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History: Section 2 assesment

Key Words:
1. What are mosaics made from?
2. Were gladiators usually slaves or usually free?
3. What is a romance language? Is English one of these?
Key Ideas:
4. How did the romans affect the languages spoken in Europe?
5. What were two popular types of roman entertainments?

6. Who was romes most famous orator?
Think critically:
7. Compare and Contrast: How are ciceros writings different from Juvenals?
8. Identify Main Ideas: How is the legacy of the latin language important to scientists today?

9.Essential Question: What important discovery did galen make about how things move insides
peoples bodies?

1. Mosaics were made from small tiles of glass, stone or pottery.
2. Gladiators were usually slaves or criminals. They were trained both to fight and to entertain a
3. Romance languages are languages that came from Latin. English is not a Romance language but
half of all the English words comes directly or indirectly from Latin.
4. Romans affected the languages spoken in Europe because of the colonists and merchants that
took their languages to many parts of Europe.
5. The Greeks staged public entertainments including plays and athletic events.
6. Romes most famous orator was Cicero.
7. Ciceros writings talked about friendship and love, but Juvenals writings talked of literature that
made fun of their subject.
8. Scientists are still using Latin to name plants and animals.
9. Claudius Galen discovered that arteries and vein carried blood instead of air.

History: Section 3 assesment
Key Words:
1. What is bapism?
2. What does it mean for someone to be resurrected?
3. How did Christians martyrs help strenghthen the faith of other Christians?
Key Ideas:
4. How did the Zealots feel about the roman rule in Judea?
5. Summarize the events of Jesus life according to the Gospels.
6. Why did the Roman government fear the spread of Christianity?
Think Critically:
7. Identify Main Ideas: Why did the Roman government tolerate Judaism but not
8. Analyze cause and effect: According to tradition, How did Constantines dream changed
the course of roman history?
9. Essential Question: How did the actions of the Roman government help allow the spread
of Christianity and other ideas?

1. Bapism is an ritual cleansing by plunging into water.
2. Resurrection means to people to come back to life after death.
3. Marthyrs make the Christians faith stronger because of the courage that they had to keep
believing in god after all that persecution of them.
4. Zealots rebelled from Romans, they did not pay taxes and killed Romans officials. Therefore they
were forbidden to live in Jerusalen. Many left Judea as migrants or were taken away as slaves.
5. Jesus of Nazareth lived and taught. He attracted a large following known as the gospels.
According to the Gospels, Jesus was a descendant of the great Jewish king, David. and his birth
was miraculous. According to tradition, Jesus was a carpenter, like his father.
6. Roman government fear the spread of Christianity because Christians refused to worship
Romans gods and that Romans gods would be angry if people who became Christians stopped
worshiping them because Roman governments job was to keep the gods happy.
7. Roman government tolerate Judaism but not Christianity because of the religion of Judaism
believed in many gods, but Christianity believed in a single one.
8. According to tradition, The Emperor Constantine had a dream just before a key battle which
told him to fight under the sign of the cross.
9. The actions of the Roman government help allow the spread of Christianity and other ideas
because of the construction of roads who kept the seas free of pirates. This made travel safer. It
allowed Christians to move more easily from place to place, spreading their beliefs.

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