Director - S Certificate

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WE, the undersigned majority members of the Board of Directors and

the Secretary, do hereby certify that the Articles of Incorporation of SEXYVIC, INC.
(formerly CEBA!SCI"!S, I#C$%, &as amended by an a'rmati(e (ote of the
stoc)holders o&ning or representing at least t&o*thirds of the outstanding capital
stoc) at a meeting held for that purpose at the principal o'ce of the corporation on
+ebruary ,-, ./,- and li)e&ise appro(ed by majority of the directors at a meeting
held on +ebruary ,-, ./,- at the principal o'ce of the corporation$
0he amended pro(isions of the attached Amended Articles of
Incorporation refer to +I1S0, the FOUR articles particularly on the name, SEXYVIC,
INC. (formerly CEBA!SCI"!S, I#C$% to read as follo&s2
+I1S02 0he name of the corporation shall be SEXYVIC, INC., (as amended 18
February 2014)
SEC"#D2 0he a3airs of the corporation shall be go(erned by the Board of
Directors of thirteen (13) member, and that the names, nationalities, and
residences of the 0rustees, &ho are to ser(e as such until their successors should
ha(e been duly elected and 4uali5ed in accordance &ith the By*a&s (as amended
14 February 2014);
06I1D2 0he authori7ed capital stoc) of the corporation shall be T!" #$n%re%
Th"$&n% 'e" ('()),)))) *"nitin+ ", T!" Th"$&n% ((,)))) Sh&re,
e&*h !ith & -&r .&/$e ", '1)) (as amended 14 February 2014);
+"!1062 0he amounts subscribed and paid for subscriptions are as follows:
Name Nationality No. of Shares
Amount Paid
Claudia Squilla-
Filipino 85 P8,500 P2,125
Lion Cock-G-
Filipino 85 P8,500 P2,125
Rich Big-Ass-
Filipino 85 P8,500 P2,125
Joseph S.
Filipino 85 P8,500 P2,125
Aldrich Rough-
Lay Oui
Filipino 85 P8,500 P2,125
Jerk-yer Hard-
Old Rod-spicio
Filipino 85 P8,500 P2,125
TOTAL 510 P30,000 P12,750
(as amended ,8 +ebruary ./,-%
I# WI0#ESS W6E1E"+, &e ha(e hereunto signed this certi5cate this ,8
of +ebuary ./,- in 9a)ati City, 9etro 9anila, :hilippines$
(Sgd% ;an Chan (Sgd% <ri7ia +abico
DI1EC0"1 DI1EC0"1
0I# ,.=*->?*@8A 0I# ,=.*-=.*?-=
(Sgd% <athleen 9ati(o (Sgd% Chieri #agase
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(Sgd% AleCis #oble (Sgd% Daneia:alad
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0I# ,.>*.=,*@-> 0I# 8->*>-?*.=-
(Sgd% :amela Bson
0I# >-=*=-@*=.-
S!BSC1IBED A#D SW"1# to before me this ./
day of December ./,-,
a'ants eChibiting to me their 0aC Identi5cation #os$ as competent e(idence of
Doc$ #o$
:age #o$
Boo) #o$
Series of ./,-$

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