Call Lab Week 1 Sept12

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Print the exercise and WRITE the answers neatly. DO NOT TPE y!"r anwers.
%ateway Acade&y Pre'#essi!nal C!"rses
Our pre-sessional courses are ideal for students who have a conditional place at a British
university, but who need to achieve a certain level of English in order to be accepted. The course
aims to provide students with the English language and study skills that they need in order to be
successful at university or another academic establishment. It is important to note that
completion of the course does not guarantee students entrance into a university. It is necessary
for students to show during the course that they have understood the information and skills that
they have been taught, and can incorporate it into their work.
re-sessional students at !ateway "cademy will benefit from#
$mall class si%es &no more than '( students per class)
Twenty three hours of tuition per week
Individual support and tutorials
*egular guest lecturers
The use of the "cademy+s study and recreational facilities, including the ,anguage ,ibrary, the
computer suite, and the academy+s sports facilities.
" varied social programme including evening entertainments and weekend e-cursions to
popular tourist attractions and cities such as $tonehenge, O-ford and $tratford-on-"von.
The course offers a holistic approach to learning, and covers reading, writing, speaking and
listening skills. .uring the course, students will receive instruction on important techni/ues such
as summary writing, analysing essay titles, organising writing, note-taking in lectures, giving
seminars and making presentations. $tudents will gain e-perience in working both individually
and in groups. "s part of the course, all students will work towards a 0((( word pro1ect in their
own field of study. $tudents will receive guidance from their tutors on how best to conduct
research and write it up effectively. $tudents will also work towards a presentation on the same
There is no final e-amination. $tudents are assessed continuously, taking into account their
attendance, successful completion of their assignments and participation in class. $tudents will
be given a full report on their progress at the end of the course. $tudents need to be aware that
the course involves a great deal of coursework, which will re/uire students to manage their time
!ateway "cademy offers three pre-sessional courses. " five-week course beginning in "ugust is
available for advanced level students2 a ten-week course beginning in 3uly is available for upper
intermediate students. Intermediate level students should take our twenty week course beginning
in 4ay. Intermediate level students get a two-week break in 3uly.
C!&(lete the sentences )el!w. Ch!!se NO *ORE T+AN T+REE WORD# ,r!& the text
,!r each answer.
'. The pre-sessional course is suitable for students whose place at British university is
5. .uring the course, students need to show that they can understand and
new skills.
6. $tudents will be able to use many of the "cademy+s
while they are studying.
7. $tudents will have the opportunity to visit on $aturday s
and $undays.
0. $tudents will work both alone and
8. $tudents will have to research and write up a related to
their sub1ect area
9. In order to successfully complete their assignments, students will have to
:. students should start their course in 3uly.
-"esti!ns 1'.
L!!/ at the in,!r&ati!n a)!"t Ca&)erwell C!lle0e1s swi&&in0 (!!ls. Then answer the
2"esti!ns )el!w.
Camberwell College Swimming Pools
Camberwell College has one 50m (Olympic sized) pool with a constant depth of 2m throughout
and one 25m pool with a !m shallow end and a "m deep end# $oth pools may be used by the
general public at certain times#
50m Pool

%he pool is often used for classes but the general public may use two lanes for lane swimming at
the following times#
&onday' 0()0 *!!)0 and !+00 * 2!00
%uesday' 0()0 *!!)0 and !,00 * 2!00
-ednesday' 0()0 *!))0 and !.)0 * 2!)0
%hursday' 0()0 *!))0
/riday' 0()0 *!))0
-ee0ends' 0+00 * !.00
Children under the age of !" must be accompanied by an adult#
Please note that during College holidays these times will 1ary# Contact the swimming pool on
0",). )+)5(0 for up*to*date information#
25m Pool
%he 25 metre pool is a1ailable for recreational (non*lane) swimming from 0.00*0+00 and !2)0*
!))0 on wee0days and !000 2 !(00 on Saturdays#
Children aged !2 and under must be accompanied#
-e regret that the 25m pool will be closed for refurbishment between 2!st 3uly and !,th 4ugust#
%he men5s changing rooms will be closed for the wee0 beginning !,th 4ugust and the women5s
changing rooms will be closed the following wee0# 4lternati1e changing facilities will be made
a1ailable# -e apologise for any disruption this may cause#
3!r 2"esti!ns 1'.4 write$
Tr"e if the statement is true
3alse if the statement is false
N!t %i5en if the information is not given in the passage
'. The general public can only use the 0(m pool for lane swimming ;;;;;;;;;
5. The general public cannot use the 0(m pool on $undays ;;;;;;;;;
6. 4en will be able to use the 50m pool on the ':th "ugust ;;;;;;;;;
7. The whole of the 50m pool is available to the public during recreational swimming hours
0. The 0(m pool is open during college holidays ;;;;;;;;;
To 1oin two parts of a sentence, we can use
- " linking word &and but or)
- " comma plus a linking word &so but because etc.)
- " semi colon &2) &to 1oin parts of a sentence without using a linking word)
- " dash &-) &in informal writing, such as a letter to a friend)
- " colon &#) to introduce a list
8!in these sentences )y addin0 a lin/in0 w!rd and9!r ("nct"ati!n t! each )!x
'. $wit%erland has four official languages & ) <rench, !erman, Italian, and
5. I couldn+t get in touch with you & ) I didn+t know your address.
6. The igloo is below ground level & ) there+s plenty of room to stand up
7. I wish you were here & ) I+m sure you+d really like it.
0. It was a beautiful sunset & ) the sky changed from yellow to pink & )
then slowly to purple.
Rewrite this ad5ertise&ent s! that it c!ntains ,i5e sentences. Add ("nct"ati!n4 lin/in0
w!rds and ca(ital letters where necessary.
our new range of kitchen tables comes in three e-citing colours pale green
lemon yellow and fiery red the tables are made of tough plastic they+re
almost impossible to scratch or burn the surface is easy to wipe clean
after your meal 1ust fill in the form below and send it to us then sit back and
rela- we+ll deliver the table to you within a week you can pay in any way
you like in cash by che/ue or by credit card if you+re not completely
delighted with your table you can send it back you won+t owe us a penny
Tic/ the 5er)s which 0! with each ,!r& !, trans(!rt
car bus bike train plane $hip=ferry
!et into=out of
!et on=off
Take off
C!&(lete the ta)le )el!w with the n!"ns in the )!x. #!&e can 0! int! &!re than !ne
car )"s Bi/e
*unway platform seat belt crash helmet harbour traffic lights
>arriage life 1acket ticket collector service station season ticket
Trolley tyres track horn port one-way street check-in desk
Traffic 1am timetable hand luggage customs deck tunnel
orter cabin aisle seat charter flight cycle lane cargo
train (lane #hi(9,erry
Ch!!se the n!"n in each 0r!"( that is "s"ally "nc!"nta)le
'. holiday 1ourney flight luggage suitcase
5. meal dish food menu dessert
6. che/ue coin cash salary bonus
7. 1ob employee boss unemployment profession
0. pop group musical music opera concert
8. arrest violence accident crime criminal
9. motorway traffic traffic 1am hold-up rush hour
Ch!!se the n!"n in each 0r!"( that is "s"ally c!"nta)le
:. luck happiness opportunity fun help
?. ingredient cutlery fruit meat food
'(. fresh air sleep fluid health energy

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