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The tower type (TypTow) does also support the definition of the transmission system
in terms of its electrical parameters, so that the user has the option to enter the impedance and
admittance matrices either in natural or in sequence components. This is especially useful
when the user has to define an unbalanced system (eg. untransposed line) with multiple
circuits not supported by the line type (TypLne). Lumped Parameters (PI) Model
Figure below shows the equivalent PI-circuit that PowerFactory uses to represent
short and medium AC transmission lines with lumped parameters.

The impedance and admittance of the equivalent circuit are calculated from the input
parameters defined in the line type (TypLne) according to the following equations:

( ) Z Z l R j L l

= = +

1 1
( )
2 2
Y Y l G j C l

= = + (1)
G B tg =
Where l is the length of the line in [ ], , , , and km R L G C are the line parameters
per length unit. Note that the conductance G can be defined in terms of the insulation factor
tg . See Appendix A.
The input parameters in the line type (TypLne) are defined in terms of Positive,
Negative, and Zero Sequence impedances and admittances
1 2 0 1 2 0
, , , , , Y and Y Z Z Z Y . The
Negative Sequence is assumed equal to the positive sequence. The self and mutual
impedances and admittances matrices are given by:
Figure 4.6 Lumped parameters model for single phase and three-phase circuit

| | | | ;
s m m s m m
abc m s m abc m s m
m m s m m s
( (
( (
= =
( (
( (

| |
012 1
0 0 2 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
s m
s m
s m
+ ( (
( (
= =
( (
( (

| |
012 1
0 0 2 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
s m
s m
s m
+ ( (
( (
= =
( (
( (

The models based on line types (TypLne) are by default non frequency-dependent
which the electrical parameters per unit-length of the line at power frequency are defined.
These parameters remain unchanged; if the frequency of the simulation changes i.e. differs
from the power frequency, then the program will adjust the reactance and susceptance of the
line according to the new frequency. The inductances and capacitances remain however
unchanged. For certain functions (harmonic load flow, frequency sweeps) the user still has
the option to assign a frequency characteristic to the parameters in the line type.
PowerFactory further distinguishes between constant and frequency-dependent
parameters models. Models based on tower geometry types (TypTow or TypGeo) use
frequency dependent parameters; it means that the electrical parameters of the line per unit-
length are calculated from the mechanical characteristics of the tower and the conductors
accounting for skin effect, the frequency-dependent earth-return path of the line, etc. These
types should be preferred in simulations where a wide range of frequencies is involved or
frequencies other than the power frequency of the system.
The following figures will show the input data for Transmission Line model in
PowerFactory v15.1 and some note points according to Basic Data and EMT Simulation


Figure 4.7 New Selection option for Lumped Parameter (PI) model
Figure 4.8 Basic data input for Line Type

Figure 4.9 EMT-Simulation data input for Line Type
Figure 4.10 Basic data input (1) for Tower Type

Figure 4.11 Basic data input (2) for Tower Type
Figure 4.12 Calculation results (impedance and admittance matrices)

Figure 4.13 Select New Tower Geometry Type from Line Element
Figure 4.14 Data input for Tower Geometry Type

Figure 4.15 Basic Data input for Tower Geometry Type
This figures above describes the Data input of the electrical parameters of an
overhead line system from its configuration characteristics like tower geometry, conductor
types, number, phasing and grounding condition of its circuits, etc. The calculation function
is available for lines having a tower type (TypTow) or a tower geometry type (TypGeo).
The line parameters calculation function, or so-called line constants, supports
overhead lines systems with any number of parallel circuits of the same or different nominal
voltage, 3-ph, 2-ph and single phase, with or without earth wires and neutral conductors and
different types of transpositions. The calculation accounts for the skin effect in the conductors
and for the frequency dependency of the earth return path.
The calculation function can be used in a stand-alone mode, in which case
PowerFactory prints the calculation results (impedance and admittance matrices) to the
output window, or it can be automatically called by the line (ElmLne) or line coupling
(ElmTow) elements when associated to a tower type (TypTow) or a tower geometry type
(TypGeo). In the last case, the parameters calculation function will automatically return
the resulting impedance and admittance matrices of the overhead line system to the
simulation model.
Finally, the tower type (TypTow) does also support the definition of the transmission
system in terms of its electrical parameters, so that the user has the option to enter the
impedance and admittance matrices either in natural or in sequence components. This is
especially useful when the user has to define an unbalanced system (eg. untransposed line)
with multiple circuits not supported by the line type (TypLne). Distributed Parameters Model
Besides the lumped parameter models described in the previous sections,
PowerFactory also supports distributed parameters models for three-phase line circuits. This
model accounts for the distributed nature of the line parameters and should be therefore the
preferred option for long lines. For short lines the lumped parameters models discussed in the
previous sections provide enough accurate solutions.
To make the model usable for EMT simulations, further assumptions have to be
made. These assumptions give rise to the different models available for the EMT-models of
distributed parameter lines are based on Bergerons method for the solution in time domain.
Following options are supported:
Constant parameters model
Frequency-dependent parameters model

2 2
2 2
( ) ' ; ( ) '
' ' ( ) ; ' ' ( )
I x Z V x Y
x x
Z Y V x Z Y I x
x x

= =

= =

General Solution of this form:

1 2
1 2
( )
( )
' '
x x
x x
U x K e K e
Z I x K e K e
with Z and Z Y

= +
= +
= =
Both the surge (or characteristic) impedance Z
and the propagation factor are
frequency dependent and uniquely characterize the behavior of the transmission line,
therefore the impedance and admittance of the equivalent circuit are:
Figure 4.16 Incremental model for a line of elemental length

sinh '
cosh 1 1 2
sinh 2
Z Z l Z l
Y Y l
Z l

= =

| |

\ .
= =


Considering up to the second order terms, equations (4) of the distributed parameter
model go into equations (1) of the lumped parameter model:

' ( ' ')
1 1
' ( ' ')
2 2
Y Z Z l R j L l
Y Y Y l G j C l

= = = +
= = = +
The accuracy of the lumped model depends then on the weight of truncated terms in
the series expansion of the hyperbolic functions, which in turns depends on the factor f l
(frequency x length). For overhead lines less than 250 km and power frequency, this
approximation is very satisfactory and the error can be neglected. For longer lines or higher
frequencies, a distributed parameter model will give then a more accurate solution.
Longer lines can be alternatively modelled connecting line sections in cascade. In
general, the longer the line or the higher the frequency, the more line sections are required for
the same accuracy. Increasing the number of line sections to infinity will turn the lumped
parameter model into the distributed parameters model discussed before.
To make the model usable for EMT simulations, further assumptions have to be
made. These assumptions give rise to the different models available for the EMT-models of
Figure 4.17 Equivalent PI-Circuit for distributed line parameters in frequency domain
distributed parameter lines are based on Bergerons method for the solution in time domain.
Following options are supported:
Constant parameters model
Frequency-dependent parameters model
For the distributed constant parameters model the settings are adjusted on the EMT
page of the line element (ElmLne) or line coupling element (ElmTow) as following:
- Line Model: Constant parameter
- Frequency for travel time estimation: enter a representative frequency for the
transient under analysis. This frequency is used in matrix model to calculate the propagation
constant. In case of a non-transposed line, the frequency-dependent modal transformation
matrix is calculated at this frequency as well. A travel time (frequency independent) as,
' '
l L C

= =
To handle frequency dependent parameters PowerFactory supports the approach
proposed by J. Marti. The characteristic impedance and the propagation factor are developed
in rational functions and then the poles and zeros of the rational expressions calculated using
a Bodes approximation.
For the propagation factor
( )
( ) :
A e


min 1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ...
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
s n n
n n
s z s z s z k k k
A s e k
s p s p s p s p s p s p

+ + +
= = + + +
+ + + + + +

1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ...
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
n n
C app
n n
s z s z s z k k k
Z s k k
s p s p s p s p s p s p

+ + +
= = + + + +
+ + + + + +

The accuracy of the model depends on the quality of the rational function
approximations for A and Zc. To verify the approximation PowerFactory plots the exact and
approximated solutions of A and Zc in the EMT-Simulation tab page of the line (ElmLne)
and line coupling (ElmTow) elements as shown in Figure below.


For the distributed frequency-dependent parameter model the settings are adjusted
on the EMT page of the line element (ElmLne) or line coupling element (ElmTow) as
- Line Model: frequency-dependent parameter
- Frequency for travel time estimation: Frequency for travel time estimation: enter
a representative frequency for the transient under analysis. The frequency-dependent modal
transformation matrix is calculated at this frequency.
- Min and Max. Frequency of parameter fitting: enter the minimum and maximum
frequency for the approximation by rational functions of the propagation factor and the
characteristic impedance.
- Tolerance for Bode approximation: defined the maximum error in % that is
desired for the Bode approximation of the propagation factor and the characteristic
impedance. The lower the tolerance, the higher the number poles and zeros of the
approximated rational expressions.

Figure 4.18 Equivalent circuit with controlled current sources for FD model

Figure 4.19 Data input for frequency-dependent for line model
Figure 4.20 Bode approximations of A and Zc for the zero-sequence

Figure 4.21 Data input for frequency-dependent for line model

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