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----------------------------------------GETTING JACKED---------------------------------------------------------

Sunday: off
Monday: Chest, Lats or upper/middle back, and Tris
Tuesday: glutes/quads/hams/bis
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Shoulders, Lats or upper/middle back, calves
Friday: glutes, hams, quads
Saturday: Bi's/Tri's

- 0 sets

-3 sets warm up bench press
- 3 sets bench press (strength/ power training - 1-7 reps)
- 5 sets any chest exercise (hypertrophy or strength training - 8-12 reps or 5-7 reps respectively)
- 5 sets any lat or upper/middle back exercise(hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 5 sets any tri exercise(hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 2 sets any chest fly or cable exercise (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)

- 3 sets warm up deadlifts
- 3 sets deadlifts (strength/ power training - 1-7 reps)
- 5 sets glute/ham/quad compound exercise (hypertrophy or strength training - 8-12 reps or 5-7 reps respectively)
- 5 sets glute/lower back/ quad/ ham compound exercise or an isolation exercise depending (hypertrophy training - 8-12
- 5 sets any Bi exercise(hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)

- 0 sets

- 3 sets warm up smith machine military press
- 3 sets smith machine shoulder press (strength/ power training - 1-7 reps)
- 1 drop set smith machine shoulder press (5,5,5,5,fail)
- 3 sets machine shoulder press (hypertrophy or strength training - 8-12 reps or 5-7 reps respectively)
- 2 sets db military press (hypertrophy or strength training - 8-12 reps or 5-7 reps respectively)
- 5 sets any Lat or upper/middle back exercise (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 2 sets of lateral raises (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 2 sets of plate front raises (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 3 sets of rear delt flys (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 5 sets calves on a leg press machine (huge hypertrophy training - 15-20 reps)

- 3 sets warm up squats
- 3 sets squats (strength/ power training - 1-7 reps)
- 1 long drop set or long pause rest set (hypertrophy training - until fail)
- 5 sets leg press (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 5 sets stiff legged deads (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- Optional - 4 sets of any exercise (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)

- 2 sets warm up db curls
- 3 sets ez curl bar curls (strength/ power training - 1-7 reps)
- 3 sets close grip press (strength/power training - 8-12 reps)
- 3 sets hammer curl and db skull crusher supersets (hypertrophy or strength training - 8-12 reps or 5-7 reps
- 3 sets weighted dips and machine curls supersets(hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 3 sets seated cable straight bar curls and tricep pushdown supersets (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 2 sets rope pushdowns (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 2 sets hercules curls or 1 arm rotating cable curls (hypertrophy training - 8-12 reps)
- 1 pause rest set weighted cable crunches (30 reps total...10, 10, and 10 with 8 seconds between each set of 10)

week 1 - Go hard but with higher reps
week 2 - Go hard but with lower reps
week 3 - Go hard with medium reps + decrease overall volume by 10% + add more db work
week 4 - deload by decreasing overall volume by 50% + decrease weight lifted by 40%

- I generally use a certain support exercise for two weeks before changing it
- use the equation " weight x reps x .0333 + weight = estimated 1rm " to make sure that you are always making
- rest 45-60 seconds between hypertrophy sets and supersets
- rest 90- 200 seconds between strength/power sets depending
-pause rest sets I set the weight to a certain amount and do it for a certain number of reps and then pause and rest for
8 seconds before continuing.(I pause no more than 2 times)
- warm ups are essential.
- don't forget to stretch
- Be a fwaaaukin boss and follow this routine to the book

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