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... through Bertha Dudde

Battle .... Works of destruction ....
Against Gods will ....
A world of attle will s!other lo"e and this signifies the s#iritual
reakdown of that world. For where lo"e is #resent there is also
#eace. $o!atants% howe"er% shelter the s#ark of hatred in their
chest and hatred wants to destro& and inflicts countless wounds
to the o##onent.
But since e"er& work of destruction entails the de"astation of the
di"ine creation and is therefore a "iolation of the $reators will%
God will ne"er e ale to sanction such works of destruction% and
thus the attle will ne"er corres#ond to di"ine will .... unless a
attle is waged against latant heartlessness% for a righteous
cause which will e a lessing for the world.
'ence% lo"e for ones neighour !ust e the dri"ing force for a
attle. Without it #eo#le would ha"e to endure suffering through
no fault of their own% which a res#onsile rulers sense of (ustice
wants to sto# ha##ening. )n that case a war is (ustified% and God
will lead hi! to "ictor& for the sake of these suffering #eo#le.
*"er& e"il deed will result in e"il deeds ti!e and again% and thus
a attle e"oked without (ustification will gi"e rise to countless e"il
deeds again. Once the heartlessness has reached its cli!a+%
hu!anit& will e read& for its downfall% for hu!anit&s conduct is
not onl& directed against their fellow hu!an eings ut also
against God% & destro&ing Gods creations.
A#art fro! the dreadful earthl& conse,uences e"er& act of
destruction also has inconcei"ale s#iritual results which affect
the hu!an race itself.
*"er& work of destruction interferes with di"ine will insofar as
that it destro&s the di"ine order% thus it callousl& destro&s the
works which Gods wisdo! and lo"e had created% which !ust
therefore understandal& ha"e a direct effect on the #er#etrators
the!sel"es. God is righteous and 'is #unish!ent will co!e u#on
the guilt&% and guilt& are those #eo#le whose actions onl& e"er
e+#ress heartlessness.
-o"e will ne"er e ale to #re"ail a!ong #eo#le who fight each
other and ai! to cause da!age in order to render the other
inca#ale of fighting ....
*"er&thing ca!e forth fro! Gods lo"e. conse,uentl&% lo"e was
the di"ine creati"e #ower. -ack of lo"e !ust therefore signif& the
ruin of what Gods lo"e created .... And thus the heartlessness is
directed against God. )t is so!ething that God can ne"er a##ro"e
of and therefore 'e cannot su##ort a attle which will dri"e
heartlessness to #erfection. God is lo"e .... and an&thing that
lacks lo"e is #art of Gods ad"ersar& ....
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