Canada Will Not Be Intimidated: Harper: Dissident Group Sees 10 Arrested

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014 Successful People Read The Post 4000 RIEL



Chhay Channyda
SIX inmates busted out of
Ratanakkiri Provincial Pris-
on in the wee hours of yes-
terday morning, police said,
adding another incident to
a string of embarrassing
escapes at the facility over
the past two years.
According to a post on the
National Polices website,
authorities in Ratanakkiris
Banlung town are investi-
gating and pursuing six
escapees Sy Noy, Chan
Saros, Lim Sitha, In
Chanthou, Los Sareth and
Ouk Sopheap who were
incarcerated on drug traffick-
ing and theft charges in 2013
and 2014.
The rights group Adhoc
May Titthara and Alice Cuddy
SEVEN hundred new troops
will be added early next year
to Cambodias notorious Bri-
gade 70, a military unit with
a history of allegations
against it ranging from polit-
ical assassinations to pro-
tecting illegal timber traders,
according to an announce-
ment signed last month by
Prime Minister Hun Sen.
The decision, which has
raised concerns about pos-
sible future violent crack-
downs, was signed off on
September 17.
This months Royal Book
states that 1,050 people will
be recruited 700 as soldiers
of Brigade 70 and 350 as per-
sonnel of the Bodyguard Unit
of the general command
6 break
out of
70 to see
700 new
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
UTHORITIES arrested 10
members of the anti-gov-
ernment Khmer National
Liberation Front on
Wednesday night and yesterday morn-
ing, after they were seen publicly dis-
tributing leaflets in Phnom Penh calling
on Cambodians to protest in front of the
Vietnamese Embassy.
The Denmark-based dissident group
is considered a terrorist organisation by
the government.
According to military police spokes-
man Kheng Tito, the men had distrib-
uted hundreds of pamphlets urging
people to join an anti-Vietnam demon-
stration yesterday to coincide with the
anniversary of the 1991 Paris Peace
He hailed the arrests as a victory.
They are active members of the
KNLF whose leader is now living in
Denmark. Our competent authorities,
including military police and police,
have been searching for them and
investigating them for many months
now, he said.
According to the KNLF, thousands of
their members in Cambodia and Thai-
land keep a secretive profile to avoid the
wrath of authorities. Prime Minister
Hun Sen last year claimed that mem-
bers of the group were hiding in the
opposition party.
In April, 13 members of the group
were sentenced to between five and
Dissident group sees 10 arrested
Labelled a terrorist organisation by the govt, KNLF claims speech rights violated
PAGE - 12
Canada will not be intimidated: Harper
People rally in the streets yesterday, marching past the US Embassy as they travel towards other international embassies and the National As-
sembly to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements. HONG MENEA
Taing Vida

CTING opposition
leader Kem Sokha
yesterday used cele-
brations marking the
23rd anniversary of the 1991
Paris Peace Agreements to offer
a veiled compliment to the rul-
ing party about recent reforms.
Speaking to a crowd of Cam-
bodia National Rescue Party
supporters at the partys head-
quarters, Sokha said that the
Cambodian Peoples Party
should use this mandate to
truly show it is not a foreign
If [the CPP] is clever, it should
grab this chance. If they dont
do it now, it will be the end,
Sokha said, before appearing
to praise, with conditions, the
governments recent moves to
deport illegal immigrants and
revoke economic land conces-
sions from errant companies.
Lately we see that they have
deported immigrants back,
which is something that has
never happened beforeBut
we are not sure if they are do-
ing it just for the image or doing
it properly. It would be great if
they are really doing it for sure,
he said, before mentioning ELC
Now we are starting to see
that they are doing it step-by-
step, but we are unsure whether
its for real. Lets wait and see.
While Sokha made compari-
sons between the Paris agree-
ments and the political agree-
ment signed by the two parties
in July that ended a year of po-
litical deadlock, CPP lawmakers
on the other side of town were
plying a different, and more fa-
miliar, narrative.
Speaking to demonstrators
outside the National Assembly
calling on the government to
uphold the liberal spirit of the
1991 accords, Lork Kheng, a
CPP lawmaker, angered some
protesters by linking it with
what her party sees as its crown-
ing achievement the toppling
of the Khmer Rouge.
Some people told me not to
talk about January 7 [1979], she
said, before making the link.
So I dont want to talk about
January 7 the second birthday
of Cambodia, which led to Oc-
tober 23rd [1991]the day we
got democracy and pluralism.
About 500 marchers took part
in yesterdays march to various
embassies, the UN and parlia-
While the protest was peace-
ful, City Hall later condemned
organisers for failing to abide
by the city order to stay within
Freedom Park.
Continued from page 1
nine years in prison for planning
hostile acts against the govern-
ment in a verdict that was
decried as politically motivated
and lacking in evidence by rights
Six of them remain in hiding,
including the KNLFs vocal lead-
er, Sam Serey.
Chhay Sinnarith, the deputy
general director of the National
Police, claimed yesterday that
the KNLF had been involved in
a plot in which explosives were
planted outside the Defence
Ministry in 2009.
The Khmer National Libera-
tion Front is an armed terrorist
organisation aiming to over-
throw the Cambodian govern-
ment andthe Vietnamese
government, he said.
This group and its movement
have affected the security, safety
and stability of the country.
He also claimed that Cambo-
dia was cooperating with Dan-
ish police to try to arrest Serey,
but the KNLF leader has said he
believes he is safe there.
Numerous high-ranking
police ofcials and spokespeo-
ple could not be reached yester-
day for further comment on the
But a Phnom Penh police
intelligence ofcer who request-
ed anonymity because he is not
authorised to speak to the press
said that the 10 were arrested in
the capitals Chamkarmon and
Daun Penh districts.
Among these people, five
were arrested in Boeung Keng
Kang I commune on [Wednes-
day] night after they were
caught distributing leaets and
other materials to people
there, he said.
The others were arrested in
Boeung Raing commune yester-
day morning.
Following their arrests, we
confiscated hundreds of
KNLF statements, leaflets,
hats and other printed mate-
rials, he said.
The men arrested are Chhun
Nakong, 28; Liv Yi, 29; Chhun
Chhat, 29; Chranh Moch, 24;
Lak Liheng, 22; Chan Sna, 27;
Chhim Smak, 57; An Than, 35;
Pheach Chanra, 29; and Chhay
Veth, 40.
They have been detained at
police headquarters for ques-
tioning and are yet to be for-
mally charged.
In a statement, Serey con-
rmed that the 10 arrested were
members of his group but said
the police were violating their
human rights, liberty and free-
dom of expression.
The Khmer National Libera-
tion Front would like to appeal
to the international community,
human rights organisations and
the United Nations to pressure
Vietnam and Hun Sens Cambo-
dian regime to release all the
leaders of the [planned] KNLF
demonstration, he said.
Phil Robertson, deputy Asia
director for Human Rights
Watch, also condemned the
arrests and said he was expect-
ing the worst for the group, with
long prison sentences likely to
be handed down.
Arresting people for simply
handing out pamphlets on the
street is a clear violation of
human rights and so the author-
ities should release this group of
activists immediately without
charge, he said.
The Cambodia governments
continued vendetta against the
KNLF, a small political group
that has campaigned peacefully
for its views, is unseemly and
In the article Angkor beer
gift avoids rules, published
yesterday in the national news
section, Nhan Sokvisal, man-
ager of taekwondo champion
Sorn Seavmey, was incorrectly
referred to as Sok Vidal. The
Post regrets the error.
Buddhist monks march on Monivong Boulevard yesterday on their way to the US Embassy during a celebra-
tion to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements. HONG MENEA
Govt arrests 10 from
dissident group KNLF
Politics played on anniversary
Arresting people for simply
handing out pamphlets on the
street is a clear violation of
human rights
Illegal crossing
Soldier held
after Thai
border beef
AMBODIAN authorities
in Preah Vihear province
detained a member
of an elite Thai military unit
and a civilian travelling with
him for questioning after they
wandered 3 kilometres into
Cambodian territory.
We are awaiting the de-
cision from the superior [on
whether to let them go], said
a police officer in Choam Ksan
district, where both have been
held since October 19.
The officer said that one of
the men was a member of
Thailands black clad unit, a
special forces group. Autho-
rities confiscated hammocks,
knives and personal items.
Major General Phat Sophen,
chief of the Cambodian-Thai
Border Relations office in
Preah Vihear, confirmed the
two had been sent to Choam
Dam Yen, Choam Ksan
police chief, told local media
the men were hunting. He
identified them as black clad
unit member Thannam Paya
and Vuth Undee. Thailands
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
couldnt be reached for com-
RCAF man
wanted for
killing boss
Kim Sarom
A SOLDIER in Banteay
Meanchey province is suspected
of slashing his superiors throat
on Wednesday and fleeing,
prompting authorities to deploy
provincial police to monitor
border checkpoints lest the sus-
pect attempt to flee to Thailand,
police said yesterday.
Rem Soviet, the commanding
military officer in Preah Netr
Preah district, said that the kill-
ing was the result of an argument
between victim Lieutenant Colo-
nel Nget Kongrith, 29, of the
investigation unit of Brigade 51,
and suspect Te Bunthoeun, 41,
who worked under him.
On the day in question, Soviet
said, Bunthoeun allegedly beat
his wife, who called Soviet her
brother for help. Soviet, in turn,
asked Kongrith to take him to
Bunthoeuns house for a talk.
According to Soviet, Kongrith
chastised Bunthoeun upon
arrival, and slapped him in the
face multiple times. Bunthoeun
left and allegedly rushed back in
with a scythe and slashed Kong-
riths neck, Soviet continued.
Kongrith then fell from his seat,
and the suspect slashed him two
more times and fled.
Start of school year delayed
Laignee Barron
and Mom Kunthear

ARDINESS is usually
discouraged within
school settings, but
this year, the Edu-
cation Ministry is endorsing
a month-long delay for the
whole academic year.
Public schools, which typi-
cally start in the beginning of
October, will this year com-
mence classes on November 3,
with studies continuing until
the school break in August.
We did this for two reasons:
one, the national exam redo
in October, and then also be-
cause of ooding, said Minis-
ter of Education Hang Chuon
Naron. Chronic ooding, es-
pecially in the Tonle Sap Lake
area, meant that if we began in
October, not all schools could
start classes at the same time.
Sceptics argued that the de-
lay was instituted solely for the
benet of the grade 12 national
exam sitters, and thus privi-
leged less than 2 per cent of the
nations three million students.
This big change is for the
few students who did not pass
the national exam in August
and needed a retest, compared
to all the rest of the students
who will now be affected, said
San Chey, coordinator for ac-
countability NGO ANSA-EAP.
The Education Ministry,
however, said that while this
year was an exceptional case
the change may become stan-
dard practice if the new calen-
dar goes well.
Last year, severe ood-
ing prevented more than 500
schools from starting on time.
This year, though the ooding
was less dramatic affecting an
estimated 300 schools a small
handful may still be barred
from opening on schedule.
We dont have any schools
destroyed by the oods this
year . . . Most of the schools
that were affected were near-
by the river, and the water
brought a lot of mud into the
classrooms, said Svay Phally,
director of Kampong Chams
Education Department, who
estimated that 90 per cent of
the provinces schools could
start as planned, with anoth-
er 10 per cent still requiring a
Phallys education depart-
ment also joins Koh Kong and
Battambang with outstanding
repair requests including for
broken roofs from the ood-
ing last year, an issue the min-
istry said it is working on.
Students in class at Wat Koh High School earlier this year. Public schools, which typically start in the begin-
ning of October, will this year commence classes on November 3. PHA LINA
Brigade 70
to add new
Continued from page 1
starting in January.
The minister in charge of the
Council of Ministers; Ministers
of Defence; Economics and
Finance; [and the] General
Commander-in-Chief of [the]
Royal Cambodian Armed Forc-
es have agreed to implement
the decision from January 1,
2015, the statement reads.
Defence Minister Teah Banh
could not be reached for com-
ment yesterday. But Council of
Ministers spokesman Phay
Siphan said the huge new intake
would not affect numbers of
military personnel.
The reason the government
has agreed to recruit more than
1,000 soldiers is because staff-
ers and soldiers of the Ministry
of Defence are reaching retire-
ment age, so we need replace-
ments, he said.
Countless allegations have
been levelled against Brigade
70 since its inception 20 years
ago, including claims of mur-
der, fatal crackdowns and
political arrests, which critics
say were carried out with
A 2007 report by environmen-
tal organisation Global Witness
accused the unit of running a
logging and contraband traf-
ficking operation worth more
than $2 million a year.
Brigade 70 is trusted by Hun
Sen and Cambodias other sen-
ior leaders to do their bidding
without question, even when
that involves wholescale viola-
tion of human rights, said Phil
Robertson, deputy director of
Human Rights Watchs Asia
Division, in an email.
Clearly, adding more troops
means that those leaders like
what Brigade 70 is doing,
whether that means pushing
people off of their land, crack-
ing down on striking workers,
or intimidating people who
dare question how Cambodia
is governed.
Its a politically motivated
unit that serves no purpose
other than to preserve Hun Sen
and the top leaders of the CPP
in power, and to intimidate
their opponents.
Political analyst Kem Ley said
that while armed forces were
essential for the protection of
any country, the latest intake
should be put to the right use.
They should not recruit
them just to crack down on
demonstrations. They have to
recruit them to protect the bor-
ders and the security of the
country, he said.
Opposition spokesman Yim
Sovann said he didnt know why
the government was recruiting,
because when we look at the
forces in the country, we do not
need more.
In 2011, about 5,600 soldiers
retired from the Royal Cambo-
dian Armed Forces [RCAF], and
4,805 retired the following year
as part of a government effort
to improve its military.
Brigade 70, which used to
include Hun Sens bodyguard
unit, has been used to crack
down on multiple demonstra-
tions over the past 20 years.
The 1997 law on RCAF allows
for the deployment, in neces-
sary circumstances, of army
and other military units in
defense of public security.
The legislation does not
define either the necessary cir-
cumstances or what is meant
by public security, leaving it
open to elastic and arbitrary
application, Robertson said.
Ou Virak, chairman of the
Cambodian Center for Human
Rights, said he was not at all
surprised that the government
had signed off on the extra
recruits, adding that the deci-
sion was likely made so they
could quash any uprisings and
as a means of strengthening the
ruling partys grip on power.
Its about the power struggle.
The CPP is talking about this as
a way of keeping power . . . they
are using the military as a scare
tactic, he said.This is how
they run the show.
Soldiers salute as they drive past during a parade for the 20th
anniversary of the RCAF brigade 70 last week. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Six escape from Ratanakkiri prison
Continued from page 1
said that as of yesterday, 20
inmates locked up on charges
ranging from drug offences to
murder and rape had broken
out of Ratanakkiri Provincial
Prison in the course of four
separate escapes over the past
two years. Yesterdays escape
also comes on the heels of two
jailbreaks in Kampong Chhnang
and Kampot provinces in recent
Chhay Thy, a coordinator for
Adhoc who visited the scene,
said prison officials had removed
any evidence relating to the lat-
est escape, but said one police
officer had told him that a lad-
der and a pair of bolt cutters had
been found.
At the window, two six-milli-
metre iron bars were cut, and
they broke a prison gate, Thy
said. Six escaped, while the sev-
enth inmate was picked up by a
prison guard as he crawled out
of the window. When [the guard]
heard a sound, he woke up,
because he was on duty that
night, and he was the person
who arrested the escaping pris-
oner. He said when he arrested
him, he saw two other prisoners
running away.
This is a huge responsibility
for the prison chief, who has let
repeated mistakes happen in
which [inmates] used the same
techniques to escape, he also
Bun Thai, a provincial inves-
tigator with the rights group
Licadho who is also looking into
the case, said that given the cir-
cumstances, the escapees likely
had help from within the insti-
If they broke out of the jail,
[guards] must have heard. That
must have been a plan which
has to be investigated, he said.
However, prison chief Tin
Sovanny rejected accusations of
a conspiracy, and said that while
he had actually slept at the pris-
on on the night of the escape,
things had really been under the
control of an acting chief he had
put in charge while away in
Phnom Penh for a few days
If we had known [about the
escape], we would have arrested
them, but no one knew and they
escaped at night. I also stayed [at
the prison], but the officers on
duty saw the seventh inmate
and called me immediately, he
Major General Be Tealeng,
director of the operations
department at the Ministry of
Interiors General Department
of Prisons, said that police and
the provincial court were pursu-
ing the suspects and issuing
arrest warrants.
Six prisoners escaped from Ratanakkiri Provincial Prison after cutting window bars on Wednesday night.
Twenty people have escaped from the prison in the past two years. LICADHO
Anti-graft team
here from China
Charles Rollet
CHINESE anti-graft
delegation is visiting
Cambodia to help
the countrys Anti-
Corruption Unit crack down on
misconduct, Chinese state me-
dia outlet Xinhua has reported.
ACU director Om Yentieng
was quoted by Xinhua as saying
the Kingdom needed to learn
from China about preventing
corruption more effectively.
Yentieng declined to com-
ment further when contacted
by the Post, but conrmed ACU
vice president Kheang Seng
held a brieng about the visit.
The six-member delegation,
from Chinas eastern Jiangsu
province, arrived on Tuesday
and will stay in Cambodia for
ve days, according to Xinhua.
In view of Chinas reputation
for corruption within its ruling
Communist party, some consid-
er the idea of China as a model
for Cambodia unreasonable.
Given the high levels of cor-
ruption in China, and that
[premier Xi Jinpings] anti-cor-
ruption campaign is motivated
in part by the need to consoli-
date his position, I dont think
it would be seen as a credible
initiative in [Southeast Asia],
said Ian Storey, a senior fellow
at the Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies.
China has supported Cam-
bodias Anti-Corruption Unit
since its establishment in 2010,
receiving 25 ACU ofcials at the
China Academy of Discipline
Inspection and Supervision
in Beijing for anti-corruption
training, Xinhua reported.
But the cooperation may
have other purposes as well,
said Heng Pheakdey, founder of
the Enrich Institute for Sustain-
able Development.
China has been accused of
operating with a lack of envi-
ronmental and nancial ac-
countability [in Cambodia].
This sends a gesture that China
is trying to slowly take steps to
repair its image.
Despite its faults, a declara-
tion of war against corruption
similar to Chinas could be well-
received by Cambodian people,
said Transparency International
Cambodia director Preap Kol.
Chinas support to the ACU
will be benecial at technical
and operational levels, he said.
However, the extent of benet
or impact at the highest politi-
cal level might be minimal.
Teachers demanding higher wages protest in the capital earlier this
Pech Sotheary
LATE payments that teach-
ers have long criticised have
caught the attention of Cam-
bodias acting Minister of Edu-
cation, who has instructed pro-
vincial education departments
to get their acts together.
In a letter on Tuesday, act-
ing minister Pin Chamnan
told heads of education de-
partments in each of the
Kingdoms 25 provinces that
delayed payments of teach-
ers bonuses and overtime
work can severely impact
their lives.
The late payments affect
most teachers livelihoods,
the letter reads.The ministry
urges all department directors
to distribute wages on time
for bonuses, and especially
payments for extra sessions.
Cambodia has about
110,000 teachers, according
to Prime Minister Hun Sen.
In Battambang schools, ed-
ucation department adminis-
trators already make an effort
to pay bonuses and overtime
on schedule, said provincial
department director Ngy Set,
who had not yet seen the act-
ing ministers letter.
But part of the problem is
the department itself is often
paid late by schools, therefore
making it difcult for the de-
partment to pay the teachers
bonuses and overtime fees in
a timely manner, Set said.
When payments are late, it
is because the schools them-
selves are sending payments
late, so as soon as we get it, we
pay teachers, Set said, add-
ing that his department usu-
ally pays teachers on time. As
for salary, we try to pay them
at the end of the month.
But Pen Sophy, a teacher at
Monivong High School in Bat-
tambang, said they typically
are paid overtime and bonus-
es once every three months.
They often have to make an
issue of it with the provincial
education department before
they receive their bonus and
overtime pay.
Overtime only amounts to
about $0.60 per hour, Sophy
told the Post.
The department pays us
[bonuses and overtime] once
every three months, and if we
do not protest, we will not be
paid, Sophy said.
It affects teachers liveli-
hoods. Some teachers have to
nd other sources of income,
but others do not and depend
on payments for extra ses-
sions they teach.
The Ministry of Educations
interest in provincial school
departments late payments
is a step in the right direction,
said Rong Chhun, president of
the Cambodian Independent
Teachers Association.
Teachers already earn low
wages, Chhun said, so late
payments for the extra hours
they worked can be very
According to state data,
most teachers earn between
$135 and $216 per month.
Teachers salaries are still
low, and they depend on the
money for teaching extra ses-
sions, Chhun said.
If these payments are late,
it seriously affects their liveli-
Pay teachers on
time, ofcials told
The repaired Buddha statue at Bayon Temple in Siem Reap during a reinauguration ceremony held by APSARA yesterday. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Toppled statue back in Bayon
Thik Kaliyann
Siem Reap
HE Buddha statue al-
legedly toppled and
broken into four piec-
es by New Zealand
tourist Willemijn Vermaat was
reinaugurated in a ceremony
at the ancient Bayon temple in
Siem Reap yesterday morning.
More than a hundred people
attended the three-hour event
held by the Authority for the
Protection and Management of
Angkor and the Region of Siem
Reap (APSARA), which oversees
the Angkor Wat complex.
Villagers laid owers at the
foot of the statue as a group
of sixteen monks chanted and
burned incense.
Ten APSARA ofcials carried
the heavy, 1-metre statue back
into the heart of the temple, re-
turning it to its place.
APSARA director Bun Narith
said the statues sacred powers
were now fully restored.
The statue, a replica installed
in the temple in 1988 after the
original was damaged, was
repaired on October 15 by Ap-
sara restoration workers.
Narith said APSARA will now
crack down on lone temple
wanderers.Even though we
have a sign which informs
tourists that the temple closes
at 5:30pm, our ofcials at the
temple will double-check the
enclosures. They have to make
sure there are no more tourists
in the temple after 5:30pm,
he said.
Vermaat told New Zealand
media last week that she was
told to leave the premises after
staying past the temples clos-
ing time, but hid in the jungle
and snuck back in when the
coast was clear.
Vermaat then said she
pushed the statue under the
orders of a mystical spirit
Friends of Vermaat, who is
now back in New Zealand, ex-
pressed concern she was strug-
gling with personal issues.
The Post reported on
Wednesday that charges have
been led in Vermaats case.
Siem Reap Provincial Court
ofcials conrmed this but de-
clined to elaborate, citing fur-
ther investigation.
Narith said APSARA had al-
ready asked advice from the
Council of Jurists at Cambodias
Council of Ministers on how to
proceed with the case.
Fishermen rescued in Indonesia
Phak Seangly
TWENTY Cambodian fishermen allegedly
tricked into illegally working on Thai fish-
ing boats were rescued last month and are
awaiting return, the Foreign Affairs Minis-
try said yesterday.
According to a ministry statement, the
fishermen, aged between 19 and 39, were
saved after they ported at an Indonesian
The men escaped the boats and sought
refuge from an Indonesian village chief.
One of the men later contacted World
Vision and the International Organization
for Migration (IOM) for further assistance,
according to IOM Cambodia project assist-
ant Nuth Sam Ol.
The Cambodian Embassy and IOM are
working to ensure that the fishermen are
healthy before travelling back to Cambo-
dia, Sam Ol said. We are preparing docu-
ments to have their health checked. Some
of them are sick and they did not have
healthy food or enough food when they
were on the fishing boats.
In a separate case, two Cambodian wom-
en arrived back in Phnom Penh yesterday
after allegedly being traficked to China for
marriage and then abused by their Chinese
husbands, according to the ministry state-
Ud Davy, from Kampong Chams Cham-
kaleu district, and Ou Sokny, from Prey Veng
provinces Sithor Kandal district, landed at
Phnom Penh Airport at around 3:30pm.
The Cambodian Consul in Guangzhou
cooperated with Chinese authorities to
rescue the women, the statement says.
The embassy intervened and provided
the permission paper so they can leave for
Cambodia. They did not have passports,
which are likely being kept by their hus-
bands families, said Cambodias Consul
General Hour Sophara.
Immigration snafu
US ofcial
gets 4 years
in graft case
FORMER American im-
migration officer convic-
ted of exchanging visas
for bribes with Cambodian
immigrants was sentenced to
more than four years in prison
on Monday night in California.
From 2005 until 2008, Billy
Louis Nelms Sr, 54, worked as
a federal officer in a Fraud De-
tection and National Security
unit in Santa Ana, California,
during which time he accepted
bribes of up to $5,000 in cash
from Cambodians looking for
permanent legal status in the
United States, according to
the indictment. Nelms instead
provided temporary legal sta-
tus to an undisclosed number
of Cambodian immigrants, a
statement from the US Attor-
neys Office said.
In August, Nelms was
found guilty of conspiracy,
accepting bribes and tam-
pering with a witness. His
wife, Sokhon Nelms, 60, was
also found guilty of conspi-
racy and witness tampering,
including, according to the
statement, telling a witness
to speak to no one. She is
awaiting sentencing in No-
Bungled escape ruins
robbers perfect crime
THEY say diamonds are forev-
er, but criminal convictions
usually are as well. Two men
are pondering this after being
arrested in Phnom Penhs Tuol
Kork district for snatching a
womans necklace on Monday.
The men, 27 and 23, were rid-
ing a motorcycle when they
yanked the jewellery off the
womans neck, police said. The
two men sped from the scene.
But in an unlucky turn of
events, crashed their moto
mid-escape. Police caught up
with the men and sent them to
Man drops drugs, blows
the whole operation
THREE men learned that
clumsiness can send you to
prison after one of them
accidentally dropped a pack-
age of drugs during a police
check on Wednesday. The
men, 25, 29 and 30, were rid-
ing a motorcycle in Phnom
Penhs Dangkor district when
they were stopped on suspi-
cion of driving drunk, police
said. Officers were searching
them when one of the men
dropped a packet of yama on
the ground. Police found
more drug packets hidden in
their clothes. The three men
were sent to prison. KOH
Man lies to police to
avoid angering wife
A MAN decided to face the
wrath of police instead of con-
fronting a more frightening
presence: his wife. The man,
27, reported that his car was
stolen to police in Banteay
Meancheys Poipet district on
Wednesday. After investigat-
ing, police found that he lied
about the theft after he lost his
money from a lottery and sold
his car. The man admitted to
filing the false report, saying
he was afraid that his wife
would be angered by the car
Going back for one more
lands bike thief in jail
GREED is a deadly sin for a
reason. Three men were
arrested after they stole several
motorcycles from a home in
Kratie town on Tuesday, police
said. Around midnight, the men
broke into a home where a
sleeping victim was guarding
10 motos parked on the ground
floor, police said. They success-
fully took three motos, but one
of the men decided to go back
and steal a fourth. Awake, the
victim saw the robber and
called the police. The three
men were arrested by police.
Lay off of my wedding
shoes, attacker says
A MAN was badly beaten after
he stepped on the wrong feet at
a party, police said. Pursat
town police arrested three men
after they entered the victims
house and started assaulting
him. Neighbours witnessed the
attack and called the police.
The three confessed that they
hit the victim after he refused
to apologise for stepping on
one of the mens feet during a
recent wedding. DEUMAMPIL
Translated by Sen David
Job Announcement
(Urgently needed)
Transparency International is the global civil society organization
leading the ght against corruption. Transparency International
Cambodia (TI Cambodia) is an ofcial National Contact of Transparency
International. The mission of TI Cambodia is to work together with
individuals and institutions at all levels to promote integrity and
reduce corruption in Cambodia. TI Cambodia is currently looking for
exceptional candidate to full the position as detailed below:
Position Title: Research Consultant
Duty Station: PhnomPenh
Starting Date: November 2014
Duration: 4 Months working day
November 2014 to 1
March 2015)
Report to: Director of Programs
Position Summary:
TI Cambodia is developing a research that will provide up-to-
date information on, and a better understanding of, the impacts of
corruption on SMEs. The research will: (i) describe the environment
in which businesses operate especially the legal framework and the
functioning of institutions relevant to businesses; (ii) identify and
analyse the different ways in which companies experience corruption
and the impacts of corruption on them; and (iii) assess the reaction/
response of businesses regarding corruption and the existence of
specic policies or practices.
Essential Knowledge, Experience and Skills:
Master degree in social science, economics, law or similar;
At least three-year experience in research;
Excellent skill in Khmer and English;
Advanced knowledge of Cambodia, especially of the
Cambodian business environment
Experience working on or knowledge of social and
development issues in Cambodia an advantage;
Extensive network in the private sector;
Advanced knowledge of MS Ofce Application;
Commitment to the values of Transparency International:
integrity, honesty, accountability.
The detailed position description is available on our website: ticambodia.
org/index.php/whoweare/workwithus. Interested candidates are
invited to submit a cover letter clearly indicating the post title, and
addressing the recruitment criteria along with a current CV to
recruitment@ticambodia.orgby 31
October, 2014 before 17:00 p.m.
TI Cambodia is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms
of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from all backgrounds,
women and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.
All applications will be treated with the strictest condence. Only
short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.
sons killed
in K Speu
house re
Mom Kunthear
THREE people, including an
11-year-old boy, were killed
late Wednesday night in Kam-
pong Speu provinces Phnom
Sruoch district after their
wooden house caught fire.
According to police, Khem
Muth, 47, and her two sons
Soeun Long, 19, and Soeun
Loa,11, were sleeping at the
time and could not escape.
The fire started at 10:38pm
on Wednesday night during
heavy rain, which made it dif-
ficult for neighbours to be able
to help them in time, said
provincial military police
officer Tith Vannak.
The victims only realised
the house was on fire when it
had already been burning for
five minutes. So it was a little
bit too late for them to
escape, Vannak added.
Muths husband and the chil-
drens father was not in the
house that night, Vannak said,
as he was staying at the familys
We do not know yet exactly
what caused the fire, Vannak
said, adding that police were
continuing to investigate.
According to a preliminary
investigation report from the
Kampong Speus provincial
military police, a mini-bus
parked outside the house was
burned out.
The report hypothesises that
the fire may have started at the
bus, either through an electri-
cal fault or from a lightning
strike, or because its gas tank
Its a bird, its a plane, its . . . Spider-Man?
A kite seller on National Road 4, connecting Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville, takes a rest on the side of the road in Kampong Speu earlier this week.

This week in biz
Ministry of Commerce
defends donations
THE Ministry of Commerce
said there was nothing
untoward about $5,000 in
cash donations it received
from the Garment
Manufacturers Assocation in
Cambodia or that GMAC
paid for country club
memberships of several
senior officials. The Ministry
said it had solicited donations
to support troops in Preah
Vihear. It is really a voluntary
donation from partner
organisations, and not even
remotely related to illegal
donations or corruption,
spokesman Ken Ratha said in
an open letter on Facebook.
Cambodia will need
skilled agro workers
PICH Sophoan, secretary of
state for the Ministry of
Labour and Vocational
Training, urged Cambodian
students to consider careers
in agriculture at this years
National Career Fair. Sophoan
said the country lacks skilled
employees in the less-than-
glamorous sector, though it is
Cambodias primary sector of
economic growth.
Famers ask to stabilise
shaky rubber prices
RUBBER producing nations,
including Cambodia, met last
week in Malaysia to disucss a
price stabilisaiton policy for
rubber. They urged members
not to sell rubber below $1.50
a kilogram. Price declines
impact local farmers, who are
facing an unprofitable harvest
due to a oversupply of rubber.
An agreement will be
formalised on December 12.
Cassava needs Q4 catch up
Chan Muyhong

ASSAVA industry of-
cials have brushed
off concerns over
an industry-wide
slowdown amid the release of
third quarter export data.
The latest gures from the
Ministry of Agriculture show
that from January to Sep-
tember, Cambodia exported
about 1.2 million tonnes of
cassava. The third quarter
gure is equal to just 62 per
cent of last years annual ex-
port total of more than 2 mil-
lion tonnes.
Despite the underwhelming
result, Heng Chhunhy, dep-
uty director of Plant Protec-
tion and Phytosanitary Ofce
(PPPSO), said yesterday that
he was condent the indus-
try would be able to produce
the remaining 800,000 tonnes
over the nal three months of
the year.
We will see the number
jump up dramatically starting
from October until January
when farmers in every prov-
ince will harvest their crop,
Chhunhy said.
With cassava taking some 8
months to reach full-grown,
farmers are forced to wait un-
til December before harvest-
ing their crops.
Chhunhy cited annual in-
creases in demand for cassa-
va since 2010 when the Chi-
nese government rst agreed
to import the plant root crop
from Cambodian farmers
provided they adhere to that
countrys strict health and
customs protocols.
I expect the cassava export
gure to remain the same as
last year, or even see a slight
increase as China continues
to agree to purchase more
cassava from Cambodia, he
said, adding that 47 local cas-
sava companies have so far re-
ceived import approval from
the Chinese government.
Sim Thavareak, deputy di-
rector of Kampong Cham Pro-
vincial Agriculture Depart-
ment, however, said it was too
early to tell if cassava exports
will equal last years total.
We cannot say yet that the
gure is declining as farmers
have not even started harvest-
ing the crop. We will know by
years end, but I do not think
it will decrease, he said, cit-
ing the 60,000 hectares of
land currently producing cas-
sava for export.
The gure is likely to re-
main the same as last year.
Moul Sam, the accoun-
tant for cassava export firm,
Chamroeun Chey Company,
based in Pailin province,
was similarly confident that
volumes would pick up over
the fourth quarter of 2014,
however raised concerns
over price.
I hope the price will be
good once harvest season
does arrive, he said.
Price usually is good at
early harvest season as de-
mand higher than supply
But that can taper off towards
the tail end of the season.
A farmer picks cassava at a eld in Pailin in 2011. From January to September, Cambodia exported 1.2 million tonnes of cassava. HENG CHIVOAN
Indicative Exchange Rates as of 22/10/2014. Please contact ANZ Royal Global Markets on 023 999 910 for real time rates.
Chatrudee Theparat
HE Thai government
plans to auction new
petroleum conces-
sions for 29 onshore
and offshore blocks next Feb-
ruary, expecting to draw in-
vestment of 5 billion baht over
the next three to ve years.
The National Energy Policy
Committee, chaired by Prime
Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha,
on Wednesday OKd the Ener-
gy Ministrys proposal to open
a new round of bidding for pe-
troleum concessions in its ef-
fort to secure energy supplies.
The decision to approve the
concessions was made while
a group of protesters, led by
well-known activist Kamolpan
Cheewapansri, held a rally
near Government House.
The group delivered a peti-
tion to General Prayut, urging
him to scrap the concession
plan and raise prices for die-
sel, liqueed petroleum gas
and natural gas for vehicles.
The junta did not attempt to
halt the protest, and did not
explain why it tolerated the
illegal gathering of more than
ve people, along with a simi-
lar demonstration last week,
also led by Kamolpan.
The new bidding round, the
twenty-rst, will be the rst
since 2007, with the political
crisis partly responsible for
the interruption in auctions.
Interested investors must
submit proposals by February
18, said Deputy Energy Secre-
tary Kurujit Nakornthap.
He also said the government
has tried its best to stay away
from environmentally sensi-
tive areas such as national
parks, major tourism destina-
tions, wildlife sanctuaries and
Class A watershed areas.
Of the 29 blocks up for auc-
tion, six are offshore in the
Gulf of Thailand and 23 on-
shore, mostly in the Northeast.
The blocks on offer will allow
Thailand to tap an estimated
volume of 1 to 5 trillion cubic
feet of natural gas and 20-50
million barrels of crude oil.
Kurujit said more impor-
tantly, the new bids would
bolster foreign investment
sentiment in the country.
This would bring in at least
5 billion baht in new invest-
ment and add more than
20,000 new jobs in petroleum
production and exploration as
well as related industries, he
Thailand to auction
29 petroleum sites
Caesars expands to Manila
Stephanie Wong, Cecilia Yap and
Siegfrid Alegado

AESARS Entertain-
ment Corp, the larg-
est operator of US
casinos, is seeking
a license from the Philippine
government to build a $1 bil-
lion resort in the country, bet-
ting on luring gamblers from
across Asia.
Chairman Gary Loveman
and Steven Tight, president
of the Las Vegas-based casino
owners international develop-
ment unit, held preliminary
talks with Philippine President
Benigno Aquino last month in
the United Statese to discuss
the possibility of building the
resort in the Southeast Asian
country, Tight said in a phone
interview Tuesday.
Theres no major inter-
national brand currently in
Manila, he said. Theres a
chance to create something
that will drive tourism, that
will really put Manila on the
regional tourism map.
The Philippines awarded
four licenses in 2008 and 2009
to casino operators owned by
billionaires including James
Packer, Lawrence Ho and En-
rique Razon to build resorts in
the 120-hectare Entertainment
City, a Las Vegas-style complex
designed to compete with
Singapores and Macaus gam-
bling markets. Each licensee
agreed to invest $1 billion over
ve years.
The countrys gaming regu-
lator hasnt granted any new
licenses under Aquinos term,
which started in 2010, said
Philippine Amusement &
Gaming Chairman Cristino
Naguiat, who this week con-
rmed Aquinos discussion
with Caesars. The company
approached the government
to seek a license and approval
for the lease of the land next
to Ninoy Aquino Internation-
al Airport, about 4.7 kilome-
tres from Entertainment City,
Tight said.
A Philippine resort would
benet from the increasing
number of South Korean trav-
ellers to the country as well as
tourists from southern China,
according to Tight.
More than 20 per cent of
tourists in the Southeast Asian
country came from South Ko-
rea in the rst seven months
of the year, according to the
tourism department. This was
followed by the US with 16 per
cent of the total, and China
with 9 per cent. BLOOMBERG
Solaire Manila Resorts and Casino in the Philippines. Caesars is the latest casino company to set up shop in
Manila, hoping to attract gamblers away from Macau. AFP
The growing appetite for advertising
WHILE business continues to boom
in Cambodia, so has the amount of
advertising seen on a daily basis.
Cambodian businesses spent three
times more on advertising in 2013
than they did 10 years ago, according
to Brian Beagan, managing director of
Bridge Marketing Services Cambodia
one of the countrys largest advertising
agencies with past clients including
Manulife, Pepsi and Angkor Beer.
This week, the Posts May Kunma-
kara spoke with Beagan about Cam-
bodias growing appetite for advertising
and how its fuelling the growth.
Give us a rundown on Cambodias edg-
ling advertising market?
Cambodia is a small market com-
pared to our larger neighbours, Thai-
land and Vietnam. Also the country
started much later than they did with
consumer-driven economies whereby
advertising is an integral part.
This smaller market size is the rea-
son why global agencies found it dif-
cult to make money and pulled out of
Cambodia, and now operate it as part
of a regional Indochina business unit.
Cambodia will grow and its advertis-
ing industry will become more experi-
enced and sophisticated and start to
produce more of its own advertising.
Similarly, Cambodia business will in-
creasingly develop an understanding
of the commercial value in advertising
to build brands and businesses.
Bridge has this perspective. After
a historical low level of business and
consumer condence in advertising, it
is picking up. So 2014 and 2015 will be
bigger markets than 2013. An increas-
ing numbers of SMEs using advertis-
ing is an indicator of this.
Which sectors spend the most on adver-
Historically telecoms were the big-
gest spenders, but for the last three
years they have been overtaken by
beverages, including soft drinks and
alcohol, also consumer goods. There
is a lack of research on expenditure
across all media platforms, but unof-
cially advertising expenditure is esti-
mated to have from grown over the last
decade from $150 million annually to
$500 million today.
With 96 per cent of homes owning
a TV set, it is no surprise that televi-
sion dominates the media industry as
the way to reach people. Over 50 per
cent of media expenditure is on TV
advertising followed by billboards and
banners, then radio, newspapers and
magazines. Events and exhibitions
also play a big role.
Media efciency can only be dened
by measurement, and not all those
tools are in place. However, the most
used media strategy is to use the pow-
er of TV to reach people at home, then
use banners and billboards to reach
them on the move 24/7, therefore ex-
tending the duration of the campaign.
How will the governments ban on beer
and alcohol related advertisement during
prime time hurt revenue?
It is not a surprise for me as the same
restriction was applied in Thailand
a decade ago. Moreover, all over the
world such a restriction, or even total
prohibition, exists for beer and alcohol
Personally, I think that the restric-
tion will have little effect on peoples
behaviour. Alternative media and TV
time buying strategies can be devised
to reach drinkers effectively. However,
anything that cuts the link between
people being encouraged to drink
then jumping into their car is to be
In the short term there may be some
revenue reduction as breweries pull
out of prime time and other category
advertisers take time to revise their
plans and strategies. But that would
surprise me because the restriction
provides an immediate opportunity
for others to take advantage of the
available premium time.

Is this kind of advertising ban common?
I have seen such restrictions and
prohibitions wherever in the world I
have worked. Not only in TV but all
media; not only alcohol but also to-
bacco, pharmaceuticals and the like.
Such actions are for the benet of so-
ciety and should be supported by the
industry provided they are developed,
imposed and sanctioned in a transpar-
ent and even-handed manner.
What will catalyse the advertising indus-
trys growth here in Cambodia?
The arrival of modern superstores
like Aeon Mall from Japan, the upcom-
ing Parkson Mall from Malaysia and
the like, reect the regions positive
opinion on the prospects for consum-
er growth in Cambodia and the adver-
tising industry will follow.
The industry has to increase its
creative output and professionalism
to match and then keep pace with
an increasingly successful countrys
emergent middle class. With more
disposable income and increased so-
phistication, a general understanding
of brands and how they t into an im-
proved lifestyle should follow.
This interview has been edited for
length and clarity.
Brian Beagan, managing director of Bridge Marketing Services, one of Cambodias
biggest advertising agencies, was established since 2009. EDDIE MORTON
Landmark ruling for gender discrimination in Japan
JAPANS top court yesterday said that
employers cannot discriminate
against pregnant women by demoting
them or denying requests for lighter
work, in a key test case as Tokyo tries
to boost the profile of working
The ruling from the Supreme Court
its first on a practice known as
maternity harassment will likely
be embraced by Japanese mothers
who say they hit a glass ceiling at work
once they become pregnant.
Under the gender equality law for
employment opportunities, it is illegal
and invalid to discharge or treat dis-
advantageously a female worker due
to her pregnancy and delivery (of a
child), as well as due to her request for
maternity leave or a lighter workload,
the court said.
The five-judge panel added that
even if a worker accepts a demotion
owing to pregnancy, they need to
make the decision after receiving a
proper explanation from the employ-
er and understand the consequences
The case stems from an unnamed
hospital physiotherapist who had
asked to be moved to a section with a
less-strenuous workload after she
became pregnant.
She agreed to move into a position
with lower seniority as part of the
move, but she was kept at the lower
post after she returned from mater-
nity leave, which she said was not part
of the agreement with her employer.
Lower courts had ruled against the
woman, noting she had accepted the
demotion willingly. The top courts rul-
ing yesterday means that the lower
panel will have to look at the issue
again and reconsider its decision.
Japans gender woes
The new ruling comes amid grow-
ing calls at home and abroad for
Japan to make better use of its highly-
educated but underemployed wom-
en as a rapidly ageing population
strains the public purse.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has
made raising the profile of women in
the workforce a key part of his wider
bid to revive the worlds number-three
economy, as part of his economic
revival plan Abenomics.
Abe is calling for women to occupy
30 per cent of senior positions by 2020,
an ambitious jump from the current
11 per cent, one of the lowest among
wealthy nations.
But the task is a daunting one in a
country where sexist attitudes are still
prevalent and men dominate politics
and business. Many women in Japan
are also expected to quit their jobs
upon marriage or childbirth.
Japans female labour participation
rate stands at 62.5 per cent, compared
with 80.6 per cent for men, according
to Goldman Sachs. The investment
bank released its own report on the
issue, entitled Womenomics 4.0
advising Japan on the potential of
closing the gender gap.
In May, the banks Chief Japan Strat-
egist Kathy Matsui told Bloomberg
that Japan could raise its gross domes-
tic product by as much as 13 per cent
if women received the same employ-
ment opportunities as men.
Japan ranked 105 for gender ine-
quality in a 2013 ranking compiled by
the World Economic Forum, one spot
behind Cambodia, but well behind
countries like China, Thailand, and
Australia. AFP
The view from the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. The bank acknowledged the need for a weaker euro to avoid deation. AFP
Currency wars steal inflation
David Goodman, Lucy Meakin
and Ye Xie

URRENCY wars are
back, though this
time the goal is to
steal ination, not
growth. Brazil Finance Minis-
ter Guido Mantega popular-
ised the term currency war
in 2010 to describe policies
employed at the time by major
central banks to boost the com-
petitiveness of their economies
through weaker currencies.
Now, many see lower ex-
change rates as a way to avoid
crippling deation.
Weak price growth is stiing
economies from the euro re-
gion to Israel and Japan. Eight
of the 10 currencies with the
biggest forecasted declines
through 2015 are from nations
that are either in deation or
pursuing policies that weak-
en their exchange rates, data
compiled by Bloomberg show.
This beggar-thy-neighbour
policy is not about rebalanc-
ing, not about growth, Da-
vid Bloom, the global head of
currency strategy at London-
based HSBC Holdings. This
is about deation, exporting
your deationary problems to
someone else.
Bloom puts it in these terms
because, when one jurisdic-
tion weakens its exchange rate,
anothers gets stronger, mak-
ing imported goods cheaper.
Deation is a both a conse-
quence of, and contributor
to, the global economic slow-
down thats pushing the euro
region closer to recession and
reducing demand for exports
from countries such as China
and New Zealand.
Bank of Japan Governor Har-
uhiko Kuroda said last month
hed welcome a lower exchange
rate to help meet his ination
target and may extend the na-
tions unprecedented stimulus
program to achieve that.
Like his Japanese counter-
part, European Central Bank
President Mario Draghi has
acknowledged the need for a
weaker euro to avoid deation
and make exports more com-
petitive, though hes denied
targeting the exchange rate
After the Argentine peso,
which is plunging following
a debt default and devalua-
tion, the yen will be the biggest
loser among major currencies
by the end of 2015, according
to median strategist forecasts
compiled by Bloomberg as of
Tuesday. A 6.1 per cent decline
is predicted, which would
build on a 5.3 per cent slide
since June. The euro is also
expected to be among the 10
biggest losers, with strategists
seeing a 5.6 percent drop.
growth at-lined in the sec-
ond quarter, while Germany,
Europes biggest economy, re-
duced its 2014 expansion fore-
cast this month to 1.2 per cent.
Disinationary pressures are
also creeping into central and
eastern Europe, but a weaker
exchange rate could help.
Marie Heuclin and Max Delany
FRENCH oil giant Total on
Wednesday named new boss-
es to lead one of the worlds
biggest energy companies
after its chief executive was
killed in Moscow when his pri-
vate jet hit a snowplough as it
was taking off.
The boardroom shakeup
came as the snowplough driv-
er said he had lost his bearings
and strayed on to the runway,
and reports emerged that a
novice air trafc controller
was in charge of directing the
doomed plane.
In Paris, Total executives
decided at an emergency
meeting to bring back Thi-
erry Desmarest who was
both chairman and chief
executive at Total from 1995
to 2007 as chairman of the
group after Christophe de
Margeries death in Monday
nights accident.
Desmarest, who had once
prepared De Margerie for the
top job, now appears to have
been asked to do the same for
newly named chief executive
Philippe Pouyanne, who cur-
rently heads the rening and
chemicals division.
He will stay on until the
end of 2015 when Pouyanne
is expected to be ready to
assume the chairmans job
as well, ensuring a smooth
transition after the death
of 63-year-old De Margerie,
known by the affectionate
nickname Big Moustache.
Russian President Vladimir
Putin described De Margerie
as a true friend of our country,
whom we will remember with
the greatest warmth. Desmar-
est was an outspoken critic of
Western sanctions against
Russia over the Ukraine crisis.
Even as relations between
the West and Russia dete-
riorated to the worst since
the Cold War, the French oil
boss had criticised the sanc-
tions, calling them a dead-
end and urging construc-
tive dialogue.
Total shares gained 0.37 per
cent to close at 44.59, re-
covering from a low point hit
before the new appointments
were made.
In Moscow, French investi-
gators joined a local team to
probe the accident, which Rus-
sian experts said was caused
by criminal negligence on the
part of senior airport ofcials.
Three crew members were
killed along with De Margerie.
Investigators began analys-
ing the jets black boxes, which
record the ight history and
conversations in the cockpit.
Questions rose over the safety
of the Vnukovo airport used
often by VIPs, as airport sourc-
es said a novice was in charge
of directing the plane at the
time of the crash.
It is a young woman who
was hired in August, one
source told AFP on condition
of anonymity, conrming sev-
eral Russian media reports.
RIA Novosti state news
agency quoted an air trafc
controller however as saying
that such newcomers would
always be supervised by a
more experienced colleague.
Snowplough driver Vladi-
mir Martynenko, accused by
investigators of having been
drunk on the job, told inves-
tigators in footage aired on
Russian television he had
got lost.
His lawyer told state televi-
sion that Martynenko does
not drink because of a heart
condition. AFP
Total selects a new
CEO as Russia probes
deadly plane crash
International commodities
Thailand Vietnam
Singapore Malaysia
Hong Kong China
Japan Taiwan
Thai Set 50 Index, Oct 22
FTSE Straits Times Index, Oct 22 FTSE BursaMalaysiaKLCI, Oct 22
Hang Seng Index, Oct 22 CSI 300 Index, Oct 22
Nikkei 225, Oct 22 Taiwan Taiex Index, Oct 22
Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Oct 22
2,418.64 23,403.97
1,796.22 3,202.74
601.59 1,016.39
South Korea Philippines
Laos Indonesia
India Pakistan
Australia New Zealand
KRX 100 Index, Oct 22 PSEI - Philippine Se Idx, Oct 22
Laos Composite Index, Oct 22 Jakarta Composite Index, Oct 22
BSE Sensex 30 Index, Oct 22 Karachi 100 Index, Oct 22
S&P/ASX 200 Index, Oct 22 NZX 50 Index, Oct 22
29,974.47 26,783.54
5,074.32 1,431.58
7,154.22 4,024.99
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Gasoline R 5250 5450 3.81 %
Diesel R 5100 5200 1.96 %
Petroleum R 5500 5500 0.00 %
Gas Chi 86000 76000 -11.63 %
Charcoal Baht 1200 1300 8.33 %
Construction equipment
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Rice 1 R/Kg 2800 2780 -0.71 %
Rice 2 R/Kg 2200 2280 3.64 %
Paddy R/Kg 1800 1840 2.22 %
Peanuts R/Kg 8000 8100 1.25 %
Maize 2 R/Kg 2000 2080 4.00 %
Cashew nut R/Kg 4000 4220 5.50 %
Pepper R/Kg 40000 24000 -40.00 %
Beef R/Kg 33000 33600 1.82 %
Pork R/Kg 17000 18200 7.06 %
Mud Fish R/Kg 12000 12400 3.33 %
Chicken R/Kg 18000 20800 15.56 %
Duck R/Kg 13000 13100 0.77 %
Item Unit Base Average (%)
Steel 12 R/Kg 3000 3100 3.33 %
Cement R/Sac 19000 19500 2.63 %
Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits
Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012)
Crude Oil (WTI) USD/bbl. 92.28 -0.02 -0.02% 3:20:13
Crude Oil (Brent) USD/bbl. 111.44 0.13 0.12% 3:20:56
NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu 3.89 0 -0.05% 3:19:29
RBOBGasoline USd/gal. 270.65 0.82 0.30% 22:35:27
NYMEX Heating Oil USd/gal. 305.4 0.71 0.23% 1:32:44
ICEGasoil USD/MT 944 3.75 0.40% 3:19:51
CBOT Rough Rice USD/cwt 15.84 0.1 0.60% 14:14:53
CME Lumber USD/tbf 361.2 -0.2 -0.06% 17:00:00
Roberto A Ferdman
MIRNOFF Ice, the citrus-fla-
vored malt beverage first pop-
ularised in the United States in
the early 2000s, isnt the sort of
alcoholic beverage people brag about
keeping in their fridge. Its low in alco-
hol, high in sugar, and was even the
butt of an extended viral joke (ok,
game) in which people were tricked
into drinking it.
Look no further than a tortured New
York Times explanation of icing, the
aforementioned game, for evidence of
the drinks awfulness. The game, as the
Times notes, was fairly straightfor-
ward: Hand a friend a sugary Smirnoff
Ice malt beverage and he (most par-
ticipants have been men) has to drink
it on one knee. The game hinged on
a fairly universal understanding that
Smirnoff Ice is famously bad, or, at the
very least, a famously embarrassing
thing to be caught drinking. For that
very reason the drinks recognised
terribleness the game went viral.
But like most jokes, the game ran its
course. Icing is no longer a thing. Nor,
one would think, should be drinking
Smirnoff Ice anymore. And yet, surpris-
ingly, people around the world still do.
Specifically people in North America,
Oceania, and parts of Latin America.
The good news is that the worlds
biggest Smirnoff Ice drinkers arent
American theyre Costa Rican. No
country, as it turns out, continues to
twist open Smirnoff Ices quite like
Costa Rica, where per capita con-
sumption is nearly 17 ounces (almost
a bottle and a half per person per year),
according to data from market
research firm Euromonitor. New Zea-
land, where people drink about an
ounce less each year (still well over a
bottle), is second; Canada, where peo-
ple drink just under 14 ounces, is third;
and Australia, where people drink just
over 13 ounces, is fourth.
The bad news is that Americans still
bought more than 300 million bottles
of the stuff last year (roughly 12 ounc-
es per person), the fifth most per
capita, and enough for everyone in the
country to sneak in a bottle of Smirnoff
Ice and then tell nobody about it. This
is how the rest of the top Smirnoff Ice
drinking nations looks.
The list is fairly diverse. Venezuela,
Norway, Cameroon, Brazil, and Ire-
land five wildly different countries
round out the top ten, and every con-
tinent, save for Antarctica, is repre-
sented. Its also pretty top-heavy. Very
few countries only the top five
managed at least a bottle per person
last year.
More broadly it seems that a lot of
the world is embarrassed about linger-
ing Smirnoff Ice cravings, and adjust-
ing accordingly. Global sales of
Smirnoff Ice are
falling they are
down by roughly
22 per cent since
2004, by Eurom-
onitors measure.
The dip has been
especially pro-
nounced among
some of the worlds
heaviest drinkers.
In the United
States, sales have
fallen in each of the
last seven years, and are down by more
than 52 per cent since their peak in
2006. Purchases have also been on the
decline in New Zealand and Australia,
where they have halved since 2008 and
2007, respectively, and in Canada,
where they have fallen by more than
25 per cent since 2006.
A few countries, however, dont
appear to have gotten the memo.
Most notably, the joke seems to have
been lost on Costa Rica, where per
capita sales arent merely the highest
in the world theyre growing, too. But
sales of Smirnoff Ice are also on their
way up in a handful of other places,
including Japan, where they jumped
by more than 17 per cent last year,
Thailand and Colombia, where rose
by 8 per cent last year, respectively.
And Portugal, Nigeria, Kenya, Sweden,
Venezuela, and, even, Germany, where
sales are still rising, though more mod-
Believe it or not, people
still drink Smirnoff Ice
Strikes in
Syria kill
over 500
US-LED air strikes in Syria were
reported yesterday to have killed more
than 500 jihadists in a month, as fight-
ing raged in the embattled border
town of Kobane.
A journalist across the frontier in
Turkey reported fierce clashes in sev-
eral parts of Kobane yesterday.
The towns Kurdish defenders have
been holding out against an assault
by the Islamic State group for more
than a month, buoyed in recent days
by a promise of Iraqi Kurd reinforce-
ments and US air drops of weapons.
The strikes have killed 553 people
since their launch, the Syrian Observ-
atory for Human Rights said, including
464 IS fighters and 57 militants from
al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front.
Thirty-two civilians have also been
killed, including six children and five
women, said the Britain-based
Observatory, which relies on a wide
network of sources inside Syria.
Observatory director Rami Abdel
Rahman said the vast majority of
jihadists killed in the strikes were not
Syrians but foreign fighters who had
joined IS and Nusra in the country.
After first focusing on Iraq, the coa-
lition has dramatically expanded its
strikes in Syria in recent days, includ-
ing at Kobane, which has become
crucial in the fight against IS.
The jihadist group launched an
offensive against the town last month,
as it seeks to expand its control over
large parts of Syria and Iraq.
After initially losing ground, the
Kobane Kurds have fought back hard,
with the US military saying they had
halted the IS advance and held most
of the town.
But local officials say the exhausted
fighters are in desperate need of relief
and anxious for promised reinforce-
ments from Iraqs autonomous Kurd-
ish region.
Iraqi Kurdish lawmakers in their
capital Arbil agreed on Wednesday to
send their peshmerga fighters, after
Turkey this week said it would allow
them to travel to Kobane.
Mustafa Qader, responsible for the
peshmerga, said a decision would be
made in the coming days about how
many to send. He did not say when
the forces would arrive in Syria, but
added that they will remain there
until they are no longer needed.
Meanwhile, a Malaysian court yes-
terday charged three men with sup-
porting the Islamic State after they
were arrested while attempting to
leave the country to join the militants
fighting in Iraq and Syria. AFP
Canada wont be intimidated
by attack on parliament: PM
ANADAS prime minister
vowed the country would
not be intimidated after
a reported Muslim convert
stormed parliament and killed a sol-
dier, the nations second terrorist
attack in days.
The gunman, whose name was on
a terror watch list, attempted to force
his way into Canadas parliament on
Wednesday before the assemblys
sergeant-at-arms shot him dead.
The attack the second this week
targeting Canadian military person-
nel came as Canadian jets were to
join the US-led bombing campaign
against Islamist militants in Iraq.
Canada will never be intimidat-
ed, Prime Minister Stephen Harper
told the nation in a televised address
after the shootings on Wednesday.
In fact, this will lead us to strength-
en our resolve and redouble our ef-
forts and those of national security
agencies to take all necessary steps
to identify and counter threats and
keep Canada safe, he said.
The spectacular security breach
came two days after an alleged Isla-
mist ran over two soldiers in Quebec,
killing one of them, in what ofcials
branded a terrorist attack.
The suspect, Michael Zehaf-Bi-
beau who was said to be a convert to
Islam, had a record of drug offences
and robbery.
Dave Bathurst, who met the 32-
year-old Zehaf-Bibeau in a mosque
about three years ago, said his friend
did not at rst appear to have extrem-
ist views, the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation reported. But he said at
times he exhibited a disturbing side.
We were having a conversation
and I dont know how he worded
it. He said the devil is after him,
Bathurst told the the CBC. He said
his friend frequently talked about the
presence of Shaytan in the world an
Arabic term for the devil. I think he
must have been mentally ill.
Bathurst last saw Zehaf-Bibeau
praying in a mosque in the Vancouver
area six weeks ago and said he spoke
of wanting to go to the Middle East.
He insisted he was only going
abroad with the intent of learning
about Islam and to study Arabic,
Bathurst said.
Zehaf-Bibeau was considered a
high risk suspect, according to re-
ports, whose passport had been con-
scated to prevent him joining jihad-
ists abroad. He rst shot and killed a
soldier who was on ceremonial guard
at a war memorial on Parliament Hill
in Ottawa, before storming into the
nearby parliament building.
The slain soldier was named as
Corporal Nathan Cirillo. At least
three people were admitted to hos-
pital with minor injuries.
The attacker was killed, report-
edly by a shot red by the bearer of
the House of Commons ceremo-
nial mace, Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin
Vickers, who was hailed as a hero by
lawmakers. Ottawa Mayor Jim Wat-
son said it appeared the shooter had
acted alone.
Lawmakers, staff and reporters,
evacuated from the historic build-
ing, spoke of intense gunre inside.
A member of parliament, Maurice
Vellacott, said that House of Com-
mons security had told one of his
aides the suspect had been killed
inside parliament.
I heard this pop, pop possibly
10 shots, I dont really know, Liberal
Party member John McKay said.
Passers-by told reporters that a
bearded man had gunned down the
soldier and hijacked a passing ve-
hicle to take him the short distance
to parliament.
Local media reported that the
suspect, raised in Laval, Quebec,
about 10 miles (16 kilometres) from
Montreal, had an extensive criminal
record, including robbery and drug
charges to which he pleaded guilty.
A photo of Zehaf-Bibeau circulated
in the Canadian media, shows him
with a scarf over the lower half of his
face aiming a rie straight ahead.
Harper had been scheduled to be-
stow honorary Canadian citizenship
on Nobel Peace prize winner Malala
Yousafzai, who was shot by the Tali-
ban in Pakistan for campaigning for
girls right to education, on Wednes-
day in Toronto. The ceremony will be
rescheduled, his ofce said.
On Monday, 25-year-old Martin
Couture-Rouleau mowed down two
soldiers near Montreal, killing one of
them, before being shot dead by po-
lice as he emerged from his wrecked
car wielding a knife. Couture-Rou-
leau was reportedly a supporter of
the jihadist Islamic State group op-
erating in Iraq and Syria, and on the
same watch list as Zehaf-Bibeau.
The two attacks came days after
Canadian authorities warned they
were tracking 90 suspects, and intel-
ligence has indicated an individual
or group within Canada or abroad
has the intent and capability to com-
mit an act of terrorism. AFP
Police and medical personnel move a wounded Canadian soldier into an ambulance at the scene of a shooting at the National War
Memorial in Ottawa on Wednesday. AFP
USTRALIA stepped up security around
Parliament House yesterday and Prime
Minister Tony Abbott expressed solidarity
with Ottawa after a gunman attempted to
storm Canadas legislature.
Justice Minister Michael Keenan said the government
would boost security measures around Canberras
parliament buildings on top of a recent tightening of
measures imposed after Australia last month raised its
terror alert level from medium to high.
There will be an enhanced Australian Federal
Police presence around the building, Keenan told
the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
We will obviously continue to monitor the situation
to make sure the deployment around the building is
appropriate for what we assess to be the risk.
He stressed that there were no specific threats
that were aware of that would give us cause
for concern.
The increased security measures include extra
police around the Canadian High Commission, The
Sydney Morning Herald reported.
Abbott said he was confident of responding to any
attacks on parliament, with security arrangements at
government buildings and military bases constantly
under review. AFP
With extra
Indian widows wave sparklers as
they participate in the ve-day
celebration of Diwali, the Hindu
festival of lights, on the banks of
the Yamuna River in the northern
city of Vrindavan on Tuesday.
The women, who chanted as they
walked through the streets of
Vrindavan to mark Diwali, are
widows who have left or been
abandoned by their families.
Until recently, they were kept
hidden from society and all but
forbidden to celebrate. But that is
now changing, and local residents
cheered the women on as they
passed through the streets of the
temple-lled town, many proudly
wearing brand new saris gifted
by a local organisation. AFP
Ebola sleuths scour DR Congo
jungle for source of outbreak
Kathy Katayi
EDICAL detec-
tives are deep in
the jungle of the
DR Congo trying
to track down the origins of
the latest Ebola outbreak in
the country.
It is a different strain than
the one that has swept three
West African countries this
year, killing nearly 4,900, and
its toll of 49 so far is extremely
modest in comparison.
Their all-terrain vehicles
bounce along gutted roads
in the northwest of the vast
country where the outbreak
began in late July and has
been contained.
Pinning down its source,
and learning more about how
it acts and develops, are keys
to ghting the virus better.
The epidemic in the Lokolia
region of Equateur province
some 800 kilometres north-
east of the capital Kinshasa
is the seventh in the country
since the virus was rst dis-
covered in 1976.
As a result, the DR Congo is
more familiar with the disease
than the countries engulfed
in the current crisis Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone but
its secrets persist.
The DR Congo outbreak
was initially traced to a wom-
an who died shortly after pre-
paring bush meat that that
been hunted by her husband,
a pastor. Today experts are al-
most certain that she was not
the index case.
She was the rst person to
have tested positive for the
disease in the lab, but not the
rst person to die of it, Benoit
Kebela, an epidemiologist at
the DR Congo health minis-
try, said. Kebela, who recently
spent some time helping out
in Guinea, is a veteran of sev-
eral Ebola epidemics in the
DR Congo.
Around 15 kilometres
southwest of Lokolia, three
doctors get out of the vehicle
in Ikanamongo, a village of a
few cinder-block houses with
roofs fashioned from tree
A few dozen people rush to
meet the team, but they keep
their distance to avoid any
possible contamination.
The pastor, Doudou Bobua,
said his late wife came into
contact with two other wom-
en, one of whom died before
her, showing Ebola symptoms,
and the other two days after.
Another Ikanamongo resi-
dent, Jean-Paul Iloko, said
that before the epidemic hit
the village, all the pigs died as
well as some other farmyard
Other accounts gathered in
the region conrm that a por-
cine fever epidemic preceded
the Ebola outbreak. When
[the pigs] were dying we were
eating them without knowing
that we shouldnt, Iloko said.
Kebela said it was the third
time, after 2007 and 2012, that
widespread pig deaths had
preceded Ebola outbreaks in
humans in the DR Congo.
And it has been established
that the pigs that died in
2012 carried the Ebola virus,
he said.
The Paris-based World Ani-
mal Health Organisation said
its veterinarians in Africa are
closely monitoring livestock
and pets but that for now the
role of the pig in the Ebola ep-
idemic remains uncertain.
There are suspicions, but
no one has proved the trans-
mission of pig to human, Ke-
bela said.
As a precaution, the authori-
ties have nevertheless banned
consumption of both bush
meat and livestock. We are
eating manioc leaves, thats
it, one resident complained.
After the Ikanamongo visit,
the team planned to work the
environmental angle, repli-
cating their work during the
2012 epidemic when they
took soil samples from places
where people prepared the
dead for burial.
We were able to pin down
the start of the virus, and that
even conrmed to us some
cases that we had not spot-
ted, Kebela said.
The investigation contin-
ues. AFP
Iguala city hall burns after unknown men set re to it in Mexicos
Guerrero state on Wednesday. AFP
MEXICO on Wednesday or-
dered the arrest of the mayor
of the city of Iguala, his wife
and an aide, charging they
masterminded last months
attack that left six students
dead and 43 missing.
Carrying torches and can-
dles, tens of thousands of
people marched through
Mexico City and other cities
to protest the disappearance
of the students.
We shall overcome, pro-
testers shouted with clenched
sts in the air. Marching were
students, teachers, farmers
and activists joining relatives
of the missing students.
They took them away alive.
We want them back alive, ran
another slogan.
The march was peaceful.
The town hall gave the gure
of participation at 45,000.
Protesters carried large
black and white photos of the
missing and called out their
names, one by one, as if in a
roll call in class, followed by
the word present.
I am indignant over what
happened. They could have
been my students, my broth-
ers, my children, said Jorge
de la Pena, a psychology pro-
fessor at the National Auton-
omous University of Mexico.
Mexican authorities have
searched in vain for any trace
of the teachers college stu-
dents who disappeared on
September 26, in a case that
has sparked national and in-
ternational outrage, includ-
ing mass demonstrations
that saw the Iguala city hall
torched on Wednesday.
Arrest warrants have been
issued for Iguala mayor [Jose
Luis Abarca], as well as his
wife and public safety chief,
as the individuals who likely
organised the events that took
place in Iguala, Attorney Gen-
eral Jesus Murillo Karam said.
Abarca gave police the or-
der to confront students,
who were known for frequent
protests, so that they would
not derail a public event by his
wife, the head of a local state
childrens protection charity.
Authorities say corrupt of-
cials and police worked hand-
in-hand with the Guerreros
Unidos drug cartel in the at-
tack, which could prove to be
one of the worst slaughters
that Mexico has witnessed
since the drug war intensied
in 2006.
The mayors wife, Maria de
los Angeles Pineda, is a sister
of at least three known drug
trafckers, and the couple has
ties to Guerreros Unidos, au-
thorities said.
Searchers are still desper-
ately combing the area for the
missing students by land and
air, almost a month later.
The torching was the second
incident in which demonstra-
tors set re to local buildings
in Iguala in as many days. On
Tuesday, 500 teachers set re
to a political party ofce in the
capital, Chilpancingo.
Armed with pipes and sticks,
the protesters burst into in the
state headquarters of the Dem-
ocratic Revolutionary Party
demanding the resignation of
governor Angel Aguirre.
This week, the govern-
ment announced a reward of
$110,000 for information in
the disappearance of the stu-
dents. AFP
Warrant out for mayor
accused of ordering
Mexico student attack
HK civil servants show

support for protesters
HONG Kong civil servants have
taken to Facebook to anonym-
ously voice support for ongoing
democracy protests on a public
page that points to unease
among some of those working
at the heart of the citys govern-
ment. The postings come as a
group of 1,300 civil servants hit
back yesterday at their union
bosses, who had criticised the
protesters earlier this week. The
group said in the Ming Pao
newspaper that they believed
the peaceful and nonviolent
principle of the movement was
being upheld by protesters. AFP
Cultural Revolution is
evoked with sentencing
CHINESE officials sentenced
eight criminals and paraded
another 16 suspects in front of
5,000 spectators, prompting
criticism by domestic media
yesterday, which drew parallels
with the Cultural Revolution.
Legal officials in central Hunan
province attended the hearing,
where the 16 suspects were
displayed wearing placards
around their necks, the state-
run Global Times said. They
were then paraded around the
town on an open truck draped
with banners reading Firmly
punish robbery and theft. The
move drew severe criticism
from the public as the public
sentencing brought back painful
memories of the Cultural
Revolution (1966-1976), the
Global Times said. [It] was
against the spirit of the rule of
law as stressed by President Xi,
the paper said. AFP
NORTH Korea said on
Wednesday that criminal
US detainee Jeffrey Fowle was
freed on the orders of leader
Kim Jong-un following re-
peated requests from Presi-
dent Barack Obama. In a brief
report, the ofcial KCNA news
agency said Fowle, 56, had
been handed over to the US
authorities in accordance with
relevant legal procedures.
Kim Jong-un, rst chair-
man of the National Defence
Commission . . . took such a
special measure as setting
free Jeffrey Edward Fowle, US
criminal, taking into consider-
ation the repeated requests of
US President Obama, it said.
Fowle, one of three Americans
detained in North Korea, was
released on Tuesday and al-
lowed to go home in a US
government plane that ew to
Fowle had entered the North
in April and was detained after
apparently leaving a Bible in
the bathroom of a nightclub in
the northern port of Chongjin.
North Korea regards unsanc-
tioned proselytising or mis-
sionary work as a criminal act.
Announcing Fowles release
earlier, the US State Depart-
ment had declined to provide
any details of how it was bro-
kered, citing ongoing efforts to
secure the return of two other
Americans Matthew Miller
and Kenneth Bae serving
hard-labour prison terms in
the North. Washington has ac-
cused Pyongyang of using the
detainees as political hostages
and repeatedly called for their
immediate release.
Given Pyongyangs repeat-
ed rejection of US offers to
send an envoy to negotiate
the detainees freedom, the
sudden decision to let Fowle
go took many observers by
surprise. It could mean the
North Korean leadership is
interested in exploring what
might be possible in terms
of picking up a conversation
with the US again, said Paul
Carroll, a North Korea expert
and program director at the
Ploughshares Fund in San
US ofcials said Pyong-
yang had given Washington
a timeframe within which to
transport Fowle out of the
country and the Pentagon had
decided to send in a plane,
even though Washington does
not have diplomatic ties with
North Korea. Some observ-
ers suggested Pyongyang may
have insisted on the govern-
ment plane to lend an ofcial
diplomatic element to the re-
lease procedure.
The US State Department
said it would continue to work
actively to try to free Miller
and Bae and repeated US of-
fers to send a department
envoy, Robert King, to the
isolated North to discuss their
plight. AFP
US detainee freed at
Obamas request: NK
S&M bar scandal hits
new Japanese minister
APAN was stung yester-
day by its third political
scandal in a week after
the countrys new indus-
try minister whose prede-
cessor resigned in disgrace
over misspending admitted
that his underlings had spent
ofce cash at a sex bar.
The new revelations deal
another serious blow to the
administration of Prime Min-
ister Shinzo Abe, which was
already facing a public back-
lash over its bid to turn Japans
shuttered nuclear reactors
back on and its stalling plans
to revive the economy.
As news of the sex-bar scan-
dal broke yesterday, Industry
Minister Yoichi Miyazawa, a
Harvard graduate and former
top bureaucrat in the nance
ministry, distanced himself
from the affair, saying he
wasnt present at the sex club
in the city of Hiroshima.
But he acknowledged that
some staff at his political ofce
had billed 18,230 yen ($170) as
entertainment expenses dur-
ing a visit in September 2010,
Jiji Press news agency said.
I came to know of that
through a media report, and
it was true, Miyazawa said in
Tokyo yesterday. It is also true
that I myself was not there.
The venues shows depict
women being tied up with
ropes, and male customers
are allowed to take part in the
show by whipping them, ac-
cording to club visitors.
It was not immediately clear
if Miyazawa a nephew of
late prime minister Kiichi Mi-
yazawa and a cousin of For-
eign Minister Fumio Kishida
would step down.
On Tuesday, Miyazawa was
tapped to replace Industry
Minister Yuko Obuchi, who
stepped down over claims
she misspent political funds,
while Justice Minister Midori
Matsushima also quit after
days of allegations that she
had misspent money in what
opponents insisted was an at-
tempt to buy votes.
The twin resignations earlier
this week marked the rst sig-
nicant problem for Abe since
he swept to power in Decem-
ber 2012, ending years of frag-
ile governments that swapped
prime ministers annually.
They were also a blow to
Abes proclaimed bid to boost
the prole of working women
in Japan, while commenta-
tors said his administration
could be in trouble if their re-
placements did not have solid
reputations. AFP
Newly appointed Minister Yoichi Miyazawa answers questions in Tokyo
yesterday on the scandal that hit his ministry. AFP
Rwanda legislators call
for BBC ban over film
RWANDAN lawmakers have
called for the BBC to be banned
from broadcasting in the country
after it aired a controversial
documentary on the countrys
leadership and the genocide of
1994, reports said yesteday.
Rwandas Untold Story,
broadcast this month,
highlighted growing criticism of
President Paul Kagame and
revived allegations that his
Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF)
then a rebel group, now the
ruling political party was
behind the shooting down of a
plane that triggered the
genocide. Furious lawmakers in
parliament on Wednesday
called for the FM licence the
BBC uses to broadcast across
the country to be pulled. AFP
Cops vow zero tolerance
after Jerusalem attack
JERUSALEM police vowed zero
tolerance yesterday towards
any violence as they fanned out
across the city after a baby was
killed in a car attack on a crowd
by a Palestinian. Clashes broke
out in several areas of annexed
east Jerusalem and raged late
into the night after a young
Palestinian rammed his car into
people waiting for a tram on
Wednesday. Six other people
were wounded in the incident.
Police warned they would not
tolerate any further outbreak of
the violence which has gripped
the eastern part of the city on an
almost daily basis for the past
four months. AFP
Sweden pulls back as

sub hunt draws blank
SWEDEN said on Wednesday
that it was pulling back part of
its navy which has been
searching for a suspected
Russian submarine off the coast
of Stockholm for nearly a week
with no vessel found. Battle-
ships, minesweepers, heli-
copters and more than 200
troops have scoured an area
about 30 to 60 kilometres from
the Swedish capital since Friday
following reports of a man-
made object in the water.
Despite more than 100 tips from
the public since the alarm was
raised, Swedens armed forces
have not located any vessel.
Lagersten said the navy would
nonetheless remain on high
alert and flight restrictions were
still in place off the coast of
Stockholm in the area of the
search operation. AFP
Woman charged over
Canada baby corpses
A WOMAN was charged on
Wednesday after police
discovered six decomposing
baby corpses in her storage
locker in the western Canadian
city of Winnipeg, police said.
Andrea Giesbrecht, 40, who
also goes by the name of
Andrea Naworynski, was
arrested and charged with
concealing the bodies of
children and breaching
probation. Authorities initially
thought there were four bodies
in the storage unit, but said on
Wednesday that six rotting
bodies were found. Autopsies
are ongoing, Winnipeg police
said, adding that a lengthy
forensic examination and
analysis had begun, though
results could take several
months. It was not clear how
the babies died, or how old they
were. AFP
First sex with Neanderthals dated
CIENTISTS said on Wednes-
day that they had unravelled
the oldest DNA ever retrieved
from a Homo sapiens bone, a
feat that sheds light on modern hu-
mans colonisation of the planet.
A femur found by chance on the
banks of a west Siberian river in 2008
is that of a man who died around
45,000 years ago, they said.
Teased out of collagen in the ancient
bone, the genome contains traces from
Neanderthals a cousin species who
lived in Eurasia alongside H sapiens
before mysteriously disappearing.
Previous research has found that Ne-
anderthals and H sapiens interbred,
leaving a tiny Neanderthal imprint of
just about 2 per cent in humans today,
except for Africans.
The discovery has a bearing on the
so-called Out of Africa scenario: the
theory that H sapiens evolved in East
Africa around 200,000 years ago and
then ventured out of the continent.
Dating when Neanderthals and H
sapiens interbred would also indi-
cate when H sapiens embarked on a
key phase of this trek the push out
of Eurasia and into South and later
Southeast Asia.
The new study, published in the
journal Nature, was headed by
Svante Paabo, a renowned geneticist
at the Max Planck Institute for Evo-
lutionary Anthropology in Leipzig,
Germany, who has pioneered re-
search into Neanderthals.
The bone found at the Irtyush Riv-
er, near the settlement of Ust-Ishim,
carries slightly more Neanderthal
DNA than non-Africans today, the
team found.
But it takes the form of relatively long
strips, whereas Neanderthal DNA in
our genome today has been cut up and
dispersed in tiny sections as a result of
generations of reproduction. These dif-
ferences provide a clue for a molecular
calendar, or dating DNA according to
mutations over thousands of years.
Using this method, Paabos team
estimate interbreeding between Ne-
anderthals and H sapiens occurred
7,000 to 13,000 years before the Sibe-
rian individual lived thus no more
than 60,000 years ago.
This provides a rough date for esti-
mating when H sapiens headed into
South Asia, Chris Stringer, a professor
at Britains Natural History Museum,
said in a comment on the study.
If todays Australasians have Nean-
derthal DNA, it is because their fore-
bears crossed through Neanderthal
territory and mingled with the locals.
Australasians ancestors, with a sim-
ilar input of Neanderthal DNA to Eur-
asians, must have been part of a late,
rather than early, dispersal through
Neanderthal territory, Stringer said.
While it is still possible modern
humans did traverse southern Asia
before 60,000 years ago, those groups
could not have made a signicant
contribution to the surviving modern
populations outside of Africa, which
contain evidence of interbreeding
with Neanderthals.
Anthropologists suggest a north-
ern branch of Eurasians crossed to
modern-day Alaska more than 15,000
years ago via an ice bridge that con-
nected islands in the Bering Strait,
thus enabling H sapiens to colonise
the Americas. AFP
Hot date: a team of geneticists estimates that interbreeding between Neanderthals and
Homo sapiens occurred no more than 60,000 years ago. AFP
Horrible hand dino in fact gentle giant
Russian artist cuts off earlobe in protest
A BUS-SIZED dinosaur por-
trayed as a killer based on fear-
some claws unearthed 49 years
ago, was really a toothless, gen-
tle plodder, palaeontologists
reported on Wednesday after
new fossil evidence.
Rather than tearing prey
limb from limb with talons
that gave birth to its monicker
horrible hand, Deinocheirus
mirificus was a peaceable
giant that fed on plants and
small fish, palaeontologists
It probably used its magnifi-
cent 2.4-metre arms for digging
and gathering vegetation, they
reported in the journal
And the reptile was likely to
have supplemented its diet by
scooping up little fish with a
duck-like bill as it roamed a
lush river habitat 70 million
years ago in what is now the
Gobi desert in Mongolia.
For 50 years Deinocheirus
has remained one of the most
mysterious dinosaurs, the
studys authors wrote.
Its incomplete profile was
long based solely on a pair of
massive arms with fearsome
claws, a handful of ribs and
some shoulder bones discov-
ered in 1965.
But from new fossil finds,
including a stolen skull recov-
ered from a private collector
this year, a near-complete pic-
ture now exists of this largest
known member of a group of
ostrich-like dinosaurs called
Deinocheirus turned out to
be a gentle giant that mainly
ate herbaceous plants and
small fishes, not a horrible,
humongous meat-eating dino-
saur, Lee Yuong-nam of the
Korea Institute of Geoscience
and Mineral Resources in Dae-
jeon said.
At 11 metres from nose to tail,
and weighing in at more than
6 tonnes, Deinocheirus was
slow-moving beast with no
teeth, and needed to swallow
stones to grind up its dinner.
It was heavily built with rela-
tively short hind legs, a long
snout and a humped back with
a tall sail on it. Most other orni-
thomimosaurs were built for
running, with slender bodies
and long hind limbs.
Deinocheiruss spoon-like
bill was suited to rummaging
for soft plants on land and in
shallow water, and scales and
bones found with the fossil
suggest it also ate fish, the sci-
entists said.
The shape of the mouth sug-
gests the presence of a massive
tongue that when manipulated
would create suction for ingest-
ing the organic material
cropped and disturbed by the
broad bill as it foraged on the
bottom of streams, lakes and
ponds, they wrote.
Wide, flattened foot bones
would have prevented the
dinosaur sinking into mud.
And wide hips with upper
femur bones longer than the
lower tibia indicated it was a
slow mover.
Along with its claws as pos-
sible defensive weapons,
gigantism may well have been
the way Deinocheirus escaped
predation, the team wrote.
The trade-off is that it lost
the cursorial [running] abilities
of its relatives.
Since its giant arms, which
are the longest of any bipedal
animal on record, were dug
up nearly 50 years ago, there
has been much speculation
about what kind of dinosaur
this would have been.
Its name is Greek
for unu-
sual horrible hand, and it had
been speculated to be any-
thing from a voracious preda-
tor that ripped prey to shreds
to a bizarre sloth-like creature
that used its giant limbs to
hang from tree branches.
Then, in 2006 and 2009, the
skeletons of two more speci-
mens were dug up not far
from where the first was
found in the Nemegt Forma-
tion in the Gobi.
However, poachers had sto-
len some of the bones before
the scientists got to them,
including a one-metre-long
skull, left hand and feet that
were later tracked down to a
private collector in Germany.
We persuaded a private col-
lector [that] they are important
for science, Lee said.
The poached materi-
als were donated to sci-
ence and repatriated to Mon-
golia on May 1 this year, allow-
ing Deinocheirus to return to
his ancestral home. AFP
A CONTROVERSIAL Russian artist
who once nailed his scrotum to the
cobblestones of Red Square has been
taken to hospital after cutting off his
earlobe to protest at the forced psy-
chiatric treatment of dissidents.
Pyotr Pavlensky, a St Petersburg-
based performance artist, climbed
naked on to the roof of the Serbsky
psychiatric centre in Moscow on Sun-
day and cut off his right earlobe with a
large kitchen knife.
Covered in blood, he was removed
from the roof by police and taken to a
Moscow hospital. Doctors thought that
he might also have contrac-
ted pneumonia, his l awyer,
Dmitry Dinze, said this week.
Dinze was later to say that Pavlensky
did not have pneumonia or lasting
problems from the severed earlobe and
would probably be discharged from
the hospital soon.
In a statement on his wifes Facebook
page on Sunday, Pavlensky said that
cutting off his earlobe was meant to
represent the damage resulting from
police returning to the use of psychia-
try for political goals.
Pavlensky wrote: Armed with psychi-
atric diagnoses, the bureaucrat in a
white lab coat cuts off from society those
pieces that prevent him from establish-
ing a monolithic dictate of a single, man-
datory norm for everyone.
The Serbsky centre is notoriouous for
giving questionable diagnoses to many
of the dissidents confined to psychiatric
wards in the USSR.
In April, a protester in a demonstra-
tion in Bolotnaya Square, Mikhail
Kosenko, was sentenced to indefinite
psychiatric treatment after the Serbsky
centre declared him insane, a decision
that Amnesty International condemned
as a return to that Soviet-era practice.
Nadiya Savchenko, a Ukrainian pilot
who was captured by pro-Russia sepa-
ratists, is being tried for complicity in
the deaths of two Russian war corre-
spondents on charges that human
rights groups have called politically
motivated. She has been undergoing a
psychiatric evaluation at the centre
since last week.
Prosecutors have been seeking to
have Pavlensky undergo a psychiatric
evaluation as part of a vandalism case
brought against him after he burned
tyres on a St Petersburg bridge in Feb-
ruary in support of the Kiev protests
that toppled the Ukrainian president,
Viktor Yanukovich.
Last week, a St Petersburg district
court turned down for a second time a
request to have Pavlensky committed
to a psychiatric institution. However, on
Monday the artist underwent a psychi-
atric evaluation at the Moscow hospital
and was declared sane, Dinze said.
Pavlensky, who has a long history of
self-mutilating protests in Russia,
gained international attention in
November 2013 when he undressed
and nailed his scrotum to the cobble-
stones of Red Square as a metaphor for
the apathy, political indifference and
fatalism of modern Russian society.
He has also wrapped himself naked
in barbed wire in front of the St Peters-
burg legislative assembly and sewn his
lips shut to protest at the prosecution
of the punk-rock activists Pussy Riot.
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OOKING for ways to stimu-
late economic growth and
create jobs, US President
Barack Obamas administra-
tion is seeking to press ahead with
the mega-regional free-trade deal
known as the Trans-Pacific Partner-
ship (TPP). But is the US going about
it the right way?
The TPPs initial scope was relative-
ly modest, involving the United
States and a range of trading partners
(Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile,
Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand,
Peru, Singapore and Vietnam). But
now Japan is on board, South Korea is
watching closely, and there is poten-
tial for engaging with China through
this or a similar framework in the
foreseeable future.
The typical approach when seeking
to finalise an agreement aimed at
reducing trade barriers while
attempting to protect labour and
environmental standards is to ask
for less, not more, from those on the
other side of the table. But at this
stage, the TPP is different: the odds of
success would be much greater if the
US attached the additional require-
ment that participating countries do
not engage in currency manipulation.
One of the major shortcomings of
the global trading system in recent
decades has been the absence of an
effective constraint on countries that
intervene heavily in order to keep
their currencies undervalued. A sig-
nificantly undervalued currency im-
plies a potentially large trade surplus.
Ordinarily, a large surplus puts
upward pressure on the countrys
currency making its exports less
competitive and boosting demand for
imported goods and services. But a
countrys authorities can prevent
appreciation for a prolonged period of
time by buying up foreign currency.
Such intervention results in the
accumulation of foreign-exchange
reserves much of which is held in
the form of US government debt. In
one way, this benefits the US by
helping to keep interest rates lower
than they would be otherwise. But
currency manipulation is also an
unfair way to gain a trading advan-
tage, with excessive negative effects
on trading partners.
The International Monetary Fund
was founded, in part, to prevent pre-
cisely this type of beggar-thy-neigh-
bour economic strategy, which
resulted in competitive devalua-
tions during the 1930s. Unfortunate-
ly, the IMF in recent years has proved
unable or unwilling to prevent it.
Similarly, the US Treasury is legally
required to determine if a country is
intervening to an unfair and unrea-
sonable extent. In practice, however,
the Treasurys reports on this issue
are generally toothless and lead to no
real consequences.
Fred Bergsten and Joseph Gagnon,
my colleagues at the Peterson Insti-
tute, have proposed including a cur-
rency clause in any TPP deal. In
essence, this would amount to the
signatories agreeing not to manipu-
late their currencies. Such a clause
could come with stronger or weaker
teeth. The important thing is to shift
norms and expectations.
Some US officials are supportive of
this approach to the TPP; others are
resisting it. But the sceptics should
think hard about the likely dynam-
ics in the US Congress when the TPP
comes up for a vote. There is strong
support on Capitol Hill, from both
Democrats and Republicans, for
finding some way to limit currency
manipulation. Even people who are
very much in favour of freer trade
and even of some version of the TPP,
like Bergsten and Gagnon believe
that some Asian countries have
overstepped the boundaries of rea-
sonable behaviour.
With the level of intervention by
major countries currently limited
(China) or nonexistent (Japan), this
is an ideal moment to include a cur-
rency clause in the TPP, as most
countries are less likely to become
defensive. Participating countries
could allow their currencies to float,
or they could operate a fixed
exchange rate. In the latter case,
however, they must commit not to
run large current-account surpluses
and accumulate excess foreign-ex-
change reserves. Any blatant and
repeated violation of this commit-
ment would and should result in
the loss of the special privileges
granted under the TPP.
Of course, how the politics plays
out will depend on what happens in
the US midterm congressional elec-
tions in November, as well as how
key figures position themselves for
the presidential election in 2016. But
both parties are generally interested
in supporting free trade, along
responsible lines and recognise
legitimate concerns.
Currency manipulation has
become a little too ugly in recent
years with associated adverse
effects on sectors and communities
in the US for elected representatives
to ignore. It is to be hoped that the
other TPP countries also come to
understand that the agreement is
more likely to work if it strongly dis-
courages currency manipulation.
The TTPs missing ingredient
Trade Ministers and ofcials from the 12 TPP countries Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, the US, Vietnam and Singapore convene for a
meeting in Singapore in May. AFP
Simon Johnson, a former chief economist
of the IMF, is a professor at MIT Sloan.
Simon Johnson
HEN Palestin-
ian Osama Sil-
wadi was crip-
pled by gunfire
it ended his career as a war
correspondent, but the now
wheelchair-bound photog-
rapher has found a new call-
ing documenting his peo-
ples heritage.
After nearly 15 years cover-
ing the violence of the rst
and second uprisings against
the Israeli occupation (in
1987-1994 and 2000-2005),
Silwadis life took a dramatic
turn in 2006 when he was hit
by a stray bullet red by Pal-
estinian gunmen.
Silwadi, 33 at the time, was
in his ofce in the West Bank
city of Ramallah when he
heard gunmen outside ring
during a funeral procession.
I heard shooting in the
street and I ran to the window
to take pictures, he recalls,
describing how a group of
gunmen were ring into the
air as a show of mourning.
Two bullets tore through
his stomach, one passing
through while the second
ruptured his spleen and shat-
tered his spine.
He spent 40 days in a coma
and when he woke up, a doc-
tor told him he would never
walk again.
Eight years on, Silwadi, now
40 and a father of three girls,
is still in a wheelchair.
He remains hopeful that
one day he will walk again,
but he has not let his disabil-
ity get in the way of his pas-
sion for photography.
Im working even better
than before my accident, he
Being so close to dying and
then hovering between life
and death for such a long pe-
riod of time left me far more
spiritual and has helped me
see life differently, to see that
it is beautiful, Silwadi says.
At the time of his injury,
Silwadi had been working as
a photographer for 14 years
for several international press
agencies, including AFP, for
which he had won awards.
After his convalescence, he
immediately began working
on the painstaking task of set-
ting up the Palestinians rst-
ever digital archive, collecting
pictures and video clips of the
life and work of Yasser Arafat,
the iconic Palestinian leader
who died in 2004.
His meticulous work
earned him a job with the
UN cultural agency UNESCO
as an expert consultant on
digital archiving.
He then turned his atten-
tion to his own photo archive,
publishing a collection of
images called Palestine, How
Are You? featuring pictures of
daily life as seen through the
eyes of a child.
Before he was paralysed,
Silwadi had already published
two other books of images:
Constant Giving and Creativ-
ity (1997), a book on Palestin-
ian women, and Here We Are
(2005), a collection of images
of daily life.
For Silwadi, safeguarding
Palestinian cultural heritage
goes hand-in-hand with the
question of Palestinian iden-
tity and the future of the Pal-
estinian people.
I see the way in which
the Palestinian people have
had everything stolen for
the profit of the Israelis, he
told AFP.
I thought it was important
that the Palestinians protect
their heritage by taking pic-
tures of their cultural heritage
and speaking about it.
A tireless documenter of
Palestinian history, Silwadi
has since his injury published
several books on the walls of
Jerusalems Old City, on tradi-
tional costumes, on jewellery
and on cuisine.
His latest work, a book on
traditional Palestinian archi-
tecture that was published
in September, is called The
Whisper of Stones.
The book is lled with imag-
es of traditional domed ceil-
ings, beautifully crafted doors
and crumbling walls overrun
with vegetation around grand
old houses that were aban-
doned during the violence of
the two uprisings.
His work has won praise
from many corners, including
from Sharif Kanaana, a spe-
cialist in Palestinian cultural
heritage and former profes-
sor at Birzeit University near
His pictures are magni-
cent, they teach you about the
country, Kanaana told AFP.
Of course, this is not an aca-
demic work but that doesnt
take anything away from its
value as an archive.
But Silwadi remains modest
about his achievements.
All Im doing is carrying
out my national duty with
respect to our heritage, he
says. AFP
Thinking caps
1 Jasons wife, in myth
6 Catamaran feature
10 Imitated a bird
14 Some kind of a nut
15 Very small
16 Hip bones
17 Away
18 Ingresses
20 Unprepared tourists surprise
22 Its pH is higher than 7
25 Certain snake
26 Two-finger sign
27 Them
28 Street-smart
31 That is, in Latin
33 Sicilian erupter
35 Second-sequel indicator
36 ___ you sure?
37 How some knockouts occur
43 Before, of yore
44 What U sometimes means
45 Act like a sot
46 Conceded easy score
49 Walk heavily
51 One of the Bobbsey twins
52 Khans title
53 ___ Heels (North Carolina team)
55 Failures come to this
57 Go ahead, make my day movie
61 Lice and the like
62 Toys with tails
66 Author Bagnold
67 Diamond and Abner
68 Dangerous bacteria
69 Nuclear-plant measurements
70 Dundee denizen
71 Aquariums
1 Sixth-day creation
2 Prefix with system
3 i lid
4 All My Children vixen
5 Negates
6 Its OK after all in editing
7 Japanese aborigine
8 Where work accumulates, for
9 Harps kin, of yore
10 Hyperbolic function
11 Recess or small room
12 Aunties daughters
13 O-ring, e.g.
19 Have an ambitious plan
21 Make a contact
22 Not many
23 French novelist Pierre
24 Daily Planet reporter
29 Caesars seven
30 LPs and 45s
32 Balance-sheet item
34 Excuse me ...
36 Certain grad
38 Ridges on ranges
39 Melted caramel, e.g.
40 Word with Island or division
41 Brightly colored fish
42 What ___ wrong?
46 Open-mouthed one
47 Arboreal lizard
48 Prado site
49 Book or movie reviewer
50 Single serving, like sugar
54 Indigo-yielding shrubs
56 Central New York city
58 Male parents
59 Dramatic introduction?
60 Hey, over here!
63 Couple thousand pounds
64 Reindeers kin
65 A sib
Thursdays solution Thursdays solution
A disabled Palestinian war
snapper puts lens on culture
Palestinian photographer Osama Silwadi poses for a picture in the West
Bank city of Ramallah in September. AFP
Beauty bias
responds to
web critics
HATEVER you have
to say about Renee
Zellweger and her
face, you should know this:
Shes happy with herself.
Zellweger responded to the
waves of Internet snark that
crescendoed when photo-
graphs of her walking the red
carpet at the Elle Women in
Hollywood awards began to
circulate, choosing to release
an exclusive statement to
People magazine published
Wednesday morning.
Im glad folks think I look
different, Zellweger said. Im
living a different, happy, more
fulfilling life, and Im thrilled
that perhaps it shows.
She did not directly address
whether or not shes had
plastic surgery, as many have
conjectured. After all, its not
really anyones business.
My friends say that I look
peaceful, Zellweger conti-
nued. I am healthy. For a
long time I wasnt doing such
a good job with that. I took on
a schedule that is not realis-
tically sustainable and didnt
allow for taking care of myself.
Rather than stopping to recal-
ibrate, I kept running until I
was depleted and made bad
choices about how to conceal
the exhaustion. I was aware
of the chaos and finally chose
different things.
Zellweger said she finally de-
cided to address the criticism
because it seems the folks
who come digging around for
some nefarious truth which
doesnt exist wont get off my
porch until I answer the door.
In brief
A trip to Bangkok is in
order for ailurophiles
YOU dont have to be a cat lover
to enjoy the Cat Expo,
featuring music, books and
short films selected by 94.5 FM
Cat Radio, but it might help.
The event will be held at
Bangkoks Wonder World Fun
Park, on November 1-2 at 3pm.
It will feature 11 cat-related
films produced under the Cat
Project and directed by
famous filmmakers such as
Ther Nawapol, Kongdej
Jaturunrasmi, Mamiew,
Komkrit Triwimol, Jim Sophon
and Poj Anon. There will also
live performances by more
than 100 acts and artists,
including Scrubb, Paradox, 25
Hours, T-Bone, Mild and Big
Ass. Additionally, new books
penned by 100 famous writers
will be available for sale.
Turkish pianist tells
govt not to fear artists
pianist Fazil Say appealed to the
government on Thursday not to
be afraid of artists after his
works were removed from a
state-funded orchestras
repertoire. The 44-year-old
virtuoso, who has had many run-
ins with the authorities, wrote an
open letter to the government in
which he denounced a
crackdown on artists. Say, a
strong opponent of the Islamic-
rooted government, said his
works had been removed from
the Presidential Symphony
Orchestra programme for the
upcoming season. Change your
oppressive attitude that sparks
outrage and confusion in the
whole world, Say said in the
letter published in the local
media. The world condemns
this oppression, he added. AFP
Rent: $2500/M near Russian
Market 2Living room, 4Bedroom,
5Baths Some Furniture, for Living
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $600/M near St169 and St128
1Livingroom 2Bedroom & 2Bath
Fully Furbished, Motor Parking
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958

Rent $900/M in Tonle Basac area
1Livingroom 2Bedroom & 2Bath
Fully Furbished, 1Car Parking
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $2600/MTonle Basac Area
Big Living room, Wester Kitchen
3Bedroom, 4Bath, Full Furniture
Nice Garden Good for Resident
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Rent $1900/M Mao Tse Tong &
St173, Terrace, Big Living room
3Bedroom, 3Bathroom, Western
Kitchen, Very Nice River Views
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
777 697
Rent: $600/M near Central Market
1Living room, 2Bedrooms, 2Bath
Motor Parking, Fully Furnished
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958

Rent $700/Mnear Russian Market
1Living room, 2Bedroom, 2Bath
Fully Furnished, Big Balcony
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
Building 1 For RENT at monthly
price $275-$700, fully furnished,
receptionists, security guards, backup
power, elevator, safe environment
and security camera Location: #37,
ST. 111, Boeung Brolit
012 944 191 | 012 912 651
Building 2 For RENT at monthly
price $620-$900. Fully furnished
1&2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen,
dining room, balcony, internet,
water, cable TV included. Location:
#31, ST. 113, Boeung Brolit
012 944 191 | 012 912 651

Building 3 For RENT, a fully
furnished 1 bedroom, nice river view
from your balcony, price $500/m
with free internet, water, cable TV,
maintenance Location: #112, St.
Tonle Sap (peninsular)
012 944 191 | 012 912 651
Building 4 For RENT, a luxurious
2bedrooms, living room, kitchen,
dining room, monthly price 1,040$,
free for internet, water, cable TV.
Location: #247, ST.51 St. 360, BKK1
012 569 832| 012 944 191
Centers- $10/M2 Facilities Included:
A/Cs, Carpeting oor, Lighting
system, exhausted fans, External
partition and large parking space
Location: Parkway Square, Mao
Tse Toung Blvd, Phnom Penh
012 944 191 | 012 912 651

Please visit VTRUSTServiced
Apartments for requirement of
fully furnished studio room, one
bedroom & 2 bedrooms with price
starts from $275/Month
012 944 191 | 012 912 651
4 bed with 5 bath located in BKKI,
Basic furnished, clean, Western
kitchen, big living room, big balcony,
& nice garden, closed to ISPP, Super
market, UN ofce, and riverside.
Rent: $2500 /m Tel: 012 879 231
for rent 3 bed with bath, furnished,
clean, western kitchen, big living
room, big parking, & safe, swimming
pool, gym, quiet. Rent: 2500 $/m
Location: BKKI Tel: 012 503 356
for rent 05 bed with bath located in
DP, Basic furnished, clean, western
kitchen, big living room, nice
swimming pool, big parking.
Rent: $3800 /m Tel: 012 879 231
rent 05 bed with bath located near
BKKI, Basic furnished, clean,
western kitchen, big living room,
nice garden, big parking.
closed to New ISPP, super market,
Rent: $3500 /m Tel: 012 879 231
for rent 2 bed with bath, furnished,
clean, western kitchen, big living
room, included all except electricity,
safe, swimming pool. BKKI.
Rent:$ 1500/m Tel: 012 503 356

rent 2 beds, 2 bath, available near
Independence, fully furnished
quiet, many trees around, western
kitchen, bright inside
Price : $ 1400/m. 012 503 356
100sqm to 400sqm, from 5$/sqm
Parking, 24h security, elevator
Spacious 5 meter high ceilings Lots
of plants & light + 60 sqm.
Tel: 012 869 111
For Rent InBassakGardenCity, 04
bed, very largelivingroom, very nice
design, fully andmodernfurnished,
modernkitchen, nicebalcony, big
parkingandplayground, quiet &safe.
thebest locationfor residence.
Price: US$3,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In BKKI area 04 bedrooms, large &
open living room, basic furniture,
western kitchen, garden and trees,
big parking and playground, quiet
& safety. the best location for resi-
dence and ofce. Price: $3,500/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In Daun Penh area (close to Inde-
pendent Monument), 04 bed , large
&open living room, basic furniture,
western kitchen, garden and trees,
playground, quiet & safety. the best
location for residence and ofce.
Price: US$4,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

Villa For Rent In North bridge area,
05 bed plus 01 ofce room, large
living room, very nice design, fully
& modern furnished, nice pool &
garden, western kitchen, nice bal-
cony, big parking Price: $3,000/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

In Bassak Garden City, 03 bed , large
living room, nice design, fully &
modern furnished, western kitchen,
nice balcony, big parking &
playground, nice garden and trees,
quiet & safe. Price: $2,000/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
In BKK3 area, 05 bedrooms, big
living room, western kitchen, park-
ing and play ground, very good for
residence and ofce, very quiet and
safety area.
Price: US$3,500/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
For Rent In Daun Penh area (close
to Independent Monument), 03
bedrooms, large and open living
room, basic furniture, western
kitchen, garden and trees, quiet &
safety. Price: US$1,000/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent In Daun Penh area (close
to Independent Monument), 1 bed,
large and open living room, basic
furniture, western kitchen, very big
balcony with many owers, quiet &
safety. Price: US$450/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00
For Rent In Boeung Trobek area,
02 bed, large and open living room,
basic furniture, western kitchen,
garden and trees, quiet & safety.
the best location for residence.
Price: US$650/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

For Rent BKK1, 01-02 Bedrooms,
very nice interior designed, large
living room, very light, fully and
modern furniture, western Kitchen,
good condition for living, quiet
& safe. Price: US$800-1,400/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

Rent Located in BKKI, 01-02
bedrooms, Large living room, fully
and modern furnished, modern
kitchen, nice balcony, roof top gym,
very good condition for living
Price: US$1,200-US$1,400/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Rent Located in East of Russian
Market, 01-03 bed, large living
room, fully and modern furnished,
modern kitchen, roof top pool and
gym, nice balcony, lots of light, very
good condition for living.
Price: US$850-US$1,300/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Rent Located in BKKI, 01-02 bed-
rooms, large living room, fully and
nice furnished, western kitchen,
very big balcony, very good condi-
tion for living, big parking lot.
Price: US$800-US$1,200/month
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

Apartment For Rent Located in
BKKI, 01&02&03 bed, roof top pool
& gym, open living room, fully &
modern furnished, western kitchen,
nice balcony, very safety area,
Price: $1,200-$1,800-$2,000/m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
Apartment For Rent Located in Tonle
Bassak area (near Independent
Monument), 01&02 bed, roof top
pool & gym, open living room, fully
&modernfurnished, modernkitchen,
Price: $1,100-$1,400 m
Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00
1 bed 1 bathroom 1 living room
1 kitchen 2 air-cons Fully furnished
Safe and quiet area Parking space
Free Internet and cable TV
Address: No. 36, Street 592 Z, in
Toulkork area, nearby international
schools, super markets, restau-
rants, coffee shop, hospitals
Price: 450$/ unit
Please contact 077 766 866 or
010 414072
Rent $550/M Tonle Basac Area
Tel 077 777 697 / 012 939 958
The town of Osuna in Andalucia, Spain has seen a bump in tourists after
Game of Thrones producers selected it at a liming location. AFP
Tourists flock
to Game of
Thrones town
Daniel Silva
ANS of the Game of
Thrones fantasy TV
series are ocking
to the historic Span-
ish town of Osuna, where
part of its fth season is be-
ing lmed, fuelling hopes
the show will deliver a lasting
tourism boost.
The tourism information
centre in the southern town
has extended its hours since
lming began on October 16
to deal with the inux and ho-
tels are fully booked until the
end of the month when lm-
ing ends.
Its crazy. Everyone is very
excited. They want to take
photos with the actors, at the
locations used in lming, the
owner of the 30-room Hotel
Esmeralda in Osuna, Alberto
Piedra, told AFP.
Ofcials hope the show will
continue to spur interest in
visiting Osuna, with its 16th
century palazzos and steepled
churches, long after the epi-
sodes lmed in the town air
around the world next year.
To attract fans of the se-
ries after lm crews have left,
Osunas business association
plans to offer special location
tours while one restaurant
will redecorate in a Game of
Thrones theme.
The town hall is also thinking
of setting up a museum dedi-
cated to the lm shoot and will
update its tourism web page to
highlight the sites featured in
the series, Osuna Mayor Rosa-
rio Andujar said.We want to
make the most of the fact that
part of the fth season of this
series was lmed here, she
told AFP.
Producers of the series plan
to lm in Spain for 17 days, un-
til October 30, mostly in Osu-
na, a hillside town surrounded
by olive groves that is home to
around 18,000 people.
Film crews moved to Osuna
after shooting for a few days
at the Real Alcazar palace, a
masterpiece of Islamic archi-
tecture packed with columned
courtyards, in Seville, about
80 kilometres away.Producers
have kept details of the shoot
in Osuna a secret, but the
towns bull ring will reportedly
be used for a battle scene in-
volving hundreds of extras.
Other cities and towns in
Croatia, Malta, Northern Ire-
land and Iceland all reported
a sharp rise in visitor numbers
after serving as a backdrop for
Game of Thrones.
The series has a dedicated
fan base and is one of the
most watched shows on tele-
vision. Season four of Game of
Thrones averaged 18 million
weekly viewers in the United
The US ambassador to
Spain, James Costos, a former
executive at HBO, the chan-
nel which produces the series,
predicts visitor numbers in
Seville and the surrounding
area will rise by 15 per cent.
But the mayor would not
predict by how much tourism
could rise over the next few
years, saying only that she was
sure more people would visit
because of the series. There
are going to be many follow-
ers of this who are going to
want to come to Osuna to see
where the actors stayed, where
the lming was done and to sit
where the actors sat, she said.
While the long-term tour-
ism impact for the town is un-
known, the shoot has already
generated hundreds of much-
needed short-term jobs in the
southern region of Andalucia,
which has been especially
hard hit by Spains economic
downturn. Andalucia is strug-
gling with an unemployment
rate of 34.7 per cent, the high-
est of Spains 17 autonomous
regions. AFP
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 720 Daily 12:05 01:10 K6 721 Daily 02:25 03:30
PG 930 Daily 13:20 14:30 PG 939 Daily 11:20 12:30
PG 938 Daily 06:20 07:30 PG 931 Daily 08:10 09:25
PG 932 Daily 10:15 11:25 TG 580 Daily 07:55 09:05
TG 581 Daily 10:05 11:10 PG 933 Daily 13:20 14:30
PG 934 Daily 15:20 16:30 FD 606 Daily 15:00 16:20
FD 607 Daily 17:05 18:15 PG 935 Daily 17:10 18:20
PG 936 Daily 19:10 20:20 TG 584 Daily 18:25 19:40
TG 585 Daily 20:40 21:45 PG 937 Daily 21:20 22:30
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 16:05 CZ 323 Daily 14:30 20:50
QR 965 Daily 16:30 23:05 QR 964 Daily 01:00 15:05
CZ 324 Daily 08:00 11:40 CZ 6059 2.4.7 12:00 13:45
CZ 6060 2.4.7 14:45 18:10 CZ 323 Daily 19:05 20:50
VN 840 Daily 17:30 20:35 VN 841 Daily 09:40 13:00
QR 965 Daily 16:30 17:30 QR 964 Daily 14:05 15:05
VN 841 Daily 14:00 14:45 VN 920 Daily 15:50 16:30
VN 3856 Daily 19:20 20:05 VN 3857 Daily 18:00 18:45
KA 207 11:25 15:05 KA 208 08:50 10:25
KA 207 6 11:45 22:25 KA 206 3.5.7 14:30 16:05
KA 209 1 18:30 22:05 KA 206 1 15:25 17:00
KA 209 3.5.7 17:25 21:00 KA 206 2 15:50 17:25
KA 205 2 19:00 22:35 - - - -
KE 690 Daily 23:40 06:40 KE 689 Daily 18:30 22:20
OZ 740 Daily 23:50 06:50 OZ 739 Daily 19:10 22:50
AK 1473 Daily 08:35 11:20 AK 1474 Daily 15:15 16:00
MH 755 Daily 11:10 14:00 MH 754 Daily 09:30 10:20
MH 763 Daily 17:10 20:00 MH 762 Daily 3:20 4:10
AF 273 2 20:05 06:05 AF 273 2 20:05 06:05
FM 833 19:50 23:05 FM 833 19:30 22:40
MI 601 09:30 12:30 MI 602 07:40 08:40
MI 622 2.4 12:20 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 11:25
3K 594 1234..7 15:25 18:20 3K 593 Daily 13:30 14:40
3K 594 ....56. 15:25 18:10 - - - -
MI 607 Daily 18:10 21:10 MI 608 Daily 16:20 17:15
2817 1.3 16:40 19:40 2816 1.3 15:00 15:50
2817 2.4.5 09:10 12:00 2816 2.4.5 07:20 08:10
2817 6 14:50 17:50 2816 6 13:00 14:00
2817 7 13:20 16:10 2816 7 11:30 12:30
CI 862 Daily 10:50 15:20 CI 861 Daily 07:30 09:50
BR 266 Daily 12:45 17:05 BR 265 Daily 09:10 11:35
VN 840 Daily 17:30 18:50 VN 841 Daily 11:30 13:00
QV 920 Daily 17:50 19:10 QV 921 Daily 11:45 13:15
8M 402 1.3.6 13:30 14:55 8M 401 1.3.6 08:20 10:45
8M 401 1.3.6 11:45 12:30
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 700 Daily 12:50 2:00 K6 701 Daily 02:55 04:05
PG 924 Daily 09:45 11:00 PG 903 Daily 08:00 09:10
PG 906 Daily 12:20 13:35 PG 905 Daily 10:35 11:45
PG 914 Daily 15:50 17:00 PG 913 Daily 14:05 15:15
PG 908 Daily 19:05 20:10 PG 907 Daily 17:20 18:15
PG 910 Daily 20:30 21:45 PG 909 Daily 18:45 19:55
CZ 3054 2.4.6 11:25 15:35 CZ 3053 2.4.6 08:45 10:30
CZ 3054 19:25 23:20 CZ 3053 16:35 18:30
K6 850 Daily 06:50 08:30 K6 851 Daily 19:30 21:15
VN 868 12:40 15:35 VN 843 Daily 15:25 17:10
VN 842 Daily 18:05 19:45 VN 845 Daily 17:05 18:50
VN 844 Daily 19:45 21:25 VN 845 Daily 17:45 19:30
VN 800 Daily 21:00 22:40 VN 801 Daily 18:20 20:00
VN 3818 Daily 11:10 12:30 VN 3809 Daily 09:15 10:35
VN 826 Daily 13:30 14:40 VN 827 Daily 11:35 12:35
VN 3820 Daily 17:45 18:45 VN 3821 Daily 15:55 16:55
VN 828 Daily 18:20 19:20 VN 829 Daily 16:20 17:40
VN 3822 Daily 21:35 22:35 VN 3823 Daily 19:45 20:45
KE 688 Daily 23:15 06:10 KE 687 Daily 18:30 22:15
OZ 738 Daily 23:40 07:10 OZ 737 Daily 19:20 22:40
AK 281 Daily 08:35 11:35 AK 280 Daily 06:50 07:50
MH 765 3.5.7 14:15 17:25 MH 764 3.5.7 12:10 13:15
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |
1 Wed, 08:00 - Thu 16:00 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
2 Thu, 14:00 - Fri 22:00 1 Call/week
3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 1 Call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN
(4 calls/moth)
1 Th, 08:00 - 20:00 1 Call/week
2 Fri, 22:00- Sun 00:01 1 Call/week
(4 calls/onth)
Sun 09:00-23:00 1 Call/week
(4 calls/month)
Sat 06:00 - Sun 08:00 1 Call/week SGZ-SHV-SIN-SGZ
(4 calls/month)
Fri, 08:00 - Sun, 06:00 1 call/week SIN-SHV-SIN
(2 calls/month)
Irregula 2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)
34 call/month
BUS= Busan, Korea
HKG= HongKong
kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC
Kob= Kebe, Japan
KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia
LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand
NBO= Ningbo, China
OSA= Osaka, Japan
SGN= Saigon, Vietnam
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand
SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia
SIN= Singapore
TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia
TYO= Tokyo, Japan
TXG= Taichung, Taiwan
YAT= Yantian, China
YOK= Yokohama, Japan
Air Asia (AK)
Room T6, PP International
Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555
Fax: 023 890 071
Cambodia Angkor Air (K6)
PP Ofce, #206A, Preah
Norodom Blvd, Tonle Bassac
+855 23 6666 786, 788, 789,
+855 23 21 25 64
Fax:+855 23-22 41 64
Qatar Airways (Newaddress)
VattanacCapital Tower, Level7,
No.66, PreahMonivongBlvd,
Sangkat wat Phnom, KhanDaun
Penh. PP, P: (023) 963800.
#90+92+94Eo, St. 217,
Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677
Dragon Air (KA)
#168, Monireth, PP
Tel: 023 424 300
Fax: 023 424 304
Tiger airways
G. oor, Regency square,
Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205,
Sk Chamkarmorn, PP
Tel: (855) 95 969 888
(855) 23 5515 888/5525888

Koreanair (KE)
Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce
Center, Monivong Blvd,PP
Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9
Cebu Pacic (5J)
Phnom Penh: No. 333B
Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161
SiemReap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd.
Tel: 063 965487
SilkAir (MI)
Regency C,Unit 2-4, Tumnorb
Teuk, Chamkarmorn
Phnom Penh
Tel:023 988 629
2817 - 16 Tigerairways KA - Dragon Air 1 Monday
5J - CEBU Airways. MH - Malaysia Airlines 2 Tuesday
AK - Air Asia MI - SilkAir 3 Wednesday
BR - EVA Airways OZ - Asiana Airlines 4 Thursday
CI - China Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways 5 Friday
CZ - China Southern QR - Qatar Airways 6 Saturday
FD - Thai Air Asia QV - Lao Airlines 7 Sunday
FM - Shanghai Air SQ - Singapore Airlines
K6- Cambodia Angkor Air TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines
This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information,
please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.
5J 258 2.4.7 22:30 02:11 5J 257 2.4.7 19:45 21:30
MI 633 1, 6, 7 16:35 22:15 MI 633 1, 6, 7 14:35 15:45
MI 622 2.4 10:40 15:20 MI 622 2.4 08:40 09:50
MI 630 5 12:25 15:40 MI 616 7 10:40 11:50
MI 615 7 12:45 16:05 MI 636 3, 2 13:55 17:40
MI 636 3, 2 18:30 21:35 MI 630 5 07:55 11:35
MI 617 5 18:35 21:55 MI 618 5 16:35 17:45
3K 598 .2....7 15:35 18:40 3K 597 .2....7 13:45 14:50
3K 598 ...4... 15:35 18:30 3K 597 ...4... 13:45 14:50
QV 522 10:05 13:00 QV 512 06:30 09:25
8M 402 1. 5 20:15 21:25 8M 401 1. 5 17:05 19:15
Flighs Days Dep Arrival Flighs Days Dep Arrival
K6 130 1-3-5 12:55 13:55 K6 131 1-3-5 11:20 12:20
Seavmeys ambassador
role has a nice ring to it
ASIAN Games taekwondo gold
medalist Sorn Seavmey landed
her latest corporate endorse-
ment deal on Wednesday
evening when she was
announced as Cellcards brand
ambassador during a press
conference at the National
Olympic Committee of
Cambodia headquarters. The
mobile phone company is
giving her unlimited calls,
texts and data collection for a
year as well as $20,000 to
open up her own taekwondo
club in Phnom Penh. YEUN
Sharapovas blow-up
hurts world No 1 hopes
MARIA Sharapovas hopes of
ending a year as world
number one for the first time
in her career faded
dramatically yesterday when
she crashed in straight sets to
Petra Kvitova at the WTA finals.
The Russian superstar needed
a win to boost her chances of
overtaking top-ranked Serena
Williams, but she blew up in
spectacular fashion as Kvitova
won 6-3, 6-2 in 75 minutes in
Singapore. It was the second
upset in quick succession at
the season finale after Simona
Halep stunned Williams 6-0,
6-2 on Wednesday, the
18-time Grand Slam-winners
worst defeat in 16 years. To
finish the year as world
number one, second-ranked
Sharapova, 27, now needs to
win the end-of-season
championship and hope
Williams doesnt reach the
final. AFP
Rokoduguni gets call up,

Robshaw stays captain
BATHS Fijian-born British
Army solider Semesa
Rokoduguni was one of three
uncapped players included in
the England squad named by
coach Stuart Lancaster on
Wednesday for next months
internationals at Twickenham.
The dashing wing forced his
way into a 33-man squad for
the Tests against New Zealand,
South Africa, Samoa and
Australia, starting with the visit
of the world champion All
Blacks on November 8, after
impressing in the Premiership
this season. Rokoduguni, 27,
who forced his way in ahead of
Chris Ashton, was joined by two
more uncapped players in
Northampton flanker Calum
Clark and Saracens lock
George Kruis. AFP
Schumacher will need
years to recover: doctor
A FRENCH doctor treating
stricken former Formula One
champion Michael
Schumacher said yesterday
that the German ace was
making progress, but will need
years to recover. Jean-
Francois Payen also praised
Schumachers wife, Corinna,
for the devotion she has shown
to the racing driver since his
devastating ski accident in
December, in which he
suffered life-threatening brain
injuries. AFP
Nibali unconcerned by
Astana doping problems
INCENZO Nibali insists
his Astana teams doping
problems will not prevent
him defending his Tour de
France title next year.
In the past month three Astana dop-
ing cases have come to light, with
Kazakh brothers Maxim and Valen-
tin Iglinskiy testing positive for the
banned blood booster EPO and train-
ee Ilya Davidenok, another Kazakh,
returning an adverse analytical nding
for anabolic steroids.
Already once before, in 2008, a reign-
ing champion was prevented from
defending his title because his Astana
team was barred from the Tour over a
number of doping scandals.
Then it was Alberto Contador who
was prevented from taking the start
line, even though he only joined Asta-
na after winning the 2007 Tour.
Contador would also lose the 2010
Tour, won in Astana colours, after test-
ing positive for clenbuterol.
Yet Nibali says he has no fears of the
same thing happening to him, despite
cyclings governing body, the UCI, re-
vealing they are reviewing the Kazakh
teams licence.
I dont think there are big problems
for Astanas licence, said the 29-year-
old Sicilian.
The incidents that happened con-
cern the Iglinskiy family, its a sepa-
rate thing.
As a team we cant respond to what
two brothers got up to. As for the last
one [Davidenok], hes not one of ours,
hes part of the Continental team and
is not managed by us [the professional
team] but by someone else.
Certainly things happened a few
years ago, but the team has changed
and its also my responsibility to
give more clarity [by racing clean]
on my part.
But there is great serenity in the team
in terms of my way of racing and my
sporting seriousness in these years.
Course favours Nibali
Turning his attention to the route for
next years Tour, Nibali said he felt it
would give him an advantage.
There is only one, short, 14km in-
dividual time-trial as well as a 28km
team time-trial, reducing the amount
of time he could lose against superior
riders against the clock, such as Chris
Froome, the 2013 champion, and twice
former winner Contador.
Ive always liked the time-trials but
its true that it can be difcult against
the great time-triallers who can always
produce something extra, said Nibali.
But in the last Tour I think I de-
fended myself really well [against the
It has been widely acknowledged
that next years course, despite the po-
tential for problems in the rst week
due to high winds in the Netherlands,
Normandy and Brittany, or the cob-
bled sections on stage four, that it will
be won and lost in the mountains.
Froome complained that the course
was not balanced enough, although
Frenchmen Jean-Christophe Peraud
and Thibaut Pinot second and third
respectively this year were quite hap-
py to see that.
Next years Tour is going to be about
the mountains. Theres very little em-
phasis on time-trialling which means
the race will be decided up in the high
mountains, complained Froome,
who was hoping for longer time-trials
to gain time on his rivals, on his per-
sonal website.
Peraud, who is an excellent time-tri-
aller and a former French champion in
the discipline, said: The best climber
will impose himself on this Tour, if he
gets through the rst week well, with
the wind and cobbles.
Pinot, who admits time-trialling is
not his strength, said the course should
make for intriguing racing.
Weve seen that time-trials can pro-
voke big time gaps so fewer time-trials
means more suspense, and thats bet-
ter for the spectacle.
With eight potential sprint nish
stages, the fast men seem as happy as
the purist climbers.
German Marcel Kittel, who has won
the rst and last stages the latter
on the Champs Elysees the last two
years, said he was looking forward to
the rst week.
For me personally, as a sprinter,
I like the rst week, even if there are
cobblestones, he said.
But it will be really hard after the
rst week! AFP
Italian cyclist Vincenzo Nibali (left) says recent doping cases in the Astana team will not
affect his chances at defending his Tour de France title next year. AFP
Series scene shift makes pitchers swing bats
AS THE World Series shifts ven-
ues, both the Kansas City Royals
and San Francisco Giants must
adjust to a crucial rules change
that requires pitchers to swing
the bat.
Teams have used American
League rules for the first two
games at AL champion Kansas
City, where designated hitters
replace pitchers in the batting
order and do not have to take
the field for defensive duty.
But the National League cham-
pion Giants will play host to
Major League Baseballs best-
of-seven final for three games
starting tonight and NL rules
require pitchers take their turn
at the plate, typically at the
bottom of the batting order.
For the Royals, who won
game two 7-1 on Wednesday
to level the matchup at 1-1, it
means pitchers have the unfa-
miliar challenge of trying to
make a hit while a strong slug-
ger is removed from the line-
up and relegated to a pinch-
hitting substitute role later in
the games.
I dont see where its any
advantage or disadvantage,
Royals manager Ned Yost
Weve got a big bat on the
bench late that we can bring
off. Our pitchers, even though
they havent done it with regu-
larity, the guys that we have are
all pretty decent hitters. They
are all pretty fundamentally
sound in terms of bunting.
In Kansas Citys case, it
means designated hitter Billy
Butler will have to wait for his
To have a bat like Billy But-
lers on the bench coming in in
a situation with guys in scoring
position, that could be the dif-
ference, Yost said. Its a dif-
ferent style of game, but I dont
see where its a huge disadvan-
tage to us.
Giants manager Bruce
Bochy, who guided San Fran-
cisco to World Series titles in
2010 and 2012, plays down any
edge his club might have
enjoyed in Kansas City from
pulling Michael Morse into
designated hitter duty while
pitchers sat.
Each team you would think
would have a little advantage
in their park, he said. The
American League team has a
DH. A guy has that role where
we dont do that in the Nation-
al League. Then you go to our
park and they dont have that
player available.
But as much as you think
theres an advantage one way
or the other it doesnt always
play like that. You still have to
go out there and pitch, catch
the ball and score enough
runs. AFP
Billy Butler of the Kansas City Royals hits an RBI single in the sixth inning against the San Francisco Giants
during Game two of the 2014 World Series. AFP
KOSOVO took a signicant step to-
wards being able to compete in an
Olympic Games when the executive
board of the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) on Wednesday
granted provisional recognition to its
Olympic Committee.
They also proposed the NOC be
granted full recognition at the next
IOC Session to be held in December
in Monaco which if passed would al-
low them to try and qualify for the
2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
The decision was taken by the ex-
ecutive board in the interests of the
athletes in Kosovo and to remove any
uncertainty they may have, read the
IOC statement.
It will allow them to take part in
qualications for the Olympic Games
in Rio 2016 and in future editions of
the Games.
The NOC of Kosovo was estab-
lished in 1992 and has more than 30
afliated National Federations, 13 of
which are Olympic federations.
The executive board noted that
the NOC of Kosovo has met the re-
quirements for recognition as out-
lined in the Olympic Charter, read
the statement.
These include the sport and tech-
nical requirements as well as the
denition of country as dened in
Rule 30.1. AFP
Kosovo move
a step closer
to Olympics
Fresh crisis at Caterham F1 team
ORMULA One strugglers
Caterham were plunged into
a fresh crisis on Wednesday
when the teams new owners
launched a bitter attack on former
supremo Tony Fernandes.
Caterham were bought from Ma-
laysian businessman Fernandes in
June by a consortium of Swiss and
Middle Eastern interests.
But they claimed that they have
been running the backmarkers
without being the legal owners after
a row over transfer of shares and de-
scribed the teams recent difculties
as detrimental.
Since the date of the agreement,
the seller has refused to comply with
its legal obligations to transfer their
shares to the buyer, said an angrily
worded statement.
The buyer has been left in the in-
vidious position of funding the team
without having legal title to the team
it had bought.
This is in total contradiction to
the sellers press release of October 3
which stated that Mr Fernandes and
his Caterham Group had no longer
any connection with the Caterham
F1 team.
The administrators of Caterham
Sports Limited have been appointed
on behalf of Export-Import Bank of
Malaysia Berhad [Exim], a creditor
of Mr Fernandes and the Caterham
Group. The buyer has no connec-
tion with Exim.
Caterham Sports Ltd was a sup-
plier company to the Caterham F1
Very regrettably, the administra-
tors appointment has had devastat-
ing effects on the F1 teams activities.
Since their appointment, the ad-
ministrators have released various
press statements which have been
severely detrimental to the man-
agement of the Caterham F1 team.
After three months of operating the
Caterham F1 Team in good faith, the
buyer is now forced to explore all its
options including the withdrawal of
its management team.
Lawyers have been instructed
by the buyer to bring all necessary
claims against all parties, including
Mr Fernandes who, as an owner, will
run the F1 operation.
However, Fernandes claimed
later on Wednesday that he had
yet to be paid for Caterham by the
If you buy something you should
pay for it. Quite simple, he tweeted.
Malaysian tycoon Tony Fernandes has been threatened with legal action by the owners of the Formula One team Caterham. AFP
PP5s event returns for
December pitch battles
UP TO 16 teams will compete
in the second edition of the
PP5s futsal tournament,
which will be held on
December 7 at KB Sports
Field, organisers announced
yesterday. This year is going
to be bigger and better.
Hopefully, we have some
teams from the region joining
us to play, said Jimmy
Campbell of Excel Events, who
organise the annual
competition. All the outside
pitches of the complex will be
used for games, with the
covered pitches set aside for
warm ups, relaxation areas, a
bouncy castle for kids and
massages. Entry fees are $300
per team, which are allowed a
maximum of 10 players each,
and includes pitch fees, food
and drink. Winners and
runners-up will receive
medals and a trophy, with third
place finishers getting medals.
There will also be awards for
the winners and beaten
finalists of the Community
Cup, the second-tier
competition. DAN RILEY
Indonesian fan killed
in Java match violence
AN INDONESIAN football fan
was killed at a match on the
main island of Java when
hundreds of angry supporters
stormed the pitch and
attacked vehicles outside the
stadium, police said yesterday.
Violence erupted during
Wednesdays match between
second-tier sides Persis and
visiting Martapura FC in the
city of Solo, with fans mainly
targeting police. Eight officers
and six civilians were also
injured in the clashes, which
started inside the stadium
before moving outside, where
an angry mob set a police
motorbike alight and damaged
cars and buses. AFP
Balotelli and Rodgers
under Anfield spotlight
taskmaster Brendan Rodgers
will tackle troubled striker
Mario Balotelli over both a
half-time shirt-swap and a
pedestrian effort as Real
Madrid ran rampant at Anfield
on Wednesday. Rodgers
himself is also coming under
scrutiny, with Liverpool
struggling in the Champions
League and sluggish in the
Premier League since the sale
of star striker Luis Suarez to
Barcelona. At 3-0 down at
half-time on Wednesday,
Balotelli had shown none of
the bite or brilliance that took
him to Inter Milan, Manchester
City and AC Milan, and
Rodgers says he would have
been subbed even without the
shirt swap with Pepe. I only
heard about it when I came off
the pitch [after the game], he
said. For me, if you want to do
that its something you do at
the end of the game. I will deal
with that tomorrow. AFP
Santiago getters
Cambodias Then Lang Eng (left) lines up a shot to score against England during their 2014 Homeless World Cup Group F match in Santiago, Chile, on Wednesday. After England had
got off to a storming start, netting four times within the rst ve minutes, the Kingdom started to claw things back through goals from Khoun Bora and Lang Eng. However, the English
were bigger and stronger and held off for an 8-5 victory. Lang Eng scored four goals to move to 10 for the tournament. The group stage concludes today, with the trophy phase playing
out Saturday and Sunday. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Messi puts victory over
La Liga scoring record
Player of the Year
Lionel Messi has said
victory in the seasons
rst El Clasico against Real
Madrid on Saturday is more
important than the personal
glory of becoming La Ligas
all-time leading goalscorer.
Messi is just one short of
Telmo Zarras 251-goal record,
which has stood since 1955, and
could enter the record books
once more on rival territory as
Barca look to consolidate their
four-point lead over Madrid at
the Santiago Bernabeu.
However, the Argentine
joined coach Luis Enrique in
playing down the importance
of the match in the title race
with just eight games of the
season played.
It is a Clasico and it is al-
ways nice to play in it, but it
wont decide anything.
There is still a long way to
go, but we will play to win as
The record is less impor-
tant. The important thing is
that we play well and win.
Messi was substituted along
with Neymar and Andres Ini-
esta during the second-half of
Barcas 3-1 win over Ajax on
Tuesday as coach Luis Enrique
looked ahead to his rst visit to
the Bernabeu as Barca boss.
Controversy ensued when
Messi appeared to dismiss En-
riques pleas to come off during
Saturdays 3-0 win over Eibar,
but Messi insisted it is always
Enrique who has the nal say
on substitutions.
I have heard what has been
said, but he is the coach and
he can take me off when he
has to. There is no problem.
Messi and Neymar have
now combined for 19 of their
sides 28 goals this season and
the Barca frontline will have
even more star power at the
Bernabeu as Luis Suarez is
free to make his debut for the
club having served his four-
month ban for biting at the
World Cup.
We are desperately await-
ing the return of Luis because
he will give us a lot of strength
as a team, added Messi.
He is a great striker who will
score a lot of goals. I am happy
for him because he has spent a
lot of time without playing.
The match kicks off Satur-
day night at 11pm Cambodian
time. AFP
Barcelonas Lionel Messi (right) will become La Ligas all-time leading
goal scorer if he nets more than once against Real Madrid on Saturday. AFP
English Premier League
Saturday October 25
West Ham v Man City
Liverpool v Hull 9pm
Southampton v Stoke 9pm
Sunderland v Arsenal
West Brom v Crystal Palace
Swansea v Leicester
Sunday October 26
Burnley v Everton 8:30pm
Tottenham v Newcastle
Man United v Chelsea
Spanish La Liga
Saturday October 25
Celta de Vigo v Levante
Almeria v Athletic Bilbao
Real Madrid v Barcelona
Sunday October 26
Valencia v Elche 1am
Cordoba v Real Sociedad
Eibar v Granada 3am
Malaga v Rayo Vallecano
Espanyol v Deportivo
de La Coruna 11pm
Monday October 27
Sevilla v Villarreal 1am
Getafe v Atletico Madrid
German Bundesliga
Saturday October 25
Werder Bremen v FC Koln
Borussia Dortmund v
Hannover 8:30pm
Eintracht Frankfurt v
Stuttgart 8:30pm
Augsburg v Freiburg
Hertha Berlin v Hamburg
Hoffenheim v Paderborn
Bayer Leverkusen v
Schalke 11:30pm
Sunday October 26
Wolfsburg v Mainz 9:30pm
Borussia Mnchengladbach
v Bayern Munich 11:30pm
Italian Serie A
Saturday October 25
Empoli v Cagliari 8pm
Parma v Sassuolo 11pm
Sunday October 26
Sampdoria v Roma
Chievo v Genoa 9pm
Juventus v Palermo 9pm
Udinese v Atalanta 9pm
Monday October 27
Cesena v Inter Milan
Lazio v Torino 12am
Napoli v Verona 12am
AC Milan v Fiorentina
French Ligue 1
Saturday October 25
Toulouse v Lens 1:30am
Paris SG v Bordeaux 11pm
Sunday October 26
Bastia v Monaco 1am
Caen v Lorient 1am
Evian TG v Nantes 1am
Reims v Montpellier 1am
Rennes v Lille 8pm
Guingamp v Nice 11pm
St Etienne v Metz 11pm
Monday October 27
Lyon v Marseille 3am
UEFA Champions League
Atletico Madrid 5 Malmo 0
Olympiakos 1 Juventus 0
Ludogorets Razgrad 1
FC Basel 0
Bayer Leverkusen 2 Zenit St
Petersen 0
Monaco 0 Benca 0
Galatasaray 0
Borussia Dortmund 4
Anderlecht 1 Arsenal 2
Playoffs tip off in CBL
H S Manjunath
HE round robin
phase of the ongo-
ing Angkor Beer
Cambodian Basket-
ball League concluded at the
Olympic Stadium Indoor Are-
na on Wednesday evening,
with Sabay Tiger Mosquitoes
beating a somewhat light-
footed Emperors 55-30.
The outcome had no real
bearing on the playoff posi-
tions and Emperors, knowing
full well they would meet the
Mosquitoes in their quarter-
nal clash, chose to rest some
of their key players.
The Mosquitoes led all the
way, even as the Emperors
focused on keeping their
players free of any injuries
on court ahead of the crucial
On Tuesday evening, the
Mekong Tigers broke free
from their four-game los-
ing streak to post a morale-
boosting 77-69 win over CCPL
Davies Paints topped the
standings at the end of the
round robin followed by
Emperors and Pate 310. The
fourth to eighth rankings
were Mekong Tigers, Extra
Joss Fighters, Smart Dragons,
Sabay Tiger Mosquitoes and
CCPL Warriors respectively.
NSK Dream nishing ninth
and GL Concrete last of the 10
teams were eliminated from
the competition this season.
The quarternal playoffs
beginning this weekend (two
matches each on Saturday and
Sunday) will be decided on a
best-of-three games basis.
In Saturdays action, Davies
Paints will cross paths with
CCPL Warriors followed by
Emperors taking on Sabay Ti-
ger Mosquitoes.
Both the Paints and the
Warriors rosters are loaded
with Filipino players, but
thats where the commonal-
ity ends. Paints recorded one
of the biggest blowouts in the
CBL history by beating the
Warriors 119-49, a grim re-
minder for the Warriors of the
repower they face yet again.
Nothing much can be read
into Emperors loss to the
Mosquitoes on Wednesday.
It was obvious that the Em-
perors were accepting things
lightly on the court and the
playoff story will be quite
different, given the sides
known potential.
On Sunday, Pate 310 will
pit their strength against
Smart Dragons in the first
match. Dragons were beat-
en by Extra Joss Fighters in
their last league game.
Just two points separat-
ed Dragons in their loss to
Pate when the two last met,
which makes this game too
close to call.
Mekong Tigers have re-
gained some self-assur-
ance which seemed to have
drained out during a recent
disappointing phase.
The Tigers roared their way
to 84-66 win over Fighters in
their previous meeting, but
that was before Stephen Siru-
ma joined the Fighters and
began to swing the teams
fortunes. Since Sirumas ar-
rival, the Fighters have only
lost to big guns like Paints
and Emperors.
Playoffs Quarternals
Saturday October 25
Davies Paints v
CCPL Warriors 2pm
Emperors v Sabay Tiger
Mosquitoes 4pm
Sunday October 26
Pate 310 v Smart Dragons
Mekong Tigers v
Extra Joss Fighters 4pm
The top eight CBL teams progress to playoff quarternal battles starting on Saturday at the Olympic Stadium Indoor Arena. SRENG MENG SRUN
Rossi aims to cement second spot
YAMAHA rider Valentino Rossi is looking
to take a major step towards securing sec-
ond place in the world championship
over teammate Jorge Lorenzo at the
Malaysian MotoGP this weekend.
The Italian great is eight points clear
of the Spaniard going into Sundays
penultimate race in Sepang following
his win at Phillip Island, Australia, last
With Spanish sensation Marc Marquez
crowned the championship winner ear-
lier this month, second place is the best
Rossi, 35, and Lorenzo, 27, could hope for
but are determined to secure it.
Rossi has won seven premier class titles
in Malaysia but will be aware that the last
of those was in 2010. The Italian was only
able to finish fourth last year, one place
behind Lorenzo.
He will also be conscious of the 5.5
kilometre tracks unique challenges, par-
ticularly the often difficult weather condi-
tions with high temperatures and heavy
tropical rain.
Apart from the temperature being a bit
too high for MotoGP racing, I really like the
Malaysian track, Rossi told
I will do my best to win again. I got
my second win of the season and now I
want to fight for second place in the
Hondas Spanish star Dani Pedrosa won
last time round pipping teammate Mar-
quez into second, with Lorenzo finishing
third. Pedrosa also triumphed in 2012.
I look forward to racing at Sepang, its
a nice track, said Lorenzo on MotoGP.
com. I would like to be competitive
again, especially because I want to fight
for second place in the championship.
For Marquez this years race is a chance
to atone for that loss, free of pressure
with the world championship title
already in the bag.
The 21-year-old has added motivation
and wont be taking his foot off the ped-
al as he bids to equal Australian Mick
Doohans record of 12 wins in a single
Marquez, who last year became
MotoGPs youngest world champion is
also looking to bounce back after crash-
ing out at Phillip Island.
Sundays race gets under way from 3pm
Cambodian time. AFP
Yamaha rider Valentino Rossi will look to take
his eighth victory at the Malaysian Grand Prix
this weekend to consolidate his second spot. AFP

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