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Kode Mata Kuliah TPA 13
Nama Mata Kuliah Bahasa Ingris Teknik
Beban Kredit 2 SKS
Tujuan Mahasiswa dapat memahami isi sebuah artikel/ jurnal/ teks akademik mengenai
sains dan teknologi yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris, Mahasiswa dapat
mendiskripsikan informasi atau isi dari argumentatif teks lisan setelah
menyimak teks tersebut. Mahasiswa dapat mengungkapkan argumentasi atau
ide-ide logis secara lisan atau tulisan.
Pra Syarat -Bahasa Inggris
Materi 1. Scanning: Scanning in everyday life; scanning tables; scanning academic
articles/jurnals,; scanning encyclopedia entri.
2. Previewing and Predicting: previewing and predicting book covers to
foresee the contents; listen to spoken text and predict the suitable picture or
figures; Say out loud the undelined reasons for predicting.
3. Vocabulary Knowledge for Effective Reading and listening: guessing
meaning from context in sentences; using grammar to guess word meaning;
recognizing words connecting ideas.
4. Topics: stating and recognizing topics from a paragraph or a text in written
and spoken text; working with the topics, finding and writing the topic
5. Main Ideas: finding the main idea in the topic sentence, stating main ideas
of a paragraph, develop topic to main ideas, develop supporting details for
the main ideas, producing an outline.
6. Patterns of Organization: recognizing signal words to identify the types of
patterns, recognizing the patterns of various written texts; writing an essay
with some selected patterns.
7. Skimming: skimming book reviews skimming jurnal or articles.
8. Making Inference: Infering missing information, making inferences from
9. Summarizing and Analysis: summmarizing a paragraph or passages, and
making a text or article analysis
Kepustakaan 1. ASME, 2010 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX Welding
and Brazing Qualification, The American Society of Machanical Engineers,
New York, 2010.
2. API Standard 1104 Twentieth Edition, October 2005, Welding of Pipelines
and Related Facilities, American Petroleum Institute
3. AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2010, Structural Welding Code-Steel 22nd Edition,
American Welding Society.
4. ANSI/AWS A2,498, Standart Symbols for Welding, Brazing,
Nondestructive Examination , American Welding , Society, Miami, 1998.
5. ITS English Teaching Team. English for Science and Technology. ITS.

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