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The coverage for the system functional architecture needed a methodology to follow in way to
create a flexible infrastructure that is composite of applications, data storage and necessary
interfaces for planning agencies/ departments. Methodically, the focus shall revolve around three
main interrelated trilogy of policies, processes and technology,
Responsibilities of Organization: the functional differences among the planning agencies/
departments that are going to collaborate in the cloud.
Hierarchy of Organization: the functional demarcations within each department to control the
jobs for enforcement on system availability to individuals.
Definition of Tasks/ Personnel: the roles and responsibilities of the team among these
organizations that are driven for a defined task as output.
Inter-departmental Relationships: the relationships with regard to sharing the application
resources while data dependencies are well scheduled to support each other.
Information Security: The roles and the hierarchy in each of the agencies/ departments
needed a structured definition so that the privileges of roles be with reference to the
functional scope of sub-categories. This further enhances the security to cover to the entire
agency/ department when the resources are exposed through an interface protocol.
Federal ICT Acts: the government as a central legal boundary for a federal system could
constitutionally effect the policies to be within the gamut of the ICT acts. The compliance
would give more power to implement the reference architecture under the aegis of federal
Data Share Interfacing: the interfaces are defined by each agency/ department based on
agreed KPIs to interface for functional responsibilities.
Responsibility Matrix: The responsibilities of intra and inter agencies/ departments needed
appropriate classifications to follow the process models.
Authentication Procedures: the above responsibilities in accordance to the roles would require
the privileges under the guidelines of organizational hierarchy to negotiate the data within
the same agency/ department or external source.
Data/ Aggregates Design: the models of data and its aggregates would follow the application
procedures for the scope of agency/ department.
Data/ Inference Security: the processed data at each actor within the organization may be of
use by others who are internal or external, and require a process to controlled use of data or
prepared inferences.
Data Synchronization: the data across the entire cloud of this collaboration require a
scheduled synchronization to avoid loose ends in terms fixing the responsibilities of actors
across the data generation/ processing.
Infrastructure Specifications: the composition of application and hardware that is responsible
for cloud enablement.
Transactional Identities: the specifications of typical interfacing requirements of various
application procedures.

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