Traffic Infrigements Letter

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Letter for Traffic

infringements in Australia
28th November 2009



Dear Civic Compliance

I, John Smith do proclaim that it is my WILL that I do not consent to doing any business with
your corporation “Civic Compliance Pty. Ltd (A.B.N. 68 122 448 122)", unless you can provide me with a valid signed
contract between both parties.

If you believe I am Guilty of an Australian Offence, then then please supply me with a Court Order for this offence,
making sure it contains proper authorisation from an officer of the Supreme Court as laid out in the Bills of Exchange
Act 1909 (Cth), and a public seal in accordance to the Evidence Act 1995 (Cth) section 150.

Infringement Notices have no Judicial Authority in Australian according to our Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900
section 71, and the Imperial Acts Application Act 1980 Section 8, division 3, paragraph 12, which are in full force
today in Australia as voted by the people of Australia through its referendums. Therefore your Notice cannot be
accepted for value as it is not Legal under Australian Federal law.

If you wish to take me to court I will only consent to having this matter heard in an Chapter III Commonwealth Court as
“infringement courts/tribunals” operate unlawfully as star chambers, and you are also required to withdraw all promises
of fines before hand.

Thank you for your time

God Bless the Commonwealth
Sincerely without Prejudice

John Smith
Public Commonwealth Official

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