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Phenomenology and the Idea of Europe

Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology
Special Issue

In a period in which Europe seems to have lost its political cohesion,
due to the growth of particular interests and the outbreak of
nationalistic forces, the need to think of Europe not just as a
continent, a political and cultural space, but rather as a philosophical
idea, as a concept and a project, becomes especially urgent. This
analysis does not correspond to any apology or plea for European unity
on the base of an abstract idea, but aims rather to shed light on the
conflicts and the differences that characterise the European space,
determining its substance.

The theme of Europe as an idea with philosophical significance has
played an important role in the work of many philosophers who have
been part of or engaged with the phenomenological tradition: Husserl,
Heidegger, Patocka, Fanon, Derrida. Additionally, other philosophers
working in and around this tradition have offered important conceptual
resources for understanding political crises and institutions: Sartre,
Merleau-Ponty, Arendt, Kosk, Nancy. Both of these lists are obviously
not exhaustive.

We welcome papers that address the concept of Europe and the
current European political scene using resources drawn from this rich
seam of philosophical investigation and analysis. Papers may address
the question of Europe from a historical perspective or draw upon the
conceptual resources developed within the phenomenological tradition
to address current questions and challenges. We of course also
welcome contributions that are critical of a phenomenological

Papers should be between 6000 and 7000 words and be prepared for
blind review. Author information should be sent in a separate
document containing the authors name, contact information and the
title of the paper. All papers must include an abstract of 100-200
words. Please submit the papers by 30 June 2015. Papers should be
submitted following the normal submission procedure indicated on the
journals website
( with a note
indicating the title of the special issue.

This special issue is an initiative of the Post-Europe Project

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