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C Continuous
C Comprehensive
E Evaluation
Continuous stands for assessment of a student throughout the year, not just at the end of a term. It may be
done formally or in an informal way using different techniques of evaluation . Comprehensive takes care of
assessment of all round development of a childs personality. A child will be assessed not only in terms of his
knowledge about a subject but his participation in other activities also.
Broadly, we assess a childs growth in two areas Scholastic and Co-scholastic.
The term Scholastic refers to those aspects , which are related to intellect or the brain. It is related to the
assessment of learners in curricular subjects. It includes assignments, projects, practical etc.

The term Co-scholastic refers to those aspects which are related to hand and heart.

How will the assessment be done ?
A school session is divided into two terms:
First term April to September. Second term October to March.
Each term has two Formative Assessments (FA) and one Summative Assessment (SA).
Syllabus covered in the first term will not be included in the second term.

Time Schedule and Weightage
First Term (40%)
FA I April to July 10%
FA 2 July to Sept. 10%
SA I End of Sept. 20%
Second Term (60%)
FA 3 Oct. to Dec. 10%
FA 4 Dec. to Feb. 10%
SA 2 End of March 40%

Since we have only second term in hand, we will take the 40% weightage from WT I and Mid Year
FA 3 includes :
1. WT 2
2. Home work
3. Class work
4. Group Activity/Experiments
5. Individual Activity
FA 4 will be conducted on the similar lines.
Syllabus for SA 2 (March 2010) is available on CBSE website and known to students also.
Formative assessment includes all types of tests, formal and informal. Assessment can be done during the
teaching process or after completing a unit. It includes :
Class work
Home work
Oral test
Group discussion
Group activity
Conversation/ Interview
The record of FA will be maintained by the class teacher and subject teachers.
This is the most traditional way of testing that is paper pen test based on the curriculum taught during the
specified time period. The question paper of SA will be set by the CBSE.
The centre of examination will be the childs own school. Answer sheets will be checked by the school teachers.
The performance of a child in scholastic area will be assessed in terms of marks. Marks will be known to the
student but his report card will show grades only. Marks will be converted into grades as per following
pattern :
91-100 A1 10
81-90 A2 9
71-80 B1 8
61-70 B2 7
51-60 C1 6
41-50 C2 5
33-40 D 4
21-32 E1
00-20 E2

Students getting grades D and above are eligible for the promotion in the next class.
Students getting grades E1 or E2 will be given three more chances by the board to get the qualifying grade.
The student will prepare for the improvement exam at home only.
For admissions to class XI, school can decide its own criteria.
Optional board exam is on demand only. Names will be forwarded by the school for the same on written
request by the parents.
At the end of class IX and X, CBSE offers an optional aptitude test for all the students.
Names will be forwarded by the school for the same on written request by the parents. It is not co-related with
the admission in class XI.
It is meant only to know the aptitude of your child.
PROFICIENCY TEST is an optional Exam conducted by CBSE.
Names will be forwarded by the school on the request of parents. It is not co-related with the admission in
class XI.
After class X, a student will by a CCE Certificate. The certificate will be filled by the student and the school. The
certificate will be signed by the student, principal and Board official. It carries students profile, class IX
performance and class X performance both the areas (scholastic and co-scholastic).
Students should keep the record of their achievements/participation in all the activities inside or outside the
It is mandatory for every child to appear in both the summative exams. If for some valid reasons, one fails to
appear in any summative exam, he will be given a re-test. After getting qualifying grades he/she will be
promoted to the next class.

Features of CCE
The continuous aspect of CCE takes care of continual and periodicity aspect of evaluation.
Continual means assessment of students in the beginning of instruction (placement evaluation)and assessment
during the instructional process (formative evaluation) done informally using multiple techniques of evaluation.
Periodicity means assessment of performance done frequently at the end of unit/ term(summative)
The comprehensive component of CCE takes care of assessment of all round development of the childs
personality. It includes assessment in Scholastic as well as Co-Scholastic aspects of the pupils growth.
Scholastic aspects include curricular areas or subject specific areas, whereas co-scholastic aspects include Life
Skills, Co-Curricular Activities, Attitudes, and Values.
Assessment in scholastic areas is done informally and formally using multiple techniques of evaluation
continually and periodically. The diagnostic evaluation takes place at the end of a unit/term test. The causes of
poor performance in some units are diagnosed using diagnostic tests. These are followed up with appropriate
interventions followed by retesting.
Assessment in Co-Scholastic areas is done using multiple techniques on the basis of identified criteria, while
assessment in Life Skills is done on the basis of Indicators of Assessment and checklists.

Objectives of CCE
To help develop cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills.
To lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasise memorization.
To make evaluation an integral part of teaching-learning process.
To use evaluation for improvement of students achievement and teaching learning strategies on the basis of
regular diagnosis followed by remedial instruction.
To use evaluation as a quality control device to maintain desired standard of performance.
To determine social utility, desirability or effectiveness of a programme and take appropriate decisions about
the learner, the process of learning and the learning environment.
To make the process of teaching and learning a learner-centered activity

Advantages of CCE System in CBSE
CCE helps in reducing stress of students by -
Identifying learning progress of students at regular time intervals on small portions of content.
Employing a variety of remedial measures of teaching based on learning needs and potential of different
Desisting from using negative comments on the learners performance.
Encouraging learning through employment of a variety of teaching aids and techniques.
Involving learners actively in the learning process.
Recognizing and encouraging specific abilities of students, who do not excel in academics but perform well in
other co-curricular areas.
CCE helps in improving students performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular time
intervals right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for
enhancing their learning performance.
Holistic education demands development of all aspects of individuals personality including cognitive, affective
and psycho motor domains. It is unfortunate that not much attention and emphasis is given to the
development of interests, hobbies and passion of learners. Focusing on excellence in academics alone
undoubtedly results in lop-sided development of personality. It is thus essential that due importance be given
to participation in co-cumeular activities like music, dance, art, dramatics and other areas of ones interest to
make life more fulfilling and enjoyable.
Scheme of CCE is expected to help the child make informed choice of subjects in class XI based on his
aptitude, interests, liking, and academic performance. With CCE aiming at all round development of the childs
personality it is expected that a student will be able to take up competitive examinations in right earnest. It
may be clearly understood that introduction of CCE does not mean less emphasis on academic attainment.
Students will still be required to do well in studies. However due to acquisition of additional life skills, like
thinking and emotional skills, they are expected to meet different life situations with greater maturity.
CCE Guidelines and Pattern
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation refers to a system of school based assessment that covers all
aspects of students development.
It emphasizes two fold objectives.Continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning.
CCE helps in reducing stress of students by :-
Identifying learning progress of students at regular time intervals on small portions of content.
Employing a variety of remedial measures of teaching based on learning needs and potential of different
Desisting from using negative comments on the learners performance.
Encouraging learning through employment of a variety of teaching aids and techniques.
Involving learners actively in the learning process.
Recognizing and encouraging specific abilities of students, who do not excel in academics but perform well in
other co-curricular areas.
Use a variety of tools (oral, projects, presentations) .
Understand different learning styles and abilities.
Share the assessment criteria with the students.
Allow peer and self assessment.
Give an opportunity to the student to improve.
Important Points :
CCE will cover the scholastic and co scholastic areas of school education.
The two types of assessment referred to in the circular are formative and summative. The periodicity of the
two types of assessment are four and twice a year respectively.
Formative Assessment totals to 40% weightage.
Summative Assessment totals to 60% weightage.
There are nine grades in Part A of Scholastic assessment and Part B of the same assessment has five grades.
Summative assessment covers non academic areas like attitudes and skills and there are three grades.
If a student secures Grade 6 in the academic areas his/her marks would range from 51% to 60%.
CCE advocates absolute grading. This means that Grade 9 would imply an A2 grade.
The academic term will be divided into two terms.
Functions of CCE
It helps the teacher to organize effective teaching strategies.
Continuous evaluation helps in regular assessment to the extent and degree of learners progress (ability and
achievement with reference to specific scholastic and co-scholastic areas).
Continuous evaluation serves to diagnose weaknesses and permits the teacher to ascertain an individual
learners strengths and weaknesses and her needs. It provides immediate feedback to the teacher, who can
then decide whether a particular unit or concept needs re-teaching in the whole class or whether a few
individuals are in need of remedial instruction.
By continuous evaluation, children can know their strengths and weaknesses. It provides the child a realistic
self assessment of how he/she studies. It can motivate children to develop good study habits, to correct errors,
and to direct their activities towards the achievement of desired goals. It helps a learner to determine the
areas of instruction in which more emphasis is required.
Continuous and comprehensive evaluation identifies areas of aptitude and interest. It helps in identifying
changes in attitudes, and value systems.
It helps in making decisions for the future, regarding choice of subjects, courses and careers.
It provides information/reports on the progress of students in scholastic and co-scholastic areas and thus helps
in predicting the future successes of the learner.

How CCE Changed the life of Teachers and
Evaluation system leaves teachers stressed.
Bright students dont feel challenged.
The number of students in the class is the same. But this year, Meenakshi Sant finds the number over-
Teaching is not the same anymore, said Sant, a Class 9 teacher at Mini Model School, Janakpuri. Our lives
have changed overnight,
Assessment on a regular basis under Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) unlike last years year-
end evaluation has inflated their work.
Maintaining several registers for recording academic and non-academic achievements has made the process
cumbersome. Stress, as a result has just changed hands from the students to the teachers.
There isnt enough time in one period to say, conduct a quiz or have a discussion on a certain topic and also
evaluate all the children at the same time. said Indrani Bhattacharjee, a social science teacher at St. Xaviers
CCE was implemented in the middle of the last academic session. Though training sessions were organised for
principals teachers, confusion on the issue still persists.
A little disgruntled, teachers, however, are still on board the CCE train.Getting the brighter students to do the
same is one of the biggest challenges in the way of implementing the new evaluation system in its true letter
ami spirit.
The biggest worry: dilution of academic standards.
I am happy that CCE has helped the non-academically inclined students in maximizing their potential. But at
the same time, it has robbed the brighter students of their need to feel challenged, said Aviral Sethi, a class X
student of St. Xaviers School
Parents of the academically strong children are also not happy. From having their child top the class to not
knowing where he or she stands now that is quite disappointing for them, said Nupur Malholra, a Class 10
student of Delhi Public School, Rohini.
But more importantly, its the wrong interpretation of the new system that has parents and children across the
board most worried.
CCEs rule of regular assessment, for instance, has led to many schools putting students under constant
scrutiny. The students are obviously not okay with it.
I become wry conscious that someone is watching me. It is as if I have to put up an appearance all the time
for fear of being graded negatively. said Rajat Bihani, a Class 10 student of Tagore International, East of
My child has started getting more homework and project works now. There are more unit tests. How is this
de-stressing a child? said Pradeep Gupta, whose child studies in a North Delhi School.
CCE Report Card

Find out the exact format of cce report card

CCE Report Card

NAME OF SCHOOL :. ____________
COMPLETE ADDRESS : ____________
E-mail Id : ____________
Telephone No.: ____________
Class IX

Session : ____________
Student Profile
Name of Student ____________
Section ____________
House ____________
Admission Number ____________
Date of Birth ____________
Residential Address and Telephone No.
Board Registration No. ____________
Mothers Name ____________
Fathers Name ____________
Health Status
Height ______
Blood Group _______
Teeth ________
Specific Ailment, If any: _________
Weight _________
Vision (L). (R).
Oral Hygiene _________
Total attendance of the student: ____________
Total working days: ____________
Specimen Signature of Parents/Guardian: ____________
Signature of the Class Teacher: ____________

The Formative Assessment (FA) comprises of paper-pencil tests as well as assignments, projects, practical
work etc. Only the grades maybe reflected in the column under FA and SA. Separate registers may be
maintained by teachers to record the marks obtained by students in different tasks. These marks may be
converted into grades according to given grading system and entered in the columns.
Students are to be awarded grades according to the following scheme:
91-100 A1 10.0
81 -90 A2 9.0
71 -80 B1 8.0
61-70 B2 7.0
51 -60 C1 6.0
41 -50 C2 5.0
33-40 D 4.0
21-32 E1

00-20 E2

Promotion is based on the day-to-day work of the students throughout the year and also on the performance in
the terminal examination.
First term: FA1 (10%) + FA2 (10%) + SA1 (20%) Formative assessment (FA) 1+2+3+4 =40%
Second term: FA3(10%) + FA4(10%) + SA2 (40%) Summative assessment (SA) 1+2 =60%

** The 5 point Grading Scale for Life Skills Assessment is given below:
Most indicators in a skill A+ Some indicators in a skill B+
Many indicators in a skill A Few indicators in a skill B
Very few indicators in a skill C

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