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The Importance of Learning English Language

It has long mastery of the English language into knowledge to be learned

by the people of Indonesia. 60'an start of the year until now, English lessons into
lessons that are not less important than other subjects like Mathematics and
Science. Because of the importance of the English language, not a few parents
who send their children to follow a course in English language tutoring agencies.
If the first Indonesian children began to learn English at grade 4, but now they
start at a more basic level, not even a playgroup institutions that provide English
language materials. Looking at today's world, English is so very important
because now is the era of globalization, to be able to take part into the world as
it is today with the successful course we have to master the language of
There are three reasons why we are required to master this language,
1. First, Geographic factors being the first reason why people need to learn
English Indonesia. Indonesia is surrounded by countries that predominantly
use English as a first or second language. These countries are Singapore,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, and so forth. If one day a citizen traveling
to one of the countries mentioned above, sufficient knowledge of English will
be easier for people to communicate with the local citizens. It is also the case
in The Netherlands. There, the students at the high school level is encouraged
to learn and master a foreign language given the Dutch language is not
used by the surrounding countries.
2. Second, English needs to be studied because of its use as a language of
communication widely International. To be able to communicate with
people of different cultural backgrounds and state, English has become the
main option that is often used in communication. Examples are easily seen in
the world of tourism. The tourists who travel in foreign countries usually use
English to communicate with native citizens he visited. Japanese people who
travel to Indonesia, using English if he wanted to ask the first person he met on
the street. English is also the official language of instruction in the world of
transportation in the air and at sea.
3. Third, the information contained in this world mostly use English as the
language of publication. Can we take the example of the Internet, most sites
- internet information provider site in English. Not just on the internet, books -
books are also not a few who use the English language. With fluent English will
greatly assist children in exploring and accessing sources of media
knowledge both written and electronic media.

Factors Affecting the Learning Process
In the process of teaching the English language is not likely we will not
encounter any obstacles. After all we are dealing with is children - children who
are innocent. Of course, so that we can attract the attention of the child - the
child to make the child may well follow the learning that we provide, we must
know the factors - factors that influence it. The following are factors - factors that
affect the learning process of the child:
1. Applied Teaching Methods
Some suggested teaching methods to be applied to the learning of English
diantarannya as follows:
a. Totally Physical Response
According to Richards J in his book Approaches and Methods in
Language Teaching, a method TPR (Total Physical Response) is a method
of learning a language that is compiled on the coordination of command
(command), speech (speech) and motion (action) and trying to teach
language through physical activity (motors). Meanwhile, according to
Larsen and Diane in Technique and Principles in Language Teaching, TPR
also called "The comprehension approach" or approach which is a
method of understanding a foreign language approach to instruction or
According to Asher "The instructor is the director of a stageplay in
roomates the students are the actors", which means that the educator
(instructor) is directing the show and the story in which students as actors
or characters. Educators who decide about what is to be studied, who
plays and displays the subject matter.
b. Collaborative methods
Using collaborative learning method is a way membelajarkan
English that combines various approaches and methods in collaboration
and spontaneity appropriate learning environment. This means that there
are times when a particular method does not show up in the atmosphere
to the surface but other methods are emerging and dominant. Basic
selection methods use class atmosphere, learning objectives to be
achieved and tastes of students. Reference teaches is a fun learning
experience, structured and responsible. The position of the teacher is their
friend who acts as a guide activities. And if necessary, and possibly
students who act as guides and our position is their playmate. They did not
realize they actually are learning English.
c. Interactive media
Media in learning English is very important because without the
media how students can make sense of an object with a particular title in
English. Certain object is a fact that further agreed symbolically referred to
the various sounds that are assembled into words. In addition, each
student will see the object premises remember certain words in English.

Learning Activity Types Used in Children
Type of learning activity is enough to affect the child's willingness to learn
the English language. With certain types of children's learning will be easier to
understand the English language that we teach. Many psychologists and
education that addresses the types of learning activities. One is Gagne (1970)
which classifies learning activities into eight types, from eight types we can use
some to be applied to children.
Here are five of the eight models of learning proposed by Gagne:
a. activity learn to recognize signs - sign (signal learning)
Learning activities carried out by responding to signs - signs or symbols that
are manipulated in a learning situation. Response the child makes a
rational, reflective, and emotionally.
b. learning activities through stimulus and response (Stimulus Response
This type of learning activities related to the behavior of students who
consciously perform an appropriate response to the stimulus or bait
manipulated in the learning system.
c. through a series of learning activities (Chaining Learning)
Children's learning activities carried out by arranging the relationship
between two or more stimuli associated with different responses to the
d. Learning activities through the Association of Oral (Verbal Learning
This type of activity related to the efforts of the students in linking responses
(answers) to verbal stimuli delivered orally.
e. The difference learning with multiple (Multiple Discrimination Learning)
This learning activity associated with the activities of children in
distinguishing response to the stimulus used diverse yet interconnected.

Role of Educators in Learning Activities
In the course of learning, the role of educators is necessary for the smooth
process of learning. Educators act as maid, driver and guide for children.
Therefore, the role of educators is very influential. Educators can use the
methods that are fun to make children interested in learning the English
language. Because the face is the child - the child, the friendliness factor is quite
needed a mentor. Usually children like teachers are friendly, patient and
engaging boned. Children will easily capture the lessons if they feel happy and
comfortable to the people who lead them.

Stages in Learning English
English teaching is done in stages. Similarly, learning Indonesian children
do not directly learn to speak, read and write simultaneously. Before being able
to speak in Indonesian children must listen first Indonesian. If he had never heard
such language, he may not be able to speak. It sebabnnya usually children who
are deaf also automatically mute because he could not hear so it can not
imitate. So in essence the same way to learn any language. Here are the stages
in learning English for children;
a. Listening
In addition to hearing us talk children can also learn how to read
books listen to stories in English, to hear a simple song or watching the DVD
and VCD in English. But for the beginning of knowledge, select yangh few
words and simple.
b. Speaking
Once the child is often heard in the English language, children can
be encouraged to speak in simple sentences. Apply 30 minutes a day as a
family time to talk in English. Like a toddler-aged children who are just
starting to talk, children also start talking in English bahaasa with just one
word eg car (car) when you want to toy car-mobilanya. Then developed
into short sentences, as I want the car.
c. Reading
There are two common methods of teaching children to learn to
read in English the whole language and phonic approach.
Whole language approach is a method of learning to read by
making the language as a whole are not separated. Learning to read
should also be in accordance with the context. This method is more
emphasis on the meaning of a word. For example, when looking at the
word cat (cat) immediately told that the child was reading "ket" and it
means the cat. Usually children learn to read by the system remember
(memorize) the word is never mentioned. The advantages of this method is
the quicker the child can read but will find it hard when I have to write a
word in meaning mainly words long.
Phonic is a method of learning to read through the letter sounds by
way of example only spell it one by one cat (cat) means spelled keh - e -
tea and read "ket". Every word in the decomposition into letters. Because
children learn through a spell then take a longer time to read. But the
advantage is easier when children have to write down the words he
heard. To facilitate children learn to read better choose books according
to its level. Suppose children just starting to read, choose books that consist
of only one word suppose the first page there are pictures of apples and
underneath the words This is Apple. After that you can try with another
word eg I like banana. Children can make their own books as it is or get it
through reading A to Z.
d. Writing
This is the most difficult stage in learning English because there are
many rules that must be obeyed. Usually the Indonesian certainly will be
difficult to speak in English. Actually, not because they can not but
because of fear of being wrong. Yet even if we are wrong to say the
arrangement a few sentences grammatically incorrect or the other person
will understand. But it is different with writing, when we do a lot of
grammatical errors and spelling could be the way that we do not
understand read what we write. Because it is difficult relatife, then write
into the last stage. Do not rush to teach grammar or writing if the child has
not mastered the three previous stages.
For Grammar should be taught implicitly through the book that
contains sentences that same pattern. Let's say if the first page contains
the past tense sentence the following pages also patterned past tense. So
after a few repetitions children can get an idea of when the phrase was
used the past tense. If children are taught grammar explicitly with lengthy
explanations about the past tense should be complete by the formula
memorized then the child will be confused and end up being afraid to
write. Like when speaking children should start by writing one word, then
one short sentence, then one long sentence, then a paragraph and so on.
Maybe later without you realizing suddenly the child is able to write a book
in English.

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