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Homi Bhabha Competition Test Series

Exam Code : Concept_R3
Topics : Density
Answer Paper
C8 1 Density is 1
(1) Mass /Unit Volume
(2) Mass /Unit area
(3) Unit area /Mass
(4) Unit Volume /Mass
C8 2 What is the density of water ? 4
(1) 1 gm/cm
(2) 1 gm
(3) 1 gm/litre
(4) 1 gm/cm
C8 3
A cube has a side of 5 cm. It has a mass of 250
grams. The density of the cube is 4
(1) 50 g/cm3 and will float in water
(2) 2.0 g/cm3 and will float in water
(3) 50 g/cm3 and will sink in water
(4) 2.0 g/cm3 and will sink in water
C8 4
A spring scale is used to measure the mass of an
object on earth. The scale on earth reads 60 grams.
On the moon the scale would read. 1
(1) 60 grams
(2) 10 grams
(3) 600 grams
(4) 0 grams
C8 5 Liquid water is more dense than ice because 4
(1) A liquid H 2
molecule has more mass than an ice H
20 molecule.
(2) A chemical change occurs when ice melts that
causes the mass of water to increase
(3) When ice melts there is an increase in the
amount of water molecules
(4) there are a greater number of H 2
per unit of volume in liquid water than ice.
C8 6
Oil floats on water. The most accurate reason for
this is 3
(1) oil is less dense than water
(2) oil is immiscible in water
(3) oil is both less dense and immiscible with water
(4) water is heavier than oil
C8 7
Which of the following will cause the mass of a
metal block to increase 4
(1) putting the block in the freezer
(2) measuring the mass of the block on Jupiter
(3) heating the block
(4) None of the above
C8 8 Heaviness of a substance indicates 3
(1) Mass is more
(2) Volume is more
(3) Density is more
(4) Area occupied by the object is more
C8 9
Which of the following substances has the greatest
density ? 3
(1) Copper
(2) Lead
(3) Mercury
(4) Water
C8 10 What will happen if mercury is added to water 4
(1) Mercury will float on water
(2) It will generate heat in water
(3) It will be suspended in water
(4) It win sink in water
C8 11 Why does a balloon filled with hydrogen float in air? 2
(1) Hydrogen weighs less than air
(2) Hydrogen is lighter than air
(3) The density of hydrogen is less than the density
of air
(4) Hydrogen is a gas
C8 12 If you add salt in water density of salty water 1
(1) Will increase
(2) Will decrease
(3) Remain same
(4) Cannot say
C8 13 What is the density of a log floating in a lake? 2
(1) less than air
(2) less than water
(3) the same as water
(4) more than water
C8 14
Students mixed sand, gravel, clay and humus in a jar
with water and shaken. The substances settle out in
the jar as shown in picture. Which substance is most
dense? 2
(1) sand
(2) gravel
(3) clay
(4) humus
C8 15
A gold panner shakes a mixture of mud and water in
a gold pan. He looks for gold at the bottom. Why? 1
(1) gold is very dense and sinks
(2) gold dissolves in water and is carried there
(3) gold is hard to find because it can hide
(4) gold is repelled by other Earth materials
C8 16
A rock and a lead weight both sink when dropped
into a lake. What do you know about their densities? 3
(1) They have the same density.
(2) They have different densities
(3) They are more dense than water.
(4) They are less dense than water
C8 17
A liquid has a density of 1g/ml If you have 50 ml of
the liquid, what would its mass be? 3
(1) 25 g
(2) 75 g
(3) 50 g
(4) 100 g
C8 18
A student shakes a jar with a mixture of sand types.
Instead of mixing, the sand grains separate into
layers. Why? 3
(1) The grains are different colors.
(2) The grains have different shapes.
(3) The grains have different densities
(4) The jar has a round shape
C8 19
In the spring, rivers in Utah are often brown in color.
A sample of the water shows it contains very small
particles of silt. Why is silt suspended in the water? 3
(1) Silt is in brown in color.
(2) The water is moving rapidly
(3) Silt is small with low density
(4) Water has a high density.
C8 20
In winter, a layer of cold air settles in the valleys and
warmer air is often found higher in the mountains.
What might account for this condition? 4
(1) There is more warm air than cold air.
(2) There is more cold air than warm air.
(3) Cold air is less dense than warm air.
(4) Cold air is more dense than warm air.
C8 21 Which of these has the lowest density? 3
(1) Water
(2) Aluminum
(3) Cork
(4) Glass
C8 22
If the area of an object is less then the pressure
acting on that object will be 2
(1) Less
(2) More
(3) Independent of area
(4) None of above
C8 23 Mass per unit volume of a substance is called 2
(1) Density
(2) Relative density
(3) specific gravity
(4) None
C8 24
A block of ice is floating on water contained in a
beaker. When all the ice melts, the level of water 3
(1) Rises
(2) Fall
(3) Remains unchanged
(4) None
C8 25 Why is it easier to swim in a sea than in a river? 1
(1) The density of the sea water is high
(2) The density of the sea water is low
(3) The density of the river water is high
(4) none of above
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
Density = mass /unit volume
unit of density = gm/cm
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
250/5*5*5=2.0 : Density of water =1
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
Mass remains constant everywhere
even on moon
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
anomalous behaviour of water
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right :
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
Mass is constant . Never change
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
Density Lowest to Highest
Water-- Copper-- Lead -- Mercury
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
Mercury's density is more than water
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
Density is defined as mass / volume.
By adding salt in water its mass
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
Since log is floating it has density lower
than water
1. Wrong
2. Right :
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
More dense substance is at bottom
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
The salts dissolved in sea water make it
more dense than fresh water. This
means you float higher, making it easier
to swim.
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
Dr. Homi Bhabha Competition Test Series
Exam Code : Concept_R3
Topics : Heat Combustion and Flame
Answer Paper
P3 1
The temperature at which a substance catches fire
is called it's 3
(1) Boiling point
(2) Melting point
(3) Ignition temperature
(4) Critical temperature
P3 2 Explosion is the evolution of 4
(1) Heat
(2) Sound
(3) Light
(4) All Of above
P3 3 Which is the hottest part in the flame of the candle 1
(1) Blue
(2) Yellow
(3) Black
(4) Wax part
P3 4 Innermost zone of flame is the 3
(1) Hottest part
(2) Moderately hot part
(3) Least hot part
(4) Cold part
P3 5 Yellow color in the flame denotes 2
(1) Outermost part
(2) Middle zone
(3) Innermost zone
(4) None of these
P3 6 The most common fire extinguisher uses 1
(1) CO
(2) O
(3) H
(4) H
P3 7 In the sun, heat and light are produced by 2
(1) Chemical reactions
(2) Nuclear reactions
(3) Ionic reactions
(4) None of these
P3 8
In fire Extinguisher CO2 is stored as a liquid in
cylinder at 1
(1) High pressure
(2) Low pressure
(3) High temperature
(4) Low temperature
P3 9 Combustion is a 2
(1) Physical process
(2) Chemical process
(3) Both (a) & (b)
(4) None of these
P3 10
Combustion is a reaction in which a Substance reacts
with 3
(1) H
(2) N
(3) O
(4) Cannot say
P3 11
When an ice cube, initially at zero degree Celsius, is
left in an area at room temperature, the ice cube
will melt because 3
(1) no energy is required for this process to occur
(2) the molecules within the ice lose kinetic energy
(3) the molecules within the ice gain potential
(4) the molecules within the ice lose potential
P3 12 When a material is heated: 4
(1) the molecules lose kinetic energy
(2) the molecules in the substance will be grouped
more closely
(3) the internal energy can be calculated from the
change in temperature
(4) the total internal energy of the substance will be
P3 13
why wearing more layers of clothing during winter
keeps us warmer than wearing just one thick piece
of clothing. 2
(1) Thickness of cloth increases
(2) The trapped air between two layers of warm
clothes acts as insulator of heat.
(3) Hat is absorbed from surrounding
(4) All Of above
P3 14
In places of hot climate it is advised that the outer
walls of houses be painted white. Why ? 2
(1) White light absorbed hat
(2) White light reflects most of the heat that falls on
(3) Hat transfer takes place
(4) All of above
P3 15
Stainless steel pans are usually provided with copper
bottoms. The reason for this could be that 3
(1) copper bottom makes the pan more durable.
(2) such pans appear colorful
(3) copper is a better conductor of heat than the
stainless steel.
(4) copper is easier to clean than the stainless steel.
P3 16
An iron ball at 40C is dropped in a mug containing
water at 40C. The heat will 2
(1) flow from iron ball to water.
(2) not flow from iron ball to water or from water to
iron ball.
(3) flow from water to iron ball.
(4) increase the temperature of both.
P3 17
Thick glass tumblers often crack when very hot
liquids are poured into them. Why? 1
(1) Outer and inner layer expands unevenly
(2) Glass material is not of good quality
(3) Depends how hot is liquid
(4) Non of above
P3 18 How does heat from the sun travel, through the 3
vacuum of space, to the earth?
(1) By convection
(2) By insulation
(3) By radiation
(4) By conduction
P3 19 ACs are placed at higher level in room 2
(1) Safe to keep away from children
(2) Based on principle of convection of heat
(3) Based on principle of radiation
(4) For saving electricity
P3 20 Characteristic of conduction 2
(1) Movement of particles for one place to another
(2) Vibration
(3) Unavailability of medium
(4) None of above
P3 21 Convection of heat takes place 3
(1) Only in solid
(2) Only in liquid
(3) Only in fluid
(4) Only in gaseous
P3 22
A bimetallic strip when placed in a Bunsen flame,,
the strip is seen to bend because 1
(1) the two metals expand at different rates.
(2) the Bunsen flame causes one of the metals to
(3) only one of the metals expands.
(4) the two metals expand at the same rate.
P3 23
The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and
very 1
cold at night is evidence that sand has a
(1) low specific heat capacity.
(2) high specific heat capacity.
(3) Fertile
(4) None of above
P3 24
When heat is added to boiling water, the water
temperature 3
(1) increases.
(2) decreases.
(3) stays the same.
(4) can not say
P3 25 Sea breeze caused due to 2
(1) Conduction of heat
(2) Convection of heat
(3) Radiation of heat
(4) All of above
Ignition Temperature: the lowest
temperature at which a combustible
substance when heated takes fire in air
and continues to burn
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
See Image
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
See Image
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
See Image
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
a non-flammable gas, and are highly
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
Substance react with oxygen
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
Air is bad conductor of heat
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
Heat flow from higher temperature to
lower temperature
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Absence of medium between sun
and earth. So convection not possible
2. Insulation opposes heat travel
3. Right. For radiation medium is not
4. Absence of medium between sun
and earth. So conduction not possible
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong. Particles do not move
2. Right. Particles vibrate and transfer
energy from one molecule to another
3. Medium is required
4. Option 2 is right
1. Wrong. In solid conduction takes
2. Wrong. In gaseous state also
3. Right : Fluid is liquid and gaseous
4. Wrong. In liquid state also
1. Right. Every metal has different rate
of heat transfer
2. Wrong. Metal does not melt
3. Wrong. Both metal expand but at
different rate
4. Wrong. Both metal expand but at
different rate
Substance which can hold heat are
having high specific heat capacity
Substance which can not retain heat
are called having low specific heat
1. Right. Sand can not hold heat for a
long time indicate low specific heat
2. Wrong. In that case sand must be hot
3. Wrong. No relation of heat with
4. Option 1 is right
As long as there is water to boil, the
temperature of the boiling water will
remain at 100C. The answer is C.
1. Wrong. Temperature will not
2. Wrong. Temperature will not
3. Right. Temperature will be same as
long as water is boiling
4. Wrong. Option 3 is right
1. Wrong. No solid medium
2. Right. Fluid medium cause
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
Dr. Homi Bhabha Competition Test Series
Exam Code : Concept_R3
Topics : Pressure Magnetism
Answer Paper
Air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside
the lungs is 2
(1) less than the pressure in the atmosphere.
(2) greater than the pressure in the atmosphere.
(3) equal to the pressure in the atmosphere.
(4) greater than the intra-alveolar pressure.
Sparks are seen when a racing car speeds along the
track. This is due to 3
(1) gravity
(2) magnetism
(3) friction
(4) air resistance
A force cannot change the ___________ of an
object. 2
(1) Shape
(2) Mass
(3) Volume
(4) Motion
An open parachute allows a person to land safely on
the ground. What is the reason? 1
(1) The parachute provides enough air resistance to
slow down the speed when the parachutist is falling
(2) The parachute traps air inside.
(3) The parachute provides additional weight on the
(4) None of the above
Which of the following is not an advantage of using
electromagnets? 3
(1) They are made easily.
(2) They can be magnetized easily
(3) They are permanent.
(4) The magnetic strength can be increased easily.
To measure the weight of a wooden block, we need
the ___________. 1
(1) spring balance
(2) beam balance
(3) ruler
(4) displacement can
P6 7 Accuracy is defined as: 2
(1) A measure of how often an experimental value
can be repeated.
(2) The closeness of a measured value to the real
(3) The number of significant figures used in a
(4) None of these
P6 8 There is no atmosphere on moon 1
(1) Due to moon's low gravitational force
(2) Due to extreme heat
(3) Due to extreme coldness
(4) No water on moon
Metals conduct charges better than wood because
metals have more 2
(1) protons
(2) free electrons
(3) negative ions.
(4) space between particles.
Amy uses a piece of silk to rub a comb. The comb
then becomes positively charged. This net positive
charge accumulates because the comb 3
(1) gains electrons g
(2) gains protons
(3) loses electrons
(4) loses protons.
P6 11 Basic source of magnetism 2
(1) Charged particles
(2) Movement of charged particles
(3) Magnetic dipoles
(4) Magnetic domains
In our domestic electric supply we use following
three colors of wire. 3
(1) red, blue, green
(2) red, yellow, blue
(3) red, black, green
(4) black, green, yellow
The insulation cover on the earth wire is _______. 3
(1) Red
(2) Black
(3) green
(4) white
P6 14 The principle of electric generator is _______. 3
(1) conversion of electrical energy into mechanical
(2) conversion of electrical energy into thermal
(3) conversion of mechanical energy into electrical
(4) conversion of electrical energy into light energy
Which of the following animal is more likely to live
in muddy terrain 4
(1) Small feet and covered with feathered
(2) small feet and has large mass
(3) Big feet and has big volume
(4) Big feet and has small mass
Which of the following is true about the force field
of magnets? 3
(1) It is only found at the Poles
(2) It is only in the middle
(3) It surrounds the magnet in all directions
(4) There is no force field
P6 17 Strongest force is 1
(1) Nuclear force
(2) Gravitational
(3) Frictional
(4) All of above
P6 18 A cell is an example of conversion of 3
(1) magnetic energy into chemical energy
(2) electrical energy into chemical energy
(3) chemical energy into electrical energy
(4) chemical energy into magnetic energy
19 What is absolute zero temperature
(1) 0
(2) 0 K
(3) -273 K
(4) 273 K
The unit of pressure is 3
(1) Kilogram
(2) Newton
(3) Pascal
(4) Gm/cc
Electricity generated at Tarapur is from 3
(1) Water
(2) Coal
(3) Atomic Energy
(4) Stem
From equation speed = Distance / Time ,what can
you say about time 3
(1) As the time increases ,speed increases for the
same distance
(2) As the distance decreases ,speed increases if
time required is same
(3) As the time decreases ,speed increases for the
same distance
(4) None of above
In an electric motor, the energy transformation is
from 4
(1) electrical to chemical
(2) chemical to light
(3) mechanical to electrical
(4) electrical to mechanical
P6 24 Why does air cause pressure 4
(1) Air contain Oxygen
(2) Air Contain Nitrogen
(3) Particles of air moves continuously at a great
(4) Air contain innumerable particles
Which instrument does not work on atmospheric
pressure 4
(1) Siphon
(2) Pump
(3) Drinking straw
(4) fountain
Flow from higher to lower
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Yes. Moon's gravitational force is not
capable of holding atmosphere
2. No relation of atmosphere with
3. No relation with temperature
4. No relation of water
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
electrons carry negative charge. Lose
of elctron indicates +ve charge
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
The electric power line enters our
house through three wires- namely the
live wire, the neutral wire and the earth
wire. To avoid confusion we follow a
colour code for insulating these wires.
The red wire is the live wire, and the
black wire is neutral. The earth wire is
given green plastic insulation.
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
Pressure must be less so that it would
not sink
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Right
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
By international agreement, absolute
zero is defined as0Kon the Kelvin scale
and as 273.15 on the Celsius scale.
459.67 F on the Fahrenheit
temperature scale.
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
The SI unit for pressure is the pascal
(Pa), equal to one newton per square
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
Tarapur has India's oldest Atomic
station to generate electricity by atomic
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Right
4. Wrong
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Right

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