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Location Notes

Sir Alfred- Hitchcock Hotel:

This location will be used in our production.
This is due to the following:
o The character of Eldon is a drunk, therefore it is unlikely
that he has a place or location that he can call his own.
o It would be difficult to rely on other people to allow us to
use their location (houses/rooms)
However, there are a few weakness of using this location:
o Expensive
o May take time to have to commute there
o Would be difficult to rent out for too long
In general, we felt the idea of using a hotel for Eldon to be
located at simply strengthened and added to the mise-en-
scene and defined the character of Eldon.

Oaks Park High School:

This location is to be used throughout the majority of the
production. This is simply due to the fact that Eldon Livermores
occupation is a high school teacher, therefore, it only makes
sense to use this as the main location.
Other reasons that strengthen our desire to use the location:
o Doesnt require money to rent out lowering our
o Easy access
o Doesnt require commute
o Available when necessary

Trains/general public areas:

The train is to be used for Eldons journey to school in the
morning as his car breaks down. This is again to add to the mise-
en-scene of the production to make the whole, general idea
realistic and understandable. All of the scenes are broken down
to make sure that the audience can keep up and fully
understand the entire day at the school.

It may be difficult to film on the actual carriages as the camera may be shaky as there is to be a lot of
movement. Also, we may have troubles with the general public as they may not want to be shown
on camera, for any of the footage.

General public areas include Eldon leaving the train station on his way to the school and also, Eldon
leaving and running out in to an open field. These are mainly roads or patches of grass around the
general area of the school.

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