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Maneuver Support Vessel (Light) (MSV(L)
A))en)u* +
A))en)u* ,
-. Mar/h ,-+0
Revision 02, dated 15 April 2014, Updates/Changes are outlined in blue.
The US Ar!, "rodu#t $ire#tor, Ar! %ater#ra&t S!stes '"$ A%S( intends to repla#e its &leet
o& )anding Cra&t *e#hani+ed , *od - and -- ')C*.,( vessels /ith a vessel as des#ribed in
eergent re0uireent developent #alled the *aneuver Support 1essel ')ight( '*S1')((.
The *S1')( is an Ar! /aterborne plat&or that /ill provide land aneuver &or#es /ith
operational agilit! through ta#ti#all! s!n#hroni+ed, oveent o&!, tailored &or#e
eleents. *S1')( represents a oderni+ation o& #urrent Ar! %ater#ra&t #apabilities as
provided b! the aging )C*., that adds ne/ #apabilities intended to eet the Ar!2s &uture
ta#ti#al and operational oveent and aneuver re0uireents. *S1')( is intended to a##ess
austere entr! points, degraded ports, and bare bea#hes /ithout dependen#! on support ashore,
in support o& land aneuver support and/or aneuver sustainent operations. *S1')( shall be
#apable o& operating throughout the littoral operational environent, aneuvering in shallo/
#oastal /aters, narro/ inland /ater/a!s and rivers in support o& /idel! dispersed, tailored &or#e
eleents, even in Anti.A##ess/Area $enial 'A2/A$( environents.
The purpose o& this pro3e#t is to identi&! possible #andidates &or the *S1')( as repla#eent &or
the aging )C*., &leet. This Re0uest &or -n&oration 'R4-( is intended to gather industr! input
and data regarding available plat&ors, #on#eptual designs, and support potential &uture
a#0uisition e&&orts.
5o #ontra#t shall be a/arded &ro this announ#eent. This is not a Re0uest &or "roposal 'R4"(
or an announ#eent o& a &orth#oing soli#itation nor does it ipl! or guarantee one shall be
issued in the &uture. Also, it is not a re0uest see6ing #ontra#tors interested in being pla#ed on a
soli#itation ailing list. Response to this 0uestionnaire is voluntar! and no reiburseent shall
be ade &or an! #osts asso#iated /ith providing in&oration in response to the ar6et surve!
and an! &ollo/.on in&oration re0uests.
5ot responding to this R4- does not pre#lude parti#ipation in an! &uture R4", i& an! is issued. -&
a soli#itation is released, it shall be s!nopsi+ed on the 4ederal 7usiness 8pportunities
'4ed7i+8pps( /ebsite9 https9/////.& -t is the responsibilit! o& the potential o&&erors to
onitor these sites &or additional in&oration pertaining to this re0uireent.
-ndustr! responses to this updated R4- /ill #ontinue to signi&i#antl! -n&luen#e the de#ision
a6ing pro#ess. Responses &ro 8riginal :0uipent *anu&a#turers '8:*s(, in#luding those
o& sub.#oponent anu&a#tures, e.g.., propulsion, are e;pe#ted to &urther in&or TRA$8C
Ar! Capabilities and -ntegration Center 'ARC-C( on.going Anal!sis o& Alternatives 'AoA( &or
the *S1')(, the out#oe o& /hi#h a! result in a *ilestone 7 or *ilestone C re#oendation.
Additionall!, responses are anti#ipated to &urther in&or re0uireents re&ineent in the &or o& a
Capabilities $evelopent $o#uent 'C$$(. Re0uireents in this do#uent have been updated
to re&le#t C$$ #hanges and eerging results &ro the AoA. All #obined, these e&&orts a!
lead to a ne/ start progra.
The in&oration provided in this R4- is sub3e#t to #hange and is not binding on the governent.
II1 4A!5$ROUN#3
The )C*., has been in servi#e sin#e 1<=>. The vessel /as originall! pro#ured /ith an
e;pe#ted :#onoi# Use&ul )i&e ':U)( o& 25 !ears '1<<2(.
The )C*., is a shallo/ dra&t, ultipurpose vessel that transports #argo, troops and vehi#les
&ro ship to shore or in retrograde oveents /ith roll.on/roll.o&& #apabilit! &or /heeled and
tra#6ed vehi#les. -t is also utili+ed in lighterage operations and ultipurpose utilit! /or6 in
"lease note the &ollo/ing de&initions9
)ength9 The total length o& the vessel in &eet, stated in )ength 7et/een "erpendi#ulars
')7"( or )ength at /aterline ')%)(,
7ea9 The e;tree /idth o& the vessel in &eet
$ispla#eent9 The /eight o& the total aount o& /ater in long tons ')T85s( that the
vessel displa#es /hen a&loat. )aden is heavil! loaded or /eighed do/n '/ith #argo( and
unladen is not #arr!ing a pa!load. 7oth laden and unladen have the &ull stores, &uel,
/ater and e0uipent aboard.
$e#6 Area9 The total s0uare &ootage o& de#6 spa#e available &or loading e0uipent.
Range9 The distan#e a vessel #an travel /ith one &ull load o& &uel 'stated in both Unladen
'no #argo( and )aden '/ith #argo(.
$ra&t9 The aount o& hull under/ater easured in &eet /hen the vessel is a&loat 'stated
in both unladen 'no #argo( and laden '#argo( ters.(.
Sea State 'SS(9 The general #ondition o& the &ree sur&a#e on a large bod! o& /ater?/ith
respe#t to /ind /aves and s/ell?at a #ertain lo#ation and oent. A sea state is
#hara#teri+ed b! statisti#s, in#luding the /ave height, period, and po/er spe#tru. All
re&eren#es to Sea State in this do#uent shall be using the 7eau&ort S#ale '7eau&ort
%ind 4or#e S#ale( and shall be re&erred to as SS and a nueral on that s#ale 'i.e., Sea
State @A SS @(.
4un#tional dra&t is the #oposite o& three di&&erent &a#ets9 vessel dra&t, propulsor and
bo/ dra&t and is de&ined as the iniu distan#e &ro the /aterline to the lo/est point
o& the vessel, and around the vessel, /hi#h allo/s the vessel to #ondu#t &ull po/er
Short Tons9 unit o& ass e0ual to 2,000 pounds.
The e;isting &leet has the &ollo/ing #hara#teristi#s9
)ength9 >4 &eet
7ea9 21 &eet
$ispla#eent9 5, )T85s 'unladen(B 111 )T85s 'laden(
$e#6 area9 =20 s0uare &eet
Range9 @@2 5* at 11 6nots 'unladen( one./a!B 2>1 5* at < 6nots 'laden( one./a!
o *ain propulsion engines9 T!pe9 $iesel Corsepo/er9 @00 bhp D 1,00 rp 4uel
#onsuptionB 21.5 gallons / ,1.4 )iters per hour
$ra&t9 @.5 &eet 'unladen(B 5 &eet 'laden(
Carries a #re/ o& = enlisted '@ per shi&t &or 24.hour operations(
:0uipped /ith navigation, #ouni#ations, and ele#troni# e0uipent
Current &leet #onsists o& @, )C*., *8$ -s and = )C*., *8$ --s '#oand and #ontrol 'C2(
"$ A%S has a goal to issue a single #ontra#t to a prie #ontra#tor &or &leet repla#eent o& the
)C*.,, /ith the *S1')( to a#hieve greater aneuverabilit!B and iproved pa!load, prote#tion,
and per&oran#e #hara#teristi#sB in#luding better Reliabilit!, Availabilit!, and *aintainabilit!
'RA*(, thereb! redu#ing 8peration and Sustainent '8ES( #ost.
The /or6 e&&ort /ill in#lude overall pro3e#t anageent oversight and logisti#s support in
e;e#ution o& the &ollo/ing9
Non&#evelop*ental ite*s (N#I) that 6ill *eet or e7/ee) threshol) /apa8ilities o9 the
The *S1')( shall be eplo!ed b! US &or#es operating in geo.strategi#, non.linear
environent o& #onsiderable un#ertaint!. The *S1')( /ill priaril! operate in the sae
operational environents as the Ar!2s 7rigade Cobat Teas '7CT2s(, and sub3e#t to
an! o& the sae threats. There&ore, the *S1')( #on#ept is a departure &ro earlier
transport deliver! pro#ureents to one re0uiring the abilit! to aneuver /ith asso#iated
survivabilit!, &or#e prote#tion and abilit! to &ight i& ne#essar!.
As a aneuver vessel, the *S1')( is a #riti#al #obat ultiplier eplo!ed to over#oe
A2/A$ environents and /ill e;ploit reote, uniproved /ater/a!s and in near #oastal
areasB and e&&e#t #argo trans&ers in austere denied a##ess bea#hesB and #ondu#t ta#ti#al
suppl!, se#urit!, and or patrol issions during riverine operations through robust
aneuver and #ouni#ations #apabilities.
As a sustainent vessel, the *S1')( /ill still transport #argo, troops, and vehi#les &ro
ship to shore or in retrograde oveents and in inland /ater/a!s and throughout the
littorals, though it /ill also be re0uired to aneuver 'ove( near the point o& #onta#t or to
a point o& advantage. -t shall be used to transport platoon.level! &or#e
eleents 'e0uipent and personnel( o& the Ar!2s 7CT, as /ell as in lighterage
operations and ultipurpose utilit! /or6 in harbors. -t shall be used in rough or e;posed
/aters and shall be #apable o& operating through brea6ers and grounding on a bea#h. A
bo/ rap /ill perit roll on/roll o&& operations /ith /heeled and tra#6ed vehi#les.
E*erging results 9ro* the AoA3
"a!load, 8perational $ra&t and Speed are #riti#al and should be developed as Fe!
"er&oran#e "araeters 'F""(. All are #riti#al to per&oran#e, but "a!load is roughl!
as iportant as the other t/o.G H there a! be spa#e &or trading sall aounts o& speed
to ensure ade0uate "a!load '#on&igurations( is a#hieved. Range, 8perational $ra&t,
Rap Chara#teristi#s 'through stern, #argo area, and 7o/(, and Transportabilit! '-nter.
Theater *oveent( are all ver! iportant, but are not as #riti#al as "a!load and Speed.
These attributes should be identi&ied as Fe! S!ste Attributes 'FSA( and /ill provide
potential &or trade spa#e i& ne#essar! to preserve F"" attributes.
These tradeo&&s /ill &or the basis &or the trade and #ost anal!ses to be #ondu#ted in
phase 2 o& AoA.
5e: er9or*an/e ara*eters (5s)3
1. For/e rote/tion9 *S1')( shall be #apable o& prote#ting vessel, #re/ and ebar6ed &or#es
&ro #onventional and h!brid threats and A2/A$ operations.
8RIA5-C %:A"85S9 The vessels shall be e0uipped /ith organi# Coon Reotel!
8perated %eapon Station -- 'CR8%S --( /ith the #apabilit! to engage and de&end
against sall, high.speed sur&a#e boats and sall #aliber shore.based /eapons &ired
&ro a distan#e o& no less than ,00 eters. %eapons s!stes /ill possess s#alable
e&&e#ts throughout @=0 degrees. 8rgani# /eapons s!stes shall be integrated /ith the
vessels *ission Coand and 5avigation s!stes.
C8*7AT -$:5T-4-CAT-859 Abilit! to interrogate and be interrogated b! $o$
identi&!ing 4riend or 4oe '-44( $evi#es H threat and -44 in&oration. -44 shall be
provided as I4: and shall be integrated /ith vessels2 *ission Coand and 5avigation
SU7SUR4AC: SUR1:-))A5C:9 The vessel shall be e0uipped /ith #apabilities to vie/
under/ater threats and obsta#les /hile under/a!. Subservi#e surveillan#e #apabilities
shall be able to vie/ threats at a range o& @00 eters /ith a &ield o& vie/ o& <0 degrees
in all /ater #onditions. Subservi#e surveillan#e threat dete#tion s!stes shall be
integrated /ith the vessels *ission Coand and 5avigation s!stes.
O8;e/tive3 Sae as threshold /ith abilit! to es#alate &or#e ':o4( reotel! &ro the
navigation bridgeB :o4 &ro an integrated /eapon s!ste.
2. Surviva8ilit:3 The *S1')( shall be #apable o& surviving and operating in sae
environents and against siilar threats that aneuver &or#es operate. This in#ludes
#onventional, un#onventional and h!brid threats, as /ell as natural and environental
threats, in#luding adverse /eather and elevated sea.state #onditions.
S:ASTAT:9 Survivable in SS>. 4or this attribute, JsurvivableG eans that #re/, #argo
and passengers are unhared, the vessel aintains sea 6eeping integrit!, and it
reains &ull! #apable o& resuing &ull operations /hen #onditions perit.
O8;e/tive3 Sae as Threshold
@. Energ:3 *S1')( shall be designed to optii+e redu#tions in energ! #onsuption to the
a;iu e;tent &easible &or a plat&or that /ill integrate e;isting non.developental I4:
/ith 5$- te#hnologies. Although *S1')( shall be sub3e#t to the state o& the art in the
aritie industr! at the tie o& a#0uisition, the *ateriel $eveloper /ill ensure that the
optial, a&&ordable energ! redu#tion solutions are identi&ied and in#orporated into *S1')(
design. *ateriel $eveloper /ill a6e ever! e&&ort to ensure *S1')( is designed to a#hieve
$o$ 8perational :nerg! '8:( goals, balan#ed against :nvironental "rote#tion Agen#!
':"A( re0uireents, global operational energ! availabilit!, and Ar! aneuver &or#e
operational needs. *S1')( shall be designed so that the provision o& energ! /ill not ipa#t
the vessel2s operational rea#h or lead to ne/ re0uireents &or prote#tion o& energ!
in&rastru#ture or resour#es.
Threshol)3 *S1')( propulsion and po/er generation s!stes shall be ore energ!
e&&i#ient per ton.ile than the )C*.,. :nerg! e&&i#ien#! shall be #oputed per ton.ile
/hen per&oring a ission in /hi#h the vessel ust deliver a Cobined Ars 7attalion
'inus( 'CA7.( &ro a Seabase to a shore based landing site lo#ated >5 nauti#al iles
&ro the Seabase.
O8;e/tive3 Sae as Threshold and *S1')( shall be #opatible /ith the usage o&
7ioass arine diesel '$42(.
4. a:loa)3 *S1')( shall be eplo!ed to ove and aneuver, support and sustain inta#t,! eleents o& the Ar!2s #urrent and &uture &or#e stru#ture in all operational
Threshol)3 *S1')( shall be #apable o& transporting all o& the &ollo/ing pa!loads
4our! Koint )ight Ta#ti#al 1ehi#les 'K)T1('an! variant( /ith trailer, #re/
and all personnel e0uipent
o 1 ea K)T19 )ength 1,.252, %idth <.0=2, %eight 12.14 Short Tons 'Appro;.(
T/o! Str!6er2s 'an! variant( /ith bar aror, #re/ and all personnel
e0uipent 'ust be enough de#6 spa#e to lo/er the vehi#le2s rear rap(B
o 1 ea#h Str!6er //7ar 'S)AT( Aror, )ength9 2=2, %idth9 142, %eight9 25.4<
Short Tons.
T/o! 7radle!s '*2A2/*@A2( /ith #re/ and all personnel e0uipent
'ust be enough de#6 spa#e to lo/er the vehi#le2s rear rap(B
o 1 ea#h 7radle!, )ength9 21.52, %idth9 11.,2, %eight9 @@.50 Short Tons.
8ne! *1A2 Abras tan6 /ith #re/ and all personnel e0uipentB
o 1 ea#h Abras '*1A2(, )ength9 2=.022, %idth9 122, %eight9 >=.25 Short Tons.
8ne Falar Rough Terrain Container Candler 'RTCC(
o 1 ea#h RTCC, )ength9 @,2, %idth9 122, %eight9 5, Short Tons.
8ne! Ri&le "latoon o& the -n&antr! -7CT /ith #re/ and all personnel
The #argo de#6 shall be #on&igured to allo/ the vehi#le to be properl! se#ured and
positioned in a /a! that allo/s all personnel a##opan!ing the vehi#le's( sa&e a##ess
and egress to the vehi#le's( /hile the *S1')( is under/a!. *S1')( shall be #apable o&
sa&el! transporting these vehi#le's( in SS@ '7eau&ort S#ale( and delivering the sa&el!
and in! #ondition, /ithout peranent de&oration or other degradation that
/ould a&&e#t the vesselLs sea/orthiness, ission #apabilit!, or use&ul li&e. MMM5ote9 All
diensions and /eights represent the /orst.#ase! #on&iguration. The
#argo and de#6 area ust a##ount &or proper and #apabilit! to lo/er the rear
The de#6 shall be #onstru#ted to a##oodate the highest "ounds per S0uare -n#h
'"S-( o& the identi&ied pa!loads in sea state 'e&&e#t o& d!nai# loading(. The Falar
RTCC #an in#ur up to 15@,000 pounds on its &ront a;le /hen #ondu#ting
loading/unloading operations. This shall to be #onsidered &or "S- and de#6 load
O8;e/tive9 Sae as Threshold e;#ept that the SS is in#reased to SS5 '7eau&ort S#ale(.
5. Fun/tional #ra9t3 *S1')( shall be #apable o& a##essing areas that have little or no
iproved a##ess points, to in#lude bare bea#h, shorelines and river ban6s. *S1')( shall be
#apable o& #ondu#ting all operations at &ull po/er /ith no daage to the vessel or #argo
even in areas o& the operational environent /ith e;treel! shallo/ /ater depths. To eet
this #apabilit! re0uireent, *S1')( ust have a &un#tional dra&t that enables it to a##ess
those points /ith e;treel! shallo/ /ater depths.
1:SS:) $RA4T9 *S1')( shall be able to aneuver and #ondu#t all
operations in a iniu o& &our &eet o& /ater.
"R8"U)S8R9 *S1')( propulsion s!stes shall be #on&igured so as to support &ull
po/er operations in a iniu o& &our &eet o& /ater /ith no daage to the propulsor or
loss o& e&&i#ien#!.
78% $RA4T9 *S1')( shall be designed to allo/ the bo/ rap to be deplo!ed in a
iniu o& t/o &eet o& /ater, /hile allo/ing the vessel to #ondu#t &ull loading and
unloading operations.
1:SS:) $RA4T9 *S1')( shall be able to aneuver and #ondu#t all
operations in a iniu o& t/o &eet o& /ater.
"R8"U)S8R9 4ull po/er operations in a iniu o& t/o &eet o& /ater /ith no daage
to propulsion or loss o& e&&i#ien#!B
78% $RA4T9 Allo/ the bo/ rap to be deplo!ed in a iniu o& one &oot o& /ater,
/hile allo/ing the vessel to #ondu#t &ull loading and unloading operations.
=. Spee)3 *S1')( shall be #apable o& oving at speeds that enable aneuver &or#es to
0ui#6l! transition bet/een operations /hile siultaneousl! supporting and sustaining /idel!
dispersed eleents. Speed is both a &or#e ultiplier and &or#e prote#tion enablerB there&ore
*S1')( shall be #apable o& ta#ti#al agilit! in all operational environents.
Threshol)3 *S1 ')( ust possess the #apabilit! to ove at a sustained speed o& 1,
6nots laden in SS@B 24 6nots unladen in SS@.
O8;e/tive9 *S1 ')( ust possess the #apabilit! to ove at a sustained speed o& 22
6nots laden in SS@B @0 6nots unladen in SS@.
5e: S:ste* Attri8utes (5SAs)3
+1 Range3 *S1')( ust possess the range needed to provide aneuver &or#es /ith the
operational rea#h to ove and aneuver, support and sustain /idel! dispersed &or#e
eleents /ithout operational pause, in all operational environents.
Threshol)9 *ust possess the #apabilit! to #ondu#t operations in SS@ as &ollo/s9
1( 400 5auti#al *iles '5*( at sustained speed o& 24 6nots /hen unladen round tripB and
@=0 5* at sustained speed o& 1, 6nots laden round trip.
2( Support9 Continuous operations, &or a period o& 24 hours /ithout re&ueling or re.
O8;e/tive9 *ust possess the #apa#it! to #ondu#t operations in SS4 as &ollo/s9
1( *ove 500 5* at a sustained speed o& @0 6nots /hen unladen, round tripB and 400
5* at sustained speed o& 22 6nots laden, round trip.
2( Continuous operations, &or a period o& 4, hours /ithout re&ueling or re.provisioning.
,1 VESSEL #EFENSE3 *S1')( shall be #apable o& prote#ting vessel, #re/ and ebar6ed
&or#es &ro #onventional and h!brid threats and A2/A$ operations.
7A))-ST-C "R8T:CT-859 8##upied spa#es and #riti#al a#hiner! shall be e0uipped
/ith ballisti# prote#tion.
TC:R*A) S-I5ATUR:9 1essel shall be designed to inii+e e;ternall! dete#table
theral eissions 'lo/er than )C*.,( to levels that support ta#ti#al oveent
AC8UST-C '58-S:( S-I5ATUR:9 1essel shall be designed to inii+e e;ternall!
dete#table noise eissions 'lo/er than )C*.,( to levels that support ta#ti#al oveent
%:A"85 C85TR8)9 %eapons s!stes shall be stabili+ed to #opensate &or the
vessel2s pit#hing and rolling otions due to /ave and sea #onditions.
TCR:AT $:T:CT-859 Threat dete#tion s!ste #apable o& autoati#all! dete#ting
potential threats to in#lude issiles, air#ra&t, and sall patrol boats, /ithin 5,000 eters
o& vessel.
$ARF SC-"9 Abilit! to rapidl! go to Jdar6 shipG #ondition 'de&ined as all e;terior light
sour#es are e;tinguished and no interior light shall eit outside the s6in o& the vessel
through /indo/s, open doors or hat#hes(. All lighting s!stes on the vessel shall be
s!n#hroni+ed /hen the vessel is in $ar6 Ship #ondition to ensure that /hen an e;ternal
hat#h is opened, the lights in that #opartent autoati#all! turn o&&.
:):CTR85-C SUR1:N9 The vessel shall have the onboard #apabilit! to #ondu#t
overhead, ele#troni# surve!s o& shallo/ /ater areas, /hi#h a! pose a
ha+ard to navigation. The data o& the surve! shall be dire#tl! #orrelated /ith Ilobal
"ositioning S!ste 'I"S( data and those data shall be displa!ed in a &orat that is
readil! interpretable b! the /ater#ra&t de#6 o&&i#er.

7A))-ST-C "R8T:CT-859 Sae as Threshold.
TC:R*A) S-I5ATUR:9 Sae as Threshold.
AC8UST-C '58-S:( S-I5ATUR:9 Sae as Threshold.
%:A"85 C85TR8)9 Sae as Threshold.
TCR:AT $:T:CT-859 Sae as Threshold plus Threat dete#tion s!ste able to dete#t
threats at a range o& 10,000 eters o& host plat&or. The *S1')(2s e;ternall! dete#table
heat and noise eissions ust be lo/er at *S1')( top speed than those o& the )C*.,
at )C*., top speed.
$ARF SC-"9 Sae as threshold plus $ar6 Ship #an be #ontrolled b! o&&i#er o& de#6 in
bridge, and the ele#troni# surve! s!ste shall be #apable o& re#eiving surve! data in real
tie and be #apable o& uploading, integrating and overla!ing the surve! data onto the
digital displa! o& the integrated bridge s!ste.
:):CTR85-C SUR1:N9 Sae as Threshold.
<1 Vessel Ra*ps3 *S1')( shall be re0uired to support oveent and aneuver &or#es and
#ondu#t a /ide variet! o& #argo operations b! oving all t!pes o& #argo through &i;ed,
uniproved, and austere ports and a##ess points. *S1')( raps shall be #on&igured to
support the &ull range o& aneuver &or#e operations and #argo operations in the environent
in /hi#h the vessel is e;pe#ted to operate.
RA*"S )8A$9 *S1')( shall have raps that allo/ &or the loading and dis#harging o&
an! rolling and tra#6ed vehi#les and #argo /ithin the /eight and si+e liitations o& the
vessel, &un#tioning /ith/a#ross 0ua! /alls, &i;ed piers, and R8/R8 raps as #oonl!
&ound in #oer#ial and ilitar! port &a#ilities, as /ell as over an uniproved 0ua! /all,
at a bea#h, over.the.shore and alongside a larger vessel as a lighter. The raps shall
be #apable o& inter&a#ing /ith Ar! *odular Cause/a! S!ste '*CS(.
$R-1:.TCR8UIC 8":RAT-85S9 *S1')( shall be designed to allo/ &or drive.through
R8/R8 operations, /ithout turning the vehi#le, &or all re0uired vehi#le pa!loads and /ith
the abilit! to ballast the vessel both &ore and a&t to &a#ilitate inter&a#e /ith dis#harge
plat&ors, 0ua! /alls and piers.
78AT )AU5CC-5I9 8ne vessel rap shall be #on&igured to allo/ sall boats, e.g.,
+odia#s, to be laun#hed and re#overed &ro the vessel.
RA*" S"::$9 *S1')( raps shall be #apable o& being deplo!ed /ithin 5 inutes and
retra#ted /ithin 5 inutes.
RA*" A5I):9 Able to arti#ulate to angle that allo/s &ull loading and unloading
operations at a 1940 gradient /ithout daage or dislo#ation o& supplies and e0uipent in
the loading/unloading pro#ess.
RA*"S )8A$9 Sae as Threshold
$R-1:.TCR8UIC 8":RAT-85S9 Sae as Threshold
78AT )AU5CC-5I9 Sae as Threshold
RA*" S"::$9 Sae as Threshold
RA*" A5I):9 Sae as Threshold plus raps shall be #apable o& inter&a#ing /ith 5av!
-proved 5aval )ighterage S!ste '-5)S(B vessels shall be designed to per&or bo/.to.
stern inter&a#e to enable #ause/a!.li6e dis#harge operationsB vessel /ill have the
eans to laun#h and re#over sall boats at *S1')( #ruising speed and the vessel rap
shall be #on&igured to allo/ sall boats, e.g., +odia#s, to be laun#hed &ro the vessel
&ore and a&t.B Raps shall be #apable o& being deplo!ed /ithin one inute and retra#ted
/ithin one inuteB Able to arti#ulate to angle that allo/s &ull loading and unloading
operations at a 19=0 gradient /ithout daage or dislo#ation o& supplies and e0uipent in
the loading/unloading pro#ess.
01 !argo Operations3 *S1')( shall be #apable o& #ondu#ting a /ide variet! o& #argo
operations, and #apable o& oving all t!pes o& #argo in and through &i;ed, uniproved, and
austere ports and a##ess points.
*AT:R-A) CA5$)-5I :OU-"*:5T -5T:R8":RA7-)-TN9 *S1')( shall be designed
to load/unload e0uipent /ith *aterial Candling :0uipent '*C:( #apabilities assigned
to Ar! 7CTs. *S1')( shall be designed so that &ull!.burdened 7CT *C: has a##ess
to and #an #ondu#t loading and unloading operations on the vessel. 4ull!.burdened is
de&ined the *C: that is #arr!ing #argo at it &ull #apa#it!, to in#lude a;iu height,
a;iu /idth, and a;iu point load /eight.
C85TA-5:R 8":RAT-85S9 *S1')( shall be #apable o& sa&el! transporting one &ull!.
loaded at a;iu /eight 40.&oot or t/o &ull!.loaded at a;iu /eight 20.&oot -S8
#ontainers, *S1')( ission de#6 and rap /ill support the point.load o& a &ull!.loaded
Falar Rough Terrain Container Candler 'RTCC(.
CARI8 I:AR9 1essel shall be e0uipped /ith lashing gear and other #argo se#uring
gear, su&&i#ient in 0uantit! and #apabilit! to a;ii+e the R8/R8 and #ontaineri+ed
#argo #arr!ing #apa#it! o& the vessel and provide se#ure load retainent under /orst
#ase, o#ean.going, #onditions o& ite /eights, ship angles and SS. The vessel shall be
e0uipped /ith lashing gear and asso#iated /eather.tight gear sto/ages, /hi#h are
lo#ated near the points o& use. All lashing and other #argo se#ureent gear shall be
appropriate to the #argo that the vessel shall be t!pi#all! transporting in a##ordan#e /ith
'-A%( its2 ission pro&ile. Su#h lashing gear and other #argo se#uring gear shall be &ull!
#opatible /ith all de#6 and other points.
T-:$8%5 "8-5TS9 $e#6 points and other &ittings, i.e. -S8 #ontainer lo#6s,
shall be su&&i#ient in 0uantit! and #apabilities to a;ii+e the R8/R8, brea6 bul6, and
#ontaineri+ed #argo #arr!ing #apa#it!. The vessel shall be e0uipped /ith de#6 tie do/n
points and other &ittings, i.e. -S8 #ontainer lo#6s, su&&i#ient in 0uantit! and #apabilit! to
a;ii+e the R8/R8 and #ontaineri+ed #argo #arr!ing #apa#it! o& the vessel and
provide se#ure load retainent under /orst #ase, o#ean.going, #onditions o& ite
/eights, ship angles and SS. Tiedo/n points /ill support standard ilitar! and industr!
ethods, /a!s and eans o& se#uring #argo -A% S$$C T:A guidelines and dire#tives.
S)-5I)8A$ 8":RAT-85S9 1essel shall possess the #apabilit! to support sling load
operations &ro the vessel to shore b! $o$ verti#al li&t plat&ors.
*AT:R-A) CA5$)-5I :OU-"*:5T -5T:R8":RA7-)-TN9 Sae as Threshold, plus
#apable o& loading/unloading e0uipent and #argo /ith no e;ternal *C:.
C85TA-5:R 8":RAT-85S9 Sae as Threshold.
CARI8 I:AR9 Sae as Threshold plus lashing gear &ittings shall be ade o& strong
light/eight non.&errous aterials that do not #orrode and do not #ause ele#tro.galvani#
#ouples /ith ating vessel points.
T-:$8%5 "8-5TS9 Sae as Threshold plus *S1')( /ill have redundant tiedo/n point
S)-5I)8A$ 8":RAT-85S9 Sae as Threshold.
.1 Vessel Operations3 The *S1')( shall be #apable o& #ondu#ting operations in all operating
environents, in#luding &i;ed, uniproved, austere ports and a##ess points, and bare bea#h
S:ASTAT: 'SS(9 1essel shall be #apable o& &ull operations in SS@.
7:ACC S"::$9 Able to bea#h vessel at speed o& 4 6nots /ithout dislo#ation o&
supplies and e0uipent.
7:ACC-5I IRA$-:5T9 Able to bea#h vessel at a 1940 gradient /ithout daage or
dislo#ation o& supplies and e0uipent.
TUR5-5I RA$-US9 *S1')( shall be #apable o& turning 1,0 degrees /ithin its o/n
overall length /hile in a stationar! position.
4:5$:R-5I9 1essel shall possess a sel&.#ontained #apa#it! to epla#e and retrieve
&endering /ithout assistan#e &ro shore personnel.
*88R-5I9 1essel shall be e0uipped /ith su&&i#ient ooring stations, #apstans, and
/in#hes. The vessel &or/ard and a&t ooring stations shall be e0uipped /ith no less
than one #apstan /ith /in#h on ea#h port and starboard ooring station. -n addition to
the #ustoar! &or/ard and a&t ooring stations, the vessel shall be e0uipped /ith an
additionall! ooring station lo#ated appro;iatel! aidships on both the starboard and
port sides.
A5T-.7R8ACC-5I9 1essel shall be e0uipped /ith an an#horing s!ste #apable o&
aintaining vessel /hile #ondu#ting in.strea loading and unloading operations in order
to eet Code o& 4ederal Regulations 'C4R( re0uireents &or the vessel.
C)-*AT: C85TR8)9 1essel shall be #apable o& aintaining habitabilit! in hot and,
#old #liates, as these ters are de&ined in Ar! Regulation 'AR( >0.@,.
7R-$I: %-5$8%S9 All /indo/s o& the bridge shall be appropriatel! #on&igured to
eet C4R sunlight readabilit! re0uireents, and to prevent re&le#tive glare and iages
&ro o##urring in the /indo/s. All lights, to in#lude #oputer displa!s, instruent and
#ontrol panel lights, shall be sunlight readable and #apable o& being died.
%-5$8% %ASC-5I9 7ridge %indo/s shall be e0uipped /ith reote /ashing s!ste,
possess anti.&og properties and the #apabilit! to be de.i#ed, and have rain/ater/sea
/ater spra! #ontinuousl! reoved.
ST8%AI:9 The vessel /ill have designated spa#e su&&i#ient &or the storage o& re0uired
repair parts, tools, sa&et! e0uipent, gear and supplies to support ission duration o& 10
7A))AST TA5FS9 7allast tan6s shall be designed /ith ba&&les.
O8;e/tive3 Sae as Threshold, e;#ept9 vessel shall be #apable o& &ull operation in
SS4B able to bea#h vessel at a speed o& = 6nots /ithout daage or dislo#ation o&
supplies and e0uipent in the bea#hing #onditionB able to bea#h vessel at a 19=0
gradient, /ithout daage or dislo#ation o& supplies and e0uipentB shall be #apable o&
turning 1,0 degrees /ithin its o/n overall length /hile under/a!B shall have organi#
&endering su&&i#ient to prote#t hull during noral operations, in#luding do#6ing to bea#h,
pier, ship or #ause/a!B vessel shall have an autoati# positioning s!ste that has the
#apabilit! to aintain vessel stationar! during in.strea operationsB and all lights to
in#lude #oputer displa!s shall be sunlight readable and #apable o& being died and
5ight 1ision Ioggles '51I( #opatibleB vessel /ill have designated spa#e su&&i#ient &or
the storage o& re0uired repair parts, tools, sa&et! e0uipent, gear and supplies to
support ission duration o& @0 da!s

=1 Inter&Theater Move*ent3 *S1')( shall be #apable o& being oved rapidl! bet/een
theaters in a anner that eets $e&ense "lanning S#enario tielines.
TRA5S"8RTA7-)-TN9 *S1')( shall be #apable o& being loaded and oved on Ceav!
)i&t Ship 'C)S( or sei.subersible vessel, /ith the sling sets and other an#illar!
e0uipent organi# to the C)S or sei.subersible vessel.
TRA5S"8RTA7-)-TN9 Sae as threshold plus *S1')( shall be #apable o& being loaded
via li&t on/li&t o&& and oved on )arge, *ediu.Speed R8/R8 vessel ')*SR(.
A))itional er9or*an/e Attri8utes (AAs)3
+1 !re6 Support3 :a#h *S1')( shall be ade0uatel! #re/ed to a##oplish the vessel2s
ission and #on&igured and e0uipped /ith /or6 spa#es that #on&or to Sa&et! o& )i&e at Sea
'S8)AS( and huan &a#tors engineering re0uireents &or operations in the intended
operational environent.
CR:%9 1essels shall be #re/ed /ith no less than the iniu nuber and t!pe o&
personnel re0uired to #ondu#t &ull.spe#tru operations and a##oplish its ission in the
intended operational environent.
"A SNST:*9 1essel shall be e0uipped /ith a "ubli# Address '"A( s!ste that is
#opliant /ith S8)AS Regulation 40. The "A s!ste shall provide #overage to all
-5T:RC8* SNST:*9 The vessel shall possess an -nter#o s!ste that enables
iediate #ouni#ation /ith #re/ and passengers. The inter#o s!ste shall
#on&or to S8)AS re0uireents.
C)-*AT:9 1essel shall be #apable o& aintaining habitabilit! in hot and #old #liates, as
these ters are de&ined in Ar! Regulation 'AR( >0.@,.
CU*A5 4ACT8RS9 The vessel shall assure that the #re/ and asso#iated personnel
#an #ondu#t all t!pi#al ission related tas6s in all environents o& interest e&&e#tivel!
and pro&i#ientl!. 8n a per tas6 basis, the design o& ission #riti#al vessel operator
stations 'su#h as the bridge, the engine roo displa! and #ontrol spa#e,
#ouni#ations and navigation, et#.( shall assure that repeated design indu#ed, ission
#riti#al errors o& oission or #oission do not o##ur at a greater than 5P level. All
subs!stes shall be designed to a;ii+e the soldier/huan inter&a#e. *S1')( displa!s
and huan inter&a#es shall be su##in#t, #oplete, easil! readable and dire#tl!
%AT:R E S:%AI:9 *S1')( shall possess potable /ater and se/age storage #apa#it!
to support 100P o& #re/ and ebar6ed passengers &or 24 hours.
CR:% ST8%AI:9 The vessel shall possess su&&i#ient sto/age &or the #re/2s
personnel belongings and &or all vessel storesB po/er outlets and related support shall
be in#orporated into the vessel. *S1')( /ill also in#lude rest spa#e &or 50P o&
#re/ebers, storage &or 100P #re/ personal e&&e#ts, toilet spa#e, non.perishable &ood
storage and preparation spa#e.
%:A"85S ST8RAI:9 The vessel shall possess a se#ure storage lo#6er &or the Tables
o& 8rgani+ation and :0uipent 'T8E:( /eapons o& the vessel #re/. The /eapons
storage lo#6er shall be in #oplian#e /ith AR 1<0.11, "h!si#al Se#urit! o& Ars,
Aunition, and :;plosives.
O4>E!TIVE3 Sae as threshold e;#ept that *S1')( shall possess potable /ater and
se/age storage #apa#it! to support 100P o& #re/ and ebar6ed passengers &or 4,
hoursB "A s!ste /ill have a dual usage as non.lethal /eapon. Spea6ers #an be pointed
in an out/ard position.
,1 E*8ar?e) Unit Support3 :a#h *S1')( shall be #on&igured and e0uipped /ith ebar6ed
unit o##upan#! spa#es that #on&or to S8)AS and huan &a#tors engineering re0uireents
&or operations in the intended operational environent.
:QT:R5A) "8%:R9 The vessel shall be e0uipped /ith the abilit! to suppl! po/er to
ele#tri#al s!stes on board ebar6ed unit #obat plat&ors /hile enroute.
SA5-TAT-85 4AC-)-T-:S9 The vessel shall be e0uipped /ith su&&i#ient sanitar! &a#ilities
to a##oodate ebar6ed unit personnel.
S:AT-5I9 *S1')( shall be e0uipped /ith rudientar! seating E overhead #over &or
ebar6ed passengers. "assenger seating area /ill in#lude re#harging stations &or
authori+ed ele#troni#s devi#es.
ST8RAI: S"AC:9 Storage spa#e shall be provided in #lose pro;iit! to ea#h
passenger seat to store that soldier2s personal /eapon '*1= or e0uivalent(, Celet and
*odular )ight/eight )oad.#arr!ing :0uipent '*8)):(.
O4>E!TIVE3 Sae as Threshold e;#ept e0uipped /ith re#lining seats.
<1 Re9ueling Operations3 *S1')( shall be #apable o& #ondu#ting re&ueling operations.
AR*N %AT:RCRA4T R:4U:)-5I9 The vessel shall be able to re&uel and be re&ueled
b! other vessels /ithin the Ar! %ater#ra&t 4leet in SS less than SS@.
C8**:RC-A) R:4U:)-5I9 The vessel shall be able to be re&ueled b! ilitar! and
#oer#ial &a#ilities /orld/ide.
4U:) TA5FS9 1essel &uel tan6s shall be designed /ith ba&&les.
O4>E!TIVE3 Sae as Threshold e;#ept #apable o& Ar! %ater#ra&t re&ueling at SS @.
Other S:ste* Attri8utes3
Relia8ilit:9 *S1')( shall be re0uired to support #ontinuous operations over e;tended
periods o& tie and e;tended distan#es in austere and uniproved operating environents,
/here #oer#ial eergen#! support #apabilities are not available. *S1')( shall be
#apable o& being aintained in austere operating environents and possess a high rate o&
reliabilit! and availabilit!. *S1')( shall be designed /ith the &ollo/ing reliabilit! attributes9
o Subs!ste Reliabilit!9 Reliabilit!, Availabilit!, and *aintainabilit! 'RA*(
#hara#teristi#s o& the #oponents 'subs!stes( o& the vessel shall eet or e;#eed
the RA* #hara#teristi#s o& #urrent ilitar! s!stes.
o *aintainabilit!9 S!stes on the *S1')( should be able to be diagnosed /ithin one
hour and repaired /ithin >2 hours o& &ault/&ailure dete#tion b! aintenan#e
#apabilities organi# to the Ar! /ater#ra&t &leet.
o Redundant "ropulsion9 *S1')( ain propulsion shall #onsist o& no less than t/o
propulsion plants and propulsors. :a#h propulsion plant #obined /ith one
propulsor shall &or an independent ain propulsion s!ste not dependent upon
an! #oponent or sub.s!ste o& the other ain propulsion s!ste &or #ontinued
o $iagnosti#s and "rognosti#s9 *S1')( shall be e0uipped /ith autoated diagnosti#s
and prognosti# #apabilities do/n to the #oponent level in a anner that is
#onsistent /ith Ar! reliabilit! standards.
Integrate) 4ri)ge S:ste*3 *S1')( shall be e0uipped /ith an -ntegrated 7ridge S!ste
'-7S( that digitall! integrates input &ro navigation sensors and operational #ontrols to
in#lude, but not liited to, g!ro#opass, I"S input, RA$AR and RA$AR anti.#ollision data,
4or/ard )oo6ing -n&ra.Red '4)-R(, engine data and #ontrols, steering data and #ontrolsB
-ntelligen#e, Surveillan#e, and Re#onnaissan#e '-SR( sensorsB and sel&.prote#tion #ontrols.
The -7S shall provide #entrali+ed #ontrol and onitoring o& ele#troni# navigation, route
planning, route anageent, ship #ontrol, sur&a#e navigation radar displa!s, navigation
#onta#t anageent, #ollision avoidan#e, sele#ted alars, and autoati# data logging.
The -7S shall possess the &ollo/ing attributes9
o -7S 1ie/ing9 All vo!age planning, navigation, operation and
#ouni#ations re0uired to operate the vessel shall be lo#ated so that the! are
easil! vie/ed and easil! rea#hable &ro the Co;s/ain2s position. The Co;s/ain2s
position shall be designed to #on&or /ith appli#able huan &a#tors #riteria and have
optiu &easible vie/ o& the sides, bo/ and the &antail. -7S &un#tions shall be able
to be oved bet/een an! t/o #onsoles /ithout e&&e#ting the operation or a##ura#!
o& that &un#tion. The #apabilit! o& #ontrolling and navigating the ship anuall!
'in#luding operation( &ro designated au;iliar! or
se#ondar! positions shall be provided.
o 5avigation Control9 Abilit! to integrate and #ontrol digital navigation s!stes &ro a
single #ontrol station, /ith redundan#! in #ase o& &ailure H the -7S shall digitall!
integrate inputs &ro navigation sensors and operational #ontrols to in#lude, but not
liited to, g!ro#opass, I"S input, :le#troni# $ispla! -n&oration S!ste ':C$-S(
and Radar.
o $e#ision Tools9 The -7S Ship Control 'SC( shall provide the operator's( /ith #ourse,
speed, rudder, and propulsion sha&t Revolutions "er *inute 'R"*(
re#oendations &or spe#i&ied route and destinations. -n&oration used in the
re#oendation de#ision a6ing pro#ess shall in#lude available o/n.ship position,
ele#troni# #hart navigation in&oration, /eather data, and #onta#t in&oration.
o "ropulsion Control9 The -7S SC &un#tion shall provide the #apabilit! to onitor and
#ontrol the ship2s ain propulsion po/er s!ste and asso#iated s!ste interlo#6s,
steering s!ste and thruster's(. Appropriate trans&er o& #ontrol proto#ols shall be
provided &or trans&erring e;ternal.-7S.#oands #ontrol authorit! bet/een the ain
SC and an! other SC, or an! other -7S /or6station. Trans&ers shall be b! re0uest
and a#6no/ledgent. 8nl! one SC shall be in #ontrol at a tie. A eans o&
anuall! ta6ing #ontrol at the non.#ontrolling SC station i& the #ontrolling SC station
&ails shall be provided.
o -7S *onitoring9 The -7S shall be #apable o& onitoring all its assigned signals.
Audible and visual alars shall be provided &or all alar #onditions. 5avigational
ha+ard alars 'in#luding grounding and #ollision( shall have uni0ue audible and
visual alars approved b! the U. S. Ar!. A#6no/ledgent o& -7S alars shall onl!
be a#6no/ledged &ro the station in #ontrol. The s!ste shall have a se#ond tier
displa! o& ea#h alar that /ill have a ore detailed des#ription o& the proble along
/ith the possible #auses and appropriate operator a#tions.
o Route "lanning9 The -7S shall provide the #apabilit! to #onstru#t route plans and
preplan the ship2s intended route at an! o& the -7S /or6stations using the digital
#harts. The route planning #apabilit! shall be supported b! a graphi#s editing
#apabilit! that allo/s the operator to insert navigational ob3e#ts o& interest not
#urrentl! displa!ed in the onboard digital nauti#al #harts. "rovisions &or speed
odi&i#ation or aendent in the route plan shall be provided even i& the route plan
is being e;e#uted. The -7S shall provide the s!ste user /ith the #apabilit! to
#onstru#t, store and re#all &or use &re0uentl! used route plans. The -7S shall provide
the user the #apabilit! to trans&er stored route plans to other operators or li6e/ise
re#eive stored route plans &ro other operators.
o Alar S!ste9 The vesselLs -7S shall in#lude an alar s!ste #apable o& dete#ting
and re#oending a#tion to avoid ha+ards. The user shall be able to input ship2s
aneuvering #hara#teristi#s su#h as speed restri#tions, turn radius, turn rates, and
dra&t restri#tions or sele#t a danger area and the s!ste shall provide an alar
/henever the ship approa#hes these sa&et! argins. -7S shall be able to
re#oend aneuver a#tion to avoid a prohibited geographi# area. Alars shall
also be given /hen a #ollision or near #ollision situation e;ists. -7S shall have the
#apabilit! to re#oend anual a#tion to avoid #ollision.
o :le#troni# Chart $ispla!9 The -7S shall in#lude an :C$-S /ith the abilit! to displa!
ele#troni# #harts. The -7S shall provide the displa! #apabilit! to #over the &ull
#apabilities o& #harts and aneuvering boards /ithout the paper &or o& these ites
being re0uired. The -7S shall #ontain an :C$-S that is -nternational *aritie
8rgani+ation '-*8( #opliant and an -*8 #opliant Autoati# Radar "lotting Aid
'AR"A( that #an port targets as /ell as radar iager! to the :C$-S. -n addition, the
AR"A shall be #apable o& re#eiving #hart displa! in&oration &ro the :C$-S. The
:C$-S shall be #erti&ied to dire#tl! read 5ational Ieospatial.-ntelligen#e Agen#!
'5IA( $igital 5auti#al Chart '$5C( produ#ts. The :C$-S shall be #apable o&
reading and updating #hart in&oration re#eived via :le#troni# 5avigational Chart
':5C(. At a iniu a graphi#s overla! &un#tion is re0uired &or anual annotation
o& 5oti#e to *ariner in&oration. %hen updates are provided via ele#troni#
transission, the -7S :C$-S shall be #apable o& dire#t read to provide a #orre#ted
displa! o& navigation data.
Integrate) Engineering !ontrol an) Surveillan/e S:ste*3 *S1')( shall be e0uipped
/ith an -ntegrated :ngineering Control and Surveillan#e S!ste '-:CSS(. The -:CSS shall
be designed to provide a sealess, &ull! integrated, a#hiner! #ontrol s!ste that /ill
onitor and/or #ontrol the vessel2s propulsion and au;iliar! a#hiner! s!stes. The -:CSS
shall provide &ull! integrated diagnosti# #ondition assessent o& the a#hiner! s!stes,
and shall, as &ar as &easible, provide prognosti# assessent o& the a#hiner! s!stes
under its purvie/. The -:CSS shall allo/ the user to re#ord, store and re#all all a#hiner!
#ondition assessent data. Additionall!, all a#hiner! #ondition assessent data shall be
#apable o& being trans&erred to shore stations b! reovable ele#troni# edia and ele#troni#
transission &ro the vessel2s #ouni#ation e0uipent. The -:CSS shall provide the
abilit! &or anual #ontrol to provide the operator /ith situational a/areness and positive
#oand and #ontrol o& ission #riti#al sub.s!stes and #oponents. The #apabilit! to
e;er#ise anual #ontrol is re0uired in the event o& -:CSS &ailure.
Net&Rea):@ !o**an)@ !ontrol@ !o**uni/ation@ !o*puters@ Intelligen/e@
Surveillan/e@ an) Re/onnaissan/e (!0ISR)@ an) I)enti9i/ation Frien) or FOE (IFF)3 A
Iovernent 4urnished :0uipent 'I4:( solution shall be provided &or integration. Spa#e
#lai data as &ollo/s9 :0uipent :nvelop >,G /idth, >2G height, @4G depthB Clearan#e
:nvelop ,=G /idth, ><.25G height, >2G depthB "o/er 5210 /attsB Cooling 1>>== 7TU/hrB and
*a; /eight 1=@4lbs.
o The *S1')( shall possess the #apabilit! to allo/ the ebar6ed unit #oander to
eplo! the unit2s organi# ission #oand #apabilities /hile under/a!. The
*S1')( shall be e0uipped /ith the spa#e and po/er re0uireents ne#essar! to
enable the ebar6ed unit the abilit! to repli#ate their noral ission #oand
&un#tions, to in#lude the abilit! to #oordinate entr! /ith other blue &or#es, #ondu#t
14 #oordination, re#eive intelligen#e data, aintain situational a/areness
and #ondu#t ission planning en route to the destination.
o C8*7AT -$:5T-4-CAT-859 Abilit! to interrogate and be interrogated b! identi&!ing
$epartent o& $e&ense '$o$( 4riend or 48: '-44( $evi#es H threat and -44
in&oration shall be integrated /ith the vessels *ission Coand and 5avigation
The vessel shall eet provisions o& the appli#able Codes o& 4ederal Regulations 'C4Rs(,
and re&eren#es therein. The vessel shall be #erti&ied to load line b! the Aeri#an 7ureau o&
Shipping 'A7S(.The anu&a#turer /ill sele#t ne/ shipboard s!stes, subs!stes and
e0uipent that eet or e;#eed the Ar!2s per&oran#e re0uireents. The engineering
design subission /ill in#lude a te#hni#al report on reliabilit!, availabilit! and aintainabilit!
'RA*(, along /ith a side.b!.side #oparison o& #urrent and repla#eent te#hni#al
spe#i&i#ations to ensure the proposed e0uipent satis&ies the Ar!2s per&oran#e
The anu&a#turer /ill ensure data bus #apabilit! to &a#ilitate the 5ational *arine :le#troni#s
Asso#iation '5*:A( 2000 bussed data e;#hange net/or6 &or e;isting and &uture #oand,
#ontrol, #ouni#ations, #oputers, intelligen#e, surveillan#e, and re#onnaissan#e
'C4-SR(, 5avigation, and po/ertrain s!stes on board, and in#lude inter&a#e #opatible
/ith So#iet! o& Autootive :ngineers 'SA:( K1<@< Controller Area 5et/or6 'CA5 7us(
devi#es and/or diagnosti# e0uipent in #urrent use b! the Ar! and industr!.
The anu&a#turer shall ensure that the *S1 ')( eets all the re0uireents o& Se#tion @25
o& the 5ational $e&ense Authori+ation A#t o& 1<<= aended Se#tions @12 and 502'=( o& the
Clean %ater A#t. This se#tion re0uires the Adinistrator o& the :nvironental "rote#tion
Agen#! ':"A( and the Se#retar! o& $e&ense to develop Uni&or 5ational $is#harge
Standards 'U5$S( to #ontrol #ertain Rli0uidR dis#harges that are in#idental to the noral
operation o& Ared 4or#es vessels. This is appli#able /ithin US navigable /aters, up to 12
nauti#al iles '5*( &ro shore. The &ollo/ing 14 standards appl! to Ar! %ater#ra&t9
A0ueous 4il.4oring 4oa, Chain )o#6er :&&luent, $istillation E Reverse 8sosis, %ater
Cooling 8verboard $is#harge, Sea/ater "iping 7io.&ouling "revention, Sall 7oat :ngine
%et :;haust, %ellde#6 $is#harge, $e#6 Runo&&, 4ireain $is#harge, Cull Coating
)ea#hate, Under/ater Ship Cusbandr!, Clean 7allast %ater, Ira! /ater, and Sur&a#e
1essel 7ilge/ater/ 8il %ater Separator '8%S( :&&luent.
E/ono*i/ Use9ul Li9e (EUL)3
Threshold9 @0 !ears
8b3e#tive9 40 !ears
Anti#ipated produ#tion 0uantit! is @=.
The &ollo/ing is a produ#tion s#hedule9
o 4N1>9 2 protot!pe vessels 'Coparative testing(
o 4N1<9 2 vessels
o 4N209 2 vessels
o 4N219 4 vessels
o 4N229 = vessels
o 4N2@9 , vessels
o 4N249 , vessels
o 4N259 = vessels
ro)u/tion 6ill in/lu)e !o*pletion o9 Logisti/s Manage*ent In9or*ation@ #evelop*ent
o9 Logisti/s ro)u/ts@ an) EAuip*ent Training3
"er&or a aintenan#e anal!sis, in#luding a 4ailure *odes :&&e#ts Criti#alit! Anal!sis
'4*:CA(, and )evel o& Repair Anal!sis ')8RA(, &or all #oponents/s!stes in order to
deterine the proper aintenan#e allo#ation and #oponent level o& repair.
$evelop ilitar! spe#i&i#ation -ntera#tive :le#troni# Te#hni#al *anuals '-:T*( that re&le#ts
the &inal #on&iguration o& the vessels in a##ordan#e /ith *-) ST$ 40051. The -:T* /ill
#ontain vessel operation, troubleshooting, aintenan#e, and repla#eent parts
in&oration ne#essar! to support the Iovernent approved aintenan#e anal!sis.

Resear#h and provide all ateriel provisioning data supporting ne/ #oponents/s!stes
and deliver a )ogisti#s Support Anal!sis ')SA(.0@= reports. "rovisioning shall be
per&ored to the lo/est repair part level and be #onsistent /ith the Iovernent approved
aintenan#e anal!sis. )SA should address all t/elve produ#t support eleents.
"rovide Spe#ial Tools Test :0uipent 'STT:( and 7asi# -ssue -tes '7--( re0uired &or
supporting operation and aintenan#e o& the vessel.
"rovide Test, *easureent, and $iagnosti# :0uipent 'T*$:( re0uired supporting
troubleshooting and -:T* &un#tionalit!.
"rovide so&t/are integration, re0uired to enable ne/ #oponent/s!ste &ault #odes to
su##ess&ull! pass &ro ele#troni# #ontrol odules to -:T* so&t/are &or purposes o&
troubleshooting easureent and anal!sis.
-denti&! all ne/ anpo/er s6ill sets re0uired to operate, troubleshoot, and aintain ne/
Coplete total pa#6age &ielding o& vessel, 7--, STT:, T*$:, 8n 7oard Spares )ist
'87S)(, Coponent o& :nd -te 'C8:-(, and Asso#iated -tes o& :0uipent 'AS-8:(.
"rovide ne/ e0uipent training to ea#h a#tive and reserve #re/, and to the prepositioned
site personnel in Kapan and Fu/ait on the ne/ s!stes.
"rovide 5e/ :0uipent Training "lans, 8perator, and 4ield )evel *aintenan#e -nstru#tor
and Student Iuides in support o& 5e/ :0uipent Training.
"rovide operator training in support o& Iovernent testing events.
"lease ans/er all o& the 0uestions belo/. This is !our opportunit! to des#ribe !our design,
engineering and anu&a#turing #apabilities /hi#h a! assist the Iovernent in identi&!ing
possible #andidates and /ill perit it to obtain industr! input and data regarding available
plat&ors, #on#eptual designs, and support potential &uture a#0uisition e&&orts. Responses to this
ar6et resear#h 0uestionnaire should be sent via e.ail to *argaret 7alano/s6i at
*argaret.T.7alano/ and *atthe/ Fun6el at atthe/
Nou are re0uested to put JResponse to *S1 ')( R4-G in the sub3e#t line o& the e.ail. An!
re0uests &or #lari&i#ation o& the 0uestionnaire shall also be addressed to *argaret 7alano/s6i at
*argaret.T.7alano/ and *atthe/ Fun6el at atthe/
"lease subit !our response 5o )ater than C87 1, April 2014.
An! in&oration that #annot be sent via eail #an be ailed on a C$ to the &ollo/ing address9
U.S. Ar! Contra#ting Coand.%arren
4or#e "ro3e#tion E Tools/7ridging Tea
ATT59 *atthe/ Fun6el/CCTA.C7A.5
=501 :ast 11 *ile Road
*ail Stop @2= '7)$I 2@1(
%arren, *- 4,@<>.5000
"lease 5ote9
Reponses to this Re0uest /ill not be returned, nor /ill detailed &eedba#6 be ade available.
roprietar: In9or*ation1 The United States Iovernent 'USI( a#6no/ledges its obligations
under the 4ederal A#0uisition Regulation '1, U.S.C. S1<05( to prote#t #on&idential in&oration
provided to the Iovernent. "ursuant to this statute, the USI is /illing to a##ept an! trade
se#rets or proprietar! restri#tions pla#ed upon data presented in response to this surve! and to
prote#t su#h in&oration &ro unauthori+ed dis#losure, sub3e#t to the &ollo/ing9
$ata ust be #learl! ar6ed "R8"R-:TARN and be a##opanied b! an e;planator! te;t
so that the Iovernent is #learl! noti&ied on /hat data is proprietar!.
*ar6 onl! data that is trul! #on&idential.
$o not ar6 data that is alread! in the publi# doain or is alread! in possession o& the
USI or third parties on an un#lassi&ied basis. $o not subit an! #lassi&ied data in
response to this ar6et surve!.
"roprietar! data transitted ele#troni#all! ust have the "R8"R-:TARN legend on both
the #over o& the transittal e.ail as /ell as at the beginning o& the &ile. "roprietar!
in&oration #ontained /ithin the #orresponden#e shall use the legends9 J"R8"R-:TARN
"8RT-85 7:I-5SG and J"R8"R-:TARN "8RT-85 :5$S.G

#is/lai*er The Iovernent is not responsible &or the publi# dis#losure o& unar6ed data
re#eived in response to this ar6et surve!. A##ordingl!, the potential o&&eror shall ensure that
te#hni#al data provided in response to this ar6et surve! shall be appropriatel! ar6ed 'i.e.
proprietar!( to ensure proper Iovernent handling o& the data. Should the USI need to
reprodu#e the prote#ted data &or distribution purposes bet/een Iovernent o&&i#es, all su#h
data shall be reprodu#ed /ith restri#tive legends in pla#e.
+1 Manu9a/turer
,1 ersonnel Respon)ing to RFI

<1 4usiness T:pe
a. Are !ou a large or sall businessU TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
1. -& a sall business, are !ou9
2. Sall disadvantaged or ,'a(TTT
@. -n a Cub Vone TTTT
4. Servi#e.$isabled 1eteran.8/ned TTTT
5. %oan 8/ned TTTT
b. )ist !our 5orth Aeri#an -ndustr! Classi&i#ation S!ste '5A-CS(
#. -s !our #opan! listed in the Central Contra#tor Registration 'CCR(U
01 Materiel Solution
a. $o !ou have an! #on#eptual designs or vessels that eet the thresholds in
se#tion --- J"otential Re0uireentGU Are these vessels #oer#ial itesU Are
the! in #urrent produ#tionU
b. 4or all vessels identi&ied, provide an! #oer#ial literature, photographs, and
#hara#teristi#s, as /ell as #apabilit! and per&oran#e levels.
#. Can !ou identi&! an! areas /here our re0uireents or ob3e#tives #an be
e;#eeded /ith #urrent or near ter te#hnolog!U
d. %hat etri# /ill !ou use to 0uanti&! a :U) o& @0 to 40 !earsU $es#ribe ho/ !ou
/ould eet these :U) re0uireents.
e. $es#ribe !our approa#h to a#hieve redu#ed total o/nership #ost.
.1 Operational Energ: 9 Iraphi#all! des#ribe !our approa#h to propulsion solutions /ith
regard to pa!load, speed 'po/er(, prote#tion and range in#luding ipa#ts to, as /ell as,
/ith regard to &uture iproveents in 8perational :nerg! via linear #oparison.
=1 ro)u/tion
a. %hat is !our produ#tion lead tieU
b. %hat /ould !ou envision !ou2re *iniu Sustainent Rate '*SR( &or
produ#tion to beU
#. %hat /ould !ou envision !our ost e&&i#ient produ#tion rate to beU
B1 ast er9or*an/e
a. Co/ do the re0uireents in engineering design, shipboard produ#tion and
logisti#s anageent in&oration relate to !our #urrent line o& businessU
b. $o !ou have design e;perien#e in shipboard s!stes in a##ordan#e /ith the
C4R and Aeri#an 7ureau o& Shipping 'A7S( &or this si+e o& vesselU
#. $es#ribe !our past Ship produ#tion e;perien#e.
d. $es#ribe !our e;perien#e /ith integration and produ#tion o& C4-SR, to
in#lude CA5 and data bus s!stes. $es#ribe !our e;perien#e /ith
integration o& I4*/Iovernent 4urnished -n&oration 'I4-(.
e. $o !ou have logisti#s anageent 'provisioning( and te#hni#al anual
developent e;perien#eU "rovide e;aples o& previous, su##ess&ull!
developed logisti#s produ#ts ')SA, T*s, "rovisioning, various lists, et#.(U $o
!ou have e;perien#e in preparing il.spe# -:T*sU $es#ribe ho/ !ou /ould
leverage on board digital #apabilit! into -:T*s.
&. %hat is !our e;perien#e /ith Contra#tor )ogisti#s Support 'C)S(U
g. %hat is !our e;perien#e in ilitar! #ontra#tingU
'1 !ontra/t T:pe
a. 7ased on the proposed progra s#hedule /ould a &ir &i;ed pri#e #ontra#ting
e#hanis be &easibleU -& not, please provide inherent ris6sU
b. $o !ou have e;perien#e /ith S!ste Te#hni#al Servi#es 'STS( #ontra#tsU -& so,
#. $o !ou have e;perien#e /ith "er&oran#e 7ased logisti#s '"7)( #ontra#ts or
arrangeentsU -& so, des#ribe.
C1 rogra* Stru/ture
a. Co/ /ould !ou stru#ture a progra to #oplete this tas6U 4or instan#e9,
'1( %hat t!pe o& #onta#ting e#hanis /ould !ou re#oendU
'2( "lease identi&! progra ris6s 's#hedule, design, aturit!, length(U
'@( -s the produ#tion s#hedule provided above attainable,
plausible or a#hievableU :;plain. %hat are !our suggestionsU
'4( -& /hat /e have outlined doesn2t eet !our #oer#ial produ#ts, des#ribe
the di&&i#ult! in odi&!ing !our design to eet stated re0uireents. -& not in a ature
state, ho/ long /ould it ta6e to deliver a ature produ#tU
'5( Co/ /ould !ou plan to a#hieve C)S /ith lo/ 'less than three da!s( Custoer
%ait Tie 'C%T( and high availabilit! '<5P(U
+-1 Esti*ate) !ostD4u)getar: Esti*ate3 "lease provide all #osts in #urrent '4N14( U.S.
$ollars 'US$(.
a. Are there #urrent #oer#ial list pri#es &or !our &ir2s *S1')( #oparable
vesselU -& so, please provide the ost #urrent #oer#ial pri#es.
b. -s there pro#ureent histor! available &or *S1')( #oparable vessels sold b!
!our &ir to Iovernent agen#ies '4ederal, State, )o#al or 4oreign(U "lease
provide this histori#al #ost data and #ontra#t nubers.
#. -& no #oer#ial or histori#al #ost data e;ists, /hat is the estiated unit
anu&a#turing #ost &or an *S1.#oparable vesselU '"lease provide in Sea
%7S '*-).ST$.,,1C Appendi; :( &orat belo/. The %7S is displa!ed at )evel
@, but i& lo/er level #oponents and estiates are available, please provide
d. "rotot!pe/Test Unit H T/o '2(
e. "rodu#tion unit H Thirt!.Si; '@=(
&. %hat are !our &ir2s top #ost driving #oponents &or the *S1')( vesselU "lease
provide a iniu o& three '@( and highlight these #oponents /ithin the %7S.
g. %hat is the estiated nuber o& design hours re0uired an! ne#essar! the
odi&i#ations to the e;isting vessel.
h. "lease provide estiated pri#es &or odi&i#ations re0uired to eet the
per&oran#e spe#i&i#ations 'identi&! Sea %7S eleent odi&i#ation &alls under(.
*-).ST$.,,1C A"":5$-Q : A"":5$-Q :9 S:A SNST:*S %8RF 7R:AF$8%5
1.1 Ship
1.1.1 Cull Stru#ture
1.1.2 "ropulsion "lant
1.1.@ :le#tri# "lant
1.1.4 Coand, Couni#ations and
1.1.5 Au;iliar! S!stes
1.1.= 8ut&it and 4urnishings
1.1.> Araent
1.1., Total Ship -ntegration/:ngineering
1.1.< Ship Assebl! and Support Servi#es
++1 Intelle/tual ropert:
a. The U.S. Ar! /ater#ra&t #re/s use vessel dra/ings in #on3un#tion /ith the
te#hni#al anuals &or &ault diagnosis and trouble.shooting. $es#ribe the
approa#h !ou2d propose to satis&! our re0uireents. %ould !ou be /illing to sell
the Te#hni#al $ata "a#6age 'T$"(U -& so, /hat #ost range do !ou anti#ipateU
%hat is in#luded in the T$" and /hat &orat do !ou useU %ould !ou be /illing to
provide liited data use rights to enable operations and aintenan#eU
b. %hat is !our re#oendation &or a #ost.e&&e#tive ethod o& addressing
intelle#tual propert! /hi#h /ill allo/ governent a eans to e&&e#t aterial
#hange, aintain #on&iguration anageent, and inii+e sustainent #ost
/hile &airl! representing 8riginal :0uipent *anu&a#turer '8:*( rights during
the s!ste2s li&e #!#leU
#. $es#ribe !our approa#h regarding/providing an -ndentured 7ill o& *aterials
+,1 (arranties9 %hat 6ind o& #oer#ial /arranties are o&&ered &or aterial and laborU
Addendum I
Maneuver Support Vessel Light (MSV(L))
Request for Information (RFI):
Instrutions for ompleting the questionnaire:
"lease ans/er the 0uestions belo/. This is an additional opportunit! to provide in&oration that
shall be used &ind out about !our design, engineering, and anu&a#turing #apabilities. "lease
see se#tion -1, above, entitled J-5STRUCT-85S 48R C8*"):T-5I TC: OU:ST-855A-R:.G
See tables atta#hed belo/ &or re&eren#e, titled9 Te#hnolog! Readiness )evels 'TR)s(,
*anu&a#turing Readiness )evels '*R)s(, -ntegration Readiness )evels '-R)s( and S!ste
Readiness )evels 'SR)s(. The Ar! has used te#hnolog! readiness level 'TR)( as a eans to
assess the aturit! o& a parti#ular te#hnolog! and a s#ale to #opare te#hnologies. The $o$
introdu#ed the #on#ept o& *anu&a#turing Readiness )evels '*R)( to e;pand Te#hnolog!
Readiness )evels 'TR)( to in#orporate produ#ibilit! #on#erns related to ris6s asso#iated /ith
tie and anu&a#turing. *R)s are a etri# that assesses the s!ste engineering/design
pro#ess and aturit! o& a te#hnolog!2s asso#iated anu&a#turing pro#esses to enable rapid,
a&&ordable transition to a#0uisition progras. *anu&a#turing Readiness )evel /ebsite9
+<. -n response to this R4- please provide an assessent o& !our *anu&a#turing, Te#hnolog!
and -ntegration levels and overall S!ste readiness levels.
a. %hat is !our #urrent sel& assessent o& the aturit! readiness levels in ea#h o&
these &our indi#es &or !our s!ste that !ou are o&&ering in !our response as a
potential *S1')( and as a repla#eent &or the )C*.,.
b. $es#ribe /hat /ould be needed to ature !our s!ste to produ#ible levels in ters
o& #ost, s#hedule and ris6 redu#tion to eet re0uireents as sho/n in the Jpre.
de#isionalG produ#tion s#hedule provided.
Te/hnolog: Rea)iness Levels
TRL #e9inition
A#tual S!ste "roven Through
A#tual S!ste Copleted and
S!ste "rotot!pe $eonstration in
S!ste/Subs!ste *odel or "rotot!pe
$eonstration in Relevant
Coponent and/or 7readboard
1alidation in
Coponent and/or 7readboard
1alidation in
Anal!ti#al and :;periental Criti#al
4un#tion and/or Chara#teristi# "roo&.
Te#hnolog! Con#ept and/or Appli#ation
+ 7asi# "rin#ipals 8bserved and
Manu9a/turing Rea)iness Levels
*R) 1 7asi# *anu&a#turing -pli#ations -denti&ied
*R) 2 *anu&a#turing Con#epts -denti&ied
*R) @ *anu&a#turing "roo& o& Con#ept $eveloped
*R) 4 Capabilit! to produ#e the te#hnolog! in a laborator! environent
*R) 5 Capabilit! to produ#e protot!pe #oponents in a produ#tion relevant environent
*R) = Capabilit! to produ#e a protot!pe s!ste or subs!ste in a produ#tion relevant
*R) > Capabilit! to produ#e s!stes, subs!stes, or #oponents in a produ#tion
representative environent
*R) , "ilot line #apabilit! deonstratedB Read! to begin )o/ Rate -nitial "rodu#tion
*R) < )o/ rate produ#tion deonstratedB Capabilit! in pla#e to begin 4ull Rate "rodu#tion
4ull Rate "rodu#tion deonstrated and lean produ#tion pra#ti#es in pla#e
Integration Rea)iness Levels
IRL #e9inition
B The integration o& te#hnologies has been verified and validated /ith su&&i#ient detail to
The integrating te#hnologies #an aept! translate! and struture
information &or its intended appli#ation.
There is su&&i#ient ontrol bet/een te#hnologies ne#essar! to establish, anage, and
terinate the
0 There is su&&i#ient detail in the qualit" and assurane o& the integration bet/een
There is ompati#ilit" 'i.e. #oon language( bet/een te#hnologies to orderl! and
e&&i#ientl! integrate
There is soe level o& spe#i&i#it! to #hara#teri+e the interation 'i.e. abilit! to
in&luen#e( bet/een te#hnologies through their inter&a#e.
An interfae 'i.e. ph!si#al #onne#tion( bet/een te#hnologies has been identi&ied /ith
su&&i#ient detail to
S:ste* Rea)iness Levels
Addendum II
Maneuver Support Vessel Light (MSV(L))
Request for Information (RFI):
Additional Instrutions for ompleting the questionnaire:
"lease ans/er the 0uestions belo/. "lease see se#tion -1, above, entitled J-5STRUCT-85S
48R C8*"):T-5I TC: OU:ST-855A-R:.G This is an additional opportunit! to provide
in&oration that shall be used to #on#lude per&oran#e anal!sis, in our Anal!sis o& Alternatives
"lease provide the &ollo/ing in&oration on ea#h o& !our variant responses9 Updated
spe#i&i#ation sheets are appre#iated. "lease e;press all data in US standards 'i.e., &eet, in#hes,
+01 #ispla/e*ent3 ')aden and Un.laden(
+.1 !argo Area #i*ensions9 ')ength, %idth, and Ceight( and a;iu pa!load. -& the #argo
area is irregular, provide su&&i#ient diension detail to des#ribe the total pa!load area.
+=1 oint Loa) o9 !argo area3 e;pressed in pounds per s0uare in#h '"S-(
+B1 Range3 )aden 'State pa!load tons( and Un.laden9 e;pressed in nauti#al iles round trip.
State a;iu range in ea#h load #ondition at a stated speed /ith the spe#i&ied reserve.
+'1 4o6 #ra9t9 e;pressed in &eet, aount o& dra&t at the bo/ i& di&&erent than noral dra&t o&
a. Can dra&t be #hanged through ballastingU
b. Can !our design be #hanged to iprove dra&tU -& !es, des#ribe !our approa#h.
Roll through Area $iensions ')ength, %idth, and Ceight(9 the abilit! &or a vehi#le to roll
through the stern rap through the #argo area and through the bo/ rap
+C1 4o6 an) Stern Ra*ps3
a. %eight ea#h rap #an handle 'e;pressed in pounds(
b. *a;iu SS ea#h rap #an be used
#. -s there a Sall 7oat laun#hing abilit! &ro the stern rapB i& !es, is it able to be
d. Rap 8peration tie 'tie to open and #lose(9 ea#h operation tie e;pressed in inutes
e. Rap Angle 'a;iu rap angle(9 e;pressed in degrees &or ea#h rap
&. Can the stern rap a##oodate a &ull! loaded Abras or Str!6er /ith bar arorU -& not,
des#ribe !our approa#h to eet the re0uireent.
g. -n#lude rap /idth and length /hen e;tended.
,-1 Transporta8ilit:3
a. Can !our vessel 'design( be transported via &loat on/&loat o&& or li&t on/li&t o&& o& a heav!
li&t shipU
b. 1essel Spe#i&i#ations &or transportabilit! ')ength, %idth, and Ceight(U
,+1 Fuel !onsu*ption3 e;pressed in nauti#al iles per gallons 'laden and unladen( at
threshold and ob3e#tive speed re0uireents. $es#ribe or outline !our response to the energ!
,,1 Spee)3 )aden and un.laden speed e;pressed in nauti#al iles per hour and indi#ate
appli#able SS.
,<1 !re6 SiEe3 'e;pressed in nuber per shi&t(
,01 !o*8at Rea): assengers3 $es#ribe or de&ine area #obat passengers #ould be seated,
/hile under/a!, and provide a nuber, in#luding storage area &or personal /eapons, helets,
et#. $es#ribe or de&ine the level o& a##oodation.
,.1 ropulsion S:ste*3
a. 5uber o& engines, t!pe and horsepo/er
b. "ropeller or /ater 3etsU
#. "ropulsion dra&t re0uireentsU :;press !our dra&t re0uireents in &eet or in#hes
ne#essar! to operate at &ull po/er.
,=1 Vessel ri/e3 e;pressed in U.S. dollars
,B1 Stationar: Turning Ra)ius3
,'1 In)epen)ent Resear/h an) #evelop*ent (IRA#)3 $es#ribe !our e;perien#e /ith this
progra. $es#ribe !our /illingness to parti#ipate and #opete. This progra involves #ost
sharing bet/een Iovernent and -ndustr! &or "rotot!pe hard/are. %hat per#entage o& #ost
are !ou /illing to supportU
,C1 UN#S1 %hat is !our e;perien#e /ith U5$SU $es#ribe !our te#hni#al approa#h to U5$S.


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