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Status Update and Recommendations Based

on Chatham-Kents 2007 Municipal Cultural

Master Plan and Other Related Master Plans
I M P L E M E N T A T I O N P R O J E C T 2 0 1 4
Young First Nations dancer during dedication ceremony of the Tecumseh Monument,
A Place of Many Grasses, October 5, 2014
The mandate of this project, the Chatham-Kent Cultural Plan Implementation Project
(The Cultural Plan) was approved by Council December 5, 2011, and is stated as follows:
a) To develop an implementation/action plan based on the priorities of our various Master Plans
and Strategies now in existence as they relate to achieving Councils Strategic Direction for
Destination CK.
b) To defne appropriate measurables needed to evaluate the success of this implementation
c) To anticipate and respond to signifcant emerging opportunities.
The various Master Plans and Strategies were reviewed to determine which would be in-scope;
those in-scope are listed as follows:
1) Culture, Economy, Community: A Cultural Plan for Chatham-Kent - 2007
2) Chatham Cultural Centre Master Plan - 2009
3) Other related Plans:
i) 1998 Capitol Theatre Business Plan
ii) 1999 Chatham-Kent Heritage Programs Business Plan
iii) 2009 Tecumseh Park Master Plan
iv) 2008 Library Master Plan
v) 2012 Youth Retention and Immigration Study
vi) 2012 Economic Development Strategy
In the Service Review November 2012 report to Council, the Cultural Plan was identifed as one of
the projects that required a longer term review, with reports coming to Council as they were
The Cultural Plan was created using a team approach of staff, stakeholders and other interested
parties who reviewed the in-scope Master Plans and Strategies, had strategic discussions on the
concepts which were relevant for todays social and economic climate, then formulated
recommendations for a sustainable future. These recommendations will help to ensure that our
community continues its development towards a creative economy. With these recommendations,
Chatham-Kent is in a better position to reach its full potential as a vibrant cultural hub with a
top-notch quality of life. This is in keeping with Councils Vision, Strategic Plan and Strategic
The teams were well aware of Chatham-Kents economic climate during the analysis and
recommendation stages of this project. A great deal of time and energy was spent on balancing
present day fscal responsibility with future sustainability needs. This was particularly true during
discussions on the Chatham Cultural Centre, which houses the Kiwanis Theatre, the nationally
acclaimed Thames Art Gallery, the Chatham-Kent Museum and several studios and meeting
spaces. There was sensitivity around the investment recommendations for a sustainable
twenty-year future of this Chatham-Kent cultural hub in relation to the needs of other cultural
venues in Chatham-Kent.
Section One Summary: Culture Defned
The defnition of culture, as stated in the 2007 Cultural Plan for Chatham-Kent, is In the widest sense,
culture is understood as the unique ways of life that characterizes a community or social group.
Healthy communities concerned with addressing a full range of needs for their residents provide a variety
of opportunities for engagement in arts, culture and creative opportunities. To this end, municipalities must
ensure that innovative organizations and opportunities are nurtured, and given a chance to develop and
thrive. Thriving cultural organizations and facilities send a message to residents, potential investors,
businesses and visitors that learning, creativity, and quality of life are important in our community.
There are many economic benefts for encouraging a thriving cultural community. As demonstrated by
research done by leading social scientists such as Richard Florida (Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute
at the University of Torontos Rotman School of Management and global research professor at New York
University), the creativity that results in a healthy diverse cultural community creates direct and indirect
economic benefts. When a community invests in its cultural amenities, it is investing in economic
development and job creation. In 2012, the creative economy made up 15.65% of the total jobs in
Chatham-Kent. This represents over 7,300 jobs providing an income to Chatham-Kent residents. A strong
cultural sector is also a strong business attraction tool.
Section Two Summary:
The 2007 Cultural Plan for Chatham-Kent
Updated for 2014
In 2007, Chatham-Kent joined leading municipalities across Ontario in acknowledging the importance
of culture to local economic development, and in turning to new municipal cultural planning
approaches to leverage economic returns. Chatham-Kent was one of the frst municipalities to
undertake the process of creating a Cultural Master Plan. The document was entitled Culture,
Economy, Community: A Cultural Plan for Chatham-Kent, 2007, which was approved by Council in
2008. This Plan was intended to provide a framework for fostering creativity and building capacity in the
cultural sector. There were numerous recommendations put forth, outcomes from an extensive series of
stakeholder meetings, to ensure the Plan was tailor-made for Chatham-Kent.
One of the recommendations was to hire a Cultural Development Offcer who would be responsible
for implementing the initiatives. A municipal Cultural Development Coordinator position was in place
from 2008-2011. The group Create CK was formed from the recommendation to engage grassroots
organizations in cultural development initiatives. Project funding for Create CK was provided by the
Community Futures Development Corporation of Chatham-Kent, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and
Chatham-Kent Council.
In May 2013, a Transition Steering Committee was formed to review the 2007 Plan, identify the activities
accomplished to date, and generate ideas on future directions. The high level details of the activities
accomplished and strategies to move forward are found in this section of the 2014 Plan; Appendix One
contains a detailed description. It was agreed that a new group should form, tentatively called the Kent
Cultural Network, which would be a network for all cultural groups in Chatham-Kent. Its mission would
be to stimulate and coordinate the development of visual, literary, performing and heritage assets to
enrich the cultural life of the community and to increase awareness of the positive economic
contribution that culture makes to the community and the lives of its citizens. The Transition Steering
Committee would be responsible for fnalizing the governance details, recruiting members, and
reporting to Council on the outcomes. The Network would determine requirements for sustainable
funding in order to leverage grant and other funding opportunities, which would be considered by
Council during the 2016 budget.
As mentioned, effective cultural planning work requires a dedicated staff person. The 2007 Plan
identifed the need for this position, and a recent survey of cultural managers across Ontario indicates
that in order to effectively implement and manage cultural planning, dedicated staffng is required.
These positions are in place, or currently being posted, in municipalities such as Burlington, Greater
Sudbury, Hamilton, Vaughan and Windsor. This position, in addition to the Manager of Culture, will be a
key driver in the deliverables to enhance culture across Chatham-Kent. To meet the needs of this
position, the vacant Heritage Coordinator position, whose time was spent 15% on CK Museum work and
85% on heritage outreach work, will be revised to 100% of heritage outreach and cultural
development. The 15% CK Museum responsibilities would be taken on by the CK Museum Curator, with
some additional part time hours as discussed in the Ridge House section of this document. Due to the
changes in job duties, both positions would be re-evaluated. It is projected that the net cost of the
re-evaluation would be $5,578, which would be funded through the existing Culture Budget.
2 3
Section Three Summary:
The 2009 Chatham Cultural Centre Master Plan
- Updated for 2014
In 2009, the Chatham Cultural Centre (CCC) Master Plan was completed. A great deal of effort and
consultation with stakeholders and staff went into the creation of the CCC Plan. The Plan contained a
variety of recommendations, from small-scale improvements to multi-million dollar building renovations
and construction. Many of these recommendations were implemented while some were
cost-prohibitive. A status update on each recommendation is found in Appendix Four. This Plan
recognizes the 2009 work, while at the same time is cognizant of Chatham-Kents current economic
climate. Recommendations listed in the sections below would enable the CCC to operate as a
sustainable facility for the next 15 - 20 years.
3. a) Chatham Cultural Centre (CCC) in General:
The building is used by the public 362 days of the year. It is estimated that 72,845 people used the facility
and services in 2012.
The CCC would beneft from wireless and high speed capabilities, which will continue to be investigated
with the IT division. The 2009 Plan called for building enhancements as a top priority at a cost of $10 -$13
million, which is not feasible in the present economy. Therefore this Plan proposes the investigation of an
addition to the CCC or use of a vacant municipal building for artifact and fne art storage which would
relieve immediate and medium-term storage needs. This Plan recommends staff begin the process of
obtaining more precise costs for this project, then return to Council with funding recommendations using
a combination of grants, community fundraising and reserves.
All CCC user fees will also be analyzed to ensure all services are priced appropriately.
3. b) The Kiwanis Theatre
This historic facility has been providing high-quality entertainment and education to the Chatham-Kent
community for close to nine decades. With the St. Clair College Capitol Theatre operating as the
primary presenting theatre in Chatham-Kent, there is also a strong need for a smaller-scale community
space. This Plan identifes ways the Kiwanis Theatre can be effectively utilized to suit community needs
for theatre rentals, general rentals, flms, lecture series and drama, art gallery, and museum community
and education programs.
With more large presentation shows now offered by the Capitol Theatre, these types of presentations
at the Kiwanis Theatre have decreased by 100% since 2009. However, usage at the Kiwanis Theatre in
other categories has increased, causing overall usage (i.e. the number of bookings) to increase by 9%
from 2009 to 2013 and increase by 28% between 2012 and 2013. Much of this increase is attributable to
usage for programming by other CCC venues, co-productions with other organizations, rentals by
community organizations, meetings, municipal use, flms and training space.
Several discussions have been held with St. Clair College Capitol Theatre. Both parties appreciate the
value of continuing to work together and exploring opportunities for further collaboration and
To ensure the Kiwanis Theatre space is sustainable, an improved sound booth and lighting area would
be required, and the small, uncomfortable, 42 year old seats need to be replaced with new, larger,
to code seats. The total number of seats would be reduced from 638 to approximately 400. The total
estimated $144,930 cost for the seats and related renovations would be funded through the Theatre
Improvement Fund.
A further analysis of the Kiwanis Theatre budget shows there is an additional $39,610 in savings from
eliminating Presentation shows. These savings are recommended to be redistributed to create a base
budget for ARTspace. A supplementary budget of $39,610 was approved for ARTspace during the 2014
budget deliberations.
With St. Clair College now operating the primary presenting theatre in Chatham-Kent, it is advisable to
review the Kiwanis Theatre name in order to further differentiate the two venues. Further consultation
will be held with stakeholders and the wider community on a name change for the Kiwanis Theatre that
would better represent the new role of the facility.
4 5
3. c) The Box Offce
The Box Offce provides customer service, reception and administrative assistance for all CCC venues,
plus provides ticket services for external customers such as the Mary Webb Centre and St. Clair College
Capitol Theatre. 57,802 tickets were sold in 2013: 44,347 were sold to CCC in-person/phone sales; 12,735
were online.
The Box Offce is currently located off of William Street. The Museum and Gallery entrance is located
off Murray Street. There is a functional disconnect in not having a primary public entrance from a
marketing, customer service and public relations perspective. This disconnect was also identifed in the
2009 Master Plan. It is recommended that moving the Box Offce to Murray Street, and the Murray Street
offces to William Street side would resolve this disconnect. The move would improve customer service
(especially in the mornings when the Gallery and Museum are closed), increase gift shop operating
hours, provide a more secure space for cash handling, and better accommodate accessibility needs.
The existing parking lot on Murray Street would serve as the Box Offce parking lot. A new two-vehicle
accessible parking lot would be added to the Murray Street entrance. The cost of this renovation is
estimated to be $131,750 to be funded through the Culture allotment of the Capital Budget, the
Building Lifecycle Budget, the Accessibility Reserve, and the Energy Reserve.
The Theatre Programmer position was eliminated in 2012. However, the majority of the positions
responsibilities remain. In order for these functions to be sustainable, there is a requirement for a position
to handle these responsibilities. The job description would refect the former Theatre Programmer
position, with the elimination of Presentation responsibilities, as shown in the following chart:
3. e) Thames Art Gallery
The Thames Art Gallery (TAG) provides a long list of services, including multi-disciplinary exhibitions,
public and educational programs, conservation of the permanent collection, appraisals, professional
development and training for teachers, artists, and the general public, etc. In recognition of its status as
a National Exhibition Centre, TAG borrows and shares exhibitions from major international institutions.
It is the only public art gallery in Chatham-Kent. TAG welcomed 23,105 visitors in 2013. The Gallery
underwent much-needed renovations in 2012/2013 to upgrade lighting and electrical systems. The
Thames Art Gallery/ ARTspace Advisory Committee advises and makes recommendations on issues
which affect the short and long term direction of TAG and ARTspace.
TAG storage issues are discussed in the Cultural Centre General section, and programming
recommendations are discussed in the ARTspace section. It is the goal of TAG to be fully digitized online
through grant opportunities in order to have the permanent collection accessible to a global audience.
3. f) ARTspace
ARTspace is an innovative made-in-Chatham-Kent concept combining the best of a public art
institution and a commercial art gallery. It is a professionally run art gallery that supports Chatham-Kent
artists through exhibitions, sales, art classes, seminars, and arts-related programming. During its frst fve
years of operation there has been a steady increase of exhibiting and supporting members. In 2013,
6,690 people participated in ARTspaces services, programs and events. The achievements are many
and are listed in the main document.
In order for ARTspace to be fnancially sustainable, it requires base funding. As mentioned in the Kiwanis
Theatre section, $39,610 has been found to support ARTspace and was approved as a supplementary
budget item during the 2014 budget deliberations. The additional FTE is .85 (i.e. 30 hours per week). The
existing location has some space limitations. Staff continue to consider options for a larger space, which
should help increase revenues. In order for ARTspace to remain sustainable, the TAG/ARTspace Advisory
Committee will continue to work on strategic initiatives to attain this goal.
*Approximately 20% in overtime costs was paid each year for this position.
The positions cost would be funded through an increase in ticket handling fees totalling $31,060 (which
have not increased since inception in 2003) and $34,440 through Service Review savings in Community
Services, to be deferred to 2015 Budget deliberation. The position would be contract until it is
determined that the funding is sustainable.
3. d) Studio One / Kitchen / Meeting Room
Studio One is a small, intimate and popular space for rentals and in-house programming which holds
100 -150 people. There is a kitchen that has a bar serving area. The Meeting Room triples as a meeting
space, a Green Room for theatre rentals and a staff lunch room. In 2013, Studio One was used for 145
rentals and 246 in-house usages, totalling 391 in total usage over the year.
Due to the popularity of Studio One, and in order to increase usage on a sustainable basis, the kitchen
should be upgraded by installing the correct number of sinks, purchasing energy effcient appliances,
and increasing foor, storage and counter space by extending the kitchen divider wall into the Meeting
Room area. The estimated cost for the kitchen renovations is $52,738. The meeting room requires a new
foor, upgraded wiring and breakers, and electrical boxes moved into a proper space. The estimated
cost for the Meeting Room upgrade is $22,710. These costs would be funded through the Culture
allotment of the Capitol Budget, the Building Lifecycle Budget, donations and the Energy Reserve.
Former Theatre
Programmer %
Booking Presentations 20 0
Booking Theatre and Studio One Rentals 25 30
Booking Education Program Rentals 5 10
Contact for Groups Utilizing CK Tickets 5 15
Team Lead the Box Offce 35 35
Team Lead Front of House Staff 10 5
Other Responsibilities 0 5
Total *100% 100%
Proposed Facility Booking
Coordinator %
6 7
Section Four Summary: Ridge House Museum
The Ridge House Museum was restored as a Ridgetown centennial project in 1975 by the Ridgetown
Rotary Club and donated to the town of Ridgetown. The Municipality assumed operations in 1998.
The museum was established primarily to convey to visitors the values and lifestyles of a middle class
family in a growing Ontario village in 1875. The Ridge House Museum also collects and preserves
material heritage from other time periods that have direct historic signifcance to Ridgetown and the
surrounding community. In 2013, 1,017 people attended the House. This number increased to 8,656
when including the number of people attending exhibits displayed at outreach locations such as the
Mary Webb Centre. The Ridge House Advisory Committee ensures that the collection is adequately
housed, conserved and documented.
The Ridge House Curator is currently spending signifcantly more than the 30% allotted time on Ridge
House responsibilities. This is not sustainable, as it contributes to the backlog of the CK Museum. This
would reduce Ridge House Curator time from 30% to 20% on Ridge House-related responsibilities in order
to more effectively distribute workload.
A new part time Museum staffng model is being proposed, which would allow for more effcient use
of all Museum part time staff. Ridge House operating hours and corresponding part time staffng hours
would be reduced, but year round part time hours would increase to assist with CK Museum and cover
Ridge House weekend hours. The net 0.2 FTE would cost $4,325, and be funded through the existing
Culture budget.
Ridge House Museum has several building issues. Staff and the Advisory Committee will evaluate the
options of repairs versus divesting the building and looking for relocation options.
Section Five Summary:
Other Related Master Plans
A review of each of the in-scope Master Plans was undertaken and a synopsis is found in Section
Five. All of the strategies from these Master Plans form the basis to stimulate creativity, cultural
industries, cultural tourism, diversity and revitalized downtowns. This in turn generates economic
activity to make Chatham-Kent a community in which people wish to live, work, play and invest.
The outcome of the Cultural Plan is that partnerships and co-operation will continue between
organizations, private citizens, businesses and municipal departments, for the cultural enrichment of
3. g) Chatham-Kent Museum
The Chatham-Kent Museum was established in 1943 and is dedicated to preserving the material
heritage of all of Chatham-Kent and to promoting area history through exhibits and programming.
Milner House is an exhibit gallery of the CK Museum that is also used for educational programming
and operates seasonally as a historic home offering visitors a glimpse of upper-middle class life in
1905. The Chatham-Kent Museum Advisory Committee monitors the ethical and professional
performance of the museum. 6,080 people visited the Museum in 2013.
Until additional funding is secured for a more sustainable resolution of storage issues, the Museum
has found a creative way of temporarily addressing this. A visible storage area would be created
in the main foor temporary exhibit gallery, where artifacts from the collections storage area would
be stored on shelving in a publicly-accessible section, formerly used for thematic exhibits. This would
increase the number of artifacts on display from 30% to 60 -70%. The plexiglass, shelving and lighting
would cost approximately $34,500, and would be funded through Cultures allotment of the Capital
There is a fve year backlog in collections management due to previous commitments, and special
projects such as the 1812 Bicentennial. Museum staff will be refocusing their time to collections
management to eliminate the backlog.
Many of the CK Museum artifacts on display in the Milner Heritage House have strong ties to the
community and are excellent examples of CK history. The house permits the long term storage
of many large furniture items in a setting that also provides a limited living history experience for
residents and visitors. However, the maintenance of the House is an ongoing challenge, and the
expense of renovating the building may not be warranted. No further renovations will be done on
Milner House until the storage review is conducted to determine if there is an alternative storage
facility that better addresses the needs of the Chatham-Kent Museum.
The Heritage Coordinator worked with community groups to establish Blenheim Heritage House and
Tilbury Lanoue House. Discussions will be held with these groups as to whether they wish to become
owners of these period homes.
8 9
Kent Cultural Network Committee be created to formally stimulate and co-ordinate the development of visual, literary, performing and heritage assets to enrich the cultural life of the community,
and to increase awareness of the positive economic contribution that culture makes to the community and the lives of its citizens.
Funding for the Kent Cultural Network for the purpose of leveraging grant opportunities for culture and economic development initiatives be considered in the 2016 Budget, allowing time for the
Network to become established.
Kent Cultural Network initiatives which could be funded through the $17,561 Cultural Action Teams & Mapping Reserve, be created and a report brought back to Council, to request approval
of the expenditures.
The Municipalitys Heritage Coordinator role be revised to include cultural development initiatives, at a net cost of $5,578, funded through the existing Culture Budget.
Part Two:
The 2007 Cultural Plan
Updated for 2014
The CCC Mission Statement be adopted as follows: To grow, educate and sustain our communitys engagement in arts, culture and heritage by offering and facilitating a variety of accessible
cultural programs, services and entertainment.
Part Three:
The 2009 Cultural Centre Master Plan
Updated for 2014
The CCC tag line be adopted as follows: Learn. Laugh. Discover.
3a)The Cultural Centre Facility
3.a.3 Existing partnerships be expanded and new partnership opportunities identifed to offer more diverse experiences and potentially increase revenues.
The CCC Marketing section pursue the new initiatives identifed through the Cultural Plan.
Staff work with the ITS Division and if possible, incorporate wireless and high speed internet at the Cultural Centre.
3.a.6 Staff attain accurate costs for artifact and fne art storage requirements as an addition to the Chatham Cultural Centre or in a building off-site, then return to Council with location and funding
recommendations using a combination of grants, community fundraising and reserves.
3.a.7 The CCC fees be reviewed, with changes to be addressed through the 2015 or 2016 Budget process.
3b) Kiwanis Theatre
The following mission statement for the Kiwanis Theatre space be adopted: To provide a quality, accessible and affordable space for the Chatham-Kent community to perform, learn, develop and
enjoy the performing arts.
Smaller-scale activities continue to be provided in the Kiwanis Theatre to meet the needs of the community through amateur theatre, community events and related programming.
A permanent sound and lighting area be constructed on the main foor for an approximate cost of $5,750, to be funded through the Theatre Improvement Fund.
The main foor theatre seats be reduced from 424 to 260 at an approximate cost of $62,780, pending RFP results to be approved by Council, plus carpet replacement, foor painting, and railing
addition at an approximate cost of $15,010, to be funded through the Theatre Improvement Fund; a $25,400 catwalk repair to be funded through the Buildings Lifecycle Budget.
Culture Staff request that Planning Services process the application to alter the balcony to accommodate the new seats. Should Council approve this application, it is recommended that the
balcony seats be reduced from 214 to 140 at an approximate cost of $33,800, pending RFP results to be approved by Council, plus foor painting, carpentry replacement and new railing at an
approximate cost of $27,600, to be funded through the Theatre Improvement Fund.
The 2014 ARTspace supplementary budget of $39,611, generated from savings from re-imagining the Kiwanis Theatre from a Presentation/Rental/Programming venue, be moved to a base budget
for ARTspace for 2015.
Further consultation be held with the community on a possible name change for the Kiwanis Theatre that would better represent the new role of the facility.
The Box Offce hours be changed from 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
3c) Box Offce The Box Offce be relocated to the west end of the Cultural Centre, and the west end offces be relocated to the north end of the building, at an estimated cost of $131,750, to be funded:
(1) 56% ($73,388) through the Culture allotment of the Capital Budget;
(2) 36% ($47,490) through the Building Lifecycle Budget;
(3) 5% ($6,846) through the Accessibility Reserve;
(4) 3% ($4,026) through the Energy Reserve.
3.c.2 A Facility Booking Coordinator position be recruited with responsibilities as outlined in the Cultural Plan at an approximate cost of $65,500; funded through a combination of $31,060 in increased
ticket handling fees and $34,440 through Service Review savings in Community Services, to be deferred to 2015 Budget deliberations.
The $52,738 estimated cost for improvements to the Kitchen be funded:
(1) 8% ($4,025) through the Culture allotment of the Capital Budget;
(2) 60% ($31,578) through the Building Lifecycle Budget;
(3) 2% ($1,150) through the Energy Reserve;
(4) 30% ($15,985) through the Operations Budget, donations/fundraising.
The $22,710 estimated cost for improvements to the Meeting Room be funded:
(1) 37% ($8,337) through the Culture allotment of the Capital Budget;
(2) 61% ($13,798) through the Building Lifecycle Budget;
(3) 2% ($575) through the Energy Reserve.
3d) Studio One
Meeting Room
3e) Thames Art Gallery The Thames Art Gallery Permanent Collection be fully digitized online through potential grant opportunities in order to have the permanent collection accessible to a global audience.

Staff continue to explore opportunities to move into a larger ARTspace location.
ARTspace staff and the TAG/ARTspace Advisory Committee continue to work on the initiatives identifed to continue to move ARTspace towards increased sustainability.
3f) ARTspace 3.f.1
Museum staff create a visible storage area in the Chatham-Kent Museum in which artifacts will be displayed for the public; the $34,500 cost to be paid for through Cultures allotment of the
Capital Budget.

CK Museum staff focus their time on collections management for the next fve years.

No further renovations be done on Milner Heritage House until the review is conducted to determine if there is an alternative storage facility that better addresses the needs of the Chatham-Kent

Discussions be held with the Blenheim and District Historical Society and the Tilbury and District Historical Society respectively to determine their interest in becoming owners of the period homes.
3g) Chatham-Kent Museum 3.g.1
The Ridge House Museum Collection remain municipally owned and administered. Part Four:
Ridge House Museum
Part Five:
Chatham-Kent Master Plans
That the Ridge House Museum Advisory Committee together with staff meet with community representatives and evaluate options for achieving Ridge House Museums strategic goals, including
but not limited to repairing versus divesting the current building, and opportunities for relocation especially within the downtown corridor of Ridgetown. The Committee to report to Council no later
than May, 2015.
The Ridge House Curators time allocation to the Ridge House Museum be reduced from 30% to 20%; also, a new part time museum staffng model be introduced, in which staff are distributed
more effciently between Chatham-Kent Museum and Ridge House Museum, at a net addition of 0.2 FTE and a net cost of $4,325, to be funded through the existing Culture Budget. Opportunities
for volunteers will be encouraged and facilitated.
Partnerships and synergies continue to be explored with organizations, private citizens, businesses and municipal departments for the enhancement of culture in Chatham-Kent.
Cultural Network Funds
Cultural Network Initiatives
Heritage & Cultural Development Coord
Wireless and High Speed Internet
CCC Storage Addition
Theatre Sound & Light Booth
Theatre Main Floor Seats & Renovations
Theatre Balcony Seats & Renovations
Box Offce / Front Offce Renos
Facility Booking Coordinator Postion
Kitchen Renos
Meeting Room Renos
Museum Display
Milner House Renos
Museum PT Staff
Ridge House Renos
of Capitol
New Ticket
Fee Revenue
Identifed Reserves Operating
No new tax dollars are being requested for the implementation of the Culture Plan at this time.
All expenditures are covered through existing budgets or new revenue sources.
TBD in 2016
$17,561 (Cultural Action Teams)
$5,750 (Theatre Improvement Fund)
$77,790 (Theatre Improvement Fund)
$61,400 (Theatre Improvement Fund)
$6,846 (Accessibility) $4,026 (Energy)
$1,150 (Energy)
$575 (Energy)
$120,250 $118,266 $15,985 $31,060
$73,388 $47,490
FTE Amount
In 2009, Council approved one-time operating funds
of $30,000 from the Final 2008 operating surplus to
assist the Cultural Action Teams with their special
events and regional projects, and to complete the
technical items of the cultural mapping component.
There is a residual amount left of $17,561.
In 2003, Council approved the creation of the Theatre
Improvement Fund, funded through a $1.00 - $1.25
surcharge on each ticket purchased for the
Kiwanis Theatre, which is to be used for Kiwanis
Theatre improvements only. There is presently
$155,208 in this fund.
In 2009, $100,000 was set aside in the Capital Budget
for Chatham Cultural Centre - Provision for Master
Plan Implementation; also $30,000 for Cultural
Mapping - Implementation Provision. In 2014, the
amount is recorded as $130,000 and the description
reads Cultural: Provision for Master Plan Cultural
Implementation, cultural mapping (existing funding
shortfall). It should be noted that the Master Plan
Consultants recommended CK focus on culture
development for existing amenities rather than further
mapping. Recommendations for leveraging the
$130,000 are contained in this Plan.
A Lifecycle Budget managed by Asset
Management staff for over 100 municipal buildings in
Chatham-Kent. Annually, Departments submit their
building requirements; projects are then prioritized for
Councils approval.
A combination of funding sources to be reviewed
then requested once actual costs are known.
Increasing Box Offce ticket administration fees to
be in line with other Municipalities, used to fund Box
Offce recommendations.
Savings realized through 2014 Community Services
Service Reviews, to be requested during 2015 Budget
An evaluation of the 2014 Culture budget to
re-purpose funds for future needs to enhance
culture in Chatham-Kent.
A fund established in 2009 for energy conservation
A fund established in 2008 for building accessibility
Funding Source Fund Name Explanation
Identifed Reserves Cultural Action
& Mapping
Existing Culture
Services 2014
Service Reviews
Operating Budgets
Culture allotment of
the Capital Budget
Buildings Lifecycle
New Ticket Fee

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