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Panic swept into her mind. He figured out that their approach into his mind, and he obviously was
not too excited about that. Terrified, Claire had tried to concentrate the mind again find his way, but
his thoughts were already empty. Anger and desire rendered his thought process useless. He was
running on pure instinct is that left blind to their intentions.
"Claire, where it goes!" Darrow called.
She shook her head. "I do not know. He is angry, so he lost all control over his mind."
"Damn." Thaltos growled. "Silthos, prepare to move it out of the way. If you can not hear his
thoughts, fighting blind on this one."
"Believe me, it's not going with that thing," he growled Silthos.
Claire lay in her arms and clung to him out of sheer terror. Without knowledge of where Tarrin will
move, they were practically open goal. Acting on instinct in a last ditch effort to help his lover, Claire
closed her eyes and imagined myself as a mist. She imagined if she knew that her plans were
discovered and began to act purely anger, how to respond. How will the move, where she would go,
what would attack first ...
"Darrow! Move! I think it will be after you!" Claire shouted at him, hoping he would correctly guess.
Luck was with her. Tarrin charged Darrow, lunged at him too late to make your time lover avoid and
deal another blow to the shoulder. Another roar of anger signals Tarrin immediate turnover to
Silthos motion did not expect. Silthos started back up, his eyes still looking for an escape route.
Thaltos rushed forward, anticipating Tarrin is another attack, but moved too late. Stupid demon
rushed to Silthos, the body turned sideways to deliver a devastating blow with his spiked shoulder.
Claire was knocked from his grasp, falling to the ground, landing near the window. Confused, but
you know, trying to track her legs resulting fight. Tarrin was still fighting the others, but
surprisingly made no move toward her. She was protective arms of her lover, but his focus remained
elsewhere. Why not ...
She paused, understanding complex plan that was set in motion. The fog was only by Tarrin as a
distraction. It had no intention of using him to pick her up or kill her here and now. Everything we
needed was her from her lovers and close the window.
As if on cue, he whispered a soft hiss behind her. Chill ran up her spine as her stomach turned to
cement. She knew what was coming; saw his destiny in mind Tarrin moment before it went blank.
Take a deep breath, never reconcile himself to his fate, but ask what step he could do that could
change the future. There was nothing she could do or say that could change plans mist or break
Tarrin of its magic.
Feeling melancholy settled Claire, as their minds eye watched threads fog creeping through the
window and inch closer to her. All this fighting and bloodshed were after. Nothing more than a
jealous longing and desire for power and control. A wave of despair and self-loathing rushed into her
veins, making her still. Maybe if he just went willingly into the fog, this whole escapade is over and
her lovers will be safe.
A knockout punch thrown in Darrow knocked her out of her pity party. Tarrin planted gross hook her
lover jaw, knocking him backwards and leaving lying on the floor. A thin trickle of blood dripped
from his mouth as he stood up. He shook his head to clear it, still stunned from the blow.
Looking at her most passionate lover is pounded to the ground sent a new wave of emotions through
Claire. Anger, hot and heavy, flew through the veins. Her determination hardened again, this time
turning to steel. You should change your fate, if she could, so that any necessary step if it means
those she cared about remained safe. She whipped her head around, looking for something that
would help his demons. Spying heavy brass candlestick, which burned fiercely on the table, Claire
rushed and grabbed a thick piece of metal in his hand, transmission in mind spins so fast almost
sparks shot from his ears.
Gun in hand, she turned and ran back to the window. Thin strands of silvery mist seeping from the
small slot in the wall, sliding across the floor toward Darrow. Tents crawled toward him hungrily,
small snakes guessing their stunned prey.
"No. You can not have it!" she cried. "It's mine!"
The vines were just inches from Darrow now, their little squeals of excitement making her skin
crawl. Darrow Custom ebony eyes widened as she crept closer, a mixture of fear and anger in his
Stop right of tendrils, Claire picked up a heavy candlestick above his head and walked.
If Tarrin controls the fog, the fog would hurt him to slow down.
"I said it was mine !"
With all the strength in the body, Claire brought the candlestick head down to the nearest tendrils of
fog. It screamed in pain, whipping around and lashing wildly into the air. Other sources immediately
pulled away from Darrow, retreating to the edges of the wall to nurse the wound that caused it.
From the corner of his eye, Claire watched the movements slowed Tarrin. The attack unharmed but
was clearly affected by fog momentary distraction. He stood motionless, his eyes already angry and
focused. Silthos Thaltos and took the opportunity to pay the stunned demon, knocking him to the
Claire picked up a heavy piece of brass again and raced to Darrow. "It does not get you," she
growled through clenched teeth. "I will not let the fact that you are!"
Restored her own anger, Darrow pulled himself to his feet, taking a defensive stance beside her.
"And your plan is?"
"I can not read it, but the fog is what is driving Tarrin. If we succeed in this, we should be able to
drive it back and get an edge in battle." Her eyes scanned every wisp of silver, waiting for one of
them to move.
"Then I'll stay and help-"
"No!" she snapped. She felt the mist treatment alone, knowing that Tarrin had recovered from his hit
and started to fight again. "Help Silthos and Thaltos. They need more than I do."
She felt his smile, than to see it: soft, warm, proud smile creeping on his lips. He was proud of her,
proud of how it has changed. Already fragile, frightened young woman No, Claire became like a
warrior herself. Willing and able to defend those we care about, even at the cost of injuries.
Darrow resigned, slide carefully into a fight for her. Claire stayed put, clutching a heavy candlestick
firmly as they prepare for the fog retribution. He never moved, staying close to the wall and hiding
in small patches of shade. Small threads of mist writhed uneasily, as if planning a new route for
She could almost feel the anger and unrest pulsing out small worm-like creatures. The fog was not
used to having his plans thwarted any demon, a lot of girl girl young man. It raged silently at her,
furious that she could anticipate his moves and it is damaged. That she must capture if it was to win,
but she was by no means an easy catch. With her ability to see their plans, Claire held the advantage
in combat, something despised fog.
Behind her, Darrow and others eventually gained the upper hand against Tarrin, pinning him to the
ground as he struggled violently. Cracked a smile on his lips, a move that sent a wave of furious
cries of tendrils of fog. Her joy of her lovers will be able to conquer his puppet did not sit well with
One of the tendrils lashed out at her, screeching in fury. Claire turned to spring, turns it off and
sending it scampering back to the wall. Another crawled to her, sliding silently on the ground in the
hope that she would not notice his silent movement. She did it, unfortunately, and Claire stuck in
this thread as well. Fog curled up against the wall, he was furious that his prey is fighting back. It is
expected that it will be paralyzed by fear and make you an easy target. Instead, she retaliated and
risked his own life to protect his lover.
Damn girl. I'll give her a break soon .
Defeated and enraged, the fog began to slowly retreat. Thin tendrils climbed slowly up the wall,
slipping back through the window into the dark pit from which they were born. The tips have turned
and lashed at her, silent in their fury, but too eager to show. The last few centimeters of silver
slipped through the window, so the silence in their wake.
Claire stayed for a while, refused to follow until she was sure they were gone. She had seen too
many B-rated horror movies where the hero follows his opponent when he disappeared only be
captured once ventured too close. Claire learned from those oh-so-talented actresses to fall into this
trap. Instead, step by step, closer, one step at a time, which itself enough room to maneuver should
come again whistling at her.
Take a deep breath, looked over the edge of the window, looking down into the swamp. Fog
remained under the slowly swirling around with flashes of red and black. It screamed when he
noticed her presence, pulled away from the wall below a receding into the darkness of the swamp.
Scream reminded her fierce battle cry, warrior swore revenge for the humiliating defeat.
Claire smiled and stepped back from the window. Pride overflowing in his veins, mixing with relief
and exhaustion already settling in. happy, but still wary, she turned to look at his last three lovers of
their own battle finally ended. With the fog gone, Tarrin mind and the body was released. He lay in a
crumpled heap on the floor, completely unconscious. Thaltos, Darrow and Silthos stood around him,
panting from the fight.
Throw your hands up, Claire's smile returned in full force. "We won!"
"For now," Thaltos voice was steady, without changing the outcome of the fight. "The fog is not
accustomed to losing anything, least of all the fighting.'ll Be back in time with more force and fury
than before."
He threw a candlestick party, casually walked through a group of demons. She held out her hand,
she wrapped around her neck Thaltos' neck, pressed her breasts on the back of the neck and face.
"We won this time. We show that disgusting cloud are nothing to laugh at. Be happy, please?"
He smiled in spite of the truth and turned his head to kiss her. She returned his kiss passionately,
find a warm and safe in his touch. Although he knew fog to return to her claim, Claire felt safe and
protected here. For now, she could relax.
"So, what's with Sleeping Beauty?" Silthos gently nudged the unconscious Tarrin feet.
She pulled away from Thaltos, looking at the sleeping demon. "I think we should turn it into
"Are you sure?" He looked at her worriedly.
Claire shrugged and looked sympathetically at Tarrin. "What else can we do with him? Can not leave
him. When he wakes up, who knows what will he do?"
Darrow sighed. "He's right. Makes no sense to keep him here.'ll Call the guards and have them pull
it out." He paused, his eyes focused even more painful. "I think ... I think we could put in a little good
word for him. After all, they do not deserve version yet."
Claire stared at him, thunderstruck. Throughout knew Darrow, everything I ever did for Tarrin to
rant about how he was screwed over a former friend now wanted dead. For him to have a change of
heart, as it was stunning. I wondered if friendship that ran as deep as Darrow and Tarrin is not die
There must be some rest friendship still in his mind. Angry as he is, I'm not sure I could condemn
his best friend after watching them suffer like this.
She sighed and let Thaltos, crossed her arms over her chest. "Okay., We should wait until he wakes
up, let him down easy?"
"Probably not," reasoned Silthos. "It's just come out of his nap swinging. This is the best thing we
alert the guards now."
She nodded and turned Thaltos. "I think Darrow and I can take him. Could you go grab the guard
and tell them what happened?"
A huge demon smiled at her and bowed his head. "You're welcome."
She reached out and grabbed his arm gently. "Thaltos, tell them all . Tarrin We can not throw under
the bus when he was not under control."
His smile never wavered. "They know every detail."
"Okay." She stood on her tiptoes and leaned forward, attempting a second kiss.
"Darrow ..." Tarrin broke a hoarse voice through her veil luck.
Claire turned and saw the same blood red eyes staring anxiously at his feet. One scrambled pointed
to the wall behind her.
"Darrow, watch the girl. She is"
The ear-shattering hiss flooded the room. Instant late, Claire felt icy cold wrap around the ankle and
pull her down. It dragged her across the floor at a frightening speed, slammed it to the side seconds
before it smashed to pieces of furniture.
"Thaltos!" She screamed and clawed at the floor, trying to slow her years.
"Claire!" Darrow screams of fear and anger nearly broke her heart. He knew now what Thaltos knew
all along: the fog returned and was determined to use his prize. Darrow nearly knocked Silthos than
he threw himself behind her, anger and fear merging into one ear-spill roar.
I'll lose.
The very thought of this broke her heart. She sobbed quietly, dreading her fate and apologized for
his pain he caused them. Tears welled in her eyes mist as Claire pulled her closer to the window,
tears of despair when she pulled away from the three people who honestly cared about her and
fought for her.
Darrow's clawed hand reached out to understand her, his thick fingers wrapping tightly around the
wrist. Seizing the opportunity, Claire grabbed his wrist and held a small glimmer of hope begins to
burn in his heart.
She looked anxiously into his coal black eyes. "Do not let go."
His gaze hardened. "Never . "
Again, sobbing. "I do not want to leave."
"You're not going anywhere," he said. "I will not allow that."
The tight smile crossed his face. Of all of them, Darrow would be the last to it. I would fight tooth
and nail for his life, even if it means sacrificing his own. He loved her as much as she loves him.
A thin strand of fog lashed out, slicing the back of the open Darrow. He winced, but kept a grip on
her, never letting the pain overtake his need to protect her. Another strand pulled out, followed by
the third, all three cutting and binding his hands, hoping to break his grip.
Thaltos Silthos and rushed to the side of his friend, everyone grabbed her hand. They kept at it, the
added strength of two demons held steady against the grip of fog. A small flame of hope in her heart
grew a little bit. They could have saved her, pulling her back into the room and keep it safe. They
wipe away the nightmare of her memory and replace it with thoughts of love and passion. One more
move and they could do it all.
A small glimmer of optimism died almost instantly. More tendrils pulled out a handful of windows,
some wrap around the ankle to pull harder, others flogging hands of her lovers to break their grip.
Threads cut deep, releasing streams of ink black blood that flowed into their own hands. Blood
stroking their skin, hands grasping difficult, and Claire began to slide backwards, supported by
constant pulling in the fog.
At that moment she saw her destiny and life flashing through her mind. Regardless of their efforts to
break the grip of her lovers, eventually sending her tumbling down into a dark haze below. If by
some incredible luck understanding them decided mist would drag down with it.
Heartbroken and defeated, Claire decided to save the fate of her lovers she slowly pulled away. She
would let them go, save from the terrible fog had plans in mind. She loved them too much to make
them suffer like this. They would weep for her, yes, but it would recover and find another one that
would not cause them so much pain and suffering. Tears ran down her cheeks when relaxed grip a
little, let your hands glide over them an inch.
Darrow's eyes widened in panic. "Claire!"
She looked at him, sorrow and apology in her eyes. "Do not forget me."
"No!" he shouted. "Do not you dare!"
"I love you, all of you," she whispered. "Stay safe for me."
With one last smile, Claire released his hand, sliding without her three lovers. Fog seized the
opportunity and showed her violently back and pick her window. Time slowly, as he watched the
three demons race to the window. They yelled her name, looks of horror and shame cheeks. Quietly
smiled, knowing that you saved from eternal pain and despair in the clouds of mist.
Stay safe on me .
Eventually fell into the soft, cool mist swirls in underneath, felt icy cold sink into her skin. His
fingers went numb, the hands and feet. The mind grew foggy and unfocused as inhalation final
breath of clean air. Grief-stricken face three demons she comes to love disappeared from view, as
the world moved into the black. She sank, swallowed into the folds of gray and cobalt, finally
separated from her lover completely.
Silence, followed by a cry of triumph emitted from thick swirls in silver blue mist.
If you called in during the last part, need not feel embarrassed. I started tearing up while typing. Do
not worry, though. This is only a chapter 7 There is much more to the story.

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