Sea Salt GW

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So if this is as powerful as it seems, and is as simple as it seems, I wonder if it is hidden in the

alchemical verbage. I was already exploring potential sea salt paths when I came upon this. Is it
possible that alcohol is our mercury and sea salt our salt? (If mercury is our sea, isn't that where
the sea salt goes?) Is this milk the virgin's milk (or "a" virgin's milk)? I guess I'll have to play
with it to see if it dissolves our sulphur, maybe after digesting for a time as in the Philosopher of
Leyden's work. Is it possible that this simple combination produces the same or similar medicine
that results from the comparatively longer digestion of sea salt and dew?
Maybe you just have a magnesium hydroxide compound. Check out which salts dissolve in
alcohol and which not. This does not mean the alcohol could not have extracted the gold out of
dead sea salt. I recall reading somewhere that someone used a process involving dead sea manna
and alcohol to potentiate it or something. It's probably in the ormus_swg or whitegold list
archives from some years ago.
I was thinking that too, about the alcohol preparation. I've read on some site about an alcohol
preparation but never knew how they did it. It'd be funny if it's this simple and they're selling the
stuff for $60 dollars or something.

I'm sure some of the magnesium would precipitate, but that wouldn't account for the effects I'm
I happened across an old book with something about common salt and aqua vitae:

Concerning Common Salt for the Purification of Aqua Vitae

Take of Common Salt, prepared by solution and coagulation, and let it be many times dried; pour
on it Aqua Vitae, and distill with a strong fire, the more the better, and it will be rectified,
dissolving gold. It ought to be distilled with salt at least three or four times.

Also: Pour out common salt, coagulate, and dissolve in common fresh water, repeating this until
it be purified, and be obtained in crystalline form. Also: Let Antimony --- and the other things
not destroyed by combustion in the crucible --- be dissolved in spirits of wine and distilled four
days. Then extract therefrom the Salt and Oil.

Note: Philosophical Fire --- which is called Nature and Soul --- can be extracted from all natural
things, and is of their nature and condition, because, in earth is earth, in water is water, in air is
air, in fire is fire; neither has it causes of corruption nor contrary qualities.

Also: Of every Salt can a Tincture or Elixir be made, because an Elixir can be made of all things
in the world, as has been said above, and hence also of Tartar, which Salt is a natural thing.

Also: The Philosopher says: The Spirit enters not except by water, i.e., by Salt Water and the
Regimen of fire, because whatever is dissolved out of Salts is done over a gentle fire, and
whatever is dissolved by means of Salt Water remains, and is not altered. Hence, if you would be
enriched, prepare Common Salt and Alkali, and reduce them into pure, sweet water, which is
preparative and incerative water, in which --- if thou shalt have decocted the whitened spirits ---
it will rectify and whiten the same, extinguishing therein all blackness.

To be noted: Prepare Salts; make them liquid and commiscible with bodies, and --- if thou
wouldst be enriched --- prepare especially Sal Alpoli. For its property is to retain volatile things,
and hence they are more quickly liquefied and collected. For, whatever has been dissolved out of
Salts over a slow fire, should afterwards be distilled over three times with a very slow fire. The
residue in the still should be removed and preserved, and the said water be again redistilled until
perfectly pure water passes over. In the fifth distillation the water will be pure, and then it is
finished, as the Philosopher says. When you obtain water from air, and air from fire, and fire
from earth, then you have the whole Art.

From the above it is patent that salt enters not a body, neither are bodies mixed with it, unless the
salt be made liquable, nor are those complexionable unless the saltness be purged away. Then
will it be an Elixir, a most limpid Condiment, like the Coagulum of Milk. For the dryness of salt
is the calcinative and parcher of all bodies and spirits. But the property of water is mild,
purifying and rectifying bodies and spirits. Take care, for it is a light sort, that thou mayst collect
gold and silver perfectly pure, for it rectifies and perfects whitened spirits.

By boiling thou mayst obtain many things wherewith to coagulate Mercury and change it into
perfect silver. Hence the Philosopher: If Quicksilver be joined to its own kind, it will doubtless
flee away, but if quick when fleeing, suffering another union with water, it bears fire and

Praise God in thy soul for what I have said, and praised be God who hath placed His Wisdom in
Salt! Work with the same and thou shalt prosper.

That's from Benedictus Figulus - A Golden and Blessed Casket of Nature's Marvels...

So it does sound similar to taking this stuff and running it through several solve-coagulas like the
other salt processes I was working on, then it should dissolve our sulphur. Hmmm. I have some
That m-alco sounds quite promising, I have just put some salt in rum... really horrible taste.
Would you please post an exact recipe & dosage?

Per chance I am just reading Figulus also, but I am afraid that the problem is that "Aqua Vitae". I
guess everything put in Aqua Vitae would be miraculous.
Sure. But did it turn milky?
Well, I just did it with brandy and it did, so since the alcohol content
is about the same as rum, yours must have worked.
The amount of salt is about 1/3 less than the volume of solvent - then if it
dissolves it all with no visible sign of undissolved salt in your glass, then
add a bit more til you notice some traces that don't dissolve. Then it's
saturated and you 've gotten as much m-state as you can from that
amount of menstrum.

Mine tastes horrible too by itself - all that salt.
But when put in some vehicle like 1/3 glass of wine, you don't
taste the salt at all.
I've always added it to alcoholic vehicles, but I don't see why you
couldn't add it to juice if you'd rather. I'll try mine in grape juice today
and report.

The dose I usually take is about 1/2 a dropper full, maybe a little less.
If you don't have a dropper, then I guess it's probably 1/3 to 1/2 of a teaspoon.

Ok, I just added 1/2 a tspn to 1/3 glass of grape juice and the juice still
tastes great and I'm definitely feeling effects within 2 minutes.

Your effects may have to build. I was taking this about two weeks before
I noticed kundalini stuff. People may not get kundalini at all - maybe I was
just ready. But I would expect all to feel this great feeling after a week or two, maybe sooner.

So I just made the stuff and did all this testing while writing this post, within ten minutes.
This is reallly simple. Anyone should be able to do this. Now we know you don't even have to
dry your vodka... use brandy, rum...
And if you don't have dead sea, you can at least start with sea salt and still
get some nice things from m-11.

I introduced this to another friend of mine and he's going to try washing it
to get some of the salt out and make the taste better.

Personally, I won't bother with washing -
1. it tastes fine when put in a vehicle.
2. washing may lose the finest material.
3. maybe not washing it has something to do with the potency.

But I'll let you know if I hear anything about washing it.
I had said earlier that the elixir worked the same in whatever
vehicle and by itself... I don't think that's true now.
Whenever I mix it in a carbonated alcoholic beverage
is the strongest. I read on any energy drink can once that
the carbonation helps in the delivery. I suppose that must apply
here too because I notice a definite difference in strength and speedy

I also bought some Celtic sea salt and did the process and mixed
that precipitate with the dead sea to give it a greater spectrum of
effects. And while I've mixed this with several tinctures, my favorite
is the melissae. So what I drink the most is the melissae ens fortified
with dead sea and celtic sea salt m-states which I hope will make the
melissae do what it's supposed to.

Haven't had any pains in the body... the elixir mostly manifests in the
head and ears and spine now, and often a rise in body temperature.
I often feel like it is strengthening my energy... if any of you are
familiar with martial arts, I'd say it is packing chi.
I'm excited about the ears, anticipating the sound of the auric fields, what
Hudson referred to as Meisner fields. This effect has also been mentioned
by the Essene and people on ***'s old site when he was experimenting
with m-states. I say 'was', but he probably still is... this is the one thing he
won't discuss anymore, and i don't think it's because it doesn't work, but rather
that it works so well.
Whenever I mix it in a carbonated alcoholic beverage
is the strongest.
This is a known "effect" caused by bubbles, e.g. champagne wine etc.
IMHO the sum is the same, but the feeling stronger cuz of quicker rush, cuz the time of
absorption is shorter.
Some people even carbonate standard alcohol drinks or did "smashed" tequila.
Sorry I do not know english expression for this, maybe it it not existent.
I took only 1 dosage, noticing nothing.
I have to wait now several days for a delivery of suitable alco.

I also want to try your urine soap mix, but its not completely clear for me; would you post the
whole recipe? And I am also planning to omit antimony from it; except you can persuade me by
some facts that it is safe ;). I have some which I melted from Sb2S3.
Haha. Well, I have no facts that it's safe. Just my opinion/experience.
Personally, I feel safer about the antimony than the salt. :cool: Is that weird?
I can't say for anyone else, but I've ingested just about everything I've made.
That's why I make it!
In small amounts, I don't think it could hurt.
Historically, we have alchemists telling us to ingest small amounts
of acid, alkali, and near neutral substances, as great medicines.

But as I later realised, I don't really think the antimony, or the urine soap,
change anything or improve anything anymore. The alcohol extraction seems
just as good to me.
But here's the urine soap if you want to try it. I figured it would be similar,
well - exactly the same - as Starkey's volatile alkali soap which makes the Circulatum
for the plant kingdom, only this one's for the animal kingdom.

Take about a 1/2 cup sodium carbonate, or make it by heating sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda): wiki says:
"Above 70 C, sodium bicarbonate gradually decomposes into sodium carbonate, water and
carbon dioxide. The conversion is fast at 250 C"

Immediately after finished heating, beat it with mortar and pestle and then
add fresh, or putrefied, urine (the putrefied makes for a cleaner soap) but
just a little at a time and mash it in with the pestle. Add enough to make a paste or
soap-like consistency. If you add too much, you can heat it off and try
again. From there I added vodka, enough to dissolve it. If it seperates into
alkali and alcohol then you need to add some water until they mix again.
(Add a little water, shake, check if they stay mixed... if not, add a little more water...)

If you gently distill and recohobate several times this should make the circulatum,
but I just added the crushed antimony at this point and heated it in sand
and it dissolved some of the antimony (you could see it bubbling).
If you want to skip that, you could just add the dead sea salt now and shake.

I suppose if one wanted, they could just let the soap deliquesce, which it does
readily, and try adding sea salt. This will be pretty alkali though.
But when you add a bit to a vehicle, it's ok. But you'll add less because of the
pH and thus you'll get less m-state or precipitate - whatever it is - per dose than with the alcohol
Thanx 4 recipe.
It looks more laborious that I supposed and combined with your info that the effects are the same
I think I will rethink it... and likely try more m-alco.
Not much new with this.
Maybe I'm beginning to plateau a bit, but that doean't
mean I don't feel anything... just much of the same influx
of energy and feeling. No more pains or kundalini for a while.
Still quite certain I'm not poisoning myself.
The one thing to remark is the ears - not hearing any ringing
or buzzing, at least nothing consistent, but my ears are more
sensitive. Like I would normally listen to my car stereo at 9 or 10,
and now it's more comfortable at 7. And when I'm around kids on the
weekends, they have so much noisy energy it really hurts my ears
sometimes. But I'm aware that I'm hearing them even louder than they
actually are. It kind of reminds me of Robert Monroe - Journeys out
of the Body, what he called m-band noise...
Here's a closer inspection of the urine soap "m-state".

This pic is the thickened supposed m-state after pouring off alot of the solution.

Then I pour a bit of that into a glass.


There's just a tiny bit of wine in the glass and it starts to dissolve the materia.
But m-state doesn't dissolve in wine...
At least none that I've made in the past from regular methods.

Now it's dissolved just about all of it and you can see drops of oil on the solution.


Then I add the amount of wine to make it potabile and you can really see the oil.


I call it potabile anyway. :D
So what am i drinking?
Sure looks like m-state.

Can anyone else confirm that m-state doesn't dissolve in wine?
Is that generally known?
I guess I'm thinking of dried m-state - it doesn't dissolve.
But maybe the wet does.
Can anyone else confirm that m-state doesn't dissolve in wine?
Is that generally known?
I guess I'm thinking of dried m-state - it doesn't dissolve.
But maybe the wet does.

My observations on purified (MgOH washed away) m-11 in a dry state, agree with yours, that it
is not soluble in alcohol. But the m-state (or a part of it) distills over with alcohol if you try to
distill it. I've once left some m-state in 95% alcohol (it didn't dissolve), distilled the alcohol and
left it to evaporate. At the bottom there was a white powder.
I'm pretty sure this isn't m-state now. That would explain why I was able
to get just as much precipitate from a sulphur tincture.
The dead sea that I mixed with putrefied gw and got a precipitate...
I went to wash it and almost all of it went back into solution, which
m-state would not do.
This is weird.
On second thought, it could still be m-state but in a pH range where
the water alters the pH enough to bring the m-state back into solution.

When I first discovered this, I assumed it was m-state from the Dead sea salt
because the salt takes a bit of shaking to dissolve and so it may not be creating
localised areas of high/low pH. Because the salt is neutral, I seem to be able to
produce this precipitate from acids and alkalis.
I guess it would help to check the pH, but I don't trust my meter. I can only
calibrate it to one point until I get some calibrating waters... whatever those
things are called.

Has anyone discovered some organic or household "calibrating fluids" so you
don't have to buy those packets?
This precipitate can also be created with H2O2.
It even seems cleaner to me somehow.

I dissolved dead sea salt in 3% by shaking. It didn't react enough so I added
some 35%. I got some precipitate, added more salt and got more precipitate.

I pour this into filter paper and let the H2O2 go through, collecting the precipitate.
I then washed the precip with well water a couple times.
I placed about 3/4 tsp in a carbonated alcoholic beverage and it slowly dissolved
like the metals do, letting off bubles.
Ingested and felt wonderful. I haven't taken this tincture in a while, and it
was nice to have the strong feelings again. My scalp was tingling with awareness.

I dried the salt in a sand bath and it is very white and pure looking.
I placed some on a silver plate and placed over candle flame.
It bubbled up without popping or spitting and then settled down into a hard
but seemingly more powdery form. I don't think I'd say it ran like wax.
I ingested this salt by itself with nice feelings, not too bad of taste.

Save the wash water just in case. They have that oily appearance when dripping,
like heat waves on the road. I think, from past experience, this may be a sign
of alkalinity, but maybe something more. My tincture of steel has this property.

The wet salt:

Over flame:

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