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Laura Riolli
California State University, Sacramento
College of Business Administration
HROB 101 Management of Contemporary
Section 1 M/ !1"#00 $ 1#1%pm&' (ma)or Hall 1%*
o+ce# Tahoe Hall-2038
o+ce p,one# 278-700
e-mail# riollil!"
.e/ page# #a"CT
o+ce ,o0rs# $ %0&00-%2&00 'm ( ) %0&00-%%&00 am *on line+ and ,- a''ointment
There is always an easy solution to every human problemneat, plausible, and wrong.
H.L. Mencken
COURS1 O21R231
.rgani/ational Beha0ior is the stud- of indi0iduals and grou's in organi/ations. 1n order to
thri0e in toda-2s ,usiness 3orld4 a good manager has to understand the d-nami"s4 stru"tures4 and
'ra"ti"es that en"ourage the ,est 'erforman"e of indi0iduals4 grou's and organi/ations. Cor'orate
e5e"uti0es are in"reasingl- turning to e5'erts to hel' them deal 3ith the 6'eo'le issues7 3ithin their
organi/ations. 1ne5'erien"ed managers tend to disregard or do3n'la- the so"ial as'e"ts of the 3or8'la"e.
Ho3e0er4 as managers 'rogress in their "areers4 the- ,egan to reali/e that so"ial intera"tions 3ithin the
organi/ation are amongst the most "riti"al fa"tors for a"hie0ing organi/ational o,9e"ti0es.
1n this field there are no :ui"8 fi5es and there are no eas- ans3ers. ;ro,lems su"h as im'ro0ing
'erforman"e are 0er- 6mess-(7 the- seldom lend themsel0es to 're-'a"8aged te"hni"al solutions. )hen
-ou are dealing 3ith 'eo'le and human s-stems4 there are se0eral right ans3ers and se0eral 3rong
ans3ers 3hi"h4 at least on the surfa"e4 a''ear to ,e right. There is no 'ana"ea or uni0ersal sal0e that -ou
"an a''l- to e0er- 'erforman"e 'ro,lem. $anaging re:uires hard 3or84 dis"i'line4 integrit-4 self-esteem4
and a fair measure of 'ersonal "ourage. Being a su""essful manager in this era of ra'id "hange also
re:uires the "on"e'tual a,ilit- and a'titude to deal 3ith un"ertaint- and "om'le5it-. 1n addition4
su""essful managers and su""essful moti0ators are in0aria,l- effe"ti0e "ommuni"ators 3ho are also 0er-
good at 3or8ing 3ith 'eo'le and through 'eo'le.
HR.B %0% is a "ourse that re0ie3s the 'ers'e"ti0es and related issues in the field of
.rgani/ational Beha0ior *.B+. This "ourse 3ill e5'ose the student to sele"ted to'i"s4 su"h as moti0ation4
leadershi'4 grou' d-nami"s4 and organi/ational theor-<de0elo'ment. At the end of the semester -ou
should ha0e gained a ,asi" understanding of the ma9or theories and a 3or8ing 8no3ledge of 'ra"ti"al
issues related to the field. The su,9e"t matter of organi/ational ,eha0ior is 0er- "om'le5. The
"om'le5it- of the material ma8es a 'assi0e role on the 'art of the student 0er- undesira,le. $u"h greater
#'ring 20%3 HR.B %0% Dr. Laura Riolli
learning 3ill ta8e 'la"e if students get in0ol0ed in "lass dis"ussions *gi0e e5am'les4 refle"t on the issues4
as8 :uestions4 et".+ rather than sim'l- memori/ing 3hat is in the te5t.
This "lass 3ill ,e a hybrid "ourse. #ome of the "ourse related a"ti0ities 3ill ,e online ,- using
#a"CT. #ome of the le"tures 3ill ,e deli0ered online using #a"CT and some of the offi"e hours 3ill ,e
held on line.
This "ourse attem'ts to 'ro0ide the s'e"ifi" ,a"8ground and s8ills ne"essar- to familiari/e -ou
3ith the "on"e'tual and human dimension of management. B- su""essfull- "om'leting this "ourse4 -ou
%. =ain a "lear understanding of the nature of organizations4 insight into the internal and e5ternal
for"es that influen"e organi/ational ,eha0ior and fa"tors "ontri,uting to organi/ational effe"ti0eness4
effi"ien"ies and 'rodu"ti0it-.
2. De0elo' -our anal-ti"al and problems-solving skills ,- learning a,out "ontrasting frame3or8s4
0arious 'ers'e"ti0es and models to understand the ,eha0ior of humans in organi/ations.
3. >5tend -our a3areness of the role of human behavior in determining organi/ational effe"ti0eness.
?. 1m'ro0e -our teamwork and team management skills ,- learning a,out the theor- and 'ro"ess of
teams and using teams in "lass e5er"ises.
. Broaden -our 8no3ledge and 0alue of the impact of global markets on organi/ational
@. =ain the "on"e'tual foundations for understanding the relationship between organizations and
society and the nature of ethical dilemmas fa"ing organi/ations and their mem,ers.
7. A"hie0e an informational foundation u'on 3hi"h other "ourses in the "urri"ulum 3ill stand.
8. Ha0e an a''re"iation and interest for this d-nami" field of stud-.
The follo3ing te5t,oo8 is re:uired for the "ourse and a0aila,le at the ,oo8store&
$oorehead A =riffin. rgani!ational "ehavior# Managing $eople and rgani!ations4 %0
Houghton $ifflin.
.B deals e5tensi0el- 3ith theories. 1 "onsider theor- e5tremel- im'ortant ,e"ause it ma8es .B
8no3ledge fle5i,le and a''li"a,le a"ross situations. Ho3e0er4 to ma8e this "ourse as useful as 'ossi,le4
it 3ill ,e im'ortant to see this 8no3ledge a''lied to real 3or8 situations. That ,eing true4 1 ho'e that -ou
#'ring 20%3 HR.B %0% Dr. Laura Riolli
3ill share how the class material relates to your work experiences *3hate0er the- are+. #ho3 us that
this stuff reall- ha''ens 3here -ou 3or8 and refle"t on the issuesB
1nstead of the standard le"ture and test format4 1 intend to s'end onl- 'art of the "lass time
le"turing and 1 3ill grade -ou on more than the results of -our e5ams. Class 3ill in"lude short le"tures4
self-a3areness e5er"ises4 grou' e5er"ises4 "ases4 0ideos4 and dis"ussion aimed at understanding ho3 our
8no3ledge of .B is a''lied. 1 3ill offer o''ortunities *and e5'e"t -ou to ta8e them+ to a''l- the
8no3ledge that -ou learn. Cran8l-4 1 ho'e to learn from -ou tooB
;lease reali/e that this format means that -ou must read the assigned material before we meet.
1 3ill gi0e -ou some starting dis"ussion 'oints a 3ee8 in ad0an"e4 dra3ing from the readings. An
ad0antage of ha0ing read the material ahead of time is that -ou "an s'end more time learning ne3 things
and ans3ering :uestions than listening to me ,ela,or the 'oints that the ,oo8 ma8es 'erfe"tl- "lear. )e
3ill use the readings as a starting 'oint. Lectures and exercises will go beyond the book and 1 3ill
assume that -ou20e read the material 3hen 1 start the session. Curther4 1 do not ,elie0e in sim'l- 3riting
an outline on the ,oard for -ou to memori/e. I will explain the more difficult theories and concepts
but assume that, unless you ask questions, you completely understand any text material I do not
Dou are e5'e"ted to attend "lasses regularl-4 ,e 'un"tual4 and "om'lete all 3or8 3hether 'resent
or not. 1 3ill tra"8 -our attendan"e throughout the semester. ll handouts and notes will be posted on
!ac"#. 1 suggest that students gather an- additional notes from other student team mem,ers if the- must
miss "lass.
:oint ;istri/0tion
;escription :oints
%. 1ndi0idual Assignments *only $+ ! %0 ;oints ea"h 20
2. ;arti"i'ation *see the handout for more details+ ?0
3. Cinal =rou' ;a'er %20
?. ;resentation 20
. >5ams
>5am %
Total 00
#'ring 20%3 HR.B %0% Dr. Laura Riolli
<ra)e ;istri/0tion
E? F%00G H A 73 F 7@G H C
E0 F E3G H A- 70 F 72G H C-
8E F 87G H BI @7 F @EG H DI
83 F 8@G H B @3 F @@G H D
8% F 82G H B- @0 F @2G H D-
80 F 77G H CI Belo3 @0 H C
There 3ill ,e t3o full-'eriod "lass e5aminations for the "ourse and a final e5am. %lease bring a
!cantron & ''$ and &$ pencil. >5ams 3ill in"lude4 ,ut are not limited to& multi'le-"hoi"e4 true and
false4 fill in the ,lan84 short-ans3er essa-4 and "ase dis"ussion :uestions. Readings4 le"ture4 "lass
dis"ussions4 and "ases 3ill ,e "o0ered on the e5ams. (ou are responsible for all assigned materials
covered or not covered in class. #he final exam will be comprehensive.
)ake-up exams will not be given on"e an e5am has ,een gi0en in "lass. #tudents 3ho are
in0ol0ed in uni0ersit- a"ti0ities su"h as athleti"s must 'resent a 3ritten s"hedule of all e0ents at the
,eginning of the semester. 1f -ou disagree 3ith the grading4 -our argument must ,e 3ritten 3ith
su''orting e0iden"e and gi0en to me 3ithin a 3ee8 of re"ei0ing the e5am or assignment. 1 3ill not
dis"uss grades during the "lass 'eriod. =raded e5ams 3ill ,e 8e't in m- offi"e.
3n)ivi)0al (ssignments
1ndi0idual assignments are designed to hel' -ou a''l- to'i"s in this "ourse to real-life situations.
These assignments 3ill usuall- ta8e the form of anal-/ing a short "ase stud- or "om'leting a self-
a3areness e5er"ise. ;re'aration for most of the "ases in0ol0es ,riefl- ans3ering a fe3 :uestions 3hi"h
3ill ,e 'ro0ided to -ou 3ith the assignment. Assignments are to ,e "om'leted in 3riting4 %-2 'ages in
length4 dou,le-s'a"ed and are due at the ,eginning of "lass 0ia #a"CT *no later than %2&00 noon on the
due date+. #he individual assignments must be posted in !ac"# . *nce class starts on the
assignment due date, no more assignments will be accepted. +* ,-",%#I*+!. .o not leave your
assignments outside my office. Dou should also ,e 're'ared to dis"uss the assignment in "lass. #in"e
ea"h 3rite-u' is due at the ,eginning of the "lass 'eriod4 'lease ,ring an e5tra "o'- of the assignment -ou
turned in to use for dis"ussion.
+ote/ ;lease 3rite HR.B %0%and -our name on all assignments turned in to me
9inal <ro0p :ro?ect
The "lass 3ill ,e di0ided into grou's of a''ro5imatel- fi0e students ea"h. Dou 3ill ,e 3or8ing
3ith -our grou' to evaluate and develop recommendations for an organi/ation using the "on"e'ts
"o0ered during the semester. This 'a'er should ,e a''ro5imatel- 0$ -01 typed pages 2double-spaced3 in
length and 3ill ,e asso"iated 3ith 9ournal arti"les that 3ill ,e integrated throughout the 'a'er. The 'a'er
3ill ,e due on 004$5. 1n addition to the 'a'er4 -our grou' 3ill also ,e re:uired to ma8e a %% minute
#'ring 20%3 HR.B %0% Dr. Laura Riolli
'resentation *this is a tentati0e estimation ,e"ause the real length 3ill de'end on the "lass si/e+ a,out
-our 'ro9e"t to the "lass. $ore detailed re:uirements for the 'a'er and the 'resentation 3ill ,e 'ro0ided
during the semester.
1f -ou are 're'ared4 'un"tual4 attend "lasses regularl-4 a"ti0el- use the 6,uilt-in team 'ro9e"t "lass
time47 and effe"ti0el- utili/e e-mail4 -ou "an a""om'lish a great deal of the 3or8 for this 'ro9e"t during
"lass time4 minimi/ing the need to meet outside the "lass 'eriod. Ho3e0er4 it is li8el- -ou 3ill ha0e to
meet 3ith -our grou' outside the s"heduled "lass meetings4 es'e"iall- ,efore -our final 'a'er and
'resentation is due.
=rou' mem,er e0aluations 3ill ,e "ondu"ted at the end of the semester after the final grou'
'a'er is "om'leted and -our 'ro9e"t grade 3ill de'end on -our grou'2s grade as 3ell as -our e0aluation
,- other mem,ers. 1f at least t3o of -our grou' mem,ers thin8 that -ou are a sla"8er4 -our s"ore 3ill
suffer regardless of 3hether -ou agree 3ith this e0aluation or not. Tr- to 'la- an a"ti0e role and ma8e
-our fair "ontri,ution on the grou' 'ro9e"t.
#he final group paper must be posted in !ac"# *no later than %2&00 'm on the due date+.
ee@ly ;isc0ssion Hig,lig,ts

>a"h 3ee84 -ou 3ill ,e assigned 3ee8l- dis"ussion :uestions "onsisting of a small num,er of
:uestions that 3ill ,e dis"ussed in "lass. These :uestions 3ill ,e distri,uted one 3ee8 in ad0an"e of their
dis"ussion date and 3ill dire"tl- relate to the readings and "lass materials. The 'ur'ose of these
dis"ussion :uestions is to moti0ate -ou to read the "lass materials 'rior to "oming to "lass and to 're'are
-ou for the e5am. Be 're'ared to a"ti0el- 'arti"i'ate 3ith dis"ussion of these :uestions 3ith -our grou'
mem,ers and 3ith the rest of the "lass. Also ,e 're'ared to engage in dis"ussion of other a"ti0ities su"h
as mo0ies4 e5er"ises4 and "ases.
>0er-one has a different 3a- of "ontri,uting. Cor e5am'le4 some 'eo'le are inno0ators4 some are
translators4 others are de0il2s ad0o"ates4 summari/ers4 et". $an- of us thin8 a little slo3er and dee'er
than others4 so don2t 3orr- if -our "omment seems a little late4 es'e"iall- if it adds 0alue to the da-2s
to'i"s. )hate0er -our "ontri,ution is4 ma8e itB There 3ill ,e 0arious o''ortunities for -ou to "ontri,ute4
3hether the- are in large or small grou' dis"ussion e5er"ises. To hel' -ou ma8e sure -ou are 're'ared to
'arti"i'ate4 120e tried to ensure that -ou 3ill ha0e read the material ,efore "lass *see the 6Class
Cormat<;ro"edures7 se"tion+. Additionall-4 grou's 3ill ,e as8ed to hel' 'resent ne3 material or ta8e 'art
in de,ate sessions. )hi"he0er format 3e are engaging in4 you should be prepared to be an active
participant in class.
;arti"i'ation also in"ludes other ,eha0iors that 8ee' our "lass a smoothl- o'erating entit-. Cor
e5am'le4 ,eing 'olite *not to ,e "onfused 3ith la"8 of "onfli"tF"onfli"t "an ,e goodB+4 not ,eing a 9er84
hel'ing others4 'ointing out fla3s in the te5t,oo8 and studies4 sharing a''ro'riate humor4 not reading the
ne3s'a'er4 te5t messaging or other non-"lass materials in "lass or other3ise ,eing a distra"tion4 and
"ontri,uting an-thing else that hel's the "lassroom ,e"ome a 'ositi0e4 en9o-a,le4 learning en0ironment.
Jaturall-4 in order to re"ei0e 'oints for 'arti"i'ation4 attendan"e 3ill ,e 'rett- im'ortant. 1 3ill
tra"8 -our "ontri,ution on a dail- ,asis. Thus4 your participation points will depend on your

#'ring 20%3 HR.B %0% Dr. Laura Riolli

attendance, preparedness for readings, and active participation in class discussion. $ore detailed
re:uirements for the 'arti"i'ation re:uirements 3ill also ,e gi0en during the semester *see Handout+.
#tudents are res'onsi,le for all announ"ements made in "lass and on #a"CT. Che"8 the #a"CT
dail-. I expect you to take the initiative and participate in class. If this is not the case, I will call on
you during the semester. I will keep track of your attendance and participation during the
Beha0iors 3hi"h im'ede the effe"ti0e fun"tioning of the "lass su"h as arri0ing late4 lea0ing earl-4
tal8ing 3hile another "lassmate is tal8ing4 and reading other materials not related to "lass 3ill not be
tolerated. ;lease also turn off cellular phones on"e "lass starts.
1n the "lassroom4 students 3ill ,e allo3ed to use "om'uters onl- for "lass-related a"ti0ities. These
in"lude a"ti0ities su"h as ta8ing notes on the le"ture under3a- and follo3ing the le"ture on )e,-,ased
;o3er;oint slides that the instru"tor has 'osted. #tudents 3ho use their "om'uters for other a"ti0ities
*"he"8ing email4 0isiting 0arious 3e, sites4 et".+ or 3ho a,use the e:ui'ment in an- 3a-4 at a minimum4
3ill ,e as8ed to lea0e the "lass and 3ill lose 'arti"i'ation 'oints for the da-. #tudents are urged to re'ort
to their instru"tors "om'uter use that the- regard as ina''ro'riate *i.e.4 used for a"ti0ities that are not "lass
related+. Please do not abuse this privilege laptops will be banned if students use them for purposes
other than class-related activities such as taking notes.
#tudents are e5'e"ted to attend "lasses regularl-4 ,e 'un"tual4 and "om'lete all 3or8 3hether
'resent or not. 1 3ill tra"8 -our attendan"e throughout the semester. Do not as8 me for notes 3hen -ou
are a,sent. 1 suggest -ou "onsult 3ith other student team mem,ers if -ou must miss "lass.
6or all ,-mails you should use the !ac"#. %lease do not forget to write you name and
course number 7 89*: 0;0.
1 e5'e"t -our 3or8 to ,e original. cademic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the
regulations prescribed by "!<!.
1t is the 'oli"- of the C#K# and m-self not to dis"riminate on the ,asis of gender4 ra"e4 "olor4
religion4 national or ethni" origin4 disa,ilit-4 or se5ual orientation. 1 3ill not tolerate this ,eha0ior. 1
e5'e"t -ou and 1 to a,ide ,- these guidelines and to ,eha0e 'rofessionall- and 3ith integrit- in all our
dealings 3ith ea"h other. 1f -ou feel an- sort of harassment or dis"rimination on these ,ases4 'lease
notif- me or the Dean of the CBA.
#'e"ifi" 'ages ma- 0ar-4 ,ut general to'i"al "o0erage is as follo3s. #ome additional arti"les4
mini-assignments4 and "ases ma- ,e gi0en. 9emember, it is important to complete readings before
class. Dou 3ill get the main ideas from these readings ,ut remem,er the ,oo8 is onl- a starting 'oint(
additional materials 3ill ,e "o0ered in "lass.
#'ring 20%3 HR.B %0% Dr. Laura Riolli
Mo)0le B1# ,at is Organizational Be,aviorC
=eek .ate #opic 9eadings *ther information
0 %<28 Course 1ntrodu"tion
%<30 .0er0ie3 of .rg. Beha0ior Cha'ter %A 2
Bring 1nformation
$ 2<?
.0er0ie3 of .rg. Beha0ior
=rou' $eeting *Dis"uss
Tea"hing <De,ate and =rou'
Cha'ter %A 2 "ont2
Re"orded Le"ture
1n "lass grou' )or8
1ndi0idual Beha0ior A
Cha'ter 3 *''. 7-77+
Mo)0le B " $ 3n)ivi)0al Cognitive :rocesses of Organizational Be,avior
=eek .ate #opic 9eadings *ther information
> 2<%%
Lalues Attitudes and Mo,
Cha'ter 3 *''. 7%-
De,ate #ession
2<%3 ;ersonalit- Cha'ter 3 *''. @@-7%+
1 2<%8
;ositi0e ;s-"holog-
A''roa"h to .B
Re"orded Le"ture
2<20 ,-) &0
? 2<2 $oti0ation Jeed ;ers'e"ti0es Cha'ter ? *''. E0-EE+ Team Tea"hing
;ro"ess-Based ;ers'e"ti0es on
Cha'ter ? *''. EE-%07+
1ndi0idual Assignment
Team Tea"hing
5 3<?
Beha0ioral $anagement
Mo, Design
Cha'ter ? *''. %07-
%%@+( Cha'ter
Team Tea"hings
Mo)0le B * $ ;ynamics of Organizational Be,avior
=eek .ate #opic 9eadings *ther information
5 3<@ =oal #etting Cha'ter @
Team Tea"hing
De,ate #ession
@ 3<%% =rou's Cha'ter E De,ate #ession
=rou's Cont2d
Cha'ter %0
1ndi0idual Assignment
' 3<%8 )or8 on ;ro9e"t
>a"h team 3ill meet
3ith me 1ndi0iduall-
#'ring 20%3 HR.B %0% Dr. Laura Riolli
=eek .ate #opic 9eadings *ther information
3<20 ,-) & $
!%9I+A :9,BC ,+D*(
E ?<% C>A#AR CHAL># J. CLA## >JM.D
?<3 Leadershi'
Cha'ter %2
Cha'ter %3
)or8 on 'ro9e"t
Re"orded Le"ture
0; ?<8
Leadershi' Cha'ter %? Team Tea"hings
?<%0 ;o3er A ;oliti"s Cha'ter %3
00 ?<% ;o3er A ;oliti"s
Cha'ter %3
De,ate #ession
?<%7 )or8 on 'ro9e"t
0$ ?<22
$anaging #tress
.rgani/ational Culture
Cha'ter 7
Cha'ter %8
Team Tea"hing
Re"orded Le"ture
1nternational .rgani/ational
Cha'ter 2 *''.3%-3@+
Handout #a"CT
0> ?<2E
1nternational .rgani/ational
Cha'ter 2 *''.3%-3@ Handout #a"CT
<0% ;a'er ;resentation
01 <@ ;a'er ;resentation ;a'ers due
<8 ;a'er ;resentation
0? <%3 ,-) & >
<% ;a'er ;resentation

N #u,9e"t to "hange 3ith ad0an"e noti"e.
#'ring 20%3 HR.B %0% Dr. Laura Riolli
Information Request
HROB 101 Management of Contemporary Organizations
+ame I should call you/ !hadi
6ull name from the roster !hadi .izechi )aFor :usiness
"ell %hone 2E053 ?E0-;E@1 =ork %hone 2E053 >>$-@1>;
,-mail address :est way to contact you 2if necessary3 cell4email
Work !perience:
re you presently employed 6ull time - H %art timeIIIIH +oIIII
If yes, how many hours per weekJ >; +ame of the ,mployer .ick Dames K ssociates, Inc.
:riefly describe your work experienceJ 6or the company, I have done ccounts %ayableH during which I
paid bills for various apartment homes ranging from 05-$;; units in size. I also created monthly operating
and financial statements and other activities for managing the account. "urrently, I am more focused on
8uman 9esourcesH I work on payroll preparation and managing the companyLs website.
"eam Information
8ave you worked with teams outside the classJ (es - +oIIII
If yes, briefly describe your experience and role Last semester, I was enrolled in )A)# 0;$ and during
the course of the semester we worked in teams of 1-? and prepared a case write up as well as a class
=e will be working in groups this semester. fter this week we will form groups of six students. #here will be
a team manager for each group. #he team manager is primarily responsible for coordinating, delegating, and
organizing the team especially in the first weeks of the semester 2i.e., helping to divide up work among team
members3. #he team manager is the main contact between the professor and the team. #he team manager is
+*# expected to do extra-work on the group proFect. ll group members should equally contribute to the
group proFect. If #ou want to practice #our management skills$ this would be an e!cellent opportunit# in a
classroom setting.
-- =rite three 2>3 interesting things about yourself
0.3 I have my 9eal ,state !ales License. $3 I am a home owner. >3 I love my dogC
Participation %oal/ 2)aking comments in class, asking questions, participating in group activities3 In
regard to your level of participation in previous classes please set a goal for this semester. If you find it
difficult to speak in class, a challenging but reachable goal would be to make one comment per class section.
If you find it easy to speak in class, a reachable goal would be to make two comments per class section and4or
wait ?-@ seconds before speaking in order to allow you classmates to speak. In the space provided below
please write this goal and keep a copy for yourself. =e may need to refer back to this goal later in the
)y goal this semester is to make 0-$ comments per class section.


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