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Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.

1. Introduction
2. TM1 Web Overview
2.1. Starting TM1 Web
2.2. Using TM1 Web
2.2.1. Navigation Pane
2.2.2. Content Pane
2.3. Data rowsing and !na"#sis Tas$s
2.%. !d&inistrator Tas$s
3. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
3.1. Webs'eet Overview
3.1.1. (isua" Di))erences etween Webs'eets and *+ce" Wor$s'eets
3.2. (iewing a Webs'eet
3.3. Using t'e Webs'eet Too"bar
3.%. Using t'e Webs'eet Paging Too"bar
3.,. *diting Data in a Webs'eet
3.,.1. *diting Data in Webs'eet Ce""s
3.,.2. Using Data S-reading in a Webs'eet
3.,.3. *+c"uding Ce""s )ro& Data S-reading
3.,.3.1. !--"# a .o"d to a Sing"e Ce"" or /ange
3.,.3.2. /e"ease a .o"d on a Sing"e Ce"" or /ange
3.,.%. *+c"uding Conso"idations )ro& Data S-reading
3.,.%.1. !--"# a Conso"idation .o"d to a Sing"e Ce"" or /ange
3.,.%.2. /e"ease a Conso"idation .o"d on a Sing"e Ce"" or /ange
3.0. C'anging Webs'eet Pro-erties
3.1. /ecogni2ing In'erited *+ce" 3eatures in Webs'eets
3.1.1. .ide Co"u&ns
3.1.2. Conditiona" 3or&atting
3.1.3. .#-er"in$s
3.1.%. 3ree2e Panes
3.1.%.1. Using C"earT#-e to *n'ance Dis-"a# and /endering o) Webs'eets
3.1.%.2. String &easure&ent )or wide co"u&ns in TM1 Web
3.1.,. Using Ce"" and Password Protection wit' Webs'eets
3.4. 5enerating a /e-ort )ro& a Webs'eet
3.4.1. Webs'eet *+-ort 6i&itations S"ice to *+ce"7Sna-s'ot to *+ce" *+-ort to PD3
%. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
%.1. O-ening a Cube (iew in TM1 Web
%.2. Using t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer Too"bar
%.3. Navigating Pages
%.%. /eviewing Data C'anges
%.,. Saving Data in a Cube (iew
%.0. Con)iguring a Cube (iew
%.0.1. *+-anding and Co""a-sing Conso"idations
%.0.2. Pivoting Di&ensions
%.0.3. .iding Di&ensions
%.0.%. 3i"tering a Cube (iew
%.0.,. Se"ecting *"e&ents )ro& a Subset
%.0.0. Dri""ing )ro& a Cube (iew
%.1. *diting Data in a Cube (iew
%.1.1. *diting Data in Cube (iew Ce""s
%.1.2. Using Data S-reading
%.1.3. 8uic$ Data *ntr# Co&&ands
%.1.3.1. Using S'ortcuts in Di))erent C"ients
%.1.%. *ntering Data into Conso"idated Ce""s on t'e Web Cube (iewer
%.1.,. *+c"uding Ce""s )ro& Data S-reading
%.1.,.1. !--"# a 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range
%.1.,.2. /e"ease a 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range
%.1.0. *+c"uding Conso"idations )ro& Data S-reading
%.1.0.1. !--"# a conso"idation 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range
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%.1.0.2. /e"ease a conso"idation 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range
%.4. Creating a New Cube (iew
%.9. 5enerating a /e-ort )ro& a Cube (iew
%.9.1. Cube (iewer *+-ort 6i&itation
,. Wor$ing wit' C'arts
,.1. C'anging t'e C'art T#-e: Co"ors: 6egend: and 3D (iew
,.2. C'anging C'art Pro-erties
,.2.1. C'anging asic C'art Pro-erties
,.2.2. C'anging t'e C'art 6egend
,.2.3. C'anging t'e 3D St#"e
,.2.%. C'anging C'art 6abe"s
,.2.,. C'anging t'e ;<a+is and =<a+is
,.2.0. C'anging t'e !--earance o) =our C'art
,.3. *+-anding and Co""a-sing Conso"idations in a C'art
,.%. Dri""ing )ro& a C'art
0. *diting Subsets in TM1 Web
0.1. Subset *diting Overview
0.1.1. Subset *ditor T#-es
0.1.2. D#na&ic versus Static Subsets
0.2. O-ening t'e Subset *ditor
0.3. ui"ding a Si&-"e Subset
0.%. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
0.%.1. Using t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor Too"bar
0.%.2. Moving *"e&ents
0.%.3. Moving Conso"idations
0.%.%. >ee-ing *"e&ents
0.%.,. De"eting *"e&ents
0.%.0. 3i"tering *"e&ents
0.%.0.1. 3i"tering b# !ttribute
0.%.0.2. 3i"tering b# 6eve"
0.%.0.3. 3i"tering b# *+-ression
0.%.1. 3inding *"e&ents
0.%.4. Sorting *"e&ents
0.%.9. *+-anding and Co""a-sing Conso"idations
0.%.9.1. *+-anding a Conso"idation
0.%.9.2. Co""a-sing a Conso"idation
0.%.1?. Inserting Parents
0.,. Creating Custo& Conso"idations
0.,.1. Creating a Custo& Conso"idation )ro& an *+isting Subset
0.,.2. Creating a Custo& Conso"idation )ro& Se"ected *"e&ents
1. Writebac$ Modes and Sandbo+es
1.1. Writebac$ Modes
1.1.1. Setting t'e writebac$ &ode
1.2. Understanding di))erent too"bar o-tions
1.2.1. Using direct writebac$ and na&ed sandbo+es
1.2.2. Using a Persona" Wor$s-ace and na&ed sandbo+es
1.2.3. Persona" Wor$s-ace wit'out na&ed sandbo+es
1.2.%. Direct writebac$ wit'out sandbo+es
1.3. Using a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+es
1.3.1. Data va"ues )or "ea) and conso"idated ce""s in a sandbo+
1.3.2. /esetting data va"ues in a sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace
1.3.3. Understanding ce"" co"oring )or c'anged data va"ues
1.3.%. Co&&itting c'anged data )ro& a Persona" Wor$s-ace or sandbo+ to base
1.%. @ob 8ueuing
1.%.1. (iewing t'e 8ueue
1.%.2. Cance""ing a Aob in t'e Bueue
4. !d&inistering IM Cognos TM1 Web
4.1. IM Cognos TM1 Web Overview
4.2. !d&inistering t'e TM1 Server )ro& IM Cognos TM1 Web
4.2.1. !d&inistering Processes
4.2.2. !d&inistering C'ores
4.2.3. Setting C"ient Pro-erties
4.2.%. Setting Cube Pro-erties
4.2.,. Setting Di&ension Pro-erties
4.3. C'anging =our Password
4.%. Con)iguring a Custo& .o&e-age )or IM Cognos TM1 Web
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4.%.1. Con)iguring Di))erent .o&e-ages )or Individua" Users
4.%.2. Con)iguring a 5"oba" .o&e-age )or !"" Users
4.%.2.1. Using t'e .o&ePageObAect Para&eter
4.%.2.2. Setting a 5"oba" IM Cognos TM1 Web .o&e-age to a Cube (iew
4.%.2.3. Setting a 5"oba" IM Cognos TM1 Web .o&e-age to a Webs'eet
4.%.2.3.1. O-ening a Webs'eet t'at re)erences an *+ce" )i"e outside o) TM1
4.%.2.3.2. O-ening a Webs'eet obAect t'at was u-"oaded to t'e TM1 server
4.%.2.%. Setting a 5"oba" IM Cognos TM1 Web .o&e-age to a U/6
4.,. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
4.,.1. *diting t'e Web.Con)ig 3i"e
4.,.2. Con)iguring TM1 Wor$)"ow Para&eters
4.,.3. Dis-"a#ing t'e Custo& Too"bar
4.,.%. Dis-"a#ing t'e Content o) t'e Custo& Too"bar
4.,.,. C'anging t'e .eig't o) t'e Custo& Too"bar
4.,.0. Dis-"a#ing or .iding t'e (iews Node in t'e Navigation Pane
4.,.1. Dis-"a#ing or .iding !d&inistration o-tions in t'e Navigation Pane
4.,.4. C'anging t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web Session Ti&eout
4.,.4.1. Une+-ected ti&eouts
4.,.4.2. !dAusting t'e ti&eout -ara&eter
4.,.4.3. C'anging t'e De)au"t Setting in Microso)t IIS (ersion 0 webserver o) Microso)t Windows Server 2??3
4.,.9. C'anging t'e Cube (iewer Page Si2e
4.,.1?. Setting t'e Ma+i&u& Nu&ber o) S'eets to *+-ort )ro& a Cube (iewer
4.,.11. !dAusting t'e .tt-/unti&e *+ecutionTi&eout Para&eter
4.,.12. Setting t'e TM1*+ce"ServicePortNu&ber Para&eter
4.,.13. Con)iguring t'e 6ogin Page using !d&in.ostNa&e and TM1ServerNa&e
4.,.1%. Con)iguring IM Cognos TM1 Web Startu- and !--earance Settings
4.,.1%.1. NavTree.idden Para&eter
4.,.1%.2. NavTreeCo""a-sedOnStart Para&eter
4.,.1%.3. .ideTabar Para&eter
4.,.1%.%. .ideWebs'eetToo"ar Para&eter
4.,.1%.,. .ideCubeviewerToo"ar Para&eter
4.,.1,. Using t'e Custo&6in$ Para&eter to O-en Ot'er U/6s and Web Pages
4.,.10. Con)iguring t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web (irtua" Cac'e Director#
4.,.11. Contro""ing C'art Sca"ing and Incre&ents wit' t'e S&art!+is*nab"ed Para&eter
4.,.14. *nab"ing t'e Webs'eet Paging Too"bar
4.,.19. Using t'e TM1 Web Page/esetMode -ara&eter
4.,.2?. !""owing -asting in va"idated ce""s
4.,.21. Wra--ing string va"ues in cube views
4.0. Per)or&ing Web 3o"der Maintenance
4.1. Using IM Cognos TM1 Web 6ogging
4.1.1. Message Severit# 6eve"s )or IM Cognos TM1 Web 6ogging
4.1.2. IM Cognos TM1 Web 6og Con)iguring and *nab"ing IM Cognos TM1 Web 6ogging (iewing t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web 6og 3i"e
4.1.3. TM1 *+ce" Services 6og Con)iguring TM1 *+ce" Services 6ogging *nab"ing TM1 *+ce" Services 6ogging (iewing t'e TM1 *+ce" Services 6og 3i"e
9. Su--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
9.1. Su--orted 3unctions
9.1.1. Date and Ti&e 3unctions
9.1.2. 3inancia" 3unctions
9.1.3. In)or&ation 3unctions
9.1.%. 6ogica" 3unctions
9.1.,. 6oo$u- and /e)erence 3unctions
9.1.0. Mat' and Trigono&etric 3unctions
9.1.1. Te+t and Data 3unctions
9.1.4. Statistica" 3unctions
1?. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
1?.1. Database and 6ist Manage&ent 3unctions
1?.2. Date and Ti&e 3unctions
1?.3. 3inancia" 3unctions
1?.%. In)or&ation 3unctions
1?.,. 6oo$u- and /e)erence 3unctions
1?.0. Mat' and Trigono&etric 3unctions
1?.1. Statistica" 3unctions
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1?.4. Te+t and Data 3unctions
11. Notices
11.1. C
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1. Introduction
T'is docu&ent is intended )or use wit' IMD CognosD TM1D .
TM1 Web is a Web<based -roduct t'at e+tends t'e ana"#tica" -ower o) IM Cognos TM1 b# a""owing #ou to view: ana"#2e: edit
and c'art #our TM1 data in a Web browser. !d&inistrators can a"so use TM1 Web to -er)or& so&e TM1 ad&inistration tas$s.
Finding information
To )ind IM Cognos -roduct docu&entation on t'e web: inc"uding a"" trans"ated docu&entation: access one o) t'e IM Cognos
In)or&ation Centers E'tt-F77-ub"ib.bou"der.ib&.co&7in)ocenter7cogic7v1r?&?7inde+.As-G. /e"ease Notes are -ub"is'ed direct"#
to In)or&ation Centers: and inc"ude "in$s to t'e "atest tec'notes and !P!/s.
Samples disclaimer
T'e 5reat Outdoors Co&-an#: 5O Sa"es: an# variation o) t'e 5reat Outdoors na&e: and P"anning Sa&-"e de-ict )ictitious
business o-erations wit' sa&-"e data used to deve"o- sa&-"e a--"ications )or IM and IM custo&ers. T'ese )ictitious
records inc"ude sa&-"e data )or sa"es transactions: -roduct distribution: )inance: and 'u&an resources. !n# rese&b"ance to
actua" na&es: addresses: contact nu&bers: or transaction va"ues is coincidenta". Ot'er sa&-"e )i"es &a# contain )ictiona" data
&anua""# or &ac'ine generated: )actua" data co&-i"ed )ro& acade&ic or -ub"ic sources: or data used wit' -er&ission o) t'e
co-#rig't 'o"der: )or use as sa&-"e data to deve"o- sa&-"e a--"ications. Product na&es re)erenced &a# be t'e trade&ar$s o)
t'eir res-ective owners. Unaut'ori2ed du-"ication is -ro'ibited.
Accessibilit features
T'is -roduct does not current"# su--ort accessibi"it# )eatures t'at 'e"- users wit' a -'#sica" disabi"it#: suc' as restricted
&obi"it# or "i&ited vision: to use t'is -roduct.
For!ard"loo#ing statements
T'is docu&entation describes t'e current )unctiona"it# o) t'e -roduct. /e)erences to ite&s t'at are not current"# avai"ab"e
&a# be inc"uded. No i&-"ication o) an# )uture avai"abi"it# s'ou"d be in)erred. !n# suc' re)erences are not a co&&it&ent:
-ro&ise: or "ega" ob"igation to de"iver an# &ateria": code: or )unctiona"it#. T'e deve"o-&ent: re"ease: and ti&ing o) )eatures
or )unctiona"it# re&ain at t'e so"e discretion o) IM.
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$. TM1 Web %&er&ie!
IMD CognosD TM1D Web e+tends t'e ana"#tica" -ower o) TM1 Web b# o))ering a nu&ber o) tas$s in a web browser.
!na"#2e cube data
(iew and edit data in )or&atted *+ce" re-orts
Dri"": -ivot: se"ect: and )i"ter data
ui"d c'arts )ro& cube data
Per)or& so&e TM1 server ad&inistration tas$s
Starting TM1 Web
T'e )o""owing ste-s i""ustrate 'ow to "og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web .
Using TM1 Web
T'e TM1 Web &ain -age contains t'e Navigation -ane on t'e "e)t and a Content -ane on t'e rig't.
'ata (ro!sing and Analsis Tas#s
TM1 Web -rovides too"s )or wor$ing wit' TM1 Webs'eets: cube views: c'arts and subsets.
Administrator Tas#s
!s a TM1 Web ad&inistrator: #ou can use TM1 Web to -er)or& ad&inistration tas$s.
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$.1. Starting TM1 Web
T'e )o""owing ste-s i""ustrate 'ow to "og in to IMD CognosD TM1D Web .
Start an internet browser. 1.
*nter t'e U/6 -rovided b# #our TM1 Web ad&inistrator: using t'e )o""owing e+a&-"e.
machine_name is t'e na&e o) t'e Web server used to de"iver TM1 Web -ages.
virtual_directory is t'e na&e o) t'e virtua" director# t'e Web server uses to "ocate TM1 Web -ages. T'e de)au"t
virtua" director# na&e is TM1 Web .
T'e TM1 Web 6ogin -age o-ens.
*nter t'e "ogin in)or&ation.
Admin *ost < T'e na&e o) t'e TM1 !d&in .ost #ou use to "ocate an active TM1 server on #our networ$.
TM1 Ser&er < T'e na&e o) t'e TM1 Server #ou want to access t'roug' TM1 Web . C"ic$ t'e down arrow to se"ect
one o) t'e TM1 Servers avai"ab"e on #our networ$. C"ic$ +efres, to u-date t'e "ist o) servers avai"ab"e on #our
-ote. I) t'e !d&inSvrSS6CertID -ara&eter in t'e TM1 Web .con)ig )i"e is incorrect"# con)igured: t'e server &enu
&a# be e&-t#. See H/unning TM1 in Secure Mode using SS6H c'a-ter o) t'e IM Cognos TM1 Installation and
Configuration Guide )or detai"s on t'is -ara&eter.
User -ame < =our user na&e on t'e se"ected TM1 Server .
)ass!ord < =our -assword on t'e se"ected TM1 Server .
C"ic$ /ogin.
T'e TM1 Web Main -age o-ens.
)arent topic. TM1 Web Overview
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$.$. Using TM1 Web
T'e TM1D Web &ain -age contains t'e Navigation -ane on t'e "e)t and a Content -ane on t'e rig't.
-a&igation )ane
T'e Navigation -ane contains t'e )o""owing ite&sF
Content )ane
T'e Content -ane dis-"a#s t'e cube views and Webs'eets t'at #ou o-en. *ac' obAect t'at #ou o-en dis-"a#s on a
se-arate tab.
)arent topic. TM1 Web Overview
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$.$.1. -a&igation )ane
T'e Navigation -ane contains t'e )o""owing ite&sF
Applications < Dis-"a#s a "ist o) a--"ications t'at #ou can access t'roug' TM1D Web . T'ese a--"ications can contain
s'ortcuts to TM1 Webs'eets: cubes: and views.
0ie!s < Dis-"a#s a "ist o) cubes and views on t'e TM1 Server .
Administration < Dis-"a#s a "ist o) server obAect -ro-erties. =ou can &odi)# so&e o) t'ese -ro-erties direct"# )ro& TM1
Web .
-ote. T'e !d&inistration &odu"e is visib"e on"# to users w'o are &e&bers o) t'e !DMIN grou- on t'e TM1 Server .
TM1 Web does not su--ort t'e use o) ac$ and 3orward buttons )ro& #our browser. Use t'e contro"s o))ered in t'e
Navigation -ane to &aintain consistent data views.
)arent topic. Using TM1 Web
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$.$.$. Content )ane
T'e Content -ane dis-"a#s t'e cube views and Webs'eets t'at #ou o-en. *ac' obAect t'at #ou o-en dis-"a#s on a se-arate
)arent topic. Using TM1 Web
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$.1. 'ata (ro!sing and Analsis Tas#s
TM1D Web -rovides too"s )or wor$ing wit' TM1 Webs'eets: cube views: c'arts and subsets.
3or detai"s: see t'e )o""owing sectionsF
Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets < Describes 'ow to view: edit and e+-ort Webs'eets.
Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer < Describes 'ow to view: edit: con)igure and e+-ort cube views: review and save
data c'anges and create new views.
Wor$ing wit' TM1 Web C'arts < Provides detai"s on using c'arts wit' TM1 Web Cube (iews: c'anging c'art -ro-erties:
e+-anding and co""a-sing conso"idations in a c'art and dri""ing )ro& a c'art.
*diting Subsets in TM1 Web < Describes 'ow to use t'e TM1 Web Subset *ditor to create and &anage "ists o) e"e&ents
t'at identi)# t'e data #ou want to ana"#2e.
)arent topic. TM1 Web Overview
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$.2. Administrator Tas#s
!s a TM1D Web ad&inistrator: #ou can use TM1 Web to -er)or& ad&inistration tas$s.
(iew and edit so&e o) t'e -ro-erties )or -rocesses: c'ores: c"ients: cubes and di&ension.
C'ange t'e -assword o) t'e current user.
Con)igure a custo& 'o&e-age )or TM1 Web .
Modi)# TM1 Web con)iguration -ara&eters in t'e web.con)ig )i"e.
Per)or& web )o"der &aintenance.
Use TM1 Web "og )i"es to &onitor TM1 Web activit# and errors.
3or detai"s: see !d&inistering TM1 Web in t'e IMD CognosD TM1 Operation Guide.
)arent topic. TM1 Web Overview
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1. Wor#ing !it, Webs,eets
T'is section describes using Webs'eets.
Webs,eet %&er&ie!
! Webs'eet is a Microso)t *+ce" wor$s'eet E.+"s )i"eG wit' IMD CognosD TM1D data t'at #ou can view in a web
browser. # -ub"is'ing an *+ce" wor$s'eet )ro& t'e IM Cognos so)tware to an a--"ication )o"der: ot'er users can view
#our wor$s'eet b# using t'eir Web browser.
0ie!ing a Webs,eet
!n# *+ce" wor$s'eet t'at e+ists in a TM1 a--"ication is auto&atica""# avai"ab"e t'roug' TM1 Web . 3or detai"s on creating
and &anaging a--"ications: see t'e IM Cognos TM1 Deve"o-er 5uide.
Using t,e Webs,eet Toolbar
T'e Webs'eet too"bar at t'e to- o) t'e TM1 Web -age contains buttons )or wor$ing wit' Webs'eets.
Using t,e Webs,eet )aging Toolbar
Use t'e Webs'eet -aging too"bar to navigate t'roug' Webs'eets t'at contain a "arge nu&ber o) rows. T'is too"bar a""ows
#ou to &ove -age b# -age t'roug' a range o) rows in t'e Webs'eet or Au&- to a range o) rows t'at #ou s-eci)#.
3diting 'ata in a Webs,eet
=ou can edit data in a Webs'eet.
C,anging Webs,eet )roperties
Webs'eet -ro-erties deter&ine 'ow an *+ce" )i"e dis-"a#s and be'aves w'en viewed as a Webs'eet in TM1 Web . !""
users can view Webs'eet -ro-erties: but #ou &ust 'ave Write access to an *+ce" )i"e wit'in an a--"ication to edit t'e
Webs'eet -ro-erties.
+ecogni4ing In,erited 35cel Features in Webs,eets
! Webs'eet in'erits t'e )o""owing *+ce" )eaturesF
Generating a +eport from a Webs,eet
=ou can generate Ibrie)ing boo$I < st#"e re-orts in TM1 Web in two wa#sF
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1.1. Webs,eet %&er&ie!
! Webs'eet is a Microso)t *+ce" wor$s'eet E.+"s )i"eG wit' IMD CognosD TM1D data t'at #ou can view in a web browser. #
-ub"is'ing an *+ce" wor$s'eet )ro& t'e IM Cognos so)tware to an a--"ication )o"der: ot'er users can view #our wor$s'eet b#
using t'eir Web browser.
Wit' a Webs'eet: #ou can -er)or& t'e )o""owing tas$s.
*nter data in ce""s to w'ic' #ou 'ave Write access Esee t'e IM Cognos TM1 Operation GuideG. T'e IM Cognos web
c"ient does not identi)# w'ic' ce""s are writab"e: so #ou &ust 'ave so&e )a&i"iarit# wit' #our data to success)u""# enter
data into t'e Webs'eet. 3or detai"s on entering data in ce""s: see *diting Data in a Webs'eet.
Use data s-reading to enter or &odi)# &an# Webs'eet va"ues at once. S-reading is )reBuent"# used )or scenario testing
and w'at<i) ana"#sis during a budgeting or )inancia" -"anning -rocess.
Dri"" to re"ationa" tab"es or ot'er cubes. I) t'e s"ice t'at #ou -ub"is' to t'e Web contains a ce"" wit' a de)ined dri""<t'roug'
ru"e: t'at dri"" )unction is avai"ab"e )ro& #our Webs'eet.
(iew *+ce" c'arts. I) t'e s"ice #ou -ub"is' to t'e Web contains a c'art: t'e c'art wi"" a--ear in #our Webs'eet. I) t'e s"ice
)ro& w'ic' #ou bui"t t'e c'art 'as a dri""<t'roug' ru"e de)ined: #ou can dri"" t'roug' to re"ated in)or&ation )ro& t'e
Webs'eet c'art.
Mani-u"ate tit"e e"e&ent subsets in t'e Subset *ditor.
Note t'at at t'is ti&e diagona" borders are not su--orted in TM1 Webs'eets.
0isual 'ifferences (et!een Webs,eets and 35cel Wor#s,eets
T'is section describes so&e o) t'e visua" di))erences #ou &a# notice w'en using a TM1 Webs'eet as co&-ared to an
*+ce" wor$s'eet.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
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1.1.1. 0isual 'ifferences (et!een Webs,eets and 35cel Wor#s,eets
T'is section describes so&e o) t'e visua" di))erences #ou &a# notice w'en using a TM1D Webs'eet as co&-ared to an *+ce"
'iagonal (orders
!t t'is ti&e: diagona" borders are not su--orted in TM1 Webs'eets.
'ispla of Gridlines in TM1 Webs,eets
I) grid"ines are enab"ed in an *+ce" wor$s'eet: t'e# a"so dis-"a# in t'e associated TM1 Webs'eet e+ce-t )or t'e )o""owing
scenarios invo"ving bac$ground co"or Ece"" s'adingGF
I) grid"ines are enab"ed in *+ce" and a bac$ground co"or is a--"ied to t'e entire wor$s'eet: t'e grid"ines do not dis-"a# in
eit'er *+ce" or t'e associated Webs'eet.
I) grid"ines are enab"ed in *+ce" and a bac$ground co"or is a--"ied to on"# a range o) ce""s in a wor$s'eet: t'e grid"ines )or
t'ose ce""s are 'idden in *+ce" but re&ain visib"e in t'e associated Webs'eet.
)arent topic. Webs'eet Overview
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1.$. 0ie!ing a Webs,eet
!n# *+ce" wor$s'eet t'at e+ists in a TM1D a--"ication is auto&atica""# avai"ab"e t'roug' TM1 Web . 3or detai"s on creating
and &anaging a--"ications: see t'e IMD CognosD TM1 Deve"o-er 5uide.
3ro& t'e browser: c"ic$ an a--"ication in t'e "e)t navigation -ane.
T'e Webs'eets in t'e a--"ication a--ear as "in$s in t'e "ist.
-ote. !--"ications can contain re)erences to various obAects: suc' as cubes: di&ensions: subsets: and views.
!--"ications in TM1 Web dis-"a# s'ortcuts to on"# Webs'eets: cubes: and views.
C"ic$ a wor$s'eet "in$.
T'e Webs'eet dis-"a#s in t'e browser.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
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1.1. Using t,e Webs,eet Toolbar
T'e Webs'eet too"bar at t'e to- o) t'e TM1D Web -age contains buttons )or wor$ing wit' Webs'eets.
T'e )o""owing tab"e describes t'e Webs'eet too"bar buttons.
Icon -ame 'escription
Sub&it Data C'anges Sends t'e Webs'eet data &odi)ications to t'e TM1 server .
/eview Data C'anges Dis-"a#s t'e data &odi)ications #ou &ade to t'e Webs'eet.
*+-ort *+-orts t'e current Webs'eet to a Microso)t *+ce" s"ice: an
*+ce" sna-s'ot: or an !dobe PD3.
/eca"cu"ate current Webs'eet I) #ou edited an# data va"ues in t'e Webs'eet: t'is o-tion
sends t'e data &odi)ications to t'e TM1 server and t'en
u-dates t'e data in t'e Webs'eet.
I) #ou did not edit an# data va"ues in t'e Webs'eet: t'is
o-tion retrieves t'e current va"ues )ro& t'e TM1 server and
u-dates t'e data in t'e Webs'eet.
/ebui"d !ctive 3or& /ebui"ds t'e current active )or&.
!uto Ca"cu"ation On
!uto Ca"cu"ation O))
Turns t'e auto&atic ca"cu"ation o-tion on or o)).
W'en turned on: t'is o-tion auto&atica""# reca"cu"ates
Webs'eet va"ues w'en #ou re<con)igure a Webs'eet.
!uto 3it Se"ected Co"u&n Widt' !dAusts t'e widt' o) t'e current"# se"ected co"u&n.
Joo& In Increases t'e &agni)ication )actor o) t'e Webs'eet.
Joo& Out Decreases t'e &agni)ication )actor o) t'e Webs'eet.
Nor&a" (iew /eturns to t'e de)au"t &agni)ication "eve" o) 1??K.
C"ose Webs'eet C"oses t'e Webs'eet. TM1 Web dis-"a#s eit'er a b"an$ -age
or t'e "ast o-en Webs'eet.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
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1.2. Using t,e Webs,eet )aging Toolbar
Use t'e Webs'eet -aging too"bar to navigate t'roug' Webs'eets t'at contain a "arge nu&ber o) rows. T'is too"bar a""ows #ou
to &ove -age b# -age t'roug' a range o) rows in t'e Webs'eet or Au&- to a range o) rows t'at #ou s-eci)#.
-ote. T'e Webs'eet -aging too"bar is on"# avai"ab"e i) t'is o-tion 'as been enab"ed b# #our TM1D Web ad&inistrator.
T'e )o""owing tab"e describes t'e Webs'eet too"bar buttons.
Icon 'escription
*nab"es7disab"es t'e Webs'eet -aging too"bar. =ou can
inde-endent"# enab"e7disab"e t'e too"bar )or eac' Webs'eet
t'at #ou o-en.
S'ows t'e range o) t'e current"# dis-"a#ed rows and t'e
tota" nu&ber o) rows in t'e Webs'eet. Navigates to a range
o) rows t'at #ou enter.
C"ic$ t'e Appl Manual )age +ange button to &ove to
t'e range o) ce""s t'at #ou s-eci)#.
Moves u-7down t'roug' t'e -ages o) rows in t'e Webs'eet.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
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1.6. 3diting 'ata in a Webs,eet
=ou can edit data in a Webs'eet.
*nter and edit va"ues direct"# in t'e "ea) ce""s o) a Webs'eet
Use data s-reading to distribute nu&eric va"ues in a Webs'eet
3diting 'ata in Webs,eet Cells
=ou can edit data in t'e "ea) ce""s o) a Webs'eet: -roviding #ou 'ave Write access to t'ose ce""s. T'e TM1D Web c"ient
does not identi)# w'ic' ce""s are writab"e: so #ou &ust 'ave so&e )a&i"iarit# wit' #our data to success)u""# enter data
into t'e Webs'eet.
Using 'ata Spreading in a Webs,eet
=ou can use data s-reading to enter or edit nu&eric data in a Webs'eet using a -rede)ined distribution &et'od: ca""ed a
data s-read &et'od. 3or e+a&-"e: #ou can even"# distribute a va"ue across a range o) ce""s or incre&ent a"" va"ues in a
range o) ce""s b# a -ercentage.
35cluding Cells from 'ata Spreading
=ou can a--"# a 'o"d to ce""s to -revent t'ose ce""s )ro& being a))ected b# data s-reading. =ou can sti"" edit 'e"d ce""s.
T'e 'o"ds a--"# on"# to t'e user initiating t'e )eatureL ot'er users can edit 'e"d ce""s.
35cluding Consolidations from 'ata Spreading
=ou can 'o"d t'e va"ue o) a conso"idation constant w'i"e adAusting t'e under"#ing "ea) va"ues. 3or e+a&-"e: #ou &ig't
want to 'o"d a va"ue constant w'i"e c'anging t'e va"ues o) t'e "eaves to -er)or& a w'at<i) ana"#sis.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
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1.6.1. 3diting 'ata in Webs,eet Cells
=ou can edit data in t'e "ea) ce""s o) a Webs'eet: -roviding #ou 'ave Write access to t'ose ce""s. T'e TM1D Web c"ient does
not identi)# w'ic' ce""s are writab"e: so #ou &ust 'ave so&e )a&i"iarit# wit' #our data to success)u""# enter data into t'e
*dit a va"ue in a ce"" in one o) t'e )o""owing two wa#s.
+eplace t,e &alue < Sing"e<c"ic$ a va"ue in a ce"". TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e current va"ue in t'e ce"" as 'ig'"ig'ted:
w'ic' indicates t'at t'e ce"" is in *dit &ode. =ou can t'en t#-e direct"# over t'e e+isting va"ue in t'e ce"": re-"acing it
3dit t,e &alue < Doub"e<c"ic$ a va"ue in a ce"". TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e current va"ue in t'e ce"" wit' a b"in$ing cursor.
T'is indicates t'at #ou can se"ective"# edit t'e e+isting va"ue b# using t'e "e)t and rig't arrow $e#s on #our $e#board
to -osition t'e cursor wit'in t'e va"ue. =ou can a"so use t'e ac$s-ace and De"ete $e#s to re&ove sing"e nu&bers
)ro& t'e va"ue.
!)ter entering a new nu&ber: -ress 3nter or c"ic$ on anot'er ce"".
T'e new nu&ber dis-"a#s in bo"d and ita"ic: w'ic' indicates t'ere is a new va"ue in t'is ce"". =ou &ust sub&it t'e data
c'anges to t'e TM1 server )or t'e c'ange #ou &ade to -ersist.
Important. I) #ou "og out o) TM1 Web wit'out sub&itting t'e new va"ue: t'e c'ange #ou &ade wi"" be "ost.
C"ic$ +e&ie! 'ata C,anges .
T'e /eview Ce"" (a"ue C'anges dia"og bo+ o-ens.
Ma$e additiona" c'anges: as necessar#. %.
Do one o) t'e )o""owingF
C"ic$ Submit to save t'e c'anges to t'e TM1 server .
C"ic$ 'one to $ee- t'e c'anges in t'e Webs'eet view: but not sub&it t'e& to t'e TM1 server .
=ou can a"so c"ic$ Submit 'ata C,anges on t'e Webs'eet too"bar to sub&it #our data c'anges wit'out reviewing
!)ter sub&itting t'e c'anges: t'e Webs'eet dis-"a#s t'e u-dated va"ues in a nor&a" )ont: indicating t'at #ou saved t'e
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Webs'eet
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1.6.$. Using 'ata Spreading in a Webs,eet
=ou can use data s-reading to enter or edit nu&eric data in a Webs'eet using a -rede)ined distribution &et'od: ca""ed a data
s-read &et'od. 3or e+a&-"e: #ou can even"# distribute a va"ue across a range o) ce""s or incre&ent a"" va"ues in a range o)
ce""s b# a -ercentage.
-ote. TM1D Web saves t'e s-read va"ues to eit'er t'e co-# o) an u-"oaded *+ce" )i"e on t'e TM1 server or to t'e origina"
"ocation o) an attac'ed *+ce" )i"e: de-ending on 'ow t'e )i"e was added to TM1 Web . =ou do not need to sub&it t'e data
a)ter TM1 Web co&-"etes t'e s-read.
To s-read data in a Webs'eet: rig't<c"ic$ on a ce"" and se"ect 'ata Spread. 1.
3ro& t'e S-reading &enu: se"ect an# data s-read &et'od. 2.
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Webs'eet
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1.6.1. 35cluding Cells from 'ata Spreading
=ou can a--"# a 'o"d to ce""s to -revent t'ose ce""s )ro& being a))ected b# data s-reading. =ou can sti"" edit 'e"d ce""s. T'e
'o"ds a--"# on"# to t'e user initiating t'e )eatureL ot'er users can edit 'e"d ce""s.
Appl a *old to a Single Cell or +ange
=ou can a--"# a 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range o) ce""s.
+elease a *old on a Single Cell or +ange
=ou can re"ease a 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range o) ce""s.
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Webs'eet
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22 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Appl a *old to a Single Cell or +ange
=ou can a--"# a 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range o) ce""s.
Se"ect t'e ce"" or range. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e ce"" or range. 2.
C"ic$ *olds: *old /ea&es.
*ac' 'e"d ce"" dis-"a#s a red triang"e in t'e "ower "e)t corner as a visua" indication t'at #ou a--"ied a 'o"d to t'at ce"" or
range. W'en #ou "og o)): TM1D Web re"eases a"" 'o"ds.
)arent topic. *+c"uding Ce""s )ro& Data S-reading
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1.6.1.$. +elease a *old on a Single Cell or +ange
=ou can re"ease a 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range o) ce""s.
Se"ect t'e ce"" or range o) ce""s. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e ce"" or range. 2.
C"ic$ *olds: +elease /eaf *olds.
T'e re"eased ce""s can acce-t va"ues )ro& data s-reading o-erations.
-ote. To re"ease a"" 'o"ds #ou a--"ied in a Webs'eet: rig't<c"ic$ an# ce"" in t'e Webs'eet and c"ic$ *olds: +elease All
)arent topic. *+c"uding Ce""s )ro& Data S-reading
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1.6.2. 35cluding Consolidations from 'ata Spreading
=ou can 'o"d t'e va"ue o) a conso"idation constant w'i"e adAusting t'e under"#ing "ea) va"ues. 3or e+a&-"e: #ou &ig't want to
'o"d a va"ue constant w'i"e c'anging t'e va"ues o) t'e "eaves to -er)or& a w'at<i) ana"#sis.
W'en #ou a--"# a conso"idation 'o"d and c'ange t'e va"ue o) its "ea) e"e&ents: TM1D Web a--"ies -ro-ortiona" s-reading to
t'e re&aining "ea) va"ues so t'at t'e conso"idation va"ue re&ains unc'anged.
Appl a Consolidation *old to a Single Cell or +ange
=ou can a--"# a conso"idation 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range or ce""s.
+elease a Consolidation *old on a Single Cell or +ange
=ou can re"ease a conso"idation 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range o) ce""s.
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Webs'eet
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25 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Appl a Consolidation *old to a Single Cell or +ange
=ou can a--"# a conso"idation 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range or ce""s.
Se"ect t'e ce"" or range. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e ce"" or range. 2.
C"ic$ *olds: *old Consolidate.
*ac' 'e"d conso"idation dis-"a#s a red triang"e in t'e "ower "e)t corner o) a ce"" as a visua" indication t'at #ou a--"ied a
'o"d to t'at ce"" or range. W'en #ou "og o)): TM1D Web re"eases a"" 'o"ds.
)arent topic. *+c"uding Conso"idations )ro& Data S-reading
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1.6.2.$. +elease a Consolidation *old on a Single Cell or +ange
=ou can re"ease a conso"idation 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range o) ce""s.
Se"ect t'e ce"" or range o) ce""s. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e ce"" or range. 2.
C"ic$ *olds: +elease Consolidate.
T'e conso"idated va"ue now can re)"ect an# c'anges #ou &a$e to t'e under"#ing "ea) va"ues.
-ote. To re"ease a"" 'o"ds #ou a--"ied in a Webs'eet: rig't<c"ic$ an# ce"" in t'e Webs'eet and c"ic$ *olds: +elease All
)arent topic. *+c"uding Conso"idations )ro& Data S-reading
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1.7. C,anging Webs,eet )roperties
Webs'eet -ro-erties deter&ine 'ow an *+ce" )i"e dis-"a#s and be'aves w'en viewed as a Webs'eet in TM1D Web . !"" users
can view Webs'eet -ro-erties: but #ou &ust 'ave Write access to an *+ce" )i"e wit'in an a--"ication to edit t'e Webs'eet
-ote. =ou can on"# &anage Webs'eet -ro-erties using Server *+-"orer < t'e user inter)ace w'ere #ou add *+ce" )i"es to TM1
a--"ications. T'e abi"it# to &anage Webs'eet -ro-erties is not avai"ab"e direct"# in TM1 Web .
In t'e Tree -ane o) Server *+-"orer: "ocate t'e TM1 a--"ication t'at contains t'e *+ce" )i"e )or t'e corres-onding
-ote. =ou can access Server *+-"orer )ro& IMD CognosD TM1 Pers-ectives or TM1 !rc'itect .
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e *+ce" )i"e and c"ic$ )roperties.
T'e TM1 Web Pro-erties dia"og bo+ o-ens: wit' two tabsF
Dis-"a# Pro-erties
I) necessar#: c"ic$ t'e General tab to c'ange t'e genera" -ro-erties: as described in t'e )o""owing tab"e.
%ption 'escription
TM1 !d&in .osts S'ows t'e ad&in 'ostEsG to w'ic' #our server was registered w'en #ou
generated an *+ce" s"ice. =ou can be connected to one or &ore ad&in 'osts: and
s-eci)# &ore t'an one ad&in 'ost. De"i&it eac' entr# in t'e "ist wit' a
se&ico"on ELG.
!""ow Write ac$ )ro& Web !""ows users to &odi)# TM1 data b# entering va"ues in t'e Webs'eet. Disab"e
t'is o-tion to &a$e t'e Webs'eet read<on"#.
Print Pro-erties Sets a "i&it on t'e nu&ber o) -ages users can -rint )ro& t'is Webs'eet. T'e
s#ste& de)au"t is 1??. =ou can set t'is nu&ber to an# va"ue t'at is a--ro-riate
)or t'is Webs'eet. 3or e+a&-"e: to set t'e &a+i&u& nu&ber o) -ages users can
-rint to 11?: in t'e )rint )roperties section: enter 110 in t'e /imit -umber
of S,eets to bo+.
C"ic$ t'e 'ispla )roperties tab to c'ange t'e dis-"a# -ro-erties: as described in t'e )o""owing tab"e.
%ption 'escription
Dis-"a# Tit"e *"e&ent Se"ectors *nab"e t'is o-tion to dis-"a# t'e Subset *ditor buttons )or tit"e di&ensions in t'e
Webs'eet. W'en t'is o-tion is enab"ed: #ou can use t'e Dis-"a# Se"ector o-tion
Edescribed be"owG to se"ective"# s'ow7'ide t'e Subset *ditor button )or
individua" tit"e di&ensions.
C"ear t'is o-tion to 'ide t'e Subset *ditor buttons )or a"" tit"e di&ensions in t'e
Tit"e Di&ensions T'e Tit"e Di&ensions grid "ists a"" tit"e di&ensions in t'e Webs'eet. T'ere are
t'ree co"u&ns in t'e gridF
'imension < T'e na&e o) t'e tit"e di&ension.
Address < T'e ce"" address o) t'e tit"e di&ension in t'e Webs'eet.
'ispla Selector < W'en t'e Dis-"a# Tit"e *"e&ent Se"ectors o-tion Esee aboveG
is enab"ed: t'is o-tion "ets #ou se"ective"# s'ow or 'ide t'e Subset *ditor button
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28 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
%ption 'escription
)or a given tit"e di&ension in t'e Webs'eet.
To s'ow t'e Subset *ditor button )or a tit"e di&ension: se"ect t'e corres-onding
c'ec$bo+ in t'e Dis-"a# Se"ector co"u&n.
To 'ide t'e Subset *ditor button )or a tit"e di&ension: c"ear t'e corres-onding
c'ec$bo+ in t'e Dis-"a# Se"ector co"u&n.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
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1.8. +ecogni4ing In,erited 35cel Features in Webs,eets
! Webs'eet in'erits t'e )o""owing *+ce" )eaturesF
.ide co"u&ns
Conditiona" )or&atting
Su--orted '#-er"in$s
3ree2e -anes
Ce"" -rotection Ebut not -assword -rotectionG
*ide Columns
I) #ou 'ide co"u&ns in #our *+ce" wor$s'eet: t'ose co"u&ns are a"so 'idden in t'e Webs'eet. TM1D Web ca"cu"ates t'e
data ce""s w'et'er or not t'e# are visib"e in t'e Webs'eet. I) t'ere are &an# 'idden ce""s t'at contain ca"cu"ations: #our
Webs'eet -er)or&ance &a# be s"ower t'an #ou &ig't e+-ect.
Conditional Formatting
TM1 Web su--orts *+ce" conditiona" )or&atting. T'e )o""owing i&age s'ows a wor$s'eet wit' conditiona" )or&atting.
Microso)t *+ce" su--orts &an# t#-es o) '#-er"in$s. T'e )o""owing *+ce" '#-er"in$s wor$ in Webs'eetsF
Free4e )anes
I) #ou )ree2e -anes in #our *+ce" wor$s'eet: t'e Webs'eet in'erits t'e )ro2en -anes. W'en #ou scro"" vertica""# or
'ori2onta""# in t'e Webs'eet: t'e )ro2en rows or co"u&ns re&ain visib"e.
Using Cell and )ass!ord )rotection !it, Webs,eets
TM1 Webs'eets su--ort ce"" -rotection using t'e Protect S'eet )eature in Microso)t *+ce": but do not su--ort -assword
-rotection. =ou can use *+ce"Is Protect S'eet )eature to -rotect #our Webs'eet )ro& data entr#: but do not enter a
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
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1.8.1. *ide Columns
I) #ou 'ide co"u&ns in #our *+ce" wor$s'eet: t'ose co"u&ns are a"so 'idden in t'e Webs'eet. TM1D Web ca"cu"ates t'e data
ce""s w'et'er or not t'e# are visib"e in t'e Webs'eet. I) t'ere are &an# 'idden ce""s t'at contain ca"cu"ations: #our Webs'eet
-er)or&ance &a# be s"ower t'an #ou &ig't e+-ect.
)arent topic. /ecogni2ing In'erited *+ce" 3eatures in Webs'eets
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1.8.$. Conditional Formatting
TM1D Web su--orts *+ce" conditiona" )or&atting. T'e )o""owing i&age s'ows a wor$s'eet wit' conditiona" )or&atting.
W'en #ou view t'is wor$s'eet in TM1 Web : t'e conditiona" )or&atting dis-"a#s in t'e Webs'eet: as s'own in t'e )o""owing
)arent topic. /ecogni2ing In'erited *+ce" 3eatures in Webs'eets
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1.8.1. *perlin#s
Microso)t *+ce" su--orts &an# t#-es o) '#-er"in$s. T'e )o""owing *+ce" '#-er"in$s wor$ in Webs'eetsF
!not'er ce"" in t'e current wor$boo$
Na&ed range de)ined in t'e current wor$boo$
oo$&ar$ in t'e current wor$boo$
U/6 to an 3TP or web site
!not'er *+ce" wor$boo$. T'e target wor$boo$ can eit'er be a )i"e on #our networ$ or a )i"e u-"oaded to t'e TM1D server
I) t'e target wor$boo$ is a )i"e on #our networ$: t'e '#-er"in$ &ust contain t'e )u"" networ$ -at' to t'e target )i"e using t'e
Universa" Na&ing Convention EUNCG )or&atF
3or e+a&-"eF
I) t'e '#-er"in$ -oints to a )i"e u-"oaded to t'e TM1 server : t'e "in$ &ust use t'e TM1 assigned na&e )or t'e u-"oaded )i"e.
3or &ore detai"s: see t'e IMD CognosD TM1 Developer Guide.
)arent topic. /ecogni2ing In'erited *+ce" 3eatures in Webs'eets
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1.8.2. Free4e )anes
I) #ou )ree2e -anes in #our *+ce" wor$s'eet: t'e Webs'eet in'erits t'e )ro2en -anes. W'en #ou scro"" vertica""# or
'ori2onta""# in t'e Webs'eet: t'e )ro2en rows or co"u&ns re&ain visib"e.
I) #ou scro"" vertica""# in t'is wor$s'eet: t'e rows in t'e )ro2en -ane re&ain in -"ace: w'i"e t'e "ower -ortion o) t'e wor$s'eet
Using ClearTpe to 3n,ance 'ispla and +endering of Webs,eets
To en'ance t'e dis-"a# o) Webs'eets: es-ecia""# ones t'at inc"ude a co&bination o) )ro2en and un)ro2en -anes wit'
wra--ed te+t wit'in ce""s: c'ec$ wit' #our ad&inistrator about insta""ing t'e Microso)t C"earT#-e Tuner. T'is too" 'e"-s
TM1D Web &aintain t'e sa&e row 'eig't between )ro2en and un)ro2en -anes in Webs'eets.
String measurement for !ide columns in TM1 Web
StringMeasure&ent is a web.con)ig -ara&eter t'at deter&ines t'e wa# t'e contents o) a webs'eet ce"" are adAusted to )it
in co"u&ns. W'en a co"u&nIs widt' resu"ts in a ce"" t'at is s&a""er t'an its contents can dis-"a#: t'e content is adAusted
to t'at ce"" based on t'is setting and t'e t#-e o) ce"". ! new &et'od o) ca"cu"ating w'en to truncate ce""s was introduced
in TM1 9.,.1 to wor$ better wit' Microso)t Internet *+-"orer. I) #ou 'ave &ade edits to #our webs'eet co"u&n widt's:
#ou &a# decide to set t'is -ara&eter bac$ to t'e 9.,.1 setting to -reserve #our -re<9.,.1 widt's.
)arent topic. /ecogni2ing In'erited *+ce" 3eatures in Webs'eets
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34 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Using ClearTpe to 3n,ance 'ispla and +endering of Webs,eets
To en'ance t'e dis-"a# o) Webs'eets: es-ecia""# ones t'at inc"ude a co&bination o) )ro2en and un)ro2en -anes wit' wra--ed
te+t wit'in ce""s: c'ec$ wit' #our ad&inistrator about insta""ing t'e Microso)t C"earT#-e Tuner. T'is too" 'e"-s TM1D Web
&aintain t'e sa&e row 'eig't between )ro2en and un)ro2en -anes in Webs'eets.
3or detai"s: see t'e section about ad&inistering TM1 Web in t'e IMD CognosD TM1 Operation Guide.
)arent topic. 3ree2e Panes
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1.8.2.$. String measurement for !ide columns in TM1 Web
StringMeasure&ent is a web.con)ig -ara&eter t'at deter&ines t'e wa# t'e contents o) a webs'eet ce"" are adAusted to )it in
co"u&ns. W'en a co"u&nIs widt' resu"ts in a ce"" t'at is s&a""er t'an its contents can dis-"a#: t'e content is adAusted to t'at
ce"" based on t'is setting and t'e t#-e o) ce"". ! new &et'od o) ca"cu"ating w'en to truncate ce""s was introduced in TM1D
9.,.1 to wor$ better wit' Microso)t Internet *+-"orer. I) #ou 'ave &ade edits to #our webs'eet co"u&n widt's: #ou &a#
decide to set t'is -ara&eter bac$ to t'e 9.,.1 setting to -reserve #our -re<9.,.1 widt's.
In a"" settings w'en t'e content is adAusted: digits are re-"aced wit' t'e IMI c'aracters suc' t'at t'e nu&ber wou"d not be
&ista$en"# read as a di))erent nu&ber.
I) a dis-ro-ortionate"# s&a"" a&ount o) content is s'own in #our webs'eet ce""s )or t'e given s-ace avai"ab"e: #ou wi"" want to
use t'e "egac# ca"cu"ation b# setting StringMeasure&entN? in t'e web.con)ig )i"e.
I) too &uc' content is s'own in #our webs'eet )or t'e s-ace avai"ab"e: -ossib"# causing &isa"ign&ent: use t'e 1 t'roug' 3
settings: de-ending on t'e t#-e o) ce"".
StringMeasurement +esult
? Deter&ines w'ere to truncates string and nu&ber t#-e ce"" content as it did in -re<TM1 9.,.1.
1 String ce"" &easure&ent uses t'e newer ca"cu"ation.
2 Nu&ber ce"" &easure&ent use t'e newer ca"cu"ation.
3 ot' nu&ber and string content use t'e newer ca"cu"ation.
)arent topic. 3ree2e Panes
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1.8.6. Using Cell and )ass!ord )rotection !it, Webs,eets
TM1D Webs'eets su--ort ce"" -rotection using t'e Protect S'eet )eature in Microso)t *+ce": but do not su--ort -assword
-rotection. =ou can use *+ce"Is Protect S'eet )eature to -rotect #our Webs'eet )ro& data entr#: but do not enter a -assword.
Since a Webs'eet is a Web browser version o) an *+ce" wor$boo$: t'e integrit# and "a#out o) t'e wor$boo$ cannot be
c'anged w'en t'e Webs'eet is accessed via a Web browser in TM1 Web. T'is t#-e o) access &eans t'at -assword -rotection
is not t#-ica""# needed in a Webs'eet.
)arent topic. /ecogni2ing In'erited *+ce" 3eatures in Webs'eets
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1.9. Generating a +eport from a Webs,eet
=ou can generate Ibrie)ing boo$I < st#"e re-orts in TM1D Web in two wa#sF
Webs,eet < Se"ect t'e tit"e di&ension subsets to inc"ude in t'e re-ort.
Cube 0ie!er < Se"ect t'e tit"e di&ension subsets and t'e nu&ber o) rows to inc"ude in t'e re-ort. 3or detai"s: see
5enerating a /e-ort )ro& a Cube (iew.
-ote. I) #our insta""ation o) TM1 Web is con)igured to run wit'out Microso)t *+ce" on t'e Web server: so&e "i&itations &a#
a--"# w'en e+-orting Webs'eets. 3or detai"s: see Webs'eet *+-ort 6i&itations.
C"ic$ 35port . 1.
Se"ect an e+-ort )or&at )or t'e re-ort.
Slice to 35cel < *+ce" docu&ents t'at retain a "in$ to t'e TM1 server b# wa# o) )unctions. W'en #ou connect to t'e
server wit' w'ic' t'e s"ice is associated: t'e s"ice dis-"a#s t'e current cube va"ues.
Snaps,ot to 35cel < *+ce" docu&ents t'at contain nu&eric va"ues re)"ecting cube va"ues at t'e &o&ent t'e e+-ort
occurred. ecause sna-s'ots do not retain a "in$ to t'e TM1 server : t'e va"ues are static: re-resenting a Isna-s'otI
o) cube va"ues at t'e &o&ent o) e+-ort.
35port to )'F < PD3 docu&ents t'at dis-"a# cube va"ues at t'e &o&ent t'e e+-ort occurred.
T'e Webs'eet *+-ort dia"og bo+ o-ens. T'e dia"og bo+ re-orts t'e nu&ber o) e"e&ents in eac' tit"e di&ension subset.
Se"ect t'e tit"e di&ensions #ou want to inc"ude in t'e re-ort.
!s #ou se"ect di&ensions: t'e dia"og bo+ indicates t'e nu&ber o) s'eets t'at wi"" be generated. In t'e )o""owing e+a&-"e:
w'ere t'e actvsbud and region tit"e di&ensions are se"ected: t'e re-ort wi"" generate 90 s'eets E3 e"e&ents + 32
-ote. TM1 Web deter&ines t'e nu&ber o) e"e&ents )or eac' tit"e di&ension b# t'e nu&ber o) e"e&ents in t'e current
tit"e di&ension subset. I) #ou edit a tit"e di&ension subset: t'e nu&ber o) e"e&ents )or t'e tit"e di&ension c'anges
C"ic$ %: in t'e Webs'eet *+-ort dia"og bo+ to create t'e re-ort.
TM1 Web generates re-ort s'eets Eor -ages: )or a PD3G b# c#c"ing t'roug' t'e se"ected tit"e di&ensions in t'e order t'e#
a--ear in t'e Webs'eet *+-ort dia"og bo+. In t'e e+a&-"e: TM1 Web generates t'e s'eets as )o""owsF
3or an# tit"e di&ension not se"ected in t'e Webs'eet *+-ort dia"og bo+: TM1 Web uses t'e current tit"e e"e&ent in t'e
Webs'eet in a"" re-ort s'eets. In t'e e+a&-"e: t'e &ode" di&ension is not se"ected: so TM1 Web uses t'e current
tit"e e"e&ent in a"" re-ort s'eets.
TM1 Web begins generating s'eets using t'e )irst e"e&ent )ro& t'e current subset o) t'e actvsbud tit"e di&ension.
>ee-ing t'e actvsbud tit"e e"e&ent constant: TM1 Web t'en generates s'eets b# c#c"ing t'roug' a"" e"e&ents o) t'e
current subset o) t'e region tit"e di&ension.
TM1 Web generates s'eets using t'e second e"e&ent )ro& t'e actvsbud tit"e di&ension subset.
>ee-ing t'e second e"e&ent )ro& t'e actvsbud tit"e di&ension subset constant: TM1 Web generates s'eets b# again
c#c"ing t'roug' a"" e"e&ents o) t'e current subset o) t'e region tit"e di&ension.
3ina""#: $ee-ing t'e t'ird e"e&ent )ro& t'e actvsbud tit"e di&ension subset constant: TM1 Web again generates
s'eets b# c#c"ing t'roug' a"" e"e&ents o) t'e current subset o) t'e region tit"e di&ension.
!)ter TM1 Web generates a"" s'eets: #ou can o-en or save t'e re-ort.
Do one o) t'e )o""owingF
C"ic$ %pen to o-en t'e re-ort in a new browser window.
C"ic$ Sa&e to save t'e re-ort to #our 'ard dis$.
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38 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
-ote. # de)au"t: e+-orting a s"ice or sna-s'ot re-ort to *+ce" dis-"a#s t'e re-ort in a web browser window. 3or detai"s
on con)iguring #our co&-uter to o-en re-orts into t'e )u"": stand<a"one version o) *+ce": see t'e Microso)t su--ort web
!dditiona""#: i) #ou want to use TM1 )unctiona"it# wit' a s"ice t'at #ou e+-ort to *+ce": #ou &ust o-en t'e s"ice in t'e
stand<a"one version o) *+ce" and 'ave a "oca" version o) IMD CognosD TM1 Pers-ectives insta""ed on #our co&-uter.
-ote. I) #ou are e+-eriencing -rob"e&s e+-orting *+ce" or PD3 )i"es )ro& TM1 Web : and TM1 Web running on a W!N
EWide !rea Networ$G server: #ou &a# need to re<con)igure t'e securit# settings in Internet *+-"orer. 3or detai"s: see t'e
IM Cognos TM1 Operation Guide.
Webs,eet 35port /imitations
W'en Microso)t *+ce" is not -resent on t'e TM1 Web server: t'e )o""owing "i&itations a--"# to e+-orting a Webs'eet.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets
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1.9.1. Webs,eet 35port /imitations
W'en Microso)t *+ce" is not -resent on t'e TM1D Web server: t'e )o""owing "i&itations a--"# to e+-orting a Webs'eet.
Slice to 35cel;Snaps,ot to 35cel
35port to )'F
)arent topic. 5enerating a /e-ort )ro& a Webs'eet
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
40 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Slice to 35cel;Snaps,ot to 35cel
O6* contro"s -resent in t'e Webs'eet are converted to i&ages
6a#out &a# be inconsistent between t'e Webs'eet and t'e resu"ting *+ce" wor$s'eet7wor$boo$.
.eaders and )ooterIs in t'e Wor$s'eet are not e+-orted
3or& contro" states are not u-dated7dis-"a#ed in t'e resu"ting wor$s'eet
)arent topic. Webs'eet *+-ort 6i&itations
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
41 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
1.9.1.$. 35port to )'F
I&ages -resent in t'e Webs'eet are not e+-orted
C'arts -resent in t'e Webs'eet are e+-orted to a se-arate -age in t'e resu"ting PD3 )i"e
O6* and )or& contro"s are not e+-orted
.eaders and )ooterIs are not e+-orted
)arent topic. Webs'eet *+-ort 6i&itations
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42 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
2. Wor#ing in t,e TM1 Web Cube 0ie!er
T'is section describes wor$ing wit' a cube in TM1D Web .
%pening a Cube 0ie! in TM1 Web
3o""ow t'ese ste-s to o-en a cube view in TM1 Web .
Using t,e TM1 Web Cube 0ie!er Toolbar
T'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer too"bar buttons -rovide s'ortcuts to co&&on"# used co&&ands.
-a&igating )ages
=ou can &ove )ro& one -art o) a "arge cube view to anot'er b# navigating t'e -ages.
+e&ie!ing 'ata C,anges
=ou can review t'e c'anges #ou &a$e to data in t'e Cube (iewer and &a$e )urt'er c'anges to t'e data in t'ose ce""s.
Sa&ing 'ata in a Cube 0ie!
=ou can save data c'anges )ro& TM1 Web to t'e server.
Configuring a Cube 0ie!
=ou can re<con)igure t'e Cube (iewer in various wa#s to arrive at a view t'at satis)ies #our re-orting or ana"#sis needs.
3diting 'ata in a Cube 0ie!
=ou can edit data in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer.
Creating a -e! Cube 0ie!
I) t'e views )or a cube do not satis)# #our ana"#sis reBuire&ents: #ou can create a new view b# using t'e (iew ui"der
Wi2ard. T'e wi2ard ta$es #ou t'roug' t'e )o""owing ste-s to create a new viewF
Generating a +eport from a Cube 0ie!
=ou can generate Ibrie)ing boo$I < st#"e re-orts in two wa#sF
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43 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
2.1. %pening a Cube 0ie! in TM1 Web
3o""ow t'ese ste-s to o-en a cube view in TM1D Web .
6og in to TM1 Web . 1.
O-en t'e (iews node in t'e "e)t Navigation -ane.
!"" cubes to w'ic' #ou 'ave access a--ear in a"-'abetica" order.
C"ic$ t'e 35pand icon ne+t to an# cube to dis-"a# t'e views avai"ab"e t'roug' TM1 Web . 3.
C"ic$ a view in t'e "ist.
T'e view o-ens in t'e Content -ane on t'e rig't. T'e Cube (iewer too"bar dis-"a#s direct"# above t'e view.
-ote. I) #ou doub"e<c"ic$ a cube in t'e "ist to o-en a cube view: TM1 Web does not o-en t'e cube.
C"ic$ anot'er view in t'e Navigation -ane.
T'e view o-ens in t'e Content -ane and two (iew tabs a--ear above t'e Cube (iewer too"bar. *ac' (iew tab contains
t'e na&e o) an o-en view. T'e current view tab dis-"a#s a border: indicating t'at t'e view is visib"e in t'e content -ane.
T'e )o""owing e+a&-"e s'ows two view tabsF Price and /egion. In t'is e+a&-"e: t'e /egion tab dis-"a#s wit' a border:
indicating t'at t'e /egion view is dis-"a#ed in t'e Content -ane.
*ac' ti&e #ou o-en a view )ro& t'e Navigation -ane: TM1 Web dis-"a#s a corres-onding (iew tab above t'e Cube (iewer
too"bar. W'en #ou o-en &u"ti-"e views: t'e (iew tabs are organi2ed 'ori2onta""# a"ong a sing"e row wit' a set o) arrow
buttons t'at scro"" "e)t and rig't t'roug' t'e o-en tabs.
T'e )o""owing e+a&-"e s'ows &u"ti-"e view tabs: wit' sa"es1Btr as t'e current view tab.
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44 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
Use t'e (iew tabs to dis-"a# and c"ose viewsF
C"ic$ an# 0ie! tab to dis-"a# t'e corres-onding view in t'e Content -ane.
C"ic$ Close on a (iew tab to c"ose t'e corres-onding view.
C"ic$ t'e Scroll /eft and Scroll +ig,t arrows in t'e (iew tab scro""bar to navigate t'roug' t'e o-en (iew tabs.
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
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2.$. Using t,e TM1 Web Cube 0ie!er Toolbar
T'e TM1D Web Cube (iewer too"bar buttons -rovide s'ortcuts to co&&on"# used co&&ands.
T'e )o""owing tab"e describes eac' button in t'e too"bar.
Icon (utton -ame 'escription
Save (iew Saves t'e current view to t'e TM1 server .
Save !s Saves t'e current cube view wit' a new na&e.
/e"oad (iew /e)res'es t'e Cube (iewer data. =ou can save or discard an# c'anges #ou &a$e to
t'e data.
*+-ort *+-orts Cube (iewer data in t'e )o""owing )or&atsF
Slice to 35cel < *+-orts Cube (iewer data and TM1 )or&u"as ESUNM and D/W
)unctionsG to a new *+ce" s-reads'eet. T'e s-reads'eet &aintains a connection wit'
t'e TM1 server.
Snaps,ot to 35cel < *+-orts on"# Cube (iewer data to a new *+ce" s-reads'eet:
e+c"uding t'e TM1 server )or&u"as ESUNM and D/W )unctionsG. T'e s-reads'eet
does not &aintain a connection wit' t'e TM1 server.

35port to )'F < *+-orts t'e Cube (iewer data to a PD3 )i"e. =ou &ust insta"" a
PostScri-t -rinter during t'e TM1 Web insta""ation )or t'e *+-ort to PD3 o-tion to
wor$. 3or detai"s: see t'e Installation Guide.
3or detai"s on generating re-orts )ro& a TM1 Web Cube (iewer: see 5enerating a
/e-ort )ro& a Cube (iew.
Sub&it Data
Sends t'e c'anges #ou &a$e to data in t'e Cube (iewer to t'e TM1 server.
/eview Data
6ists t'e &odi)ications #ou &a$e to Cube (iewer data and a""ows #ou to &a$e )urt'er
&odi)ications to t'e data in t'ose ce""s. 3or detai"s: see /eviewing Data C'anges.
/eca"cu"ate U-dates t'e Cube (iewer con)iguration and reca"cu"ates data in t'e view. I) #ou 'ave
edited an# ce""s: a"" edits are auto&atica""# sub&itted to t'e TM1 server.
!uto Ca"cu"ation Wit' t'e !uto Ca"cu"ation o-tion turned o)): TM1 Web does not auto&atica""#
reca"cu"ate t'e Cube (iewer w'en t'e view con)iguration c'anges.
3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou edit a row subset or &ove a di&ension )ro& t'e tit"es to t'e
co"u&ns: t'ese c'anges are not i&&ediate"# dis-"a#ed in t'e Cube (iewerL #ou &ust
c"ic$ t'e /eca"cu"ate button to see #our c'anges.
Wit' t'e !uto Ca"cu"ation o-tion turned on: TM1 Web auto&atica""# reca"cu"ates t'e
Cube (iewer w'en t'e view con)iguration c'anges.
Su--ress Jeros T'ere are t'ree Su--ress Jeros o-tionsF
Su--resses 2eros in rows and co"u&ns
Su--resses 2eros in rows
Su--resses 2eros in co"u&ns
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
46 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
Icon (utton -ame 'escription
(iew C'art Dis-"a#s t'e Cube (iewer data in a c'art )or&at.
(iew C'art and
Dis-"a#s t'e Cube (iewer data in bot' grid and c'art )or&ats.
(iew 5rid Dis-"a#s t'e Cube (iewer data in a grid )or&at.
C'art Pro-erties Dis-"a#s t'e C'art Pro-erties &enu o-tionsF
C'art T#-e
Co"or Pa"ette
Togg"e C'art 6egend
Togg"e 3D (iew
C'art Pro-erties
C"ose (iew C"oses t'e Cube (iewer.
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
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2.1. -a&igating )ages
=ou can &ove )ro& one -art o) a "arge cube view to anot'er b# navigating t'e -ages.
! Paging too"bar is -rovided wit' navigation buttons and a Page indicator: "ocated in t'e "ower<rig't corner. In t'e )o""owing
cube view: t'e visib"e -ortion o) t'e grid is t'e )irst o) seven -ages.
T'e )o""owing tab"e contains t'e Paging too"bar buttons and indicator wit' t'eir descri-tions.
(utton or Indicator -ame 'escription
Dis-"a# Pages Dis-"a#s t'e TM1 (iew Page 6a#out dia"og bo+ wit' a "a#out o) a""
-ages. C"ic$ a -age: and c"ic$ Goto )age to navigate to a s-eci)ic
-age. 3or e+a&-"e: c"ic$ )age 2: and c"ic$ Goto )age to navigate
to -age %.
Previous Page E/owsG S'ows t'e -revious -age o) rows.
Ne+t Page E/owsG S'ow t'e ne+t -age o) rows.
Ne+t Page ECo"u&nsG S'ows t'e ne+t -age o) co"u&ns.
Previous Page ECo"u&nsG S'ows t'e -revious -age o) co"u&ns.
Page Indicator Dis-"a#s t'e current -age and t'e tota" nu&ber o) -ages o) ce""s in
t'e view.
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
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2.2. +e&ie!ing 'ata C,anges
=ou can review t'e c'anges #ou &a$e to data in t'e Cube (iewer and &a$e )urt'er c'anges to t'e data in t'ose ce""s.
I) #ou are wor$ing in a sandbo+: data c'anges dis-"a# in a di))erent co"or unti" t'e c'anges are co&&itted.
C"ic$ +e&ie! 'ata C,anges .
T'e /eview Ce"" (a"ue C'anges dia"og bo+ o-ens: s'owing a"" ce"" va"ues t'at #ou 'ave edited.
Do an# o) t'e )o""owingF
T#-e new va"ues in t'e -e! 0alue co"u&n.
C"ic$ Undo to undo an# individua" edit.
TM1D Web reverts t'e new va"ue to t'e o"d va"ue. 3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou c"ic$ Undo )or ce"" /2FC1 t'at contains a va"ue
o) .,,: TM1 Web c'anges t'e va"ue in t'e New (a"ue ce"" to .,%: w'ic' is t'e o"d va"ue.
I) #ou c"ic$ Undo: #ou can c"ic$ +edo: to cance" t'e undo o-eration.
3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou c"ic$ /edo )or ce"" /2FC1 t'at contains a va"ue o) .,%: TM1 Web reverts to t'e origina" new va"ue
o) .,,.
W'en #ou )inis' reviewing t'e data c'anges: do one o) t'e )o""owingF
C"ic$ Submit to reca"cu"ate t'e Cube (iewer data and send t'e c'anges to t'e server.
C"ic$ 'one to u-date t'e Cube (iewer data. TM1 Web does not send t'e new va"ues to t'e server.
C"ic$ Cancel to discard an# c'anges #ou &ade to t'e ce"" va"ues: and return to t'e Cube (iewer.
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
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2.6. Sa&ing 'ata in a Cube 0ie!
=ou can save data c'anges )ro& TM1D Web to t'e server.
C"ic$ Sa&e 0ie! or +ecalculate to save t'e c'anges to t'e data.
I) #ou c"ic$ Sa&e 0ie!: TM1 Web dis-"a#s a &essage as$ing i) #ou want to save t'e c'anges to t'e Cube (iewer data.
C"ic$ one o) t'e )o""owingF
<es < Sub&its t'e data c'angeEsG to t'e server: reca"cu"ates t'e view: and returns to t'e Cube (iewer. I) #ou 'ave
c'anged t'e view con)iguration: t'e con)iguration is saved as we"".
-o < Discards t'e data c'anges and returns to t'e Cube (iewer.
Cancel < /eturns to t'e Cube (iewer. T'e data c'anges re&ain visib"e in t'e Cube (iewer.
C"ic$ Submit 'ata C,anges to save t'e c'anges. 3.
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
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2.7. Configuring a Cube 0ie!
=ou can re<con)igure t'e Cube (iewer in various wa#s to arrive at a view t'at satis)ies #our re-orting or ana"#sis needs.
*+-and and co""a-se conso"idations
Pivot di&ensions
.ide di&ensions
3i"ter view data
*dit subsets
Dri"" t'roug' to associated data
35panding and Collapsing Consolidations
=ou can c"ic$ t'e contro" ne+t to an e"e&ent na&e to e+-and or co""a-se a conso"idation in t'e Cube (iewer.
)i&oting 'imensions
=ou can -ivot t'e di&ensions in #our Cube (iewer to c'ange t'e -resentation o) cube data. To -ivot di&ensions: use t'e
drag<and<dro- o-eration.
*iding 'imensions
To save va"uab"e screen s-ace: use t'e .idden tab to 'ide di&ensions )ro& t'e co"u&n: row: and tit"e -ositions in t'e
Cube (iewer.
Filtering a Cube 0ie!
=ou can )i"ter data in a cube view t'at contains a sing"e row di&ension and one or &ore co"u&n di&ensions.
Selecting 3lements from a Subset
=ou can se"ect one or &ore e"e&ents )ro& a subset and view t'e e"e&ents: a"ong wit' associated data: in t'e Cube
'rilling from a Cube 0ie!
In Pers-ectives and !rc'itect: #ou can set u- dri"" -rocesses and dri"" assign&ents to access re"ated in)or&ation in #our
cube views.
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
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2.7.1. 35panding and Collapsing Consolidations
=ou can c"ic$ t'e contro" ne+t to an e"e&ent na&e to e+-and or co""a-se a conso"idation in t'e Cube (iewer.
35pand < ! -"us sign ne+t to an e"e&ent na&e identi)ies t'e e"e&ent as a conso"idation. To dri"" down on conso"idations in
a di&ension and view t'e under"#ing detai": c"ic$ t'e -"us sign. T'e -"us sign c'anges to a &inus sign.
Collapse < ! &inus sign ne+t to an e"e&ent na&e indicates an e+-anded conso"idation. To ro"" u- t'e "ea) e"e&ents in a
di&ension: c"ic$ t'e &inus sign. T'e &inus sign c'anges to a -"us sign.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a Cube (iew
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2.7.$. )i&oting 'imensions
=ou can -ivot t'e di&ensions in #our Cube (iewer to c'ange t'e -resentation o) cube data. To -ivot di&ensions: use t'e
drag<and<dro- o-eration.
Drag a di&ension to t'e co"u&n -osition.
Drag a di&ension to t'e row -osition.
Drag a di&ension to t'e tit"e -osition.
=ou can a"so drag a di&ension to t'e 'idden -osition: as described in .iding Di&ensions.
W'en #ou drag a di&ension to a new -osition: t'ree -ossib"e o-tions are avai"ab"e w'en #ou dro- t'e di&ension. T'e o-tions
var# b# t'e -osition o) #our cursor. T'e )o""owing e+a&-"es use di&ensions na&ed Di&ension1 and Di&ension2.
W'en #ou drag Di&ension1 and -osition #our cursor in t'e center o) Di&ension2: dro--ing t'e di&ension wi"" swa- t'e
-ositions o) t'e two di&ensions.
W'en #ou drag Di&ension1 and -osition #our cursor on t'e "e)t side o) Di&ension2: Di&ension1 is dro--ed i&&ediate"#
to t'e "e)t o) Di&ension2.
W'en #ou drag Di&ension1 and -osition #our cursor on t'e rig't side o) Di&ension2: Di&ension1 is dro--ed i&&ediate"#
to t'e rig't o) Di&ension2.
I) #ou drag a di&ension and dro- it i&&ediate"# to t'e "e)t or rig't o) an e+isting co"u&n or row di&ension: #ou can see
&ore detai" a"ong t'e co"u&ns or rows o) a view. 3or instance: #ou cou"d drag t'e -"anOti&e di&ension to be)ore t'e
-"anOde-art&ent di&ension in t'e co"u&ns o) a view to see t'e detai" )or ti&e and de-art&ents in t'e co"u&ns.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a Cube (iew
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2.7.1. *iding 'imensions
To save va"uab"e screen s-ace: use t'e .idden tab to 'ide di&ensions )ro& t'e co"u&n: row: and tit"e -ositions in t'e Cube
.idden di&ensions sti"" a--"# to t'e data dis-"a#ed in t'e view: but do not occu-# screen s-ace.
T'e .idden tab is dis-"a#ed at t'e botto& o) t'e Cube (iewer: in eit'er a c"osed or o-ened &ode.
=ou can use drag<and<dro- o-erations to &ove di&ensions )ro& t'e current view to t'e .idden tab.
!)ter a di&ension is &oved to t'e .idden tab: it is on"# visib"e w'en t'e .idden tab is o-ened: as s'own in )o""owing )igure.
=ou can -er)or& t'e )o""owing tas$s wit' t'e .idden tabF
%pen and close t,e *idden tab < C"ic$ t'e *idden tab to o-en t'e tab and dis-"a# t'e di&ensions t'at are current"#
'idden. C"ic$ t'e *idden tab again to c"ose t'e tab.
Mo&e dimensions to and from t,e *idden tab < Use a drag<and<dro- o-eration to &ove di&ensions to or )ro& t'e
.idden tab.
W'en dragging a di&ension to t'e .idden tab: t'e tab can be eit'er o-ened or c"osed.
To drag a di&ension )ro& t'e .idden tab bac$ into t'e view: t'e tab &ust )irst be o-ened. W'en &oving di&ensions
)ro& t'e .idden tab: #ou can swa- a 'idden di&ension wit' t'e -osition o) a dis-"a#ed di&ension: or dro- t'e 'idden
di&ension to t'e "e)t or rig't o) a dis-"a#ed di&ension.
-ote. I) t'e .idden tab is o-en w'en #ou drag a di&ension to or )ro& it: t'e tab c"oses auto&atica""# a)ter #ou )inis' t'e
drag<and<dro- o-eration.
3dit a ,idden dimension < =ou can use t'e Subset *ditor wit' a 'idden di&ension to se"ect a new di&ension e"e&ent
or de)ine a new di&ension subset.
C"ic$ t'e %pen Subset 3ditor button ne+t to a di&ension na&e in t'e .idden tab to o-en t'e Subset *ditor. !)ter
editing a 'idden di&ension wit' t'e Subset *ditor: t'e di&ension re&ains 'idden and t'e c'anges are a--"ied to t'e
current view. 3or detai"s on t'e Subset *ditor: see 3i"tering a Cube (iew.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a Cube (iew
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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2.7.2. Filtering a Cube 0ie!
=ou can )i"ter data in a cube view t'at contains a sing"e row di&ension and one or &ore co"u&n di&ensions.
W'en #ou 'ave two or &ore di&ensions a"ong t'e co"u&ns: #ou can )i"ter on"# )ro& t'e inner&ost di&ension: t'at is t'e
di&ension c"osest to t'e view grid.
C"ic$ t'e co"u&n e"e&ent t'at contains t'e va"ues t'at #ou want to )i"ter. 1.
Se"ect a )i"ter.
)re"defined filter < To- 1?: otto& 1?: To- 1? Percent: otto& 1? Percent. T'e )i"ter is i&&ediate"# a--"ied to t'e
Ad&anced < =ou can de)ine a custo& )i"ter b# setting )i"ter -ara&eters in t'e 3i"ter dia"og bo+: as described in t'e
)o""owing ste-s.
Se"ect a Filter t#-e.
Filter Tpe 'escription
To-Count 3i"ters t'e view to dis-"a# on"# t'e "argest n e"e&ents: w'ere n is a nu&ber
s-eci)ied in t'e (a"ue o-tion.
otto&Count 3i"ters t'e view to dis-"a# on"# t'e s&a""est n e"e&ents: w'ere n is a nu&ber
s-eci)ied in t'e (a"ue o-tion.
To-Su& 3i"ters t'e view to dis-"a# on"# t'e "argest e"e&ents w'ose su& is greater t'an or
eBua" to n: w'ere n is a nu&ber s-eci)ied in t'e (a"ue o-tion.
otto&Su& 3i"ters t'e view to dis-"a# on"# t'e s&a""est e"e&ents w'ose su& is greater t'an or
eBua" to n: w'ere n is a nu&ber s-eci)ied in t'e (a"ue o-tion.
To-Percent 3i"ters t'e view to dis-"a# on"# t'e "argest e"e&ents w'ose su& is greater t'an or
eBua" to n: w'ere n is a -ercentage o) t'e di&ension tota" s-eci)ied in t'e (a"ue
otto&Percent 3i"ters t'e view to dis-"a# on"# t'e s&a""est e"e&ents w'ose su& is greater t'an or
eBua" to n: w'ere n is a -ercentage o) t'e di&ension tota" s-eci)ied in t'e (a"ue
*nter a nu&eric va"ue in t'e 0alue bo+. %.
Se"ect a Sort order to dis-"a# t'e di&ension e"e&ents in t'e Cube (iewer in ascending or descending order. ,.
C"ic$ %:. 0.
! s&a"" )unne" icon dis-"a#s ne+t to t'e co"u&n e"e&ent )or w'ic' #ou created a )i"ter.
-ote. To re&ove a )i"ter: c"ic$ t'e co"u&n e"e&ent )or w'ic' #ou created t'e )i"ter: and c"ic$ +emo&e Filter.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a Cube (iew
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2.7.6. Selecting 3lements from a Subset
=ou can se"ect one or &ore e"e&ents )ro& a subset and view t'e e"e&ents: a"ong wit' associated data: in t'e Cube (iewer.
C"ic$ t'e %pen Subset 3ditor button ne+t to an# subset.
T'e Subset *ditor window o-ens in #our browser.
Se"ect t'e e"e&entEsG #ou want to see in t'e Cube (iewer. 2.
C"ic$ %:. 3.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a Cube (iew
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2.7.7. 'rilling from a Cube 0ie!
In Pers-ectives and !rc'itect: #ou can set u- dri"" -rocesses and dri"" assign&ents to access re"ated in)or&ation in #our cube
Once t'ese dri"" -rocesses and ru"es are in -"ace: t'e# are avai"ab"e in TM1D Web . =ou can use t'ese dri"" -rocesses and
ru"es to dri"" to anot'er cube view or to a re"ationa" database.
To dri"" to anot'er cube view: rig't<c"ic$ a ce"" and c"ic$ 'rill.
T'e target cube view containing in)or&ation re"ated to t'e ce"" o-ens.
To dri"" t'roug' )ro& one cube view to anot'er: rig't<c"ic$ a ce"" and c"ic$ 'rill.
T'e target Cube (iewer o-ens on a new tab.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a Cube (iew
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2.8. 3diting 'ata in a Cube 0ie!
=ou can edit data in t'e TM1D Web Cube (iewer.
*nter and edit va"ues direct"# in t'e "ea) ce""s o) a cube view
Use data s-reading to distribute nu&eric va"ues in a cube view
3diting 'ata in Cube 0ie! Cells
=ou can edit data in "ea) ce""s: -roviding #ou 'ave Write access to t'ose ce""s.
Using 'ata Spreading
=ou can use data s-reading to enter or edit nu&eric data using a -rede)ined distribution &et'od: ca""ed a data s-read
=uic# 'ata 3ntr Commands
T#-ing a data entr# co&&and in a ce"" -er)or&s an action on t'e ce"" va"ue.
3ntering 'ata into Consolidated Cells on t,e Web Cube 0ie!er
W'en #ou enter a nu&ber into a conso"idated ce"" in t'e web Cube (iewer: t'e va"ue is -ro-ortiona""# s-read across t'e
35cluding Cells from 'ata Spreading
=ou can a--"# a 'o"d to ce""s to -revent t'ose ce""s )ro& being a))ected b# data s-reading. =ou can sti"" edit 'e"d ce""s.
35cluding Consolidations from 'ata Spreading
=ou can 'o"d t'e va"ue o) a conso"idation constant w'i"e adAusting t'e under"#ing "ea) va"ues. 3or e+a&-"e: w'en
-er)or&ing a w'at<i) ana"#sis #ou &ig't want to 'o"d a va"ue constant w'i"e c'anging t'e va"ues o) t'e "eaves.
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
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2.8.1. 3diting 'ata in Cube 0ie! Cells
=ou can edit data in "ea) ce""s: -roviding #ou 'ave Write access to t'ose ce""s.
6ea) ce""s a--ear wit' a w'ite bac$ground in t'e Cube (iewer.
I) #ou are wor$ing in a sandbo+: #ou can save t'e sandbo+ to store #our va"ues across sessions. See t'e HWritebac$ and
Sandbo+H c'a-ter o) t'e IMD CognosD TM1D User Guide )or &ore in)or&ation about wor$ing wit' sandbo+es.
*dit a va"ue in a w'ite ce"" in one o) t'e )o""owing two wa#s.
+eplace t,e &alue < Sing"e<c"ic$ a va"ue in a w'ite ce"". TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e current va"ue in t'e ce"" as
'ig'"ig'ted: w'ic' indicates t'at t'e ce"" is in *dit &ode. =ou can t'en t#-e direct"# over t'e e+isting va"ue in t'e ce"":
re-"acing it co&-"ete"#.
3dit t,e &alue < Doub"e<c"ic$ a va"ue in a w'ite ce"". TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e current va"ue in t'e ce"" wit' a border: a
w'ite bac$ground: and a b"in$ing cursor. T'is indicates t'at #ou can se"ective"# edit t'e e+isting va"ue b# using t'e
"e)t and rig't arrow $e#s on #our $e#board to -osition t'e cursor wit'in t'e va"ue. =ou can a"so use t'e ac$s-ace
and De"ete $e#s to re&ove sing"e nu&bers )ro& t'e va"ue.
!)ter entering a new nu&ber: -ress 3nter or c"ic$ on anot'er ce"".
-ote. W'en #ou enter a nu&ber into a conso"idated ce"" in t'e web Cube (iewer: t'e va"ue is -ro-ortiona""# s-read
across t'e conso"idation. 3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou enter 60 into a conso"idated ce"" in t'e web cube viewer: t'e va"ue is s-read
across t'e conso"idation as i) #ou 'ad entered s-reading code o) ,?-. T'is be'avior occurs on"# in t'e web Cube (iewer.
In !rc'itect7Server *+-"orer Cube (iewer and in s"ices )ro& Pers-ectives and Webs'eets: #ou &ust enter t'e s-reading
code to get t'e va"ue to s-read -ro-ortiona""# across t'e conso"idated ce""s.
T'e new nu&ber dis-"a#s in bo"d and ita"ic: w'ic' indicates t'ere is a new va"ue in t'is ce"". =ou &ust sub&it t'e view to
t'e server )or t'e c'ange #ou &ade to -ersist.
Important. I) #ou "og out o) TM1 Web wit'out sub&itting t'e new va"ue: t'e c'ange #ou &ade wi"" be "ost.
Ma$e additiona" c'anges: as necessar#. 3.
C"ic$ +e&ie! 'ata C,anges .
T'e /eview Ce"" (a"ue C'anges dia"og bo+ o-ens.
Do one o) t'e )o""owingF
C"ic$ Submit to save t'e c'anges to t'e server.
C"ic$ 'one to save t'e c'anges in t'e Cube (iewer: but not sub&it t'e& to t'e server.
=ou can a"so c"ic$ Submit 'ata C,anges on t'e Cube (iewer too"bar to sub&it #our data c'anges wit'out reviewing
T'e Cube (iewer dis-"a#s t'e u-dated va"ues. !"" va"ues a--ear in a nor&a" )ont: indicating t'at #ou saved t'e c'anges.
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Cube (iew
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2.8.$. Using 'ata Spreading
=ou can use data s-reading to enter or edit nu&eric data using a -rede)ined distribution &et'od: ca""ed a data s-read
3or e+a&-"e: #ou can even"# distribute a va"ue across a range o) ce""s: or incre&ent a"" va"ues in a range o) ce""s b# a
-ercentage. 3or detai"s on data s-read &et'ods: see HUsing Data S-readingH in t'e IMD CognosD TM1D User Guide.
To s-read data: rig't<c"ic$ a ce"" and c"ic$ 'ata Spread. 1.
3ro& t'e S-reading &enu: se"ect an# data s-read &et'od.
-ote. TM1 Web saves t'e s-read va"ues to t'e server. =ou do not need to sub&it t'e data a)ter TM1 Web co&-"etes t'e
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Cube (iew
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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2.8.1. =uic# 'ata 3ntr Commands
T#-ing a data entr# co&&and in a ce"" -er)or&s an action on t'e ce"" va"ue.
Data entr# co&&ands are -rocessed w'en #ou -ress *nter. T'ese co&&ands on"# a--"# to t'e current grid.
T'ese co&&ands are not case<sensitive.
=ou can use co&&ands across two di&ensions: but not across -ages.
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists t'e Buic$ data entr# co&&ands.
Command 'escription Action
> *nters t'e va"ue in t'ousands. *+a&-"eF ,>
*nters ,:???
M *nters t'e va"ue in &i""ions. *+a&-"eF 1?M
*nters 1?:???:???
!dd: P !dds a nu&ber to t'e ce"" va"ue. *+a&-"eF !dd,?
!dds ,? )ro& t'e ce"" va"ue
Subtract: Sub: Q Subtracts a nu&ber )ro& t'e ce"" va"ue.
Important. ! &inus sign E<G is not -er&itted )or
subtract because t'is indicates a negative nu&ber.
*+a&-"eF sub4
Subtracts 4 )ro& t'e ce"" va"ue
Percent: -er Mu"ti-"ies t'e ce"" va"ue b# a nu&ber added as a
*+a&-"eF -er,
5ives ,K o) t'e origina" ce"" va"ue
Increase: Inc Increases t'e ce"" va"ue b# a nu&ber added as a

Decrease: Dec Decreases t'e ce"" va"ue b# a nu&ber added as a
*+a&-"eF decrease0
Decreases t'e ce"" va"ue b# 0K
5/ 5rows ce""s b# a -ercentage. *+a&-"eF 5/R1,?F1?
Increases t'e va"ue b# 1? -ercent starting
wit' a va"ue o) 1,?.
.o"d: .o": .: .C .o"ds t'e ce"" va"ue )ro& brea$bac$ ca"cu"ations.
.C 'o"ds t'e conso"idated "eve".

/e"ease: /e": /.: /C /e"eases 'e"d ce""s.

/! /e"ease a"" 'e"d ce""s.

Using S,ortcuts in 'ifferent Clients
T'ere are s'ortcut $e#s avai"ab"e in t'e IMD CognosD TM1 !--"ication Web c"ient.
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Cube (iew
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
61 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Using S,ortcuts in 'ifferent Clients
T'ere are s'ortcut $e#s avai"ab"e in t'e IMD CognosD TM1D !--"ication Web c"ient.
T'e )o""owing tab"e s'ows t'e s'ortcut $e#s avai"ab"e in t'e IM Cognos TM1 !--"ication Web c"ient and in Cognos TM1. Note
t'at not a"" s'ortcuts avai"ab"e in P"anning Contributor are a"so avai"ab"e in Cognos TM1 . See a"so t'e notes at t'e end o) t'e
tab"e )or i&-ortant in)or&ation about using s'ortcut $e#s.
Cognos Application Web Cognos TM1
!dd1? PP1?
Sub1? PQ1?
Increase1? PKP1?
Decrease1? PKQ1?
Percent1? PK1?
!dd1?R or R!dd1? /PR1?
Sub1?R or RSub1? /QR1?
Increase1?R or RIncrease1? PKPR1?
Decrease1?R or SDecrease1? PKQR1?
Percent1?R or RPercent1? PKR1?
R1? /R1?
1?R /R1?
R1?> /R1????
R1?M /R1???????
1?5row1??Co&-oundR 5/R1?F1??
1?5row1??6inearR 5/R1?F1??
1?5ro1??Co&R 5/R1?F1??
1?5ro1??6inR 5/R1?F1??
1?51??CR 5/R1?F1??
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Cognos Application Web Cognos TM1
1?51??6R 5/R1?F1??
1?5row1??R 5/R1?F1??
1> 1??? ET'e nu&ber ending in > is &u"ti-"ied b# 1??? at t'e c"ient end
and returned to t'e serverG
1M 1?????? ET'e nu&ber ending in M is &u"ti-"ied b# 1?????? at t'e
c"ient end and returned to t'e serverG
W'en a s'ortcut suc' as 10K is entered: t'e nu&bers are &u"ti-"ied b# 1???: or 1?????? at t'e c"ient end and t'en t'e
s'ortcut is converted to t'e eBuiva"ent s-readcode.
T'e Cognos TM1 s-readcodes cannot be used in co&bination wit' Cognos P"anning Contributor s'ortcuts. 3or e+a&-"e.
P%Add10 or RPAdd10 are not a""owed. !"so: Cognos P"anning Contributor s'ortcuts cannot be used in co&bination wit'
Cognos TM1 s'ortcuts. 3or e+a&-"e: Add10Sub20 is an inva"id entr#.
T'e Cognos P"anning Contributor s'ortcuts o) Mu"ti-"#: Divide: PowerD and /eset are not avai"ab"e in TM1 .
!"" 5row co&&ands w'et'er Co&-ound or 6inear: are converted to t'e Cognos TM1 5/ s-readcode co&&and. 5/
co&&and can on"# do a 6inear 5rowt'
T'e direction o) s-read can be entered at t'e start or t'e end o) t'e s'ortcut. S'ortcut strings wit' t'e direction in t'e
&idd"e are inva"id. 3or e+a&-"e: Add10> or >Add10 are correct: but Add>10 or Add1>0 are inva"id.
!"" s'ortcut codes are not case sensitive. 3or e+a&-"e: add10: Add10: or aDD10 -roduce t'e sa&e resu"t.
)arent topic. 8uic$ Data *ntr# Co&&ands
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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2.8.2. 3ntering 'ata into Consolidated Cells on t,e Web Cube 0ie!er
W'en #ou enter a nu&ber into a conso"idated ce"" in t'e web Cube (iewer: t'e va"ue is -ro-ortiona""# s-read across t'e
3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou enter 60 into a conso"idated ce"" in t'e web Cube (iewer: t'e va"ue is s-read across t'e conso"idation as
i) #ou 'ad entered t'e s-reading code o) ,?-. T'is be'avior occurs on"# in t'e web Cube (iewer. In t'e !rc'itect7Server
*+-"orer Cube (iewer and in s"ices )ro& Pers-ectives and in Webs'eets: #ou &ust enter t'e s-reading code to get t'e va"ue
to s-read -ro-ortiona""# across t'e conso"idated ce""s.
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Cube (iew
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2.8.6. 35cluding Cells from 'ata Spreading
=ou can a--"# a 'o"d to ce""s to -revent t'ose ce""s )ro& being a))ected b# data s-reading. =ou can sti"" edit 'e"d ce""s.
T'e 'o"ds a--"# on"# to t'e user initiating t'e )eatureL ot'er users can edit 'e"d ce""s.
Appl a ,old to a single cell or range
=ou can a--"# a 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range.
+elease a ,old on a single cell or range
=ou can re"ease a 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range.
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Cube (iew
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
65 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Appl a ,old to a single cell or range
=ou can a--"# a 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range.
Se"ect t'e ce"" or range. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e ce"" or range. 2.
C"ic$ *olds: *old /ea&es. 3.
*ac' 'e"d ce"" dis-"a#s a red triang"e in t'e "ower<"e)t corner as a visua" indication t'at #ou a--"ied a 'o"d to t'at ce"" or
range. W'en #ou "og o)): a"" 'o"ds are re"eased.
)arent topic. *+c"uding Ce""s )ro& Data S-reading
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2.8.6.$. +elease a ,old on a single cell or range
=ou can re"ease a 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range.
Se"ect t'e ce"" or range o) ce""s. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e ce"" or range. 2.
C"ic$ *olds: +elease /eaf *olds. 3.
T'e re"eased ce""s can acce-t va"ues )ro& data s-reading o-erations.
-ote. To re"ease a"" 'o"ds t'at #ou a--"ied to a"" cubes: rig't<c"ic$ an# ce"" in an# cube: c"ic$ *olds: +elease All *olds.
)arent topic. *+c"uding Ce""s )ro& Data S-reading
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2.8.7. 35cluding Consolidations from 'ata Spreading
=ou can 'o"d t'e va"ue o) a conso"idation constant w'i"e adAusting t'e under"#ing "ea) va"ues. 3or e+a&-"e: w'en -er)or&ing
a w'at<i) ana"#sis #ou &ig't want to 'o"d a va"ue constant w'i"e c'anging t'e va"ues o) t'e "eaves.
W'en #ou a--"# a conso"idation 'o"d and c'ange t'e va"ue o) its "ea) e"e&ents: -ro-ortiona" s-reading is a--"ied to t'e
re&aining "ea) va"ues so t'at t'e conso"idation va"ue re&ains unc'anged.
Appl a consolidation ,old to a single cell or range
=ou can a--"# a conso"idation 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range.
+elease a consolidation ,old on a single cell or range
=ou can re"ease a conso"idation 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range.
)arent topic. *diting Data in a Cube (iew
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68 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Appl a consolidation ,old to a single cell or range
=ou can a--"# a conso"idation 'o"d to a sing"e ce"" or range.
Se"ect t'e ce"" or range. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e ce"" or range. 2.
C"ic$ *olds: *old Consolidate. 3.
*ac' 'e"d conso"idation dis-"a#s a red triang"e in t'e "ower<"e)t corner o) a ce"" as a visua" indication t'at #ou a--"ied a 'o"d
to t'at ce"" or range. W'en #ou "og o)): a"" 'o"ds are re"eased.
)arent topic. *+c"uding Conso"idations )ro& Data S-reading
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2.8.7.$. +elease a consolidation ,old on a single cell or range
=ou can re"ease a conso"idation 'o"d on a sing"e ce"" or range.
Se"ect t'e ce"" or range o) ce""s. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ t'e ce"" or range. 2.
C"ic$ *olds: +elease Consolidate. 3.
T'e conso"idated va"ue can now re)"ect an# c'anges t'at #ou &a$e to t'e under"#ing "ea) va"ues.
-ote. To re"ease a"" 'o"ds t'at #ou a--"ied to a"" cubes: rig't<c"ic$ an# ce"" in an# cube: c"ic$ *olds: +elease All *olds.
)arent topic. *+c"uding Conso"idations )ro& Data S-reading
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2.9. Creating a -e! Cube 0ie!
I) t'e views )or a cube do not satis)# #our ana"#sis reBuire&ents: #ou can create a new view b# using t'e (iew ui"der
Wi2ard. T'e wi2ard ta$es #ou t'roug' t'e )o""owing ste-s to create a new viewF
De)ine t'e "ocation o) di&ensions in t'e view
Se"ect t'e e"e&ents to be used in t'e view
Save t'e view as a -rivate view on t'e server to w'ic' #ou are connected
C"ic$ -e! 0ie! beneat' t'e cube )ro& w'ic' #ou want to bui"d a view.
TM1D Web dis-"a#s t'e (iew ui"der Wi2ard wit' #our de)au"t view in t'e Content -ane. TM1 Web deter&ines t'e de)au"t
view: as )o""owsF
I) #ou 'ave a -rivate na&ed de)au"t view o) t'e cube: TM1 Web dis-"a#s it in t'e (iew ui"der.
I) #ou do not 'ave a -rivate na&ed de)au"t view o) t'e cube: but a -ub"ic na&ed de)au"t view e+ists: TM1 Web
dis-"a#s t'e -ub"ic view in t'e (iew ui"der.
I) #ou 'ave neit'er a -rivate na&ed de)au"t view nor a -ub"ic na&ed de)au"t view o) t'e cube: TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e
s#ste& de)au"t view in t'e (iew ui"der. In t'e s#ste& de)au"t view: t'e "ast di&ension in t'e cube de)inition is t'e
co"u&n di&ension: t'e ne+t<to<"ast di&ension in t'e cube de)inition is t'e row di&ension: and a"" ot'er di&ensions
are tit"e di&ensions.
Set t'e "ocation o) di&ensions in t'e new view. T'ere are )our -ossib"e di&ension "ocations in a viewF
Titles < C"ic$ t'e button at t'e intersection o) t'e di&ension na&e and t'e Tit"es co"u&n in t'e di&ension "ocation
+o!s < C"ic$ t'e button at t'e intersection o) t'e di&ension na&e and t'e /ows co"u&n.
Columns < C"ic$ t'e button at t'e intersection o) t'e di&ension na&e and t'e Co"u&ns co"u&n.
*ide < C"ic$ t'e button at t'e intersection o) t'e di&ension na&e and t'e .ide co"u&n.
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!s #ou set di&ension "ocations: TM1 Web inserts t'e di&ensions in t'e a--ro-riate "ocation in t'e (iew De-iction section
o) t'e (iew ui"der.
-ote. =ou can -"ace &u"ti-"e di&ensions in an# sing"e "ocation in t'e view. W'en #ou -"ace &u"ti-"e di&ensions in a
"ocation: TM1 Web -"aces t'e di&ensions in t'e order #ou se"ect t'e&.
T'e )o""owing e+a&-"e s'ows two row di&ensionsF &ode" was se"ected )irst: account1 was se"ected second.
3or eac' di&ension in t'e view: c"ic$ t'e %pen Subset 3ditor button to o-en t'e Subset *ditor. 3.
C"ic$ Subset All to revea" a"" e"e&ents in t'e di&ension. %.
Se"ect t'e e"e&ents #ou want to use in t'e new view.
Title and ,idden dimensions < Se"ect a sing"e e"e&ent.
+o! and column dimensions < Se"ect an# co&bination o) e"e&ents.
To se"ect &u"ti-"e adAacent e"e&ents: c"ic$ t'e )irst e"e&ent and S.I3T<c"ic$ t'e "ast e"e&ent. To se"ect &u"ti-"e
non<adAacent e"e&ents: CT/6<c"ic$ eac' e"e&ent.
C"ic$ %: to save #our e"e&ent se"ections and c"ose t'e Subset *ditor. 0.
Do one o) t'e )o""owing to )inis' creating a viewF
To si&u"taneous"# save and o-en t'e new view: enter a na&e in t'e (iew Na&e )ie"d and c"ic$ Sa&e > 0ie!.
TM1 Web saves t'e new view as a -rivate view on t'e server to w'ic' #ou are connected: and enab"es t'e !uto&atic
/eca"cu"ation and Su--ress Jeroes o-tions )or t'e view.
To o-en t'e new view in TM1 Web wit'out saving t'e view: c"ic$ 0ie!.
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72 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
T'e view o-ens as an unna&ed and unsaved view in TM1 Web . =ou &ust c"ic$ Sa&e 0ie! to save t'e view )or
"ater access.
I) #ou save t'e view now: #ou can a"so set t'e )o""owing o-tionsF
)ri&ate < Save t'e view as eit'er a -rivate or -ub"ic view.
'efault < Save t'e view as eit'er t'e De)au"t view or a na&ed view.
Important. I) #ou do not save t'e view: TM1 Web discards t'e view w'en #ou c"ose t'e view or end #our TM1 Web
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
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2.?. Generating a +eport from a Cube 0ie!
=ou can generate Ibrie)ing boo$I < st#"e re-orts in two wa#sF
Cube 0ie!er < Se"ect t'e tit"e di&ension subsets and t'e nu&ber o) rows to inc"ude in t'e re-ort.
Webs,eet < Se"ect t'e tit"e di&ension subsets to inc"ude in t'e re-ort. 3or detai"s: see Wor$ing wit' Webs'eets.
-ote. I) #our insta""ation o) TM1D Web is con)igured to run wit'out Microso)t *+ce" on t'e Web server: so&e "i&itations &a#
a--"# w'en e+-orting )ro& a Cube (iewer. 3or detai"s: see Cube (iewer *+-ort 6i&itation.
C"ic$ 35port . 1.
Se"ect an e+-ort )or&at )or t'e re-ortF
Slice to 35cel < *+ce" docu&ents t'at retain a "in$ to t'e server t'roug' TM1 )unctions. W'en #ou o-en t'e s"ice and
connect to t'e server wit' w'ic' t'e s"ice is associated: t'e s"ice dis-"a#s t'e current cube va"ues: -rovided #ou are
running *+ce" wit' t'e Pers-ectives add<in enab"ed.
Snaps,ot to 35cel < *+ce" docu&ents t'at contain nu&eric va"ues re)"ecting t'e cube va"ues at t'e &o&ent t'e
e+-ort occurred. ecause sna-s'ots do not retain a "in$ to t'e server: t'e va"ues are static: re-resenting a sna-s'ot
o) cube va"ues at t'e &o&ent o) e+-ort.
35port to )'F < PD3 docu&ents t'at dis-"a# cube va"ues at t'e &o&ent t'e e+-ort occurred.
T'e *+-ort dia"og bo+ o-ens.
Se"ect t'e nu&ber o) rows to e+-ortF
35port ro!s in current page < *+-orts a"" rows in t'e current -age.
35port ro!s from beginning to current page < *+-orts t'e )irst row in t'e )irst -age t'roug' t'e "ast row in t'e
current -age.
35port all ro!s in t,e &ie! < *+-orts a"" rows )ro& a"" -ages.
Se"ect t'e tit"e di&ensions t'at #ou want to inc"ude in t'e re-ort. %.
C"ic$ %: to create t'e re-ort.
T'e re-ort s'eets are generated and -ro&-ts #ou to eit'er o-en or save t'e re-ort.
Do one o) t'e )o""owingF
C"ic$ %pen to o-en t'e re-ort in a new browser window.
C"ic$ Sa&e to save t'e re-ort to dis$.
-ote. # de)au"t: e+-orting a s"ice or sna-s'ot re-ort to *+ce" dis-"a#s t'e re-ort in a web browser window.
3or detai"s on con)iguring #our co&-uter to o-en re-orts into t'e )u"": stand<a"one version o) *+ce": see t'e Microso)t
su--ort web site.
!dditiona""#: i) #ou want to use TM1 )unctiona"it# wit' a s"ice t'at #ou e+-ort to *+ce": #ou &ust o-en t'e s"ice in t'e
stand<a"one version o) *+ce" and 'ave a "oca" version o) Pers-ectives or C"ient insta""ed on #our co&-uter.
-ote. I) #ou are e+-eriencing -rob"e&s e+-orting *+ce" or PD3 )i"es and #ou are using a W!N EWide !rea Networ$G
server: #ou &a# need to re<con)igure t'e securit# settings in Internet *+-"orer. 3or detai"s: see t'e H!d&inistrating TM1
WebH c'a-ter in t'e IMD CognosD TM1 Web Guide.
Cube 0ie!er 35port /imitation
W'en Microso)t *+ce" is not -resent on t'e TM1 Web server: and #ou e+-ort a Cube (iewer using eit'er t'e S"ice to *+ce"
or Sna-s'ot to *+ce" o-tions: an# c'arts -resent in t'e Cube (iewer are not e+-orted to t'e resu"ting wor$s'eet.
)arent topic. Wor$ing in t'e TM1 Web Cube (iewer
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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2.?.1. Cube 0ie!er 35port /imitation
W'en Microso)t *+ce" is not -resent on t'e TM1D Web server: and #ou e+-ort a Cube (iewer using eit'er t'e S"ice to *+ce" or
Sna-s'ot to *+ce" o-tions: an# c'arts -resent in t'e Cube (iewer are not e+-orted to t'e resu"ting wor$s'eet.
)arent topic. 5enerating a /e-ort )ro& a Cube (iew
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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6. Wor#ing !it, C,arts
T'is section i""ustrates 'ow to view a c'art in a web<based c"ient.
O-en a view. 1.
Do one o) t'e )o""owing to view a c'artF
C"ic$ 0ie! C,art to view cube data in c'art )or&at on"#.
! co"u&n c'art: t'e de)au"t c'art t#-e: is dis-"a#ed.
C"ic$ 0ie! C,art and Grid to view cube data in bot' c'art and grid )or&at.
! grid is dis-"a#ed at t'e to-: and a co"u&n c'art: t'e de)au"t c'art t#-e: is dis-"a#ed at t'e botto&.
C"ic$ 0ie! Grid to view cube data in grid )or&at on"#.
C,anging t,e C,art Tpe@ Colors@ /egend@ and 1' 0ie!
=ou can c'ange t'e c'art t#-e: co"ors: "egend: and 3D view e"e&ents on t'e )"# )ro& t'e C'art Pro-erties &enu.
C,anging C,art )roperties
=ou can edit and )or&at t'e )o""owing c'art -ro-erties to give #our c'art a -ro)essiona" "oo$.
35panding and Collapsing Consolidations in a C,art
W'en #ou dis-"a# a c'art in #our view: #ou can e+-and and co""a-se conso"idations in t'e c'art.
'rilling from a C,art
I) #our ad&inistrator 'as de)ined dri""<t'roug' -rocesses and ru"es )or cube ce""s re-resented in a c'art: #ou can dri""
t'roug' to associated data )ro& t'e c'art.
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76 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
6.1. C,anging t,e C,art Tpe@ Colors@ /egend@ and 1' 0ie!
=ou can c'ange t'e c'art t#-e: co"ors: "egend: and 3D view e"e&ents on t'e )"# )ro& t'e C'art Pro-erties &enu.
3o""ow t'e ste-s be"ow to c'ange t'e c'art t#-e: co"ors: "egend: and 3D view.
C"ic$ C,art )roperties on t'e too"bar. 1.
Se"ect an# o) t'e )o""owing &enu co&&ands to c'ange t'e c'art.
Menu %ption 'escription
C'art T#-e T'e de)au"t c'art is a co"u&n c'art. Se"ect a di))erent c'art t#-e.
Co"or Pa"ette T'e de)au"t co"or -a"ette is red: brig't green: b"ue: and #e""ow wit' a brig't b"ue
bac$ground. Se"ect a di))erent co"or -a"ette.
Togg"e C'art 6egend # de)au"t: a "egend dis-"a#s: #ou can 'ide t'e "egend.
Togg"e 3D (iew # de)au"t: a c'art is two<di&ensiona". =ou can switc' to a t'ree<di&ensiona" view o)
t'e c'art.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' C'arts
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
77 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
6.$. C,anging C,art )roperties
=ou can edit and )or&at t'e )o""owing c'art -ro-erties to give #our c'art a -ro)essiona" "oo$.
C,art < !--earance: c'art t#-e: tit"e: and tit"e -"ace&ent
/egend < St#"e: dis-"a# or 'ide "egend: dis-"a# "egend inside -"ot area: and -"ace&ent
1' < Dis-"a# or 'ide 3<D view: rig't ang"e a+es: series de-t': rotation: and -ers-ective
/abels < T#-e: ang"e: )ont: co"or: -osition: )or&at: and -recision
A and <"a5is < Dis-"a# or 'ide a+is: grids: stri-s: reversed: side &argin: tit"e: )or&at: and -recision
Appearance < C'art bac$ground co"or and -attern: border: and "ine st#"e
3o""ow t'e ste-s to c'ange an# c'art e"e&ents.
C"ic$ t'e C,art )roperties button. 1.
C"ic$ t'e C,art )roperties &enu o-tion.
T'e C,art )roperties dia"og bo+ o-ens wit' seven tabsF C'art: 6egend: 3D: 6abe"s: ;<a+is: =<a+is: and !--earance.
C"ic$ an# tabs and c'ange t'e c'art o-tions. 3.
C"ic$ %:.
T'e c'art is u-dated to re)"ect t'e o-tions t'at #ou se"ect.
-ote. I) #ou do not want to save t'e c'anges to t'e c'art: c"ic$ Cancel.
C,anging (asic C,art )roperties
=ou can c'ange c'art o-tions t'roug' t'e C'art Pro-erties dia"og bo+.
C,anging t,e C,art /egend
T'e c'art "egend o-tions can be c'anged to suit #our -re)erences.
C,anging t,e 1' Stle
T'e o-tions can be c'anged wit'in t'e 3D view.
C,anging C,art /abels
=ou can c'ange t'e C'art "abe" o-tions to custo&i2e #our view t'roug' t'e C'art Pro-erties dia"og bo+.
C,anging t,e A"a5is and <"a5is
T'e o-tions can be c'anged )or t'e ;<a+is and =<a+is dis-"a#.
C,anging t,e Appearance of <our C,art
T'e c'art a--earance o-tions can be c'anged to suit #our -re)erences.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' C'arts
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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6.$.1. C,anging (asic C,art )roperties
=ou can c'ange c'art o-tions t'roug' t'e C'art Pro-erties dia"og bo+.
Appearance Stle < # de)au"t: t'e co"or sc'e&e )or a c'art is dar$ green: b"ue: -ur-"e: and brig't green. =ou can
se"ect a di))erent co"or sc'e&e.
C,art Tpe < T'e de)au"t c'art t#-e is a co"u&n c'art. =ou can se"ect a di))erent c'art t#-e.
Title < =ou can add a tit"e to #our c'art and -"ace it in one o) 12 "ocations on t'e c'art.
T'e )o""owing ste-s i""ustrate 'ow to c'ange t'e a--earance st#"e: c'art t#-e and tit"e t'roug' t'e C'art tab in t'e C'art
Pro-erties dia"og bo+F
C"ic$ t'e C,art tab in t'e C,art )roperties dia"og bo+. 1.
In t'e Appearance Stle "ist: se"ect a co"or sc'e&e t'at best suits bot' t'e data in t'e grid and #our a--"ication. 2.
In t'e C,art Tpe "ist: se"ect a c'art t#-e. 3.
T#-e te+t )or #our tit"e in t'e Title bo+.
-ote. T'e si2e o) #our c'art deter&ines t'e tit"e "engt'. =ou &ig't 'ave to s'orten t'e tit"e or -osition t'e tit"e in a
"ocation on t'e c'art w'ere t'e entire tit"e can dis-"a#.
C"ic$ a tit"e -"ace&ent o-tion button to se"ect a -osition )or #our tit"e.
T'e tit"e -"ace&ent o-tion buttons to t'e rig't o) t'e Title bo+ contro" deter&ines w'ere t'e tit"e dis-"a#s in #our c'art.
# de)au"t: t'e tit"e dis-"a#s at t'e to- &idd"e o) t'e c'art. Use t'e tit"e -"ace&ent o-tion buttons to -osition t'e tit"e at
one o) 12 -ositions around t'e c'art.
C"ic$ %: to save #our c'anges. 0.
)arent topic. C'anging C'art Pro-erties
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6.$.$. C,anging t,e C,art /egend
T'e c'art "egend o-tions can be c'anged to suit #our -re)erences.
Stle < Dis-"a#s t'e "egend in a co"u&n: row: or tab"e )or&at.
Generic < # de)au"t: t'e "egend dis-"a#s on t'e c'art. =ou can 'ide t'e "egend. !"so b# de)au"t: t'e "egend dis-"a#s
outside t'e -"ot area. =ou can -"ace t'e "egend inside t'e -"ot area.
)lacement < # de)au"t: t'e "egend dis-"a#s in t'e u--er rig't corner o) t'e c'art. =ou can -"ace t'e "egend in one o) 12
"ocations in t'e c'art.
T'e )o""owing ste-s i""ustrate 'ow to c'ange t'e o-tions in t'e 6egend tab in t'e C'art Pro-erties dia"og bo+F
C"ic$ t'e /egend tab in t'e C,art )roperties dia"og bo+.
T'e 6egend tab contains t'ree o-tionsF St#"e: 5eneric: and P"ace&ent.
Se"ect one o) t'e )o""owing Stle o-tions.
Column < !rranges t'e "egend $e#s in a vertica" co"u&n )or&at.
+o! < !rranges t'e "egend $e#s in a 'ori2onta" row )or&at.
Table < !rranges t'e "egend $e#s in a tab"e )or&at wit' co"u&ns and rows.
Se"ect a Generic o-tion.
S,o! /egend < # de)au"t: a "egend dis-"a#s on t'e c'art. C"earing t'is o-tion 'ides t'e "egend.
)lace Inside )lot Area < # de)au"t: t'e "egend dis-"a#s outside t'e c'art -"ot area. I) #ou se"ect t'is o-tion: t'e
"egend dis-"a#s inside t'e c'art -"ot area.
C"ic$ a )lacement o-tion to -osition t'e "egend at one o) 12 -ositions around t'e c'art. %.
)arent topic. C'anging C'art Pro-erties
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6.$.1. C,anging t,e 1' Stle
T'e o-tions can be c'anged wit'in t'e 3D view.
Generic < Dis-"a# or 'ide t'e 3D view: and dis-"a# t'e c'art in a rig't<ang"e a+es Eob"iBueG )or&at.
1' Series < Dis-"a# t'e series in a c"ustered arrange&ent: and s-eci)# t'e ga- and ga- de-t' o) t'e series.
+otation < S-eci)# t'e 'ori2onta" and vertica" degrees o) rotation )or t'e a+es o) t'e c'art.
%t,er < S-eci)# t'e -ers-ective to en"arge t'e -arts o) t'e c'art t'at are c"osest to #ou: and s'rin$ t'e -arts t'at are
)art'er awa#.
T'e )o""owing ste-s i""ustrate 'ow to c'ange t'e 3D view t'roug' t'e C'art Pro-erties dia"og bo+F
C"ic$ t'e 1' tab in t'e C,art )roperties dia"og bo+.
T'e 3D tab o-tions inc"udeF 5eneric: 3D Series: /otation: and Pers-ective.
Se"ect t'e 3nable 1' c'ec$ bo+ to dis-"a# t'e c'art in a 3D )or&at. 2.
I) #ou c"ear t'e Clustered c'ec$ bo+ in t'e 3D Series section: t'e co"u&ns t'at re-resent t'e data series are no "onger
c"ustered toget'er.
Se"ect t'e Clustered c'ec$ bo+: and enter va"ues in t'e 'ept, and Gap 'ept, bo+es.
T'e de)au"t va"ue )or t'e de-t' is 1?? and t'e de)au"t va"ue )or t'e ga- de-t' is 1??.
C'ange t'e va"ues in t'e +otation section to c'ange t'e 'ori2onta" and vertica" a+es o) t'e c'art.
T'e de)au"t *ori4ontal rotation va"ue is 1?. T'e de)au"t 0ertical rotation va"ue is 1,.
C'ange t'e va"ue in t'e )erspecti&e bo+ to c'ange t'e c'art -ers-ective.
T'e de)au"t va"ue )or t'e c'art -ers-ective is 1?. !s #ou increase t'e -ers-ective setting: -arts o) t'e c'art t'at are
c"osest to #ou are en"arged: w'i"e t'e -ortions t'at are )art'er awa# are s'run$.
)arent topic. C'anging C'art Pro-erties
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6.$.2. C,anging C,art /abels
=ou can c'ange t'e C'art "abe" o-tions to custo&i2e #our view t'roug' t'e C'art Pro-erties dia"og bo+.
Generic < Dis-"a# data -oint "abe"s and s&art "abe"s. C'ange t'e ang"e: )ont: and co"or o) t'e "abe"s.
)osition < Position t'e "abe"s auto&atica""# or s-eci)# w'ere #ou want t'e& to a--ear on t'e data series in t'e c'art.
Format and )recision < S-eci)# t'e )or&at and deci&a" -"aces )or t'e "abe" nu&bers.
T'e )o""owing ste-s i""ustrate 'ow to c'ange "abe" o-tions t'roug' t'e 6abe"s tab in t'e C'art Pro-erties dia"og bo+F
C"ic$ t'e /abels tab in t'e C,art )roperties dia"og bo+. 1.
Se"ect t'e S,o! )oint /abels c'ec$ bo+ to dis-"a# "abe"s )or t'e va"ue associated wit' t'e data series. 2.
I) #ou se"ect t'e 3nable Smart /abels c'ec$ bo+: an arrow is inserted )or an# a&biguous -oint "abe" va"ue )or a data
series. T'e arrow &a$es it easier to de-ict w'ic' -oint "abe" va"ue associates wit' a data series.
T#-e a va"ue in t'e Angle bo+ to c'ange t'e -oint "abe"s ang"e on t'e c'art.
# de)au"t: t'e ang"e va"ue o) 2ero dis-"a#s t'e "abe"s 'ori2onta""#. =ou can enter a va"ue )ro& <30? to 30? degrees. ! 9?
degree ang"e dis-"a#s t'e "abe"s vertica""#: )acing "e)t. ! <9? degree ang"e dis-"a#s t'e "abe"s vertica""#: )acing rig't.
C'ange t'e )ont )or t'e "abe"sF
Se"ect Clic# to select in t'e Font bo+.
T'e C'art 3ont dia"og bo+ o-ens.
Se"ect a )ont: )ont st#"e: si2e: and an# e))ects.
C"ic$ %:.
In t'e Color "ist: se"ect a co"or to c'ange t'e co"or o) t'e "abe"sF 0.
C"ic$ a )osition o-tion to -"ace t'e "abe"s re"ative to t'e to- o) t'e data series in t'e c'art.
T'e !uto o-tion -"aces t'e "abe"s at t'e to- o) a data series.
C'ange t'e )or&at and nu&ber o) deci&a" -"aces )or t'e "abe"s.
# de)au"t: t'e )or&at is -umber and t'e -recision is ? deci&a" -"aces. I) #ou se"ect Currenc# and 2: t'e "abe"s dis-"a#
wit' a do""ar sign and two deci&a" -"aces.
In t'e Format "ist: se"ect t'e )or&at t'at &atc'es #our nu&eric data.
In t'e )recision "ist: se"ect t'e nu&ber o) deci&a" -"aces )or #our nu&eric data.
)arent topic. C'anging C'art Pro-erties
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6.$.6. C,anging t,e A"a5is and <"a5is
T'e o-tions can be c'anged )or t'e ;<a+is and =<a+is dis-"a#.
!+is < Dis-"a#s or 'ides t'e ;<a+is or =<a+is: &aAor grid"ines: &inor grid"ines: inter"aced stri-s: and side &argin. /everses
t'e ;<a+is "abe"s.
Tit"e < 6ets #ou add a tit"e to t'e ;<a+is or =<a+is and se"ect a )ont )or t'e tit"e.
6abe" 3or&at and Precision < 6ets #ou s-eci)# t'e nu&ber )or&at and deci&a" -"aces )or t'e ;<a+is or =<a+is nu&bers.
T'e )o""owing ste-s i""ustrate 'ow to c'ange t'e )or&at o) t'e ;<a+is and =<a+is in t'e C'art Pro-erties dia"og bo+F
C"ic$ t'e A"a5is tab or t'e <"a5is tab in t'e C,art )roperties dia"og bo+. 1.
Se"ect or c"ear t'e )o""owing A5is o-tions.
0isible < Dis-"a#s or 'ides t'e ;<a+is or =<a+is "abe". =ou enter t'e ;<a+is or =<a+is "abe" te+t in t'e Title )ie"d.
MaBor Grids < Dis-"a#s or 'ides &aAor grid"ines.
Minor Grids < Dis-"a#s or 'ides &inor grid"ines.
Interlaced Strips < Dis-"a#s or 'ides inter"aced stri-s.
+e&ersed < Moves t'e =<a+is "abe"s to t'e o--osite side o) t'e c'art.
Side Margin < Dis-"a#s or 'ides a side &argin.
!dd a tit"e to t'e ;<a+is or =<a+is and c'ange t'e )ont )or t'e tit"e.
T#-e a tit"e in t'e Title bo+.
Se"ect Clic# to select in t'e Font bo+.
T'e C,art Font dia"og bo+ o-ens.
Se"ect a )ont: )ont st#"e: )ont si2e: and an# e))ects. C"ic$ %:.
-ote. T'e ;<a+is "abe" re-"aces t'e na&e o) t'e c'art: w'ic' is usua""# t'e na&e o) t'e view.
C'ange t'e )or&at and nu&ber o) deci&a" -"aces )or t'e ;<a+is or =<a+is "abe"s.
# de)au"t: t'e )or&at is General and t'e -recision is ? deci&a" -"aces. I) #ou se"ect Currenc and $: t'e "abe"s dis-"a#
wit' a do""ar sign and two deci&a" -"aces.
In t'e Format "ist: se"ect a )or&at t'at &atc'es #our nu&eric data.
In t'e )recision "ist: se"ect t'e nu&ber o) deci&a" -"aces )or #our nu&erica" data.
)arent topic. C'anging C'art Pro-erties
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6.$.7. C,anging t,e Appearance of <our C,art
T'e c'art a--earance o-tions can be c'anged to suit #our -re)erences.
(ac#ground < C'ange t'e bac$ground co"or and -attern o) t'e c'art.
(order and /ine < C'ange t'e st#"e: co"or: and widt' o) t'e "ines and borders in t'e c'art.
3o""ow t'e ste-s be"ow to c'ange t'e a--earance o) #our c'art.
C"ic$ t'e Appearance tab in t'e C,art )roperties dia"og bo+. 1.
In t'e Color "ist: se"ect a bac$ground co"or )or #our c'art. 2.
In t'e Gradient "ist: se"ect a bac$ground gradient )or #our c'art. 3.
In t'e *atc,ing "ist: se"ect a bac$ground -attern )or #our c'art. %.
In t'e Color C$ "ist: se"ect a co"or to de)ine a secondar# co"or )or t'e bac$ground. ,.
C'ange t'e st#"e: co"or: and widt' o) t'e border around t'e outside o) t'e c'art -"ot area.
In t'e order and 6ine section: in t'e Stle "ist: se"ect t'e t#-e o) "ine -attern #ou want )or t'e border.
In t'e Color "ist: se"ect a co"or )or t'e border.
*nter a widt' )or t'e border in t'e Widt, bo+.
)arent topic. C'anging C'art Pro-erties
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6.1. 35panding and Collapsing Consolidations in a C,art
W'en #ou dis-"a# a c'art in #our view: #ou can e+-and and co""a-se conso"idations in t'e c'art.
35pand < /ig't<c"ic$ a conso"idated data series and c"ic$ 'rill 'o!n to revea" t'e i&&ediate c'i"dren o) t'e
conso"idated e"e&ent in t'e c'art.
Collapse < /ig't<c"ic$ a conso"idated data series and c"ic$ 'rill Up to 'ide t'e i&&ediate c'i"dren o) t'e conso"idated
e"e&ent in t'e c'art.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' C'arts
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6.2. 'rilling from a C,art
I) #our ad&inistrator 'as de)ined dri""<t'roug' -rocesses and ru"es )or cube ce""s re-resented in a c'art: #ou can dri"" t'roug'
to associated data )ro& t'e c'art.
3or detai"s on creating dri""<t'roug' -rocesses and ru"es: see t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Developer Guide.
I) a c'art co&-onent is associated wit' a sing"e source o) associated data: t'e data i&&ediate"# o-ens on a new (iew tab. I)
t'e c'art co&-onent is associated wit' a &u"ti-"e sources o) associated data: #ou are -ro&-ted to se"ect a sing"e source.
3or e+a&-"e: t'is section i""ustrates 'ow to e+ecute a dri"".
C"ic$ 0ie! C,art to dis-"a# t'e c'art. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ a co"u&n in t'e c'art and c"ic$ 'rill T,roug,.
I) t'e ce"" is "in$ed wit' two or &ore sources o) associated data: t'e Dri"" dia"og bo+ o-ens: "isting t'e data sources
associated wit' t'e c'art co&-onent.
Se"ect t'e source #ou want to view and c"ic$ Select. 3.
T'e se"ected data o-ens on a new 0ie! tab.
)arent topic. Wor$ing wit' C'arts
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7. 3diting Subsets in TM1 Web
T'is section describes 'ow to use t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web Subset *ditor to create and &anage "ists o) e"e&ents t'at
identi)# t'e data #ou want to ana"#2e.
Subset 3diting %&er&ie!
T'e Subset *ditor too" "ets #ou de)ine a subset )or an# di&ension to "i&it t'e nu&ber o) e"e&ents used in a view.
%pening t,e Subset 3ditor
=ou can o-en a Subset *ditor )ro& a Webs'eet or Cube (iewer.
(uilding a Simple Subset
Use t'e Subset *ditor si&-"e &ode to c'ange t'e e"e&ents in a subset: and to view t'ose e"e&ents i&&ediate"#.
'isplaing t,e Ad&anced Subset 3ditor
I) #ou want to -er)or& advanced editing tas$s on a subset: #ou &ust use t'e advanced Subset *ditor instead o) t'e
si&-"e Subset *ditor.
Creating Custom Consolidations
W'en wor$ing wit' a view: #ou can create custo& conso"idations )ro& e+isting subsets or )ro& se"ected subset e"e&ents.
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7.1. Subset 3diting %&er&ie!
T'e Subset *ditor too" "ets #ou de)ine a subset )or an# di&ension to "i&it t'e nu&ber o) e"e&ents used in a view.
! di&ension can 'ave t'ousands o) e"e&ents. It is un"i$e"#: 'owever: t'at an# view wi"" reBuire a"" e"e&ents )ro& a""
di&ensions. In &ost cases: #ou s'ou"d "i&it t'e e"e&ents used in a view to t'ose t'at are reBuired )or a s-eci)ic ana"#sis o)
#our data.
3or best resu"ts: "i&it t'e nu&ber o) e"e&ents t'at a--ear as tit"e e"e&ents. T'at wa#: i) #ou view t'e data over s"ower
Internet connections: #our data dis-"a#s &ore e))icient"#.
Subset 3ditor Tpes
=ou can run t'e Subset *ditor in two &odesF
'namic &ersus Static Subsets
W'en #ou o-en a d#na&ic subset in TM1 Web: a warning &essage dis-"a#s in)or&ing #ou t'at t'e d#na&ic subset wi"" be
converted into a static subsetF HT'is Subset was created using an e+-ression. Modi)#ing t'is subset wi"" de"ete t'e
e+-ression and convert t'e subset into a static subset.H
)arent topic. *diting Subsets in TM1 Web
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7.1.1. Subset 3ditor Tpes
=ou can run t'e Subset *ditor in two &odesF
Simple < 6ets #ou "i&it t'e nu&ber o) e"e&ents in a subset.
Ad&anced < 6ets #ou -er)or& advanced tas$s suc' as )i"tering and sorting e"e&ents. 3or detai"s: see Dis-"a#ing t'e
!dvanced Subset *ditor.
)arent topic. Subset *diting Overview
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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7.1.$. 'namic &ersus Static Subsets
W'en #ou o-en a d#na&ic subset in TM1D Web: a warning &essage dis-"a#s in)or&ing #ou t'at t'e d#na&ic subset wi"" be
converted into a static subsetF HT'is Subset was created using an e+-ression. Modi)#ing t'is subset wi"" de"ete t'e e+-ression
and convert t'e subset into a static subset.H
!)ter #ou &a$e c'anges to t'e subset: and save t'e subset: TM1 Web re-"aces t'e d#na&ic subset wit' a static subset.
To edit a d#na&ic subset wit'out converting it to a static subset: use t'e Server *+-"orer Subset *ditor.
)arent topic. Subset *diting Overview
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7.$. %pening t,e Subset 3ditor
=ou can o-en a Subset *ditor )ro& a Webs'eet or Cube (iewer.
3ro& a Webs'eet: c"ic$ %pen Subset 3ditor at t'e )ar rig't end o) a tit"e di&ension. 1.
3ro& a Cube (iewer: c"ic$ %pen Subset 3ditor at t'e )ar rig't end o) a subset. 2.
)arent topic. *diting Subsets in TM1 Web
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7.1. (uilding a Simple Subset
Use t'e Subset *ditor si&-"e &ode to c'ange t'e e"e&ents in a subset: and to view t'ose e"e&ents i&&ediate"#.
C"ic$ %pen Subset 3ditor ne+t to an# di&ension.
T'e si&-"e Subset *ditor o-ens.
T'e )o""owing buttons are avai"ab"e in t'e Subset *ditor.
(utton -ame )osition
Subset !"" Dis-"a#s a"" e"e&ents in t'e di&ension. T'e "ist o)
a"" e"e&ents in a di&ension is $nown as t'e !""
>ee- Se"ected
Dis-"a#s on"# t'e e"e&ents t'at #ou se"ect: and
re&oves a"" ot'er e"e&ents )ro& t'e current
subset. .owever: t'e re&oved e"e&ents sti"" e+ist
in t'e di&ension.
De"ete Se"ected
/e&oves t'e e"e&ents t'at #ou se"ect )ro& t'e
current subset.
3ind in Subset *nab"es #ou to searc' )or e"e&ents in t'e current
subset based on t'e searc' te+t t'at #ou enter.
Subset Dis-"a#s a "ist o) subsets: and dis-"a#s t'e subset
t'at #ou se"ect wit' e"e&ents o) t'at subset.
In t'e Subset "ist: do one o) t'e )o""owingF
Se"ect a na&ed subset.
C"ic$ Subset All to view a"" e"e&ents in t'e di&ension.
T'e e"e&ents t'at are &e&bers o) t'e se"ected subset are dis-"a#ed.
Se"ect one or &ore e"e&ents: and c"ic$ :eep Selected 3lementDsE .
T'e e"e&ents t'at #ou se"ected re&ain in t'e "ist: a"" ot'er e"e&ents are re&oved.
Se"ect one or &ore e"e&ents: and c"ic$ 'elete Selected 3lementDsE to re&ove e"e&ents )ro& t'e "ist. %.
To searc' )or e"e&ents in t'e current subset: c"ic$ Find in Subset and t#-e #our searc' -'rase. 3or detai"s on using
3ind in Subset: see 3inding *"e&ents.
C"ic$ %:. 0.
=our view is u-dated to inc"ude on"# t'e e"e&ents t'at #ou se"ected in #our subset.
)arent topic. *diting Subsets in TM1 Web
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7.2. 'isplaing t,e Ad&anced Subset 3ditor
I) #ou want to -er)or& advanced editing tas$s on a subset: #ou &ust use t'e advanced Subset *ditor instead o) t'e si&-"e
Subset *ditor.
C"ic$ Subset 3ditor ne+t to an# di&ension.
T'e si&-"e Subset *ditor o-ens.
C"ic$ Ad&anced at t'e botto& o) t'e si&-"e Subset *ditor. 2.
T'e advanced Subset *ditor contains two -anes.
A&ailable 3lements E"e)t -aneG < Dis-"a#s a"" t'e e"e&ents t'at are avai"ab"e to be added to #our subset.
Subset Erig't -aneG < Dis-"a#s on"# t'e actua" &e&bers o) t'e subset. W'en #ou save a subset: on"# t'e e"e&ents in t'e
Subset -ane are saved to t'e subset.
Using t,e Ad&anced Subset 3ditor Toolbar
T'e editing tas$s avai"ab"e in t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor are accessed )ro& its too"bar buttons.
Mo&ing 3lements
=ou can &ove e"e&ents )ro& t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane to t'e Subset -ane using a drag<and<dro- o-eration.
Mo&ing Consolidations
=ou can &ove a conso"idation )ro& t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane to t'e Subset -ane using a drag<and<dro- o-eration.
:eeping 3lements
=ou can reduce t'e "ist o) e"e&ents in t'e Subset -ane to on"# t'ose e"e&ents #ou want to $ee- in #our subset.
'eleting 3lements
=ou can re&ove se"ected e"e&ents )ro& t'e Subset -ane.
Filtering 3lements
=ou can )i"ter e"e&ents in eit'er t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane or Subset -ane.
Finding 3lements
=ou can searc' )or e"e&ents in eit'er t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane or Subset -ane b# using t'e 3ind in Subset too"bar.
Sorting 3lements
=ou can sort a"" e"e&ents in eit'er t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane or Subset -ane.
35panding and Collapsing Consolidations
=ou can e+-and a conso"idation in t'e Subset *ditor to dis-"a# t'e i&&ediate c'i"dren or a"" descendents o) t'e
Inserting )arents
=ou can insert t'e i&&ediate -arent o) a se"ected e"e&ent direct"# above t'at e"e&ent in t'e Subset *ditor.
)arent topic. *diting Subsets in TM1 Web
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7.2.1. Using t,e Ad&anced Subset 3ditor Toolbar
T'e editing tas$s avai"ab"e in t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor are accessed )ro& its too"bar buttons.
T'e )o""owing tab"e describes t'e Subset *ditor too"bar buttonsF
(utton -ame 'escription
Save Subset Saves on"# t'e e"e&ents t'at a--ear in t'e Subset "ist to t'e
Save Subset !s Saves on"# t'e e"e&ents t'at a--ear in t'e Subset "ist to t'e
subset wit' a di))erent na&e.
/e"oad Subset /e"oads t'e origina" subset.
Subset !"" Dis-"a#s a"" t'e e"e&ents in t'e -arent di&ension.
Cut: Co-# and Paste Cuts: co-ies: and -astes t'e se"ected e"e&ents o) a subset.
>ee- Se"ected *"e&ents >ee-s e"e&ents t'at #ou se"ect )or t'e subset.
De"ete Se"ected *"e&ents /e&oves e"e&ents t'at #ou se"ect )ro& t'e subset.
3i"ter Subset !""ows #ou to se"ect a grou- o) e"e&ents in a subset t'at 'ave
re"ated c'aracteristics. =ou can )i"ter e"e&ents in t'ese wa#sF
3i"ter b# 6eve"
3i"ter b# !ttribute
3i"ter b# *+-ression
Sort Subset 6ets #ou sort a subset in severa" wa#sF
Sort !scending
Sort Descending
Sort .ierarc'ica""#
Sort b# Inde+ !scending
Sort b# Inde+ Descending
Tree *+-and *+-ands t'e tree in severa" wa#sF
Dri"" Down Se"ected Conso"idations < *+-ands t'e se"ected
conso"idation one "eve".
*+-and Se"ected Conso"idations < *+-ands t'e se"ected
conso"idation: s'owing a"" descendents.
*+-and Tree 3u""# < *+-ands t'e entire 'ierarc'#: s'owing a""
c'i"dren o) a"" -arents.
Tree Co""a-se Co""a-ses t'e tree in two wa#sF
Co""a-se Se"ected Conso"idations < Co""a-ses t'e e+-anded
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(utton -ame 'escription
conso"idation: 'iding a"" descendents.
Co""a-se Tree 3u""# < Co""a-ses t'e entire 'ierarc'#.
Insert Parents o) Se"ected
Inserts t'e -arent o) t'e se"ected e"e&ent i&&ediate"# above
t'at e"e&ent in t'e 'ierarc'# tree.
*+-and !bove Dis-"a#s conso"idations at t'e botto& o) t'e "ist o) c'i"dren: in
bot' t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents and Subset "ists. T'e c'i"dren o) t'e
conso"idation e+-and above t'e conso"idation.
Create Custo&
!""ows #ou to bui"d conso"idated e"e&ents on t'e )"# w'en
wor$ing wit' a view.
3or detai"s: see Creating Custo& Conso"idations.
3ind in Subset *nab"es #ou to searc' )or e"e&ents in t'e current subset based
on t'e searc' te+t #ou enter.
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.2.$. Mo&ing 3lements
=ou can &ove e"e&ents )ro& t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane to t'e Subset -ane using a drag<and<dro- o-eration.
In t'is e+a&-"e: i) #ou c"ic$ Ot'er /evenue in t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane: #ou cou"d drag t'e e"e&ent to beneat' Sa"es in
t'e Subset -ane.
T'e "ine beneat' t'e Sa"es e"e&ent indicates t'at t'e Ot'er /evenue e"e&ent wi"" a--ear beneat' Sa"es.
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.2.1. Mo&ing Consolidations
=ou can &ove a conso"idation )ro& t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane to t'e Subset -ane using a drag<and<dro- o-eration.
W'en #ou &ove a conso"idated e"e&ent: t'e c'i"dren o) t'e conso"idation a"so &ove.
3or t'is e+a&-"e: su--ose #ou 'ave a conso"idation e"e&ent na&ed /evenue.
I) #ou se"ect /evenue: and drag it to t'e Subset -ane: a co""a-sed conso"idation is added to t'e Subset -ane.
I) #ou e+-and /evenue in t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane: and se"ect t'e conso"idation and its c'i"dren: #ou can drag t'e
conso"idation to t'e Subset -ane. T'e e+-anded conso"idation is added to t'e Subset -ane.
In bot' o) t'e above e+a&-"es: t'e /evenue conso"idation and its c'i"dren are added to t'e Subset "ist. .owever: t'e state o)
t'e conso"idation in t'e Subset "ist re)"ects t'e wa# t'e conso"idation dis-"a#s. In t'e )irst e+a&-"e: /evenue dis-"a#s as a
co""a-sed conso"idation. In t'e second e+a&-"e: /evenue dis-"a#s as an e+-anded conso"idation and its c'i"dren wi"" be
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.2.2. :eeping 3lements
=ou can reduce t'e "ist o) e"e&ents in t'e Subset -ane to on"# t'ose e"e&ents #ou want to $ee- in #our subset.
In t'is case a"" ot'er e"e&ents are re&oved )ro& t'e subset.
-ote. =ou can reduce t'e si2e o) t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents "ist to narrow #our searc' )or e"e&ents to add to #our subset: but
t'is 'as no e))ect on t'e e"e&ents in t'e Subset "ist.
Se"ect t'e e"e&ents t'at #ou want to $ee- in t'e Subset "ist. 1.
C"ic$ :eep Selected 3lementDsE .
On"# t'e e"e&ents t'at #ou se"ected to $ee- re&ain visib"e in t'e Subset "ist.
C"ic$ Sa&e Subset to save t'e subset. 3.
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.2.6. 'eleting 3lements
=ou can re&ove se"ected e"e&ents )ro& t'e Subset -ane.
Se"ect one or &ore e"e&ents in t'e Subset -ane. 1.
C"ic$ 'elete Selected 3lementDsE . 2.
T'e se"ected e"e&ents are re&oved )ro& t'e Subset -ane. T'e re&oved e"e&ents sti"" e+ist in t'e di&ension.
-ote. To dis-"a# a"" subset e"e&ents t'at #ou re&oved: c"ic$ Subset All .
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.2.7. Filtering 3lements
=ou can )i"ter e"e&ents in eit'er t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane or Subset -ane.
Use t'ese o-tionsF
Filter b Attribute < Dis-"a#s on"# t'e e"e&ents t'at &atc' an attribute t'at #ou s-eci)#.
Filter b /e&el < Dis-"a#s on"# t'e e"e&ents t'at &atc' a "eve" in t'e e"e&ent 'ierarc'#.
Filter b 35pression < Dis-"a#s on"# t'e e"e&ents t'at &atc' a -attern.
Filtering b Attribute
T'e Subset *ditor "ets #ou )i"ter e"e&ents b# attribute va"ue.
Filtering b /e&el
T'e Subset *ditor "ets #ou )i"ter e"e&ents so t'at on"# e"e&ents be"onging to one or &ore s-eci)ied 'ierarc'# "eve"s
Filtering b 35pression
T'e Subset *ditor "ets #ou )i"ter e"e&ents so t'at on"# e"e&ents &atc'ing a s-eci)ied searc' -attern re&ain.
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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100 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Filtering b Attribute
T'e Subset *ditor "ets #ou )i"ter e"e&ents b# attribute va"ue.
C"ic$ Filter Subset: and c"ic$ Filter b Attribute. 1.
In t'e Select Attribute "ist: se"ect an attribute. 2.
In t'e Select &alue to matc, "ist: se"ect a va"ue. 3.
C"ic$ %:. %.
!"" subset e"e&ents w'ose se"ected attribute &atc'es t'is va"ue re&ain in t'e e"e&ent "ist. !"" subset e"e&ents w'ose
se"ected attribute does not &atc' t'e va"ue are re&oved )ro& t'e e"e&ent "ist.
)arent topic. 3i"tering *"e&ents
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7.2.7.$. Filtering b /e&el
T'e Subset *ditor "ets #ou )i"ter e"e&ents so t'at on"# e"e&ents be"onging to one or &ore s-eci)ied 'ierarc'# "eve"s re&ain.
Consider t'e )o""owing e+a&-"e o) a t'ree<"eve" 'ierarc'#.
In t'is e+a&-"e: #ou start wit' t'e subset s'own in t'e )igure: and t'en e"i&inate a"" e"e&ents )ro& t'e subset e+ce-t t'ose
at 6eve" 1.
C"ic$ Filter Subset : and c"ic$ Filter b /e&el. 1.
C"ic$ a "eve" in t'e "ist: and c"ic$ %:.
3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou )i"tered b# /e&el 1: t'e )o""owing "eve" 1 subset e"e&ents re&ain in t'e Subset "istF
)arent topic. 3i"tering *"e&ents
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T'e Subset *ditor "ets #ou )i"ter e"e&ents so t'at on"# e"e&ents &atc'ing a s-eci)ied searc' -attern re&ain.
3or e+a&-"e: su--ose #ou 'ave t'e )o""owing "ist o) e"e&ents in eit'er t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane or Subset -ane.
Ot'er /evenue
Direct Cost
Ot'er Costs
an$ C'arges
oard o) Directors
*&-"o#ee /e"ations
Se&inars and Continuing *d.
Ta+es and 6icenses
O))ice *+-ense
Now su--ose #ou want to reduce t'is "ist to t'ose e"e&ents t'at contain t'e word IcostI.
C"ic$ Filter Subset and c"ic$ Filter b Wildcard. 1.
*nter a -attern o) a"-'anu&eric c'aracters in t'e 3nter 35pression bo+.
=ou can use t'e )o""owing two wi"dcard c'aracters in t'e 3nter 35pression bo+.
=uestion mar# DFE < P"ace'o"der )or a sing"e c'aracter
Asteris# DGE < P"ace'o"der )or one or &ore c'aracters
To iso"ate a"" e"e&ents w'ose na&es contain t'e string -attern cost: t#-e t'e e+-ression 'cost' in t'e dia"og bo+ t'at
C"ic$ %:. 3.
T'e e"e&ent "ist is tri&&ed to inc"ude on"# t'ose e"e&ents t'at &atc' t'e -attern.
)arent topic. 3i"tering *"e&ents
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7.2.8. Finding 3lements
=ou can searc' )or e"e&ents in eit'er t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane or Subset -ane b# using t'e 3ind in Subset too"bar.
T'is )eature -er)or&s a si&-"e te+t searc' )or e"e&ents t'at &atc' a s-e""ing -attern t'at #ou enter. T'is is es-ecia""# use)u"
w'en #ou want to )ind a s-eci)ic e"e&ent wit'in a "arge "ist o) e"e&ents.
-ote. T'e 3ind in Subset )eature does not su--ort wi"dcard c'aracters: suc' as t'e Buestion &ar$ ETG or asteris$ EUG: in #our
searc' te+t. Instead: an asteris$ EUG wi"dcard c'aracter is inserted at t'e beginning and end o) t'e s-e""ing -attern t'at #ou
enter so t'at it searc'es )or an# occurrence o) t'e -attern in t'e e"e&ent "ist.
3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou enter t'e s-e""ing -attern ost: t'is converts to UostU and &atc'es suc' as Cost and oston are )ound.
C"ic$ Find in Subset or -ress CT+/HF.
T'e 3ind in Subset too"bar o-ens in t'e Subset *ditor.
T#-e a s-e""ing -attern in t'e searc' bo+.
! s-e""ing -attern can inc"ude one or &ore a"-'anu&eric c'aracters: but s'ou"d not inc"ude wi"dcard c'aracters as
described above.
T'e "ist o) e"e&ents is searc'ed as #ou t#-e a s-e""ing -attern.
I) one or &ore &atc'ing e"e&ents are )ound: t'e )irst &atc'ing e"e&ent is "ocated and 'ig'"ig'ted in t'e "ist.
I) a &atc'ing e"e&ent is not )ound: t'e searc' bo+ te&-orari"# dis-"a#s a red bac$ground.
=ou can a"so start #our searc' at an# "ocation wit'in t'e e"e&ent "ist b# c"ic$ing on an e"e&ent in t'at section o) t'e "ist.
T'e searc' begins )ro& t'is new start -oint w'en #ou continue #our searc'.
C"ic$ Find -e5t or Find )re&ious to navigate t'roug' t'e e"e&ent "ist w'en &ore t'an one &atc'ing e"e&ent is )ound.
=ou can a"so use t'e )o""owing $e#board co&&ands to navigateF
Press F1 or -ress 3-T3+ to )ind t'e ne+t &atc'ing e"e&ent.
Press S*IFTHF1 or -ress S*IFTH3-T3+ to )ind t'e -revious e"e&ent.
I) a ne+t or -revious &atc'ing e"e&ent is not )ound: t'e searc' bo+ te&-orari"# dis-"a#s a red bac$ground: and t'e
searc' c#c"es t'roug' t'e "ist again.
C"ic$ Close t,e Findbar to c"ose t'e Find in Subset too"bar. %.
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.2.9. Sorting 3lements
=ou can sort a"" e"e&ents in eit'er t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane or Subset -ane.
To sort subset e"e&ents: c"ic$ Sort Subset and se"ect a sort o-tion.
Sort %ption Sort %rder
Sort !scending !scending order )ro& ! to J: ?<9.
Sort Descending Descending order )ro& J to !: 9<?.
Sort .ierarc'ica""# !"" c'i"dren a--ear beneat' t'eir -arents.
Sort b# Inde+ !scending Di&ension inde+: starting at 1.
Sort b# Inde+ Descending Di&ension inde+: starting at t'e 'ig'est inde+ in t'e di&ension.
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.2.?. 35panding and Collapsing Consolidations
=ou can e+-and a conso"idation in t'e Subset *ditor to dis-"a# t'e i&&ediate c'i"dren or a"" descendents o) t'e conso"idation.
=ou can a--"# t'e )o""owing -rocedures to e"e&ents in eit'er t'e !vai"ab"e *"e&ents -ane or t'e Subset -ane o) t'e Subset
35panding a Consolidation
=ou can e+-and a conso"idation.
Collapsing a Consolidation
=ou can co""a-se e+-anded conso"idations using eit'er a se"ected conso"idation or #ou can c"ose a"" e+-anded
conso"idations in t'e subset.
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.2.?.1. 35panding a Consolidation
=ou can e+-and a conso"idation.
Se"ect t'e conso"idations #ou want to e+-and. 1.
C"ic$ Tree 35pand . 2.
Se"ect one o) t'e )o""owingF
C"ic$ 'rill 'o!n Selected Consolidations to view t'e i&&ediate c'i"dren o) a conso"idation. T'e )o""owing )igure
s'ows t'e resu"t o) dri""ing down on t'e Tota" usiness Unit conso"idation.
C"ic$ 35pand Selected Consolidations to view a"" descendents o) a conso"idation. T'e )o""owing )igure s'ows t'e
resu"t o) e+-anding t'e Tota" usiness Unit conso"idation.
C"ic$ 35pand Tree Full to view a"" descendents o) a"" -arents in t'e di&ension 'ierarc'#.
)arent topic. *+-anding and Co""a-sing Conso"idations
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7.2.?.$. Collapsing a Consolidation
=ou can co""a-se e+-anded conso"idations using eit'er a se"ected conso"idation or #ou can c"ose a"" e+-anded conso"idations
in t'e subset.
Se"ect t'e e+-anded conso"idations #ou want to co""a-se. 1.
C"ic$ Tree Collapse . 2.
C"ic$ Collapse Selected Consolidations.
-ote. To c"ose a"" e+-anded conso"idations in t'e subset: c"ic$ Tree Collapse: and c"ic$ Collapse Tree Full.
)arent topic. *+-anding and Co""a-sing Conso"idations
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7.2.10. Inserting )arents
=ou can insert t'e i&&ediate -arent o) a se"ected e"e&ent direct"# above t'at e"e&ent in t'e Subset *ditor.
3or e+a&-"e: consider t'e )o""owing e+a&-"e s'owing severa" "ea) e"e&ents.
I) #ou se"ect a"" e"e&ents: and c"ic$ Insert )arents of Selected 3lements : t'e i&&ediate -arents o) a"" se"ected
e"e&ents are inserted: as s'own in t'e )o""owing e+a&-"e.
)arent topic. Dis-"a#ing t'e !dvanced Subset *ditor
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7.6. Creating Custom Consolidations
W'en wor$ing wit' a view: #ou can create custo& conso"idations )ro& e+isting subsets or )ro& se"ected subset e"e&ents.
Creating a Custom Consolidation from an 35isting Subset
=ou can create a custo& conso"idation b# inserting an e+isting subset into t'e current subset.
Creating a Custom Consolidation from Selected 3lements
=ou can create a custo& conso"idation )ro& se"ected e"e&ents in t'e Subset *ditor.
)arent topic. *diting Subsets in TM1 Web
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7.6.1. Creating a Custom Consolidation from an 35isting Subset
=ou can create a custo& conso"idation b# inserting an e+isting subset into t'e current subset.
T'e e+isting subset t'en beco&es a custo& conso"idation wit'in t'e current subset.
O-en t'e Subset 3ditor )or a di&ension. 1.
In t'e si&-"e Subset 3ditor window: c"ic$ Ad&anced to o-en t'e advanced Subset 3ditor. 2.
De)ine a subset in t'e Subset -ane. 3.
C"ic$ Create Custom Consolidation and c"ic$ Create Consolidation from Subset. %.
Se"ect t'e e+isting subset t'at #ou want to insert into t'e current subset as a custo& conso"idation.
T'e se"ected subset is inserted into t'e current subset as a custo& conso"idation.
I) necessar#: c"ic$ Sa&e Subset or Sa&e Subset As to save t'e current subset. 0.
C"ic$ %:. 1.
T'e subset wit' t'e new custo& conso"idation o-ens.
)arent topic. Creating Custo& Conso"idations
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7.6.$. Creating a Custom Consolidation from Selected 3lements
=ou can create a custo& conso"idation )ro& se"ected e"e&ents in t'e Subset *ditor.
O-en t'e Subset 3ditor )or a di&ension. 1.
In t'e si&-"e Subset 3ditor window: c"ic$ Ad&anced to o-en t'e advanced Subset 3ditor. 2.
In t'e Subset -ane: se"ect t'e e"e&ents t'at #ou want to inc"ude in t'e custo& conso"idation. 3.
C"ic$ Create Custom Consolidation: and c"ic$ Create Consolidation from Selected 3lements.
=ou 'ave now created a custo& conso"idation t'at contains t'e e"e&ents t'at #ou se"ected in ste- 2.
T'e custo& conso"idation t'e na&e I+%//U)J C is assigned: w'ere C starts at 2ero and increases b# one )or eac'
custo& conso"idation t'at #ou create during a server session.
C"ic$ %: to view t'e new custo& conso"idation. ,.
)arent topic. Creating Custo& Conso"idations
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8. Writebac# Modes and Sandbo5es
IMD CognosD TM1D o))ers di))erent wa#s to wor$ wit' data c'anges.
T'e Writebac$ &ode in co&bination wit' t'e t#-e o) Sandbo+ deter&ines 'ow c'anges to t'e server data are &anaged.
T'ese di))erent o-tions a""ow t'e ad&inistrator to &i+ and &atc' a variet# o) ca-abi"ities so t'at ever# insta""ation and ever#
usergrou- can wor$ in t'e wa# t'at is best )or t'e&. TM1 a"so o))ers @ob 8ueuing to &ore e))icient"# -rocess data c'ange
sub&issions to t'e server.
I) #ou do not understand TM1 sandbo+es: see Using a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+es )or co&-"ete detai"s.
Writebac# Modes
In IM Cognos TM1 #ou can 'o"d c'anges in a -rivate area so t'at #ou can decide &anua""# w'en to write t'e data
c'anges bac$ to t'e server and t'ereb# &a$e #our c'anges avai"ab"e to ot'ers. T'is -rivate area is ca""ed a Persona"
Wor$s-ace or a sandbo+: de-ending on t'e e+tent o) its ca-abi"ities. W'en #ou co&&it t'e data c'anges t'at were in
#our -rivate area to t'e base data: t'e c'anged va"ues are written to t'e server.
Understanding different toolbar options
=ou can deter&ine 'ow #our usergrou- is designed to o-erate based on t'e o-tions -resented on t'e too"bar. 3or
e+a&-"e: i) #ou 'ave Sandbo+ granted: #ou 'ave access to t'e Create and De"ete Sandbo+ o-tions. W'en #ou do not see
a sandbo+ "ist: #ou 'ave Persona" Wor$s-ace Writebac$ Mode.
Using a )ersonal Wor#space or Sandbo5es
It is 'e"-)u" to understand 'ow IM Cognos TM1 i&-"e&ents t'e sandbo+ conce-t. T'is section describes sandbo+es and
Persona" Wor$s-aceIs in detai".
Kob =ueuing
To &a+i&i2e -rocessing s-eed and reduce Htra))ic Aa&sH w'en writing bac$ data: Persona" Wor$s-ace and Sandbo+
sub&issions can be -rocessed using a Aob Bueue.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.1. Writebac# Modes
In IMD CognosD TM1D #ou can 'o"d c'anges in a -rivate area so t'at #ou can decide &anua""# w'en to write t'e data
c'anges bac$ to t'e server and t'ereb# &a$e #our c'anges avai"ab"e to ot'ers. T'is -rivate area is ca""ed a Persona"
Wor$s-ace or a sandbo+: de-ending on t'e e+tent o) its ca-abi"ities. W'en #ou co&&it t'e data c'anges t'at were in #our
-rivate area to t'e base data: t'e c'anged va"ues are written to t'e server.
I) #ou -re)er to wor$ direct"# wit' t'e base data wit'out a -rivate wor$s-ace: #ou can c'oose a direct writebac$ &et'od.
!not'er o-tion #our ad&inistrator can o))er is t'e abi"it# to na&e and store data c'anges in a na&ed sandbo+.
W'en #ou wor$ in a sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace: TM1 uses a c'ange in ce"" co"oring to re&ind #ou w'en #our data is not
#et &erged wit' t'e base. Once #ou co&&it t'e sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace: t'e ce"" co"or is restored to b"ac$. See
Understanding ce"" co"oring )or c'anged data va"ues )or &ore in)or&ation.
=our !d&inistrator assigns t'e ca-abi"ities )or eac' usergrou-. Since #ou cou"d be a &e&ber o) &ore t'an one grou-: #our
wor$ s-ace o-tions can be di))erent de-ending on #our "ogin: t'e c"ient #ou use: and t'e co&bination o) settings. On"#
!d&inistrators 'ave access to t'e Ca-abi"it# !ssign&ents.
!s$ #our ad&inistrator )or detai"s about 'ow #our s#ste& is designed to o-erate. See Understanding di))erent too"bar o-tions
to "earn 'ow to deter&ine #our writebac$ &ode and sandbo+ setting using t'e too"bar. See t'e IM Cognos TM1 Operation
Guide )or detai"s about Ca-abi"it# !ssign&ents.
Setting t,e !ritebac# mode
T'e Writebac$ Mode Ca-abi"it# deter&ines 'ow data is write bac$ to t'e server. Writebac$ &ode is deter&ined b#
w'et'er a user 'as t'e Persona" Wor$s-ace ca-abi"it# on or o)).
)arent topic. Writebac$ Modes and Sandbo+es
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.1.1. Setting t,e !ritebac# mode
T'e Writebac$ Mode Ca-abi"it# deter&ines 'ow data is write bac$ to t'e server. Writebac$ &ode is deter&ined b# w'et'er a
user 'as t'e Persona" Wor$s-ace ca-abi"it# on or o)).
'escription )ersonal Wor#space
C'anges are &ade direct"# to t'e base. O))
C'anges are 'e"d in a te&-orar# area and are &anua""# written to t'e base using t'e Co&&it
button or o-tion. Ce"" co"oring c'anges w'en data is c'anged but not #et co&&itted. =ou can
-rocess using t'e @ob 8ueue.
T'e Sandbo+ Ca-abi"it# deter&ines i) #ou can na&e sandbo+es or i) #ou 'ave one de)au"t sandbo+F
'escription Sandbo5
=ou can na&e t'e sandbo+ and &anage &u"ti-"e sandbo+es. On
On"# one de)au"t sandbo+ is avai"ab"e. O))
T'e co&bination o) t'ese settings deter&ines 'ow #our data c'anges are stored and -rocessed.
3or e+a&-"e: #our usergrou- &a# o))er direct writebac$ wit' na&ed sandbo+es. T'is is t'e de)au"t wor$ design used b#
TM1D . It &eans #ou do not 'ave a Persona" Wor$s-ace Einstead #ou 'ave direct writebac$ to t'e serverG: but #ou a"so 'ave
t'e o-tion o) na&ing a set o) c'anges and &anua""# sub&itting t'e&. Wit' t'is setting: w'en #ou )irst o-en a view: #ou are
in t'e base and an# c'anges #ou &a$e are written direct"# to t'e base. ut: i) #ou decide to save #our c'anges in a na&ed
sandbo+: #ou can use t'e Co&&it button w'en #ou are read# to &anua""# send t'ose c'anges to u-date t'e base.
Consider t'e case w'ere #ou usua""# want to send t'e data direct"# to t'e server. T'en #ou 'ave a set o) c'anges t'at #ou
want to gat'er in a grou- be)ore #ou u-date t'e server. =ou can use t'e Create Sandbo+ o-tions to save t'e current data
c'anges in a -rivate sandbo+ ca""ed Best Case. W'en #ou are in t'e est Case sandbo+: #ou need to use Co&&it to send t'e
c'anges to t'e base and &a$e t'e c'anges avai"ab"e to ot'ers. !)ter est Case is co&&itted: t'ose c'anges &erge wit' t'e
base so ot'ers can see t'e c'anges and #ou are now in t'e new"# u-dated base. I) #ou are wor$ing in a sandbo+: it is
i&-ortant to re&e&ber t'at #ou &ust &anua""# Co&&it t'e sandbo+ )or ot'ers to see #our c'anges. e sure #ou are read#
to &a$e t'ose c'anges -ub"ic and t'at t'ose c'anges s'ou"d be &erged into t'e base.
I) #ou &ove bac$ to t'e base: #ou are bac$ to using direct writebac$. T'is setting o))ers a great dea" o) )"e+ibi"it#. Users wit'
t'is setting need to re&e&ber w'en t'e# are u-dating t'e base and w'en t'e Co&&it button is needed to &a$e c'anges
avai"ab"e to ot'ers.
Or: #our ad&inistrator &a# decide t'at #ou wou"d "i$e t'e )"e+ibi"it# to wor$ in a Persona" Wor$s-ace writebac$ &ode: but
#ou do not want t'e co&-"e+it# o) creating na&ed sandbo+es. In t'is case: #our !d&inistrator can grant #ou t'e Persona"
Wor$s-ace writebac$ &ode but den# t'e Sandbo+ ca-abi"it#.
)arent topic. Writebac$ Modes
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.$. Understanding different toolbar options
=ou can deter&ine 'ow #our usergrou- is designed to o-erate based on t'e o-tions -resented on t'e too"bar. 3or e+a&-"e: i)
#ou 'ave Sandbo+ granted: #ou 'ave access to t'e Create and De"ete Sandbo+ o-tions. W'en #ou do not see a sandbo+ "ist:
#ou 'ave Persona" Wor$s-ace Writebac$ Mode.
Using direct !ritebac# and named sandbo5es
# de)au"t: IM Cognos TM1 is set to use a direct writebac$ wit' na&ed sandbo+es. =our !d&inistrator &a# 'ave set
#our wor$ o-tions to so&et'ing di))erent.
Using a )ersonal Wor#space and named sandbo5es
T'e Persona" Wor$s-ace -rovides a -rivate wor$ area w'ere users can eva"uate data c'anges be)ore co&&itting t'e
c'anges to t'e base. Once data is co&&itted: it is &erged wit' t'e base and beco&es avai"ab"e to ot'er users.
)ersonal Wor#space !it,out named sandbo5es
I) #ou 'ave access to a Persona" Wor$s-ace but do not 'ave t'e abi"it# to na&e a sandbo+: #ou do not see t'e Create
and De"ete Sandbo+ buttons and t'ere is no area to "ist sandbo+es since #ou a"wa#s wor$ in t'e sa&e Eand sing"eG
Persona" Wor$s-ace.
'irect !ritebac# !it,out sandbo5es
T'is is t'e c"assic: direct writebac$ &ode )or IM Cognos TM1 . In t'is &ode #ou do not 'ave access to na&ed sandbo+es
or a Persona" Wor$s-ace. =ou do not 'ave access to t'e Co&&it or /eset Data buttons: or 'ave t'e abi"it# to use @ob
8ueuing. Data c'anges are not identi)ied b# co"or c'anges in t'is o-tion. Data c'anges in t'is &ode i&&ediate"# u-date
t'e server.
)arent topic. Writebac$ Modes and Sandbo+es
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.$.1. Using direct !ritebac# and named sandbo5es
# de)au"t: IMD CognosD TM1D is set to use a direct writebac$ wit' na&ed sandbo+es. =our !d&inistrator &a# 'ave set
#our wor$ o-tions to so&et'ing di))erent.
<ou !ant to )ersonal Wor#space
.ave data c'anges u-date t'e server i&&ediate"#. Occasiona""#: #ou want to
save a set o) c'anges and na&e t'e& be)ore co&&itting t'e& to t'e server.
O)) On
W'en #ou 'ave direct writebac$ and na&ed sandbo+es t'e too"bar starts out wit' t'e Co&&it and reset Data buttons
gra#ed: t'e Sandbo+ button avai"ab"e: and t'e sandbo+ "ist area dis-"a#s VaseWF
T'e Sandbo+ button indicates t'at #ou can create and de"ete sandbo+es. T'e Co&&it button is gra#ed but is -resent because
t'ere is not'ing to co&&it #et. I) #ou &ade a data c'ange and decided to save it in a na&ed sandbo+: Co&&it and /eset
Data wou"d beco&e avai"ab"e. Ce"" co"oring wou"d on"# c'ange w'en #ou na&ed a sandbo+. Unti" #ou na&e a sandbo+: #ou
are o-erating in t'e base.
I) @ob 8ueuing is turned on: sub&itting t'e sandbo+ to t'e server is subAect to Bueue -rocessing be)ore t'e data c'anges are
)arent topic. Understanding di))erent too"bar o-tions
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8.$.$. Using a )ersonal Wor#space and named sandbo5es
T'e Persona" Wor$s-ace -rovides a -rivate wor$ area w'ere users can eva"uate data c'anges be)ore co&&itting t'e c'anges
to t'e base. Once data is co&&itted: it is &erged wit' t'e base and beco&es avai"ab"e to ot'er users.
Using a Persona" Wor$s-ace t#-ica""# o))ers a -er)or&ance i&-rove&ent over Direct Writebac$ as users can eva"uate t'eir
data c'anges be)ore &a$ing a Co&&it: so in &ost cases t'ere is "ess server -rocessing. W'en @ob 8ueuing is turned on:
#our Persona" Wor$s-ace is subAect to -rocessing in t'e Bueue be)ore co&&itted c'anges are &erged wit' t'e base.
In Persona" Wor$s-ace: #ou begin wit' t'e base data. !s #ou &a$e data entr# c'anges: t'e content t'at c'anges: inc"uding
de-endent ce""s suc' as conso"idations or ru"e<generated va"ues: c'ange co"or to b"ue to re&ind #ou t'at t'ese c'anges 'ave
not #et been &erged wit' t'e base &ode". W'en #ou Co&&it t'e Persona" Wor$s-ace and -rocessing is co&-"ete: t'e co"or
c'anges bac$ to b"ac$ and #ou are once again wor$ing on t'e ase. See Understanding ce"" co"oring )or c'anged data va"ues.
W'en #ou 'ave Persona" Wor$s-ace granted and t'e abi"it# to na&e sandbo+es a"so granted: t'e starting -oint )or sandbo+
data is identi)ied in t'e too"bar as VDe)au"tW.
=ou 'ave access to t'e Co&&it and /eset Data buttons w'en #ou wor$ in Persona" Wor$s-ace.
<ou !ant to )ersonal Wor#space
!"wa#s wor$ in a -rivate area and decide w'en to co&&it #our c'anges to
t'e server &anua""#. Occasiona""#: #ou want to save a set o) c'anges and
na&e t'e& so&et'ing suc' as Hest CaseH be)ore co&&itting t'e& to t'e
On On
W'en #ou 'ave Persona" Wor$s-ace and na&ed sandbo+es: t'e too"bar inc"udes Co&&it: /eset Data: Sandbo+ buttons and
t'e sandbo+ starting -oint is ca""ed VDe)au"tWF
=ou 'ave t'e Co&&it and /eset Data buttons because #ou are wor$ing in a Persona" Wor$s-ace. T'e VDe)au"tW sandbo+ is
t'e wa# to identi)# t'e starting sandbo+ unti" #ou na&e a sandbo+.
)arent topic. Understanding di))erent too"bar o-tions
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.$.1. )ersonal Wor#space !it,out named sandbo5es
I) #ou 'ave access to a Persona" Wor$s-ace but do not 'ave t'e abi"it# to na&e a sandbo+: #ou do not see t'e Create and
De"ete Sandbo+ buttons and t'ere is no area to "ist sandbo+es since #ou a"wa#s wor$ in t'e sa&e Eand sing"eG Persona"
<ou !ant to )ersonal Wor#space
!"wa#s wor$ in a -rivate area and decide w'en to co&&it #our c'anges
to t'e server &anua""#. =ou do not want to a""ow t'e na&ing o) &u"ti-"e
On O))
W'en #ou 'ave a Persona" Wor$s-ace but do not 'ave t'e abi"it# to create na&ed sandbo+es: t'e too"bar o))ers Co&&it and
/eset Data but no sandbo+ "isting areaF
Since #ou a"wa#s wor$ in t'e sa&e Persona" Wor$s-ace: t'ere are no sandbo+ na&es to "ist but #ou 'ave access to Co&&it
and /eset Data.
)arent topic. Understanding di))erent too"bar o-tions
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.$.2. 'irect !ritebac# !it,out sandbo5es
T'is is t'e c"assic: direct writebac$ &ode )or IMD CognosD TM1D . In t'is &ode #ou do not 'ave access to na&ed
sandbo+es or a Persona" Wor$s-ace. =ou do not 'ave access to t'e Co&&it or /eset Data buttons: or 'ave t'e abi"it# to use
@ob 8ueuing. Data c'anges are not identi)ied b# co"or c'anges in t'is o-tion. Data c'anges in t'is &ode i&&ediate"# u-date
t'e server.
To use direct writebac$ across t'e entire insta""ation: #ou can use t'e Disab"eSandbo+ingNT setting in t'e server
con)iguration )i"e. W'en sandbo+ing is disab"ed across t'e server wit' t'is con)iguration setting: t'e Ca-abi"it# !ssign&ents
are ignored.
<ou !ant to )ersonal Wor#space
.ave #our c'anges ta$e e))ect i&&ediate"# in t'e server. !""
c'anges are i&&ediate"# avai"ab"e to ot'er users.
O)) O))
T'e too"bar in t'is case does not 'ave an# o) t'e sandbo+ buttons: Co&&it: or /eset DataF
=ou 'ave no access to an# $ind o) sandbo+. T'e on"# wa# to ta$e bac$ data c'anges in t'is &ode is using Undo7/edo.
)arent topic. Understanding di))erent too"bar o-tions
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
120 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
8.1. Using a )ersonal Wor#space or Sandbo5es
It is 'e"-)u" to understand 'ow IMD CognosD TM1D i&-"e&ents t'e sandbo+ conce-t. T'is section describes sandbo+es
and Persona" Wor$s-aceIs in detai".
T'e sandbo+ )eature "ets #ou create #our own -ersona" wor$s-ace or sandbox w'ere #ou can enter and store data va"ue
c'anges se-arate )ro& base data. ! sandbo+ is not a co-# o) t'e base data: but a se-arate over"a# or "a#er o) #our own data
va"ues t'at #ou 'ave entered on to- o) t'e base data. T'is distinction -rovides a signi)icant -er)or&ance i&-rove&ent and is
i&-ortant to understand as #ou &a$e c'anges to #our data.
Base data is t'e data t'at a"" users can access. !n# edits &ade to base data are written direct"# bac$ to t'e database.
Sandbox data is #our own -ersona" wor$ area w'ere #ou can edit t'e data va"ues as &an# ti&es as #ou want and $ee-
t'e c'anged data se-arate )ro& t'e base data. Sandbo+es and Persona" Wor$s-aceIs are -rivate to eac' user and cannot
be seen b# ot'er users. =our data va"ues are viewab"e to ot'ers on"# w'en #ou co&&it t'e& bac$ to t'e base data. !
Persona" Wor$s-ace is a s-ecia": de)au"t sandbo+ t'at is unna&ed and a"wa#s w'ere #ou wor$ i) t'at ca-abi"it# is turned
Sandbo+es are not stored on t'e c"ient. T'e# consist o) a se-arate and -rivate area o) t'e server. W'en #ou wor$ in a
sandbo+: t'in$ o) t'e base &ode" data s'ining t'roug' to t'e sandbo+. W'en #ou &a$e a c'ange to data in t'e sandbo+: it is
as i) t'e base &ode" data va"ue is te&-orari"# b"oc$ed b# t'e va"ue #ou entered in t'e sandbo+. In order to &a$e t'e base
&ode" ta$e on t'e va"ues in t'e sandbo+: #ou &ust Co&&it t'e sandbo+. Once t'e sandbo+ data va"ues are co&&itted: t'e#
are &erged wit' t'e base so t'at t'e c'anged va"ues t'en u-date and beco&e t'e base va"ues.
3eatures o) Sandbo+es and Persona" Wor$s-aceIs inc"udeF
Private data c'anges.
Sandbo+es and Persona" Wor$s-aceIs "et #ou tr# out di))erent c'anges to t'e data be)ore &a$ing t'ose c'anges -ub"ic to
ot'er users and be)ore co&&itting t'ose c'anges to t'e base data.
Ce"" Co"oring.
C'anges to ce"" va"ues in a sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace are identi)ied b# a c'ange in ce"" content co"ors. T'e ce""s
c'ange co"or to re&ind #ou t'at t'e c'ange 'as not #et been &erged to t'e base data. Once data is co&&itted and
-rocessing 'as co&-"eted: t'e ce"" co"oring turns to b"ac$ again.
Ce"" co"oring is a"so a--"ied to an# de-endent ce""s: suc' as conso"idated or ru"e ca"cu"ated ce""s: t'at #our edits a))ect.
3or detai"s: see Understanding ce"" co"oring )or c'anged data va"ues.
Sandbo+ and Persona" Wor$s-ace sub&issions can be -rocessed using @ob 8ueuing so Aobs waiting )or resources do not
'o"d u- Aobs t'at can be -rocessed rig't awa#. T'e @ob 8ueue a"so a""ows #ou to cance" a sub&ission. See Cance"ing a
Aob in t'e Bueue.
Manua" Co&&it.
W'en wor$ing in a sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace: t'e Co&&it button beco&es avai"ab"e so #ou can decide w'en to
co&&it c'anges to t'e base. W'en #ou co&&it t'e data: #our c'anges beco&e avai"ab"e to ot'er users.
/eset Data.
In a sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace: t'e /eset Data button beco&es avai"ab"e and "ets #ou return to t'e status o) #our
sandbo+ since t'e "ast ti&e it was co&&itted.
Na&ed sandbo+es "et #ou create Hon<t'e<)"#: w'at<i) Scenarios.H
De-ending on #our con)iguration settings: #ou can na&e &u"ti-"e sandbo+es: suc' as Hest CaseH or HWorst CaseH and
t'en co&-are t'e i&-act o) #our edits b# switc'ing between t'e&.
+emember. =our ad&inistrator &a# 'ave disab"ed sandbo+es )or #our environ&ent or 'ave c'anged t'e writebac$ &ode )or
#our usergrou-.
To wor$ in a sandbo+: #ou &ust )irst o-en a view and t'en eit'er create a new sandbo+ or se"ect an e+isting sandbo+. W'en
wor$ing in a sandbo+: t'e se"ected sandbo+ a--"ies to a"" t'e ot'er views in #our current user session.
'ata &alues for leaf and consolidated cells in a sandbo5
T'e data va"ues )or "ea) and conso"idated ce""s in a sandbo+ are ca"cu"ated.
+esetting data &alues in a sandbo5 or )ersonal Wor#space
/esetting a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+ or c"ears a"" t'e c'anged data va"ues t'at #ou 'ave entered u- to t'at -oint
and resets a"" t'e data va"ues bac$ to t'e current va"ues in t'e base data.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
121 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
Understanding cell coloring for c,anged data &alues
W'en #ou enter a new va"ue in a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+: a visua" indicator is a--"ied to t'e ce"" to re&ind #ou
t'at t'e new va"ue is di))erent )ro& t'e base va"ues. T'e co"or o) t'e data c'anges )ro& b"ac$ to eit'er b"ue or green: or
t'e a--earance o) t'e ce"" c'anges: de-ending on w'ic' TM1 co&-onent #ou are using. !n# de-endent ce""s: suc' as
conso"idated or ru"e ca"cu"ated ce""s: a"so c'ange in a--earance i) #our edits cause t'e& to be reca"cu"ated.
Committing c,anged data from a )ersonal Wor#space or sandbo5 to base
T'e Co&&it co&&and or button &erges a"" o) t'e c'anged data va"ues in #our Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+ to t'e
base data. =ou cannot use t'e undo co&&and to undo a co&&it action.
)arent topic. Writebac$ Modes and Sandbo+es
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8.1.1. 'ata &alues for leaf and consolidated cells in a sandbo5
T'e data va"ues )or "ea) and conso"idated ce""s in a sandbo+ are ca"cu"ated.
6ea) ce"" va"ues in a sandbo+ are a co&bination o) t'e va"ues in t'e base and sandbo+ ce""s. T'e user<entered va"ues in
sandbo+ "ea) ce""s over<ride t'e va"ues in t'e base. !n# "ea) ce"" t'at 'as not been c'anged in a sandbo+ sti"" s'ows t'e
base data.
Conso"idated ce""s in a sandbo+ contain va"ues t'at are t'e su& o) t'e "ea) ce""s dis-"a#ed in sandbo+.
)arent topic. Using a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+es
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8.1.$. +esetting data &alues in a sandbo5 or )ersonal Wor#space
/esetting a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+ or c"ears a"" t'e c'anged data va"ues t'at #ou 'ave entered u- to t'at -oint and
resets a"" t'e data va"ues bac$ to t'e current va"ues in t'e base data.
De-ending on w'ic' TM1D co&-onent #ou are usingF
In TM1 Web and Server *+-"orer 7 !rc'itect: c"ic$ t'e Sandbo+ "ist and se"ect +eset Sandbo5.
In TM1 Pers-ectives7Microso)t *+ce" : c"ic$ t'e /eset Sandbo+ button on t'e Sandbo+ too"bar.
!"" data va"ues in t'e sandbo+ are set to t'e current va"ues in t'e base data. !n# ce"" co"oring is c"eared and set to b"ac$.
)arent topic. Using a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+es
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.1.1. Understanding cell coloring for c,anged data &alues
W'en #ou enter a new va"ue in a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+: a visua" indicator is a--"ied to t'e ce"" to re&ind #ou t'at
t'e new va"ue is di))erent )ro& t'e base va"ues. T'e co"or o) t'e data c'anges )ro& b"ac$ to eit'er b"ue or green: or t'e
a--earance o) t'e ce"" c'anges: de-ending on w'ic' TM1D co&-onent #ou are using. !n# de-endent ce""s: suc' as
conso"idated or ru"e ca"cu"ated ce""s: a"so c'ange in a--earance i) #our edits cause t'e& to be reca"cu"ated.
T'e )o""owing tab"e su&&ari2es t'e ce"" co"oring t'at is a--"ied in t'e di))erent TM1 user inter)aces w'en #ou enter new data
va"ues in a sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace.
Cell Color TM1 Component Writebac# Mode
'irect )ersonal Wor#space or
"ac$ TM1 Pers-ectives 7
Microso)t *+ce"
Server *+-"orer
W'en #ou in-ut a new va"ue t'ere is no
co"or c'ange. !"" va"ues dis-"a# in b"ac$.
Co&&itted Persona" Wor$s-ace or
Sandbo+ data.
"ue None New"# in-ut data.
*dited ce""s: de-endent or
conso"idated ca""s: reca"cu"ated
6e)t botto& corner o)
ce"" dis-"a#s in b"ue
TM1 Pers-ectives 7
Microso)t *+ce"
None New"# in-ut data.
*dited ce""s: de-endent or
conso"idated ca""s: reca"cu"ated
5reen TM1 Web
Cubeviewer and
New va"ues New va"ues
)arent topic. Using a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+es
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.1.2. Committing c,anged data from a )ersonal Wor#space or sandbo5 to base
T'e Co&&it co&&and or button &erges a"" o) t'e c'anged data va"ues in #our Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+ to t'e base
data. =ou cannot use t'e undo co&&and to undo a co&&it action.
-ote. W'en #ou 'ave &u"ti-"e sandbo+es and co&&it one o) t'e& to base: t'e new base va"ues are auto&atica""# a--"ied to
a"" t'e unc'anged ce""s in #our ot'er sandbo+es. I) #ou entered new data va"ues in an# ot'er sandbo+: t'ose data va"ues
re&ain and do not s'ow t'e new va"ues t'at were co&&itted to t'e base data.
T'e )o""owing )igure s'ows an e+a&-"e o) co&&itting sandbo+ va"ues to t'e base data w'en #ou are wor$ing wit' &u"ti-"e
sandbo+es. In t'is )igure: t'e new va"ues in Sandbo+ 3 are co&&itted to base data and t'en t'e new base va"ues are a--"ied
to a"" t'e unc'anged ce""s in t'e ot'er sandbo+es. T'e )igure s'ows 'ow sandbo+ ce""s t'at contain c'anged data are not
De-ending on w'ic' TM1D co&-onent #ou are usingF
In TM1 Web and Server *+-"orer 7 !rc'itect: c"ic$ t'e Sandbo+ "ist and se"ect Commit Sandbo5.
In TM1 Pers-ectives7Microso)t *+ce": c"ic$ t'e Co&&it Sandbo+ button on t'e Sandbo+ too"bar.
TM1 -er)or&s t'e )o""owing actionsF
T'e c'anged data va"ues in t'e current sandbo+ are saved to t'e base data.
T'e ce"" co"oring )or an# c'anged data in t'e current sandbo+ is c"eared and set to b"ac$.
T'e new base data va"ues are a--"ied to a"" t'e unc'anged ce""s in #our ot'er sandbo+es.
W'en #ou 'ave &u"ti-"e sandbo+es: #ou can use t'e &enu bar -u""<down o-tions to create: de"ete and se"ect t'e
di))erent sandbo+es avai"ab"e to #ou. So&e inter)aces o))er a De"ete Sandbo+ button.
)arent topic. Using a Persona" Wor$s-ace or Sandbo+es
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.2. Kob =ueuing
To &a+i&i2e -rocessing s-eed and reduce Htra))ic Aa&sH w'en writing bac$ data: Persona" Wor$s-ace and Sandbo+
sub&issions can be -rocessed using a Aob Bueue.
To turn on Aob Bueuing: #our ad&inistrator sets t'e @ob8ueuingNT -ara&eter in t'e server con)iguration )i"e. I) t'is
-ara&eter is set to 3 or not -resent: Sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace sub&issions do not use a Aob Bueue. In Direct
Writebac$ &ode t'ere is no Aob Bueuing regard"ess o) t'is setting. IMD CognosD TM1D Contributor does not use t'e Aob
T'e bene)its o) using sub&ission Bueuing inc"udeF
Per)or&ance i&-rove&ents.
Use o) t'e Bueue -revents data t'at is waiting )or resources to 'o"d u- ot'er Aobs t'at are read# to -rocess.
Concurrent wor$.
T'e Bueue a""ows users to continue wor$ing on ot'er Aobs w'i"e waiting )or resources to be )reed u- on a -articu"ar Aob.
Trans-arenc# o) -rocessing.
T'e Bueue "ets users &onitor t'e activit# "eve" in t'e Bueue.
*))icient use o) -rocessing resources.
T'e Bueue a""ows users to cance" Aobs i) necessar#.
W'en t'e @ob 8ueue is enab"ed and a Persona" Wor$s-ace or sandbo+ is sub&itted using a Co&&it or Sub&it button: t'e
c'anged data enters t'e Bueue as a Aob and is -rocessed on"# w'en t'e resources needed to co&-"ete t'e ca"cu"ations
s-eci)ied b# t'e cubes beco&e avai"ab"e. I) ot'er sandbo+es or Persona" Wor$s-aceIs are sub&itted w'i"e t'e origina"
sandbo+ waits )or resources: t'e second sub&itted sandbo+ can -roceed wit'out waiting )or t'e )irst one to reso"ve its
W'en Aob Bueuing is enab"ed: t'e Aob Bueue button dis-"a#s on t'e too"bar. =ou can -ress t'is button to dis-"a# t'e
contents o) t'e Aob Bueue. =ou can use t'e @ob 8ueue and /e)res' buttons -roactive"# to see 'ow &an# Aobs are waiting to
be sub&itted or to &onitor t'e -rogress o) a -articu"ar sub&ission. !d&inistrators can see a"" t'e Aobs waiting to be
-rocessed in t'e Bueue. Users wit'out !d&in rig'ts see on"# t'eir own sandbo+ sub&issions.
8ueuing -rogress is based on w'et'er resources are avai"ab"e: not on t'e a&ount o) data being -rocessed. ! sub&ission
wit' a "arge a&ount o) data t'at reso"ves its resources wi"" be -rocessed be)ore a sub&ission wit' a s&a"" a&ount o) data
t'at needs a resource t'at is in contention.
In &an# cases sandbo+ sub&ission wi"" be instantaneous. !t ti&es o) 'ig' concurrent sub&issions: a user can dis-"a# t'e
Bueue and decide to cance" a Aob. Users can cance" on"# t'eir own Aobs. !d&inistrators can cance" an# Aob in t'e Bueue.
W'en #ou 'ave sub&itted a Persona" Wor$s-ace or sandbo+ to t'e Aob BueueF
In t'e data: an# c'anged ce""s re&ain b"ue. W'en t'e sandbo+ co&-"etes -rocessing: t'ose ce""s turn b"ac$.
I) #ou 'ave Sandbo+ turned on: #ou can create a new sandbo+ or se"ect an e+isting one and wor$ as usua": inc"uding
-er)or&ing a read: write: or sub&it. T'ose sub&issions wi"" a"so beco&e subAect to t'e Bueue. =ou can even create a new
sandbo+ based on t'e Bueued data and wor$ wit' t'ose va"ues in t'e new sandbo+ be)ore t'e Bueue -rocesses t'e
=ou can )ree"# Buer# an# data in or out o) a sandbo+ or Persona" Wor$s-ace: but i) #ou tr# to u-date t'e data: t'e
)o""owing &essage dis-"a#s so #ou can indicate #our intentionsF
You are attempting to perform Data Entry while previously committed data
changes reside in the queue. Click Yes to remove your submission
from the Queue and continue with data entry, or click No to defer
your current data entry until the system completes processing of your
currently queued job.
To re&ove #our sub&ission )ro& t'e Bueue and retain t'e data c'anges #ou Aust entered: c"ic$ <es.
W'en #ou cance" t'e Aob: t'e data entr# is a--ended to t'e current sandbo+ so #ou can continue wor$ing wit' it and
-ossib"# sub&it it at a "ater ti&e.
To wait unti" t'e current Aob co&-"etes -rocessing: c"ic$ -o.
W'en #ou c"ic$ No: t'e data entr# t'at is not -art o) t'e Aob is disregarded and t'e sub&ission continues
uninterru-ted. e sure #ou are wi""ing to "ose t'at data w'en #ou c"ic$ -o in t'is situation.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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0ie!ing t,e =ueue
C"ic$ t'e @ob 8ueue button to dis-"a# t'e current state o) t'e Bueue. =ou can se"ect a"" Aobs or se"ect individua" Aobs to
ta$e action on using t'e Se"ect c'ec$ bo+es.
Cancelling a Bob in t,e Lueue
Use t'e Se"ection c'ec$ bo+es to indicate w'ic' Aob sub&ission to cance". =ou can se"ect individua" Aobs b# se"ecting t'eir
individua" c'ec$ bo+ or c"ic$ t'e Se"ect !"" c'ec$ bo+ to se"ect a"" Aobs current"# s'own on t'e !ctive tab. C"ic$ t'e Cance"
Aob button a)ter #ou 'ave se"ected t'e Aobs to re&ove )ro& t'e Bueue.
)arent topic. Writebac$ Modes and Sandbo+es
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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8.2.1. 0ie!ing t,e =ueue
C"ic$ t'e @ob 8ueue button to dis-"a# t'e current state o) t'e Bueue. =ou can se"ect a"" Aobs or se"ect individua" Aobs to ta$e
action on using t'e Se"ect c'ec$ bo+es.
T'ere are two tabs in t'e @ob 8ueueF !ctive @obs and Processed @obs.
e)ore a Aob co&-"eted -rocessing: it dis-"a#s in t'e !ctive @obs tab. *ver#one can see a"" active Aobs in t'e Bueue: not Aust
t'eir own. T'e in)or&ation avai"ab"e )or eac' Aob inc"udesF a se"ection c'ec$ bo+: t'e re"ative -osition in t'e Bueue ENo.GL t'e
user t'at sub&itted t'e Aob EC"ient IDGL t'e date and ti&e o) t'e sub&ission ESub&ission Ti&eGL t'e "engt' o) ti&e t'e Aob
s-ent in t'e Bueue EDurationGL and t'e current status EPending: )or e+a&-"eG.
W'en a Aob is Pending: #ou can c"ic$ t'e Cance" @ob button to cance" t'e Aob.
Once a Aob co&-"etes -rocessing: t'e Processed tab is -o-u"ated wit' t'e Aob in)or&ation inc"uding t'e addition o)
Co&-"etion ti&e i) t'e Aob co&-"eted or was cance"ed. ! user can on"# see t'eir own -rocessed Aobs.
Use t'e /e)res' 8ueue button to u-date t'e Aob sub&ission "isting: i) necessar#.
=ou can a"so use /eca"c or /e)res' and watc' )or t'e b"ue ce"" co"oring to c'ange to b"ac$ in t'e sandbo+ to indicate t'at t'e
data 'as been written to t'e server.
)arent topic. @ob 8ueuing
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8.2.$. Cancelling a Bob in t,e Lueue
Use t'e Se"ection c'ec$ bo+es to indicate w'ic' Aob sub&ission to cance". =ou can se"ect individua" Aobs b# se"ecting t'eir
individua" c'ec$ bo+ or c"ic$ t'e Se"ect !"" c'ec$ bo+ to se"ect a"" Aobs current"# s'own on t'e !ctive tab. C"ic$ t'e Cance" Aob
button a)ter #ou 'ave se"ected t'e Aobs to re&ove )ro& t'e Bueue.
)arent topic. @ob 8ueuing
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9. Administering I(M Cognos TM1 Web
=ou can con)igure IMD CognosD TM1D to wor$ over t'e Web.
I(M Cognos TM1 Web %&er&ie!
IM Cognos TM1 Web e+tends t'e ana"#tica" -ower o) TM1 b# a""owing #ou to co&-"ete t'e )o""owing tas$s in a Web
Administering t,e TM1 Ser&er from I(M Cognos TM1 Web
T'e o-tions avai"ab"e in t'e !d&inistration node in t'e Navigation -ane o) IM Cognos TM1 Web var# according to t'e
TM1 grou- to w'ic' #ou be"ong.
C,anging <our )ass!ord
Users can c'ange t'eir own IM Cognos TM1 Web -asswords.
Configuring a Custom *omepage for I(M Cognos TM1 Web
=ou can con)igure a custo& 'o&e-age )or IM Cognos TM1 Web to dis-"a# a Webs'eet: cube view: or a U/6 a)ter users
'ave success)u""# "ogged into IM Cognos TM1 Web. T'is 'o&e-age can -rovide users wit' a starting -oint )or accessing
and wor$ing wit' TM1 data.
Modifing I(M Cognos TM1 Web Configuration )arameters
T'e Web.con)ig ad&inistration )i"e is an ;M6 )i"e t'at resides in t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web virtua" director#.
)erforming Web Folder Maintenance
IM Cognos TM1 Web uses two web )o"ders )or te&-orar# )i"es. =ou s'ou"d -eriodica""# &onitor t'ese )o"ders and c"ean
t'e& out during s#ste& downti&e.
Using I(M Cognos TM1 Web /ogging
IM Cognos TM1 Web ad&inistrators can use t'e )o""owing two "og )i"es )or status and troub"es'ooting o) IM Cognos
TM1 Web. T'e severit# "eve"s in t'e "og )i"es 'e"- organi2e &essages.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.1. I(M Cognos TM1 Web %&er&ie!
IMD CognosD TM1D Web e+tends t'e ana"#tica" -ower o) TM1 b# a""owing #ou to co&-"ete t'e )o""owing tas$s in a Web
!na"#2e cube data
Mani-u"ate )or&atted *+ce" re-orts
Dri"": -ivot: se"ect: and )i"ter data
ui"d c'arts
Per)or& so&e server ad&inistration tas$s
)arent topic. !d&inistering IM Cognos TM1 Web
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.$. Administering t,e TM1 Ser&er from I(M Cognos TM1 Web
T'e o-tions avai"ab"e in t'e !d&inistration node in t'e Navigation -ane o) IMD CognosD TM1D Web var# according to t'e
TM1 grou- to w'ic' #ou be"ong.
I) #ou are a &e&ber o) t'e !DMIN grou- on a TM1 server: t'e !d&inistration node dis-"a#s t'e )o""owing o-tions.
icon %ption
/eview and e+ecute -rocesses on t'e TM1 server.
/eview and e+ecute c'ores on t'e TM1 server.
C"ient Pro-erties
/eview and set -ro-erties )or t'e c"ient &ac'ines.
Cube Pro-erties
/eview and set -ro-erties o) cubes.
Di&ension Pro-erties
/eview and set -ro-erties )or di&ensions.
C'ange Password
C'ange #our TM1 ad&in -assword.
I) #ou are a &e&ber o) an# ot'er user grou-: t'e !d&inistration node dis-"a#s t'e C'ange Password o-tion. T'e Processes
and C'ores o-tions &ig't be avai"ab"e as we"": de-ending on #our securit# -rivi"eges )or -rocesses and c'ores on t'e server.
I) #ou 'ave /ead -rivi"ege to an# -rocesses on t'e server: t'e Processes o-tion is avai"ab"e. Si&i"ar"#: i) #ou 'ave /ead
-rivi"ege to an# c'ores on t'e server: t'e C'ores o-tion is avai"ab"e.
6og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web as a TM1 ad&inistrator. 1.
C"ic$ Administration in t'e "e)t Navigation -ane. 2.
C"ic$ t'e o-tion re"evant to t'e ad&inistrative tas$ #ou want to -er)or&.
*ac' ad&inistrative tas$ is described be"ow.
Administering )rocesses
=ou can ad&inister -rocesses on t'e TM1 server.
Administering C,ores
=ou can ad&inister c'ores on t'e TM1 server.
Setting Client )roperties
=ou can review and set c"ient EuserG -ro-erties.
Setting Cube )roperties
=ou can review and set cube -ro-erties.
Setting 'imension )roperties
=ou can review and set di&ension -ro-erties.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
133 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
)arent topic. !d&inistering IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.$.1. Administering )rocesses
=ou can ad&inister -rocesses on t'e TM1D server.
In t'e !d&inistration -ane: c"ic$ )rocesses.
IMD CognosD TM1 Web dis-"a#s a "ist o) -rocesses #ou estab"is'ed on #our TM1 server.
To dis-"a# t'e contro" -rocesses: se"ect t'e 'ispla Control )rocesses c'ec$ bo+. To 'ide t'e contro" -rocesses: c"ear
t'e 'ispla Control )rocesses c'ec$ bo+.
C"ic$ a -rocess to se"ect it.
IM Cognos TM1 Web dis-"a#s two bo+es ne+t to t'e -rocess "ist. !"" va"ues in t'ese bo+es are read<on"#L t'e# a""ow #ou
to review #our -rocess but not to c'ange attributes or -ara&eters.
)rocess Attributes < !t t'e to- rig't o) t'e Processes -age: TM1 dis-"a#s t'e -rocess attributes )or t'e se"ected
Sa&-"e Process !ttributesF
Datasource T#-e ODC
Securit# Owner
Securit# Status !(!I6!6*
/eadab"e True
Writeab"e 3a"se
*ncr#-ted 3a"se
)rocess )arameters < !t t'e botto& rig't o) t'e Processes -age: TM1 dis-"a#s t'e de)au"t -rocess -ara&eters #ou
estab"is'ed on t'e Para&eters tab o) t'e TurboIntegrator -rocess.
Sa&-"e Process !ttributesF
)rocess )arameters Tpe
P(ersion 3= 2??3 udget String
PStartDate @an<2??3 String
P*ndDate Dec<2??3 String
-ote. I) #our -rocess does not use -ara&eters: t'e Process Para&eters bo+ does not a--ear.
To c'ange t'e -rocess attributes: use t'e TM1 Server *+-"orer. 3or detai"s: see t'e IM Cognos TM1 User Guide. %.
To run a -rocess: c"ic$ a -rocess in t'e "ist and c"ic$ 35ecute )rocess . ,.
)arent topic. !d&inistering t'e TM1 Server )ro& IM Cognos TM1 Web
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.$.$. Administering C,ores
=ou can ad&inister c'ores on t'e TM1D server.
In t'e !d&inistration -ane: c"ic$ C,ores.
IMD CognosD TM1 Web dis-"a#s a "ist o) c'ores #ou estab"is'ed on #our TM1 server.
To dis-"a# t'e contro" c'ores: se"ect t'e 'ispla Control C,ores c'ec$ bo+. To 'ide t'e contro" c'ores: c"ear t'e
'ispla Control C,ores c'ec$ bo+.
C"ic$ a c'ore to se"ect it.
IM Cognos TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e )o""owing in)or&ation about t'e c'oreF
)rocess list < 6ists TM1 -rocesses t'at run w'en #ou e+ecute t'e c'ore. T'e -rocesses run in t'e order t'e# a--ear
in t'e "ist.
(asic C,ore )arameters < Indicates w'et'er t'e sc'edu"e o) t'e c'ore is active: t'e nu&ber o) -rocesses in t'e
c'ore: t'e "ast start ti&e: and 'ow o)ten t'e c'ore runs.
C,ore sc,edule < S'ows t'e da#s on w'ic' t'e c'ore is sc'edu"ed to run: and 'ow o)ten t'e c'ore runs.
/ast e5ecution time < S'ows t'e "ast ti&e t'e c'ore was run.
TM1 a"so dis-"a#s t'e C'ore !d&inistration too"bar at t'e to- o) t'e -age.
T'e C'ore !d&inistration too"bar contains t'e )o""owing buttons.
(utton (utton -ame 'escription
Save C'ore Saves t'e c'anges #ou &a$e to t'e c'ore.
*+ecute C'ore /uns t'e c'ore. IM Cognos TM1 Web -ro&-ts #ou )or
an# -ara&eters t'e c'ore reBuires.
Acti&ate !ctivate C'ore !ctivates t'e c'ore to run on t'e assigned sc'edu"e.
'eacti&ate Deactivate C'ore Deactivates t'e c'ore so t'at it no "onger runs on a
sc'edu"e. Deactivated c'ores can sti"" be run &anua""#
b# c"ic$ing t'e *+ecute C'ore button.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
136 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
To activate a c'ore to run on t'e set sc'edu"e: se"ect a c'ore: and c"ic$ Acti&ate. %.
To deactivate a c'ore so t'at it no "onger runs on sc'edu"e: se"ect t'e c'ore: and c"ic$ 'eacti&ate. ,.
To edit a c'ore: se"ect a c'ore: and c"ic$ 3dit C,ore .
IM Cognos TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e C,ore )rocess /ist 3ditor dia"og bo+.
Use t'e arrows to bui"d and arrange a "ist o) -rocesses t'at run w'en #ou e+ecute t'e c'ore.
C"ic$ Appl to save #our -rocess "ist.
C"ic$ Sa&e to save #our c'anges.
To run a c'ore: se"ect a c'ore: and c"ic$ 35ecute C,ore . 1.
)arent topic. !d&inistering t'e TM1 Server )ro& IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.$.1. Setting Client )roperties
=ou can review and set c"ient EuserG -ro-erties.
In t'e !d&inistration -ane: c"ic$ Client )roperties.
IMD CognosD TM1D Web dis-"a#s a "ist o) c"ients #ou estab"is'ed on #our TM1 server.
To dis-"a# t'e -ro-erties )or a c"ient: c"ic$ a c"ient in t'e "ist.
IM Cognos TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e -ro-ert# va"ues )or t'at c"ient.
!"" but t'e Ma5imum C of Connections and )ass!ord 35piration -ro-erties are read<on"#.
To set t'e &a+i&u& nu&ber o) connections t'at can be estab"is'ed on t'e TM1 server b# t'e se"ected c"ient: 'ig'"ig't
t'e Ma5imum C of Connections va"ue and enter a new nu&ber.
To set t'e nu&ber o) da#s t'at t'e c"ients -assword re&ains va"id: 'ig'"ig't t'e )ass!ord 35piration va"ue and enter a
new nu&ber.
! )ass!ord 35piration va"ue o) ? &eans t'at t'e -assword does not e+-ire.
C"ic$ Sa&e to save t'e c"ient -ro-ert# c'anges. ,.
)arent topic. !d&inistering t'e TM1 Server )ro& IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.$.2. Setting Cube )roperties
=ou can review and set cube -ro-erties.
In t'e !d&inistration -ane: c"ic$ Cube )roperties.
IMD CognosD TM1D Web dis-"a#s a "ist o) cubes avai"ab"e on #our TM1 server.
To inc"ude contro" cubes in t'e "ist: se"ect t'e 'ispla Control Cubes c'ec$ bo+. To e+c"ude contro" cubes )ro& t'e "ist:
c"ear t'e 'ispla Control Cubes c'ec$ bo+.
To view t'e -ro-erties )or a cube: c"ic$ a cube in t'e "ist.
IM Cognos TM1 Web dis-"a#s a bo+ containing -ro-erties and corres-onding va"ues )or t'e se"ected cube. =ou can
c'ange t'e /oad on 'emand and /ogging -ro-erties.
To c'ange t'e va"ue o) a cube -ro-ert#: c"ic$ t'e down arrow ne+t to a -ro-ert# and se"ect a va"ue. %.
C"ic$ Sa&e to save #our c'anges. ,.
)arent topic. !d&inistering t'e TM1 Server )ro& IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.$.6. Setting 'imension )roperties
=ou can review and set di&ension -ro-erties.
In t'e !d&inistration -ane: c"ic$ 'imension )roperties.
IMD CognosD TM1D Web dis-"a#s a "ist o) di&ensions on #our TM1 server.
To dis-"a# t'e contro" di&ensions: se"ect t'e 'ispla Control 'imensions c'ec$ bo+. To 'ide t'e contro" di&ensions:
c"ear t'e 'ispla Control 'imensions c'ec$ bo+.
To view -ro-erties )or a di&ension: c"ic$ a di&ension in t'e "ist.
IM Cognos TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e -ro-erties and associated va"ues )or t'e di&ension. =ou can c'ange severa" di&ension
-ro-ert# va"ues.
To c'ange a -ro-ert# va"ue )or a di&ension: c"ic$ t'e down arrow ne+t to a -ro-ert# and se"ect a new va"ue. %.
C"ic$ Sa&e to save #our c'anges. ,.
)arent topic. !d&inistering t'e TM1 Server )ro& IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.1. C,anging <our )ass!ord
Users can c'ange t'eir own IMD CognosD TM1D Web -asswords.
C"ic$ t'e Administration node in t'e "e)t Navigation -ane. 1.
C"ic$ C,ange )ass!ord.
T'e C'ange User Password -age o-ens.
*nter #our current -assword in t'e 3nter Current )ass!ord bo+. 3.
*nter #our new -assword in t'e 3nter -e! )ass!ord bo+. %.
*nter #our new -assword a second ti&e in t'e 0erif -e! )ass!ord bo+. ,.
C"ic$ Sa&e C,anges to save #our new -assword. 0.
)arent topic. !d&inistering IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.2. Configuring a Custom *omepage for I(M Cognos TM1 Web
=ou can con)igure a custo& 'o&e-age )or IMD CognosD TM1D Web to dis-"a# a Webs'eet: cube view: or a U/6 a)ter users
'ave success)u""# "ogged into IM Cognos TM1 Web. T'is 'o&e-age can -rovide users wit' a starting -oint )or accessing and
wor$ing wit' TM1 data.
! 'o&e-age can be con)igured g"oba""# )or a"" IM Cognos TM1 Web users or assigned individua""# )or di))erent users or sets
o) users. 3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou con)igure t'e 'o&e-age o-tion to dis-"a# an .TM6 )i"e or ot'er t#-e o) web -age: t'en #ou can
-rovide users wit' instructions: tas$s: "in$s: or an# ot'er content t'at can be dis-"a#ed in a web -age.
I) a 'o&e-age is con)igured: it dis-"a#s on t'e )irst tab in IM Cognos TM1 Web and cannot be c"osed b# users. W'en
con)igured: a .o&e "in$ is dis-"a#ed in t'e 'eader area o) IM Cognos TM1 Web t'at a""ows users to easi"# return to t'e
!n IM Cognos TM1 Web 'o&e-age can be con)igured in one o) t'e )o""owing two wa#sF
'ifferent ,omepage for different I(M Cognos TM1 Web users < Use t'e C"ient Settings dia"og in TM1 !rc'itect and
Server *+-"orer to con)igure a startu- 'o&e-age )or di))erent c"ients EusersG o) IM Cognos TM1 Web.
Global ,omepage for all I(M Cognos TM1 Web users < Use t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter in t'e web.con)ig )i"e to
con)igure a 'o&e-age t'at a--"ies g"oba""# to a"" IM Cognos TM1 Web users.
-ote. !n# 'o&e-age assign&ent #ou &a$e wit' t'e C"ient Settings dia"og can over<ride t'e g"oba" setting in t'e web.con)ig
i) #ou set !""owOverwriteNtrue in t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter o) t'e web.con)ig )i"e.
Configuring 'ifferent *omepages for Indi&idual Users
T'e C"ient Settings dia"og: in !rc'itect and Server *+-"orer: con)igures a startu- 'o&e-age )or di))erent IM Cognos TM1
Web c"ients EusersG.
Configuring a Global *omepage for All Users
T'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter: in t'e web.con)ig )i"e: enab"es a g"oba" 'o&e-age t'at dis-"a#s )or a"" IM Cognos TM1
Web users.
)arent topic. !d&inistering IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.2.1. Configuring 'ifferent *omepages for Indi&idual Users
T'e C"ient Settings dia"og: in !rc'itect and Server *+-"orer: con)igures a startu- 'o&e-age )or di))erent IMD CognosD
TM1D Web c"ients EusersG.
3or e+a&-"e: #ou can assign one 'o&e-age )or IM Cognos TM1 Web users in t'e Sa"es de-art&ent and anot'er 'o&e-age
)or users in t'e 3inance de-art&ent.
-ote. =ou can use t'e Client Settings dia"og to assign 'o&e-ages )or s-eci)ic users: over<riding t'e g"oba" 'o&e-age
setting )or t'e *ome)age%bBect -ara&eter in t'e web.con)ig )i"e.
In !rc'itect or Server *+-"orer: rig't c"ic$ on t'e server and se"ect Securit: Clients;Groups.
T'e C"ients75rou-s dia"og o-ens.
C"ic$ Settings.
T'e C"ient Settings dia"og o-ens.
Se"ect t'e c"ient )ro& t'e Current Client "ist )or w'ic' t'e 'o&e-age setting wi"" a--"#. 3.
*nter a Webs'eet: cube view: or U/6 )or t'e 'o&e-age as )o""owsF
To dis-"a# a U/6: t#-e t'e U/6 address: inc"uding t'e 'tt-F77 -rotoco": into t'e .o&e-age bo+. =ou can enter a U/6
)or eit'er a website or an individua" )i"e.
To se"ect a Webs'eet or cube view as t'e 'o&e-age: c"ic$ (ro!se. T'e Se"ect an IM Cognos TM1 Web .o&e-age
dia"og o-ens w'ere #ou can se"ect a re)erence to a Webs'eet or cube view )ro& t'e !--"ication tree.
!)ter se"ecting a Webs'eet or cube view re)erence: c"ic$ %: to return to t'e C"ient Settings dia"og.
Se"ect t'e settings t'at contro" t'e a--earance o) t'e Navigation -ane.
-ote. T'e Navigation -ane settings #ou set 'ere wi"" on"# a--"# i) t'e corres-onding -ara&eter in t'e web.con)ig )i"e is
set to !""owOverwriteNtrue. 3or detai"s: see Con)iguring IM Cognos TM1 Web Startu- and !--earance Settings.
T'e avai"ab"e settings )or contro""ing t'e a--earance o) t'e Navigation -ane inc"udeF
Include t,e -a&igation )ane < Deter&ines i) t'e Navigation -ane is dis-"a#ed or not dis-"a#ed w'en t'e se"ected
c"ient "ogs in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
%pen pane on /ogin < Sets t'e Navigation -ane to dis-"a# in t'e e+-anded &ode w'en t'e se"ected c"ient "ogs in to
IM Cognos TM1 Web.
Close pane on /ogin < Sets t'e Navigation -ane to dis-"a# in its &ini&i2ed &ode w'en t'e se"ected c"ient "ogs in to
IM Cognos TM1 Web.
Sa&e ClientMs -a&igation )ane Settings < Deter&ines i) t'e -ersona" settings )or t'e Navigation -ane are saved
w'en t'e c"ient "ogs out o) IM Cognos TM1 Web.
Se"ect one o) t'e o-tions )ro& t'e Appl To "ist to con)igure w'ic' c"ient or c"ients wi"" be ab"e to view t'e 'o&e-age.
Current Client < !--"ies t'e 'o&e-age setting )or on"# t'e c"ient se"ected in t'e current C"ient "ist.
Selected Clients < *nab"es t'e Se"ect button so #ou can o-en t'e Subset *ditor to se"ect a co""ection o) c"ients t'at
wi"" use t'e sa&e 'o&e-age setting.
All Clients < !--"ies t'e sa&e 'o&e-age setting to a"" TM1 c"ients.
I) #ou c'oose Selected Clients: and t'en c"ic$ Select: t'e Subset *ditor o-ens so #ou can se"ect a subset o) TM1 c"ients
t'at can use t'e 'o&e-age.
Use t'e Subset *ditor to se"ect a subset o) c"ients and t'en c"ic$ %: to return to t'e C"ient Settings dia"og. T'e nu&ber
o) c"ients se"ected in t'e Subset *ditor is su&&ari2ed in t'e C"ient Settings dia"og.
C"ic$ Appl Settings to con)igure t'e 'o&e-age )or t'e c"ient or c"ients t'at #ou se"ected in t'e !--"# To "ist. 1.
/e-eat ste-s %: ,: 0: and 1 to con)igure a 'o&e-age )or a di))erent set o) TM1 c"ients. 4.
C"ic$ %: to c"ose t'e C"ient Settings dia"og.
=ou 'ave now con)igured a 'o&e-age )or IM Cognos TM1 Web. T'e se"ected IM Cognos TM1 Web c"ients wi"" see t'e
assigned 'o&e-age t'e ne+t ti&e t'e# success)u""# "og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a Custo& .o&e-age )or IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.2.$. Configuring a Global *omepage for All Users
T'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter: in t'e web.con)ig )i"e: enab"es a g"oba" 'o&e-age t'at dis-"a#s )or a"" IMD CognosD
TM1D Web users.
-ote. =ou can override t'e g"oba" .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter b# using t'e C"ient Settings dia"og to assign di))erent
'o&e-ageIs )or individua" TM1 c"ients. 3or detai"s: see Con)iguring Di))erent .o&e-ages )or Individua" Users
T'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter wor$s )or t'ree t#-es o) obAectsF
T'e 'o&e-age obAect dis-"a#s a)ter t'e user success)u""# "ogs in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
Using t,e *ome)age%bBect )arameter
.ow to use t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter.
Setting a Global I(M Cognos TM1 Web *omepage to a Cube 0ie!
Use t'e )o""owing )or&at to set a cube view as t'e 'o&e-age )or IM Cognos TM1 Web.
Setting a Global I(M Cognos TM1 Web *omepage to a Webs,eet
=ou can assign a Webs'eet as t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web 'o&e-age: de-ending on 'ow t'e *+ce" )i"e was added to TM1 .
Setting a Global I(M Cognos TM1 Web *omepage to a U+/
=ou can set t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter to a U/6.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a Custo& .o&e-age )or IM Cognos TM1 Web
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9.2.$.1. Using t,e *ome)age%bBect )arameter
.ow to use t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter.
T'e *ome)age%bBect -ara&eter uses t'e )o""owing )or&atF
Sadd $e#NH.o&ePageObAectH va"ueNHObjectPath ;Type= Object!pe ;Description= Objectitle ; "llo#Over#rite =true" />
ObjectPath is t'e -at' to t'e Webs'eet: cube view: or U/6 obAect t'at #ou want to o-en. T'e e+act )or&at o) t'e -at'
de-ends on t'e t#-e o) obAect.
Object!pe is t'e $e#word )or t'e obAect #ou want to o-enL webs'eet: cubeviewer: or U/6.
Objectitle is a brie) tit"e #ou assign to t'e obAect t'at dis-"a#s in t'e tit"e bar o) t'e web browser and on t'e 'o&e-age
tab in IMD CognosD TM1D Web.
"llo#Over#rite can be set to a va"ue o) true or )a"se as )o""owsF
I) #ou set !""owOverwriteNtrue t'en t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter can be overridden b# setting a di))erent 'o&e-age )or
individua" c"ients using t'e C"ient Settings dia"og in !rc'itect and Server *+-"orer.
I) #ou set !""owOverwriteN)a"se t'en t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter a--"ies g"oba""# to a"" TM1 users and can not be
individua""# con)igured wit' t'e C"ient Settings dia"og in !rc'itect and Server *+-"orer.
T'e )o""owing sections describe using t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter )or Webs'eets: cube views: and U/6s.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a 5"oba" .o&e-age )or !"" Users
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.2.$.$. Setting a Global I(M Cognos TM1 Web *omepage to a Cube 0ie!
Use t'e )o""owing )or&at to set a cube view as t'e 'o&e-age )or IMD CognosD TM1D Web.
w'ere t'e )o""owing argu&ents are se-arated b# XX c'aractersF
Cube$a%e is t'e na&e o) cube to w'ic' t'e view be"ongs.
&ie#$a%e is t'e na&e o) t'e cube view to dis-"a#.
Status is t'e -ub"ic or -rivate status o) t'e cube view.
-ote. =ou &ust inc"ude a va"ue o) eit'er PU6IC or P/I(!T* to correct"# identi)# t'e s-eci)ic cube view t'at #ou want to
3or e+a&-"e: to o-en a -ub"ic view na&ed Price )ro& t'e Sa"esCubeF
&ltadd key="HomePageObject" value="SalesCube$$Price$$Public;Type=cubeviewer;
)arent topic. Con)iguring a 5"oba" .o&e-age )or !"" Users
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9.2.$.1. Setting a Global I(M Cognos TM1 Web *omepage to a Webs,eet
=ou can assign a Webs'eet as t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web 'o&e-age: de-ending on 'ow t'e *+ce" )i"e was added to TM1
%pening a Webs,eet t,at references an 35cel file outside of TM1
=ou can o-en a Webs'eet t'at re)erences an *+ce" )i"e.
%pening a Webs,eet obBect t,at !as uploaded to t,e TM1 ser&er
=ou can o-en a Webs'eet obAect t'at was u-"oaded.
)arent topic. Con)iguring a 5"oba" .o&e-age )or !"" Users
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.2.$.1.1. %pening a Webs,eet t,at references an 35cel file outside of TM1
=ou can o-en a Webs'eet t'at re)erences an *+ce" )i"e.
Use t'e )or&atF
w'ere Webs'eetPat' is t'e "ocation and na&e o) t'e *+ce" )i"e. T'is can be eit'er a -at' )or a "oca" )i"e: or a UNC -at' )or a
)i"e "ocated on a networ$.
3or e+a&-"e: to set a UNC networ$ -at' )or Webs'eetF
T'e co&-"ete .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter "oo$s "i$e t'isF
<add key="HomePageObject" value="//MySystem/Samples/classic_slice.xls;Type=websheet;
)arent topic. Setting a 5"oba" IM Cognos TM1 Web .o&e-age to a Webs'eet
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.2.$.1.$. %pening a Webs,eet obBect t,at !as uploaded to t,e TM1 ser&er
=ou can o-en a Webs'eet obAect t'at was u-"oaded.
In Server *+-"orer: use t'e Pro-erties -ane to )ind t'e TM1D assigned na&e )or t'e u-"oaded *+ce" )i"e. 1.
Set t'e va"ue -ara&eter using t'e )o""owing )or&atF
Server$a%e is t'e na&e o) t'e TM1 sever w'ere t'e *+ce" )i"e is "ocated.
'()*ilena%e is t'e na&e t'at TM1 assigned to t'e u-"oaded *+ce" )i"e.
3or e+a&-"eF
T'e co&-"ete .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter "ine "oo$s "i$e t'isF
<add key="HomePageObject" value="TM1://sdata/blob/PUBLIC/.\}Externals\
Uploaded Websheet;AllowOverwrite=true" />
)arent topic. Setting a 5"oba" IM Cognos TM1 Web .o&e-age to a Webs'eet
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9.2.$.2. Setting a Global I(M Cognos TM1 Web *omepage to a U+/
=ou can set t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter to a U/6.
Use t'is )or&atF
W'ere U+,)Path can -oint to a web site or an individua" web -age )i"e.
3or e+a&-"eF
To set t'e 'o&e-age to a U/6 t'at -oints to a )i"eF
<addkey="HomePageObject" value="homepage.html;Type=URL;
Description=MyStart Page;AllowOverwrite=true"
To set t'e 'o&e-age to a U/6 t'at -oints to a web siteF
<addkey="HomePageObject" value=";Type=URL;
)arent topic. Con)iguring a 5"oba" .o&e-age )or !"" Users
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9.6. Modifing I(M Cognos TM1 Web Configuration )arameters
T'e Web.con)ig ad&inistration )i"e is an ;M6 )i"e t'at resides in t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web virtua" director#.
T'e -ara&eters in t'is )i"e contro" t'e )o""owing IM Cognos TM1 Web )eatures.
(iew node
!d&inistration node
Web session ti&eout
Cube (iewer -age si2e
Nu&ber o) s'eets to e+-ort )ro& a Cube (iewer
IM Cognos TM1 Web startu- and a--earance settings
.ere are t'e &ost co&&on IM Cognos TM1 Web -ara&eters in t'e Web.con)ig )i"e t'at #ou can c'ange.
MainTitle*eig,t < Sets t'e 'eig't o) t'e &ain tit"e bar.
'isplaCustomToolbar < Set to = or N to dis-"a# or 'ide t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
CustomToolbarU+/ < *stab"is'es a target as-+ )i"e in t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web virtua" director#. T'e as-+ )i"e de)ines a
custo& too"bar. 3or e+a&-"e: t'e )i"e TM1WebP"anManToo" de)ines t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
-ote. In IM Cognos TM1 Web 9.+: TM1WebP"anManToo" is t'e on"# custo& too"bar TM1 su--orts.
CustomToolbar*eig,t < Sets t'e 'eig't o) t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
-a&Tree'isplaSer&er0ie! < .ides or dis-"a#s t'e Ser&er 0ie! node in t'e Navigation tree.
-a&Tree'isplaAdministration < .ides or dis-"a#s t'e !d&inistration node in t'e Navigation tree.
SmartA5is3nabled < Set to true b# de)au"t. T'is -ara&eter: set to )a"se: disab"es our newer s&arta+is auto&atic sca"e
Eand interva"G ca"cu"ator: and reverts bac$ to t'e "egac# &ode.
3diting t,e Web.Config File
=ou can edit t'e Web.con)ig )i"e.
Configuring TM1 Wor#flo! )arameters
=ou can &odi)# t'e a--earance o) t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar in IM Cognos TM1 Web.
'isplaing t,e Custom Toolbar
=ou can dis-"a# or 'ide a custo& too"bar in IM Cognos TM1 Web b# &odi)#ing t'e -ara&eter Dis-"a#Custo&Too"bar in
'isplaing t,e Content of t,e Custom Toolbar
I) #ou set t'e Web.con)ig -ara&eter Dis-"a#Custo&Too"bar to =: IM Cognos TM1 Web e+ecutes t'e code in t'e &odu"e
indicated b# t'e -ara&eter Custo&Too"barU/6.
C,anging t,e *eig,t of t,e Custom Toolbar
=ou can c'ange t'e 'eig't o) a custo& too"bar.
'isplaing or *iding t,e 0ie!s -ode in t,e -a&igation )ane
=ou can dis-"a# or 'ide t'e (iews node in t'e Navigation -ane.
'isplaing or *iding Administration options in t,e -a&igation )ane
=ou can con)igure IM Cognos TM1 Web to dis-"a# eit'er a"" or so&e o) t'e o-tions under t'e !d&inistration node in t'e
Navigation -ane.
C,anging t,e I(M Cognos TM1 Web Session Timeout
=ou can c'ange t'e de)au"t session id"e ti&eout.
C,anging t,e Cube 0ie!er )age Si4e
=ou can c'ange t'e nu&ber o) rows and co"u&ns dis-"a#ed in t'e Cube (iewer o) TM1 t'e IM Cognos TM1 .
Setting t,e Ma5imum -umber of S,eets to 35port from a Cube 0ie!er
# de)au"t: t'e &a+i&u& nu&ber o) s'eets #ou can e+-ort )ro& a Cube (iewer to a -rinter is 1??. =ou can con)igure IM
Cognos TM1 Web to e+-ort &ore s'eets.
AdBusting t,e *ttp+untime 35ecutionTimeout )arameter
=ou can adAust t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web 'tt-/unti&ee+ecutionTi&eout -ara&eter under certain conditions.
Setting t,e TM135celSer&ice)ort-umber )arameter
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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=ou can edit t'e TM1*+ce"ServicePortNu&ber -ara&eter t'at s-eci)ies t'e -ort nu&ber at w'ic' t'e TM1 *+ce" Service is
Configuring t,e /ogin )age using Admin*ost-ame and TM1Ser&er-ame
T'e !d&in.ostNa&e and TM1ServerNa&e -ara&eters contro" w'et'er or not t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web "ogin -age
-ro&-ts t'e user to enter va"ues )or t'e TM1 !d&in .ost and TM1 server.
Configuring I(M Cognos TM1 Web Startup and Appearance Settings
=ou can contro" t'e a--earance o) t'e Navigation -ane: tab bar: and Webs'eet and Cubeviewer too"bars w'en users "og
in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
Using t,e Custom/in# )arameter to %pen %t,er U+/s and Web )ages
T'e Custo&6in$ -ara&eter dis-"a#s a "in$ in t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web too"bar t'at can o-en a U/6 address or web -age.
Configuring t,e I(M Cognos TM1 Web 0irtual Cac,e 'irector
IM Cognos TM1 Web reBuires a virtua" director#: outside o) t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web a--"ication director#: as a "ocation
)or te&-orar# )i"es.
Controlling C,art Scaling and Increments !it, t,e SmartA5is3nabled )arameter
T'e S&art!+is*nab"ed -ara&eter contro"s t'e auto&atic sca"e and incre&ent settings o) t'e ; and =<a+is in IM Cognos
TM1 Web c'arts.
3nabling t,e Webs,eet )aging Toolbar
T'e Webs'eet -aging )eature inc"udes a too"bar in IM Cognos TM1 Web t'at -rovides easier navigation in Webs'eets
t'at contain a "arge nu&ber o) rows.
Using t,e TM1 Web )age+esetMode parameter
T'e IM Cognos TM1 Web Page/esetMode -ara&eter a""ows #ou to contro" so&e o) t'e be'avior o) -age orientation in
Webs'eets w'en #ou -er)or& certain actions suc' as reca"cu"ating: rebui"ding: or c'anging a tit"e di&ension e"e&ent )or
an !ctive 3or& in a Webs'eet.
Allo!ing pasting in &alidated cells
=ou cannot -aste on a ce"" w'en Microso)t *+ce" va"idation is set in t'e web. Paste*n)orce&ent overrides t'is restriction
and a""ows #ou to -er)or& a -aste into a ce"" wit' va"idation: 'owever: using t'is -ara&eter ignores an# va"idation set on
t'e ce"".
Wrapping string &alues in cube &ie!s
Use CubeviewerStringWra- to set t'e -ara&eters used w'en viewing string e"e&ent ce""s in a Web Cube (iew.
)arent topic. !d&inistering IM Cognos TM1 Web
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152 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.1. 3diting t,e Web.Config File
=ou can edit t'e Web.con)ig )i"e.
T'e )i"e is an +&" )i"e and s'ou"d be o-ened on"# wit' an ;M6<t#-e editor. O-ening it using a regu"ar te+t editor
suc' as Microso)t Word-ad can resu"t in incorrect c'aracters being added t'at &a# corru-t t'e )i"e.
6og out o) IMD CognosD TM1D Web. 1.
O-en t'e Windows Contro" Pane". 2.
C"ic$ Administrati&e Tools@ Internet Information Ser&ices.
T'e Internet In)or&ation Services window o-ens.
In t'e "e)t Navigation -ane: e+-and #our "oca" co&-uter )o"ders. 6ocate and se"ect t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web virtua"
6ocate t'e Web.con)ig )i"e in t'e Content -ane: rig't<c"ic$ t'e )i"e: and c"ic$ %pen.
-ote. T'e )i"e is an +&" )i"e and s'ou"d be o-ened on"# wit' an ;M6<t#-e editor. O-ening it using a regu"ar te+t
editor suc' as Microso)t Word Pad can resu"t in incorrect c'aracters being added t'at &a# corru-t t'e )i"e.
*dit t'e -ara&eters and save #our c'anges.
-ote. I) Web.con)ig is set to read<on"# on #our 'ard dis$: IM Cognos TM1 Web -ro&-ts #ou to overwrite t'e )i"e. C"ic$
<es to con)ir& overwriting t'e )i"e.
6ogin to IM Cognos TM1 Web to see t'e resu"t o) #our edits. 1.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.6.$. Configuring TM1 Wor#flo! )arameters
=ou can &odi)# t'e a--earance o) t'e TM1D Wor$)"ow too"bar in IMD CognosD TM1 Web.
Use t'e )o""owing -ara&eters in Web.con)ig.
)arameter 'efault Setting;
Dis-"a#Custo&Too"bar N
Dis-"a#s or 'ides t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar. T'e de)au"t is N. Set t'is va"ue to
= to dis-"a# t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
Custo&Too"barUr" TM1WebP"anManToo"
Na&e o) t'e custo& too"bar e+ecutab"e. T'e on"# su--orted too"bar is t'e
de)au"t va"ue s'own 'ere.
Custo&Too"bar.eig't 24
.eig't in -i+e"s: o) t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
PMOToo"barCa-tion TM1 Wor$)"ow
String ca-tion on t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
PMOToo"barCa-tionWidt' 12?
Widt' o) t'e string ca-tion on t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar ca-tion.
PMO(ersionCa-tion Process
Ca-tion )or t'e Process "ist in TM1 Wor$)"ow.
PMO(ersionCa-tionWidt' 1?
Widt' o) t'e Ca-tion )or t'e (ersion "ist in t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
PMO(ersion6istWidt' 1,?
Widt' o) t'e (ersion "ist in TM1 Wor$)"ow.
PMOTas$Ca-tion Tas$
Ca-tion )or t'e Tas$ "ist in t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
PMOTas$Ca-tionWidt' ,?
Widt' o) t'e Tas# list ca-tion in t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
PMOTas$6istWidt' 2??
Widt' o) t'e Tas# list in t'e TM1 Wor$)"ow too"bar.
PMO!ctionCa-tion !ction
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
154 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
)arameter 'efault Setting;
Ca-tion )or t'e Action "ist.
PMO!ctionCa-tionWidt' ,,
Widt' o) t'e Action "ist ca-tion.
PMO!ction6istWidt' 12?
Widt' o) t'e Action "ist.
PMO!""Tas$sCa-tion T'e de)au"t is an e&-t# string.
Ca-tion )or t'e All Tas#s "ist.
PMO!""Tas$sCa-tionWidt' 3?
Widt' o) t'e All Tas#s "ist ca-tion.
PMOStatusCa-tion T'e de)au"t is an e&-t# string.
Ca-tion )or t'e 0ersion Status button.
PMOStatusCa-tionWidt' 3?
Widt' o) t'e 0ersion status button ca-tion.
PMOCusto&i2eCa-tion T'e de)au"t is an e&-t# string.
Ca-tion )or t'e Customi4e button.
PMOCusto&i2eCa-tionWidt' 3?
Widt' )or t'e Customi4e button ca-tion.
PMO6oadCa-tion T'e de)au"t is an e&-t# string.
Ca-tion )or t'e /oad button.
PMO6oadCa-tionWidt' 3?
Widt' o) t'e /oad button ca-tion.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.1. 'isplaing t,e Custom Toolbar
=ou can dis-"a# or 'ide a custo& too"bar in IMD CognosD TM1D Web b# &odi)#ing t'e -ara&eter Dis-"a#Custo&Too"bar in
-ote. In TM1 9.+: TM1WebP"anManToo" is t'e on"# custo& too"bar su--orted.
*dit t'e Web.con)ig )i"e in t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web virtua" director#. 1.
6ocate t'e Dis-"a#Custo&Too"bar -ara&eter: w'ic' contains a va"ue o) N. T'e de)au"t va"ue o) N 'ides t'e custo&
too"bar: as s'own be"owF
<!--DisplayCustomToolbar: Y/N - Whether to display
custom toolbar -->
<add key="DisplayCustomToolbar" value='N' />
To dis-"a# t'e custo& too"bar: c'ange t'e Dis-"a#Custo&Too"bar va"ue to =. e sure to use u--ercase. 3.
Save t'e Web.con)ig )i"e. %.
C"ic$ t'e +efres, button in #our browser.
T'e custo& too"bar dis-"a#s in t'e banner at t'e to- o) t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web -age.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.2. 'isplaing t,e Content of t,e Custom Toolbar
I) #ou set t'e Web.con)ig -ara&eter Dis-"a#Custo&Too"bar to =: IMD CognosD TM1D Web e+ecutes t'e code in t'e &odu"e
indicated b# t'e -ara&eter Custo&Too"barU/6.
-ote. T'e on"# su--orted setting )or t'e Custo&Too"barU/6 -ara&eter is TM1WebP"anManToo" Do not c'ange t'is
<!-- CustomToolbarURL: URL to display content
for custom toolbar -->
<add key="CustomToolbarUrl" value="TM1WebPlanManToolbar.aspx"
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.6. C,anging t,e *eig,t of t,e Custom Toolbar
=ou can c'ange t'e 'eig't o) a custo& too"bar.
*dit Web.con)ig in t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web virtua" director#. 1.
6ocate t'e Custo&Too"bar.eig't -ara&eter: w'ic' contro"s t'e dis-"a# o) t'e Server (iew node. Note t'e va"ue o) 24 Ein
<!-- CustomToolbarHeight: Height of custom toolbars
i n pixels -->
<add key="CustomToolbarHeight value="28" />
C'ange t'e nu&ber o) -i+e"s to c'ange t'e 'eig't o) t'e custo& too"bar. 3.
Save t'e Web.con)ig )i"e. %.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.7. 'isplaing or *iding t,e 0ie!s -ode in t,e -a&igation )ane
=ou can dis-"a# or 'ide t'e (iews node in t'e Navigation -ane.
*dit Web.con)ig in t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web virtua" director#. 1.
6ocate t'e NavTreeDis-"a#Server(iew: w'ic' contro"s t'e dis-"a# o) t'e Ser&er 0ie! node. T'e de)au"t va"ue: =: dis-"a#s
t'e 0ie!s node in t'e Navigation -ane.
<!--NavTreeDisplayServerView: Y/N - Wether to display
"Server View" node in navigation tree -->
<add key="NavTreeDisplayServerView" value="Y" />
To 'ide t'e (iews node: c'ange t'e NavTreeDis-"a#Server(iew va"ue to N. 3.
Save Web.con)ig. %.
6og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
Now t'e Navigation -ane dis-"a#s wit'out t'e (iew node.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.8. 'isplaing or *iding Administration options in t,e -a&igation )ane
=ou can con)igure IM Cognos TM1 Web to dis-"a# eit'er a"" or so&e o) t'e o-tions under t'e !d&inistration node in t'e
Navigation -ane.
About t,is tas#
T'e NavTreeDisplayAdministration -ara&eter contro"s t'e dis-"a# o) t'e !d&inistration node. T'e de)au"t va"ue o) t'is
-ara&eter is =: w'ic' dis-"a#s a"" t'e ad&inistration o-tions under t'e !d&inistration node in t'e Navigation -ane. I) #ou
disab"e t'is )eature: t'e o-tions )or )rocesses: Client )roperties: Cube )roperties: and 'imension )roperties are
'idden: but t'e C,ange )ass!ord o-tion is sti"" dis-"a#ed.
*dit Web.config in t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web virtua" director#. 1.
6ocate t'e NavTreeDisplayAdministration -ara&eter.
<!--NavTreeDisplayAdministration: Y/N - Whether to
display "Administration" node in navigation tree -->
<add key="NavTreeDisplayAdministration" value="Y"/>
To 'ide a"" t'e ad&inistration o-tions e+ce-t )or t'e C,ange )ass!ord o-tion: c'ange t'e
NavTreeDisplayAdministration va"ue to N.
<add key="NavTreeDisplayAdministration" value="N"/>
Save Web.config. %.
6og in to Cognos TM1 Web.
T'e Navigation tree now dis-"a#s t'e !d&inistration node wit' on"# t'e C,ange )ass!ord o-tion.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.9. C,anging t,e I(M Cognos TM1 Web Session Timeout
=ou can c'ange t'e de)au"t session id"e ti&eout.
# de)au"t: IMD CognosD TM1D Web a--"ies a 12?<&inute session id"e ti&eout. I) #ou "og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web: and
IM Cognos TM1 Web re&ains id"e )or 12? &inutes: #ou are auto&atica""# "ogged out.
*dit Web.con)ig. 1.
6ocate t'e )o""owing codeF
By default ASP.NET uses cookies to identify which requests
belong to a particular session.
If cookies are not available, a session can be tracked
by adding a session identifier to the URL.
To disable cookies, set sessionState cookieless="true".
sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes"
C'ange t'e ti&eout va"ue Ein &inutesG. 3.
Save Web.con)ig. %.
6og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web. ,.
Une5pected timeouts
Une+-ected ti&eouts &a# occur w'en t'e De)au"t Para&eter is c'anged or w'en t'e -recedence o) settings resu"ts in
une+-ected be'avior.
AdBusting t,e timeout parameter
=ou can use t'ese tec'niBues to adAust t'e ti&eout -ara&eter in TM1 : Microso)t IIS: and TM1 Web.
C,anging t,e 'efault Setting in Microsoft IIS 0ersion 7 !ebser&er of Microsoft Windo!s Ser&er $001
=ou can use t'ese tec'niBues to adAust t'e ti&eout -ara&eter in TM1 : Microso)t IIS: and TM1 Web.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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161 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Une5pected timeouts
Une+-ected ti&eouts &a# occur w'en t'e De)au"t Para&eter is c'anged or w'en t'e -recedence o) settings resu"ts in
une+-ected be'avior.
T'e de)au"t ti&eout -ara&eter in web.con)ig and Microso)t IIS wor$er -rocess is set at Web Session Ti&eoutN2? &in:
Id"eConnectionTi&eOutSecondsN12? sec: and Id"eTi&eoutN2? &in.
Ti&eouts can be con)igured at t'ree di))erent "eve"sF
TM1D Web ti&eout settingsF web.con)ig: t&1web web a--
TM1 server ti&eout settingsF t&1s.c)g
Microso)t IIS settings )or ti&eout o) wor$er -rocessesF IIS w3w-.e+e P De)au"t!--Poo" P &ac'ine.c)g
T'e setting in t'e t&1s.c)g )i"e a--"ies at t'e server "eve": w'i"e t'e web.con)ig a--"ies to accessing t'e virtua" director# )or
TM1 Web.
T'e Id"eConnectionTi&eOutSeconds wi"" disconnect a userIs TM1 session: w'i"e t'e ti&eout -ara&eter in t'e web.con)ig on"#
a--"ies to a userIs connection to t'e TM1 Web website.
T'e setting in t'e web.con)ig )i"e ta$es -recedence over id"e ti&eout in IIS and &ac'ine.con)ig. W'en ti&eout is &issing in
web.con)ig t'en t'e setting )ro& &ac'ine.con)ig ta$es -recedence.
3or best resu"ts: do not c'ange t'e de)au"t settings. To -revent a TM1 Web session )ro& ti&ing out: i) #ou do c'ange t'e
de)au"t setting: ta$e into account #our business reBuire&ents and t'e -recedence o) ti&eout settings.
To diagnose a ti&eout -rob"e&: be sure a setting 'as been &ade in t'e t&1s.c)g. No ti&eout setting &eans #ou never ti&e
Id"eConnectionTi&eOut Seconds s-eci)ies a ti&eout "i&it )or id"e c"ient connections in seconds. 3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou inc"ude
t'e "ine Id"eConnectionTi&eOutSecondsN9?? in t&1s.c)g: t'e server disconnects id"e c"ient connections a)ter 9?? seconds.
)arent topic. C'anging t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web Session Ti&eout
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.6.9.$. AdBusting t,e timeout parameter
=ou can use t'ese tec'niBues to adAust t'e ti&eout -ara&eter in TM1D : Microso)t IIS: and TM1 Web.
Increase ti&eout Id"eConnectionTi&eOutSeconds Et&1s.c)gG )ro& 9?? sec to 12?? sec EN 12? &inG. 1.
Increase ti&eout o) IIS wor$er -rocess )ro& sec EN2? &inG to 12?? sec EN 12? &inG cscri-t KS#ste&DriveKYInet-ub
Y!d&inScri-tsYadsuti".vbs set W3S(C7!--Poo"s7!--"icationPoo"Na&e n
Increase ti&eout De)au"t!--Poo" )ro& de)au"t 2? &in to 12? &in. 3.
Increase ti&eout TM1 Web Session Eweb.con)igG )ro& de)au"t 2? &in to 12? &in. %.
'tt-/unti&e e+ecutionTi&eoutNH12??H Eweb.con)igG ,.
/estart IIS a)ter c'anging ti&eout settings. 0.
)arent topic. C'anging t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web Session Ti&eout
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
163 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 C,anging t,e 'efault Setting in Microsoft IIS 0ersion 7 !ebser&er of
Microsoft Windo!s Ser&er $001
=ou can use t'ese tec'niBues to adAust t'e ti&eout -ara&eter in TM1D : Microso)t IIS: and TM1 Web.
Increase ti&eout Id"eConnectionTi&eOutSeconds Et&1s.c)gG )ro& 9?? sec to 12?? sec EN 12? &inG. 1.
/ig't<c"ic$ and se"ect Pro-erties: tab Per)or&ance: Web 5ardenFMa+i&u& nu&ber o) wor$er -rocesses 2.
)arent topic. C'anging t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web Session Ti&eout
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
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9.6.?. C,anging t,e Cube 0ie!er )age Si4e
=ou can c'ange t'e nu&ber o) rows and co"u&ns dis-"a#ed in t'e Cube (iewer o) TM1D t'e IMD CognosD TM1 .
# de)au"t: Web Cube (iewer dis-"a#s -ages o) TM1 data wit' 2? co"u&ns and 1?? rows: and inc"udes t'e di&ensions "ist in
t'e row count.
*dit Web.con)ig. 1.
6ocate t'e )o""owing codeF
C'ange t'e va"ue )or t'e row and7or co"u&n -age si2e. 3.
Save Web.con)ig. %.
6og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
3or e+a&-"e: i) #ou set t'e row -age si2e to 1?: t'e Cube (iewer dis-"a#s nine rows o) data: -"us t'e row o) di&ensions.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.10. Setting t,e Ma5imum -umber of S,eets to 35port from a Cube 0ie!er
# de)au"t: t'e &a+i&u& nu&ber o) s'eets #ou can e+-ort )ro& a Cube (iewer to a -rinter is 1??. =ou can con)igure IMD
CognosD TM1D Web to e+-ort &ore s'eets.
*dit Web.con)ig. 1.
6ocate t'e )o""owing codeF
C'ange t'e va"ue )or t'e &a+i&u& nu&ber o) s'eets to e+-ort. 3.
Save Web.con)ig. %.
6og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web. ,.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.11. AdBusting t,e *ttp+untime 35ecutionTimeout )arameter
=ou can adAust t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web 'tt-/unti&ee+ecutionTi&eout -ara&eter under certain conditions.
I) IM Cognos TM1 Web dis-"a#s t'e )o""owing error &essage w'en o-ening a "arge or co&-"e+ Webs'eet: #ou can adAust t'e
IM Cognos TM1 Web 'tt-/unti&ee+ecutionTi&eout -ara&eter.
Server Error in '/TM1Web' Application. Request timed
T'e e+ecutionTi&eout -ara&eter s-eci)ies t'e &a+i&u& nu&ber o) seconds t'at a reBuest: suc' as o-ening a Webs'eet: is
a""owed to e+ecute be)ore being auto&atica""# s'ut down b# Microso)t Internet In)or&ation Services EIISG.
*dit Web.con)ig. 1.
6ocate t'e s!ste%-#eb section. 2.
!dd or edit t'e 'tt-/unti&e e+ecutionTi&eout -ara&eter as )o""owsF
&lthttpRuntime executionTimeout="value"
w'ere t'e )or&at o) value can be eit'er seconds or ..FMMFSS.
I) a va"ue is not s-eci)ied in Web.con)ig: t'en t'e va"ue in t'e Microso)t .N*T 3ra&ewor$ con)iguration )i"e:
Mac'ine.con)ig: is used. I) no va"ue is s-eci)ied in eit'er )i"e: t'en t'e de)au"t va"ue )or t'is -ara&eter is 9?.
Save Web.con)ig. %.
6og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web. ,.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.1$. Setting t,e TM135celSer&ice)ort-umber )arameter
=ou can edit t'e TM1*+ce"ServicePortNu&ber -ara&eter t'at s-eci)ies t'e -ort nu&ber at w'ic' t'e TM1D *+ce" Service is
T'e TM1 *+ce" Service is an a--"ication t'at runs in t'e bac$ground to 'and"e IMD CognosD TM1 Web reBuests )or
converting *+ce" )i"es into ;M6 )or&at.
=ou can edit t'e TM1*+ce"ServicePortNu&ber -ara&eter in t'e Web.con)ig )i"e using t'e )o""owing )or&atF
<add key="TM1ExcelServicePortNumber" value="PortNumber"
w'ere Port$u%ber &ust be set to a va"id -ort nu&ber: as s'own in t'e )o""owing e+a&-"eF
<add key="TM1ExcelServicePortNumber" value="4785"
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.11. Configuring t,e /ogin )age using Admin*ost-ame and TM1Ser&er-ame
T'e !d&in.ostNa&e and TM1ServerNa&e -ara&eters contro" w'et'er or not t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web "ogin -age
-ro&-ts t'e user to enter va"ues )or t'e TM1 !d&in .ost and TM1 server.
I) #ou set a va"ue )or eit'er o) t'ese -ara&eters in t'e Web.con)ig )i"e: t'en t'e "ogin -rocess uses t'e s-eci)ied va"ue and
does not -ro&-t t'e user )or t'is in)or&ation.
Admin*ost-ame )arameter
T'is -ara&eter s-eci)ies t'e na&e o) t'e !d&in .ost on w'ic' a TM1 !d&in Server is running. *dit t'e !d&in.ostNa&e
-ara&eter in t'e Web.con)ig )i"e using t'e )o""owing )or&atF
<add key="AdminHostName" value="HostName"
w'ere .ost$a%e can be one o) t'e )o""owing va"uesF
I) .ost$a%e is b"an$ Ede)au"t va"ueG: t'en t'e "ogin -age dis-"a#s t'e !d&in .ost -ro&-t.
I) .ost$a%e is set to t'e na&e o) a va"id TM1 !d&in .ost: t'en IM Cognos TM1 Web uses t'at !d&in .ost )or t'e "ogin
-rocess and does not -ro&-t t'e user.
TM1Ser&er-ame )arameter
T'is -ara&eter sets t'e na&e o) t'e TM1 server. *dit t'e TM1ServerNa&e -ara&eter in t'e Web.con)ig )i"e using t'e
)o""owing )or&atF
<add key="TM1ServerName" value="ServerName"
w'ere Server$a%e can be one o) t'e )o""owing va"uesF
I) Server$a%e is b"an$ Ede)au"t va"ueG: t'en t'e TM1 server -ro&-t is dis-"a#ed on t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web "ogin -age:
as s'own be"ow.
I) Server$a%e is set to a va"id TM1 server na&e: t'en t'e "ogin -age does not dis-"a# a -ro&-t )or eit'er t'e !d&in
.ost or t'e TM1 server.
I) t'e !d&inSvrSS6CertID -ara&eter is incorrect"# con)igured: t'e server na&e -u""<down dis-"a#s as e&-t# and an error
is "ogged in t'e TM1Web.con)ig )i"e. See H/unning TM1 in Secure Mode using SS6H in t'e IM Cognos TM1 Operation
Guide )or &ore in)or&ation.
!)ter t'e user enters a va"id User Na&e and Password: IM Cognos TM1 Web wi"" "ogin to t'e TM1 server s-eci)ied b# t'e
TM1ServerNa&e -ara&eter in t'e Web.con)ig )i"e.
3or e+a&-"e: t'e TM1ServerNa&e -ara&eter cou"d be set to -"anning sa&-"e: as s'own in t'e )o""owing code.
<add key="TM1ServerName" value="planning sample" />
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
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9.6.12. Configuring I(M Cognos TM1 Web Startup and Appearance Settings
=ou can contro" t'e a--earance o) t'e Navigation -ane: tab bar: and Webs'eet and Cubeviewer too"bars w'en users "og in to
IMD CognosD TM1D Web.
T'ese -ara&eters are "ocated in t'e appSettings section o) t'e web.con)ig )i"e )or IM Cognos TM1 Web and a--"# g"oba""# to
a"" users o) IM Cognos TM1 Web.
-ote. 3or detai"s on using t'e .o&ePageObAect -ara&eter to set a custo& 'o&e-age: see Con)iguring a Custo& .o&e-age
)or IM Cognos TM1 Web.
-a&Tree*idden )arameter
T'e NavTree.idden -ara&eter deter&ines i) t'e Navigation -ane dis-"a#s w'en users "og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
-a&TreeCollapsed%nStart )arameter
T'e NavTreeCo""a-sedOnStart -ara&eter deter&ines i) t'e Navigation -ane wi"" be &ini&i2ed or e+-anded w'en users
"og in. I) co""a-sed: a s&a"" vertica" bar dis-"a#s to -rovide t'e user wit' a wa# to restore t'e -ane.
*ideTab(ar )arameter
T'e .ideTabar -ara&eter deter&ines i) IM Cognos TM1 Web can dis-"a# &u"ti-"e tabs w'en a user o-ens &u"ti-"e IM
Cognos TM1 Web obAects: or i) on"# one view is dis-"a#ed.
*ideWebs,eetTool(ar )arameter
T'e .ideWebs'eetToo"ar -ara&eter deter&ines i) t'e Webs'eet too"bar is dis-"a#ed w'en users o-en a Webs'eet.
*ideCube&ie!erTool(ar )arameter
T'e .ideCubeviewerToo"ar -ara&eter deter&ines i) t'e Cubeviewer too"bar is dis-"a#ed w'en users o-en a cube view.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
170 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 -a&Tree*idden )arameter
T'e NavTree.idden -ara&eter deter&ines i) t'e Navigation -ane dis-"a#s w'en users "og in to IMD CognosD TM1D Web.
T'is can be 'e"-)u" i) #ou are dis-"a#ing a custo& 'o&e-age )or users and #ou want to co&-"ete"# 'ide t'e Navigation -ane.
T'e NavTree.idden -ara&eter uses t'e )o""owing )or&at in t'e web.con)ig )i"eF
<add key="NavTreeHidden" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true"
va"ue can be eit'er true or )a"se
I) set to )a"se: t'e Navigation -ane wi"" be dis-"a#ed w'en userIs "og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
I) set to true: t'e Navigation -ane wi"" not be dis-"a#ed w'en userIs "og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
!""owOverwrite can be set to true or )a"se as )o""owsF
I) #ou set !""owOverwriteNtrue: t'e NavTree.idden -ara&eter is assigned g"oba""# to a"" users: but can be overridden )or
individua" c"ients using t'e C"ient Settings dia"og in !rc'itect and Server *+-"orer.
I) #ou set !""owOverwriteN)a"se: t'e NavTree.idden -ara&eter a--"ies g"oba""# to a"" TM1 users and can not be
overridden )or individua" c"ients using t'e C"ient Settings dia"og in !rc'itect and Server *+-"orer.
)arent topic. Con)iguring IM Cognos TM1 Web Startu- and !--earance Settings
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
171 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.12.$. -a&TreeCollapsed%nStart )arameter
T'e NavTreeCo""a-sedOnStart -ara&eter deter&ines i) t'e Navigation -ane wi"" be &ini&i2ed or e+-anded w'en users "og in.
I) co""a-sed: a s&a"" vertica" bar dis-"a#s to -rovide t'e user wit' a wa# to restore t'e -ane.
T'e NavTreeCo""a-sedOnStart -ara&eter uses t'e )o""owing )or&at in t'e web.con)ig )i"eF
<add key="NavTreeCollapsedOnStart" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true"
va"ue can be eit'er true or )a"se.
I) va"ue is set to )a"se: t'e Navigation -ane wi"" be e+-anded and dis-"a# in its de)au"t &ode w'en userIs "og in to IMD
CognosD TM1D Web.
I) va"ue is set to true: t'e Navigation -ane wi"" be co""a-sed w'en userIs "og in to IM Cognos TM1 Web.
!""owOverwrite can be set to true or )a"se as )o""owsF
I) #ou set !""owOverwriteNtrue: t'e NavTreeCo""a-sedOnStart -ara&eter is assigned g"oba""# to a"" users: but can be
overridden )or individua" c"ients using t'e C"ient Settings dia"og in TM1 !rc'itect and Server *+-"orer.
I) #ou set !""owOverwriteN)a"se: t'e NavTreeCo""a-sedOnStart -ara&eter a--"ies g"oba""# to a"" TM1 users and cannot be
overridden )or individua" c"ients using t'e C"ient Settings dia"og in TM1 !rc'itect and Server *+-"orer.
)arent topic. Con)iguring IM Cognos TM1 Web Startu- and !--earance Settings
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
172 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 *ideTab(ar )arameter
T'e .ideTabar -ara&eter deter&ines i) IMD CognosD TM1D Web can dis-"a# &u"ti-"e tabs w'en a user o-ens &u"ti-"e
IM Cognos TM1 Web obAects: or i) on"# one view is dis-"a#ed.
T'is can be use)u" i) #ou want to "i&it users to one view at a ti&e.
T'e .ideTabar -ara&eter uses t'e )o""owing )or&at in t'e web.con)ig )i"eF
<add key="HideTabBar" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true"
w'ere va"ue can be eit'er true or )a"se.
I) va"ue is set to )a"se: &u"ti-"e tabs can be dis-"a#ed. T'is is t'e de)au"t be'avior o) IM Cognos TM1 Web.
I) va"ue is set to true: &u"ti-"e tabs are not dis-"a#ed and on"# one obAect can be o-ened at a ti&e.
T'e !""owOverwrite o-tion is not current"# used )or t'is -ara&eter.
)arent topic. Con)iguring IM Cognos TM1 Web Startu- and !--earance Settings
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
173 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 *ideWebs,eetTool(ar )arameter
T'e .ideWebs'eetToo"ar -ara&eter deter&ines i) t'e Webs'eet too"bar is dis-"a#ed w'en users o-en a Webs'eet.
T'e .ideWebs'eetToo"ar -ara&eter uses t'e )o""owing )or&at in t'e web.con)ig )i"eF
<add key="HideWebsheetToolBar" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true"
w'ere va"ue can be eit'er true or )a"se.
I) va"ue is set to )a"se: t'e Webs'eet too"bar wi"" dis-"a# in IMD CognosD TM1D Web.
I) va"ue is set to true: t'e Webs'eet too"bar wi"" not dis-"a# in IM Cognos TM1 Web.
T'e !""owOverwrite o-tion is not current"# used )or t'is -ara&eter.
)arent topic. Con)iguring IM Cognos TM1 Web Startu- and !--earance Settings
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
174 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 *ideCube&ie!erTool(ar )arameter
T'e .ideCubeviewerToo"ar -ara&eter deter&ines i) t'e Cubeviewer too"bar is dis-"a#ed w'en users o-en a cube view.
T'e .ideCubeviewerToo"ar -ara&eter uses t'e )o""owing )or&at in t'e web.con)ig )i"eF
<add key="HideCubeviewerToolBar" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true"
w'ere va"ue can be eit'er true or )a"se.
I) va"ue is set to )a"se: t'e Webs'eet too"bar wi"" dis-"a# in IMD CognosD TM1D Web.
I) va"ue is set to true: t'e Webs'eet too"bar wi"" not dis-"a# in IM Cognos TM1 Web.
T'e !""owOverwrite o-tion is not current"# used )or t'is -ara&eter.
)arent topic. Con)iguring IM Cognos TM1 Web Startu- and !--earance Settings
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
175 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.16. Using t,e Custom/in# )arameter to %pen %t,er U+/s and Web )ages
T'e Custo&6in$ -ara&eter dis-"a#s a "in$ in t'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web too"bar t'at can o-en a U/6 address or web
=ou can con)igure t'is -ara&eter wit' #our own custo& te+t and U/6 )or t'e "in$. W'en #ou c"ic$ t'e "in$: t'e target o) t'e
U/6 o-ens in a new window using #our s#ste&Is de)au"t web browser.
T'e de)au"t setting )or t'is -ara&eter is disab"ed < a"" t'e va"ues )or t'e -ara&eter are set to b"an$. T'is -revents t'e "in$
)ro& dis-"a#ing on t'e too"bar.
<add key="CustomLink" value=";Description=;Url=;"
To con)igure t'e Custo&6in$ -ara&eter: edit t'e web.con)ig )i"e using t'e )o""owing )or&at.
<add key="CustomLink" value="LinkTitle;Description=LinkTooltip;Url=LinkURL;"
,in/itle is t'e te+t t'at dis-"a#s )or t'e "in$ in t'e too"bar.
,in/ooltip is t'e 'e"- te+t t'at dis-"a#s w'en #ou 'over t'e &ouse over t'e "in$.
,in/U+, is t'e U/6 t'at #ou want to o-en w'en #ou c"ic$ t'e "in$.
3or e+a&-"eF
<add key="CustomLink" value="IBM Web Site;Description=Open
the IBM Web Site;Url="/>
-ote. =ou &ust )o""ow standard c'aracter esca-e ru"es )or ;M6 w'en adding a U/6 to t'e ;M6<based web.con)ig )i"e. 3or
e+a&-"e: re-"ace t'e &c'aracter wit' t'e &amp;esca-e seBuence.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
176 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.17. Configuring t,e I(M Cognos TM1 Web 0irtual Cac,e 'irector
IMD CognosD TM1D Web reBuires a virtua" director#: outside o) t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web a--"ication director#: as a
"ocation )or te&-orar# )i"es.
T'e *+ce"S'eet and UserTe&-Dir directories are "ocated under t'is director# and are used during t'e viewing o) Webs'eets
and t'e e+-orting o) Webs'eets and Cube (iews )ro& IM Cognos TM1 Web. # de)au"t: t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web
insta""ation con)igures t'is virtua" director# in t'e )o""owing "ocationF
-ote. T'is con)iguration does not t#-ica""# reBuire an# c'anges: 'owever: i) necessar#: #ou can con)igure t'is setting using
t'e UseSe-arate(irtua"Cac'e -ara&eter in t'e web.con)ig )i"e as )o""owsF
<add key="UseSeparateVirtualCache" value="Y;Url=;AbsolutePath="/>
w'ere t'e Ur" and !bso"utePat' -ara&eters &ust reso"ve to t'e sa&e "ocation.
Ur" is t'e U/6 -at' to t'e virtua" director# t'at #ou want IM Cognos TM1 Web to use as t'e cac'e director#.
T'e de)au"t is Ur"N'tt-F77SWebServerNa&eR7TM1Web*+.
!bso"utePat' is t'e -at' to t'e -'#sica" director# t'at #ou want IM Cognos TM1 Web to use as t'e cac'e director#.
T'e de)au"t is !bso"utePat'NCFYProgra& 3i"esYIMYcognosYt&1Yt&1webe+.
Important. T'e UseSe-arate(irtua"Cac'e -ara&eter &ust be set to eit'er = or not used at a"". I) t'is -ara&eter is e+c"uded
)ro& t'e web.con)ig )i"e: IM Cognos TM1 Web uses TM1Web*+ as t'e de)au"t "ocation )or t'e virtua" cac'e director#.
Warning. IM Cognos TM1 Web wi"" not wor$ i) t'e UseSe-arate(irtua"Cac'e -ara&eter is set to N.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
177 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.18. Controlling C,art Scaling and Increments !it, t,e SmartA5is3nabled
T'e S&art!+is*nab"ed -ara&eter contro"s t'e auto&atic sca"e and incre&ent settings o) t'e ; and =<a+is in IMD CognosD
TM1D Web c'arts.
W'en t'is -ara&eter is enab"ed Ede)au"tG: IM Cognos TM1 Web uses a new en'anced dis-"a# -rocess t'at auto&atica""#
adAusts t'e a+is sca"e and incre&ent settings )or c'arts. I) disab"ed: IM Cognos TM1 Web dis-"a#s c'arts using t'e "egac#
auto&atic sca"ing t'at was avai"ab"e in t'e 9.? version o) IM Cognos TM1 Web.
To enab"e t'is -ara&eter and use t'e new en'anced IM Cognos TM1 Web 9.1.+ c'arting: edit t'e web.con)ig )i"e as )o""owsF
<add key="SmartAxisEnabled" value="true" />
To disab"e t'is -ara&eter and use t'e IM Cognos TM1 Web 9.? c'arting: edit t'e web.con)ig )i"e as )o""owsF
<add key="SmartAxisEnabled" value="false" />
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
178 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.19. 3nabling t,e Webs,eet )aging Toolbar
T'e Webs'eet -aging )eature inc"udes a too"bar in IMD CognosD TM1D Web t'at -rovides easier navigation in Webs'eets
t'at contain a "arge nu&ber o) rows.
T'is too"bar a""ows #ou to &ove -age b# -age t'roug' a range o) rows in t'e Webs'eet or Au&- to a range o) rows t'at #ou
T'e Webs'eet -aging too"bar is disab"ed b# de)au"t. Use t'e WebsheetPaging -ara&eter in t'e web.con)ig )i"e to enab"e and
con)igure t'e Webs'eet -aging too"bar.
O-en t'e web.con)ig )i"e and "ocate t'e <!-- Websheet Paging Settings --> "ine. 1.
To enab"e t'e Webs'eet -aging )eature: set t'e va"ue o) t'e WebsheetPaging -ara&eter to Enabled=true as )o""owsF
<!-- Websheet Paging Settings -->
<add key="WebsheetPaging" value="Enabled=true;PageSize=100"
Set t'e a--ro+ia&te nu&ber o) Webs'eet rows t'at #ou want viewab"e in IM Cognos TM1 Web b# con)iguring t'e
PageSize -ara&eter. 3or e+a&-"eF
<add key="WebsheetPaging" value="Enabled=true;
To disab"e t'e Webs'eet -aging )eature: set t'e va"ue o) t'e WebsheetPaging -ara&eter to Enabled=false as )o""owsF
<!-- Websheet Paging Settings -->
<add key="WebsheetPaging" value="Enabled=false;PageSize=100"
Save and c"ose t'e web.con)ig )i"e. ,.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
179 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.1?. Using t,e TM1 Web )age+esetMode parameter
T'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web Page/esetMode -ara&eter a""ows #ou to contro" so&e o) t'e be'avior o) -age orientation in
Webs'eets w'en #ou -er)or& certain actions suc' as reca"cu"ating: rebui"ding: or c'anging a tit"e di&ension e"e&ent )or an
!ctive 3or& in a Webs'eet.
W,en to use t,e )age+esetMode parameter
Paging and row be'avior can var# in a Webs'eet due to t'e s-eci)ic "a#out o) obAects: suc' as i&ages: c'arts: and7or !ctive
3or&s: wit'in a Webs'eet and certain actions: suc' as reca"cu"ating: rebui"ding: or c'anging a tit"e di&ension e"e&ent )or an
!ctive 3or& in a Webs'eet. In so&e cases: an une+-ected dis-"a# o) -aging and rows can a--ear w'en viewing a Webs'eet
in TM1 Web. T'is be'avior de-ends on t'e s-eci)ic content and action -er)or&ed in t'e Webs'eet.
Use t'e Page/esetMode -ara&eter w'en #ou want to contro" so&e o) t'e be'avior o) -age orientation in a Webs'eet w'en
#ou -"an to -er)or& certain actions suc' as reca"cu"ating: rebui"ding: or c'anging a tit"e di&ension e"e&ent )or an !ctive
3or& in a Webs'eet.
T'e Page/esetMode -ara&eter was introduced as o) TM1 Web version 9.,.2
)age+esetMode configuration e5ample
Use t'e Page/esetMode -ara&eter to contro" t'e be'avior o) -age orientation wit' Webs'eets w'en -er)or&ing t'e )o""owing
/eca"cu"ating a Webs'eet
/ebui"ding a Webs'eet t'at contains an !ctive 3or&
Initia" "oading o) a Webs'eet t'at contains an !ctive 3or&
C'anging a tit"e di&ension e"e&ent in a Webs'eet wit' an !ctive 3or&
# de)au"t: as o) TM1 version 9.,.2: t'e Page/esetMode -ara&eter is set to a va"ue o) 3 in t'e web.con)ig )i"e w'en #ou
insta"" TM1.
=ou can con)igure t'e Page/esetMode -ara&eter in t'e )o""owing section o) t'e TM1 Web web.con)ig )i"eF
<!-- Websheet Paging Settings -->
<add key="WebsheetPaging" value="Enabled=true;PageSize=10;PageResetMode=1" />
T'e )o""owing va"ues can be used wit' t'e Page/esetMode -ara&eter.
Tab"e 1. Page/esetMode Para&eter (a"ues
0alue 'escription
? 6egac# &ode. T'e Webs'eet -ageview is not reset.
1 !n# rebui"d o) t'e Webs'eet resets t'e -ageviews on a"" s'eets EtabsG in t'e wor$boo$. T'is does not
reBuire an# -resent active )or&.
3or e+a&-"eF
W'en #ou -er)or& on"# a reca"c o-eration: t'e Webs'eet -ageviews sta# in t'e sa&e -"ace and do not go
bac$ to t'e to- o) t'e Webs'eet.
W'en #ou -er)or& a rebui"d action or use t'e !ctionN/ebui"d state&ent wit' t'e TM1 Web U/6 !PI on a
Webs'eet: TM1 resets t'e dis-"a# o) t'e Webs'eet to t'e to- o) t'e -age.
3 Inc"udes a"" cases )or a setting o) 1 and a"so resets t'e -ageview o) t'e s'eet EtabG t'at contains t'e !ctive
3or& w'en a tit"e di&ension e"e&ent is c'anged )or t'at !ctive 3or&. T'is be'avior is regard"ess o) 'ow or
w'ere t'e tit"e di&ension e"e&ent c'ange occurs. T'e action cou"d 'ave occurred on anot'er s'eet EtabG in
t'e Webs'eet: eit'er interactive"# or b# ca"cu"ation.
3or e+a&-"eF
W'en #ou c'ange a tit"e di&ension e"e&ent and auto reca"c is enab"ed: t'e Webs'eet -ageview t'at
contains t'e !ctive 3or& is u-dated )or t'e new tit"e di&ension se"ection and t'e dis-"a# o) t'at -ageview is
reset to t'e to- o) t'e -age.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
180 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
0alue 'escription
W'en #ou are on anot'er -age wit'in a Webs'eet E)or e+a&-"e: -age % o) 1?G and a tit"e di&ension e"e&ent
is c'anged: t'e Webs'eet -ageview t'at contains t'e !ctive 3or& is u-dated )or t'e new tit"e di&ension
se"ection and t'e dis-"a# o) t'at -ageview is reset to t'e to- o) t'e -age.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
181 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.$0. Allo!ing pasting in &alidated cells
=ou cannot -aste on a ce"" w'en Microso)t *+ce" va"idation is set in t'e web. Paste*n)orce&ent overrides t'is restriction and
a""ows #ou to -er)or& a -aste into a ce"" wit' va"idation: 'owever: using t'is -ara&eter ignores an# va"idation set on t'e ce"".
# de)au"t: i) #ou 'ave Microso)t *+ce" data va"idation turned on )or a web ce"": Cognos TM1 wi"" not a""ow a non<va"id ce""
va"ue to be t#-ed in. .owever: -aste )unctiona"it# 'as been restricted on t'ese t#-es o) ce""s. T'is be'avior 'a--ens on"# )or
Microso)t *+ce" data va"idation. CognosD TM1D -ic$"ists ce""s are va"idated di))erent"# and are not a))ected b# t'is restriction.
W'en t'e Paste*n)orce&ent web con)iguration -ara&eter is turned on: -asting into a ce"" wit' Data (a"idation is a""owed. It is
i&-ortant to re&e&ber t'at a""owing t'e -aste to occur &eans t'at data va"idation is no "onger used so -otentia""# inva"id
ce"" va"ues &a# be entered.
# de)au"t: -asting is not a""owed on ce""s wit' data va"idation.
<add key="PasteEnforcement" value="Mode=0" />
To a""ow -asting into Microso)t *+ce" va"idated ce""s on t'e web: set t'e va"ue to Mode=1 in t'is -ara&eter and save t'e
web.con)ig )i"e.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
182 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.6.$1. Wrapping string &alues in cube &ie!s
Use CubeviewerStringWra- to set t'e -ara&eters used w'en viewing string e"e&ent ce""s in a Web Cube (iew.
To contro" t'e wa# a view is dis-"a#ed and wra--ed: set t'e va"ues using t'e CubeviewerStringWra- -ara&eter and save t'e
web con)iguration )i"e. Ce""s t'at are not dis-"a#ed are sti"" editab"e in a scro""ab"e area b# c"ic$ing in t'e wra--ed region.
Turn wra--ing o) string ce""s in t'is view on or o)). W'en set to H3a"seH t'e co"u&n widt' is as wide as t'e "ongest string
)or an# row in t'e current view. Set to HTrueH b# de)au"t to turn on wra--ing using t'ese de)au"t -ara&eters.
Set t'e &ini&u& nu&ber o) c'aracters needed be)ore wra--ing. 3or instance: string va"ues wit' "ess t'an ,?
c'aracters wi"" not wra- wit'in a ce"". Set to ,? b# de)au"t.
Set t'e &a+i&u& nu&ber o) c'aracters to dis-"a# wit'in t'e string ce"". T'e ce"" &a# contain &ore t'an t'is nu&ber o)
c'aracters: but t'e# wi"" on"# be dis-"a#ed w'en doub"e<c"ic$ing on t'e ce"". I) t'e MinC'aractersToWra- is ,? and t'e
Ma+Dis-"a#C'aracters is 2??: string ce""s containing 2?? or &ore c'aracters wi"" consu&e a--ro+i&ate"# % "ines. Set to
2?? b# de)au"t.
Set t'e &a+i&u& nu&ber o) c'aracters #ou want dis-"a#ed. T'is is a -i+e" setting used to ca"ibrate t'e string dis-"a#
)or o-ti&a" a--earance. Set to 2?? b# de)au"t.
Set t'e nu&ber o) c'aracters used in t'e wra--ed -ortion o) t'e dis-"a#. Set to 2%? b# de)au"t.
Use t'e )o""owing )or&at in t'e web.con)ig )i"e Et'e )o""owing "isting 'as a return in it )or c"arit# but #ou s'ou"d not enter a
<add key="CubeviewerStringWrap" value="Enabled=true;MinCharactersToWrap=50;
MaxDisplayCharacters=200;WidthOfWrapCell=240" />
+emember. CubeviewerStringWra- does not a--"# to Webs'eets.
)arent topic. Modi)#ing IM Cognos TM1 Web Con)iguration Para&eters
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
183 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.7. )erforming Web Folder Maintenance
IMD CognosD TM1D Web uses two web )o"ders )or te&-orar# )i"es. =ou s'ou"d -eriodica""# &onitor t'ese )o"ders and c"ean
t'e& out during s#ste& downti&e.
3or best -ractice: &onitor t'e )o""owing )o"ders: and de"ete t'eir o"der content during s#ste& downti&e w'en t'e )o"ders
beco&e )u"".
35cels,eet < W'en #ou view an *+ce" s'eet: IM Cognos TM1 Web writes severa" te&-orar# )i"es to t'is )o"der.
T'e de)au"t "ocation isF C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1\tm1webex
UserTemp'ir < Contains te&-orar# )i"es w'en e+-orting )ro& IM Cognos TM1
T'e de)au"t "ocation isF C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1\tm1webex
)arent topic. !d&inistering IM Cognos TM1 Web
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
184 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.8. Using I(M Cognos TM1 Web /ogging
IMD CognosD TM1D Web ad&inistrators can use t'e )o""owing two "og )i"es )or status and troub"es'ooting o) IM Cognos
TM1 Web. T'e severit# "eve"s in t'e "og )i"es 'e"- organi2e &essages.
Web.config < IM Cognos TM1 Web "og )i"e
TM1ExcelService.exe.config < IM CognosTM1 *+ce" Services "og )i"e
Message Se&erit /e&els for I(M Cognos TM1 Web /ogging
T'e "ogging -rocess )or IM Cognos TM1 Web and TM1 *+ce" Services categori2es "og &essages into t'ree severit#
I(M Cognos TM1 Web /og
T'e IM Cognos TM1 Web "og records &essages )or IM Cognos TM1 Web activit# and errors.
TM1 35cel Ser&ices /og
T'e TM1 *+ce" Services "og records &essages )or t'e TM1 *+ce" Service < an a--"ication t'at runs in t'e bac$ground to
'and"e IM Cognos TM1 Web reBuests )or converting *+ce" )i"es into ;M6 )or&at.
)arent topic. !d&inistering IM Cognos TM1 Web
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
185 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.8.1. Message Se&erit /e&els for I(M Cognos TM1 Web /ogging
T'e "ogging -rocess )or IMD CognosD TM1D Web and TM1 *+ce" Services categori2es "og &essages into t'ree severit#
T'ese "eve"s are a"so used in t'e "ogging -ro-erties )i"e to con)igure "ogging to a s-eci)ic "eve".
)arameter 'escription
D*U5 Detai"ed: tec'nica" &essages t'at are use)u" w'en TM1 custo&er su--ort or deve"o-&ent
engineering need to debug t'e a--"ication.
W'en "ogging is con)igured to t'is "eve": D*U5: IN3O: and *//O/ &essages are "ogged.
IN3O In)or&ationa" &essages t'at 'ig'"ig't t'e -rogress o) t'e a--"ication and re-ort nor&a"
transitions wit'in t'e a--"ication.
W'en "ogging is con)igured to t'is "eve": IN3O and *//O/ &essages are "ogged.
*//O/ !n error condition o) w'ic' #ou s'ou"d be aware. !ction s'ou"d be ta$en to )i+ or re-ort t'e issue
to TM1 custo&er su--ort.
W'en "ogging is con)igured to t'is "eve": on"# *//O/ &essages are "ogged.
)arent topic. Using IM Cognos TM1 Web 6ogging
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
186 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.8.$. I(M Cognos TM1 Web /og
T'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web "og records &essages )or IM Cognos TM1 Web activit# and errors.
T'e "og )i"e is an !SCII te+t )i"e t'at #ou can o-en in an# te+t editor: suc' as Microso)t Windows Note-ad.
Configuring and 3nabling I(M Cognos TM1 Web /ogging
=ou can c'ange t'e "ogging &essage "eve" )or IM Cognos TM1 Web "ogging.
0ie!ing t,e I(M Cognos TM1 Web /og File
T'e IM Cognos TM1 Web insta""ation con)igures IM Cognos TM1 Web "ogging to write &essages to t'e tm1web.log )i"e
in t'e '()Web)install director#.
)arent topic. Using IM Cognos TM1 Web 6ogging
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
187 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.8.$.1. Configuring and 3nabling I(M Cognos TM1 Web /ogging
=ou can c'ange t'e "ogging &essage "eve" )or IMD CognosD TM1D Web "ogging.
6ogging "eve"s are stored in t'e "ogging -ro-erties section o) t'e Web.config )i"e.
6ogging is enab"ed w'en t'e "ogging -ro-erties in t'e web.config )i"e are correct"# con)igured to turn on "ogging. 6ogging )or
IM Cognos TM1 Web is con)igured b# de)au"t w'en IM Cognos TM1 Web is insta""ed.
T'e web.con)ig )i"e is insta""ed in t'e TM1 Web install)director!. I) #ou insta""ed IM Cognos TM1 Web to t'e de)au"t
insta""ation "ocation: t'e web.config )i"e is "ocated in t'e director# C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1\tm1web.
T'e de)au"t web "ogging con)iguration is intended )or ever#da# use and does not t#-ica""# reBuire adAust&ent. 3or assistance
i) #ou need to con)igure t'e "ogging -ro-erties )or troub"es'ooting -ur-oses: contact IM Cognos Custo&er Su--ort.
T'e )o""owing is a sa&-"e o) t'e "ogging -ro-erties section in t'e web.config )i"e.
<level value="ERROR" />
<appender-ref ref="LogFileAppender" />
<appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<file value="log\tm1web.log" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<datePattern value="yyyyMMdd" />
<rollingStyle value="Date" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter">
<acceptOnMatch value="true" />
<levelMin value="INFO" />
<levelMax value="FATAL" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level
%logger - %message%newline" />
T'e &essage "eve" is indicated b#F <level value="ERROR" />
T'e "og )i"e na&e is indicated b#F <file value="log\tm1web.log" />
Attention. # de)au"t: t'e "og )i"e is created beneat' t'e root o) #our web server. !s suc': it cou"d be accessib"e b#
unaut'ori2ed individua"s. Consider setting t'e file value -ara&eter to write t'e "og )i"e to a secure "ocation. T'e -ara&eter
can acce-t a re"ative or "itera" -at'.
t'e &ini&u& and &a+i&u& &essage "eve" ranges are indicated b#F
<levelMin value="INFO" />
<levelMax value="FATAL" />
O-en t'e web.config )i"e in a te+t editor: suc' as Microso)t Windows Note-ad. 1.
6ocate t'e )o""owing section o) codeF 2.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
188 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
<level value="ERROR" />
C'ange t'e "eve" to one o) t'e va"id va"uesL D*U5: IN3O: or *//O/.
3or e+a&-"e: to c'ange t'e &essage "eve" to D*U5: edit t'is "ine as )o""owsF
<level value="DEBUG" />
6ocate t'e settings )or t'e levelMin and levelMax -ara&eters.
<levelMin value="INFO" />
<levelMax value="FATAL" />
!dAust t'e va"ues )or t'e levelMin and levelMax -ara&eters to a range t'at inc"udes t'e "eve" #ou want to "og.
3or e+a&-"e: to "og D*U5 "eve" &essages: c'ange t'e levelMin -ara&eter to D*U5.
<levelMin value="DEBUG" />
<levelMax value="FATAL" />
Save and c"ose t'e )i"e. ,.
)arent topic. IM Cognos TM1 Web 6og
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
189 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.8.$.$. 0ie!ing t,e I(M Cognos TM1 Web /og File
T'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web insta""ation con)igures IM Cognos TM1 Web "ogging to write &essages to t'e tm1web.log
)i"e in t'e '()Web)install director#.
About t,is tas#
I) #ou insta""ed IM Cognos TM1 Web to t'e de)au"t insta""ation "ocation: t'en t'e tm1web.log )i"e is "ocated in t'e )o""owing
C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1\tm1web\log
3or bac$u- -ur-oses: a co-# o) t'e tm1web.log )i"e is rena&ed and saved on a dai"# basis using t'e )o""owing na&ing
3or e+a&-"e: tm1web.log20070116.
6ocate t'e tm1web.log )i"e in t'e TM1_Web_install\log\ director#. 1.
O-en and view t'e )i"e wit' a te+t editor: suc' as Microso)t Windows Note-ad. 2.
*ac' "ine in t'e "og )i"e re-resents one uniBue &essage: arranged in t'e )o""owing )or&atF
2007-01-17 11:13:36,916 [2600] ERROR Cognos.TM1.Web.PageTM1WebpageUtils
- <Chores> not localized
2007-01-17 11:13:36,916 is t'e date and ti&e
[2600] is t'e t'read ID
ERROR is t'e &essage "eve"
Cognos.TM1.Web.PageTM1WebpageUtils is t'e sub co&-onent na&e
<Chores> not localized is t'e &essage te+t.
)arent topic. IM Cognos TM1 Web 6og
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
190 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.8.1. TM1 35cel Ser&ices /og
T'e TM1D *+ce" Services "og records &essages )or t'e TM1 *+ce" Service < an a--"ication t'at runs in t'e bac$ground to
'and"e IMD CognosD TM1 Web reBuests )or converting *+ce" )i"es into ;M6 )or&at.
T'e TM1 *+ce" Services "og )i"e is an !SCII te+t )i"e t'at #ou can o-en in an# te+t editor: suc' as Microso)t Windows Note-ad.
Configuring TM1 35cel Ser&ices /ogging
=ou can adAust t'e "ogging &essage "eve".
3nabling TM1 35cel Ser&ices /ogging
6ogging )or TM1 *+ce" Services is con)igured b# de)au"t w'en #ou insta"" IM Cognos TM1 Web.
0ie!ing t,e TM1 35cel Ser&ices /og File
T'e IM Cognos TM1 Web insta""ation con)igures TM1 *+ce" Services "ogging to write &essages to a )i"e ca""ed
tm1excelservice.log. On a dai"# basis: t'is )i"e is rena&ed and arc'ived using a s-eci)ic na&ing convention.
)arent topic. Using IM Cognos TM1 Web 6ogging
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
191 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 Configuring TM1 35cel Ser&ices /ogging
=ou can adAust t'e "ogging &essage "eve".
T'e con)iguration )or TM1D *+ce" Services "ogging is stored in t'e TM1ExcelService.exe.config )i"e.
T'e TM1ExcelService.exe.config )i"e is "ocated in t'e TM1 install_dir\bin director#. I) #ou insta""ed TM1 to t'e de)au"t
insta""ation "ocation: t'en t'is )i"e is "ocated in C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1\bin.
-ote. T'e de)au"t "ogging con)iguration is intended )or ever#<da# use and does not t#-ica""# reBuire adAust&ent. Contact
Cognos TM1 custo&er su--ort )or assistance i) #ou need to con)igure t'e TM1ExcelService.exe.config )i"e )or
troub"es'ooting -ur-oses.
! sa&-"e o) t'e TM1ExcelService.exe.config )i"e is s'ownF
<level value="ERROR" />
<appender-ref ref="LogFileAppender" />
<appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<file value="tm1excelservice.log" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<datePattern value="yyyyMMdd" />
<rollingStyle value="Date" />
<filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter">
<acceptOnMatch value="true" />
<levelMin value="INFO" />
<levelMax value="FATAL" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level
%logger - %message%newline" />
T'e &essage "eve" is indicated b#F <level value="ERROR" />
T'e "og )i"e na&e is indicated b#F <file value="tm1excelservice.log" />
T'e &ini&u& and &a+i&u& &essage "eve" ranges are indicated b#F
<levelMin value="INFO" />
<levelMax value="FATAL" />
O-en t'e TM1ExcelService.exe.config )i"e in a te+t editor: suc' as Microso)t Windows Note-ad. 1.
6ocate t'e )o""owing section o) code
<level value="ERROR" />
C'ange t'e "eve" to one o) t'e va"id va"uesL D*U5: IN3O: or *//O/.
3or e+a&-"e: to c'ange t'e &essage "eve" to D*U5: edit t'is "ine as )o""owsF
<level value="DEBUG" />
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
192 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
6ocate t'e settings )or t'e levelMin and levelMax -ara&eters.
<levelMin value="INFO" />
<levelMax value="FATAL" />
!dAust t'e va"ues )or t'e levelMin and levelMax -ara&eters to a range t'at inc"udes t'e "eve" #ou want to "og.
3or e+a&-"e: to "og D*U5 "eve" &essages: c'ange t'e levelMin -ara&eter to D*U5.
<levelMin value="DEBUG" />
<levelMax value="FATAL" />
Save and c"ose t'e )i"e. ,.
)arent topic. TM1 *+ce" Services 6og
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
193 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
9.8.1.$. 3nabling TM1 35cel Ser&ices /ogging
6ogging )or TM1D *+ce" Services is con)igured b# de)au"t w'en #ou insta"" IMD CognosD TM1 Web.
T'e insta""ation -"aces t'e TM1ExcelService.exe.config )i"e and t'e TM1 *+ce" Services )i"e: TM1ExcelService.exe: into
t'e TM1 install_dir\bindirector#.
6ogging is started w'en TM1 *+ce" Services starts u- and detects t'e TM1ExcelService.exe.config )i"e in t'e sa&e
)arent topic. TM1 *+ce" Services 6og
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
194 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12 0ie!ing t,e TM1 35cel Ser&ices /og File
T'e IMD CognosD TM1D Web insta""ation con)igures TM1 *+ce" Services "ogging to write &essages to a )i"e ca""ed
tm1excelservice.log. On a dai"# basis: t'is )i"e is rena&ed and arc'ived using a s-eci)ic na&ing convention.
3or e+a&-"e: tm1excelservice.log20070116.
6ocate t'e tm1excelservice.log )i"e in t'e TM1 install_dir\bin director#. 1.
O-en and view t'e )i"e wit' a te+t editor: suc' as Microso)t Windows Note-ad. 2.
*ac' "ine in t'e )i"e re-resents one uniBue &essage: arranged in t'e )o""owing )or&atF
2007-01-16 10:59:40,846 [3156] ERROR Cognos.TM1.ExcelServices.TM1ExcelService
- 'PDFcamp Printer' printer
2007-01-16 10:59:40,846 is t'e date and ti&e
[3156] is t'e t'read ID
ERROR is t'e &essage "eve"
Cognos.TM1.ExcelServices.TM1ExcelService is t'e TM1 sub<co&-onent na&e
'PDFcamp Printer' printer is t'e &essage te+t.
)arent topic. TM1 *+ce" Services 6og
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
195 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
?. Supported 35cel Functions " TM1 Web
IMD CognosD TM1D Web su--orts &an# *+ce" wor$s'eet )unctions.
Supported Functions
T'is a--endi+ "ists t'e su--orted *+ce" )unctions b# categor# and in a"-'abetica" order: and describes an# di))erences in
-er)or&ance between t'e *+ce" )unctions and TM1 Web )unctions.
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
196 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
?.1. Supported Functions
T'is a--endi+ "ists t'e su--orted *+ce" )unctions b# categor# and in a"-'abetica" order: and describes an# di))erences in
-er)or&ance between t'e *+ce" )unctions and TM1D Web )unctions.
'ate and Time Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists date and ti&e )unctions.
Financial Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists )inancia" )unctions.
Information Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists in)or&ation )unctions.
/ogical Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists "ogica" )unctions.
/oo#up and +eference Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists "oo$u- and re)erence )unctions.
Mat, and Trigonometric Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists &at' and trigono&etric )unctions.
Te5t and 'ata Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists te+t and data )unctions.
Statistical Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists statistica" )unctions.
)arent topic. Su--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
197 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
?.1.1. 'ate and Time Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists date and ti&e )unctions.
Function 'escription
D!T* /eturns t'e seria" nu&ber o) a -articu"ar date.
D!T*(!6U* Converts a date in t'e )or& o) te+t to a seria" nu&ber.
D!= Converts a seria" nu&ber to a da# o) t'e &ont'.
D!=S30? Ca"cu"ates t'e nu&ber o) da#s between two dates based on a 30?<da# #ear.
.OU/ Converts a seria" nu&ber to an 'our.
MINUT* Converts a seria" nu&ber to a &inute.
MONT. Converts a seria" nu&ber to a &ont'.
NOW /eturns t'e seria" nu&ber o) t'e current date and ti&e.
S*COND Converts a seria" nu&ber to a second.
TIM* /eturns t'e seria" nu&ber o) a -articu"ar ti&e.
TIM*(!6U* Converts a ti&e in t'e )or& o) te+t to a seria" nu&ber.
TOD!= /eturns t'e seria" nu&ber o) toda#Is date.
W**>D!= Converts a seria" nu&ber to a da# o) t'e wee$.
=*!/ Converts a seria" nu&ber to a #ear.
)arent topic. Su--orted 3unctions
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
198 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
?.1.$. Financial Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists )inancia" )unctions.
Function 'escription
D /eturns t'e de-reciation o) an asset )or a s-eci)ied -eriod using t'e )i+ed<dec"ining ba"ance
DD /eturns t'e de-reciation o) an asset )or a s-eci)ied -eriod using t'e doub"e<dec"ining ba"ance
&et'od or so&e ot'er &et'od #ou s-eci)#.
3( /eturns t'e )uture va"ue o) an invest&ent.
IPMT /eturns t'e interest -a#&ent )or an invest&ent )or a given -eriod.
I// /eturns t'e interna" rate o) return )or a series o) cas' )"ows.
ISPMT Ca"cu"ates t'e interest -aid during a s-eci)ic -eriod o) an invest&ent.
MI// /eturns t'e interna" rate o) return w'ere -ositive and negative cas' )"ows are )inanced at
di))erent rates.
NP*/ /eturns t'e nu&ber o) -eriods )or an invest&ent.
NP( /eturns t'e net -resent va"ue o) an invest&ent based on a series o) -eriodic cas' )"ows and a
discount rate.
PMT /eturns t'e -eriodic -a#&ent )or an annuit#.
PPMT /eturns t'e -a#&ent on t'e -rinci-a" )or an invest&ent )or a given -eriod.
P( /eturns t'e -resent va"ue o) an invest&ent.
/!T* /eturns t'e interest rate -er -eriod o) an annuit#.
S6N /eturns t'e straig't<"ine de-reciation o) an asset )or one -eriod.
S=D /eturns t'e su&<o)<#earsI digits de-reciation o) an asset )or a s-eci)ied -eriod.
)arent topic. Su--orted 3unctions
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
199 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
?.1.1. Information Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists in)or&ation )unctions.
Function 'escription
IS*// /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is an# error va"ue e+ce-t MN7!.
IS*//O/ /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is an# error va"ue.
ISN! /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is t'e MN7! error va"ue.
N! /eturns t'e error va"ue MN7!.
)arent topic. Su--orted 3unctions
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
200 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
?.1.2. /ogical Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists "ogica" )unctions.
Function 'escription
!ND /eturns T/U* i) a"" its argu&ents are T/U*.
3!6S* /eturns t'e "ogica" va"ue 3!6S*.
I3 S-eci)ies a "ogica" test to -er)or&.
NOT /everses t'e "ogic o) its argu&ent.
O/ /eturns T/U* i) an# argu&ent is T/U*.
T/U* /eturns t'e "ogica" va"ue T/U*.
)arent topic. Su--orted 3unctions
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
201 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
?.1.6. /oo#up and +eference Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists "oo$u- and re)erence )unctions.
-ote. Certain )unctions: suc' as 6OO>UP and /OWS: &a# acce-t two di&ensiona" arra#s as argu&ents. TM1D Web does not
su--ort two di&ensiona" arra#s. De-ending on t'e data organi2ation and reBuire&ents: t'ese )unctions can sti"" obtain
correct va"ues: )or e+a&-"e: w'en t'e data being retrieved )a""s in t'e initia" -ortions o) t'e arra#. To ensure correct va"ues
w'en wor$ing wit' t'ese )unctions on TM1Web: #ou &a# need to reorgani2e t'e in-ut data into re-eated )unctions using one
di&ensiona" arra#s or #ou &a# need to use direct ce"" re)erences.
Function 'escription
!DD/*SS /eturns a re)erence as te+t to a sing"e ce"" in a wor$s'eet.
C.OOS* C'ooses a va"ue )ro& a "ist o) va"ues.
CO6UMN /eturns t'e co"u&n nu&ber o) a re)erence.
CO6UMNS /eturns t'e nu&ber o) co"u&ns in a re)erence.
.6OO>UP 6oo$s in t'e to- row o) an arra# and returns t'e va"ue o) t'e indicated ce"".
.=P*/6IN> Creates a s'ortcut or Au&- t'at o-ens a docu&ent stored on a networ$ server: an intranet:
or t'e Internet.
IND*; Uses an inde+ to c'oose a va"ue )ro& a re)erence or arra#.
6OO>UP 6oo$s u- va"ues in a vector or arra#.
O33S*T /eturns a re)erence o))set )ro& a given re)erence.
/OW /eturns t'e row nu&ber o) a re)erence.
/OWS /eturns t'e nu&ber o) rows in a re)erence.
(6OO>UP 6oo$s in t'e )irst co"u&n o) an arra# and &oves across t'e row to return t'e va"ue o) a
)arent topic. Su--orted 3unctions
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
202 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
?.1.7. Mat, and Trigonometric Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists &at' and trigono&etric )unctions.
Function 'escription
!S /eturns t'e abso"ute va"ue o) a nu&ber.
!COS /eturns t'e arccosine o) a nu&ber.
!COS. /eturns t'e inverse '#-erbo"ic cosine o) a nu&ber.
!SIN /eturns t'e arcsine o) a nu&ber.
!SIN. /eturns t'e inverse '#-erbo"ic sine o) a nu&ber.
!T!N /eturns t'e arctangent o) a nu&ber.
!T!N2 /eturns t'e arctangent )ro& +< and #<coordinates.
!T!N. /eturns t'e inverse '#-erbo"ic tangent o) a nu&ber.
C*I6IN5 /ounds a nu&ber to t'e nearest integer or to t'e nearest &u"ti-"e o) signi)icance.
COMIN /eturns t'e nu&ber o) co&binations )or a given nu&ber o) obAects.
COS /eturns t'e cosine o) a nu&ber.
COS. /eturns t'e '#-erbo"ic cosine o) a nu&ber.
D*5/**S Converts radians to degrees.
*(*N /ounds a nu&ber u- to t'e nearest even integer.
*;P /eturns e raised to t'e -ower o) a given nu&ber.
3!CT /eturns t'e )actoria" o) a nu&ber.
36OO/ /ounds a nu&ber down: toward 2ero.
INT /ounds a nu&ber down to t'e nearest integer.
6N /eturns t'e natura" "ogarit'& o) a nu&ber.
6O5 /eturns t'e "ogarit'& o) a nu&ber to a s-eci)ied base.
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Function 'escription
6O51? /eturns t'e base<1? "ogarit'& o) a nu&ber.
MOD /eturns t'e re&ainder )ro& division.
ODD /ounds a nu&ber u- to t'e nearest odd integer.
PI /eturns t'e va"ue o) -i.
POW*/ /eturns t'e resu"t o) a nu&ber raised to a -ower.
P/ODUCT Mu"ti-"ies its argu&ents.
/!DI!NS Converts degrees to radians.
/!ND /eturns a rando& nu&ber between ? and 1.
/OM!N Converts an arabic nu&era" to ro&an: as te+t.
/OUND /ounds a nu&ber to a s-eci)ied nu&ber o) digits.
/OUNDDOWN /ounds a nu&ber down: toward 2ero.
/OUNDUP /ounds a nu&ber u-: awa# )ro& 2ero.
SI5N /eturns t'e sign o) a nu&ber.
SIN /eturns t'e sine o) t'e given ang"e.
SIN. /eturns t'e '#-erbo"ic sine o) a nu&ber.
S8/T /eturns a -ositive sBuare root.
SUM !dds its argu&ents.
SUMI3 !dds t'e ce""s s-eci)ied b# a given criteria.
T!N /eturns t'e tangent o) a nu&ber.
T!N. /eturns t'e '#-erbo"ic tangent o) a nu&ber.
)arent topic. Su--orted 3unctions
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?.1.8. Te5t and 'ata Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists te+t and data )unctions.
Function 'escription
C.!/ /eturns t'e c'aracter s-eci)ied b# t'e code nu&ber.
C6*!N /e&oves a"" non-rintab"e c'aracters )ro& te+t.
COD* /eturns a nu&eric code )or t'e )irst c'aracter in a te+t string.
CONC!T*N!T* @oins severa" te+t ite&s into one te+t ite&.
DO66!/ Converts a nu&ber to te+t: using t'e X Edo""arG currenc# )or&at.
*;!CT C'ec$s to see i) two te+t va"ues are identica".
3IND 3inds one te+t va"ue wit'in anot'er Ecase<sensitiveG.
3I;*D 3or&ats a nu&ber as te+t wit' a )i+ed nu&ber o) deci&a"s.
6*3T /eturns t'e "e)t&ost c'aracters )ro& a te+t va"ue.
6*N /eturns t'e nu&ber o) c'aracters in a te+t string.
6OW*/ Converts te+t to "owercase.
MID /eturns a s-eci)ic nu&ber o) c'aracters )ro& a te+t string starting at t'e -osition #ou
P/OP*/ Ca-ita"i2es t'e )irst "etter in eac' word o) a te+t va"ue.
/*P6!C* /e-"aces c'aracters wit'in te+t.
/*PT /e-eats te+t a given nu&ber o) ti&es.
/I5.T /eturns t'e rig't&ost c'aracters )ro& a te+t va"ue.
S*!/C. 3inds one te+t va"ue wit'in anot'er Enot case<sensitiveG.
SUSTITUT* Substitutes new te+t )or o"d te+t in a te+t string.
T Converts its argu&ents to te+t.
T*;T 3or&ats a nu&ber and converts it to te+t.
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Function 'escription
T/IM /e&oves s-aces )ro& te+t.
UPP*/ Converts te+t to u--ercase.
(!6U* Converts a te+t argu&ent to a nu&ber.
)arent topic. Su--orted 3unctions
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?.1.9. Statistical Functions
T'e )o""owing tab"e "ists statistica" )unctions.
Function 'escription
!(*D*( /eturns t'e average o) t'e abso"ute deviations o) data -oints )ro& t'eir &ean.
!(*/!5* /eturns t'e average o) its argu&ents.
!(*/!5*! /eturns t'e average o) its argu&ents: inc"uding nu&bers: te+t: and "ogica" va"ues.
INOMDIST /eturns t'e individua" ter& bino&ia" distribution -robabi"it#.
CON3ID*NC* /eturns t'e con)idence interva" )or a -o-u"ation &ean.
CO//*6 /eturns t'e corre"ation coe))icient between two data sets.
COUNT Counts 'ow &an# nu&bers are in t'e "ist o) argu&ents.
COUNT! Counts 'ow &an# va"ues are in t'e "ist o) argu&ents.
COUNTI3 Counts t'e nu&ber o) nonb"an$ ce""s wit'in a range t'at &eet t'e given criteria.
CO(!/ /eturns covariance: t'e average o) t'e -roducts o) -aired deviations.
D*(S8 /eturns t'e su& o) sBuares o) deviations.
*;PONDIST /eturns t'e e+-onentia" distribution.
3IS.*/ /eturns t'e 3is'er trans)or&ation.
3IS.*/IN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e 3is'er trans)or&ation.
3O/*C!ST /eturns a va"ue a"ong a "inear trend.
5*OM*!N /eturns t'e geo&etric &ean.
5/OWT. /eturns va"ues a"ong an e+-onentia" trend.
.!/M*!N /eturns t'e 'ar&onic &ean.
INT*/C*PT /eturns t'e interce-t o) t'e "inear regression "ine.
>U/T /eturns t'e $urtosis o) a data set.
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Function 'escription
6!/5* /eturns t'e $<t' "argest va"ue in a data set.
6IN*ST /eturns t'e -ara&eters o) a "inear trend.
6O5*ST /eturns t'e -ara&eters o) an e+-onentia" trend.
M!; /eturns t'e &a+i&u& va"ue in a "ist o) argu&ents.
M!;! /eturns t'e &a+i&u& va"ue in a "ist o) argu&ents: inc"uding nu&bers: te+t: and "ogica"
M*DI!N /eturns t'e &edian o) t'e given nu&bers.
MIN /eturns t'e &ini&u& va"ue in a "ist o) argu&ents.
MIN! /eturns t'e s&a""est va"ue in a "ist o) argu&ents: inc"uding nu&bers: te+t: and "ogica"
MOD* /eturns t'e &ost co&&on va"ue in a data set.
NO/MDIST /eturns t'e nor&a" cu&u"ative distribution.
NO/MIN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e nor&a" cu&u"ative distribution.
NO/MSDIST /eturns t'e standard nor&a" cu&u"ative distribution.
NO/MSIN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e standard nor&a" cu&u"ative distribution.
P*!/SON /eturns t'e Pearson -roduct &o&ent corre"ation coe))icient.
P*/MUT /eturns t'e nu&ber o) -er&utations )or a given nu&ber o) obAects.
/S8 /eturns t'e sBuare o) t'e Pearson -roduct &o&ent corre"ation coe))icient.
S>*W /eturns t'e s$ewness o) a distribution.
S6OP* /eturns t'e s"o-e o) t'e "inear regression "ine.
SM!66 /eturns t'e $<t' s&a""est va"ue in a data set.
ST!ND!/DIJ* /eturns a nor&a"i2ed va"ue.
STD*( *sti&ates standard deviation based on a sa&-"e.
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Function 'escription
STD*(! *sti&ates standard deviation based on a sa&-"e: inc"uding nu&bers: te+t: and "ogica"
STD*(P Ca"cu"ates standard deviation based on t'e entire -o-u"ation.
STD*(P! Ca"cu"ates standard deviation based on t'e entire -o-u"ation: inc"uding nu&bers: te+t:
and "ogica" va"ues.
ST*=; /eturns t'e standard error o) t'e -redicted #<va"ue )or eac' + in t'e regression.
T/*ND /eturns va"ues a"ong a "inear trend.
(!/ *sti&ates variance based on a sa&-"e.
(!/! *sti&ates variance based on a sa&-"e: inc"uding nu&bers: te+t: and "ogica" va"ues.
(!/P Ca"cu"ates variance based on t'e entire -o-u"ation.
(!/P! Ca"cu"ates variance based on t'e entire -o-u"ation: inc"uding nu&bers: te+t: and "ogica"
W*IU66 /eturns t'e Weibu"" distribution.
)arent topic. Su--orted 3unctions
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10. Unsupported 35cel Functions " TM1 Web
IMD CognosD TM1D Web su--orts &an# *+ce" wor$s'eet )unctions. T'is a--endi+ "ists t'e *+ce" )unctions: b# categor#
and in a"-'abetica" order: t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
'atabase and /ist Management Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e &anage&ent )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
'ate and Time Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e date and ti&e )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
Financial Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e )inancia" )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
Information Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e in)or&ation )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
/oo#up and +eference Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e "oo$u- and re)erence )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
Mat, and Trigonometric Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e &at' and trigono&etric )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
Statistical Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e statistica" )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
Te5t and 'ata Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e te+t and data )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1 Web.
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10.1. 'atabase and /ist Management Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e &anage&ent )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1D Web.
Function 'escription
D!(*/!5* /eturns t'e average o) se"ected database entries.
DCOUNT Counts t'e ce""s t'at contain nu&bers in a database.
DCOUNT! Counts nonb"an$ ce""s in a database.
D5*T *+tracts )ro& a database a sing"e record t'at &atc'es t'e s-eci)ied criteria.
DM!; /eturns t'e &a+i&u& va"ue )ro& se"ected database entries.
DMIN /eturns t'e &ini&u& va"ue )ro& se"ected database entries.
DP/ODUCT Mu"ti-"ies t'e va"ues in a -articu"ar )ie"d o) records t'at &atc' t'e criteria in a database.
DSTD*( *sti&ates t'e standard deviation based on a sa&-"e o) se"ected database entries.
DSTD*(P Ca"cu"ates t'e standard deviation based on t'e entire -o-u"ation o) se"ected database entries.
DSUM !dds t'e nu&bers in t'e )ie"d co"u&n o) records in t'e database t'at &atc' t'e criteria.
D(!/ *sti&ates variance based on a sa&-"e )ro& se"ected database entries.
D(!/P Ca"cu"ates variance based on t'e entire -o-u"ation o) se"ected database entries.
)arent topic. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
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10.$. 'ate and Time Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e date and ti&e )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1D Web.
Function 'escription
*D!T* /eturns t'e seria" nu&ber o) t'e date t'at is t'e indicated nu&ber o) &ont's be)ore or a)ter t'e start date.
*OMONT. /eturns t'e seria" nu&ber o) t'e "ast da# o) t'e &ont' be)ore or a)ter a s-eci)ied nu&ber o) &ont's.
N*TWO/>D!=S /eturns t'e nu&ber o) w'o"e wor$da#s between two dates.
W**>NUM Converts a seria" nu&ber to a nu&ber re-resenting w'ere t'e wee$ )a""s nu&erica""# wit' a #ear.
WO/>D!= /eturns t'e seria" nu&ber o) t'e date be)ore or a)ter a s-eci)ied nu&ber o) wor$da#s.
=*!/3/!C /eturns t'e #ear )raction re-resenting t'e nu&ber o) w'o"e da#s between startOdate and endOdate.
)arent topic. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
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10.1. Financial Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e )inancia" )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1D Web.
Functions 'escription
!CC/INT /eturns t'e accrued interest )or a securit# t'at -a#s -eriodic interest.
!CC/INTM /eturns t'e accrued interest )or a securit# t'at -a#s interest at &aturit#.
!MO/D*5/C /eturns t'e de-reciation )or eac' accounting -eriod b# using a de-reciation coe))icient.
!MO/6INC /eturns t'e de-reciation )or eac' accounting -eriod.
COUPD!=S /eturns t'e nu&ber o) da#s )ro& t'e beginning o) t'e cou-on -eriod to t'e sett"e&ent date.
COUPD!=S /eturns t'e nu&ber o) da#s in t'e cou-on -eriod t'at contains t'e sett"e&ent date.
COUPD!=SNC /eturns t'e nu&ber o) da#s )ro& t'e sett"e&ent date to t'e ne+t cou-on date.
COUPNCD /eturns t'e ne+t cou-on date a)ter t'e sett"e&ent date.
COUPNUM /eturns t'e nu&ber o) cou-ons -a#ab"e between t'e sett"e&ent date and &aturit# date.
COUPPCD /eturns t'e -revious cou-on date be)ore t'e sett"e&ent date.
CUMIPMT /eturns t'e cu&u"ative interest -aid between two -eriods.
CUMP/INC /eturns t'e cu&u"ative -rinci-a" -aid on a "oan between two -eriods.
DISC /eturns t'e discount rate )or a securit#.
DO66!/D* Converts a do""ar -rice: e+-ressed as a )raction: into a do""ar -rice: e+-ressed as a deci&a" nu&ber.
DO66!/3/ Converts a do""ar -rice: e+-ressed as a deci&a" nu&ber: into a do""ar -rice: e+-ressed as a )raction.
DU/!TION /eturns t'e annua" duration o) a securit# wit' -eriodic interest -a#&ents.
*33*CT /eturns t'e e))ective annua" interest rate.
3(SC.*DU6* /eturns t'e )uture va"ue o) an initia" -rinci-a" a)ter a--"#ing a series o) co&-ound interest rates.
INT/!T* /eturns t'e interest rate )or a )u""# invested securit#.
MDU/!TION /eturns t'e Macau"e# &odi)ied duration )or a securit# wit' an assu&ed -ar va"ue o) X1??.
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Functions 'escription
NOMIN!6 /eturns t'e annua" no&ina" interest rate.
ODD3P/IC* /eturns t'e -rice -er X1?? )ace va"ue o) a securit# wit' an odd )irst -eriod.
ODD3=I*6D /eturns t'e #ie"d o) a securit# wit' an odd )irst -eriod.
ODD6P/IC* /eturns t'e -rice -er X1?? )ace va"ue o) a securit# wit' an odd "ast -eriod.
ODD6=I*6D /eturns t'e #ie"d o) a securit# wit' an odd "ast -eriod.
P/IC* /eturns t'e -rice -er X1?? )ace va"ue o) a securit# t'at -a#s -eriodic interest.
P/IC*DISC /eturns t'e -rice -er X1?? )ace va"ue o) a discounted securit#.
P/IC*M!T /eturns t'e -rice -er X1?? )ace va"ue o) a securit# t'at -a#s interest at &aturit#.
/*C*I(*D /eturns t'e a&ount received at &aturit# )or a )u""# invested securit#.
TI66*8 /eturns t'e bond<eBuiva"ent #ie"d )or a Treasur# bi"".
TI66P/IC* /eturns t'e -rice -er X1?? )ace va"ue )or a Treasur# bi"".
TI66=I*6D /eturns t'e #ie"d )or a Treasur# bi"".
(D /eturns t'e de-reciation o) an asset )or a s-eci)ied or -artia" -eriod using a dec"ining ba"ance &et'od.
;I// /eturns t'e interna" rate o) return )or a sc'edu"e o) cas' )"ows t'at is not necessari"# -eriodic.
;NP( /eturns t'e net -resent va"ue )or a sc'edu"e o) cas' )"ows t'at is not necessari"# -eriodic.
=I*6D /eturns t'e #ie"d on a securit# t'at -a#s -eriodic interest.
=I*6DDISC /eturns t'e annua" #ie"d )or a discounted securit#L )or e+a&-"e: a Treasur# bi"".
=I*6DM!T /eturns t'e annua" #ie"d o) a securit# t'at -a#s interest at &aturit#.
)arent topic. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
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10.2. Information Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e in)or&ation )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1D Web.
Function 'escription
C*66 /eturns in)or&ation about t'e )or&atting: "ocation: or contents o) a ce"".
*//O/.T=P* /eturns a nu&ber corres-onding to an error t#-e.
IN3O /eturns in)or&ation about t'e current o-erating environ&ent.
IS6!N> /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is b"an$.
IS*(*N /eturns T/U* i) t'e nu&ber is even.
IS6O5IC!6 /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is a "ogica" va"ue.
ISNONT*;T /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is not te+t.
ISNUM*/ /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is a nu&ber.
ISODD /eturns T/U* i) t'e nu&ber is odd.
IS/*3 /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is a re)erence.
IST*;T /eturns T/U* i) t'e va"ue is te+t.
N /eturns a va"ue converted to a nu&ber.
T=P* /eturns a nu&ber indicating t'e data t#-e o) a va"ue.
)arent topic. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
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10.6. /oo#up and +eference Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e "oo$u- and re)erence )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1D Web.
Function 'escription
!/*!S /eturns t'e nu&ber o) areas in a re)erence.
INDI/*CT /eturns a re)erence indicated b# a te+t va"ue.
M!TC. 6oo$s u- va"ues in a re)erence or arra#.
/TD /etrieves rea"<ti&e data )ro& a -rogra& t'at su--orts COM auto&ation.
T/!NSPOS* /eturns t'e trans-ose o) an arra#.
)arent topic. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
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10.7. Mat, and Trigonometric Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e &at' and trigono&etric )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1D Web.
Function 'escription
3!CTDOU6* /eturns t'e doub"e )actoria" o) a nu&ber.
5CD /eturns t'e greatest co&&on divisor.
6CM /eturns t'e "east co&&on &u"ti-"e.
MD*T*/M /eturns t'e &atri+ deter&inant o) an arra#.
MIN(*/S* /eturns t'e &atri+ inverse o) an arra#.
MMU6T /eturns t'e &atri+ -roduct o) two arra#s.
M/OUND /eturns a nu&ber rounded to t'e desired &u"ti-"e.
MU6TINOMI!6 /eturns t'e &u"tino&ia" o) a set o) nu&bers.
8UOTI*NT /eturns t'e integer -ortion o) a division.
/!ND*TW**N /eturns a rando& nu&ber between t'e nu&bers #ou s-eci)#.
S*/I*SSUM /eturns t'e su& o) a -ower series based on t'e )or&u"a.
S8/TPI /eturns t'e sBuare root o) Enu&ber U -iG.
SUTOT!6 /eturns a subtota" in a "ist or database.
SUMP/ODUCT /eturns t'e su& o) t'e -roducts o) corres-onding arra# co&-onents.
SUMS8 /eturns t'e su& o) t'e sBuares o) t'e argu&ents.
SUM;2M=2 /eturns t'e su& o) t'e di))erence o) sBuares o) corres-onding va"ues in two arra#s.
SUM;2P=2 /eturns t'e su& o) t'e su& o) sBuares o) corres-onding va"ues in two arra#s.
SUM;M=2 /eturns t'e su& o) sBuares o) di))erences o) corres-onding va"ues in two arra#s.
T/UNC Truncates a nu&ber to an integer.
)arent topic. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
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10.8. Statistical Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e statistica" )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1D Web.
Function 'escription
*T!DIST /eturns t'e beta cu&u"ative distribution )unction.
*T!IN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e cu&u"ative distribution )unction )or a s-eci)ied beta distribution.
C.IDIST /eturns t'e one<tai"ed -robabi"it# o) t'e c'i<sBuared distribution.
C.IIN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e one<tai"ed -robabi"it# o) t'e c'i<sBuared distribution.
C.IT*ST /eturns t'e test )or inde-endence.
COUNT6!N> Counts t'e nu&ber o) b"an$ ce""s wit'in a range.
C/ITINOM /eturns t'e s&a""est va"ue )or w'ic' t'e cu&u"ative bino&ia" distribution is "ess t'an or eBua" to a
criterion va"ue.
3DIST /eturns t'e 3 -robabi"it# distribution.
3IN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e 3 -robabi"it# distribution.
3/*8U*NC= /eturns a )reBuenc# distribution as a vertica" arra#.
3T*ST /eturns t'e resu"t o) an 3<test.
5!MM!DIST /eturns t'e ga&&a distribution.
5!MM!IN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e ga&&a cu&u"ative distribution.
5!MM!6N /eturns t'e natura" "ogarit'& o) t'e ga&&a )unction: 5E+G.
.=P5*OMDIST /eturns t'e '#-er geo&etric distribution.
6O5IN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e "ognor&a" distribution.
6O5NO/MDIST /eturns t'e cu&u"ative "ognor&a" distribution.
N*5INOMDIST /eturns t'e negative bino&ia" distribution.
P*/C*NTI6* /eturns t'e $<t' -ercenti"e o) va"ues in a range.
P*/C*NT/!N> /eturns t'e -ercentage ran$ o) a va"ue in a data set.
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Function 'escription
POISSON /eturns t'e Poisson distribution.
P/O /eturns t'e -robabi"it# t'at va"ues in a range are between two "i&its.
8U!/TI6* /eturns t'e Buarti"e o) a data set.
/!N> /eturns t'e ran$ o) a nu&ber in a "ist o) nu&bers.
TDIST /eturns t'e StudentIs t<distribution.
TIN( /eturns t'e inverse o) t'e StudentIs t<distribution.
T/IMM*!N /eturns t'e &ean o) t'e interior o) a data set.
TT*ST /eturns t'e -robabi"it# associated wit' a StudentIs t<test.
JT*ST /eturns t'e one<tai"ed -robabi"it#<va"ue o) a 2<test.
)arent topic. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
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10.9. Te5t and 'ata Functions
T'is tab"e "ists t'e te+t and data )unctions t'at are not su--orted in TM1D Web.
Function 'escription
!SC C'anges )u""<widt' Edoub"e<b#teG *ng"is' "etters or $ata$ana wit'in a c'aracter string to 'a")<widt'
Esing"e<b#teG c'aracters.
!.TT*;T Converts a nu&ber to te+t: using t'e Z Eba'tG currenc# )or&at.
@IS C'anges 'a")<widt' Esing"e<b#teG *ng"is' "etters or $ata$ana wit'in a c'aracter string to )u""<widt'
Edoub"e<b#teG c'aracters.
P.ON*TIC *+tracts t'e -'onetic E)uriganaG c'aracters )ro& a te+t string.
!utoS'a-es TM1 Web does not su--ort Microso)t O))ice !utos'a-es.
)arent topic. Unsu--orted *+ce" 3unctions < TM1 Web
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11. -otices
T'is in)or&ation was deve"o-ed )or -roducts and services o))ered wor"dwide.
IM &a# not o))er t'e -roducts: services: or )eatures discussed in t'is docu&ent in ot'er countries. Consu"t #our "oca" IM
re-resentative )or in)or&ation on t'e -roducts and services current"# avai"ab"e in #our area. !n# re)erence to an IM -roduct:
-rogra&: or service is not intended to state or i&-"# t'at on"# t'at IM -roduct: -rogra&: or service &a# be used. !n#
)unctiona""# eBuiva"ent -roduct: -rogra&: or service t'at does not in)ringe an# IM inte""ectua" -ro-ert# rig't &a# be used
instead. .owever: it is t'e userIs res-onsibi"it# to eva"uate and veri)# t'e o-eration o) an# non<IM -roduct: -rogra&: or
IM &a# 'ave -atents or -ending -atent a--"ications covering subAect &atter described in t'is docu&ent. T'e )urnis'ing o)
t'is docu&ent does not grant #ou an# "icense to t'ese -atents. =ou can send "icense inBuiries: in writing: toF
IM Director o) 6icensing
IM Cor-oration
Nort' Cast"e Drive
!r&on$: N= 1?,?%<114,
3or "icense inBuiries regarding doub"e<b#te EDCSG in)or&ation: contact t'e IM Inte""ectua" Pro-ert# De-art&ent in #our
countr# or send inBuiries: in writing: toF
Inte""ectua" Pro-ert# 6icensing
6ega" and Inte""ectua" Pro-ert# 6aw
IM @a-an 6td.
1023<1%: S'i&otsuru&a: =a&ato<s'i
>anagawa 2%2<4,?2 @a-an
T'e )o""owing -aragra-' does not a--"# to t'e United >ingdo& or an# ot'er countr# w'ere suc' -rovisions are inconsistent
W!//!NT= O3 !N= >IND: *IT.*/ *;P/*SS O/ IMP6I*D: INC6UDIN5: UT NOT 6IMIT*D TO: T.* IMP6I*D W!//!NTI*S O3
NON<IN3/IN5*M*NT: M*/C.!NT!I6IT= O/ 3ITN*SS 3O/ ! P!/TICU6!/ PU/POS*. So&e states do not a""ow disc"ai&er o)
e+-ress or i&-"ied warranties in certain transactions: t'ere)ore: t'is state&ent &a# not a--"# to #ou.
T'is in)or&ation cou"d inc"ude tec'nica" inaccuracies or t#-ogra-'ica" errors. C'anges are -eriodica""# &ade to t'e
in)or&ation 'ereinL t'ese c'anges wi"" be incor-orated in new editions o) t'e -ub"ication. IM &a# &a$e i&-rove&ents
and7or c'anges in t'e -roductEsG and7or t'e -rogra&EsG described in t'is -ub"ication at an# ti&e wit'out notice.
!n# re)erences in t'is in)or&ation to non<IM Web sites are -rovided )or convenience on"# and do not in an# &anner serve
as an endorse&ent o) t'ose Web sites. T'e &ateria"s at t'ose Web sites are not -art o) t'e &ateria"s )or t'is IM -roduct
and use o) t'ose Web sites is at #our own ris$.
IM &a# use or distribute an# o) t'e in)or&ation #ou su--"# in an# wa# it be"ieves a--ro-riate wit'out incurring an#
ob"igation to #ou.
6icensees o) t'is -rogra& w'o wis' to 'ave in)or&ation about it )or t'e -ur-ose o) enab"ingF EiG t'e e+c'ange o) in)or&ation
between inde-endent"# created -rogra&s and ot'er -rogra&s Einc"uding t'is oneG and EiiG t'e &utua" use o) t'e in)or&ation
w'ic' 'as been e+c'anged: s'ou"d contactF
IM So)tware 5rou-
!ttentionF 6icensing
31,, /iverside Dr
Ottawa: ON >1( 11
Suc' in)or&ation &a# be avai"ab"e: subAect to a--ro-riate ter&s and conditions: inc"uding in so&e cases: -a#&ent o) a )ee.
T'e "icensed -rogra& described in t'is docu&ent and a"" "icensed &ateria" avai"ab"e )or it are -rovided b# IM under ter&s o)
t'e IM Custo&er !gree&ent: IM Internationa" Progra& 6icense !gree&ent or an# eBuiva"ent agree&ent between us.
!n# -er)or&ance data contained 'erein was deter&ined in a contro""ed environ&ent. T'ere)ore: t'e resu"ts obtained in ot'er
o-erating environ&ents &a# var# signi)icant"#. So&e &easure&ents &a# 'ave been &ade on deve"o-&ent<"eve" s#ste&s
and t'ere is no guarantee t'at t'ese &easure&ents wi"" be t'e sa&e on genera""# avai"ab"e s#ste&s. 3urt'er&ore: so&e
&easure&ents &a# 'ave been esti&ated t'roug' e+tra-o"ation. !ctua" resu"ts &a# var#. Users o) t'is docu&ent s'ou"d
veri)# t'e a--"icab"e data )or t'eir s-eci)ic environ&ent.
In)or&ation concerning non<IM -roducts was obtained )ro& t'e su--"iers o) t'ose -roducts: t'eir -ub"is'ed announce&ents
or ot'er -ub"ic"# avai"ab"e sources. IM 'as not tested t'ose -roducts and cannot con)ir& t'e accurac# o) -er)or&ance:
co&-atibi"it# or an# ot'er c"ai&s re"ated to non<IM -roducts. 8uestions on t'e ca-abi"ities o) non<IM -roducts s'ou"d be
Cognos TM1 Web User Guide 10.1.0
221 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
addressed to t'e su--"iers o) t'ose -roducts.
!"" state&ents regarding IMIs )uture direction or intent are subAect to c'ange or wit'drawa" wit'out notice: and re-resent
goa"s and obAectives on"#.
T'is in)or&ation contains e+a&-"es o) data and re-orts used in dai"# business o-erations. To i""ustrate t'e& as co&-"ete"# as
-ossib"e: t'e e+a&-"es inc"ude t'e na&es o) individua"s: co&-anies: brands: and -roducts. !"" o) t'ese na&es are )ictitious
and an# si&i"arit# to t'e na&es and addresses used b# an actua" business enter-rise is entire"# coincidenta".
I) #ou are viewing t'is in)or&ation so)tco-#: t'e -'otogra-'s and co"or i""ustrations &a# not a--ear.
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222 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12
11.1. )roduct Information
T'is docu&ent a--"ies to IM Cognos TM1 (ersion 1?.1.? and &a# a"so a--"# to subseBuent re"eases. To c'ec$ )or newer
versions o) t'is docu&ent: visit t'e IM Cognos In)or&ation Centers E'tt-F77-ub"ib.bou"der.ib&.co&7in)ocenter7cogic7v1r?&?
6icensed Materia"s < Pro-ert# o) IM
C Co-#rig't IM Cor-. 2??1: 2?12.
US 5overn&ent Users /estricted /ig'ts [ Use: du-"ication or disc"osure restricted b# 5S! !DP Sc'edu"e Contract wit' IM
IM: t'e IM "ogo: ib&.co&: TM1: and Cognos are trade&ar$s or registered trade&ar$s o) Internationa" usiness Mac'ines
Cor-.: registered in &an# Aurisdictions wor"dwide. Ot'er -roduct and service na&es &ig't be trade&ar$s o) IM or ot'er
co&-anies. ! current "ist o) IM trade&ar$s is avai"ab"e on t'e Web at H Co-#rig't and trade&ar$ in)or&ation H at
T'e )o""owing ter&s are trade&ar$s or registered trade&ar$s o) ot'er co&-aniesF
!dobe: t'e !dobe "ogo: PostScri-t: and t'e PostScri-t "ogo are eit'er registered trade&ar$s or trade&ar$s o) !dobe
S#ste&s Incor-orated in t'e United States: and7or ot'er countries.
Microso)t: Windows: Windows NT: and t'e Windows "ogo are trade&ar$s o) Microso)t Cor-oration in t'e United States:
ot'er countries: or bot'.
@ava and a"" @ava<based trade&ar$s and "ogos are trade&ar$s or registered trade&ar$s o) Orac"e and7or its a))i"iates.
Microso)t -roduct screen s'otEsG used wit' -er&ission )ro& Microso)t.
)arent topic. Notices
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223 of 223 26-09-2014 11:12

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