Disney Info

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Welcome to Couponing to Disney where I teach you how to find money in your

family's budget to pay for things you thought were out of your reach (like a trip to
Disney!). If you're new here or you !ust want to keep up with all the latest posts
be sure to sign up for my "#$$ daily email newsletter (it contains all the hottest
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"acebook and )witter. )hanks for %isiting!
I wanted to share with you my )ouring *lan for +agic ,ingdom in Disney "lorida
to help make your Disney World -acation more en!oyable.
I know like most people you ha%e an idea what you like to do when you head to
the Disney *arks. +ost people try to s.uee/e out a couple rides on the the 0ig
1ame 2ttractions before the park really gets busy. 3ome people !ust go with the
flow of people around the park. 4ther people buy guide books that teach them
how to a%oid the lines I am going to show you mine for FREE!
)oday I am going to talk about the Magic Kingdom and the countless %isits to
the park I ha%e a set way of going around the park. I am not a big fan of crowds
nor am I a fan of lines. +ost times when I goto Disney it is during the slow
season.Click here to read the best time of year to goto Disney World.
I ha%e gone at 3pring 0reak 5uly 'th and the other holidays when it has been
super busy. )he only time I ha%e ne%er gone was during Christmas as I know that
is the absolute busiest time of the year to go! It doesn6t really matter when you go
there are going to be people there and I think I ha%e only e7perienced an empty
park back in the early 89:s most other times it is moderately busy.
Get there Early
I like to go to the park at rope drop or plan an early breakfast at Crystal *alace to
grab some photos of the park before all the people come in.
Quick Tip ; 0e sure to make your Disney 2d%anced Dining #eser%ation far
enough in ad%anced for the Crystal *alace ask for seating before the park opens
for some spectacular photos of yourself and your family on +ain 3treet <32
without people!
And were off
4nce Disney drops the rope I ha%e noticed most people are making a mad dash
towards = rides.
3pace +ountain
*irates of the Caribbean
)hunder +ountain
I myself am guilty of being one of those people way back when. I would hurry off
and try to ride 3pace +ountain at least = times before I did anything else. )hat
was before I had kids >)
First Stop Fantasyland
4%er the years I ha%e learned when you get into the park the first place you want
to go is Fantasyland especially with kids. (ou walk into "antasyland on any day
around noon and it will be *2C,$D! 3o we ha%e always made it a point to hit up
the rides in "antasyland first.
3tart on the *eter *an side and work your way clockwise towards )omorrowland.
We usually !ust go from ride to ride with no wait time.
Quick Tip ; Wait on +ickey *hillharmagic till later in the day when you need a
break and want to sit down for awhile. )here is plenty of room so there is no
need to rush it.
!nward to Tomorrow
0y the time you are done in "antasyland most the people who ran to
Tomorrowland first are done and mo%ing onto new locations. 3o there is usually
a decline in people for a short period. )his is your chance to check out 3pace
+ountain 0u// ?ightyear 2stro 4rbiter )omorrowland 3peedway etc.
Quick Tip ; @old off on the )omorrowland )ransit 2uthority. I find this ride is the
best later in the afternoon or around dusk with all the neon in )omorrowland is lit
"ourney to Ad#enture
2t this point most of the people who slept in late are arri%ing to the park and they
are going towards "antasyland or )omorrowland which means this is the best
time to attack Ad#entureland.
#ide the 5ungle 0oats +agic Carpets *irates of the Caribbean etc. )he lines
should be short but the day is starting to heat up. )his would be a great time for a
Dole Whip!
Quick Tip ; Wait on the 3wiss "amily )reehouse as we will get to this ride later
in the day since it is !ust a walk through ride anyway.
Gi#e us $i%erty
+ost people think at this point I would head up to "rontierland and hit up )hunder
A 3plash +ountain since we are so close but they would be wrong. We take a
short detour through $i%erty S&uare and hit the @aunted +ansion and the @all
of *residents. )his is also a good time to ha%e lunch at a few of my fa%orites
?iberty )ree )a%ern *eco 0ill6s or 3leepy @ollow for a snack.
4r if your not eating lunch and want a Disney 3nack that is more like a meal you
can get a )urkey ?eg right on the edge of "rontierland.
The Final Frontier
1ow is the time to head o%er to Frontierland and %isit the +ountains ; )hunder
and 3plash. @ead out to )om 3awyer Island to work off that lunch. If you ha%e a
little one there is a play area right underneath the Walt Disney World #ailroad.
@ang out here after you are done with the rides in the area till the train comes.
)here is also a great place to charge your cell phone near the *lay area.
Quick Tip ; )here are bathrooms here as well so if you need to go this is a great
pit stop location.
Riding the Rail
We like to take the train around Walt Disney World at this point and head back to
the entrance of Disney World.
Time to Rela' ( Take in a Show
2fter you are done riding the rail head back to Fantasyland and check out
+ickey6s *hillharmagic. <sually from there we #ide the Tomorrowland )ransit
2uthority and Carousel of *rogress etc stuff where we can sit down and rela7.
+ost times my feet are tired at this point so taking in the shows seems to help
restore my used up energy. @ere are some tips on reBenergi/ing.
Walk to Ad#entureland and do the )ree @ouse and )iki #oom (when it opens).
2long with any other shows you want to do.
)his is also a good time to check out a parade or any other shows you might
ha%e missed. I like using this website WDW Info during my planning to gi%e me
an idea when and where the shows are.
Ride Rinse Repeat
(ou ha%e done !ust about e%erything in the park by now. )his is when you whip
out your smart phone and bring up my fa%orite tool ; ?ines from )ouring
*lans.com. Check wait times on rides you may want to ride again.
Time to Eat
3o we like to take a early dinner. +ost times we are going to lea%e the park and
%isit one of the #esorts. )his would be a good time to do that. (ou could always
lea%e and hit another park go back to the room to freshen up or if you are really
hardcore go back through my *lan of 2ttack all o%er again.
)arades ( Fireworks
<sually by the time we lea%e for dinner and come back it is starting to get dark
there is where you will try to find a good seat for one of the nighttime parades
and shows. If you are a little early you can always window shop on +ain 3treet
till it gets closer to the time.
Check out my past article 0est "ireworks -iewing ?ocations at Walt Disney World
for an idea on where you want to sit.
E'tra E#ening Magic *our
I lo%e $7tra +agic @ours especially in the e%ening. +ost times the park starts out
crowded then they seem to dwindle down to nothing. I can remember being at
WDW at =am one time..It was fabulous!
2s far as an attack plan goes during $+@ I usually go clockwise around the
*ark. We usually walk a little slower and take in being in the +agic ,ingdom at
1ight. I lo%e all the lights and sounds of being there after dark!
There you ha#e it
Well there is my Magic Kindgom Attack )lan. )here are tons of books out there
that charge big bucks for what I !ust ga%e you for free. If you ha%e any
suggestions of want to share with us your 2ttack *lan let us know in the
comment section below.
3tay tuned for my other )ouring *lans later this week.
Check out the $pcot )ouring *lan.
?earn more tips and tricks for your ne7t Walt Disney World %acation. Destinations
in "lorida can also help you add tips and tricks to your ne7t %acation.
(Thanks Chip and Company!)
"oin The +on#ersation , +omments
3ee more from this category C Disney World )ips and )ricks
)his post may contain affiliate links. -iew the disclosure policy.
D. D
kerry newhall says>
+ay =D &9DD at E>D& am
In case anyone is interested I ha%e gone at Christmas time. We arri%ed on the DEth
and stayed til the &Eth in &99F. It was not busy until the &'th then it became a
madhouse! )he decorations were awesome the e7tra hours were the best e%er and
it was a great time up until the &'th then it was so o%erwhelming we had to lea%e
+, because my daughter was only G and the crowds were so intense we were
afraid we6d lose her. We also found the heat (around 89 on Christmas day) to be a
bit much.
&. &
5ulie Isbell says>
+ay =D &9DD at DD>'D am
we went at christmas in &99F since this is the only time my hubby gets %aca!!
e%eryone says it is super crowded and busy but since we don6t know any different
it isn6t a big deal to us! our first trip my girls were 8 and D. this time they will be D=
and G. their birthdays are = weeks after we get back. we will go december DEB&8.
already got tickets for +-+C* doing 000 for the little one pirates league for the
little one and the wishes fireworksHdessert celebration for the family! plus one
character breakfast at norway so little one can see all the princesses! first trip was
the oldest DD turn to do all the goodies! she had 000 and cinderella6s royal
breakfast on christmas day! we lo%e christmas so this is perfect for our family! and
like i said we don6t know any different and ne%er will since christmas is the only
time we will e%er be able to go! i am !ust $ICI)$D to be going!!!!
=. =
scott says>
2ugust DE &9D& at G>&& pm
We used a free plan from http>HHwww.dispros.com. We followed it e7actly as it says
and we were able to ride about E or 8 rides by DD.

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