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I. Rewrite each sentence using a modal verb or a hrasal verb so that the meaning
sta!s the same:
1. What are you trying to say?
2. Do you have a good relationship with your relatives?
3. She went straight to the airline desk to show her ticket and receive a boarding pass as
soon as she arrived.
4. n the way to !ristol the train collected lots o" passengers.

#. $t was %idnight when the train shuddered to a halt.

&. $ % sure that 'elen "eels really lonely.

(. )ou needn*t co%e with %e i" you don+t want to.

,. $ % sure that !renda isn*t over thirty.

-. 'arry was on the verge o" getting lost. .hank /od he is sa"e now0
11. $ was passing their house so $ decided to see 2laire and 3ichael.
II. Read the te"t and answer the #ollowing $uestions:
%. &hat is 'untington(s idea o# the #undamental source o# international
*. &h! do eole o# di##erent civili+ations have di##erent views)
,. E"lain how the underlined words relate to the te"t as a whole.
$n his provocative and highly in"luential 1--3 essay 4.he 2lash o"
2ivili5ations?67 Sa%uel 8. 'untington6 argued that in the "uture the "unda%ental source o"
international con"lict will not be pri%arily ideological or pri%arily econo%ic. .he great
divisions a%ong hu%ankind and the do%inating source o" con"lict will be cultural.
9ation states will re%ain the %ost power"ul actors in world a""airs6 but the principal
con"licts o" global politics will occur between nations and groups o" di""erent
civili5ations. :ccording to 'untington6 people o" di""erent ethnic backgrounds and
religions are likely to see their relationships with other groups in ter%s o" -us. versus
-them 4.he people o" di""erent civili5ations67 he says6 have di""erent views on the
relations between /od and %an6 the individual and the group6 the citi5en and the state6
parents and children6 husband and wi"e6 as well as di""ering views o" the relative
i%portance o" rights and responsibilities6 liberty and authority6 e;uality and hierarchy.
$ndeed6 the pattern o" cultural kinship "ound in the <S was si%ilar to that o" al%ost every
other country= strong %a>orities "elt close to their own culture6 while no %a>orities "elt
close to other cultures.
III. /ill in the blan0s with aroriate te"t organi+ers:
1. 3any people "eel nervous about "lying and worry about the possibility o" an
accident. according to the statistics6 "lying is actually sa"er than
walking down the streets.
2. .......................the cold weather we en>oyed the soccer %atch.
3. ..the increased de%and "or parking spaces6 the co%pany has
decided to enlarge the car park behind the %ain building.
4. We were advised to do the e?ercise care"ully6 .we will %ake a
lot o" %istakes.
#. @unning a car is e?pensive and you have to spend a lot o" %oney on ite%s
.petrol6 servicing the car and repairs.
I1. $n the absence o" the Atotal picture6A stereotypes in %any cases allow us to A"ill
in the blanks.A ur society o"ten innocently creates and perpetuates stereotypes6 but these
stereotypes lead to un"air discri%ination and persecution when the stereotype is
un"avorable. /ive e?a%ples o" how stereotypes either positive or negative a""ect the way
we perceive people.

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