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Ricardo Ezequiel Loya Orduo

6th semester, C
April 10, 2014
Editor: Francisco Ayala Rodrguez

The United States Should Not Interfere in the Other Countries Internal Affairs

Last year WikiLeaks revealed that the United States spied and interfered in the
internal affairs of several countries. The information brought an uproar to the
international community, then a question arise among them: should the United States
interfere in the internal affairs of the other nations? There are several reasons for the
United States or any other state not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
First of all, a foreign intervention such as the one from the United States,
infringes in the sovereignty of a nation. Sovereignty is the quality of having an
independent authority over a geographic area such as a state. Being a sovereign state
entails responsibilities to the nation and its citizens; therefore, always looking for the
best interest for its nation and the people that inhabits it. When a nation loses part of its
sovereignty, such as in the interference of a foreign state, it cannot guarantee the
wellbeing of the nation and its citizens.
Secondly, by interfering in the internal affairs, the foreign nation (e.g. the United
States) affects the other nation development. In 1960 the United States government
imposed an embargo against Cuba for the communist revolution led by Fidel Castro
against the American sponsored Fulgencio Batistas regime. The embargo at first did
not included food and medicines, however, with the involvement of the Cuban
government with the Soviet Union and the consequent missile crisis, in 1962 the
embargo extended to all imports from all American allied nations. As of today the
embargo is still on, and it will remain as if until the communist dictatorship established,
steps down and begins the democratization of the country. Because of the embargo, the
Cuban society is frozen in time. The countrys infrastructure and lifestyle of its citizens
is the same as it was 50 years ago, and since the American-Cuban remains on hold, the
development of the nation will remain stalled for a while.
Third and final point, when any country, in this case the United States, interferes
in the internal affairs of its peers, it extends its sphere of influence. The sphere of
influence is defined as a spatial region or division over which a state has a level of
cultural, economic, military, or political exclusivity, accommodating to the interests of
powers outside the sphere is the state that controls it. In other words, a country within
the sphere of influence of another, more powerful country its subject of changes. These
changes, at a time, may seem harmless or even beneficial for the country; however,
ultimately will distort the culture, politics, economy and military might. These distortions
will be at the convenience of another state that has little to none interest on the other
country's wellbeing.
The opponents of this point of view might argue that, the interference made by
the United States has been done for the greater good. This interventions are seen from
the point of view of the others are made in order to maintain peace and safety in the
world, to counter menaces that put the world in danger. However, a question comes to
mind. Who is saving the world from whom? For when the United States saves the
world not only acts on the best interest of him or his allies, but also infringes in the
sovereignty of the nation the saving is being made. As previously stated a country that
has no sovereignty, does not have the ability to provide welfare to it citizens and nation.
Abnegate civilians of any kinds of welfare, is considered a war crime; therefore any
action against the sovereignty of a country ca be considered as an act of war.

For several reason, such as the ones previously stated, the United States or any
country should not interfere in the internal affairs of another country. For not only affects
its sovereignty, development and its citizens welfare, also threatens peace. No type of
interference can be made in the name of peace, for the only path to peace is not ruling
over others but respecting each other. As once a great man said for in the people as
within the nations, the respects to the others rights is peace.

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