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Video: Snap presidential election is

unconstitutional JVP tells EC

DAY, 23 OCTOBER 2014
There is a dialogue in he so!ie" regarding a sna# #residenial ele!ion o $e held
des#ie %o &ore "ears are le' 'or su!h an ele!ion( The )residen oo has dire!l"
said he %ould !ones he #residenial ele!ion o $e held soon(
The *+) re#resened $" is ,eneral Se!rear" Til-in Sil-a, .e&$ers o' )olii!al
Bureau +i/iha Herah and Sunil Handunnehhi, .e&$ers o' is Cenral Co&&iee
Aorne"s a 0a% Sunil 1aagala and *ana2a Adhi2ari &e he Co&&issioner o'
Ele!ions a he Ele!ions Se!rearia oda" 323rd4 o #u 'or%ard he sand #oin o' he
*+) regarding he ele!ion( The" handed o-er a leer o he Co&&issioner(
The leer saes5
1e ha-e !o&e o 2no% ha he in!u&$en #residen is #re#aring o hold a #residenial
ele!ion $e'ore his se!ond er& ends and i&&ediael" a'er 'our "ears o' his er&
1hen he )residen &a2es a !all o he #eo#le 'or a &andae o gain an e6!ess #eriod
$" $eing ele!ed, i is "ou, as he Co&&issioner o' Ele!ions, %ho has he auhori" o
hold a #residenial ele!ion( Ho%e-er, %e 2no% ha, a!!ording o he e6ising
Consiuion, holding su!h a #residenial ele!ion is un!onsiuional and illegal due o
se-eral reasons( As su!h, %e re7ues "ou o re'rain 'ro& announ!ing su!h a
#residenial ele!ion(
1e %ould li2e o $ring o "our noi!e he 'ollo%ing o esa$lish ha a sna# ele!ion is
agains he Consiuion5
1( A!!ording o he Consiuion he in!u&$en #residen !anno !ones 'or
anoher er& 3a hird er&4 as he is dis7uali'ied o do so(
Ari!le 31 324 o' he Consiuion saes 89o #erson %ho has $een %i!e ele!ed o he
o''i!e o' )residen $" he )eo#le shall $e 7uali'ied herea'er o $e ele!ed o su!h
o''i!e $" #eo#le(:
Also, ari!le ;2 3!4 saes an" #erson 8i' he has $een %i!e ele!ed o he o''i!e o'
)residen $" he #eo#le: %ould no $e 7uali'ied o $e an ele!or 8o he o''i!e o'
The dis7uali'i!aion has $een &enioned in %o insan!es o e&#hasi<e i( The
#residenial ele!ion %as held on 2=h *anuar", 2010 %hen his Consiuion %as
a''e!i-e( As su!h, i&&ediael" a'er .r( .ahinda Ra/a#a2sa %as ele!ed $" he
#eo#le as he )residen on 2=h *anuar", 2010 'or his se!ond er&, he ges
dis7uali'ied o !ones anoher #residenial ele!ion or ge ele!ed as he #residen(
The a'oresaid ari!les 31 324 and ;2 3!4 ha-e $een re&o-ed $" he 1>h a&end&en
ado#ed in )arlia&en on ;h Se#e&$er, 2010( Ho%e-er, he in!u&$en #residen had
alread" $e!o&e dis7uali'ied o ge ele!ed as #residen( 1hen his a&end&en %as
ado#ed his dis7uali'i!aion had no $een re&o-ed $" he 1>h a&end&en(
S#e!iall", a!!ording o ari!le = 334 o' he iner#reaion ordinan!e a! in Sri 0an2a an"
la%s %ould $e e''e!i-e o he 'uure( ? %ould no a''e! he #as( ? has $een de!ided
ha a #anel o' nine Su#re&e Cour *udges should iner#re he ari!les in Consiuion
a!!ording o he ?ner#reaion Ordinan!e A! in Sri 0an2a(
A!!ording o his he dis7uali'i!aion 'or he in!u&$en #residen o !ones 'or a hird
er& has no $een re&o-ed and hen!e his !o&ing 'or%ard as a !andidae 'or a
#residenial ele!ion is illegal(
2( There is no #ro-ision in he la% o hold a #residenial ele!ion in 'our "ears
$e'ore he se!ond er& o' si6 "ears o' #residen!" has $een !o&#leed(
A!!ording o ari!le 30 324 he #residen 8shall hold o''i!e 'or a er& o' si6 "ears(: Also,
he 3rd a&end&en o he Consiuion added a ne% ari!le 31 33a4 %hi!h saes
9o%ihsanding an"hing o he !onrar" in he #re!eding #ro-isions o' his Cha#er,
he )residen &a", a an" i&e a'er he e6#iraion o' 'our "ears 'ro& he
!o&&en!e&en o' his 'irs er& o' o''i!e, $" )ro!la&aion, de!lare his inenion o'
a##ealing o he )eo#le 'or a &andae o hold o''i!e, $" ele!ion, 'or a 'urher er&(
0aer, $" he 1>h a&end&en he %ords 8'irs er& o' o''i!e: %ere a&ended o 8!urren
er& o' o''i!e:( Ho%e-er, 31 33A4 ha %as su$siued in 3rd a&end&en saes a
#erson ele!ed 'or he se!ond er& should @hold o''i!e 'or a er& o' si6 "ears
!o&&en!ing on su!h dae in he "ear in %hi!h ha ele!ion is held(:
As su!h, 89o%ihsanding an"hing o he !onrar" in he #re!eding #ro-isions o' his
Cha#er: in 31 33A4 doesn: a''e! !lause 3!4( The !lause 3!4 is no a$o-e 3133A4 $u
a'er i( Also, his !lause has no $een a&ended( This &eans i is he e6ising la%(
A!!ording o his la% he )residen has o !o&#lee his er& o' si6 "ears on!e he has
$een s%orn in 'or his se!ond er&( He !anno end his er& in 4 "ears and go 'or
#residenial ele!ion 'or anoher er& a!!ording o he Consiuion(
The in!u&$en #residen ignoring his !lear legal sae and ae&#ing o !ones
anoher #residenial ele!ion %ould $e a -iolaion o' he Consiuion and de!iding o
hold a #residenial ele!ion $e'ore he !o&#lees his se!ond er& o' si6 "ears oo is
As here is no #ro-ision in he Consiuion o hold a #residenial ele!ion $e'ore he si6
"ear se!ond er& o' he in!u&$en #residen is !o&#leed and doing so is a -iolaion
o' he Consiuion and as he in!u&$en #residen !anno !ones 'or a hird er& as
he is alread" dis7uali'ied o do so and he has no o##oruni" o as2 'or a &andae 'or a
hird er&, %e re7ues "ou no o hold a #residenial ele!ion $e'ore he in!u&$en
#residen !o&#lees his se!ond er& o' si6 "ears(A
Posted by Thavam

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