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1 Gearteeth Timothy Black

Timothy Black
(Book 1 of the Gearteeth Series)
Blysster Press
Email the author at:
$Gearteeth$ Pri#ti#% &istory
Blysster Press 'a'erback e(itio# Se'tember )*1+
This is a ork of ,ctio#. -ames. characters. 'laces. a#(
i#ci(e#ts either are the 'ro(uct of the author/s ima%i#atio# or
are use( ,ctitiously. 0#y resembla#ce to actual 'erso#s. li1i#%
or (ea(. e1e#ts. busi#ess establishme#ts. or locales is e#tirely
0ll ri%hts reser1e(
2o'yri%ht 3 Timothy Black
2o1er 0rt a#( 4esi%# by Emma 5ichaels
2o1er 6ma%e 3 Timothy Black )*1+
-o 'art of this book may be re'ro(uce( or tra#smitte(
i# a#y form or by a#y mea#s. electro#ic. mecha#ical. or
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Pri#te( i# the ;#ite( States of 0merica
< Gearteeth Timothy Black
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Dedicated To:
&o you ke't from stra#%li#% me 6/ll #e1er k#o.
>our self-restrai#t is le%e#(ary.
Special Thanks:
Gi#a a#( ?a1e# Black for su''orti#% a#( lo1i#% a
ma# ho coul( (ri1e a sai#t to hiskey@ 2harity
Becker for %i1i#% me ho'e back@ Tom =si#ski for
hel'i#% me (ra% the book out of the mu(@ Emma
5ichaels for bei#% my k#i%ht i# shi#i#% co1er@
Patrick >ates a#( Sam Wa%es for their rea(er
#otes@ a#( my ,rst a#( most fer1e#t fa#. Ailly
Peterso#. for sta#(i#% i# li#e to %et a# e-book
si%#e( lo#% before it as %oo( e#ou%h to arra#t
the lo1e.
The 2alifor#ia State ?ailroa( 5useum for their
o#(erful railroa( museum. library. a#( the
history they 'reser1e.
Author's Other Works:
2ry'tico# Seattle/s (e-2om'ositio#s )*1+
Cu(%me#t of Bloo( (comi#% !all )*1D)
Chapter 1
$6t is as ambrosia@ the taste of ma#/s Eesh
be like #othi#% you ca# ima%i#e@ but you/ll
k#o it for truth soo# e#ou%h. Cu(%e me #o.
but yea. your o# Fu(%me#t cometh this
moo#.$ 6 rea(.
6 Ei''e( the (o%-eare( 'a'erback/s co1er
o1er: Street and Smith, c. 1890, ew !ork.
$Poor bastar(s.$ 6 si%he(. $Te#ty years
%o#e . . . (i( you e#( u' i# the bellies of the
ereol1es he# the orl( e#t to hell. or
eari#% the fur yoursel1esG$
6 %la#ce( u' from the battere( book@ the
moo# sat full a#( %loati#% i# the after#oo# sky.
0 su((e# u'(raft threate#e( to se#( me
tumbli#% from my 'erch. causi#% me to shut
the ol( (ime-store #o1el ti%ht before its 'a%es
ere tor# aay. 5y le%s. ho#e( by years of
clamberi#% all o1er the "eaven#s $race hile
she thu#(ere( throu%h the air. locke( (o#
har( a#( clutche( the collectio# 1a#e as the
erra#t i#( buHete( me. The eItra ei%ht
from my metal-li#e( ork clothes hel'e( to
kee' me stea(y o# the sayi#% colum#.
9 Gearteeth Timothy Black
2losi#% my eyes. 6 reache( out ith se#ses
shar'e#e( by years of orki#% the storms.
feeli#% for a#y hi#t that the curse of clear
skies oul( be broke# soo#. a#y tickle of
humi(ity o# my ski# or face. But the i#( as
(ry. harsh. a#( u#accou#tably hot for 0'ril.
The hu#(re(s of 1a#es a#( li%ht#i#% ro(s
Futti#% u' from roofs across the city ere like
the skeletal. cobeb-stre# bra#ches of a
(yi#% forest be%%i#% for the rai#s to come a#(
%i1e them life o#ce more.
0s the 'arche( i#( (ie( (o#. 6 hear(
my #ame calle( out. $EliJ What are you (oi#%
u' thereG$
6 cra#e( my #eck a#( looke( back o1er
my shoul(er. Te#ty feet belo. &e#ry. the
other brakema# that share( my berth o# the
"eaven#s $race. i#che( his ay u' the back of
the toeri#% 1a#e/s mai# colum# toar( me.
6/( bee# so i#te#t o# rea(i#% about the beasts
that 6 ha(#/t hear( him climbi#% u'. Whereas
6/( barely e1e# bothere( to secure myself
he# 6 asce#(e(. &e#ry as usi#% e1ery #ook
a#( cra##y that he coul( to a#chor his tether.
4es'ite the fact that our Fobs calle( for us to
cli#% to the si(e of a steel behemoth barreli#%
throu%h the air a mile u'. my frie#( ha( a#
i#cre(ible fear of hei%hts.
$=h. Fust e#Foyi#% the su#li%ht a#( a %oo(
Truthfully. u' here as also a %oo( 'lace
to (ie if you ere#/t careful. 0lthou%h there
ere belayi#% loo's s'ace( alo#% the le#%th of
7 Gearteeth Timothy Black
the three hu#(re(-foot shaft. it as#/t eIactly
sa#e to climb the hu%e 1a#es. We ere
actually safer orki#% o# the i#(se't si(es
of our Thu#(er Trai#. hat ith her
com'licate( safety system of cables a#(
=# the moisture 1a#es. you ha( to free
climb betee# the 1arious a#chori#% 'oi#ts.
The Eimsy. almost i#1isible sails of leachi#%
silk stretche( betee# the crossbeams oul(
#e1er sa1e a ma# falli#% throu%h them@ it/( be
like tryi#% to catch a horse ith a s'i(er/s
eb. -ot that the 1a#es themsel1es ere
much better. While the steel shafts of the city/s
air ells ere fairly thick. they ere hollo to
allo the co#(e#se( ater to Eo (o# i#to
the reser1oir ithi# War(e#clyHe. Each
footste' set the 1a#es to a1eri#%. a#( it as
a (ea(ly %ame Fust 're(icti#% he# the i#(
oul( 'ick u' a#( a(( to the fu#.
$6 oul(#/t use that o#e.$ 6 sai( as
&e#ry/s foot fumble( for a rust-co1ere(
War(e#clyHe as the ,rst of the sal1atio#
cities. (esi%#e( a#( built by Tesla before he
e#t missi#% (uri#% the Bloo( Pa#ic. The
,ftee# years si#ce it ha( lifte( oH the %rou#(
ha(#/t bee# ki#( to it. ?ust ha( a# u#holy lo1e
for the city/s su'erstructure. s'rea(i#% faster
tha# ,re throu%h (ry %rass a#( out'aci#% the
co#sta#t eHorts to re'air the (ama%e. 6t as a
o#(er the ol( %irl as still aloft at all. -o#e
of the cities ha( bee# mea#t to stay u' this
1* Gearteeth Timothy Black
lo#%. but that (i(#/t matter much to the
resi(e#ts he# alloi#% it to crash mea#t
more tha# Fust braci#% for im'act. The same
critters that ha( se#t us hi%h-taili#% it for the
clou(s still stalke( the Earth belo. a#( #o#e
of us ere too a#Iious to meet them #ose to
!or a mome#t it looke( like &e#ry as
%oi#% to i%#ore my climbi#% a(1ice ith
mulish stubbor##ess. &is boot ti' scra'e(
a%ai#st the erra#t e(%e. se#(i#% a shoer of
%rime a#( corro(e( metal Eakes (o#. 6t as
e#ou%h to make him reco#si(er 'utti#% his
ei%ht o# it.
$Where shall 6 'ut my foot. oh asce#(e(
$Try that beam yo#(er.$
&e#ry s#orte( i# (isbelief at here 6
'oi#te(. $That/s a four foot Fum' o1er thi# airJ$
Shru%%i#%. 6 lea#e( back. maki#% a sho
of hoisti#% the yelloi#% 'a'erback u' to
rea(. usi#% it as a (istractio# so that 6 coul( 6
click the hook at the e#( of my tether i#to a
belayi#% loo' behi#( me. 6t felt o(( to be
a#chore( he# 6 as use( to bei#% so free u'
here. but 6 as alrea(y %oi#% to take a cha#ce
ith both our li1es. $Suit yourself. 6/ll Fust %o
back to e#Foyi#% my after#oo# rea(i#% hile 6
still %ot some li%ht left.$
The bloo( (rai#e( from &e#ry/s face
he# he reco%#iKe( the book. $Where (i( you
%et thatG$
$This ol( thi#%G$ 6 aske(. hol(i#% out the
11 Gearteeth Timothy Black
'a'erback so 6 as sure he coul( rea( the title
o# its ri#kle( s'i#e: %he %rue &onfessions of
the 'east. $6 fou#( it lyi#% o# my bu#k. 6/m
Fust lucky 6 ai#/t cou#ti#% o# %etti#% i# %oo(
ith the Telluria#s. They (o seem to take a
(im 1ie o# this ki#( of rea(i#% material.
(o#/t theyG$
$Gi1e it back.$ &e#ry (ema#(e(. the color
retur#i#% to his cheeks he# he realiKe( 6 as
teasi#% him.
We both k#e that the book as his@ if he
as cau%ht ith it he/( e#(a#%er his
u'comi#% a''re#ticeshi' ith the secreti1e
scie#ti,c or(er. 0lthou%h orks like it ere#/t
eIactly ille%al. most (ece#t folks looke( (o#
their #oses at such thi#%s. 6# 'articular. the
storm 'ro'hets seeme( to ha1e a# a1ersio# to
the luri( true-horror stories. as if they thou%ht
i%#ori#% the ereol1es lurki#% i# the forests
belo oul( make them (isa''ear.
$Sure thi#%.$ 6 sai( ith a#other shru%. 6
close( the book a#( (a#%le( it abo1e him like
bait o# a hook. $0ll you %ot to (o is come a#(
%et it.$
&e#ry cusse( me out for a %oo( mi#ute.
a#( 6 smile( throu%h the hole tira(e. We/(
bee# frie#(s for almost ele1e# yearsLe1er
si#ce 5au(e ha( la#(e( the "eaven#s $race
o# the %rou#(i#% trestle of a 1ery startle(
War(e#clyHeLa#( i# all that time 6/( trie(
a%ai# a#( a%ai# to break his craKy fear of
hei%hts. 5au(e sai( it as the Aor(/s o#
'ra#k that the maFority of 'eo'le li1i#% o# a
1) Gearteeth Timothy Black
city that (rifte( throu%h the sky ha( a k#ee-
Muaki#% fear of bei#% remi#(e( ho#est (irt
as a cou'le of miles (o#.
$6 ca#/t make that Fum'.$ &e#ry %role(
throu%h his %ritte( teeth.
The terror of hat 6 as aski#% him to (o
as etche( across his face. yet 6 as (am#e(
if 6 as %oi#% to let that fear roost i# his heart
fore1er. 6 mi%ht lose him to the Telluria#s
soo#. but 6 as (etermi#e( to %i1e him a
%oi#%-aay 'rese#t. e1e# if it as o#e he
(i(#/t 'articularly a#t. 6f 6 coul( break &e#ry
out of the terror/s %ri'. 6 as sure his life
oul( be better for it@ 6 ,%ure( #o ma# shoul(
%o throu%h life skittish like that. !ear robbe(
your backbo#e of its stiH#ess a#( ha( a habit
of cree'i#% i#to e1ery 'art of your life o#ce
you let it i# the fro#t (oor.
$Sure you ca#. 6f 6 ca# make it eari#%
forty 'ou#(s of this (am#e( hot-suit the#
you/ll be ,#e. &o (o you thi#k 6 %ot u' here
i# the ,rst 'laceG$
$5y ,rst %uess oul( be the 4e1il %a1e
you a boost out of 'rofessio#al courtesy.$
&e#ry %rumble( as he u#hooke( himself.
Te#si#% his le%s. he %au%e( the (ista#ce to the
le(%e. his 0(am/s a''le bobbi#% as he (ry
salloe( a fe times. With a stra#%le( cry.
he lea't.
Before his feet ha( e1e# left their 'erch 6
sa the hesitatio#. the u#co#scious betrayal of
his muscles to fear. &e#ry hel( back. lea'i#%
ith less stre#%th tha# #ee(e(. %uara#teei#%
1< Gearteeth Timothy Black
he/( come u' short a#( 'lummet to his (eath.
6 coul( see o# his face as soo# as he as i# the
air that he k#e he/( misFu(%e( his Fum'.
6/( ,%ure( fear mi%ht tur# his le%s to Felly
a#( ha( lau#che( myself (o#ar( at the
same time he Fum'e(. &e#ry came u' a full
foot short of the le(%e as 6 'lummete( toar(
him. %rabbi#% for his Eaili#% arms. 6 cau%ht
the coarse li#e# of his shirt as the tether
ya#ke( 'ai#fully at the har#ess 6 ore u#(er
my Facket. bri#%i#% us both to a su((e#.
a%o#iKi#% sto' as %ra1ity took o1er. While he
Ferke( arou#( i# sheer terror. 6 scrabble( to
%et a more secure hol( o# him. his ei%ht
#early teari#% my arms out of their sockets.
But he realiKe( Muickly e#ou%h hat as
%oi#% o#. a#( his ,#%ers latche( o#to my
forearms like iro# 1ises.
$4am# your eyes. you stu'i( bastar(J$ he
shoute( i#to my u'si(e (o# face as e
su#% back a#( forth from the lefto1er
mome#tum of his Fum'. my boote( feet
ra''i#% arou#( the li#e abo1e a#( kee'i#%
our arc u#(er co#trol.
&e#ry use( e1ery curse or( i# the book
a#( create( a cou'le of #e o#es as 6 use( my
feet to si#% us toar( a#other crossbeam
belo. Still u'si(e (o#. 6 hooke( his (a#%li#%
tether/s hook i#to a belayi#% loo'. &e clutche(
the crossbeam. his eyes close( a%ai#st his
terror. &e#ry as Muietly ee'i#%. tryi#% to
kee' me from heari#%. With a lea(e# feeli#% i#
my %ut 6 realiKe( 6/( %o#e too far a#( o#ly
1+ Gearteeth Timothy Black
orse#e( thi#%s. 4am# it.
$Gi1e me the book. Eli.$ &e#ry 'le(.
buryi#% his face i# the rusti#% Eakes of the
1a#e/s su''ort to hi(e a sob.
6/( 'ushe( him too har(. a#( 6 felt like a
horse/s ass tha#ks to it. 6 fou#( myself ho'i#%
he/( 'u#ch me@ it oul( ha1e bee# 'referable
to the muNe( misery 6 as heari#%. 6/( ha1e
ea%erly take# a bloo(y #ose i# eIcha#%e for
seei#% him beat his fear.
Without a#other or( or tau#t 6 su#% to
him. ri%hti#% myself by shifti#% my ei%ht
a%ai#st the ca#1as-co1ere( steel cable of my
tether. 6 hel( out the book. a#( he loose#e( his
%ri' o# the moisture 1a#e e#ou%h to s#atch
the 'a'erback from my ha#( a#( tuck it i#to
his coat.
$Sorry. &e#ry.$
$>ou/re a# i(iot.$ he s#iNe(. %etti#% his
beari#%s back a#( loose#i#% his %ri' sli%htly
o# the su''ort. 0lthou%h e both k#e 6/(
see# the tears. it as a# u#s'oke# a%reeme#t
that it/( be better if e both 'rete#( 6 ha(#/t.
$>eah. 'retty much.$ 6 a%ree(. relie1e(
that he as a#%ry ith me. 6/( take that o1er
terror a#y (ay of the eek. a#( tice o#
Su#(ay. 5y ha#%(o% to#e elicite( a s#ort of
lau%hter from &e#ry@ brief. but e#ou%h to let
me k#o he/( be okay. $What ere you (oi#%
ith that 'otboiler a#yayG >ou stu(y har( to
become a Telluria# Fust to %i1e it u' the #eIt
$-o#e of your busi#ess.$
1D Gearteeth Timothy Black
$0. come o#.$ 6 hee(le(. ea%er to kee'
his mi#( o# other thi#%s. $Who am 6 %oi#% to
tellG 6/m too much of a# ass to ha1e a#y other
frie#(s. Where (i( you e1e# %et a co'yG 6
thou%ht they bur#e( all those ki#(s of
/ereolf co#fessio#/ books a lo#% time a%o.
E1e# the Aibrary (oes#/t ha1e them.$
0 sly %ri# sli''e( o1er &e#ry/s face.
$>ou/( ha1e to 'ass the Telluria# tests for me
to tell you.$
6 s#orte( i# (isbelief. $=#e of the storm
'ro'hets %a1e it to youG 4o#/t sho1el that shit
my ay a#( say it/s roses.$
4es'ite his 'recarious 'ositio#. &e#ry
still ma#a%e( to look smu%. $Belie1e hate1er
you a#t. Eli. But k#ole(%e is 'oer. a#( #o
o#e/s %ot more of both tha# the Telluria#s.
They/1e %ot Muite the collectio# of lost
ma#uscri'ts about the beasts.$
$ThisG SeriouslyG 0 throaay. (ime-store
'iece of trashG This is the best they %otG &a#%
o#. 6/1e %ot a /lost ma#uscri't/ about Billy the
Oi(/s u#(erear stai#s somehere u#(er my
bu#k that/ll make you the e#1y of the
4es'ite my mocki#%. 6 sus'ecte( that
somehere i# &e#ry/s e%otistical boast there
as a ker#el of truth. 6t ma(e me Mueasy ith
the im'licatio#s. 6f he/( really %otte# the book
from them. it mea#t the Telluria#s ere#/t Fust
hoar(i#% tech#ical k#ole(%e. a#( their
s#ooti#ess toar( horror stories ritte#
(uri#% the Bloo( Pa#ic as a bli#( to co1er
1: Gearteeth Timothy Black
them s#atchi#% the books u' for themsel1es. 0
'hrase that 5au(e ha( o#ce s'it out at the
cho table to the other e#%i#eers about the
storm 'ro'hets echoe( ith omi#ous
o1erto#es i# my hea(: /the ma# ho a#ts you
stu'i( is the ma# ho a#ts to be your
The Telluria#s ha( use( their mo#o'oly
o# the i##er orki#%s of War(e#clyHe to
'retty much (omi#ate e1erythi#%. ti%hte#i#%
their %ri' as more of the machi#es that ke't
the city aloft malfu#ctio#e( a#( feer storms
ere har1este(. =b1iously the 'oer core of
the city still orke(. caressi#% the %ia#t sMuall
tubes u#(er#eath ith co#sta#t bursts of
li%ht#i#%. or e/( all be o# the %rou#( a#(
easy meat for the furbacks.
But 'arts of War(e#clyHe ha( clear
ruste( oH i# the last fe years. falli#% aay
from the a%i#% su'erstructure a#( creati#% a
cou'le of %a's i# the city that ha( to be
cor(o#e( oH. 5au(e ,%ure( the storm
'ro'hets let the 'ieces (ro' to i#timi(ate
folks. a#( (am#e( if it ha(#/t orke(. The
lame# steere( clear of Telluria#s. a#( they
ere 'retty much u#touchable.
2hurch bells i#terru'te( my rumi#atio#s
a#( startle( both of us. #early causi#% &e#ry
to let %o of the 1a#e. There ere #o ser1ices to
be calle(@ e1er si#ce the Brimsto#e ?iots
brou%ht (o# half the sal1atio# cities i# 1977.
reli%io# ha( ke't to itself for the most 'art.
'ri1ate a#( out of si%ht. There as o#ly o#e
18 Gearteeth Timothy Black
reaso# for the bells to ri#% these (ays:
com'a#y ha( come calli#%.
$Where is itG$ &e#ry aske( as e both
sca##e( the clou(less sky i# all (irectio#s.
6 'ulle( my ti#te( Ei%ht %o%%les (o# to
block the %lare of the (yi#% su# reEecti#% oH
the city. cursi#% the fact 6/( left my bli#(ers
back o# the "eaven#s $race. Without the
treate( e#%i#eer le#ses that let me see the
tell-tale 'ulse of telluric echoes. it took a fe
mi#utes to ,#ally (etect the %li#t of steel a#(
li%ht#i#% far i# the (ista#ce that heral(e( the
arri1al of a Thu#(er Trai#.
$There. it/s comi#% i# from o1er thereJ$ 6
6t ha( bee# a year si#ce e/( lost
tele'ulse co#tact ith 2ar#e%ie 2ity. a#(
lo#%er still si#ce e/( hear( from a#y of the
other s'utteri#% beaco#s of huma#ity. There
ere u%ly. 1icious rumors that festere( rou#(
the saloo#s that claime( the rest of the cities
ha( crashe(. 6t as a chilli#% thou%ht that e
mi%ht 1ery ell be the last 'eo'le left i# the
6# a((itio# to breaki#% our isolatio#. the
arri1al of a 4ouble T brou%ht ith it the
esse#ce of life itself: storms. Tem'ests traile(
the Eyi#% trai#s like hu#%ry hou#(s. (ra# i#
by the electroma%#etic akes to the cities that
leache( them (ry for 'oer. We/( 'asse( o1er
the Sierra -e1a(as (uri#% i#ter. a#( that
as the last e/( see# of a#y storms. lea1i#%
us hi%h a#( (ry as e (rifte( listlessly across
19 Gearteeth Timothy Black
the Sacrame#to Palley.
6f someo#e else ha( fou#( us. it mea#t
they/( Eo# throu%h li%ht#i#%-(re#che( skies
to stay airbor#e. hich mea#t our (am#e(
(rou%ht as %oi#% to e#( soo# as the clou(s
cau%ht u' ith them.
$Wait a mi#ute@ somethi#%/s ro#%. She
ai#/t su''ose( to be listi#% like that . . .$
&e#ry as ri%ht@ the i#comi#% Thu#(er
Trai#/s Ei%ht 'ath looke( a bit sMuirrelly.
6#stea( of the %raceful arcs back a#( forth as
it ro(e the echoes of the telluric curre#ts
belo. the #ecomer as shu((eri#%. the
e#%i#e car shaki#% 1isibly e1e# at this
(ista#ce. 0s she Fackk#ife( to the si(e. 6 sa
the trai# as missi#% most of her loa( sa1e for
the fuel te#(er a#( o#e car%o car. shor#
ra%%e(ly i# half. 6 coul(#/t hear the torture(
screams of her steel frame as it tiste( back
a#( forth throu%h the air. but it as ob1ious
the ol( %irl as out of co#trol a#( teari#%
herself a'art. comi#% i# ay too fast.
The trai# bulle( her ay throu%h the sky
toar( us. %roi#% (isturbi#%ly lar%er e1ery
seco#(. 0lthou%h she tiste( u#(er a lack of
co#trol. it as clear that some i(iot ha( stoke(
the fur#ace. The 'isto#s chur#e( ma(ly.
s'i##i#% the heels that 'oere( the a#cillary
%e#erators. She as still crackli#% ith the
e#er%y of a rece#t 'ass throu%h the clou(s.
$They/re i#sa#e.$ &e#ry sai(. shaki#% his
-o 4ouble T as mea#t to ru# ithout
17 Gearteeth Timothy Black
li%ht#i#%/s caress for lo#%. The boiler system
as a backu' for clear skies. a useful relic of
back he# the trai#s ha( actually ru# o# rails
i#stea( of thi# air. =#ly a blaste( fool oul(
use both the fur#ace a#( the storms at o#ce.
E1e# thou%h to%ether they ere ca'able
shooti#% a 4ouble T ahea( like %rease(
li%ht#i#%. it/( blo out the sMuall tubes that
ke't the hu#(re( to#s of steel aloft a#(
barreli#% ahea(. The tubes %oi#% critical
oul( e#( ith a s'ectacular eI'losio# that
coul( tear a #e hole i# the 4e1il/s ass.
$&oly shit. she/s hea(i#% ri%ht for usJ$
&e#ry yelle(. eyes i(e ith terror as e
brace( for the (ea(ly im'act.
The air %roa#e( ith (rea( ei%ht a#(
(rea( as the 4ouble T %re to ,ll our si%ht.
She 'asse( so close to us that 6 coul( rea( the
letteri#% o# her e#%i#e/s si(e: Shriekin( Sally.
6 almost reache( out to touch the hu#(re(
to#s of steel Eashi#% by before the shock a1e
from the 1iole#t 'assa%e hit me. #early
ya#ki#% me oH the collectio# 1a#e a#( se#(i#%
me s'i##i#% i# her ake. &e#ry aile( i#
terror as the te#(er a#( rui#e( car%o car
'asse( by i# the bli#k of a# eye. missi#% us by
sca#t i#ches.
The Shriekin( Sally li1e( u' to her #ame.
'loi#% i#to se1eral of the cro(e( brick
buil(i#%s belo ith a# aful sou#(. The
4ouble T slamme( throu%h them at a forty-,1e
(e%ree a#%le. shatteri#% brick a#( oo( like a
%ia#t/s ,st throu%h %lass. a#( throi#% u' a
)* Gearteeth Timothy Black
all of (ebris i# her ake. The trai# came to a
su((e# a#( 1iole#t sto' he# she hit the steel
su'erstructure of the city/s skeleto# be#eath
the buil(i#%s. &er boiler buckle( u#(er the
'ressure of the im'act a#( eI'lo(e(. se#(i#%
hot shra'#el far a#( i(e as the Thu#(er
Trai# tore herself a'art.
Tha#kfully. the sMuall tubes ha(#/t
reache( critical o1erchar%e yet. or it oul(
ha1e bee# much. much orse. Scal(i#% steam.
shattere( brick. a#( hot metal 'e''ere( the
base of the collectio# 1a#e e ere cli#%i#%
to. hich as alrea(y %roa#i#% from the #ear-
miss. Someho. the sayi#% colum# (i(#/t
%i1e out a#( se#( us 'lu#%i#% to our (eaths.
=ther folks ere#/t as lucky.
S'ace as at a 'remium o# War(e#clyHe@
'eo'le built u' more tha# out. ith o#ly the
e(%es of the city ha1i#% a#y ki#( of free s'ace.
The buil(i#%s that the Shriekin( Sally ha(
'loe( i#to ere bou#( to be ,lle( ith
'eo'le. 0lthou%h 6 coul(#/t hear their
screami#% this hi%h u'. my belly tur#e( at the
thou%ht of ho ma#y ha( Fust (ie(. The im'act
alo#e oul( ha1e bee# (e1astati#%. but the
boiler eI'losio# ma(e it much orse. &o far
ha( she 'e#etrate( throu%h the city/s baseG
War(e#clyHe as o#ly a cou'le of hu#(re(
feet of metal a#( oo( i# some s'ots. a#( if
the (ama%e as ba( e#ou%h. e mi%ht
actually be faci#% a structural s'lit that coul(
(o# the hole sal1atio# city i# o#e %o.
$2ome o#. &e#ry. We %ot us a Fob to (o.$
)1 Gearteeth Timothy Black
E1e# if e ha( to use s'it a#( baili#%
ire. someho e ha( to kee' War(e#clyHe
to%ether. There/( be emer%e#cy cres o# the
ay. but e ere ri%ht there alrea(y. 6 as
(am#e( if 6/( sit i(ly by hile the city a#( her
'eo'le (ie(.
?ather tha# ar%ue ith me. my frie#(
#o((e( i# a%reeme#t.
=ur (esce#t as (a#%erous. a#( 6 refuse(
to co((le &e#ry. We set u' a series of si#%-
(o#s here each of us acte( as a# a#chor
'oi#t for the other. tethere( to%ether ith o#e
ma# ha#%i#% o# to a crossbeam as the other
su#% out a#( (o# to a loer s'ot i# the
structure. before (oi#% the same o1er the #e
loer a#chor ma#. 6t as a brutal im'act
he# e hit the colum#. a#( more tha# o#ce 6
#early lost a fe teeth from it. &e#ry
im'resse( me by #ot him'eri#% o#ce@ he Fust
set his Fa a#( e#t to it. 6 sore the# a#(
there to #e1er make fu# of his fear a%ai#.
Whe# the chi's ere (o#. he ha( the
coura%e #ee(e(. >ou coul(#/t ask more of a
ma# tha# that.
The moa#s of the ou#(e( %reete( us as
e co1ere( the last hu#(re( feet to the close-
set oo(e# 'la#ks a#( cro(e( buil(i#%s that
ser1e( as War(e#clyHe/s %rou#( le1el. There
ere bo(ies lyi#% motio#less e1eryhere
arou#( the ho1els the 4ouble T ha( crashe(
i#to. Eu#% all o1er by the boiler/s (eto#atio#@ it
as col( comfort that the trai# ha(#/t hit the
&ei%hts #earer the ce#ter of War(e#clyHe.
)) Gearteeth Timothy Black
ith its buil(i#%s 'ile( o# to' of each other
hu#(re(s of feet i# the air. This far out toar(
the city/s e(%e there ere less 'laces built u'.
so #ot as ma#y (ea( a#( (yi#%.
6t as still a sce#e strai%ht out of hell.
5y brai# refuse( to sho it to me all at
o#ce as 6 i#sti#cti1ely recoile( my tether.
0rou#( the 'erimeter of the im'act area there
ere a fe folks that stirre(. althou%h they/(
bee# horribly bur#e( a#( tor# u' by scal(i#%
steam a#( shra'#el from the eI'losio#. We
(ra%%e( the i#Fure( clear of the ta#%le(.
bur#i#% recka%e of buil(i#%s a#( trai# as
best e coul(. orki#% ithout or(s.
5otio#less bo(ies lay e1eryhere.
out#umberi#% the li1i#% te# to o#e. While 'art
of me screame( to check the city/s structural
i#te%rity. #o (ece#t ma# coul( alk by a#other
'erso# rithi#% o# the %rou#( i# a%o#y a#(
Fust look aay. !ra#tically ri#%i#% bells i# the
(ista#ce tol( us the ,re bri%a(e a#( lame#
ere o# their ay. but they/( be clo%%e( u' i#
the #arro streets ith co#fuse( folks ho/(
rushe( out i# 'a#ic at the city-shu((eri#%
crash. 0rou#( us locals emer%e( from their
co#cussio#-rocke( homes. %lassy-eye( a#(
stari#% arou#( ith shocke( eI'ressio#s.
$That/s the last.$ &e#ry %as'e(. letti#% %o
of a# u#co#scious ma#/s arms he/( haule(
free. 6# ,1e mi#utes of furious acti1ity. e/(
'ulle( #early a (oKe# ou#(e( 'eo'le out of
the tiste( mess of brick. oo(. a#( steel. But
there as #othi#% else e coul( (o for them.
)< Gearteeth Timothy Black
They ble( a#( titche(. a#( some e1e# oke
u' lo#% e#ou%h to scream a bit before falli#%
back i#to blesse( (ark#ess. 6 ha( #o clue ho
to hel'@ 1a%uely 6 remembere( somethi#%
about ba#(a%es a#( hot ater. but 6/( #e1er
bee# much i#tereste( i# (octori#%. 5y
i%#ora#t mi#istratio#s oul( ha1e bee# as ba(
as the eI'losio# itself.
$&as to be. 2a#/t be a#ymore. 2a#/t
ima%i#e a#yo#e closer li1e( throu%h that.$ 6
heeKe(. eIhauste(.
0 crashi#% sou#( (ee' i# the ta#%le(
recka%e calle( me a liar. With a %roa#. 6
eIcha#%e( a k#oi#% look ith &e#ry.
4es'ite our eari#ess. e be%a# to 'ick
our ay throu%h the labyri#th of colla'se(
buil(i#%s a#( (ebris arou#( the im'act crater.
$Watch itJ$ &e#ry ar#e(. %rabbi#% my
arm a#( ya#ki#% me to the si(e as a %ir(er
%a1e out u#(er#eath my feet.
6 histle( i# %rim a''reciatio# as the
ruste( beam crashe( (o# te#ty feet belo
i#to a #asty-looki#% k#ot of iro# a#( steel.
0fter scrambli#% o1er a colla'se( brick all.
e fou#( a# o'e# area arou#( the actual
im'act 'oi#t of the Shriekin( Sally. a fairly
o'e# area cleare( by the boiler/s eI'losio#.
The 4ouble T/s recke( car%o car loome( o1er
us as e a''roache(. be#t at a# o(( a#%le a#(
Famme( strai%ht throu%h i#to the te#(er car
like locomoti1e lo1emaki#% %o#e hi(eously
ro#%. The o((ly-mate( cars ha( bee# blo#
clea# oH from the e#%i#e he# the boiler ble.
)+ Gearteeth Timothy Black
We rou#(e( their mess to ,#( the
rem#a#ts of the e#%i#e itself (ee'ly embe((e(
i# a colla'se( sectio#. mostly hi((e# from
si%ht a#( surrou#(e( by a %roi#% ,re hose
heat ma(e us seat like the 4e1il i# church.
Broke# sMuall tubes leake( out their 1iscous.
black Eui( i#to scattere( 'u((les. 0rou#( us
cor'ses lay tiste( a#( broke#. their ma#%le(.
half-cooke( bo(ies s'laye( a#( roasti#% i# the
%roi#% ,res.
$0#ybo(y thereG$ &e#ry calle( (o# to
here the e#%i#e/s recka%e lay hile e
trie( to ork our ay throu%h the bo(ies a#(
(ebris. 6t seeme( im'ossible that a#yo#e coul(
ha1e sur1i1e( this close to the blast. 6 tri''e(
o1er a bo(y half-burie( i# the rubble that ore
a rei#force( Facket a#( britches like mi#e.
&e/( bee# a fello brakema#. o#e of the
(oome( cre of the Shriekin( Sally.
$AaKy bastar(.$ 6 muttere( abse#t-
mi#(e(ly. thi#ki#% of the salt-cruste( sMuall
tubes 6/( see# stu((i#% the (oome( e#%i#e. 6f
his e#%i#eer as half as orthless as he. it
as #o o#(er they/( ramme( the city ith a#
out-of-co#trol 4ouble T.
4es'ite the %roi#% heat. 6 felt my
stomach %ro col( i# terror he# 6 realiKe(
the cor'se/s ou#(s ere#/t from the crash.
$Aet %o of my arm. Eli.$ &e#ry mumble(
irritably as 6 trie( to 'ull him (o# a#( sto'
him from calli#% out a%ai#.
$Shut u'J$ 6 his'ere(. -ot that there
as a#y 'oi#t. The (am#e( thi#% ha( to k#o
)D Gearteeth Timothy Black
e ere here. 6 'oi#te( (o# to the cor'se 6/(
falle# o1er. &e#ry e#t sile#t. his eyes i(e.
The ma#/s Eesh ha( bee# Eash-frie#(
he# the boiler ha( eI'lo(e(. but somethi#%
else ha( se#t him o# to his maker before that.
Ca%%e( ri's i# his hot-suit e#t throu%h ski#
a#( (o# i#to muscle to the bo#e i# a ay #o
eI'losio# coul( ha1e 'ro(uce(. &is shoul(er
ha( the meat %#ae( aay. a#( his mi(sectio#
ha( bee# eIca1ate( like some %risly mi#er ha(
%o#e to ork at it.
0 sou#( of teari#% metal. this o#e lou(er
tha# the ,rst. came from the #earby crater.
folloe( by the racket of somethi#% tryi#% to
re#ch its ay free of the recka%e. The
fa(i#% li%ht of the setti#% su# as bolstere( by
the full moo# o1erhea( a#( the %roi#% ,res
arou#( us. but #o#e of them 'e#etrate( i#to
the heart of the (ark 'it here the #oises
ere comi#% from. Both of us broke out i# col(
seats he# a throaty hol echoe( out to
%reet the (yi#% of the (ay. We crouche(.
roote( i# 'lace. our breathi#% ra%%e(.
k#oi#% ithout a (oubt that e ere (ea(
me#. =#e of the beasts that ha( (ri1e#
huma#ity from the surface of the Earth ha(
fou#( its ay u' here.
There as a ereolf loose o#
Chapter 2
$What (o e (o. EliG$
$=h. because 6/m %oi#% to k#oG >ou/re
the o#e s#eaki#% arou#( ith books here the
i#fecte( aI 'oetic about themsel1es.$
The u'e#(e( te#(er a#( shattere( car%o
car ere behi#( us #o. ith the crater of the
4ouble T/s e#%i#e i# fro#t. Broke# 'isto#s a#(
scra' ere scattere( e1eryhere. #o#e of
hich ere ma(e of sil1er. re#(eri#% them
useless a%ai#st a ereolf. The ol1es ere
tou%h as hell. a#( they coul( i%#ore or heal
(am# #ear a#y ou#( short of (eca'itatio#
u#less it as i#Eicte( ith sil1er. &itti#% o#e
ith a makeshift club oul( be like 'oki#% at
a# a#%ry bear ith a short stick to try a#( kill
it. =#ly #ot as smart. a#( a bit less eHecti1e.
$Aet/s see . . . they %et stro#%er a#(
mea#er the fuller the moo#.$ &e#ry sai(.
We looke( u' abo1e here Au#a hu#% i#
the sky. bloate( as a 'ale tick.
$>eah. That/s all ki#(s of useful.$
$4am# it. Eli. 6/m tryi#% hereJ$
$We ca# alays ru#.$
)9 Gearteeth Timothy Black
$6t/ll chase us.$
$0#( hat/ll it (o if e stay stillG Gi1e us
'osies a#( ask us to the (a#ceG$
$;m . . . %oo( 'oi#t.$
The oo(e# 'la#ks u#(er our feet
shu((ere( as e starte( backi#% aay. 0
terrible screech ,lle( the air. a#( the trai#
cars shifte( behi#( us. metal 'rotesti#% as
%ra1ity claime( its (ue o# the a#%le( reck.
The e#ti#e( mess crashe( (o# i#to the
eake#e( boar(s e/( Fust crosse(. s#a''i#%
them like rotte# ti%s a#( smashi#% its ay
(ee'er i#to the su'erstructure as the
recka%e/s ei%ht settle(. 0 burst of Eame
shot from the 'it as the te#(er broke o'e# o#
im'act. se#(i#% u' a %eyser of bur#i#% coal
a#( timber that 'attere( (o#. What ha(
starte( as a fe Eickeri#% 'atches of Eame
sur%e( ith the fresh fuel. a#( a# i#fer#o
Eare( u' arou#( us.
$4i( 6 'iss o# a 'reacher/s hea( this
mor#i#%G$ 6 sai(. shaki#% my hea( i# (isbelief.
There as a te#ty-foot %a' of bur#i#%
(ebris that cut oH the esca'e route behi#( us.
a#( a# im'act crater co#tai#i#% a ereolf i#
fro#t of us. We ha( to ste' forar( as the
'la#ki#% u#(er our feet %a1e a ar#i#% crack.
$0ll ri%ht. so that ai#/t %oi#% to ork so
ell a#ymore.$ 6 cou%he( throu%h the acri(
smoke that as clo%%i#% the air. 6/( left my
suit/s hea1y hoo( a#( res'irator back o# the
"eaven#s $race. as there as#/t much call for
it he# 6 as#/t o# chi''i#% (uty.
)7 Gearteeth Timothy Black
The blaKe as s'rea(i#% Muickly. catchi#%
o# the 'itch use( to ater'roof the oo(e#
boar(s. 6 hear( the ,re bri%a(e out
somehere beyo#( the smoke. battli#% the
blaKe@ 6 ho'e( they %ot here fast. #ot Fust for
us. but for the city itself. The ereolf as#/t
the %reatest (a#%er to War(e#clyHe #o. 0#
u#co#trolle( ,re coul( see' throu%h the city.
eake#i#% its alrea(y battere( structural
i#te%rity. We/( be #othi#% more tha# a#
arti,cial su# i# the #i%ht sky before the city
broke a'art a#( 'lummete( to its ,ery (oom.
0 stra#%le( hol. halfay betee# a
s#arl a#( somethi#% more 'itiful. ma(e us
Fum' like scare( ki(s. !ire 'ushi#% at our
backs. e cre't closer to i#1esti%ate. 6f e
ere %oi#% to (ie. e mi%ht as ell face the
beast as me#. rather tha# ru##i#% i#to the
Eames like fri%hte#e( a#imals. &e#ry ha(
alays a#te( to see o#e of these thi#%s u'
close. a#( 6 ,%ure( e1ery ma# (eser1e( a last
ish before (eath.
The li' of the im'act crater as actually
stea(ier a#( safer tha# the 'la#ks behi#( us.
4ue to the force of the boiler/s eI'losio#. the
coal i# its ru'ture( fur#ace ha( bee# Eu#%
aay i# a# arc behi#( it. The remai#i#%
embers i# the 'it ha( bee# eIti#%uishe( by the
steam blast ashi#% o1er it. lea1i#% the
recka%e relati1ely ,re-free. While that mea#t
shelter from the i#fer#o %roi#% arou#( us.
the sa1a%e thi#% e sa at the bottom of the
'it erase( all thou%hts of safety. a#( ma(e
<* Gearteeth Timothy Black
s'ri#ti#% throu%h the blaKi#% ,re a tem'ti#%
6t as imme(iately ob1ious hy e
ere#/t Muite (i##er yet. The ereolf ha(
bee# im'ale( o# se1eral tiste( %ir(ers a#(
'i'es sticki#% out from the recke( sectio# of
the city/s su'erstructure. the force of the
eI'losio# skeeri#% the beast/s bo(y o#
makeshift s'ikes across the crater from us. 6t
thrashe( a%ai#st its im'aleme#t. alter#ati#%
hi#i#% s#arls ith hols of torme#t a#( fury
as it trie( to free itself.
Wereol1es stoo( a#yhere from siI to
te# feet tall (e'e#(i#% o# their ori%i#al form.
the hu#che( sha'e a hulki#% cross betee# a
real olf a#( a huma#. This o#e as o# the
smallish si(e at /o#ly/ se1e# feet or so. but that
(i(#/t make it a#y less fri%hte#i#%. Patches of
its black-streake( aubur# fur ha( bee# blaste(
oH by the boiler eI'losio#. a#( the Eesh
u#(er#eath ha( bee# ell a#( truly broile( as
ell. The rear le%s ere crooke( like a #ormal
olf. ell-suite( to ru##i#% (o# 'rey. but the
arms ere more like a ma#/s. albeit o1erly
muscle( a#( furre(. The 'oerful forearms
ha( all too huma# ha#(s that ta'ere( to lo#%
%ras'i#% ,#%ers. e#(i#% i# Fa%%e( clas more
aki# to a cat/s shre((i#% talo#s tha# a#y
ca#i#e/s #ails.
6ts hea( as a 'erfect lu'i#e silhouette.
#estle( i# a ta#%le of fur a#( muscle(
shoul(ers i(e as a a%o#/s aIle. The ears
ere i# a sorry state. o#e o#ly bei#% half
<1 Gearteeth Timothy Black
there. a#( the other shor# clea# oH by the
shra'#el from the blast. The holer/s eyes ha(
burst from the force of the eI'losio#. a#( #o
ere #othi#% more tha# (is%usti#% Eui(
leaki#% (o# from the sockets a#( matti#% its
The ereolf tur#e( its bli#( hea(
toar( us as the oo( u#(erfoot creake( ith
our ei%ht. 6t s#arle(. re1eali#% e#ou%h teeth
left o1er from the eI'losio# to still take a %oo(
chu#k out of a#y i(iot that a#(ere( close.
Worse yet. 6 coul( see #e teeth re'laci#% the
missi#% o#es. the shar' hite ti's 'eeki#%
throu%h bloo(y %ums a#( 'ushi#% their ay
out. The bubbli#% corru'tio# i# its eye sockets
be%a# to form i#to %lobular sha'es as it
re%e#erate( the (ama%e. a#( its lea# s#out
raise( to the air ith #ostrils Mui1eri#%. taki#%
i# our sce#t. The (i# from the ,re. the
colla'si#% (ebris. a#( the folks ,%hti#% it from
the other si(e ere lou( e#ou%h that 6 ha( to
shout at &e#ry to be hear(.
$We/1e %ot to %et o1er there a#( climb u'
out of this messJ$
6 'oi#te( to here the e#%i#e/s a#%le(
im'act ha( (ri1e# (o# a#( 'ul1eriKe( the
bricks of the buil(i#%s i#to a cru(e ,rebreak. a
%a' i# the circle of Eames a#( thick choki#%
smoke. 6t as a relati1ely safe emba#kme#t to
scale. the o#ly (a#%er bei#% sli''i#% o# (ebris
a#( im'ali#% oursel1es o# all the Fu#k sticki#%
out of the slo'e.
Well. maybe #ot the o#ly (a#%er.
<) Gearteeth Timothy Black
$0re you i#sa#eG$ &e#ry shoute( back.
$6/( rather roastJ$
The %lari#% 'roblem ith my 'la# as
that to %et to the emba#kme#t o# the other
si(e. e ha( to ,rst climb (o# a#( 'ass
ithi# arm/s-le#%th of the ereolf here it
tiste( a#( s#arle(. The slo'e rose behi#( the
critter. tau#ti#% us ith safety. %uar(e( by
(a#%er that ma(e bur#i#% to (eath ki#(ly
a''eali#%. But there as #o hel'i#% it@ the
blaKe as licki#% at our boot heels.
$We/1e %ot to (o hat e/1e %ot to (o.$ 6
sai(. u#i#(i#% the tether from arou#( me
a#( u#clas'i#% it from the safety har#ess.
!i%hti#% a%ai#st the steel cable/s resista#ce. 6
ma#a%e( to tist the e#( i#to a usable loo'.
$6/ll try to catch the holer/s arm ith this@
o#ce it/s ta#%le( u'. you shoot u' there like
%rease( li%ht#i#%J 0fter you %et to safety. 6/ll
toss the other e#( u' to you. a#( the# you ca#
try a#( kee' it from %utti#% me too.$
=1er the racket of the olf a#( the ,re. 6
coul(#/t hear hat &e#ry muttere(@ #o matter
his obFectio#s thou%h. he still climbe( (o#
the eI'ose( beams i#to the 'it. 0s e
blu#(ere( (o# i#to its 1ici#ity. the ereolf
be%a# a stea(y %rol. the 1olume risi#% as e
a''roache(. 0lthou%h its eyes ere me#(i#%
themsel1es. the olf as still bli#(. 6t coul(
smell us ell e#ou%h thou%h. a#( 6 hear( its
belly rumbli#% i# rabi( hu#%er as the massi1e
hea( si1ele( to track us.
While it ha( feaste( ell o# the cre of
<< Gearteeth Timothy Black
the Shriekin( Sally. the ereolf as %etti#%
lea# a%ai#. thi##i#% as muscle mass as
co#sume( by its 1oracious bo(y to re'air the
(ama%e (o#e by the crash. The heali#% as
sa''i#% its su'er#atural stre#%th. a#( 6
cau%ht myself ho'i#% that it/( be too eak to
'ull free from the s'ikes. But the co#sum'tio#
(i(#/t look like it as %oi#% to take the olf
(o# so easily. E1ery ste' closer e %ot. the
ereolf ya#ke( a#( clae( har(er at the
s'ears of metal 'i##i#% it. i#sa#e hu#%er
le#(i#% a fre#Kie( e#er%y to the stru%%les.
$GoJ GoJ$ 6 ur%e( &e#ry. 'ushi#% him to
here there as the i(est s'ace betee# the
beast/s clas a#( the all. &e cre't forar(.
but shra#k back as the im'ale( olf ri#kle(
its muKKle a#( s#arle(. Whe# the holer/s
clae( ha#( lu#%e( for &e#ry 6 stuck out my
makeshift lasso. 6t %ro'e( for the cable i# a
bli#( ra%e. slashi#% at it. a#( 6 yelle( i#
trium'h as the stru%%le cause( it to sli' the
ha#( ri%ht throu%h the loo'.
6 'ulle( back. har(. a#( ti%hte#e( the
cable arou#( the ereolf/s rist as best 6
coul(. The beast hole( i# 'rotest a#(
stru%%le( a%ai#st my %ri'. #early ya#ki#% me
forar( i#to its aiti#% ma. 6 lea#e( back.
feet scrabbli#% o# the eI'ose( 'i'es a#(
rubble. k#oi#% that the loose loo' o# the
rist oul( sli' oH the i#sta#t the olf
sto''e( 'ulli#% back a%ai#st it.
$!eel free to ru# 'ast. &e#ry. 0#y time.
Go. (am# itJ$
<+ Gearteeth Timothy Black
5y frie#( e(%e( arou#( the thrashi#%
clas as best he coul(@ luckily for him the
critter as a#%rier at me tha# at the 'rey
(a#ci#% #eIt to it. 0lthou%h the clas 'asse(
close to him a cou'le of times. 6 ma#a%e( to
kee' &e#ry from %etti#% %ore(. &e scramble(
u' the rubble like a scare( Fackrabbit. 'ausi#%
about halfay u'.
$Toss me your e#(J$ he calle( out.
But it as alrea(y too late.
The cable loo' ha( #e1er ci#che(
'ro'erly@ it sli''e( oH the olf/s cla (uri#%
the stru%%le. freei#% its arm. E#ra%e( beyo#(
measure. the ereolf re(ouble( its eHorts to
re#ch free. =#e of the broke# %ir(ers
'i##i#% it s#a''e( oH. a#( the thi#% lu#%e(
back a#( forth i# a fre#Ky of frustrate( 'ai#
a#( sa1a%e hu#%er. With its arm free. the
beast coul( easily reach out a#( cla me if 6
trie( the same route as &e#ry. &e (i(#/t ha1e
the le1era%e from here he sat o# the slo'e to
,%ht the olf/s stre#%th either. e1e# if e
coul( tra' o#e of its ha#(s a%ai#. The o#ly
thi#% &e#ry oul( be able to (o u' there as
%et himself 'ulle( back (o# i#to the aiti#%
Fas of the ereolf.
&e#ry sa the bleak situatio#. but he
stubbor#ly ke't calli#% out for me to thro the
tether to him. 6 refuse(. atchi#% the furback
'ull itself closer a#( closer to free(om. its
heali#% eyes s'i##i#% arou#( as irises forme(.
6 as close e#ou%h to smell the ste#ch of
(ecayi#% meat cau%ht i# its teeth. a#( there
<D Gearteeth Timothy Black
as little (oubt 6/( be stuck somehere i#
there soo# e#ou%h. 6 raise( my eyes to the
smoky sky. tryi#% to co#ce#trate o# a#ythi#%
other tha# the olf i# my ,#al mome#ts.
0 ma#iacal %ri# s'rea( across my face.
0bo1e. a lo#e su''ort beam stuck out at a
crooke( a#%le from the rubble of the
emba#kme#t. 6 shoute( a#( 'oi#te( at it. a#(
&e#ry %ot my mea#i#% ell e#ou%h. While the
beast %ru#te( ith eHort a#( hu#%er barely
four feet ahea( of me. 6 thre the e#( of my
tether as har( as 6 coul(. &e#ry cau%ht it a#(
scrabble( u' the slo'e. loo'i#% it arou#( the
eI'ose( steel a#( ti%hte#i#% it. 6 (i(#/t k#o
ho stur(y the su''ort beam as. but 6 ha( to
risk it. The a#%le as a ba( o#e thou%h. The
%ir(er (i(#/t stick out strai%ht abo1e. hich
mea#t that i#stea( of shimmyi#% u' safe from
the beast. 6/( ha1e to (o somethi#% really
6 as %oi#% to use the ereolf/s hea( as
a ste'la((er.
$&urryJ$ &e#ry sai(. but 6 (i(#/t #ee( the
e#coura%eme#t. 6 ma(e sure the tether as#/t
hooke( to my har#ess. Fust i# case the furback
cau%ht hol( of it. lea#e( back. a#( 'ut my full
ei%ht a%ai#st the a#%le( cable. The
a#chori#% beam (i(#/t shift.
6 Fum'e( back as far as 6 coul( to %et
eItra mome#tum o# the tether a#(. ith a
shout of suici(al (e,a#ce. su#% forar( i#to
the olf/s face. feet ,rst.
5y hea1y ork boots hit the 1ul#erable
<: Gearteeth Timothy Black
muKKle a#( hea( sMuare ith my full ei%ht
behi#( them. With a yel' of 'ai# a#( ra%e. the
beast as (ri1e# back i#to the Futti#% metal
(ebris o#ce more. !resh bloo( %ushe( out. but
as e hit the emba#kme#t to%ether the Folt
cause( my %ri' to sli'. 5y loer bo(y sli(
(o# to (a#%le my le%s i# fro#t of the critter/s
muKKle. 0s 6 stru%%le( to ,#( my footi#% a#(
'ull myself u'. the olf re%ai#e( its se#ses
a#( s#a''e( at me ith its teeth. 6t as still
bli#( thou%h. a#( coul(#/t %et a %oo( a#%le to
latch o# ith its fa#%e( ma. The holer/s
il( strikes cau%ht o# the chai# mesh o1e#
i#to my hot-suit a#( slashe( across the hea1y
ca#1as ithout ,#(i#% ski#. 6/( ,%ure( the
shock of me hitti#% it. alo#% ith the
'rotectio# aHor(e( by the hea1y Facket a#(
britches. %a1e me a (ece#t cha#ce of esca'i#%
ithout %etti#% eate#. 0#( it almost orke(.
Chapter 3
0 bolt of sheer a%o#y shot u' my ri%ht le%
a#( #early ma(e me 'ass out. The ereolf/s
teeth bit i#to my u''er thi%h. at a thi##er
sectio# of chai# mail.
0t ,rst. 6 thou%ht the beast ha( tor# the
Eesh free. 6 realiKe( thou%h that it ha( latche(
o# i# a (eath-%ri'. i#te#(i#% to take my e#tire
le% oH. Aooki#% (o#. 6 fou#( its male1ole#t
re( %aKe bori#% i#to me. the fully-heale( eyes
locki#% o#to mi#e ith a (rea( 'romise i#
them that mesmeriKe( me for a seco#(. The
beast as craKe( ith 'ai# at bei#% tra''e(
a%ai#. its arms co#1ulsi#% uselessly here
they ha( bee# 'i#io#e(. but its teeth ere
(ee' i# the meat of my thi%h. 6t shook me like
a ra% (oll. ri''i#% throu%h both chai# mail a#(
$Aet %o. you furry bastar(J$ 6 yelle(. a#(
brou%ht my left boot u' hi%h to crash (o# o#
its hea( a%ai# a#( a%ai#.
&e#ry lea#e( o1er ith a broke# 'i'e a#(
beat o# the creature as ell. both of us rai#i#%
(o# blo after hea1y blo strai%ht i#to the
<7 Gearteeth Timothy Black
olf/s muKKle a#( hea(. 6ts %ri' slacke#e(.
a#( &e#ry 'ulle( back har( o# my tether.
6 felt a chu#k of my i##er thi%h ri' free
ith a# aful teari#% sou#( that oul( ha1e
%i1e# a butcher #i%htmares. a#( the#
su((e#ly the 'ressure as %o#e. 6 #early
blacke( out from 'ai# as &e#ry %rabbe( my
har#ess a#( ma#ha#(le( me u' the slo'e. out
of the reach of the furious ereolf. 6t
stru%%le( tice as har( for free(om. the bloo(
i# its mouth e%%i#% it o#. The furback ha(
taste( its 'rey. so 1ery close. a#( it as
(ri1i#% the olf i#sa#e ith hu#%er.
This time it as freei#% itself much faster.
$Sto'. sto'.$ 6 mumble( to &e#ry as he
(ra%%e( me u' the slo'e. 6 as lea1i#% behi#(
a# ob1ious bloo( trail. a#( the li%ht-
hea(e(#ess cle#che( it.
&e#ry #ee(e( to %et aayQha( to %et
aayQbefore the thi#% cau%ht us. 6 as Fust
ei%hi#% him (o#.
$-o. you/re all ri%ht. it as Fust a small
bite. sometimes it (o#/t tur# 'eo'le. you/ll be
,#e. you/ll be okay.$ &e#ry babble(. tears
streami#% (o# his face.
But e both k#e better. E1e# #o 6
coul( feel the Eesh 'uckeri#% u' arou#( the
bite mark. a#( the bloo( Eo ta'eri#% oH. The
(isease as i# my bloo(stream a#( raci#%
throu%h me u#(er the full moo#. 6 (i(#/t #ee(
a (octor to tell me that 6 as a %o#er. There
as #othi#% that coul( sto' it.
$6 %ot bitJ$ 6 sai(. %rabbi#% &e#ry by his
+* Gearteeth Timothy Black
shoul(ers a#( shaki#% him. $?u#. (am# it@ 6/m
%oo( as (ea( alrea(yJ$
$-oJ$ &e#ry shoute( back i# my face.
With a burst of (es'erate stre#%th. he (ra%%e(
me o1er the li' of the slo'e a#( i#to the rui#e(
buil(i#% hose fou#(atio#s the Shriekin(
Sally ha( come to rest i#. The mortally
ou#(e( structure %roa#e( arou#( us.
'romisi#% that soo# the hole thi#% oul(
colla'se i# o# the im'act crater. !or a seco#( 6
hel( ho'e it oul(. tra''i#% the olf (o#
But this Fust as#/t my lucky (ay. Belo. 6
hear( the sicke#i#% sou#(s of the ereolf
re#chi#% itself clear of its im'ali#% 'riso#.
The beast %a1e a lo#%. (ra#-out hol of
1ictory. a throaty roar of free(om. ra%e . . . a#(
$Get u'. EliJ 2ome o#. e/1e %ot to %et
aay from hereJ$ &e#ry as il( ith a#Iiety
a#( (e#ial.
$Aea1e me be.$ 6 s#arle(. 'ushi#% him
aay a#( %rabbi#% a broke# boar( that lay
#earby. &issi#% ith 'ai#. 6 use( the oo( as
a crutch to 'ro' myself u'.
Putti#% my ei%ht o# the boar(. 6 hobble(
forar( a ste'. The blee(i#% from the bite ha(
alrea(y sto''e(. a#( the bloo( as clotte( u'
a#( sticky. That as#/t %oo( at all. 6/( bee#
%ushi#% like a fou#tai# o#ly seco#(s before. 6t
as#/t #atural. 5y belly %role( i# ar#i#%.
letti#% me k#o that there as a 'rice for
such u#holy heali#%.
+1 Gearteeth Timothy Black
Somethi#% as oH. 6# all the stories. 6/(
#e1er hear( about the (isease s'rea(i#% so
Muickly. heali#% a 1ictim so ra'i(ly. 6t took
(ays. eeks. before bites oul( be o# the
me#(@ sometimes folks ere lai( u' the e#tire
mo#th after. What as (iHere#t for meG Was it
because the moo# as hi%h. forci#% the
i#fectio# to bur# throu%h me fasterG -o. it
coul(#/t be@ it as#/t like those ,rst folks
bitte# by holers ere#/t (yi#% u#(er a full
moo#. 6 shook my hea( to clear it. tryi#% to
co#ce#trate o# the here a#( #o. 6t really
(i(#/t matter@ the im'orta#t thi#% as that
there as #o (e#yi#% the situatio#.
6 as i#fecte(.
$Aea1e me.$ 6 sai(. $Go o#. %et. 6/m (o#e
for. a#( you (am# ell k#o it.$
The stubbor# bastar( refuse(. 'la#ti#%
his feet a#( crossi#% his arms. 6 hear( the
beast scrabbli#% u' the rubble behi#( us o#ly
to fall back a%ai#. the u#stea(y slo'e 'ro1i#%
(iHicult for its missha'e# limbs a#( ei%ht.
The (ebris oul(#/t slo it (o# for lo#%
thou%h. a#( soo# e#ou%h it/( %et out.
$Please. &e#ry. 6/m be%%i#% you. !or the
lo1e of your o# fool ski#: ru#J$
6# a#ser. he sho1e( his shoul(er u'
u#(er my ri%ht arm. forci#% me to hol( o#to
him a#( taki#% the ei%ht oH my i#Fure( le%.
$-ot %oi#% ithout you. #o'e. Sorry. Eli. This
time 6/m #ot letti#% you 'ush me arou#(.$
6 felt like k#ocki#% him o1er the hea(. but
i#stea( 6 Fust settle( for a hea1y si%h. $>ou
+) Gearteeth Timothy Black
k#o 6/m Fust (ea( ei%ht. 6 (o#/t a#t you
tor# u' o# accou#t of me.$
The blee(i#% ha( sto''e( from the
ou#(. but it still bur#e( like ol( Scratch as
Fabbi#% at me ith his 'itchfork. &e#ry half-
(ra%%e( me toar( a (oor ha#%i#% by a si#%le
hi#%e. a #arro street 1isible beyo#( its
s'li#tere( frame.
0s he kicke( it o'e#. e hear( the
ereolf reach the li' of the emba#kme#t
behi#( us. The thick haKe from the i#fer#o ha(
bla#kete( e1erythi#% ith choki#% smoke. a#(
e coul(#/t see ho close the thi#% as. =ur
o#ly ho'e as that the smoke oul( foul the
olf/s se#siti1e #ose as much as our 1isio#.
$Time to %o faster.$ 6 sai(. 'utti#% my
ei%ht o# the makeshift crutch ith a %ru#t.
5y brai# (am# #ear Fum'e( out of my skull i#
rebellio#. but the 'ai# subsi(e( Muickly.
Too Muickly.
6 let the boar( fall a#( took a#other ste'
forar(. 4es'ite the fact 6 shoul(#/t ha1e bee#
able to sta#( at all. my le% hel(. if o#ly Fust.
5y eyebros rose i# a# /6 tol( you so/
eI'ressio# that &e#ry i%#ore(.
We mo1e( as fast as e coul( (o# the
street. ith him hel'i#% me as 6 lim'e(
forar(. But it as#/t Muick e#ou%h. The
ereolf crashe( throu%h the (oor behi#( us.
half-hi((e# i# the smoke. Scarlet eyes %li#te(
ith e1il i#te#t as its %aKe settle( o# us. 0
thicker clou( rolle( u' from the bur#i#% 'it to
obscure the beast.
+< Gearteeth Timothy Black
$?u#J$ 6 screame( i# bli#( 'a#ic. forci#%
my heali#% le% to hol( my full ei%ht.
We took oH as fast as e coul(. each
stri(e bri#%i#% less 'ai# for me. Behi#( us.
the clatter of clas o# oo( 'la#ks %re
closer ith each hammeri#% heartbeat. S#arls
a#( short barks of hu#%er echoe( throu%h the
haKe. a#( 6 coul( o#ly 'ray that the smoke as
thick e#ou%h to slo the creature (o#. We
(i(#/t k#o here e ere ru##i#% a#( (i(#/t
care either. as lo#% as e %ot aay from the
(emo# behi#( us. 2lose-set buil(i#%s Eashe(
by o# either si(e ith (oors shut ti%ht. barely
a ha#(s-i(th a'art. but after a fe hectic
seco#(s 6 #otice( that there ere feer a#(
feer structures. a#( that the city/s oo(e#
(eck ha( starte( to a#%le %e#tly u'ar(. That
coul( o#ly mea#--
$Aook outJ$ 6 shoute(. %rabbi#% &e#ry/s
shoul(er a#( s'i##i#% him arou#( i# a
(iHere#t (irectio# before he coul( stumble o#
to the %rou#(i#% trestle.
6 as#/t so lucky. a#( my feet cau%ht o#e
of the electri,e( rails. se#(i#% Folts of siKKli#%
e#er%y throu%h my bo(y. The hot-suit
%rou#(e( most of it. but. ithout the missi#%
hoo(. my hea( su((e#ly ha( a thousa#(
ticke(-oH bees ba#%i#% arou#( i#si(e. 6 coul(
smell my Eesh start to cook before my Ferki#%
bo(y fell back from the trestle. Thou%h my
brai# as buKKi#% from the u#'rotecte( shock.
6 still k#e ho lucky 6/( bee#. 6f 6/( falle#
forar( o#to the tracks ith my hea( co1er
++ Gearteeth Timothy Black
missi#% 6/( ha1e bee# frie( ali1e. Worse yet. if
6/( %o#e s'rali#% a#( ke't %oi#% forar(
'ast the tracks . . . ell. %etti#% electrocute(
as#/t so ba( really. i# com'ariso#.
Bri%ht moo#li%ht cut throu%h the smoke
a#( &e#ry shrieke( i# terror. scooti#% back
farther. 6# fro#t of us ere the raise( rails of
the %rou#(i#% trestle. crackli#% ith the
store( electricity of the city/s %ia#t batteries.
But that as#/t hat se#t &e#ry scuttli#%
back. -ot three feet beyo#( the char%e(
trestle as em'ty air. a to-mile (ro' to the
Earth belo. a#( a messy e#(.
We/( reache( the e(%e of the Eyi#% city.
There as #ohere else to %o. other tha#
strai%ht (o#.
Behi#( us. a lo %rol rumble(. The
silhouette of the ereolf a(1a#ce(. its ti#
re( eyes bur#i#% ith e1il li%ht. !or a mome#t
6 as fasci#ate(. a#( somethi#% (ee' ithi#
me stirre(. The skeletal beast ha( %ro# back
much of its aubur# fur coat a#( e#ou%h Eesh
for us to clearly i(e#tify it as female.
6# her o# 'rimal ay. the critter ha( a
terrible beauty. althou%h the beast/s sa1a%e
s'le#(or as (imi#ishe( by her star1i#% form.
She ha( falle# to all fours. tail strai%ht out a#(
bristli#%. the muscles i# her arms a#( le%s
te#si#%. &er clas (u% i#to the oo( for
tractio#. teari#% u' the 'la#ks as she %ot
rea(y to rush us.
6 sca##e( the %rou#(. looki#% for
somethi#%. a#ythi#%. There as a be#t 'i'e
+D Gearteeth Timothy Black
sticki#% u' from the Eoori#% boar(s #earby. a
cou'le of i#ches i# (iameter a#( at most a foot
i# 1isible le#%th. 0s a ea'o#. it as the most
'athetic thi#% 6/( e1er see#. but it as all 6
ha(. 6t/( ha1e to (o.
With a burst of fra#tic stre#%th. 6
re#che( the 'i'e aay from its moori#%.
bri#%i#% u' a sectio# of ol( oo( ith it. 6
be%a# ba#%i#% it o# the (eck ith a craKe(
look i# my eyes. backi#% u' the sli%ht i#cli#e
of the trestle u#til 6 felt ti#y s'arks Fum'i#%
out from the #earest rail for my boot heels.
$2ome o# the#. you ma#%y bitchJ 2ome
%et meJ !i#ish hat you starte(J$
Behi#( me. 6 felt a chilly u'(raft blo o#
my seaty #eck. the (ea(ly fall oH
War(e#clyHe o#ly a fe feet 'ast the tracks. 6
as cou#ti#% o# a fre#Kie( rush. a sa1a%e.
hu#%er-,lle( char%e that i%#ore( a#y 'ossible
But the beast as smarter tha# that.
The olf k#e somethi#% as ro#%.
Somehere (ee' i# the back of her brai#.
huma# i#telli%e#ce still lurke(. a#( it as
screami#% that this as too easy. Prey (i(#/t
tau#t the 're(ator. The furback stalke( back
a#( forth a fe feet aay. s#arli#%. her lea#.
muscle( shoul(ers a#( back te#se( i#
sus'icio# as she %#ashe( her teeth. The ,re-
bor# haKe ha( be%u# to clear as the i#fer#o
arou#( the crash site as brou%ht u#(er
co#trol by the bri%a(e. &ot sali1a (ri''e(
from the ereolf/s Fas. teeth %#ashi#% i#
+: Gearteeth Timothy Black
Silhouette( by the moo# a#( ,res. she
as a ma%#i,ce#tly (rea(ful si%ht. a creature
birthe( from the (e'ths of a #i%htmare. sleek
a#( (ea(ly. &e#ry stoo( #earby. hy'#otiKe( by
the creature/s u#earthly maFesty as ell. But
she o#ly ha( eyes for me. Cust o#ce she Eicke(
a %aKe his ay. before 6 ba#%e( the 'i'e a%ai#
to (ra her atte#tio# back to me. tau#ti#% a#(
holleri#% like a (am# fool to make sure she
staye( focuse( o# me.
&e#ry/s eyes (arte( to my har#ess.
sus'ecti#% 6/( hooke( myself i#. But the tether
ha( bee# left behi#( i# the ma( (ash aay
from the crash site. There ere#/t a#y tricks
this time. #o ays to sa1e myself. 6 (i(#/t care.
6/( bee# bitte#@ there as o#ly o#e ay that
oul( e#(. a#( the fact that 6 coul( #o sta#(
u'ri%ht co#,rme( it. 6 as a alki#% (ea(
ma#. That free( me from thi#ki#% about my
o# hi(e a#ymore. 6f the beast lea't for me. 6
coul( roll her o#to the electri,e( tracks.
maybe e1e# 'ush her o1er the e(%e of the city.
There as #o cha#ce 6/( be able to esca'e the
olf/s %ri' #o matter hat ha''e#e(. 6/( be
frie( o# the tracks ithout a com'lete hot-suit.
or 6/( fall to my (eath ith the beast ri''i#%
my %uts out. But 5au(e. &e#ry. all the folks i#
War(e#clyHe. e1eryo#e 6 k#e a#( care(
about. oul( be safe.
6t as a fair 'rice to 'ay.
$What are you (oi#%. EliG$
$Shut u'.$ 6 sai(. kee'i#% the ereolf/s
+8 Gearteeth Timothy Black
crimso# %aKe locke( o# mi#e. 6 coul( see her
muscles te#si#%. a#( she 'ause( i# her
'aci#%. teeth bare(. The furback ha( Fust
about ha( e#ou%h of my tau#ts.
$Tell 5au(e 6/m sorry for maki#% her
orry so much@ tell the ol( bi((y 6 lo1e her.
Tell her . . . the hell ith it. she k#os. Take
care of her for me. ill youG
$Goo(bye. &e#ry.$
Time sloe( as the furback lea't. Fas
i(e o'e# a#( seeki#% my throat. 6 raise( my
'athetic ea'o# a#( 're'are( to roll ith her
lu#%e. but a stra#%le( cry cau%ht me oH-
%uar(. 0s the ereolf ha( char%e( me. so
too ha( &e#ry. &e hit me har(. 'ushi#% me to
the si(e a#( out of the 'ath of the beast.
sacri,ci#% his o# bo(y for mi#e.
The olf/s Fas clam'e( (o# har( o# his
u'raise( left arm ith a sicke#i#% sou#( of
crushi#% bo#e. 6 screame( i# (e#ial as 6 sa
the critter (i% her feet i# har(. breaki#%
Eoorboar(s as she sto''e( the hea(lo#% rush
i#to the trestle/s rails. She re#che( back.
ri''i#% &e#ry/s arm aay at the elbo i# a
s'ray of %ore. 0 sur'rise( look s'rea( o1er his
face@ &e#ry barely ha( time to feel the ou#(
before the beast/s clas su#k i#to his bo(y
a#( (ra%%e( him i#to (eath/s aiti#% Fas.
6 hit the %rou#( rolli#% a#( as u' i# a#
i#sta#t. Before 6 coul( e1e# start forar(
thou%h. the hu#%ry 're(ator ha( tor# se1eral
more chu#ks out of my frie#(/s si(e a#( belly.
salloi#% them hole i# a fre#Ky of %or%i#%.
+9 Gearteeth Timothy Black
Bloo( as e1eryhere as the ereolf (u%
i#to her %ruesome meal.
&e#ry starte( screami#%. 6 hollere( ith
him as 6 brou%ht the 'i'e (o# ith all the
stre#%th 6 coul( muster i#to the critter/s back.
But #othi#% coul( sto' her hu#%er #o that
fresh. screami#% meat as i# her Fas.
With a# irritate( si'e. the olf slice(
o'e# my Facket a#( se#t me tumbli#% back.
0ba#(o#i#% the 'i'e. 6 Fum'e( o#to the
beast/s back. scratchi#% for her eyes a#(
tryi#% to restle the im'ossibly stro#% hea(
a#( muKKle aay from &e#ry/s %hastly
0%o#y la#ce( throu%h my bo(y as
li%ht#i#% struck the three of us.
5y hot-suit shu#te( aay most of the
electricity. but my hea( as smoki#% for the
seco#( time that #i%ht as the 1olta%e se#t me
tumbli#%. (aKe( a#( cross-eye( ith 'ai#. 6
as %oi#% to %lue that %o((am# hoo( to my
hea( if 6 sur1i1e( this.
The olf a#( &e#ry ha( #o such
'rotectio#. a#( the i#(iscrimi#ate li%ht#i#%
course( throu%h them ith a %ut-re#chi#%
siKKle. Both 1ictim a#( killer fell i#to a hea'
to%ether. shrieki#% i# a ail that 'ierce( the
hea1e#s. 0#other li%ht#i#% bolt streake(
horiKo#tally i#to their bo(ies. a brillia#t Eash
a%ai#st the (ark #i%ht that brou%ht ith it
a#other ear-s'litti#% crack of thu#(er. &e#ry
a#( the holer thrashe( u#co#trollably. their
hi(eous aili#% cutti#% (o# i#to my 1ery
+7 Gearteeth Timothy Black
bo#es as their ski# smoke(.
4es'ite her i#Furies. the ereolf rose u'
to her hi#( le%s. toeri#% o1er my (yi#%
frie#(. a#( tur#e( to face their attacker. 6/(
#e1er see# such a# eI'ressio# of 'ure hatre(
o# a#ythi#%/s face before.
0 bal( Telluria# ste''e( forar( from the
smoke behi#( us. lit by the e#er%ies 'layi#%
across his black leather-cla( ha#(s. his ,#%ers
orki#% the bli#(i#% arcs cracki#% betee#
the thick %lo1es much as a baker oul( k#ea(
(ou%h. 2o#ce#tric steel ri#%s of i#lai( co''er
li#e( the slee1es of his lo#%. hite. (ouble-
breaste( lab coat. culmi#ati#% i# a 'air of
hea1y steel bracers that co1ere( each of his
forearms. They crackle( ith e#er%y from the
multitu(es of ires ru##i#% u' a#( o1er his
arms a#( i#to the bulky battery he ore o# his
back. hich i# tur# fe( i#to ti# co''er a#(
steel 'aul(ro#s that co#trolle( the e#er%y
Eo. !our small Tesla coils rose u' from each
armore( shoul(er. a#( ti#y %ears s'ace( alo#%
the co#tra'tio# clicke( i# a series ith
mi#iaturiKe( 'isto#s belo. se#(i#% hitish-
blue s'arks i#to the atmos'here a#( arci#%
(o# to the Telluria#/s bracers a#( %lo1es i# a
com'lete( circuit that as ae-i#s'iri#%.
Emotio#less %o%%les far more i#tricate tha#
my Ei%ht 'air co1ere( the ma#/s eyes.
2ombi#e( ith the res'irator co1eri#% his
mouth. the storm 'ro'het/s 1estme#ts %a1e
him a# e#tirely i#huma# a''eara#ce.
0s the ereolf crouche( to lu#%e. the
D* Gearteeth Timothy Black
Telluria# stretche( out his ,#%ers. Ai%ht#i#%
Eashe( across the %a' betee# them to strike
both the olf a#( &e#ry. Each %a1e a#other
u#earthly shriek. but hile &e#ry curle( u'
i#to a fetal ball. smoki#% a#( ee'i#%. the
beast s#arle(. ,%hti#% ith terrible i#te#sity
a%ai#st the 'ai# as she as (ri1e# to the
%rou#(. The li%ht#i#% arcs struck a%ai# a#(
a%ai# i# a bli#(i#% casca(e. yet the furback
refuse( to stay (o#. stru%%li#% u' i# (e,a#t
ra%e each time. &e#ry shrieke( i# u#bri(le(
'ai# as the bolts of e#er%y arce( from the
critter i#to his u#'rotecte( bo(y.
$Sto' it. you/re killi#% himJ$ 6 yelle(.
ru##i#% toar( the storm 'ro'het. my
shoul(er loere( to ram the so# of a bitch to
the %rou#(. Without 'ause. the Telluria#
tur#e( his li%ht#i#% o# me. 4es'ite the hot-
suit/s 'rotectio#. 6 e#t tumbli#% (o# as the
1icious curre#t Eoe( i#to me. locki#% my
muscles u' i# torme#t.
6#(isti#ct sha'es mo1e( behi#( the
Telluria#. 0 (oKe# lame# a''eare( i# the
%lo of the 'ro'het/s li%ht#i#%. le( by 5arshal
&ar'er. They hel( riEes a#( %rim eI'ressio#s
that bla#che( he# they sa the ereolf
stru%%li#% to her feet a%ai#. 0 loose %u# li#e
forme( as they took aim ith their riEes at the
u#stea(y holer.
$!ireJ$ came the comma#(. a#( 6
ma#a%e( to Ei' o# my si(e a#( see the critter
(ri1e# back by their bullets. each hit ri''i#%
o'e# %a'i#% ou#(s i# the beast. The ou#(s
D1 Gearteeth Timothy Black
heale( almost as fast as they ere ma(e
thou%h. blee(i#% holes seali#% themsel1es
o1er ri%ht before our eyes.
$2ha#%e ammu#itio#J$ barke( the
marshal. $Sil1er loa(J$
4es'ite her bestial #ature. the ereolf/s
ears 'ricke( u'@ somehere i#si(e her hea(
the huma# i#tellect reare( u' e#ou%h to tell
her to Eee. The furback s#arle( a#( ho''e(
backar( o1er the %rou#(i#% trestle. careful
to a1oi( the rails. 6 coul(#/t belie1e hat 6 as
seei#%. The (am# thi#% k#e that the char%e(
rails coul( hurt herJ
0s the lame# chambere( their sil1er
bullets. the ereolf loere( her hea( a#(
locke( eyes ith me. li's curle( back a#(
bari#% her teeth. There as somethi#% there.
somethi#% beyo#( the hu#%er a#( ra%e. a#(
my %uts re#che( as somethi#% (ee' i# me
res'o#(e(. &er muKKle stru%%le( to form a
si#%le or(. a%ai#st all o((s.
$5i#e . . . $ she s#arle(. a clae( ha#(
'oi#ti#% at me.
The (e'uties shoul(ere( their riEes
a%ai#. Whe# they (re a bea( o# it. the
furback %a1e o#e last 1icious roar of 'romise
that ma(e my stomach tist. The beast lea't
backar(. o1er the e(%e of the city i#to thi#
6 hear( the hols of ra%e fa(i#% as she
'lummete( (o# to the %rou#(. 4es'ite bei#%
o1er a mile u' i# the air. 6 ,%ure( the critter
as#/t (ea(. Wereol1es ere #otoriously
D) Gearteeth Timothy Black
har( to kill. a#( this o#e ha( sur1i1e( a boiler
eI'losio# a#( ma#a%e( to ru# us (o# for
su''er o#ly mi#utes later.
The Telluria# 'ai( #o atte#tio# to the
(oKe# arme( me# arou#( him as he brou%ht
his ha#(s to%ether i# a 'rayer %esture. the
arci#% li%ht#i#% %roi#% ,ercer u#til he ha(
his 'alms 'resse( a%ai#st each other. With a#
au(ible hi#e. the machi#ery stu((e( across
his lab coat cycle( (o#. the coursi#%
electricity becomi#% a# occasio#al ill o/ is'
that s'arke( across his i#sulate( 1estme#ts.
$>ou all ri%ht. EliFahG$ 5arshal &ar'er
aske(. be#(i#% (o# a#( tur#i#% my face
rou%hly to the ri%ht a#( left. &e histle( lo
at the ri's i# my bloo(ie( hot-suit a#( stare(
at the chai# mail that (a#%le( free. $Aooks like
it took a beati#%. This your bloo(. boyG 0#ser
6 ma#a%e( to shake my hea(. looki#% o1er
at &e#ry/s crum'le( bo(y. 5ost of the bloo(
all o1er me as his. so tech#ically 6 as#/t
lyi#%. but e1e# 6 k#e that as a mi%hty ,#e
hair to s'lit. &e#ry/s ra%%e( breathi#% ma(e
me ha#% my hea( i# %uilt@ it amaKe( me that
he as still ali1e at all. The marshal si%he( as
he folloe( my %aKe. &e (ouble-checke( his
riEe/s ammu#itio# as he rose.
$>ou/re lucky. boy.$ he muttere( (o# to
me. $6/( hate to ha1e to shoot you too.$
$2all me /boy/ a%ai#. &ar'er. a#( 6/ll
sho1e a 4ouble T so far u' your ass you/ll be
s'itti#% sMuall tubes for a eek.$ 6 %role(
D< Gearteeth Timothy Black
throu%h a throat ra from all the yelli#%.
0fter a startle( mome#t. &ar'er calle(
back to his me#. $>eah. this o#e/s ,#e.
althou%h he/s %ot a mi%hty ,#e tem'er o#
6 as careful to #ot let the ri' i# my
britches sho. &e#ry ha( (o#e his best to sa1e
me. a#( it/( be 'oor ma##ers to 1olu#teer to
eat a sil1er bullet after hat he/( Fust bee#
throu%h for me. The eak Fusti,catio# (i(#/t
make me feel a#y less coar(ly thou%h for #ot
%rabbi#% the lama#/s riEe a#( ,#ishi#%
myself oH the# a#( there.
&e#ry/s him'eri#% Ferke( me u'ri%ht.
a#( 6 sa the storm 'ro'het sta#(i#% abo1e
him. atchi#% him rithe from the olf-
i#Eicte( ou#(s. ;#like me. my frie#( shoe(
#o si%#s of ra'i(ly heali#% his i#Furies.
Without Muick a#( #ear-miraculous me(ical
atte#tio#. 6 (oubte( he/( last a#other mi#ute.
With the %o%%les a#( res'irator i# 'lace.
there as #o ay to tell the Telluria#/s
eI'ressio# as he %aKe( (o# at my frie#(. But
6 as #ot so restrai#e(.
$>ou %o((am# so# of a bitchJ$ 6 yelle(
throu%h the aches. forci#% myself to my feet.
$Get aay from himJ$
The marshal/s stro#% ha#( clam'e( (o#
o# my shoul(ers i# a 1ise-like %ri'. $2areful
ho you talk to the 'ro'hets. EliFah.$
6t as a frie#(ly ar#i#%. but there as
a# u#(erto#e of 'rotecti1e threat to it. The
Telluria#s ere 1ital to kee'i#% us oH the
D+ Gearteeth Timothy Black
%rou#( a#( aay from the ereol1es. so
most folks treate( them aki# to royalty. 6. o#
the other ha#(. as #othi#% but a half-bree(
brakema#. &ar'er/s (efere#ce to the ma#
ho/( Fust electrocute( my frie#( ma(e me
6 trie( to 'ull aay from the bi% lama#.
but 6 as eak as a kitte# after my bo(y/s
u##atural bout of re%e#eratio# a#(
subseMue#t ,%ht ith the furback. The
marshal easily hel( me i# 'lace as his me#
cro(e( u' arou#( the Telluria# a#( &e#ry.
riEes at the rea(y. 6 sa that they ha(#/t
u#chambere( the si#%le sil1er rou#( each
carrie(@ ith the olf %o#e. that coul( o#ly
mea# o#e thi#%.
$4o#/t you shoot him. (o#/t you (are. you
coar(ly 'ieces of shitJ$ 6 screame(. ,%hti#%
to %et free of the marshal ith #e-fou#(
stre#%th. &ar'er shook his hea( a#( clam'e(
(o# har(er. ,#%ers (i%%i#% i#to my collar
bo#e as 6 stru%%le(. &is me# barely s'are( me
a %la#ce. They ere aiti#% o# the Telluria#/s
$6 reco%#iKe this chil(@ he 'asse( the tests
rece#tly. &e is o#e of ours.$ came the muNe(
1oice from behi#( the res'irator. The Telluria#
stare( arou#( him ith those bla#k %o%%les.
(ari#% a#y to challe#%e his authority. $We ill
lay him to rest i# accor(a#ce ith our
tra(itio#s. 0s he has ear#e(.$
$EliJ$ &e#ry shoute( out. 'ai# laci#% his
e1ery or(. $4o#/t let them take meJ 6 Fust
DD Gearteeth Timothy Black
a#t to %o homeJ Eli. 'lease hel' meJ$
5arshal &ar'er as#/t eI'ecti#% me to
si#% o# him. a#( my %lo1e/s metal li#i#%
%a1e the 'u#ch some ei%ht he# 6 hit the
si(e of his hea(. #early breaki#% my o# ha#(
i# the 'rocess. 6 stru%%le( free of the (aKe(
lama# a#( rushe( toar( &e#ry a#( his
eIecutio#er. fully i#te#(i#% to se#( the
Telluria# saili#% throu%h the air after the
ereolf before he coul( kill my frie#(.
$Sub(ue him.$ the storm 'ro'het or(ere(.
The lame# tackle( me as the Telluria#
be#t o1er &e#ry. 0t ,rst. they trie( Fust
hol(i#% me back. Whe# 6 refuse( to sit still
thou%h. their ,sts starte( i# o# me. 6 stru%%le(
to kee' si%ht of &e#ry.
The hi#e of the Telluria#/s a''aratus
cycli#% back u' ma(e my scal' ti#%le@ he
s'rea( his ,#%ers abo1e &e#ry/s bo(y hile
arcs of electricity be%a# to Eash across the
coils o# his shoul(ers. Electricity 'o''e( a#(
s'uttere( as the storm 'ro'het let it buil(. The
Telluria# stoo( motio#less. ha#(s o1er &e#ry.
a#( a mome#t later arcs of e#er%y s#a''e(
(o# a#( i#to my frie#(/s bo(y i# bri%ht.
Fa%%e( Eashes.
&e#ry screame( as the 'ulses sur%e( i#to
The Telluria# co#ti#ue( to torture &e#ry.
Folti#% him ith small arcs a#( stu(yi#% the
titchi#% bo(y of my frie#( ith a col(
i#terest. 6 hea(-butte( o#e of the (e'uties
hol(i#% me a#( kicke( a#other. lashi#% out
D: Gearteeth Timothy Black
here 6 coul(. stru%%li#% to %et free a#( sto'
the slo (eath of my frie#(.
$EliJ =h. Go(. make him sto'J &el' meJ$
e't &e#ry.
The last thi#% 6 hear( as him screami#% i#
'ai# a#( fear. The# the marshal/s riEe butt
slamme( i#to the back of my hea( a#( se#t me
s'irali#% i#to (ark#ess.

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