cti$e ;or#s (ro$ide a full co#(le#ent of o(tions that let ou #odif for#s to suit our analsis and re(orting require#ents.
Suppressing<5isplaying Eeroes
You can selecti$el su((ress or dis(la rows containing onl =ero $alues in an )cti$e ;or#.
)cti$e ;or#s su((ort filtering onl when a filter is (resent in the $iew fro# which the for# originates.
5ata Spreading and 1olding
)cti$e ;or#s su((ort all data s(reading and holding o(erations.
5rilling to ,elated 5ata
If the source $iew for an )cti$e ;or# includes drill (rocesses and rulesE ou can drill through to detailed data fro# an
)cti$e ;or#. 2rill (rocesses and rules #ust +e created + the %M1 de$elo(er. ;or #ore infor#ationE see the IBM &ognos
%M1 2e$elo(er Guide.
)diting ,o Subsets
%he row su+set for an )cti$e ;or# is defined + the %M1R'%RO/ function and is set when the for# is originall
generated fro# a cu+e $iewE +ut ou can use the %M1 Su+set Editor to #odif the row su+set.
Sa(ing t'e ,o Subset as a Static .ist of )lements
If ou drill downBroll u( row ele#ents or otherwise #odif a row su+set without ex(licitl sa$ing the su+set in the Su+set
EditorE our #odifications will +e discarded when ou re+uild the wor-sheet containing the )cti$e ;or#E or when ou
close and then reo(en the wor-sheet.
C'anging Title )lements
You can access a co#(letel different $iew of cu+e data + changing an ele#ent in a title di#ension.
Inserting a 5ependent Section
2e(endent sections let ou Js(litJ an )cti$e ;or# into two or #ore sections. ) de(endent section uses the sa#e colu#n
and title di#ensions as the (arent )cti$e ;or# with which it is associatedE +ut has unique row ele#ents.
Inserting Columns
You can insert a colu#n anwhere within an )cti$e ;or#. ) colu#n can +e inserted in an of the locations.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
235 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.1. Suppressing<5isplaying Eeroes
You can selecti$el su((ress or dis(la rows containing onl =ero $alues in an )cti$e ;or#.
Right3clic- an cell in a for#. 1.
&lic- Acti(e FormE then clic- Suppress Eero
%he Su((ress <eroes o(tion is a toggle. /hen =eroes are su((ressedE the Su((ress <eroes +utton a((ears with an
orange +ac-ground and an rows containing onl =ero $alues are re#o$ed fro# the for#.
/hen =eroes are not su((ressedE rows containing =ero $alues are $isi+le in the for# and the Su((ress <eroes o(tion
a((ears without a chec- #ar-.
<ero su((ression is controlled + the $alue of the <eroSu((ression argu#ent to the %M1R(t0iew function. If this
argu#ent $alue is 1E =eroes are su((ressed in the )cti$e ;or#L if the argu#ent $alue is @E =eroes are not su((ressed in
the )cti$e ;or#. /hen ou #odif the Su((ress <eros o(tion through the user interfaceE the <eroSu((ression argu#ent
$alue is i##ediatel u(dated to the a((ro(riate $alue.
4ote0 If ou ha$e #odified the %M1R(t0iew function to use a cell reference to return the <eroSu((ression argu#ent
$alueE the cell reference will +e o$erwritten with a hard $alue C1 or @D when ou #odif the Su((ress <eros o(tion
through the user interface.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
236 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.#. Filtering
)cti$e ;or#s su((ort filtering onl when a filter is (resent in the $iew fro# which the for# originates.
;or general filtering (roceduresE see /or-ing with &u+e 0iews.
Right3clic- a cell in an )cti$e ;or#. 1.
&lic- Acti(e FormE then clic- Filter. 2.
In the ;ilter 0iew dialog +oxE define the filter ou want to a((l to the )cti$e ;or#. !.
&lic- &2. ..
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
237 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.3. 5ata Spreading and 1olding
)cti$e ;or#s su((ort all data s(reading and holding o(erations.
;or #ore infor#ationE see ,sing 2ata S(reading.
Applying data spreading
You can a((l data s(reading.
Applying data 'olding
You can a((l data holding.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
238 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.3.1. Applying data spreading
You can a((l data s(reading.
Right3clic- the cell fro# which ou want to initiate data s(reading. 1.
&lic- 5ata SpreadingE then clic- the desired s(reading #ethod. 2.
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading and *olding
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
239 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.3.#. Applying data 'olding
You can a((l data holding.
Right3clic- the cell to which ou want to a((l data holding. 1.
&lic- 1oldsE then clic- the desired holding #ethod. 2.
/arent topic0 2ata S(reading and *olding
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
240 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.6. 5rilling to ,elated 5ata
If the source $iew for an )cti$e ;or# includes drill (rocesses and rulesE ou can drill through to detailed data fro# an )cti$e
;or#. 2rill (rocesses and rules #ust +e created + the %M1H de$elo(er. ;or #ore infor#ationE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1
2e$elo(er Guide.
Right3clic- a cell in an )cti$e ;or#E then clic- 5rill.
If the drill rule for the selected cell is associated with a single data sourceE the detailed data o(ens i##ediatel.
If the drill rule for the selected cell is associated with #ulti(le data sourceE clic- the data source ou want to $iewE then clic-
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
241 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.A. )diting ,o Subsets
%he row su+set for an )cti$e ;or# is defined + the %M1R'%RO/ function and is set when the for# is originall generated
fro# a cu+e $iewE +ut ou can use the %M1H Su+set Editor to #odif the row su+set.
;or details on using the Su+set EditorE see /or-ing with Su+sets.
Right3clic- the first Cto(D row ele#ent in the )cti$e ;or#. 1.
&lic- Acti(e FormE then clic- )dit Subset. 2.
2efine a su+set using the o(tions a$aila+le in the Su+set Editor. !.
&lic- &2. ..
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
242 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.B. Sa(ing t'e ,o Subset as a Static .ist of )lements
If ou drill downBroll u( row ele#ents or otherwise #odif a row su+set without ex(licitl sa$ing the su+set in the Su+set
EditorE our #odifications will +e discarded when ou re+uild the wor-sheet containing the )cti$e ;or#E or when ou close
and then reo(en the wor-sheet.
If ou want to sa$e #odifications to a row su+set #ade outside of the Su+set EditorE ou #ust ex(licitl sa$e the row
ele#ents as a static list of ele#ents. %his se$ers the connection to the su+set originall used to create the )cti$e ;or#E so
an changes to the original su+set will not a((ear in the for#.
Right3clic- an )cti$e ;or# cell. 1.
&lic- Acti(e FormE then clic- Sa(e ,o )lements as Static .ist. 2.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
243 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.C. C'anging Title )lements
You can access a co#(letel different $iew of cu+e data + changing an ele#ent in a title di#ension.
2ou+le3clic- a title ele#ent. 1.
&lic- a new ele#ent in the Su+set Editor. 2.
&lic- &2. !.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
244 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.D. Inserting a 5ependent Section
2e(endent sections let ou Js(litJ an )cti$e ;or# into two or #ore sections. ) de(endent section uses the sa#e colu#n and
title di#ensions as the (arent )cti$e ;or# with which it is associatedE +ut has unique row ele#ents.
/hen ou insert a de(endent sectionE ou can s(ecif a nu#+er of rows to lea$e e#(t +etween the (arent )cti$e ;or# and
the de(endent section. %his is useful when ou want to insert custo# functionsE textE or other data into the rows +etween the
)cti$e ;or# and the de(endent section.
Right3clic- anwhere within an )cti$e ;or#E clic- Acti(e FormE then clic- Insert Acti(e Form Section.
%he Insert )cti$e ;or# Section dialog +ox o(ens.
Enter a na#e for the section in the Acti(e Form Section 4ame +ox.
B defaultE for#s and sections are na#ed )R'%YE where Y is a nu#+er that is sequentiall incre#ented for each for# or
section in a wor-sheet. %he first for# or section in a wor-sheet is na#ed )R'%1E the second for# or section is na#ed
)R'%2E and so on.
&lic- a row di#ension na#e in the 5imension list. !.
&lic- the su+set ou want to use in the de(endent slice in the Subset list.
If the su+set ou want to use does not existE ou can clic- to o(en the Su+set Editor and select the row ele#ents for
the de(endent section.
Select a 4umber of ,os $elo $alue to s(ecif the nu#+er of e#(t rows +etween the (arent )cti$e ;or# and the
de(endent section.
&lic- &2.
%he de(endent section is inserted directl +elow the (arent for#E with the s(ecified inter$ening rows. You can #odif the
row su+set for either the (arent for# or the de(endent section inde(endent of the other. You can also insert data into the
rows +etween the (arent for# and the de(endent section. %he inter$ening row s(acing is #aintained when ou ex(and
or colla(se consolidated row ele#ents.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
245 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.=. Inserting Columns
You can insert a colu#n anwhere within an )cti$e ;or#. ) colu#n can +e inserted in an of the locations.
directl within the )cti$e ;or#
to the left of the )cti$e ;or#
to the right of the )cti$e ;or#
Inserted colu#ns (ersist when a $iew is recalculated + (ressing ;? or re+uilt + (ressing )"%M;?.
Adding Functions to an Acti(e Form
)fter ou insert a colu#nE ou can use that colu#n to create an Excel wor-sheet function in the first row of an )cti$e
;or#. /hen ou recalculate the )cti$e ;or#E the new function will auto#aticall +e co(ied to all rows in the for#.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
246 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.3.=.1. Adding Functions to an Acti(e Form
)fter ou insert a colu#nE ou can use that colu#n to create an Excel wor-sheet function in the first row of an )cti$e ;or#.
/hen ou recalculate the )cti$e ;or#E the new function will auto#aticall +e co(ied to all rows in the for#.
If ou insert a new colu#n to the left of an )cti$e ;or# and insert a S,M function in the first rowE the function will +e co(ied
to all rows of the for# when ou recalculate.
If ou #odif the row ele#ents for the for#E either + editing the colu#n su+set or + ex(andingBcolla(sing consolidationsE
the function are auto#aticall co(ied to all rows occu(ied + the )cti$e ;or#.
/arent topic0 Inserting &olu#ns
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
247 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.6. Formatting Acti(e Forms
)cti$e ;or# for#atting is defined directl in the wor-sheet containing the for#. B defaultE row ele#ents are for#atted )rial
1@ (t. regular with a slate +lue +ac-groundE while data cells are for#atted )rial 1@ (t. regular with a light gra +ac-ground
using the nu#+er for#at fro# the source $iew.
,e(ealing t'e Format ,ange
;or#atting is defined in a for#at rangeE which is hidden + default. You #ust re$eal the for#at range +efore ou can
#odif the default for#atting or create new for#at definitions.
Understanding Application of 5efault Formatting
%he default for#at definitions in an )cti$e ;or# are fairl si#(le.
Modifying Acti(e Form Format 5efinitions
/hen ou #odif the for#atting of a cell in the for#at rangeE all )cti$e ;or#s in the sheet that use the corres(onding
for#at definition are u(dated when ou recalculate the for#.
Creating Additional Formats
You can create #ulti(le additional for#at definitions for an )cti$e ;or#. Each for#at definition #ust +e assigned a
unique la+elE and all for#at definitions #ust +e inserted +etween the Begin ;or#at Range and End ;or#at Range la+els.
Applying Formatting in an Acti(e Form
If our )cti$e ;or# uses #ore than one for#at definitionE colu#n ) of the first row in our )cti$e ;or# #ust contain a
function that resol$es to one of the for#at definition la+els in the for#at range. You cannot use hard3coded $alues when
s(ecifing for#at definition la+els in colu#n )E as the for#at definition la+el in the first row will auto#aticall +e co(ied
to all other rows in the for#E o$erwriting the hard3coded $alues.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
248 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.6.1. ,e(ealing t'e Format ,ange
;or#atting is defined in a for#at rangeE which is hidden + default. You #ust re$eal the for#at range +efore ou can #odif
the default for#atting or create new for#at definitions.
%o re$eal the for#at rangeE right3clic- anwhere in the )cti$e ;or#. 1.
Select Acti(e FormE then clic- S'o Format Area.
%he )cti$e ;or# should a((ear si#ilar to the following i#age.
Row 1 contains the Begin ;or#at Range la+elE while row : contains the End ;or#at Range la+el. )ll for#atting for the
)cti$e ;or# #ust +e defined +etween these la+els.
Rows 2 through 9 contain the default for#at definitions for the )cti$e ;or#. In the a+o$e exa#(leE cells B2IB9 define
the for#atting for row ele#ents in the )cti$e ;or#. &ells &2IE9 define the for#atting for data cells in the for#.
&olu#n ) in rows 2 through 9 contains the for#at definition la+els for each default for#at definition. ;or#at
definition la+els can +e nu#+ersE lettersE or strings.
;or each data row in the )cti$e ;or#E colu#n ) contains a $alue that deter#ines which for#at definition should +e
a((lied to the row. /hen ou first generate an )cti$e ;or#E the for#at definition corres(onding to the le$el of each
su+set ele#ent is a((lied.
In the a+o$e exa#(leE /orld is a @3le$el ele#ent in the row su+setE so the @ for#at definition is a((lied to the /orld
row Crow 19D.
/arent topic0 ;or#atting )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
249 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.6.#. Understanding Application of 5efault Formatting
%he default for#at definitions in an )cti$e ;or# are fairl si#(le.
Format 5efinition .abel 5escription
@ Row ele#ents cellsI 1@ (t. )rialE (ale +lue shadingE no +order.
2ata cellsI ? (t. )rialE (ale +lue shadingE no +order.
1 Row ele#ents cellsI 1@ (t. )rialE (ale ellow shadingE no +order.
2ata cellsI ? (t. )rialE (ale ellow shadingE no +order.
2 Row ele#ents cellsI 1@ (t. )rialE (ale ellow shadingE no +order.
2ata cellsI ? (t. )rialE (ale ellow shadingE no +order.
! Row ele#ents cellsI 1@ (t. )rialE (ale ellow shadingE no +order.
2ata cellsI ? (t. )rialE (ale ellow shadingE no +order.
2 Row ele#ents cellsI 1@ (t. )rialE (ale ellow shadingE no +order.
2ata cellsI ? (t. )rialE (ale ellow shadingE no +order.
7 Row ele#ents cellsI 1@ (t. )rialE no shadingE no +order.
2ata cellsI ? (t. )rialE no shadingE no +order.
%he a((lication of these for#at definitions is deter#ined + the return $alue of the I; function in colu#n ) for each row in
our )cti$e ;or#.
%he I; function uses se$eral )cti$e Re(ort wor-sheet functions. %he +asic logic of the I; function is as followsI
2eter#ine if the row ele#ent is a consolidationI
If the row ele#ent is a consolidationE deter#ine if the su+set ele#ent le$el of the consolidation is less than or equal to !.
If the su+set ele#ent le$el of the consolidation is less than or equal to !E return the su+set ele#ent le$el $alue. If the
su+set ele#ent le$el of the consolidation is greater then !E return 2.
If the row ele#ent is not a consolidationE return 7.
4ote0 /ithin the I; functionE the %M1R%'E""E0 function is used to deter#ine the su+set ele#ent le$el of a consolidated
row ele#ent. %his function is distinct fro# the E""E0 wor-sheet function. %M1R%'E""E0 returns the le$el of an ele#ent
within a su+setE while E""E0 returns the le$el of an ele#ent in a di#ension. ;or further detailsE see the docu#entation of
the %M1R(tEl"e$ function.
/arent topic0 ;or#atting )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
250 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.6.3. Modifying Acti(e Form Format 5efinitions
/hen ou #odif the for#atting of a cell in the for#at rangeE all )cti$e ;or#s in the sheet that use the corres(onding for#at
definition are u(dated when ou recalculate the for#.
;or exa#(leE if ou #odif for#at definition 1 + a((ling an orange +ac-ground to cell &!E a green +ac-ground to cell 2!E
and a ellow +ac-ground to cell E!E all )cti$e ;or# rows that use for#at definition 1 will dis(la those +ac-ground colors.
/hen #odifing a cell in the for#at rangeE ou can a((l all standard cell for#ats a$aila+le in the Excel ;or#at &ells dialog
)n text or nu#+ers entered in a for#atting row are ignoredE so ou can safel enter notes or characters to #a-e it eas to
identif the for#at of an gi$en cell in the for#at rangeE as in the following exa#(le.
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/arent topic0 ;or#atting )cti$e ;or#s
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=.6.6. Creating Additional Formats
You can create #ulti(le additional for#at definitions for an )cti$e ;or#. Each for#at definition #ust +e assigned a unique
la+elE and all for#at definitions #ust +e inserted +etween the Begin ;or#at Range and End ;or#at Range la+els.
&lic- the )nd Format ,ange la+el. 1.
;ro# the Excel Insert #enuE clic- ,o.
) new for#atting row is inserted in the for#at rangeE inheriting the for#atting of the (receding for#at row.
,se the Excel Format Cells dialog +ox to a((l for#atting to the cells in the new for#atting row.
)n text or nu#+ers entered in a for#atting row are ignoredE so ou can safel enter notes or characters to #a-e it eas
to identif the for#at of an gi$en cell in the for#at range.
In colu#n )E assign a unique for#at definition la+el to the for#atting row. ..
/arent topic0 ;or#atting )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
253 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.6.A. Applying Formatting in an Acti(e Form
If our )cti$e ;or# uses #ore than one for#at definitionE colu#n ) of the first row in our )cti$e ;or# #ust contain a
function that resol$es to one of the for#at definition la+els in the for#at range. You cannot use hard3coded $alues when
s(ecifing for#at definition la+els in colu#n )E as the for#at definition la+el in the first row will auto#aticall +e co(ied to all
other rows in the for#E o$erwriting the hard3coded $alues.
&lic- the cell at the intersection of colu#n ) and the first data row in our )cti$e ;or#. 1.
Insert a function that will resol$e to an of the for#at definition la+els set in the for#at range. 2.
'ress A.TMF= to re+uild the )cti$e ;or# and $iew the for#atting. !.
If the function in colu#n ) resol$es to a $alue that is not used as a for#at definition nu#+erE no for#atting is a((lied to
the )cti$e ;or# row.
/arent topic0 ;or#atting )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
254 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.A. Acti(e Forms in TM1 +eb
If a Microsoft Excel wor-sheet containing an )cti$e ;or# is added to %M1H a((licationsE the )cti$e ;or# can +e accessed in
%M1 /e+ through the corres(onding /e+sheet.
%he following two new +uttons are on the /e+sheet tool+ar to si#(lif wor-ing with )cti$e ;or#s.
$utton 4ame /urpose
Re+uild Re+uilds the )cti$e ;or# according to the for# definition in the
TM1RPTVIEW function.
&olu#n Resi=e /idens the colu#n in a /e+sheet to dis(la all cell data. Select the
colu#n and clic- the +utton.
4ote0 If an Excel wor-sheet contains #ulti(le )cti$e ;or#s that originate fro# #ore than one %M1 ser$erE our
userna#eB(assword co#+ination #ust +e identical on all ser$ers to successfull $iew the corres(onding /e+sheet.
;or exa#(leE if a wor-sheet contains one )cti$e ;or# fro# Ser$er) and one )cti$e ;or# fro# Ser$erBE the
userna#eB(assword co#+ination ou use to access Ser$er) #ust +e identical to the userna#eB(assword co#+ination ou
use to access Ser$erB to successfull $iew the )cti$e ;or#s in a single /e+sheet. If our userna#eB(assword co#+ination is
not identical on all %M1 ser$ers re(resented in a /e+sheetE the /e+sheet will dis(la inco#(lete data.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
255 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.B. Acti(e Form Functions
%he following wor-sheet functions are used to create )cti$e ;or#s. /hen ou generate an )cti$e ;or# through the user
interfaceE these functions are auto#aticall inserted into the a((ro(riate locations in the wor-sheet. You can #ani(ulate
these functions as desired to #anage )cti$e ;or#s.
%hese functionsE along with all other wor-sheet functionsE are descri+ed in the IBMH &ognosH %M1H (eferen)e Guide.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or#s
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256 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.C. Acti(e Form Usage 4otes
You should +e aware of conditions and li#itations when using )cti$e ;or#s.
S'eet 4ames Cannot Include 5as' 9!: C'aracter
If a wor-sheet contains an )cti$e ;or#E the na#e assigned to the wor-sheet cannot include the dash character C3D.
Merging Cells In an Acti(e Form ,e-uires a ,ebuild
If ou #erge a cell containing a S,B7M for#ula Cused to retrie$e title ele#ents for an )cti$e ;or#DE ou #ust re+uild the
for# using )"%M;? after selecting a new title ele#ent. If ou do not re+uildE the )cti$e ;or# will dis(la data for the
(re$ious title ele#ent.
Acti(e Forms ,e-uire at .east &ne ,o 5imension
%he cu+e $iew fro# which ou generate an )cti$e ;or# #ust contain at least one row di#ension. If the $iew does not
contain a row di#ensionE the )cti$e ;or# will not dis(la an data $alues.
Using Cell and /assord /rotection it' Acti(e Forms
IBM &ognos %M1 )cti$e ;or#s su((ort cell le$el (rotection a((lied in Microsoft ExcelE +ut do not su((ort (assword
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or#s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
257 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.C.1. S'eet 4ames Cannot Include 5as' 9!: C'aracter
If a wor-sheet contains an )cti$e ;or#E the na#e assigned to the wor-sheet cannot include the dash character C3D.
If ou use a dash in the na#e of a wor-sheet containing an )cti$e ;or#E ou will recei$e in$alid na#e errors when ou
recalculate the wor-sheet and the data in the )cti$e ;or# will not u(date correctl.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or# ,sage 7otes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
258 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
=.C.#. Merging Cells In an Acti(e Form ,e-uires a ,ebuild
If ou #erge a cell containing a S,B7M for#ula Cused to retrie$e title ele#ents for an )cti$e ;or#DE ou #ust re+uild the
for# using )"%M;? after selecting a new title ele#ent. If ou do not re+uildE the )cti$e ;or# will dis(la data for the (re$ious
title ele#ent.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or# ,sage 7otes
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=.C.3. Acti(e Forms ,e-uire at .east &ne ,o 5imension
%he cu+e $iew fro# which ou generate an )cti$e ;or# #ust contain at least one row di#ension. If the $iew does not
contain a row di#ensionE the )cti$e ;or# will not dis(la an data $alues.
;or exa#(leE the following cu+e $iew is configured without a row di#ension.
If ou generate an )cti$e ;or# fro# this $iewE the resulting for# contains no data.
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or# ,sage 7otes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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=.C.6. Using Cell and /assord /rotection it' Acti(e Forms
IBMH &ognosH %M1H )cti$e ;or#s su((ort cell le$el (rotection a((lied in Microsoft ExcelE +ut do not su((ort (assword
Acti(e Forms and Cell /rotection
You can a((l cell le$el (rotection without a (assword for an )cti$e ;or# in Excel using the Excel %ools #enuE 'rotectionE
'rotect Sheet o(tion. %he cell (rotectionE without a (asswordE is su((orted and a((lied in the following scenariosI
/hen the )cti$e ;or# is $iewed in ExcelB'ers(ecti$es .
/hen the )cti$e ;or# is $iewed as a /e+sheet in %M1 /e+.
Acti(e Forms and /assord /rotection
)cti$e ;or#s do not full su((ort (assword (rotected wor-sheets in either ExcelB'ers(ecti$es or as a /e+sheet in %M1 /e+.
%his is +ecause of the dna#ic +eha$ior of )cti$e ;or#s that require frequent re+uilding of the data (resentation which
causes a conflict with the exact t(e of +eha$ior that (assword (rotection is designed to (re$ent.
If ou a((l ExcelJs 'rotect Sheet feature with a (assword to a wor-sheet that contains an )cti$e ;or#E ou will +e (ro#(ted
to enter the (assword whene$er ou o(en the wor-sheetE u(date the $alues C(ress ;?D or re+uild the wor-sheet. You #ust
enter the wor-sheet (assword each ti#e to allow the )cti$e ;or# to run and retrie$e data fro# %M1 .
Using Slices it' /assord /rotection as an Alternati(e
If ou need to (ro$ide users with read3onl access to (assword (rotected wor-+oo-s in Excel that contain %M1 dataE ou #a
want to consider using classic Slices as an alternati$e to )cti$e ;or#s. Slices in a wor-sheet do not use the sa#e dna#ic
+eha$ior as )cti$e ;or#sE and therefore do not (resent a conflict with (assword (rotection.
*owe$erE note that (assword (rotection is not su((orted when a wor-sheet is $iewed as a /e+sheet in %M1 /e+.
;or #ore details a+out SlicesE see the sectionE NSlicing a 0iew into a /or-sheetNE in the IBM &ognos %M1 *ser Guide
/arent topic0 )cti$e ;or# ,sage 7otes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
261 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10. Creating ,eports
%he IBMH &ognosH %M1H 'rint Re(ort /i=ard ena+les ou to generate N+riefing +oo-N3stle re(orts fro# %M1 slices. /hen
ou generate %M1 re(ortsE ou can select which title di#ensions to use in the re(ortE and the order in which the title
di#ension ele#ents a((ear in the re(ort.
%his section descri+es how to create %M1 re(orts in Microsoft Excel.
&(er(ie of TM1 ,eports
,sing the %M1 'rint Re(ort /i=ardE ou can generate %M1 re(orts that ou can share with other (eo(le in our
organi=ation in a nu#+er of was.
Creating TM1 ,eports
You create %M1 re(orts fro# slices using the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard. %he wi=ard guides ou through this (rocess.
Sa(ing and .oading TM1 /rint ?obs
You can sa$e our re(ort settings as a %M1 'rint 4o+ and load the# for later use. Settings are sa$ed in a %M1 Re(ort ;ile
with the file na#e extension .r(t.
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262 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.1. &(er(ie of TM1 ,eports
,sing the %M1H 'rint Re(ort /i=ardE ou can generate %M1 re(orts that ou can share with other (eo(le in our organi=ation
in a nu#+er of was.
/rint t'e report to a printer 3 'ro$ides a hard co( of the %M1 re(ort
Sa(e t'e report as an )*cel document 3 Generates a single file with se(arate sheets or (ages for each title ele#ent
co#+inationE or a series of filesE one file for each title ele#ent co#+ination
Sa(e t'e report as a /5F document 3 Generates a single file with indi$idual (ages for each title di#ension
co#+ination or a unique '2; file for each (ossi+le co#+ination of title ele#ents
Your re(orts can include an of the wor-sheets in our Excel wor-+oo- and ou can also sa$e the re(ort settings and load
the# for future use.
You should +e aware of the following ite#s when generating re(orts in %M1 I
You cannot generate re(orts directl fro# the In3S(readsheet Browser. You #ust first create a slice fro# the
In3S(readsheet BrowserE and then ou can generate a re(ort fro# the slice.
Standard %M1 securit a((lies to %M1 re(orts. If ou atte#(t to create a re(ort that includes ele#ents or cells to which
ou ha$e 7O7E (ri$ilegeE an re(ort cells affected + the (ri$ilege dis(la as Y7B) in the re(ort.
/arent topic0 &reating Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
263 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#. Creating TM1 ,eports
You create %M1H re(orts fro# slices using the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard. %he wi=ard guides ou through this (rocess.
Selecting the sheets to include in the re(ort
Selecting the title di#ensions and su+sets for the re(ort
Selecting wor-+oo- (rint o(tions
Selecting a (rint destination for the re(ort C(rinterE Excel fileE or '2; fileD
Sa$ing our re(ort settings
%he exa#(les used in this section are +ased on the following slice of the Sales&u+e cu+e in the %M1 sa#(le data+ase.
%he exa#(le slice contains three title di#ensions.
act$s+ud 3 ,ses the default su+set containing three ele#ents
account1 3 ,ses the default su+set containing six ele#ents
Your Excel wor-+oo- can also include our own wor-sheetsE which can +e included in the re(ort.
Setting t'e /age .ayout for TM1 ,eports
%he (age laout of the re(ort sheets is deter#ined fro# the Excel 'age Setu( (ro(erties of each sheet that is included
the %M1 re(ort.
Starting t'e /rint ,eport +iJard
In order to create a re(ort ou #ust start the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
Selecting t'e S'eets for t'e ,eport
You can select an of the wor-sheets fro# the current Excel wor-+oo- to include in our re(ort. %his ena+les ou to
create a re(ort that co#+ines slice data with our own user3created wor-sheetsE such as title or chart (ages.
Selecting t'e Title 5imensions for t'e ,eport
%he )$aila+le %itle 2i#ensions +oxE located in the u((er left (ortion of screen 2 of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ardE lists the sheet
na#e and title di#ensions of the slice. ;or each di#ensionE this +ox also lists the current su+set na#e Cif a((lica+leDE the
nu#+er of ele#ents in the su+setE and the cell address of the title di#ension in the slice wor-sheet. If the current su+set
is unna#edE the su+set na#e does not a((ear in the list.
Selecting +or"boo" /rint &ptions
,se the lower section of screen 2 of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard to control the nu#+er and grou(ing of wor-sheets in the
re(ort. %his o(tion a((lies when our re(ort includes wor-sheets that contain %M1 slice data Cslice wor-sheetsD and
wor-sheets that do not contain slice data Cuser wor-sheetsD.
Selecting a /rint 5estination
%he final ste( of creating a re(ort is to select a (rint destination.
/rinting TM1 ,eports
%he following ste(s illustrate how to (rint %M1 re(orts.
Sa(ing t'e TM1 ,eport as an )*cel 5ocument
/hen ou sa$e the %M1 re(ort as a Microsoft Excel docu#entE ou can generate the re(ort into either a single Excel
wor-+oo- file or #ulti(le Excel wor-+oo- files.
Sa(ing t'e TM1 ,eport as a /5F 5ocument
/hen ou sa$e the %M1 re(ort as a '2; docu#entE ou can generate the re(ort into either a single '2; file or #ulti(le
'2; files.
/arent topic0 &reating Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
264 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.1. Setting t'e /age .ayout for TM1 ,eports
%he (age laout of the re(ort sheets is deter#ined fro# the Excel 'age Setu( (ro(erties of each sheet that is included the
%M1H re(ort.
Before ou generate the %M1 re(ortE ou can use Excel to set the (age laout of an sheet in the re(ort + selecting the
sheet and then clic-ing ;ileE 'age Setu( fro# the Excel #enu +ar. Select the (age laout o(tions for that s(ecific sheet and
then re(eat these ste(s to set the (age laout for an other sheet in the re(ort.
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
265 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.#. Starting t'e /rint ,eport +iJard
In order to create a re(ort ou #ust start the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
;ro# the Microsoft Excel #enu +arE clic- TM1 E /rint ,eport.
%he 'rint Re(ort /i=ard o(ens.
Select the o(tions ou want on each screen of the wi=ard.
,se the 4e*t +utton to ste( through the wi=ard.
)fter selecting our o(tionsE clic- Finis' to create the re(ort.
%he rest of this section descri+es the details of creating a re(ort.
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
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10.#.3. Selecting t'e S'eets for t'e ,eport
You can select an of the wor-sheets fro# the current Excel wor-+oo- to include in our re(ort. %his ena+les ou to create a
re(ort that co#+ines slice data with our own user3created wor-sheetsE such as title or chart (ages.
/or-sheets can +e one of two t(es.
TM1N slice or"s'eet 3 )n Excel wor-sheet that contains slice data.
User or"s'eet 3 )n Excel wor-sheet that does not include slice data. Exa#(les include title (agesE chartsE or other
;or exa#(leE if an Excel wor-+oo- contains one slice wor-sheetE na#ed Sales 2ataE and two user3created wor-sheetsE
na#ed M %itle 'age and M 7otes 'age.
You could choose to include onl the Sales 2ata and M %itle 'age wor-sheets in the re(ort.
,se the first screen of the wi=ard to select wor-sheets to include in the re(ort as followsI
%o include a wor-sheet in the re(ortE select the chec- +ox next to the sheet na#e
%o include all sheetsE clic- the Select All +utton
%o exclude all sheetsE clic- the Clear All +utton
)fter selecting the wor-sheets to include in the re(ortE clic- 4e*t.
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
267 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.6. Selecting t'e Title 5imensions for t'e ,eport
%he )$aila+le %itle 2i#ensions +oxE located in the u((er left (ortion of screen 2 of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ardE lists the sheet
na#e and title di#ensions of the slice. ;or each di#ensionE this +ox also lists the current su+set na#e Cif a((lica+leDE the
nu#+er of ele#ents in the su+setE and the cell address of the title di#ension in the slice wor-sheet. If the current su+set is
unna#edE the su+set na#e does not a((ear in the list.
You select the title di#ensions to include in the re(ort + selecting and #o$ing the# fro# the )$aila+le %itle 2i#ensions list
to the Selected %itle 2i#ensions list.
Select the di#ensions ou want to include in the re(ortI
%o select a single di#ensionE clic- the di#ension.
%o select #ulti(le non3ad1acent di#ensionsE hold down &%R" and clic- each di#ension.
%o select #ulti(le ad1acent di#ensionsE clic- the first di#ensionE hold down S*I;%E and clic- the last di#ension.
)dd the selected di#ensions to the re(ortI
&lic- to #o$e selected di#ensions to the Selected Title 5imensions list.
You can also dou+le3clic- on a single di#ension to #o$e it fro# one list to the other list.
&lic- to re#o$e a di#ension fro# the Selected Title 5imensions list.
&lic- to #o$e all di#ensions to the Selected Title 5imensions list.
&lic- to re#o$e all di#ensions fro# the Selected Title 5imensions list.
If necessarE select a di#ension and use the u( and down arrows to change the order of title di#ensions in the Selected
Title 5imensions list.
%his order is used when the re(ort is generated. ;or detailsE see 2eter#ining the Order of Sheets in a Re(ort.
5etermining t'e 4umber of S'eets in a ,eport
In the following figureE the generated re(ort will include all (ossi+le co#+inations of ele#ents fro# the act$s+ud and
region title di#ensions. %here are three ele#ents in the act$s+ud title di#ension su+setE and !2 ele#ents in the region
title di#ension.
5etermining t'e &rder of S'eets in a ,eport
%he re(ort sheets are generated + ccling through the title di#ensions in the order the a((ear in the Selected %itle
2i#ensions list. ,sing the exa#(le fro# the (re$ious figureE the Excel sheets generate in the following orderI
Selecting 5imension Subsets for t'e ,eport
You can use the Su+set Editor to select a su+set of ele#ents for an di#ension that ou include in our re(ort.
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
268 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.6.1. 5etermining t'e 4umber of S'eets in a ,eport
In the following figureE the generated re(ort will include all (ossi+le co#+inations of ele#ents fro# the act$s+ud and region
title di#ensions. %here are three ele#ents in the act$s+ud title di#ension su+setE and !2 ele#ents in the region title
%he nu#+er of ele#ents for each title di#ension su+set is #ulti(liedE ! T !2E which ields ?8 (ossi+le co#+inations of title
ele#entsE or Excel sheets. %he total nu#+er of Excel sheets that are generated in a re(ort dis(las in the lower left corner of
the wi=ard. In this caseE the total nu#+er of Excel sheets is ?9E one user wor-sheet (lus ?8 title ele#ents.
)s ou add title di#ensions to a re(ortE the nu#+er of sheets can increase dra#aticall. ;or exa#(leE if ou add the
account1 title di#ension with six ele#ents to the re(ortE ?8 ele#ents + 8 ele#ents are #ulti(liedE which ields 698 Excel
sheets. %his would increase the nu#+er of sheets in the re(ort fro# ?9 to 699E one user wor-sheet (lus 698 title ele#ents.
/arent topic0 Selecting the %itle 2i#ensions for the Re(ort
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
269 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.6.#. 5etermining t'e &rder of S'eets in a ,eport
%he re(ort sheets are generated + ccling through the title di#ensions in the order the a((ear in the Selected %itle
2i#ensions list. ,sing the exa#(le fro# the (re$ious figureE the Excel sheets generate in the following orderI
;or an title di#ension ou do not include in the Selected %itle 2i#ensions listE the current title ele#ent in the slice is
used in all re(ort sheets. In the exa#(leE the account1 di#ension is not in the Selected %itle 2i#ensions listE so the
Sales ele#ent Cthe current title ele#ent in the sliceD is used in all re(ort sheets.
Sheets +egin generating using the first ele#ent fro# the unna#ed default su+set of the act$s+ud di#ensionE which is
Fee(ing the )ctual title ele#ent constantE the Excel sheets are then generated + ccling through all ele#ents of the
region di#ension.
)fter ccling through all ele#ents in the region di#ensionE the Excel sheets are generated using the second ele#ent fro#
the unna#ed default su+set of the act$s+ud di#ensionE which is Budget.
Fee(ing the Budget title ele#ent constantE the Excel sheets are generated + again ccling through all ele#ents of the
region di#ension.
)fter ccling through all ele#ents in the region di#ensionE the final Excel sheets are generated using the last ele#ent
fro# the unna#ed default su+set of the act$s+ud di#ension C0arianceDE and ccling through all ele#ents of the region
di#ension one last ti#e.
/arent topic0 Selecting the %itle 2i#ensions for the Re(ort
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
270 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.6.3. Selecting 5imension Subsets for t'e ,eport
You can use the Su+set Editor to select a su+set of ele#ents for an di#ension that ou include in our re(ort.
;or #ore infor#ation on using the Su+set EditorE see 7arrowing the "ist of Ele#ents.
,se the Su+set Editor to create or select a su+set in one of the following wasI
Temporary subset 3 create a newE +ut te#(orar su+set to use onl in the re(ort
4e subset 3 create and sa$e a new su+set that will +e a$aila+le for later use
)*isting subset 3 select an existing su+set
4ote0 ) te#(orar su+set is not sa$ed with our re(ort settings or with our %M1H data. %o #a-e a su+set a$aila+le for
future useE ou #ust sa$e and na#e the su+set in the Su+set Editor. %o sa$e the na#e of the selected su+set with our
re(ort settingsE ou #ust sa$e the re(ort as a 'rint 4o+.
Select the di#ension fro# the Selected %itle 2i#ensions +ox. 1.
&lic- Subset )ditor to o(en the Su+set Editor.
%he Su+set Editor o(ens.
,se the Su+set Editor to edit or select a su+set. 2o one of the following to finish selecting a su+setI
%o use a te#(orar su+setE clic- &2 to return to the wi=ard.
%he na#e of the te#(orar su+set dis(las as W%e#(orarV in the Selected %itle 2i#ensions +ox. ) te#(orar
su+set is used onl in the current re(ort and is not sa$ed for later use.
%o sa$e and use a new su+setE sa$e and na#e the su+set in the Su+set EditorE and then clic- &2 to return to the
'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
%o use an existing su+setE select the na#e of the su+set in the Su+set Editor and then clic- &2 to return to the 'rint
Re(ort /i=ard.
) na#ed su+set o(ens.
/arent topic0 Selecting the %itle 2i#ensions for the Re(ort
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271 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.A. Selecting +or"boo" /rint &ptions
,se the lower section of screen 2 of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard to control the nu#+er and grou(ing of wor-sheets in the re(ort.
%his o(tion a((lies when our re(ort includes wor-sheets that contain %M1H slice data Cslice wor-sheetsD and wor-sheets
that do not contain slice data Cuser wor-sheetsD.
%he a$aila+le o(tions includeI
/rint Single +or"boo" 3 'rints a single instance of each wor-sheet for the entire re(ort
/rint Multiple +or"boo"s 3 'rints an additional co( of each user wor-sheet for each di#ension ele#ent in the re(ort
%he following exa#(les include one user wor-sheetE M %itle 'ageE and the act$s+ud di#ensionE which includes three
di#ension ele#entsL )ctualE BudgetE and 0ariance.
/rint Single +or"boo"
If ou want the re(ort to create one co#(lete grou( of wor-sheetsE use the 'rint Single /or-+oo- o(tion. Each sheet in
the re(ort is (rinted onl onceE including user sheets that do not contain %M1 slice data.
/rint Multiple +or"boo"s
If ou want to organi=e the re(ort into #ulti(le grou(s +ased on di#ension ele#entsE select the 'rint Multi(le /or-+oo-s
o(tion. %his o(tion creates a re(ort with a larger nu#+er of sheets +ecause a co( of each user sheet is (rinted for each
title ele#ent.
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
272 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.A.1. /rint Single +or"boo"
If ou want the re(ort to create one co#(lete grou( of wor-sheetsE use the 'rint Single /or-+oo- o(tion. Each sheet in the
re(ort is (rinted onl onceE including user sheets that do not contain %M1H slice data.
/arent topic0 Selecting /or-+oo- 'rint O(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
273 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.A.#. /rint Multiple +or"boo"s
If ou want to organi=e the re(ort into #ulti(le grou(s +ased on di#ension ele#entsE select the 'rint Multi(le /or-+oo-s
o(tion. %his o(tion creates a re(ort with a larger nu#+er of sheets +ecause a co( of each user sheet is (rinted for each title
;or exa#(leE this o(tion re(eats the sa#e title (age for each of the three title ele#ents in the re(ort C)ctualE BudgetE and
0arianceD. %his creates a total of six (agesE organi=ed into three grou(s of two (ages each.
/hen ou use the 'rint Multi(le /or-+oo-s o(tion and sa$e the re(ort as either an Excel or '2; fileE ou also ha$e the
o(tion of sa$ing all these sheets into one indi$idual fileE or into #ulti(le files using the Generate 7ew /or-+oo- for Each %itle
)fter selecting the wor-+oo- o(tionsE clic- 4e*t to continue to the last screen of the wi=ard.
/arent topic0 Selecting /or-+oo- 'rint O(tions
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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10.#.B. Selecting a /rint 5estination
%he final ste( of creating a re(ort is to select a (rint destination.
/rint to /rinter 3 sends the re(ort directl to a (rinter or creates a (rinter3read file
Sa(e As )*cel Files 3 sa$es the re(ort as an Excel wor-+oo- file
Sa(e As /5F Files 3 sa$es the re(ort as a '2; docu#ent file
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
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10.#.C. /rinting TM1 ,eports
%he following ste(s illustrate how to (rint %M1H re(orts.
Select the 'rint to 'rinter o(tion on screen ! of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
%he following (rinter o(tions are a$aila+le.
&ption 5escription
'rinter 7a#e S(ecifies the (rinter where the re(ort (rints. Your sste# default (rinter is selected +
%o select a different (rinterE clic- the arrow +eside 'rinter 7a#e and select a (rinter
fro# the list.
7u#+er of &o(ies S(ecifies the nu#+er of co(ies of the re(ort that are (rinted
%o change the nu#+er of co(iesE enter a nu#+er in the +ox. You can also clic- the u(
arrow to increase the nu#+er of co(ies or clic- the down arrow to decrease the
nu#+er of co(ies.
'rint to ;ile Sa$es the re(ort as a (rinter3read file.
;ile 7a#e If ou select the 'rint to ;ile o(tionE ou #ust enter a full (ath to the file in the ;ile
7a#e +oxE or clic- Browse to na$igate to the director in which ou want to sa$e the
You #ust also s(ecif a file t(e. ;or exa#(leE if ou (rint to a file using a 'ostScri(t
(rinterE ou should a((end the .(s file t(e to the file na#e.
&ollate &ollates a re(ort that ou send to a (rinter.
If ou want to sa$e the re(ort settings as a %M1 'rint 4o+E clic- Sa(e As and s(ecif a director and file na#e. 2.
2o one of the following to finish (rintingI
If ou want to (re$iew the re(ort +efore (rintingE clic- /re(ie to $iew the re(ort in the Excel 'rint 're$iew window.
You can then either (rint or close the Excel 'rint 're$iew window without (rinting.
4ote0 &losing the Excel 'rint 're$iew window will also close the %M1 'rint Re(ort /i=ard. If ou want to sa$e our
re(ort settingsE #a-e sure ou sa$e the# +efore using (rint (re$iew.
If ou want to (rint the re(ort without using (rint (re$iewE clic- Finis' to (rint the re(ort directl to a (rinter or to a
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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10.#.D. Sa(ing t'e TM1 ,eport as an )*cel 5ocument
/hen ou sa$e the %M1H re(ort as a Microsoft Excel docu#entE ou can generate the re(ort into either a single Excel
wor-+oo- file or #ulti(le Excel wor-+oo- files.
Single )*cel or"boo" 9default: 3 Generates a single wor-+oo- with indi$idual wor-sheets for each title di#ension
co#+ination. %M1 na#es each wor-sheet according to the first title di#ension in the wor-sheet.
Multiple )*cel or"boo"s 3 Generates a unique Excel wor-+oo- for each (ossi+le co#+ination of title ele#ents in the
/hen ou sa$e a re(ort as an Excel docu#entE ou can create a re(ort that contains either of the following data t(esI
4umeric (alues report 3 2oes not retrie$e $alues fro# the ser$er. You can share a re(ort that contains nu#eric $alues
with anone +ecause the re(ort does not require access to the ser$er.
2BR/ formulas report 3 Retrie$es $alues fro# the ser$er. You cannot share a re(ort that contains 2BR/ for#ulas with
anone unless the ha$e access to the ser$er. *owe$erE this t(e of re(ort is alwas u(3to3date +ecause %M1 retrie$es
the current $alues fro# the ser$er. /ith a 2BR/ for#ulas re(ortE ou can write $alues to the ser$erE as the 2BR/
for#ula can +oth send data to and retrie$e data fro# the ser$er.
Select the Sa$e as Excel ;iles o(tion on screen three of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
%he following Excel docu#ent o(tions are a$aila+le.
&ption 5escription
Generate 7ew /or-+oo- for
Each %itle
Generate a new Excel wor-+oo- for each (ossi+le co#+ination of title ele#ents in the
re(ortE and sa$es the wor-+oo-s to the director ou s(ecif with the 2irector 7a#e
%o generate a single Excel wor-+oo- with indi$idual wor-sheets for each title
di#ension co#+inationE clear this o(tion.
;ile 7a#e If ou want to generate a single Excel wor-+oo-E s(ecif a file na#e for the
If ou s(ecif a full (athna#eE the re(ort uses the filena#e ou assign.
If ou s(ecif onl a filena#e without a (athE the file is sa$ed in the M 2ocu#ents
If ou s(ecif onl the director in which ou want to sa$e the re(ortE the file is
sa$ed with a na#e reflecting the selected title ele#ents of the first sheet in the
wor-+oo-. ;or exa#(leE )ctualU)rgentina.xls.
2irector 7a#e If ou want to generate a new Excel wor-+oo- for each (ossi+le co#+ination of title
ele#ents in the re(ortE s(ecif the director in which %M1 sa$es the wor-+oo-s.
Each new wor-+oo- is sa$ed with a na#e reflecting the title ele#ents used to
generate the re(ort. ;or exa#(leE a wor-+oo- na#ed )ctualU)rgentina.xls indicates
that the re(ort is generated using the )ctual and )rgentina title ele#ents.
&reate Sna(shot Generates wor-+oo-s containing nu#eric $alues that reflect the current slice $aluesE
and archi$es historical $alues. Because $alues are nu#ericE and $alues are not
retrie$ed fro# the ser$er through for#ulasE ou can share the wor-+oo-s ou create
with the &reate Sna(shot o(tion with anone.
%o generate wor-+oo-s containing 2BR/ for#ulas that retrie$e $alues fro# the
ser$er associated with the sliceE clear this o(tion.
You can share the wor-+oo-s containing 2BR/ for#ulas onl with users who ha$e
access to the ser$er fro# which the slice was created.
If ou want to sa$e the re(ort settings as a %M1 'rint 4o+E clic- Sa(e As and s(ecif a director and file na#e. 2.
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&lic- Finis' to sa$e the re(ort as an Excel docu#ent.
4ote0 /hen ou sa$e a re(ort as a single Excel wor-+oo- with indi$idual wor-sheets for each title di#ension
co#+inationE the nu#+er of wor-sheets that can generate is li#ited + a$aila+le #e#or Cas deter#ined + ExcelD.
If ou atte#(t to generate a re(ort that exceeds the a$aila+le #e#or li#itE an error #essage dis(las.
&lic- &2 to dis#iss the error. You #ust then change our re(ort configuration so that the re(ort contains fewer sheets.
%his is a trial3and3error (rocessL ou will not -now if our newl3configured re(ort exceeds the a$aila+le #e#or li#it
until ou atte#(t to generate the re(ort.
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
278 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.#.=. Sa(ing t'e TM1 ,eport as a /5F 5ocument
/hen ou sa$e the %M1H re(ort as a '2; docu#entE ou can generate the re(ort into either a single '2; file or #ulti(le '2;
Single /5F file 9default: 3 Generates a single '2; file with indi$idual (ages for each title di#ension co#+ination.
Multiple /5F files 3 Generates a unique '2; file for each (ossi+le co#+ination of title ele#ents in the re(ort.
Select the Sa$e as '2; ;iles o(tion on screen ! of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
%he following '2; docu#ent o(tions are a$aila+le.
&ption 5escription
Generate 7ew /or-+oo- for Each
Generates a new '2; file for each (ossi+le co#+ination of title ele#ents in the
re(ortE and sa$es the file to the director ou s(ecif with the 2irector 7a#e
%o generate a single '2; docu#ent with indi$idual (ages for each title di#ension
co#+inationE clear this o(tion.
;ile 7a#e If ou want to sa$e the %M1 re(ort as a single '2; fileE s(ecif a na#e for the
If ou s(ecif a full (athna#eE the '2; docu#ent uses the filena#e ou assign.
If ou s(ecif onl a filena#e without a (athE %M1 sa$es the '2; docu#ent in
our M 2ocu#ents director.
If ou s(ecif onl the director in which ou want to sa$e the '2; fileE %M1
sa$es the file with a na#e reflecting the selected title ele#ents of the first sheet
in the wor-+oo-. ;or exa#(leE )ctualU)rgentina.(df.
2irector 7a#e If ou want to generate a new '2; file for each (ossi+le co#+ination of title
ele#ents in the re(ortE s(ecif the director in which %M1 will sa$e the files.
%M1 sa$es each new '2; file with a na#e reflecting the title ele#ents used to
generate the re(ort. ;or exa#(leE a file na#ed )ctualU)rgentina.(df indicates
that %M1 will generate the re(ort using the )ctual and )rgentina title ele#ents.
If ou want to sa$e the re(ort settings as a %M1 'rint 4o+E clic- Sa(e As and s(ecif a director and file na#e. 2.
&lic- Finis' to sa$e the re(ort as a '2; docu#ent. !.
/arent topic0 &reating %M1 Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
279 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.3. Sa(ing and .oading TM1 /rint ?obs
You can sa$e our re(ort settings as a %M1H 'rint 4o+ and load the# for later use. Settings are sa$ed in a %M1 Re(ort ;ile
with the file na#e extension .r(t.
Sa(ing a TM1 /rint ?ob
You can sa$e a (rint 1o+.
.oading an )*isting TM1 /rint ?ob
You can load an existing (rint 1o+.
/arent topic0 &reating Re(orts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
280 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.3.1. Sa(ing a TM1 /rint ?ob
You can sa$e a (rint 1o+.
&lic- Sa(e As in the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
%he Sa$e %M1H 'rint 4o+ dialog +ox o(ens.
S(ecif a director and file na#e. 2.
&lic- Sa(e.
%he re(ort settings are sa$ed to the file and the title +ar of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard dis(las the file na#e.
/arent topic0 Sa$ing and "oading %M1 'rint 4o+s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
281 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
10.3.#. .oading an )*isting TM1 /rint ?ob
You can load an existing (rint 1o+.
&lic- .oad in the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
%he "oad %M1H 'rint 4o+ dialog +ox o(ens.
Browse to the director containing the %M1 Re(ort ;ile and select the file ou want to o(en. 2.
&lic- &pen.
%he re(ort (rint 1o+ is loaded and the file na#e is dis(laed in the title +ar of the 'rint Re(ort /i=ard.
/arent topic0 Sa$ing and "oading %M1 'rint 4o+s
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
282 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
11. TM1 +eb &(er(ie
IBMH &ognosH %M1H /e+ extends the analtical (ower of %M1 /e+ + offering a nu#+er of tas-s in a we+ +rowser.
)nal=e cu+e data
0iew and edit data in for#atted Excel re(orts
2rillE (i$otE selectE and filter data
Build charts fro# cu+e data
'erfor# so#e %M1 ser$er ad#inistration tas-s
Starting TM1 +eb
%he following ste(s illustrate how to log in to IBM &ognos %M1 /e+ .
Using TM1 +eb
%he %M1 /e+ #ain (age contains the 7a$igation (ane on the left and a &ontent (ane on the right.
5ata $rosing and Analysis Tas"s
%M1 /e+ (ro$ides tools for wor-ing with %M1 /e+sheetsE cu+e $iewsE charts and su+sets.
Administrator Tas"s
)s a %M1 /e+ ad#inistratorE ou can use %M1 /e+ to (erfor# ad#inistration tas-s.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
283 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
11.1. Starting TM1 +eb
%he following ste(s illustrate how to log in to IBMH &ognosH %M1H /e+ .
Start an internet +rowser. 1.
Enter the ,R" (ro$ided + our %M1 /e+ ad#inistratorE using the following exa#(le.
machine_name is the na#e of the /e+ ser$er used to deli$er %M1 /e+ (ages.
virtual_directory is the na#e of the $irtual director the /e+ ser$er uses to locate %M1 /e+ (ages. %he default
$irtual director na#e is %M1 /e+ .
%he %M1 /e+ "ogin (age o(ens.
Enter the login infor#ation.
Admin 1ost 3 %he na#e of the %M1 )d#in *ost ou use to locate an acti$e %M1 ser$er on our networ-.
TM1 Ser(er 3 %he na#e of the %M1 Ser$er ou want to access through %M1 /e+ . &lic- the down arrow to select
one of the %M1 Ser$ers a$aila+le on our networ-. &lic- ,efres' to u(date the list of ser$ers a$aila+le on our
4ote0 If the )d#inS$rSS"&ertI2 (ara#eter in the %M1 /e+ .config file is incorrectl configuredE the ser$er #enu
#a +e e#(t. See NRunning %M1 in Secure Mode using SS"N cha(ter of the IBM &ognos %M1 Installation and
Configuration Guide for details on this (ara#eter.
User 4ame 3 Your user na#e on the selected %M1 Ser$er .
/assord 3 Your (assword on the selected %M1 Ser$er .
&lic- .ogin.
%he %M1 /e+ Main (age o(ens.
/arent topic0 %M1 /e+ O$er$iew
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284 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
11.#. Using TM1 +eb
%he %M1H /e+ #ain (age contains the 7a$igation (ane on the left and a &ontent (ane on the right.
4a(igation /ane
%he 7a$igation (ane contains the following ite#sI
Content /ane
%he &ontent (ane dis(las the cu+e $iews and /e+sheets that ou o(en. Each o+1ect that ou o(en dis(las on a
se(arate ta+.
/arent topic0 %M1 /e+ O$er$iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
285 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
11.#.1. 4a(igation /ane
%he 7a$igation (ane contains the following ite#sI
Applications 3 2is(las a list of a((lications that ou can access through %M1H /e+ . %hese a((lications can contain
shortcuts to %M1 /e+sheetsE cu+esE and $iews.
7ies 3 2is(las a list of cu+es and $iews on the %M1 Ser$er .
Administration 3 2is(las a list of ser$er o+1ect (ro(erties. You can #odif so#e of these (ro(erties directl fro# %M1
/e+ .
4ote0 %he )d#inistration #odule is $isi+le onl to users who are #e#+ers of the )2MI7 grou( on the %M1 Ser$er .
%M1 /e+ does not su((ort the use of Bac- and ;orward +uttons fro# our +rowser. ,se the controls offered in the
7a$igation (ane to #aintain consistent data $iews.
/arent topic0 ,sing %M1 /e+
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
286 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
11.#.#. Content /ane
%he &ontent (ane dis(las the cu+e $iews and /e+sheets that ou o(en. Each o+1ect that ou o(en dis(las on a se(arate
/arent topic0 ,sing %M1 /e+
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287 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
11.3. 5ata $rosing and Analysis Tas"s
%M1H /e+ (ro$ides tools for wor-ing with %M1 /e+sheetsE cu+e $iewsE charts and su+sets.
;or detailsE see the following sectionsI
/or-ing with /e+sheets 3 2escri+es how to $iewE edit and ex(ort /e+sheets.
/or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer 3 2escri+es how to $iewE editE configure and ex(ort cu+e $iewsE re$iew and sa$e
data changes and create new $iews.
/or-ing with %M1 /e+ &harts 3 'ro$ides details on using charts with %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewsE changing chart (ro(ertiesE
ex(anding and colla(sing consolidations in a chart and drilling fro# a chart.
Editing Su+sets in %M1 /e+ 3 2escri+es how to use the %M1 /e+ Su+set Editor to create and #anage lists of ele#ents
that identif the data ou want to anal=e.
/arent topic0 %M1 /e+ O$er$iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
288 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
11.6. Administrator Tas"s
)s a %M1H /e+ ad#inistratorE ou can use %M1 /e+ to (erfor# ad#inistration tas-s.
0iew and edit so#e of the (ro(erties for (rocessesE choresE clientsE cu+es and di#ension.
&hange the (assword of the current user.
&onfigure a custo# ho#e(age for %M1 /e+ .
Modif %M1 /e+ configuration (ara#eters in the we+.config file.
'erfor# we+ folder #aintenance.
,se %M1 /e+ log files to #onitor %M1 /e+ acti$it and errors.
;or detailsE see )d#inistering %M1 /e+ in the IBMH &ognosH %M1 Operation Guide.
/arent topic0 %M1 /e+ O$er$iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
289 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1#. +or"ing it' +ebs'eets
%his section descri+es using /e+sheets.
+ebs'eet &(er(ie
) /e+sheet is a Microsoft Excel wor-sheet C.xls fileD with IBMH &ognosH %M1H data that ou can $iew in a we+
+rowser. B (u+lishing an Excel wor-sheet fro# the IBM &ognos software to an a((lication folderE other users can $iew
our wor-sheet + using their /e+ +rowser.
7ieing a +ebs'eet
)n Excel wor-sheet that exists in a %M1 a((lication is auto#aticall a$aila+le through %M1 /e+ . ;or details on creating
and #anaging a((licationsE see the IBM &ognos %M1 2e$elo(er Guide.
Using t'e +ebs'eet Toolbar
%he /e+sheet tool+ar at the to( of the %M1 /e+ (age contains +uttons for wor-ing with /e+sheets.
Using t'e +ebs'eet /aging Toolbar
,se the /e+sheet (aging tool+ar to na$igate through /e+sheets that contain a large nu#+er of rows. %his tool+ar allows
ou to #o$e (age + (age through a range of rows in the /e+sheet or 1u#( to a range of rows that ou s(ecif.
)diting 5ata in a +ebs'eet
You can edit data in a /e+sheet.
C'anging +ebs'eet /roperties
/e+sheet (ro(erties deter#ine how an Excel file dis(las and +eha$es when $iewed as a /e+sheet in %M1 /e+ . )ll
users can $iew /e+sheet (ro(ertiesE +ut ou #ust ha$e /rite access to an Excel file within an a((lication to edit the
/e+sheet (ro(erties.
,ecogniJing In'erited )*cel Features in +ebs'eets
) /e+sheet inherits the following Excel featuresI
Generating a ,eport from a +ebs'eet
You can generate J+riefing +oo-J 3 stle re(orts in %M1 /e+ in two wasI
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1#.1. +ebs'eet &(er(ie
) /e+sheet is a Microsoft Excel wor-sheet C.xls fileD with IBMH &ognosH %M1H data that ou can $iew in a we+ +rowser. B
(u+lishing an Excel wor-sheet fro# the IBM &ognos software to an a((lication folderE other users can $iew our wor-sheet +
using their /e+ +rowser.
/ith a /e+sheetE ou can (erfor# the following tas-s.
Enter data in cells to which ou ha$e /rite access Csee the IBM &ognos %M1 Operation GuideD. %he IBM &ognos we+
client does not identif which cells are writa+leE so ou #ust ha$e so#e fa#iliarit with our data to successfull enter
data into the /e+sheet. ;or details on entering data in cellsE see Editing 2ata in a /e+sheet.
,se data s(reading to enter or #odif #an /e+sheet $alues at once. S(reading is frequentl used for scenario testing
and what3if analsis during a +udgeting or financial (lanning (rocess.
2rill to relational ta+les or other cu+es. If the slice that ou (u+lish to the /e+ contains a cell with a defined drill3through
ruleE that drill function is a$aila+le fro# our /e+sheet.
0iew Excel charts. If the slice ou (u+lish to the /e+ contains a chartE the chart will a((ear in our /e+sheet. If the slice
fro# which ou +uilt the chart has a drill3through rule definedE ou can drill through to related infor#ation fro# the
/e+sheet chart.
Mani(ulate title ele#ent su+sets in the Su+set Editor.
7ote that at this ti#e diagonal +orders are not su((orted in %M1 /e+sheets.
7isual 5ifferences $eteen +ebs'eets and )*cel +or"s'eets
%his section descri+es so#e of the $isual differences ou #a notice when using a %M1 /e+sheet as co#(ared to an
Excel wor-sheet.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with /e+sheets
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1#.1.1. 7isual 5ifferences $eteen +ebs'eets and )*cel +or"s'eets
%his section descri+es so#e of the $isual differences ou #a notice when using a %M1H /e+sheet as co#(ared to an Excel
5iagonal $orders
)t this ti#eE diagonal +orders are not su((orted in %M1 /e+sheets.
5isplay of Gridlines in TM1 +ebs'eets
If gridlines are ena+led in an Excel wor-sheetE the also dis(la in the associated %M1 /e+sheet exce(t for the following
scenarios in$ol$ing +ac-ground color Ccell shadingDI
If gridlines are ena+led in Excel and a +ac-ground color is a((lied to the entire wor-sheetE the gridlines do not dis(la in
either Excel or the associated /e+sheet.
If gridlines are ena+led in Excel and a +ac-ground color is a((lied to onl a range of cells in a wor-sheetE the gridlines for
those cells are hidden in Excel +ut re#ain $isi+le in the associated /e+sheet.
/arent topic0 /e+sheet O$er$iew
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1#.#. 7ieing a +ebs'eet
)n Excel wor-sheet that exists in a %M1H a((lication is auto#aticall a$aila+le through %M1 /e+ . ;or details on creating
and #anaging a((licationsE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1 2e$elo(er Guide.
;ro# the +rowserE clic- an a((lication in the left na$igation (ane.
%he /e+sheets in the a((lication a((ear as lin-s in the list.
4ote0 )((lications can contain references to $arious o+1ectsE such as cu+esE di#ensionsE su+setsE and $iews.
)((lications in %M1 /e+ dis(la shortcuts to onl /e+sheetsE cu+esE and $iews.
&lic- a wor-sheet lin-.
%he /e+sheet dis(las in the +rowser.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with /e+sheets
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1#.3. Using t'e +ebs'eet Toolbar
%he /e+sheet tool+ar at the to( of the %M1H /e+ (age contains +uttons for wor-ing with /e+sheets.
%he following ta+le descri+es the /e+sheet tool+ar +uttons.
Icon 4ame 5escription
Su+#it 2ata &hanges Sends the /e+sheet data #odifications to the %M1 ser$er .
Re$iew 2ata &hanges 2is(las the data #odifications ou #ade to the /e+sheet.
Ex(ort Ex(orts the current /e+sheet to a Microsoft Excel sliceE an
Excel sna(shotE or an )do+e '2;.
Recalculate current /e+sheet If ou edited an data $alues in the /e+sheetE this o(tion
sends the data #odifications to the %M1 ser$er and then
u(dates the data in the /e+sheet.
If ou did not edit an data $alues in the /e+sheetE this
o(tion retrie$es the current $alues fro# the %M1 ser$er and
u(dates the data in the /e+sheet.
Re+uild )cti$e ;or# Re+uilds the current acti$e for#.
)uto &alculation On
)uto &alculation Off
%urns the auto#atic calculation o(tion on or off.
/hen turned onE this o(tion auto#aticall recalculates
/e+sheet $alues when ou re3configure a /e+sheet.
)uto ;it Selected &olu#n /idth )d1usts the width of the currentl selected colu#n.
<oo# In Increases the #agnification factor of the /e+sheet.
<oo# Out 2ecreases the #agnification factor of the /e+sheet.
7or#al 0iew Returns to the default #agnification le$el of 1@@>.
&lose /e+sheet &loses the /e+sheet. %M1 /e+ dis(las either a +lan- (age
or the last o(en /e+sheet.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with /e+sheets
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1#.6. Using t'e +ebs'eet /aging Toolbar
,se the /e+sheet (aging tool+ar to na$igate through /e+sheets that contain a large nu#+er of rows. %his tool+ar allows ou
to #o$e (age + (age through a range of rows in the /e+sheet or 1u#( to a range of rows that ou s(ecif.
4ote0 %he /e+sheet (aging tool+ar is onl a$aila+le if this o(tion has +een ena+led + our %M1H /e+ ad#inistrator.
%he following ta+le descri+es the /e+sheet tool+ar +uttons.
Icon 5escription
Ena+lesBdisa+les the /e+sheet (aging tool+ar. You can
inde(endentl ena+leBdisa+le the tool+ar for each /e+sheet
that ou o(en.
Shows the range of the currentl dis(laed rows and the
total nu#+er of rows in the /e+sheet. 7a$igates to a range
of rows that ou enter.
&lic- the Apply Manual /age ,ange +utton to #o$e to
the range of cells that ou s(ecif.
Mo$es u(Bdown through the (ages of rows in the /e+sheet.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with /e+sheets
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1#.A. )diting 5ata in a +ebs'eet
You can edit data in a /e+sheet.
Enter and edit $alues directl in the leaf cells of a /e+sheet
,se data s(reading to distri+ute nu#eric $alues in a /e+sheet
)diting 5ata in +ebs'eet Cells
You can edit data in the leaf cells of a /e+sheetE (ro$iding ou ha$e /rite access to those cells. %he %M1H /e+ client
does not identif which cells are writa+leE so ou #ust ha$e so#e fa#iliarit with our data to successfull enter data
into the /e+sheet.
Using 5ata Spreading in a +ebs'eet
You can use data s(reading to enter or edit nu#eric data in a /e+sheet using a (redefined distri+ution #ethodE called a
data s(read #ethod. ;or exa#(leE ou can e$enl distri+ute a $alue across a range of cells or incre#ent all $alues in a
range of cells + a (ercentage.
)*cluding Cells from 5ata Spreading
You can a((l a hold to cells to (re$ent those cells fro# +eing affected + data s(reading. You can still edit held cells.
%he holds a((l onl to the user initiating the featureL other users can edit held cells.
)*cluding Consolidations from 5ata Spreading
You can hold the $alue of a consolidation constant while ad1usting the underling leaf $alues. ;or exa#(leE ou #ight
want to hold a $alue constant while changing the $alues of the lea$es to (erfor# a what3if analsis.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with /e+sheets
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1#.A.1. )diting 5ata in +ebs'eet Cells
You can edit data in the leaf cells of a /e+sheetE (ro$iding ou ha$e /rite access to those cells. %he %M1H /e+ client does
not identif which cells are writa+leE so ou #ust ha$e so#e fa#iliarit with our data to successfull enter data into the
Edit a $alue in a cell in one of the following two was.
,eplace t'e (alue 3 Single3clic- a $alue in a cell. %M1 /e+ dis(las the current $alue in the cell as highlightedE
which indicates that the cell is in Edit #ode. You can then t(e directl o$er the existing $alue in the cellE re(lacing it
)dit t'e (alue 3 2ou+le3clic- a $alue in a cell. %M1 /e+ dis(las the current $alue in the cell with a +lin-ing cursor.
%his indicates that ou can selecti$el edit the existing $alue + using the left and right arrow -es on our -e+oard
to (osition the cursor within the $alue. You can also use the Bac-s(ace and 2elete -es to re#o$e single nu#+ers
fro# the $alue.
)fter entering a new nu#+erE (ress )nter or clic- on another cell.
%he new nu#+er dis(las in +old and italicE which indicates there is a new $alue in this cell. You #ust su+#it the data
changes to the %M1 ser$er for the change ou #ade to (ersist.
Important0 If ou log out of %M1 /e+ without su+#itting the new $alueE the change ou #ade will +e lost.
&lic- ,e(ie 5ata C'anges .
%he Re$iew &ell 0alue &hanges dialog +ox o(ens.
Ma-e additional changesE as necessar. ..
2o one of the followingI
&lic- Submit to sa$e the changes to the %M1 ser$er .
&lic- 5one to -ee( the changes in the /e+sheet $iewE +ut not su+#it the# to the %M1 ser$er .
You can also clic- Submit 5ata C'anges on the /e+sheet tool+ar to su+#it our data changes without re$iewing
)fter su+#itting the changesE the /e+sheet dis(las the u(dated $alues in a nor#al fontE indicating that ou sa$ed the
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a /e+sheet
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1#.A.#. Using 5ata Spreading in a +ebs'eet
You can use data s(reading to enter or edit nu#eric data in a /e+sheet using a (redefined distri+ution #ethodE called a data
s(read #ethod. ;or exa#(leE ou can e$enl distri+ute a $alue across a range of cells or incre#ent all $alues in a range of
cells + a (ercentage.
4ote0 %M1H /e+ sa$es the s(read $alues to either the co( of an u(loaded Excel file on the %M1 ser$er or to the original
location of an attached Excel fileE de(ending on how the file was added to %M1 /e+ . You do not need to su+#it the data
after %M1 /e+ co#(letes the s(read.
%o s(read data in a /e+sheetE right3clic- on a cell and select 5ata Spread. 1.
;ro# the S(reading #enuE select an data s(read #ethod. 2.
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a /e+sheet
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1#.A.3. )*cluding Cells from 5ata Spreading
You can a((l a hold to cells to (re$ent those cells fro# +eing affected + data s(reading. You can still edit held cells. %he
holds a((l onl to the user initiating the featureL other users can edit held cells.
Apply a 1old to a Single Cell or ,ange
You can a((l a hold to a single cell or range of cells.
,elease a 1old on a Single Cell or ,ange
You can release a hold on a single cell or range of cells.
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a /e+sheet
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1#.A.3.1. Apply a 1old to a Single Cell or ,ange
You can a((l a hold to a single cell or range of cells.
Select the cell or range. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE 1old .ea(es.
Each held cell dis(las a red triangle in the lower left corner as a $isual indication that ou a((lied a hold to that cell or
range. /hen ou log offE %M1H /e+ releases all holds.
/arent topic0 Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
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1#.A.3.#. ,elease a 1old on a Single Cell or ,ange
You can release a hold on a single cell or range of cells.
Select the cell or range of cells. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE ,elease .eaf 1olds.
%he released cells can acce(t $alues fro# data s(reading o(erations.
4ote0 %o release all holds ou a((lied in a /e+sheetE right3clic- an cell in the /e+sheet and clic- 1oldsE ,elease All
/arent topic0 Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
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1#.A.6. )*cluding Consolidations from 5ata Spreading
You can hold the $alue of a consolidation constant while ad1usting the underling leaf $alues. ;or exa#(leE ou #ight want to
hold a $alue constant while changing the $alues of the lea$es to (erfor# a what3if analsis.
/hen ou a((l a consolidation hold and change the $alue of its leaf ele#entsE %M1H /e+ a((lies (ro(ortional s(reading to
the re#aining leaf $alues so that the consolidation $alue re#ains unchanged.
Apply a Consolidation 1old to a Single Cell or ,ange
You can a((l a consolidation hold to a single cell or range or cells.
,elease a Consolidation 1old on a Single Cell or ,ange
You can release a consolidation hold on a single cell or range of cells.
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a /e+sheet
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1#.A.6.1. Apply a Consolidation 1old to a Single Cell or ,ange
You can a((l a consolidation hold to a single cell or range or cells.
Select the cell or range. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE 1old Consolidate.
Each held consolidation dis(las a red triangle in the lower left corner of a cell as a $isual indication that ou a((lied a
hold to that cell or range. /hen ou log offE %M1H /e+ releases all holds.
/arent topic0 Excluding &onsolidations fro# 2ata S(reading
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1#.A.6.#. ,elease a Consolidation 1old on a Single Cell or ,ange
You can release a consolidation hold on a single cell or range of cells.
Select the cell or range of cells. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE ,elease Consolidate.
%he consolidated $alue now can reflect an changes ou #a-e to the underling leaf $alues.
4ote0 %o release all holds ou a((lied in a /e+sheetE right3clic- an cell in the /e+sheet and clic- 1oldsE ,elease All
/arent topic0 Excluding &onsolidations fro# 2ata S(reading
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1#.B. C'anging +ebs'eet /roperties
/e+sheet (ro(erties deter#ine how an Excel file dis(las and +eha$es when $iewed as a /e+sheet in %M1H /e+ . )ll users
can $iew /e+sheet (ro(ertiesE +ut ou #ust ha$e /rite access to an Excel file within an a((lication to edit the /e+sheet
4ote0 You can onl #anage /e+sheet (ro(erties using Ser$er Ex(lorer 3 the user interface where ou add Excel files to %M1
a((lications. %he a+ilit to #anage /e+sheet (ro(erties is not a$aila+le directl in %M1 /e+ .
In the %ree (ane of Ser$er Ex(lorerE locate the %M1 a((lication that contains the Excel file for the corres(onding
4ote0 You can access Ser$er Ex(lorer fro# IBMH &ognosH %M1 'ers(ecti$es or %M1 )rchitect .
Right3clic- the Excel file and clic- /roperties.
%he %M1 /e+ 'ro(erties dialog +ox o(ensE with two ta+sI
2is(la 'ro(erties
If necessarE clic- the General ta+ to change the general (ro(ertiesE as descri+ed in the following ta+le.
&ption 5escription
%M1 )d#in *osts Shows the ad#in hostCsD to which our ser$er was registered when ou
generated an Excel slice. You can +e connected to one or #ore ad#in hostsE and
s(ecif #ore than one ad#in host. 2eli#it each entr in the list with a
se#icolon CLD.
)llow /rite Bac- fro# /e+ )llows users to #odif %M1 data + entering $alues in the /e+sheet. 2isa+le
this o(tion to #a-e the /e+sheet read3onl.
'rint 'ro(erties Sets a li#it on the nu#+er of (ages users can (rint fro# this /e+sheet. %he
sste# default is 1@@. You can set this nu#+er to an $alue that is a((ro(riate
for this /e+sheet. ;or exa#(leE to set the #axi#u# nu#+er of (ages users can
(rint to 11@E in the /rint /roperties sectionE enter 110 in the .imit 4umber
of S'eets to +ox.
&lic- the 5isplay /roperties ta+ to change the dis(la (ro(ertiesE as descri+ed in the following ta+le.
&ption 5escription
2is(la %itle Ele#ent Selectors Ena+le this o(tion to dis(la the Su+set Editor +uttons for title di#ensions in the
/e+sheet. /hen this o(tion is ena+ledE ou can use the 2is(la Selector o(tion
Cdescri+ed +elowD to selecti$el showBhide the Su+set Editor +utton for
indi$idual title di#ensions.
&lear this o(tion to hide the Su+set Editor +uttons for all title di#ensions in the
%itle 2i#ensions %he %itle 2i#ensions grid lists all title di#ensions in the /e+sheet. %here are
three colu#ns in the gridI
5imension 3 %he na#e of the title di#ension.
Address 3 %he cell address of the title di#ension in the /e+sheet.
5isplay Selector 3 /hen the 2is(la %itle Ele#ent Selectors o(tion Csee a+o$eD
is ena+ledE this o(tion lets ou selecti$el show or hide the Su+set Editor +utton
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&ption 5escription
for a gi$en title di#ension in the /e+sheet.
%o show the Su+set Editor +utton for a title di#ensionE select the corres(onding
chec-+ox in the 2is(la Selector colu#n.
%o hide the Su+set Editor +utton for a title di#ensionE clear the corres(onding
chec-+ox in the 2is(la Selector colu#n.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with /e+sheets
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1#.C. ,ecogniJing In'erited )*cel Features in +ebs'eets
) /e+sheet inherits the following Excel featuresI
*ide colu#ns
&onditional for#atting
Su((orted h(erlin-s
;ree=e (anes
&ell (rotection C+ut not (assword (rotectionD
1ide Columns
If ou hide colu#ns in our Excel wor-sheetE those colu#ns are also hidden in the /e+sheet. %M1H /e+ calculates the
data cells whether or not the are $isi+le in the /e+sheet. If there are #an hidden cells that contain calculationsE our
/e+sheet (erfor#ance #a +e slower than ou #ight ex(ect.
Conditional Formatting
%M1 /e+ su((orts Excel conditional for#atting. %he following i#age shows a wor-sheet with conditional for#atting.
Microsoft Excel su((orts #an t(es of h(erlin-s. %he following Excel h(erlin-s wor- in /e+sheetsI
FreeJe /anes
If ou free=e (anes in our Excel wor-sheetE the /e+sheet inherits the fro=en (anes. /hen ou scroll $erticall or
hori=ontall in the /e+sheetE the fro=en rows or colu#ns re#ain $isi+le.
Using Cell and /assord /rotection it' +ebs'eets
%M1 /e+sheets su((ort cell (rotection using the 'rotect Sheet feature in Microsoft ExcelE +ut do not su((ort (assword
(rotection. You can use ExcelJs 'rotect Sheet feature to (rotect our /e+sheet fro# data entrE +ut do not enter a
/arent topic0 /or-ing with /e+sheets
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1#.C.1. 1ide Columns
If ou hide colu#ns in our Excel wor-sheetE those colu#ns are also hidden in the /e+sheet. %M1H /e+ calculates the data
cells whether or not the are $isi+le in the /e+sheet. If there are #an hidden cells that contain calculationsE our /e+sheet
(erfor#ance #a +e slower than ou #ight ex(ect.
/arent topic0 Recogni=ing Inherited Excel ;eatures in /e+sheets
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1#.C.#. Conditional Formatting
%M1H /e+ su((orts Excel conditional for#atting. %he following i#age shows a wor-sheet with conditional for#atting.
/hen ou $iew this wor-sheet in %M1 /e+ E the conditional for#atting dis(las in the /e+sheetE as shown in the following
/arent topic0 Recogni=ing Inherited Excel ;eatures in /e+sheets
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1#.C.3. 1yperlin"s
Microsoft Excel su((orts #an t(es of h(erlin-s. %he following Excel h(erlin-s wor- in /e+sheetsI
)nother cell in the current wor-+oo-
7a#ed range defined in the current wor-+oo-
Boo-#ar- in the current wor-+oo-
,R" to an ;%' or we+ site
)nother Excel wor-+oo-. %he target wor-+oo- can either +e a file on our networ- or a file u(loaded to the %M1H ser$er
If the target wor-+oo- is a file on our networ-E the h(erlin- #ust contain the full networ- (ath to the target file using the
,ni$ersal 7a#ing &on$ention C,7&D for#atI
;or exa#(leI
If the h(erlin- (oints to a file u(loaded to the %M1 ser$er E the lin- #ust use the %M1 assigned na#e for the u(loaded file.
;or #ore detailsE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1 Developer Guide.
/arent topic0 Recogni=ing Inherited Excel ;eatures in /e+sheets
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1#.C.6. FreeJe /anes
If ou free=e (anes in our Excel wor-sheetE the /e+sheet inherits the fro=en (anes. /hen ou scroll $erticall or
hori=ontall in the /e+sheetE the fro=en rows or colu#ns re#ain $isi+le.
If ou scroll $erticall in this wor-sheetE the rows in the fro=en (ane re#ain in (laceE while the lower (ortion of the wor-sheet
Using ClearType to )n'ance 5isplay and ,endering of +ebs'eets
%o enhance the dis(la of /e+sheetsE es(eciall ones that include a co#+ination of fro=en and unfro=en (anes with
wra((ed text within cellsE chec- with our ad#inistrator a+out installing the Microsoft &lear%(e %uner. %his tool hel(s
%M1H /e+ #aintain the sa#e row height +etween fro=en and unfro=en (anes in /e+sheets.
String measurement for ide columns in TM1 +eb
StringMeasure#ent is a we+.config (ara#eter that deter#ines the wa the contents of a we+sheet cell are ad1usted to fit
in colu#ns. /hen a colu#nJs width results in a cell that is s#aller than its contents can dis(laE the content is ad1usted
to that cell +ased on this setting and the t(e of cell. ) new #ethod of calculating when to truncate cells was introduced
in $ersion ?.6.1 to wor- +etter with Microsoft Internet Ex(lorer. If ou ha$e #ade edits to our we+sheet colu#n widthsE
ou #a decide to set this (ara#eter +ac- to the ?.6.1 setting to (reser$e our (re3?.6.1 widths.
/arent topic0 Recogni=ing Inherited Excel ;eatures in /e+sheets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
311 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1#.C.6.1. Using ClearType to )n'ance 5isplay and ,endering of +ebs'eets
%o enhance the dis(la of /e+sheetsE es(eciall ones that include a co#+ination of fro=en and unfro=en (anes with wra((ed
text within cellsE chec- with our ad#inistrator a+out installing the Microsoft &lear%(e %uner. %his tool hel(s %M1H /e+
#aintain the sa#e row height +etween fro=en and unfro=en (anes in /e+sheets.
;or detailsE see the section a+out ad#inistering %M1 /e+ in the IBMH &ognosH %M1 Operation Guide.
/arent topic0 ;ree=e 'anes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
312 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1#.C.6.#. String measurement for ide columns in TM1N +eb
StringMeasure#ent is a we+.config (ara#eter that deter#ines the wa the contents of a we+sheet cell are ad1usted to fit in
colu#ns. /hen a colu#nJs width results in a cell that is s#aller than its contents can dis(laE the content is ad1usted to that
cell +ased on this setting and the t(e of cell. ) new #ethod of calculating when to truncate cells was introduced in $ersion
?.6.1 to wor- +etter with Microsoft Internet Ex(lorer. If ou ha$e #ade edits to our we+sheet colu#n widthsE ou #a
decide to set this (ara#eter +ac- to the ?.6.1 setting to (reser$e our (re3?.6.1 widths.
In all settings when the content is ad1ustedE digits are re(laced with the JYJ characters such that the nu#+er would not +e
#ista-enl read as a different nu#+er.
If a dis(ro(ortionatel s#all a#ount of content is shown in our we+sheet cells for the gi$en s(ace a$aila+leE ou will want to
use the legac calculation + setting StringMeasure#entR@ in the we+.config file.
If too #uch content is shown in our we+sheet for the s(ace a$aila+leE (ossi+l causing #isalign#entE use the 1 through !
settingsE de(ending on the t(e of cell.
StringMeasurement ,esult
@ 2eter#ines where to truncates string and nu#+er t(e cell content as it did in (re3 ?.6.1.
1 String cell #easure#ent uses the newer calculation.
2 7u#+er cell #easure#ent use the newer calculation.
! Both nu#+er and string content use the newer calculation.
/arent topic0 ;ree=e 'anes
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
313 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1#.C.A. Using Cell and /assord /rotection it' +ebs'eets
%M1H /e+sheets su((ort cell (rotection using the 'rotect Sheet feature in Microsoft ExcelE +ut do not su((ort (assword
(rotection. You can use ExcelJs 'rotect Sheet feature to (rotect our /e+sheet fro# data entrE +ut do not enter a (assword.
Since a /e+sheet is a /e+ +rowser $ersion of an Excel wor-+oo-E the integrit and laout of the wor-+oo- cannot +e
changed when the /e+sheet is accessed $ia a /e+ +rowser in %M1 /e+. %his t(e of access #eans that (assword (rotection
is not t(icall needed in a /e+sheet.
/arent topic0 Recogni=ing Inherited Excel ;eatures in /e+sheets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
314 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1#.D. Generating a ,eport from a +ebs'eet
You can generate J+riefing +oo-J 3 stle re(orts in %M1H /e+ in two wasI
+ebs'eet 3 Select the title di#ension su+sets to include in the re(ort.
Cube 7ieer 3 Select the title di#ension su+sets and the nu#+er of rows to include in the re(ort. ;or detailsE see
Generating a Re(ort fro# a &u+e 0iew.
4ote0 If our installation of %M1 /e+ is configured to run without Microsoft Excel on the /e+ ser$erE so#e li#itations #a
a((l when ex(orting /e+sheets. ;or detailsE see /e+sheet Ex(ort "i#itations.
&lic- )*port . 1.
Select an ex(ort for#at for the re(ort.
Slice to )*cel 3 Excel docu#ents that retain a lin- to the %M1 ser$er + wa of functions. /hen ou connect to the
ser$er with which the slice is associatedE the slice dis(las the current cu+e $alues.
Snaps'ot to )*cel 3 Excel docu#ents that contain nu#eric $alues reflecting cu+e $alues at the #o#ent the ex(ort
occurred. Because sna(shots do not retain a lin- to the %M1 ser$er E the $alues are staticE re(resenting a Jsna(shotJ
of cu+e $alues at the #o#ent of ex(ort.
)*port to /5F 3 '2; docu#ents that dis(la cu+e $alues at the #o#ent the ex(ort occurred.
%he /e+sheet Ex(ort dialog +ox o(ens. %he dialog +ox re(orts the nu#+er of ele#ents in each title di#ension su+set.
Select the title di#ensions ou want to include in the re(ort.
)s ou select di#ensionsE the dialog +ox indicates the nu#+er of sheets that will +e generated. In the following exa#(leE
where the act$s+ud and region title di#ensions are selectedE the re(ort will generate ?8 sheets C! ele#ents x !2
4ote0 %M1 /e+ deter#ines the nu#+er of ele#ents for each title di#ension + the nu#+er of ele#ents in the current
title di#ension su+set. If ou edit a title di#ension su+setE the nu#+er of ele#ents for the title di#ension changes
&lic- &2 in the /e+sheet Ex(ort dialog +ox to create the re(ort.
%M1 /e+ generates re(ort sheets Cor (agesE for a '2;D + ccling through the selected title di#ensions in the order the
a((ear in the /e+sheet Ex(ort dialog +ox. In the exa#(leE %M1 /e+ generates the sheets as followsI
;or an title di#ension not selected in the /e+sheet Ex(ort dialog +oxE %M1 /e+ uses the current title ele#ent in the
/e+sheet in all re(ort sheets. In the exa#(leE the #odel di#ension is not selectedE so %M1 /e+ uses the current
title ele#ent in all re(ort sheets.
%M1 /e+ +egins generating sheets using the first ele#ent fro# the current su+set of the act$s+ud title di#ension.
Fee(ing the act$s+ud title ele#ent constantE %M1 /e+ then generates sheets + ccling through all ele#ents of the
current su+set of the region title di#ension.
%M1 /e+ generates sheets using the second ele#ent fro# the act$s+ud title di#ension su+set.
Fee(ing the second ele#ent fro# the act$s+ud title di#ension su+set constantE %M1 /e+ generates sheets + again
ccling through all ele#ents of the current su+set of the region title di#ension.
;inallE -ee(ing the third ele#ent fro# the act$s+ud title di#ension su+set constantE %M1 /e+ again generates
sheets + ccling through all ele#ents of the current su+set of the region title di#ension.
)fter %M1 /e+ generates all sheetsE ou can o(en or sa$e the re(ort.
2o one of the followingI
&lic- &pen to o(en the re(ort in a new +rowser window.
&lic- Sa(e to sa$e the re(ort to our hard dis-.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
315 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
4ote0 B defaultE ex(orting a slice or sna(shot re(ort to Excel dis(las the re(ort in a we+ +rowser window. ;or details
on configuring our co#(uter to o(en re(orts into the fullE stand3alone $ersion of ExcelE see the Microsoft su((ort we+
)dditionallE if ou want to use %M1 functionalit with a slice that ou ex(ort to ExcelE ou #ust o(en the slice in the
stand3alone $ersion of Excel and ha$e a local $ersion of IBMH &ognosH %M1 'ers(ecti$es installed on our co#(uter.
4ote0 If ou are ex(eriencing (ro+le#s ex(orting Excel or '2; files fro# %M1 /e+ E and %M1 /e+ running on a /)7
C/ide )rea 7etwor-D ser$erE ou #a need to re3configure the securit settings in Internet Ex(lorer. ;or detailsE see the
IBM &ognos %M1 Operation Guide.
+ebs'eet )*port .imitations
/hen Microsoft Excel is not (resent on the %M1 /e+ ser$erE the following li#itations a((l to ex(orting a /e+sheet.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with /e+sheets
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
316 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1#.D.1. +ebs'eet )*port .imitations
/hen Microsoft Excel is not (resent on the %M1H /e+ ser$erE the following li#itations a((l to ex(orting a /e+sheet.
Slice to )*cel<Snaps'ot to )*cel
)*port to /5F
/arent topic0 Generating a Re(ort fro# a /e+sheet
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
317 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1#.D.1.1. Slice to )*cel<Snaps'ot to )*cel
O"E controls (resent in the /e+sheet are con$erted to i#ages
"aout #a +e inconsistent +etween the /e+sheet and the resulting Excel wor-sheetBwor-+oo-.
*eaders and footerJs in the /or-sheet are not ex(orted
;or# control states are not u(datedBdis(laed in the resulting wor-sheet
/arent topic0 /e+sheet Ex(ort "i#itations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
318 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1#.D.1.#. )*port to /5F
I#ages (resent in the /e+sheet are not ex(orted
&harts (resent in the /e+sheet are ex(orted to a se(arate (age in the resulting '2; file
O"E and for# controls are not ex(orted
*eaders and footerJs are not ex(orted
/arent topic0 /e+sheet Ex(ort "i#itations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
319 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13. +or"ing in t'e TM1 +eb Cube 7ieer
%his section descri+es wor-ing with a cu+e in %M1H /e+ .
&pening a Cube 7ie in TM1 +eb
;ollow these ste(s to o(en a cu+e $iew in %M1 /e+ .
Using t'e TM1 +eb Cube 7ieer Toolbar
%he %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer tool+ar +uttons (ro$ide shortcuts to co##onl used co##ands.
4a(igating /ages
You can #o$e fro# one (art of a large cu+e $iew to another + na$igating the (ages.
,e(ieing 5ata C'anges
You can re$iew the changes ou #a-e to data in the &u+e 0iewer and #a-e further changes to the data in those cells.
Sa(ing 5ata in a Cube 7ie
You can sa$e data changes fro# %M1 /e+ to the ser$er.
Configuring a Cube 7ie
You can re3configure the &u+e 0iewer in $arious was to arri$e at a $iew that satisfies our re(orting or analsis needs.
)diting 5ata in a Cube 7ie
You can edit data in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer.
Creating a 4e Cube 7ie
If the $iews for a cu+e do not satisf our analsis require#entsE ou can create a new $iew + using the 0iew Builder
/i=ard. %he wi=ard ta-es ou through the following ste(s to create a new $iewI
Generating a ,eport from a Cube 7ie
You can generate J+riefing +oo-J 3 stle re(orts in two wasI
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
320 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.1. &pening a Cube 7ie in TM1 +eb
;ollow these ste(s to o(en a cu+e $iew in %M1H /e+ .
"og in to %M1 /e+ . 1.
O(en the 0iews node in the left 7a$igation (ane.
)ll cu+es to which ou ha$e access a((ear in al(ha+etical order.
&lic- the )*pand icon next to an cu+e to dis(la the $iews a$aila+le through %M1 /e+ . !.
&lic- a $iew in the list.
%he $iew o(ens in the &ontent (ane on the right. %he &u+e 0iewer tool+ar dis(las directl a+o$e the $iew.
4ote0 If ou dou+le3clic- a cu+e in the list to o(en a cu+e $iewE %M1 /e+ does not o(en the cu+e.
&lic- another $iew in the 7a$igation (ane.
%he $iew o(ens in the &ontent (ane and two 0iew ta+s a((ear a+o$e the &u+e 0iewer tool+ar. Each 0iew ta+ contains
the na#e of an o(en $iew. %he current $iew ta+ dis(las a +orderE indicating that the $iew is $isi+le in the content (ane.
%he following exa#(le shows two $iew ta+sI 'rice and Region. In this exa#(leE the Region ta+ dis(las with a +orderE
indicating that the Region $iew is dis(laed in the &ontent (ane.
Each ti#e ou o(en a $iew fro# the 7a$igation (aneE %M1 /e+ dis(las a corres(onding 0iew ta+ a+o$e the &u+e 0iewer
tool+ar. /hen ou o(en #ulti(le $iewsE the 0iew ta+s are organi=ed hori=ontall along a single row with a set of arrow
+uttons that scroll left and right through the o(en ta+s.
%he following exa#(le shows #ulti(le $iew ta+sE with sales1qtr as the current $iew ta+.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
321 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
,se the 0iew ta+s to dis(la and close $iewsI
&lic- an 7ie ta+ to dis(la the corres(onding $iew in the &ontent (ane.
&lic- Close on a 0iew ta+ to close the corres(onding $iew.
&lic- the Scroll .eft and Scroll ,ig't arrows in the 0iew ta+ scroll+ar to na$igate through the o(en 0iew ta+s.
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
322 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.#. Using t'e TM1 +eb Cube 7ieer Toolbar
%he %M1H /e+ &u+e 0iewer tool+ar +uttons (ro$ide shortcuts to co##onl used co##ands.
%he following ta+le descri+es each +utton in the tool+ar.
Icon $utton 4ame 5escription
Sa$e 0iew Sa$es the current $iew to the %M1 ser$er .
Sa$e )s Sa$es the current cu+e $iew with a new na#e.
Reload 0iew Refreshes the &u+e 0iewer data. You can sa$e or discard an changes ou #a-e to
the data.
Ex(ort Ex(orts &u+e 0iewer data in the following for#atsI
Slice to )*cel 3 Ex(orts &u+e 0iewer data and %M1 for#ulas CS,B7M and 2BR/
functionsD to a new Excel s(readsheet. %he s(readsheet #aintains a connection with
the %M1 ser$er.
Snaps'ot to )*cel 3 Ex(orts onl &u+e 0iewer data to a new Excel s(readsheetE
excluding the %M1 ser$er for#ulas CS,B7M and 2BR/ functionsD. %he s(readsheet
does not #aintain a connection with the %M1 ser$er.

)*port to /5F 3 Ex(orts the &u+e 0iewer data to a '2; file. You #ust install a
'ostScri(t (rinter during the %M1 /e+ installation for the Ex(ort to '2; o(tion to
wor-. ;or detailsE see the Installation Guide.
;or details on generating re(orts fro# a %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewerE see Generating a
Re(ort fro# a &u+e 0iew.
Su+#it 2ata
Sends the changes ou #a-e to data in the &u+e 0iewer to the %M1 ser$er.
Re$iew 2ata
"ists the #odifications ou #a-e to &u+e 0iewer data and allows ou to #a-e further
#odifications to the data in those cells. ;or detailsE see Re$iewing 2ata &hanges.
Recalculate ,(dates the &u+e 0iewer configuration and recalculates data in the $iew. If ou ha$e
edited an cellsE all edits are auto#aticall su+#itted to the %M1 ser$er.
)uto &alculation /ith the )uto &alculation o(tion turned offE %M1 /e+ does not auto#aticall
recalculate the &u+e 0iewer when the $iew configuration changes.
;or exa#(leE if ou edit a row su+set or #o$e a di#ension fro# the titles to the
colu#nsE these changes are not i##ediatel dis(laed in the &u+e 0iewerL ou #ust
clic- the Recalculate +utton to see our changes.
/ith the )uto &alculation o(tion turned onE %M1 /e+ auto#aticall recalculates the
&u+e 0iewer when the $iew configuration changes.
Su((ress <eros %here are three Su((ress <eros o(tionsI
Su((resses =eros in rows and colu#ns
Su((resses =eros in rows
Su((resses =eros in colu#ns
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
323 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Icon $utton 4ame 5escription
0iew &hart 2is(las the &u+e 0iewer data in a chart for#at.
0iew &hart and
2is(las the &u+e 0iewer data in +oth grid and chart for#ats.
0iew Grid 2is(las the &u+e 0iewer data in a grid for#at.
&hart 'ro(erties 2is(las the &hart 'ro(erties #enu o(tionsI
&hart %(e
&olor 'alette
%oggle &hart "egend
%oggle !2 0iew
&hart 'ro(erties
&lose 0iew &loses the &u+e 0iewer.
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
324 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.3. 4a(igating /ages
You can #o$e fro# one (art of a large cu+e $iew to another + na$igating the (ages.
) 'aging tool+ar is (ro$ided with na$igation +uttons and a 'age indicatorE located in the lower3right corner. In the following
cu+e $iewE the $isi+le (ortion of the grid is the first of se$en (ages.
%he following ta+le contains the 'aging tool+ar +uttons and indicator with their descri(tions.
$utton or Indicator 4ame 5escription
2is(la 'ages 2is(las the %M1 0iew 'age "aout dialog +ox with a laout of all
(ages. &lic- a (ageE and clic- Goto /age to na$igate to a s(ecific
(age. ;or exa#(leE clic- /age 6E and clic- Goto /age to na$igate
to (age ..
're$ious 'age CRowsD Shows the (re$ious (age of rows.
7ext 'age CRowsD Show the next (age of rows.
7ext 'age C&olu#nsD Shows the next (age of colu#ns.
're$ious 'age C&olu#nsD Shows the (re$ious (age of colu#ns.
'age Indicator 2is(las the current (age and the total nu#+er of (ages of cells in
the $iew.
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
325 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.6. ,e(ieing 5ata C'anges
You can re$iew the changes ou #a-e to data in the &u+e 0iewer and #a-e further changes to the data in those cells.
If ou are wor-ing in a sand+oxE data changes dis(la in a different color until the changes are co##itted.
&lic- ,e(ie 5ata C'anges .
%he Re$iew &ell 0alue &hanges dialog +ox o(ensE showing all cell $alues that ou ha$e edited.
2o an of the followingI
%(e new $alues in the 4e 7alue colu#n.
&lic- Undo to undo an indi$idual edit.
%M1H /e+ re$erts the new $alue to the old $alue. ;or exa#(leE if ou clic- ,ndo for cell R2I&1 that contains a $alue
of .66E %M1 /e+ changes the $alue in the 7ew 0alue cell to .6.E which is the old $alue.
If ou clic- UndoE ou can clic- ,edoE to cancel the undo o(eration.
;or exa#(leE if ou clic- Redo for cell R2I&1 that contains a $alue of .6.E %M1 /e+ re$erts to the original new $alue
of .66.
/hen ou finish re$iewing the data changesE do one of the followingI
&lic- Submit to recalculate the &u+e 0iewer data and send the changes to the ser$er.
&lic- 5one to u(date the &u+e 0iewer data. %M1 /e+ does not send the new $alues to the ser$er.
&lic- Cancel to discard an changes ou #ade to the cell $aluesE and return to the &u+e 0iewer.
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
326 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.A. Sa(ing 5ata in a Cube 7ie
You can sa$e data changes fro# %M1H /e+ to the ser$er.
&lic- Sa(e 7ie or ,ecalculate to sa$e the changes to the data.
If ou clic- Sa(e 7ieE %M1 /e+ dis(las a #essage as-ing if ou want to sa$e the changes to the &u+e 0iewer data.
&lic- one of the followingI
%es 3 Su+#its the data changeCsD to the ser$erE recalculates the $iewE and returns to the &u+e 0iewer. If ou ha$e
changed the $iew configurationE the configuration is sa$ed as well.
4o 3 2iscards the data changes and returns to the &u+e 0iewer.
Cancel 3 Returns to the &u+e 0iewer. %he data changes re#ain $isi+le in the &u+e 0iewer.
&lic- Submit 5ata C'anges to sa$e the changes. !.
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
327 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.B. Configuring a Cube 7ie
You can re3configure the &u+e 0iewer in $arious was to arri$e at a $iew that satisfies our re(orting or analsis needs.
Ex(and and colla(se consolidations
'i$ot di#ensions
*ide di#ensions
;ilter $iew data
Edit su+sets
2rill through to associated data
)*panding and Collapsing Consolidations
You can clic- the control next to an ele#ent na#e to ex(and or colla(se a consolidation in the &u+e 0iewer.
/i(oting 5imensions
You can (i$ot the di#ensions in our &u+e 0iewer to change the (resentation of cu+e data. %o (i$ot di#ensionsE use the
drag3and3dro( o(eration.
1iding 5imensions
%o sa$e $alua+le screen s(aceE use the *idden ta+ to hide di#ensions fro# the colu#nE rowE and title (ositions in the
&u+e 0iewer.
Filtering a Cube 7ie
You can filter data in a cu+e $iew that contains a single row di#ension and one or #ore colu#n di#ensions.
Selecting )lements from a Subset
You can select one or #ore ele#ents fro# a su+set and $iew the ele#entsE along with associated dataE in the &u+e
5rilling from a Cube 7ie
In 'ers(ecti$es and )rchitectE ou can set u( drill (rocesses and drill assign#ents to access related infor#ation in our
cu+e $iews.
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
328 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.B.1. )*panding and Collapsing Consolidations
You can clic- the control next to an ele#ent na#e to ex(and or colla(se a consolidation in the &u+e 0iewer.
)*pand 3 ) (lus sign next to an ele#ent na#e identifies the ele#ent as a consolidation. %o drill down on consolidations in
a di#ension and $iew the underling detailE clic- the (lus sign. %he (lus sign changes to a #inus sign.
Collapse 3 ) #inus sign next to an ele#ent na#e indicates an ex(anded consolidation. %o roll u( the leaf ele#ents in a
di#ensionE clic- the #inus sign. %he #inus sign changes to a (lus sign.
/arent topic0 &onfiguring a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
329 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.B.#. /i(oting 5imensions
You can (i$ot the di#ensions in our &u+e 0iewer to change the (resentation of cu+e data. %o (i$ot di#ensionsE use the
drag3and3dro( o(eration.
2rag a di#ension to the colu#n (osition.
2rag a di#ension to the row (osition.
2rag a di#ension to the title (osition.
You can also drag a di#ension to the hidden (ositionE as descri+ed in *iding 2i#ensions.
/hen ou drag a di#ension to a new (ositionE three (ossi+le o(tions are a$aila+le when ou dro( the di#ension. %he o(tions
$ar + the (osition of our cursor. %he following exa#(les use di#ensions na#ed 2i#ension1 and 2i#ension2.
/hen ou drag 2i#ension1 and (osition our cursor in the center of 2i#ension2E dro((ing the di#ension will swa( the
(ositions of the two di#ensions.
/hen ou drag 2i#ension1 and (osition our cursor on the left side of 2i#ension2E 2i#ension1 is dro((ed i##ediatel
to the left of 2i#ension2.
/hen ou drag 2i#ension1 and (osition our cursor on the right side of 2i#ension2E 2i#ension1 is dro((ed i##ediatel
to the right of 2i#ension2.
If ou drag a di#ension and dro( it i##ediatel to the left or right of an existing colu#n or row di#ensionE ou can see
#ore detail along the colu#ns or rows of a $iew. ;or instanceE ou could drag the (lanUti#e di#ension to +efore the
(lanUde(art#ent di#ension in the colu#ns of a $iew to see the detail for ti#e and de(art#ents in the colu#ns.
/arent topic0 &onfiguring a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
330 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.B.3. 1iding 5imensions
%o sa$e $alua+le screen s(aceE use the *idden ta+ to hide di#ensions fro# the colu#nE rowE and title (ositions in the &u+e
*idden di#ensions still a((l to the data dis(laed in the $iewE +ut do not occu( screen s(ace.
%he *idden ta+ is dis(laed at the +otto# of the &u+e 0iewerE in either a closed or o(ened #ode.
You can use drag3and3dro( o(erations to #o$e di#ensions fro# the current $iew to the *idden ta+.
)fter a di#ension is #o$ed to the *idden ta+E it is onl $isi+le when the *idden ta+ is o(enedE as shown in following figure.
You can (erfor# the following tas-s with the *idden ta+I
&pen and close t'e 1idden tab 3 &lic- the 1idden ta+ to o(en the ta+ and dis(la the di#ensions that are currentl
hidden. &lic- the 1idden ta+ again to close the ta+.
Mo(e dimensions to and from t'e 1idden tab 3 ,se a drag3and3dro( o(eration to #o$e di#ensions to or fro# the
*idden ta+.
/hen dragging a di#ension to the *idden ta+E the ta+ can +e either o(ened or closed.
%o drag a di#ension fro# the *idden ta+ +ac- into the $iewE the ta+ #ust first +e o(ened. /hen #o$ing di#ensions
fro# the *idden ta+E ou can swa( a hidden di#ension with the (osition of a dis(laed di#ensionE or dro( the hidden
di#ension to the left or right of a dis(laed di#ension.
4ote0 If the *idden ta+ is o(en when ou drag a di#ension to or fro# itE the ta+ closes auto#aticall after ou finish the
drag3and3dro( o(eration.
)dit a 'idden dimension 3 You can use the Su+set Editor with a hidden di#ension to select a new di#ension ele#ent
or define a new di#ension su+set.
&lic- the &pen Subset )ditor +utton next to a di#ension na#e in the *idden ta+ to o(en the Su+set Editor. )fter
editing a hidden di#ension with the Su+set EditorE the di#ension re#ains hidden and the changes are a((lied to the
current $iew. ;or details on the Su+set EditorE see ;iltering a &u+e 0iew.
/arent topic0 &onfiguring a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
331 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.B.6. Filtering a Cube 7ie
You can filter data in a cu+e $iew that contains a single row di#ension and one or #ore colu#n di#ensions.
/hen ou ha$e two or #ore di#ensions along the colu#nsE ou can filter onl fro# the inner#ost di#ensionE that is the
di#ension closest to the $iew grid.
&lic- the colu#n ele#ent that contains the $alues that ou want to filter. 1.
Select a filter.
/re!defined filter 3 %o( 1@E Botto# 1@E %o( 1@ 'ercentE Botto# 1@ 'ercent. %he filter is i##ediatel a((lied to the
Ad(anced 3 You can define a custo# filter + setting filter (ara#eters in the ;ilter dialog +oxE as descri+ed in the
following ste(s.
Select a Filter t(e.
Filter Type 5escription
%o(&ount ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the largest n ele#entsE where n is a nu#+er
s(ecified in the 0alue o(tion.
Botto#&ount ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the s#allest n ele#entsE where n is a nu#+er
s(ecified in the 0alue o(tion.
%o(Su# ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the largest ele#ents whose su# is greater than or
equal to nE where n is a nu#+er s(ecified in the 0alue o(tion.
Botto#Su# ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the s#allest ele#ents whose su# is greater than or
equal to nE where n is a nu#+er s(ecified in the 0alue o(tion.
%o('ercent ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the largest ele#ents whose su# is greater than or
equal to nE where n is a (ercentage of the di#ension total s(ecified in the 0alue
Botto#'ercent ;ilters the $iew to dis(la onl the s#allest ele#ents whose su# is greater than or
equal to nE where n is a (ercentage of the di#ension total s(ecified in the 0alue
Enter a nu#eric $alue in the 7alue +ox. ..
Select a Sort order to dis(la the di#ension ele#ents in the &u+e 0iewer in ascending or descending order. 6.
&lic- &2. 8.
) s#all funnel icon dis(las next to the colu#n ele#ent for which ou created a filter.
4ote0 %o re#o$e a filterE clic- the colu#n ele#ent for which ou created the filterE and clic- ,emo(e Filter.
/arent topic0 &onfiguring a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
332 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.B.A. Selecting )lements from a Subset
You can select one or #ore ele#ents fro# a su+set and $iew the ele#entsE along with associated dataE in the &u+e 0iewer.
&lic- the &pen Subset )ditor +utton next to an su+set.
%he Su+set Editor window o(ens in our +rowser.
Select the ele#entCsD ou want to see in the &u+e 0iewer. 2.
&lic- &2. !.
/arent topic0 &onfiguring a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
333 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.B.B. 5rilling from a Cube 7ie
In 'ers(ecti$es and )rchitectE ou can set u( drill (rocesses and drill assign#ents to access related infor#ation in our cu+e
Once these drill (rocesses and rules are in (laceE the are a$aila+le in %M1H /e+ . You can use these drill (rocesses and
rules to drill to another cu+e $iew or to a relational data+ase.
%o drill to another cu+e $iewE right3clic- a cell and clic- 5rill.
%he target cu+e $iew containing infor#ation related to the cell o(ens.
%o drill through fro# one cu+e $iew to anotherE right3clic- a cell and clic- 5rill.
%he target &u+e 0iewer o(ens on a new ta+.
/arent topic0 &onfiguring a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
334 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C. )diting 5ata in a Cube 7ie
You can edit data in the %M1H /e+ &u+e 0iewer.
Enter and edit $alues directl in the leaf cells of a cu+e $iew
,se data s(reading to distri+ute nu#eric $alues in a cu+e $iew
)diting 5ata in Cube 7ie Cells
You can edit data in leaf cellsE (ro$iding ou ha$e /rite access to those cells.
Using 5ata Spreading
You can use data s(reading to enter or edit nu#eric data using a (redefined distri+ution #ethodE called a data s(read
@uic" 5ata )ntry Commands
%(ing a data entr co##and in a cell (erfor#s an action on the cell $alue.
)ntering 5ata into Consolidated Cells on t'e +eb Cube 7ieer
/hen ou enter a nu#+er into a consolidated cell in the we+ &u+e 0iewerE the $alue is (ro(ortionall s(read across the
)*cluding Cells from 5ata Spreading
You can a((l a hold to cells to (re$ent those cells fro# +eing affected + data s(reading. You can still edit held cells.
)*cluding Consolidations from 5ata Spreading
You can hold the $alue of a consolidation constant while ad1usting the underling leaf $alues. ;or exa#(leE when
(erfor#ing a what3if analsis ou #ight want to hold a $alue constant while changing the $alues of the lea$es.
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
335 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.1. )diting 5ata in Cube 7ie Cells
You can edit data in leaf cellsE (ro$iding ou ha$e /rite access to those cells.
"eaf cells a((ear with a white +ac-ground in the &u+e 0iewer.
If ou are wor-ing in a sand+oxE ou can sa$e the sand+ox to store our $alues across sessions. See the N/rite+ac- and
Sand+oxN cha(ter of the IBMH &ognosH %M1H *ser Guide for #ore infor#ation a+out wor-ing with sand+oxes.
Edit a $alue in a white cell in one of the following two was.
,eplace t'e (alue 3 Single3clic- a $alue in a white cell. %M1 /e+ dis(las the current $alue in the cell as
highlightedE which indicates that the cell is in Edit #ode. You can then t(e directl o$er the existing $alue in the cellE
re(lacing it co#(letel.
)dit t'e (alue 3 2ou+le3clic- a $alue in a white cell. %M1 /e+ dis(las the current $alue in the cell with a +orderE a
white +ac-groundE and a +lin-ing cursor. %his indicates that ou can selecti$el edit the existing $alue + using the
left and right arrow -es on our -e+oard to (osition the cursor within the $alue. You can also use the Bac-s(ace
and 2elete -es to re#o$e single nu#+ers fro# the $alue.
)fter entering a new nu#+erE (ress )nter or clic- on another cell.
4ote0 /hen ou enter a nu#+er into a consolidated cell in the we+ &u+e 0iewerE the $alue is (ro(ortionall s(read
across the consolidation. ;or exa#(leE if ou enter A0 into a consolidated cell in the we+ cu+e $iewerE the $alue is s(read
across the consolidation as if ou had entered s(reading code of 6@(. %his +eha$ior occurs onl in the we+ &u+e 0iewer.
In )rchitectBSer$er Ex(lorer &u+e 0iewer and in slices fro# 'ers(ecti$es and /e+sheetsE ou #ust enter the s(reading
code to get the $alue to s(read (ro(ortionall across the consolidated cells.
%he new nu#+er dis(las in +old and italicE which indicates there is a new $alue in this cell. You #ust su+#it the $iew to
the ser$er for the change ou #ade to (ersist.
Important0 If ou log out of %M1 /e+ without su+#itting the new $alueE the change ou #ade will +e lost.
Ma-e additional changesE as necessar. !.
&lic- ,e(ie 5ata C'anges .
%he Re$iew &ell 0alue &hanges dialog +ox o(ens.
2o one of the followingI
&lic- Submit to sa$e the changes to the ser$er.
&lic- 5one to sa$e the changes in the &u+e 0iewerE +ut not su+#it the# to the ser$er.
You can also clic- Submit 5ata C'anges on the &u+e 0iewer tool+ar to su+#it our data changes without re$iewing
%he &u+e 0iewer dis(las the u(dated $alues. )ll $alues a((ear in a nor#al fontE indicating that ou sa$ed the changes.
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
336 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.#. Using 5ata Spreading
You can use data s(reading to enter or edit nu#eric data using a (redefined distri+ution #ethodE called a data s(read
;or exa#(leE ou can e$enl distri+ute a $alue across a range of cellsE or incre#ent all $alues in a range of cells + a
(ercentage. ;or details on data s(read #ethodsE see N,sing 2ata S(readingN in the IBMH &ognosH %M1H *ser Guide.
%o s(read dataE right3clic- a cell and clic- 5ata Spread. 1.
;ro# the S(reading #enuE select an data s(read #ethod.
4ote0 %M1 /e+ sa$es the s(read $alues to the ser$er. You do not need to su+#it the data after %M1 /e+ co#(letes the
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
337 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.3. @uic" 5ata )ntry Commands
%(ing a data entr co##and in a cell (erfor#s an action on the cell $alue.
2ata entr co##ands are (rocessed when ou (ress Enter. %hese co##ands onl a((l to the current grid.
%hese co##ands are not case3sensiti$e.
You can use co##ands across two di#ensionsE +ut not across (ages.
%he following ta+le lists the quic- data entr co##ands.
Command 5escription Action
F Enters the $alue in thousands. Exa#(leI 6F
Enters 6E@@@
M Enters the $alue in #illions. Exa#(leI 1@M
Enters 1@E@@@E@@@
)ddE M )dds a nu#+er to the cell $alue. Exa#(leI )dd6@
)dds 6@ fro# the cell $alue
Su+tractE Su+E [ Su+tracts a nu#+er fro# the cell $alue.
Important0 ) #inus sign C3D is not (er#itted for
su+tract +ecause this indicates a negati$e nu#+er.
Exa#(leI su+:
Su+tracts : fro# the cell $alue
'ercentE (er Multi(lies the cell $alue + a nu#+er added as a
Exa#(leI (er6
Gi$es 6> of the original cell $alue
IncreaseE Inc Increases the cell $alue + a nu#+er added as a

2ecreaseE 2ec 2ecreases the cell $alue + a nu#+er added as a
Exa#(leI decrease8
2ecreases the cell $alue + 8>
GR Grows cells + a (ercentage. Exa#(leI GRV16@I1@
Increases the $alue + 1@ (ercent starting
with a $alue of 16@.
*oldE *olE *E *& *olds the cell $alue fro# +rea-+ac- calculations.
*& holds the consolidated le$el.

ReleaseE RelE R*E R& Releases held cells.

R) Release all held cells.

Using S'ortcuts in 5ifferent Clients
%here are shortcut -es a$aila+le in the IBMH &ognosH %M1 )((lication /e+ client.
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
338 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.3.1. Using S'ortcuts in 5ifferent Clients
%here are shortcut -es a$aila+le in the IBMH &ognosH %M1H )((lication /e+ client.
%he following ta+le shows the shortcut -es a$aila+le in the IBM &ognos %M1 )((lication /e+ client and in &ognos %M1 .
7ote that not all shortcuts a$aila+le in IBM &ognos Business Intelligence 'lanning &ontri+utor are also a$aila+le in &ognos
%M1 . See also the notes at the end of the ta+le for i#(ortant infor#ation a+out using shortcut -es.
Cognos Application +eb Cognos TM1
)dd1@ 'M1@
Su+1@ '[1@
Increase1@ '>M1@
2ecrease1@ '>[1@
'ercent1@ '>1@
)dd1@V or V)dd1@ RMV1@
Su+1@V or VSu+1@ R[V1@
Increase1@V or VIncrease1@ '>MV1@
2ecrease1@V or W2ecrease1@ '>[V1@
'ercent1@V or V'ercent1@ '>V1@
V1@ RV1@
1@V RV1@
V1@F RV1@@@@
V1@M RV1@@@@@@@
1@Grow1@@&o#(oundV GRV1@I1@@
1@Grow1@@"inearV GRV1@I1@@
1@Gro1@@&o#V GRV1@I1@@
1@Gro1@@"inV GRV1@I1@@
1@G1@@&V GRV1@I1@@
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
339 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Cognos Application +eb Cognos TM1
1@G1@@"V GRV1@I1@@
1@Grow1@@V GRV1@I1@@
1F 1@@@ C%he nu#+er ending in F is #ulti(lied + 1@@@ at the client end
and returned to the ser$erD
1M 1@@@@@@ C%he nu#+er ending in M is #ulti(lied + 1@@@@@@ at the
client end and returned to the ser$erD
/hen a shortcut such as 10K is enteredE the nu#+ers are #ulti(lied + 1@@@E or 1@@@@@@ at the client end and then the
shortcut is con$erted to the equi$alent s(readcode.
%he &ognos %M1 s(readcodes cannot +e used in co#+ination with &ognos Business Intelligence 'lanning &ontri+utor
shortcuts. ;or exa#(le. P%Add10 or RPAdd10 are not allowed. )lsoE &ognos 'lanning &ontri+utor shortcuts cannot +e used
in co#+ination with &ognos %M1 shortcuts. ;or exa#(leE Add10Sub20 is an in$alid entr.
%he &ognos Business Intelligence 'lanning &ontri+utor shortcuts of Multi(lE 2i$ideE 'ower and Reset are not a$aila+le in
%M1 .
)ll Grow co##ands whether &o#(ound or "inearE are con$erted to the &ognos %M1 GR s(readcode co##and. GR
co##and can onl do a "inear Growth
%he direction of s(read can +e entered at the start or the end of the shortcut. Shortcut strings with the direction in the
#iddle are in$alid. ;or exa#(leE Add10> or >Add10 are correctE +ut Add>10 or Add1>0 are in$alid.
)ll shortcut codes are not case sensiti$e. ;or exa#(leE add10E Add10E or aDD10 (roduce the sa#e result.
/arent topic0 5uic- 2ata Entr &o##ands
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
340 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.6. )ntering 5ata into Consolidated Cells on t'e +eb Cube 7ieer
/hen ou enter a nu#+er into a consolidated cell in the we+ &u+e 0iewerE the $alue is (ro(ortionall s(read across the
;or exa#(leE if ou enter A0 into a consolidated cell in the we+ &u+e 0iewerE the $alue is s(read across the consolidation as
if ou had entered the s(reading code of 6@(. %his +eha$ior occurs onl in the we+ &u+e 0iewer. In the )rchitectBSer$er
Ex(lorer &u+e 0iewer and in slices fro# 'ers(ecti$es and in /e+sheetsE ou #ust enter the s(reading code to get the $alue
to s(read (ro(ortionall across the consolidated cells.
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
341 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.A. )*cluding Cells from 5ata Spreading
You can a((l a hold to cells to (re$ent those cells fro# +eing affected + data s(reading. You can still edit held cells.
%he holds a((l onl to the user initiating the featureL other users can edit held cells.
Apply a 'old to a single cell or range
You can a((l a hold to a single cell or range.
,elease a 'old on a single cell or range
You can release a hold on a single cell or range.
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
342 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.A.1. Apply a 'old to a single cell or range
You can a((l a hold to a single cell or range.
Select the cell or range. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE 1old .ea(es. !.
Each held cell dis(las a red triangle in the lower3left corner as a $isual indication that ou a((lied a hold to that cell or
range. /hen ou log offE all holds are released.
/arent topic0 Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
343 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.A.#. ,elease a 'old on a single cell or range
You can release a hold on a single cell or range.
Select the cell or range of cells. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE ,elease .eaf 1olds. !.
%he released cells can acce(t $alues fro# data s(reading o(erations.
4ote0 %o release all holds that ou a((lied to all cu+esE right3clic- an cell in an cu+eE clic- 1oldsE ,elease All 1olds.
/arent topic0 Excluding &ells fro# 2ata S(reading
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
344 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.B. )*cluding Consolidations from 5ata Spreading
You can hold the $alue of a consolidation constant while ad1usting the underling leaf $alues. ;or exa#(leE when (erfor#ing
a what3if analsis ou #ight want to hold a $alue constant while changing the $alues of the lea$es.
/hen ou a((l a consolidation hold and change the $alue of its leaf ele#entsE (ro(ortional s(reading is a((lied to the
re#aining leaf $alues so that the consolidation $alue re#ains unchanged.
Apply a consolidation 'old to a single cell or range
You can a((l a consolidation hold to a single cell or range.
,elease a consolidation 'old on a single cell or range
You can release a consolidation hold on a single cell or range.
/arent topic0 Editing 2ata in a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
345 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.B.1. Apply a consolidation 'old to a single cell or range
You can a((l a consolidation hold to a single cell or range.
Select the cell or range. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE 1old Consolidate. !.
Each held consolidation dis(las a red triangle in the lower3left corner of a cell as a $isual indication that ou a((lied a hold
to that cell or range. /hen ou log offE all holds are released.
/arent topic0 Excluding &onsolidations fro# 2ata S(reading
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
346 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.C.B.#. ,elease a consolidation 'old on a single cell or range
You can release a consolidation hold on a single cell or range.
Select the cell or range of cells. 1.
Right3clic- the cell or range. 2.
&lic- 1oldsE ,elease Consolidate. !.
%he consolidated $alue can now reflect an changes that ou #a-e to the underling leaf $alues.
4ote0 %o release all holds that ou a((lied to all cu+esE right3clic- an cell in an cu+eE clic- 1oldsE ,elease All 1olds.
/arent topic0 Excluding &onsolidations fro# 2ata S(reading
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
347 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.D. Creating a 4e Cube 7ie
If the $iews for a cu+e do not satisf our analsis require#entsE ou can create a new $iew + using the 0iew Builder
/i=ard. %he wi=ard ta-es ou through the following ste(s to create a new $iewI
2efine the location of di#ensions in the $iew
Select the ele#ents to +e used in the $iew
Sa$e the $iew as a (ri$ate $iew on the ser$er to which ou are connected
&lic- 4e 7ie +eneath the cu+e fro# which ou want to +uild a $iew.
%M1H /e+ dis(las the 0iew Builder /i=ard with our default $iew in the &ontent (ane. %M1 /e+ deter#ines the default
$iewE as followsI
If ou ha$e a (ri$ate na#ed default $iew of the cu+eE %M1 /e+ dis(las it in the 0iew Builder.
If ou do not ha$e a (ri$ate na#ed default $iew of the cu+eE +ut a (u+lic na#ed default $iew existsE %M1 /e+
dis(las the (u+lic $iew in the 0iew Builder.
If ou ha$e neither a (ri$ate na#ed default $iew nor a (u+lic na#ed default $iew of the cu+eE %M1 /e+ dis(las the
sste# default $iew in the 0iew Builder. In the sste# default $iewE the last di#ension in the cu+e definition is the
colu#n di#ensionE the next3to3last di#ension in the cu+e definition is the row di#ensionE and all other di#ensions
are title di#ensions.
Set the location of di#ensions in the new $iew. %here are four (ossi+le di#ension locations in a $iewI
Titles 3 &lic- the +utton at the intersection of the di#ension na#e and the %itles colu#n in the di#ension location
,os 3 &lic- the +utton at the intersection of the di#ension na#e and the Rows colu#n.
Columns 3 &lic- the +utton at the intersection of the di#ension na#e and the &olu#ns colu#n.
1ide 3 &lic- the +utton at the intersection of the di#ension na#e and the *ide colu#n.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
348 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
)s ou set di#ension locationsE %M1 /e+ inserts the di#ensions in the a((ro(riate location in the 0iew 2e(iction section
of the 0iew Builder.
4ote0 You can (lace #ulti(le di#ensions in an single location in the $iew. /hen ou (lace #ulti(le di#ensions in a
locationE %M1 /e+ (laces the di#ensions in the order ou select the#.
%he following exa#(le shows two row di#ensionsI #odel was selected firstE account1 was selected second.
;or each di#ension in the $iewE clic- the &pen Subset )ditor +utton to o(en the Su+set Editor. !.
&lic- Subset All to re$eal all ele#ents in the di#ension. ..
Select the ele#ents ou want to use in the new $iew.
Title and 'idden dimensions 3 Select a single ele#ent.
,o and column dimensions 3 Select an co#+ination of ele#ents.
%o select #ulti(le ad1acent ele#entsE clic- the first ele#ent and S*I;%3clic- the last ele#ent. %o select #ulti(le
non3ad1acent ele#entsE &%R"3clic- each ele#ent.
&lic- &2 to sa$e our ele#ent selections and close the Su+set Editor. 8.
2o one of the following to finish creating a $iewI
%o si#ultaneousl sa$e and o(en the new $iewE enter a na#e in the 0iew 7a#e field and clic- Sa(e O 7ie.
%M1 /e+ sa$es the new $iew as a (ri$ate $iew on the ser$er to which ou are connectedE and ena+les the )uto#atic
Recalculation and Su((ress <eroes o(tions for the $iew.
%o o(en the new $iew in %M1 /e+ without sa$ing the $iewE clic- 7ie.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
349 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
%he $iew o(ens as an unna#ed and unsa$ed $iew in %M1 /e+ . You #ust clic- Sa(e 7ie to sa$e the $iew for
later access.
If ou sa$e the $iew nowE ou can also set the following o(tionsI
/ri(ate 3 Sa$e the $iew as either a (ri$ate or (u+lic $iew.
5efault 3 Sa$e the $iew as either the 2efault $iew or a na#ed $iew.
Important0 If ou do not sa$e the $iewE %M1 /e+ discards the $iew when ou close the $iew or end our %M1 /e+
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
350 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.=. Generating a ,eport from a Cube 7ie
You can generate J+riefing +oo-J 3 stle re(orts in two wasI
Cube 7ieer 3 Select the title di#ension su+sets and the nu#+er of rows to include in the re(ort.
+ebs'eet 3 Select the title di#ension su+sets to include in the re(ort. ;or detailsE see /or-ing with /e+sheets.
4ote0 If our installation of %M1H /e+ is configured to run without Microsoft Excel on the /e+ ser$erE so#e li#itations #a
a((l when ex(orting fro# a &u+e 0iewer. ;or detailsE see &u+e 0iewer Ex(ort "i#itation.
&lic- )*port . 1.
Select an ex(ort for#at for the re(ortI
Slice to )*cel 3 Excel docu#ents that retain a lin- to the ser$er through %M1 functions. /hen ou o(en the slice and
connect to the ser$er with which the slice is associatedE the slice dis(las the current cu+e $aluesE (ro$ided ou are
running Excel with the 'ers(ecti$es add3in ena+led.
Snaps'ot to )*cel 3 Excel docu#ents that contain nu#eric $alues reflecting the cu+e $alues at the #o#ent the
ex(ort occurred. Because sna(shots do not retain a lin- to the ser$erE the $alues are staticE re(resenting a sna(shot
of cu+e $alues at the #o#ent of ex(ort.
)*port to /5F 3 '2; docu#ents that dis(la cu+e $alues at the #o#ent the ex(ort occurred.
%he Ex(ort dialog +ox o(ens.
Select the nu#+er of rows to ex(ortI
)*port ros in current page 3 Ex(orts all rows in the current (age.
)*port ros from beginning to current page 3 Ex(orts the first row in the first (age through the last row in the
current (age.
)*port all ros in t'e (ie 3 Ex(orts all rows fro# all (ages.
Select the title di#ensions that ou want to include in the re(ort. ..
&lic- &2 to create the re(ort.
%he re(ort sheets are generated and (ro#(ts ou to either o(en or sa$e the re(ort.
2o one of the followingI
&lic- &pen to o(en the re(ort in a new +rowser window.
&lic- Sa(e to sa$e the re(ort to dis-.
4ote0 B defaultE ex(orting a slice or sna(shot re(ort to Excel dis(las the re(ort in a we+ +rowser window.
;or details on configuring our co#(uter to o(en re(orts into the fullE stand3alone $ersion of ExcelE see the Microsoft
su((ort we+ site.
)dditionallE if ou want to use %M1 functionalit with a slice that ou ex(ort to ExcelE ou #ust o(en the slice in the
stand3alone $ersion of Excel and ha$e a local $ersion of 'ers(ecti$es or &lient installed on our co#(uter.
4ote0 If ou are ex(eriencing (ro+le#s ex(orting Excel or '2; files and ou are using a /)7 C/ide )rea 7etwor-D
ser$erE ou #a need to re3configure the securit settings in Internet Ex(lorer. ;or detailsE see the N)d#inistrating %M1
/e+N cha(ter in the IB# Cognos# !" +e$ Guide.
Cube 7ieer )*port .imitation
/hen Microsoft Excel is not (resent on the %M1 /e+ ser$erE and ou ex(ort a &u+e 0iewer using either the Slice to Excel
or Sna(shot to Excel o(tionsE an charts (resent in the &u+e 0iewer are not ex(orted to the resulting wor-sheet.
/arent topic0 /or-ing in the %M1 /e+ &u+e 0iewer
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
351 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
13.=.1. Cube 7ieer )*port .imitation
/hen Microsoft Excel is not (resent on the %M1H /e+ ser$erE and ou ex(ort a &u+e 0iewer using either the Slice to Excel or
Sna(shot to Excel o(tionsE an charts (resent in the &u+e 0iewer are not ex(orted to the resulting wor-sheet.
/arent topic0 Generating a Re(ort fro# a &u+e 0iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
352 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
16. +or"ing it' C'arts
%his section illustrates how to $iew a chart in a we+3+ased client.
O(en a $iew. 1.
2o one of the following to $iew a chartI
&lic- 7ie C'art to $iew cu+e data in chart for#at onl.
) colu#n chartE the default chart t(eE is dis(laed.
&lic- 7ie C'art and Grid to $iew cu+e data in +oth chart and grid for#at.
) grid is dis(laed at the to(E and a colu#n chartE the default chart t(eE is dis(laed at the +otto#.
&lic- 7ie Grid to $iew cu+e data in grid for#at onl.
C'anging t'e C'art TypeH ColorsH .egendH and 35 7ie
You can change the chart t(eE colorsE legendE and !2 $iew ele#ents on the fl fro# the &hart 'ro(erties #enu.
C'anging C'art /roperties
You can edit and for#at the following chart (ro(erties to gi$e our chart a (rofessional loo-.
)*panding and Collapsing Consolidations in a C'art
/hen ou dis(la a chart in our $iewE ou can ex(and and colla(se consolidations in the chart.
5rilling from a C'art
If our ad#inistrator has defined drill3through (rocesses and rules for cu+e cells re(resented in a chartE ou can drill
through to associated data fro# the chart.
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16.1. C'anging t'e C'art TypeH ColorsH .egendH and 35 7ie
You can change the chart t(eE colorsE legendE and !2 $iew ele#ents on the fl fro# the &hart 'ro(erties #enu.
;ollow the ste(s +elow to change the chart t(eE colorsE legendE and !2 $iew.
&lic- C'art /roperties on the tool+ar. 1.
Select an of the following #enu co##ands to change the chart.
Menu &ption 5escription
&hart %(e %he default chart is a colu#n chart. Select a different chart t(e.
&olor 'alette %he default color (alette is redE +right greenE +lueE and ellow with a +right +lue
+ac-ground. Select a different color (alette.
%oggle &hart "egend B defaultE a legend dis(lasE ou can hide the legend.
%oggle !2 0iew B defaultE a chart is two3di#ensional. You can switch to a three3di#ensional $iew of
the chart.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &harts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
354 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
16.#. C'anging C'art /roperties
You can edit and for#at the following chart (ro(erties to gi$e our chart a (rofessional loo-.
C'art 3 )((earanceE chart t(eE titleE and title (lace#ent
.egend 3 StleE dis(la or hide legendE dis(la legend inside (lot areaE and (lace#ent
35 3 2is(la or hide !32 $iewE right angle axesE series de(thE rotationE and (ers(ecti$e
.abels 3 %(eE angleE fontE colorE (ositionE for#atE and (recision
M and %!a*is 3 2is(la or hide axisE gridsE stri(sE re$ersedE side #arginE titleE for#atE and (recision
Appearance 3 &hart +ac-ground color and (atternE +orderE and line stle
;ollow the ste(s to change an chart ele#ents.
&lic- the C'art /roperties +utton. 1.
&lic- the C'art /roperties #enu o(tion.
%he C'art /roperties dialog +ox o(ens with se$en ta+sI &hartE "egendE !2E "a+elsE A3axisE Y3axisE and )((earance.
&lic- an ta+s and change the chart o(tions. !.
&lic- &2.
%he chart is u(dated to reflect the o(tions that ou select.
4ote0 If ou do not want to sa$e the changes to the chartE clic- Cancel.
C'anging $asic C'art /roperties
You can change chart o(tions through the &hart 'ro(erties dialog +ox.
C'anging t'e C'art .egend
%he chart legend o(tions can +e changed to suit our (references.
C'anging t'e 35 Style
%he o(tions can +e changed within the !2 $iew.
C'anging C'art .abels
You can change the &hart la+el o(tions to custo#i=e our $iew through the &hart 'ro(erties dialog +ox.
C'anging t'e M!a*is and %!a*is
%he o(tions can +e changed for the A3axis and Y3axis dis(la.
C'anging t'e Appearance of %our C'art
%he chart a((earance o(tions can +e changed to suit our (references.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &harts
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16.#.1. C'anging $asic C'art /roperties
You can change chart o(tions through the &hart 'ro(erties dialog +ox.
Appearance Style 3 B defaultE the color sche#e for a chart is dar- greenE +lueE (ur(leE and +right green. You can
select a different color sche#e.
C'art Type 3 %he default chart t(e is a colu#n chart. You can select a different chart t(e.
Title 3 You can add a title to our chart and (lace it in one of 12 locations on the chart.
%he following ste(s illustrate how to change the a((earance stleE chart t(e and title through the &hart ta+ in the &hart
'ro(erties dialog +oxI
&lic- the C'art ta+ in the C'art /roperties dialog +ox. 1.
In the Appearance Style listE select a color sche#e that +est suits +oth the data in the grid and our a((lication. 2.
In the C'art Type listE select a chart t(e. !.
%(e text for our title in the Title +ox.
4ote0 %he si=e of our chart deter#ines the title length. You #ight ha$e to shorten the title or (osition the title in a
location on the chart where the entire title can dis(la.
&lic- a title (lace#ent o(tion +utton to select a (osition for our title.
%he title (lace#ent o(tion +uttons to the right of the Title +ox control deter#ines where the title dis(las in our chart.
B defaultE the title dis(las at the to( #iddle of the chart. ,se the title (lace#ent o(tion +uttons to (osition the title at
one of 12 (ositions around the chart.
&lic- &2 to sa$e our changes. 8.
/arent topic0 &hanging &hart 'ro(erties
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16.#.#. C'anging t'e C'art .egend
%he chart legend o(tions can +e changed to suit our (references.
Style 3 2is(las the legend in a colu#nE rowE or ta+le for#at.
Generic 3 B defaultE the legend dis(las on the chart. You can hide the legend. )lso + defaultE the legend dis(las
outside the (lot area. You can (lace the legend inside the (lot area.
/lacement 3 B defaultE the legend dis(las in the u((er right corner of the chart. You can (lace the legend in one of 12
locations in the chart.
%he following ste(s illustrate how to change the o(tions in the "egend ta+ in the &hart 'ro(erties dialog +oxI
&lic- the .egend ta+ in the C'art /roperties dialog +ox.
%he "egend ta+ contains three o(tionsI StleE GenericE and 'lace#ent.
Select one of the following Style o(tions.
Column 3 )rranges the legend -es in a $ertical colu#n for#at.
,o 3 )rranges the legend -es in a hori=ontal row for#at.
Table 3 )rranges the legend -es in a ta+le for#at with colu#ns and rows.
Select a Generic o(tion.
S'o .egend 3 B defaultE a legend dis(las on the chart. &learing this o(tion hides the legend.
/lace Inside /lot Area 3 B defaultE the legend dis(las outside the chart (lot area. If ou select this o(tionE the
legend dis(las inside the chart (lot area.
&lic- a /lacement o(tion to (osition the legend at one of 12 (ositions around the chart. ..
/arent topic0 &hanging &hart 'ro(erties
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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16.#.3. C'anging t'e 35 Style
%he o(tions can +e changed within the !2 $iew.
Generic 3 2is(la or hide the !2 $iewE and dis(la the chart in a right3angle axes Co+liqueD for#at.
35 Series 3 2is(la the series in a clustered arrange#entE and s(ecif the ga( and ga( de(th of the series.
,otation 3 S(ecif the hori=ontal and $ertical degrees of rotation for the axes of the chart.
&t'er 3 S(ecif the (ers(ecti$e to enlarge the (arts of the chart that are closest to ouE and shrin- the (arts that are
farther awa.
%he following ste(s illustrate how to change the !2 $iew through the &hart 'ro(erties dialog +oxI
&lic- the 35 ta+ in the C'art /roperties dialog +ox.
%he !2 ta+ o(tions includeI GenericE !2 SeriesE RotationE and 'ers(ecti$e.
Select the )nable 35 chec- +ox to dis(la the chart in a !2 for#at. 2.
If ou clear the Clustered chec- +ox in the !2 Series sectionE the colu#ns that re(resent the data series are no longer
clustered together.
Select the Clustered chec- +oxE and enter $alues in the 5ept' and Gap 5ept' +oxes.
%he default $alue for the de(th is 1@@ and the default $alue for the ga( de(th is 1@@.
&hange the $alues in the ,otation section to change the hori=ontal and $ertical axes of the chart.
%he default 1oriJontal rotation $alue is 1@. %he default 7ertical rotation $alue is 16.
&hange the $alue in the /erspecti(e +ox to change the chart (ers(ecti$e.
%he default $alue for the chart (ers(ecti$e is 1@. )s ou increase the (ers(ecti$e settingE (arts of the chart that are
closest to ou are enlargedE while the (ortions that are farther awa are shrun-.
/arent topic0 &hanging &hart 'ro(erties
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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16.#.6. C'anging C'art .abels
You can change the &hart la+el o(tions to custo#i=e our $iew through the &hart 'ro(erties dialog +ox.
Generic 3 2is(la data (oint la+els and s#art la+els. &hange the angleE fontE and color of the la+els.
/osition 3 'osition the la+els auto#aticall or s(ecif where ou want the# to a((ear on the data series in the chart.
Format and /recision 3 S(ecif the for#at and deci#al (laces for the la+el nu#+ers.
%he following ste(s illustrate how to change la+el o(tions through the "a+els ta+ in the &hart 'ro(erties dialog +oxI
&lic- the .abels ta+ in the C'art /roperties dialog +ox. 1.
Select the S'o /oint .abels chec- +ox to dis(la la+els for the $alue associated with the data series. 2.
If ou select the )nable Smart .abels chec- +oxE an arrow is inserted for an a#+iguous (oint la+el $alue for a data
series. %he arrow #a-es it easier to de(ict which (oint la+el $alue associates with a data series.
%(e a $alue in the Angle +ox to change the (oint la+els angle on the chart.
B defaultE the angle $alue of =ero dis(las the la+els hori=ontall. You can enter a $alue fro# 3!8@ to !8@ degrees. ) ?@
degree angle dis(las the la+els $erticallE facing left. ) 3?@ degree angle dis(las the la+els $erticallE facing right.
&hange the font for the la+elsI
Select Clic" to select in the Font +ox.
%he &hart ;ont dialog +ox o(ens.
Select a fontE font stleE si=eE and an effects.
&lic- &2.
In the Color listE select a color to change the color of the la+elsI 8.
&lic- a /osition o(tion to (lace the la+els relati$e to the to( of the data series in the chart.
%he )uto o(tion (laces the la+els at the to( of a data series.
&hange the for#at and nu#+er of deci#al (laces for the la+els.
B defaultE the for#at is 4umber and the (recision is @ deci#al (laces. If ou select &urrenc and 2E the la+els dis(la
with a dollar sign and two deci#al (laces.
In the Format listE select the for#at that #atches our nu#eric data.
In the /recision listE select the nu#+er of deci#al (laces for our nu#eric data.
/arent topic0 &hanging &hart 'ro(erties
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
359 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
16.#.A. C'anging t'e M!a*is and %!a*is
%he o(tions can +e changed for the A3axis and Y3axis dis(la.
)xis 3 2is(las or hides the A3axis or Y3axisE #a1or gridlinesE #inor gridlinesE interlaced stri(sE and side #argin. Re$erses
the A3axis la+els.
%itle 3 "ets ou add a title to the A3axis or Y3axis and select a font for the title.
"a+el ;or#at and 'recision 3 "ets ou s(ecif the nu#+er for#at and deci#al (laces for the A3axis or Y3axis nu#+ers.
%he following ste(s illustrate how to change the for#at of the A3axis and Y3axis in the &hart 'ro(erties dialog +oxI
&lic- the M!a*is ta+ or the %!a*is ta+ in the C'art /roperties dialog +ox. 1.
Select or clear the following A*is o(tions.
7isible 3 2is(las or hides the A3axis or Y3axis la+el. You enter the A3axis or Y3axis la+el text in the Title field.
Ma8or Grids 3 2is(las or hides #a1or gridlines.
Minor Grids 3 2is(las or hides #inor gridlines.
Interlaced Strips 3 2is(las or hides interlaced stri(s.
,e(ersed 3 Mo$es the Y3axis la+els to the o((osite side of the chart.
Side Margin 3 2is(las or hides a side #argin.
)dd a title to the A3axis or Y3axis and change the font for the title.
%(e a title in the Title +ox.
Select Clic" to select in the Font +ox.
%he C'art Font dialog +ox o(ens.
Select a fontE font stleE font si=eE and an effects. &lic- &2.
4ote0 %he A3axis la+el re(laces the na#e of the chartE which is usuall the na#e of the $iew.
&hange the for#at and nu#+er of deci#al (laces for the A3axis or Y3axis la+els.
B defaultE the for#at is General and the (recision is @ deci#al (laces. If ou select Currency and #E the la+els dis(la
with a dollar sign and two deci#al (laces.
In the Format listE select a for#at that #atches our nu#eric data.
In the /recision listE select the nu#+er of deci#al (laces for our nu#erical data.
/arent topic0 &hanging &hart 'ro(erties
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
360 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
16.#.B. C'anging t'e Appearance of %our C'art
%he chart a((earance o(tions can +e changed to suit our (references.
$ac"ground 3 &hange the +ac-ground color and (attern of the chart.
$order and .ine 3 &hange the stleE colorE and width of the lines and +orders in the chart.
;ollow the ste(s +elow to change the a((earance of our chart.
&lic- the Appearance ta+ in the C'art /roperties dialog +ox. 1.
In the Color listE select a +ac-ground color for our chart. 2.
In the Gradient listE select a +ac-ground gradient for our chart. !.
In the 1atc'ing listE select a +ac-ground (attern for our chart. ..
In the Color P# listE select a color to define a secondar color for the +ac-ground. 6.
&hange the stleE colorE and width of the +order around the outside of the chart (lot area.
In the Border and "ine sectionE in the Style listE select the t(e of line (attern ou want for the +order.
In the Color listE select a color for the +order.
Enter a width for the +order in the +idt' +ox.
/arent topic0 &hanging &hart 'ro(erties
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
361 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
16.3. )*panding and Collapsing Consolidations in a C'art
/hen ou dis(la a chart in our $iewE ou can ex(and and colla(se consolidations in the chart.
)*pand 3 Right3clic- a consolidated data series and clic- 5rill 5on to re$eal the i##ediate children of the
consolidated ele#ent in the chart.
Collapse 3 Right3clic- a consolidated data series and clic- 5rill Up to hide the i##ediate children of the consolidated
ele#ent in the chart.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &harts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
362 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
16.6. 5rilling from a C'art
If our ad#inistrator has defined drill3through (rocesses and rules for cu+e cells re(resented in a chartE ou can drill through
to associated data fro# the chart.
;or details on creating drill3through (rocesses and rulesE see the IBMH &ognosH %M1H Developer Guide.
If a chart co#(onent is associated with a single source of associated dataE the data i##ediatel o(ens on a new 0iew ta+. If
the chart co#(onent is associated with a #ulti(le sources of associated dataE ou are (ro#(ted to select a single source.
;or exa#(leE this section illustrates how to execute a drill.
&lic- 7ie C'art to dis(la the chart. 1.
Right3clic- a colu#n in the chart and clic- 5rill T'roug'.
If the cell is lin-ed with two or #ore sources of associated dataE the 2rill dialog +ox o(ensE listing the data sources
associated with the chart co#(onent.
Select the source ou want to $iew and clic- Select. !.
%he selected data o(ens on a new 7ie ta+.
/arent topic0 /or-ing with &harts
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
363 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A. )diting Subsets in TM1 +eb
%his section descri+es how to use the IBMH &ognosH %M1H /e+ Su+set Editor to create and #anage lists of ele#ents that
identif the data ou want to anal=e.
Subset )diting &(er(ie
%he Su+set Editor tool lets ou define a su+set for an di#ension to li#it the nu#+er of ele#ents used in a $iew.
&pening t'e Subset )ditor
You can o(en a Su+set Editor fro# a /e+sheet or &u+e 0iewer.
$uilding a Simple Subset
,se the Su+set Editor si#(le #ode to change the ele#ents in a su+setE and to $iew those ele#ents i##ediatel.
5isplaying t'e Ad(anced Subset )ditor
If ou want to (erfor# ad$anced editing tas-s on a su+setE ou #ust use the ad$anced Su+set Editor instead of the
si#(le Su+set Editor.
Creating Custom Consolidations
/hen wor-ing with a $iewE ou can create custo# consolidations fro# existing su+sets or fro# selected su+set ele#ents.
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364 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.1. Subset )diting &(er(ie
%he Su+set Editor tool lets ou define a su+set for an di#ension to li#it the nu#+er of ele#ents used in a $iew.
) di#ension can ha$e thousands of ele#ents. It is unli-elE howe$erE that an $iew will require all ele#ents fro# all
di#ensions. In #ost casesE ou should li#it the ele#ents used in a $iew to those that are required for a s(ecific analsis of
our data.
;or +est resultsE li#it the nu#+er of ele#ents that a((ear as title ele#ents. %hat waE if ou $iew the data o$er slower
Internet connectionsE our data dis(las #ore efficientl.
Subset )ditor Types
You can run the Su+set Editor in two #odesI
5ynamic (ersus Static Subsets
/hen ou o(en a dna#ic su+set in %M1 /e+E a warning #essage dis(las infor#ing ou that the dna#ic su+set will +e
con$erted into a static su+setI N%his Su+set was created using an ex(ression. Modifing this su+set will delete the
ex(ression and con$ert the su+set into a static su+set.N
/arent topic0 Editing Su+sets in %M1 /e+
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
365 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.1.1. Subset )ditor Types
You can run the Su+set Editor in two #odesI
Simple 3 "ets ou li#it the nu#+er of ele#ents in a su+set.
Ad(anced 3 "ets ou (erfor# ad$anced tas-s such as filtering and sorting ele#ents. ;or detailsE see 2is(laing the
)d$anced Su+set Editor.
/arent topic0 Su+set Editing O$er$iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
366 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.1.#. 5ynamic (ersus Static Subsets
/hen ou o(en a dna#ic su+set in %M1H /e+E a warning #essage dis(las infor#ing ou that the dna#ic su+set will +e
con$erted into a static su+setI N%his Su+set was created using an ex(ression. Modifing this su+set will delete the ex(ression
and con$ert the su+set into a static su+set.N
)fter ou #a-e changes to the su+setE and sa$e the su+setE %M1 /e+ re(laces the dna#ic su+set with a static su+set.
%o edit a dna#ic su+set without con$erting it to a static su+setE use the Ser$er Ex(lorer Su+set Editor.
/arent topic0 Su+set Editing O$er$iew
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
367 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.#. &pening t'e Subset )ditor
You can o(en a Su+set Editor fro# a /e+sheet or &u+e 0iewer.
;ro# a /e+sheetE clic- &pen Subset )ditor at the far right end of a title di#ension. 1.
;ro# a &u+e 0iewerE clic- &pen Subset )ditor at the far right end of a su+set. 2.
/arent topic0 Editing Su+sets in %M1 /e+
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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1A.3. $uilding a Simple Subset
,se the Su+set Editor si#(le #ode to change the ele#ents in a su+setE and to $iew those ele#ents i##ediatel.
&lic- &pen Subset )ditor next to an di#ension.
%he si#(le Su+set Editor o(ens.
%he following +uttons are a$aila+le in the Su+set Editor.
$utton 4ame /osition
Su+set )ll 2is(las all ele#ents in the di#ension. %he list of
all ele#ents in a di#ension is -nown as the )ll
Fee( Selected
2is(las onl the ele#ents that ou selectE and
re#o$es all other ele#ents fro# the current
su+set. *owe$erE the re#o$ed ele#ents still exist
in the di#ension.
2elete Selected
Re#o$es the ele#ents that ou select fro# the
current su+set.
;ind in Su+set Ena+les ou to search for ele#ents in the current
su+set +ased on the search text that ou enter.
Su+set 2is(las a list of su+setsE and dis(las the su+set
that ou select with ele#ents of that su+set.
In the Su+set listE do one of the followingI
Select a na#ed su+set.
&lic- Subset All to $iew all ele#ents in the di#ension.
%he ele#ents that are #e#+ers of the selected su+set are dis(laed.
Select one or #ore ele#entsE and clic- 2eep Selected )lement9s: .
%he ele#ents that ou selected re#ain in the listE all other ele#ents are re#o$ed.
Select one or #ore ele#entsE and clic- 5elete Selected )lement9s: to re#o$e ele#ents fro# the list. ..
%o search for ele#ents in the current su+setE clic- Find in Subset and t(e our search (hrase. ;or details on using
;ind in Su+setE see ;inding Ele#ents.
&lic- &2. 8.
Your $iew is u(dated to include onl the ele#ents that ou selected in our su+set.
/arent topic0 Editing Su+sets in %M1 /e+
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
369 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6. 5isplaying t'e Ad(anced Subset )ditor
If ou want to (erfor# ad$anced editing tas-s on a su+setE ou #ust use the ad$anced Su+set Editor instead of the si#(le
Su+set Editor.
&lic- Subset )ditor next to an di#ension.
%he si#(le Su+set Editor o(ens.
&lic- Ad(anced at the +otto# of the si#(le Su+set Editor. 2.
%he ad$anced Su+set Editor contains two (anes.
A(ailable )lements Cleft (aneD 3 2is(las all the ele#ents that are a$aila+le to +e added to our su+set.
Subset Cright (aneD 3 2is(las onl the actual #e#+ers of the su+set. /hen ou sa$e a su+setE onl the ele#ents in the
Su+set (ane are sa$ed to the su+set.
Using t'e Ad(anced Subset )ditor Toolbar
%he editing tas-s a$aila+le in the )d$anced Su+set Editor are accessed fro# its tool+ar +uttons.
Mo(ing )lements
You can #o$e ele#ents fro# the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane to the Su+set (ane using a drag3and3dro( o(eration.
Mo(ing Consolidations
You can #o$e a consolidation fro# the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane to the Su+set (ane using a drag3and3dro( o(eration.
2eeping )lements
You can reduce the list of ele#ents in the Su+set (ane to onl those ele#ents ou want to -ee( in our su+set.
5eleting )lements
You can re#o$e selected ele#ents fro# the Su+set (ane.
Filtering )lements
You can filter ele#ents in either the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane or Su+set (ane.
Finding )lements
You can search for ele#ents in either the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane or Su+set (ane + using the ;ind in Su+set tool+ar.
Sorting )lements
You can sort all ele#ents in either the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane or Su+set (ane.
)*panding and Collapsing Consolidations
You can ex(and a consolidation in the Su+set Editor to dis(la the i##ediate children or all descendents of the
Inserting /arents
You can insert the i##ediate (arent of a selected ele#ent directl a+o$e that ele#ent in the Su+set Editor.
/arent topic0 Editing Su+sets in %M1 /e+
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
370 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.1. Using t'e Ad(anced Subset )ditor Toolbar
%he editing tas-s a$aila+le in the )d$anced Su+set Editor are accessed fro# its tool+ar +uttons.
%he following ta+le descri+es the Su+set Editor tool+ar +uttonsI
$utton 4ame 5escription
Sa$e Su+set Sa$es onl the ele#ents that a((ear in the Su+set list to the
Sa$e Su+set )s Sa$es onl the ele#ents that a((ear in the Su+set list to the
su+set with a different na#e.
Reload Su+set Reloads the original su+set.
Su+set )ll 2is(las all the ele#ents in the (arent di#ension.
&utE &o( and 'aste &utsE co(iesE and (astes the selected ele#ents of a su+set.
Fee( Selected Ele#ents Fee(s ele#ents that ou select for the su+set.
2elete Selected Ele#ents Re#o$es ele#ents that ou select fro# the su+set.
;ilter Su+set )llows ou to select a grou( of ele#ents in a su+set that ha$e
related characteristics. You can filter ele#ents in these wasI
;ilter + "e$el
;ilter + )ttri+ute
;ilter + Ex(ression
Sort Su+set "ets ou sort a su+set in se$eral wasI
Sort )scending
Sort 2escending
Sort *ierarchicall
Sort + Index )scending
Sort + Index 2escending
%ree Ex(and Ex(ands the tree in se$eral wasI
2rill 2own Selected &onsolidations 3 Ex(ands the selected
consolidation one le$el.
Ex(and Selected &onsolidations 3 Ex(ands the selected
consolidationE showing all descendents.
Ex(and %ree ;ull 3 Ex(ands the entire hierarchE showing all
children of all (arents.
%ree &olla(se &olla(ses the tree in two wasI
&olla(se Selected &onsolidations 3 &olla(ses the ex(anded
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371 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
$utton 4ame 5escription
consolidationE hiding all descendents.
&olla(se %ree ;ull 3 &olla(ses the entire hierarch.
Insert 'arents of Selected
Inserts the (arent of the selected ele#ent i##ediatel a+o$e
that ele#ent in the hierarch tree.
Ex(and )+o$e 2is(las consolidations at the +otto# of the list of childrenE in
+oth the )$aila+le Ele#ents and Su+set lists. %he children of the
consolidation ex(and a+o$e the consolidation.
&reate &usto#
)llows ou to +uild consolidated ele#ents on the fl when
wor-ing with a $iew.
;or detailsE see &reating &usto# &onsolidations.
;ind in Su+set Ena+les ou to search for ele#ents in the current su+set +ased
on the search text ou enter.
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
372 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.#. Mo(ing )lements
You can #o$e ele#ents fro# the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane to the Su+set (ane using a drag3and3dro( o(eration.
In this exa#(leE if ou clic- Other Re$enue in the )$aila+le Ele#ents (aneE ou could drag the ele#ent to +eneath Sales in
the Su+set (ane.
%he line +eneath the Sales ele#ent indicates that the Other Re$enue ele#ent will a((ear +eneath Sales.
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
373 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.3. Mo(ing Consolidations
You can #o$e a consolidation fro# the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane to the Su+set (ane using a drag3and3dro( o(eration.
/hen ou #o$e a consolidated ele#entE the children of the consolidation also #o$e.
;or this exa#(leE su((ose ou ha$e a consolidation ele#ent na#ed Re$enue.
If ou select Re$enueE and drag it to the Su+set (aneE a colla(sed consolidation is added to the Su+set (ane.
If ou ex(and Re$enue in the )$aila+le Ele#ents (aneE and select the consolidation and its childrenE ou can drag the
consolidation to the Su+set (ane. %he ex(anded consolidation is added to the Su+set (ane.
In +oth of the a+o$e exa#(lesE the Re$enue consolidation and its children are added to the Su+set list. *owe$erE the state of
the consolidation in the Su+set list reflects the wa the consolidation dis(las. In the first exa#(leE Re$enue dis(las as a
colla(sed consolidation. In the second exa#(leE Re$enue dis(las as an ex(anded consolidation and its children will +e
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
374 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.6. 2eeping )lements
You can reduce the list of ele#ents in the Su+set (ane to onl those ele#ents ou want to -ee( in our su+set.
In this case all other ele#ents are re#o$ed fro# the su+set.
4ote0 You can reduce the si=e of the )$aila+le Ele#ents list to narrow our search for ele#ents to add to our su+setE +ut
this has no effect on the ele#ents in the Su+set list.
Select the ele#ents that ou want to -ee( in the Su+set list. 1.
&lic- 2eep Selected )lement9s: .
Onl the ele#ents that ou selected to -ee( re#ain $isi+le in the Su+set list.
&lic- Sa(e Subset to sa$e the su+set. !.
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
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1A.6.A. 5eleting )lements
You can re#o$e selected ele#ents fro# the Su+set (ane.
Select one or #ore ele#ents in the Su+set (ane. 1.
&lic- 5elete Selected )lement9s: . 2.
%he selected ele#ents are re#o$ed fro# the Su+set (ane. %he re#o$ed ele#ents still exist in the di#ension.
4ote0 %o dis(la all su+set ele#ents that ou re#o$edE clic- Subset All .
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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1A.6.B. Filtering )lements
You can filter ele#ents in either the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane or Su+set (ane.
,se these o(tionsI
Filter by Attribute 3 2is(las onl the ele#ents that #atch an attri+ute that ou s(ecif.
Filter by .e(el 3 2is(las onl the ele#ents that #atch a le$el in the ele#ent hierarch.
Filter by )*pression 3 2is(las onl the ele#ents that #atch a (attern.
Filtering by Attribute
%he Su+set Editor lets ou filter ele#ents + attri+ute $alue.
Filtering by .e(el
%he Su+set Editor lets ou filter ele#ents so that onl ele#ents +elonging to one or #ore s(ecified hierarch le$els
Filtering by )*pression
%he Su+set Editor lets ou filter ele#ents so that onl ele#ents #atching a s(ecified search (attern re#ain.
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
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1A.6.B.1. Filtering by Attribute
%he Su+set Editor lets ou filter ele#ents + attri+ute $alue.
&lic- Filter SubsetE and clic- Filter by Attribute. 1.
In the Select Attribute listE select an attri+ute. 2.
In the Select (alue to matc' listE select a $alue. !.
&lic- &2. ..
)ll su+set ele#ents whose selected attri+ute #atches this $alue re#ain in the ele#ent list. )ll su+set ele#ents whose
selected attri+ute does not #atch the $alue are re#o$ed fro# the ele#ent list.
/arent topic0 ;iltering Ele#ents
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1A.6.B.#. Filtering by .e(el
%he Su+set Editor lets ou filter ele#ents so that onl ele#ents +elonging to one or #ore s(ecified hierarch le$els re#ain.
&onsider the following exa#(le of a three3le$el hierarch.
In this exa#(leE ou start with the su+set shown in the figureE and then eli#inate all ele#ents fro# the su+set exce(t those
at "e$el 1.
&lic- Filter Subset E and clic- Filter by .e(el. 1.
&lic- a le$el in the listE and clic- &2.
;or exa#(leE if ou filtered + .e(el 1E the following le$el 1 su+set ele#ents re#ain in the Su+set listI
/arent topic0 ;iltering Ele#ents
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1A.6.B.3. Filtering by )*pression
%he Su+set Editor lets ou filter ele#ents so that onl ele#ents #atching a s(ecified search (attern re#ain.
;or exa#(leE su((ose ou ha$e the following list of ele#ents in either the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane or Su+set (ane.
Other Re$enue
2irect &ost
Other &osts
Ban- &harges
Board of 2irectors
E#(loee Relations
Se#inars and &ontinuing Ed.
%axes and "icenses
Office Ex(ense
7ow su((ose ou want to reduce this list to those ele#ents that contain the word JcostJ.
&lic- Filter Subset and clic- Filter by +ildcard. 1.
Enter a (attern of al(hanu#eric characters in the )nter )*pression +ox.
You can use the following two wildcard characters in the )nter )*pression +ox.
@uestion mar" 9Q: 3 'laceholder for a single character
Asteris" 9I: 3 'laceholder for one or #ore characters
%o isolate all ele#ents whose na#es contain the string (attern )ostE t(e the ex(ression 'cost' in the dialog +ox that
&lic- &2. !.
%he ele#ent list is tri##ed to include onl those ele#ents that #atch the (attern.
/arent topic0 ;iltering Ele#ents
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
380 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.C. Finding )lements
You can search for ele#ents in either the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane or Su+set (ane + using the ;ind in Su+set tool+ar.
%his feature (erfor#s a si#(le text search for ele#ents that #atch a s(elling (attern that ou enter. %his is es(eciall useful
when ou want to find a s(ecific ele#ent within a large list of ele#ents.
4ote0 %he ;ind in Su+set feature does not su((ort wildcard charactersE such as the question #ar- CSD or asteris- CTDE in our
search text. InsteadE an asteris- CTD wildcard character is inserted at the +eginning and end of the s(elling (attern that ou
enter so that it searches for an occurrence of the (attern in the ele#ent list.
;or exa#(leE if ou enter the s(elling (attern ostE this con$erts to TostT and #atches such as &ost and Boston are found.
&lic- Find in Subset or (ress CT,.;F.
%he ;ind in Su+set tool+ar o(ens in the Su+set Editor.
%(e a s(elling (attern in the search +ox.
) s(elling (attern can include one or #ore al(hanu#eric charactersE +ut should not include wildcard characters as
descri+ed a+o$e.
%he list of ele#ents is searched as ou t(e a s(elling (attern.
If one or #ore #atching ele#ents are foundE the first #atching ele#ent is located and highlighted in the list.
If a #atching ele#ent is not foundE the search +ox te#(oraril dis(las a red +ac-ground.
You can also start our search at an location within the ele#ent list + clic-ing on an ele#ent in that section of the list.
%he search +egins fro# this new start (oint when ou continue our search.
&lic- Find 4e*t or Find /re(ious to na$igate through the ele#ent list when #ore than one #atching ele#ent is found.
You can also use the following -e+oard co##ands to na$igateI
'ress F3 or (ress )4T), to find the next #atching ele#ent.
'ress S1IFT;F3 or (ress S1IFT;)4T), to find the (re$ious ele#ent.
If a next or (re$ious #atching ele#ent is not foundE the search +ox te#(oraril dis(las a red +ac-groundE and the
search ccles through the list again.
&lic- Close t'e Findbar to close the Find in Subset tool+ar. ..
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
381 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.D. Sorting )lements
You can sort all ele#ents in either the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane or Su+set (ane.
%o sort su+set ele#entsE clic- Sort Subset and select a sort o(tion.
Sort &ption Sort &rder
Sort )scending )scending order fro# ) to <E @3?.
Sort 2escending 2escending order fro# < to )E ?3@.
Sort *ierarchicall )ll children a((ear +eneath their (arents.
Sort + Index )scending 2i#ension indexE starting at 1.
Sort + Index 2escending 2i#ension indexE starting at the highest index in the di#ension.
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
382 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.=. )*panding and Collapsing Consolidations
You can ex(and a consolidation in the Su+set Editor to dis(la the i##ediate children or all descendents of the consolidation.
You can a((l the following (rocedures to ele#ents in either the )$aila+le Ele#ents (ane or the Su+set (ane of the Su+set
)*panding a Consolidation
You can ex(and a consolidation.
Collapsing a Consolidation
You can colla(se ex(anded consolidations using either a selected consolidation or ou can close all ex(anded
consolidations in the su+set.
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
383 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.=.1. )*panding a Consolidation
You can ex(and a consolidation.
Select the consolidations ou want to ex(and. 1.
&lic- Tree )*pand . 2.
Select one of the followingI
&lic- 5rill 5on Selected Consolidations to $iew the i##ediate children of a consolidation. %he following figure
shows the result of drilling down on the %otal Business ,nit consolidation.
&lic- )*pand Selected Consolidations to $iew all descendents of a consolidation. %he following figure shows the
result of ex(anding the %otal Business ,nit consolidation.
&lic- )*pand Tree Fully to $iew all descendents of all (arents in the di#ension hierarch.
/arent topic0 Ex(anding and &olla(sing &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
384 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.=.#. Collapsing a Consolidation
You can colla(se ex(anded consolidations using either a selected consolidation or ou can close all ex(anded consolidations
in the su+set.
Select the ex(anded consolidations ou want to colla(se. 1.
&lic- Tree Collapse . 2.
&lic- Collapse Selected Consolidations.
4ote0 %o close all ex(anded consolidations in the su+setE clic- Tree CollapseE and clic- Collapse Tree Fully.
/arent topic0 Ex(anding and &olla(sing &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
385 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.6.10. Inserting /arents
You can insert the i##ediate (arent of a selected ele#ent directl a+o$e that ele#ent in the Su+set Editor.
;or exa#(leE consider the following exa#(le showing se$eral leaf ele#ents.
If ou select all ele#entsE and clic- Insert /arents of Selected )lements E the i##ediate (arents of all selected
ele#ents are insertedE as shown in the following exa#(le.
/arent topic0 2is(laing the )d$anced Su+set Editor
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
386 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.A. Creating Custom Consolidations
/hen wor-ing with a $iewE ou can create custo# consolidations fro# existing su+sets or fro# selected su+set ele#ents.
Creating a Custom Consolidation from an )*isting Subset
You can create a custo# consolidation + inserting an existing su+set into the current su+set.
Creating a Custom Consolidation from Selected )lements
You can create a custo# consolidation fro# selected ele#ents in the Su+set Editor.
/arent topic0 Editing Su+sets in %M1 /e+
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
387 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.A.1. Creating a Custom Consolidation from an )*isting Subset
You can create a custo# consolidation + inserting an existing su+set into the current su+set.
%he existing su+set then +eco#es a custo# consolidation within the current su+set.
O(en the Subset )ditor for a di#ension. 1.
In the si#(le Subset )ditor windowE clic- Ad(anced to o(en the ad$anced Subset )ditor. 2.
2efine a su+set in the Subset (ane. !.
&lic- Create Custom Consolidation and clic- Create Consolidation from Subset. ..
Select the existing su+set that ou want to insert into the current su+set as a custo# consolidation.
%he selected su+set is inserted into the current su+set as a custo# consolidation.
If necessarE clic- Sa(e Subset or Sa(e Subset As to sa$e the current su+set. 8.
&lic- &2. 9.
%he su+set with the new custo# consolidation o(ens.
/arent topic0 &reating &usto# &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
388 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1A.A.#. Creating a Custom Consolidation from Selected )lements
You can create a custo# consolidation fro# selected ele#ents in the Su+set Editor.
O(en the Subset )ditor for a di#ension. 1.
In the si#(le Subset )ditor windowE clic- Ad(anced to o(en the ad$anced Subset )ditor. 2.
In the Su+set (aneE select the ele#ents that ou want to include in the custo# consolidation. !.
&lic- Create Custom ConsolidationE and clic- Create Consolidation from Selected )lements.
You ha$e now created a custo# consolidation that contains the ele#ents that ou selected in ste( 2.
%he custo# consolidation the na#e R,&..U/> P is assignedE where P starts at =ero and increases + one for each
custo# consolidation that ou create during a ser$er session.
&lic- &2 to $iew the new custo# consolidation. 6.
/arent topic0 &reating &usto# &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
389 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B. Sample Cubes
%his a((endix descri+es the sa#(le cu+es included with IBMH &ognosH %M1H .
%he following infor#ation is (ro$ided for each cu+eI
2i#ensions that for# the cu+e
Sa#(ling of ele#ents in the di#ensions
Sa#(ling of consolidations in the di#ensions
%he Sales'rior&u+e cu+e trac-s #onthl sales of (assenger cars throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas. &hronologicallE
the $alues in this cu+e are fro# a ear (rior to the $alues in the Sales&u+e.
'n"&u+e trac-s #onthl re$enue and ex(enses for a car #anufacturer in the ear associated with the $alues in the
'rice&u+e trac-s (rices of (assenger cars throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas in the ear associated with the
Sales&u+e trac-s #onthl sales of (assenger cars throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas.
SalesB5uarter&u+e trac-s quarterl sales of (assenger cars throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas.
SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel trac-s quarterl sales of the total of all #odels throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
390 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.1. Sales/riorCube
%he Sales'rior&u+e cu+e trac-s #onthl sales of (assenger cars throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas. &hronologicallE the
$alues in this cu+e are fro# a ear (rior to the $alues in the Sales&u+e.
2i#ensions and Ele#ents
2i#ension &onsolidations
5imensions and )lements
;i$e di#ensions for# Sales'rior&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their
ele#ents. %he di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Consolidations
%his section (ro$ides sa#(le consolidations fro# each di#ension of Sales'rior&u+e.
/arent topic0 Sa#(le &u+es
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
391 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.1.1. 5imensions and )lements
;i$e di#ensions for# Sales'rior&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their ele#ents.
%he di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Sample )lements
)ct$s+ud )ctualE Budget
Region )rgentinaE Belgiu#E ;ranceE ,nited States
Model S Series 1.: " SedanE S Series 2.@ " Sedan
)ccount1 ,nitsE SalesE 0aria+le &osts
Month 4anE ;e+E MarE )(r
/arent topic0 Sales'rior&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
392 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.1.#. 5imension Consolidations
%his section (ro$ides sa#(le consolidations fro# each di#ension of Sales'rior&u+e.
Region 2i#ension
Model 2i#ension
)ccount1 2i#ension
Month 2i#ension
,egion 5imension
Model 5imension
Account1 5imension
Mont' 5imension
/arent topic0 Sales'rior&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
393 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.1.#.1. ,egion 5imension
Consolidated )lement C'ildren
7orth )#erica
South )#erica
&entral Euro(e
/arent topic0 2i#ension &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
394 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.1.#.#. Model 5imension
Consolidated )lement C'ildren
S Series Sedan
S Series 1.: " Sedan
S Series 2.@ " Sedan
S Series 2.6 " Sedan
S Series !.@ " Sedan
S Series !.. " Sedan
S Series 2.6 " Sedan ./2
S Series !.@ " Sedan ./2
S Series !.. " Sedan ./2
% Series &ou(e
% Series 2.@ " &ou(e
% Series !.2 " &ou(e
% Series ..@ " &ou(e
% Series 6.@ " &ou(e
S Series
" Series
% Series
/arent topic0 2i#ension &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
395 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.1.#.3. Account1 5imension
Consolidated )lement C'ildren
Gross Margin
0aria+le &osts
/arent topic0 2i#ension &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
396 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.1.#.6. Mont' 5imension
Consolidated )lement C'ildren
1 5uarter
2 5uarter
! 5uarter
. 5uarter
/arent topic0 2i#ension &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
397 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.#. /n.Cube
'n"&u+e trac-s #onthl re$enue and ex(enses for a car #anufacturer in the ear associated with the $alues in the
2i#ensions and Ele#ents
2i#ension &onsolidations
5imensions and )lements
;our di#ensions for# 'n"&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their ele#ents. %he
di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Consolidations
%his section (ro$ides sa#(le consolidations for the )ccount2 di#ensionE a di#ension used onl in the 'n"&u+e cu+e.
/arent topic0 Sa#(le &u+es
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
398 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.#.1. 5imensions and )lements
;our di#ensions for# 'n"&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their ele#ents. %he
di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Sample )lements
)ct$s+ud )ctualE Budget
Region )rgentinaE Belgiu#E ;ranceE ,nited States
)ccount2 SalesE )d$ertisingE Sales 'ro#otionsE 2ealer Incenti$e 'lanE 'lant O$erheadE %rans(ortation &ostsE General
Month 4anE ;e+E MarE )(r
/arent topic0 'n"&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
399 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.#.#. 5imension Consolidations
%his section (ro$ides sa#(le consolidations for the )ccount2 di#ensionE a di#ension used onl in the 'n"&u+e cu+e.
Account# 5imension
/arent topic0 'n"&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
400 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.#.#.1. Account# 5imension
Consolidated )lement C'ildren
Mar-eting )d$ertising
Sales 'ro#otions
2ealer Incenti$e 'lan
%otal Ex(enses Mar-eting
'lant O$erhead
%rans(ortation &osts
General )d#inistration
Earnings Before %axes Gross Margin
%otal Ex(enses
/arent topic0 2i#ension &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
401 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.3. /riceCube
'rice&u+e trac-s (rices of (assenger cars throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas in the ear associated with the Sales&u+e.
2i#ensions and Ele#ents
2i#ension &onsolidations
5imensions and )lements
;our di#ensions for# 'rice&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their ele#ents.
%he di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Consolidations
%he di#ensions of the 'rice&u+e cu+e are also used in the Sales'rior&u+e.
/arent topic0 Sa#(le &u+es
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
402 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.3.1. 5imensions and )lements
;our di#ensions for# 'rice&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their ele#ents. %he
di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Sample )lements
)ct$s+ud )ctualE Budget
Region )rgentinaE Belgiu#E ;ranceE ,nited States
Model S Series 1.: " SedanE S Series 2.@ " Sedan
Month 4anE ;e+E MarE )(r
/arent topic0 'rice&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
403 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.3.#. 5imension Consolidations
%he di#ensions of the 'rice&u+e cu+e are also used in the Sales'rior&u+e.
/arent topic0 'rice&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
404 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.6. SalesCube
Sales&u+e trac-s #onthl sales of (assenger cars throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas.
2i#ensions and Ele#ents
2i#ension &onsolidations
5imensions and )lements
;i$e di#ensions for# Sales&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their ele#ents.
%he di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Consolidations
%he di#ensions of Sales&u+e are also used in the Sales'rior&u+e.
/arent topic0 Sa#(le &u+es
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
405 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.6.1. 5imensions and )lements
;i$e di#ensions for# Sales&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their ele#ents. %he
di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Sample )lements
)ct$s+ud )ctualE Budget
Region )rgentinaE Belgiu#E ;ranceE ,nited States
Model S Series 1.: " SedanE S Series 2.@ " Sedan
)ccount1 ,nitsE SalesE 0aria+le &osts
Month 4anE ;e+E MarE )(r
/arent topic0 Sales&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
406 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.6.#. 5imension Consolidations
%he di#ensions of Sales&u+e are also used in the Sales'rior&u+e.
/arent topic0 Sales&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
407 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.A. Sales$y@uarterCube
SalesB5uarter&u+e trac-s quarterl sales of (assenger cars throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas.
2i#ensions and Ele#ents
2i#ension &onsolidations
5imensions and )lements
;i$e di#ensions for# SalesB5uarter&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their
ele#ents. %he di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Consolidations
)ll di#ensions of SalesB5uarter&u+e are also used in the Sales'rior&u+eE with the exce(tion of 5uarter.
/arent topic0 Sa#(le &u+es
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
408 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.A.1. 5imensions and )lements
;i$e di#ensions for# SalesB5uarter&u+e. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of their
ele#ents. %he di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Sample )lements
)ct$s+ud )ctualE Budget
Region )rgentinaE Belgiu#E ;ranceE ,nited States
Model S Series 1.: " SedanE S Series 2.@ " Sedan
)ccount1 ,nitsE SalesE 0aria+le &osts
5uarter 1 5uarterE 2 5uarterE ! 5uarterE . 5uarter
/arent topic0 SalesB5uarter&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
409 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.A.#. 5imension Consolidations
)ll di#ensions of SalesB5uarter&u+e are also used in the Sales'rior&u+eE with the exce(tion of 5uarter.
5uarter 2i#ension
@uarter 5imension
/arent topic0 SalesB5uarter&u+e
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
410 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.A.#.1. @uarter 5imension
Consolidated )lement C'ildren
1 5uarter
2 5uarter
! 5uarter
. 5uarter
/arent topic0 2i#ension &onsolidations
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
411 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.B. Sales$y@uarterCube!TotalModel
SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel trac-s quarterl sales of the total of all #odels throughout Euro(e and the )#ericas.
2i#ensions and Ele#ents
2i#ension &onsolidations
5imensions and )lements
;our di#ensions for# SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling
of their ele#ents. %he di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Consolidations
)ll di#ensions of SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel are also used in the SalesB5uarter&u+e.
/arent topic0 Sa#(le &u+es
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
412 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.B.1. 5imensions and )lements
;our di#ensions for# SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel. %he following ta+le contains the list of di#ensions and a sa#(ling of
their ele#ents. %he di#ensions are ordered in the sequence found in the cu+e.
5imension Sample )lements
)ct$s+ud )ctualE Budget
Region )rgentinaE Belgiu#E ;ranceE ,nited States
)ccount1 ,nitsE SalesE 0aria+le &osts
5uarter 1 5uarterE 2 5uarterE ! 5uarterE . 5uarter
/arent topic0 SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
413 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1B.B.#. 5imension Consolidations
)ll di#ensions of SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel are also used in the SalesB5uarter&u+e.
/arent topic0 SalesB5uarter&u+e3%otalModel
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
414 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1C. TM1 5isplay Formats
%he &usto# setting in the 7u#+er ;or#at dialog +ox allows ou to s(ecif #an different dis(la for#ats for data in our
IBMH &ognosH %M1H cu+e. %his a((endix lists all dis(la for#ats su((orted + %M1 .
)stablis'ing a Custom Format
IBM &ognos %M1 (ro$ides a nu#+er of for#ats for nu#+ersE datesE ti#esE and strings that ou can set using the 7u#+er
;or#at dialog +ox. You can also +uild our own custo# dis(la for#ats. ;ollow these ste(s to esta+lish a custo# dis(la
for#at for an ele#ent.
C'aracter 7alues
;or#at ex(ressions for strings ha$e one or two sections se(arated + a se#icolon CLD. If ou use one sectionE the for#at
a((lies to all string data that can occur in the cell. If ou use two sectionsE the first section a((lies to string dataE and the
second section a((lies to null $alues and =ero3length strings. ;or exa#(leI
4umeric 7alues
;or#at ex(ressions for nu#+ers ha$e u( to four sections se(arated + se#icolons CLD. %he nu#+er of sections
deter#ines which t(es of $alues are affected.
5ate and Time 5isplay Formats
%he following ta+le lists characters that can a((ear in a for#at string for date and ti#e for#ats.
5ate Formats for 5ifferent .anguage Settings
In the &u+e 0iewerE when ou enter a date in an n3le$el cell with no for#attingE the date is con$erted to the Microsoft
Excel 4ulian for#at. ;or exa#(leE 12B12B2@@? dis(las as 2.6619:.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
415 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1C.1. )stablis'ing a Custom Format
IBMH &ognosH %M1H (ro$ides a nu#+er of for#ats for nu#+ersE datesE ti#esE and strings that ou can set using the
7u#+er ;or#at dialog +ox. You can also +uild our own custo# dis(la for#ats. ;ollow these ste(s to esta+lish a custo#
dis(la for#at for an ele#ent.
;ro# the Ser(er )*plorer #enuE ex(and a cu+e so that ou can see its di#ensions. 1.
Right3clic- a di#ensionE and clic- )dit )lement Attributes fro# the shortcut #enu. 2.
&lic- the cell at the intersection of the ;or#at colu#n and the ele#ent for which ou want to define a dis(la for#at. !.
&lic- the Format +utton. ..
;ro# the 7u#+er ;or#at dialog +oxE clic- Custom.
%he 7u#+er ;or#at dialog +ox dis(las a field in which ou can t(e our custo# for#at string.
Enter a for#at string in the Custom Styles fieldE as shown in the figure.
;or#at strings $arE de(ending on the t(e of data ou are for#atting. %he rest of this a((endix descri+es how to
construct a for#at string.
&lic- &2 on the 7u#+er ;or#at dialog +ox. 9.
&lic- &2 on the )ttri+utes Editor dialog +ox. :.
/arent topic0 %M1 2is(la ;or#ats
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
416 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1C.#. C'aracter 7alues
;or#at ex(ressions for strings ha$e one or two sections se(arated + a se#icolon CLD. If ou use one sectionE the for#at
a((lies to all string data that can occur in the cell. If ou use two sectionsE the first section a((lies to string dataE and the
second section a((lies to null $alues and =ero3length strings. ;or exa#(leI
<@@@;"No Value"
%his for#at dis(las three lower3case characters if the cell contains string dataE or the string 7o 0alue if the cell contains a
null $alue or a =ero3length string.
%he following ta+le descri+es how to construct a for#at string for a string ele#entI
Format String C'aracter 5escription
S &haracter (laceholder. If the string has a character in the (osition where the at s#+ol C_D
a((earsE that character dis(las. If no character a((ears in that locationE a s(ace dis(las.
Su((ose a cell contains the following stringI
%he quic- +rown fox
If ou a((l this for#at stringI
n fox
4ote0 'laceholders are (o(ulated fro# right to left unless ou enter an excla#ation (oint
C`D character in the for#at string.
O &haracter (laceholder. If the string has a character in the (osition where the a#(ersand
s#+ol CXD a((earsE that character dis(las. In this caseE a s(ace is considered a character
and will +e dis(laed. If no character a((ears in that locationE nothing dis(las.
Su((ose a cell contains the following stringI
%he quic- +rown fox
If ou a((l this for#at stringI
4ote0 'laceholders are (o(ulated fro# right to left unless ou enter an excla#ation (oint
C`D character in the for#at string.
T 2is(las all characters in lowercase.
F 2is(las all characters in u((ercase.
Su((ose a cell contains the following stringI
%he quic- +rown fox
If ou a((l this for#at stringI
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
417 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Format String C'aracter 5escription
7 ;OA
U ;orces (laceholders to fill fro# left to right.
/arent topic0 %M1 2is(la ;or#ats
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
418 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1C.3. 4umeric 7alues
;or#at ex(ressions for nu#+ers ha$e u( to four sections se(arated + se#icolons CLD. %he nu#+er of sections deter#ines
which t(es of $alues are affected.
If a for#at has one sectionE that section a((lies to all $alues.
If a for#at has two sectionsE the first section a((lies to (ositi$e $alues and =erosE and the second section a((lies to
negati$e $alues.
If a for#at has three sectionsE the first section a((lies to (ositi$e $aluesE the second section a((lies to negati$e $aluesE
and the third a((lies to =eros.
If a for#at has four sectionsE the first section a((lies to (ositi$e $aluesE the second section a((lies to negati$e $aluesE
the third a((lies to =erosE and the fourth a((lies to 7,"" $alues.
%he following ta+le descri+es how to construct a for#at string for nu#eric $aluesI
Format String C'aracter 5escription
P 9number sign: 2igit (laceholder.
%he Y (laceholder dis(las onl significant digits and does not dis(la insignificant
=eros. In the deci#al $alue .?@E the @ is considered insignificant. %he $alue would +e
dis(laed as .? when the Y (laceholder is used.
If a nu#+er has #ore digits to the right of the deci#al (oint than there are
(laceholders in the for#at stringE the nu#+er rounds to as #an deci#al (laces as
there are (laceholders. If there are #ore digits to the left of the deci#al (oint than
there are (laceholdersE the extra digits are dis(laed.

%he following exa#(les illustrate the use of the Y (laceholder.
0alueI 12!.:?8
;or#at StringI Y.YY
2is(lasI 12!.?
0alueI .68.:9!
;or#at StringI Y.YY
2is(lasI .68.:9
0alueI !..689:
;or#at StringI Y.YYY
2is(lasI !..68:
You can co#+ine the Y and @ (laceholders in a for#at string.
0 9Jero: 2igit (laceholder.
%he @ (laceholder dis(las insignificant =eros if a nu#+er has fewer digits than there
are =eros in the for#at string.
If a nu#+er has #ore digits to the right of the deci#al (oint than there are
(laceholders in the for#at stringE the nu#+er rounds to as #an deci#al (laces as
there are (laceholders. If there are #ore digits to the left of the deci#al (oint than
there are (laceholdersE the extra digits are dis(laed.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
419 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Format String C'aracter 5escription
%he following exa#(les illustrate the use of the @ (laceholder.
0alueI 2!.:?8
;or#at StringI @.@@
2is(lasI 2!.?@
0alueI 18.:
;or#at StringI @.@@@
2is(lasI 18.:@@
0alueI 9.12
;or#at StringI @@@.@
2is(lasI @@9.1
You can co#+ine the Y and @ (laceholders in a for#at string.
)! );
e! e;
Scientific for#at.
If the for#at string contains at least one digit (laceholder C@ or YD to the right of E3E
EME e3E eME the nu#+er dis(las in scientific for#at and E or e is (laced +etween the
nu#+er and its ex(onent.
%he nu#+er of digit (laceholders to the right deter#ines the nu#+er of digits in the
ex(onent. ,se E3 or e3 to (lace a #inus sign next to negati$e ex(onents. ,se EM or eM
to (lace a #inus sign next to negati$e ex(onents and a (lus sign next to (ositi$e
! ; V 9: 2is(las a literal character. %o dis(la a character other than one of those listedE
(recede it with a +ac-slash CKD or enclose it in dou+le quotation #ar-s. CN ND.
7u#eric 0alueI 31@@@.@@
;or#at StringI ($-#.##)
2is(lasI C^31@@@.@@D
W 2is(las the next character in the for#at string.
7u#eric 0alueI 1@@
;or#at StringI \t\o\t\a\l\=#
2is(lasI totalR1@@
%he following character cannot +e dis(laed as literalsI aE cE dE hE #E nE (E qE sE tE wE E
BE IE YE @E >E EE eE co##aCEDE (eriodC.DE _E XE WE VE and `
XA$CX 2is(las the string inside the dou+le quotes. CIn this exa#(leE )B& would dis(la.D
7u#eric 0alueI 1@@
;or#at StringI #" units"
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
420 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Format String C'aracter 5escription
2is(lasI 1@@ units
/arent topic0 %M1 2is(la ;or#ats
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
421 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1C.6. 5ate and Time 5isplay Formats
%he following ta+le lists characters that can a((ear in a for#at string for date and ti#e for#ats.
Format String C'aracter 5escription
0 %i#e se(arator. CIn so#e localesE other characters #a +e used to re(resent the ti#e
%his character se(arates hoursE #inutes and seconds when ti#e $alues are for#atted. %he
actual character used as the ti#e se(arator in for#atted out(ut is deter#ined + our
sste# settings.
< 2ate se(arator. CIn so#e localesE other characters #a +e used to re(resent the date
%he date se(arator se(arates the daE #onthE and ear when date $alues are for#atted.
%he actual character used as the date se(arator in for#atted out(ut is deter#ined + our
sste# settings.
C 2is(las the date as ddddd and dis(las the ti#e as tttttE in that order. 2is(las onl date
infor#ation if there is no fractional (art to the date serial nu#+er. 2is(las onl ti#e
infor#ation if there is no integer (ortion.
Exa#(leI 1@B1@B?: @6I12I12
d 2is(las the da as a nu#+er without a leading =ero C13!1D.
dd 2is(las the da as a nu#+er with a leading =ero C@13!1D.
ddd 2is(las the da as an a++re$iation CSun3SatD.
dddd 2is(las the da as a full na#e CSunda3SaturdaD.
ddddd 2is(las the date as a co#(lete date Cincluding daE #onthE and earDE for#atted according
to the long date setting recogni=ed + our sste#. ;or Microsoft /indowsE the default long
date is #BdB.
dddddd 2is(las a date serial nu#+er as a co#(lete date Cincluding daE #onthE and earDE
for#atted according to the long date setting recogni=ed + our sste#. ;or Microsoft
/indowsE the default long date for#at is #### ddE .
2is(las the da of the wee- as a nu#+er. C1 for Sunda through 9 for SaturdaD.
2is(las the wee-s of the ear as a nu#+er C1 3 6.D
m 2is(las the #onth as a nu#+er without a leading =ero C1 3 12D. If # i##ediatel follows h
or hhE the #inute rather than the #onth dis(las.
mm 2is(las the #onth as a nu#+er with a leading =ero C@1 3 12D. If # i##ediatel follows h or
hhE the #inute rather than the #onth dis(las.
mmm 2is(las the #onth as an a++re$iation C4an 3 2ecD.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
422 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
Format String C'aracter 5escription
mmmm 2is(las the #onth as a full #onth na#e C4anuar 3 2ece#+erD
- 2is(las the quarter of the ear as a nu#+er C1 3 .D.
y 2is(las the da of the ear as a nu#+er C 1 3 !88D.
yy 2is(las the ear as a two3digit nu#+er C@@ 3 ??D.
yyy 2is(las the ear as a four3digit nu#+er C@1@@ 3 ????D.
' 2is(las the hour as a nu#+er without leading =eros C@ 3 2!D.
'' 2is(las the hour as a nu#+er with leading =eros C@1 3 2!D.
n 2is(las the #inute as a nu#+er without leading =eros C@ 3 6?D.
nn 2is(las the #inute as a nu#+er with leading =eros C@@ 3 6?D.
s 2is(las the second as a nu#+er without leading =eros C@ 3 6?D.
ss 2is(las the second as a nu#+er with leading =eros C@@ 3 6?D.
t t t t t 2is(las a ti#e as a co#(lete ti#e Cincluding hourE #inuteE and secondDE for#atted using
the sste# ti#e se(arator. ) leading =ero dis(las if the ti#e is +efore 1@I@@ )M or 1@I@@
'M. ;or Microsoft /indowsE the default ti#e for#at is hhI##Iss.
AM</M ,ses the 123hour cloc-. 2is(las an u((ercase )M with an hour +efore noonL dis(las an
u((ercase 'M with an hour +etween noon and 11I6? '.M.
am<pm ,ses the 123hour cloc-. 2is(las a lowercase )M with an hour +efore noonL dis(las a
lowercase 'M with an hour +etween noon and 11I6? '.M.
A</ ,ses the 123hour cloc-. 2is(las an u((ercase ) with an hour +efore noonL dis(las an
u((ercase ' with an hour +etween noon and 11I6? '.M.
a<p ,ses the 123hour cloc-. 2is(las a lowercase a with an hour +efore noonL dis(las a
lowercase ( with an hour +etween noon and 11I6? '.M.
AM/M ,ses the 123hour cloc-. 2is(las the )M string literal with an hour +efore noonL dis(las
the 'M string literal with an hour +etween noon and 11I6? '.M. )M'M can +e either
u((ercase or lowercaseE +ut the case of the string dis(laed #atches the string as defined
+ our sste# settings. ;or Microsoft /indowsE the default for#at is )MB'M.
/arent topic0 %M1 2is(la ;or#ats
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
423 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1C.A. 5ate Formats for 5ifferent .anguage Settings
In the &u+e 0iewerE when ou enter a date in an n3le$el cell with no for#attingE the date is con$erted to the Microsoft Excel
4ulian for#at. ;or exa#(leE 12B12B2@@? dis(las as 2.6619:.
%he date for#at used to identif an unfor#atted date de(ends on our language setting. %he following ta+le lists the for#at
settings used in each su((orted languageI
.anguage 5ate Format
&hinese 3##3dd
English ##BddB
;rench ddB##B
Ger#an ddB##B
Italian ddB##B
4a(anese B##Bdd
S(anish ddB##B
/arent topic0 %M1 2is(la ;or#ats
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
424 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1D. TM1 Toolbars
IBMH &ognosH %M1H 'ers(ecti$es includes a set of tool+ars that are a$aila+le in Excel. Most of these tool+ars allow quic-
access to frequentl used o(tions with a single #ouse clic-. One of the tool+ars (ro$ides a quic- $isual indication of our %M1
ser$er connection status.
)s with all tool+arsE ou can ena+le or disa+le the dis(la of the %M1 tool+ars using 0iewE %ool+ars and toggling the rele$ant
tool+ar na#e.
T'e Standard Toolbar
%he Standard tool+ar lets ou quic-l access o(tions that #anage our connections to %M1 ser$ers and that control %M1
features in the current wor-sheet.
T'e Spreading Toolbar
%he S(reading tool+ar lets ou quic-l a((l and release holds and initiate s(reading in the current Excel wor-sheet.
T'e 5e(eloper Toolbar
%he 2e$elo(er tool+ar lets ou quic-l createE o(en or sa$e di#ension wor-sheets or rules wor-sheets.
T'e Acti(e Forms Toolbar
%he )cti$e ;or#s tool+ar lets ou quic-l access o(tions that control features in an )cti$e ;or#.
T'e Ser(ers Toolbar
%he Ser$ers tool+ar lets ou quic-l deter#ine if ou are connected to the %M1 ser$er . %his is useful when using a
wor-sheet containing a slice or an In3S(readsheet Browser.
T'e Sandbo* Toolbar
%he Sand+ox tool+ar lets ou quic-l access o(tions that #anage our own (ersonal wor-s(aces or sand+oxes where ou
can enter and store data $alues se(arate fro# IBM &ognos %M1 ser$er +ase data.
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1D.1. T'e Standard Toolbar
%he Standard tool+ar lets ou quic-l access o(tions that #anage our connections to %M1H ser$ers and that control %M1
features in the current wor-sheet.
%he following ta+le identifies and descri+es all +uttons a$aila+le on the Standard tool+ar.
$utton 4ame Action
&onnect O(ens the &onnect to %M1 ser$er dialog +oxE fro# which ou can connect to an %M1
ser$er currentl a$aila+le on our networ-.
2isconnect 2isconnects our %M1 client fro# an ser$ers to which ou are connected.
Ser$er Ex(lorer O(ens the Ser$er Ex(lorer.
,(load 7ew )((lication
;ile to %M1 ser$er
,(loads the current Excel wor-sheet to an existing a((lication on the %M1 ser$er .
,(date Existing
)((lication ;ile to %M1
)llows ou to u(date an existing a((lication file on the %M1 ser$er with the contents of
the current Excel wor-+oo-. )ll content in the existing a((lication file will +e
o$erwritten + the contents of the current wor-+oo-.
In3S(readsheet Browser O(ens the %M1 Get 0iew dialog +oxE fro# which ou can o(en a $iew in the
In3S(readsheet Browser.
'rint Re(ort O(ens the Re(ort 2etails dialog +oxE fro# which ou can generate a re(ort +ased on
the current slice.
Edit ;or#ula O(ens the Edit ;or#ula +arE which lets ou insert co##onl used functions into the
current cell.
Recalculate Recalculates the Excel wor-+oo-.
Insert )ction Button Inserts a %M1 )ction Button in the acti$e cell and o(ens the )ction Button 'ro(erties
dialog +oxE which lets ou configure the action to +e executed when the +utton is
clic-ed in the wor-sheet.
*el( O(ens the 2ocu#entation "i+rar.
/arent topic0 %M1 %ool+ars
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1D.#. T'e Spreading Toolbar
%he S(reading tool+ar lets ou quic-l a((l and release holds and initiate s(reading in the current Excel wor-sheet.
%he following ta+le identifies and descri+es all +uttons a$aila+le on the S(reading tool+ar.
$utton 4ame Action
*old &onsolidate )((lies a consolidation hold to the selected cells in the wor-sheet.
Releases consolidation holds fro# the selected cells.
*old "ea$es )((lies a leaf hold to the selected cells.
Release "eaf *olds Releases leaf holds fro# selected cells.
Release )ll *olds Releases all holdsE +oth consolidation and leafE in the wor-sheet.
O(ens the 'ro(ortional S(read dialog +oxE fro# which ou can distri+ute a s(ecified $alue
a#ong selected cells (ro(ortional to existing cell $alues.
O(ens the Relati$e 'ro(ortional S(read dialog +oxE fro# which ou can s(read $alues to the
lea$es of the selected consolidated cell (ro(ortional to the lea$es of a reference cell.
Equal S(read O(ens the Equal S(read dialog +oxE fro# which ou can distri+ute a s(ecified $alue equall
across selected cells.
Equal S(read
O(ens the Equal S(read "ea$es dialog +oxE which lets ou distri+ute a s(ecified $alue equall
across all lea$es of the selected consolidated cell.
Re(eat O(ens the Re(eat dialog +oxE which lets ou re(eat a s(ecified $alue across all selected cells.
Re(eat "ea$es O(ens the Re(eat "ea$es dialog +oxE which lets ou co( a s(ecified $alue to the lea$es of the
selected consolidated cell.
'ercent &hange O(ens the 'ercent &hange dialog +oxE which lets ou #ulti(l selected cell $alues + a
s(ecified (ercentage.
Relati$e 'ercent
O(ens the Relati$e 'ercent )d1ust#ent dialog +oxE which lets ou s(read $alues to the lea$es
of the selected consolidated cell + a((ling a (ercentage ad1ust#ent to the lea$es of a
reference cell.
Straight "ine O(ens the Straight "ine dialog +oxE which (o(ulates selected cells + linear inter(olation
+etween two s(ecified end(oints.
Growth > O(ens the Growth > dialog +oxE which lets ou sequentiall incre#ent $alues in selected cells
+ the s(ecified growth (ercentage.
/arent topic0 %M1 %ool+ars
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1D.3. T'e 5e(eloper Toolbar
%he 2e$elo(er tool+ar lets ou quic-l createE o(en or sa$e di#ension wor-sheets or rules wor-sheets.
%he following ta+le identifies and descri+es all +uttons a$aila+le on the 2e$elo(er tool+ar.
$utton 4ame Action
O(ens the Select 2i#ension /or-sheet dialog +oxE fro# which ou can o(en an di#ension
wor-sheets a$aila+le on %M1H ser$ers to which ou are connected.
O(ens the &reate a 2i#ension dialog +oxE fro# which ou can create a di#ension wor-sheet on
an %M1 ser$er to which ou are connected.
Sa$es and co#(iles the current di#ension wor-sheet.
Rule O(en O(ens the Select Rule /or-sheet dialog +oxE fro# which ou can o(en an rule wor-sheets
a$aila+le on %M1 ser$er ser$ers to which ou are connected.
Rule 7ew O(ens the Select &u+e for Rules dialog +oxE which lets ou s(ecif the cu+e for which ou want to
create a rule. )fter ou select a cu+eE a new rule wor-sheet o(ens.
Rule Sa$e Sa$es and co#(iles the current rule wor-sheet.
/arent topic0 %M1 %ool+ars
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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1D.6. T'e Acti(e Forms Toolbar
%he )cti$e ;or#s tool+ar lets ou quic-l access o(tions that control features in an )cti$e ;or#.
%he following ta+le identifies and descri+es all +uttons a$aila+le on the Standard tool+ar.
$utton 4ame Action
Insert )cti$e ;or# Inserts an )cti$e ;or# at the current cell location.
Insert )cti$e ;or#
Inserts a de(endent section +eneath the current )cti$e ;or#.
2elete )cti$e ;or# 2eletes the data area of the current )cti$e ;or#.
%he colu#n headings and title ele#ents are not deleted when ou delete an )cti$e ;or#.
Su((ress <ero Su((ress =eroes in the rows of the current )cti$e ;or#.
;ilter O(ens the ;ilter dialog +oxE which lets ou #odif the filter used in an )cti$e ;or#.
Edit Su+set O(ens the Su+set EditorE fro# which ou can edit a row su+set in an )cti$e ;or#.
Sa$e Row
Ele#ents as Static
Sa$es the current row ele#ents in an indi$idual )cti$e ;or# or de(endent section as a static
list of ele#ents. %he connection to the su+set used to create the )cti$e ;or# or de(endent
section is se$ered.
Show ;or#at )rea Re$eals the for#atting region of an )cti$e ;or#.
*ide ;or#at )rea *ides the for#atting region of an )cti$e ;or#.
Re+uild &urrent
Recalculates all $alues and re+uilds all su+sets in the )cti$e ;or#s contained in the current
Excel wor-sheet.
Re+uild &urrent
Recalculates all $alues and re+uilds all su+sets in the )cti$e ;or#s contained in the current
Excel wor-+oo-.
/arent topic0 %M1 %ool+ars
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1D.A. T'e Ser(ers Toolbar
%he Ser$ers tool+ar lets ou quic-l deter#ine if ou are connected to the %M1H ser$er . %his is useful when using a
wor-sheet containing a slice or an In3S(readsheet Browser.
%he Ser$ers tool+ar dis(las a s#all green status indicator when ou are connected to the %M1 ser$er . You can ho$er the
#ouse (ointer o$er the indicator to $iew the na#e of the ser$er.
If ou are logged in to #ore than one %M1 ser$er E the Ser$ers tool+ar includes indicators re(resenting each ser$er.
/hen ou are not et logged in to the %M1 ser$er or ou disconnect ourself fro# a %M1 ser$er E the indicator dis(las red.
%his indicates that data in the %M1 slice or In3S(readsheet Browser could +e outdated.
Ser(ers Toolbar .imitations
You should +e aware of the following Ser$ers tool+ar li#itationsI
/arent topic0 %M1 %ool+ars
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1D.A.1. Ser(ers Toolbar .imitations
You should +e aware of the following Ser$ers tool+ar li#itationsI
%he tool+ar does not accuratel re(ort connection status when our %M1H client is disconnected fro# the ser$er due to
an idle connection. Idle connections are #anaged through the use of the Idle&onnection%i#eoutSeconds (ara#eter in
the %#1s.cfg fileE which is descri+ed in the
IBMH &ognosH %M1 Installation and Configuration Guide.
If our client is disconnected fro# the %M1 ser$er due to an idle connectionE the Ser$ers tool+ar continues to dis(la a green
status indicator.
%he tool+ar does not accuratel re(ort connection status when our %M1 client is disconnected fro# the ser$er due to
ad#inistrator action.
%he tool+ar does not accuratel re(ort connection status when our %M1 client is disconnected fro# the ser$er due to
networ- issues.
If (ro+le#s on our networ- cause our client to +e disconnected fro# the %M1 ser$er E the Ser$ers tool+ar continues to
dis(la a green indicator.
%he tool+ar does not accuratel re(ort connection status when the %M1 ser$er is shut down while our client is connected
to the ser$er. In this situationE the Ser$ers tool+ar continues to dis(la a green indicator.
/arent topic0 %he Ser$ers %ool+ar
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1D.B. T'e Sandbo* Toolbar
%he Sand+ox tool+ar lets ou quic-l access o(tions that #anage our own (ersonal wor-s(aces or sand+oxes where ou can
enter and store data $alues se(arate fro# IBM &ognos %M1H ser$er +ase data.
You can use the Sand+ox dro(3down +ox to switch +etween wor-ing with IBMH &ognosH %M1 +ase data and an of our
own sand+oxes.
%he following ta+le identifies and descri+es all +uttons a$aila+le on the Sand+ox tool+ar.
$utton 4ame Action
O(ens the &reate Sand+ox dialog +oxE fro# which ou can create a new sand+ox that includes the
data $alues fro# either +ase data or fro# an existing sand+ox.
Merges all of the changed data $alues in the current sand+ox to the +ase data.
&lears all the changed data $alues in the current sand+ox that ou ha$e entered u( to that (oint
and resets all the data $alues to the current $alues in the +ase data.
O(ens the 2elete Sand+ox dialog +oxE fro# which ou can select a sand+ox to delete.
/arent topic0 %M1 %ool+ars
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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1=. 4otices
%his infor#ation was de$elo(ed for (roducts and ser$ices offered worldwide.
IBM #a not offer the (roductsE ser$icesE or features discussed in this docu#ent in other countries. &onsult our local IBM
re(resentati$e for infor#ation on the (roducts and ser$ices currentl a$aila+le in our area. )n reference to an IBM (roductE
(rogra#E or ser$ice is not intended to state or i#(l that onl that IBM (roductE (rogra#E or ser$ice #a +e used. )n
functionall equi$alent (roductE (rogra#E or ser$ice that does not infringe an IBM intellectual (ro(ert right #a +e used
instead. *owe$erE it is the userJs res(onsi+ilit to e$aluate and $erif the o(eration of an non3IBM (roductE (rogra#E or
ser$ice. %his docu#ent #a descri+e (roductsE ser$icesE or features that are not included in the 'rogra# or license
entitle#ent that ou ha$e (urchased.
IBM #a ha$e (atents or (ending (atent a((lications co$ering su+1ect #atter descri+ed in this docu#ent. %he furnishing of
this docu#ent does not grant ou an license to these (atents. You can send license inquiriesE in writingE toI
IBM 2irector of "icensing
IBM &or(oration
7orth &astle 2ri$e
)r#on-E 7Y 1@6@.319:6
;or license inquiries regarding dou+le3+te C2B&SD infor#ationE contact the IBM Intellectual 'ro(ert 2e(art#ent in our
countr or send inquiriesE in writingE toI
Intellectual 'ro(ert "icensing
"egal and Intellectual 'ro(ert "aw
IBM 4a(an "td.
182!31.E Shi#otsuru#aE Ya#ato3shi
Fanagawa 2.23:6@2 4a(an
%he following (aragra(h does not a((l to the ,nited Fingdo# or an other countr where such (ro$isions are inconsistent
with local lawI I7%ER7)%IO7)" B,SI7ESS M)&*I7ES &OR'OR)%IO7 'RO0I2ES %*IS ',B"I&)%IO7 N)S ISN /I%*O,%
/)RR)7%Y O; )7Y FI72E EI%*ER EA'RESS OR IM'"IE2E I7&",2I7GE B,% 7O% "IMI%E2 %OE %*E IM'"IE2 /)RR)7%IES O;
7O73I7;RI7GEME7%E MER&*)7%)BI"I%Y OR ;I%7ESS ;OR ) ')R%I&,")R ',R'OSE. So#e states do not allow disclai#er of
ex(ress or i#(lied warranties in certain transactionsE thereforeE this state#ent #a not a((l to ou.
%his infor#ation could include technical inaccuracies or t(ogra(hical errors. &hanges are (eriodicall #ade to the
infor#ation hereinL these changes will +e incor(orated in new editions of the (u+lication. IBM #a #a-e i#(ro$e#ents
andBor changes in the (roductCsD andBor the (rogra#CsD descri+ed in this (u+lication at an ti#e without notice.
)n references in this infor#ation to non3IBM /e+ sites are (ro$ided for con$enience onl and do not in an #anner ser$e
as an endorse#ent of those /e+ sites. %he #aterials at those /e+ sites are not (art of the #aterials for this IBM (roduct
and use of those /e+ sites is at our own ris-.
IBM #a use or distri+ute an of the infor#ation ou su((l in an wa it +elie$es a((ro(riate without incurring an
o+ligation to ou.
"icensees of this (rogra# who wish to ha$e infor#ation a+out it for the (ur(ose of ena+lingI CiD the exchange of infor#ation
+etween inde(endentl created (rogra#s and other (rogra#s Cincluding this oneD and CiiD the #utual use of the infor#ation
which has +een exchangedE should contactI
IBM Software Grou(
)ttentionI "icensing
!966 Ri$erside 2r
OttawaE O7 F10 1B9
Such infor#ation #a +e a$aila+leE su+1ect to a((ro(riate ter#s and conditionsE including in so#e casesE (a#ent of a fee.
%he licensed (rogra# descri+ed in this docu#ent and all licensed #aterial a$aila+le for it are (ro$ided + IBM under ter#s of
the IBM &usto#er )gree#entE IBM International 'rogra# "icense )gree#ent or an equi$alent agree#ent +etween us.
)n (erfor#ance data contained herein was deter#ined in a controlled en$iron#ent. %hereforeE the results o+tained in other
o(erating en$iron#ents #a $ar significantl. So#e #easure#ents #a ha$e +een #ade on de$elo(#ent3le$el sste#s
and there is no guarantee that these #easure#ents will +e the sa#e on generall a$aila+le sste#s. ;urther#oreE so#e
#easure#ents #a ha$e +een esti#ated through extra(olation. )ctual results #a $ar. ,sers of this docu#ent should
$erif the a((lica+le data for their s(ecific en$iron#ent.
Infor#ation concerning non3IBM (roducts was o+tained fro# the su((liers of those (roductsE their (u+lished announce#ents
or other (u+licl a$aila+le sources. IBM has not tested those (roducts and cannot confir# the accurac of (erfor#anceE
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
433 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
co#(ati+ilit or an other clai#s related to non3IBM (roducts. 5uestions on the ca(a+ilities of non3IBM (roducts should +e
addressed to the su((liers of those (roducts.
)ll state#ents regarding IBMJs future direction or intent are su+1ect to change or withdrawal without noticeE and re(resent
goals and o+1ecti$es onl.
%his infor#ation contains exa#(les of data and re(orts used in dail +usiness o(erations. %o illustrate the# as co#(letel as
(ossi+leE the exa#(les include the na#es of indi$idualsE co#(aniesE +randsE and (roducts. )ll of these na#es are fictitious
and an si#ilarit to the na#es and addresses used + an actual +usiness enter(rise is entirel coincidental.
If ou are $iewing this infor#ation softco(E the (hotogra(hs and color illustrations #a not a((ear.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
434 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
1=.1. /roduct Information
%his docu#ent a((lies to IBM &ognos %M1 0ersion 1@.1.@ and #a also a((l to su+sequent releases. %o chec- for newer
$ersions of this docu#entE $isit the IBM &ognos Infor#ation &enters Chtt(IBB($1r@#@
"icensed Materials 3 'ro(ert of IBM
G &o(right IBM &or(. 2@1@E 2@12.
,S Go$ern#ent ,sers Restricted Rights a ,seE du(lication or disclosure restricted + GS) )2' Schedule &ontract with IBM
IBME the IBM logoE %M1E and &ognos are trade#ar-s or registered trade#ar-s of International Business Machines
&or(.E registered in #an 1urisdictions worldwide. Other (roduct and ser$ice na#es #ight +e trade#ar-s of IBM or other
co#(anies. ) current list of IBM trade#ar-s is a$aila+le on the /e+ at N &o(right and trade#ar- infor#ation N at
%he following ter#s are trade#ar-s or registered trade#ar-s of other co#(aniesI
)do+eE the )do+e logoE 'ostScri(tE and the 'ostScri(t logo are either registered trade#ar-s or trade#ar-s of )do+e
Sste#s Incor(orated in the ,nited StatesE andBor other countries.
MicrosoftE /indowsE /indows 7%E and the /indows logo are trade#ar-s of Microsoft &or(oration in the ,nited StatesE
other countriesE or +oth.
Microsoft (roduct screen shotCsD used with (er#ission fro# Microsoft.
/arent topic0 7otices
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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#0. Glossary
%his glossar includes ter#s and definitions for &ognos %M1.
%he following cross3references are used in this glossarI
See refers ou fro# a ter# to a (referred snon#E or fro# an acron# or a++re$iation to the defined full for#.
See also refers ou to a related or contrasting ter#.
%o $iew glossaries for other IBM (roductsE go to Co(ens in new windowD.
access control
In co#(uter securitE the (rocess of ensuring that users can access onl those resources of a co#(uter sste# for
which the are authori=ed.
administrati(e client
) (rogra# that runs on a file ser$erE wor-stationE or #ainfra#e that ad#inistrators use to control and #onitor the
)n alternati$e na#e used instead of a (ri#ar na#e.
)n o+1ect that functions as a $irtual folder to organi=e shortcuts to other o+1ectsE external filesE and ,R"s in a logicalE
1o+3s(ecific or (ro1ect grou(ing.
) (ro(ert that (ro$ides qualitati$e infor#ation a+out di#ensions.
audit log
) log that #aintains the histor of all co##ands that #odif #etadata or configuration data and significant o(erationsE
including co##ands that would ha$e #ade a change +ut failed to do so.
cell security
%he access control le$el assigned to a single cell in a cu+e.
) node that is su+ordinate to another node in a tree structure. Onl the root node is not a child.
)n o+1ect that executes one or #ore (rocesses at a user3defined frequenc.
In a data treeE an entr that has one or #ore children.
control ob8ect
)n o+1ect used to store sste# infor#ation statistics including sste# (erfor#ance.
) #ultidi#ensional re(resentation of data needed for online analtical (rocessingE #ultidi#ensional re(ortingE or
#ultidi#ensional (lanning a((lications.
data source
) file or data used as the source for the %ur+oIntegrator i#(ort (rocess.
In &ognos BI and &ognos %M1E a +road grou(ing of descri(ti$e data a+out a #a1or as(ect of a +usinessE such as
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
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(roductsE datesE or locations. Each di#ension includes different le$els of #e#+ers in one or #ore hierarchies and an
o(tional set of calculated #e#+ers or s(ecial categories.
drill don
In a #ultidi#ensional re(resentation of dataE to access infor#ation + starting with a general categor and #o$ing
downwards through the hierarch of infor#ationE for exa#(le fro# Years to 5uarters to Months.
drill t'roug'
) #ethod of exa#ination used to re$eal detail or context infor#ation a+out a cellJs contents.
) #e#+er of a di#ension.
feeder statement
) series of lines of code which causes (laceholder $alues to +e stored in rules3calculated cells so that the cells are not
s-i((ed during calculations.
See "ightweight 2irector )ccess 'rotocol.
In a treeE an entr or node that has no children.
.ig'teig't 5irectory Access /rotocol 9.5A/:
)n o(en (rotocol that uses %&'BI' to (ro$ide access to directories that su((ort an A.6@@ #odel and that does not incur
the resource require#ents of the #ore co#(lex A.6@@ 2irector )ccess 'rotocol C2)'D. ;or exa#(leE "2)' can +e used
to locate (eo(leE organi=ationsE and other resources in an Internet or intranet director.
2ata that descri+es the characteristics of dataL descri(ti$e data.
ob8ect security
%he access le$el assigned to &ognos %M1 o+1ects.
See online analtical (rocessing.
online analytical processing 9&.A/:
%he (rocess of collecting data fro# one or #an sourcesL transfor#ing and anal=ing the consolidated data quic-l and
interacti$elL and exa#ining the results across different di#ensions of the data + loo-ing for (atternsE trendsE and
exce(tions within co#(lex relationshi(s of that data.
performance monitor
) set of software tools used to trac- #inute3+3#inute statistics on clientsE cu+esE and ser$ers.
pic" list
) list of cell $alues a$aila+le to a user when entering data into a cell.
)n o+1ect that contains a user3created scri(t of %ur+oIntegrator functions and co##ands to (rogra##aticall i#(ort
data as well as create and #odif &ognos %M1 o+1ectsE such as cu+es and di#ensions. ) (rocess can +e run #anuall
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
437 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09
or contained in a chore to run at a scheduled ti#e.
%he (rocess of #aintaining a defined set of data in #ore than one location. Re(lication in$ol$es co(ing designated
changes for one location Ca sourceD to another Ca targetD and snchroni=ing the data in +oth locations.
) set of co##ands and tools used to create s(ecific calculations and o(ti#i=ations within cu+es.
rules tracer
) utilit used to de$elo( and de+ug rules.
) (ersonal wor-s(ace used to store data $alues as a se(arate laer of onl new $alues which can +e #erged +ac- into
the +ase data when ad1ust#ents are co#(lete.
) (rocess that stores data $alues or a data+ase used + &ognos %M1. 1.
/or- (erfor#ed + a ser$er. ) ser$ice can +e a si#(le request for data to +e sent or stored Cas with file ser$ersE
*%%' ser$ersE or e3#ail ser$ersDE or it can +e #ore co#(lex wor- Cas with (rint ser$ers or (rocess ser$ersD.
sibling node
One of se$eral nodes within the sco(e of another node.
) $iew of a cu+e sa$ed as a standard s(readsheet that retains a +i3directional lin- to the cu+e so that changes #ade in
either the cu+e or in the slice are a$aila+le in +oth locations.
%o distri+ute $alues across a range of cells using a s(ecific algorith#E such as (ercent or incre#ents.
) set of ele#ents within a di#ension. Su+sets #a +e na#ed and sa$ed for future use.
) +i3directional (rocess of co(ing data u(dates and #etadata fro# an original cu+e to its re(licated $ersionsE and
fro# re(licated $ersions of the cu+e +ac- to the original cu+e.
) Microsoft Excel wor-sheet that is accessed through &ognos %M1 /e+.
Jero suppression
%he a+ilit in a cu+e $iew to turn off the dis(la of rows or colu#ns that contain onl =ero $alues so those rows or
colu#ns do not dis(la.
Cognos TM1 User Guide 10.1.0
438 of 438 26-09-2014 11:09

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